Thanks for guide. What I've got during playing EU - this game is ruthless random. I finished "Anglophil" and during that session I've got PU with Savoy. I was glad, but in 50-60 years I was surprised cause Savoy become a part of my territory without any diplomatic actions. I fought againts Poland or someone else in Baltic area and discover some regiments which I didn't recrut. I looked at them for couple minutes and tried to understand what is this. Just in several minutes I found out that there is no Savoy on the map. :D Greetings from Russia.
Hero of Olympus Sometimes you get the event when a foreign country gets your dynasty but i don't really remember if there's an easy way to see the dynasty shift.
nothing is as good as starting as Sweden Getting a good Denmark rivals roll and thus being able to declare a independence war literally after that first month Getting a civil war to get a 6 6 6 ruler with strong legitimacy (it would also fix my negative prestige and give me +3 stability) Getting independent and taking the coast of Novgorod and vassalizing Livonia Order and Riga Ruler dieing at 26 and get put into a PU under Muscovy with Burgundy fighting for my throne Win independence Repeat civil war to get a 5 4 6 ruler King dies at 32 and gets put into a Union with Poland (Burgundy again) Independent now and just finished the Civil war so lets see if I will die young again only this time getting into a union with England (with Burgundy fighting again) Mind you the year is 1542..... 10/10 will be in 3 separate PU's in less then a century again.
also, one thing was not stated here - it is possible to get a PU even if you swap religion groups, but it requires you to already have your dynasty on the other country. from time to time i see sunni countries in africa having a PU over some other countries, but it's very rare.
Thanks for the guide, but there still some unclear points, on my last BBB attempt with France i've got an opportunity to take Muscovy into PU, they were my rivals(so not by any chance, that we have same dinasty), but i've got decission that russian tzar died heirless and decided to give his throne to some ukrainean peasants(Volyn, If i remember correct), i've got decission to challenge old tzar's decission, and go into war against Muscovy with all her sattelites and Volyn duchy as their alliance leader) i fought with only my sattelites without allies. After finishing that war with PU over Muscovy, and 16.0+ war attrition for poor VolynX) i've got PU with Mucovy, but with modificator -100 to relationships "union just in name". I think it's a great way to deal with rivals, but i don't know how to achieve such dispute war again. Could you answer plz?
Senior partner's king's Diplomacy is below 3 (MTTH 40 years) Senior partner's king's Admin is below 3 (MTTH 40 years, halved if his admin is 0) Partners are in a different culture group (MTTH 40 years, 30 for admin 2, 22.5 for admin 1, ~17 for admin 0) Senior partner is bankrupt or has loans. (MTTH 40 years, but 20 for admin 2, 10 for admin 1, and 5 for admin 0) Senior partner has >50% overextension (same MTTH as bankrupt or has loans) :) One time i took france at the surrender of main and modifier destroyed me.... Damn Britain and their shitty ruler at the start.
Poradnik do kolonizacji? Bierzesz dwie idee, ogarniasz zasięg kolonizacji i jakiś przychód żeby to opłacić i wbijasz w Karaiby W sensie nie rozumiem co tu można tłumaczyć 😋
Additional tip: you can do the same for your own dynasty. If you are nation with insignificant dynasty (no PUs and no dynasty elsewhere) you can try to manipulate your game to get king of powerful foreign nation - e.g. Habsburg - and then turn the tables on them later. Just disinherit your heirs and wait for leader to die - disinheriting also lowers your prestige which is a good thing for installing foreign dynasty on your throne. Another way is to let pretender rebels enforce their leader as king. You may get powerful dynasty on your throne that way if ot is of your culture.
I got personal union casus belli vs France ( I am England) without royal marriage, or any previous alliance. France was my enemy since the beginning and I got personal union casus belli anyway. Thank you for the video by the way
I got a question. I take milan for my first wc Because of italian idea and the advantage of the republic ruler. But i got the event to have a 6/6/6 heir but now i don't know if i become a republic or if i keep a King and may be become the holy empereror later and have some PU
I think if you take that event it triggers the government to change to ambrosian republic which has some sweet bonuses + as above said, you can reelect endlessly
Nie wiem czy ktoś już to pisał ale nie do końca jest tak, że PU można tworzyć tylko z krajami tej samej grupy religijnej a raczej tylko w przypadku chrześcijańskich może to nastąpić. pozostałe mogą mieć tą samą dynastię ale na tym się kończy. Tak poza tym to bardzo fajny poradnik. Niby sposób działania oczywisty a jednak nie do końca :p
I never made personal union when i tried but when i gave up i just got pu over france, Austria and muscovy in my game by spain. Since it im official hater od this mechanic
In 3 of my 4 serious campaings i got very lucky PUs. In the first one i got a PU ahoj Russia without knowing he had my dynasty. As Denmark i got France and as Prussia i got a PU over GB and Russia at the same time.
Zlewikk TV I was quite surprised when i got the PU there was a small but very small problem because Poland contested the PU but they got absolutely destroyed. Getting France was the worst since I had to basically fight all of western Europe because he fell under Spain but it was worth it, the war was the most expensive war i fought since i lost all my manpoqer and had to replace them with a lot of mercs.
Literally within an hour of watching this guide I got a personal union with Portugal, which I had been eyeing for a while in-game as I had an existing marriage with them and he had no heir.... Suddenly a game month later I got one with Austria -- which I was not watching and didn't even know was a possibility, though I knew I had a marriage with them. I changed nothing after watching this video - and the marriages were formed and kept being renewed since the start of the game. I'd call that luck.
Don't base this on luck. On general there is 10x more chance for you to claim Throne and get the union by war then just to wait to get this. There are numerous occasions for claim throne in every campaign, while 'natural' PUs are very rare
@@ZlewikkTV I mostly ignored this feature for the longest time, having one PU in the past and falling victim to a couple before. I'll be sure to pay attention more often. I like having two major powers as pets to drag around into wars.... integrating them looks like it'll be a mess though and I gotta wait a few more decades years if I do.
Is it possible to do personal unions as Mahayana buddhist or is it just Christian thing because im thinking of getting personal unions as Vietnam with other Mahayana countries
hmm... i still cannot see how to force PU on a weaker nation after winning a war. i know it is possible, yet i never see this option in my case. do i need a dlc for this? i have all dlcs except this last one.
As Byzantium, I have my dynasty in Spain and Naples. So Naples ruler died but formed a union under Spain (i still could go to war though). But how is this possible since the dynasty originated in my nation? Prestige?
yes. diplomatic reputation and prestige determines who gets PU over who when there is more than one nation with same dynasty, maybe even legitimacy plays a part but diplo rep and prestige are 100% relevant for pu you can hover over nations ruler or heir(not sure) to see who will get PU if they die heirless. there is also a chance to get PU CB over a nation that just got PU'ed by your rival.
@@sprc155 pu''s are op. you can basically get PU with every christian country. so its largely rng based so you dont get it every playthrough. but i had aragon campaign where i pu'd castille, portugal, poland and lithuania, russia and england. it was silly game where i just declare war and watch vassals killing everything. best part is that if you pu colonial nation they will continue to colonize everything and once you diplo annex them all their colonies transfer to you
Dobra, ,,nie wyczymałem". Twój angielski. Jest dobry, w wielu miejscach zaskoczyłeś pozytywnie ( i mówię tu głównie o twoich seriach letsplay), rozbudowaną strukturą i słownictwem, ale twoja wymowa, ała. Z miejsca zaznaczę, że na pewno jest trudno złapać jakikolwiek inny akcent, kiedy grasz z ludźmi na podobnym poziomie danego języka, więc było by super gdybyś powędrował trochę po zagranicznych discordach, i grach multiplayer, jeżeli to jedyna możliwa dla ciebie okazja niewymuszonej konwersacji po angielsku. Brzmi to topornie jak cholera, i nie słyszysz tego od żadnego lingwisty, czy filologa, tylko od randoma z internetu, paradoksalnie w tym konteście może to znaczyć więcej. Ale jak najbardziej powodzenia i z YT, i z EU, tak tylko pomyślałem że powiem ci o czymś, co mi zgrzyta mocno w uszach. Oglądanie filmów po angielsku też pomaga, tak samo jak czytanie czegokolwiek w tym języku, polecam poezję Kiplinga, btw.
It's way easier to manage than with vassals, development modifier does not hurt much. Just keep in mind to have positive opinion as ltherwise union will be lost upon ruler change
I experienced a very unfortunate thing just a couple minutes ago. It was tragicomic. I was playing as Russia, allied and royal marrieged to Austria against Ottomans. Somehow Austrian heir died. And 5 days later their ruler died. They become Rurikovich and i don't know why but i become junior partner without any warning!!! I couldn't do anything because i was playing at 4x speed. It was so quick and i couldn't click red PU warning flag or space key to pause... So i have 2 questions; 1 Why i become junior partner despite Rurikovich is my dynasty as Russia? 2 How can i take my liberty back without war because Austria's army is weaker then me but has really strong allies like Poland, Lithuania and Hungary... I can't win against all of them :( P.S. I have only Rights of Man DLC.
Are you 100% your ruoer didnt die? It shpuldnt happen without that. Austria theoretically may abandon PU if you are strong enough, but I recommend finding lots of allies to support your independence
@@ZlewikkTV In fact, i dont know what actually happened but i had my ruler and heir and no, my ruler didn't die i am sure because my stability didn't dropped, my liberty desire is 74 now but don't know what to do, i think i will enjoy this event EU4 has throwed in my way, after all, it is fun of EU4 :)
There's one thing I don't get. For a country to get your dynasty its ruler must die without an heir right? But can't you also get the PU instantly if the ruler dies without an heir??
There's a very small chance to get a PU with a country that didn't have your dynasty when their ruler died, but it's so unlikely that it isn't even worth mentioning. There's also a small chance to inherit a country immediately instead of just getting a union, but again it's extremely unlikely.
Can someone explain how does this work with muslim countryes, bcs when i try it i cant get a pu with a muslim religion. I coud do it as ottomans on iraq but it woudnt let me
I wish there was a feature where the longer a nation was pu'd the less liberty desire they have, the first 10 years they have plus 15 liberty desire 30 years no bonuses 45 years minus 15 liberty desire 60 years minus 30 liberty desire and etc. It would make it so if you get pu'd you will have an opportunity to act as you have high liberty desire for the first 15 years, and make it so if you get a pu over a nation with a bigger army than you bigger than you and a stronger economy if you can keep them pu'd for 45 years they become loyal despite being stronger. one time i was playing sweden, formed scandinavia an pu'd the commonwealth after a massive succsesion war, regrettably i had to spend the rest of the playthrough trying to keep poland loyal and sucked all fun out of the game like a vacuum cleaner and that would not have happened if there was a thing like this.
I am late but dude, you have them mountain forts, yoiu could also claim their throne and wait for them to waste their manpower and make them take bad fights on resello mountain fort, before sieging their capital.
Tak sobie oglądam i myśle dziwnie znajomy ten akcent zwłaszcza przy słowach typu "Katolicy" i poszperałem i sie okazuje że Polak rodak, jestem pod wrażeniem twojego angielskiego bo potrzebowałem dwóch filmików żeby nabrać solidnych podejrzeń
Nie omówiłeś jednej kwestii co najmniej. Wiem że można wywalczyć unie gdy jest się rywalem jakiegoś państwa. Kiedy jest to możliwe a kiedy nie? Oczywiście chodzi mi o wywalczenie gdy nie ma następcy i następuje wojna między prawowitym następcą a tobą.
Nie omówiłem tego, bo sam nie do końca to ogarniam + zdarza się to na tyle rzadko, że nie jest to potrzebne do podstawowego poradnika. Wiem, że dzięki temu jako np. sunnita możesz dostać unię z katolickim państwem itp.
But in general ofc it depends, if it's close, you can wait a couple of years before peacing out, or after peace out juggle the truces with different countries. It is pretty much case-by-case scenario
And ofc, have your heir die when you want to disinherit in one year for 10 imperial authority. Then your next heir is female, you get rid of her, your next heir also dies, the next one aswell and then 30 years after you wanted to disinherit for the first time your ruler dies and somebody else becomes emperor. The other emperor then proclaims Erbkaisertum and you want to load a save but realize it is Iron Man mode. All based on a true story. It‘s almost like playing Ck2...
I wish there was a feature where the longer a nation was pu'd the less liberty desire they have, the first 10 years they have plus 15 liberty desire 30 years no bonuses 45 years minus 15 liberty desire 60 years minus 30 liberty desire and etc. It would make it so if you get pu'd you will have an opportunity to act as you have high liberty desire for the first 15 years, and make it so if you get a pu over a nation with a bigger army than you bigger than you and a stronger economy if you can keep them pu'd for 45 years they become loyal despite being stronger. one time i was playing sweden, formed scandinavia an pu'd the commonwealth after a massive succsesion war, regrettably i had to spend the rest of the playthrough trying to keep poland loyal and sucked all fun out of the game like a vacuum cleaner and that would not have happened if there was a thing like this.
I wish there was a feature where the longer a nation was pu'd the less liberty desire they have, the first 10 years they have plus 15 liberty desire 30 years no bonuses 45 years minus 15 liberty desire 60 years minus 30 liberty desire and etc. It would make it so if you get pu'd you will have an opportunity to act as you have high liberty desire for the first 15 years, and make it so if you get a pu over a nation with a bigger army than you bigger than you and a stronger economy if you can keep them pu'd for 45 years they become loyal despite being stronger. one time i was playing sweden, formed scandinavia an pu'd the commonwealth after a massive succsesion war, regrettably i had to spend the rest of the playthrough trying to keep poland loyal and sucked all fun out of the game like a vacuum cleaner and that would not have happened if there was a thing like this.
If you would like to talk to me, ask some questions and play together, come to my new Discord channel:
@zlewikk tv Which dlc is that?
Rights of man
@@ZlewikkTV thanks
Personal Unions Guide by Gogenks
1. Go to the menu
2. Quit the game
3. Play CK2
but that game kinda sucks
@@Wright1331 how so?
Fucking crusader kings 2 this comment is a fossil
This is the guide nearly every player of EU4 was looking for. Thanks
@@sudan7590 selam :)
@@yusufbingul467 oha 2 yil once yazmışsın yorum gelmez dedim aleykümselam
@@sudan7590 bencede
Aynen öyle
My Personal Union Guide
Enter game
Royal Marriage
Keep savescumming
ah yes i too love fascist efe aydal
Efe aydal var lan wşdksldnsşdn
Bizimkiler burdaymis ya
To all Poles: Enjoy Polish subtitles!
Dzięki mojej znajomości angielskiego, mogłem zrozumieć ten komentarz :D !
Zlewikk TV gdansk is danzig
Hey Zlewikk are you from Poland?
Jeszcze jak
@@ZlewikkTV Wow takiej szybkiej odpowiedzi to się nie spodziewałem ;)
Thanks for guide. What I've got during playing EU - this game is ruthless random. I finished "Anglophil" and during that session I've got PU with Savoy. I was glad, but in 50-60 years I was surprised cause Savoy become a part of my territory without any diplomatic actions. I fought againts Poland or someone else in Baltic area and discover some regiments which I didn't recrut. I looked at them for couple minutes and tried to understand what is this. Just in several minutes I found out that there is no Savoy on the map. :D
Greetings from Russia.
I still don't know why they didn't make possible to get a message about dynasties ....
Hero of Olympus What do you mean? You can check if any country has your dynasty or check the world dynasties with map filter.
Straszburger easier notification about changing dysnastie/ruler/heir
Hero of Olympus Sometimes you get the event when a foreign country gets your dynasty but i don't really remember if there's an easy way to see the dynasty shift.
I'will definitely use the diplomatic idea.
nothing is as good as starting as Sweden
Getting a good Denmark rivals roll and thus being able to declare a independence war literally after that first month
Getting a civil war to get a 6 6 6 ruler with strong legitimacy (it would also fix my negative prestige and give me +3 stability)
Getting independent and taking the coast of Novgorod and vassalizing Livonia Order and Riga
Ruler dieing at 26 and get put into a PU under Muscovy with Burgundy fighting for my throne
Win independence
Repeat civil war to get a 5 4 6 ruler
King dies at 32 and gets put into a Union with Poland (Burgundy again)
Independent now and just finished the Civil war so lets see if I will die young again only this time getting into a union with England (with Burgundy fighting again)
Mind you the year is 1542..... 10/10 will be in 3 separate PU's in less then a century again.
Remember to be at war to avoid being a junior partner in a PU. :)
This video is great! Super concise and informative!
Thanks for the tutorial. A big hug from Brazil
also, one thing was not stated here - it is possible to get a PU even if you swap religion groups, but it requires you to already have your dynasty on the other country. from time to time i see sunni countries in africa having a PU over some other countries, but it's very rare.
Thank you again Zlewikk.
Very clear and straight to the point.
Thanks for the guide, but there still some unclear points, on my last BBB attempt with France i've got an opportunity to take Muscovy into PU, they were my rivals(so not by any chance, that we have same dinasty), but i've got decission that russian tzar died heirless and decided to give his throne to some ukrainean peasants(Volyn, If i remember correct), i've got decission to challenge old tzar's decission, and go into war against Muscovy with all her sattelites and Volyn duchy as their alliance leader) i fought with only my sattelites without allies. After finishing that war with PU over Muscovy, and 16.0+ war attrition for poor VolynX) i've got PU with Mucovy, but with modificator -100 to relationships "union just in name". I think it's a great way to deal with rivals, but i don't know how to achieve such dispute war again. Could you answer plz?
Senior partner's king's Diplomacy is below 3 (MTTH 40 years)
Senior partner's king's Admin is below 3 (MTTH 40 years, halved if his admin is 0)
Partners are in a different culture group (MTTH 40 years, 30 for admin 2, 22.5 for admin 1, ~17 for admin 0)
Senior partner is bankrupt or has loans. (MTTH 40 years, but 20 for admin 2, 10 for admin 1, and 5 for admin 0)
Senior partner has >50% overextension (same MTTH as bankrupt or has loans)
One time i took france at the surrender of main and modifier destroyed me.... Damn Britain and their shitty ruler at the start.
Rób więcej takich poradników do eu na przykład do kolonizacji.
Poradnik do kolonizacji? Bierzesz dwie idee, ogarniasz zasięg kolonizacji i jakiś przychód żeby to opłacić i wbijasz w Karaiby
W sensie nie rozumiem co tu można tłumaczyć 😋
I started watching for the Hats - i kept watching for the Content :D
Killer guide buddy, thanks a lot!
Thanks! And it's like 4 years old :p
@@ZlewikkTV Old but gold, as they say ;)
Thanks to this guide I've just pu'ed buff Byzantium :))
I'm about to make a succession war with Spain, as England. Many thanks for the guide.
Additional tip: you can do the same for your own dynasty. If you are nation with insignificant dynasty (no PUs and no dynasty elsewhere) you can try to manipulate your game to get king of powerful foreign nation - e.g. Habsburg - and then turn the tables on them later. Just disinherit your heirs and wait for leader to die - disinheriting also lowers your prestige which is a good thing for installing foreign dynasty on your throne.
Another way is to let pretender rebels enforce their leader as king. You may get powerful dynasty on your throne that way if ot is of your culture.
I got personal union casus belli vs France ( I am England) without royal marriage, or any previous alliance. France was my enemy since the beginning and I got personal union casus belli anyway. Thank you for the video by the way
I got a question. I take milan for my first wc Because of italian idea and the advantage of the republic ruler. But i got the event to have a 6/6/6 heir but now i don't know if i become a republic or if i keep a King and may be become the holy empereror later and have some PU
Take ambrosian republic with that you can have infinite reelections until your ruler dies
I think if you take that event it triggers the government to change to ambrosian republic which has some sweet bonuses + as above said, you can reelect endlessly
What is the word said in 2:40?
"Lowered by the local ????"
Dożyłem czasów, gdy Jerzy Dudek robi poradniki do eu4
Nie wiem czy ktoś już to pisał ale nie do końca jest tak, że PU można tworzyć tylko z krajami tej samej grupy religijnej a raczej tylko w przypadku chrześcijańskich może to nastąpić. pozostałe mogą mieć tą samą dynastię ale na tym się kończy.
Tak poza tym to bardzo fajny poradnik. Niby sposób działania oczywisty a jednak nie do końca :p
Yep, tak wlasnie jest, tylko chrześcijanie
I never made personal union when i tried but when i gave up i just got pu over france, Austria and muscovy in my game by spain. Since it im official hater od this mechanic
Więcej poradników tego typu :D
In 3 of my 4 serious campaings i got very lucky PUs. In the first one i got a PU ahoj Russia without knowing he had my dynasty. As Denmark i got France and as Prussia i got a PU over GB and Russia at the same time.
That's pretty lucky. I have not got such a Union for a few hundred hours.
Zlewikk TV I was quite surprised when i got the PU there was a small but very small problem because Poland contested the PU but they got absolutely destroyed. Getting France was the worst since I had to basically fight all of western Europe because he fell under Spain but it was worth it, the war was the most expensive war i fought since i lost all my manpoqer and had to replace them with a lot of mercs.
This sounds interesting. Taking out Austria and getting Hungary when playing Poland? Sounds amazing.
Literally within an hour of watching this guide I got a personal union with Portugal, which I had been eyeing for a while in-game as I had an existing marriage with them and he had no heir.... Suddenly a game month later I got one with Austria -- which I was not watching and didn't even know was a possibility, though I knew I had a marriage with them. I changed nothing after watching this video - and the marriages were formed and kept being renewed since the start of the game. I'd call that luck.
Don't base this on luck. On general there is 10x more chance for you to claim Throne and get the union by war then just to wait to get this. There are numerous occasions for claim throne in every campaign, while 'natural' PUs are very rare
@@ZlewikkTV I mostly ignored this feature for the longest time, having one PU in the past and falling victim to a couple before. I'll be sure to pay attention more often. I like having two major powers as pets to drag around into wars.... integrating them looks like it'll be a mess though and I gotta wait a few more decades years if I do.
All I want is to peacefully make Great Britain!
Is it possible to do personal unions as Mahayana buddhist or is it just Christian thing because im thinking of getting personal unions as Vietnam with other Mahayana countries
hmm... i still cannot see how to force PU on a weaker nation after winning a war. i know it is possible, yet i never see this option in my case. do i need a dlc for this? i have all dlcs except this last one.
You need personal union cb to force it. You can get it by claiming throne/mission tree of some nations
As Byzantium, I have my dynasty in Spain and Naples. So Naples ruler died but formed a union under Spain (i still could go to war though). But how is this possible since the dynasty originated in my nation? Prestige?
diplomatic reputation and prestige determines who gets PU over who when there is more than one nation with same dynasty,
maybe even legitimacy plays a part but diplo rep and prestige are 100% relevant for pu
you can hover over nations ruler or heir(not sure) to see who will get PU if they die heirless.
there is also a chance to get PU CB over a nation that just got PU'ed by your rival.
@@spatrk6634 thanks for the reply. At first it seemed not logical since the dynasty was actually Byzantine but now i get it. PUs are a nuisance.
@@sprc155 pu''s are op.
you can basically get PU with every christian country.
so its largely rng based so you dont get it every playthrough.
but i had aragon campaign where i pu'd castille, portugal, poland and lithuania, russia and england.
it was silly game where i just declare war and watch vassals killing everything.
best part is that if you pu colonial nation they will continue to colonize everything and once you diplo annex them all their colonies transfer to you
Dobra, ,,nie wyczymałem". Twój angielski. Jest dobry, w wielu miejscach zaskoczyłeś pozytywnie ( i mówię tu głównie o twoich seriach letsplay), rozbudowaną strukturą i słownictwem, ale twoja wymowa, ała. Z miejsca zaznaczę, że na pewno jest trudno złapać jakikolwiek inny akcent, kiedy grasz z ludźmi na podobnym poziomie danego języka, więc było by super gdybyś powędrował trochę po zagranicznych discordach, i grach multiplayer, jeżeli to jedyna możliwa dla ciebie okazja niewymuszonej konwersacji po angielsku. Brzmi to topornie jak cholera, i nie słyszysz tego od żadnego lingwisty, czy filologa, tylko od randoma z internetu, paradoksalnie w tym konteście może to znaczyć więcej.
Ale jak najbardziej powodzenia i z YT, i z EU, tak tylko pomyślałem że powiem ci o czymś, co mi zgrzyta mocno w uszach. Oglądanie filmów po angielsku też pomaga, tak samo jak czytanie czegokolwiek w tym języku, polecam poezję Kiplinga, btw.
But what will i do with their liberty desire or does that not exist with a pu?
It's way easier to manage than with vassals, development modifier does not hurt much. Just keep in mind to have positive opinion as ltherwise union will be lost upon ruler change
I experienced a very unfortunate thing just a couple minutes ago. It was tragicomic. I was playing as Russia, allied and royal marrieged to Austria against Ottomans. Somehow Austrian heir died. And 5 days later their ruler died. They become Rurikovich and i don't know why but i become junior partner without any warning!!! I couldn't do anything because i was playing at 4x speed. It was so quick and i couldn't click red PU warning flag or space key to pause...
So i have 2 questions;
1 Why i become junior partner despite Rurikovich is my dynasty as Russia?
2 How can i take my liberty back without war because Austria's army is weaker then me but has really strong allies like Poland, Lithuania and Hungary... I can't win against all of them :(
P.S. I have only Rights of Man DLC.
Are you 100% your ruoer didnt die? It shpuldnt happen without that. Austria theoretically may abandon PU if you are strong enough, but I recommend finding lots of allies to support your independence
@@ZlewikkTV In fact, i dont know what actually happened but i had my ruler and heir and no, my ruler didn't die i am sure because my stability didn't dropped, my liberty desire is 74 now but don't know what to do, i think i will enjoy this event EU4 has throwed in my way, after all, it is fun of EU4 :)
o kraj dostal heria.
*ALT F4*
There's one thing I don't get. For a country to get your dynasty its ruler must die without an heir right? But can't you also get the PU instantly if the ruler dies without an heir??
There's a very small chance to get a PU with a country that didn't have your dynasty when their ruler died, but it's so unlikely that it isn't even worth mentioning. There's also a small chance to inherit a country immediately instead of just getting a union, but again it's extremely unlikely.
myślałem ze to może być cięższe to ogarnięcia ale większość jest związana z prawem feudalnym
Could you upload a video of the making personal union with Austria while it is already union with Hungary and Bohemia?
If you do so Hungaru and Bohemia break free
@@ZlewikkTV I remember it does not work in that way in the video if I am correct
If a nation you get pu on has other pu's they break free, if this nation has vassals it keeps them
@@ZlewikkTV Ah ok
@@ZlewikkTV Thanks for the correction
Can someone explain how does this work with muslim countryes, bcs when i try it i cant get a pu with a muslim religion. I coud do it as ottomans on iraq but it woudnt let me
It only works with christians
I wish there was a feature where the longer a nation was pu'd the less liberty desire they have, the first 10 years they have plus 15 liberty desire 30 years no bonuses 45 years minus 15 liberty desire 60 years minus 30 liberty desire and etc. It would make it so if you get pu'd you will have an opportunity to act as you have high liberty desire for the first 15 years, and make it so if you get a pu over a nation with a bigger army than you bigger than you and a stronger economy if you can keep them pu'd for 45 years they become loyal despite being stronger. one time i was playing sweden, formed scandinavia an pu'd the commonwealth after a massive succsesion war, regrettably i had to spend the rest of the playthrough trying to keep poland loyal and sucked all fun out of the game like a vacuum cleaner and that would not have happened if there was a thing like this.
Ah thanks man love this game love pus
Może po Polsce jakąś serię Timurydow byś zrobił? Gralem niedawno i naprawdę ciekawy kraj , może nie jest jakiś trudny ale mało osób nim gra :D
Nie ma szans, dopiero co była seria Persją
Is your Poland/Commonwelth in the video an elective mornachie ?
Yes it is, but I've pacified the Sejm in 1609
Zlewikk TV Da się tą elekcyjną monarchie potem przywrócić?
Nie, nie ma nawet po co, elective monarchy pozbawia Cię cennych punktów absolutyzmu
My throne is claimed by Austria (I'm Spain) and I have no heir :c
I am late but dude, you have them mountain forts, yoiu could also claim their throne and wait for them to waste their manpower and make them take bad fights on resello mountain fort, before sieging their capital.
Tak sobie oglądam i myśle dziwnie znajomy ten akcent zwłaszcza przy słowach typu "Katolicy" i poszperałem i sie okazuje że Polak rodak, jestem pod wrażeniem twojego angielskiego bo potrzebowałem dwóch filmików żeby nabrać solidnych podejrzeń
In 1.30 nothing changed, don't be afraid to watch in 2020.
Why is the video so blurry even in 1080p?
Only for you. I in 720p and it's perfect.
Try opening the tab again and if you are on mobile, reset the RUclips app
Wydaje mi się, czy nie wspomniałeś wojen sukcesyjnych
you are Polish??
To Dobrze :D Ziomuś
Nie omówiłeś jednej kwestii co najmniej. Wiem że można wywalczyć unie gdy jest się rywalem jakiegoś państwa. Kiedy jest to możliwe a kiedy nie? Oczywiście chodzi mi o wywalczenie gdy nie ma następcy i następuje wojna między prawowitym następcą a tobą.
Nie omówiłem tego, bo sam nie do końca to ogarniam + zdarza się to na tyle rzadko, że nie jest to potrzebne do podstawowego poradnika. Wiem, że dzięki temu jako np. sunnita możesz dostać unię z katolickim państwem itp.
Zlewikk TV ale sunnici nie moga byc w pu xd
Ebola #noBAJCEPS ale sunnici przewodzić unia chyba mogą z katolikami
Azir ja jeszcze nie mialem sytuacji aby muzulmanin mial na / pod unia
I know it will form a shithard coalition against me if I declare a war and claim their throne😭 help me in this
If you cant handle coalition then wait with the war :p
@@ZlewikkTV oh well-
But in general ofc it depends, if it's close, you can wait a couple of years before peacing out, or after peace out juggle the truces with different countries. It is pretty much case-by-case scenario
@@ZlewikkTV ooh thank you so much sir!
anyfrom ?
*Lithuania disliked that*
u look like bob the builder
Szkoda, że bez czapki :(
Can you give away a PU’s land in war?
Yea then you get 3 rulers die in a row without an heir on Ironman. Second best is constant weak claims so rebels and claimants eating your manpower.
And ofc, have your heir die when you want to disinherit in one year for 10 imperial authority. Then your next heir is female, you get rid of her, your next heir also dies, the next one aswell and then 30 years after you wanted to disinherit for the first time your ruler dies and somebody else becomes emperor. The other emperor then proclaims Erbkaisertum and you want to load a save but realize it is Iron Man mode. All based on a true story. It‘s almost like playing Ck2...
hahaha no hat?
nie umiem po londyńsku
Masz Polskie napisy dostepne
Dont spik murzinisz spik poliż
Masz Polskie napisy jak nie rozumiesz :)
I wish there was a feature where the longer a nation was pu'd the less liberty desire they have, the first 10 years they have plus 15 liberty desire 30 years no bonuses 45 years minus 15 liberty desire 60 years minus 30 liberty desire and etc. It would make it so if you get pu'd you will have an opportunity to act as you have high liberty desire for the first 15 years, and make it so if you get a pu over a nation with a bigger army than you bigger than you and a stronger economy if you can keep them pu'd for 45 years they become loyal despite being stronger. one time i was playing sweden, formed scandinavia an pu'd the commonwealth after a massive succsesion war, regrettably i had to spend the rest of the playthrough trying to keep poland loyal and sucked all fun out of the game like a vacuum cleaner and that would not have happened if there was a thing like this.
I wish there was a feature where the longer a nation was pu'd the less liberty desire they have, the first 10 years they have plus 15 liberty desire 30 years no bonuses 45 years minus 15 liberty desire 60 years minus 30 liberty desire and etc. It would make it so if you get pu'd you will have an opportunity to act as you have high liberty desire for the first 15 years, and make it so if you get a pu over a nation with a bigger army than you bigger than you and a stronger economy if you can keep them pu'd for 45 years they become loyal despite being stronger. one time i was playing sweden, formed scandinavia an pu'd the commonwealth after a massive succsesion war, regrettably i had to spend the rest of the playthrough trying to keep poland loyal and sucked all fun out of the game like a vacuum cleaner and that would not have happened if there was a thing like this.