@99ferg i like to have all the club data showing. I only like to focus on 1 or 2 parameters at a time. I think you should work on fixing 1 issue at a time. That is why I am focusing on trying to resolve my swing path issue first. Fixing this major issue could also improve other smaller issues. I hope this helps. The Protee VX allows you to add and customize tabs. I am looking forward to additional options in the future (hopefully the ability to draw lines on video of swing).
@99ferg Hi, I'm using a usb 1080P webcam with auto focus. I can't remember the model number, but the manufacturer is GPED. Purchased from Walmart. The one downfall is that the webcam is only 30fps and built in microphone is poor quality. The image quality is very good.
Also what are your favorite parameters to have up on the VX screen. I love your VX setup with your approach to get better.
@99ferg i like to have all the club data showing. I only like to focus on 1 or 2 parameters at a time. I think you should work on fixing 1 issue at a time. That is why I am focusing on trying to resolve my swing path issue first. Fixing this major issue could also improve other smaller issues. I hope this helps. The Protee VX allows you to add and customize tabs. I am looking forward to additional options in the future (hopefully the ability to draw lines on video of swing).
What cameras are you using with your protee VX ?
@99ferg Hi, I'm using a usb 1080P webcam with auto focus. I can't remember the model number, but the manufacturer is GPED. Purchased from Walmart. The one downfall is that the webcam is only 30fps and built in microphone is poor quality. The image quality is very good.