StarCraft Lore: Every Protoss Unit Explained

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • Howdy Folks! I hope this finds you well! Thank you so much for taking the time to watch this video on the explanation of each protoss unit in starcraft and brood war. I would love to know what your favorite unit was, and read about your memories of this iconic RTS faction. I love Starcraft so much, and I know you do to. Lets start beating the drums so Microsoft can at least hear our thoughts! There is so much in this universe and lore that needs exploring, regardless of the media!
    If you're interested in more Starcraft Lore, check out these videos:
    • StarCraft Lore: The Hi... (History of StarCraft Races)
    • StarCraft Lore: Every ... (Terran Units Explained)
    • StarCraft Brood War Re... (Brood War Retrospective)
    • StarCraft Retrospectiv... (StarCraft Retrospective)
    As always, thank you so much for taking the time; it wouldn't mean half as much without your comments and thoughts on the games I cover!
    All the best,
    Dog Dad

Комментарии • 183

  • @Nurhaal
    @Nurhaal 17 дней назад +31

    Reaver: Repurpased mobile manufacturing plants. Reavers are actually machines invented and used by the Kahlai caste of Auir Protoss society for their use in assisting in construction projects. Their use was mandated by the very low Protoss birthrate and the support for outer colonial expansion and construction necessitated the needs for robotic drones to help accomplish tasks. By the time of the Brood Wars and the Zerg Invasion of Koprulu? Reavers were largely dormant, a symbol of a bygone expansist era of the Protoss Golden Age. They were repurposed for the Zerg invasion to launch Scarab Drones whcih are basically cruise missiles that are small enough to manufactured with the Reavers on board manufacturing plant.
    Probe: Literally a surveillance scout for the vanguard of the Protoss expidition forces back in the Golden Age. A theme arises where much of the Protoss robotic units are recycled, and the Probe is no exception. Its a recycle scounting drone that has been repurposed for mining, and contains within it a micro assembly bay which constructs and deploys the beacons used to Warp-In structures.
    Shuttle: the Shuttle's lore is limited due to it being a rather simple unit. It is however robotic, and again this is a theme of the Protoss due to birthrates. Yes the Protoss went to war with themselves a lot but this was before Adun came along andnshanged everything with the Khala. Only the Dark Templar would reject the Khala in the end, leaving the remaining Protoss completely unified. However as the Protoss are uniquely biologically designed by the Xel-naga, the lore says that they have extremely low birth rates which becomes problematic during the Golden Age of expansion which followed the Aeon of Strife. By the time of Brood War, the Protoss are dying out even if they had no War to fight. Hence the reliance on machines.
    Arbiter: Quite literally a Fleet Temple, to some degree, though it belongs to the Judicator Caste and is manned by high ranking Judicators. The Arbiter amplifies the psionics of the Protoss crewing it and its functions are focus on manipulating Space-Time entire. The cloaking field, recall and stasis abilities are described as Space-Time based effects, making the Arbiter a pinnicle of Space-Time manipulation and technology.
    Observer: A very old drone, Observers are meant to catalog and record events for storing in the grand Archive of the Templar. Like the Probes, theyre a vangaurd scout but theyre tailored to deep space exploration and intellegenc gathering, which necessitated their need for stealth via a cloaking field. Its said the cloak is similair to the field emitted by the Arbiter, just a micro version and one that only effects itself instead of the vast space-time around it.
    Zealots: Belonging to the Templar caste, Zealots are pre-Templar status followers that have not yet aged and learned enough to achieve higher power. Theyre akin to Padawans in Star Wars. They ruthlessly train for centuries for combat, as per the Stewardship invented after Aduns efforts, Templar Zealots can specialize as martial focused while the other castes specialize elsewhere for society. This makes Zealots Jedi levels of bad ass in power but definitely always in warface. They channel a rage to help charge their psionic ability in order to maintain their shields and their psionic blades, as well as increasing their combat prowess physically. A lore accurate Zealot is a death machine to a squad of Marines.
    Dragoons: slain templar that are otherwise unrecoverable bodily to their original state are placed in coffins known as Dragoons if they wish to continue their service to the Conclave. These units are heavily inspired by Warhammer 40k, as theyre akin to the Dreadnoughts for the Space Marine factions, which are also walking coffins holding near dead Space Marines are permanent robotic pilots manning death machines. The Dragoons are the Protoss equivalent of a Preatorian Guard, with their pilots being well aged veterans with ample experiance in combat.
    Scouts: these units serve as another tidbit of hints as to the Protoss's history. Scouts are literally that, Scout vessels. One of their upgrades, which I believe is called Apial Sensors? Is a hint to this - an Upgrade that specifically allows the Scout to... scout better. Lore wise, its said that the Scout may be regard as just a scout by Protoss fleet metrics, but to other races its still so powerful that its considered a heavy fighter. So why are their no fighters? This was explained sometime after the Aeon of Strife in which the actual Protoss dedicated War Machines were largelt sealed away, as the Protoss changed themselves in light of the Great Stewardship, something of a 'Prime Directive' type of spafe-faring policy in which theyd at times assist, but mostly never intervene with other races affairs and theyd also simply explore and observe. Hence why so many units are focused on exploration roles. The Scout is no exception. Actual Protoss fighter craft were simply disassembled or lost to time during their self imposed disarmerment.
    Dark Templar: yeah make a video on them. They're the rival faction to that of the Khalai, refusing to submit to the way of the Khala itself. Adun is integral in this story line as it revoles around the Aeon of Strife and their subsequent banishment after they refuse to submit. The Nazarhim's psionic energies not being based on Khala sources, and also inspired by the likes of the Ulraj crystal as well, made their psionic abilities manifest differently. They can warp space-time much more fluently and effertlessly than the Auir Protoss can, which why the DTs can cloak and in SC2, Zeratul is even capable of teleporting and Stalkers use Blink.
    Archon/Dark Archon: what happens when two Protoss come together and love eachother? They make burning suns of pure raw psi energy... lore wise, an Archon formation is a Sacrifice as the Archon merges two individual souls into one soul. The power unleashed is so immense that theyre expected to always burn out and die at a rapid rate, having shortened life spans. Dark Archons dont seem to have this issue, as a Hero Unit Archon exists in BW called Ulrezaj, which existed during the Aeon of Strife and lasted for quite awhile. These beings are massive sources of spiritual energy and Psi, making them an apex of protoss existence should 2 members be so committed to submit to such a fate. Its said that each member Templar that does choose this fate is always remembered as heroes and recorded in the Templar Archives as such.
    Corsiars: These are raiders and scouts which tend to act as cover or provide screening for DT forces. Theyre not intended for direct combat but instead, harassment and hit and runs, which is themetic to the DT way. Theyre the closest we got to an actual dedicated fighter even though its classification would be that of a Light one.
    Carrier: Command ships for the Judicators and Templar castes and often heads of the fleet. Carriers embody the latent mindset of Protoss society to rely on mostly robotic or drone based systems in order to reduce burdens and losses on actual living Protoss. There for, just like Probes and Reavers, Carriees also carry with them onboard manufacturing plants to build and replace their interceptor drones.

    • @Dog.Dad.Studios
      @Dog.Dad.Studios  17 дней назад +4

      I mean.. I got to Pin this! A “Thank you” doesn’t cover it!

    • @Nurhaal
      @Nurhaal 16 дней назад +4

      @@Dog.Dad.Studios I could go way deeper, but hey.
      I can do Terran and Zerg as well. Starcraft was my all-time favorite game of my childhood and still is in many ways. Nothing will ever replace it. I eventually tried for e-sport with it and was within the upper 300 of the US, with a coach (miss you, greg). I was such a hard core nerd for Star Craft that I wrote a book report in high school on how the Zerg worked.
      No regrets. Lol

    • @Dog.Dad.Studios
      @Dog.Dad.Studios  16 дней назад +1

      @@Nurhaal these memories, your memories, are fantastic. Thank you for sharing this! I did a book report in middle school about assassins creed and the teacher in front of the class goes, “this is not a book.”
      What was your go to source for Zerg info? I’m starting my research now and I’m having some trouble finding stuff outside the normal primordial ooze

    • @Nurhaal
      @Nurhaal 16 дней назад +1

      @Dog.Dad.Studios games back then had actual manuals. RTS games especially were upper tier nerd and had a lot of written fiction that fleshed out the games universe, usually describing each unit, building, function, theme and even the lore/history of each faction.
      Manuals used to be deep.
      So, I pulled my information directly from anything written by the original Bliz team, namely Chris Metzen, Rob Pardo, ect.
      The novels expand a lot on things as well but the hard cannon is anything Metzen and crew wrote, which was found in-game via notes or descriptions, or in the Manuals proper.

    • @Dog.Dad.Studios
      @Dog.Dad.Studios  16 дней назад +1

      @@Nurhaal I truly appreciate not only your swiftness in replying, but your candor and elegant way of not only describing the lore, but the manner of your writing.
      I’ll grab the PDF online if I can’t find it in the forsaken closets.. I wish I had kept better care of my battle chests

  • @admiralmurphy1543
    @admiralmurphy1543 20 дней назад +45

    Additional lore on Zealot power armor: each set is custom fit to the wearer and it gives the zealot something much more important than simple plasma shields or psi blades. Each and every set of power armor is equipped with a personal emergency recall which can be activated either manually or automatically if the warrior's life is in critical danger.
    Meaning most, but not all, of the zealots that "die" in game are beat to hell, but perfectly fine and recoverable. They only become a dragoon when the warrior is crippled beyond repair.

    • @arbiterally101
      @arbiterally101 19 дней назад +15

      Which also makes their melee fighting style make more sense. They’re so faithful in the Khala and their technology that they’ll run headlong into combat with just their psi powers to protect them.
      They’ve been fighting in hand to hand for possibly decades to centuries and only need proper life support once that has finally caught up to them.
      And yes, that also means you may see that same guy hitting your mineral lines and tanks multiple times in a single conflict. Having learned from every single defeat until they can counter it perfectly.

    • @Dog.Dad.Studios
      @Dog.Dad.Studios  19 дней назад +8

      This is awesome and thank you so much for sharing all this information!! I never knew that and adds a lot of depth into my crazy tactics when it comes to zealot rushing….

  • @VGInterviews
    @VGInterviews 20 дней назад +83

    The best part waa using the Dark Archon to mind control another race's worker and allowing you to access every unit in the game

    • @Dog.Dad.Studios
      @Dog.Dad.Studios  20 дней назад +19

      Oh no way! You can build with the worker?!?!

    • @goergebobicles1351
      @goergebobicles1351 20 дней назад +31

      ​@@Dog.Dad.Studios not only that, each race has their own supply counter. You could have up to 600 supply with protoss potentially.

    • @vizelek2156
      @vizelek2156 20 дней назад +11

      In the campaign there's only one mission you can do it unfortunately, the last one in the protoss brood war campaign. You can mind control a drone, destroy the zerg bases with guardians and peacefully watch the timer run out.

    • @goergebobicles1351
      @goergebobicles1351 20 дней назад +10

      @@vizelek2156 broodwar really slept on the dark archon both gameplay and story wise in the campaign. But then again, they kinda did that to protoss as a whole.

    • @TheMetalwolf77777
      @TheMetalwolf77777 20 дней назад +5

      ​@@Dog.Dad.Studiosyou can kidnap medics heals zealots dark archons

  • @348joey
    @348joey 19 дней назад +18

    'Someone' does not go around the battlefield to pick up dying zealots. When a zealot is 'killed', it actually activates an emergency teleport that pulls them from the battlefield. That's that blue glowing thing you see when they lose all their HP.

    • @Dog.Dad.Studios
      @Dog.Dad.Studios  18 дней назад +4

      Thank you for explaining this!

    • @shadowling77777
      @shadowling77777 18 дней назад +3

      I thought that was their soul

    • @LegendStormcrow
      @LegendStormcrow 14 дней назад +2

      I always thought it had to deal with the Khala. Does that mean Avengers just do it closer to the base and recover faster?

  • @isimiel3405
    @isimiel3405 19 дней назад +21

    Lore wise Carriers actually mount a forward facing Purifier beam (think glassing beams from halo) no idea why its not in game at all though

    • @Dog.Dad.Studios
      @Dog.Dad.Studios  19 дней назад +7

      That’s interesting! I also assumed the Protoss ship destroying planets at the start of the game is also a carrier class with that light beam ( is that what you’re calling the Purifier.. that’s a badass name!)
      Anyways, yeah why not have at least something? Once you get the max interceptors though.. then I’ve never had a hard time rolling up

    • @isimiel3405
      @isimiel3405 19 дней назад +2

      @@Dog.Dad.Studios yeah it should at least been shown in other cinematics or be an ability or something

    • @tanukibruh9885
      @tanukibruh9885 19 дней назад +3

      Yea it's hard to reconcile lore and game balance when one race is too powerful in lore. I've had this headcanon that in a Starcraft remake, the 3 playable races should exclude Protoss. The 3rd race would be the hybrids (using reskinned Protoss units). So the Protoss themselves take on the role of the Xel'Naga. The Xel'Naga were redundant and obsolete as the Protoss long surpassed them. And story-wise, I wouldn't bring back what is dead - SC2 has explored the Xel'Naga storyline, I didn't find it interesting.

    • @avatar11792
      @avatar11792 14 дней назад +2

      Technically normal Carriers can't do that, the Purifier beams are on Supercarriers like the Gantroithor. Supercarriers aren't very common, obviously.
      I always imagined any Hero Carrier units would be Supercarriers, but that's just me. :p

    • @tanukibruh9885
      @tanukibruh9885 12 дней назад +1

      @@avatar11792 And then we can keep going down further and forever. The tiniest Carriers house only 4 interceptors.
      How big is an interceptor in the lore though? Size of an F-15? Size of a car? Size of a refrigerator?

  • @sportspro2.049
    @sportspro2.049 16 дней назад +3

    What's interesting to me with the Protoss, at least in Starcraft 1, is that while the Protoss are definelty a militaristic race, there are ships, vehicles, and the like that are closer to converted civilian vehicles than military hardware.
    The Scout is a really good example since, well, it's a Scout, its job is to travel to planets, investigating the galaxy for habitable planets, the just gave it a gun so it can defend itself. It's an ancient design, coming from an era called "The Golden Age of Expansion" which was centuries in the past, far, far before Starcraft.
    Archon's are pretty interesting, there like small stars, they burn bright, but burn out fast. Dark Archons especially since their pretty unstable compared to their Khali brothers. The one exception you see is Ulrezaj, but even that's a special case as that's an Archon made from 7 Templar (Ulrezaj is the dominant personality).
    Also, one thing I should mention is that Protoss is probably hit the hardest from a lore to gameplay difference power wise. In lore, Protoss are generally prettttty bullshit strong, you just have to watch cinematics where Protoss Zealots cleave through whole armies worth of Zerg. Hell the clip of the Archon killing the Ultralisk isn't even possible in the game it was advertising, as even at 3/3 stat boosts, an Archon still loses to an Ultralisk.

    • @Dog.Dad.Studios
      @Dog.Dad.Studios  14 дней назад +1

      Thank you so much for writing all of this, I had to laugh at the lore power discrepancies because you're compeltely right. Honestly thinking about this super niche thing, its my least favorite thing about the depiction of the universe. How do you start off the Protoss destroying whole planets, and then leave them getting their home world absolutely stomped on. Anyways, I digress.. Hope all is well!

    • @Leonhart_93
      @Leonhart_93 10 дней назад

      Yep, basically take a zealots and make them 3x as strong, and then take zerglings and make them 3x as many and you may get an accurate representation of how it's supposed to go.

    • @sportspro2.049
      @sportspro2.049 10 дней назад

      @@Leonhart_93 That's a really good way to put it, and a good way to show how absolutely fucked Terrans are in the sector.

    • @Leonhart_93
      @Leonhart_93 10 дней назад

      @@sportspro2.049 Good, because they had no business being so far deep into a galactic conflict much bigger than themselves.

  • @141Wingman
    @141Wingman 18 дней назад +3

    Love when the C&C music kicks in

  • @FeliusSnepis
    @FeliusSnepis 20 дней назад +12

    My second break at Amazon nice to have something good to watch

    • @Dog.Dad.Studios
      @Dog.Dad.Studios  20 дней назад +3

      I appreciate you, thank you for doing what you do, and I hope you find time for yourself this weekend to recharge, whether that’s with loved ones or chilling out with yourself. All the best!

  • @raccoonwizard
    @raccoonwizard 19 дней назад +2

    Im honestly a bit amazed these videos arent garnering more traction. Maybe its just because I happened to go into a Brood War phase a couple weeks ago and you just happened to start uploading Brood War lore videos at the same time. But this game is genuinely something special and I appreciate you for still talking about it

    • @Dog.Dad.Studios
      @Dog.Dad.Studios  19 дней назад

      I appreciate this! Things take time, and RUclips is no exception. Honestly the response and reception of the videos have been pretty good from my end, but I’m crossing my fingers we get more eyes on it and maybe get Microsoft to acknowledge they own this IP ahahah. Hope all is well and thank you for the encouraging words.

  • @HistoryVideoGamesMiscStuff
    @HistoryVideoGamesMiscStuff 19 дней назад +3

    If you want a story abot Dark Archons, look up Ulrezaj and the Starcraft campaign The Enslavers.
    Unlike other Archons, he's got seven Dark Templarin him.

  • @matteofontana_
    @matteofontana_ 13 дней назад +2

    in starcraft evolution, it is said that the warp prism replaced shuttles in battle, but the shuttle is still used to transport objects, like a truck

  • @leadedbison1997
    @leadedbison1997 19 дней назад +1


    • @Dog.Dad.Studios
      @Dog.Dad.Studios  19 дней назад

      Blizzard cinematics are always pure amazing! Thanks for commenting!

  • @tanukibruh9885
    @tanukibruh9885 19 дней назад +2

    6:58 Nice Command and Conquer background music.
    6:58 The Zealot's in-game performance does not do the Zealot lore justice. Key point is Zerglings. In the lore, (damage and fighting) Zealots should be able to 1-hit Zerglings and even engage Zerglings simultaneously in multiple directions. Against everything else, Zealots function as normal.
    8:04 The Dragoon's in-game performance does not do the Dragoon lore justice. Key point is their weapon. In the lore, the phase disruptor while still struggling against small units, should have a small splash. This is of course incompatible in-game as it counters Mutalisk-balls.
    Some cross-overs that fit the lore but would break the integrity of game design. What I mean of cross-overs is that a few protoss units should perform the same roles, even though game design wants speciation - for different units to do different things. First is the High Templar - rather than being a very passive spellcaster, if we are unafraid to be lore accurate, High Templars have a weaker Archon attack. Maybe the Archon itself having an even stronger attack if we push it further. Second is the Dragoon - rather than being a very clumsy robotic unit, if we are unafraid to be lore accurate, Dragoon attacks on structures can borrow a bit of the Reaver's power - being a weaker scarab. Maybe the Reaver itself having an even stronger attack if we push it further. This provides more utility to High Templar and Dragoons, so the clumsy Dragoon is actually compensated by having a structure killing niche. Don't tell me no one found it ridiculous phase disruptor shots cannot bring down a repairing Terran Bunker.
    Of course there are more points, but the summary is:
    In-game the Zealot can't fight. Hand to hand close quarters combat is their niche in the lore. In-game the Zealot punches the weakest units too many times, taking too many hits to bring down the weakest units.
    In-game the Dragoon's phase disruptor would still struggle against smaller units but if a little bit of lore were adopted, their weapon would have a bit of splash now. The Dragoon's main theme is clumsiness. While keeping the Dragoon clumsy, the lore should compensate them with some splash and they would also deal somewhat more damage vs structures hence somewhat becoming mini-Reavers.
    In-game the High Templar is too passive. In lore, they would actually have an attack to use defensively, perhaps only against certain units and useless on structures, and by extension the Archon would either have a stronger attack than the High Templar or be outright more tanky.

    • @Dog.Dad.Studios
      @Dog.Dad.Studios  19 дней назад +1

      I can’t do this write up justice with a text reply. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for writing all of this in such elegant detail and conviction. I hope blizzard and other folks see the love for this franchise and that there are dedicated fans still here!!

  • @Azizi1163
    @Azizi1163 19 дней назад +3

    The shuttle is a 'must' in competitive play.

  • @jareddavid9862
    @jareddavid9862 13 дней назад +2

    Zealot 1: yo don't foget to sign the waiver
    Zealot 2: what waiver?
    Zealot 1: you know the one where it says that it's ok for them to put your dead protoss ass in a dragoon when u get killed in battle.
    Zealot 2: that is so cool!

  • @admiralmurphy1543
    @admiralmurphy1543 20 дней назад +2


  • @MrArxmag
    @MrArxmag 10 дней назад

    Shuttles are used often in competitive play, there is very few scenarios where you will make a reaver WITHOUT a shuttle. It's the only effective way to put reavers on the offense. Also, less often, the shuttles will be used to do 'elevator' attacks. (Using a small number of shuttles to bring units to a normally inaccessible location)

  • @Gunthersby
    @Gunthersby 19 дней назад +2

    I am fond of starcraft 1 voice lines including zerg because they all sound way more distinct than in 2. Except Terran Academy...

    • @arbiterally101
      @arbiterally101 19 дней назад

      Are you sure? I’ve always found it quite pleasant. Helps me sleep at night.
      For real though, absolutely the most bizarrely traumatizing sound bite. Schools just don’t hit the same in the Koprulu Sector.

    • @Dog.Dad.Studios
      @Dog.Dad.Studios  19 дней назад

      I always questioned the academy, but knowing what they do to marines.. makes sense.
      I love the voice lines in 1 for their iconic yet playful attitude. Plus all the references and its peak 90s.
      I will say that I think the fallout heads of 1/2 aged better than starcrafts original art design, but the sound design StarCraft holds the belt.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  • @Dog.Dad.Studios
    @Dog.Dad.Studios  20 дней назад +8

    Howdy Folks! I hope this finds you well! Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to watch my content. I'd love to know what your favorite Protoss lore is, which unit was your favorite back in the day, or now, and was the Protoss Campaign your favorite? I truly appreciate the dialogue about a universe that deserves so much, and has sadly been left to the road.. People of Aiur, Overmind lovers, and every human UED or Colonist.. StarCraft deserves the spotlight again, even if its a 2D point and click game! Let's make it happen!! If nothing else, sharing memories and realizing that this game and series meant so much to so many people should be acknowledged.
    All the best,
    Dog Dad

  • @clivah1499
    @clivah1499 13 дней назад +1

    So the arbiter is just a commander jeep for the judicators? That's... cool, impressive even. They're literally the commander unit....

  • @Sorenzo
    @Sorenzo 18 дней назад +1

    I always knew Dragoons had critically injured Zealots in them... That's why the Zealots disappear when "killed". It's a core element of Protoss lore because it plays into the fact that Protoss live and train so long... Even when they have to fight a losing fight, life isn't cheap for them. I suspect Protoss dragoons themselves are evacuated through teleportation if the driver can be put in a new one.

  • @hidefreek6905
    @hidefreek6905 12 дней назад

    For balance reasons, most of Protoss units get nerfed or some of their armaments remove.
    Carrier actually have a planet-purging laser cannon at the centre allowing its to one-shot a small variant of Battlecruiser.
    Also, their number of interceptors are massive. (The game reduce to eight)

  • @forcelightningcable9639
    @forcelightningcable9639 15 дней назад +1

    All zealotry to the Khala aside, I would love some lore on the buildings, too. Loved your big lore discussion on the history of the races!

    • @Dog.Dad.Studios
      @Dog.Dad.Studios  15 дней назад +3

      Were you watching me at my computer today or reading my thoughts?! I was thinking about a buildings video!!! Thanks for the suggestion!! Hope all is well : )

    • @forcelightningcable9639
      @forcelightningcable9639 15 дней назад

      @@Dog.Dad.Studios well, I couldn’t admit to the former without incriminating myself so I’ll have to refrain from commenting on the matter further, but you’re welcome. Hope there’s plenty to talk about.

    • @marcosmauricio7805
      @marcosmauricio7805 4 дня назад

      ​@@Dog.Dad.Studios little did he know, they were bound by the Khala

  • @MrArxmag
    @MrArxmag 10 дней назад

    14:08 The Dark Archon can also mind control enemy workers, and then start the building tech tree for that race, and all units. Effectively becoming both races at once

  • @peanut9898
    @peanut9898 20 дней назад +7

    I'd guess they got the zealot/dragoon idea from warhammer 40k. Space marines that are still at least a bit salvageable are put into dreadnoughts, pretty much the same stuff you explained about zealots and dragoons. Nice vid, thanks!

    • @Dog.Dad.Studios
      @Dog.Dad.Studios  19 дней назад

      Thanks so much! Yes Blizzard took what they could from 40K as much as any space fairing sci fi game. It’s apparently why games workshop is crazy about keeping their IP in check. Except for MTG because they can make money.

  • @lynkylo5530
    @lynkylo5530 19 дней назад +1

    Great! I am so glad to find more videos about starcraft lore, it's really cool to see!

    • @Dog.Dad.Studios
      @Dog.Dad.Studios  19 дней назад

      I’m so glad there is an audience for it! Plus if it gets more traction, maybe Microsoft will understand they bought an IP worth millions.. utilize it!!!! Ahah hope all is well!

  • @nathanrichards6511
    @nathanrichards6511 20 дней назад +1

    It does find me well, thank you!
    Speaking of finding - I just found your channel today and feel lucky to get another great new video on the same day :)

    • @Dog.Dad.Studios
      @Dog.Dad.Studios  20 дней назад

      I appreciate this so much! Thank you for taking the time to write this! I’m glad you’re doing well and wishing you an awesome weekend! Enjoy the videos : )

  • @ynyn-rl8qk
    @ynyn-rl8qk 19 дней назад +1

    Referencing the reaver and the carrier being from the Protoss's 2nd age, tht was a major era of building and discovery for the protoss. The reaver and carriers initial functions during this age were geared towards construction. But during the division of the dark Templar and the time leading up to their exile, the reavers and carriers were retrofitted as weapons of war.
    NOTE: this is info tht I'm recalling right off the top of my head so it may not be 100% accurate.

    • @Dog.Dad.Studios
      @Dog.Dad.Studios  18 дней назад

      Thank you for writing this! So cool! And goes to show how much there is in the universe to discover!

  • @josemarierubite9828
    @josemarierubite9828 20 дней назад +1

    Very underrated channel. I hope more people finds this. Looking forward to the Zerg units explained!

    • @Dog.Dad.Studios
      @Dog.Dad.Studios  20 дней назад

      Much appreciated! Can’t wait to get those primordial oozes analyzed! Hope you have an awesome weekend! Thanks for bringing a smile to my face

  • @Gamescharles
    @Gamescharles 16 дней назад +1

    Zealots and marines will always be my favorites they were when I was a kid and they still are as a adult now

    • @Dog.Dad.Studios
      @Dog.Dad.Studios  16 дней назад +1

      What do you think most brought you closer to those specific characters/units?

    • @Gamescharles
      @Gamescharles 16 дней назад

      @@Dog.Dad.Studios the marines I loved the voice lines their design and when the Terran theme 1 would play I’d love how they would sorta walk to the rhythm of the song and with zealots I loved how they would attack I just thought their light saberish weapons were the coolest things in the entire game

  • @donishcushing8223
    @donishcushing8223 11 дней назад

    Actually, if you mindcontrol a shuttle with 2 reavers loaded, you get the reavers too. Same with dropships. A DA can mindcontrol 8 marines and a dropship.

  • @alexinfinite7142
    @alexinfinite7142 11 дней назад

    Scouts were called scouts because they were considered lightly armed and armored. The rest of the fleet was considered that much more powerful. Only other races see scouts as a fighter ship. And they spank wraiths hard :(

  • @toliveryoung6720
    @toliveryoung6720 20 дней назад +2

    My life for Aiur!

  • @halqthedarktemplar
    @halqthedarktemplar 18 дней назад +1

    The zealot armor can detect when the zealot is heavily injured and teleport him back thanks to a khaydarin crystal. That's how they manage to get back and serve as dragoons later

    • @Dog.Dad.Studios
      @Dog.Dad.Studios  18 дней назад

      Thank you for explaining this! Greatly appreciate it!

  • @CsabaGamings
    @CsabaGamings 8 дней назад

    Scouts are pretty large I think. It's literally a live-in house that is flying.

  • @HistoryVideoGamesMiscStuff
    @HistoryVideoGamesMiscStuff 19 дней назад +1

    I wonder if Dragoons include old zealots who aged out of combat, because WTF are the Protoss fighting that "crippled soldier in a life-support tank/AFV" is a common support unit?

    • @commanderwookiecopc806
      @commanderwookiecopc806 19 дней назад +1

      When Zealots “die” in game they teleport (the blue flash) back to base right before death. So yeah…there is definitely going to be a large supply of crippled Zealots for the Golden Spider Dreadnaught.

    • @HistoryVideoGamesMiscStuff
      @HistoryVideoGamesMiscStuff 19 дней назад +1

      @commanderwookiecopc806 No, I mean, who are they fighting that they are getting all these cripples zealots in the first place? Humans and Zerg seem to be the only major opponents they have faced.

    • @rommdan2716
      @rommdan2716 16 дней назад

      ​@@HistoryVideoGamesMiscStuff There are other species in the Koprulu sector, but they aren't as powerful as the main ones so they aren't playable

  • @cyrus6317
    @cyrus6317 18 дней назад

    one thing i read about the scout that it was supposed to be a recon ship but the protoss technology is so advanced that it can take on capital ships of other races.

  • @enriquegarciacota3914
    @enriquegarciacota3914 16 дней назад

    Finding carrier pilots must be difficult because Protoss are overall honorable people.

    • @Dog.Dad.Studios
      @Dog.Dad.Studios  13 дней назад

      Aye they are! En Taro Adun!

    • @Leonhart_93
      @Leonhart_93 10 дней назад

      Before that they are militaristic, so they naturally enjoy having dominating power. Do you think a zealot cares as he skewers a much much weaker marine?

  • @BloodstarDE
    @BloodstarDE 10 дней назад

    I guess there is much more lore on these units that could be covered

  • @Kumogakure42
    @Kumogakure42 19 дней назад

    Your videos really have "heart" in them.

    • @Dog.Dad.Studios
      @Dog.Dad.Studios  19 дней назад +1

      I truly appreciate you taking the time to write this. Thank you so much! This gives me energy for the next video! Hope all is well!

  • @kirill429
    @kirill429 19 дней назад

    Well done man! Keep going :)

    • @Dog.Dad.Studios
      @Dog.Dad.Studios  19 дней назад

      Thank you for taking the time to write this! Wishing you all the best!

  • @JohnSmith-im8qt
    @JohnSmith-im8qt 2 дня назад

    The C and C music is great!

  • @skyvipers
    @skyvipers 16 дней назад

    Regarding your comment on the Shuttle, Protoss wouldn’t be able to play competitively without them lol they are key is so many strategies.
    (Thinks about Snow)

  • @thorveim1174
    @thorveim1174 8 дней назад

    me: hear the music
    my brain: prostagma?

  • @a.t.7321
    @a.t.7321 18 дней назад +1

    They gave the archon legs in the Remastered, that was weird

    • @Dog.Dad.Studios
      @Dog.Dad.Studios  18 дней назад +1

      That’s absurd. It’s a ball of energy! It has no physical legs.. oh remaster why?
      Thanks for writing this! Love it! Hope all is well

  • @gentlemanviking2644
    @gentlemanviking2644 19 дней назад

    As a kid I often wondered what would happen if a Templar and dark Templar merged

  • @freddymichalak9306
    @freddymichalak9306 11 дней назад

    I remember reavers were so miserable to deal with, Or the Carriers that both made me broke in the middle of an attack, These I saw were bonus or luxuries, Zealots paired with Dragoons is all I got Scouts and Archons and that's it

  • @ReiP95
    @ReiP95 17 дней назад

    You forgot the most important use of mindcontrol!!! You can mind control a zerg or terran worker thell them to build the main base so you get acces to the WOLE tech tree of that race. I rember that was the only reason I was playing protos... That and the unstoppable early zelot rush xd

    • @Dog.Dad.Studios
      @Dog.Dad.Studios  17 дней назад

      Someone mentioned this and I’m flabbergasted! So freaking cool! And way above my apm

  • @Johnstois
    @Johnstois 14 дней назад

    To answer the question about who recovers zealots for dragoons... that little blue burst is not the zealots dying but and emergency transport which brings their bodies back to... unmmm... dragoon land 😂

  • @ZetsubouGintama
    @ZetsubouGintama 14 дней назад

    Actually, carriers are also armed with purifier beam for Exterminatus. But it was not in the game due to a balanced reason.

    • @Dog.Dad.Studios
      @Dog.Dad.Studios  14 дней назад +2

      Should’ve been a fleet beacon upgrade smh

    • @ZetsubouGintama
      @ZetsubouGintama 14 дней назад

      @@Dog.Dad.Studios I think battlecruiser that can spawn droneships might be overpowered consider the actual battle cruise sill have limited graphic at laser fire.

  • @hugocruz2349
    @hugocruz2349 19 дней назад

    Covenant/Tau videos are cool and instrutive 😂😂

  • @hyperdimensionbliss
    @hyperdimensionbliss 19 дней назад

    "The Protoss have this inate ability to go to war with each other, a lot."
    Ah, they're space Europeans, that's why they're so far ahead of the Terran.

    • @Dog.Dad.Studios
      @Dog.Dad.Studios  18 дней назад +1

      Ahahahah je ne sais pas, as they say in France

  • @DPham1
    @DPham1 15 дней назад

    Using Age of Mythology music? You got yourself a sub

  • @acefinelli5847
    @acefinelli5847 6 дней назад

    En Taro Adun Executor, well done to your lore videos!

    • @Dog.Dad.Studios
      @Dog.Dad.Studios  6 дней назад +1

      Thank you so much! I appreciate you taking the time to write this, I needed this good energy : ) Hope all is well!

    • @acefinelli5847
      @acefinelli5847 6 дней назад

      @@Dog.Dad.Studios good fortunes and Timings to you. Don't let the Judicatorfanatics Ruin your days. Trust in Adun and the Kahla . En Taro Tassadar.

  • @philiptetherow71
    @philiptetherow71 17 дней назад

    For some reason I have the need to worship Zeus at a nearby temple followed by gathering some berries.

  • @TheBrettdenver
    @TheBrettdenver 15 дней назад

    Broooo the shuttle is used in almost every high level pro match😂, you should check out the scene it’s still going strong and the biggest tournament just started yesterday, will go on for the next month or so.

    • @Dog.Dad.Studios
      @Dog.Dad.Studios  15 дней назад +1

      Absolutely! I’m so psyched to put it on, thanks for telling me! I haven’t watched pro stuff in the longest.. day 9 ( love you) ahaha. Hope all is well!

  • @kingshermanii
    @kingshermanii 20 дней назад

    excited to learn lol, always wondered the lore lol, gonna binge the others

    • @Dog.Dad.Studios
      @Dog.Dad.Studios  20 дней назад +1

      Thank you for taking the time to write this! Hope you enjoy, and wishing you well! It’s a lot of good lore!

  • @vizelek2156
    @vizelek2156 20 дней назад

    5:23 Stasis field is probably the best friendly fire ability if you are not careful though. Although units in the stasis cannot take any action, they are also invincible, and don't forget that it can affect allies as well. (OK probably I am the only one who is so bad that some of my stasis fields made me feel like a clown)
    For corsairs it should be added that their speed allows them to run away from scourges most of the time and they also deal splash damage(although their damage is not the greatest).
    Archons are one of the coolest units in the game in my opinion, but they have a big drawback: Plasma shield takes full damage from every damage type and it is also expensive to upgrade. However, their ridiculous dps (which is also splash btw) is not to be overlooked.
    About carriers it is very interesting how their strength scales with their number. 4 carriers can be taken down by 12 goliaths but 8 carriers are literally invincible if you micro them correctly.
    Last but definitely not least, I would like to say thank you for your efforts to make this amazing video. Looking forward to zerg units' lore.

    • @Dog.Dad.Studios
      @Dog.Dad.Studios  12 дней назад +1

      Viz! Thanks for taking the time to write all of this! I’m sorry it got lost in the deluge of other comments. I appreciate you so much! Thank you!

  • @leadedbison1997
    @leadedbison1997 19 дней назад

    Also shout out for playing aria

    • @Dog.Dad.Studios
      @Dog.Dad.Studios  19 дней назад

      The battlecruisers get all the good opera!!

  • @centraltexasbear9973
    @centraltexasbear9973 12 дней назад

    thats some command and conquer music at 10:00

  • @mintx1720
    @mintx1720 14 дней назад

    It's a shame carriers are not powered by raw solarite

  • @albertiulianharasemiuc3386
    @albertiulianharasemiuc3386 20 дней назад

    I love your explanation videos

    • @Dog.Dad.Studios
      @Dog.Dad.Studios  19 дней назад

      I truly appreciate you writing this! More to come from other games, and I’ll still be reviewing, making retrospectives and opinion pieces, so I hope to see you for those as well!
      All the best!

  • @AndouHarvey
    @AndouHarvey 20 дней назад


    • @Dog.Dad.Studios
      @Dog.Dad.Studios  19 дней назад

      You flatter me : ) thank you for taking the time to watch and write this!

  • @petervlcko4858
    @petervlcko4858 16 дней назад

    You have not talked about High Templar. You started with dark templar and swap to archons. Nothing you mentioned about ht and hallucinations. But good vid. Thx

    • @Dog.Dad.Studios
      @Dog.Dad.Studios  16 дней назад +1

      You’re right! You’re the first person to write this and something I realized after publishing. I’ll have to make a video specifically on them! ( the woes of a one person crew!)
      Thank you for the kind words and hope all is well!

  • @lechevaliersavage2416
    @lechevaliersavage2416 7 дней назад

    If you mind control a scv or drone you can build a command center or a hive and control 2 races. lol I used to play that was to have fun against ai when I was a kid

    • @Dog.Dad.Studios
      @Dog.Dad.Studios  7 дней назад

      Thank you for sharing this! Hope all is well!

  • @GreasyDaddy
    @GreasyDaddy 11 дней назад


  • @TheMetalwolf77777
    @TheMetalwolf77777 20 дней назад

    This video requires additional pylons (great video and more please)

    • @Dog.Dad.Studios
      @Dog.Dad.Studios  19 дней назад +1

      Thank you so much for your kind words and taking the time to comment on my videos! I hope you’re doing well!

    • @TheMetalwolf77777
      @TheMetalwolf77777 19 дней назад

      @@Dog.Dad.Studios everyday I'm not dead or in jail is a good day to smile in my book and I've been nothing but smiles thank you for replying

  • @morelor6701
    @morelor6701 20 дней назад

    "We will watch your career with great Interest"

  • @CARL_093
    @CARL_093 10 дней назад

    5:13 this what i mean LOL

  • @fatbasterd5195
    @fatbasterd5195 16 дней назад

    What happened to Bricky?

  • @freeplay2414
    @freeplay2414 13 дней назад

    reaver reaver reaver reaver reaver!

  • @karpai5427
    @karpai5427 19 дней назад

    Scouts are piloted by Templars?

    • @Dog.Dad.Studios
      @Dog.Dad.Studios  19 дней назад

      That’s how they describe the Arbiter, its distinction is that it’s the only one flown by non Templars, which I found interesting. It’s from the old site I’ve been using

  • @alphadios2003
    @alphadios2003 19 дней назад

    Did you just used AoM music for StarCraft :)) ?

    • @Dog.Dad.Studios
      @Dog.Dad.Studios  18 дней назад

      I love when someone notices a specific soundtrack : )

  • @thamtrongtan2493
    @thamtrongtan2493 13 дней назад

    My life fore Hire.

  • @MiriBenii
    @MiriBenii 17 дней назад

    Yea u dog, everything can be made up after 10 years. But still, all this crap made me nostalgic, wanting to play some more Starcraft, if my daughter (wife really) let me.

  • @Pridemare
    @Pridemare 16 дней назад +1

    Poor Scouts, the worst unit in the game and they dont even have lore :( I bet they would have been great as bikes ^^

  • @DoctorTaco
    @DoctorTaco 18 дней назад

    Blasting CnC bangers over starcraft lol

  • @TheDuckHasArrived
    @TheDuckHasArrived 13 дней назад

    I truly have no idea what made you think it is a good idea to show yourself on a quarter of the screen, partially obliterating content you are talking about. It would seem I've arrived here to tell you it is NOT a good idea and that you should change it. Seriously.

  • @Azrel00
    @Azrel00 15 дней назад

    My life for Aiur!