It is nice to see what they looked like… before we blew them out of the sky 🇺🇸 America baby put a boot in there ass…USA USA USA But seriously it is beautiful
In 2001 HBO and the BBC released a really superb docudrama about the 1942 Wannsee Conference starring Kenneth Branagh and Stanley Tucci as Reinhard Heydrich and Adolf Eichmann respectively. An early scene shows an Fi-156 C-3 making a landing with Heydrich supposedly at the controls (Heydrich did fly himself to the Wannsee Conference in a Storch). The aircraft shown does not appear to be the same as this one, the unit markings are different. Still, there can't be many airworthy Fi-156s remaining -- by my count eight worldwide.
That's such an incredibly short take off. I'd only ever read about it, but I'd never appreciated how little it took for them to get off the ground. Thanks for sharing.
it looked either really easy to fly, or very flimsy and easy to lose control of XD I'd imagine as a recon plane it'd be pretty sturdy and an easy-going flight for the sake of its purpose...
That particular airframe is ultra well designed and strong…especially considering the time, available materials, etc…Check out all of those triangulated struts. How beefy the landing gear mounts are… You are correct it has especially good visibility…look at the glazing again especially on the doors and how the glazing extends into the leading edge of the high wing. It was an early STOL aero plane and was only running something like 100 hp, if even. That type was made so that just about any smart/fast learning high school kid could master VFR in it…in a fortnight.
If all the markings are indeed from the time, it would be a disservice to the historical community to remove them. Luckily most real historians and right minded people understand the significance of preserving the past with all its flaws.
I remember as a little kid doing a drawing of a cool luftwaffe plane I saw in ‘Where Eagles Dare’ at school and having the teacher tell me off. I didn’t even know why they were upset at the time, at this point I understand the reaction but really it would’ve been better if they just explained what the symbols meant instead of assuming a 6 year old is a neonazi. Now I do scale modelling and I like to paint German/Italian/Japanese vehicles as if they’ve been captured by the red army or post apocalyptic warlords or whatever, cause I like cool fascist stuff more when it’s stolen and something bad happened to the owner, heh.
From Kenya...I have just read a WW2 book.. on the road to Stalingrad....There is a photo of a Storch which has landed on a rough single lane road just in front of the panzer tanks.It was quite a versatile & maneuverable spotter plane !
I was behind one of these on a taxiway in 1977 at CYOO when he got approval to takeoff from the taxiway…gone in 50’. (It was a different time for rules back then.) This resulted in a lfe-long fascination with STOL.
@Jack Stucki The guy you replied to did. Taking off from a three point stance vs tail wheel off the ground is all about angle of attack. Higher relative air speed means less ground speed needed which means a shorter takeoff.
That airstrip is located in Stow, Massachusetts on the beautiful Assabett River, just a couple of miles from where I lived for 35 years. It was a treat to see airplanes from the collection flying over my house.
Now that’s how you preserved history, complete with everything from the camouflage paint, right down to the swastika on tail rudder, and the MP40 submachingun.
They used to sell rides in it. Seen it fly several times. It was amazing to see it overhead almost hovering. With a reasonable headwind, it could even fly backward, and l once saw it land with NO rollout. The town complained about noise however and they no longer fly anything from that field. Except for last year, they were holding mock battles with WW2 tanks, armored cars, full uniforms, artillery, explosions, pretty impressive and LOUD. Shermans, a Stuart, a Staghound, a Priest, a Stug, a Hetzer, a Panzer IV, an 88, a Mercedes 4x6 staff car ,etc.
Enjoyed the video. The grass on the airstrip looks really well looked after, like they were taking off from a golf course. I think these aircraft were very well regarded as even Monty had one.
I love period planes. You have to build the compression to start the plane, and then it was only at most 60 feet before take off. What an awesome plane the Germans designed.
@@EmbeddedWithin Given the power to weight ratio the Storch is an amazing machine as it had even worse figures than the Lysander. Something like 12 pounds per horse power campared with ab out 7 for the Lysander. Even so the Lysander never mastered slow flight the way the Storch did.
Turning engine over to ensure there isn't fuel/oil in any of the cylinders inverted V engine could cause compression lock and damage conrods and valves, Very very expensive to replace!
The Storch has a stall speed of 20 knots. If in a landing or cruise configuration it was pointed into a 30 knot headwind it would indeed be flying in reverse as long as the airspeed was higher than stall speed but slower than the headwind.
I was lined up behind a Tiger Moth for takeoff on a windy day at Biggin Hill one day many years ago and watched him lift off and fly backwards until he built up enough speed to overcome the headwind speed. It’s a mind boggling but funny thing to see!
It really is amazing just how large the Storch really is. Just seeing it in a photo, with nobody standing next to it, it's easy to mistake it for being the size of a Cessna 152.
This is the aircraft used to extract Mussolini from the mountaintop hotel where he was being held prisoner (the Gran Sasso raid). Fieseler's best-known model was the world's first cruise missile, the Fi-103 (commonly known as the V1, or buzzbomb).
This is So Comforting to Experience in a Happier Friday afternoon in a Beautiful Country field runway indeed! Fieseler Storch Transporter >>> Stylish & Classy! 🌷🌿
I once saw a Storch take off from Duxford IWM airfield in England into a gale of wind. It took off vertically after about 20 metres run and spent most of its flight time flying backwards.
thefridgeman Short take-off. Looked a little tail heavy so perhaps that was why the fellow in the rear was there. I thought it might stall. Very interesting. But never handle a propeller as he did.
Excellent aéronef ! Mon père l'a utilisé en Indochine pour faire de l'observation et des evasan. Il me racontait que par fort vent (inverse) l'avion pouvait faire du surplace. Il pouvait atterrir et décoller sur des pistes très sommaires et sur de très courtes distances. Plus tard, au Maroc, mon père était le seul pilote voulant bien utiliser cet appareil pour faire visiter les vallées de l'Atlas.
The pilot was very professional taking his time and verifying the aircraft before takeoff. I was surprised how fast it was air born. Seemed like less than 100 feet and he was in the air.
@@bingola45 Did you notice that the pilot did not lift the tail wheel up to level before rotating into the air. I thought was standard practice for all tail draggers. What do I know?
Говорят, за счет развитой механизации крыла, эта штука могла взлетать и садиться против ветра практически вертикально и на любую поверхность! They say that due to the advanced mechanization of the wing, this thing could take off and land against the wind almost vertically and on any surface!
@@SlavicUnionGaming Hi - of course. But in the beginning he actually started like the others in the 20's trying to earn his livelihood in the aeronautical business amidst the ruins of the postwar Germany. The nazis came into picture much later when after the accession to power they started a massive, in the open rearmament program. Engineering skills like Fieseler's had where in high demand and the state provided almost limitless support for anybody with the right skills. It was a real golden age . Nobody in that time period suspected that beneath the surface was an another reality. People like Fieseler , Messerchmitt, Junkers ,Dornier , Lippisch, von Braun, Heisenberg honestly believed that all what had happened during the ' 20 s '30 s early '40 s was for the greater good to restore not to destroy Germany's place in the world....The sobering started when the early war successes faded away and the raine of the most radicalized figures like Himmler , Heydrich etc..was elevated as the state maine policy .
What a fantastic aircraft . A modern version would still be very useful today for photography and survaillance and with extended range SAR inshore and coastal patrol .
For those complaining about the men in uniforms, this is a reenactment put on by the Collings Foundation. So they have uniforms on. Even if they didn't, they're still reenacting. Each Warbird pilot, and crew are reenactors. Our ages are anywhere from 20 to 70 years old. We didn't fly these aircraft during the war. A majority of us weren't even born yet. But, we reenact how some of these aircraft were flown. When you see a warbird performing a "Bomb run" at an airshow, we're reenacting. The Collings Foundation adds to it by wearing uniforms.
@Baz Bazdad Thank you! I'm glad that you understand my name on here. Others have been confused. This reenactment takes place in the New England area of the US. I'm not positive, but like most Storch's you see flying today, the Collings Foundation's Storch might be a post war French example. Many were saved in South America.
@Baz Bazdad I attend the 352nd FG reunion every year. It hit us hard when Punchy passed away. He held everyone together. It hit me pretty hard when Alden Rugby(487th), and Don Bryan(328th) passed away. I have only seen the tower once. I have been told the same, about the owner, from my British friends. It's sad it can't be saved. We were hoping to make it another Museum, with a memorial dedicated to Frascotti, and the rest of the men of the 352nd.
@Baz Bazdad It's sad, it's falling apart. There are quite a few towers I would like to see saved. Kingscliffe is another tower, and field I would like to see saved. Deenethorpe Field seems to be incredibly intact.
Bluenose352: Why don't you "enact" the flight of such a warbird without showing all those stupid German uniforms ? Uniforms who horrified peoples of all Europe !
I'd have been more woried about the horse in front (which was briefly in shot). But it was *bound* to go just fine .............. as the pilot looked a lot like Cpt James T Kirk's twin brother.
One of our school teachers (yes, I'm that old) flew Hurricanes and P40s with the Desert Air Force in north Africa and told us they had "souvenired" a Storch in the final drive west. One day it was coming in to land and a stiff desert wind came up. The Storch met it head on on the final approach and hovered like a hawk in mid air. Eventually the wind dropped and so did the aircraft.
It was also the plane, that got Hitler out of Berlin. Lived out his years in S.America. His burned "body" was that of his "official" double. The allies knew this, which is WHY he was left alone in exile.
ADDED: The Jews came sniffing around, at one point, but between Hitlers Security Force, and a few HARSH calls from CIA and MI6---Mossad left him be. The gist was; "Leave him alone...or else !" This was about 1952, and Israel NEEDED American arms desperately. Hitler finally died in 1955-6 sometime.
I believe James Cottrell is right. Mussolini was prisoner of Italian Carabinieri at Campo Imperatore .This place is up in the mountains of Central Italy. German paratroops and German gliders carrying others troops attacked this place but Mussolini was rescued by a Storch airplane with an extremly risky take off,then they landed at Pratica di Mare near Rome.Hitler ordened to bring Mussolini to Berlin by a bigger airplane.
They make good cars, good beer and good guns but their politics in the first half of the 20th century are somewhat questionable. The only good Hitler actually did was in rebuilding the German economy following the first world war only to have it destroyed again in the second world war.
@@manofsan do you see how large the wings are coupled with how small and light the fuselage is? Also The massive flaps it has also contribute to a ton of lift. You saw how quickly it was able to get off the ground, it would also be able to land in a very short distance too. That plane is designed to be able to takeoff and land just about anywhere making it excellent for what alaskan bush pilots might do.
@@ethanshortell3902 There is a similar type of aircraft called the Wilga. Here's a video of someone who crashed while taking off in cross-winds:видео.html These types of large wingspans seem particularly vulnerable to cross-winds. That pilot, Mike Patey is building a new aircraft, and he's trying to come up with a newer wing of his own design:видео.html
If I remember correct that plane could fly and stay airborne at a minimum speed of 36 km/h and the take-off speed was 40km/h. Thats as slow as it gets.
They used one to get Mussolini away from his prison, and one was used to get a senior Nazi (forget which) out of Berlin. The best STOL aircraft of it’s time
The Storch was the perfect STOL aircraft for its time! But my all time favorite is still the 01-Birddog! Maybe that's 'cause I got a lotta back seat observation time (in the CAP) in a Birddog. Yep...that old!
I thought that was Collings Foundation when I first saw it! Battle for the Airfield is an annual event on Father's Day event. Go if you are in the area!
@Baz Bazdad :-] Indeed weird. I had the an Airfix Fw189 as a kid. I didn't have too much of an opinion about it then (because it wasn't a fighter or bomber). But in recent times I must say that this plane has grown on me.
Now I see how the giant and heavy SS commando Otto Skorzeny was able to rescue Benito Mussolini from his prison at the top of a mountain using one of these marvels...There were 3 men aboard that little plane (Skorzeny, Mussolini and the pilot)...the "runway" was just a rugged strip of no more than 40 meters long, ending abruptly in a steep seemed dubious they could succesfully take off with so much weight in the cockpit and with such a short run... Yet they made it ! The designer of that Storch was indeed a genius.
Big boy in the back must have caused a bit of a aft CG, just crank in some nose down trim LOL! Amazing to see it fly, thanks for posting!! Love the sound of that V8!
Спасибо за материал!!! У нас не так было!!! Техник заранее прогрел двигатель. Докладывает летчику, самолет к полету готов замечаний нет. Летчик проходит по кругу вокруг самолета, просматривает прощупывает необходимые узлы и элементы, бьет ботинком по шасси. Расписывается в журнале приема самолета, садится в кабину, надевает шлемофон, по рации запрашивает разрешение на запуск, потом на выруливание и вперед!!!
The way the pilot pulls the prop through by reaching under and behind the blade is extremely dangerous. If the engine were to accidently fire, he'd lose an arm.
If somoeno doesn't know, this project is about flying at extremely low speeds and landing and takin off from small spaces... Mainly to retrieve people that was hurt.. it wprked fine...
I highly doubt any other plane in the world could have landed and taken off on the slope of a mountainside villa to rescue Mussolini via Fallschirmjaeger and SS deployed by Gliders and chutes. A daring and brilliant plan by none other than Otto Skorzeny and Kurt Student, two brilliant tactical and strategic officers. While it did absolutely nothing to change the war in Italy in favor of the allies and the eventual capitulation of the Fascist regime by the King of Italy, it did bring to Hitler a man whom he believed was the epitomize of fascism as well as a close friend after their previous encounters. Italians were just in a bad strategic positon once Sicily fell via Patton and Montgomery as well as Alexander, Cunningham, Tedder and overall command by Eisenhower himself. Truly the greatest generation. Hate the Germans, and it's well earned, but they were smart and if not for Hitlers insistence on entering a preemptive war and breaking their truce with Russia so soon things may have turned out differently. If the UK had been conquered and Africa shortly after, the USSR would have been the only serious threat as the US would have had to focus on two front all by themselves if they even decided to fight.
I am not saying that it was their origin , but I can see where the Alaska pilots got their ideas about the unbelievable STOL aircraft they now own. This session in the video is not just a Fieseler Storch taking off, but there at 0:16 there are the Beetle, the motorcycle and the uniforms to be admired. All that is required is to add the British equivalent to all this as the vintage Morris 1000, the Douglas Vintage opposed twin cylinder motorcycle which I used to ride , I do not know about the Storch equivalent in British aircraft........ not the de Havilland Tigermoth nor the de Havelland Chipmonk. I cannot think of a real equivalent at the moment. Looking at the past where humans actually controlled the craft, brings back a lot of pleasant memories. I suppose a model drone with a good camera beats all this, but well, it is nice to look back and admire how it all started and the steps covered ever so slowly. Congratulations to all the participants in the video.
Very surprised with the short Take Off, with Hermann Goering sitting in the back….
Some of the German soldiers look very well fed.
Goering on his way to get his daily morphine fix
Very cruel, but very funny. Typical Germans accurate to the last.
Or Benito Mussolini, historical fact:
I love seeing historic aircraft preserved and flying! It's like touching the past!
@Chris Nice analogy.
pov little sisters name is the past
It is nice to see what they looked like… before we blew them out of the sky 🇺🇸 America baby put a boot in there ass…USA USA USA
But seriously it is beautiful
In 2001 HBO and the BBC released a really superb docudrama about the 1942 Wannsee Conference starring Kenneth Branagh and Stanley Tucci as Reinhard Heydrich and Adolf Eichmann respectively. An early scene shows an Fi-156 C-3 making a landing with Heydrich supposedly at the controls (Heydrich did fly himself to the Wannsee Conference in a Storch). The aircraft shown does not appear to be the same as this one, the unit markings are different. Still, there can't be many airworthy Fi-156s remaining -- by my count eight worldwide.
You want to touch the post? You support the Nazis?
That's such an incredibly short take off. I'd only ever read about it, but I'd never appreciated how little it took for them to get off the ground. Thanks for sharing.
That take-off is crazy!
I breeze could make that plane float
Imagine if they placed those on ships and sent them to our mainlands to drop small bombs on our factorys !
so what? bombs were thrown at all factories. big. well, except yours...
Imagine how quickly she'd be in the air if Hermann Goering wasn't sat in the back!
That particular aircraft is one of the easiest to fly and most forgiving of any wrong control input by an inexperienced pilot.
And it’s just kick ass!
it looked either really easy to fly, or very flimsy and easy to lose control of XD I'd imagine as a recon plane it'd be pretty sturdy and an easy-going flight for the sake of its purpose...
@@ryanconnolly1950 It was a recon plane too.
That particular airframe is ultra well designed and strong…especially considering the time, available materials, etc…Check out all of those triangulated struts. How beefy the landing gear mounts are…
You are correct it has especially good visibility…look at the glazing again especially on the doors and how the glazing extends into the leading edge of the high wing.
It was an early STOL aero plane and was only running something like 100 hp, if even.
That type was made so that just about any smart/fast learning high school kid could master VFR in it…in a fortnight.
That's a hard title to give to a tail dragger.
Any tail pilots here, you know what I'm talking about.
@@robertwalsh5461 This thing has a 240hp v8 and is twice the weight and payload of a cub, but still very short takeoff, very interesting aircraft.
It's amazing how it got airborne even with Chris Farley in the back seat just saying.
I was going with Herman Goerings lookalike...
What’s even more amazing, is that it saved Mussolini‘s fat ass during the war.
Schultz from Hogan’s Heroes
@@Michael-0000 I don’t think Benny the Facist was that well fed.
Shit at the trials he dropped a few lbs. thanks to a prison diet. We might look a bit different if we could afford the finer things in life.
I like that none of the markings were censored. What people are sensitive to doesn’t change the truth.
If all the markings are indeed from the time, it would be a disservice to the historical community to remove them. Luckily most real historians and right minded people understand the significance of preserving the past with all its flaws.
Funny GERMANY does not allow the garbage in that country
You're right about that.
I remember as a little kid doing a drawing of a cool luftwaffe plane I saw in ‘Where Eagles Dare’ at school and having the teacher tell me off. I didn’t even know why they were upset at the time, at this point I understand the reaction but really it would’ve been better if they just explained what the symbols meant instead of assuming a 6 year old is a neonazi. Now I do scale modelling and I like to paint German/Italian/Japanese vehicles as if they’ve been captured by the red army or post apocalyptic warlords or whatever, cause I like cool fascist stuff more when it’s stolen and something bad happened to the owner, heh.
Wish. I. Can. Go. For. A. Ride.
From Kenya...I have just read a WW2 book.. on the road to Stalingrad....There is a photo of a Storch which has landed on a rough single lane road just in front of the panzer tanks.It was quite a versatile & maneuverable spotter plane !
Remarkable. The short take off run. So beautifully restored.
Well, now I see how it was able to take off from a mountain with Otto Skorzeny and Mussolini behind the pilot.
I was behind one of these on a taxiway in 1977 at CYOO when he got approval to takeoff from the taxiway…gone in 50’. (It was a different time for rules back then.) This resulted in a lfe-long fascination with STOL.
I’d love to see THAT one!
Sweet. Love how it takes off from the three point stance, just lifts off the ground. Thanks for sharing this!
Proabably there is a strong wing coming "against" the aircraft
The wind doesn’t matter. If the plane is stalled in the three point configuration it won’t takeoff… period.
@@Bartonovich52 My little Nieuport takes off from the three point stance.
@Jack Stucki It absolutely doesnt matter to the angle of attack of the aircraft. It matters to the ground speed required to take off.
@Jack Stucki The guy you replied to did. Taking off from a three point stance vs tail wheel off the ground is all about angle of attack.
Higher relative air speed means less ground speed needed which means a shorter takeoff.
That airstrip is located in Stow, Massachusetts on the beautiful Assabett River, just a couple of miles from where I lived for 35 years. It was a treat to see airplanes from the collection flying over my house.
Is that Crow Island Airpark?
No, Crow island is farther east, but on the same bank of the river. This property is located off Barton Road.
It's trully hystoric and nostalgic! Simple perfect, even Göringer return as passenger.
Hermann Göring would have probobly flown it
As fat and over the moon he was he was still a ace pilot lol
Beautiful restoration. Living, flying History !
..ein Meisterwerk der Ingenieure von damals.
Wunderbar. Was für'n Klang vom Motor.💪👍
Love this quirky little airplane, especially the light weight and very short take-off. Excellent videography too. Thanks for sharing.
Now that’s how you preserved history, complete with everything from the camouflage paint, right down to the swastika on tail rudder, and the MP40 submachingun.
Wow, 2009! The digital film quality is amazing, I could swear that was filmed this year!
if they still made this plane, people would still buy it. Way ahead of its time.
Bravo on such a beautiful restoration, the attention to detail is outstanding
Gotta appreciate everyone being in a uniform though. Really is like looking back in time
German soldiers weren’t THAT well fed.
@@Rascal_the_Raccoon lol
It's a God damned disgrace that they're wearing Nazi uniforms. Who are these assholes?
@@Palanibert unlike you they are functional people, showing what the past may have looked like
They used to sell rides in it. Seen it fly several times. It was amazing to see it overhead almost hovering. With a reasonable headwind, it could even fly backward, and l once saw it land with NO rollout. The town complained about noise however and they no longer fly anything from that field. Except for last year, they were holding mock battles with WW2 tanks, armored cars, full uniforms, artillery, explosions, pretty impressive and LOUD. Shermans, a Stuart, a Staghound, a Priest, a Stug, a Hetzer, a Panzer IV, an 88, a Mercedes 4x6 staff car ,etc.
Enjoyed the video. The grass on the airstrip looks really well looked after, like they were taking off from a golf course. I think these aircraft were very well regarded as even Monty had one.
Even Churchill asked for one and he got it.
Excellent camera work, it felt like I was right there.
Audio work on the other hand... at least my left ear felt like it was there I guess.
@@BDNeon I think it’s a problem with your earphones buddy, because mine works on both ears.
I love period planes. You have to build the compression to start the plane, and then it was only at most 60 feet before take off. What an awesome plane the Germans designed.
And our answer was the Lysander. Too big, too heavy and underpowered.
@@mothmagic1 huh I read it was the British’s equal.
@@EmbeddedWithin Given the power to weight ratio the Storch is an amazing machine as it had even worse figures than the Lysander. Something like 12 pounds per horse power campared with ab out 7 for the Lysander. Even so the Lysander never mastered slow flight the way the Storch did.
@@mothmagic1 Oh.
Turning engine over to ensure there isn't fuel/oil in any of the cylinders inverted V engine could cause compression lock and damage conrods and valves, Very very expensive to replace!
It literally jumps into the air...amazing aircraft
It would jump into the air if the pilot got rid of that extra 400 lbs in the back seat.
I was at this event, had a good time, lots of cool machines.
What was the event? And why are people wearing German uniforms?
This is was at the Collin’s Foundation in Mass. what a wonderful museum
The Storch has a stall speed of 20 knots. If in a landing or cruise configuration it was pointed into a 30 knot headwind it would indeed be flying in reverse as long as the airspeed was higher than stall speed but slower than the headwind.
That is amazing. That is barely faster than a hang glider.
Well, GERMAN craftmanship !
@cuppateadee me too
I was lined up behind a Tiger Moth for takeoff on a windy day at Biggin Hill one day many years ago and watched him lift off and fly backwards until he built up enough speed to overcome the headwind speed. It’s a mind boggling but funny thing to see!
@@worldbestpilot The leading edge slats were a British invention, by Handley Page.
It really is amazing just how large the Storch really is. Just seeing it in a photo, with nobody standing next to it, it's easy to mistake it for being the size of a Cessna 152.
Those Argus inverted V8 air cooled engines were tough too. Probably the first true STOL aircraft. Used in so many roles in WW2.
This is the aircraft used to extract Mussolini from the mountaintop hotel where he was being held prisoner (the Gran Sasso raid). Fieseler's best-known model was the world's first cruise missile, the Fi-103 (commonly known as the V1, or buzzbomb).
This is So Comforting to Experience in a Happier Friday afternoon in a Beautiful Country field runway indeed! Fieseler Storch Transporter >>> Stylish & Classy! 🌷🌿
I once saw a Storch take off from Duxford IWM airfield in England into a gale of wind. It took off vertically after about 20 metres run and spent most of its flight time flying backwards.
It's a beautiful airplane, it is old, may not be fast, looks ungainly, but it it still beautiful.
Johan Combrinck agreed, the same plane that was in a duel against the US Grasshopper in the end of the war
Form follows function
They didn't even paint over the swastika.
Back in the 80s, there was one at the Lakefront Air Port in New Orleans.
Now imagine how quicker it would take off without carrying butterball in the back.
thefridgeman 😂Hahaha savanna ! Butter balls.
Short take-off. Looked a little tail heavy so perhaps that was why the fellow in the rear was there. I thought it might stall. Very interesting. But never handle a propeller as he did.
Excellent aéronef ! Mon père l'a utilisé en Indochine pour faire de l'observation et des evasan.
Il me racontait que par fort vent (inverse) l'avion pouvait faire du surplace.
Il pouvait atterrir et décoller sur des pistes très sommaires et sur de très courtes distances.
Plus tard, au Maroc, mon père était le seul pilote voulant bien utiliser cet appareil pour faire visiter les vallées de l'Atlas.
Lovely Argus hanging V8 engine, very reliable, quiet, good short field performance.
That plane is bigger than I thought it would be. Thanks for the cool video.
Thanks for posting this look at this most amazing airplane!
The pilot was very professional taking his time and verifying the aircraft before takeoff. I was surprised how fast it was air born. Seemed like less than 100 feet and he was in the air.
It didn't need a long runway to take off or land
A bit like a Lysander.
@@bingola45 Did you notice that the pilot did not lift the tail wheel up to level before rotating into the air. I thought was standard practice for all tail draggers. What do I know?
That's why the Germans appreciated it mostly in wartime..The Storch didn't need a regular airfield to operate.
A masterpiece of design for form and function
Говорят, за счет развитой механизации крыла, эта штука могла взлетать и садиться против ветра практически вертикально и на любую поверхность! They say that due to the advanced mechanization of the wing, this thing could take off and land against the wind almost vertically and on any surface!
God bless Gerhard Fieseler for the design of the Storch. A true pathfinder and great engineer.
shame he worked for the nazis
@@SlavicUnionGaming Hi - of course. But in the beginning he actually started like the others in the 20's trying to earn his livelihood in the aeronautical business amidst the ruins of the postwar Germany. The nazis came into picture much later when after the accession to power they started a massive, in the open rearmament program. Engineering skills like Fieseler's had where in high demand and the state provided almost limitless support for anybody with the right skills. It was a real golden age . Nobody in that time period suspected that beneath the surface was an another reality. People like Fieseler , Messerchmitt, Junkers ,Dornier , Lippisch, von Braun, Heisenberg honestly believed that all what had happened during the ' 20 s '30 s early '40 s was for the greater good to restore not to destroy Germany's place in the world....The sobering started when the early war successes faded away and the raine of the most radicalized figures like Himmler , Heydrich etc..was elevated as the state maine policy .
Vi volar uno en argentina. En la EAM, AÑO 1962. FANTASTICO COMO DESOEGA
The Best STOL aircraft of it’s time, fragile but so easy to keep up there.
Fieseler Fi. 156 Stork >>> Elegant little reconnaissance plane ... 🌷🌿🌍💜🕊
Во второй мировой войне был самым лучшим самолетом с коротким взлетом
What a fantastic aircraft . A modern version would still be very useful today for photography and survaillance and with extended range SAR inshore and coastal patrol .
O my God there was Hermann Goring in the plane !
+Andrzej PL Die Fettsau!
Mindestens Flugzeug ist sehr schon .
Andrzej PL Ja das stimmt.
Totally what I was thinking
und Morphinist war er auch.
Nice to see authentic markings.
For those complaining about the men in uniforms, this is a reenactment put on by the Collings Foundation. So they have uniforms on. Even if they didn't, they're still reenacting. Each Warbird pilot, and crew are reenactors. Our ages are anywhere from 20 to 70 years old. We didn't fly these aircraft during the war. A majority of us weren't even born yet. But, we reenact how some of these aircraft were flown. When you see a warbird performing a "Bomb run" at an airshow, we're reenacting. The Collings Foundation adds to it by wearing uniforms.
Reenactments give us a view of History in HD. It is incredibly realistic and thrilling to see.
@Baz Bazdad Thank you! I'm glad that you understand my name on here. Others have been confused. This reenactment takes place in the New England area of the US. I'm not positive, but like most Storch's you see flying today, the Collings Foundation's Storch might be a post war French example. Many were saved in South America.
@Baz Bazdad I attend the 352nd FG reunion every year. It hit us hard when Punchy passed away. He held everyone together. It hit me pretty hard when Alden Rugby(487th), and Don Bryan(328th) passed away. I have only seen the tower once. I have been told the same, about the owner, from my British friends. It's sad it can't be saved. We were hoping to make it another Museum, with a memorial dedicated to Frascotti, and the rest of the men of the 352nd.
@Baz Bazdad It's sad, it's falling apart. There are quite a few towers I would like to see saved. Kingscliffe is another tower, and field I would like to see saved. Deenethorpe Field seems to be incredibly intact.
Bluenose352: Why don't you "enact" the flight of such a warbird without showing all those stupid German uniforms ? Uniforms who horrified peoples of all Europe !
That is Gold,especially with the German Uniforms.
It is a miracle that the bird took off with the thick Göring in the back 😅
I'd have been more woried about the horse in front (which was briefly in shot).
But it was *bound* to go just fine .............. as the pilot looked a lot like Cpt James T Kirk's twin brother.
Good to see the guys keeping this old lady flying!! And she'd make a great addition to future war films too!!
That guy read all your rude comments. He's now goering on a diet
I'm not fat
Fat is relative.
Just big boned.
He actually did lose allot of weight in allied captivity, and stopped using opiates
Video Quality is still superb in 2021.
Foi o último avião alemão a deixar Berlim, pilotado por Hannah Reisch, aparece no filme a queda
One of our school teachers (yes, I'm that old) flew Hurricanes and P40s with the Desert Air Force in north Africa and told us they had "souvenired" a Storch in the final drive west.
One day it was coming in to land and a stiff desert wind came up. The Storch met it head on on the final approach and hovered like a hawk in mid air.
Eventually the wind dropped and so did the aircraft.
The plane that rescued Mussolini , with Otto Scorzeny.
Sorry, mistaken...It was a glidder , not a Storch !
It was also the plane, that got Hitler out of Berlin. Lived out his years in S.America. His burned "body" was that of his "official" double. The allies knew this, which is WHY he was left alone in exile.
ADDED: The Jews came sniffing around, at one point, but between Hitlers Security Force, and a few HARSH calls from CIA and MI6---Mossad left him be. The gist was; "Leave him alone...or else !" This was about 1952, and Israel NEEDED American arms desperately. Hitler finally died in 1955-6 sometime.
So they can hang his fat ass on the street light
I believe James Cottrell is right. Mussolini was prisoner of Italian Carabinieri at Campo Imperatore .This place is up in the mountains of Central Italy. German paratroops and German gliders carrying others troops attacked this place but Mussolini was rescued by a Storch airplane with an extremly risky take off,then they landed at Pratica di Mare near Rome.Hitler ordened to bring Mussolini to Berlin by a bigger airplane.
They look Soooo lite!! I realize its a stol aircraft but it looks like its lighter than most you see. Those germans were so ahead of the times.
Back's the ballast? The plane's beautiful!
The inverted v 8 rolls like a radial when first it.
Que massa!
Recriar o momento e os uniformes que eram lindos , os veículos nem se fala
Por isso que estou apaixonado por diorama
Saw one at an airshow,,,what's amazing is how slow it can fly. Almost seemed you could keep pace with it on a bicycle.
The Collings Foundation, keeping the dream alive.
Невозможно не удивиться, глядя на то, насколько короткая полоса нужна ему для взлета! Этот аппарат до сих пор вызывает восхищение!
Nothing but admiration for German engineering.
They make good cars, good beer and good guns but their politics in the first half of the 20th century are somewhat questionable. The only good Hitler actually did was in rebuilding the German economy following the first world war only to have it destroyed again in the second world war.
Theres one in a museum in south africa that apparently was used by Rommel.
Yes, Rommel used to fly one himself in the Afrika Korps.
thats plane have good performence for a bush plane I WANT IT!!!
The Serbians make a copy now.
why is it so good? what features make it behave that way?
@@manofsan do you see how large the wings are coupled with how small and light the fuselage is? Also The massive flaps it has also contribute to a ton of lift. You saw how quickly it was able to get off the ground, it would also be able to land in a very short distance too. That plane is designed to be able to takeoff and land just about anywhere making it excellent for what alaskan bush pilots might do.
@@ethanshortell3902 There is a similar type of aircraft called the Wilga. Here's a video of someone who crashed while taking off in cross-winds:видео.html
These types of large wingspans seem particularly vulnerable to cross-winds. That pilot, Mike Patey is building a new aircraft, and he's trying to come up with a newer wing of his own design:видео.html
@@manofsan that's a very heavily modified wilga though, barely reminiscent of an original one.
If I remember correct that plane could fly and stay airborne at a minimum speed of 36 km/h and the take-off speed was 40km/h.
Thats as slow as it gets.
One was featured in "The Guns of Navarone" movie. :-)
They used one to get Mussolini away from his prison, and one was used to get a senior Nazi (forget which) out of Berlin. The best STOL aircraft of it’s time
Thanks a lot for the data! Then the French made a copy of the Storch...the Morane Saulnier "Criquet"
Also the HBO movie "Conspiracy" (2001). A nice flying shot and then a landing shot. And, the movie is a must-watch.
The Storch was the perfect STOL aircraft for its time! But my all time favorite is still the 01-Birddog! Maybe that's 'cause I got a lotta back seat observation time (in the CAP) in a Birddog. Yep...that old!
Looks great and sounds even better.
Great and authentic looking re-enactment. Nice.
Pity they are still not making this aircraft. It would be great in Rural areas or developing countries.
DJ Auth0r. its not like theres a lack of alternatives available.
They make replica kits that aren't as big but still
Look at the Zenith CH701. Similar performance, cheaper and easier to build. Or the PZL Wilga.
There's a copy/kit called the Seplovitch (SP?) stortch out there. I don't think it's full scale though.
I thought that was Collings Foundation when I first saw it! Battle for the Airfield is an annual event on Father's Day event. Go if you are in the area!
I built an Airfix Storch as a kid in the 60s. Most people wanted fighters, I liked the weird stuff.
@Baz Bazdad :-] Indeed weird.
I had the an Airfix Fw189 as a kid. I didn't have too much of an opinion about it then (because it wasn't a fighter or bomber). But in recent times I must say that this plane has grown on me.
Tamiya makes a nice 1/48 Storch I have a milestone 100th release. One of these days I will build it, need to build my display cabinet first LOL.
Now I see how the giant and heavy SS commando Otto Skorzeny was able to rescue Benito Mussolini from his prison at the top of a mountain using one of these marvels...There were 3 men aboard that little plane (Skorzeny, Mussolini and the pilot)...the "runway" was just a rugged strip of no more than 40 meters long, ending abruptly in a steep seemed dubious they could succesfully take off with so much weight in the cockpit and with such a short run... Yet they made it ! The designer of that Storch was indeed a genius.
that Argus V8 engine sounds beautyfull !
ES UN V-4................. NO V-8
jose santos arribas alonso no, es un V-8
@@JOSESANTOS2612 Inverted V8
@@JOSESANTOS2612 Wrong!
Saw one of these take off at Duxford - amazing.
Holy cow! NEVER put your arm around the front of the prop like that! Always treat piston engines as though they will start inadvertently.
You're totally right! But that pilot ain't stupid, the contact was off and the motor cold.
My thoughts exactly! YIKES!!
The gun is always loaded, unless it's in pieces in front of you.
If the engine is hot it can kick over with the ignition off.
Only if the magneto ground wire is disconnected.
Saw one of these take off at an airshow - bit of a windy afternoon. I was amazed at how short the take off was.
In no wind, lands in 25m, takes off in75
It was said of this plane, that it could land backwards on a outhouse roof.
It could fly backwards if it has enough opposing wind.
Absolutely beautiful aircraft.. it's place is definitely in the air.
being shot down by a spitfire
@@MegaBYSON you know the war is over right?
I am gonna ask a question that may sound stupid to some that already know. Why to they hand turn the prop before take off ?
To clear any oil from the inverted cylinders. Risk of hydraulic lock and bent con rods otherwise.
Tim Whitfield Because if they got up to altitude and then stepped out to start it, that first step is a doozey.
It's to remind the engine which way it's supposed to turn.
Wonderful show of German superiority. Absolutely wonderful
I would love a ride in one! I am building an L-4 right now. Awesome airplanes they both are.
Wow! After 2 years, how is the progress?
Big boy in the back must have caused a bit of a aft CG, just crank in some nose down trim LOL! Amazing to see it fly, thanks for posting!! Love the sound of that V8!
Why He is turning toward France????
Nope, Switzerland.
Спасибо за материал!!! У нас не так было!!! Техник заранее прогрел двигатель. Докладывает летчику, самолет к полету готов замечаний нет. Летчик проходит по кругу вокруг самолета, просматривает прощупывает необходимые узлы и элементы, бьет ботинком по шасси. Расписывается в журнале приема самолета, садится в кабину, надевает шлемофон, по рации запрашивает разрешение на запуск, потом на выруливание и вперед!!!
When will these guys come to the UK/Europe to do such an amazing reenactment ? Flying Legends at Cambridge, or Shoreham Airshow would be perfect !
Also amazed by that really early VW Beetle... a closer look and I could tell you the age.
The way the pilot pulls the prop through by reaching under and behind the blade is extremely dangerous. If the engine were to accidently fire, he'd lose an arm.
Ooh just saw that.. dear dear that is sloppy. Hands on front of the prop and ready for it to fire at anytime. please.
Ooh just saw that.. dear dear that is sloppy. Hands on front of the prop and ready for it to fire at anytime. please.
I couldn't agree more! Extremely stupid.
Did you see the comments about historical accuracy?
Assume proper procedures and magnetos are off.
There is a Storch propeller for sale in Ossipee New Hampshire. Orig, German marked.
I love this plane.
If somoeno doesn't know, this project is about flying at extremely low speeds and landing and takin off from small spaces... Mainly to retrieve people that was hurt.. it wprked fine...
I highly doubt any other plane in the world could have landed and taken off on the slope of a mountainside villa to rescue Mussolini via Fallschirmjaeger and SS deployed by Gliders and chutes. A daring and brilliant plan by none other than Otto Skorzeny and Kurt Student, two brilliant tactical and strategic officers.
While it did absolutely nothing to change the war in Italy in favor of the allies and the eventual capitulation of the Fascist regime by the King of Italy, it did bring to Hitler a man whom he believed was the epitomize of fascism as well as a close friend after their previous encounters. Italians were just in a bad strategic positon once Sicily fell via Patton and Montgomery as well as Alexander, Cunningham, Tedder and overall command by Eisenhower himself.
Truly the greatest generation. Hate the Germans, and it's well earned, but they were smart and if not for Hitlers insistence on entering a preemptive war and breaking their truce with Russia so soon things may have turned out differently. If the UK had been conquered and Africa shortly after, the USSR would have been the only serious threat as the US would have had to focus on two front all by themselves if they even decided to fight.
I am not saying that it was their origin , but I can see where the Alaska pilots got their ideas about the unbelievable STOL aircraft they now own. This session in the video is not just a Fieseler Storch taking off, but there at 0:16 there are the Beetle, the motorcycle and the uniforms to be admired. All that is required is to add the British equivalent to all this as the vintage Morris 1000, the Douglas Vintage opposed twin cylinder motorcycle which I used to ride , I do not know about the Storch equivalent in British aircraft........ not the de Havilland Tigermoth nor the de Havelland Chipmonk. I cannot think of a real equivalent at the moment.
Looking at the past where humans actually controlled the craft, brings back a lot of pleasant memories. I suppose a model drone with a good camera beats all this, but well, it is nice to look back and admire how it all started and the steps covered ever so slowly. Congratulations to all the participants in the video.
Lysander maybe?