Jealousy and Heedlessness | Ep 21 | Surah Al Jumu'ah | Nouman Ali Khan I Ramadan 2024

  • Опубликовано: 29 мар 2024
  • In episode twenty one of A Deeper Look Surah Al-Jumu'ah, Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan explores the natural desires Allah has instilled in men and women, emphasizing the importance of balancing these desires to keep a pure heart and a strong connection with Allah. He discusses how men are drawn to beauty and women desire to appear beautiful, urging viewers to control these instincts with the guidance of the Quran. This episode highlights the need to prioritize our spiritual duties over worldly desires, maintaining a path aligned with Allah's teachings and reminding us of the balance between hope and fear in our relationship with Allah.
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Комментарии • 142

  • @bayyinah
    @bayyinah  3 месяца назад +12

    Download the Surah Al-Jumu'ah guided workbook at
    🎁 Over 50,000 students in need are waiting for your gift sponsorship to study the Quran on Bayyinah TV. Support them at
    📚 Start your own Qur'an journey at

  • @nostalgicmuslimah
    @nostalgicmuslimah 2 месяца назад +26

    The best beauty a woman/man can wear is imaan. The beauty of worship to your creator to become a better human being. That is more than enough. Trust me, you'll be the most attractive in the room. Good energy will always be the best thing you can wear. Don't ever feel ugly for your physical features or how Allah created you outwardly. You are perfect just the way you are. If a certain beauty standard was that important, we would all look the same. But Allah's beauty standards is different from people's idea of what beauty should be. Just be dutiful to Allah and sharpen your patience, gratitude, understanding skills, empathy etc.... that's what beauty is. I promise you.

  • @mariamyosufi
    @mariamyosufi 3 месяца назад +31

    I have Never Seen a man, who understands and explains the struggle we muslim Woman have wearing the hijab. It is really really really difficult, especially in the West!
    May Allah protect all woman from this fitnah..
    Thank you so much!

    • @kendall2004
      @kendall2004 3 месяца назад +1

      Yes he really described how I feel when the other non hijabi girls take all the attention and I'll be ignored while I look so much better without hijab and even without trying😢

  • @balqissufiena
    @balqissufiena Месяц назад +6

    you kniw what, i scrolled on my instagram just now and i saw a lot of social media influencers being beuatiful and presentable as usual. and then it made me feel like i wanna be pretty like them too, i wanna remove my hijab and all those kinda things. atm i feel like that wasnt a good thought and its more likely to be whispers from shaitan so i decided to listen to islamic lecture. i opened the youtube and saw that i didnt finish watching this video and i came across the part where ustaz nouman said about women wanna look pretty and the desires wont go away but you have to control it to keep the light in your heart. subhanallah i feel like it was from allah to remind me back that i should control my desire to be pretty.

  • @lucky41210grl
    @lucky41210grl 2 месяца назад +5

    Every joke that Nouman Ali makes during his sermons makes me laugh alhamdullah. He is so relatable and funny mashallah.

  • @zambanggafaru6373
    @zambanggafaru6373 3 месяца назад +99

    I'm from Ghana Africa. by ALLAH I'm pleased listening to you. Masha'Allah is been 11 years now listening to your lectures even, I am born Muslim but your lectures redirected me from being extreme Muslim. may ALLAH AZAR'WAJAALLAH grant you good health your team, Bayyinah tv and your family. and may ALLAH sub'hanAllahu wata'Allah grant us Jannah. I'm pleased listening to you all the time. l pray to love you for the seek of ALLAH.

    • @Mpress123
      @Mpress123 3 месяца назад +4

      Hi, nice meeting a fellow Ghanaian here❤....May Allah increase us in faith

    • @honeymoontv8033
      @honeymoontv8033 3 месяца назад +2

      ​@@Mpress123 another Ghanaian here,may Allah accept our ibadah 🙏

    • @user-wz5bv1cs1v
      @user-wz5bv1cs1v 3 месяца назад


    • @soberyeezus669
      @soberyeezus669 3 месяца назад

      Another Ghanaian here.. may Allah increase us in emaan and forgive our shortcomings.

    • @armaan-xt6ke
      @armaan-xt6ke 3 месяца назад

      E#xmuslimsahil and a#dam s#eeker youtube c#hannel
      ISLAM is s#preading h#atred v#iolence
      These v#ersus of Q#uran and h#atred of Q#uran are s#creaming and saying k#ill the non b#elievers then s#hut your m#outh if you don't know anything about it
      Q#uran 2:191, Q#uran 3:28 , 3:85
      Q#uran 5:53, Q#uran 8:12, 8:65 , 8:60
      Q#uran 9:5 ,9:30 , 9:123
      Q#uran 22:19 ,Q#uran 47:4
      1.M#uhammad made many S#uicide attempts (Bukhari 6982)
      2.M#uhammad use to h#allucinating and imagine things which did not happen.(Bukhari 5765
      3.M#uhammad’s allowed and performed s#ex with s#lave w#omen(sahih Muslim 3371,1456a),Q#uran 4:24)
      4.M#uhammad according to hadith was involved having s#ex with most of his w#ives in a day (Bukhari 268, Q#uran 33:53)
      5.M#uhammad was specially found of y#oung v#irgin g#irls (Bukhari 5080)
      6.M#uhammad’s f#ondling of his c#hild w#ife(sahih bukhari 299,300,301)
      7.M#uhammad allowed M#arriage of a#dopted d£aughter(Q#uran 4:23)
      8.M#uhammad’s m#arriage with the w#ife(zainab) of his son(zaid) because his l#ust comes out(Q#uran 33:36-37)
      9.M#uhammad and T#emporary M#arriage i.e. p#rostitution(Bukhari 5119)(sahih muslim 3255,3410)
      10.M#uhammad could not differentiate between Gabriel the angel and Satan(Q#uran 22:52)
      11.M#uhmmad has been a#ccusing to be a theif then v#erse came out(Q#uran 3:161)
      12.M#uhmmad k#illed children (Sahih Muslim 4550)
      13.If woman d#ivorced(khula) her she need his #husband p#ermission
      14.M#uhmmad allowed b#eating then 70 w#omen came to prophet house (sunan ibn majah 1985)(Bukhari 5204,5825)
      15.M#uhmmad called women h#alf m#inded due to m#enes(Bukhari 304,2658)
      16. Five things necessary (it includes c#ircumcision)to be a m#uslim not mention only for m#en(Bukhari 5889)
      17.If w#omen did not o#bey her h#usband (not go to b#ed) then angles c#urse him(Bukhari 1436a,1436b,5246) (sahih muslim 5193)
      18.H#alala(Bukhari 5260)(Quran 2:230)
      19.M#uhmmad h#atred against non b#elievers (they exist before islam)(Q#uran 19:71,19:72,9:39,9:71,47:4)(Bukhari 3222) (sahih Muslim 21a,20,22)
      20.M#uhmmad l#ust by seeing w#oman in street(sahih Muslim 3407,3408,3409,302,371,4212,5068)(Q#uran 4:3)
      21.M#uhmmad justice by k#illing of a unborn c#hild(sunan an nasai 4070)
      Be smart to choose I#slam is a good
      Because there is no rights for l#adies
      In i£slam w£omen has to go through
      1.c#hild m#arriage
      4.for a#dultery w#omen p#unishment d#eath by s#tone but man nothing
      5. W#omen in I#slam h#alf m#ind h#alf vote
      6. W#omen can't say no to her h#usband for s#ex
      7. If h#usband b#eating w#oman there will be nobody to ask even G#od not 8. In I#slam you can m#arry his d#aughter his g#randdaughter
      9. In I#slam s#lavery is allowed
      10. In i#slam w#omen has to hide face means no identity in the s#ociety
      👉👉P#rophet was a r#ubbish person
      1. He m#arried A#isha at age of 6 i#ntercourse with her at age of 9
      2. He m#arried his s#on(z#aid) w#ife (z#ainab)
      3. He k#illed S#affiya h#usband and f#ather then he m#arried to her
      4. He also give p#ermission to k#ill c#hildren of p#olytheist
      5.He is the one who k#illed d#isbelivers like J#ews, C#hristians etc
      6. He also allow his followers to k#ill her s#laves and allow i#ntercourse with them and he also give p#ermission to s#ell them after having i#ntercourse with them and there is no p#unishment for k#illings as s#lave
      7. He is the one who gave p#ermission to m#arry his m#other, d#aughter if her m#other and d#aughter is p#olytheist before m#arriage
      8. He also stay that w#omen are h#alf m#inded due to m#enses
      9. He also allow m#en to b#eat their w#omen
      10. In I#slam a man can have m#ultiple r#elation even his wife or his slave there is no p#unishment for that but if a w#oman having his p#hysical r#elation with any other guy other than her h#usband she will be s#toned to d#eath
      11. He also s#natch w#oman i#dentity (burqa)
      12. He also give p#unishment w#omen through d#ivorce by men going through h#alala process
      14. If a w#oman is giving d#ivorce to her h#usband she also n#eed her h#usband p#ermission if her h#usband d#ivorce her he does not n#eed her p#ermission
      15. He also stay that most of the w#omen are in h#ell due to m#enses because they are i#mpure
      16. W#omen has to go through c#ircumcision which is very hard for w#omen you can see video on You#Tube too
      17. W#omen cannot d#eny her h#usband for i#ntercourse if she d#eny A#ngels will c#urse her
      18. If a w#oman want to make a p#erson M#aharam for h#erself she has to f#eed h#er milk from b#reast s#uckling
      19. A m#an can have many w#ife but w#omen can have only one h#usband
      Many more points to tell before to accept i#slam you must study about it what are the d#isadvantage of it what are the p#roblem in I#slam being w#omen it is not easy for you to s#urvive because all the things all the r#ights will be s#natch from you

  • @Jihan1672
    @Jihan1672 2 месяца назад +14

    Every time I listen to you I start loving Islam more. You make us understand Quran in such a beautiful way

  • @mariamsayghani8373
    @mariamsayghani8373 3 месяца назад +39

    I really like how you explain these points in Quran verses, for example why covering for women is mentioned in surah
    al-noor, wow i never thought of it that way, thank you so much brother Nouman, may Allah send more of you to our ummah. alhumdulillah for ppl like you 🤲🏻🙏🏼💐

  • @ferdousbithee2944
    @ferdousbithee2944 3 месяца назад +47

    men doing immense work on human nature for thousands years in philosophy, psychology and others science,
    And there is ONE Ayah in Quran ❤❤

    • @believerreconnect
      @believerreconnect 3 месяца назад

      Yusuf of this Ummah | Omar Suleimanвидео.html

    • @ledam2654
      @ledam2654 2 месяца назад

      As do women. The first university that we know of was founded by a Muslim woman.

    • @l3ll5l79
      @l3ll5l79 Месяц назад

      ​@@ledam2654 you didn't get the point. Moreover get rid of this feministic competition notion. Accept the strength in others and embrace your own while acknowledging your own weaknesses. Women and men pride themselves with different things. The point was nailed upon and eloquent. Here you are while you should praise your preprogrammed impulse by feministic brainwashing kicks in. Wake up.

    • @l3ll5l79
      @l3ll5l79 Месяц назад

      you didn't get the point. Moreover get rid of this feministic competition notion. Accept the strength in others and embrace your own while acknowledging your own weaknesses. Women and men pride themselves with different things. The point was nailed upon and eloquent. Here you are while you should praise; your preprogrammed impulse by feministic brainwashing kicks in. Wake up.

    • @qwerdqewr4847
      @qwerdqewr4847 Месяц назад

      you didn't get the point. Moreover get rid of this feministic competition notion. Accept the strength in others and embrace your own while acknowledging your own weaknesses. Women and men pride themselves with different things. The point was nailed upon and eloquent. Here you are while you should praise your preprogrammed impulse by feministic brainwashing kicks in. Wake up.

  • @BinsPeace
    @BinsPeace 3 месяца назад +7

    19:40 i have never felt this understood before.

  • @mashrehakazi5915
    @mashrehakazi5915 3 месяца назад +14

    My vocab got better beside my deeni knowledge with ustad Nouman MashaAllah.

  • @SuliMoonbeam
    @SuliMoonbeam 2 месяца назад +2

    This is so relatable! Even for someone lazy like me, I want to look pretty. Covering myself is challenging, even though I do it everyday, I have to fight the impulse or desire to take off the hijjab, or wear pretty non-Islamic dresses... Let's face it, covering ourselves means to not show our beauty and I do feel ugly. But I remind myself it's not worth dressing up for those people. It doesn't benefit me. And Allah loves me if I cover myself and that is what I treasure the most. 😊❤

  • @negativerainbow
    @negativerainbow 3 месяца назад +10

    You know how earlier episodes talked about tazkiya being painful? I felt that in this video.
    What an amazing video to drop on the 21st night of Ramadan.

  • @mi14ever
    @mi14ever 3 месяца назад +5

    So much truth and conviction! I can’t get enough of these series, may Allah swt reward you for teaching Quran in practical way. I am able to reflect and make sense of my feelings, alhamdolliah!

  • @rulerumour5486
    @rulerumour5486 3 месяца назад +16

    Cleared up so many misconceptions and mistakes. Inshallah i wil workk on them
    JazakAllah khairun ustaad

  • @jz4087
    @jz4087 3 месяца назад +9

    I feel like this video spoke to me directly. 😮

  • @mostummesalma6693
    @mostummesalma6693 3 месяца назад +15

    SubhanAllah I am moved by the hijab part! I'm gonna do hijab properly from now on in sha Allah! Please Pray for me

    • @UnfunnyMayonaise
      @UnfunnyMayonaise 17 дней назад +1

      How's it (hijab) going sister?

    • @mostummesalma6693
      @mostummesalma6693 17 дней назад

      @@UnfunnyMayonaise your reply came as a reminder ♥️jazakallah (struggling...but trying my best 🙂 alhamdulillah)

    • @UnfunnyMayonaise
      @UnfunnyMayonaise 17 дней назад +1

      @@mostummesalma6693 may Allah strengthen you! It's really a struggle everyday but keep reminding your self the spirit of hijab (to get noor) and that you are wearing a crown everytime you wear the hijab. Keep going, we are journeying towards jannah and inshallah we are gonna get thereeeee

  • @MehrinFatima-dc7hs
    @MehrinFatima-dc7hs 3 месяца назад +7

    I don't have words to say ❤❤❤

  • @Angieta230
    @Angieta230 3 месяца назад +16

    " Modesty died in women, when jealousy (healthy protective jealousy) died in men". In other words..starting from the place we learn most of our values (the household). The fathers,brothers etc are suppose to have protective jealousy on their women folk (mother,daughter,etc) so they don't fall prey to the outside worlds fitna.
    But what happened Instead? The media preyed on both men and women's weaknesses.
    So feminism and the media over time plus social media, has made it sooo easy for double standard values to be preached both from men and women.
    On social media: we now have men telling women to wear properly, etc. Yet when you look at who they follow or what they look is clear as day they don't lower their gaze.
    And for women when told to cover up, they wear make up and tight clothing that shows their figure.
    But truth is. Via the removal of protective openly displaying their "trophy wives" and entertaining other women they don't realise that this has a domino effect that equally makes women not care to be modest. Cause why be modest, when you entertain that which is immodest.
    It's a double edge sword scenario, that's destroying us both equally.

  • @anitasyed282
    @anitasyed282 3 месяца назад +8

    Amazing lecture we go through this everyday MashaAllah

  • @hazifahn
    @hazifahn 2 месяца назад +1

    'Alot of times people that are really insulting to others deep down inside they have no respect for themselves' ooooo

  • @hannia3577
    @hannia3577 3 месяца назад +1

    As a hijabi I confirm that it's hard but may Allah makes it easy for all of us

  • @dhikrandlove21
    @dhikrandlove21 3 месяца назад +2

    Subhana'Allah, May Allah subhana wa ta ala allow us to gain tawfiq and the chance to make Tawbah for our weakness, may we gain closeness to Allah subhana wa ta ala. 🌹🌿

  • @enigmamgamer4150
    @enigmamgamer4150 3 месяца назад +2

    صرف اور صرف ماشاءاللہ ماشاءاللہ ماشاءاللہ

  • @highoffnanii
    @highoffnanii 2 месяца назад +1

    This made me want to cry 😅. You explain thing so beautifully alhamdulillah

  • @brookesenfrance3852
    @brookesenfrance3852 3 месяца назад +3

    Thanks be to God for BTv. Thank you for this series guys. Brilliant ❤

  • @abm2576
    @abm2576 2 месяца назад

    I am from Kerala, India. I really love to hear your luctures..... It's kind a counselling for me... Mental.... Physical.... Emotional.... Spiritual and intellectual🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍

  • @nusratpopy8724
    @nusratpopy8724 Месяц назад

    JazakAllahu khairan! Allahumma inni zalamtu nefsi 😢 Ya Shadidul Iqab Ya Zahiri Ya Batinu Ya Subhana Taa’la

  • @durdurdikir4021
    @durdurdikir4021 3 месяца назад +2

    🎉Maa'Shaa'Allah...Jazaka ALLAHU Khayran Katheeraa💖

  • @heikeszuszka1291
    @heikeszuszka1291 3 месяца назад +25

    Hm, we are hiding our beauty and our husbands are looking at other women’s beauty, that is a part that may be hard for some. I know I can look more fabulous than the fashion queens, but I look more beautiful in hijab!!! Actually maybe they are jealous of our beauty in hijab. I’ve had women tell me they feel like they should wear the scarf as well because I look so beautiful with them.

    • @golden12078
      @golden12078 3 месяца назад +2

      Masha'Allah tabarakAllah

    • @aasiyaonize
      @aasiyaonize 3 месяца назад +3

      Asalamulaikum sister,
      You are allowed to appear pretty in front of your mahrams, and other women. also especially your husband. The prohibition is against displaying your beauty to non-mahram men. I just want to confirm that you understand this. JazakAllahu Khayran

    • @BATF4P
      @BATF4P 3 месяца назад +3

      My wife's beauty comes from her character, when she is sincere, caring and loving she makes the other women seem not special or anything to gawk at because what she has they would not even want to attain. That is the beauty in our deen and in our spouses. May Allah bless all the Muslims with such qualities including myself.

    • @DeezNuts-
      @DeezNuts- 2 месяца назад +1

      You can make yourself look as beautiful as you want as long as its only with your husband, and your husband can look all he wants as longs as its with his wife. Marriage is the most important thing for Muslims to seek as they become adults as it creates a halal and healthy outlet for all these desires and makes it easier to lower your gaze and wear hijab

  • @Vxruxxss
    @Vxruxxss 3 месяца назад +1

    I needed to hear this

  • @rocayaquiambao8309
    @rocayaquiambao8309 3 месяца назад


  • @neginaarya7370
    @neginaarya7370 3 месяца назад +2

    جزاک الله خیرا کثیرا استاد

  • @anujarahim8533
    @anujarahim8533 3 месяца назад

    Jazak Allah khair ustad

  • @maiaradel3469
    @maiaradel3469 3 месяца назад

    جزاكم الله خيرا

  • @habbbouba
    @habbbouba 3 месяца назад

    بارك الله فيكم و جزاكم الله الفردوس الاعلى

  • @farjanayeasminphool7070
    @farjanayeasminphool7070 3 месяца назад +5

    আল্লাহ আপনাকে এবং এই কাজে সংযুক্ত সকলকে উত্তম প্রতিদান দিবেন ইনশাআল্লাহ ❤
    অনেক অনেক ভালোবাসা এবং দোয়া রইলো ❤

    • @trrahman
      @trrahman 3 месяца назад

      Write in english

    • @User1to100
      @User1to100 3 месяца назад

      ​@@trrahman He/She doesn't have to.

  • @ledam2654
    @ledam2654 8 дней назад

    Depends on the child. Very small girl children won't likely care much about jewelry. And some women don't care about being adorned.

  • @aniealja438
    @aniealja438 3 месяца назад

    So deep, thanks ustaz and the team 🤒🥰

  • @mdtamim1635
    @mdtamim1635 3 месяца назад +1

    I am hearing from Bangladesh,
    Best wishes for you❤️

  • @roushnirafamajumder1578
    @roushnirafamajumder1578 2 месяца назад

    Thanks a lot for the wonderful discussion! Got so much clarity in my thoughts.

  • @knisayusuf
    @knisayusuf Месяц назад

    terima kasih😊😊

  • @aleynaimroll
    @aleynaimroll 3 месяца назад

    Thank you so much

  • @anayasheikh-cy6zh
    @anayasheikh-cy6zh 3 месяца назад +1


  • @jamilai
    @jamilai 3 месяца назад +8

    Please can you give some lectures on the life of Muhammad PBUH. جزاک الله خیر کثیرا

    • @afsheenbhatti5497
      @afsheenbhatti5497 3 месяца назад +1

      Search for Yasir Qadhi Seerah videos

    • @DrissDev
      @DrissDev 3 месяца назадвидео.html​@@afsheenbhatti5497

  • @z.w4469
    @z.w4469 3 месяца назад

    Lots of love from Holland

  • @sanzidaaktar8922
    @sanzidaaktar8922 2 месяца назад +2

    I hope ustad you answers this questions!Ustad i'm struggling about this issue..How we should interact with non mahram cousins. Especially in south asia they live in joint family.In any gathering, party,how we should Interact with non mahram cousins..

  • @Jahana_4693
    @Jahana_4693 3 месяца назад +2

    Sometimes when he is talking in another tone he sounds like Gru from Despicable Me!😂

  • @altyazilandirici
    @altyazilandirici 3 месяца назад


  • @Apoemortwo
    @Apoemortwo 2 месяца назад

    Wonderful explanation of hijab 😍

  • @akbarakbari-ip1fx
    @akbarakbari-ip1fx 3 месяца назад +4

    I'm looking for this aya that he is explaining. From 21:21 minutes

    @UMMAINVEST 3 месяца назад +1

    Assalamu aleykum va rahmatyllahi va barakatuhu ❤

  • @Islamicmotivation18945
    @Islamicmotivation18945 3 месяца назад +1

    First ❤❤

  • @Aminka_star
    @Aminka_star 2 месяца назад

    As salamu allaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu

  • @amirsidiqui9136
    @amirsidiqui9136 2 месяца назад +2

    *List of the false Muqaddam things which will become a barriers between you and Allah :*
    1. Jealousy
    2. Anger
    3. Comparison
    4. Worthlessness
    5. Loneliness
    6. Greed
    7. Lust
    8. Heedless ness (I don't fear anything)
    9. hedonism (my ultimate objective is to pleased myself , YOLO)
    10. Materialism

  • @mahnoorasghar199
    @mahnoorasghar199 3 месяца назад

    Somebody give ustaad a tissue already xD
    Excellent lecture though, as always ^_^

  • @riffatjabeen3066
    @riffatjabeen3066 Месяц назад

    اسلام وعلیکم ورحمت اللہ برادر
    اپ کے جتنے بیانات انگریزی میں ہیں گزارش ہے کہ وہ بھی اردو میں ترجمے کے ساتھ کر دیں۔اللہ پاک آپ کو جزائے خیر عطا فرمائے دین و دنیا کی تمام نعمتیں اور بھلائیاں عطا فرمائے آمین الہی

  • @IELTSBashar
    @IELTSBashar 3 месяца назад


  • @sabamaheen5956
    @sabamaheen5956 3 месяца назад

    Assalamualaikum ustad nouman

  • @abusaid7777
    @abusaid7777 3 месяца назад


  • @maxmorris4562
    @maxmorris4562 3 месяца назад +2

    0:01: 💡 Allah instilled desire for beauty in males and females, promoting systematic Quran study and sharing.
    4:19: 💡 Understanding the concept of prioritizing actions based on past deeds in Surah Al Jumu'ah.
    8:18: 💡 The Quran addresses and controls materialism, heedlessness, and hedonism in life.
    11:47: 💣 The Quran emphasizes the importance of controlling inner desires and protecting oneself from explosive behaviors.
    15:33: 💫 Allah instilled desire for beauty in men and women, leading to billion-dollar industries.
    20:11: 💔 The struggle with jealousy and comparison among women can lead to a loss of inner light and beauty.
    23:40: ⚖️ Believers prioritize worldly matters over Allah, avoiding accountability and focusing on His mercy.

  • @esradil5158
    @esradil5158 3 месяца назад


  • @maxmorris4562
    @maxmorris4562 3 месяца назад

    4:10, 6:30, 11:10, 13:00, 17:25, 20:55

  • @mr.usmansahibzada
    @mr.usmansahibzada 3 месяца назад +1

    Your lectures have helped direct me. May Allah bless you

  • @mominumar-kh7uc
    @mominumar-kh7uc 3 месяца назад

    Assalamualaikum bhai

  • @julistyaismail4868
    @julistyaismail4868 4 дня назад

    al-Ustadz did a very good little girl impression 😂

  • @ShonMardani
    @ShonMardani 3 месяца назад +1

    Palestine is a Farsi word/name "پا و دستان - paa-va-dastan" which means legs and hands for work building homes. Disciple is "دست [و] پا دار - dast-o-paadar" which means "having [skilled] hands and legs".Cross/Christ is "کار است - kaar-ast" which means "It is the work [which determines the ownership of a home, the one who built it]. At that time everyone except a few who claimed the ownership of all lands and water passed to them by their ancestors, everybody else were homeless, trespassers and slaves to the landlord. Palestinians were the workers who helped Eesa Messiah (Jesus) build homes using wood in the form of Cross as the joints of the structure making permanent residence. Disciples were the skilled worker/foreman.

  • @Sam-he4up
    @Sam-he4up 3 месяца назад

    Here's a brother from Ethiopia it has been years

  • @MuslimMessenger267
    @MuslimMessenger267 2 месяца назад

    Salam aleykum, where can i find where and when Nouman Ali Khan tours ?
    Like, is there a tour plan ?

  • @antimatter333
    @antimatter333 Месяц назад +1

    Plz can someone tell me which Ayah of the Quran it is that he is talking about about the topic of man and woman’s desires 14:52

    • @rafidbendimerad3547
      @rafidbendimerad3547 Месяц назад

      Surah Az-Zukhruf (43) - verse 18:
      ˹Do they attribute to Him˺ those who are brought up in fineries and are not commanding in disputes?

  • @hafsaabdulsamad6419
    @hafsaabdulsamad6419 3 месяца назад

    Bayyinah team I can't download the workbook...plz help me

  • @Hunterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr886
    @Hunterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr886 Месяц назад

    i m like exactly like this! what should i do?

  • @user-pr4en8bi8i
    @user-pr4en8bi8i 3 месяца назад

    Ap ke lectures Urdu m ku nhi aaty hy......

  • @asmahqadeer4617
    @asmahqadeer4617 2 месяца назад

    This lecture made me laugh out loud 😂😂😂 especially the part he talked about women ‘not to look pretty’ 😂😂😂 reality

  • @islamicrays3127
    @islamicrays3127 3 месяца назад +1

    Assalam alaikum everyone anyone with Bayyinah subscription, please share with me. I'm really in need of it. Jazakallahu Khairan

  • @user-lu8ww1hm3d
    @user-lu8ww1hm3d 3 месяца назад +1

    Jealous is one of the worst character of human being.

  • @shawezonline
    @shawezonline 3 месяца назад


  • @meemnun_ALiF-lost
    @meemnun_ALiF-lost 3 месяца назад +1

    @26:37 wOwww

  • @nihalcoskun8297
    @nihalcoskun8297 3 месяца назад

    Please Turkish translation please...

  • @Peaceout980
    @Peaceout980 3 месяца назад

    Assalamualikum ustadh,
    I want to please tell us about men that how practically they need to be when they are around non mahram relatives because most of the times they feel casual with female cousins,and sometimes with their male cousins wives flirting with them and throwing some kind of u know n they feel its completely normal and nothing wrong with it..

  • @antimatter333
    @antimatter333 Месяц назад

    Which ayah of Surah Nur is he reciting in 14:52

    • @rafidbendimerad3547
      @rafidbendimerad3547 Месяц назад

      Surah Az-Zukhruf (43) - verse 18:
      ˹Do they attribute to Him˺ those who are brought up in fineries and are not commanding in disputes?

  • @MrDeerbomb
    @MrDeerbomb 3 месяца назад +1

    Ahh so that's why women seem to struggle not to wear the most matching clothes and flawless makeups

  • @Nisanisa27220
    @Nisanisa27220 3 месяца назад

    14:50 does anybody know the mentioned sura and aya?

    • @Nisanisa27220
      @Nisanisa27220 3 месяца назад +1

      I think i found it sura 43 ayat 18
      Correct me if iam wrong

    • @rafidbendimerad3547
      @rafidbendimerad3547 Месяц назад

      Surah Az-Zukhruf (43) - verse 18:
      ˹Do they attribute to Him˺ those who are brought up in fineries and are not commanding in disputes?

  • @ifrathjahan6089
    @ifrathjahan6089 3 месяца назад +1

    20:13 😂😂😂

  • @moonwalkerr87
    @moonwalkerr87 3 дня назад

    From a biological point of view. I get that men look at beauty for procreation. Beauty is a sign of youth and fertility. One man can impregnate lots of females and spread his genes. Makes sense. On the flip side: What would a woman gain by showing off her beauty to everybody? To pick the best male (hypergamy), I get that. And when she is married and have someone that she can show her beauty to, then what good does showing it to others bring her then? That's the part I don't understand. It will only create problems.

  • @muskaanb0
    @muskaanb0 3 месяца назад


  • @Emachettri01
    @Emachettri01 2 месяца назад

    say something, say something 😆

  • @mohamedsiddiq3542
    @mohamedsiddiq3542 3 месяца назад

    Anger jealousy comparison worthlessness loneliness greed lust heedlessness hedonism materialism

  • @BirHicGibi
    @BirHicGibi 3 месяца назад


  • @azainclasses9434
    @azainclasses9434 3 месяца назад

    i need help of your knowledge
    there is a person who have really bad image of Islam in his mind and he is a non-muslim but i wanted to explain him he is wrong about my religion
    he said ''In quran there is this one qoute, that specifies that the muslim woman you marry is holy and should be kept in parda
    While the one that you had won from the kafirs
    Is free to be used for fun as she chose the path of kafir
    It also stated that you can marry a woman just for few hours to have sex with her and divorce her right after ou had your deed
    Tbh when I first read those lines they were writen in arabic and were translated word by word in english
    please i want to know about that and sorry for my bad English

  • @babouchkastyle
    @babouchkastyle 3 месяца назад


  • @theBakinNoob
    @theBakinNoob 3 месяца назад

    Did he give that lecture in germany??? 13:36

  • @mominumar-kh7uc
    @mominumar-kh7uc 3 месяца назад

    Bhayi first palastin ke bacchonke haalaton par kuch bolo bhai...aap s.a.w farmate hai mera ummati ko , dusre ummati ki fikar nahi ...O mere ummat me se nahi....

  • @trueishj5703
    @trueishj5703 2 месяца назад

    With due respect, you are wrong in generalizing how women feel about wearing hijab, we do not feel ugly when we wear hijab. That statement undermines our religious intent.

    • @hanenabuarrah3775
      @hanenabuarrah3775 2 месяца назад +3

      Of course hes not generalising! But most of us look more attractive and prettier if we were allowed to wear whatever

    • @amzyahmed313
      @amzyahmed313 Месяц назад

      The whole point of hijab is to conceal beauty.... So he's pont is very valid. Maybe ugly is a strong word....

  • @unaa9380
    @unaa9380 3 месяца назад +2

    I think men should stick to explaining what’s in their hearts and not what’s in women’s, assuming all women have jealousy towards other women is incorrect or that they always crave to look beautiful isn’t true either, usually they get these ideas due to men comparing them which makes them insecure, women crave acceptance and reassurance from their loved ones, so again it goes back to what’s in men’s hearts and what they project. The surah about hijab is specifically mention it’s to stop women from being molested by men (because as stated men enjoy even just looking at beauty) it’s nothing to do with purifying the heart, if it was Allah would has said that, it’s in surah nur because it will protect women against evil (men) and only ones with good intentions will approach bringing happiness (nur) into their lives (even if marriage doesn’t work out, your dignity was in tact) also if the case mentioned was true women wouldn’t be able to be without hijab around non mahram or other women because their hearts would become impure right? Again, it’s better for people to stick to speaking for their own gender and not assume about a gender they’ll never understand being.

    • @sazzadahmed2297
      @sazzadahmed2297 3 месяца назад +3

      "It's nothing to do with purifying the heart"? Did Allah tell you it was only revealed for protection of women (to protect from men) and it does not have to do with protecting from desires? You're right that women do crave reassurance and acceptance. However, don't get so caught up in a common example that you make conclusions that the surah is not about this thing, but ONLY about that thing. People can handle their jealousy differently, but thinking men in their family condition young girls to seek beauty is your claim. Both genders want to feel beautiful, and it is innately stronger in women. Exceptions do not make the rule, and people can vary in how they deal with emotions/trials based on upbringing or their level of control over that challenge. I think your overall point was that fathers should give reassurance and acceptance with their love and make it so they don't place their value in their beauty, which I think most people would agree with. As-salamu alaikum

    • @khadidjaahmad8945
      @khadidjaahmad8945 2 месяца назад +1

      Umm Salamah (May Allah be pleased with her) said:
      I was with the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) along with Maimunah (May Allah be pleased with her) when Ibn Umm Maktum (May Allah be pleased with him) (who was blind) came to visit him. (This incident took place after the order of Hijab). The Prophet (ﷺ) told us to hide ourselves from him (i.e., observe Hijab). We said: "O Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), he is blind and is unable to see us, nor does he know us." He replied; "Are you also blind and unable to see him?"
      [Abu Dawud and At- Tirmidhi].

    • @ammarchen8850
      @ammarchen8850 2 месяца назад

      Let's actually look at it from a logical point of view + my POV as an objectively handsome man (not trying to be arrogant or anything) taking a look at many sources:
      In surah Nur Allah orders both men and women to lower their eyes but women have to cover more of their body parts. I personally don't agree with the idea that it is because men are filthy disgusting sex beasts that can't control their desires and wanna rape and harass women. Most men I know are good men and wouldn't want to do that... It feels horrible to be viewed in that light and all men want to feel desired by a woman when engaging in sexual acts, (not viewed as a forceful rapist)..
      Here is what I've concluded:
      1. Both men and women desire to look attractive but it is in the nature of a female to seek attention and feel desired, that is why Allah asked women to cover.
      I know this because I've had girls flick their hair and adjust themselves to get attention and they hate it when they get ignored. Attention is the number one drug for women and women compete in beauty and compare each other so that they can get male attention or feel more beautiful than other girls. That's also why women hate it when their friends wear the same clothes to an event whereas boys don't care at all if their homie wears the same clothing. Plus, billions of dollars for skincare and makeup industry just goes to show that this is true.
      2. The idea that men are visual and women are not is a lie and I personally think women check out guys just as much. I am saying this as an attractive man I catch women checking me out but they are really sneaky.. sometimes they use reflections or take quick glances when you're not looking and I've even had few women literally stare at me but the reason most women don't stare like men do is because they have more hayya and are more shy in nature + society expects that from them. In fact, according to new studies evidence shows women are just as visual as men. Plus whenever i talk to girls (in a dignified manner) a lot of them can't seem to speak properly without stuttering.
      3. Women are shamed for wanting sex but women are just as sexual as men are and have crazy fantasies too.
      4. A woman should cover because that beauty should only be for the husband and a woman shouldn't seek attention from outside of that because it is bad for her.
      4. The reason why men rape women more is because women have more hayya and also they are physically weaker and can't get away with it like men do.
      5. Personally as an attractive man, I get looked at a lot and complimented for being handsome and it feels good to be complimented like that but I never feel my value is based on my appearance. I'm always pushed hard by society to conquer, gain power and status but it is also in my nature as a man to be ambitious anyway.
      6. A woman should see their value in more than just their beauty, that's why women should cover themselves.
      7. Men don't have to cover up as much because we're not so crazed up about trying to look beautiful and if we do then we're shamed by other men and called gay. I mean take a look at the story of prophet yusuf AS, his beauty made women cut their own hands and also he was tempted by zulaikha. but he didn't have to cover up, nor did rasulullah SAW who was handsome as well.
      Handsome men aren't told to cover up to the same degree as a woman has to cover up..

  • @ZarkhaizMitti
    @ZarkhaizMitti 22 дня назад

    Full video linkвидео.htmlsi=X7dwqDWdyfYVBPvr

  • @suhud-al-yeqeen
    @suhud-al-yeqeen 3 месяца назад

    جزاكم الله خيرا