Two ways to reject the world: demonic and Christ-like

  • Опубликовано: 8 июн 2023
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    The video 'Two ways to reject the world: demonic and Christ-like' was recorded by Fr Seraphim (Aldea) at Iona Monastery (The Orthodox Monastery of the Mother of God and All Saints of Iona), on the Isle of Iona.

Комментарии • 192

  • @mullmonastery
    @mullmonastery  Год назад +20

    To support our Monasteries, you may make a donation here
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    May God bless us all!

    • @timothybarger4347
      @timothybarger4347 Год назад

      I'm so sorry my mind is so sick. I had no idea I was causing so much pain

  • @GrayWithMe
    @GrayWithMe Год назад +171

    I have rejected the world in the wrong way. I have been anger and bitter over how corrupt the world is, and it’s turned me into a hateful person. Lord Jesus Christ, help me, a sinner, to walk in love. Help me conquer the depression and anxiety that causes the withdrawal. I need help Lord

    • @srfrg9707
      @srfrg9707 Год назад +13

      Lord have mercy on us all sinners.
      IC XC
      NI KA

    • @robynmarler1951
      @robynmarler1951 Год назад +10

      God bless you🙏🎆🌹

    • @gliderfs621
      @gliderfs621 Год назад +8

      May Christ gives you his peace and the Virgin Mary pray for us all 🙏❤️✝️

    • @fredo3161
      @fredo3161 Год назад +15

      Yeah I have had the same problem. Becoming angry and bitter just like the people destroying truth.

    • @cheyennealvis8284
      @cheyennealvis8284 Год назад

      To many who don't understand the story of Lucifer and the devil, the devil hates humanity for its corruption insecurity and cruelty and drives humanity in this direction to prove to God that humanity is corrupt and unworthy. It's why those who go to hell are punished by him instead of being rewarded.

  • @mistyduke6373
    @mistyduke6373 Год назад +6

    "That oneness, that loneliness of the devil is what defines hell." I've never heard it put that way.

  • @subdeaconk
    @subdeaconk Год назад +12

    I spent a year in a monastery a few years ago. We called it the spiritual ICU.
    Man, I miss it so much.

  • @MsSsanja
    @MsSsanja Год назад +45

    I’m orthodox Christian, and to me father you represent what a true Christian should be..your love is beautiful and come through all your videos! Thank you 🙏

  • @deerlow1851
    @deerlow1851 Год назад +44

    Recently I've been going down a lot of "conspiracy" rabbit holes and I've learned of evils that are deeper and greater than I could even imagine or describe. I have seen and learned things that I wish I did not. To me, the world will never be the same, as I've looked Satan in the eyes, and now I see the grip of his claws all over our society.
    However. Your message may have just changed my life. I never thought to stop worrying about the details and truths of the evil of the world and the people or groups behind it. I already knew they were satanists but I lacked your wisdom. It's all very simple. Satan or Christ.

    • @timothybarger4347
      @timothybarger4347 Год назад +2

      I realize now that sorcery has been controlling my thoughts, emotions and body all my life.

    • @drhumupower8570
      @drhumupower8570 Год назад +7

      Satan has always been the lord of this world. I, like you, have recently come to truly understand what that means. The forms it takes were shocking and disheartening at first, but there is actually a peace in knowing, but you can finally admit that our battles are not social and political as it is so easy to think, but spiritual. We truly aren't fighting flesh and blood, but powers and principalities.

    • @reaperanon979
      @reaperanon979 Год назад +3

      It's better for you to know, the important part is what you do with that knowledge. The second part of your comment is the truly important one, as the other commenter said the lord of this world is the evil one, don't expect good from it. As soon as you put any of your hope in the world you will fall into despair, put all of your hope into God.

  • @bonniezaworski8614
    @bonniezaworski8614 Год назад +33

    Please never stop telling us the truth no matter how difficult it is to hear.

  • @jp2861
    @jp2861 Год назад +10

    I am reminded something a former priest of mine said-we go to Heaven together, we go to hell alone. Thank God for you Father.

  • @nchagalle
    @nchagalle Год назад +31

    "We simply need to be aware, and once you are aware, you're just keeping a vigil over yourself and over your life and with that awerness you are able to catch the thief as the thief wants to come in"
    God bless you Father Seraphim!

  • @remahunt4277
    @remahunt4277 Год назад +38

    This is one of those remarkable messages that have the potential to change lives. It is filled with truths that cut to the bone causing the listener to closely examine themselves. You are coming from a mind that is much higher than my ability to fully comprehend. A mind that is full of God. I will carry your words with me and examine myself. Anything within me that stands out as a wrong, I will attempt to change or remove it. Thank you Father Aldea for talking about subjects that no one talks about. Be blessed Dear Father and may light and love dwell on your doorstep.

  • @Toreadorification
    @Toreadorification Год назад +3

    Elijah started to be the great Prophet he was when he said "God, I am not better than my fathers"!

  • @Gustavo-so7zk
    @Gustavo-so7zk Год назад +9

    I very much appreciate you emphasizing this distinction, the reactionary response of withdrawal from the world as a result of seeing its evil and destruction and feeling a sense of antagonism towards this world and the flawed people therein seems to me completely backwards from an Orthodox perspective; we should instead, upon seeing such evil, recognize how it dwells in our own hearts.
    If we haven't yet cleansed ourselves of our internal evil and overcome the demons that dwell comfortably within our individual selves then we have no right to look at other sinners as lesser than ourselves, and paradoxically, miraculously, those who do make such strides in achieving union with Christ do not look at the world in that way at all and instead feel a greater, more mature and deeper love for the people in this world.
    Deep, genuine humility is a necessary prerequisite towards coming closer to Christ. That means recognizing that we are no better than the sinners whom we are tempted to criticize.
    One must, upon seeing the evil in this world, recognize that they actively and consistently participate in that evil, and commit their entire being into correcting themselves which means following Christ without compromise. Then your duty becomes to "let your light so shine before men" (Matthew 5:16) and to tirelessly bring God's goodness into this world.
    This is not an easy path by any means; it is quite the opposite. I come short every single day and fail myself and others. Thankfully Christ's mercy is so much greater than my own wretchedness and through repentance and hard effort I can acknowledge my failures, and rebuild myself day by day, God willing.

  • @alwayslearning7601
    @alwayslearning7601 Год назад +11

    The world is obsessed with the book "The Art of War' (Sun Tzu) , turning it into some kind of gospel. And that is fine as far as actual war goes, but it is not in any way a guide to success in the world or anywhere else. Thank you, Fr. for this discussion. I love what you said, "If you have an enemy, first of all, YOU FAILED." This is Truth - painful and raw, but will lead us all to healing.

  • @Michelle_wald
    @Michelle_wald Год назад +8

    The key to some harmony is developing temperance and then tolerance. Pause before becoming too emotional. I try tune out of all news media nowadays. It’s a good place to start. Trust in the Lord and try feel his peace and presence. Love your advice and wisdom. God bless you 🤍🙏🏼🙌🏼

  • @windowsoflife
    @windowsoflife Год назад +3

    Pure cruciform clarity of the human condition and the cruciform remedy unto restoration in Christ. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

  • @deanaburnham9571
    @deanaburnham9571 Год назад +4

    The catacombs had their place as did the upper room. They waited for the Holy Spirit and His guidance.

  • @user-ne8vl2uh8g
    @user-ne8vl2uh8g Год назад +3

    Christ said if they hate you remember they hated me first.. But i totally understand what you are saying.❤

  • @mange87
    @mange87 Год назад +3

    Thank you father Seraphim

  • @ArchangelIcon
    @ArchangelIcon Год назад +11

    Fr Seraphim's channel speaks of reality, compassion, humility, love of Christ and wisdom - on RUclips where so many Orthodox channels (from mainly American converts) focus on rules, schisms, what is 'allowed' and not allowed.
    In an environment where so many enquirers into Orthodoxy are drawn into what is often expressed to be a Church of division and strict regulations.
    Thank you, Father Seraphim for shining through the mud. Even though you are a grave sinner like the rest of us.

    • @reaperanon979
      @reaperanon979 Год назад

      Both are just as important. If you do stupid things or encourage stupid things out of what you think is "love", you're not loving someone.

  • @czeketa6140
    @czeketa6140 Год назад +22

    Thank you so much for sustaining my spirit with the truth in your words 🙏

    • @mullmonastery
      @mullmonastery  Год назад +10

      Glory be to God for all good things, dear one. We sustain each other, in ways that many times remain unknown to ourselves - through prayer, a good work, a smile. They all add up, everything we do, and we either build or we take down a person.

  • @lemon__snicker5973
    @lemon__snicker5973 Год назад +2

    God bless, Fr. Seraphim, thank you.

  • @eriudalton17
    @eriudalton17 2 месяца назад +1

    This message just struck such a personal chord in my heart. I have been aware of the evils of the world and learning who is behind them for several years now, mainly since Covid. I'm a 20 year old female and this has kept me so sad, angry and bitter towards the blindness of my generation and their complicity in the Satanic agendas of the 21st century. I have been filled with so much negative emotion, Father Seraphim has reminded me to keep my heart with and my eyes on God, and listen to Jesus Christ's intentions for me rather than focusing on the darkness around me and hating people for not fighting against it.
    Thank you Father Seraphim.

  • @andreigl
    @andreigl Год назад +3

    God bless you, Father Seraphim

  • @JasonCodreanu
    @JasonCodreanu Год назад +8

    Don't love Sodom and Gomorrah. Leave it, and don't look back.

  • @_Keith_
    @_Keith_ Год назад +4

    _Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?_
    _And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?_
    _And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people._
    _Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you._
    _And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty._
    (2 Corinthians 6:14-18)

  • @seanvillalba11
    @seanvillalba11 Год назад +2

    We leave the world because we hate our own sin
    Thank you for sharing your wisdom

  • @mandrew296
    @mandrew296 Год назад +11

    Please pray for me Fr! I see these extremities everywhere and it bothers me, I even see it in myself at times. However, God will carry us through if we stay composed!

    • @mullmonastery
      @mullmonastery  Год назад +6

      We need to seek peace and follow it, for Christ is the King of Peace. We are built in the image of God, the Holy Trinity, so unity, one-ness is part of our eternal 'DNA'. May we all be blessed, dear Andrew

  • @michajabonski9670
    @michajabonski9670 Год назад +2

    What we could and what we should do to overcome this cynical game? So many people talking about God are acting the same, using fears, prejudices, inner frustrations, disappointment, hatred to divide people. I become more and more isolated because i hate myself so that's why i feel like i can no longer love others, this is so devastating, this is something that bring anyone sooner or later to despair. I really ask for a prayer.

  • @dr6024
    @dr6024 Год назад +21

    Father, I have been following your videos for many months but this one has cut me so close to the bone that I cannot help but weep… I have sinned in the ways you described here. I must be more careful and warn others to not make the same mistake. This is a message so important, so beautiful, so life changing. Thank you Father for the reminder. God bless you all

  • @jean-lucpicard7379
    @jean-lucpicard7379 Год назад +4

    thank you.

  • @narekmelkonyan5017
    @narekmelkonyan5017 Год назад +6

    My name is Narek, pray for me.

    • @Cata-Holic_Doode
      @Cata-Holic_Doode Год назад +1

      May the Lord bless and keep You, cause His face to shine upon Your itinerary, and give You knowledge of good stewardsship, amen

    • @robynmarler1951
      @robynmarler1951 Год назад +2

      God bless you, Narek🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌄🌱🌿

  • @gliderfs621
    @gliderfs621 Год назад +3

    « Without Love, I am nothing », I start to begin to understand what it means… Sometimes… Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me,
    Oh Mary, very Holy Mother of God, save me 🙏❤️✝️

  • @mikeydizme1
    @mikeydizme1 Год назад +2

    Thank you. I see I need to repent and ask the Lord for His guidance in my life.

  • @zzzaaayyynnn
    @zzzaaayyynnn Год назад +13

    This channel has been such a blessing in my life over the past year. I've been attending an Orthodox church for six months and am working with a priest to become a catecumen.

  • @yokeman6346
    @yokeman6346 Год назад +4

    Your new chapel looks lovely! Fills me with so much joy that there is a permanent Orthodox presence on the Isle of Iona.

  • @ParmigianoRegiano
    @ParmigianoRegiano Год назад +1

    I just had a dream from the Lord. I live near Venice and sometimes I go to Church there. The dream was in Venice and there were crowds with people that I know. In the afternoon the authorities said loudly "who is Christian" and people left the place in which we stayed. I was also afraid and asked my mother if we should leave but she stone cold said to me and my brother not to. I was very impressed that a lot of christian people remained in that place in Venice. I saw my math teacher and she tried to separate my brother form us, so I grabbed one on her finger and squeezed it very hard but nothing happened to her. She pointed immediately at us to the authorities. We went to our Church after a long chase. And I remember my mother speaking of a Saint that was persecuted for his faith and people gave him the keys of our Church. It was night and only the lights of our candles made us see. The Church was all in Gold and the Priest washed us multiple times with Holy Water but he was very scared. I tought the authorities would kill us with pistols, I was ready, but then the dream ended.
    I don't know what this dream is about but I'm pretty sure it's from the Lord Jesus Christ!!!

  • @alex_jermaine
    @alex_jermaine Год назад +3

    Father I thank you for your great love to us needy children. I especially thank you for this message. I am 32 years old and recovering from a major car crash I had in 2020. I was forced to go deep within myself as I have not been able to resume my life in the world due to my injuries. I am mostly at home praying and helping take care of my folks. My siblings judge me for not working because I look fine from the outside and they believe I am well, but Our Lord knows that I am still not well. At times I start to think that maybe I should go find work even if I am still recovering but I do not know if this is a temptation of the evil one, because my time at home is always full of prayer and sacrifices. What do you think Father?

  • @letsreasonthisout2898
    @letsreasonthisout2898 Год назад +4

    Saint Columba of Iona, Enlightener of Scotland 6/9/23
    Many Years 6/9/23

  • @allpraisetothemosthigh7770
    @allpraisetothemosthigh7770 Год назад +1

    Oh yes, Ephesians 6:12 in full effect..
    “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

  • @billbutler7216
    @billbutler7216 Год назад +2


  • @JesseRickett
    @JesseRickett Год назад +2

    What a pure Gospel you preach. Holy Spirit, please protect Father Seraphim and the brothers and sisters of Iona and Mull, and bless them mightily! Amen.

  • @jjedix5
    @jjedix5 Год назад +4

    Glory be to God on high ! The physician came to heal the sick not the well. When He prescribes the medicine, it may be painful or unpleasant but it will give you life...eternal. We are all sinners and the wages of sin are only death. Only through Christ and not the world's view are we saved. You speak the truth Father Seraphim. We must all face it and not be in denial. Thanks be to God for your message!

  • @soulfulplaya5508
    @soulfulplaya5508 Год назад +1

    Amen Father and bless you, your so right Father they are playing us and have prefected how to keep people divided it's all evil.. Godbless World Family....

  • @silvina9715
    @silvina9715 Год назад +23

    Thank you Father Seraphim for the clarification!!!! It is absolutely necessary to make this difference! God help us with his Holly Spirit to have a correct discernment in our decisions and behavior!!! 🙏 🔔💡☦️💖

    • @mullmonastery
      @mullmonastery  Год назад +11

      We need to fight for our one-ness and unity, dear Silvina. We have an instinct to self-destruct by breaking away from our brothers and sisters, which comes from pride ('I am better') and judgement ('they are worse because of this and that'). It is this self-destructive instinct we need to fight, so that we may reflect the One-ness of the Holy Trinity

    • @silvina9715
      @silvina9715 Год назад +1

      @@mullmonastery Truly it is for me!!! 🙏 Your blessing Father! Glory to God for you ,Brothers and Sisters who guide us to the Kingdom !!! 💖

    • @Marijana1980
      @Marijana1980 Год назад

      Thank you father very much for this interpretation.There is too much division between christians inside church related to: liturgy - what is right or wrong, tradition vs modern days, prayers, good/bad priest. Maybe to many rules lacking love.We all are deficient in true understanding of spiritual life. This unhealty running from the world can also lead to fals self rightenouses.

  • @marcuspoisson5996
    @marcuspoisson5996 Год назад +1

    Thank you Father for your wise words. Well said. The holy spirit speaks through you indeed.
    Repentance is the key from this world! What a gift it is to realize our own sinfulness and to beg for repentance so that we may respond fully to God's love for us and His grace that fills us with sweetness in our sufferings for the Lord. Repentance is the key to our freedom. We can do nothing of ourselves, but only through the Grace of God we have life. Christ love transforms our being into love, which is our essence and destiny in Christ. Even though I am a wretched sinner, there is so much hope and faith in our good Lord to free us from our sinfulness. Praise God and may he bring many consolations to our lives as we need it, according to His will.

  • @alisonorland6827
    @alisonorland6827 Год назад +2

    it doesn't bring me down it gives me joy that you are discerning, I see this isolation and hate in my church and no one sees

  • @thereseschab5042
    @thereseschab5042 Год назад +6

    This was very good. Thank you. I feel like I have left the world due to hatred of it. The world hurts me, the way people are. I'm not better.....but perhaps that was a part of it that I didn't realize it. You have given me stuff to think of. But I also needed a break. It seemed I was constantly getting betrayed, slammed, abused non-stop. However, I do notice that the heart of my prayers have consisted of asking for help for my blackened bitter heart. So perhaps I did it also to repent. I was becoming so hardened and bitter.....I was hating. Forgive me of my sins Father.

  • @robertmacklin4766
    @robertmacklin4766 Год назад +2

    Thankyou, Fr. Seraphim. Your messages are always so powerful and helpful. It does indeed seem that our world is disintegrating at a gathering pace and that this suits Satan just fine. My question is, why does God let Satan have such free reign? The existence of evil in the presence of an all powerful and all loving God has always upset me greatly (and frequently challenged my faith). Some will say evil is the cost of human freedom, but this, for me, doesn't explain Satan's horrific actions or the endless suffering in the animal kingdom. Other's say God has his reasons and they are a mystery we cant fathom...But the horror and sufferings of this world are so immense and seemingly so endless that throwing up our hands and saying 'oh its a mystery' just sounds hollow and cruel! I love God, but the sufferings of this world truly do make me want to hide away sometimes.

  • @stephh2990
    @stephh2990 Год назад +6

    Wow, I have been struggling with this. Thank you for sharing God's message, I was meant to hear this right at this moment. Divine timing, I love His goodness!

  • @charlestonscnative9083
    @charlestonscnative9083 Год назад +10

    Thank you so much for sharing this important message with us. 🙏

    • @mullmonastery
      @mullmonastery  Год назад +6

      Thank God for all good things, dear one. May we all be blessed.

  • @Cata-Holic_Doode
    @Cata-Holic_Doode Год назад +2

    Bless U father: I think trying to go be a Jonah to my former friends would be casting pearls-
    I'm considering starting a fight w them because I can't describe the evil they do.
    I'm so unwillingly isolated it scares others but Orthodoxy inspires me to care much less!
    - sorry if my comments are too crude, God bless

  • @vivachristorey7622
    @vivachristorey7622 Год назад +3

    We get distracted by the symptoms of all the problems and are busy putting bandaids on problems rather addressing the main issue.
    Ephesians 6:12
    For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and power, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places.

  • @anap1982
    @anap1982 Год назад +11

    Va mulțumim părinte pentru aceste cuvinte binecuvântate. Doamne Ajuta!🙏🙏🙏

  • @Hanna18
    @Hanna18 Год назад +5

    We love you so much too Father.
    God bless you✝️

    • @mullmonastery
      @mullmonastery  Год назад +1

      Please keep us all in your prayers, dear one.

  • @siewtohong7138
    @siewtohong7138 Год назад +3

    So much to process, I will be listening to your words of wisdom over again and again during my 2 hour walks. May God continue to shine His Glory through you Father Seraphim!

  • @Michel-ov1sv
    @Michel-ov1sv Год назад +1

    Thank you Fr. Seraphim. I do not know how I missed listening to your educational and spiritual video. I thank God for let me find this video that answers questions that was preoccupying me. I want to believe because of prayers for us.

  • @riapresley5446
    @riapresley5446 Год назад +1

    Very interesting...the "what is love distinction"...particularly why one be away from others or situations of life...also that gives me so much more understanding of God's Way...when i read about the lives of the Saints and....when its mentioned about the gifts that God bestows upon them

  • @yecksd
    @yecksd Год назад +5

    i was just watching one of your videos, Father :) God bless you

  • @ioanaradu6106
    @ioanaradu6106 Год назад +6

    Multumim cu recunoștință pentru tot ceea ce faceti,Parinte drag Serafim!
    Imi gasesc adesea corespondență in subiectele abordate cu arata delicatete,cu totii ne regasim,si Îl rugam pe Dumnezeu sa ne dea un strop de intelepciune sa ne străduim sa traim intru poruncile Lui !
    Rugati-va pentru noi!
    Avem atata nevoie! Dumnezeu sa va binecuvinteze cu Harul Lui!
    Sunteti in rugaciunile noastre!

  • @d0g_0f_Christ0s
    @d0g_0f_Christ0s Год назад +2

    'The uninterrupted word of Christ generation after generation, after generation, after generation'
    God's will be done, my dark must be lit up by the love of Christ.
    Thank you Fr Seraphim, for helping the Breath of God blow away the ash from my blinded eyes ☦️ Amen.

  • @lindamcauley4728
    @lindamcauley4728 Год назад +4

    Thank you. Very well spoken. God bless and protect you 🙏

  • @lauragolub4228
    @lauragolub4228 Год назад +4

    Let all of those listetning be saved! God is mersy itself. Amen.

  • @JamesMasterPlaster
    @JamesMasterPlaster Год назад +5

    Dear father your Sermon made feel the Holy Spirit, and that has not happened to me only 3 times in my whole life, I must start somehow to Support you and the Sisters ☦️ wow it’s like I was right in the room with you ☦️

  • @miztenacioust1758
    @miztenacioust1758 Год назад +4

    Lord have mercy ❤

  • @mihabenn
    @mihabenn Год назад +8

    So beautiful and deep words, Father. And this new Chapel is breathtaking, the icons of Mother of God and all together.Asking your blessings as always.

    • @mullmonastery
      @mullmonastery  Год назад +4

      As you know, Mrs Mihaela, I love glass icons. We are waiting for more to be painted and brought to the Monastery. They fit our Chapel on Iona perfectly.

    • @mihabenn
      @mihabenn Год назад

      Indeed , beautiful!

  • @Giorgio8006
    @Giorgio8006 Год назад +4

    Thank you Father Seraphim

  • @thomaslovell7861
    @thomaslovell7861 Год назад +3

    You continue to speak truth. I pray for your continuing physical health so that you can preach truth longer and reach more folk. Much love in Christ to you, Father Seraphim. Tom in Vermont

  • @mariellenandrosko3305
    @mariellenandrosko3305 Год назад +5

    I have (on multiple occasions) asked my guardian angel to go to yours and request prayers for me. This has been when the battle heats up and I feel I am succumbing to loneliness. With or without your knowledge, this effort has not failed me. Instead, I realize I am connected with many souls all over the earth and in the heavens above. I am Roman Catholic. Lost my husband to cancer in 2022 (your video on death helped me greatly). He was raised in the Orthodox rite and we were married under it although we fell away from the church and later practiced our faith as Catholics. I believe that he knows that deep is calling to deep in my life and that he led me to you because he knows I am facing the very things you talk about in your videos. You bring God's light to the darkness because you know He is in that too. Please continue your tireless work with the prayers of the many who benefit all over the world. A few weeks ago, I felt the Lord speak to my heart saying softly "Who Will Build My Tents." This comes to mind daily as I wonder what He meant. Today, through your video I feel closer to knowing and perhaps someday I will get to pilgrimage in Mull. Not to withdrawal from the world, but to refresh my spirit and fortify my call to be in it but not of it. Amen, Amen, Amen.

  • @amirasaad630
    @amirasaad630 Год назад +5

    Thank you dear father
    I think I need to listen to the video 10x for the message to truly settle.
    Truly there’s nothing new under the sun and the devil always wants to divide. May we all be united in Christ and His love. It’s such a hard balance to remain in the world and internally withdraw BUT out of love. I’m not even sure how to do that or to examine myself and my true intentions. I often feel it’s my own failings of reflecting the image of Christ to others that hinders people around me to come to Christ.May the lord guide us all 🙏

  • @crystalbarnard3905
    @crystalbarnard3905 Год назад +2

    Thank you, Father, and God bless you. You always say what I need to hear, what we all need to hear.

  • @dongoul
    @dongoul Год назад +2

    Thank you so much, it’s so hard to be Christlike to people that constantly offend our beliefs, but repentance helps so much and not to fall in that trap

  • @tallmikbcroft6937
    @tallmikbcroft6937 Год назад +2

    Beautiful. I hear you Father. Bless us. שלום

  • @becomemoreeveryday
    @becomemoreeveryday Год назад +2

    I am so grateful for your genuine love brother. I LOVE YOU. ❤

  • @mot5200
    @mot5200 Год назад +2

    Father thank you so much for your words of wisdom, it seems to me that Gods certainly blesses and is at work in your ministry. Would you consider making a video about the schism and your position on the Orthodox Church and its current relationship to Catholic Church? As a Catholic I see many similarities in doctrine. God Bless and thank you again.

  • @volusian95
    @volusian95 Год назад +17

    Thanks so much for this father. Those of us who come from 'metal culture' where the solitary misanthrope is exalted definitely recognize this distinction.

    • @mullmonastery
      @mullmonastery  Год назад +21

      Wisdom can come from all life experiences, dear one. One can live a life without sin and learn nothing (there are examples of children brought to monasteries who collapsed to lust and pride as soon as they were exposed to the temptation) and there are others who survive darkness and accumulate wisdom. In Christ, fr seraphim

    • @Cata-Holic_Doode
      @Cata-Holic_Doode Год назад +1

      metal culture? Me too bro, God bless!

    • @reaperanon979
      @reaperanon979 Год назад +2

      Yeah, much the same. Definitely had to push myself to be more social but through the grace of God it was a piece of cake.
      Always thought being a misanthrope was really stupid but sometimes I couldn't really help myself when thinking about the average person and the state of the world. Still prefer being solitary for the most part to be fair, but I find a lot of genuine joy in seeing and helping people and noticing how God works through them.

  • @hokulani8
    @hokulani8 Год назад +4

    Fr. Seraphim, thank you for all that you do. This has been very enlightening and helpful. I pray many others listen and can take away from it as well. 🙏🏼❤

  • @patriciaschneider-zioga2500
    @patriciaschneider-zioga2500 Год назад +2

    Thank you, holy Father Seraphim. We love you and pray for you and your brothers and sisters in Christ and that God grows your monasteries. Thank you for helping us

  • @deanaburnham9571
    @deanaburnham9571 Год назад +4

    Thank you so much Father Seraphim for your excellent and most relevant homily. What a timely yet ageless help! Your words have helped me to focus and contemplate on a subject most relevant in our times yet ageless.
    Your prayers too have helped me and I offer humble prayers for you now, if I may.

  • @s.d.berquist6866
    @s.d.berquist6866 Год назад +2

    Thank you, Father, for this difficult and absolutely essential word. I will have to watch/listen to this often.

  • @jamestregler1584
    @jamestregler1584 Год назад +3

    As always you go to the Heart of the problem ; love and Thanks from old New Orleans

  • @andreiciobotaru7782
    @andreiciobotaru7782 Год назад +4

    Parinte, mare bucurie si liniste mi-ati adus in suflet prin cuvintele impartasite. Domnul sa va aiba in paza! Bucurie!

  • @ritakevorkian2649
    @ritakevorkian2649 Год назад +6

    Thank you Father ❤
    I had to hear that.your words are so powerful.

    • @mullmonastery
      @mullmonastery  Год назад +2

      Glory be to God for all good things, dear one. Please pray for me too, and for our community.

    • @ritakevorkian2649
      @ritakevorkian2649 Год назад

      @@mullmonastery ❤

  • @elizabethmaria821
    @elizabethmaria821 Год назад +3

    Thank you Father Seraphim. ❤

  • @maricarmenestrada2292
    @maricarmenestrada2292 Год назад +3

    I love the icons too

    • @mullmonastery
      @mullmonastery  Год назад +3

      Romanian glass icons, Egyptian icons, Georgian icons, Ethiopian icons - they are absolutely beautiful and they are some of the icons closest to my heart. Don't get me wrong, Byzantine icons and (some) Russian icons are breathtaking and they move me beyond words, but there is something raw and direct in the child-like simplicity of this type of iconography to which my heart responds immediately/

  • @maricarmenestrada2292
    @maricarmenestrada2292 Год назад +9

    Thanks Father Roman catholic but i follow you thanks alot...for your words...are fresh water for my soul.

    • @mullmonastery
      @mullmonastery  Год назад +10

      May God bless us all, dear one. May He cover and protect us against evil, and may He lead us all to His Light.

  • @JulianSchmechel-ys7cg
    @JulianSchmechel-ys7cg Год назад +3

    Wise words as ever Fr. Thank you.

  • @anguscairnie9972
    @anguscairnie9972 Год назад +1

    Thank you Father, this was a good word. Please pray for me, a sinner

  • @mritchie85
    @mritchie85 Год назад +4

    Thanks you for joining us again, I enjoy these expositions and journeys you take us on, thanks be to Christ

  • @Babbajune
    @Babbajune Год назад +3

    Thank you ❤

  • @deanaburnham9571
    @deanaburnham9571 Год назад

    Awareness is important. I understand how some are triggered by the concept of conspiracies as they know some are not conspiracy. They are aware of manipulation of the "masses." Eugenicists are hard at work. And there are those in denial.
    But, something I'm taking away gratefully from your homily among many other beautiful, practical, and spiritual truths is that we must not get into all kinds of trappings and labels. Just pray for discernment and awareness. I pray also for wisdom in how to act. I pray for guidance from the Holy Spirit and that I not act out of fear but faith. I believe there might come a time for martyrdom and I pray for escape or the grace to face it.
    Our Lord told us to go to the mountains. I think about that. There are those parents and caregivers who understand their mission to be in part to protect the vulnerable.
    I have a retired friend who was a nun nurse in the middle of a war zone. They armed her with a weapon and told her to protect her patients if someone threatened the lives of the patients. However if her life was threatened she had to succumb. I wondered what would then stop the homicidal intruder from continuing to go on a killing spree. None of this made sense to me. Maybe the nurse would be replaced. But the whole thing was crazy. War is crazy. Some of her patients were on morphine bc of horrible battle wounds. The idea of not using defensive measures is mind boggling to me. It seems to me that it would take great courage to protect innocent human life under direct homicidal threat.
    There's a mama bear in me and I think instinct would kick-in. I'm not comfortable at all with weaponry. Or conflict. Harming the most violent of attackers and stopping them in their tracks is almost the the worst thing imaginable. But what's worse is standing and doing nothing to protect the innocent. Maybe I'm terribly wrong. Lord have mercy ❤

  • @TByronK
    @TByronK Год назад +2

    Thank you Father Seraphim for this important message, your teachings continue to touch my heart. ☦

  • @jhenfresh
    @jhenfresh Год назад +2

    My mine ran on you Father. Im happy to know you continue to be well.

  • @theconnecticutriverdocumentary
    @theconnecticutriverdocumentary Год назад +1

    thank you Father.

  • @denisships2861
    @denisships2861 Год назад +1

    This message contains so much for me to bring light upon that I need to listen it twice. The world was created by God with inmense love but there is evil in this world from the devil and our sins that do damage to our brothers and his creation. So we separate from the world not out of hate but in order to repent from our sins with the guidance of the Church. Sometimes I am afraid that if I am put to the test for a sin that happened on my family on the previous generation (and in the actual one as well) that I would run the same course of action out of pride and pain. God have mercy on us. It is hard when one dear loved person sin

  • @dublinfitzpatrick7838
    @dublinfitzpatrick7838 Год назад +3

    Well said, Amen! 🙏

  • @JockStud
    @JockStud Год назад +3

    Amazingly inspirational words. Thank you.

  • @joshlang6442
    @joshlang6442 Год назад +3

    I love you my brother, thankyou for one of the wiser videos on this platform. ❤

    • @mullmonastery
      @mullmonastery  Год назад +3

      Glory be to God for all things, dear one. Please keep us in your prayers, we all need support in this world.

  • @konberner170
    @konberner170 Год назад +1

    For me, what allows me to love my enemy is to remember Christ's other words that he quoted from the Torah: 'For it is written: “Vengeance is Mine; I will repay, says the Lord.”' I do not have to mete out justice, that is God's job.

    • @DM100
      @DM100 2 месяца назад

      2 Peter 3:9 states, “The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.

  • @user-bt3gw2jz1t
    @user-bt3gw2jz1t Год назад +1

    I have just turned to Orthodox church and Christianity
    But these past three years being in the pandemic and being around my dad I have just grown to hate
    I use to have unconditional love and compassion
    But the influences in my life
    I have grown into a hateful person
    I believe in hate more than I believe in love now
    My farther has taught me to be negative
    And the teachings I have assumed from the Orthodox church
    I thought I should just hate the world and sinners
    I have not went to a church yet
    I plan on going tomorrow
    But the way I get the church teachings
    I thought I should resist passions and the world by resistaning through hate

    • @user-bt3gw2jz1t
      @user-bt3gw2jz1t Год назад +1

      Mull monsterory
      I ask most humbly
      How can I resist the ways of the devil and the world
      All this modern world and this new world order
      I have been Hindu since I was 14 I am now 41
      I thought Christianity was this stupid religion
      I didn't know the deepness of the Christian philosophy
      I thought Christianity was just a judgemental religion
      My friend became Christian and his influence
      And thinking this is

    • @user-bt3gw2jz1t
      @user-bt3gw2jz1t Год назад +1

      I hit a button but I was saying
      I think this might be the apocalypse
      The last three years I have been worshipping krsna
      I worshipped krsna in my teenage years
      But the last three years I have thought of a personal relationship with god
      Before in my practice of meditation I thought of god in an impersonal way
      But the years I practiced tantra and impersonal philosophy I became very compassionate and loving
      It was the first time I went beyond my ego and became more loving than I had in my life
      The last three years I have become less compassionate and loving
      I have believed in God more than anytime more in life the last three years
      But I have not grown in compassion or love
      My family is very hateful and on a daily basis there's screaming and hatefulness
      I don't have any really examplerary examples of compassion he
      My mom is the most pious and loving example I have
      I am thinking of what you said in your video today
      I don't know how to have love and compassion anymore
      And resist this modern world in a loving way
      If you could advise me on how to love and have compassion again

    • @imnotbrian
      @imnotbrian Год назад

      Pray, pray, pray and repent. Cultivate love by understanding your own sinfulness. Treat your family as you would like to be treated yourself. Love them by growing in patience and understanding. Get into a Orthodox church and find a spiritual father to guide you. Read about the saints and follow their examples. I’ll be praying for you ☦️

    • @user-bt3gw2jz1t
      @user-bt3gw2jz1t Год назад

      I treat my family how I would want to be treated listen with love
      Pay attention to them
      Try to be kind to them
      But they don't want someone to live them
      My mom is always on her phone
      I and she ignores me most of the time
      I don't think that it's all my fault except for the anger I have for them
      But my dad is narcissistic and my mom is trying to cope with my dad how he has just changed into the person he has become
      I just want a friend someone to pay me attention and be kind
      I went to the tobacco store yesterday
      And the girl was really friendly and nice and kind and happy
      Really all the good qualities I look for in a person
      But it was weird someone actually being happy and paying me love
      Those two people working at that store
      Are the warmest and happiest people I have encountered in a very long time

  • @eleneazmaiparashvili4080
    @eleneazmaiparashvili4080 Год назад

    May Christ let you sing your love to us with him, Amen.