My question is how are they able to justify it. Accountants must do some wizardry of their own to make this legal, don't you think? That wizardry can't be legal, though.
How the hell does Starbucks get away with stealing tips? How can anyone do this to underpaid workers. Disgusting. I have refused to buy Starbucks for years now. I will never give them another penny.
@@garypiatt4666 The statement obviously wasn’t literal… of course one person doesn’t take that much. Profits go to shareholders too, but a large chunk does in fact go to the C suite.
And they predicted an apocalypse for workers if the minimum wage was raised. Guess what: Workers everywhere did fine, or they got an exception to the wage hike. Businesses lie, especially in public statements like press releases. The only times they don't lie is if they would get in legal trouble for doing so: Under oath or in financial statements. So the only times they will at least make an attempt at telling the truth are under penalty of perjury or fraud.
@@Cafeallday222 Ok explain how a CEO salary keeps a barista with no real skills poor? LAXMAN NARASIMHAN'S 2023 TOTAL COMPENSATION WAS $14.6 MILLION Cut his salary by 13 million and divide it equally among 402,000 employees. That's an additional $32 annually. How is an extra $32 a year going to better anyone's life? You are just regurgitating bullshit.
I believe the vast majority of people in the US would prefer to do the same thing - just pay the employees enough to live on and eliminate tipping entirely. But, greed is behind it. When a restaurant owner is only required to pay their servers $3/hour, and let the customers foot the bill for the employee, the owner gets to keep more money for themselves. Until our laws change at the top, it will not stop.
maybe in your country where im from we give 10% if service/food was good and round up if its was okay.... The forced tipping however is nuts, if someone wants forced tip im not even going there. Regarding minimum wage its a bit of a myth that it fixes stuff as just everything else got more expensive and the people on the lower end remained on the lower end, tips however for a good waiter make a hughe difference as its the same amount as their salary...
Obviously, the whole Starbucks concept is a scam. Who needs a Starbucks when your local little coffee shop is open!? Extreme capitalism "the American way" and mega fooding companies are not the right solution to quality, whether it is quality of remuneration, life, food, atmosphere, etc. (Facts) Starbucks turnover in billions of dollars worldwide: USA: 26.4 CHINA: 3.8 REST OF THE WORLD: 6.5 😂🤣
In Texas, Starbucks have slowed down. People used to hangout and meet people there. Field workers, students hangout to study, meet and use their WiFi with 100mbs speed. Now, They replace the regular sized table tables with very tiny table for one that will only accommodate your coffee and food. No space for your book or laptop and their WiFi went form 100mbs to 1-5mbps, that’s unusable internet speed that is worst than being in third world country. Starbucks are committed to drive their customers away and they are succeeding. There’s hardly anyone on those stores while local coffee shops are always full. Hopefully, we can totally get rid of Starbucks.
It's also a way for people not to be fired. I work in the hospital where some of us aren't Union, while the ones who are Union do the LEAST amount of work and get paid the most. Yet we non union workers most of us know more and do more than them. I want to be in the union to just for the pay, not to be lazy like them. Everyone loves unions till prices go up or it's time to fire the police.
@@QuietlyHere666 Ignorance lol. Do you understand how economics work or know how to read a balance sheet? Or did you get your financial literacy degree from Social media
The one thing that has always amazed me in Corporate America is how much time energy and money they will spend on creating a systematic hostile work environment.
I don't know about now, but as recently as two years ago, my partner worked as a barista and she was able to cover me with Starbucks insurance that was partially subsidized by Starbucks and medically, i was not cheap. I'm very appreciative for all of the benefits from Starbucks. I am curious about that "credit cards tip" comment from the video though?? Surely they can't withhold tips from credit cards to their baristas, right?
@christopherbasham1551 lot's of people who take an econ 101 class have issues with MPU but these people fail to realize that higher-level, even graduate level econ classes exist. Hubris and libertarianism go hand-in-hand
@croissantsavant No working person is paying the kind of prices that Starbucks is charging. In fact even fast food chains are on the down trend because of pricing. People like me are going to little owner operator businesses because they have the least frills and the lowest prices because of that. Starbucks is purely a luxury product producer.
Stock is down almost 30%. The company has a negative sales outlook. Won't be long til massive layoffs and store closings. Starbucks brought this on themselves. Hope those baristas find work with real Coffee shops. Not corporate slavery.
Massive layoffs? lol they’re already having trouble staffing stores. The people at the top are derpers, for sure. Other coffee shops won’t pay for your bachelor’s degree or offer medical/dental/optical and for part-time workers. Other coffee shops don’t match your retirement. Other coffee shops won’t offer free therapy with Lyra….although I don’t think other coffee shops create a stressful work environment where you end up NEEDING to go to therapy 😂 This wouldn’t have been an issue if they kept staffing stores properly. They began cutting labor but still expecting baristas to be faster, more friendly and selling more. After a while that gets to you and you start asking yourself, “why the hell am I even here?” They also hired SO many outside-hire managers who often had ZERO good experience…once they hired a dude who was a manager at a chase bank to open a brand new drive through…he failed miserably obviously. Sooo much manager outside-hire turnover, and yet they make it so hard for baristas to rise into store managers. And some of the baristas and shift managers end up knowing more about individual store tasks than the new managers. It’s crazy.
Too many of those smaller "craft" shops are likely to be bought off by private equity and squeezed for higher evaluation with huge cost-cutting to be sold later
As a retired union member, I applaud this, thanks to Reagan unions have seen an ugly decline as our jobs were exported to China. We need more unions these Legacy companies can afford a $25 minimum wage. Bravo
No we dont need more unions we need more politicians that will do our bidding instead of corporations and give us fair pay through legislation so ALL working class is covered. Unions drive the cost of items up and its sad when employees have to form an union to get fair pay. Most unions start out good but most end up as corrupt as the business they are supposedly protecting employees from. Some jobs like police should not have unions at all because unions keep the bad cops employed.
@@zemtek420 the only way to get "better politicians" is to collectively organize, the first step to a collective organization is organizing locally, starting with your workplace. The ol' "we just need to get money out of politics" is a liberal fantasy, you can't politely ask someone taking bribes to be more ethical, you have to force them to by threatening their precious economy.
@@zemtek420 also, on the "unions drive prices up" no, unions make sure employees are getting paid a livable wage, if your consumerist product increases in price because of it, it's because the money you were saving is off the backs of starving employees. The only reason half of our country's products are the price they are is because we enslave other countries for their resources that we steal and their people we barely pay (see: child slaves in our chocolate production)
Regan was a POS, he disbanded the airport union for the radar tower personnel. He did more damage to the middle class than almost anyone else in modern US politics. His trickle down bullsh*t, he dropped corporate and wealthy tax rates to damn near zero. He was a tool of the oligarchs.
Starbucks may have recognized the union, but they closed all of the Starbucks in my small city. There were three, now there are none. I really hope many of these people got jobs with other coffee shops in town (several are union, co-ops).
If a billionaire Coffee shop can't unionise, I think it is better to close and other better coffee shops get more business and hire more workers instead.
When I was young, I was anti Union. I just didn't see the value of supporting two opposing sets of executives. As I grew older I became aware that one set of executives considered me a disposable asset who would wear me out and throw me away without any real concern regarding me as a human being. I got a Union job and when I became disabled, my Union saved my home, my marriage, my family and when my rep saw I had become hopelessly depressed, she intervened and literally saved my life.
I was told a lot of anti-union lies when I was very young. When I was old enough to start working, I learned what a union actually was, and have been pro-union ever since. I believe anyone that works for someone else needs to have a union.
Having been in a union, corruption and theft of your money via fees and dues wasn’t worth their “protection.” Unions also obstruct the ability of the American worker to negotiate fully for the best possible price. Unions are anti-worker. Always have been.
@@ladyrose3285 Anti Union talking points are lies, lies and more lies. You can believe what ever pap you like. I can tell you for an absolute fact that my union rep saved my life and my hard fought union benefits saved my home, my marriage and my pension.
A few years ago I applied for a job at Starbucks. Their application system was extremely tedious to get through (which was a huge red flag for me). I gave up and wound up finding work somewhere else. Glad to see that that decision paid off, 'cuz I've only heard bad things about them since then. Corporate greed is one helluva drug
Interesting. They have a tedious application process because they think they are an elite company to work for, are afraid of lawsuits and trying to hire “the best people” but treat their employees like dog crap. No thanks. Glad you moved on.
This is one reason Starbucks never worked in Australia. Restaurants, Cafes, Hotels etc are all covered by a Union Award Wage, almost every industry is union backed and covered by set wages. What Starbucks is doing in the US would have them thrown out and shut down, however they simply had no idea of the coffee market in Australia. We have some of the best coffee and boutique coffee shops.
I was a barista 15yrs ago and they treated us very well. Wages were just above minimum, but we had medical, dental, optical, and other financial benefits, which was unheard of at other comparable jobs. The random schedules were wretched though, admittedly.
Starbucks still gives medical, dental, optical and opportunity for free college. The labor on the floor got cut to crap though. When I last worked at a drive through, we’d have a 5k morning and my manager expected me to run that with only 6 people during the peak hours….and run 5 lunches too. So really we’d have 5 people. The training isn’t the same either. Now you have people getting trained for 10 hours on the floor. Sometimes you’d have to do “pod training” where you were training up to 2-3 people at once! Many managers would try to skimp on training and use the hours elsewhere. So you never got to actually train the employees, they’d just get packed on the floor the next week without proper training and expect to operate like someone who’d been there for a year. No extra labor to pad for their inexperience. Very stressful.
Literally. I work downtown and anyone who likes coffee prefers to go to Monorail or literally any local shop instead of Starbucks. And these are corporate people who generally don’t care about consumer boycotts
@@Anngrl69 Starbucks has absolutely been corrupted, which is very sad. I love the history of how it got started, and I even got to visit the original store when my family was in Seattle for a few weeks, when I was a teen. It could have been great. Instead, they did this... And their coffee sucks, now.
They used to have stands on the street corner near Pike’s Market and bought inferior beans that were passed over by the big coffee companies, then roast the crap out of them to mask the bad flavor and people loved it. They have never been ethical and people are stupid.
You start by discussing a Union with your co-workers. You can start this effectivly by seeing if there is any backbone in other unions that you can join with, or boilerplate templates from various unions and labor movements that seem to be able to fit I.T.'s needs, then discuss with your co-workers the advantages to every co-worker with collective bargining, as well as the buisness I.E. with a wider pool its easier to negotiate cheaper insurance for everyone you can also get other benifits that would be compleatly too costly as just one compqny or company location etc. And the primary dis-advantage to unions to the buisness. That unions temperarly drive down stock prices, because stock brokers view unions as bad for buisness, even though they are not by any means. Do not leave that part out of disscussion because the stock prices will recover but the CEO's primary objective is to keep stock prices high, its not to the workers or the buisness's success. If high stock value means running the company straight off a cliff then thats thier job, and they will. This is also a time for you to look at a major Union alternative, worker Co-op's. They are not just for farmers, but they are attractive for farmers and possibly for IT because the farmer's tend to own the equipment and the tool and land they need to run the farms, and a co-op provides the same union benifits and can work with unions, multiple unions to gain benifits that are broader reaching then a single union. Because of the FTC ruling against non-compeates this might be an option for I.T. with the Co-op structure looking more like an employment agency, and utterly changing the face of IT forever. Its a bit more ambitious but it might not be more ambitious then a union. Heck it might be less ambitious, just be sure to check in with a lawyer before pursing that path. After you have enough willing to Unionize and have a good charter set up that most can agree too and the detractors can accept, then its time to vote to unionize. Unfortunitly I have not been present for this step, but there are tons of resources avalible to you there. I will point you towards I.W.W. for some good reasources
It's funny how in HR Class the argument was taught that labor laws are good now so labor unions are no longer necessary. Funny how those laws weren't in question until the union got established and became capable of ensuring they were followed.
I WILL NOT cross a picket line. In the 90s I tried to unionize our hospital, but was unsuccessful. They were horrible, paying millions for a union busting consultants, and treating us all terribly. Every evaluation I had after that said I had a bad attitude, of course no proof. This place charges its own healthcare workers more for health insurance than the rest of the community because we can't negotiate. Now retired, they have the gall to send me mail asking me to remember them in my will.
Correct. To better explain before some "greed is good" goon tries to bully around in the reply's; The Capital in capitalism is explicitly in refference to money growing without any work being done. Its gambling. Now to be clear, I am not opposed to gambling, but gambiling does not add wider value to society or laborers, so it is zero value added gains. The isim in capitalism means the capital is in control. Nothing in capitalism has anything to do with free markets. F.F.S. Karl Marx wrote how communism can lead to better more free markets, assuming that the state/nation/soviet union allows it. (Hint the soviet union did not, and the CCP has struggled back and forth with free markets, and I dont like states/nations anyways) Now you can do your own math here and realize that getting returns on investment is whats in control then... well, put two and two together here. If the stock market responds favorably to making toys that kill puppies it wont matter that every toy company who makes these toys will go out of buisness very shortly. They have to make the puppy killinator 2000 riiiight off that cliff and the CEO has to make public speeches about how good the childhood tramua/serial killer manufacturing machines really are for society.
@@MarcPagan yes capitalism is soooo ethical. sweatshops Slave like Labor that pays cents per hour. Wars for profit Private equity destroying companies Increased homelessness. For profit prisons For profit hospitals where proper healthcare is secondary. Corn syrup diabetes and obesity epidemic. Sky high rents forcing people to work multiple jobs, taking away their free time that could be spent with family. Cost cutting measures leading to you know I can't say the word because RUclips censorship. Out of all the evils in the world I can firmly rest knowing capitalism takes the title
Is it because you just always knew they were anti-union or are you just a rebel, fighting against pop culture? Either way, you're so unique. Keep going!
3rd generation union worker (Teamsters local 150🤘😎🤘). As a Shop Stuart and regional advocate in northern California, we stand in solidarity with the Starbucks workers union. Keep up the good fight and reach out if you ever need help with organization and uniting yourselves. Teamsters don't mess around , we got your backs. If you ever strike or boycott let us know and we'll spread the word not to cross the picket line and hold the line . Stay strong, stay united , show them what it means to be union strong!
I have never had a union job, but I am so proud of the Starbucks workers. Upper management at my current employer was approached by at least one employee about unionizing, and the president very quickly put out an anti-union video that was sent to everyone's emails. I'm trying to find someone that can review it and tell me if he violated the law with some of the things he said - I know he was walking a very fine line. And I also have been looking for someone that can give advice on starting a union where we are. It's no easy task. So, those coffee slingers have my respect for getting it done. I have been pro-union most of my life, and I firmly believe today that anyone working for someone else needs to have a union.
worked at starbucks peak pandemic up until 2022. once walked in on my boss in a zoom meeting while corporate talked about the importance of having a high employee turnover rate. next day they put up a hiring sign and in 2024 it's still up.
I'm from Alaska. We didn't allow Starbucks in our state except at the international airport. I have never been to a Starbucks. I'm an independent coffee roasters fan.
Between the tip stealing, union busting, jen-of-side supporting, making store less welcoming, and ludicrous price increases, I bought a fully automated espresso machine and only get to-go coffee if I’m out of town. It paid for itself in 1.5 months.
Coffee is now a luxury, just confirm my fears. I knew a recession was coming that would last 2-3 years, and if inflation continues to surge, the Federal Reserve will likely raise interest rates soon. Inflation is causing various issues worldwide, such as food shortages, scarcities of diesel and heating fuel, and significant spikes in housing prices, leading to a potential financial market crash. This global downturn could have long-lasting repercussions. Given the current inflation rate of approximately 9%, my main worry is how to optimize my savings and retirement fund, which has remained stagnant at around $300,000, yielding almost no gains for quite some time.
Numerous opportunities exist to achieve substantial profits at present, but executing high-volume and nearly flawless trades requires the expertise of real-time professionals with an ISDA Agreement. This agreement allows investors to participate in sophisticated trades, exclusive to seasoned individuals, and unavailable to amateurs. Attempting to be a high-stakes trader without an ISDA is akin to trying to win the Indy 500 riding a llama.
I'm sure the idea of an invstment-Adviser might sound controversial to a few, but a new study by Motley-fool found out that demand for Financial-Advisers sky-rocketed by over 42% since the pandemic and based on firsthand encounter I can say for certain their skillsets are topnotch. I've accrued north of 580k within 16-months from an initially stagnant Portf0lio worth 85k.
Inflation is over 10% here, but as we know it's definitely way more than the Government would like to admit. My plan is to earn more passive income and ride this out, can your Investment-adviser assist?
Annette Christine Conte is the licensed fiduciary I use. Just research the name. You’d find necessary details to work with a correspondence to set up an appointment.
@@Dantursi1 Wow, great for you. Would you mind sharing your expertise with us? Or at least, me? It would be greatly appreciated as I’ve come into some funds with an advisor attached and I don’t think he’s doing much for me. I don’t see it. When I suggest a link to read abt a stock that I’m pretty sure would benefit me and my Sis, he hems and haws and doesn’t act, so I therefore would like to switch him out and get another that’ll make me $. BTW, I worked in my families delis since I was 12 and I think blue/white paper cup, NY deli style, is still the best coffee ever. Not burned and priced modestly. And I didn’t expect a tip. I made the coffee cheerfully and was proud to have a job and make folks happy. Now, in my current career, I’m given something extra once in a blue moon. I really appreciate it and tell them profusely bc it’s never expected. Makes me feel great to be rewarded with a thank you and the cash is definitely a blessing. So, thank you lovely clients!
I’d love for you to cover the union negotiations taking place with the movie and tv workers union (I.A.T.S.E.) and their struggles with huge ceo pay and diminishing wages
Thank you to the ones who worked in the SM Santa Fe NM location, i saw the sabotage firsthand and i hope all those workers that got laid off and replaced with scabs in 2022 have found much better workplaces now.
And as of yesterday Starbucks reported their sales are down 7 pct. While it might be a union matter, it appears to be that there are too many coffee shops and prices for coffee are too high at starbucks. And people are experiencing financial difficulty and cutting luxury items like $7 coffee.
I haven't heard any recent news, but there have been rumblings where I work about unionizing (sort of like an Amazon for electronic parts). I really feel like if either of us forms a union, we should invite the other company to join it. One of our warehouse workers nearly lost a hand on a conveyor belt. None of us get paid enough for the work we do, no matter the position, and the president of the company put out an anti-union video at the start of the year. Anyone that works for someone else should have a union.
Something that I would also like to see from this channel is review of history of how corporations infiltrated unions in the past to either try to destroy them from within or to try to control who they are bargaining with. It has been a while since the union movement had gained this kind of strength and it may loose momentum if we are not all aware of the old tactics that corporations use.
@@zemtek420 here you are again, so I'll give you a different angle: No, that's not true, prices increasing when employees are getting paid more is so that the corporate overhead can keep raking in the amount of profit they were before the pay increase, it's greed. The solution? Worker owned means of production, eliminating the corporate greed
i just made a comment about about the price of a small frapachino with a single shot of espresso now costing over $7. it use to be about $5 less than 1 1/2 years ago.
It's actually quite shocking to me that the shareholders gave a shit about the company's employees. I think it was more likely that they weren't going to get any money back this year so they forced the company to do something
I stopped using Starbucks at home and in their stores quite a while ago when I heard they refused to negotiate with the union. It’s not right that people work for low wages while bosses make millions: also, I think it’s against the law to refuse to negotiate with the union. Respect to the folks who work for the rights of workers: without them it never would have happened
Worst job I ever had when I was younger. I worked at a lot of different places as a kid. I guess I don’t understand why people stayed? There was literally zero incentive to not go across the street to literally anything else.
It's good that you got them to the table finally. Don't let pressure up though. Remember, they can negotiate for years, and when it's finalized, just refuse to certify it. Keep the pressure on them until you get everything you want. Where ever you land, it's going to be a slow and uphill battle against lawyers rather than managers then.
I haven’t spent a dime at Starbucks since their union busting tactics started! You guys are awesome and remember the only reason they are treating you better is because you earned it!!! 👏👏👏🔥🔥🔥
Just want yall to know I didnt watch this video originally because of the generic "What happened next will shock you" headline. Videos are great but titles need to relax and just be clear. I like your news you dont have to be clickbaity about it.
Story idea - how code enforcement agencies work with law enforcement agencies to push people out of their homes and allow those homes to be condemned then sold to a low bidder to either rent or flip the property by false code complaints - Cortland NY
That's how it works - Unions end up benefitting even the workers who don't join, but the businesses work hard to make it look like it's just them being generous.
I work at chapters/indigo and its the same way. They offered higher pay, closed unionized stores, and even offered us gift cards as bonuses if we started physically intercepting shoplifters.
I have absolutely empty set, goose egg, nothing in common with these people, but I stand with them in their pursuit of justice: fair wages, working conditions, etc.
Poor ole W-Buffet. On the "pilot" side: A shower now cost $17.00 usd. If a truck driver wants to take a shower at at P-lot-Flyng-J Truck-stop. I personally heard that conversation when a driver wanted to buy a shower without buying their expensive fuel. He was told: If no fuel, it's $ 17.00 for a shower...💰.
Impressive display of resilience and strategic acumen from Starbucks Workers United. Their victory underscores the power of collective action and persistent advocacy in reshaping corporate practices. 💪 It's a testament to what can be achieved when workers unite for a common cause.
In Italy, you walk into the bar - coffee shop - , they recognize you, you order at the counter and they make your coffee and serve it to you in an actual cup, $1.20 for an espresso, $140 for a cappuccino, you drink it, at the counter or go sit, pay for it and leave, no tipping. And the coffee is rich and flavorful. I dread returning to the US, for so many reasons.
Two stores in downtown Seattle, Pike Street and 3rd and near by Westlake Center. I don't know why, The Pike Store had a problem with homless people hanging out in the store. The closing of the Westlake is a mystery to me.
Nice start! Once they get all Starbucks locations unionized hopefully they won't stop there; the next logical step will be to work toward transitioning the business into a worker cooperative model. Now we need to start getting other large businesses on this roadmap too: Walmart, Target, McDonalds, etc.
I'm amazed that Starbucks survives in Australia when their coffee is completely rubbish, especially when you can go into literally dozens of cafes to get excellent coffee
This is why the GenZ motto is great: minimum pay, minimum work. Work hard for corporations is not worth it. They have to value you or they have bad service. Simple as that.
The Starbucks nearest me fired the main union organizer. I went to support the union efforts before they had the vote, but I haven’t been back since they fired the person and it was for bogus reasons. They blamed it on something that happened like four months earlier that was a ridiculous reason to fire anyone and why would they wait four months? It was totally because they voted to unionize. So they will never get my business again.
Be careful. I was recently part of a union and they didn't do anything for us. The union rep took down our complaints but the illegality of our job never changed
In the past I worked for several companies that all the credit card tipping goes to the CEO bonus and not to the employees I didn't stay. Now I ask the employees if get the tips or I just tip cash.
Once these cry babies get pushed out, immigrants will do a better job for less and everything will work out just fine. Their days are numbered. If it's not that, machines will do the work they complain so much about. Simple economics.
@@masoncnc the workers ARE the risk takers. If an owner class person has a business fail, they typically have the capital to try again, and if not, they might at worst become worker class. If a worker class person loses their job, they're likely to lose access to housing, food, and other basic human needs.
But, if a cup of regular coffee goes from $5 a cup plus refills, to $10 and no refills, then they will have shot themselves in the foot. Look at McDonald's... It is slowly in a fight to the bottom when you got to pay $18 for a simple meal.
What happened to Starbucks and when did this happen? Because Starbucks used to be the only place where you could work part-time and get full benefits. Starbucks used to be one of the few places where your same-sex partner could get benefits, even if you weren't married. The pay was a little above other places and yes they received tips. All these workers are asking for is what they already had for years and then somewhere along the way got taken away. I think it has always had the same CEO. What changed, when and why? I would love to know the answers to these questions.
Victory’s for union workers are nice but never permanent under capitalism a reorganization of the means of production and of society in general is needed
If you go in to get revenge and take down the company, as the lady mentioned near the end, you're shooting yourself in the foot. The whole point is to apply enough pressure to the company that they change their practices-and to bring hope to the workers.
The corporation kept the tips?! That is some evil corporations shit. That's it. I am never buying Starbucks ever again.
Me either. Their coffee is way too bitter for my taste. Support your local businesses instead!
My question is how are they able to justify it. Accountants must do some wizardry of their own to make this legal, don't you think? That wizardry can't be legal, though.
You think Starbucks is the only employer who does that?
Also illegal!
Did you watch this video? Starbucks has capitulated. They are supporting unions. Time to buy the product to show approval at their unionized stores.
How the hell does Starbucks get away with stealing tips? How can anyone do this to underpaid workers. Disgusting. I have refused to buy Starbucks for years now. I will never give them another penny.
Just find out if your local store is unionised.
Lol all restaurants can do this legally. It's hosed.
No laws apply to Starbucks.
Most studies put wage theft between 3 out of every 5 dollars and 3 out of every 4 dollars comes from wage theft
It’s because the fine is less than the stolen tips, so they still come out on top
Too many executives taking $95 out of every $100 and then trying to act like we're supposed to fight over the remaining fiver.
“Lucky to have a job” indeed
There is absolutely no industry/business (in the USA) where executives are taking $95 out of every $100 dollars- NONE!
@@garypiatt4666 let me guess your middle management and you have been promised a promotion
@@garypiatt4666 The statement obviously wasn’t literal… of course one person doesn’t take that much. Profits go to shareholders too, but a large chunk does in fact go to the C suite.
As a former Barista, and a current union member (in another industry), I am so proud of these folks! Union strong! ♥
And despite the workers' new unions, Starbucks DIDN'T go out of business, like they told us would happen. Funny how that works, eh...?
And they predicted an apocalypse for workers if the minimum wage was raised. Guess what: Workers everywhere did fine, or they got an exception to the wage hike.
Businesses lie, especially in public statements like press releases. The only times they don't lie is if they would get in legal trouble for doing so: Under oath or in financial statements. So the only times they will at least make an attempt at telling the truth are under penalty of perjury or fraud.
Who saw that coming? Go figure 🤔 😆 🤣 😂
Oligarchs, lying! Who knew! 🤷
Prices didn’t go up more than usual, either. I guess the ceo had to give up a house or two instead.
@@Cafeallday222 Ok explain how a CEO salary keeps a barista with no real skills poor?
Cut his salary by 13 million and divide it equally among 402,000 employees.
That's an additional $32 annually.
How is an extra $32 a year going to better anyone's life?
You are just regurgitating bullshit.
It's ridiculous for workers in the USA to be so reliant on tips. Tips are virtually non-existent in Europe because we have a realistic minimum wage.
I believe the vast majority of people in the US would prefer to do the same thing - just pay the employees enough to live on and eliminate tipping entirely. But, greed is behind it. When a restaurant owner is only required to pay their servers $3/hour, and let the customers foot the bill for the employee, the owner gets to keep more money for themselves. Until our laws change at the top, it will not stop.
@@tricitymorte1 Sadly, I think you'll be waiting a long time.....
Same for Australia. I regularly get told I'm lying about how much I earn as a barista
maybe in your country where im from we give 10% if service/food was good and round up if its was okay.... The forced tipping however is nuts, if someone wants forced tip im not even going there. Regarding minimum wage its a bit of a myth that it fixes stuff as just everything else got more expensive and the people on the lower end remained on the lower end, tips however for a good waiter make a hughe difference as its the same amount as their salary...
Obviously, the whole Starbucks concept is a scam. Who needs a Starbucks when your local little coffee shop is open!? Extreme capitalism "the American way" and mega fooding companies are not the right solution to quality, whether it is quality of remuneration, life, food, atmosphere, etc. (Facts) Starbucks turnover in billions of dollars worldwide: USA: 26.4 CHINA: 3.8 REST OF THE WORLD: 6.5 😂🤣
In Texas, Starbucks have slowed down. People used to hangout and meet people there. Field workers, students hangout to study, meet and use their WiFi with 100mbs speed. Now, They replace the regular sized table tables with very tiny table for one that will only accommodate your coffee and food. No space for your book or laptop and their WiFi went form 100mbs to 1-5mbps, that’s unusable internet speed that is worst than being in third world country.
Starbucks are committed to drive their customers away and they are succeeding. There’s hardly anyone on those stores while local coffee shops are always full. Hopefully, we can totally get rid of Starbucks.
Good! Support locals coffee shops and never set foot into a Starbucks again.
Should also get rid of Mcdonalds and other fast food restaurants, its already getting old for us
Just like McDonalds now!
Hopefully the local and other franchise owners are paying their employees more money or a quarterly bonus
It's funny how these big corporations are literally destroying themselves of greed and dishonesty.
Unions are the main way workers make companies behave within the law and with basic decency.
Very good comment.
Unions are the ones that push the changes in the law once they have enough support. That's why corporations work so hard to stomp on people power.
It's also a way for people not to be fired. I work in the hospital where some of us aren't Union, while the ones who are Union do the LEAST amount of work and get paid the most. Yet we non union workers most of us know more and do more than them. I want to be in the union to just for the pay, not to be lazy like them. Everyone loves unions till prices go up or it's time to fire the police.
@@LokiTheGodofMischief word vomit of conservative ignorance
@@QuietlyHere666 Ignorance lol. Do you understand how economics work or know how to read a balance sheet? Or did you get your financial literacy degree from Social media
The one thing that has always amazed me in Corporate America is how much time energy and money they will spend on creating a systematic hostile work environment.
When nobody’s stopping the powerful, they will squeeze the non-powerful as much as possible.
Power, control and greed are best friends.
My thought, exactly!
Dude! That just blew my mind!!!
Upper management and shareholders, I'm sure they thank you for it
Workers lose more money to wage theft than any other crime. Billions of dollars.
Probably management bonuses connected to union busting tactics.
I refuse to spend a cent at Starbucks until I hear good things about the way their employees are treated.
I don't understand why anyone is still spending money at that place??
I haven't given them my money in a long time.
I don't know about now, but as recently as two years ago, my partner worked as a barista and she was able to cover me with Starbucks insurance that was partially subsidized by Starbucks and medically, i was not cheap. I'm very appreciative for all of the benefits from Starbucks.
I am curious about that "credit cards tip" comment from the video though?? Surely they can't withhold tips from credit cards to their baristas, right?
Yeah support workers' rights but Starbucks is so overrated
I refuse to work there until things change! I don’t know why other employees don’t feel the same :(
Same!!! I only shop Union Starbucks :)
MPU is doing some of the most important labor journalism of our lifetimes
@christopherbasham1551 lot's of people who take an econ 101 class have issues with MPU
but these people fail to realize that higher-level, even graduate level econ classes exist. Hubris and libertarianism go hand-in-hand
Unions are anti-worker, anti-excellence, and anti-competitive.
I tend to skew conservative on fiscal issues but I am also open minded and MPU does indeed have some great, informative videos.
Where do you think the costs go 😂?
The concept of Tipping in it of itself is wage theft.
@@EzBz982 our of the owners pocket
Nobody who is actually working class goes to Starbucks, lol.
@croissantsavant No working person is paying the kind of prices that Starbucks is charging. In fact even fast food chains are on the down trend because of pricing. People like me are going to little owner operator businesses because they have the least frills and the lowest prices because of that. Starbucks is purely a luxury product producer.
im still waiting for Schulz to make an apology video like the judge ordered
He never will.
Apologies are never (NEVER) satisfying. Take the actual gains; THOSE have meaning.
Stock is down almost 30%. The company has a negative sales outlook. Won't be long til massive layoffs and store closings. Starbucks brought this on themselves. Hope those baristas find work with real Coffee shops. Not corporate slavery.
Massive layoffs? lol they’re already having trouble staffing stores. The people at the top are derpers, for sure. Other coffee shops won’t pay for your bachelor’s degree or offer medical/dental/optical and for part-time workers. Other coffee shops don’t match your retirement. Other coffee shops won’t offer free therapy with Lyra….although I don’t think other coffee shops create a stressful work environment where you end up NEEDING to go to therapy 😂
This wouldn’t have been an issue if they kept staffing stores properly. They began cutting labor but still expecting baristas to be faster, more friendly and selling more. After a while that gets to you and you start asking yourself, “why the hell am I even here?” They also hired SO many outside-hire managers who often had ZERO good experience…once they hired a dude who was a manager at a chase bank to open a brand new drive through…he failed miserably obviously. Sooo much manager outside-hire turnover, and yet they make it so hard for baristas to rise into store managers. And some of the baristas and shift managers end up knowing more about individual store tasks than the new managers. It’s crazy.
Sorry, type. The new outside hire managers had zero *food experience.
Too many of those smaller "craft" shops are likely to be bought off by private equity and squeezed for higher evaluation with huge cost-cutting to be sold later
Boycott Starbucks
As a retired union member, I applaud this, thanks to Reagan unions have seen an ugly decline as our jobs were exported to China. We need more unions these Legacy companies can afford a $25 minimum wage. Bravo
No we dont need more unions we need more politicians that will do our bidding instead of corporations and give us fair pay through legislation so ALL working class is covered. Unions drive the cost of items up and its sad when employees have to form an union to get fair pay. Most unions start out good but most end up as corrupt as the business they are supposedly protecting employees from. Some jobs like police should not have unions at all because unions keep the bad cops employed.
the only way to get "better politicians" is to collectively organize, the first step to a collective organization is organizing locally, starting with your workplace.
The ol' "we just need to get money out of politics" is a liberal fantasy, you can't politely ask someone taking bribes to be more ethical, you have to force them to by threatening their precious economy.
@@zemtek420 also, on the "unions drive prices up" no, unions make sure employees are getting paid a livable wage, if your consumerist product increases in price because of it, it's because the money you were saving is off the backs of starving employees.
The only reason half of our country's products are the price they are is because we enslave other countries for their resources that we steal and their people we barely pay (see: child slaves in our chocolate production)
We need both @zemtek420
Regan was a POS, he disbanded the airport union for the radar tower personnel. He did more damage to the middle class than almost anyone else in modern US politics. His trickle down bullsh*t, he dropped corporate and wealthy tax rates to damn near zero. He was a tool of the oligarchs.
Starbucks may have recognized the union, but they closed all of the Starbucks in my small city. There were three, now there are none. I really hope many of these people got jobs with other coffee shops in town (several are union, co-ops).
You're better off. Local coffee is better.
Not enough purchasing power.
If a billionaire Coffee shop can't unionise, I think it is better to close and other better coffee shops get more business and hire more workers instead.
Does anybody really miss them?
Co ops!!! Democracy in OUR economy please 🙏 we all, everyone of us, decide together
When I was young, I was anti Union. I just didn't see the value of supporting two opposing sets of executives. As I grew older I became aware that one set of executives considered me a disposable asset who would wear me out and throw me away without any real concern regarding me as a human being. I got a Union job and when I became disabled, my Union saved my home, my marriage, my family and when my rep saw I had become hopelessly depressed, she intervened and literally saved my life.
I was told a lot of anti-union lies when I was very young. When I was old enough to start working, I learned what a union actually was, and have been pro-union ever since. I believe anyone that works for someone else needs to have a union.
Having been in a union, corruption and theft of your money via fees and dues wasn’t worth their “protection.”
Unions also obstruct the ability of the American worker to negotiate fully for the best possible price.
Unions are anti-worker. Always have been.
Same. We were naive.
@@ladyrose3285 Anti Union talking points are lies, lies and more lies. You can believe what ever pap you like. I can tell you for an absolute fact that my union rep saved my life and my hard fought union benefits saved my home, my marriage and my pension.
A few years ago I applied for a job at Starbucks. Their application system was extremely tedious to get through (which was a huge red flag for me). I gave up and wound up finding work somewhere else. Glad to see that that decision paid off, 'cuz I've only heard bad things about them since then. Corporate greed is one helluva drug
Interesting. They have a tedious application process because they think they are an elite company to work for, are afraid of lawsuits and trying to hire “the best people” but treat their employees like dog crap. No thanks. Glad you moved on.
Good point. Applications like that are meant to sift out everyone who isn't desperate
This is one reason Starbucks never worked in Australia. Restaurants, Cafes, Hotels etc are all covered by a Union Award Wage, almost every industry is union backed and covered by set wages. What Starbucks is doing in the US would have them thrown out and shut down, however they simply had no idea of the coffee market in Australia. We have some of the best coffee and boutique coffee shops.
I was a barista 15yrs ago and they treated us very well. Wages were just above minimum, but we had medical, dental, optical, and other financial benefits, which was unheard of at other comparable jobs. The random schedules were wretched though, admittedly.
Starbucks still gives medical, dental, optical and opportunity for free college. The labor on the floor got cut to crap though. When I last worked at a drive through, we’d have a 5k morning and my manager expected me to run that with only 6 people during the peak hours….and run 5 lunches too. So really we’d have 5 people. The training isn’t the same either. Now you have people getting trained for 10 hours on the floor. Sometimes you’d have to do “pod training” where you were training up to 2-3 people at once! Many managers would try to skimp on training and use the hours elsewhere. So you never got to actually train the employees, they’d just get packed on the floor the next week without proper training and expect to operate like someone who’d been there for a year. No extra labor to pad for their inexperience. Very stressful.
I love seeing some jolly cooperation among workers forcing the boss into compliance
Starbucks is such a bad representation of the Seattle coffee scene in so many ways.
Literally. I work downtown and anyone who likes coffee prefers to go to Monorail or literally any local shop instead of Starbucks.
And these are corporate people who generally don’t care about consumer boycotts
@@Anngrl69 Starbucks has absolutely been corrupted, which is very sad. I love the history of how it got started, and I even got to visit the original store when my family was in Seattle for a few weeks, when I was a teen. It could have been great. Instead, they did this...
And their coffee sucks, now.
They used to have stands on the street corner near Pike’s Market and bought inferior beans that were passed over by the big coffee companies, then roast the crap out of them to mask the bad flavor and people loved it. They have never been ethical and people are stupid.
@@Anngrl69Until they are laid off.
We need an IT union, how do we start?
How about an "every-job" union?
Join Workers Strike Back.
You start by discussing a Union with your co-workers.
You can start this effectivly by seeing if there is any backbone in other unions that you can join with, or boilerplate templates from various unions and labor movements that seem to be able to fit I.T.'s needs, then discuss with your co-workers the advantages to every co-worker with collective bargining, as well as the buisness I.E. with a wider pool its easier to negotiate cheaper insurance for everyone you can also get other benifits that would be compleatly too costly as just one compqny or company location etc. And the primary dis-advantage to unions to the buisness. That unions temperarly drive down stock prices, because stock brokers view unions as bad for buisness, even though they are not by any means. Do not leave that part out of disscussion because the stock prices will recover but the CEO's primary objective is to keep stock prices high, its not to the workers or the buisness's success. If high stock value means running the company straight off a cliff then thats thier job, and they will.
This is also a time for you to look at a major Union alternative, worker Co-op's. They are not just for farmers, but they are attractive for farmers and possibly for IT because the farmer's tend to own the equipment and the tool and land they need to run the farms, and a co-op provides the same union benifits and can work with unions, multiple unions to gain benifits that are broader reaching then a single union. Because of the FTC ruling against non-compeates this might be an option for I.T. with the Co-op structure looking more like an employment agency, and utterly changing the face of IT forever. Its a bit more ambitious but it might not be more ambitious then a union. Heck it might be less ambitious, just be sure to check in with a lawyer before pursing that path.
After you have enough willing to Unionize and have a good charter set up that most can agree too and the detractors can accept, then its time to vote to unionize. Unfortunitly I have not been present for this step, but there are tons of resources avalible to you there. I will point you towards I.W.W. for some good reasources
Check out the AFL-CIO as they have great resources about how to start or join a union. They can answer any questions you may have! :D
Check out the IWWs Organizer training 101
It's funny how in HR Class the argument was taught that labor laws are good now so labor unions are no longer necessary. Funny how those laws weren't in question until the union got established and became capable of ensuring they were followed.
I WILL NOT cross a picket line. In the 90s I tried to unionize our hospital, but was unsuccessful. They were horrible, paying millions for a union busting consultants, and treating us all terribly. Every evaluation I had after that said I had a bad attitude, of course no proof. This place charges its own healthcare workers more for health insurance than the rest of the community because we can't negotiate. Now retired, they have the gall to send me mail asking me to remember them in my will.
Ethical and capitalism do NOT mix
To better explain before some "greed is good" goon tries to bully around in the reply's;
The Capital in capitalism is explicitly in refference to money growing without any work being done.
Its gambling.
Now to be clear, I am not opposed to gambling, but gambiling does not add wider value to society or laborers, so it is zero value added gains.
The isim in capitalism means the capital is in control.
Nothing in capitalism has anything to do with free markets. F.F.S. Karl Marx wrote how communism can lead to better more free markets, assuming that the state/nation/soviet union allows it. (Hint the soviet union did not, and the CCP has struggled back and forth with free markets, and I dont like states/nations anyways)
Now you can do your own math here and realize that getting returns on investment is whats in control then... well, put two and two together here. If the stock market responds favorably to making toys that kill puppies it wont matter that every toy company who makes these toys will go out of buisness very shortly.
They have to make the puppy killinator 2000 riiiight off that cliff and the CEO has to make public speeches about how good the childhood tramua/serial killer manufacturing machines really are for society.
Explain what's more ethical than two people agreeing on a contract for a legal good or service?
@@MarcPagan yes capitalism is soooo ethical.
Slave like Labor that pays cents per hour.
Wars for profit
Private equity destroying companies
Increased homelessness.
For profit prisons
For profit hospitals where proper healthcare is secondary.
Corn syrup diabetes and obesity epidemic.
Sky high rents forcing people to work multiple jobs, taking away their free time that could be spent with family.
Cost cutting measures leading to you know I can't say the word because RUclips censorship.
Out of all the evils in the world I can firmly rest knowing capitalism takes the title
But ethics and socialism totally go together….🤣
@@GrammarPoliceInvestigations Indeed..
The ethics of theft, envy, racism, bigotry, and victimhood are core to Socialism.
I have never bought a thing from Starbucks nor will I ever.
Is it because you just always knew they were anti-union or are you just a rebel, fighting against pop culture? Either way, you're so unique. Keep going!
Good for you!
You are not a "partner", you are disposable labor. Do not let the corporate world gas light you. Even worse than calling you "family".
3rd generation union worker (Teamsters local 150🤘😎🤘). As a Shop Stuart and regional advocate in northern California, we stand in solidarity with the Starbucks workers union. Keep up the good fight and reach out if you ever need help with organization and uniting yourselves. Teamsters don't mess around , we got your backs. If you ever strike or boycott let us know and we'll spread the word not to cross the picket line and hold the line . Stay strong, stay united , show them what it means to be union strong!
I have never had a union job, but I am so proud of the Starbucks workers. Upper management at my current employer was approached by at least one employee about unionizing, and the president very quickly put out an anti-union video that was sent to everyone's emails. I'm trying to find someone that can review it and tell me if he violated the law with some of the things he said - I know he was walking a very fine line. And I also have been looking for someone that can give advice on starting a union where we are. It's no easy task. So, those coffee slingers have my respect for getting it done.
I have been pro-union most of my life, and I firmly believe today that anyone working for someone else needs to have a union.
worked at starbucks peak pandemic up until 2022. once walked in on my boss in a zoom meeting while corporate talked about the importance of having a high employee turnover rate. next day they put up a hiring sign and in 2024 it's still up.
The importance of having high turnover? Or getting turnover down? Huh???
incredibly ignorant to frame the shareholders actions as "allyship"
How come?
Unions buy shares, and those unions are allies.
Wouldn't refusing to pay worker's tips that had been made be wire fraud?
Well if I tip employees and they take it call it something else that's theft and conversion. Why would anyone tip a company? We tip staff
So basically they only changed because their image and reputation was hurting their stock price and their shareholders revolted.
only thing they under$tand
Same reason any large org. changes, they had to.
Well, yeah. And workers only work harder because they get a raise. And the threat of bad service is why we tip. The circle of life.
I'm from Alaska. We didn't allow Starbucks in our state except at the international airport. I have never been to a Starbucks. I'm an independent coffee roasters fan.
I hate to tell you, but in Fairbanks, both Fred Meyer stores have Starbucks inside.
Between the tip stealing, union busting, jen-of-side supporting, making store less welcoming, and ludicrous price increases, I bought a fully automated espresso machine and only get to-go coffee if I’m out of town. It paid for itself in 1.5 months.
Coffee is now a luxury, just confirm my fears. I knew a recession was coming that would last 2-3 years, and if inflation continues to surge, the Federal Reserve will likely raise interest rates soon. Inflation is causing various issues worldwide, such as food shortages, scarcities of diesel and heating fuel, and significant spikes in housing prices, leading to a potential financial market crash. This global downturn could have long-lasting repercussions. Given the current inflation rate of approximately 9%, my main worry is how to optimize my savings and retirement fund, which has remained stagnant at around $300,000, yielding almost no gains for quite some time.
Numerous opportunities exist to achieve substantial profits at present, but executing high-volume and nearly flawless trades requires the expertise of real-time professionals with an ISDA Agreement. This agreement allows investors to participate in sophisticated trades, exclusive to seasoned individuals, and unavailable to amateurs. Attempting to be a high-stakes trader without an ISDA is akin to trying to win the Indy 500 riding a llama.
I'm sure the idea of an invstment-Adviser might sound controversial to a few, but a new study by Motley-fool found out that demand for Financial-Advisers sky-rocketed by over 42% since the pandemic and based on firsthand encounter I can say for certain their skillsets are topnotch. I've accrued north of 580k within 16-months from an initially stagnant Portf0lio worth 85k.
Inflation is over 10% here, but as we know it's definitely way more than the Government would like to admit. My plan is to earn more passive income and ride this out, can your Investment-adviser assist?
Annette Christine Conte is the licensed fiduciary I use. Just research the name. You’d find necessary details to work with a correspondence to set up an appointment.
@@Dantursi1 Wow, great for you. Would you mind sharing your expertise with us? Or at least, me? It would be greatly appreciated as I’ve come into some funds with an advisor attached and I don’t think he’s doing much for me. I don’t see it. When I suggest a link to read abt a stock that I’m pretty sure would benefit me and my Sis, he hems and haws and doesn’t act, so I therefore would like to switch him out and get another that’ll make me $. BTW, I worked in my families delis since I was 12 and I think blue/white paper cup, NY deli style, is still the best coffee ever. Not burned and priced modestly. And I didn’t expect a tip. I made the coffee cheerfully and was proud to have a job and make folks happy. Now, in my current career, I’m given something extra once in a blue moon. I really appreciate it and tell them profusely bc it’s never expected. Makes me feel great to be rewarded with a thank you and the cash is definitely a blessing. So, thank you lovely clients!
I’d love for you to cover the union negotiations taking place with the movie and tv workers union (I.A.T.S.E.) and their struggles with huge ceo pay and diminishing wages
When ordering and the barista asks your name to be written on the cup for your order, say, "Union Strong."
At this point, with how much I've heard about owners/companies stealing tips, it should be illegal.
Thank you to the ones who worked in the SM Santa Fe NM location, i saw the sabotage firsthand and i hope all those workers that got laid off and replaced with scabs in 2022 have found much better workplaces now.
And as of yesterday Starbucks reported their sales are down 7 pct.
While it might be a union matter, it appears to be that there are too many coffee shops and prices for coffee are too high at starbucks.
And people are experiencing financial difficulty and cutting luxury items like $7 coffee.
Is Amazon still fighting unions?
I haven't heard any recent news, but there have been rumblings where I work about unionizing (sort of like an Amazon for electronic parts). I really feel like if either of us forms a union, we should invite the other company to join it. One of our warehouse workers nearly lost a hand on a conveyor belt. None of us get paid enough for the work we do, no matter the position, and the president of the company put out an anti-union video at the start of the year. Anyone that works for someone else should have a union.
Corporations are fighting workers to unionized.
Only way employees can get wages & benefits they deserve...
Greedy corporate profits for YEARS!
Workers Union are like Checks&Balance of the corporate world.
Something that I would also like to see from this channel is review of history of how corporations infiltrated unions in the past to either try to destroy them from within or to try to control who they are bargaining with.
It has been a while since the union movement had gained this kind of strength and it may loose momentum if we are not all aware of the old tactics that corporations use.
Very good idea! Yes, please! People don’t know this history! I grew up watching them destroy unions. I lived in America when it was “Union proud.”
Yo MPU, great video. You should also link to your union Starbucks map on your site. 😅
And I was wondering why the price of a bunch of their items just went up; now I know why. These corporations are terrible.
Unions always drive up prices. Thats one of the negatives about unions.
@@zemtek420 here you are again, so I'll give you a different angle:
No, that's not true, prices increasing when employees are getting paid more is so that the corporate overhead can keep raking in the amount of profit they were before the pay increase, it's greed.
The solution? Worker owned means of production, eliminating the corporate greed
i just made a comment about about the price of a small frapachino with a single shot of espresso now costing over $7. it use to be about $5 less than 1 1/2 years ago.
Nothing to do with the union, everything to do with opportunistic "inflation" pricing
@@jerryspringer6096 Inflation pricing which uses unionization as a convenient scapegoat.
It's actually quite shocking to me that the shareholders gave a shit about the company's employees. I think it was more likely that they weren't going to get any money back this year so they forced the company to do something
Any organisation that uses such a coercive name for employees is fkiing bullsh!t!
Real partners would have a say and help make decisions.
If you were a private equity firm, you would be an actual partner. Amazon calls their warehouse workers their "associates."
All my life, I have only been to Starbucks like 4 times. I always support small mom and pops shops.
big props to the peeps who got starbucks to sit down, shut up, and listen to the union
now we need to get a union going in the games industry.
The board finally see the writing on the wall. Probably out of fear. Keep going, baristas! Don’t stop until you have a seat on the board.
I stopped using Starbucks at home and in their stores quite a while ago when I heard they refused to negotiate with the union. It’s not right that people work for low wages while bosses make millions: also, I think it’s against the law to refuse to negotiate with the union.
Respect to the folks who work for the rights of workers: without them it never would have happened
Worst job I ever had when I was younger. I worked at a lot of different places as a kid. I guess I don’t understand why people stayed? There was literally zero incentive to not go across the street to literally anything else.
It's good that you got them to the table finally. Don't let pressure up though. Remember, they can negotiate for years, and when it's finalized, just refuse to certify it. Keep the pressure on them until you get everything you want. Where ever you land, it's going to be a slow and uphill battle against lawyers rather than managers then.
I haven’t spent a dime at Starbucks since their union busting tactics started! You guys are awesome and remember the only reason they are treating you better is because you earned it!!! 👏👏👏🔥🔥🔥
Just want yall to know I didnt watch this video originally because of the generic "What happened next will shock you" headline. Videos are great but titles need to relax and just be clear. I like your news you dont have to be clickbaity about it.
Story idea - how code enforcement agencies work with law enforcement agencies to push people out of their homes and allow those homes to be condemned then sold to a low bidder to either rent or flip the property by false code complaints - Cortland NY
Unions help both parties if the company is willing to cooperate. If the company is not, it can tear both parties to the ground.
They did this last time, up here in Canada. They will then start giving everyone not in the union better pay and benefits.
Then the union strikes. They can't shut down all the stores lol.
That's how it works - Unions end up benefitting even the workers who don't join, but the businesses work hard to make it look like it's just them being generous.
I work at chapters/indigo and its the same way. They offered higher pay, closed unionized stores, and even offered us gift cards as bonuses if we started physically intercepting shoplifters.
I have absolutely empty set, goose egg, nothing in common with these people, but I stand with them in their pursuit of justice: fair wages, working conditions, etc.
Good for the union. Starbucks should do the right thing and be a leader in the industrial world and embrace the workers. #unions
But then they'd have less to hoard. Come on, they need every dollar. Not just billions, don't be silly 😜 🤪 lol
When are companies gonna learn to just treat their employees right in the first place? Then they can avoid all this unnecessary complication.
Because companies want power.
Never LOL why would they
Psychopaths aren’t into that kind of thing.
Poor ole W-Buffet.
On the "pilot" side:
A shower now cost $17.00 usd.
If a truck driver wants to take a shower at at P-lot-Flyng-J Truck-stop.
I personally heard that conversation when a driver wanted to buy a shower without buying their expensive fuel.
He was told:
If no fuel, it's $ 17.00 for a shower...💰.
Impressive display of resilience and strategic acumen from Starbucks Workers United. Their victory underscores the power of collective action and persistent advocacy in reshaping corporate practices. 💪 It's a testament to what can be achieved when workers unite for a common cause.
Starbucks is highly overrated IMO.
Coffee milkshakes
In Italy, you walk into the bar - coffee shop - , they recognize you, you order at the counter and they make your coffee and serve it to you in an actual cup, $1.20 for an espresso, $140 for a cappuccino, you drink it, at the counter or go sit, pay for it and leave, no tipping. And the coffee is rich and flavorful. I dread returning to the US, for so many reasons.
Two stores in downtown Seattle, Pike Street and 3rd and near by Westlake Center. I don't know why, The Pike Store had a problem with homless people hanging out in the store. The closing of the Westlake is a mystery to me.
Nice start! Once they get all Starbucks locations unionized hopefully they won't stop there; the next logical step will be to work toward transitioning the business into a worker cooperative model. Now we need to start getting other large businesses on this roadmap too: Walmart, Target, McDonalds, etc.
I'm amazed that Starbucks survives in Australia when their coffee is completely rubbish, especially when you can go into literally dozens of cafes to get excellent coffee
I quit getting anything from Starbucks until they treat all their workers fairly
Starbucks will never see me walk in the door of any of their locations. I drink instant coffee. Want a tip? Don't fart in crowded elevators.
I don’t buy anything at Starbucks, not a cent from my pocket,
This is why the GenZ motto is great: minimum pay, minimum work. Work hard for corporations is not worth it. They have to value you or they have bad service. Simple as that.
The Starbucks nearest me fired the main union organizer. I went to support the union efforts before they had the vote, but I haven’t been back since they fired the person and it was for bogus reasons. They blamed it on something that happened like four months earlier that was a ridiculous reason to fire anyone and why would they wait four months? It was totally because they voted to unionize. So they will never get my business again.
Thank you unions and to those workers who fought!!! KEEP FIGHTING
I never understood the appeal of starbucks, it takes them 20 minutes to pour a coffee 8 dollar coffee.
And it's not even good coffee.
The only way to drive change against these corporations is to make "the cost of doing business" too high to ignore.
Don't shop there.
@@okigi-wo5zm we don’t
Be careful. I was recently part of a union and they didn't do anything for us. The union rep took down our complaints but the illegality of our job never changed
Depends on the union; depends on the shop steward.
labor should own all it creates, which is everything.
Agreed. I always say, democracy in OUR economy, we all, ALL decide together ❤️
Mandatory profit sharing.
In the past I worked for several companies that all the credit card tipping goes to the CEO bonus and not to the employees I didn't stay. Now I ask the employees if get the tips or I just tip cash.
Starbucks won't need baristas soon, their sales are crashing and their stock is tanking
Good for them. I don't go to Starbucks. I never have. I hope that these changes are lasting. Thank you.
Starbucks should be grateful for their workers! They literally wouldn't make money without them
That statement works even better if you reverse it. Workers are lucky to have the risk takers investing in their jobs.
Once these cry babies get pushed out, immigrants will do a better job for less and everything will work out just fine. Their days are numbered. If it's not that, machines will do the work they complain so much about. Simple economics.
@@masoncnc the workers ARE the risk takers. If an owner class person has a business fail, they typically have the capital to try again, and if not, they might at worst become worker class. If a worker class person loses their job, they're likely to lose access to housing, food, and other basic human needs.
@@masoncnc tasty boot eh?
The Unionized store in my city magically got closed for renovations like a month after the Union vote.
Wonderful Information! Thank you very much.
Wait they were taking the credit card tips? I'm never tipping again at one fo those kiosks.
a lot of jobs suck I’m with ya on that.
But, if a cup of regular coffee goes from $5 a cup plus refills, to $10 and no refills, then they will have shot themselves in the foot. Look at McDonald's... It is slowly in a fight to the bottom when you got to pay $18 for a simple meal.
the pro palestine boycotts probably also helped
Free palestine
What happened to Starbucks and when did this happen? Because Starbucks used to be the only place where you could work part-time and get full benefits. Starbucks used to be one of the few places where your same-sex partner could get benefits, even if you weren't married. The pay was a little above other places and yes they received tips. All these workers are asking for is what they already had for years and then somewhere along the way got taken away. I think it has always had the same CEO. What changed, when and why? I would love to know the answers to these questions.
Not shutting up about this but normalize cooperatives.🏴Ⓐ🍞🌸🏳️⚧️☭🏳️🌈
^--This, exactly. I see transitioning into worker cooperatives as being the logical next step after unionizing.
Used to do SB daily, once stopped, and now I can make a car payment monthly. I call it the Starbucks vehicle. $$$ 😅😅
Declaring war against employees working crap jobs is a losing battle.
“Human capital mismanagement” there’s a billion dollar word. Love it
Love seeing how poorly this company is now doing. They deserve to go under!
I never tip in Starbucks
Victory’s for union workers are nice but never permanent under capitalism a reorganization of the means of production and of society in general is needed
If you go in to get revenge and take down the company, as the lady mentioned near the end, you're shooting yourself in the foot. The whole point is to apply enough pressure to the company that they change their practices-and to bring hope to the workers.