Vegeta Changed Anime Forever

  • Опубликовано: 20 дек 2024

Комментарии • 1,3 тыс.

  • @gallenberger1
    @gallenberger1  6 месяцев назад +36

    If you enjoyed this video, and also superheroes, check out my novels on Amazon!

  • @jdaustin7800
    @jdaustin7800 7 месяцев назад +2468

    It is criminal to talk about Vegeta without mentioning the scene where he looks up into the sky as the rain falls on his face.

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  7 месяцев назад +337

      One of my favorite scenes. He's finally reached the level he always dreamed of reaching...and it wasn't enough. He doesn't know how to process that failure. Lots of self-doubt. But in typical Vegeta fashion he finds a way to use that as motivation and push further ahead. Tried to keep the video under 10 mins, but I agree that's an amazing scene I should have spent some time on.

    • @Baselinehangtime8
      @Baselinehangtime8 7 месяцев назад +93

      Trust me if you included that one, It would’ve been another scene someone found to say it was criminal you left out lmao. This world never happy. Vegeta has nigh infinite moments worthy

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  7 месяцев назад +38

      @Baselinehangtime8 In a perfect world I'd get to all of them but like you said there are so many and I'm not qualified enough to be making two hour long videos 🤣

    • @vaultvon2126
      @vaultvon2126 7 месяцев назад +8

      @@gallenberger1 wow yeah in that perspective vegeta really is amazing

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  7 месяцев назад +5

      @vaultvon2126 Glad you think so!

  • @Keisuke42
    @Keisuke42 4 месяца назад +453

    You forgot his best line of all time… “Nobody kills Kakarot while I’m around. Destiny has reserved that pleasure for me.”

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  4 месяца назад +9

      @Keisuke42 You're right I did miss that one 🤦‍♂️

    • @RtistiqSkubie
      @RtistiqSkubie 3 месяца назад +2

      ​@jibulyno, it let's us know they're never going to be real friends. They're just tolerable efficient coworkers who know they can rely on each other in the clutch so they'll team up on projects when needed, hit the downward head nod & go home. Their wives are friends, not them.

    • @jiminssi2989
      @jiminssi2989 2 месяца назад +11

      @@RtistiqSkubie you do realize thats like his way of telling goku they're buddies right... he's pretty much saying, in his own vegeta-esque way, that he's not gonna let kakarot die for as long as they're together. he'd never actually kill him either, he's just a tsundere 😭i mean, look at how he treats his wife for goodness sake. if you sincerely think vegeta would actually kill goku, you've lost ur marbles and don't understand the dynamic between them at all! 😮‍💨

    • @2_572
      @2_572 2 месяца назад +1

      ​@@gallenberger1it's alright there is a lot versions of dubs of different versions 😂 still badass video and comments anyway 😁👍

    • @Kiddo_X
      @Kiddo_X Месяц назад +1

      That entrance...❤
      And he turned Super Saiyan!

  • @TuxedoTalk
    @TuxedoTalk 7 месяцев назад +1216

    Vegeta shows you can deal with your past and become a better person without going soft.

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  7 месяцев назад +41


    • @Rubbermanlol4578
      @Rubbermanlol4578 7 месяцев назад +43

      Vegeta personifies tough love. Not like naive nelly Goku.

    • @psybon1498
      @psybon1498 7 месяцев назад +22

      ​​@@Rubbermanlol4578goku can still be inspiring but, probably not as inspiring as vegeta. Who knows, depends on personal perspectives.

    • @anstv114
      @anstv114 7 месяцев назад +16

      Be like Water. Soft to adjust and flow. Hard when it gets to the beat.

    • @sphericalcow6014
      @sphericalcow6014 6 месяцев назад +7

      and then they make him a soft soulless sidekick in that mockery of a show called DBS

  • @ctv186
    @ctv186 7 месяцев назад +573

    It's also interesting that at least in my observation, Vegeta plays the anti-hero with emotional burden without coming off as emo or edgelord, unlike other characters that fit his role.

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  7 месяцев назад +66

      Excellent point, I agree. He's always emphatically himself without being a try hard.

    • @StevenJones851
      @StevenJones851 7 месяцев назад +39

      He feels realistic

    • @My_Master_Waves
      @My_Master_Waves 7 месяцев назад +41

      That's actually the exact reason why no other anime can replicate Vegeta, they always either make Vegeta's clone emo or edgelord.

    • @InvestitudinalKnowledge
      @InvestitudinalKnowledge 7 месяцев назад +15

      Nah, dude definitely has emo moments

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  7 месяцев назад +5

      @@InvestitudinalKnowledge For sure

  • @GrizzlyPlaysHD
    @GrizzlyPlaysHD 7 месяцев назад +413

    Imma say this one thing. Vegeta’s neck was the best character development in the history of character development

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  7 месяцев назад +42

      For sure. That's a super saiyan neck

    • @GrizzlyPlaysHD
      @GrizzlyPlaysHD 7 месяцев назад +9

      @@gallenberger1 hahaha in deed it is

    • @berthedcam8736
      @berthedcam8736 6 месяцев назад +8


    • @SuperReno3
      @SuperReno3 6 месяцев назад +18

      In my mind all that gravity training gave him a beefy neck

    • @GrizzlyPlaysHD
      @GrizzlyPlaysHD 6 месяцев назад +2

      @@SuperReno3 400xG and i can have a neck like Vegeta?

  • @Derekzparty
    @Derekzparty 7 месяцев назад +418

    "If I've learned anything from this whole ordeal it's that I'm a freaking genius"- Vegeta

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  7 месяцев назад +17


    • @SorcererLance
      @SorcererLance 7 месяцев назад +6

      I remember that being on the VHS version of that then-new dub episode... and the Toonami airing changed it to "absolute genius" :P

    • @RetroFanatic-Trapster2
      @RetroFanatic-Trapster2 6 месяцев назад +3

      ​@@SorcererLance Wow, they thought "freaking" was equal to cursing? 😅 Not that I'd even care if characters dropped f-bombs in the show to begin with. I hate censoring, though.

    • @Shyuthrosnaevin
      @Shyuthrosnaevin 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@RetroFanatic-Trapster2 maybe they just thought it was silly

  • @DivineAtheistWannabe
    @DivineAtheistWannabe 7 месяцев назад +496

    Character Development through Dragonball Z Sagas
    *Goku:* '😄😇😄😄😇😄
    *Vegeta:* 😈🤬😭😱🤩😒😠😏😡😯😤😮‍💨😌

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  7 месяцев назад +36

      Pretty much 🤣

    • @amv062184
      @amv062184 6 месяцев назад +9

      Emoji speak

    • @g0dsf3ar71
      @g0dsf3ar71 6 месяцев назад +1


    • @Am1nTheSaiyan
      @Am1nTheSaiyan 6 месяцев назад

      Damn what an ignorant comment

    • @benevolence2926
      @benevolence2926 5 месяцев назад +4

      It should be nothing big when comparing characters because vegeta went from evil to good, any character doing that has potential for great character development. I really dont like how people treat character development as though its a big factor when determining whos a better character, especially when comparing a character that turned evil to good vs a character that was already close to perfect from the get go. Its like saying we should appreciate reformed seriall killers, that killed 100s of people because they had a traumatizing upbringing, more than people that were born good and stayed that way for all their life..

  • @Kimura97
    @Kimura97 7 месяцев назад +340

    Vegeta was the most gangster anime character ever made.

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  7 месяцев назад +16

      Right? He's the pinnacle

    • @Kimura97
      @Kimura97 7 месяцев назад +7

      Big time pal. Unmatched haha.

    • @Anonymous20242
      @Anonymous20242 4 месяца назад +3

      Picoolo exists

    • @LudoMMA
      @LudoMMA 2 месяца назад

      @@Anonymous20242picolo lost aura after android saga

    • @MiguelGutierrez-vs9zu
      @MiguelGutierrez-vs9zu Месяц назад

      Ironically Toriyama hated him with a passion. Wanted to kill him between the saiyan and freezer saga, gave his kids the looks of his human wife (there was no light colored hair sayians before trunks and Bura), never allowed him to get to the, level of goku

  • @davidjj33
    @davidjj33 7 месяцев назад +220

    Vegeta has always been my favorite character in Dragonball Z. The literal first episode I ever watched was when Goku and Vegeta fought on earth. It got me hooked instantly.

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  7 месяцев назад +14

      What an awesome first episode to watch! You lucked out big time

    • @Gus-il4bx
      @Gus-il4bx 6 месяцев назад +12

      For me it was when Vegeta went and fought Cell in his imperfect form just after coming out of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber that got me hooked. I didn't even know their names at the time. I was just getting off work and tired. I was flipping through the channels and I accidently stumbled on a channel where Vegeat was just starting to power up and take on Cell. My exact words at the time were: "Holly Fck!!!!. This is awesome!" This was back in the year 2000. I was rough 29 to 30 years old. Been a loyal fan since then and I always binge watch the entire series every 6 months or so starting with the original Dragon Ball series. 🙂

    • @RetroFanatic-Trapster2
      @RetroFanatic-Trapster2 6 месяцев назад +2

      He's easily my favorite too. Piccolo being a close second.

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  6 месяцев назад +3

      @@RetroFanatic-Trapster2 Both are great!

    • @kayannanorthover2888
      @kayannanorthover2888 6 месяцев назад +4

      Yeah i like his no nonsense attitude but he can be a bit over the top and saying he's braggy is an understatement. He teaches us that we can learn from our mistakes an be a better person. All time fav is still goks though hsnd down. Hes just downright humble wbout everything lol and he doesnt need to remind us that he is the son of bardock.(most feared dude in dragon ball history for his brutality). But he just has to remind us that he is the prince of all saiyans. The lines like so cliché 😂😂😂

  • @JetFalco
    @JetFalco 7 месяцев назад +154

    The Majin Vegeta stadium episode is the most beautifully drawn episode of Z. And it's the most tension-filled, dramatic, edge of your seat, nail-biting episode... and not one significant punch is thrown. No fights. Just the most character development the entire show has seen packed up into one mind-blowing episode.

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  7 месяцев назад +5

      Agreed, so sick.

    • @Epicentr
      @Epicentr 7 месяцев назад +14

      Those were only available on VHS and DVD every two weeks in the US and I bought ALL OF THEM.
      That sequence was absolutely greater than the Vegeta SSJ reveal. It was the excitement of an energized Vegeta, a VENGEFUL Vegeta, Vegeta actually speaking his emotions, the tournament getting REAL (not to downplay the beating Videl got and the crap animations of potentially cool fights Babidi set up). The animation quality got better, the music chimed in, and when Vegeta locks his wrist at the crowd you know that something epic is truly about to transpire.
      I have lots of favorite fights, or even sequences, from DBZ but that one absolutely had me glued to my screen more than any other

  • @taviangaudiuso9078
    @taviangaudiuso9078 7 месяцев назад +109

    As someone who just finished Z, Vegeta is probably my favourite anime character ever. He's so egotistical and cocky, but at the end of the day he sacrifices himself for the entire Earth. He also has the greatest speeches/rants out of any character in anime. His speech explaining how he became a Super Saiyan is legendary

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  7 месяцев назад +4

      Agreed with everything. Such an awesome character

    • @durim187
      @durim187 6 месяцев назад +7

      I wanna i wanna i wanna

    • @clesiopaulomavie9527
      @clesiopaulomavie9527 5 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@durim187TFS 🤣

  • @Thepotheadzombie
    @Thepotheadzombie 6 месяцев назад +53

    Whn vegeta sacrificed himself fighting majin buu,knowing he would die and wouldn’t of been able to go to the same place as his loved ones in the afterlife. He became one of my favorite characters ever

  • @roslyn3021
    @roslyn3021 7 месяцев назад +41

    Awesome video, I’m 54 and ive been watching DBZ since it aired, and vegeta lines still gets me jacked up.

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  7 месяцев назад +1

      Greatest vocalist in anime, hands down!

  • @MrLaneLife
    @MrLaneLife 7 месяцев назад +114

    Vegeta has always been my favorite anime character period. Dude character development is crazy raw. And Goku could never beat my mans but Vegeta would always make the sacrifice to get Goku a W. Class. Royalty. Pride.

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  7 месяцев назад +6

      Great comment, agreed on everything.

  • @spiritofthewolf15x
    @spiritofthewolf15x 7 месяцев назад +104

    During Vegeta's sacrifice, you can hear him screaming over the ki explosion sound effect.

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  7 месяцев назад +6


    • @spiritofthewolf15x
      @spiritofthewolf15x 7 месяцев назад +7

      @gallenberger1 rewatch the scene, you have to listen carefully.

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  7 месяцев назад +10

      @@spiritofthewolf15x I will. Great catch! Appreciate the awesome comment.

    • @ModernDayRenaissanceMan
      @ModernDayRenaissanceMan 6 месяцев назад +2

      I always hear them as one sound effect.

  • @SporkyMcFly
    @SporkyMcFly 7 месяцев назад +138

    One correction. Might be a little different in the anime but in the manga it is very clear that Goku breaks Nappa's back. Vegeta finishes the job because a paralyzed Saiyan is worth nothing.

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  7 месяцев назад +48

      That's fascinating to hear. It's definitely different in the anime but really cool to hear that element has far more context in the manga. Thanks for the insight!

    • @derpatwerknsubbers1680
      @derpatwerknsubbers1680 7 месяцев назад +13

      Oh no, a broken back, if only that was as curable as death. Oh well. 😅

    • @SporkyMcFly
      @SporkyMcFly 7 месяцев назад +31

      @@derpatwerknsubbers1680 To a warrior race it seems obvious to me that a broken back might as well be death.

    • @Angel-Otk
      @Angel-Otk 7 месяцев назад

      Dragon ball mfks have never read the manga bro💀🤣

    • @PumpedSmartass
      @PumpedSmartass 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@derpatwerknsubbers1680especially for a race who can fly

  • @joshuat770
    @joshuat770 6 месяцев назад +27

    Finally someone who appreciates Vegeta instead of always downing him. Now I'm a subscriber.

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  6 месяцев назад +8

      Vegeta is the biggest reason I'm an anime fan at all, have to appreciate him. Thanks for the sub! I have a lot of other character analysis videos in the works

    • @joshuat770
      @joshuat770 6 месяцев назад +2

      @@gallenberger1 You're welcome. Don't know why I didn't find your channel sooner. I look forward to your other character analysis videos.

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  6 месяцев назад +2

      @@joshuat770 Still pretty small and new to this so that's probably why. Hope to keep improving!

  • @lukeisabat2239
    @lukeisabat2239 6 месяцев назад +16

    I just fuckin love how Vegeta keeps it real. He's definitely my favorite Dragonball character

  • @teletran1175
    @teletran1175 7 месяцев назад +64

    Once you we're gone, I lost what drove me to be better. I lost my edge, and now I'm going to PTA meetings and KrillIn's movie nights! LISTEN TO ME, KAKAROT! I'M USING HIS FUCKING NAME!

  • @Jungi24
    @Jungi24 7 месяцев назад +207

    aka space hitler is crazy

    • @cyberdemon6517
      @cyberdemon6517 7 месяцев назад +6

      you mean space napolhitler

    • @KiraiKatsuji
      @KiraiKatsuji 7 месяцев назад +9

      You mean Freeza right

    • @Jungi24
      @Jungi24 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@KiraiKatsuji yes, or as some people say Freiza (they are both right)

    • @KiraiKatsuji
      @KiraiKatsuji 7 месяцев назад

      @@Jungi24 Well Vegeta i would compare to some Barbarian Tribe where they hate everyone except themselves minus the weak, While Freeza is straight up Space Hitler

    • @myduckisonqauck7227
      @myduckisonqauck7227 7 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@KiraiKatsuji Vegeta still committed multiple acts of genocide.

  • @aviatinggamer9051
    @aviatinggamer9051 2 месяца назад +15

    And the best part about all of this: Toriama didn’t like Vegeta. The only reason we have this character development is because the fans clamored for Vegeta to stay on

  • @UberStank99
    @UberStank99 7 месяцев назад +40

    When he called Frieza “Space Hitler”😂😂😂

  • @tommaguire1354
    @tommaguire1354 7 месяцев назад +48

    Great video! Vegeta's speech to Goku before Freeza kills him has to be the best line in all of dragon ball

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  7 месяцев назад +2

      Thank you! Agreed, it's one of my favorites, and DBZ has a many great ones. Please consider subbing to the channel for more content!

    • @pbe6965
      @pbe6965 7 месяцев назад +5

      seems like it was heavily edited in the American version though, I rewatched the Japanese version and iirc he says something along the lines that he didn't care about his family nor that much about his race, but Freeza trampled his pride as he ruled over him and he could never forgive him for that.

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  7 месяцев назад

      @@pbe6965 That's quite a bit different than the American version for sure. Interesting to hear though, thanks for teaching me something new!

    • @pbe6965
      @pbe6965 7 месяцев назад +2

      @@gallenberger1 please note that it's been a while now and I might not have the details quite right.
      But I believe they made him nicer and caring in the dubbed version than he was in the original where only his ego and pride seems to really matter.

    • @DivineAtheistWannabe
      @DivineAtheistWannabe 7 месяцев назад +2

      Essentially a criminal's child abuse trauma backstory tbh

  • @ArthArmani
    @ArthArmani 6 месяцев назад +34

    Frieza arc made Vegeta my favourite character, i still remember him crying.

    • @TylerDurden-cu6iz
      @TylerDurden-cu6iz 3 месяца назад

      He stays crying because he'll never be as strong as kakarot

    • @tjmirez7556
      @tjmirez7556 2 месяца назад

      @@TylerDurden-cu6izhe’s been stronger than kakarot in many occasions it’s a reason why he never beat vegeta

    • @TylerDurden-cu6iz
      @TylerDurden-cu6iz 2 месяца назад

      @tjmirez7556 90% of the time Goku is stronger, even vegeta recognizes this he says "you are better than me kakarot, you are the best" at the end of the buu saga. Goku beat the most main villains in Z and Super. Vegeta would never count that as a win against goku in majin he would think thats pathetic people are counting that as a win it was a even fight and then goku knocked vegeta down, the fight stopped and vegeta cheapshotted him

    • @TylerDurden-cu6iz
      @TylerDurden-cu6iz 2 месяца назад

      @tjmirez7556 also goku could've went ssj3 but didn't want to hurt vegetas pride and the only time I can think vegeta is stronger than goku is initially in the saiyan saga and then when goku had his heart virus so I'd say about 95% of the time goku is stronger

  • @ruuts5827
    @ruuts5827 6 месяцев назад +12

    He's still my favourite anime character of all time and I've seen so many anime by now. You only realise how incredible his character is when you're older. Thank you Toriyama!

  • @lukealadeen7836
    @lukealadeen7836 2 месяца назад +9

    When I was 12 or 13 I remember me and my brother rooting for Vegeta. We had never seen anything like the saiyan and namek sagas. Goku seemed too good, too perfect, Vegeta felt more like us

    • @MikeDaGawdPorter
      @MikeDaGawdPorter 2 месяца назад

      Respect. Somebody else who understands.

    • @yanskie2373
      @yanskie2373 4 дня назад

      Same here. However the creator hates him.

  • @matthewpereida1261
    @matthewpereida1261 7 месяцев назад +62

    I actually love super vegeta. He's finally happy. That's why he seems off.

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  7 месяцев назад +10

      I like him more when he's miserable 🤣

    • @crisalcantara7671
      @crisalcantara7671 7 месяцев назад +3

      @@gallenberger1 🤣🤣

    • @ibrahimihsan2090
      @ibrahimihsan2090 4 месяца назад +4

      ​@@gallenberger1I mean, then you just like his character arc more than what he becomes in the end.
      Someone who's wiser, more of a family man and whose motivation for rivalry is more friendly.
      I know, not as exciting but it is pretty heartwarming.

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  4 месяца назад +1

      @ibrahimihsan2090 For sure, not saying I'm correct

    • @crawdad
      @crawdad 4 месяца назад +2

      What I love about Super Vegeta is he is still Vegeta through and through, but he’s Vegeta completed. He goes to Whis’ world before Goku. Beats him to the Punch. It’s his true final part of his arc: he has enough humility to be trained by someone else.

  • @ronyoshii
    @ronyoshii 7 месяцев назад +14

    The expression goes, often imitated, never duplicated.

  • @Ultralightaman
    @Ultralightaman 6 месяцев назад +10

    Vegeta always has villian like monologuing and dominate brutal fights that typically villians do in DBZ.

  • @stimpaxx
    @stimpaxx 4 месяца назад +2

    that scene where he dies the first time on namek hit me hard when i was a kid. i was so invested because i loved vegeta even though he was a villain. he cooperates with krillin and gohan, kills zarbon like a fkn G, and goes head to head with frieza, all to be mercilessly shot through the heart. i remember being shook because i was so surprised that they did him like that. of course, i didn't know at the time that everybody would be resurrected, so man that death was wild for me. great content, man.

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  4 месяца назад +1

      Thanks! Really was an amazing scene. Cool to see it hit you as hard as it hit me

  • @geoffreymesser2121
    @geoffreymesser2121 4 месяца назад +11

    He allows Android 19 to steal his energy and then says “does a machine like yourself ever experience fear?” Not only does he undermine him by calling him a machine, he mocks him with “steal my energy, I don’t care, I’m still going to obliterate you.” Vegeta is the epitome of never giving up. He JUST. WON’T. QUIT. Take that in your real life. “What would Vegeta do?”

  • @boroooooooooo7443
    @boroooooooooo7443 День назад +2

    The birth and the greatest foundation anime characters.... Vegeta the most badass character who changed anime forever and inspired so many anime characters forever

  • @Omelettedufromage4513
    @Omelettedufromage4513 7 месяцев назад +6

    He has always been my favorite, but this video puts the pieces together in such a way that I have never pieced together that makes the story so much better! Awesome job man!

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  7 месяцев назад +1

      He's a character deserving of the utmost praise 🤷‍♂️ glad you liked it!

  • @samanthagreen9639
    @samanthagreen9639 4 месяца назад +2

    OUTSTANDING!!!!!! I am 54yrs old. I watched DBZ when it first came out, on TV, at 6am on a VHF station. Nobody remembers those days anymore. I made VHS copies for my children and the kids in my afterschool program to watch, cutting out the commercials. LOL I found myself falling in love with Vegeta the most. Your video essay is excellent in why this character is SO ICONIC and can never truly be replicated but will ALWAYS be copied. Why? Because Vegata is THE ULTIMATE BADASS ANIME ALPHA MALE WARRIOR who bleeds, sweats, curses, kills, has tantrums --- all while he does Evil AND Good. Viewers know that we shouldn't root for him or identify with him or like his ORNERY, BITCHY, WARPED PERSONAL CODE OF HONOR but most of us do just that. I have always loved him. I remember preteen boys talking about the Father Issues in DBZ. Piccolo was deemed THE MOST NURTURING and CARING. Vegeta was voted the most difficult to please and to show affection even if he did feel any emotion. Funny thing though, several kids said they still wouldn't mind having The Big V be their dad anyway. Can you blame them?

    @JACKWEASEL 7 месяцев назад +13

    Goku always had the luxury of being the good guy. Vegeta is how most people have likely lived their lives. We’ve all made mistakes, and most of us have spent our whole lives to curry those mistakes and do better. I think that’s why vegeta is liked so much. His story is one that reminds us we aren’t perfect but we can do better and should do better. Nice video!

  • @MikeTheIdeaGuy
    @MikeTheIdeaGuy 6 месяцев назад +18

    Vegeta also was responsible for the defeat of Cell. Gohan and the others were not enough, then Cell looks up and says, Vegeta! He knew at that point it was over. Cell’s last word

    • @RubensBarrichello.
      @RubensBarrichello. 5 месяцев назад

      Cell's last words were "Oh No!" And then Goku instant transmissions and cell blows himself up.
      Tbh it was a Draw between Goku and Cell. Cell lost one fight and it was to Goku, Vegeta and Gohan all at the same time... Plus trunks and piccolo

    • @MikeTheIdeaGuy
      @MikeTheIdeaGuy 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@RubensBarrichello. Cell was killed by Gohan, with Goku backing him up spiritually. Cell Regenerated after Goku did instant transmission

    • @piotrkarp9562
      @piotrkarp9562 4 месяца назад

      It always kills me that Gohan didn't vaporized him with Cell. Dude was literally behind bugman :D

    • @jase276
      @jase276 4 месяца назад +1

      Toriyama always did Vegeta dirty. He should've done more against Cell and Buu

    • @jase276
      @jase276 4 месяца назад

      @@RubensBarrichello. Hot take: Cell was the worst villain. The guy was so lame. He always talked mad smack, get his cheeks clapped, then powered up and repeated it all over again. Talked smack to Piccolo, got clapped, then ran off and transformed. Talked smack to Vegeta, got clapped, ran off and transformed. Talked smack to Goku and Gohan, got smacked and killed, then transformed to Super Perfect Cell or whatever the fk. Dude is just lame af, always talking big and getting humbled. In fact, he was the only villain to get licked by the whole cast. Every other villain, excluding Androids, only ever lost to Goku

  • @westonmeyer3110
    @westonmeyer3110 4 месяца назад +3

    When I first watched Dragon Ball Z as a kid in elementary school in the 90s I was intrigued by strong disciplined men moving fast and shooting energy waves everywhere in the Saiyan Saga, but once they got to Namek and Vegeta was acting like a 3rd party I was absolutely hooked by Vegeta’s story and decision making and Gohan’s determination and power progression. The Namek/Frieza Arc is and always will be the strongest arc in DBZ to me and Vegeta was absolutely integral to that.

  • @bruhgoaway4876
    @bruhgoaway4876 3 месяца назад +2

    As much as I enjoy listening to RUclipsrs talk about my favorite anime for 30+ minutes, it’s refreshing to hear someone cover a topic in a series in an in-depth, but concise, manner.

  • @FTWSamFisher
    @FTWSamFisher 6 месяцев назад +5

    I actually love the idea of Vegeta becoming a mentor figure, while still being a badass himself. He has grown fond of those around him and it makes sense he would share his knowledge now that hes less selfish, and he dislikes weakness so making others stronger instead of hating on them feels like another form of growth. Goku is arguably still quite selfish in a lot of ways xD

  • @deathfrom2001
    @deathfrom2001 5 месяцев назад +2

    I've been rewatching DBZ and this video has genuinely made me appreciate Vegeta a lot more and I can't wait to witness his glory all over again

  • @CataclysmZA
    @CataclysmZA 2 месяца назад +9

    My favourite Vegeta is from Super - a family man who wants to shop with his daughter, spend time with Trunks, and respects and fears his wife. And then suddenly he is confronted with Beerus and all the memories of being under Frieza's rule. Every version of his past self is still in there, and he is one of handful of characters who are allowed to show signs of trauma.

    • @JoeStuffzAlt
      @JoeStuffzAlt 2 месяца назад

      For me, this is where Vegeta beats Son Goku. Vegeta became a superior father to his children. When Bulma got pregnant, he stopped everything that he loves to be with Bulma when the baby is born. Manly as hell

  • @jdogwilson56
    @jdogwilson56 Месяц назад +1

    Great vid! 😁 Vegeta's a HUGE fav of mine, and you using his own lines to describe his shifts gave me chills 😮‍💨 truly an all time great of fiction

  • @tarikchadili9696
    @tarikchadili9696 7 месяцев назад +48

    Guys, let's be honest.
    Vegeta should've gotten the W against Moro instead of Goku.

    • @joshuafallet5690
      @joshuafallet5690 7 месяцев назад +3

      Golden freiza imo.
      Moro was also a bs L.

    • @maddog7522
      @maddog7522 6 месяцев назад

      He kind of did tho. He forced the cunt to fuse with the android or eat it or whatever

    • @RubensBarrichello.
      @RubensBarrichello. 5 месяцев назад


    • @TylerDurden-cu6iz
      @TylerDurden-cu6iz 3 месяца назад

      Vegeta a walking L goku always get the W's lil bros

  • @michaelhill5279
    @michaelhill5279 6 месяцев назад +2

    Great video, my friend. Always good to see my favorite saiyan getting some love! I love many of the other characters, but Vegeta is just so badass, and has had some of the best character development in anime. Also, you’re absolutely right; his speeches and line deliveries are top tier!

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  6 месяцев назад

      Thanks for the comment, glad I did him justice for you!

  • @travbony8768
    @travbony8768 7 месяцев назад +38

    Honestly, Im ok with Vegeta not having a ton of change in super, he definitely does still change a little bit, but most of his growth is over with. He already redeemed himself and became a good person, so there isn't too much more to go off of. He does become a bit better of a father like when he went on that train ride in that amusement park with Trunks. My only complaint with Vegeta is that he can't manage to ever beat anyone in a fight but Goku.

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  7 месяцев назад +3

      Agreed. How much more can he grow without losing who he is? Like you said, he's already been redeemed. Even moreso than beating Goku I think he needs a legitimate key win...over anyone 🤣 he always gets the shaft in big fights.
      Hope you enjoyed the video. Please consider subbing to the channel. You left a great comment!

    • @Jungi24
      @Jungi24 7 месяцев назад +4

      @@gallenberger1 If I dont beat Black Frieza I am leaving db and going to Naruto where I can solo the verse

    • @edwint1780
      @edwint1780 7 месяцев назад +12

      @@gallenberger1 Vegeta only needs to win a single fight to complete his arc. And no, not against Goku. Vegeta needs to kill Freeza. If he does that, he will have come full circle and it will be a satisfying conclusion to his character.

    • @Rollin40Archives
      @Rollin40Archives 7 месяцев назад +3

      @@Jungi24cringe your not vegeta stop role playing

    • @pbe6965
      @pbe6965 7 месяцев назад +1

      I really loved Vegeta's evolution along Z and he became one of my favorite characters in anime (even though Toriyama admitted he never liked him, he's still very well written and it feels natural).
      But I felt like he regressed on Super, as said in the video he was not written nearly as well in this show (but as lots of other things that weren't either ...).
      He's supposed to have made his peace with his past at the end of Z, even calling Goku his "best friend" and acknowledging him as the strongest, but in Super he's still kind of an a*hole and seems to have gone back on his words.

  • @andresmontevideozamora5211
    @andresmontevideozamora5211 6 месяцев назад +2

    Bro this is the best Vegeta video I've seen in my life. Great video friend

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  6 месяцев назад +1

      That means a lot! Glad you enjoyed and hope to see you back!

  • @michaelshjohnson
    @michaelshjohnson 7 месяцев назад +4

    Agree with everything except his characterization in Super: I feel that that has shown how far he has come and how much he has grown as a person. From dancing and humbling himself before Beerus so that he wouldn't get angry and destroy the planet, to the whole "My Bulma! How dare you?!" thing, to the seeking out training from Whis (the first time he actually sought someone to train him), to him admonishing Goku for suggesting he leave Bulma to train while she's pregnant, to his concern and desire to help future Trunks on his return (after essentially ignoring him the year they spent in the time chamber), to him telling Goku that involving Goten and Trunks in the tournament of power is not a good idea since they're so young, and his reluctance on reviving Frieza for the tournament of power (whereas in the past he allowed Cell to power up), Super for me has the best self-actualized Vegeta

  • @NiWdLES
    @NiWdLES 5 месяцев назад +2

    Oh yeah! My first favorite anime character. Thanks for describing Vegeta from my childhood, which I could not tell.

  • @catalinistrate1335
    @catalinistrate1335 6 месяцев назад +4

    Vegeta is the reason I ever got into anime, he is the best written character out there

  • @shubhamrana3606
    @shubhamrana3606 5 месяцев назад +2

    Tbh vegeta is all of us..we all have felt wat he has gone through in dbz..the good the bad everything..goku is plain and simple a Nobel person no layers but vegeta has layers to his personality he is sometimes pure evil but he has grown as a person nd now he cares but he also doesn't care he is the sigma male but sometimes u can see his vulnerable side...that is the reason that vegeta is the most loved character in anime history coz he represents all of us as a human being who are trying to do or achieve something in life..fails but again starts from zero to reach there

  • @Beckwourth
    @Beckwourth 7 месяцев назад +8

    Vegeta was always my favorite, ever since i was a child watching dragon ball Z. While everyone said Goku i said Vegeta and as i grew older they began to say Vegeta too, i would lie if i didn't put an arrogant smirk on my face when they did, because i immediately showed them what a true Vegeta is like.

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  7 месяцев назад +3

      You were ahead of the curve 😎

  • @Eiichiro_Oda_Real
    @Eiichiro_Oda_Real Месяц назад +2


  • @odststalker5117
    @odststalker5117 7 месяцев назад +30

    let's be real, Vegeta wasn't retreating from Goku, he was retreating from Krillin

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  7 месяцев назад +19

      Who wouldn't? Vegeta saw his hairlines future and was terrified 🤣

    • @RubensBarrichello.
      @RubensBarrichello. 5 месяцев назад +1

      Krillin 1v1 imperfect cell right after Getes got fucked up by 18. Truly the Goated mentality

    • @ItzTC7208
      @ItzTC7208 5 месяцев назад +1

      Yeah, Goku is a fair warrior that doesn't want to kill. Krillin on the other hand would. Goku never spared his enemies as a kid, this character development of Goku happened probably when Krillin first died in the original DB, or after his training with Kami.

  • @TicklePickleGT
    @TicklePickleGT 16 дней назад +2

    0:56 aka space hitl3r💀

  • @LosAlumbrados
    @LosAlumbrados 7 месяцев назад +14

    Honestly Vegeta is genuinely at his best in the modern Super Manga.
    Vegeta can no longer tap back into his Saiyan nature and Goku can't suppress it. Vegeta is afraid of even touching who he used to be, but he has to. The yin and the yang are actually very interesting.

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  7 месяцев назад

      Will that get adapted?

    • @LosAlumbrados
      @LosAlumbrados 7 месяцев назад +5

      ​@@gallenberger1I'm sure it will, but Idk when.
      I just know Old Vegeta haunts New Vegeta while New Goku corrupts Old Goku.

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  7 месяцев назад +2

      @@LosAlumbrados That's an awesome way to keep both characters interesting. I'd love to see that. Thanks for the comment and the insight. Consider subbing to the channel, I love talking with and reading knowledgeable anime fans

    • @LosAlumbrados
      @LosAlumbrados 7 месяцев назад +2

      @@gallenberger1 I gotchu 👍

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  7 месяцев назад +1

      @@LosAlumbrados Appreciate you!

  • @Cut2daChase
    @Cut2daChase 4 месяца назад +1

    Dude, you are incredible. The work you do is stupendous. Complete detail, complete information, hitting every aspect of everything absolutely phenomenal work.

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  4 месяца назад

      @@Cut2daChase Thanks for the kind words! I hope to keep you entertained with future videos!

  • @JosephGHritzIII
    @JosephGHritzIII 7 месяцев назад +6

    There can be only one, Toriyama nailed it! He set the bar for a unique being that it's at a level of unattainable, despite Toriyama wanted to write him off early only to create a badass that half the populace thinks he's just an ordinary villain, and the other half... you reflect and realize it makes sense growing into adulthood.

  • @DonNoDraper
    @DonNoDraper 4 месяца назад +2

    As a kid some how I knew I’d be seeing this guy again

  • @daisukegori2112
    @daisukegori2112 6 месяцев назад +3

    I've got news for you. Many tropes that people assume DragonBall z started were actually around before DragonBall z. Vegeta acts much like a proud traditional Samurai.
    Great video by the way and nothing personal meant by my comment.

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  6 месяцев назад

      Appreciate it! Yeah, no character archetype or trope is new. I do think Vegeta is one of the characters who inspired many others though.

  • @tylerhaunted
    @tylerhaunted 5 месяцев назад +2

    Vegeta has one of the most intense character arc of all anime villains and found redemption within being rivals and on occasion, friend to Goku and everyone.

  • @tienkami
    @tienkami 7 месяцев назад +4

    It is really hard to find good videos about dragon ball, but this was really well done.

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  7 месяцев назад +1

      Thanks for the kind words! Been a fan since I was a kid, so that means a lot. Are you into other anime? And make sure to sub for more!

    • @tienkami
      @tienkami 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@gallenberger1 Yes I am but nothing compares to DBZ. I listen to videos about DBZ pretty much everyday. Often times I listen to people I cannot stand, because there is nothing else. Your video was so good I saved it to my favorites list. I looked to see if you had other DBZ videos, but did not see any. I will look at your other anime videos and watch some.

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  7 месяцев назад +1

      @tienkami I have another DBZ video in the works, but it may be a little while before it's out. It's the first anime I ever watched, so I want that video to be special. I'm glad you enjoyed this one so much, it means a lot!

    • @tienkami
      @tienkami 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@gallenberger1 I look forward to seeing it.

  • @kaiserknuckle9261
    @kaiserknuckle9261 3 дня назад +1

    There is a reason why vegeta is my favorite character of all time and he inspires me to do better each day

  • @Zoi-ai-art
    @Zoi-ai-art 6 месяцев назад +4

    Vegeta, every villain's favorite warmup punching bag before they fight goku (or his son).

  • @saulgarcia7347
    @saulgarcia7347 6 месяцев назад +1

    This is by far one of the greatest Vegeta video I've seen, told his story well!

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  6 месяцев назад

      Thank you for the high praise! Glad I did him justice for you

  • @packrat-y7j
    @packrat-y7j 7 месяцев назад +6

    'ive got a lovely bunch of dragon balls....'

  • @adrianmasters250
    @adrianmasters250 6 месяцев назад +1

    This was really enjoyable, great work! I love me some Vegeta, he's second only to Piccolo as my favourite character

  • @JelloFluoride
    @JelloFluoride 7 месяцев назад +4

    I loved how when at the end, in your summary of Vegeta's character development you stop at Super and like me, feel like the character is completely misunderstood and written poorly. Instant sub.

  • @ryuhayabu1
    @ryuhayabu1 7 месяцев назад +2

    Nice video! I would like to emphasize that it was Vegeta's anger at himself that allowed him to transform to a super saiyan

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  7 месяцев назад +1

      Thanks for the clarity! Always nice to learn from the comments

  • @AustoLaVista
    @AustoLaVista 4 месяца назад +3

    By definition Vegeta is the dueteragonist of Dragonball but you can make a case from the Buu saga and all of DBS that he has elevated to Co-main character with Goku.

  • @geoffreymesser2121
    @geoffreymesser2121 4 месяца назад +1

    In other news, this is a beautifully succinct and accurate analysis of one of the greatest characters of all time. Excellent work, chief. Keep it up.

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  4 месяца назад

      @@geoffreymesser2121 Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it

  • @Munkydroid
    @Munkydroid 6 месяцев назад +3

    Vegeta is my favorite character in any anime ever. The story of redemption and his growth not only in power but personality was amazing. I found myself cheering for him more than Goku. Just amazing writing.

  • @dannyjingu
    @dannyjingu 6 месяцев назад +1

    Vegeta is one of my all-time favorite characters in any media. It's like Toriyama loved Raoh from HNK, and gave him the "What if he didn't fight Kenshiro to the death" alternate reality.
    You showcased a lot of shared favorite scenes as well as sentiments. It's great to know there are many other fans out there!

  • @miami2881
    @miami2881 7 месяцев назад +3

    Loved it, great video! While not as good as Z of course, I do think there is much value to be seen from Vegeta within Super. He gets a power up from fighting for others, he is willing to act pathetic to appease Beerus, he is willing to be trained by others. Many instances of his continued character growth but still remaining himself.

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  7 месяцев назад +1

      That's a great point. Thanks for the input. Consider subbing to the channel for more vids!

  • @ensontaylor4836
    @ensontaylor4836 5 месяцев назад +2

    good video. very well thought out analysis

  • @KingPBJames
    @KingPBJames 6 месяцев назад +5

    I respect the Funimation crew's voice acting talents but the original characters are so much more sophisticated than what the dubs changed them into. I don't know why Sabat and co had to rewrite the script so much but they did a disservice to Toriyama's writing. At least they did the right thing with Kai.
    This video inspired me to go re-watch Vegeta's dying scene in Japanese again and I'm glad it did. His monologue was shorter than the dub's but his point was much more clear: Freeza betrayed an army of people who had always been loyal to him. It made Goku's understanding of this more impactful too. Japanese Dragon Ball may be a bit dated and flawed but the drama and tension are much more real.

    • @BladeXRG
      @BladeXRG 4 месяца назад +1

      Plus his anger as Majin Vegeta is much more pathetic, which is exactly what he has become at that point: "this is all I care about, not that Majin Boo nonsense, this scum managed to surpass me, we're both Saiyans but he surged ahead, and I'm the prince of all Saiyans, a powerful prodigy, he even spared my life, I won't ever forgive him for doing that". Him being that down bad for Goku is what makes him pathetic and more human, it doesn't need to justified.

  • @highofflife3307
    @highofflife3307 5 месяцев назад +2

    You have top tier taste in characters if I do say so myself 😌Vegeta has been my favorite character ever since childhood but Eren Yeager “And Itachi Uchiha” also took that spot for me..glad to see someone who shares the same love for these characters

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  5 месяцев назад

      Thanks! All of them will get vids here

    • @williamwhite1036
      @williamwhite1036 4 месяца назад +1

      Vegeta was my favorite character since i first saw him

  • @adampassaretti9149
    @adampassaretti9149 7 месяцев назад +48

    Guys think about that... Vegeta doesn't kill Nappa for being weak, he does so because he suffered debilitating damage with his spine broken, vegeta doesn't know about senzu beans at the moment.

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  7 месяцев назад +6

      I think they make that more clear in the manga.

    • @KiraiKatsuji
      @KiraiKatsuji 7 месяцев назад +4

      Like yeah he could do that out of some kindness since we don't know if Healing pods can heal it and he doesn't know that Namekian Dragon Balls have more wishes

    • @Statuslock
      @Statuslock 7 месяцев назад +9

      And yet Nappa didin't care and wanted to live lol.

    • @adampassaretti9149
      @adampassaretti9149 7 месяцев назад +17

      @@Statuslock Vegeta ain't gonna push his wheelchair 😂

    • @KiraiKatsuji
      @KiraiKatsuji 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@Statuslock Like no duh who wanted to die and Vegeta was cold like really cold to the guy that essentially raised him so the shock is pretty natural

  • @juniorr6
    @juniorr6 4 месяца назад +1

    awesome video man, thanks for shining a light on a great character

  • @DaveXYZ369
    @DaveXYZ369 3 месяца назад +3

    TFS put it best: "I´AM THE HYPE".

  • @MellowMutant
    @MellowMutant 5 месяцев назад +1

    This video was so well done. When I was a kid, Gohan was my favorite character, but as I grew older, Vegeta became my favorite. He has such tremendous growth throughout the series (more than anyone).

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  5 месяцев назад +1

      @@MellowMutant Much appreciated

  • @kvbvl7285
    @kvbvl7285 3 месяца назад +3

    Vegeta's character is a masterpiece.

  • @O6i
    @O6i Месяц назад +1

    Vegeta had me working out and fighting ruthlessly at the age of 7. and Gohan taught me to meditate when he taught Videl how to fly.

  • @_dontsnitch
    @_dontsnitch 7 месяцев назад +5

    Great video! In think we’re forgetting that Heiei from Yu Yu Hakusho was the original badass anti hero archetype though!

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  7 месяцев назад +2

      Thanks! I threw him in the vid a few times at least 😅

    • @_dontsnitch
      @_dontsnitch 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@gallenberger1 keep on keeping on bruv. I enjoyed the video

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  7 месяцев назад

      @@_dontsnitch Thanks for the kind words and the comments!

    • @kda9x
      @kda9x 7 месяцев назад +2

      Hiei was awesome. Vegeta came first tho. April 16, 1991 vs November 7, 1988

  • @samsunofthesun
    @samsunofthesun 6 месяцев назад +1

    Vegetas story always gets me to tear up hes my favorite dbz charecter

  • @robertrogers074
    @robertrogers074 7 месяцев назад +3

    I love that you had a slide show of characters after Vegeta.

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  7 месяцев назад +1

      Thank you! Glad you liked it

  • @bartterp88
    @bartterp88 3 месяца назад +1

    I still get goosebumps of thinking about the line he says in his sacrifice:
    "And yes, even for you...Kakarot"

  • @ultralance
    @ultralance 7 месяцев назад +3

    Vegeta groveling to Beerus on their first shown meeting is the pinnacle of his moral shift over the series from everything I've watched (full disclosure, have not kept up with Super minus the sorta overlapping Z/Super Battle of Gods/Resurrection F movies). He wasn't scared to die. He made that quite clear right before and after Beerus slapped tf out of Bulma - he was fine with dying before that slap. Not wanting to die, but he was entirely accepting of it. He didn't charge Beerus because he suddenly thought he could win, it was just pure Saiyan rage fueling him enough to at least catch Beerus off guard if not actually hurt him.
    A very, very far cry from the bloodthirsty former prince who murdered a coworker for subpar performance on the job. Seeing him dance like a buffoon to appease Beerus hurts to watch at first until you realize - he isn't scared for himself. He's scared for the people he cares about, even if they are a bunch of genetically inferior monkeys who don't even have tails.

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  7 месяцев назад +3

      Amazing comment. Thanks posting this, because it's really insightful

    • @ultralance
      @ultralance 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@gallenberger1 could very much say the same about the video, really enjoyed it, keep up the good work dude

    • @ultralance
      @ultralance 7 месяцев назад +1

      fr i always forget just how vulnerable he shows himself to be after Frieza fight - I remember it ofc but like.. seeing it again in video just got me thinking about how I don't think anything we see before or since his death to Frieza shows anywhere near that level of sincere emotions that aren't anger.

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  7 месяцев назад

      @ultralance Right? Such a powerful and unique scene for him.

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  7 месяцев назад

      @@ultralance hope to see you back!

  • @Saiya6CIT
    @Saiya6CIT 3 месяца назад +2

    I remember not understanding every dialogue Vegeta would say and picking up a Spanish dictionary (cause I watched latino dub) he is simply epic.

  • @wilderjacob6
    @wilderjacob6 7 месяцев назад +3

    Thank you SOOO much I've waited years for this and always knew the truth...

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  7 месяцев назад +1

      Truth about what?

    • @wilderjacob6
      @wilderjacob6 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@gallenberger1 That he's always been better
      Regardless of what it said in anime/manga
      A Prince will always be a Prince!

  • @MrDrBoi
    @MrDrBoi 6 месяцев назад +1

    Vegeta's the GOAT, great video!

  • @logan89348
    @logan89348 7 месяцев назад +4

    Vegeta the true hero of db

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  7 месяцев назад +1

      The GOAT

    • @Jungi24
      @Jungi24 7 месяцев назад +2

      @@gallenberger1 I TRULY AM THE GOAT

  • @BurningScarekro
    @BurningScarekro 4 месяца назад +1

    Vegeta has always been my favorite, but I’ve frequently found it difficult to explain, especially considering he started as a villain and has NEVER been anything but mean. This video told me why he’s my favorite. Thank you.

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  4 месяца назад

      @@BurningScarekro Awesome to hear this helped!

  • @inferstrike3544
    @inferstrike3544 7 месяцев назад +5

    Holy shit, Oh boy you deserve a ton of subs lmao.

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  7 месяцев назад +2

      Thank you! Hopefully, that happens 🤣

  • @fillintheblank9378
    @fillintheblank9378 4 месяца назад +2

    "then something just snapped. something inside of me. i didnt care anymore. i didnt care about being stronger then kakarrot." is still one of the most memorable lines in all of ~~dbz~~ ~~anime~~ media.

  • @Sieg2k6
    @Sieg2k6 7 месяцев назад +8

    I believe Vegeta is secretly Akira Toriyama’s fave character, not goku. Vegeta hands down has the best character development in the entire show. And he’s always the underdog to goku. Everyone loves an underdog.

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  7 месяцев назад +4

      Maybe he fooled us all this whole time

    • @VENG-k1d
      @VENG-k1d 7 месяцев назад +2

      if vegeta was his favorite character then it would rather be goku chasing after him

    • @Sieg2k6
      @Sieg2k6 7 месяцев назад +2

      @@VENG-k1d Somehow I think you missed my point 😅

    • @viktorkostov9466
      @viktorkostov9466 6 месяцев назад +3

      I've read that initially Toriyama didn't like Vegeta. Regardless if this is true or not, Toriyama thankfully made him into his best character.

    • @TylerDurden-cu6iz
      @TylerDurden-cu6iz 3 месяца назад +1

      Toriyama stated that Piccolo was his favorite character

  • @infxmhc
    @infxmhc 6 месяцев назад +1

    Vegeta is the Android saga is top 2 Vegeta moments for me. Great video.

  • @Kafkaesque3
    @Kafkaesque3 7 месяцев назад +5

    Fucking rights brother!! You got my support

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  7 месяцев назад +1

      Appreciate ya brother 👊

    • @Kafkaesque3
      @Kafkaesque3 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@gallenberger1 likewise bro keep thr rhythm up!

  • @tohocovideos2028
    @tohocovideos2028 6 месяцев назад +2

    Really nice pacing and everything! Great video

  • @saiyajin6969
    @saiyajin6969 7 месяцев назад +6

    nah frieza being the space hitler is an understatement as hell! bro literally blows up planets just to see some fireworks! 💀💀

    • @gallenberger1
      @gallenberger1  7 месяцев назад +1

      Preach 🤣

    • @SWOgottaGO
      @SWOgottaGO 7 месяцев назад

      If only you knew Hitler was the original Vegeta but we are not supposed to talk about that.