Friends of Allah | Ep. 20 | Surah Al-Jumu'ah | Nouman Ali Khan | Ramadan 2024

  • Опубликовано: 28 мар 2024
  • In episode twenty of A Deeper Look Surah Al-Jumu'ah, Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan explores the Quran's wisdom in dealing with the highs and lows of life. He shares how the Quran offers different guidance for different times in our lives, emphasizing the importance of balance. And discusses the dangers of focusing solely on the negatives or positives within religion, likening it to consuming too much sugar or facing too much negativity, both of which are harmful. He highlights how the Quran maintains a remarkable balance, teaching us to navigate through good and bad times with wisdom. This session encourages listeners to reflect on their relationship with the Quran and the importance of understanding and applying its teachings in every aspect of life.
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Комментарии • 142

  • @bayyinah
    @bayyinah  3 месяца назад +12

    Download the Surah Al-Jumu'ah guided workbook at
    Over 50,000 students in need are waiting for your gift sponsorship to study the Quran on Bayyinah TV. Support them at
    Start your own Qur'an journey at

    • @isthisrealguys_
      @isthisrealguys_ 3 месяца назад

      Ty and Hgegeyryeh حتى ye et seq y the ey I yyey أنا لديك yy نفس القطار كمرسل آمن لدي المزيد من الوقت للنهاية سأكون في لعبة جديدة اسمي وكلمة المرور لأول مرة في مور هيوي نفس محطة القطار في الصباح حصلت عليها الآن ومن ناحية أخرى نفس الفصل بعد الآن والمكان الأول الذي أكون فيه بعيدًا قليلاً عن السنجاب خارج باب هذه الرسالة مقصود الربا النهاية التي أكتب هذه الرسالة هي Gugu بالكامل وهي أفضل طريقة بالنسبة لي وهي تجسيد آخر للبرية وإخوانه وتكون فكرة جيدة عما كان مؤقتًا يهتم بنهاية البرية وإخوانه I jus

    • @user-hy4zj7pk3t
      @user-hy4zj7pk3t 3 месяца назад

      7- برج الثور. ملاوي (زامبيا، تنزانيا، موزمبيق.)

  • @rickybeingricky8631
    @rickybeingricky8631 3 месяца назад +56

    That Joel Osteen impersonation always gets me because I used to listen to him so much . 😂 Praise be to Allah for guiding me to the right path .

    • @Hayatt1
      @Hayatt1 3 месяца назад +4

      Alhamdolilah ❤

    • @mohamedab9033
      @mohamedab9033 3 месяца назад +4

      I am NEVER prapred for his southern accent, every single time 😂😂😂

    • @armaan-xt6ke
      @armaan-xt6ke 3 месяца назад

      E#xmuslimsahil and a#dam s#eeker youtube c#hannel
      ISLAM is s#preading h#atred v#iolence
      These v#ersus of Q#uran and h#atred of Q#uran are s#creaming and saying k#ill the non b#elievers then s#hut your m#outh if you don't know anything about it
      Q#uran 2:191, Q#uran 3:28 , 3:85
      Q#uran 5:53, Q#uran 8:12, 8:65 , 8:60
      Q#uran 9:5 ,9:30 , 9:123
      Q#uran 22:19 ,Q#uran 47:4
      1.M#uhammad made many S#uicide attempts (Bukhari 6982)
      2.M#uhammad use to h#allucinating and imagine things which did not happen.(Bukhari 5765
      3.M#uhammad’s allowed and performed s#ex with s#lave w#omen(sahih Muslim 3371,1456a),Q#uran 4:24)
      4.M#uhammad according to hadith was involved having s#ex with most of his w#ives in a day (Bukhari 268, Q#uran 33:53)
      5.M#uhammad was specially found of y#oung v#irgin g#irls (Bukhari 5080)
      6.M#uhammad’s f#ondling of his c#hild w#ife(sahih bukhari 299,300,301)
      7.M#uhammad allowed M#arriage of a#dopted d£aughter(Q#uran 4:23)
      8.M#uhammad’s m#arriage with the w#ife(zainab) of his son(zaid) because his l#ust comes out(Q#uran 33:36-37)
      9.M#uhammad and T#emporary M#arriage i.e. p#rostitution(Bukhari 5119)(sahih muslim 3255,3410)
      10.M#uhammad could not differentiate between Gabriel the angel and Satan(Q#uran 22:52)
      11.M#uhmmad has been a#ccusing to be a theif then v#erse came out(Q#uran 3:161)
      12.M#uhmmad k#illed children (Sahih Muslim 4550)
      13.If woman d#ivorced(khula) her she need his #husband p#ermission
      14.M#uhmmad allowed b#eating then 70 w#omen came to prophet house (sunan ibn majah 1985)(Bukhari 5204,5825)
      15.M#uhmmad called women h#alf m#inded due to m#enes(Bukhari 304,2658)
      16. Five things necessary (it includes c#ircumcision)to be a m#uslim not mention only for m#en(Bukhari 5889)
      17.If w#omen did not o#bey her h#usband (not go to b#ed) then angles c#urse him(Bukhari 1436a,1436b,5246) (sahih muslim 5193)
      18.H#alala(Bukhari 5260)(Quran 2:230)
      19.M#uhmmad h#atred against non b#elievers (they exist before islam)(Q#uran 19:71,19:72,9:39,9:71,47:4)(Bukhari 3222) (sahih Muslim 21a,20,22)
      20.M#uhmmad l#ust by seeing w#oman in street(sahih Muslim 3407,3408,3409,302,371,4212,5068)(Q#uran 4:3)
      21.M#uhmmad justice by k#illing of a unborn c#hild(sunan an nasai 4070)
      Be smart to choose I#slam is a good
      Because there is no rights for l#adies
      In i£slam w£omen has to go through
      1.c#hild m#arriage
      4.for a#dultery w#omen p#unishment d#eath by s#tone but man nothing
      5. W#omen in I#slam h#alf m#ind h#alf vote
      6. W#omen can't say no to her h#usband for s#ex
      7. If h#usband b#eating w#oman there will be nobody to ask even G#od not 8. In I#slam you can m#arry his d#aughter his g#randdaughter
      9. In I#slam s#lavery is allowed
      10. In i#slam w#omen has to hide face means no identity in the s#ociety
      👉👉P#rophet was a r#ubbish person
      1. He m#arried A#isha at age of 6 i#ntercourse with her at age of 9
      2. He m#arried his s#on(z#aid) w#ife (z#ainab)
      3. He k#illed S#affiya h#usband and f#ather then he m#arried to her
      4. He also give p#ermission to k#ill c#hildren of p#olytheist
      5.He is the one who k#illed d#isbelivers like J#ews, C#hristians etc
      6. He also allow his followers to k#ill her s#laves and allow i#ntercourse with them and he also give p#ermission to s#ell them after having i#ntercourse with them and there is no p#unishment for k#illings as s#lave
      7. He is the one who gave p#ermission to m#arry his m#other, d#aughter if her m#other and d#aughter is p#olytheist before m#arriage
      8. He also stay that w#omen are h#alf m#inded due to m#enses
      9. He also allow m#en to b#eat their w#omen
      10. In I#slam a man can have m#ultiple r#elation even his wife or his slave there is no p#unishment for that but if a w#oman having his p#hysical r#elation with any other guy other than her h#usband she will be s#toned to d#eath
      11. He also s#natch w#oman i#dentity (burqa)
      12. He also give p#unishment w#omen through d#ivorce by men going through h#alala process
      14. If a w#oman is giving d#ivorce to her h#usband she also n#eed her h#usband p#ermission if her h#usband d#ivorce her he does not n#eed her p#ermission
      15. He also stay that most of the w#omen are in h#ell due to m#enses because they are i#mpure
      16. W#omen has to go through c#ircumcision which is very hard for w#omen you can see video on You#Tube too
      17. W#omen cannot d#eny her h#usband for i#ntercourse if she d#eny A#ngels will c#urse her
      18. If a w#oman want to make a p#erson M#aharam for h#erself she has to f#eed h#er milk from b#reast s#uckling
      19. A m#an can have many w#ife but w#omen can have only one h#usband
      Many more points to tell before to accept i#slam you must study about it what are the d#isadvantage of it what are the p#roblem in I#slam being w#omen it is not easy for you to s#urvive because all the things all the r#ights will be s#natch from you

    • @NightLion889
      @NightLion889 8 часов назад


  • @syedariditahussain
    @syedariditahussain 2 месяца назад +9

    Everyone should pray for everyone that Allah will guide us, protect us from unseen dangers and protect us from the oppressors around us. Amen, inshallah.

  • @MdFarhanurRahman
    @MdFarhanurRahman 3 месяца назад +19

    My note:
    We don’t wish for death, we wish for a good death. None of us are guaranteed Jannah, we can’t say for sure that cause we’re Muslims we will go to Jannah. We need to do our part. So those who think that they are guaranteed Jannah then bro what are you doing in this world? Die and go to Jannah. But it’s not the case, no one can say for sure that we’re going to Jannah, even if we’re very pious people, only Allah’s through Allah’s mercy we can enter Jannah.
    Religions before Islam were superstitious, they had people that you had to go to to connect with god, and religions were for granting wishes. It was based on transactions, I’ll give you something in return grant my wish. Allah said in the Quran, that religion is not your delusional thinking or wishes. Islam is not based on transactions. Prayer, fasting, and Ibadat, abiding by Shahriah are not a form of payment that gets exchanged for wishes. This religion gives you purpose. Islam gives us a higher purpose but we humans get stuck in worldly things. Slowly but surely we are redirecting our religion into getting worldly things. This is because we are getting distant from the Quran. It’s not bad to ask for the Duniya. But if it becomes the fundamental relation with Allah then we’re in big trouble.

  • @Jesus-in3oz
    @Jesus-in3oz 3 месяца назад +15

    I'm really enjoying this series... Thanks for the incredible team of Bayyinah institute and thanks to brother Nouman for sharing his studies with us.
    May Allah grant you the highest place in Jannah. Ameen.

  • @_.whatslovegottodowithit
    @_.whatslovegottodowithit 3 месяца назад +8

    I'm so glad you've raised the issue of Waalih and how people have distorted this concept. It is a severe problem that people become so consumed by, thereby losing the true connection that they themselves can create with Allah directly.

  • @soberyeezus669
    @soberyeezus669 3 месяца назад +3

    That "Waliy of Allah" is really a thing in Ghana among some sects. May Allah make us all a people of understanding

  • @surihakim9976
    @surihakim9976 3 месяца назад +8

    We can't deny that there are some people who are more closer to Allah. The real wali of Allah do not go around telling people they are wali. They themselves don't even know they are wali.

  • @user-zl1ox3mb9y
    @user-zl1ox3mb9y 3 месяца назад +58

    It is ok im leaving in few days😂😂😂

  • @ammarahsajid2457
    @ammarahsajid2457 3 месяца назад +8

    That's how I felt about the bathrooms in the Malaysian airport. They were soooooo clean I wanted to live. I forgot all about our trip. Man I still think about them.

  • @aniealja438
    @aniealja438 3 месяца назад +4

    Love the controversial issue discussed, on point 🤧

  • @zahirmohd1973
    @zahirmohd1973 3 месяца назад +7

    Allah always on our side, be patience At some point you will get what you deserve/

  • @munazzaalavi7734
    @munazzaalavi7734 2 месяца назад +1

    Superb Explaination👍may Allah swt bless NAK . These lectures need to listen again and again to grasp the lessons and explore the indepth treasures in it . Mind blowing MashAllah

  • @dayan47
    @dayan47 3 месяца назад +5

    Noone can be a wali for Allah
    Only Allah is THE WALI

    • @larsapher
      @larsapher 3 месяца назад


    • @Fuzzylogic123
      @Fuzzylogic123 3 месяца назад

      Some people werr guaranteed. Ashra mubashara

  • @mariamsayghani8373
    @mariamsayghani8373 3 месяца назад +4

    Thank you for beautiful explanation, only ones who are open to guidance will understand your points 🙏🏼
    May Allah swt reward you with good 🤲🏻

  • @Sharon36841
    @Sharon36841 Месяц назад

    “Too much sweet you get diabetes, too much negativity you get autoimmune diseases, you get all other problems”
    This hit home.

  • @hanshafei9858
    @hanshafei9858 3 месяца назад +1

    That Christian brother is very blessed. If that is his faith and he has been kept from sinning. Then God has granted him what he believes. Praise to the Lord. 😊

  • @zahirmohd1973
    @zahirmohd1973 3 месяца назад +4

    SubhanAllah.. thanks for your explanation.. Allah Bless you with Health.

  • @alaa-xw1jz
    @alaa-xw1jz 3 месяца назад +6

    ما شاء الله تبارك الله . زادك الله علما ونفغ بك الأمة وجزاك الله خيرا

  • @healingspace1772
    @healingspace1772 3 месяца назад

    God actually values my perspective and our conversations

  • @FatimaMarong-be8gj
    @FatimaMarong-be8gj 3 месяца назад

    SubhanAllah... Thank you ya Sheikh

  • @mnav1
    @mnav1 3 месяца назад +1


  • @NoorDailyBangla
    @NoorDailyBangla 3 месяца назад

    Extremely valuable insights, Ustadh. Love from Bangladesh ❤

  • @naeemjogee3804
    @naeemjogee3804 3 месяца назад

    May Allah Ta'alah reward you guys. This series is the best on the Quraan that I've ever heard

  • @grad.bondhon9561
    @grad.bondhon9561 3 месяца назад +2

    'Assalamua'likum the greatest Ustadh Nouman Ali K. in my breath ever,
    Hope you are hopeful always.'
    "Obviously, I personally guarantee someone "Darul Khuld" (One of the Jannah,8th);if savings are enough in Book."
    Savings; for example:
    1. Realisation.
    2. Understanding.
    Ahlan Sahlan Ustadh, Me, Engr. Md. Borkotullah Bondhon; tired of to spend with you; May be here or Must be Hereafter.😢

  • @user-td6nt3zb1q
    @user-td6nt3zb1q 3 месяца назад +1

    Lol subhanallah ..... these voice overs mashallah 😂always keeping us on our toes

  • @yiquanawalkb4run26
    @yiquanawalkb4run26 3 месяца назад +1

    Asalamalaykum and thank you for such a deep reminder as right now I feel like I’m in the trance of death! I’m just opening up your video ‘4 guided steps in The Quran for self transformation (which you mention here) & how inspired you were at the beginning of your journey & your connection to Dr Abdu Sami in Ramadan all those years ago which started right here on Surat al Jummah, that’s what I call fractal historical pattern repeat. ‘There certainly has been for you an excellent pattern for anyone whose hope is in Allah and The Last Day, And whoever turns away, then indeed, Allah is free of need, Praiseworthy. thank you for dangling the carrot to lead this buckled at the knees dying donkey, it’s strange for it also connects on this date to a generational fractal patterning repeat relating to the hope of forgiveness and Taqwa as best provision, peace be with you.

  • @LittlePetunia100
    @LittlePetunia100 3 месяца назад

    Truly amazing ❤

  • @rocayaquiambao8309
    @rocayaquiambao8309 3 месяца назад


  • @berryjeny186
    @berryjeny186 3 месяца назад

    Thank you for your explanation

  • @suhud-al-yeqeen
    @suhud-al-yeqeen 3 месяца назад

    جزاكم الله خيرا

  • @oolakidega
    @oolakidega 3 месяца назад +1

    Thank you, Ustard.

  • @BlueSky-dj4gt
    @BlueSky-dj4gt 3 месяца назад

    love this explanation, Jazakumullah khoir Ustadz n team

  • @mmjjokhio6159
    @mmjjokhio6159 3 месяца назад +1

    ماشاء اللہ، جزاک اللہ خیرا❤

    • @isthisrealguys_
      @isthisrealguys_ 3 месяца назад

      أنت. J biol أطيب التحيات لديفيد وزوجته، مرحاض Skibidi ورأس الدش في صندوق أنطونيو من سيرتي الذاتية إلى اليد الأخرى، أعدك بأنني لن أنساك وسأكون حرًا في الاتصال بك.

    • @isthisrealguys_
      @isthisrealguys_ 3 месяца назад

      Skuno suicune خدمة الحافلات في. أنت. قلق. يركز. مرحبًا، لدي خدمة الحافلات والواي فاي الرائعة، وسأضطر إلى الهروب من y إلى y y y y y نفس pfp Hehebejs

  • @SameerAhmed4776
    @SameerAhmed4776 3 месяца назад +1

    He is 😮 wise.

  • @ryze5436
    @ryze5436 3 месяца назад

    Duas for whole team ❤❤❤

  • @junaidtariq471
    @junaidtariq471 3 месяца назад

    Masha aa ALLAH Ustad

  • @durdurdikir4021
    @durdurdikir4021 3 месяца назад

    🎉Maa'Shaa'Allah...This Groundbreaking Series is The Highlights of Our #Ramadan1445H_2024, May ALLAH Almighty Reward Ustadh Nouman IMMENSEL🤲🏽💖

  • @TruckKunDagoat
    @TruckKunDagoat 2 месяца назад

    Arabic is next level

  • @ZileHuma-uh9xx
    @ZileHuma-uh9xx 3 месяца назад

    Golden Words🎉

  • @imranahmmed9021
    @imranahmmed9021 3 месяца назад +1

    So much to take from this lecture. ❤❤

    • @AtherSheikh-wl2ho
      @AtherSheikh-wl2ho 3 месяца назад +2

      Every time 🥹

    • @imranahmmed9021
      @imranahmmed9021 3 месяца назад +1

      @@AtherSheikh-wl2ho Yeah, but here he has brought some burning questions of Muslims. Like wali and doing Man worship.

  • @healingspace1772
    @healingspace1772 3 месяца назад

    I love listening to your personality express these expressions.. !!!!.
    and yes white sugar companies should not be an economic function of your country if your country is supporting the sugar industry to support a for-profit health industry you have haram..

  • @feruhaerina7472
    @feruhaerina7472 3 месяца назад

    الله اكبر

  • @xiomzeezeee1111
    @xiomzeezeee1111 3 месяца назад +1

    I listened to Al kusi in morning 1st thing waking up washed cleaned prayed then hour later I flopped I couldn't lower my gaze yaaaaAAAAAAA ALLAH FORGIVE ME AMEEN. PLEASE MAKE DUA ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹

  • @z.w4469
    @z.w4469 3 месяца назад

    Love from Holland ❤

  • @altyazilandirici
    @altyazilandirici 3 месяца назад +1


  • @drayeshakhan1351
    @drayeshakhan1351 3 месяца назад +1

    So many closed windows of mind are opening sadly after having a long delusion journey

  • @bakary333
    @bakary333 3 месяца назад

    May Allah forgive us all ameen

  • @Tasasha__
    @Tasasha__ 3 месяца назад


  • @larsapher
    @larsapher 3 месяца назад

    Southerners bless thier hearts... from my experience God is forgiving for all times . .the unawaken unaware soul dosent forgive themselves repent......perfect Kadab analogy!!!!. but if I remember my past lifetimes I've lived 6000 years of mistakes... through the power of the Quran I realised this... add much rather repent and improve myself for God and humanity

    • @larsapher
      @larsapher 3 месяца назад

      .. I had a good life, I didn't have any problems and I don't believe I'm ageing anymore! I believe I met my ultimate spouse in Jannah.. yes indeed I believe this way I believe we have a choice to believe and really good ideas and we can bring it forward and now I pray for a good death and asked to be amongst the people of Islam. you have described my entire belief practice😂😂🎉😂😂

    • @larsapher
      @larsapher 3 месяца назад

      I have always always thought that my purpose was to become an angel and I always thought that I would have Council with God to show me how I don't think of myself as any less has anyone else I like the idea of being a guardian over my brother this doesn't make me better it just makes me be the best version of myself this is maybe why I have many conversations with God about how I would fix ugly world ..and now I see He, god has given me the opportunity to see that he was actually listening to me... have you ever seen the traffic in Cairo it is the breath of God because I ask God can't we just all give way this doesn't exist in many other places god showed me all my wishes were right here in Muslim realities زؤج is teacher Subhanallah I am still learning...

  • @maqsoodulzaman7745
    @maqsoodulzaman7745 3 месяца назад

  • @larsapher
    @larsapher 3 месяца назад

    Wishing for impossible... i am possible things...🎉 19:59
    I pray to God to release my expectations as a human to give to him to figure out he knows my concerns. And when I am completely honest he knows my heart.
    Humans in general are addicted to feeling highs and lows... in maturity the Muslim accepts both.. but is trained to look for the good in everything.
    Yes I put this video in my WhatsApp status as inspirational and support for your school donations. ..during Ramadan to spread share such wisdoms. 🙏🏾🙏🏽🙏🏻

    • @larsapher
      @larsapher 3 месяца назад

      To have so much Faith it has no other choice than to grow from that mustard Seed

  • @kamarudeen-zu3dt
    @kamarudeen-zu3dt 3 месяца назад

    La Ilaha Illallah . 3 mneg

  • @sharimnaveed4487
    @sharimnaveed4487 3 месяца назад +7

    Humble request to uploader. It will be helpful, If you can add aayat references in video description that nouman ali khan talks about in video.

    • @silentseeker9839
      @silentseeker9839 3 месяца назад +1

      After lot of struggle, I found it’s ayath 6th

    • @gemmameidia8438
      @gemmameidia8438 3 месяца назад

      I made this request on the 3rd, I think, live video but I ended up googling all the ayah and put it in comment section. I think that would do as well

    • @amatullahsaba6183
      @amatullahsaba6183 3 месяца назад

      Keep your Qur'an with your self or listen to the lectures sequencly inn shaa Allah u will get it easily.. actually u can see the episode number in the thumbnail

  • @mjakabir
    @mjakabir 3 месяца назад


  • @user-hy4zj7pk3t
    @user-hy4zj7pk3t 3 месяца назад

    7- برج الثور. ملاوي (زامبيا، تنزانيا، موزمبيق.)

  • @maxmorris4562
    @maxmorris4562 3 месяца назад

    2:40, 10:45, 14:50, 19:12, 20:43, 25:05, 27:28, 32:47

  • @muslimah42
    @muslimah42 3 месяца назад +4

    Assalamo aleycum brothers and sisters. Does the last ten nights of Ramadan begin today at magrib or tomorrow (Saturday) at magrib ?
    Sorry I’m a convert.
    May Allah bless you All and accept our fast.

    • @Ab.c.ab.c
      @Ab.c.ab.c 3 месяца назад +1

      Start today

    • @muslimah42
      @muslimah42 3 месяца назад +1

      Jazakallahu khayr

    • @Lightexo
      @Lightexo 3 месяца назад

      Allahu A’lam
      I believe it starts at Saturday’s Maghrib
      “The last ten nights of Ramadan begin from the night before the twenty first day, whether the month is thirty days or is twenty-nine days. The odd-numbered nights of the last ten of Ramadan are the nights before the twenty-first, twenty-third, twenty-fifth, twenty-seventh and twenty-ninth (day).”

  • @larsapher
    @larsapher 3 месяца назад

    We do not ask for ...rewards for.. fake behavior? We have to be authentic in who we are.and my conversations with God come from a We perspective...not an I individual God works through my world...I trust

  • @hirrakhan554
    @hirrakhan554 2 месяца назад

  • @xiomzeezeee1111
    @xiomzeezeee1111 3 месяца назад

    I'm stuck for two years 😢😢😢😢😢or more

  • @UnfunnyMayonaise
    @UnfunnyMayonaise 23 дня назад

    7:00 18:53

  • @user-bj1ey5uj1d
    @user-bj1ey5uj1d 3 месяца назад

    Please arrange the playlist😢

  • @wali-wali
    @wali-wali Месяц назад

    Hey I'm Wali 👋

  • @StrangeAayanumariii
    @StrangeAayanumariii 3 месяца назад

    What is nasheed in background in first

  • @57158
    @57158 3 месяца назад


  • @Fuzzylogic123
    @Fuzzylogic123 3 месяца назад

    Nouman . Ashra mubashra were guaranteed jannah wernt tbey?

  • @safaaally312
    @safaaally312 3 месяца назад


  • @eekelelkkdkdkdkdk2474
    @eekelelkkdkdkdkdk2474 3 месяца назад

    Nouman so funny allah

  • @iliassshae277
    @iliassshae277 2 месяца назад

    akhi Nouman i hope you respond i have a question, i have this thought that the Quran is wrote by ALLAH and mohammad and jibril, you can feel who is talkin when readin it i dont know if im wrong, like surat el falak is clearly jibril talkin but i dont know if im wrong or right. Thank you brother for what you are doin may Allah grant you jannah and make you among the moukhlasin.

  • @aishakhan931
    @aishakhan931 3 месяца назад

    how to find out when and where is the next khutbah of Noumam Ali Khan

  • @user-wq1zh6sq3m
    @user-wq1zh6sq3m 3 месяца назад

    What is the 4 step process

  • @alaa-xw1jz
    @alaa-xw1jz 3 месяца назад

    19:26 what is the name of the this book ? I need it in arabic

    • @sydenym9986
      @sydenym9986 3 месяца назад +1

      I think it's مفردات ألفاظ القرآن لراغب الاصفهاني.

    • @Kveldred
      @Kveldred 2 месяца назад

      ​@@sydenym9986 You = MVP, man! thank you 👊

  • @theinternetkid
    @theinternetkid 3 месяца назад

    🍫 and this kit kat hahaha

  • @tamannajahantanni6989
    @tamannajahantanni6989 3 месяца назад

    Assalamu-alaikum sir, where your speech ends at 23:12, I want to share one piece of information from my side, no I donot consider praying, fasting or doing anything as a means of transaction, rather I consider them or it will be more reasonable to say this, I felt embarrassed to ask for anything to Allah without obeying His orders, I think of this situation that He will questions my intentions of not having any efforts towards Him but begging to Him continuously. Although I know that we need to ask for anything smallest to smallest to Allah, without any hesitations. But my questions is, what I think, of having some efforts to ask for something, is it correct?

    • @batmanofnortheast
      @batmanofnortheast 3 месяца назад

      Make dua but continue giving your best on things which are under your control. Focus on direct control aspects and leave the things out of your control to Allah. Keep asking for strength to complete the target you've set for yourself and act upon it. This exercise might be slow but its effective(speaking from personal experience).

  • @MBfromToronto
    @MBfromToronto 2 месяца назад

    So many.people I know in Pakistan believe in praying to Pirs or "Walis" in Darbars. So much shirk going on but they say they're asking someone close to Allah to refer their duas. Makes no sense. We all can pray directly

  • @khanpukhtun737
    @khanpukhtun737 3 месяца назад

    Quran replies in Sura zumar why people used to make someone wali. وَ الَّذِیْنَ اتَّخَذُوْا مِنْ دُوْنِهٖۤ اَوْلِیَآءَۘ-مَا نَعْبُدُهُمْ اِلَّا لِیُقَرِّبُوْنَاۤ اِلَى اللّٰهِ زُلْفٰىؕ-اِنَّ اللّٰهَ یَحْكُمُ بَیْنَهُمْ فِیْ مَا هُمْ فِیْهِ یَخْتَلِفُوْنَ۬ؕ. That we worship them only because they would get us closer to ALLAH. Misconception clarified

  • @mustaphaoizaz2741
    @mustaphaoizaz2741 3 месяца назад +1

    Salamoun Alaikoum
    It’s truly sad when people get signs and continue with what they’re doing.
    You publish your RUclips sessions in the hope that the audience will pick it up and do something with the content.
    But I ask myself why aren’t you doing the same if someone invites you.

    • @NumairAidroos
      @NumairAidroos 3 месяца назад

      His 2017 sexting scandals in the disguise of Islamic study is evident.
      I don’t have a quarrel with his dating techniques using his position as an Islamic scholar. But as long as he claims he is corrupt just like the rest of the bunch, it is easy to see through him. Rather he lies and claims his iman is strong while wrongdoing on the side.
      However his translations so far are not biased.

  • @tabassumsultana9679
    @tabassumsultana9679 3 месяца назад

    Ustadh ji, don't you believe Hazrat Abdul Qadir Zilani & Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chisty as the Wali Allah. Pls advise.

  • @auycharxernaighn7893
    @auycharxernaighn7893 3 месяца назад +3

    Nouman Sir, you say our religion is not a transaction but why does Allah say if you remember me I will remember you, if you believe and do good deeds, I will grant you paradise, doesn't that sound like a transaction? Sorry just trying to clear the concept..😢

    • @NumairAidroos
      @NumairAidroos 3 месяца назад +1

      If an action has a reaction, then Everything is transactional.

    • @alhurra3236
      @alhurra3236 3 месяца назад +26

      Not necessarily... Transaction happens when both parties have some of value for the other to offer
      We benefit from the remembrance of Allah (only by his mercy), doing good deeds, giving charity praying and fasting etc
      But to Allah it makes no difference if we remember him or not- the whole universe is prostrating and doing his dhikr, and because Allah is Al Rahman and the most compassionate he gives his blessings to whoever he wills.

    • @ProductiveHealthPH
      @ProductiveHealthPH 3 месяца назад +3

      You misunderstood the concept,
      Islam is not a transaction in the way or sense people understand in our daily lives, they are not exactly the same.....

    • @auycharxernaighn7893
      @auycharxernaighn7893 3 месяца назад +1

      @@alhurra3236 thank you...

    • @kebbasjuwarathepanaceapoet6036
      @kebbasjuwarathepanaceapoet6036 3 месяца назад +1

      I believe this means, you and I have no right to choose the way our relationship with Allah should be. The Ayah you quoted is Allah’s way of giving positive reinforcement

  • @khadijabenassou8996
    @khadijabenassou8996 3 месяца назад

    Message to the whole world.
    It's enough. It's Time.
    Allaah ❤❤❤ The Almighty commanded us to follow ONLY THE QORAAN The Perfect and fully detailed Word of
    Allaah ❤❤❤The Almighty.
    Following pagan ahadith books and your pagan books claiming it's from
    Allaah❤❤❤The Almighty is SHIRK SHIRK SHIRK.
    The Time is Near.
    Allaah ❤❤❤ The Almighty Will INTERVENE.
    This is a promise from
    Allaah ❤❤❤The Almighty The Creator of all.
    Woe to the mouchrekeen.
    Don't believe me...just watch.

    • @Safa.98
      @Safa.98 3 месяца назад

      Pagan ahadith books? What do you mean?

  • @xiomzeezeee1111
    @xiomzeezeee1111 3 месяца назад

    I flopped I want to be how I use to be 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

  • @hanshafei9858
    @hanshafei9858 3 месяца назад

    When your husband open his arms and says, come here honey. The wife says, no, I must go rob a bank, drive me now.

  • @omarraza4368
    @omarraza4368 3 месяца назад

    1:26 respectfully sir, i don't think there's something bad in watching good movies...

  • @azainclasses9434
    @azainclasses9434 3 месяца назад

    🔴🔴i need help of your knowledge 🔴🔴
    there is a person who he have really bad image of Islam in his mind and he is a non-muslim but i wanted to explain him he is wrong about my religion
    he said ''In quran there is this one qoute, that specifies that the muslim woman you marry is holy and should be kept in parda
    While the one that you had won from the kafirs
    Is free to be used for fun as she chose the path of kafir
    There is also this one qoute that mentions that muslim is the only true religion and all others are kafir
    And should be converted or wiped off
    It also stated that you can marry a woman just for few hours to have sex with her and divorce her right after ou had your deed
    Tbh when I first read those lines they were writen in arabic and were translated word by word in english
    i know that muslim is the only true religion and all others are kafir but please i want to know about that and sorry for my bad English

  • @ustaad-e-muhtram
    @ustaad-e-muhtram 3 месяца назад

    sir plz provide urdu capation

    • @isthisrealguys_
      @isthisrealguys_ 3 месяца назад

      Lol 😂😢😂😂 Mi Casa Grande do you have any files attached are the only time 😞❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😞😞 the same class anymore and I am W 😞 I 😅 I 😞 I 😅😔😔 I have to do ❤️ I am writing in regards to the time of year for the end

    • @isthisrealguys_
      @isthisrealguys_ 3 месяца назад

      أنا في المنزل وأرغب في الهروب من خدمة الحافلات إلى بلدنا نحن خدمة الحافلات في نفس خدمة الحافلات وسأكون متفرغًا لمدة أسبوع أو أسبوعين لاحظ هذا البريد الإلكتروني وأي atta😊

    • @isthisrealguys_
      @isthisrealguys_ 3 месяца назад

      لقد حصلت أيضًا على قصر وسأكون قادرًا وراغبًا لمدة أسبوع أو أكثر للحصول على معلوماتك الطيبة وأقوم بالتوصل إلى القليل من لقاح الأنفلونزا لمجموعة من ألعاب Dreamcast 21 نفس pfp لا

  • @isthisrealguys_
    @isthisrealguys_ 3 месяца назад

    The Legend of Zelda Skyward سيف سيرتي الذاتية لاطلاعكم الكريم وأنا أكتب هذا البريد في الصباح ثم في الأيام القليلة التالية أكتب ردًا على نفس الفصل بعد الآن ولكني لا معدات ولوازم تنظيف المزاريب لكم يا رب يوم جيد يا سيدي الإعلان التالي أنا أحبك وسوف أكون في نفس الفصل نتيجة لذلك سأكون على اتصال وسيكون لي الحق لول ب Ty حصلت على قصر وواي فاي وأرفقت الفاتورة الخاصة بتقاريري وسوف أتحدث عنها وهي لعبتنا الأولى وهي الوقت المناسب لك والواي فاي وسأحصل على البطاقة مجانًا قريبًا حاول

  • @safaaally312
    @safaaally312 3 месяца назад


  • @helbendr6117
    @helbendr6117 3 месяца назад

    so abiding by allah's rules is not a transaction then?, why did he sent us all in this life isnt that some kind of transaction as well, you are sent to abide by my rules and based on that you will get your result, this is also a transaction. If allah is all great and merciful then why would he ask for us to live a life as the transaction that he designed and would instead never give you anything in return coz he only takes oneway transaction.
    "This religion gives you purpose"?
    what the fuck is our purpose then. when your whole life can be changed by that one thing and you wont get it in this life whats the use?
    So, basically allah wants you to live a miserable life here and in the after life he will say since you are at fault of having miserable life-->(which allah willed but he could have changed that by just giving you that one thing and your result in after life could have been changed)

  • @user-bj1ey5uj1d
    @user-bj1ey5uj1d 3 месяца назад

    Taqwa ladies😂😂😂

  • @habbbouba
    @habbbouba 3 месяца назад

    جزاكم الله خيرا