As an Ortho Practitioner in a hospital, I can 100% say that this wont do anything except cause Soft tissue damage and possibly cause a spinal fracture. Chiropractic work is somewhat controversial at best but this is just beyond that, its dangerous. Even the 'adjustments' were beyond Timur's range of flexibility probably causing tendon damage.
Are you suggesting that we shouldn't let a Russian man attempt to drive a chisel between our vertebrae with a hammer, because that's just crazy talk I go twice a week, and I'll have you know that my doctor says that not only is the damage to my spinal cord mild to moderate, but I might even one day recover partial control of my bladder
Check out dr Ian from Australia . He’s helped people with sever back issues . I was surprised that manipulations if done correctly can completely heal people
Ortho nurse here, and it wouldn't surprise me if long term damage had been done in this session. I am in no way anti-chiropractor but this is something that is downright dangerous. You're likely to have left with damaged nerves.
Funny enough, when he goes to the other bonesetter some weeks after this, he tells hes feeling pain in his vertebrae in the middle section. And he doesnt let the boneseter crack his left toes, cause he says he has a problem there. Hope nothing really bad happens to Timur...
@@экспертэксперт-з3я also, the video you posted is nothing like the one I commented under. It's measured and much more controlled. I don't see your point at all.
@@stephenraynes2148 This is alomost the same: the one man punches other man to the spine havily. The result: the man can walk and live normally. In your opinion this is horribale practice. What official medicine can offer to man like that? The surgery operation only. Risk to become disabled person is great in this case. 50% and higher. So why you don't say about offical medicine in this way.
Да ладно, был я у одного костоправа, лупит кулаком как Репин. Больше шокирует, боль быстро проходит. Единственное что не понравилось, без всякого разогрева и массажа.
At one point Timur points out this could cause a person with actual back problems even more pain. Completely right. I’m glad he also acknowledges that a mild scoliosis does not mean necessarily that there is anything terribly wrong with his back. I have a mild scoliosis.
@@jonsmith7430 - How was the surgery? Was it terribly painful? How long was the recovery? Did you have an S curve or a C curve? Do you remember how many degrees your curve was? Does the surgery impact how you move and use your body? How do you feel about it now that you have recovered? Any advice would be welcome. Please share your thoughts.
@@CasuallyObservant I had a S curve I can't remember my degree it was under my right shoulder and lower left side and I haven't had any restrictions with movement and I still have pain not all the time but most days some is due to my poor posture.
I don't understand how this doesn't risk actually fracturing the vertebrae. Like..this is beyond dangerous and will likely make him suffer more in the long run.
it does risk fracturing the vertebrae- this is just medicine from uneducated people. it's the equivalent of a witch doctor working in a semi-modern environment... except most witch doctors probably aren't hitting you on your spine because even they aren't that stupid.
The bone of Vertebrae is 3 times tougher than that of the hand or arms, it would be almost impossible as it requires an even greator force than that, but yes in the long run it could damage the lining of the spine and Cause scoliosis
Him a week later: Oh it’s been great. I’ve not felt any pain what so ever anywhere below my neck, come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve felt anything below my neck.
he should do physiotherapy. He has to strengthen her deep back muscles, after he should start going to the gym. I love chiropractic because it feels really good but after my back always hurts soon. To be honest since it hasn't cracked it doesn't hurt so much
That person could have literally broken your spine, and potentially even paralyzed you. I have never seen anything so dangerous being called therapeutic. Please be careful. Never ever hit directly into the bones. You can definitely break them this way.
@@escanoreldifunto-sama4044 Now, he does not. This guy is not a doctor or a massage therapist, I don't think he even has a university degree. This is dangerous but watching it makes me calm. :D
Неделю назад записался на курсы,сходил два раза на молоток,но после 2 курсов я уже не мог вставать,так что это опасно,неделю почти с дома не выходил,вчера только отпустило и это из за того что ставили мне капельницы 5 дней подряд.будь аккуратнее с молотками,хоть некоторым и помогает оно, так же оно и колечит.
Тимур, спасибо вам за видео! Не хочу задеть ваши чувства, но мне жутко было от этого видео и очень вас жаль. Мне 45 лет, у меня сколеоз с детства(на фоне травмы) . Делаю гимнастику, поддерживаю себя как могу. Берегите себя, здоровья вам.
Скажу от себя как от медика, не ведитесь на такого рода специалистов, лупить чем либо по остистым отросткам позвонков это просто верх идиотизма! Тимур прежде чем на такое идти, я бы поинтересовался наличием медицинского образования у данного "специалиста", лупит просто куда попало и не понятно зачем, по разговору слышно что вообще не ориентируется даже в банальных азах анатомии и физиологии не говоря уже за какие то термины. Всем удачи и здоровья ребята🙌
@@МаринаПономаренко-п8к да Репина насмотрелись и этих из Ульяновска и пошло поехало, прям трэнд, потом вдруг что, нейрохирургам будет чем заняться и травматологам)
Василий работает по моей запатентованной методике, которая получила одобрение от комитета здравоохранения ГосДУМы РФ. У вас образования не хватает, чтобы разобраться в деталях. Пройдёте у меня обучение и весь негатив развеется. Более 20000 чел за последние два года по всему миру прошли через эту мою методику и травмированых нет
Сходи-ка, Тимур, на рентген. Проверь, на месте ли скелет. А то такое ощущение, что скелет ушёл, и адрес не оставил. А душа в пятки провалилась. У меня от просмотра колени крутить начало. Надеюсь, вы живы и здоровы. 🙏🤗
he wont be, and he'll eventually get fucked up by it. this is all pseudo science garbage, very entertaining to watch but in this video its actually getting dangerous
What is with some of these “professionals” that believe causing extreme back pain actually solves anything? Timur is extremely tough to be able to endure these sessions.
Well, this is the first time I did not envy Timur for his treatment, Vasily rly hammered the shit out his spine. O.o I bet he will NOT visit him again. :D
Observationally, it proves no matter how many times or who you see, nobody is a match for how your body defaults back to how it protects you. All these videos do is reaffirm that nothing works, massage, adjustments or anything else - you Timur are the proof of that! Relaxing to watch though 😬
Exactly, how many people has he now visited, the fact he goes, again and again shows there is no therapeutic benefit. In fact, it might be doing more damage then good.
I have to disagree, as a relatively young person receiving chiropractic for The last 5 years and massage for about the same, the extreme pain and issue I originally went in about was significantly reduced within several sessions to the point where I would say my pain is a level 0 but has the potential to go to one or 2 within six weeks to 8 weeks after a treatment. It's nowhere near what it once was but I do believe that without regular maintenance and adjustments you're right the body would revert back to some form of compensation. I can definitely tell you that without chiropractic and massage treatments as well as physiotherapy I would have been off work a long time ago as a big person who suffered some pelvic issues postpartum
But he gets paid by YT for views while getting sensual massages and giving us tingles! And he’s not morbidly obese, eating food & crying on camera or injecting himself w petroleum jelly to have Popeye muscles. He’s simply our Abused Twink taking one for the team.
This guy is the worst person I ever seen on Timur, he was so rough, careless, and simply uneducated in what he was doing. IT freaked me out how he was handling the neck part .
@@markadams6899 as much i like other chiropractor this is one that i would avoiding you can clearly see him as a murderer the way he treated timur hahaha
Not saying I approve of this specific session, but my doctor referred me to a chiropractor to help with my SI joint being out of place and to fix my sciatica. I see a lot of negative comments about chiropractors but my firsthand experience tells me it works and works well. My alternative was long term opioid use or life changing surgery.
If done correctly, a chiropractor can help. I’ve been to one. But this is just fucking dangerous. Even the work on his neck is in danger of over extension.
chiropractors who actually want to help people and work on them for treatment like that youtuber dr ian are good. ones who are in it for the money and cracking sound isn't
Feels like that especially in america there is a lots of controversy coming from the "traditional medicine" about chiropractors, that it is all just fake and useless. But that comes from the same guys who tried to complely consume the word "doctor" (remember guys: Everyone with a PhD is a "doctor"). In Germany for example, it is completly normal that your doctor might refer you to a chiropractor. That being said: This guy is definetly not a poster-child for chiropractors and his technique seems extremly dangerous and mostly build for show.
Damn bro. This guy is sketchy. Don't put yourself in this kind of danger again. You could seriously be hurt. There is no way that hammering helped you. I hope you are okay after him doing that to you
@@modernvvomenareuseless2576 that’s not how u treat scoliosis, it’s not just the bone, if you hammer the nerve, you bassically loose all control of the lower half of one’s body
This is a good case of "just because you can, doesn't mean you should". If there wasn't a risk of paralysis or death, I'd try it for funzies and pain management... But not worth the risk.
Не знаю, может не показали чего, но отец, когда массажистом работал ещё с советских времён, он без снимков ничего не делал. Там могут быть протрузии, гемангиомы те же, которые без снимка диагностировать трудно, но дел такими жёсткими практиками можно наворотить тех ещё...
Bro he was hammering on your spine directly at some point to separate it or something. I heard before that you should never do anything on the spine directly, kind of got me worried. Timur was like I feel it radiating down my arms, my legs are twitching, he was like yea that's normal, but I feel like when I watch other people work on someone they make sure they DON'T feel anything like that or am I tripping?
Well normally radiating pain os something you treat because it is nothing you should feel. This guy hammered on a central nerve and called it good(idk why because everyone feels that(except for people with nerve damage))
Если бы они так находились, у нас бы в каждом позвонке грыжи были бы.Конечно бывает некоторым людям противопоказания.Но в Росси это техника все больше наращивает свой ход.
Мягкие приемы были хороши...но ударная практика была спорной. Тимур - не старик, чтобы так ему раскрывать фасетки. Думаю, могуть быть и рубцы тканей после такого. И отношение к сколиозу данная практика вряд ли имеет.
Просто вернись уже в чертов Ростов и привези оттуда второе лучшее видео на канале! Все хотят еще раз услышать: "Легко, легко. Ничего не боимся, терпим."
Меня поражает уверенность костоправов и их бесстрашность, у меня всегда есть ощущение, что они могут сделать человека инвалидом или что-то сломать, ответственность у них большая. Наверное они получают хорошие деньги за это.
Василий работает по моей запатентованной методике, которая получила одобрение от комитета здравоохранения ГосДУМы РФ. У вас образования не хватает, чтобы разобраться в деталях. Пройдёте у меня обучение и весь негатив развеется. Более 20000 чел за последние два года по всему миру прошли через эту мою методику и травмированых нет
@@yesksggs9716 там прикол есть, когда ты заходишь к этим костоправам ты подписываешь бумагу что полностью принял решение и что в случае каких нибудь последствий вся ответственность только на тебе
Явно больше ни ногой ты Тимур к таким специалистам. Долго ли болело у тебя всё после такой правки? Опиши свои ощущения в отдельном видео,плиз. Удачи тебе и здоровья
Тимур, Вы же судя по роликам неоднократно позвонки правили. У Вас рецидивирует проблема, что приходится вправлять? Или Вы проверяете крепость своего организма?
This is the kind of "chiropractic" you get from a guy who's learned everything from youtube. Hitting you with a mallet everywhere with no understanding of bone position or mobilization is just nonsense. But it is entertaining.
I don't get the point of hammering the C7 vertebrae hard to put it into place. It's supposed to protrude when you look at it from the back. I hope Timur doesn't get long term damage from these kind of treatments.
I have done this in Munich. 3 Sessions. It was very painful. But in the end it was the right decision. I had scoliosis and Scheuermann. They are Profis, I had no single hämatom.
The line between bone setter and KGB interrogator is getting really blurry
universal job skills, always helpfull on your cv
You beat me to this comment lol
Хороший действительно хороший юмор брат 😁
"Is that ok for you?"
"No, it's pretty painful!"
"Alright then."
As an Ortho Practitioner in a hospital, I can 100% say that this wont do anything except cause Soft tissue damage and possibly cause a spinal fracture.
Chiropractic work is somewhat controversial at best but this is just beyond that, its dangerous. Even the 'adjustments' were beyond Timur's range of flexibility probably causing tendon damage.
Are you suggesting that we shouldn't let a Russian man attempt to drive a chisel between our vertebrae with a hammer, because that's just crazy talk
I go twice a week, and I'll have you know that my doctor says that not only is the damage to my spinal cord mild to moderate, but I might even one day recover partial control of my bladder
"somewhat controversial", you put it nicely ;)
Ya agree with you
@@nicholasyarbrough4216 this comment should have 10K likes.
Check out dr Ian from Australia . He’s helped people with sever back issues . I was surprised that manipulations if done correctly can completely heal people
I luv the part where he says repeatedly “its quite painful” and KGB inspector just ignores him and continues with his interrogation 😂😂.
One day this guy just woke up and decided he was a chiropractor
American chiro: "If you feel pain just tell me and I will stop."
Kostoprav: "If you feel pain just breathe."
Kostoprav: I am sure you can handle this! Now I want you to understand the FULL power of the hammer 🤣
this is Russia? baby!
@@saldek2 mjulnïr
take a bonbon :D
He said, "Don't do this to me ever again" and I felt that.
When you want to be a builder but your parents say you must be a doctor
Ortho nurse here, and it wouldn't surprise me if long term damage had been done in this session. I am in no way anti-chiropractor but this is something that is downright dangerous. You're likely to have left with damaged nerves.
Funny enough, when he goes to the other bonesetter some weeks after this, he tells hes feeling pain in his vertebrae in the middle section. And he doesnt let the boneseter crack his left toes, cause he says he has a problem there. Hope nothing really bad happens to Timur...
@@aerordoido Middle section pain may be the consequence of this . Timur had an accident involving his left toe when he was 15 years old though.
You should watch this and quit your usless job thenвидео.html
@@экспертэксперт-з3я also, the video you posted is nothing like the one I commented under. It's measured and much more controlled. I don't see your point at all.
@@stephenraynes2148 This is alomost the same: the one man punches other man to the spine havily. The result: the man can walk and live normally.
In your opinion this is horribale practice. What official medicine can offer to man like that? The surgery operation only. Risk to become disabled person is great in this case. 50% and higher. So why you don't say about offical medicine in this way.
Никогда не ходите на такую дичь, у вас всего один позвоночник
Yeah most if not all chiropractors are just people messing you up. I dont think anything shown in this video does anything except for pain.
@@crabodaru175 Абсолютно верно! У них даже образования никакого нет.
Да первый хиро выучил как ломать спины от приведений, они что, будут врать людям?
Тимур по сути рискует своим здоровьем ради контента . Я так понимаю что лечится он не будет а поддерживать таким образом ради контента.
“Does It Hurt Here?”
Makes It Hurt 😂😂😂😂
Be careful, Timur, this looked incredibly risky, hope you’re healing up.
I liked the first bone setter the best. He didn’t need a hammer. His hand was the hammer.
Atleast the english comment is at the top
Real chocolate rain?
Russian youtuber has Russian viewers. It's fine.
Этот чувак спел легендарную песню "Chocolate rain"
Guy on table: this really hurts. Other guy: I think You can bear it.
This guy is the final boss of chiropractics
Check videos " Костоправ Ульяновск ", u will be scared)
The hammer turn your scoliosis into paralysis 😰
Да ладно, был я у одного костоправа, лупит кулаком как Репин. Больше шокирует, боль быстро проходит. Единственное что не понравилось, без всякого разогрева и массажа.
@@RomulTedesku its dangerous XD
They studied it and put into practice.
@@jackspicer455 but he is not good chiro, if he really studied he would know that hammer can do more harm than good
“Is this ok for you?”
Timur “ well actually it hurts”
Welcome to Russia
Ya, and the "chiro" was like you'll be fine. Wtf.
Yeah no childs in Russia
@@inf423 wdym?
@@KS-dm9yb they are strong people.
At one point Timur points out this could cause a person with actual back problems even more pain. Completely right. I’m glad he also acknowledges that a mild scoliosis does not mean necessarily that there is anything terribly wrong with his back. I have a mild scoliosis.
I Had the surgery for mine
@@jonsmith7430 - How was the surgery? Was it terribly painful? How long was the recovery?
Did you have an S curve or a C curve? Do you remember how many degrees your curve was?
Does the surgery impact how you move and use your body? How do you feel about it now that you have recovered?
Any advice would be welcome. Please share your thoughts.
@@CasuallyObservant I had a S curve I can't remember my degree it was under my right shoulder and lower left side and I haven't had any restrictions with movement and I still have pain not all the time but most days some is due to my poor posture.
@@CasuallyObservant some advice I would give is don't over do stuff like lifting stuff cause it will make the pain worse
"Does it hurt here?"
"We'll make it hurt then, TAKE THIS WACK"
Okay nah.. that hammer hit at 18:45 was personal lol
Как говорил один мудрый человек: "Легко, легко. Ничего не боимся. Потом поймёшь что не зря терпел"
Como assim Mano
цитаты великих людей)
@@dieguinho5850 As one wise man told us: "Easy, easy. Don't be afraid. You'll see that you've suffered for a good result"
@@Nonamus0 vc ñ mim traduziu??
Было бы интересно посмотреть на Тимура у него на приёме
I don't understand how this doesn't risk actually fracturing the vertebrae. Like..this is beyond dangerous and will likely make him suffer more in the long run.
Yeah approve with you ,this must be not standard therapist because every thing he did seems heterodox.
Everything for subs and likes.
it does risk fracturing the vertebrae- this is just medicine from uneducated people. it's the equivalent of a witch doctor working in a semi-modern environment... except most witch doctors probably aren't hitting you on your spine because even they aren't that stupid.
The bone of Vertebrae is 3 times tougher than that of the hand or arms, it would be almost impossible as it requires an even greator force than that, but yes in the long run it could damage the lining of the spine and Cause scoliosis
@@IamSome1 3 times tougher than weak bones in the hands and arms isn't saying anything at all- it's hot air actually.
- Это мы сейчас раздвигаем позвонки, да?
- Да.
- А для чего?
- Чтобы двигать их.
а так можно было что лы ))
Мой товарищ сломал шейные позвонки в 2022 году, дали 6 лет за убийство
@@Zulfat102 Так кому то дали врачу или товарищу интересно 6 лет ?
This is the first of Timurs videos that I didn’t click to relax. I clicked this video to laugh
Him a week later:
Oh it’s been great. I’ve not felt any pain what so ever anywhere below my neck, come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve felt anything below my neck.
When he did the ring dinger, did anyone automatically think "Did you feel that all the way down?"
I don't think he could feel anything alter that treatment.
Everytime timur said '' this is actually pretty painful''. The guy was like really? let's do it again! lol
Спасибо Тимуру за его ролик. Хоть буду знать к кому массажисту на прием точно не попадать.
The fave he made to the camera guy like " please help me " and then gets his face pushed down again😂😂😂
That made me laugh so hard 😂
Whoever fixes Timurs scoliosis is going to get a Nobel peace prize.
he should do physiotherapy. He has to strengthen her deep back muscles, after he should start going to the gym. I love chiropractic because it feels really good but after my back always hurts soon. To be honest since it hasn't cracked it doesn't hurt so much
"Are you okay, do you feel lightheaded? " ((timur getting flashbacks of the last bonesetter: ahh yes))
*Легендарный сколиоз :" Наконец-то достойный соперник! Наша схватка будет легендарной!"
Ждали как Веном 2 :)))))
That person could have literally broken your spine, and potentially even paralyzed you. I have never seen anything so dangerous being called therapeutic. Please be careful. Never ever hit directly into the bones. You can definitely break them this way.
He knows whats he is doing,stfu
I agree
Shouvd your oppinion right up into your A!!
This is stupit
@@escanoreldifunto-sama4044 Now, he does not. This guy is not a doctor or a massage therapist, I don't think he even has a university degree. This is dangerous but watching it makes me calm. :D
“It’s important to not hit an area more than 3 times” *Proceeds to play whack a mole on his back*
Неделю назад записался на курсы,сходил два раза на молоток,но после 2 курсов я уже не мог вставать,так что это опасно,неделю почти с дома не выходил,вчера только отпустило и это из за того что ставили мне капельницы 5 дней подряд.будь аккуратнее с молотками,хоть некоторым и помогает оно, так же оно и колечит.
Ассаламу алейкум какие капельницы ставили? Тоже мучают боли в спине, уколы не помогают
Ничего не боимся, терпим, надо досмотреть до конца
Timur’s scoliosis is mild and he doesn’t need this questionable form of treatment. Stay safe Timur.
He needs to take the advise of multiple practitioners and start going to the gym
Noone needs this. Zero people especially people with bad problems, they need to see a doctor instead not someone like this
@@jonathansoko5368 I just imagine a guy with some real problems going to a guy like this....xDDD
@@l9ino170 oh thanks Dr so glad you're here
@@Ineedcoffee-n4j Read
Using a hammer to crack somebody’s spine is the most Russia thing i’ve ever seen.
I found it hilarious 😂
Timur- “my legs twitched”
Other guy - “good”
Тимур, спасибо вам за видео! Не хочу задеть ваши чувства, но мне жутко было от этого видео и очень вас жаль. Мне 45 лет, у меня сколеоз с детства(на фоне травмы) . Делаю гимнастику, поддерживаю себя как могу. Берегите себя, здоровья вам.
A warm up massage before a chiropractic adjustment makes a lot of sense. I wish more chiropractors would do it!
They're not always nessecery
So sometimes they like to not do it in order to keep up with their schedules
Also to avoid unnecessary steps
@@nathanmigneault8542 they rush
I agree with this. Most times the area to be adjusted has tight muscles around it, so a massage can help the correction easier
The whole thing is a scam anyways
It’s useless……
Скажу от себя как от медика, не ведитесь на такого рода специалистов, лупить чем либо по остистым отросткам позвонков это просто верх идиотизма! Тимур прежде чем на такое идти, я бы поинтересовался наличием медицинского образования у данного "специалиста", лупит просто куда попало и не понятно зачем, по разговору слышно что вообще не ориентируется даже в банальных азах анатомии и физиологии не говоря уже за какие то термины. Всем удачи и здоровья ребята🙌
То, что он с поясичным отделом делал и остистыми это пздц,еще и рогатка эта.Нахера раздвигать позвонки??
@@МаринаПономаренко-п8к да Репина насмотрелись и этих из Ульяновска и пошло поехало, прям трэнд, потом вдруг что, нейрохирургам будет чем заняться и травматологам)
Да тут и мед образования не нужно, что бы понять что это полная жопа... Сильно смелый этот парень...
И ведь это наверняка популярный и дорогой "массажист"
Василий работает по моей запатентованной методике, которая получила одобрение от комитета здравоохранения ГосДУМы РФ. У вас образования не хватает, чтобы разобраться в деталях. Пройдёте у меня обучение и весь негатив развеется. Более 20000 чел за последние два года по всему миру прошли через эту мою методику и травмированых нет
Сходи-ка, Тимур, на рентген. Проверь, на месте ли скелет. А то такое ощущение, что скелет ушёл, и адрес не оставил. А душа в пятки провалилась. У меня от просмотра колени крутить начало. Надеюсь, вы живы и здоровы. 🙏🤗
Один великий человек который говорил ничего не боимся боль будет короткой тоже советовал -видимо пора заодно и посмотрит не зря ли терпел))))
@@madness3777 легко-легко,ничего не боимся,боль будет недолго АУФ!
@@sweetz0r327 АУФ! -это правильное название всего видео)))))
Ахах спасибо крикнула от души ))))
I like the ear tugs at the end, completely changed everything.
This doctor didn't miss his next client at 5:30 😂
"This is actually quite painful" Continues to hammer the fuck out of him.
*Pause* my guy lmao
painful mean pleasures in russian
I would NEVER let someone slam my spine with that kind of force...please be careful Timur.
he wont be, and he'll eventually get fucked up by it. this is all pseudo science garbage, very entertaining to watch but in this video its actually getting dangerous
Chiros in russia is no rules
But i like massage horosho
Timur needs to take advice from multiple practitioners and go to the gym already!!
That is why you are a cripple still
I’m praying you will be healed and never have to go through something like that again.
very extravagant methods, Timur's look at the end of the video expressed certain doubts
Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase hey bud ,come in and get hammered
What is with some of these “professionals” that believe causing extreme back pain actually solves anything? Timur is extremely tough to be able to endure these sessions.
Or extremely stupid?
@@Tendorro He won’t be making anything when his spine is permanently damaged
@@MrWhisperingwildly then he can video his rehabilitation
Он ничего не боимся
This was torture. Poor Timur, you should have walked away when that idiot started hammering your bones with a mallet
Well, this is the first time I did not envy Timur for his treatment, Vasily rly hammered the shit out his spine. O.o
I bet he will NOT visit him again. :D
Timur: This is painful. Him: 🔨🔨🔨🔨
Observationally, it proves no matter how many times or who you see, nobody is a match for how your body defaults back to how it protects you. All these videos do is reaffirm that nothing works, massage, adjustments or anything else - you Timur are the proof of that!
Relaxing to watch though 😬
Exactly, how many people has he now visited, the fact he goes, again and again shows there is no therapeutic benefit. In fact, it might be doing more damage then good.
I have to disagree, as a relatively young person receiving chiropractic for The last 5 years and massage for about the same, the extreme pain and issue I originally went in about was significantly reduced within several sessions to the point where I would say my pain is a level 0 but has the potential to go to one or 2 within six weeks to 8 weeks after a treatment. It's nowhere near what it once was but I do believe that without regular maintenance and adjustments you're right the body would revert back to some form of compensation. I can definitely tell you that without chiropractic and massage treatments as well as physiotherapy I would have been off work a long time ago as a big person who suffered some pelvic issues postpartum
But he gets paid by YT for views while getting sensual massages and giving us tingles! And he’s not morbidly obese, eating food & crying on camera or injecting himself w petroleum jelly to have Popeye muscles. He’s simply our Abused Twink taking one for the team.
Когда пришёл с болью в спине, а ушёл с болью без спины.
Как свами связвитца
Когда пришел с проблемами в позвонках, а ушел без проблем. Потому что нет позвонков-нет проблем)
Nah I'll keep my scoliosis, thanks. Both times he's been to a "bone setter" feels like we're one bad strike away from seeing him in a wheelchair.
- Тут больно ?
- да
- а тут ?
- нет
- 🙇🏻♂️🔨
Timur: This is really painful
Expert: I’m sure you can bear it 💀💀💀
He's a carpenter by profession... chiropractor by overnight decision😂😂
“Does it hurt?”
Vasily: Good job!
Timur: It's actually painful
Vasily proceeds to continue hammering as hard as he can....
This guy is the worst person I ever seen on Timur, he was so rough, careless, and simply uneducated in what he was doing. IT freaked me out how he was handling the neck part .
That office is equally shitty.
Have to agree!! I'm an orthopaedic health worker and omg. This scared me.
@@markadams6899 as much i like other chiropractor this is one that i would avoiding you can clearly see him as a murderer the way he treated timur hahaha
@@markadams6899 Whoa
You seem like a weakling... Tough situation hardens people
Not saying I approve of this specific session, but my doctor referred me to a chiropractor to help with my SI joint being out of place and to fix my sciatica. I see a lot of negative comments about chiropractors but my firsthand experience tells me it works and works well. My alternative was long term opioid use or life changing surgery.
If done correctly, a chiropractor can help. I’ve been to one. But this is just fucking dangerous. Even the work on his neck is in danger of over extension.
chiropractors who actually want to help people and work on them for treatment like that youtuber dr ian are good. ones who are in it for the money and cracking sound isn't
Feels like that especially in america there is a lots of controversy coming from the "traditional medicine" about chiropractors, that it is all just fake and useless. But that comes from the same guys who tried to complely consume the word "doctor" (remember guys: Everyone with a PhD is a "doctor"). In Germany for example, it is completly normal that your doctor might refer you to a chiropractor.
That being said: This guy is definetly not a poster-child for chiropractors and his technique seems extremly dangerous and mostly build for show.
this guy is the most relaxed
Damn bro. This guy is sketchy. Don't put yourself in this kind of danger again. You could seriously be hurt. There is no way that hammering helped you. I hope you are okay after him doing that to you
At least this guy did some real hammering unlike the rest who do some fake ones... hit that bone until it realigns itself properly
@@modernvvomenareuseless2576 that’s not how u treat scoliosis, it’s not just the bone, if you hammer the nerve, you bassically loose all control of the lower half of one’s body
Тимур, мое почтение! Я бы на такое не решился )) Надеюсь решение было осмысленно, а не просто ради контента ))))
Ты ещё Азима не видел
@@maksar_glkv азим рофлит только, он не бьет в полную силу никогда, токо притворяется
@@maksar_glkv ану! Пойду гляну, попробую найти)+)
@@gasres2778 Глянул! Видел его! Тот еще Орк массажный))
Я на такое ходил,только оно помогла от сколиоза
Vasily: Does it hurt here?
Timur: yes
Vasily: Punches wood in it
This is a good case of "just because you can, doesn't mean you should". If there wasn't a risk of paralysis or death, I'd try it for funzies and pain management... But not worth the risk.
Не знаю, может не показали чего, но отец, когда массажистом работал ещё с советских времён, он без снимков ничего не делал. Там могут быть протрузии, гемангиомы те же, которые без снимка диагностировать трудно, но дел такими жёсткими практиками можно наворотить тех ещё...
Да этих "экспертов" сейчас прудь пруди, скептически отношусь ко всем мануальным терапевтам
@@linterrupt Ну а потом в старости кости не собираются, если травм никаких нет то это явно лучше
@@ink112 кости в старости как раз могут не собраться после этих "экспертов"
Он пальцами снимки делает 😂😂😂
The way everything was moving so quickly I had to check that I am not watching at 1.25x speed.
That neck pop scared me.
Точно, точно. Я тоже так подумал.
HFbjtf hytderg oappoa xoxoæ
Этот парень профессионал, сразу Шимура в мешок положил)
ПроффесиАналы, сразу в деревянный макинтош кладут
🤣🤣🤣 да выходишь такой с сеанса, а тебе пакетик вручают "Вот, вы забыли ", заглядываешь в него , а там твой позвоночник
@@fullmoon7675и говорят "это на память" 😅
Bro he was hammering on your spine directly at some point to separate it or something. I heard before that you should never do anything on the spine directly, kind of got me worried. Timur was like I feel it radiating down my arms, my legs are twitching, he was like yea that's normal, but I feel like when I watch other people work on someone they make sure they DON'T feel anything like that or am I tripping?
You right, big h. This “bonesetter” is a complete farce
Well normally radiating pain os something you treat because it is nothing you should feel. This guy hammered on a central nerve and called it good(idk why because everyone feels that(except for people with nerve damage))
Whit scoliosis only operation will fixed the problem nothing else the chiropractor looks very professional good video to watch .
12:52 "This is actually painful"
Guy hammers harder
you should have x-rays done every couple months to see if these treatments have any lasting effect..i'd be curious to see if there was any changes
Тимур, это тот пациент, который сам о себе расскажет больше (после всех его похождений), чем специалист.
First 10 seconds of the video and I already feel sorry for Tim. Today Tim was kneaded like dough.
Who needs a car accident when you can just go to a bonesetter 😮
Hammering that wedge straight into someone's disc's doesn't seem like a good idea
It toughens him
Диски находится еще дальше где он бьет.Так что он не повредит его диск
Если бы они так находились, у нас бы в каждом позвонке грыжи были бы.Конечно бывает некоторым людям противопоказания.Но в Росси это техника все больше наращивает свой ход.
*Шимур, этот специалист, конечно, хорош, но главный босс Азим все ещё не пройден;)*
Азим - топ!)))
Все эти специалисты это подготовка к Азиму)
Посмотрите Юрия Репина . Похожа методика , жаль в живых нет, но последователи есть и видно с ним на ютубе тоже
а почему Шимур?)
@@M06-u5t его в Индии или Турции звал Шимур какой то специалист 🤣
Ты бы Тимур поаккуратнее с этими костоправами, а то в следующий раз бензопилу возьмут.😂
Don't be rude.
@@aura7117 you're a bot?
@@REM1X2807 No.
Или перфоратор🤣
How did you feel a few days after this adjustment? I feel like the decompression was probably amazing lol.
my muscles hurt a bit for several days after it
Мягкие приемы были хороши...но ударная практика была спорной. Тимур - не старик, чтобы так ему раскрывать фасетки. Думаю, могуть быть и рубцы тканей после такого. И отношение к сколиозу данная практика вряд ли имеет.
Why?? This is highly dangerous. The pain levels for Timur must of been astronomical. He walked in and probably crawled out.
Просто вернись уже в чертов Ростов и привези оттуда второе лучшее видео на канале! Все хотят еще раз услышать: "Легко, легко. Ничего не боимся, терпим."
Rostov is the best
Timur, you are totally right about saying how unconfortable with some adjustments you were! This guy do some awkard adjustments! OMG
Меня поражает уверенность костоправов и их бесстрашность, у меня всегда есть ощущение, что они могут сделать человека инвалидом или что-то сломать, ответственность у них большая. Наверное они получают хорошие деньги за это.
Василий работает по моей запатентованной методике, которая получила одобрение от комитета здравоохранения ГосДУМы РФ. У вас образования не хватает, чтобы разобраться в деталях. Пройдёте у меня обучение и весь негатив развеется. Более 20000 чел за последние два года по всему миру прошли через эту мою методику и травмированых нет
@@iskanderkasimov3509 А что от Ваших методик то Я у был у вас и что толку то от вас.все как болело так и болит!
@@iskanderkasimov3509 какой нах комитет, ты щас сам это все придумал клоун.
@@yesksggs9716 там прикол есть, когда ты заходишь к этим костоправам ты подписываешь бумагу что полностью принял решение и что в случае каких нибудь последствий вся ответственность только на тебе
@@lake5322 так это и в больнице так перед операцией подписываешьто же самое!!
Явно больше ни ногой ты Тимур к таким специалистам. Долго ли болело у тебя всё после такой правки? Опиши свои ощущения в отдельном видео,плиз. Удачи тебе и здоровья
Тимур, Вы же судя по роликам неоднократно позвонки правили. У Вас рецидивирует проблема, что приходится вправлять? Или Вы проверяете крепость своего организма?
masseur : does it hurt?
timur : yes
masseur : anyway..
This is the kind of "chiropractic" you get from a guy who's learned everything from youtube. Hitting you with a mallet everywhere with no understanding of bone position or mobilization is just nonsense. But it is entertaining.
RUclips is a university of its own kind... graduated from RUclips university
That's Entertainment and nothing more:) No education, no undestanding. who cares?
And all the RUclips comments like to think they know everything
@@DWboy14 And some lack any contribution at all...
what doesn't keel you makes you stronger( see what i did there lol)
After this you definitely need to visit Dr Lucy!!! I hope you're okay and healthy🙏 Greetings from Serbia🇷🇸
I don't get the point of hammering the C7 vertebrae hard to put it into place. It's supposed to protrude when you look at it from the back. I hope Timur doesn't get long term damage from these kind of treatments.
I have done this in Munich. 3 Sessions. It was very painful. But in the end it was the right decision. I had scoliosis and Scheuermann. They are Profis, I had no single hämatom.
28:57 - That look speaks a 1000 words!
For real!!!
Timur-- this is painful
Chiropractor-- well I'm sure u can bear this
Тима, завязывай ты с этими экспериментами, контент того не стоит. К костоправу идут когда не хочется - а приходится!
That's racist.
У него сколиоз
@@urbis9221 А у кого его нет?
@@ВикторВикс-о2х у меня
@@urbis9221 Значит у тебя все впереди!
Miałeś odwagę znieść tak surowe procedury, zdecydowanie like.
Vasily you are the best. Thank you!!
У Тимура судя по всему самый идеальный и совершенно работающий опорно-двигательный аппарат. Каждый день ходит к костоправам и на массажи. 😄
И каждый раз очередной массажист находит проблему и говорит что обязательно ее исправит 😁