Muhammad (pbuh) was a true prophet | Response to

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
  • I’ll be addressing a video by the Christian RUclipsr @TestifyApologetics where he attempts to argue that the prophet Muhammad (saw) was a "fraud". I'll demonstrate how his arguments against the Islamic Prophet could also be used by Jews against Jesus Christ. I'll also talk about how that Muhammad (saw) was indeed a true prophet of the God of Abraham.
    Firstly, the question of whether Muhammad, peace be upon him, was a true prophet is not determined by modern Bibles or by Christian interpretations of them.
    Secondly, Testify doesn’t seem to realize that all his arguments against Muhammad could also be used by Jews against Jesus, peace be upon both prophets. In case you haven't noticed, there are Jewish channels on RUclips presenting their arguments and proofs as to why Jesus isn’t the Messiah prophesied about in their scriptures, that is, the Old Testament. They also argue that Christians are merely reading their beliefs back into the text. And don’t ask me why well-known Christian apologists like David Wood and Sam Shamoun have remained silent on this. I have no idea!
    Thirdly, there's also the fact that Jesus Christ, also appealed to the previous scriptures, claiming they testified about him. See John Five thirty nine. Yet, the Jews, who were the custodians of the scriptures Jesus appealed to, rejected him and even condemned him to death. And two thousand years later, Jews, or rather, the followers of Judaism, continue to deny that Jesus is foretold in their scripture. So, if we were to consistently apply Testify's logic to this situation, Jesus ought to be considered a false prophet.
    The point I’m making is that Christians deny Muhammad as a prophet foretold in the Bible, just like Jews reject Jesus as the prophesied Messiah, peace be upon both of them. At this point, all that the Christians can do now is shrug and say, "Well, the Jews are wrong about Jesus." In turn, the Muslim reply should be, "Well, you, the Christians are wrong about Muhammad."
    Anyway, in his video, Testify makes it seem as if Muhammad, peace be upon him, went around with a copy of the Bible trying to convince Christians that he was mentioned in it. Joseph Smith may have done that, but it was not the case with Muhammad, peace be upon him. His claim to prophethood did not rest solely on an appeal to a prophecy in the Bible. Let me elaborate.
    Anyone with even a passing acquaintance with the Prophet's life would know that the major events of his prophetic career had to do with the Arab pagans, not the tiny minority of Christians living in Arabia at that time. Yes, the Prophet, peace be upon him, had interactions with the Christians. Ironically, it was a Christian named Waraq who first recognized the prophethood of Muhammad, peace be upon him. But looking at the full picture, it was the Arab pagans who were the primary concern of the prophet. After all, they were the ones who sought to finish him and stop Islam before it took root. And, it was the Arab pagans whom the Prophet, peace be upon him, wanted to save from the hellfire.
    You know the rest of the story. In the end, the Prophet won, and the pagans lost. The false gods of Arabia were discarded, and the Arabs adopted the worship of the One true God, that is, the God of Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. The prophet essentially hit the reset button on Arabia and changed the course of world history forever. In this regard, anyone who compares him to Joseph Smith has no idea what they're talking about.
    The takeaway here is that the Prophet, peace be upon him, cannot be compared with Joseph Smith or anybody else like him. The Prophet did more than just start a new religion. What he did was several orders of magnitude greater. It was something unparalleled in human history.
    Within his lifetime, he dismantled the pagan and polytheistic religious practices prevalent in the Arabian Peninsula and established Islam-a faith that teaches the worship of the God of Abraham, honors the prophets of the Bible and regards Jesus as the Messiah who was born of a virgin and will return at the end of times. This is something only a true prophet of God could have accomplished. Only a fool or a liar would think this was all just a random fluke. And 1,400 years later, this religion continues to flourish, practiced by more than a billion people of diverse backgrounds all over the world, and it continues to grow steadily. Thanks to Muhammad, peace be upon him, a billion people living today believe in the One God of Abraham.
    8 Amazing prophecies by Muhammad (saw) - • 8 end times prophecies...
    Isaiah 54 predicted Islam - • Isaiah 54 contains pro...
    #Islam #Christianity #Bible

Комментарии • 119

  • @theologyroom
    @theologyroom  8 дней назад +1

    Muhammad (pbuh) in Daniel 2 -видео.html
    Muhammad (pbuh) in Isaiah 42 -видео.html
    Spread of Islam foretold in Isaiah 54 -видео.html

    • @GaretAlan50
      @GaretAlan50 5 дней назад +1

      *DANIEL 2*
      Daniel 2 is not about the rise of Islam, and even if it was that would not prove Muhammad in the Bible as the Quran says *HIS* Description is mentioned. Secondly the video in question assigns values to the prophecies to make them fit. He said “time=centuries” and “times=2 time” which is just trying to twist a narrative into something it isn’t. Time could be any amount of time, and times could be any number of time. Third, I do not have the patience to sit and debunk the entire video, but even if it was about “the rise of Islam” that’s not a description of Muhammad
      *ISAIAH 42*
      This is second Isaiah, anytime first Isaiah identifies a servant it is always Israel. Isaiah 41:8-10 used similar language to Isaiah 42, showing he is talking about the same servant. There is never any shift to a different servant. If we read the next chapters such as (43:1) (44:1) (45:4) it specifically states the servant is Israel. Before chapter 42 it states the servant is Israel (41:8) (40:27). So it makes no logical sense for it to talk about Israel, change to Muhammad without letting anyone know, then change back to Israel. But if you want to take this as a literal person, verse 19 says he is blind and deaf.
      Now let’s look at the location. In the middle of this he changes to singing, he calls of the people of the coastlands (west of Israel) then to the people to the east of Israel. Then calls to Kadar and Sela. This has no link to Muhammad’s location either, he also calls to the west. This is about singing a song to God.
      Some might say it is referring to mount Sela, where Muhammad started Islam, but this is untrue. The Bible identifies Sela as a city around the Dead Sea, in a mountainous region.
      *ISAIAH 54*
      Same issue, doesn’t describe Muhammad. Again, I don’t have the patience to sit and debunk the entire video but the first sentence should do it Justice. Secondly saying “great” cannot mean “large” because there are groups larger than the Arabians is illogical. As you mentioned there are multiple people destined to have “great descendants” so to say “great” means “biggest” is silly, as there cannot be two “biggest” groups, because one would be bigger than the other. Great means large.

    • @theologyroom
      @theologyroom  5 дней назад

      I'll have to disagree with your interpretations of those passages in the same way that you disagree with Jewish interpretations of Isaiah 53 and other passages that are supposedly about Jesus (as).

    • @GaretAlan50
      @GaretAlan50 5 дней назад

      @@theologyroom again that’s not some “gotcha” reply as there is actual evidence that Jesus is messiah. Jews often lose debates when it comes to Isaiah 53. Haven’t looked much into Judaism but I’ve heard a couple things

    • @theologyroom
      @theologyroom  5 дней назад

      @@GaretAlan50 Never meant it as a gotcha. Again, Christians CLAIM there is evidence for Jesus in the OT. But Jews who are the custodians of the OT reject that idea. If you look into Judaism and discover what they believe about Jesus then you will understand why they reject Jesus as being foretold in the OT.

  • @andro6534
    @andro6534 7 дней назад +16

    Nah, bro proved nothing (I'm talking about you)
    If you've just known that relationship between Judaism and Christianity isn't the same and between Christianity and Islam, you probably wouldn't even make this video. Basically, Jesus came to fulfill Jews and Muhammad came to contradict Jesus. 2 very different things.

    • @theologyroom
      @theologyroom  7 дней назад +2

      The relationship between Judaism and Christianity is that the followers of Judaism completely reject the idea that Jesus is even a prophet let alone the Messiah. Which is funny because Christians and Jews share the same Old Testament.

    • @andro6534
      @andro6534 7 дней назад +8

      @@theologyroom And where is Islam in that?
      Jews think Jesus isn't the Messiah because they expected a leader and warrior that will take over the world. And according to them, world isn't fixed after Jesus so He isn't the Messiah.
      And the reason Christianity and Judaism share OT is because Jesus said that He came to fulfill the Old Testament. However Muhammad started from scratch saying that everything got corrupted except His book. Does Muhammad have any evidence? Trust him bro.

    • @Coolmaster-kj4sr
      @Coolmaster-kj4sr 7 дней назад

      @@andro6534 Jews dont even think Jesus was a a son of god or the messiah why are u lying some also if he fulled the old testament which you don't have any evidence wouldn't he start killing babies and people read this
      Psalms 137:9 - Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.
      1 Samuel 15:3 - Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass. pretty sure he is not fulling this disgusting acts

    • @Leopard_Star5667
      @Leopard_Star5667 7 дней назад +4

      @@andro6534started from scratch??? Hahahah. He came with the same message as Moses Abraham and Jacob (monotheism)
      He didn’t “make up” something, he preached the same thing as all the other prophets.

    • @andro6534
      @andro6534 7 дней назад

      @@Leopard_Star5667 So, Muhammad preached about the Trinity? That's what you're saying?

  • @Thato-ls1sr
    @Thato-ls1sr 8 дней назад +7

    Dont muslims constantly say Mohammed was foretold or mentioned in the Bible?

    • @theologyroom
      @theologyroom  8 дней назад +1

      He is.

    • @Thato-ls1sr
      @Thato-ls1sr 8 дней назад +4

      @@theologyroom ok, where?

    • @Thato-ls1sr
      @Thato-ls1sr 8 дней назад +2

      If you mean in the Torah, please show where?

    • @Thato-ls1sr
      @Thato-ls1sr 8 дней назад +2

      @@theologyroom Ok, where? if you mean from the Torah please show where?

    • @theologyroom
      @theologyroom  8 дней назад

      @@Thato-ls1sr Check the pinned comment.

  • @betternameneeded6475
    @betternameneeded6475 7 дней назад +4

    Momo thinks the mother of Jesus is the sister of Moses. He is the poster child for false prophets.

    • @theologyroom
      @theologyroom  7 дней назад

      And the apostle Matthew thought Jesus was the son of David. Same energy.

    • @Thato-ls1sr
      @Thato-ls1sr 7 дней назад

      @@theologyroom come on dude, really. Not in the way you are framing it. Matthew was clearly speaking of Jesus son of David as an inheritor of God's promise to David, much like how we are the sons of Abraham that God promised him. GOD promised David a son on the throne and his son would rule forever and ever. This was not Solomon, nor the kings that came after him, but down the l david's bloodline bringing Jesus, who God refers to in 2samuel 7-16. So Matthew never thought of Jesus as a SON of David like Solomon was.

    • @theologyroom
      @theologyroom  7 дней назад

      @@Thato-ls1sr "Not in the way you are framing it. Matthew was clearly speaking of Jesus son of David as an inheritor of God's promise to David, "
      And Jesus' mother was the "sister" of Aaron in the same way as David was the "father" of Jesus. It's figurative. If Christians interpret the Quran uncharitably, I'll have to do the same with the Bible and use their own arguments against them.

    • @theologyroom
      @theologyroom  7 дней назад

      @@betternameneeded6475 Nah. It's the exact same thing as Matthew saying David was Jesus' father. But I guess you'd rather think Matthew made a dumb mistake.

    • @Thato-ls1sr
      @Thato-ls1sr 7 дней назад

      @@theologyroom fair enough

  • @GaretAlan50
    @GaretAlan50 5 дней назад +2

    (Quite a) Few problems:
    1. Sam Shamoun speaks with Jews, so calling him “silent” is just a false slanderous claim
    2. You stated the Torah and Bible of today are not the requirement for Muhammad to be true, but he quite literally said he was mentioned in the Torah and Injeel. We’ve already had this discussion and you stopped replying. So Muhammad quite literally set the Torah and Injeel (which apparently doesn’t exist) as the standard! So you can’t chunk it up to “well that’s not what makes him a prophet” because if he isn’t in there he is a liar.
    Don’t try to use the “Torah has been corrupted” argument because we have manuscripts older than Muhammad to prove what Torah he was reading, AKA the Torah of today
    3. Jesus fulfilled 324 messianic prophecies in order to show that he is the Messiah, furthermore Jesus demonstrated himself by performing miracles (which Muhammad could not (17:90-93) as example)
    I’ll be checking out your “Muhammad in the Bible” videos shortly
    Stay safe

    • @theologyroom
      @theologyroom  5 дней назад +1

      Hello again.
      1. Sam speaks to Jews once in a while, but throughout his career his main focus has been Muslims and Islam, not Jews. So in that sense he is silent about them. He's smart enough to know that the followers of Judaism believe Jesus (as) was born of fornication and that was a pervert, a false prophet etc. Yet, he is indifferent to how they blaspheme his "lord and savior" and instead chooses to go after the Muslims, a people who regard Jesus (as) as one of the greatest prophets and the Messiah who was born of a virgin. If you cannot see the problem with this, I cannot help you.
      2A. I had actually typed out a reply to continue our previous conversation, but I got busy with this video, which unexpectedly got more views and comments. I apologize and I understand if you wan't to discontinue that conversation. BTW I'm creating a discussion forum for these types of lengthy conversations. Will send you the URL for it soon.
      2B. You say: "You stated the Torah and Bible of today are not the requirement for Muhammad to be true, but he quite literally said he was mentioned in the Torah and Injeel" -- Both are true. The prophecies of Muhammad (saw) in the Torah and Injeel are signs for Jews and Christians, not for Muslims because we do not regard them as our scripture. Muhammad did not base his claim to prophethood on the fact that he was mentioned in the previous scriptures. I've explained this fact in the video.
      3. Jesus may have fulfilled prophecies in the OT, but ultimately, the Jews who are the original custodians of that book still reject him. Why? The reason for that will also be the reason as to why Christians reject Muhammad. It's all a matter of how you choose to interpret scripture. But Christians have a unique problem as the very people who they share the OT with, reject their interpretation of said scripture. Muslims don't have this problem because like I said earlier, we do not regard the Bible as our scripture.

    • @GaretAlan50
      @GaretAlan50 5 дней назад

      All good brother
      1. “Silent” quite literally means “silent”. It doesn’t man “quiet” it means no contact at all
      2. Muhammad said he was mentioned so the people would believe him, I’m not sure what you mean by “based his prophethood” but if you cannot find him that means he’s a liar
      3. You can’t turn the argument around because there is actual evidence of Jesus fulfilling his claims as Messiah. Are you saying Jesus is not the Messiah?
      There is no actual evidence to state that Muhammad wasn’t just a con artist

    • @theologyroom
      @theologyroom  5 дней назад +1

      @@GaretAlan50 1. When I said "silent" I obviously didn't mean "Sam literally never mentioned a single thing about Jews in his entire life, ever".
      2. Muhammad (saw) is foretold in the Bible. Just because you don't accept it, doesn't make him a liar. Just like how Jews not accepting the prophecies of Jesus (as) doesn't mean he was a liar.
      3. Christians CLAIM he fulfilled the OT prophecies. Jews do not. Don't forget that the OT is a jewish book. What makes you think Christians understand the OT better than Jews?

    • @GaretAlan50
      @GaretAlan50 5 дней назад

      1. Not much else to be said here, let’s continue with the theology
      2. To say “he’s in there but when you Christian’s actually read context you make it seem like he’s not!” Isn’t a good argument.
      When presented with “Muhammad” being in places like Deuteronomy, Song of Solomon, or Isaiah all you have to do is read basic context to understand who it mentioned
      3. Again, to say “although it appears Jesus fulfilled the prophecies that doesn’t mean he actually did” (which is basically a Jewish response) is intellectually dishonest
      Not much else to say here, this is just a whataboutism instead of an actual discussion. Please reply to my comment on the other video though. Thanks

    • @theologyroom
      @theologyroom  5 дней назад +1

      YOU SAY: "To say “he’s in there but when you Christian’s actually read context you make it seem like he’s not!” Isn’t a good argument."
      I never said that.
      YOU SAY: "Again, to say “although it appears Jesus fulfilled the prophecies that doesn’t mean he actually did” (which is basically a Jewish response) is intellectually dishonest"
      I never said that either.
      Please don't words in my mouth.
      I'm just saying the whole exercise of looking for a prophetic figure in a scripture depends on the motivations of the people interpreting the scripture. So Christians interpret the OT in favor of Jesus. Likewise Muslims interpret the Bible in favor of Muhammad (saw). Just because Jews reject Jesus doesn't mean Jesus isn't isnt he OT. And just because Christians reject Muhammad doesn't mean he isn't in the Bible. This isn't whataboutism. This is me pointing out that the Christian argument that Muhammad isn't in the Bible is based merely on their own opposition to him and nothing more.

  • @marcusa.4756
    @marcusa.4756 3 дня назад +2

    You failed to debunk Testify’s argument.
    Muhammad still used Self certifying as the source of his prophethood is himself and a book he claims god sent to him.
    He did literally the same as Joseph Smith.
    If you were Allah, would you really hide the source of one’s prophethood and reveal it to the prophet himself? Muhammad didn’t fulfill any prophecy and even if he did, Allah’s still a complete idiot for revealing a verse that says Muhammad’s a prophet to Muhammad himself as proof of his prophethood, while this same verse didn’t exist prior to Muhammad’s revelation.

    • @theologyroom
      @theologyroom  3 дня назад +2

      @marcusa.4756 -- I did debunk his argument. I showed how the very premise of his argument is false: because in his video he made it seem as if a prophecy in the Bible was the sole basis for Muhammad's prophethood, when in reality it was not. But the main thing is that I showed how Testify's argument could be used by Jews against Jesus and that it's all a matter of how you interpret a given scripture. Also, I'm pretty sure he watched my video. It's not a coincidence that days later his next video was about Jesus(as) prophecies in the OT that Jews won't acknowledge.

    • @marcusa.4756
      @marcusa.4756 2 дня назад +1

      @@theologyroom You didn’t. The very premise of his argument is not false. Muhammad’s only source of prophethood is the Quran, that’s a general truth. He had no miracles whatsoever. And even if he did, he still portrayed Allah as a moron. What kind of intelligent being would verify a prophet through the prophet himself as if making him say "trust me bro." Muhammad did the same as Joseph Smith. He had a book revealed to him, and in that book it says he is a prophet???? How pitiful and unbelievable. I feel bad for Allah.
      Anyways, Jews can’t say the same about Jesus because Jesus didn’t certify himself. Jews only reject him because they believe Jesus did not fulfill the prophecies (which is false) but not because Jesus attempted to prove he’s a prophet through a book funnily revealed to him only. Jesus had prophecies + supernatural support (miracles, resurrection, etc.) backing Him up.

    • @theologyroom
      @theologyroom  День назад

      @@marcusa.4756 *YOU: "The very premise of his argument is not false. Muhammad’s only source of prophethood is the Quran, that’s a general truth. He had no miracles whatsoever*
      Don't tell me you think miracles are the criteria that determines whether or not a prophet is authentic. Also, IIRC testify said nothing about the supposed lack of miracles by Muhammad (saw). His central argument was that Muhammad (saw) appealed to a prophecy in the Bible and I explained why he's wrong in the video.
      *YOU: Jews can’t say the same about Jesus because Jesus didn’t certify himself. Jews only reject him because they believe Jesus did not fulfill the prophecies (which is false) but not because Jesus attempted to prove he’s a prophet through a book funnily revealed to him only. Jesus had prophecies + supernatural support (miracles, resurrection, etc.) backing Him up.*
      The reason why Jews reject Jesus (as) is irrelevant. The bottom line is that they reject him and they don't believe he is prophesied in the OT. Just like how Christians don't believe Muhammad (saw) was prophesied in the Bible.
      Jesus (as) most certainly tried to "certify" himself or whatever by appealing to the previous scriptures -- "These are the very Scriptures that testify about me" (John 5v39) and "If you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote about me" (John 5v46). From their perspective he was pulling a "just trust me bro!".
      To this day, they deny he was every mentioned in the OT. So again, Testify's argument's against Muhammad (saw) can be applied by Jews to Jesus (as), which is something that Christians seem unable to grasp.

    • @marcusa.4756
      @marcusa.4756 День назад

      @@theologyroom *YOU: Don’t tell me you think miracles are the criteria that determines wether or not a prophet is authentic.*
      I didn’t say that. I said Muhammad had nothing other than the Quran to back up his prophethood, not even miracles.
      *YOU: Also, IIRC testify said nothing about the supposed lack of miracles by Muhammad (saw).*
      I think he did. Even if he didn’t, his argument is still valid. Just think about Joseph Smith. Muhammad did the same thing. SCS (Self certifying strategy) = Unintelligent god. Again, why should anyone believe a guy named Bob when he says Genesis 189:467 for example proves he’s a prophet when this verse didn’t exist prior to Bob’s appearance. In this case, God appears to be even dumber than Bob. We know that’s impossible.
      Make your own correlation:
      Joseph Smith: No miracles, used SCS, no prophecies except for his own.
      Muhammad: No miracles, used SCS, no prophecies except for his own. (Trust me bro).
      *YOU: His central argument was that Muhammad (saw) appealed to a prophecy in the Bible and I explained why he’s wrong in the video.*
      Again, no. Testify’s central argument was that Muhammad appealed to a new created verse that only appears in the Quran, which was revealed to the "prophet" himself only to tell people "I am a prophet! My book says that." If you say well the verse was deleted from other sources so God had to do that, you’re saying God is an absolute moron for letting this happen, which we’re not forced to believe for the sake of faith. In the case of Jesus, God preserved all the prophecies about him in the OT. So if your god is not a moron, at least our god is more intelligent than yours.
      *YOU: The reason why Jews reject Jesus (as) is irrelevant.*
      It isn’t.
      *YOU: The bottom line is that they reject him and they don’t believe he is prophesied in the OT.*
      Well they’re wrong. The messiah is indeed prophesied in the OT and Jesus claimed he’s the messiah. He always referred to what is written not to what was revealed to him only or something he himself came up with. Jews rejected him because they didn’t expect the messiah to be the son of God.
      You’re committing the te quoque fallacy. Why the heck are you talking about Jesus? Testify only talked about Muhammad and how he used SCS here.
      *YOU: Just like how Christians don’t believe Muhammad (saw) was prophesied in the Bible.*
      Because the Bible doesn’t speak about a prophet to come after the messiah, neither in the OT, nor NT. Jews believe Jesus failed to fulfill the messianic prophecies, not that he came up with new prophecies about himself to verify he’s the messiah.
      *YOU: Jesus (as) most certainly tried to certify himself or whatever by appealing to the previous.*
      Exactly, now you understand.
      *YOU: From their perspective he was pulling a "just trust me bro!".*
      NO, from their perspective and even from the verses you pointed out, Jesus is saying the contrary of "trust me bro". John 10:37-38: "Do not believe me unless I do the works of my Father. But if I do them, even though you do not believe me, believe the works, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me and I in the Father." John 14:11: "Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the works themselves." Luke 24:44: "This is what I told you while I was still with you: Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms." Jesus pointed out to his works and to the accepted scripture. He didn’t come up with a new scripture. Jews don’t believe in Him because they expected the Messiah to be different. In reality, He still fulfilled many prophecies.
      *YOU: So again, Testify’s argument against Muhammad (saw) can be applied by Jews to Jesus (as).*
      No, because Jesus didn’t attempt the SCS. And even if it can be applied, you’re still committing the te quoque fallacy. And again, Jews don’t believe in Jesus simply because they believe there are some prophecies He failed to fulfill and that’s a discussion for Christians and Jews to have.

  • @mariusmarius3676
    @mariusmarius3676 7 дней назад +4

    False A F!

    • @hv3532
      @hv3532 7 дней назад


    • @Leopard_Star5667
      @Leopard_Star5667 7 дней назад +3

      Testify bot

    • @isowaveseight1389
      @isowaveseight1389 7 дней назад +1


    • @Leopard_Star5667
      @Leopard_Star5667 7 дней назад

      @@isowaveseight1389 what’s so funny?

    • @isowaveseight1389
      @isowaveseight1389 7 дней назад

      @@Leopard_Star5667 Testify's followers are indeed bots. So many of them crawling in the comments section saying the same thing.

  • @TheMuslimApologist
    @TheMuslimApologist 9 дней назад +2

    Good response, jazakallah.