What are you doing not listening to your science teacher? But I suppose that the study of science in this way through videos is logical and a way to learn the subject.
Here is the quotation from Charles Darwin that so many people misquote, "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change." "In the struggle for survival, the fittest win out at the expense of their rivals because they succeed in adapting themselves best to their environment."
That's not exactly true. "Survival of the fittest" is not even from Darwin, it is from Herbert Spencer. The fifth edition of the Origin Of Species uses this phrase, however, the earlier versions do not. Here's a direct quote from Chapter 4 in the fifth edition: " "Natural Selection, or the Survival of the Fittest"; of course he is not meaning "fittest" as in physique.
Adapting and evolution definitely do not go hand in hand. It’s about which phenotypes are selectively favored and therefore a far greater number of those alleles are produced increasing the favored allele phenotype.
@@jessieovendale5821 I'm gonna use the bear example from Cosmos: A spacetime oddesy; A bear living in the artic has 2 Cubs, one is brown like her, the other had a mutation which makes him white. The white one is more suitable for the artic environment so it is able to pass on it's genes where the brown one can't get food. Eventually after thousands of years. the entirety of the population is white. It's not really luck, it's whoever is most *Suitable* for their environment. And as Richard Attenborough said "There's one ultimate goal; to pass on their genes"
First time I saw this video, I had to run downstairs and give my little dog a big hug simply for being there. This video struck me with appreciation for the billion-year-long trillion-branched path of chance and annihilation that brought us together in this very moment. Happiness is such a luxury. Thanks melodysheep!
Burger Voss And indeed, this process led to humans developing brains capable of building computers and thus the Internet, which is why I now get to read your comment and you get to read my reply. It's like Dawin (And later, Dawkins) said: There is grandeur in this view of life.
"There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved." -Charles Darwin
Happy 10th anniversary to this video! Still a massive banger. Still quoting "Natural selection: And that, was the key" on the regular. Really bummed out this isn't on spotify though :(
These songs have been following me through my long STEM career journey and even today as a Professional Consultant. It feels like a lost love and all of the sudden, you have the opportunity to meet again. So grateful for this musical advocacy project, you continue to inspire me in many ways.
learning through song and poetry is the best way to learn! the ancients always did it this way, its deep within us to grasp things better in rhyme or verse! its a shame its not done as much these days i think it would make learning more fun and lasting! ive learned a great deal through these songs, even when i was not interested before listening! melodysheep the scientific bard of our times!
+Talons of the Raven Seriously, read some real Evolutionary books etc, don't rely on these videos for education; they're over simplified. They should be more for emotional connection or something.
Deathbyblackhole C'mon man, im not a fool, i realise they are over simplified for musical and etertainment purposes, but it is the spark that this video creates that is what is most important, in my own culture history,mythology and general thoughts and lessons of my nation where carried on from generation to generation through song and verse, and if you want me to read an evolutionary book then my choice would be from the "true" evolutionist Wallace, not Darwin! also as a person who never had much love for modern Scientists as i think most of them are sheep, give me my comment for what it was, just a simple gesture of mirth and respect!
harpyion I have to admit to being moved to tears at the sheer beauty and wonder that we have come to understand. It's humbling, beautiful and awe inspiring to think, just for a moment, that somewhere a star died to give us life. To allow us to question and discover. We are the universe's attempt to understand it's self.
harpyion it really is. Just recently on my personal FB page, I had to lay out exactly what death and mortality means to a person who doesn't believe in God. Obviously I could only speak for myself. Surprisingly...I have gotten absolutely nothing but positive feedback. Even from those that are judgmental of my beliefs. Honestly, I think describing that did more to make them think than any debate on the facts eve could.
1:23 goosebumps everytime at this part. Richard Dawkins, a person who I used to despise, has given me way more emotion with this line (helped of course by melodysheep), than I ever got from religion for 22 years.
Annotated "lyrics" [David Attenborough] How could one species turn into another? ---Lots and lots of clues (of various kinds) indicate that this has happened many, many, many times. How does it happen? The simplest way (and undoubtedly the most common way) is through a population getting split in two by a geographic barrier that persists through many generations. Both of the new populations will experience random genetic changes that eventually must turn them into distinct species. They will no longer be able to interbreed, because their molecular parts don’t fit. If the two populations end up in different sorts of environments (and no two environments are identical) then natural selection should drive the evolution of phenotypic differences. [Richard Dawkins] How is it that we find ourselves surrounded by such complexity, such elegance? ---To address this hard question, the big idea is that information can (accidentally) generate more information - so a complex system can give rise to a more complex system. [Bill Nye, the Science Guy] The genes of you and me, they're all made of DNA! We're all made of the same chemicals - DNA - we're all made of DNA … ---All organisms’ genes are made of DNA, and further: all organisms’ genes work in the same basic way - they are transcribed to mRNA copies, which are translated (using the same rules of the genetic code) to build protein molecules. Most of our human genes are recognizably related to fish genes. Some of our genes (and fishes’ genes) are recognizably related to genes in ALL organisms. [Attenborough] Only the fittest survive - and that is the key: Natural Selection - that is the key... ---In the video it sounds like David Attenborough is saying “only the fishes survive.” Of course everyone has heard of ‘survival of the fittest.’ But what does ‘fittest’ mean? Think of it this way: a creature’s genes produce a phenotype that (more or less) FITS a particular environment - the environment in which Mom and Dad grew up and successfully reproduced. Most of the critters in a population inherit a set of genes that makes them (more or less) fit their environment, and thrive in it. But life is rough, and there’s not enough room for all babies to grow up - most, in fact, die young, killed by parasites and/or predators that make up part of that environment. Every environment naturally selects certain phenotypes that best FIT that environment’s specific challenges and opportunities. [Dawkins] We are surrounded by endless forms most beautiful, most wonderful ... ---Dawkins is borrowing a famous quote from Charles Darwin (the concluding paragraph of Darwin’s book On the Origin of Species). …Evolution - the greatest show on Earth… ---The Greatest Show on Earth is a book by Richard Dawkins, well worth reading. There is grandeur in this view of life ... ---Again Dawkins is quoting from that last paragraph of the Origin of Species. [Attenborough] The history of life can be thought of as a many-branched tree ... ---It is highly recommended to devote five minutes to this Wikipedia article on the Tree of Life. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_of_life_(biology) The five kingdoms of life were established early on: Bacteria - Protists (amoeba-like creatures) - Fungi - Plants - and Animals … ---Actually, the first animals and plants do not appear in the fossil record until quite recently: animals about 560 million years ago, and plants less than 500 million years ago. [Dawkins] We find ourselves perched on one tiny twig in the midst of a blossoming tree of life … ---en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_of_life_(biology)#/media/File:A_Novel_Representation_Of_The_Tree_Of_Life.png The first figure in that Wikipedia article maps the genetic distances between all known kinds of today’s living creatures. Branch lengths are proportional to genetic difference. Humans are not labeled on this tree because our twig is WAY too tiny. Humans (and all other animals) are included in the bough labeled ‘Opisthokonta’ at lower right - shaded green, along with all other Eukaryotes. Animals are just one sub-bough of Opisthokonta, which also includes fungi and slime molds. We are surrounded by millions of other species - walking, flying, burrowing, stalking, chasing, fleeing, outpacing... ---but most of them swimming, or creeping, or oozing, or floating, or just sticking. Most are single-celled organisms. See that Tree of Life. [Attenborough] Animals strive to reach this one ultimate goal: to ensure the survival of the next generation. This one ultimate goal: to pass on their genes - that is what life is all about... ---More precisely: individual animals, plants, and all creatures behave in ways that maximize their health, survival, and reproduction. From a biological perspective, life seems to be all about living. [Dawkins] As we look back on the history of life, we see a picture of never ending, ever rejuvenating novelty … ---Except that some creatures seem to have changed very little over millions (and millions) of years. The bacteria in today’s soil follow very much the same lifestyle as their ancestors did a billion years ago. Meanwhile, single-celled opisthokonts gave rise to all the fungi, slime molds, and animals, including us. [Attenborough] Those animals may seem to us to be very remote, strange, even fantastic - but all of us alive today owe our very existence to them. ---To our ancestors, that is, and to their contemporaries, since the beginning of life. And to our contemporaries today - all the bacteria and plants and animals and other creatures that maintain the economy of the Biosphere.
Im just sitting here and learning for my last biology exam I´ll write in 6 hours, the topic is evolution and this song just gave me such a motivation boost! :D Keep up your work guys, you are great!
As a Christian who has no problem with the concept of evolution, I was really moved by the "tree of life" line. Not trying to start an argument, I just thought it was really beautiful and profound.
David J. McGee I never understood Christians who believe in evolution. You're just nitpicking the bible. Either believe in it or denounce your faith. You're obviously not really a Christian. Why call yourself something you're not? Not trying to sound rude... Just generally interested.
NizzBomb69 I don't think being a Christian requires believing in a literal six days of creation. For one thing, we mark days by the position of the earth relative to the sun, but according to Genesis, God didn't create the sun until the fourth day, so the three days prior to it must have been measured by some other standard. For another thing, those six days were entirely from God's perspective, and God doesn't experience time the way we do. Psalm 90:4 says "For a thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night" and 2nd Peter 3:8 says "With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day." The reason for that is that God, having created time, isn't stuck in it the way we are; he stands outside of it the way an author stands outside of the timeline of his story, so he can spend as long as he wants on any particular part or go back and forth in it; our past, present, and future are his perpetual NOW. So those six "days" were actually probably a lot longer--in fact, probably just long enough for evolution to happen (or rather, to be overseen and guided), meaning that a more literal, precise account of the creation story would render them simply "six periods of time." But remember, the first five books of the Bible, the Pentateuch--Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy--were, according to Judeo-Christian tradition, written under divine revelation by Moses, a primitive man who lived thousands and thousands of years ago, and God gave him what he would be able to understand.
+David J. McGee Just my opinion on your reply: You come up with a lots of "ifs" and "I thinks" with nothing to back it up. (You and I have absolutely no knowledge about god. Justifying your worldview by making up facts about such a creature is questionable at least: for example, stating how it experiences time- how would you know? How do you know how he created anything? The Genesis story is obviously contradicted by every part of modern science) Which you can do I guess, it just sounds like you are really trying to cling on too any shred of hope to keep your faith. Plus you don't address the issue at hand. The problem with the creation story isn't the time span. It is 1, using magic to explain stuff, 2, being incoherent with the teachings of christianity. Let me elaborate. What is one of the most core teachings of christianity? Original sin. How is it solved? With Jesus. (a very, if not the most important part of christian dogma). Now, if the creation story isn't true regarding humans (and as evolution shows, it isn't), then there is no original sin. Undermining the most basic doctrines of the religion. That is the problem with the creation story.
Why do people find it hard to accept the possibility that the universe has no creator,yet it's easy for them to assume that God exists eternally and has no creator? Answer:Simplifying reality is easy.Questioning reality is hard and sometimes painful.
It gets complicated if you ask who or what created a supreme being (a god) as that intelligence must have had a creator itself and as far as I see has no end to it.
The fittest doesn't actually mean the strongest or most able. It means which organism can better adapt to its environment has a higher chance of survival.
"DNA We're all made of DNA We're all made of the same chemicals " -Bill Nye man that part really gives me the feels/chills Melodysheep thank you for all you do, I've been a fan for a little over 2 years now I am going to buy the Collectors Download
Melodysheep, you have literally changed my life for the far better. Your videos have awoken within me a thirst for knowledge, as well as a renewed pride in humanity. You are a hero almost on par with Mr. Rogers. Thank you.
Greetings, Melody Sheep. I noticed a mistranslation in the Portuguese subtitles. Where it is read "Apenas os mais fortes sobrevivem" (translation for: "Only the fittest survive"), the correct translation would be "Apenas os mais adaptados sobrevivem". Thank you for the patience and appreciation. Love your videos :) Have a splendid week ;)
Awesome!!! How do you convey a spiritual experience? Idk. I'm an atheist and i think melodysheep has made a wonderful example how a beautiful piece of art can show just how incredible life and evolution is.
I go to a Jewish day school and my grade is mainly aethiest. We always argue with the rabbis about creation and stuff and sometimes their answers are so stupid. How do you explain the dinosaurs? Well god a world before us but it failed and he left behind the fossils. Well I thought God was perfect. Well...
+oliver holybee You make a valid point yet by "name calling" divides us in a time when we need to come together in our thoughts though our heart and not our ego.
Whilst I am an atheist, I am of the opinion that when it comes to religion people should be left to their own beliefs- the incredibly devout, such as priests, rabbis and religious teachers, will never be brought around to the irreligious point of view. As long as neither side does any harm, it is best if we just left each other alone.
"We have no real need to evolve" and yet, lo and behold, we are still doing it. We have no reason to stop, because as intelligent as we consider ourselves to be, and increasingly so, nature is still our teacher and the universe knows best.
Just a side note but "Only the fittest survive" only applies when a population is not in hardy-weinberg equilibrium, if a population is in hardy-weinberg equilibrium they consequently do not evolve. Also while natural selection is an important process for the evolution of species, it is not the only process that leads to evolution, processes like sexual selection, meiotic drive, mutations, genetic drift and gene flow(or the lack thereoff) also greatly contribute to genetic diversity and thus evolution.
+jacco bosman Translation into English from the language of pointless pretentiousness: if the environment allows it, a species can end up looking the same for a long time. There are also other factors in evolution than just natural selection.
+Lotrofan Well, no practical population is in hardy-weinberg, it's a largely hypothetical position used for comparison. In nature, no population -say- has infinite resources or infinite population etc.
+Lotrfan What you obviously don't understand is that everything has to be naturally (or sexually) selected for it to become dominant in the gene pool. That is why the theory is called natural selection.
Not necessarily--the scale of the selection merely changes. For example, societies with medicine survive better than societies that rely on shamans; populations with immunity to smallpox survive better than those without it; the list goes on...
Case I Christians: My god can walk on the oceans and turn water into wine. He also made humans out of dirt Atheists: Prove it Christians: Prove that he didn't. Atheists: FACE-PALM Case II Christians: My god can walk on the oceans and turn water into wine. He also made humans out of dirt Atheists: Prove it Christians: In Exodus chapter 3 of the bible, god said ...... Atheists: FACE-PALM
Hey man I hope your having a good day! Cool video clip hey have you herd the Justin B endorsing God with another rapper? Ugh ppl are flocking to it....
I'm so tired of all the religious bullshit. Absolutely loved the vid, Richard Dawkins and Attenborough are both great persons. Glory to all scientists all over the world!
A bit late here, but I couldn't agree more, to say that we without god cannot have a basis of love, beauty, art or music is mistaken...our understanding is constantly growing changing, and evolving while the theologically minded would complain that the laws from 2000 years ago be upheld for their faith on their phones which is only permitted to exist that to the advances that science permits. In this sense we have a much more varied and exceeding sense of beauty, because we admire what was and what is, but we are beyond excited to see what Is to be... I wonder how science will evolve, will the scientific method persist as is or will it refine itself further until it evolves into something unrecognizable much like philosophy did to religion and as science has done to them both, the child of philosophy and grandchild to religion will surely birth something that makes our modern technological marvels look like primitive sparklers, casting long shadows onto the caves walls as humanities intrigue and creativity strives ever onward toward ever greater advances and insights on the reality of nature... personally... I can hardly wait
Sounds like your religion is following hawking and bs science. That anyone would believe that we jumped many species before turning into humans is insane and true brainwashing! Even your beloved scientists are turning to aliens now!!
And that is exactly the reason, why i am a non-believer! I could never find better words to describe it. As someone who loves to learn new things, it's the sheer endlessness of things to learn about. I am currently making my way into the fish keeping hobby, and i spend pretty much every evening searching up some incredably niche species, and let me tell you, there is SO MUCH to explore, in this one hobby alone. And it is only one single hobby among so many things, that one can dedicate their whole life to. It is just breathtaking, how much there is out there, don't even get me started on astronomy! My life may be a bit of a mess right now, but the beauty of reality fills me whit such a joy, i wouldn't lie, if i say, that this is, what keeps me going.
These videos just bring tears to my eyes! The world and universe truly is a magnificent place with so much inspiration to want to do something good for mankind!
houndazs However satisfying it is to call people names for disagreeing with you, I try to avoid going down that road. The standard for academic debate is to attack the ideas not the person, and let the audience draw their own conclusions. It's a good standard.
I would say that passing on genes is not always the goal...but sometimes passing on ideas as well or instead of DNA is just as profitable. The sharing of information, however minor so another in the species learns it is a very important characteristic of evolution too.
Said information is within the genes, how else do you think most animals have these innate senses, these "Darwinian compasses" if you will, it's not really the passing of ideas, they're not sharing ideas like Humans are. information is stored in genes. You'll notice most animals only work off of their innate natural instincts. "Darwinian instincts" if you wish, or "Darwinian past" and also "Darwinian history" these terms can be used in different settings as well.
The Anti-Theist Yes, Chimps do share ideas. One Chimp washes his fruit in the water. A new idea. Others watch him and copy him. Orangutans copy human behavior, like rowing boats in Indonesia. The entire group then conforms if the idea is liked or the user is dominate.. The difference is with humans, we have the capacity to not only effect our local group, but we can effect our entire species with the idea. So, good ideas and bad ideas become a huge thing. We have the ability to write the idea and so later generations even benefit. My cat will not know how to use the hole under the fence for awhile. He then sees another cat use it and learns how to use it. He used the other cat's idea. All animals share ideas. The problem is that they cannot transfer this information in a permanent way to others in their species on a mass scale. Only their local group will benefit from it an d their family. Notice I didn't say innate instincts were not passed on, I said in addition too. They are not the only things passed on.
Ami Blackwelder Oh, I see, sorry, we were on completely different wave lengths. Very well. My main point was, other animals are not like us, so it's simply not the same thing. Well, I'd call that something along the lines of one's own capability to adapt to the environment better than another and in terms of natural selection, the better adapted one is the one which lives, the others dies; thus it does not pass on ideas in the way you just expressed with your Cat story. but rather the one whom lives, passes such on via its genes, which is where information is stores as I said before. But I see your point and as I said, we were just on different wave lengths with regards to this conversation. However, with regards to Humans; I would indeed say passing on ideas or rather, leaving ideas behind, is one of the most important things one can do. It's our duty if you will; for us to leave a mark on the world, learn as much as we can; pass it on and try our very best to leave the world in a better state than in which we found it.
The Anti-Theist Well, an idea and adaptation are different things actually. I can have an idea or use another's idea, but I may not adapt it well to my environment. On the contrary, an individual might not have any ideas, but be very adaptable at following and copying and being strong enough to survive. Surviving and creativity are not the same. Some individuals of a species are more creative than others in that species. This is the same with all animals, including humans. Other animals *are like* us in many many ways. Mammals and birds all have emotions and thoughts. Many problem solve in similar ways and raise families, and socialize and learn new traits. Their culture evolves too. Some of the biggest differences are just hat humans can plan for the *future*. We might be the only animal to do that, and humans can *write* Our ability to transcribe information is what makes us unique and dangerous. When everyone can use plastic because of a few smart individuals in our species, but the vast majority have no clue about the implications and ramifications the idea can become very dangerous. Reptiles and Amphibians, while likely having very simplistic emotions and thoughts, do have a primitive sense of these things. Fish likely don't possess emotions in my opinion, but they still have 'families'. While it s true the 'fittest' survives,* ideas* like information are shared in the immediate group. So, while *some* of the species might get killed by a lion per se, *many of that group will survive and so the idea will persists.* The culture will change some and evolve some little by little. This is why some Bonobo groups can be found doing very interesting things with trees and shrubs almost like they are building homes....well getting there in time. For example, even with birds. Some learned to carry rocks to crush their nuts and many in the groups learned that and that idea carries onward. This behavior was not a certainty from the get go, it was something that progressed and evolved in their culture per se. The cat situation is the exact same thing. An idea was seen and learned. Now every time my cat does this, other cats watching him will kern from him. They will all learn from each other. The idea will continue. The only way it will die, is if all who know how to do this die. Otherwise, local groups will continue to learn this.
Ami Blackwelder Well, in that case, ideas mean nothing if the one with them will die anyway, it won't get passed on anyway, if that's the case. As I said, natural selection works far more differently than Humans. That is incorrect; ants, work altogether rather wonderfully, there is no ant in the corner trying to think of some of his own ideas, and turtles for example; wonderful creatures, which have innate senses and knowledge; compasses etc which was within my former message I believe. It's simply completely different for most animals. I disagree to the premise of your other statements, however, that is true, that's why we're Human, we are different, we're the most complex beings in the universe and we have free will, or as Hitchens would put it "We have free will, because we don't have a choice" Some animals are very far from this, they work on simple innate instincts which I also spoke about, Some will go pick up some food, bring it back, take it down to the bottom of its hole, then move out; if you move the food, it will move it to the spot where it first put it, over and over again, because it forgot, it just doesn't have the brain power, the capability, I feel you're viewing animals are too closely to ourselves. Most animals are not like the animal modern-human. We must be on the same page for all I know, well at least, we're on the same chapter maybe I'm just not calling it "ideas" like yourself, well at least, I'm not sure they would be viewed as "ideas" like our "ideas". But with any case, I feel we've both put forward our points of views enough, please start a new topic. Good write ups though. :)
1:00 take that jesus! If we're all children of god, what makes jesus so special? The stars died billions of years to form the molecules youre made of, so forget about jesus.
jason sumburg The begin and the end are illusions. Nobody created God and there is no end. The things just exist and change for eternity. The end is actually a new begining. Our mind, I mean, our human mind can't think that way, so, we must to find a begin and a end for everything. But what we think just exist to ourselves (in our mind). ^^
Eduardo Amaro what u said actually contradicts yourself.........but you're definition of science is wrong........yes we do give relative reasons for why things are.....but some reasons are more accurate than others.....and when you're able to prove those things....it becomes science....science knows that it doesn't know everything.....but we rely on the things that we do to advance to the 'later answers'........
I AM not talking about science. I AM talking about how can't we understand everything without a begin and a end. Science is also a human creation, like god, by ThE way.
Eduardo Amaro when u talk about a beginning and an end....trust science has a part in it........so far our best interpretation is the big bang theory.......it's not perfectly accurate....nor do we have all the facts......but we don't at least say that we see something when we don't...we don't rely on hypothesis......see...i'll make it clear for u........imagine two people entering a dark room........the scientist says that the room is dark and therefore we cannot see what's inside.....so it may have something...or it may not at all....but we don't say it does until we have evidence........while a believer says that he/she is completely sure that there is something there......even though the person can't prove it nor did they see it......so until u prove yourself.....you're words of wisdom don't mean shit
You must to know that what we see and we think are an interpretation Of our brain. Even ThE reality. Even God. Everything. Illusions, forms Of perception. You gave a definition for what is science. I AM not talking about this.
Happy Darwin day. Thank you for taking the "the religious experience" out of the churches and back into a grander deeper understanding of the natural world.
1972badass No, it means we can adapt to be the fittest in that environment. Because, what if we enter a new Ice Age? Most animals would die off altogether or evolve as best they can. But we would just start wearing more clothes and using fire.
1972badass But we wouldn't have too. "only the fittest survive" is actually counter-intuitive to evolution, as when something happens adapting is a necessity, and you are also no longer the fittest.
well it seems we are stuck on the word fittest if we are in a constantly changing world and can adapt quicker than other species because of our intellect than we are the fittest to survive
Evolution is a very vague subject, yet so complex. The curriculum for life is: birth, reproduce and death. The adaptation of the Homo Sapiens goes back to the balangoda man and further. We are an insignificant threat as we only act as cannibalistic forms of life. We have an awesome and incredible means of intelligence and statements in life. Our existence must mean something more than an unblemished chance, we are the beings of a power upon a higher power. We are the very photosynthesis of the world, as we are the children of God.
+Vincent Tracey No, you're misunderstanding the point. I'm saying that did evolve because there have been multiple human skeletons found but different from ours. I am Christian and there are multiple things to back it up. The relationship with the moon and the earth. Atheists say that the moon crashed into Earth and the moon weighs 73 1/2 QUINTILLION METRIC TONNES while Earth weighs 5.972 SEXTILLION METRIC TONNES. So, divide that equally by the age of the Earth and moon and you get mass destruction of Earth. You're welcome.
+JobeiWanKenobi ! You've just told me two facts, that there were other humans and that early Earth involved two relatively equal planets colliding later producing Earth and the moon. That still doesn't back your claim about god.
+Vincent Tracey Ah, well as a Christian we are told one thing, in Jerusalem on the 25th of Dec there are crying noises at the location of where Jesus was born. Look it up. Oh an look up St. Anslem's Ontological argument. Only then will you understand.
+JobeiWanKenobi ! While I cannot verify for sure that people actually hear crying when they are at the apparent birthplace and birthday of a supposed messiah, I can suggest that you find a better argument than the ontological argument. Simply because some people believe that something exists without fully investigating it's plausability is very much the same kind of thinking that gave rise to the idea that the Earth is the centre of everything, the Earth is flat and if you sail out too far you will fall off. These arguments provide no support that there is a god.
God is a short cut answer for the simple men who have no time nor capacity to ponder the wonders of existence. The word in itself is empty as our cognitive capacity works the best with associations. With what do you assocaiate with the word "god"? The religious minds associate everything they are ignorant of with god, that the very name itself became dogmatic and backward. Reality is that such a complex being cannot be defined before we define everything else. Unless we figure out a theory for everything, we cannot scientifically rule out what this thing is. No one has even the slightest idea of what is going on and how it is related to their father figure called "god". This is clearly a deception. Maybe the ancient Hebrews did the best as they forbid this name.
What you say is totally an oversimplification. Different cultures associate supernatural influance to things that they completly understand in naturalistic sense. We can see it in modern everyday lives of religious people like someone beliving that they pass the exam with God's help. It's not about that people do not know how things work but rather why it is like this, they give primal meaning to universe. And they are fully rational - nature as whole is unitelligent and insentient and yet it has order, certain laws - physical, chemical, biological, mathematics etc. that are rational and purposeful. Even existance of everything contingent lead us to the deduction of Necessary Source of it all. Also the strong beliefs in supernatural must lead us to the conclusion of Pra-Revalation. It can't be fully explained otherwise. It most likely influenced concepts of sacrum and profanum and making contact with the other side. So the nature of religion tells us of Truth behind it all that was woven in different directions by human imagination. Humans are naturally religious. Mircea Eliade, famous anthropologist, called us (very truthfully) "Homo Religiosus". Second thing is that there are religions that do not ofer nice things in afterlife. Hindu have concept of neverending sorrowfull Samsara, the Jews have abyss of Sheol, Christianity has of course Hell, Greeks had sad and boring Hades. Some religions even do not have concept of afterlife like famous Pirahã tribe examined by Everret (they have ideas of supernatural and sacred space though). So explaining religiousness by fear of death is also totally unaccaptable. God bless You! ✝️
Every time I get stressed out about my science classes, I listen to this. It renews my love for universe.
Jenny von Henkelmann me too! Sometimes science class can be overwhelming but it is worth it and I never ever regret what I've chosen.
What are you doing not listening to your science teacher? But I suppose that the study of science in this way through videos is logical and a way to learn the subject.
What science classes are you taking? I’m taking math and science at CALC here in Toronto, Ontario; Canada.
A lot has happened since I dropped high school and left scientific fields. Why exactly can I not take all academic courses?
Here is the quotation from Charles Darwin that so many people misquote,
"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change."
"In the struggle for survival, the fittest win out at the expense of their rivals because they succeed in adapting themselves best to their environment."
+Anthony Starfield Yeah, I hate the "survival of the fittest" phrase.
That's not exactly true. "Survival of the fittest" is not even from Darwin, it is from Herbert Spencer. The fifth edition of the Origin Of Species uses this phrase, however, the earlier versions do not. Here's a direct quote from Chapter 4 in the fifth edition: " "Natural Selection, or the Survival of the Fittest"; of course he is not meaning "fittest" as in physique.
Adapting and evolution definitely do not go hand in hand. It’s about which phenotypes are selectively favored and therefore a far greater number of those alleles are produced increasing the favored allele phenotype.
So basically which species get ridiculously lucky.
@@jessieovendale5821 I'm gonna use the bear example from Cosmos: A spacetime oddesy; A bear living in the artic has 2 Cubs, one is brown like her, the other had a mutation which makes him white. The white one is more suitable for the artic environment so it is able to pass on it's genes where the brown one can't get food. Eventually after thousands of years. the entirety of the population is white. It's not really luck, it's whoever is most *Suitable* for their environment. And as Richard Attenborough said "There's one ultimate goal; to pass on their genes"
First time I saw this video, I had to run downstairs and give my little dog a big hug simply for being there. This video struck me with appreciation for the billion-year-long trillion-branched path of chance and annihilation that brought us together in this very moment. Happiness is such a luxury. Thanks melodysheep!
Burger Voss And indeed, this process led to humans developing brains capable of building computers and thus the Internet, which is why I now get to read your comment and you get to read my reply. It's like Dawin (And later, Dawkins) said: There is grandeur in this view of life.
"Walking, flying, burrowing, stalking, chasing, fleeing, Outpacing"
Wow! What a scholarly man!
This was oddly motivating... I feel inspired to start evolving or something
+Ima Secret This made me chuckle. What less constructive type of motivation could there possibly be? Haha.
+Ima Secret Sure thing.
you fool almost made me spit out my tea, that was hilarious.
you a pokemon or something?
You can’t just evolve it takes generations and millions of years
(I know it’s a joke)
"Only the fittest survive, that is the key. Natural selection, that - is the key."
Hauntingly beautiful
Art + Science = WONDER
1:23 that line makes you realise that we humans are not as special as we think. We're just another branch in the tree of life
Love how on captions it tells you who’s talking, very nice touch.
"There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved."
-Charles Darwin
Happy 10th anniversary to this video!
Still a massive banger. Still quoting "Natural selection: And that, was the key" on the regular.
Really bummed out this isn't on spotify though :(
These songs have been following me through my long STEM career journey and even today as a Professional Consultant. It feels like a lost love and all of the sudden, you have the opportunity to meet again. So grateful for this musical advocacy project, you continue to inspire me in many ways.
I love Attenborough's relaxing voice. And this is a freakin' amazing music video. I can't get enough of these!
All of these are amazing. I would recommend any teacher, especially K-12 bring these into the classroom. Brilliant! *applauds melodysheep*
learning through song and poetry is the best way to learn! the ancients always did it this way, its deep within us to grasp things better in rhyme or verse! its a shame its not done as much these days i think it would make learning more fun and lasting! ive learned a great deal through these songs, even when i was not interested before listening! melodysheep the scientific bard of our times!
+Talons of the Raven Seriously, read some real Evolutionary books etc, don't rely on these videos for education; they're over simplified. They should be more for emotional connection or something.
Deathbyblackhole C'mon man, im not a fool, i realise they are over simplified for musical and etertainment purposes, but it is the spark that this video creates that is what is most important, in my own culture history,mythology and general thoughts and lessons of my nation where carried on from generation to generation through song and verse, and if you want me to read an evolutionary book then my choice would be from the "true" evolutionist Wallace, not Darwin!
also as a person who never had much love for modern Scientists as i think most of them are sheep, give me my comment for what it was, just a simple gesture of mirth and respect!
Talons of the Raven I never said you should read Darwin's book. You need to read the modern books anyway.
Deathbyblackhole `-`
That book of Dawkins (The Greatest Show on Earth) played a big part in me turning away from Creationism and later Christianity.
Good book.
To your knowledge, all what they have said is not against the words of god even if some scientists were not believers
@@ahmed-pr2we if in future all science may contradict religion yet some idiots will still believe in their old outdated religion
Well, reading usually lead us away from ignorance, so... totally understandable.
Why turn away from Jesus? You can still believe in God and in Science.
this gives me much more spiritual amazement & satisfaction than any religion could possibly do.
Wow That is so Brilliant can i quote you for this Atheist and Secular page?
Sean Locke of course you can, go ahead
harpyion I have to admit to being moved to tears at the sheer beauty and wonder that we have come to understand. It's humbling, beautiful and awe inspiring to think, just for a moment, that somewhere a star died to give us life. To allow us to question and discover. We are the universe's attempt to understand it's self.
Addam Miller a much better & more awesome story than any imaginary godlike creature
harpyion it really is. Just recently on my personal FB page, I had to lay out exactly what death and mortality means to a person who doesn't believe in God. Obviously I could only speak for myself. Surprisingly...I have gotten absolutely nothing but positive feedback. Even from those that are judgmental of my beliefs. Honestly, I think describing that did more to make them think than any debate on the facts eve could.
1:23 goosebumps everytime at this part. Richard Dawkins, a person who I used to despise, has given me way more emotion with this line (helped of course by melodysheep), than I ever got from religion for 22 years.
Same back then when I was very religious I hate learning about evolution in school
Annotated "lyrics"
[David Attenborough] How could one species turn into another?
---Lots and lots of clues (of various kinds) indicate that this has happened many, many, many times. How does it happen? The simplest way (and undoubtedly the most common way) is through a population getting split in two by a geographic barrier that persists through many generations. Both of the new populations will experience random genetic changes that eventually must turn them into distinct species. They will no longer be able to interbreed, because their molecular parts don’t fit. If the two populations end up in different sorts of environments (and no two environments are identical) then natural selection should drive the evolution of phenotypic differences.
[Richard Dawkins] How is it that we find ourselves surrounded by such complexity, such elegance?
---To address this hard question, the big idea is that information can (accidentally) generate more information - so a complex system can give rise to a more complex system.
[Bill Nye, the Science Guy] The genes of you and me, they're all made of DNA! We're all made of the same chemicals - DNA - we're all made of DNA …
---All organisms’ genes are made of DNA, and further: all organisms’ genes work in the same basic way - they are transcribed to mRNA copies, which are translated (using the same rules of the genetic code) to build protein molecules. Most of our human genes are recognizably related to fish genes. Some of our genes (and fishes’ genes) are recognizably related to genes in ALL organisms.
[Attenborough] Only the fittest survive - and that is the key: Natural Selection - that is the key...
---In the video it sounds like David Attenborough is saying “only the fishes survive.”
Of course everyone has heard of ‘survival of the fittest.’
But what does ‘fittest’ mean? Think of it this way: a creature’s genes produce a phenotype that (more or less) FITS a particular environment - the environment in which Mom and Dad grew up and successfully reproduced. Most of the critters in a population inherit a set of genes that makes them (more or less) fit their environment, and thrive in it. But life is rough, and there’s not enough room for all babies to grow up - most, in fact, die young, killed by parasites and/or predators that make up part of that environment. Every environment naturally selects certain phenotypes that best FIT that environment’s specific challenges and opportunities.
[Dawkins] We are surrounded by endless forms most beautiful, most wonderful ...
---Dawkins is borrowing a famous quote from Charles Darwin (the concluding paragraph of Darwin’s book On the Origin of Species).
…Evolution - the greatest show on Earth…
---The Greatest Show on Earth is a book by Richard Dawkins, well worth reading.
There is grandeur in this view of life ...
---Again Dawkins is quoting from that last paragraph of the Origin of Species.
[Attenborough] The history of life can be thought of as a many-branched tree ...
---It is highly recommended to devote five minutes to this Wikipedia article on the Tree of Life. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_of_life_(biology)
The five kingdoms of life were established early on: Bacteria - Protists (amoeba-like creatures) - Fungi - Plants - and Animals …
---Actually, the first animals and plants do not appear in the fossil record until quite recently: animals about 560 million years ago, and plants less than 500 million years ago.
[Dawkins] We find ourselves perched on one tiny twig in the midst of a blossoming tree of life …
The first figure in that Wikipedia article maps the genetic distances between all known kinds of today’s living creatures. Branch lengths are proportional to genetic difference. Humans are not labeled on this tree because our twig is WAY too tiny. Humans (and all other animals) are included in the bough labeled ‘Opisthokonta’ at lower right - shaded green, along with all other Eukaryotes. Animals are just one sub-bough of Opisthokonta, which also includes fungi and slime molds.
We are surrounded by millions of other species - walking, flying, burrowing, stalking, chasing, fleeing, outpacing...
---but most of them swimming, or creeping, or oozing, or floating, or just sticking. Most are single-celled organisms. See that Tree of Life.
[Attenborough] Animals strive to reach this one ultimate goal: to ensure the survival of the next generation. This one ultimate goal: to pass on their genes - that is what life is all about...
---More precisely: individual animals, plants, and all creatures behave in ways that maximize their health, survival, and reproduction. From a biological perspective, life seems to be all about living.
[Dawkins] As we look back on the history of life, we see a picture of never ending, ever rejuvenating novelty …
---Except that some creatures seem to have changed very little over millions (and millions) of years. The bacteria in today’s soil follow very much the same lifestyle as their ancestors did a billion years ago. Meanwhile, single-celled opisthokonts gave rise to all the fungi, slime molds, and animals, including us.
[Attenborough] Those animals may seem to us to be very remote, strange, even fantastic - but all of us alive today owe our very existence to them.
---To our ancestors, that is, and to their contemporaries, since the beginning of life.
And to our contemporaries today - all the bacteria and plants and animals and other creatures that maintain the economy of the Biosphere.
The greatest show on EARTH!!
Im just sitting here and learning for my last biology exam I´ll write in 6 hours, the topic is evolution and this song just gave me such a motivation boost! :D Keep up your work guys, you are great!
appquak I know I am too late but still I'd like to ask, how did it go?
Hey, Melodysheep! I really love your music! I almost forgot this channel but yesterday i was browsing throug my history and found it again!
If i ever feel exhausted when studying some of my university science content, Symphony of Science pulls me right back into gear! f-yeah! science!
Steven Morrison I hear to be good
Combines my love of music with my love of science. Also...BILL NYE. Nuff said.
The perfect music to listen to while correct dissertation drafts to. Those amazing bops have carried me so far in life... thank you.
Melody Sheep you make amazing videos, I listen to Symphony of Science almost every day.
My favorite track from Symphony of Science
The Symphony of Science is "most beautiful, most wonderful" thing that
happen to music and to science lately. Momentarily, the greatest show on Earth.
Evolution, the greatest show on Earth!
These videos inspire me. I want to learn more and more after watching them!
As a Christian who has no problem with the concept of evolution, I was really moved by the "tree of life" line. Not trying to start an argument, I just thought it was really beautiful and profound.
Okay, fact. Semantics.
***** okay there dawkins, evolution is a fact AND a concept. Wow!
David J. McGee I never understood Christians who believe in evolution. You're just nitpicking the bible. Either believe in it or denounce your faith. You're obviously not really a Christian. Why call yourself something you're not? Not trying to sound rude... Just generally interested.
NizzBomb69 I don't think being a Christian requires believing in a literal six days of creation. For one thing, we mark days by the position of the earth relative to the sun, but according to Genesis, God didn't create the sun until the fourth day, so the three days prior to it must have been measured by some other standard. For another thing, those six days were entirely from God's perspective, and God doesn't experience time the way we do. Psalm 90:4 says "For a thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night" and 2nd Peter 3:8 says "With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day." The reason for that is that God, having created time, isn't stuck in it the way we are; he stands outside of it the way an author stands outside of the timeline of his story, so he can spend as long as he wants on any particular part or go back and forth in it; our past, present, and future are his perpetual NOW. So those six "days" were actually probably a lot longer--in fact, probably just long enough for evolution to happen (or rather, to be overseen and guided), meaning that a more literal, precise account of the creation story would render them simply "six periods of time." But remember, the first five books of the Bible, the Pentateuch--Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy--were, according to Judeo-Christian tradition, written under divine revelation by Moses, a primitive man who lived thousands and thousands of years ago, and God gave him what he would be able to understand.
+David J. McGee Just my opinion on your reply: You come up with a lots of "ifs" and "I thinks" with nothing to back it up. (You and I have absolutely no knowledge about god. Justifying your worldview by making up facts about such a creature is questionable at least: for example, stating how it experiences time- how would you know? How do you know how he created anything? The Genesis story is obviously contradicted by every part of modern science) Which you can do I guess, it just sounds like you are really trying to cling on too any shred of hope to keep your faith. Plus you don't address the issue at hand. The problem with the creation story isn't the time span. It is 1, using magic to explain stuff, 2, being incoherent with the teachings of christianity. Let me elaborate. What is one of the most core teachings of christianity? Original sin. How is it solved? With Jesus. (a very, if not the most important part of christian dogma). Now, if the creation story isn't true regarding humans (and as evolution shows, it isn't), then there is no original sin. Undermining the most basic doctrines of the religion. That is the problem with the creation story.
love all of the videos! i still find myself coming back and listening to your page over any other tunes out there.
Dawkins probably has a lovely singing voice.
Aahwwahwha your profile picture is *so cute*!
+Dreamz, inc. lol thanks, I think so too
Man, this is so fantastic.
I remember my biology teacher played this song in class during our evolution course.
Cool teacher. Maybe I'll suggest this song to a teacher when it fits the occasion.
This is one of the greatest convergence of science and music of all time. Thank you.
Those images incorporates with the music so well, creating majestic and truly mindblowing performance, simply beautiful!
Why do people find it hard to accept the possibility that the universe has no creator,yet it's easy for them to assume that God exists eternally and has no creator?
Answer:Simplifying reality is easy.Questioning reality is hard and sometimes painful.
It gets complicated if you ask who or what created a supreme being (a god) as that intelligence must have had a creator itself and as far as I see has no end to it.
When we evolve we must reach a certain level of ourselves, it's either that or we use a water stone, thunder stone, fire stone to evolve ourselves XD
I pushed B. No more evolution.
I would use a Dawn Stone, being a Kirlia myself.
That part of "branch in trees" [1:25] are out of this world my friend... Cheers.
I’m probably going to sound rude but I’m honestly waiting for creationists to say “Nope. Nuh-uh. Wrong.”
The fittest doesn't actually mean the strongest or most able. It means which organism can better adapt to its environment has a higher chance of survival.
We're all made of DNA
We're all made of the same chemicals " -Bill Nye
man that part really gives me the feels/chills
Melodysheep thank you for all you do, I've been a fan for a little over 2 years now
I am going to buy the Collectors Download
agreed, dude... gives me goosebumps.
Melodysheep, you have literally changed my life for the far better. Your videos have awoken within me a thirst for knowledge, as well as a renewed pride in humanity. You are a hero almost on par with Mr. Rogers. Thank you.
Greetings, Melody Sheep.
I noticed a mistranslation in the Portuguese subtitles.
Where it is read "Apenas os mais fortes sobrevivem" (translation for: "Only the fittest survive"), the correct translation would be "Apenas os mais adaptados sobrevivem".
Thank you for the patience and appreciation. Love your videos :)
Have a splendid week ;)
He doesn’t translate his videos. His viewers do. He even gives credit to the people who translate them. Just look at his descriptions.
The "Symphony of Science" series of videos is fantastic. They should replace religion, being deeper and more meaningful, and educational in their way.
Awesome!!! How do you convey a spiritual experience? Idk. I'm an atheist and i think melodysheep has made a wonderful example how a beautiful piece of art can show just how incredible life and evolution is.
Try shrooms.
Define "spiritual".
man, David Attenborough, a voice I grew up listening to watching nature shows as a kid with my dad
Religion class. Teacher : Today we're gonna talk about how god created us. Me : **puts on science glasses**. Best 2 hours of detention ever.
Good work
I go to a Jewish day school and my grade is mainly aethiest. We always argue with the rabbis about creation and stuff and sometimes their answers are so stupid. How do you explain the dinosaurs? Well god a world before us but it failed and he left behind the fossils. Well I thought God was perfect. Well...
+A Retarded Twat Moje strony!
+oliver holybee You make a valid point yet by "name calling" divides us in a time when we need to come together in our thoughts though our heart and not our ego.
Whilst I am an atheist, I am of the opinion that when it comes to religion people should be left to their own beliefs- the incredibly devout, such as priests, rabbis and religious teachers, will never be brought around to the irreligious point of view. As long as neither side does any harm, it is best if we just left each other alone.
I showed this to my short brother...
Now he is taller than me!
"We have no real need to evolve" and yet, lo and behold, we are still doing it. We have no reason to stop, because as intelligent as we consider ourselves to be, and increasingly so, nature is still our teacher and the universe knows best.
lol I just love to imagine Richard Dawkins singing. This is just amazing.
This needs more Brian Cox...
YES! He's my favorite! Him and Attenborough
i love it i cant get enough of this tune
love u melody sheep
You guys know how it's so annoying when in a gettogether someone keeps just demanding a video she/he likes.
I did that. They all loved it!
What IS that thing at 2:00??? A real life pokemon?!
Alan Q. Wake It’s a male ave dancing to a female ave to see if she accepts him.
Killer Evolution vid. Subbed.
'Sup, GamerGater! c:
Who's still watching this in 2019?
This should be played from time to time in science classes.
Just a side note but "Only the fittest survive" only applies when a population is not in hardy-weinberg equilibrium, if a population is in hardy-weinberg equilibrium they consequently do not evolve. Also while natural selection is an important process for the evolution of species, it is not the only process that leads to evolution, processes like sexual selection, meiotic drive, mutations, genetic drift and gene flow(or the lack thereoff) also greatly contribute to genetic diversity and thus evolution.
Eh thanks? It would help if I had any idea what those words meant
+jacco bosman Translation into English from the language of pointless pretentiousness: if the environment allows it, a species can end up looking the same for a long time. There are also other factors in evolution than just natural selection.
+Lotrofan Well, no practical population is in hardy-weinberg, it's a largely hypothetical position used for comparison. In nature, no population -say- has infinite resources or infinite population etc.
+Lotrfan What you obviously don't understand is that everything has to be naturally (or sexually) selected for it to become dominant in the gene pool. That is why the theory is called natural selection.
Not necessarily--the scale of the selection merely changes. For example, societies with medicine survive better than societies that rely on shamans; populations with immunity to smallpox survive better than those without it; the list goes on...
Continua atual e inspirador mesmo depois de tanto tempo
At what point does this video question or even touch the subject of atheism/religion?
Case I
Christians: My god can walk on the oceans and turn water into wine. He also made humans out of dirt
Atheists: Prove it
Christians: Prove that he didn't.
Atheists: FACE-PALM
Case II
Christians: My god can walk on the oceans and turn water into wine. He also made humans out of dirt
Atheists: Prove it
Christians: In Exodus chapter 3 of the bible, god said ......
Atheists: FACE-PALM
melodysheep makes some great songs, excellent work
I love this! Well done, thank you!
Such Diversity of Life
Hey man I hope your having a good day! Cool video clip hey have you herd the Justin B endorsing God with another rapper? Ugh ppl are flocking to it....
Darren Carpenter Enjoy your weekend :)
Where you was all those years? How I survived without your fantastic videos?
For a science video these comments are remarkably stupid.
I mean it's RUclips though... That's like expecting to walk into a bank and thinking everyone's rich lol...
A wonder of cool stuff and a genration what we have become love it
"We find ourselves perched on one tiny twig, in amidst of a blossoming tree of life."
I'm honored that you used my nature videos. I approve. :)
I'm so tired of all the religious bullshit. Absolutely loved the vid, Richard Dawkins and Attenborough are both great persons. Glory to all scientists all over the world!
A bit late here, but I couldn't agree more, to say that we without god cannot have a basis of love, beauty, art or music is mistaken...our understanding is constantly growing changing, and evolving while the theologically minded would complain that the laws from 2000 years ago be upheld for their faith on their phones which is only permitted to exist that to the advances that science permits. In this sense we have a much more varied and exceeding sense of beauty, because we admire what was and what is, but we are beyond excited to see what Is to be... I wonder how science will evolve, will the scientific method persist as is or will it refine itself further until it evolves into something unrecognizable much like philosophy did to religion and as science has done to them both, the child of philosophy and grandchild to religion will surely birth something that makes our modern technological marvels look like primitive sparklers, casting long shadows onto the caves walls as humanities intrigue and creativity strives ever onward toward ever greater advances and insights on the reality of nature... personally... I can hardly wait
Sounds like your religion is following hawking and bs science. That anyone would believe that we jumped many species before turning into humans is insane and true brainwashing!
Even your beloved scientists are turning to aliens now!!
Who needs the fiction of gods when we have the beauty of reality.
And that is exactly the reason, why i am a non-believer! I could never find better words to describe it. As someone who loves to learn new things, it's the sheer endlessness of things to learn about. I am currently making my way into the fish keeping hobby, and i spend pretty much every evening searching up some incredably niche species, and let me tell you, there is SO MUCH to explore, in this one hobby alone. And it is only one single hobby among so many things, that one can dedicate their whole life to. It is just breathtaking, how much there is out there, don't even get me started on astronomy! My life may be a bit of a mess right now, but the beauty of reality fills me whit such a joy, i wouldn't lie, if i say, that this is, what keeps me going.
Dawkin's spittin fire
These videos just bring tears to my eyes! The world and universe truly is a magnificent place with so much inspiration to want to do something good for mankind!
My _favourite!_ :)
everything in this world is evolution without that they would not have discovered maths physics
Would you please clarify. I have no idea what you mean
really, the greatest show on earth
where can i find David Attenborough's X factor audition tape?
The theory of evolution is so much more exciting and epic than any religious fairy tale bullshit book could ever HOPE to be.
So you're saying that coming from some kind of creature is exciting? Dna in humans are different from that of animals.
@@macinhorstemeyer1961 We share 96% of our DNA with chimps, so you're wrong
The world will be a much darker place when David Attenborough will take his final leave...
The internet is fucking awesome!
Thank you for still making me smile. 🌸🕊❤️
guess you can say, " the greatest show unearthed!"
"On earth"
Who dislikes this?
die-hard creationists apparently
Gemparkzz Create-Tards as I like to call them.
houndazs couldn't have put it any better myself ;)
I am SO using that term!!! LOL!
houndazs However satisfying it is to call people names for disagreeing with you, I try to avoid going down that road. The standard for academic debate is to attack the ideas not the person, and let the audience draw their own conclusions. It's a good standard.
I would say that passing on genes is not always the goal...but sometimes passing on ideas as well or instead of DNA is just as profitable. The sharing of information, however minor so another in the species learns it is a very important characteristic of evolution too.
Said information is within the genes, how else do you think most animals have these innate senses, these "Darwinian compasses" if you will, it's not really the passing of ideas, they're not sharing ideas like Humans are. information is stored in genes. You'll notice most animals only work off of their innate natural instincts. "Darwinian instincts" if you wish, or "Darwinian past" and also "Darwinian history" these terms can be used in different settings as well.
The Anti-Theist
Yes, Chimps do share ideas. One Chimp washes his fruit in the water. A new idea. Others watch him and copy him.
Orangutans copy human behavior, like rowing boats in Indonesia.
The entire group then conforms if the idea is liked or the user is dominate..
The difference is with humans, we have the capacity to not only effect our local group, but we can effect our entire species with the idea. So, good ideas and bad ideas become a huge thing. We have the ability to write the idea and so later generations even benefit.
My cat will not know how to use the hole under the fence for awhile. He then sees another cat use it and learns how to use it. He used the other cat's idea.
All animals share ideas.
The problem is that they cannot transfer this information in a permanent way to others in their species on a mass scale.
Only their local group will benefit from it an d their family.
Notice I didn't say innate instincts were not passed on, I said in addition too. They are not the only things passed on.
Ami Blackwelder Oh, I see, sorry, we were on completely different wave lengths. Very well.
My main point was, other animals are not like us, so it's simply not the same thing.
Well, I'd call that something along the lines of one's own capability to adapt to the environment better than another and in terms of natural selection, the better adapted one is the one which lives, the others dies; thus it does not pass on ideas in the way you just expressed with your Cat story. but rather the one whom lives, passes such on via its genes, which is where information is stores as I said before.
But I see your point and as I said, we were just on different wave lengths with regards to this conversation.
However, with regards to Humans; I would indeed say passing on ideas or rather, leaving ideas behind, is one of the most important things one can do.
It's our duty if you will; for us to leave a mark on the world, learn as much as we can; pass it on and try our very best to leave the world in a better state than in which we found it.
The Anti-Theist
Well, an idea and adaptation are different things actually.
I can have an idea or use another's idea, but I may not adapt it well to my environment. On the contrary, an individual might not have any ideas, but be very adaptable at following and copying and being strong enough to survive.
Surviving and creativity are not the same. Some individuals of a species are more creative than others in that species. This is the same with all animals, including humans.
Other animals *are like* us in many many ways.
Mammals and birds all have emotions and thoughts. Many problem solve in similar ways and raise families, and socialize and learn new traits. Their culture evolves too.
Some of the biggest differences are just hat humans can plan for the *future*. We might be the only animal to do that, and humans can *write* Our ability to transcribe information is what makes us unique and dangerous.
When everyone can use plastic because of a few smart individuals in our species, but the vast majority have no clue about the implications and ramifications the idea can become very dangerous.
Reptiles and Amphibians, while likely having very simplistic emotions and thoughts, do have a primitive sense of these things.
Fish likely don't possess emotions in my opinion, but they still have 'families'.
While it s true the 'fittest' survives,* ideas* like information are shared in the immediate group.
So, while *some* of the species might get killed by a lion per se, *many of that group will survive and so the idea will persists.* The culture will change some and evolve some little by little.
This is why some Bonobo groups can be found doing very interesting things with trees and shrubs almost like they are building homes....well getting there in time.
For example, even with birds. Some learned to carry rocks to crush their nuts and many in the groups learned that and that idea carries onward.
This behavior was not a certainty from the get go, it was something that progressed and evolved in their culture per se.
The cat situation is the exact same thing. An idea was seen and learned. Now every time my cat does this, other cats watching him will kern from him. They will all learn from each other. The idea will continue. The only way it will die, is if all who know how to do this die.
Otherwise, local groups will continue to learn this.
Ami Blackwelder Well, in that case, ideas mean nothing if the one with them will die anyway, it won't get passed on anyway, if that's the case. As I said, natural selection works far more differently than Humans.
That is incorrect; ants, work altogether rather wonderfully, there is no ant in the corner trying to think of some of his own ideas, and turtles for example; wonderful creatures, which have innate senses and knowledge; compasses etc which was within my former message I believe. It's simply completely different for most animals.
I disagree to the premise of your other statements, however, that is true, that's why we're Human, we are different, we're the most complex beings in the universe and we have free will, or as Hitchens would put it "We have free will, because we don't have a choice"
Some animals are very far from this, they work on simple innate instincts which I also spoke about, Some will go pick up some food, bring it back, take it down to the bottom of its hole, then move out; if you move the food, it will move it to the spot where it first put it, over and over again, because it forgot, it just doesn't have the brain power, the capability, I feel you're viewing animals are too closely to ourselves. Most animals are not like the animal modern-human.
We must be on the same page for all I know, well at least, we're on the same chapter maybe I'm just not calling it "ideas" like yourself, well at least, I'm not sure they would be viewed as "ideas" like our "ideas". But with any case, I feel we've both put forward our points of views enough, please start a new topic. Good write ups though. :)
I don't know where you get all these gorgeous clips, but goddamn... Good work.
i am here again ..
Too bad we're killing off our Coolests/Rare forms though...
A sugar , a nitrogen base and phosphate decided to be friends and today there is STONKS.📈
I'm listening this for years😍but doesn't get bored
1:00 take that jesus!
If we're all children of god, what makes jesus so special?
The stars died billions of years to form the molecules youre made of, so forget about jesus.
god created the universe...........but who or what created god?
YOur imagination........
your welcome :)
jason sumburg The begin and the end are illusions. Nobody created God and there is no end. The things just exist and change for eternity. The end is actually a new begining. Our mind, I mean, our human mind can't think that way, so, we must to find a begin and a end for everything. But what we think just exist to ourselves (in our mind). ^^
Eduardo Amaro what u said actually contradicts yourself.........but you're definition of science is wrong........yes we do give relative reasons for why things are.....but some reasons are more accurate than others.....and when you're able to prove those things....it becomes science....science knows that it doesn't know everything.....but we rely on the things that we do to advance to the 'later answers'........
I AM not talking about science. I AM talking about how can't we understand everything without a begin and a end. Science is also a human creation, like god, by ThE way.
Eduardo Amaro when u talk about a beginning and an end....trust science has a part in it........so far our best interpretation is the big bang theory.......it's not perfectly accurate....nor do we have all the facts......but we don't at least say that we see something when we don't...we don't rely on hypothesis......see...i'll make it clear for u........imagine two people entering a dark room........the scientist says that the room is dark and therefore we cannot see what's inside.....so it may have something...or it may not at all....but we don't say it does until we have evidence........while a believer says that he/she is completely sure that there is something there......even though the person can't prove it nor did they see it......so until u prove yourself.....you're words of wisdom don't mean shit
You must to know that what we see and we think are an interpretation Of our brain. Even ThE reality. Even God. Everything. Illusions, forms Of perception. You gave a definition for what is science. I AM not talking about this.
Richard Dawkins the prophet of atheist
Atheists dont have prophets shit for brains
Happy Darwin day. Thank you for taking the "the religious experience" out of the churches and back into a grander deeper understanding of the natural world.
It's not the fittest, no.
It's the most adaptable.
AKA us
being the most adaptable makes us the fittest
1972badass No, it means we can adapt to be the fittest in that environment. Because, what if we enter a new Ice Age? Most animals would die off altogether or evolve as best they can. But we would just start wearing more clothes and using fire.
and even in your ice age example we humans would evolve too over time to be more compatible with that frozen environment
1972badass But we wouldn't have too.
"only the fittest survive" is actually counter-intuitive to evolution, as when something happens adapting is a necessity, and you are also no longer the fittest.
well it seems we are stuck on the word fittest if we are in a constantly changing world and can adapt quicker than other species because of our intellect than we are the fittest to survive
Evolution is a very vague subject, yet so complex. The curriculum for life is: birth, reproduce and death. The adaptation of the Homo Sapiens goes back to the balangoda man and further. We are an insignificant threat as we only act as cannibalistic forms of life. We have an awesome and incredible means of intelligence and statements in life. Our existence must mean something more than an unblemished chance, we are the beings of a power upon a higher power. We are the very photosynthesis of the world, as we are the children of God.
+JobeiWanKenobi ! You can't back that claim with any verifiable evidence so you might as well have never said it in the first place
+Vincent Tracey No, you're misunderstanding the point. I'm saying that did evolve because there have been multiple human skeletons found but different from ours. I am Christian and there are multiple things to back it up. The relationship with the moon and the earth. Atheists say that the moon crashed into Earth and the moon weighs 73 1/2 QUINTILLION METRIC TONNES while Earth weighs 5.972 SEXTILLION METRIC TONNES. So, divide that equally by the age of the Earth and moon and you get mass destruction of Earth. You're welcome.
+JobeiWanKenobi ! You've just told me two facts, that there were other humans and that early Earth involved two relatively equal planets colliding later producing Earth and the moon. That still doesn't back your claim about god.
+Vincent Tracey Ah, well as a Christian we are told one thing, in Jerusalem on the 25th of Dec there are crying noises at the location of where Jesus was born. Look it up. Oh an look up St. Anslem's Ontological argument. Only then will you understand.
+JobeiWanKenobi ! While I cannot verify for sure that people actually hear crying when they are at the apparent birthplace and birthday of a supposed messiah, I can suggest that you find a better argument than the ontological argument. Simply because some people believe that something exists without fully investigating it's plausability is very much the same kind of thinking that gave rise to the idea that the Earth is the centre of everything, the Earth is flat and if you sail out too far you will fall off. These arguments provide no support that there is a god.
God is a short cut answer for the simple men who have no time nor capacity to ponder the wonders of existence. The word in itself is empty as our cognitive capacity works the best with associations. With what do you assocaiate with the word "god"? The religious minds associate everything they are ignorant of with god, that the very name itself became dogmatic and backward. Reality is that such a complex being cannot be defined before we define everything else. Unless we figure out a theory for everything, we cannot scientifically rule out what this thing is. No one has even the slightest idea of what is going on and how it is related to their father figure called "god". This is clearly a deception. Maybe the ancient Hebrews did the best as they forbid this name.
What you say is totally an oversimplification. Different cultures associate supernatural influance to things that they completly understand in naturalistic sense. We can see it in modern everyday lives of religious people like someone beliving that they pass the exam with God's help. It's not about that people do not know how things work but rather why it is like this, they give primal meaning to universe. And they are fully rational - nature as whole is unitelligent and insentient and yet it has order, certain laws - physical, chemical, biological, mathematics etc. that are rational and purposeful. Even existance of everything contingent lead us to the deduction of Necessary Source of it all.
Also the strong beliefs in supernatural must lead us to the conclusion of Pra-Revalation. It can't be fully explained otherwise. It most likely influenced concepts of sacrum and profanum and making contact with the other side. So the nature of religion tells us of Truth behind it all that was woven in different directions by human imagination. Humans are naturally religious. Mircea Eliade, famous anthropologist, called us (very truthfully) "Homo Religiosus".
Second thing is that there are religions that do not ofer nice things in afterlife. Hindu have concept of neverending sorrowfull Samsara, the Jews have abyss of Sheol, Christianity has of course Hell, Greeks had sad and boring Hades. Some religions even do not have concept of afterlife like famous Pirahã tribe examined by Everret (they have ideas of supernatural and sacred space though). So explaining religiousness by fear of death is also totally unaccaptable.
God bless You! ✝️
How was the quality this good 10 years ago? Like.. 10 years ago I was 3!