What is missing? Is Russell Brand baptized? Was Kanye West a Christian?

  • Опубликовано: 28 апр 2024
  • A wake-up call for the church.
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Комментарии • 330

  • @TheLastReformation
    @TheLastReformation  2 месяца назад +29

    I Am Not Here to Condemn But to Help.
    Can you say you are doing the same?
    Response to the reactions to my Russell Brand video.
    I have received a lot of responses and reactions to the video I shared yesterday about Russell Brand, and most of them are positive. Many have thanked me for sharing it. We pray that he will see it and reach out to us as we truly want to help. We are still praying that this will become a fantastic testimony that will reach many people.
    However, not all responses to the video have been positive. Some have been very negative and attacked me. But that is to be expected.
    Let me share my observations about this:
    I see two groups, and I am concerned about both of them.
    The first group I see is those who are quick to judge me and accuse me of condemning him, which is truly not my intention. If we truly love people, we need to speak the truth to them in love. I genuinely hope and pray that true transformation is coming and will not end up like it did with Kanye West. I see the importance of receiving the Holy Spirit and the whole package, as I sometimes call it-true repentance, valid baptism, and being filled with the Spirit. Anything less is not enough; we need it all.
    Those who attack me often lack that understanding, which is why they are quick to criticize me. Some do not see what I see. Many of them were quick to praise Kanye West for his Christian faith. Perhaps they should learn from that and ask how we can improve so we do not see the same story repeating itself.
    It is okay to disagree, but let us see how things unfold over time. I hope I am wrong and this turns out well. I will be happy if I am wrong and will gladly admit it. I hope you will do the same if that is the case.
    The second group is those who condemn Russell Brand to hell, viewing him as evil and completely wrong. This extreme view is also concerning to me. I truly believe that God is calling him, and there have been some positive changes in his life. We should not push him away but rather pray for him and be here to help him.
    I see my video as being done in love and with clarity. This leads me to talk about what true love is. Love is not simply patting someone on the back and saying everything is fine when it is not, but stepping in and trying to help.
    It saddens me to see how people on both sides lack that kind of love. Some condemn him to hell as if they want him to be lost, while others praise him in a false way, not willing to acknowledge that something is indeed missing and not willing to point it out. They prioritize peace here and now, but that is wrong. I am not interested in his peace and joy here and now; I am interested in his soul and the eternal happiness and peace. I have seen thousands truly born again and know of many who had false peace and false hope because something was missing.
    What I am saying now is not to boast or elevate myself. God knows me and my heart. But the truth is that I have likely led more people to Christ than most of those who criticize my video. I know what I am doing, and the fruit is evident. Yet, many are quick to condemn me and tell me how wrong I am, even though they have not led one soul to Christ. It saddens me to see so little humility. If I am wrong, I will gladly admit it, and I hope I am wrong. Time will tell. But until then, please pause and think before you comment. I am thinking of those very harsh comments that have been made.
    In the end, let us love him, and true love is willing to share even the hard truths. As I often say, I would rather have people hate me now and love me forever because I told them the truth so they could truly be born again than have them love me now and hate me forever because I did not tell them the whole truth.
    That was what I wanted to share.
    God bless you, and may Russell Brand become a faithful disciple leading many to Christ. 🙏

      @JDCITYHILL 2 месяца назад +1

      Brother, admirer of the work you've done throughout the years, when it comes PRACTICAL CHRISTIANITY - I've participated in past KICKSTARTER events, read & heard your audiobooks - as well as shared the insightful translations you've shared among academic theological circles -
      As of recently (during the past few years) I came across the TERM 'repentance' coming from the Latin (Vulgate) 'Re-Penance' (which is where the doctrine of indulgences came about) as opposed to the ACTUAL Greek TERM 'Metanoia' = a radical, consistent mind shift about Reality (hence the message "the Kingdom of God is (already in your midst)"
      Isaiah 55 : 8 - 11 gives meaning to 'metanoia':
      "Your Thoughts were distanced from God's thoughts as the heavens are higher than the earth, but just like the rain and snow would cancel that distance and saturate the soil to awaken it's seed, so shall my word be that proceeds from my mouth."
      The Greek preposition 'meta', together with, implies another influence.
      This is where the GOSPEL becomes so powerful since it appeals to our conscience to reason together with our original DESIGN - the authentic thought, the mind of God is realized again.
      The distance caused by Adam's fall, compared to the distance between heaven & earth, is cancelled in the incarnation
      Metanoia suggests a co-knowing with God! An intertwining of thought; it is to agree with God about me.
      *Shout out to François Du Toit for pointing out the historical references to the public
      Thank you for sharing, and listening, brother(s) ~

    • @kazb9298
      @kazb9298 2 месяца назад +2

      … ‘those who attack me lack the understanding’ 🤔
      Russel has a mainly new age following… he’s trying to not be pious, bombastic and prideful at ‘being right’ and being wise to engage with his followers… think ahead!!! See the bigger picture!!!

    • @joonasmakinen4807
      @joonasmakinen4807 2 месяца назад +1

      While Russell Brand’s baptism didn’t say explicitly ”sin” or ”repentance”, he did say ”… my resources are coming from somewhere else and someone else” (=needed precursor for ”repentance”) and ”I’m grateful to be surrendered in Christ” (=needed precursor for ”sin” and ”repentance”). We cannot assume people all around the world will use same words for the same concepts. Father God knows the language of our hearts! But I must agree Russell’s Tarot cards are an issue to be resolved just like any false gods of our flesh, e.g., lust, masturbation and pornography, which can cause even long-term Christ-followers to fall. Doesn’t a righteous fall 7 times but then rise 7 times in Christ? Therefore treat Russell as a toddler in Christ, and pray for solid discipleship that also includes sin and repentance plus other healthy things of Word of God. Let us assume instead that Father God is Perfect and Faithful even if Russell’s baptism was from imperfect and unfaithful men. Afterall, Russell described experiencing, e.g., a new inner peace. I’d say Russell has fulfilled spiritual requirements by the confession of his mouth and the baptism, but it is only the beginning of his faith. His daily fruits will show the final evidence of his growth towards knowing our Resurrected Lord Jesus Christ, which will not permit living in sin without repentance in the long-term, see the positive cycle at 2Pe 1:3-9:
      3 According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:
      4 Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
      5 And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge;
      6 And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness;
      7 And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity.
      8 For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
      9 But he that lacketh these things is blind, and cannot see afar off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins.

  • @10Duchess
    @10Duchess 2 месяца назад +49

    Torben, I just want to say about my own experience. I watch everything you publish, and I’ve been to your kickstarts and did the entire Pioneer School. I have seen people healed and come to faith. My own life changed about 45 years ago, when I said a little prayer. Nothing happened except I felt peace, and the burden I was carrying seemed to be lifted. Later I started going to church. Later I got baptized. Again something happened I couldn’t explain. And about a year after that I was baptized in the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues. Now I have studied the Bible for many years, did Bible College, and I see how God worked through the years to teach me the things you learned very quickly. I had a background similar to Russell’s, dope and promiscuity, but God led me out of all that, and repentance was ongoing. I also burned my old books and junk, but not right away. God led me to it as I was able to receive. So I pray that Russell Brand will also come into the realization that Tarot, yoga, and other occult junk will never bring him the enlightenment he craves, but only Jesus will. I think he has come through a lot, and I think he will come fully into life in Christ. I pray so.

    • @jaydubs6745
      @jaydubs6745 2 месяца назад +4

      Well said! I agree with you wholeheartedly, and this was pretty much my story as well. It took years to be able to rid myself of the old junk and it was a process that the Holy Spirit did over time. I trust God will work from within Russell to bring him to where he wants him, but how glorious it is to see him turn to Jesus and be baptised! God bless!

    • @candicecathey3773
      @candicecathey3773 2 месяца назад +5

      Yes! We are all taken through a process of transformation which never ends.

    • @ladyl4147
      @ladyl4147 2 месяца назад +5

      I agree! WHo gets saved and has their theology correct at the start? Pray for him and disciple him, someone!

    • @natalieamberger2432
      @natalieamberger2432 2 месяца назад +1

      Amen I totally agree! I was raised in an apostolic pentecostal church my whole life and experienced his presence MANY times, however I was not discipled in the word, sadly I never read it. Although I have had many experiences of God's hand over my life Through all the trials I was not truly born again until about 7 years ago When I was 29 years old At the bottom of the rope that's when I truly started looking up for understanding as to what was going on in my life spiritually, I married a baptist military man who was anything but a follower of Christ and was going to a baptist church by myself with our children in hopes he would come, moved far away from family and friends by myself, but it was SO dead and my Spirit was hungry for the Lord, for reality. One day I cried out to the Lord in truth, I begged him to help me and reveal himself to me, Up until that point I was blaming others in my life and I had gone through horrible things that the Lord knows of. So I asked Jesus, "Lord is it me am I the problem!?" I told him I didn't care if everything I was raised to believe was a lie I wanted the truth I just wanted him, And if this Christianity that I was experiencing was all there was I didn't want nothing more to do with it, I just wanted him. I got up off that floor and opened the Bible it randomly opened to matthew the words of Jesus and it was as if a veil was pulled from the eyes of my understanding, Everything in the Bible began to convict to me. I began remembering things from my childhood All the way to my teen years where I had not treated others right. I went through deep repentance for about 7 days I thought for sure God could not love me anymore, there was SO much sin in my heart I had never noticed, I kept reading the word everyday anyways, it's all I wanted to do even though it was cutting me, I told God that Even if he didn't love anymore I would serve him even for my children's sake, I did not want them to be lost! I began seeing hypocrisy in the church etc, I realiz now he was putting his holy fear in my heart, After the 7th day Of being so convicted Thinking that the Lord had abandoned me I told him I would rather die if I couldn't have his presence Or know for sure that he loved me. One night when I was in my room in the dark curled up in fetal position crying so hard and begging the Lord to show me If I had been deceived my whole life thinking that I knew him when my life/heart all these years proved otherwise, I had so many questions I was so confused as to how I could have claimed the name of Jesus and had Those hypocrises in my heart and why I never read the bible myself. I was wondering if it was truly God that I had felt as a little girl playing outside, I would think about and talk to him all the time. I was a singer, he was all I would sing about. Was it truly God whenever I would go to the altar and cry so hard, Was it truly him that I was praying to all my whole life. And that's when I heard a still small voice in my spirit Say, "psalm 139" I was in shock That had never happened to me before So I questioned myself, And it said it again "psalm 139" I didn't even know if there was a psalms 139, I got out of my bed and ran To look and see if there was and sure enough! As I read that I began to weep and weep Tears of joy And after that moment is when the Lord Finally began to show me his love and deep spiritual truth and led me to teachers that taught things that I know he wanted me to understand but that night he poured his love over me. My life has never been the same, I completely changed, My husband thought I was going crazy, I gave up all the evil things which the average person they wouldn't think is evil But I began rooting things out of my life stumbling blocks, anything that was contrary to the word of God. I didn't need my mother or father or anyone else to tell me The Holy Spirit began to teach me. But I will say prior to this the Lord was using My children which were 2 and 4 at the time They were having heavy dreams for their age. Things that disturbed me And really caused me also to seek the Lord. This Born again expereince/walk is truly a lifelong journey, and it is different for everyone. We all come from different backgrounds and the Lord has to do a transformation work in our lives in our hearts. The Lord has showed me so many things over these past 7 years, I've had to wrestle with trying to understand doctrines etc. many things that I still may not be perfected on but I patiently wait upon the Lord. God is so longsufferirng always so merciful and I trust that the good work that he began in me he will see it unto completion! As someone who grew up in church and at least knew something of the fear of God, I can't even imagine the confusion and the many things that the Lord is going to have to take this man through that he must wrestle with, Until he comes to true understanding, if he allows the Lord to do that for him. That's why we definitely need to pray for him and also our loved ones and friends (I def dont see the fruit in him) he is a confused seeking man And in the process confusing many others. Whether or not it is nefarious Only God truly knows the heart of each and every individual And we will be judged accordingly, I pray he comes to the true fear and knowlege of the Lord. God Bless 🙏

    • @beth_joy6591
      @beth_joy6591 2 месяца назад +1

      this is my expriance as well and my fathers he was well messed up when he 1st came to God but now he is a beauitful powerful man of the lord

  • @manuelag2128
    @manuelag2128 2 месяца назад +69

    I pray that russel will be touched by the HOLY SPIRIT ✨ and get enlightend of the sin in his life. May he get free of allthe occult and be a beautiful head of his Family ✨🏡✨

    • @sarahaccardi
      @sarahaccardi 2 месяца назад +5

      I don’t think Russel Brand really knows what He is doing. He might not have an understanding of the gospel but I wouldn’t judge his intentions. He might be searching and there is a genuine desire for God/Jesus but he’s just trying to sort it out and sadly is mixing with other religions/new age. He probably doesn’t have any mature believers teaching him and doesn’t understand that new age occult stuff is demonic.

    • @waterssolar5025
      @waterssolar5025 2 месяца назад +8

      I agree, Lord please help Brand find you in a powerful new birth! Religious ceremonies mean nothing apart from the Word of God!

    • @louiseb4171
      @louiseb4171 2 месяца назад +2


  • @danip7714
    @danip7714 2 месяца назад +8

    When I turned from New Age to Christ I didn't turn from everything immediately. But I earnestly yearned for God and the Holy Spirit used that to gradually convict me of what I needed to repent.

    • @marlyupdates
      @marlyupdates 2 месяца назад +1

      I had the same when the Lord called me from new age, but did not surrender all in the water. A year later I realized I didn't have the freedom I was meant to have and the Lord convicted and confirmed that I was finally ready to lay it all down. Went to the water again for a proper burial with understanding and with fruits worthy of repentance and after the baptism, the Lord confirmed in a dream that this was the real baptism, but not the bath I had the year before.

  • @letthewordspeak7136
    @letthewordspeak7136 2 месяца назад +67

    I did repent before i got baptised but messed up afterwards several times. Repentance is not only before baptism but also afterwards, we have to keep it with repentance and when we fall we stand back up and continue walking the narrow way. Its also what John said to the little children:
    1 John 2,1-2 My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.
    To walk holy is like learning to walk, step by step but at a certain age its expected that you can walk normaly and not fall.

    • @jimmybedding1736
      @jimmybedding1736 2 месяца назад +4


    • @chrissheafer
      @chrissheafer 2 месяца назад

      Oh no. First you much reach perfection. Then you can get baptized.

    • @ErikaFlores-px9gs
      @ErikaFlores-px9gs 2 месяца назад


    • @A-Grammie-On-the-ROCK
      @A-Grammie-On-the-ROCK 2 месяца назад +4

      I fully agree. Some stuff drops off immediately but not everything especially if other strong n mature believers aren't around to help disciple them

    • @letthewordspeak7136
      @letthewordspeak7136 2 месяца назад

      @@chrissheafer No reason to get sarcastic, Jesus is our example and he walked in perfection. I agree with Torben that something seems off and in general I am hesitant to buy it, when celebreties are coming to faith. Satan has a strong grip on celebreties and if they dondt surrender completely (fame, love for money usw.) and get set free, born again with the full gospel preached to them, he will have a foothold in their life.

  • @63Lynda
    @63Lynda 2 месяца назад +10

    Some times after becoming a christian God and the Holy Spirit needs to work in our hearts and lives to show us the things that are wrong and help us to change, you dont always know immediately what things you need to lay down. I pray God will continually work in his heart and life and lead him into all truth.

  • @SuperDjmoonlight
    @SuperDjmoonlight 2 месяца назад +28

    The church needs discernment

  • @MelindaLemire-mo3dc
    @MelindaLemire-mo3dc 2 месяца назад +43

    Christ conciousness- new age enlightenment is very different from the immersion of all to Jesus.

    • @davidortega357
      @davidortega357 2 месяца назад +7

      New age baptism new age doctrines are of Satan there's no.repentence false gospel

    • @davidortega357
      @davidortega357 2 месяца назад +3

      Just another religion singing won't get people saved Simon magus preacher

    • @jeffknightvisualartist
      @jeffknightvisualartist 2 месяца назад

      Christ Consciousness is in itself an oxymoron. Christ is Greek for the Annointed One. Therefore, how does Anointed One Consciousness do anything!! It's nuts! However, when a person truly repents of their sinful, confess their sins, and then are baptised into Jesus Christ will receive the Mind of Jesus Christ as a fruit of the Holy Spirit when they're baptised with the Holy Spirit!!!

  • @marvacowans7318
    @marvacowans7318 2 месяца назад +48

    No one tells them. No Godly teachers. Church is watered down. I pray that Russell Brand will know the truth.

    • @user-vz7ci4tw4s
      @user-vz7ci4tw4s 2 месяца назад +3


    • @truthinthefaceoftyranny
      @truthinthefaceoftyranny 2 месяца назад +3

      yes, biblical mentorship. But so many raise up their "I got the truth flag" and need teaching. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God, how can he hear unless someone preaches, sent to biblical principles.
      I was raised in an Anglican church until a teenager and did not even know who Jesus/Yeshua was. But thankfully God showed me mercy and grace. I had turned 21 and was renting a room from a Pentecostal family and there was a peace in that home, that I was not familiar with. But I did not know who Jesus was, but I started to pray every night, because I wanted to know & serve God. I was just a baby, unborn spiritually.

    • @A-Grammie-On-the-ROCK
      @A-Grammie-On-the-ROCK 2 месяца назад +3

      Yes may a mentor friend comes along to tell him he needs to drop yoga etc

    • @truthinthefaceoftyranny
      @truthinthefaceoftyranny 2 месяца назад +3

      @@A-Grammie-On-the-ROCK ..... when I was a young Christian, the lady (Christian for quite a few years) at the Pentecostal church, let me rent a room in her house. There was a yoga book on her desk. I asked her why she had it, I discerned it was filled with their religious dogma. She said it is just for exercise, but I informed her that it is connected to their demonic spirits and transidental meditation. She mocked me when I told her she is playing with the wrong spirit world & God is a jealous God.
      A day later I came home and her face was beat up badly. I was mortified. Asked her what happen, she said "oh I just fell". Her best friend called me and I said so & so had a bad fall. She informed me that she was doing yoga and blacked out doing the breathing.

    • @CCelia1953
      @CCelia1953 2 месяца назад

      ​@@truthinthefaceoftyranny. satan instills fear, are jeaulous, judgemental, and vengeful!!! My Divine Creator can not be confined to a book, is LÓVE!!!!!!!!!!!! Not a man and having that mans character traites. Jesus said the Kingdom is inside of you.

  • @whichypoohs
    @whichypoohs 2 месяца назад +19

    But it sill takes time for Russell to learn.

    • @karenhubbard5037
      @karenhubbard5037 2 месяца назад +7

      Apparently Russell is not conforming to the expectations of religious Christians. I'm pretty sure the Holy Spirit is quite capable of bringing Russell fully to the knowledge of Jesus.

  • @Remotegeneration1212
    @Remotegeneration1212 2 месяца назад +12

    Yes-repentance has been missing in many “churches” today!

  • @ooshi1
    @ooshi1 2 месяца назад +22

    Spot on. Praying Russel brand comes to know the real Jesus and throws the new age version away

    • @nacidadenuevo
      @nacidadenuevo 2 месяца назад


  • @cherylmorgan6791
    @cherylmorgan6791 2 месяца назад +16

    Thank you Torben for having the courage to step out in The truth…I plead the blood of Jesus and pray the Lords protection over you and ask for the Lord to propel your ministry.

    • @chrissheafer
      @chrissheafer 2 месяца назад

      I day BS. To you and your Thanksgiving over tearing people down.
      Yeah, God's not pleased.

  • @GraceOnly
    @GraceOnly 2 месяца назад +26

    Torben you are a real man of God! May He keep you and bless you brother!

    • @chrissheafer
      @chrissheafer 2 месяца назад

      Real men of God doing publicly disparage people or judge them before salvation or baptisms.
      Wake up. This dude is all about hits now.

    • @GraceOnly
      @GraceOnly 2 месяца назад +4

      @chrissheafer Real man of God is exposing the danger of being deceived!

  • @juliewaring604
    @juliewaring604 2 месяца назад +24

    completely agree with you Torben.....we have the discernment of Holy Spirit...and something smells fishy

  • @ChristFollower555
    @ChristFollower555 2 месяца назад +16

    Torben I truly pray that Russell Brands sees this video. I've also been following him since the pandemic and I know that he's seeking the Lord but as you said, he doesn't undertand the gospel, sin and repentance. He has not denounced all the other false religions that he has messed around with in the past. One video that he uploaded a few months ago, of his morning prayer, at first I was agreeing with his prayer, it was really beautiful and sounded sincere but then he said "Divine Mother", I felt the leading of the Holy Spirit and I made a comment on his post. The Catholics inundated me with replies about being our "divine mother Mary." Needless to say there was a lot of back and forth, as a former Catholic I understand the erroneous theology and beliefs but it has been such a strong back lash from my comment, I'm still getting replies till this day. Russell Brand is seeking and I pray that he will have a real encounter with our Lord Jesus and that the veil will be removed from his eyes. It would be amazing if he could meet with you, maybe meeting you in Mexico!

    • @turquoismama33
      @turquoismama33 2 месяца назад

      The RCC's mixing of evil and righteousness has been going on for centuries. Many people like that, as it allows them to be lukewarm, having the best of both(or many) worlds. Of course those that know, know that it really is NOT the best of more than one world/realm and in the end they will be spewed out of Christ's mouth, them being evil the whole time.
      As we pray for Russell and those like him to see the Whole Truth and follow, let's continue to teach others what being righteous and holy really is. Thank you Torben. These things have to be discussed. Time is short.

  • @maggiewas2826
    @maggiewas2826 2 месяца назад +26

    He never mentioned God,,Jesus. He never said Jesus is now my saviour. How sad.

    • @amyjames8247
      @amyjames8247 2 месяца назад +1

      He said Christ. What's the difference?

    • @tabathamartinez4210
      @tabathamartinez4210 2 месяца назад +2

      He said Christ is His choice after seeking all other religions

    • @Batya-Grace
      @Batya-Grace 2 месяца назад +1

      @@amyjames8247…His name is Jesus Christ. Demons flee at the name of Jesus. He should have said the full name of Jesus Christ.

    • @silver292
      @silver292 2 месяца назад +3

      @@Batya-Grace That's a bit Pharisaical. the words 'Jesus Christ' aren't magic words that cause someone to be saved. i would say by his actions it's obvious Russel Brand has ALREADY had internal changes and desire to follow Christ over his own life.

    • @wisedyes
      @wisedyes 2 месяца назад +1

      Words are easy. God knows his heart.

  • @FreedomInChrist07
    @FreedomInChrist07 2 месяца назад +13

    I didn't know about him and started seeing him since a few months before God was humbling him with difficult times. I saw God drawing him. But when I saw this video about his baptism I was worried. totally agree. This is making me sad...

  • @pejvd
    @pejvd 2 месяца назад +9

    I rejoiced too soon. you are right, where is the repentance? the knowledge of sin? Come on Russel Brand, look into to this! ❤

  • @NataliePaluch
    @NataliePaluch 2 месяца назад +5

    I will really be praying for him ❤❤❤ prayer is powerful... everyone come together and pray for his true salvation ❤

  • @heidibryden9992
    @heidibryden9992 2 месяца назад +4

    Amen brother. We must turn from everything and follow Christ.

  • @mrsmc2612
    @mrsmc2612 2 месяца назад +17

    Amen! No compromise!

  • @user-xv6ii4wu4q
    @user-xv6ii4wu4q 2 месяца назад +3

    The truth is not judgement. It is very important that we can discern truth within the body. The Bible speaks about this very clearly. And yes, we need to be gentle. Pray for these people. Fight for them through prayer to learn the truth.

  • @hephzibah4675
    @hephzibah4675 2 месяца назад +15

    I agree. Just have one question. Obviously we need to repent and be baptised, but there is also santification process. Some people genuinely come to Christ, but are not yet understanding everything, and get conviction along the way. So where is the line drawn. I've seen people truly repenting and being baptised, but some aspects of their lives was as if they couldn't get why it is wrong. Later on they did and turned away from that.

    • @CarolinaRiack
      @CarolinaRiack 2 месяца назад +4

      Only time will tell 🙏🏻 and the fruit they will bear ❤

    • @user-vz7ci4tw4s
      @user-vz7ci4tw4s 2 месяца назад

      You are correct, I believe. I left a comment citing a classic example of just that! Helen Ivicevich, an international evangelist; when she first came t9 Christ she was prostituting for a living, (her brain had been damaged by drugs,) she was in love with Jesus.
      A few months later she found out that sex outside of marriage is sin, so she quit. She was saved about 1970. No one knew or they'd have thrown her out of the church I believe, but "a smoking flax he will not quench, nor break a bruised reed."
      We have to be so careful with these newcomers - yes share the truth, but not in an angry, self-righteous way, which I've seen over the years.
      Be patient with souls, God is patient with each one of us.

    • @kelijvon2859
      @kelijvon2859 2 месяца назад +1

      That is explained by renewing the mind. Romans 12:1-2. As they continue to live a repentant life and renew their minds to the Truth, Holy Spirit will show them different things they need to repent from at different times when they’re ready. We should all show the fruit of repentance. What is the fruit? That whenever the Lord shows us something new that we’ve been doing, saying, believing that doesn’t line up with Truth, that we actually repent, throw it away, and turn to God’s Truth in that.

  • @bobthrasher8226
    @bobthrasher8226 2 месяца назад +4

    The point of being baptized, first of all, is to be free for the power of sin. Repentance in our own strength only gets us so far, but in baptism, God supernaturally sets of free from the power of sin!

  • @DisciplesAflame
    @DisciplesAflame 2 месяца назад +9

    Amen. Praise God for your voice brother Torben. I was so encouraged when I saw your ministry a couple years back but dug hard to find your stance on these things. When going through the Pioneer school and reading your book Sound Doctrine I was pleasantly surprised and refreshed that you have and preach a biblical doctrine of true repentance 'Before' salvation / forgiveness. Stay Faithful! - Mike

  • @shauncavanagh722
    @shauncavanagh722 2 месяца назад +3

    The work of christ is also a journey. God will work on him as he grows in faith.

  • @markus4979
    @markus4979 2 месяца назад +3

    Thanks Torben for speaking out what just a few mature christians noticed, time to wake up and get real. Jesus is not an addition, its a total life surrendor & exchange.❤🔥

  • @anitassigmundsen2554
    @anitassigmundsen2554 2 месяца назад +4

    Thank you Torben for raising your voice for the truth.

  • @soymarkkol
    @soymarkkol 2 месяца назад +6

    Wow, you’ve said what I’ve known for a long time already, thank you! People need to know what the gospel is really about

  • @juliuswakefield5677
    @juliuswakefield5677 2 месяца назад +3

    Torben is a real testimony today of being Christian and being saved.

  • @ForGodsgloryministry75
    @ForGodsgloryministry75 2 месяца назад +6

    This was good thx Torben 😊

  • @Remotegeneration1212
    @Remotegeneration1212 2 месяца назад +2

    I do appreciate brother that you are bold enough to speak truth!

  • @linkes28
    @linkes28 2 месяца назад +2

    So well said. I saw the tarot cards and then him announcing the baptism. Thank you for confirming. Discernment is a gift from the Holy Spirit. Let's pray Russell Brand finds true repentance.

  • @BeautifulBladingEveryday
    @BeautifulBladingEveryday 2 месяца назад

    Thank you, for the message, for the courage and truth. Repentance is key, turning away from the sins and being devoted to our Abba and his word. Do have a beautiful and blessed day Torben🙏

  • @gillianzohnert2323
    @gillianzohnert2323 2 месяца назад +1

    Thank you for the grace in which you table these thorns in the body. May the Lord give us the gift of discerning of spirits and the blessing of his grace to be dally and light in this world

  • @kimbolton2842
    @kimbolton2842 2 месяца назад +2

    I hope and pray that Russel will see this and contact you Torban. As you have said Russel is a lovely person who like most people may have been deceived. Thank you for posting this, God Bless.

  • @Kelly-ty9be
    @Kelly-ty9be 2 месяца назад +3

    Thank you for pointing this out

  • @agnetagustavsson4918
    @agnetagustavsson4918 2 месяца назад

    Thanks Torben for clarification! 💯❣

  • @Gladness2023
    @Gladness2023 2 месяца назад +2

    I went to see a ‘Christian spiritualist’ AFTER I got born again. I did know a Christian Spiritualist was not the spiritual side of the church. However, when I went after I had got born again , I felt cold and shivery and decided I should not go there again.
    Also some 3 months later ( I did not know I should even be going to church and be discipled) I asked God if he was real and what I said 3 months before was real then I add some him to take my life. I was very serious. Something very unusual happened I was sobbing hoping that Jesus would take me to heaven if he was real.. I had some understanding that church people said if you take your own life you don’t go to heaven .. yet in my bedroom I sat there crying and suddenly a bright light came on my head and my eyes were shut tight, a warm feeling of love flowed through my body from head to toe. After a short time the light subsided and I opened my eyes and my sadness was completely gone. I knew something had happened but I still did not clearly know what. 6 months later I walked into a Baptist church and the pastor was preaching about the legions of demons that went into the pigs… after that service I spoke with my friend and the pastor and they prayed for me and pastor saw a vision of a prison door happening. I said that is Spiritism ( don’t even know how I was prophesying as I believe I truly was given revelation in that moment) From that point on I was truly surrendered but at every stage I was sincere but did not know what I was doing was wrong … So I have actually prayed for Russell Brands salvation and I believe it is possible he doesn’t totally understand you CANNOT MIX NEW AGE with CHRIS WALK ..
    I believe if we pray Holy Spirit will reveal Himself to Russell He will. God was so gracious to me because I was really genuine in my heart in my search for truth. Years later the Holy Spirit spoke to me He said : ‘That day when you asked me to take your life, I took it ‘ Amazing that I just wanted you to fall asleep and wake up in heaven and Jesus shone his glorious light on me and healed my depression and freed me from kingdom of darkness on my own in my bedroom .. PRAISE GOD!
    I hope Russell connects with you Torban .. I had a dream in February about preaching to New Age gathering ‘ DO YOU BELIEVE JESUS IS THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD’ I recently shared at our church … God is reaching out to New Age and Immigrants ..
    Thank you posting .. Russell Brand will be born again I believe it!!

  • @mariajensen3838
    @mariajensen3838 2 месяца назад +11

    I would like to say this is an example of the false gospel false church form of Godliness without the Power.

  • @annec3733
    @annec3733 2 месяца назад +2

    Thank you, Torben! You explained it so clearly and with love and respect ! I hope these two men will contact you !
    It seems so.New Age 😭😭 how Russell tells his experience....

  • @mistya59
    @mistya59 2 месяца назад

    Thank you Torben, for being bold and speaking truth.

  • @dagman85
    @dagman85 Месяц назад

    Such a beautiful clip at the end of this video! I realize the music adds to the impact of the clip, but the genuineness of her reaction and her feeling of freedom and of encountering Holy Spirit are truly moving. That is the real deal, for sure. It can sometimes be hard to spot what is missing from someone's testimony until you see it displayed in another person's testimony, but once you see the genuine transformation, it is definitely recognizable.
    Thank you for posting this, Torben, and I pray that Russell will also get to experience the fullness of new life in Jesus and all that God has prepared for Him.

  • @MelindaLemire-mo3dc
    @MelindaLemire-mo3dc 2 месяца назад +3

    Thank you for such a true share-

  • @Ingrid-zu7tp
    @Ingrid-zu7tp 13 дней назад

    Thank dou to call it out

  • @jasminemacdonald0718
    @jasminemacdonald0718 2 месяца назад +6

    Repentance! Amen ! Missing from the typical American church today.

  • @wakeleyfamily
    @wakeleyfamily 2 месяца назад

    Wow! So clear! Brilliant video. Thanks

  • @discipleofchrist2802
    @discipleofchrist2802 2 месяца назад +6

    Thank you for your beautiful video Torben! I pray that this video will reach Russel brown and Kanye West in Jesus name!!❤

  • @ingridredelinghuys4902
    @ingridredelinghuys4902 2 месяца назад

    Thank you Torben. You are absolutely right.

  • @nannekvernvik8752
    @nannekvernvik8752 2 месяца назад +3

    Amen Brother so true Preach it🙏🇧🇻That is Love

  • @thewellofnashville
    @thewellofnashville 8 дней назад

    I pray he grows in maturity… as we all must. Amen!

  • @truthlover418
    @truthlover418 2 месяца назад

    Thank you for sharing this vital, biblical perspective and truth. May the LORD continue to abundantly bless you with grace and peace.

  • @glendabecker5316
    @glendabecker5316 2 месяца назад +5

    Yes! We are forgiven when we repent. Acts 2:38

  • @descendlow
    @descendlow 2 месяца назад

    Thank you for your service and sincere heart Torben. Russell released a video today thanking christians for warning him about tarot and the occult and says the tarot video was made before his baptism. He was very thankful and humble ❤keep praying for Russell everyone!

    • @TheLastReformation
      @TheLastReformation  2 месяца назад

      Yes, I hope he will hear the gospel and receive the Holy Spirit. And stop praying to Mary and using the Rosary. I have seen some of the newer videos, and sadly, he hasn't heard the true gospel yet or been born again. But he is seeking, and we keep praying.

  • @LiveLocalTexasMusic
    @LiveLocalTexasMusic 2 месяца назад

    Another incredible video, testimony and word about the truth!🙏🏽

  • @1erinjames
    @1erinjames 2 месяца назад +8

    It's as tho he is literally casting a spell by his hands and arms mixed carefully with his words. So many are being led astray by a different "Jesus" and I hate it!!!

  • @terranovaofjesus8396
    @terranovaofjesus8396 2 месяца назад

    Beautiful brother Torben

  • @alexanderjohn3305
    @alexanderjohn3305 2 месяца назад +2

    Hard to hear, but you have a good point Torben. Sobering

  • @leahlevinmartins
    @leahlevinmartins 2 месяца назад

    yes 100% agree with you so grateful for your ministry

  • @sarahaccardi
    @sarahaccardi 2 месяца назад +3

    Kanye was saved but fell away. He didn’t understand the concept of working out your salvation, and assumed God would do everything for him. He also didn’t have Godly leaders around him.
    The Lord had me praying for Kanye. I believe His turn around was true, but the enemy came and ate the seeds because they fell on shallow ground/the weeds strangled them out.

  • @thedivinetruth4480
    @thedivinetruth4480 2 месяца назад

    So beautiful 🥹 All Praise to the Lord! ✝️🙏🏻❤️‍🔥

  • @aileenmcconville6653
    @aileenmcconville6653 2 месяца назад

    Interesting that I initially wanted to send Russell your movie with David Bega, but not because of his lack of repentance - I assumed he had repented. I hope he sees this video and connects with you. Your words could be like gold to him! Bless you Torben for your courage. ❤

  • @_Francois_
    @_Francois_ 2 месяца назад +1

    Thanks for the truth

  • @dianaolmos1804
    @dianaolmos1804 2 месяца назад +3

    God will finish his work in him he did say he came to Christ via new age. I pray for him as he can bring people to the question after you have had everything done everything and you are still empty. Jesus also says repent of your unbelief of him and by that the Holy Spirit.

  • @salotesaukuru3201
    @salotesaukuru3201 2 месяца назад

    Thank-you very much Torben for always sharing the truth you are the trusted man of God the true Disciple of Jesus Christ

  • @hmsteller
    @hmsteller 2 месяца назад

    Love you Torben and your ministry. I came to genuine repentance, and was water baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit a little over two years ago by someone who received the Holy Spirit at one of your kickstarts and now I’ve seen God do the same for almost every woman that comes to our woman’s group and one of my sisters went to the Luke 10 school. The true Gospel is so powerful and so little preached. I deeply appreciate you. I would not have known any different if I hadn’t watched your videos that my friend shared with me and felt the conviction of the Holy Spirit. We really must forsake ALL to truly come into Christ. The Holy Spirit is the most precious Person in my life and I would be so lost without Him. I came out of every kind of immorality and it was 4 years of stripping away before I was at the end of myself truly and I am SO passionate about people receiving the freedom from sin (not sinless perfection) that Jesus paid for and receiving the promise of the Father and being FILLED with the Holy Spirit. God bless you 🙏 I pray for you.

  • @katrinalodge6055
    @katrinalodge6055 2 месяца назад +1

    It also sometimes takes time for the Lord to change us... I also was very new age and it takes time for those spirits to be rebuked and deliverance from...

  • @1erinjames
    @1erinjames 2 месяца назад +5

    Good fruit. The Fruits of The Spirit. Humility. All of those being used as the Standard plus weighing against The 10 Commandments, and i have the answer.

  • @NR.2023
    @NR.2023 2 месяца назад

    I too have come through a bad life. Being Born Again is the first step anyone needs to take and get baptised. Then the journey starts on the narrow road which is hard at first but Christ is Always there to hold our hand along the rough times.
    It's all about getting to be a better human being along the way.
    Don't condem someone who has chosen to accept Jesus Christ.
    Leave the judgement to God.

  • @brianamcghee
    @brianamcghee 2 месяца назад

    Preach, brother.

  • @robertgonzalez8419
    @robertgonzalez8419 2 месяца назад

    Now that I see you outside of your incarceration I rejoice in the Lord greatly that you are with your wife and children and very grateful to God for moving on your behalf and I know it seem like a very long time it was to me praying for you and your family through that time being upset about the justice system God bless you brother all glory to God

  • @tawa2105
    @tawa2105 2 месяца назад

    I agree!

  • @katrinalodge6055
    @katrinalodge6055 2 месяца назад

    Hoping and praying the Holy Spirit is convicting him of these issues and he does find full repentance,

  • @boazcollege8784
    @boazcollege8784 2 месяца назад

    Great video and praying that Russle will come to a place where he repents from sin and renounces it, turn from everything of the past and receive the Holy Spirit

  • @kathy1149
    @kathy1149 2 месяца назад

    I pray for these people to really have a heart posture...change of heart! That he has a personal relationship with His creator! Yes, repentance and forsaking sin once and for all!

  • @Believebeyond1
    @Believebeyond1 2 месяца назад +1

    You can learn about Jesus and be convicted and be baptized but being discipled is another thing. Many new Christian’s May experience this in general but especially in these days when deceptions run deep and the amount of devotees to disciple are sparse. His heart seems pure with what he knows, he needs guidance. 🙏🙏

  • @betty91706
    @betty91706 2 месяца назад +5

    Ahmein Repentance is everything it’s the game changer

  • @maxemrich8778
    @maxemrich8778 2 месяца назад

    Hey Torben, thanks and much respect for your work and the video. I think in general your message is very important and I agree on the "package" you speak of that everyone should get when coming to Christ. I do think however that this can happen in different ways as it was also in the book of acts. There were people for example who were already believing and baptized, but hadn´t received the Holy Spirit yet and Paul went to them for that matter. Was the conversion they had not real because they hadn´t received the Holy Spirit? no. And well, yes, we should leave all things not belonging to Christ, but what about areas we just are not conscious of yet? I think there is a genuine turn around to Jesus, that is needed, but then this is being walked out and an ongoing process. That said, yes, someone should tell him that Tarot is not good!;) blessings

  • @sezziek1
    @sezziek1 2 месяца назад

    Would love to hear from him about Jesus and the cross and the glory given to God..

  • @sunshinegirl5229
    @sunshinegirl5229 2 месяца назад +1

    Hb das video gestern zufällig gesehen und tatsächlich wie bei Kanae dachte ich:" mhm...irgendwas stimmt da nicht"...aber möge er wirklich wachsen und Jesus dranatisch erleben, so dass es rein und echt ist...und nur Gott allein sieht unser Herz...

  • @seegert2978
    @seegert2978 2 месяца назад +5

    Amen Torben! I’m so happy you’ve got out of prison.🙏🏻
    Praise God for you being faithful to the truth and His word.
    In Jesus name amen!

  • @katrinacharlwood1137
    @katrinacharlwood1137 2 месяца назад

    You are right. However we must pray for Russell as he is on the right path at least…it can take time to let go of our past as I’ve seen multiple times 🙏🏼

  • @nickerpoocollins
    @nickerpoocollins 2 месяца назад

    We need to pray for him. Have watched Brand and believe he is sincere. Praying God will surround Russell with Christians who will teach him sound doctrine.

  • @FriedrichGonzalez
    @FriedrichGonzalez 2 месяца назад +1

    Newly borns have always made mistakes. We do better pointing out the mistake than saying „it’s not true repentance because it doesn’t say the exact words we are familiar with“. Jesus starts the work and finishes it, even in Kanye with his confusion. That’s if we trust him instead of our little understanding. We do better protecting the small ones.

    • @TheLastReformation
      @TheLastReformation  2 месяца назад +1

      Yes they do. What that is not what is happening here.

  • @mikaelaltairbruneau474
    @mikaelaltairbruneau474 2 месяца назад +6

    @12:43 saturn worship on his shirt

  • @itwork6810
    @itwork6810 2 месяца назад

    I hope yourself and Russel can have a chat and meet up. I like Russel and I think his heart is in the right place. He has had years and years of struggle and very much has turned away from drugs and so on. But I think he just simply doesn’t understand what he is into. In that it is not good for anybody.

  • @ivonzaragosa5756
    @ivonzaragosa5756 2 месяца назад

    I want to experience this !! She look so happy and free coming out of the water baptism

  • @Nonumberyouorme
    @Nonumberyouorme 2 месяца назад +1

    Baptism is the beginning of your walk with Jesus. You are making a declaration that you know Jesus is the Son of God. It takes time to know God. The more you study the words of God (the Bible) the more you learn what you are doing just might be upsetting God. Then you repent and change your ways. Russell Brand is new to this, give him time.

  • @user-vz7ci4tw4s
    @user-vz7ci4tw4s 2 месяца назад +2

    Some of you smell of self righteousness. We know he hasn't had full repentance, but dont forget, he belongs to Christ - even though hes not yet saved - God has his finger on him and is drawing him.
    "A bruised reed he shall not break, and a smoking flax he will not quench."
    You and I are still a work in progress. Dont forget it.

  • @nickfraser2844
    @nickfraser2844 2 месяца назад


  • @Yooper915
    @Yooper915 2 месяца назад +1

    Matthew 24:24-30

  • @NancyLudden2
    @NancyLudden2 2 месяца назад

    So precious.

  • @clelladams2326
    @clelladams2326 2 месяца назад

    So many today 'convert' mentally to Christianity. But they do not repent and give their heart to the Lord.

  • @robinmccann7608
    @robinmccann7608 2 месяца назад

    I am 56 years old I was baptized January 17, 2023. Jesus saved my life I read my Bible daily. I go to church Sunday morning I go to Bible study Tuesday morning Wednesday evening church and I help out with the church as well. you have to give your old life up. I’ve change so much I feel so righteousness and I look at people so much differently. Now I’m praying for people all the time and kinder people and I for the Holy Spirit and Jesus in my heart thank you so much Jesus for saving my life, praise the Lord. Hallelujah.

  • @ETBrothers
    @ETBrothers 2 месяца назад


  • @vow-audible
    @vow-audible 2 месяца назад +4

    Thanks, Please everyone give the guy a chance to come to the full knowledge and way. It is not for any of us to judge. I trust the Holy Spirit to teach and lead him fully through . Jesus said come to me, he didn't say be you have to be perfect before you come to me and I receive you. .Russell may have repented privately and between him and God and he has to come to terms with what it means. . Everyone is different and Yes there is only one way but Jesus knows what we have been through and where we come from.

    • @christinekoenig5669
      @christinekoenig5669 2 месяца назад +1

      WE as Christians ARE TO discern or judge righteously other so called " Believers."
      much more could say...

    • @vow-audible
      @vow-audible 2 месяца назад

      ​@@christinekoenig5669 Don't get me wrong sister, I understand what you mean, however what I am saying . Though we are to be discerning, loving and yes follow Jesus and scriptures, to look at the fruits and be wise. Tests the spirits and turn away from sins and repent and all that. I personally choose not to be so quick as to judge this man at such an early stage of coming to know Jesus Christ and follow the way. We are to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling, Paul said as well. We are all discussing Russell Brand's baptism and new found faith. It doesn't mean he has it all right yet. This video is questioning it openly for the world to see and read because they say he has not repented. The danger in doing so, I have experienced, is that it turns more lost people away from Jesus Christ than it draws. Yes even those who have been in other religions and 'New age' I have encountered so many who were in trepidation to come to really know Jesus, because of seeing other Christians tearing one another down, the constant judging and the vast differences in church denominations etc. Yet they desperately wanted Jesus Christ, to know him and come into relationship and to God the Father. Too many feel they needed to pass an examine and be Oh so perfect before they would come to be accepted by Jesus and the Holy Spirit only because of Church buildings, leaders and sadly other Christians more than the scriptures. I am simply saying give him a chance, he like a young ones in the faith here. Little Children are nurtured and taught as they grow up, as they can handle it. Not all in one go. For that reason. I am leaving the judging to Father and Jesus, especially when it comes to those newly coming into the faith. Father, Son and Spirit are the one who examines the heart and soul of a man and will lead him. Praying for Russell is the best thing we can do in the hope he will come to turn away from the occult things. Sorry for the long reply. God Bless You . Much Love🙏🏼

  • @an_nie_dyc1386
    @an_nie_dyc1386 2 месяца назад +5


  • @snjmkerry
    @snjmkerry 2 месяца назад +1

    The thief on the cross was neither baptised in water or spoke in tounges! Speaking in tounges is a gift that some might receive, and if they do its to be translated by another and only one to speak at a time X

    • @TheLastReformation
      @TheLastReformation  2 месяца назад

      You truly need help. You can not use the thief of the cross card here….. Try see our movies www.TLRmovie.com

    • @snjmkerry
      @snjmkerry 2 месяца назад


    • @truthinthefaceoftyranny
      @truthinthefaceoftyranny 2 месяца назад

      ​@@snjmkerry...... I think you may have taken that comment in a different light. I don't think it was like North American slang sarcasm vernacular.... "you need help" in an insulted way. I think it was meant that you might need help with biblical insight. The thief on the cross thing is always thrown around to refute water baptism, but there are several things wrong with that. Firstly, where did Jesus go that day upon death to get the "keys of death, hell and the grave"? He descended before he ascended.
      Secondly, the thief died under the Old Covenant. This is explained in the Book of Hebrews. That a Testament remains in place while the Testator is alive.... A Will is only read and distributed when the Testator of the Will is deceased. The thief died under that Old Covenant agreement before the New Covenant by Jesus blood was established.

  • @pennyhughes3671
    @pennyhughes3671 2 месяца назад +3

    Don't forget its a British baptism its different but I agree with what you're saying

    • @arunamy362
      @arunamy362 2 месяца назад

      What is a British baptism? There is only one Biblical baptism.