I am Moroccan and I live in Spain, and I am proud of the women of my country because it is difficult to find a working woman who speaks a language other than her native language, but there is a small mistake that she gave you wrong information, that is not Moroccan pizza, it is “msmn” and Morocco is famous for it on special occasions And breakfasts... Have good luck haha, it was my favourite, because the home made product is not the same as the one they sell.
@@user-cv2lu4fv5b I know, but imagine that this man's foreign friends or followers went to Morocco and started looking for Moroccan pizza. I did not object to the woman, but only advice. :)
@@nouhailafathallah3748 it is msmen m3amar so really close to pizza and also i think that he couldnt find a pizza seller / vender that speaks english (not saying that they cant i am also moroccan)
She should be punished instead المسمن باين معمر غير بالتحميرة، كبرات الحجم شوية، زادت عليه درهم ونص مابين الزيتون والفرماج وسماتو "بيدزا"...15 درهم بزاف، وزادتها ب 3 دراهم خداتها بلا موجب شرع من قرعة الما صغيرة.
@@MyBride. Fhemtk ms bach tgoli "she should be punished" 7choma. Fch ktmchi l restaurant o ki7tto lk plat fih 2 pieces wy7sbo 3lk 200dh you don't complain ?
welcome to morocco brother 🇲🇦 🇲🇦 This kind of pizza is a revisited traditional food called "Msamen" or "square moroccan pancake" and this pizza is filled with tomato sauce. a very delicious one I ever tried was in Essaouira
That is so wonderful. your tour around Downtown Marrakech, it was a great time that you spent there. I am so proud of the Moroccan woman where you bought the Moroccan pizza from her but there is a little mistake that she already made which should not be saying to you "This is a Moroccan pizza". Actually, we called it "Msmen" in the Moroccan dialect, and she truly speaks English well and confidently with you that really makes sense for us to respect this woman for what she did a great appreciation for him. Hopefully, you will have a good journey in Morocco. Peace and Love from Morocco. Take care.
I'm willing to pay even 25 dirhams for a Moroccan filled msemmen like this. The price you paid is more than honest imo. Especially taking into account that the living standards in this nation has increased significantly over the past five years. Boa estadia em Marrocos 🇲🇦
Totally right but u know that Moroccan people 3ayroha BCS she told the guy to pay 15 dh. Siyed kla msamna kbira om3mra o kigolo siyda 7ram 3lik b3ti Lih 15dh hhhhh
She said pizza just to make it easy on you to understand, but originally, it's called ✨️msmen m3mr✨️ or ✨️rghifa m3mra✨️ and of course, there's no need to explain what is inside it cause you olredy tasted it 😋 Welcome to Morocco 👑🇲🇦 ✨️
@@hassmor6472 she charged him 15 dirham for the mssemen. Normal price is maximum 4-5 dirham. And for the water he had to pay 5 dirham. She brought it from the store for 2 dirham.
@@magdalena2920 you don't know what you're talking about, msemen normal, dry with nothing may be, but this one has cheese & olives, small bottle of water starts from 5dm , I don't know what world you are living in, but your 2 dm will not get you much these days, also you have to remember that msemen is made fresh in whilst he was waiting!
@@hassmor6472 I live in the beautiful country morocco. And I know what I am talking about. Look in the other comments. People are telling similar things. I buy normal fresh mssemen for 2 dh. And fresh m3mar for 4 or 5 dh. And shure this little bottle of water don't cost 5 dh. You will get a big bottle for that price in the store. No moroccan will pay 20 dh for this. So don't tell me I don't know anything. If you are willing to pay this price then, merhaba.
l am amazed with her english, also it's not really a moroccan pizza, we call it Msmen, usually people have it for breakfast with tea but l like her marketing analogy lol locals get it for 2.5DH which like 0.25 dollar ^^
Why is she saying that? That is not pizza everybody knows that. I am Moroccan born and raused in the netherlands and a lot of Moroccan when they try to explain what it is they compare it with a pancake which is also dumb because hatita/baghrir/gringo or however Moroccans call it is a pancake but msemen is not a pancake nor a pizza. It's hard to explain though but it's kind of a flat bread but with layers just like puff pastry mostly eaten with honey and almonds (or I like to eat it plain). You can fill it with ground chicken or minced meat and herbs and spices and then it's like a filled bread. Anyhoo it's not a pizza. Edit: geuss I've started some kind of war. If I knew I had this kind of power I would've chosen a better battle.
@@dongoghrod6605 there's no such thing as a Moroccan pizza and if there is one than the medfouna aka berber pizza (hate the word berber) is closer to what looks like a pizza calzone than what you see in the video. But hey if you want to call it that way and you order a Moroccan pizza in a restaurant don't be suprised that you don't get this!
@@Dija-says-freePalestine née is niet dom. Valt onder Marokkaanse pannekoeken. De scala aan Marokkaanse pannekoeken zijn enorm. Vooral omdat deze met griesmeel worden gemaakt. De vergelijking met een pizza, dat kan je dom noemen idd 🤣
I advise you, after you make your tour in Morocco, to end it by watching one of the Raja Casablanca matches in Casablanca, you will enjoy it, I promise you 💚 and welcome to Morocco 🇲🇦
هادو ملاوي معمرين بالتوابل مع البصل أو شحم الكلي أو كفتة أو دجاج. .أوخضر مثل الفلفل الأخضر أو الأحمر مع البصل. .تقدم أكثر برمضان المبارك. .لذيذة جدا جدا....وأيضا يسمى لمسمن mssemen
@@A.hmdl. Pizza is the easiest thing to make in the world. Even when the ingredients are refined it's pizza you have no idea how complicated it is what you see in the video compared to Pizza.
@@kizanoshisui9640 im Moroccan, so I know what I’m talking about. Indeed it’s difficult to make if you never did it.. it’s needs practice practice practice
@@nadafrieje3158 ختي را غي الكاميرا مبيناها كبيرة ماشي مرة ماشي جوج شريتها من عندها ثلاتة دراهم الإنسان خاصو غي شوية د القناعة و ربي كيرزق من حيث لا تحتسب
أنا جزائري وزرت المغرب عن طريق فاس مكناس و مناطق اخرى...بلد جميل ولكن بعض الباعة عندما يعرفون انك لست مغربي يبالغون في الثمن....رغم ان عندي اصدقاء لي في فرنسا ماشاء الله...نعم التربية و الاخلاق..... إخوة دايما....تحية لاخوتي المغاربة و المسلمين...
I'm from casablanca and we like to call our stuffed Msemen "Moroccan pizza" a lot, i know that's not the real name it's just something we say, i guess so much people in the comments aren't familiar with the name
@@TOXKIMO- ayoooooo stop with that bullshit now🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you guys take everything for yourselfs, as far as i know it's a Moroccan bread, also used in the Moroccan dish called Rafisa. Maybe you guys also have your version but don't say it's originally from algeria lmfao
@@TOXKIMO- Algeria was founded in 1962 which means my grandfather is older than it As for Morocco, it is one of the oldest kingdoms It was founded in 788
This is m'hadjeb. Msemen filled with tomate.onion.paprika.pikant if you like. Also filled with meat or chiken or cheese.spinat.... Sweet msemen with honey filled with almond.....well you have choise
@@fifilola6139 لا حبيبتي ماش محاجب راني شفت طريقتكم و هادو راه رغايف و حنا كنديروهوم بالبصلة و الشحمة مع التوابل او بالبصلة والفلفة والشحمة ديال الكلوة و ممكن نديروهوم بالكفتة او الدجاج والا بغيتي اجي مرحبا بك المغرب و اجي عندنا و تشوفي كيفاش كنديرولهم و الطريقة مختلفة انتما ديرو فيهم الصلصة و ماطيشة
Some people in the comments have no idea what they're talking about. That is a fair price!!! Nowadays small empty msemen is 2 to 3 dhs and big ones are 4 to 5dhs. however the ones she's selling are big AND FILLED (she mentioned beef too). Where do y'all live??? Because as far as I know prices are high currently, ingredients are more expensive now. Y'all have no problem spending 35dhs on Les crêpes in cafés but you're complaining about THIS?? and calling her a scamer!! Baraka rah chwhtouna o ntuma kat3bdou lbrrani.
Those are a type of Msmmen, a kind of waffles with a filling. Now, unless they were filled with grilled meat and vegetables, they don't sell for 15 Dhs. The water bottle is like 3Dhs. Maybe that's just her price point and that's fair. Some may sell it higher than others. Try other places next time.
15dh is actually a good price for filled msemen , and plus look she looks like shes good at her job and maybe hygenique too so i rather pay 15dh and not get food poisining 😂
@@sio_i Taman dl anglais hadak jib lia chi 7ed nchri mno f europe b darija mi konch mghribi khoubza b 1.5€ aslan hadak tmno + ki swr fiha syda khdama 3la rsha
Et alors il est ou le mal si elle lui dit pizza a la marocaine hein ? Premièrement le gars il est à " Marrakech " et les prix làbas ne sont pas les memes comparé aux autres villes du Maroc ... Deuxièment pour toutes ces personnes qui disent que cette femme l'a arnaquée honte à vous car non seulement vous l'accusez à tord mais vous donnez une mauvaise image sur notre pays aussi .. En Europe tu payes 7 voir 8 euros pour un bête sandwich alors que le gars n'a payé que 2 euros en tout en plus du service qu'elle lui a rendue en allant elle meme lui chercher la bouteille .. Et pour conclure faut faire la différence entre sympathie et arnaque arretez vos conneries ,la femme merite plus je trouve ou du moins du respect des ses confrères qui la rabaissent ça se voit que c'est une femme qui a du coeur et qui essaye de gagner sa vie dignement tout en gardant le sourire malgré la vie dure qu'elle mène 😉🇲🇦
@@amineot4144 i would I actually pay the amout for the morrocan pizza, i was born and raised in morroco and i am cuurently in Canada, so if i go down to morrakech and she said 15dh i would pay it gladly.
اح على مدينتي لغزالة واحلى سكان فلعالم تشوف هي لخير وضحك النشاط والله ما يخسر ليك نهار ولا يقلقك شي واحد بلعكس تكون هاز هم دنيا يفرحوك ويضحكوك وينسيوك. فلهم وهاداك لمسمن لي كا تشوفو كا نضرب فيه 5 وكتر شحال بنين
ماخليتو للبراني مايقول اوا باز... السيد فرحان و عاجبو الحال و انتما بقيتو عليه غلات عليك. الواعرة كتقولو ليه انا فلان من المغرب و راه غلات عليك هههممم زعما. المسمنة كون شراها من شي ريسطو تجيكم عادي يخلصها بكتر ... انا نعطيها كتر غير بديك الهدرة الزينة و الابتسامة. الله يرزقها من حيث لاتحتسب
🤣🤣🤣 my granny used to eat it in her childhood (1930) before the existence of Algeria. I asked french who lived there before 1960 and they never heard about mssemmen or rghaif m3emmer, nor couscous with 7 vegetables, nor tagine, nor caftan……. Even Algerian people in Europe! They love Choumicha😉🇲🇦
@@nasraouisamira8630 الأب ديالي زاد سنة 1921 الله يرحمه وجدي زاد سنة 1888 وكلهم يعرفو هاذ المأكولات لي ذكرتهم خاصة الكسكس حنا نسميوه الطعام الأب كان يموت عليه الله يرحمه وهاذ الاكلة سموها المحاجب ناكلوها من بكري يطيبها الفقير والغني لأنها مافيهاش لحوم ويحيا الطبخ الجزائري خاصة والعربي بصفة عامة.
You are really a unique people the Algerians 😱🤣 your country was created by France From the borders to the name "Algeria" all the buildings and infrastructures are French and before that you were colonized 350 years by the Turks and even Moroccans at one time so can you tell us what really Algerians are left in your country? The proof you can tell me where you have already seen an Algerian restaurant that serves Algerian specialty? Mets Montsurs Algerian is a Belgian Moroccan that he created Apart from speaking the Algerians know how to do nothing other proofs when you look at your cooking the little that there is does not make you want. Long live Morocco, a millennial and authentic country
ruclips.net/video/agbItVrYZgY/видео.html even the Egyptians do not escape your cultural looting they have even filed a complaint against you, no neighboring country escapes because you are the youngest and most European Arab and African country and especially to build an identity for you after all this foreign colonization you steal all you can 🤡🇩🇿🤥🇩🇿
I am Moroccan and I live in Spain, and I am proud of the women of my country because it is difficult to find a working woman who speaks a language other than her native language, but there is a small mistake that she gave you wrong information, that is not Moroccan pizza, it is “msmn” and Morocco is famous for it on special occasions And breakfasts...
Have good luck haha, it was my favourite, because the home made product is not the same as the one they sell.
i think she said 'pizza' because it was the closest word to describe 'msmen' ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@@user-cv2lu4fv5b I know, but imagine that this man's foreign friends or followers went to Morocco and started looking for Moroccan pizza. I did not object to the woman, but only advice. :)
@@nouhailafathallah3748 it is msmen m3amar so really close to pizza and also i think that he couldnt find a pizza seller / vender that speaks english (not saying that they cant i am also moroccan)
Pizza flavored Moroccan
fakhora bnsaba katbi3 mlwiya b 20 drhm
الزلبج الفاسي مشاء الله 😍 موجود جل الاماكن بالمغرب بالفنادق بالمنازل بالمساجد بالنافورات بالمسابيح بالشوارع بجل الاماكن رمز الثرات المغربي . الله يحفظ الحرافيه الزلايجيه يارب
ماشاء الله عليها مغربية حادكة الله يعطيها الصحة
المسمن المغربي لذة لا تقاوم 🇲🇦🇲🇦
20 dh awwww 9awiti 😂😂
😂😂😂😂😂 20 درهم
15درهم وراه عامرة هاذا كولشي غلا وزايدة فيه فروماج راهي هي هاذيك اخويا
هادي نصابة و غادي تندم
Pizza? 😂 That is msemen since always, it is typical food
Wlahila galk pizza 😂😂😂😂
@@kurilenkopenko2965 Buahahahah 🤣🤣
ليس بمعنى بتيزا حقيقة هم يقولون بيتزا مغربية مغربية هل فهمت.... 😁😁😁🙃🙃🙃
Wlahila Msemen Walakin Howa Gak ma3ref hadok rah msemen
@@Extreme467 it has tomatoes sauce olive and cheese , so it's basically a pizza but instead of pizza dough she used msemen
Amazing Moroccan Emssemen 🇲🇦😍👍
The lady should be rewarded, she gave such a positive picture of Morocco.
She just scammed him bro , 15dh for msemna wtf !!! Its only 3dh max
@@Demon739473dh for msenen what?
@@Demon73947 Do you think that's worth 3dh? It's doubled with filling, plus water.
Not bad for $1.5
She should be punished instead
المسمن باين معمر غير بالتحميرة، كبرات الحجم شوية، زادت عليه درهم ونص مابين الزيتون والفرماج وسماتو "بيدزا"...15 درهم بزاف، وزادتها ب 3 دراهم خداتها بلا موجب شرع من قرعة الما صغيرة.
@@MyBride. Fhemtk ms bach tgoli "she should be punished" 7choma.
Fch ktmchi l restaurant o ki7tto lk plat fih 2 pieces wy7sbo 3lk 200dh you don't complain ?
Actually we don't call it Moroccan pizza but we say messamen 😁 enjoy your travels it's a amazing video
كمداتها ليه ب خمسة عشر درهم 😅
@@NAGASAKI77 ههههه نساوبو منهم 5 بقل في التمن
@@med_elhh هههه وايه اصحبي خرجو علينا هاد النوع واحد باعليه توني ديال المغرب ديال 70 درهم ب 200 درهم
كي قولو السياح المغرب فيه داكشي رخيص و يبيع ليه شي واحد قرعة ديال سيدي علي ب 20 درهم هههه
@@med_elhh وايه و هو كيشري 6 ديال القرعات ب 10 دراهم تما ههههه غادي يخرجو على البلاد
welcome to morocco brother 🇲🇦 🇲🇦 This kind of pizza is a revisited traditional food called "Msamen" or "square moroccan pancake" and this pizza is filled with tomato sauce. a very delicious one I ever tried was in Essaouira
That is so wonderful. your tour around Downtown Marrakech, it was a great time that you spent there.
I am so proud of the Moroccan woman where you bought the Moroccan pizza from her but there is a little mistake that she already made which should not be saying to you "This is a Moroccan pizza". Actually, we called it "Msmen" in the Moroccan dialect, and she truly speaks English well and confidently with you that really makes sense for us to respect this woman for what she did a great appreciation for him.
Hopefully, you will have a good journey in Morocco.
Peace and Love from Morocco.
Take care.
Welcome to Morocco 🇲🇦 ❣️
سير its not yours, this gay his want to tray to by like the king bit his fuk d upp dont talk abut Marocko
Hello! My friend how are you today? Thanks for this videos it's amazing place you are a welcome in Marrakesh city
Respect to this women ❤❤
Lovely country and lovely people.
I'm willing to pay even 25 dirhams for a Moroccan filled msemmen like this. The price you paid is more than honest imo.
Especially taking into account that the living standards in this nation has increased significantly over the past five years. Boa estadia em Marrocos 🇲🇦
Totally right but u know that Moroccan people 3ayroha BCS she told the guy to pay 15 dh. Siyed kla msamna kbira om3mra o kigolo siyda 7ram 3lik b3ti Lih 15dh hhhhh
@@cheerup4566 bl3akss rah rkhissa bdak ttaman 15 dh Nass rir kayabriw ihadro...
@@ildurantiano_fa9387 rkhissa oli krim i9dar zidha mzl 3la ta3amol dyalha o + khadama b7lal and more than this she speaks English hhh
Oil and flour prices are rising like crazy...why they expect her to sell it for less. In Europe they will sell it for at least 3€
@@cheerup4566 Yeah, she's been fantastic and friendly
She said pizza just to make it easy on you to understand, but originally, it's called ✨️msmen m3mr✨️ or ✨️rghifa m3mra✨️ and of course, there's no need to explain what is inside it cause you olredy tasted it 😋
Welcome to Morocco 👑🇲🇦 ✨️
Marocain messmen is The Best I Love it❤️❤️❤️
Best country , best vlog
Moroccan women are strong 💪 👍
Wa sket yal male feminist lkhanz
Nsbat 3lih hhhhhh msmna b 15 dh?
نصبت عليه 3 ديال المرات اول وحدة بيتزا التانية مسمنة ب 15 درهم تقول كتمسح الدنوب التالثة قرعة الما ب 5 دراهم 😂😂
@@sakouraharouna153 wa79 reb wbnadm kaychkerha b7ala ma3rf achdart kon nseb 3lih chi rajl kbir kon galsin kaysbo fih
Welcome to Morocco 🇲🇦❤️❤️
Nice video, we are happy that our Morocco is beautiful like that and almost of people loving it
She's a hard working mother of two...she's doing her best to provide and raise her kids..God bless her 🙌
That's how kind the Moroccans are, you didn't even ask her to bring you water but she brought it for you, she gave you motherly love!! 🇲🇦 🇲🇦 🇲🇦 💗
She scammed him. Not very motherly.
@@magdalena2920 how did she, explain pls?
@@hassmor6472 she charged him 15 dirham for the mssemen. Normal price is maximum 4-5 dirham. And for the water he had to pay 5 dirham. She brought it from the store for 2 dirham.
@@magdalena2920 you don't know what you're talking about, msemen normal, dry with nothing may be, but this one has cheese & olives, small bottle of water starts from 5dm , I don't know what world you are living in, but your 2 dm will not get you much these days, also you have to remember that msemen is made fresh in whilst he was waiting!
@@hassmor6472 I live in the beautiful country morocco. And I know what I am talking about. Look in the other comments. People are telling similar things. I buy normal fresh mssemen for 2 dh. And fresh m3mar for 4 or 5 dh. And shure this little bottle of water don't cost 5 dh. You will get a big bottle for that price in the store.
No moroccan will pay 20 dh for this. So don't tell me I don't know anything. If you are willing to pay this price then, merhaba.
Hey awesome content do more street food!
I really appreciate how this great mother treat this guy as her child.
The speaks fluent Eglish with a French accent. And knew how to say hello in Portugese. Proud of my fellow Moroccan sisters 💚🙏
This vedio is so famous in morocco now, she is really kind ❤️
As what I see it's old woman and she speak English very well that possible noway I really like this woman it's so kind ❤️
welcome to morocco 🥰🇲🇦
Welcome in Marrakech 🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦
Thanks for sharing man ❤
Maroc trop beaux 🇲🇦🇲🇦👍👍
أحسن مولات المسمن وأحسن مول الطاكسي وأحسن أداان ❤️❤️ناس زوينة وما عليهمشش الله يحفظهم
daamn i like her energy god bless her
Thanks you man for visite morocco
Welcome to morocco 🇲🇦❤️
This moroccan lady is soo kind
she isn't
Oh shure. So kind. She ripped him off.
Her English is really impressive im proud of my women
God bless this woman
Welcome to MOROCCO ❤
Amazing video !
Welcom to Morroco 🇲🇦👑
Nice video 👍
l am amazed with her english, also it's not really a moroccan pizza, we call it Msmen, usually people have it for breakfast with tea but l like her marketing analogy lol
locals get it for 2.5DH which like 0.25 dollar ^^
Small plain ones are 2dh, but this is filled and big, but i agree that he could get that a bit cheaper.
its 4 DHs here in Rabat without chees or olives
I live in the city center, Hassan II Street, Always buy it for 10 dirhams.. But without mineral water.
كنفاتو بعشرين درهم
@@azizodarham7520 حسباتلو الكرسي
انها ليست بيتزا
بل "مسمن محشو " او باسم اخر "تشيزة "
ان مداقها رائع
This is not pizza, but an Algerian food called Mahajib🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿
@KERRY FF 😂 محاجب يقعد محاجب بركاونة من كدب
ههههه حتى لمحاجب سرقتوهم
@@assouriyas4995 c'est pas mhajeb c'est msemen farci une spécialité ancestrale et purement marocaine qui n'a rien à voir avec les algériens
@@lilyael6103 hhhhhhh Pourquoi mens-tu et crois-tu le mensonge.. Mahadjib cest la vérité 👌🇩🇿
@@assouriyas4995htarem rassek... c est la vérité je ne suis pas une gamine pour mentir à propos de choses futiles
İt s a perfect video in Morocco
You are the best
Salam fron switzerland
Why is she saying that? That is not pizza everybody knows that. I am Moroccan born and raused in the netherlands and a lot of Moroccan when they try to explain what it is they compare it with a pancake which is also dumb because hatita/baghrir/gringo or however Moroccans call it is a pancake but msemen is not a pancake nor a pizza. It's hard to explain though but it's kind of a flat bread but with layers just like puff pastry mostly eaten with honey and almonds (or I like to eat it plain). You can fill it with ground chicken or minced meat and herbs and spices and then it's like a filled bread. Anyhoo it's not a pizza.
Edit: geuss I've started some kind of war. If I knew I had this kind of power I would've chosen a better battle.
Niet nodig om mensen gelijk “dom” te gaan noemen. Ieder z’n ding!
@@A.hmdl. dat doe ik niet. Ik geef aan dat de vergelijking met een pannenkoek dom is, niet dat die mensen dom zijn. Groot verschil.
She actually said, it’s a Moroccan pizza, not Italian pizza
@@dongoghrod6605 there's no such thing as a Moroccan pizza and if there is one than the medfouna aka berber pizza (hate the word berber) is closer to what looks like a pizza calzone than what you see in the video.
But hey if you want to call it that way and you order a Moroccan pizza in a restaurant don't be suprised that you don't get this!
@@Dija-says-freePalestine née is niet dom. Valt onder Marokkaanse pannekoeken. De scala aan Marokkaanse pannekoeken zijn enorm. Vooral omdat deze met griesmeel worden gemaakt. De vergelijking met een pizza, dat kan je dom noemen idd 🤣
You became famous man, thanks to this woman😁 your video spread on the Moroccan and Arabic pages
حتى انا ياله شفتو في الفايس وانا ندخل نرجي نتفرج فيه🤣
Amazing moroccan food 👍🏾😍🇲🇦 mashallah.
Enjoy broo ..... my country amazing 🇲🇦
En Marruecos la gente es muy culta saben hablar muchos idiomas, árabe inglés español alemán, y la gente es muy amable.
Love your good manners dude (y) have a nice stay
I advise you, after you make your tour in Morocco, to end it by watching one of the Raja Casablanca matches in Casablanca, you will enjoy it, I promise you 💚 and welcome to Morocco 🇲🇦
Welcome to Rabat and sale,Meknès ❤️🇲🇦🇲🇦
Proud of a Moroccans women's 👏👏👏💐💐💐
Proud of a Moroccan woman for ripping someone off? This is not taught in Islam.
Welcome to Morocco🇲🇦
لونغلي نقية الله إسهل عليك أخالتي 🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦
I were there last month .
C est magnifique et ça me manque déjà
Merci pour cette belle vidéo .
Bisous de France
i'am moroccan , and we don't call it pizza 😭😂 , it an famous food in morocco , it a typical food 💗
هادو ملاوي معمرين بالتوابل مع البصل أو شحم الكلي أو كفتة أو دجاج. .أوخضر مثل الفلفل الأخضر أو الأحمر مع البصل. .تقدم أكثر برمضان المبارك. .لذيذة جدا جدا....وأيضا يسمى لمسمن mssemen
Hi bro welcome in Morocco , i want to tell that what u ate is not a pizza it's called (mesemen)
and it's way harder to do than a pizza
This is Mhadjeb Algerian
@@A.hmdl. Pizza is the easiest thing to make in the world. Even when the ingredients are refined it's pizza you have no idea how complicated it is what you see in the video compared to Pizza.
@@kizanoshisui9640 im Moroccan, so I know what I’m talking about. Indeed it’s difficult to make if you never did it.. it’s needs practice practice practice
@@fatialm699 No it’s msemen, Moroccan.
ما شاء الله على بلادي تحية كبيرة لهذه السيدة العفيف الشريفة تتقن اللغة الانجليزية
للأسف شافتو أجنبي و طمعات المسمنة ثمن ديالها 3 دراهم ماشي 15 درهم القناعة كنز لا يفنى
@@Morish-News اولا مسمنة كبيرة وعاد عامرة يعني كان ممكن تبيعها 7درهم حتى 8 اما 20 درهم زادت فيه وبزاف
@@nadafrieje3158 ختي را غي الكاميرا مبيناها كبيرة ماشي مرة ماشي جوج شريتها من عندها ثلاتة دراهم الإنسان خاصو غي شوية د القناعة و ربي كيرزق من حيث لا تحتسب
@@Morish-News الطماع كيعمي القلوب الله يستر ،الانسان كيكون رزقوا حلال وكيحرمو بالطماع والغش الله ياخد فيهم الحق ،شكرا على التوضيح ☺️
@@nadafrieje3158 الله يهدينا و يرزقنا الحلال الطيب
أنا جزائري وزرت المغرب عن طريق فاس مكناس و مناطق اخرى...بلد جميل ولكن بعض الباعة عندما يعرفون انك لست مغربي يبالغون في الثمن....رغم ان عندي اصدقاء لي في فرنسا ماشاء الله...نعم التربية و الاخلاق..... إخوة دايما....تحية لاخوتي المغاربة و المسلمين...
حتى بالنسبة لنا كمغاربة عندما نسافر من مدينة لأخرى يقع لنا هذا خصوصا في الموسم السياحي فأرجوا أن لا تتضايق ومرحبا بكم دائما وأبدا في بلدكم
@@لاإلهإلاالله-ص3ر5ج حتى انتوما مرحبا بكم وسهلا...
اااه مسكين يالاه دور تقووود تكرهونا و تزورونا😆😆😆🤏🤏🤏
@@youssefyuzarssif4388 جدي مغربي من وجدة رحمه الله...مدفون في وهران......انا ماجيت نزورك ليك...يا .. مانيش عارف...
It’s Algerian m’hajeb 👍👍
It's not algérien nhajeb it's moroccan msemen maamer
Happy to see you in my country
السيدة الله يعمرها دار مشيت عندها و فطرنا عندها أنا و صحباتي
حشومة مسمنة ب 15 درهم فيها فرماجة وزيتون دخل عليها لحرام اصاحبي مع قرعة ديل الماء 20 درهم
وي شفراتو
شفارة اش من الله يعمرها دارها
من نيتكم كلشي غلا عاد تمارا ديالها كاس اتاي معاها
مسمنة معمرة، ماشي مسمنة عادية ،وشوف اذا مخلطها بطحين الزرع.
الله يرزقها راها خدامة بالحلال وتعاملات معاه مزيان
يختي تبارك الله على السيدا عندها لونݣلي نقيا 🥺🖤 ماشاء اللّٰه
اه صراحة عجبتني المرة والله تبارك الله عليا ربي يرزقها وحتى هذا سيد تبارك الله عليك
Welcome 🇲🇦
welcom in morocco .you are the best .
I'm from casablanca and we like to call our stuffed Msemen "Moroccan pizza" a lot, i know that's not the real name it's just something we say, i guess so much people in the comments aren't familiar with the name
Its called (mhajeb) originally from algeria
@@TOXKIMO- ayoooooo stop with that bullshit now🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you guys take everything for yourselfs, as far as i know it's a Moroccan bread, also used in the Moroccan dish called Rafisa.
Maybe you guys also have your version but don't say it's originally from algeria lmfao
@@TOXKIMO- please stop spamming
@@TOXKIMO- Algeria was founded in 1962 which means my grandfather is older than it
As for Morocco, it is one of the oldest kingdoms
It was founded in 788
@@TOXKIMO- stfu 😂💀💀💀you are so funny
Welcome to Marrakech my friend
Moroccan pizza 😂😂😂 her sarcasm is beautiful ❤️
You are a good person
This is m'hadjeb. Msemen filled with tomate.onion.paprika.pikant if you like. Also filled with meat or chiken or cheese.spinat....
Sweet msemen with honey filled with almond.....well you have choise
That's true it's algerian mhadjeb and not msemen
Moroccan rghayef m3mrin with onion paprika chiken or meat without tomato
@@aji-tfhem rghayf are making with meat and not only onion and they are small لكن لصورتهم محاجب جزائرية ودخلي يوتوب وتأكدي
@@fifilola6139 لا حبيبتي ماش محاجب راني شفت طريقتكم و هادو راه رغايف و حنا كنديروهوم بالبصلة و الشحمة مع التوابل او بالبصلة والفلفة والشحمة ديال الكلوة و ممكن نديروهوم بالكفتة او الدجاج والا بغيتي اجي مرحبا بك المغرب و اجي عندنا و تشوفي كيفاش كنديرولهم و الطريقة مختلفة انتما ديرو فيهم الصلصة و ماطيشة
@@aji-tfhem ان شاء الله اختي نجي زيارة عندكم ونجربهم
شي مغاربة في التعاليق اللي ديرين فيها حمامة السلام زيدو شوهونا تبارك الله عليكم
You'll be more famous bro 🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦
Benvenuti a marocco
That was not Moroccan pizza , it seems like pizza but it's not
It's called ( Almassamen with vegetables)
Special pizza made with love by that champion woman 🙌
Not pizza 🗿
@@811.. She was just joking with him wtf is wrong with u
@@811.. c,est une recette algerienne
@@سدرةالمنتهى-ب5ط NO ONE CARES
عندي احساس انه مغربي ويتحومر
حتي لمحاجب الجزائرية لى (هو مسمن معمر بالبصل و الطماطم ) رجعتوه ببيتزا مغربية
رغايف معمرين لمعلوماتك مكنديروش فيهم ماطيشة
هوا أجنبي إلى قالت له لمسمن معمر أو لملوي معمر غدي تجيه قاصحة. باش متصدعش راسه معاه تتقولو بيتزا مروكان.
بقاوو تابعينه سيرو قلبو على شي طبيب نفسي
لا نعمل الطماطم في المسمن المغربي 😌! محاجبكم اللي واعرين علينا؛ فيهم الطماطم
طماطم هههه اكلكم هبيل بحالكوم.
Some people in the comments have no idea what they're talking about. That is a fair price!!! Nowadays small empty msemen is 2 to 3 dhs and big ones are 4 to 5dhs. however the ones she's selling are big AND FILLED (she mentioned beef too). Where do y'all live??? Because as far as I know prices are high currently, ingredients are more expensive now. Y'all have no problem spending 35dhs on Les crêpes in cafés but you're complaining about THIS?? and calling her a scamer!!
Baraka rah chwhtouna o ntuma kat3bdou lbrrani.
No tomato Pizza marocaine
Algérien food mhajeb Algérien
Welcome Too morocco 🇲🇦
Those are a type of Msmmen, a kind of waffles with a filling. Now, unless they were filled with grilled meat and vegetables, they don't sell for 15 Dhs.
The water bottle is like 3Dhs.
Maybe that's just her price point and that's fair. Some may sell it higher than others.
Try other places next time.
15dh is actually a good price for filled msemen , and plus look she looks like shes good at her job and maybe hygenique too so i rather pay 15dh and not get food poisining 😂
@@douaadoudou5187 c'est de l arnaque au touriste ca vaut 3dh
@@sio_i Taman dl anglais hadak jib lia chi 7ed nchri mno f europe b darija mi konch mghribi khoubza b 1.5€ aslan hadak tmno + ki swr fiha syda khdama 3la rsha
@@sio_i mn nietk?? Fin ghatl9a msemen m3mer o kbir b 3dh??
@@issamikbi3337 brother tkhdm 3la rassha ayeh alah ysehel , walakin bach tkhdm 3la rassk w tscammi nas la .
You should have tipped the lady brother, she was so kind ..
some ppl pay 10$(100 dirahms) for like a meal. i could spend an entire week with it
@@Marza90 ok? is that a problem?
I love this video
Bem vindos amigo portuguese espero q vc passa bom momento no mimha terra
This Moroccan mssamen 😍🇲🇦 bsaha
Et alors il est ou le mal si elle lui dit pizza a la marocaine hein ? Premièrement le gars il est à " Marrakech " et les prix làbas ne sont pas les memes comparé aux autres villes du Maroc ... Deuxièment pour toutes ces personnes qui disent que cette femme l'a arnaquée honte à vous car non seulement vous l'accusez à tord mais vous donnez une mauvaise image sur notre pays aussi .. En Europe tu payes 7 voir 8 euros pour un bête sandwich alors que le gars n'a payé que 2 euros en tout en plus du service qu'elle lui a rendue en allant elle meme lui chercher la bouteille .. Et pour conclure faut faire la différence entre sympathie et arnaque arretez vos conneries ,la femme merite plus je trouve ou du moins du respect des ses confrères qui la rabaissent ça se voit que c'est une femme qui a du coeur et qui essaye de gagner sa vie dignement tout en gardant le sourire malgré la vie dure qu'elle mène 😉🇲🇦
Scamming people needs to END . And the only person who gives a bad image for their country are scammers brother so stop tgheti chems blgherbal
Sir t9wd.a scam is a scam, If a man did that u would nt say that
@@amineot4144 i would I actually pay the amout for the morrocan pizza, i was born and raised in morroco and i am cuurently in Canada, so if i go down to morrakech and she said 15dh i would pay it gladly.
@@amineot4144 your right no matter the excuses but that price is woww much a lot high
@@safae_bae if you mean that the price is not much then why would she scam the man for a cheap price then
It's called messemen
And it's only for 5 dirham
In my city
اح على مدينتي لغزالة واحلى سكان فلعالم تشوف هي لخير وضحك النشاط والله ما يخسر ليك نهار ولا يقلقك شي واحد بلعكس تكون هاز هم دنيا يفرحوك ويضحكوك وينسيوك. فلهم وهاداك لمسمن لي كا تشوفو كا نضرب فيه 5 وكتر شحال بنين
Hi thank you for this video
ماخليتو للبراني مايقول اوا باز... السيد فرحان و عاجبو الحال و انتما بقيتو عليه غلات عليك. الواعرة كتقولو ليه انا فلان من المغرب و راه غلات عليك هههممم زعما. المسمنة كون شراها من شي ريسطو تجيكم عادي يخلصها بكتر ... انا نعطيها كتر غير بديك الهدرة الزينة و الابتسامة. الله يرزقها من حيث لاتحتسب
انا معاك اختي لكن صراحة تصدمت حيت مباينش عليها البروفيت مع الحجاب والوقار ديما تكون البروفيت فداك الشكل المخزز ههههه
Mhageb🇩🇿✅ محاجب
إنه المسمن المغربي الأصيل وهو ليس جزائري، انتم فقط تعلمتم الطبخ المغربي من اليوتيوب وسرقتم ثراتنا. 🇲🇦🇲🇦♥️
It's typical algerian food "mhajeb"🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿
Typical moroccan food"rghayef m3mrin''
🤣🤣🤣 my granny used to eat it in her childhood (1930) before the existence of Algeria. I asked french who lived there before 1960 and they never heard about mssemmen or rghaif m3emmer, nor couscous with 7 vegetables, nor tagine, nor caftan……. Even Algerian people in Europe! They love Choumicha😉🇲🇦
@@nasraouisamira8630 الأب ديالي زاد سنة 1921 الله يرحمه وجدي زاد سنة 1888 وكلهم يعرفو هاذ المأكولات لي ذكرتهم خاصة الكسكس حنا نسميوه الطعام الأب كان يموت عليه الله يرحمه وهاذ الاكلة سموها المحاجب ناكلوها من بكري يطيبها الفقير والغني لأنها مافيهاش لحوم ويحيا الطبخ الجزائري خاصة والعربي بصفة عامة.
Welcome.bro . Morocco is your second country. Welcome every time. Obrigado amigo mio
It's called mhajab Algerian 🍕, made from mssemen 🇩🇿and tomato....
Ta sirrrrrr tna3as dima laskin fina
هههههههههه الملح والطماطم صافي
wasn't Algeria created in 1962 ? mssemen has more history than Algeria as a state !
You are really a unique people the Algerians 😱🤣 your country was created by France From the borders to the name "Algeria" all the buildings and infrastructures are French and before that you were colonized 350 years by the Turks and even Moroccans at one time so can you tell us what really Algerians are left in your country? The proof you can tell me where you have already seen an Algerian restaurant that serves Algerian specialty? Mets Montsurs Algerian is a Belgian Moroccan that he created Apart from speaking the Algerians know how to do nothing other proofs when you look at your cooking the little that there is does not make you want. Long live Morocco, a millennial and authentic country
ruclips.net/video/agbItVrYZgY/видео.html even the Egyptians do not escape your cultural looting they have even filed a complaint against you, no neighboring country escapes because you are the youngest and most European Arab and African country and especially to build an identity for you after all this foreign colonization you steal all you can 🤡🇩🇿🤥🇩🇿