That is a very nice computer and the design is very unique. The original 100MHz Pentium CPU is indeed very limited. I would usually go for a 133 or 166 MHz Pentium to get enough leeway for "early 3D" games. A Voodoo 1, Rage Pro, Riva 128 or even a Voodoo Banshee would be a good companion. 24Mb Ram is (like the original CPU) a bit limiting as is the missing L2 cache. The Mystique is fast enough but the lack of texture filtering creates images that are not really distinguishable from software rendering. If you don't want to make an "early 3D" machine, your setup has good DOS potential for a nice gaming experience.
That is a very nice computer and the design is very unique. The original 100MHz Pentium CPU is indeed very limited. I would usually go for a 133 or 166 MHz Pentium to get enough leeway for "early 3D" games. A Voodoo 1, Rage Pro, Riva 128 or even a Voodoo Banshee would be a good companion. 24Mb Ram is (like the original CPU) a bit limiting as is the missing L2 cache. The Mystique is fast enough but the lack of texture filtering creates images that are not really distinguishable from software rendering. If you don't want to make an "early 3D" machine, your setup has good DOS potential for a nice gaming experience.