About the Boar lure: sadly there are many instances in which you shoot the boar once, move the vill away too fast, or the boar takes a weird path and then loses aggro regardless 11 so I always shoot twice to be extra sure
@@FacloFormerFavoriteHoarding 1k wood *before* clicking up to castle age would be an actual disaster. That's incredibly wasteful usage of villager time. I admit that I will often have too many lumberjacks for a while after booming, but that is much less bad than delaying castle age time by a full minute or so to hoard wood.
5:12 I think a better comparison is like trying to make a cake. Quick walling is like the frosting on top, but if you don't have the bottom layers down, it doesn't really matter too much.
@@pacificsalmon1504 disagree with both of you. I think quick walling is like the cream on top, definitely tastier than frosting... i can just spray that creamin my mouth directly all day!
I think my worst bad habit in pvp AoE2 is related to anxiety. Everytime I boot up the game, I go grab a glass of water, and when I come back I always realise I kinda want to play a less stressful game, so I do just that.
definitely relatable antoine - same situation happened to me a couple of handful times also if you occasionally win a game u rather want to keep that vibe and close aoe, instead of risking to lose your next game x)
@@182greendayfan Yeah very true, after winning any kind of pvp game I don't want to risk having to end my gaming session with frustration so no matter the game I usually stop as soon as I win one game ^^
Always worth getting more comfortable in the game with low stakes / for fun gameplay if you want to play it more or get into 1v1 but are stressing about it. Would help eliviate the midset of stress or fear of losing, if you get to a point where playing is more fun/chill then stressful. Ranked anxiety is real, and if you can't just "not care" about losing its worth playing around with custom scenarios, team play (friends?), and AI shenanigans.
I swear Hera is getting even better and better at making content. His ability to communicate, speak, his energy output, everything. This man is an AOE2 content king. 🙏
I know the boar thing is right, but I swear there are times where the boar immediately stops following me right after the first hit, and I have to hit it again. I have no idea why it happens, it feels like a bug.
If you move the vil immediately after it shoots, and the boar loses LOS of the vil, it won't chase. I've done this a bit to chip down the boar before bringing it in to the TC. I've no idea if this is a good plan, but I find it entertaining.
Yeah, I have actually just recently sometimes started to hit it twice when I feel I have the time/can risk the HP just no to realize to late boar is not following. I wonder if it may be the we move out of its LOS or something to quickly. Do we need to stay the proximity of the boar for just a tad longer before clicking back (after shooting once)?
@@davidogbg Yeah vils can range the boar from just barely inside its LOS (they have the same range as the boar's LOS), so if you turn back immediately after firing the first arrow, it's likely the boar will lose sight of the vil and lose interest, unless there's a hawk overhead or something.
Thank you for bringing up number 2 Hera, lost so many games lately building a few extra houses in post imp with 1 vill. Would’ve won if that guy had of been gathering and I had the extra 75 wood
Not sure about the houses one. I've been in situations where I have stopped at 200 pop, lost some forward base (especially castles) and found myself get pop capped at 150 again, which steamrolls into no production/army on the field to stop the push!
Building houses a bit beyond 200 pop is actually intentional, at least for me. I HATE losing a castle and suddenly being houses because I was at exactly 200/200
5:38 sometimes its useful to build extra houses in case youre being sieged at some base and you will loose that 200 population capacity very quick, so to be prepared. it happened to me once time some dude destroyed my castles
Playing the remade AOE1, Return of Rome, helped me do a better job not going crazy on gold too early. With that game there is no reason to mine gold before you start to research Bronze Age, which is the equivalent of Castle Age.
I think houses are almost always worth just making It gives you small vision on the map, it’s good for walling in safe villagers if they’re forward or even at home base, and of course as the video says you could lose some in a push and get housed 25 wood in later castle age and definitely imperial is not that bad of an investment
1300 ELO here. #1 is definitely something that makes me lose games a lot. For me this is connected with #5. I often lose to 1 TC all-ins with my 3k total resources and 3-TC boom. I sometimes just forget to build military. I resign, and see that I had 20 more vils and collected way more resources. #2 Often happens to me as well. So much so that I stopped doing MAA rush as it costs me too many games. #3 is as funny as hell :). But doesn't apply to me as I am too slow to even attempt it. I usually prebuild my "slowwalls" whenever I scout or suspect that I am up against scouts. No issues with #2, I am usually getting housed, not overbuliding houses.
I will also say for unit que, I see a ton of players (including myself) que up minutes of production in buildings all at once then wait to gather resources for a new upgrade. So delaying an eco upgrade for like 15 seconds to collect enough food while also having 6 vills in que. Or clicking imperial in a TC behind 4 vills, crossbow for your 15 archers but waiting for 3 more to produce first, then taking losses on that mass because the upgrade wasn't in. Obviously its a tough thing to manage, but it can lead to big problems for no reason when unmanaged
i definitely am guilty of 1,2,4 and 5. and the reason why im not guilty of 3 is because i dont quickwall. i know i have slow hands so i just dont even bother. but the rest of them man im guilty of them, even the boar one. old habits en effet dies hard and shooting the boar twice just feels safer to lure as well too, cause you know its a guarantee that the boar will be lured successfully if you shoot it twice.
Great video! Might I recommend/request a video on the ideal late game eco comp? I often struggle and second guess myself with balancing the amount of vills on wood, food, and gold.
1 - Producing things - I love the select-all X building hotkey, then I can produce without looking away from my precious units that I know will be all dead as soon as I leave them be
Well, I feel better now as I have always been afraid of quick walling as I don't feel I can think fast enough to make it work while doing everything else.
I think one of the greatest 'bad habits' is not being able to maintain these in later ages. I spectate, I see high ranked players all the time with solid ecos, multitasking, micro, base layout, etc, but the moment Imperial rolls around, it all falls apart. Houses that could have been walls are strewn everywhere, the eco dies from two Hussar getting in, said two Hussar die to a random Halb that was on aggressive stance and shouldn't even be there, Horse Collar was forgotten, a Treb gets built and strolls right into the enemy army, etc. These are minimum 1800 players, sometimes 2k, and this keeps happening.
6:20 "Let's be honest, we are just forgetting..." No. It has always been a conscious decision for me to build extra houses. Never just forgetting. I'm just used to these FFAs with friends were you get almost wiped but then entirely rebuild and actually come back and that's much easier if you had a ton of houses to begin with, either to produce new villagers faster or just so it takes longer to raze your city. Also yeah, losing a forward castle and suddently being at 180 would be terrible.
One of the best bad habits they have at least in my ladder (800~900) is once I start talking with them they stop attacking me and I can chill and do my eco because I just start doing military buildings at imp XD
Hey awesome video. I really liked the stance one. Would you mi d making one more focused on how yo use stances in micro. For archer cav and maybe infantry
As someone who started playing this year and only recently discovered the Art of War campaign, they still tell you to shoot boars twice for lure. So if you’re blaming anyone for that still being a thing, I’d say just throw it at the DE tutorial.
I actually started hitting the boar twice again with the new pathing because the boar kept running back too often. By hitting twice its closer to my villager and doesnt go back as often because of bad pathing. Man, I cant wait till the pathing gets fixed.
Watch the stand-ground stuff as even if you had a horde killing your friend Bartholomew right beside you... You won't lift a finger to help him, only if you your-self are attacked will you fight back so you'll keep giving the first hit to the enemy. This is more if they're countring your attack with defences such as other melee units such as spears.
I'd say something like 80% of the time, if I hit a boar once with an arrow and run, it runs back instead of following the villager - hard to count it as a bad habit when one shot lure fails so often.
You don't necessarily have to shoot it twice though, just wait like half a second after the first shot before clicking back to the TC. I've never had a boar turn back that way, but I've definitely had them turn back when I used to click back immediately after firing the first arrow.
Ok so just shoot once then wait a little tiny bit of time, only approximately the time it takes to shoot a second arrow, and you'll be golden! Such pro efficiency, it makes such a difference from actually shooting that arrow lolol
Great video Hera! Can you talk about sending a villager with loom with the scout at the very beggining of the match in arena? I think is a very bad habbit because i see that too often and im tired of taking advantage only by not doing that 😂
I’ve seen a ton of pros ignore deer close to extra TCs in early castle age, why is this? I mean it’s free fast food in a time of strained eco, it’s gotta be worth the tiny amount of macro and risk?
I think people forget that quick walling also costs a little bit of wood or stone. If all you do is trap one or two enemy units and it costs you 75 wood (3 houses) and then you can't build a blacksmith or something then it's no value at all.
For #5, days have an issue where when I try to select and building then quickly hit the hot key to make a unit, the unit hotkey won’t work. It’s like I hit the unit hotkey on the wrong frame and it just gets lost or WORSE I’ll have my tc selected but somehow the patrol command is active while I have tc selected. It’s really weird. So if I try to, with archers, shoot then build a unit then shoot again without missing time between shots, I just end up dropping commands or patrolling a tc. Anybody else have this issue?
I usually am housed rather than having too many, and i float to much gold all the time because it seems like an easy way to rally new villagers to get them working but i never remember to get them off gold to whatever I'm short on, USUALLY FARMS. (its either that or im rallying them to wood and have no money) lol im chronically under farmed then totally blow it by castle age where i have to by food and then all of a sudden i have like zero resources even though i dont have much idle time.
TOP5: Still playing Aoe2 despite being a better game called Aoe Top 4: unnecesarily dividing a community that could be unified by sticking to a futuristic game (aoe 2) Top 3: still not having bought aoe top 2 : Egoistically not acknowledging that the original Aoe is far superior in every thinkable way Top 1: Still choosing between 500 generic af civilizations in AOE2 when you could have 17 super unique and awsome ones in the original AOE
The only good thing that I do, is that I just hit the boar once to lure it to the town center. The rest I usually gets a lot of floating resources and idle TC. 😅😅
I can't break the habit of starting the furthest building in a series and then doing the closer ones. This is because in original game the villager starts work on the last foundation first, whereas modern parking is to walk to the first building and then build in the order clicked.
Didn't go low elo enough to reveal the real top 5 bad habits. This kind of stuff probably doesn't happen in higher elos, but surely are worse habits than all stated in the video (not in any particular order): - Researching coinage because is in need of gold. - Making trade carts/cogs in a 1v1 because the army needs at least one of everything. - Waiting to build everything and upgrade everything before going up for the next age. - Waiting to be post-imp to start building military (this was a hard one for me to overcome). - Forgeting to build houses at all, getting housed and never noticing for a long time because of "microing" somewhere. - Not producing vills at all (not because attacking, simply because, like, 20~30 is "enough"). - Not hunting boar nor deer at all (I'm not even talking about luring, which is kind of advanced). - Having especifc roles for male/female vills (I'll only have men farming instead of lumbering if I'm desperate). - Trying to survive and hide when the game is surely lost. - Not saying gg after an epic #-hours game out of spite for losing.
Hera, I'm not sure what to do if I'm having too much gold. Can you explain what I need to change? Sometimes I just cannot spend it because I do not have enough of the other resources.
I am among those people who make too many houses ^^ (even when i notice I am at 200 pop i continue building those with the vil because he is often too far from the rest of the economy and i say to myself if i got destroyed houses I have extra ones ^^
Rejuggle the economy, if you have a ton of gold but aren't spending massive amounts just grab a handful of vills and put them to wood (or farms), earlier you spot it the btter. If you can afford imp unintentionally, way before your opponent, it means they are utilising their resources better and probably are at least 10-20 vills ahead of you. Unless you gain some kind of power spike from the early imp (for example treb in a castle stalemate, monk +3 range if heavy on monks, arbalest and you are footing an archer ball), you are probably better off to just get all the eco techs and extra buildings. You want your economy setup in a way so when you are researching imp, you can keep production going and still afford the elite/line upgrades easily.
Making spears in Feudal Age against american civs. What's up with that? Habit? Or is it actually beneficial to have one or a few trash units to tank some of the projectiles or distract? I've also seen players, even pros, attempting to move their trebs without realizing that they were not packing unless they clicked far enough, or even not realizing that they're sending them to their doom by accident. Just pack and then shift click away and you're going to save so many trebs. And another bad habit I've told my wife numerous times: queueing too many techs (or units) and subsequently not having the resources to produce vills or units, resulting in heavy market use. "Oh I need bracer and the cavalry armor, let's get that now" and suddenly you're down 650 food and can no longer produce vills while there's an expensive tech that's not even being researched yet.
Good point about quick walling and some tactics used by pros. It's easy to watch a pro player and be like, "OH just use this tactic! Oh just do this!" Well... yes, Viper does quick walling... Viper is also like Hera one of the world's best players... that's great you're experimenting with quick walling, but your APM and attention to the game is a small fraction of how good those guys are. From how you explained it Hera, I don't think you're calling at Viper at all. Viper quick walls because he can do that and still keep up an insane APM and attention to detail to not lose major time doing it. The average-decent-good ELO player is not going to come close to that ability. It's always fun to watch pro players and what they do to get good... but you gotta realize a LARGE majority of people (talking like the 99.99% kind of thing) are never going to be good enough to pull off those level of plays. Yes you can still be a VERY good player... but getting to the pro scene is a different thing. And in before someone says, "Well this isn't athletic sports, this is a mind thing" Go jump in Nascar (generally don't have to be super in shape) or a racecar and keep up with those guys (all a mental thing). Not happening.
My guy, you also have bad habit of putting farms perfectly around folwarks. Those have 4 tiles radius from the edges (farm can be 1 tile away) I have noticed it and wanted to let you know 🙂
Love the fact that the editor of the video just put footage of amazing hera quickwalls at #3 to undermine the message 11
About the Boar lure: sadly there are many instances in which you shoot the boar once, move the vill away too fast, or the boar takes a weird path and then loses aggro regardless 11 so I always shoot twice to be extra sure
This. One shot leads to wildly inconsistent lures on some maps.
Happens to me like EVERYTIME
Twice means I ALWAYS get the boar. Consistency is great.
Shoot once, wait a quarter of a second, then run.
You have to move when the arrow hits, not when it is still in the air, otherwise, when it hits the boar, it no longer sees you.
For most levels of players, I think floating wood in feudal age is just as big of a problem as floating gold in castle.
You need the wood to quickwall, everything comes together
i am so guilty of this
Yeah you should never have more than 1k wood. Unless you’re on the way up because you need that for TCs, farms, university, ect
@@FacloFormerFavoriteHoarding 1k wood *before* clicking up to castle age would be an actual disaster. That's incredibly wasteful usage of villager time. I admit that I will often have too many lumberjacks for a while after booming, but that is much less bad than delaying castle age time by a full minute or so to hoard wood.
5:12 I think a better comparison is like trying to make a cake. Quick walling is like the frosting on top, but if you don't have the bottom layers down, it doesn't really matter too much.
But frosting is the best part... literally the only reason to eat the case IMO :)
@@pacificsalmon1504 good point lol
@@pacificsalmon1504 disagree with both of you. I think quick walling is like the cream on top, definitely tastier than frosting... i can just spray that creamin my mouth directly all day!
The boar issue is also being putpetuated by the early eco tutorial in DE. It tells you the vil needs to shoot the boar twice to secure the lure.
That's exactly the reason why I shoot it twice, surely I'm not the only one 🤣
I think my worst bad habit in pvp AoE2 is related to anxiety. Everytime I boot up the game, I go grab a glass of water, and when I come back I always realise I kinda want to play a less stressful game, so I do just that.
definitely relatable antoine - same situation happened to me a couple of handful times
also if you occasionally win a game u rather want to keep that vibe and close aoe, instead of risking to lose your next game x)
@@182greendayfan Yeah very true, after winning any kind of pvp game I don't want to risk having to end my gaming session with frustration so no matter the game I usually stop as soon as I win one game ^^
Always worth getting more comfortable in the game with low stakes / for fun gameplay if you want to play it more or get into 1v1 but are stressing about it. Would help eliviate the midset of stress or fear of losing, if you get to a point where playing is more fun/chill then stressful. Ranked anxiety is real, and if you can't just "not care" about losing its worth playing around with custom scenarios, team play (friends?), and AI shenanigans.
I swear Hera is getting even better and better at making content.
His ability to communicate, speak, his energy output, everything.
This man is an AOE2 content king. 🙏
NO! I will keep quickwalling at 1100 elo at my demise, that's not negotiable 11
I know the boar thing is right, but I swear there are times where the boar immediately stops following me right after the first hit, and I have to hit it again. I have no idea why it happens, it feels like a bug.
having the same, boar doesnt follow after hitting only once from time to time
Yes, Hera forgot to mention this. I think the best way is to hit it once and wait 1 second and before the vill goes for the second shot, you go to TC.
If you move the vil immediately after it shoots, and the boar loses LOS of the vil, it won't chase. I've done this a bit to chip down the boar before bringing it in to the TC. I've no idea if this is a good plan, but I find it entertaining.
Yeah, I have actually just recently sometimes started to hit it twice when I feel I have the time/can risk the HP just no to realize to late boar is not following. I wonder if it may be the we move out of its LOS or something to quickly. Do we need to stay the proximity of the boar for just a tad longer before clicking back (after shooting once)?
@@davidogbg Yeah vils can range the boar from just barely inside its LOS (they have the same range as the boar's LOS), so if you turn back immediately after firing the first arrow, it's likely the boar will lose sight of the vil and lose interest, unless there's a hawk overhead or something.
Thank you for bringing up number 2 Hera, lost so many games lately building a few extra houses in post imp with 1 vill. Would’ve won if that guy had of been gathering and I had the extra 75 wood
"Noone juggles for an hour staight".
Hera: A bad habit is to continue building houses after reaching 200 pop
Meanwhile me: *Gets housed at 15 pop*
Not sure about the houses one. I've been in situations where I have stopped at 200 pop, lost some forward base (especially castles) and found myself get pop capped at 150 again, which steamrolls into no production/army on the field to stop the push!
Building houses a bit beyond 200 pop is actually intentional, at least for me. I HATE losing a castle and suddenly being houses because I was at exactly 200/200
Hera: players quickwall too much
the editor: I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that
5:16 the rare time villagers beat knights
5:38 sometimes its useful to build extra houses in case youre being sieged at some base and you will loose that 200 population capacity very quick, so to be prepared.
it happened to me once time some dude destroyed my castles
apparently ive been shooting the boar twice for the past 4 years unnecessarily. lol
Was a feature in the original game yeah :-) hard for long time players to break out of
Man, gold in the midgame is my curse
Playing the remade AOE1, Return of Rome, helped me do a better job not going crazy on gold too early. With that game there is no reason to mine gold before you start to research Bronze Age, which is the equivalent of Castle Age.
You hit the boar twice out of habit.
I hit the boar twice to establish dominance.
We are not the same.
I sometimes shoot the boar twice, because of the freaking LOS the boar is stopping chasing my vil
I think houses are almost always worth just making
It gives you small vision on the map, it’s good for walling in safe villagers if they’re forward or even at home base, and of course as the video says you could lose some in a push and get housed
25 wood in later castle age and definitely imperial is not that bad of an investment
Yeah, sometimes I make houses instead of outposts, that works nice-ish if you have the LOS upgrades for your buildings
@@Krecikdwamiljony agreed, but LOS upgrades is basically required if you’re using the houses like that
I often HAVE TO hit the boar twice in order to get "aggro".
1300 ELO here. #1 is definitely something that makes me lose games a lot. For me this is connected with #5. I often lose to 1 TC all-ins with my 3k total resources and 3-TC boom. I sometimes just forget to build military. I resign, and see that I had 20 more vils and collected way more resources. #2 Often happens to me as well. So much so that I stopped doing MAA rush as it costs me too many games. #3 is as funny as hell :). But doesn't apply to me as I am too slow to even attempt it. I usually prebuild my "slowwalls" whenever I scout or suspect that I am up against scouts. No issues with #2, I am usually getting housed, not overbuliding houses.
Tunnelvision on team maps when you got alerts while you attack but its from another place like your base
Worst habit is to send a villager to lure the boar and forget about him xd
I will also say for unit que, I see a ton of players (including myself) que up minutes of production in buildings all at once then wait to gather resources for a new upgrade. So delaying an eco upgrade for like 15 seconds to collect enough food while also having 6 vills in que. Or clicking imperial in a TC behind 4 vills, crossbow for your 15 archers but waiting for 3 more to produce first, then taking losses on that mass because the upgrade wasn't in.
Obviously its a tough thing to manage, but it can lead to big problems for no reason when unmanaged
Actually getting housed man! How did you miss this?!
This is half the reason I use my beloved Inca's 😜
i definitely am guilty of 1,2,4 and 5. and the reason why im not guilty of 3 is because i dont quickwall. i know i have slow hands so i just dont even bother. but the rest of them man im guilty of them, even the boar one. old habits en effet dies hard and shooting the boar twice just feels safer to lure as well too, cause you know its a guarantee that the boar will be lured successfully if you shoot it twice.
Meanwhile, I struggle keeping up my game plan in Castle Age and don’t know wtf to spend my resources on.
Great video! Might I recommend/request a video on the ideal late game eco comp? I often struggle and second guess myself with balancing the amount of vills on wood, food, and gold.
I've grown to always hit the boar twice. When I try once, sometimes it'll lose track of me and go back.
1 - Producing things - I love the select-all X building hotkey, then I can produce without looking away from my precious units that I know will be all dead as soon as I leave them be
I did not realize we only have to shoot the boar once now. Thanks for the tio!
Well, I feel better now as I have always been afraid of quick walling as I don't feel I can think fast enough to make it work while doing everything else.
I think one of the greatest 'bad habits' is not being able to maintain these in later ages. I spectate, I see high ranked players all the time with solid ecos, multitasking, micro, base layout, etc, but the moment Imperial rolls around, it all falls apart. Houses that could have been walls are strewn everywhere, the eco dies from two Hussar getting in, said two Hussar die to a random Halb that was on aggressive stance and shouldn't even be there, Horse Collar was forgotten, a Treb gets built and strolls right into the enemy army, etc. These are minimum 1800 players, sometimes 2k, and this keeps happening.
I’m trying to learn how to play AoE2:DE after finding your guides. Gg’s love the knowledge trying to get the priorities and control down
oh shit, I didn't realise it was changed to one hit on the boar :o
6:20 "Let's be honest, we are just forgetting..." No. It has always been a conscious decision for me to build extra houses. Never just forgetting.
I'm just used to these FFAs with friends were you get almost wiped but then entirely rebuild and actually come back and that's much easier if you had a ton of houses to begin with, either to produce new villagers faster or just so it takes longer to raze your city. Also yeah, losing a forward castle and suddently being at 180 would be terrible.
One of the best bad habits they have at least in my ladder (800~900) is once I start talking with them they stop attacking me and I can chill and do my eco because I just start doing military buildings at imp XD
you should cast one of my games you would pull your hair out with what happens the game is on fire and I'm like: yo, do u play osrs?
Hey awesome video. I really liked the stance one. Would you mi d making one more focused on how yo use stances in micro. For archer cav and maybe infantry
As someone who started playing this year and only recently discovered the Art of War campaign, they still tell you to shoot boars twice for lure. So if you’re blaming anyone for that still being a thing, I’d say just throw it at the DE tutorial.
V much love the juggling analogy 😂
I actually started hitting the boar twice again with the new pathing because the boar kept running back too often. By hitting twice its closer to my villager and doesnt go back as often because of bad pathing. Man, I cant wait till the pathing gets fixed.
What the editor is doing to that poor boar is an absolute crime
I had 50 bad habits that I'm aware of.
After watching this, now I have 55 bad habits that I'm aware of
Watch the stand-ground stuff as even if you had a horde killing your friend Bartholomew right beside you... You won't lift a finger to help him, only if you your-self are attacked will you fight back so you'll keep giving the first hit to the enemy. This is more if they're countring your attack with defences such as other melee units such as spears.
Sometimes I hit the boar 5 or 6 times and then send a new villager :)
I'd say something like 80% of the time, if I hit a boar once with an arrow and run, it runs back instead of following the villager - hard to count it as a bad habit when one shot lure fails so often.
So many people's eyes narrowed in suspicion at the boar tip haha
You don't necessarily have to shoot it twice though, just wait like half a second after the first shot before clicking back to the TC. I've never had a boar turn back that way, but I've definitely had them turn back when I used to click back immediately after firing the first arrow.
to make it sure, hit it 1.5 times
It's because you run too quickly and your vill leaves boar's line of sight! Boar deaggros because the vill is too far away. Not a bug.
Ok so just shoot once then wait a little tiny bit of time, only approximately the time it takes to shoot a second arrow, and you'll be golden! Such pro efficiency, it makes such a difference from actually shooting that arrow lolol
Yes, I still hit the boar 2 times! :D
back in voobly i had bad habit of hitting boar once. it has become a good habit now. 11
Great video Hera! Can you talk about sending a villager with loom with the scout at the very beggining of the match in arena? I think is a very bad habbit because i see that too often and im tired of taking advantage only by not doing that 😂
#5 and #1 are my top mistakes! been at 1250 elo for a while now, i guess fixing that would help
Also, someone took the advice of shooting the boar once too literally 😂😂
I’ve seen a ton of pros ignore deer close to extra TCs in early castle age, why is this? I mean it’s free fast food in a time of strained eco, it’s gotta be worth the tiny amount of macro and risk?
I'm definitively guilty of double shot luring boars! Thanks Hera!
I think people forget that quick walling also costs a little bit of wood or stone. If all you do is trap one or two enemy units and it costs you 75 wood (3 houses) and then you can't build a blacksmith or something then it's no value at all.
I know that T90 definitely talks about boar luring like hitting them twice is a thing
hera, make a new tierlist please, the last patch somewhat change all the meta
gonna be honest, i usually don't have struggle with floating with gold, wood on the other hand
I do most of those most of the time. Except quick walls. I have had the reflexes to even attempt them.
For #5, days have an issue where when I try to select and building then quickly hit the hot key to make a unit, the unit hotkey won’t work. It’s like I hit the unit hotkey on the wrong frame and it just gets lost or WORSE I’ll have my tc selected but somehow the patrol command is active while I have tc selected. It’s really weird. So if I try to, with archers, shoot then build a unit then shoot again without missing time between shots, I just end up dropping commands or patrolling a tc. Anybody else have this issue?
yep, every single time I hear the annoying sound of being fully popped I automatically make a house. I always realize Im at 200 once its built 11
Lmao @ number 4, I think the bad habit is far more likely to be not making excess houses, but getting housed instead.
Damn I didn't know they changed the boar hit to one
I usually am housed rather than having too many, and i float to much gold all the time because it seems like an easy way to rally new villagers to get them working but i never remember to get them off gold to whatever I'm short on, USUALLY FARMS. (its either that or im rallying them to wood and have no money) lol im chronically under farmed then totally blow it by castle age where i have to by food and then all of a sudden i have like zero resources even though i dont have much idle time.
Rally to wood :) Being out of gold kinda sucks. Being out of wood and everything else grinds to a halt.
TOP5: Still playing Aoe2 despite being a better game called Aoe
Top 4: unnecesarily dividing a community that could be unified by sticking to a futuristic game (aoe 2)
Top 3: still not having bought aoe
top 2 : Egoistically not acknowledging that the original Aoe is far superior in every thinkable way
Top 1: Still choosing between 500 generic af civilizations in AOE2 when you could have 17 super unique and awsome ones in the original AOE
Who elae is here because of twitter?
Found him
I am at 1250 Elo and at this Elo quickwalling makes a HUGE difference, because few people are good at it and my opponents usually don't expect it.
The only good thing that I do, is that I just hit the boar once to lure it to the town center. The rest I usually gets a lot of floating resources and idle TC. 😅😅
Imagine having good pathing like the archers at 3:00 😢
Finally some aoe2 therapy!🙌🏻
I can't break the habit of starting the furthest building in a series and then doing the closer ones. This is because in original game the villager starts work on the last foundation first, whereas modern parking is to walk to the first building and then build in the order clicked.
Yes! My shift queuing is so messed up in general. I always find myself issuing all orders to build shit twice to make sure it's done right.
Wow, I have 4 of the 5 habits. Including quick walling at 850 elo! 11 Thanks Hera for this informative video
Didn't go low elo enough to reveal the real top 5 bad habits. This kind of stuff probably doesn't happen in higher elos, but surely are worse habits than all stated in the video (not in any particular order):
- Researching coinage because is in need of gold.
- Making trade carts/cogs in a 1v1 because the army needs at least one of everything.
- Waiting to build everything and upgrade everything before going up for the next age.
- Waiting to be post-imp to start building military (this was a hard one for me to overcome).
- Forgeting to build houses at all, getting housed and never noticing for a long time because of "microing" somewhere.
- Not producing vills at all (not because attacking, simply because, like, 20~30 is "enough").
- Not hunting boar nor deer at all (I'm not even talking about luring, which is kind of advanced).
- Having especifc roles for male/female vills (I'll only have men farming instead of lumbering if I'm desperate).
- Trying to survive and hide when the game is surely lost.
- Not saying gg after an epic #-hours game out of spite for losing.
Hera, I'm not sure what to do if I'm having too much gold. Can you explain what I need to change? Sometimes I just cannot spend it because I do not have enough of the other resources.
Guilty of all these except the quick wall
The juggling analogy 1111
I actually did not know, that the boar stuff got changed. I thought that was still true.
"If you want to make some fast walls, go play fortnite" Hera pulling no punches
i didn't authorise this documentary on my life
only time i shoot the boar twice is when I'm trying to lure deer at the same time... like yesterday when my vil to a boar cuz i was pushing deer :(
Viper has straight up thrown entire tournaments becauce he just wants to quick wall instead of pre-wall.
Omg thanks hera the boar will stop killing all my vils now :D
I don't hit the boar twice, or three times no, no, no. Sometimes four. I'd say I'm a rebel but it's just pathing.
I am among those people who make too many houses ^^ (even when i notice I am at 200 pop i continue building those with the vil because he is often too far from the rest of the economy and i say to myself if i got destroyed houses I have extra ones ^^
will you ever try/play the new INDIE RTS Stormgate? made by ex-StarCraft devs...
How do you balance floating resources vs saving up for Imp/expensive upgrades, etc?
Rejuggle the economy, if you have a ton of gold but aren't spending massive amounts just grab a handful of vills and put them to wood (or farms), earlier you spot it the btter. If you can afford imp unintentionally, way before your opponent, it means they are utilising their resources better and probably are at least 10-20 vills ahead of you.
Unless you gain some kind of power spike from the early imp (for example treb in a castle stalemate, monk +3 range if heavy on monks, arbalest and you are footing an archer ball), you are probably better off to just get all the eco techs and extra buildings.
You want your economy setup in a way so when you are researching imp, you can keep production going and still afford the elite/line upgrades easily.
My god, I was two-shoting the boars till today...
Making spears in Feudal Age against american civs. What's up with that? Habit? Or is it actually beneficial to have one or a few trash units to tank some of the projectiles or distract?
I've also seen players, even pros, attempting to move their trebs without realizing that they were not packing unless they clicked far enough, or even not realizing that they're sending them to their doom by accident. Just pack and then shift click away and you're going to save so many trebs.
And another bad habit I've told my wife numerous times: queueing too many techs (or units) and subsequently not having the resources to produce vills or units, resulting in heavy market use. "Oh I need bracer and the cavalry armor, let's get that now" and suddenly you're down 650 food and can no longer produce vills while there's an expensive tech that's not even being researched yet.
Quickwalls are fun: I might lose the game but I want to win the fight! XD
Old hotheys/controlling is a Bad Habit for some old games
Good point about quick walling and some tactics used by pros. It's easy to watch a pro player and be like, "OH just use this tactic! Oh just do this!" Well... yes, Viper does quick walling... Viper is also like Hera one of the world's best players... that's great you're experimenting with quick walling, but your APM and attention to the game is a small fraction of how good those guys are.
From how you explained it Hera, I don't think you're calling at Viper at all. Viper quick walls because he can do that and still keep up an insane APM and attention to detail to not lose major time doing it. The average-decent-good ELO player is not going to come close to that ability.
It's always fun to watch pro players and what they do to get good... but you gotta realize a LARGE majority of people (talking like the 99.99% kind of thing) are never going to be good enough to pull off those level of plays. Yes you can still be a VERY good player... but getting to the pro scene is a different thing. And in before someone says, "Well this isn't athletic sports, this is a mind thing" Go jump in Nascar (generally don't have to be super in shape) or a racecar and keep up with those guys (all a mental thing). Not happening.
My guy, you also have bad habit of putting farms perfectly around folwarks. Those have 4 tiles radius from the edges (farm can be 1 tile away)
I have noticed it and wanted to let you know 🙂
I shoot boars twice because almost every guide for AoE2 has a fair amount of years by now
#4 is me Ill lose 12 arch under tc then die to kts in castle
With a population of 200 ok, but in campaigns, with a more limited population, guilty with the houses
I would like to make too many houses instead of hitting pop cap multiple times :D
#5 and #1 are the same thing?
The only mistake I never make is #2, because I never get to 200 pop
Me putting my juggling balls away after this video