There is one thing that nobody talks about, which few people know about in fact. It is the particularly careful management of the social stealth in AC Liberation, with the idea of not only being able to blend the crowd but also having to adopt a socially acceptable behavior. It was great for immersion and it offered a wide variety of approach, with different capabilities based on personas and awareness levels managed separately. For example, with the persona of Lady the notoriety rose very slowly but she was vulnerable to combat. Social stealth is at the heart of Assassin’s Creed’s identity, so I think this aspect should not be neglected.
This needs to return. I think this should be a way of reducing notoriety, where you have to change clothes for a certain time. Then once some time has passed you return to traditional assassin robes after the heat has died down.
My favorite feature of the early games was when the historical pop-up window activated when you went near a historical location, building, or event, letting you read about it. It really matched with the original reason they chose those settings, to expose gamers to settings not normally used for video games. I hated that they still had it in Syndicate, but required you to go to the menu to access them, then dropped them altogether after that. They kinda brought it back in the new game, but it's not as well done.
The only bad thing about Revelations' Recruits system was the whole "Mediterranean Defense" concept. Really put on the pressure. Didn't like that. I just preferred sending out the recruits abroad at my own leisure and pace.
@@Jogim0517 Oh no, I meant the new stuff they added to Recruit Missions across the Mediterranean. Where you had to complete missions to capture cities and keep them secure. I hated that. Though to be fair, I wasn’t fond of the Den Defense stuff either. Glad you enjoyed yourself with it though! Bet you were sad when the Master Assassin missions locked the Dens from being attacked, eh?
@@RaianBlockbuster Agreed. Besides, it was easier to just complete the three defenses, get the Sword of Altair, and be done with it. I had less of a problem with the Den Defense than I did with Mediterranean Defense.
What no one talks about is the Eagle Vision in Syndicate and Unity. I agree it wasn't realistic, but better than just being blind and seeing a shade of blue or red. And also, I need the mission styles in Syndicate. Like some are bounty hunts, others you have to free Rooks, save children from labour, or eliminate gang leaders in order to reach the boss of each territory. And you can also have raids on ships and trains, along with carriage missions. That, for me, was perfection. P.S. I also want Hook Blade or Pivot Blade back, with maybe a dart launcher or grapple hook from Syndicate, once again.
The one thing I hated about those two games are the unique kills where you have to play the mission how they want you to in order to get that kill. Maybe if they had multiple versions of them and hide them so its a reward when you kill them in a unique way.
I really liked the assassin tombs and templar lairs... they really focussed on mastering the parkour whilst boasting stunning graphics (at the time) in the maps, making u appreciate the design of the setting
It was meaningful optional side content. Something about the tomb music in AC2 was relaxing, there was like a sound of a clock hand moving followed by 3 echoed notes. 😌
Another scrapped feature that deserves mention is the AC Liberation outfit system, where different outfits gave you different perks and drawbacks - in how you could dress up as a citizen for crowd blending, slave for infiltrating plantations, or regular Assassin outfit for general gameplay.
It's so bizarre that Lydia is supposed to be Jacob's "granddaughter", when she should have just been his kid. No one ever talks about how Jacob is a 'grandfather' at 46 😂 that literally never made sense to me how that worked bahahaha like he'd have to have a son as a young teen 😮
On the topic of double assassinations, I really really want the unique double kills in combat, which includes a short animation based on what weapon you had. This was only present in Assassin's Creed 3 and never came up again after that
The features I want back : - the recruits system - elaborated parkour like the old AC - good stealth system like in Unity and Syndicate - Playing an assassin - Black Box missions with a diversity of options for assassination - assassination contrats from the creed and more - stealth arsenal and gadgets like Altair, Ezio, Edward, Arno or Evie - a good modern day storyline - assassin safehouse - the renovation system in cities (like AC2, brotherhood and revelations) - double assassination - factions - degradation of armors with the need to repair it like in AC2, Brotherhood and Revelations - coop like in Unity - the return of the synchronisation health bar, not the one we have today - special armors to unlock - tombs with parkour levels like in AC2 - Helix rifts - Dense cities : I miss the cities of old AC - Verticality gameplay : let’s put the parkour in the center of the gameplay again with dense cities The features I don’t want anymore : - the RPG elements : levels, stats, all that type of things - choice in dialogue (we are living memories in the animus, not rewriting history) - choosing the gender (same here, Ubisoft just need to assign the gender and get along with it) - gigantic maps but empty : I prefer dense cities with more verticality gameplay - Stories that are too long : longer doesn’t equal better, we all saw that with Valhalla. The main story was way too long and we all felt it. Let’s go back to shorter stories but with more quality added to it. - protagonists that are not assassins : the game is called Assassin’s Creed, not the Witcher ! - Powers : same here !
"- choice in dialogue (we are living memories in the animus, not rewriting history)" While this critique is understandable, you can also see it not as "rewritting history" but giving you the opportunity to decide how history happened to the characters.
I would love to hear the words “sequence” and “memory” replace “chapter” and “mission” again. Relating the game back to the animus by literally sequencing your ancestors dna was such a cool idea.
I like the modern day storyline and the idea that history is informing present struggles. I really wanted to like Layla more, but I think we didn't get to spend enough time with her and see her developing relationships with her team.
I would dearly love to see Assassin Recruits return to this franchise. And I would love to see a hybrid form of the system from AC: III and AC: Revelations in said game. I believe that would make for a very dynamic recruiting system.
Definitely agree with the parkour point. I can’t stand not being able to jump manually, not to mention I’ve found so many different instances where side ejects would totally be useful. I also desperately miss the days of running along the edge of a roof and choosing to blindly jump off, only to ledge grab at the last possible second, mere inches off the ground, where that fall would have killed, if not, hurt me really bad.
I haven't played the last few games so I really have to ask Seriously, without joking, Parkur has fallen so far behind in quality? Exactly what you describe about barely achieving a jump from a fatal fall or being able to jump manually to be more efficient/fast or just flashier, those are the things that make AC parkour fun
Well, the fall damage seemed to be nerfed significantly in AC 3. A roll could save you from basically any close-to-ground height, but Connor decides to land on his feet from a painfully tall building.
@@GRR1MN1Rthe last three games have been mostly flat with the only high points being the statues, mountains, cliffs, and pyramids, would you prefer to get punished for not wanting to figure out how to safely get down a cliff or just fast traveling? Would you prefer instead of jumping off you exclusively have to climb down?
I miss recruits. I loved Mediterranean defense. It was an almost endless gameplay loop and it made the brotherhood feel like an expanding life form with its own stories
The only issue I have with Syndicate is the WW1 segment. I love it but like we definitely skipped out on meeting Jacob’s son or daughter since they were an assassin as well. Lydia was a cool addition and I wish we got more of that. I would buy that game if they continued anything with that WW1 play style
The recruit system in ac 3, IMO, was better than the one in brotherhood (and revelations). You could get the recruits to do so many versatile tasks, such as lure away guards, kill a specific target from afar, act as body guards in restricted areas or pretend to be enemy soldiers escorting you (very good to infiltrate restrictes areas). Even though you only had 6 recruits, they were very effective.
I think the first and foremost thing that needs to return is the assassin - templar dynamic. After that I completely agree with a lot of it. Another thing that I wish would return is fighting with dual hidden blades. They completely removed it as a primary weapon I think after AC3. I miss social stealth as well after origins. I mean heck, in Odyssey we can't even hide in haystacks and kill through like we used. Just taking a gear back to AC:Syndicate would be honestly enough to make the franchise better.
Things I would love to have return to Assassin's Creed - Hideouts/Buildings that are upgradeable and offer significant bonuses to your playthrough in exchange for investment of goods/currency. - Side missions such as "Kenway's Fleet" and "The Naval Campaign" in AC4 and Rogue, maybe not so navally based but that system was interesting and gave you neat rewards for your character and hideout. - Gunpowder weapons and varied gunpowder weapons (I personally loved the gunpowder age and wish there was a more flushed out game that expanded on that period of history. I'd love a 1700s Europe or Napoleonic Wars based game but I get a lot of people wouldn't enjoy that) I'd love to see flintlocks, wheellocks, swords, pikes, muskets, and the like. - Seeing more of a focus on history more than legend. I'd love to see more historical events and characters be portrayed and shown in the assassin vs. templar manner. Legends are cool and all but shouldn't be the main focus of the game imo. - Co-Op campaign and replayable missions, I have friends who enjoy Assassin's Creed and I feel like it would be so much more fun if I'd be able to play with those people in the same game doing the same missions. Hopefully cross-platform supported as well! - Multiplayer (I hadn't done this much but I regret not playing it as much as I could've) I loved the idea of there being something besides the main game to do. PvP was actually enjoyable and thrilling to actually act as an Assassin and try to blend in and pursue your targets. - Unique ways of killing enemies, I want to be able to have at least a dozen ways to take out a target, whether that be rope darts, guns, arrows, hidden blade, help w/A.I or whatnot, I don't like just having the classic "use a sword a million times with the occasional ranged weapon or ability" in every fight. - Map scale - I want the maps to be actually decent to scale and within reason, you don't always need a big ass map for your game, keep things small but packed with things to do. If you want a big map, you better fill it to the brim with side quests and dynamics that make it fun but not boring/overwhelming. (this is the issue I found with AC Odyssey). - Ubisoft to actually listen to the AC community and deliver something that we're actually looking for.
If you haven’t played unity yet u should it has coop side missions, renovations to do, a small map with a thousand side missions, a very diverse weapon and armor set, and it takes place during the French Revolution where Napoleon is a side character. Caters to most of your requests even tho the game wasn’t produced as well compared to most ac games
-Ability to actually pick up weapons and keep them. This was introduced in AC2 and stopped in Unity. - VR training missions. Only Brotherhood had this.
I'm glad to see you mentioned helix rifts as a feature. I have discussed this with friends at length, and I have always enjoyed them because they could let us explore time periods / settings that maybe don't work well as full experiences within the franchise's formula. My top Helix Rifts that I would love to go through are: -A fully fleshed out WWII quest line. -The Wild West -The October Revolution I'd love you to make a video expanding on your picks for this type of mission type. Great content as always!❤
You know what would be a great topic that I don’t really see anyone talk about: the UI/“Animus” themes in the franchise. In my opinion, they are a character in themselves, and their evolution since 2007 has been interesting to say the least: from embracing the sci fi element, UI look, feel, sounds, loading screens and memory corridors. I’m not a fan of where they’ve gone in Odyssey, Valhalla, and Mirage.
Personally, if I were in charge of Assassin's Creed, I'd make the whole "choose dialogue" stuff we saw in the RPG's as a New Game Plus, where we'd actually get to re-write history and see alternating branches after we already saw the primary continuity beating the game once. Meanwhile, the Modern Day story would actually continue after the events of the first playthrough, and the Animus Database Entries would be updated based on these "Untold Discoveries."
>sees title >first few seconds is using assassins >the first of ten things is “assassin recruits” YESSS listen to this person! They know how to make assassins creed fun
It actually hit its peak in revelations. In brotherhood you just received randomly generated people and trained them but in revelations they had actual character development and missions attached to them and their journey to become a master assassin
Assassin recruits was one of the best additions to the franchise Feeling lazy to assassinate the target? Send a recruit Got stuck in a sticky situation Arrow storm your way Shitty stipulation for 100% synchronizations? Circle them around you And so on Immensely helpful and a joy to use This upcoming red game or hexe should definitely put it back again
The parkour is the main one for me. I've probably spent dozens of hours running around in the 4 classic ACs, trying different routes and testing everything I could think of.
Cool video! I liked that you mentioned the multiplayer b CB it was probably one of the only ones that has ever got my heart racing playing lol. One I feel was left out was the ability to disarm and use an enemies own weapon to assassinate them with in AC3😊
The Davenport Homestead was a very enjoyable assassin base. The interactions made you feel like you really had put in work to build this thing. It was quite an experience.
1. Assassins recruit, to makes you feel like mentor. 2. Helix rifts are cool, very animus thing and more stories instead teleportation focus ability for some random Iraq man. 3. Modern days, literally where the main story actually going on. 4. Assassin safehouse, personal place where you take a break after all that missions. 5. Double assassinations, master assassin stuff but, what's more important is feature where you can retract your hidden blade and play with your weapons (Like Connor's Tomahawk moves). 6. Special armor, History X Culture + Effort = Satisfaction. 7. Memories, of course more deep story like c'mon! this is Assassin's Creed. What do you expect? fighting cyclops? yeah very funny. 8. Factions, is like your neighbourhood. We as an Assassin Order have connection to thief, mercenary etc with their own speciality. 9. Advanced parkour, the freedom of what makes Assassin's Creed stands out back in the days. 10. Multiplayer, remember when you have to hunting each other where you have to use your Assassin's skill against other player to blend with the NPC.
I want the tomb missions to return, like after AC brotherhood getting those unique armor sets you was really a pain, instead of cool missions with parkour and stealth involved we just go around collecting collectibles or whatever to unlock the cool armor suits. It doesn't even have to be tomb missions just give us actual enjoyable missions like the tomb ones so we can get armor suits
double assassinations aren't available in mirage origins and Valhalla because altair hadn't recorded the improvements in his codex yet and thus there was no blueprint for bayek basim and eivor to go off of to make double hidden blades however i agree with the rest of the suggestions .
also it'd be useful to be able to switch between 'advanced' parkour and 'rpg' parkour systems kinda like the Swing Steering Assistance thing that was in Marvel's spider man 2 just switching between types instead
Three things I want back are 100% sync on missions, I loved the extra challenge it gave to do a mission a certain way. Ya it could be irritating at times on the harder ones or stupid one but I loved it especially in the later games where you actually got rewards for doing it. The old style of eagle vision where it was from the player characters point of view instead of a fing bird, the bird makes stealth way to easy. The last thing I want back is the ability to fight with just the hidden blade. It was a fun glitch in the first game and then they added it to the next game and I loved it. I’ve literally never used any of the melee weapons in ac 2 to revelation’s (unless required to get 100% sync) because fighting off a group of enemies with only the hidden blades is just so bad ass and so much fun.
This video reminded me how glad I am that I quit the franchise after AC3 (which felt like the swan song), because so many of the features listed were from AC's heyday. -Recruits -DESMOND (He was the linchpin of the story!) -Safehouses (also Tombs & Lairs) -Double Assassinations -Special Armor -Memories -Factions -THE PARKOUR (I always loved how the buildings became a visual "language" you'd learn, and thus doing parkour felt like a puzzle and became second-nature as you played.)
Jacob and Evie actually have two hidden blades; the right blade is hidden under the sleeve. You can see it in some of the special assassination cutscenes
The removal of advanced parkour is the greatest travesty of this series. It was a part of the series roots, going back to the inspiration from prince of Persia. Playing the Ezio trilogy over right now, there’s a real beauty in being able to express yourself creatively in parkour. Plus when you get that flow going on a parkour run, *chef’s kiss*
I really hope one day we get to see Lydia and WW1 London again, or at least a more modern time period again. I’m still sad we jumped back just before getting to see what “Jazz Age Junkies” would’ve been like
Fully agree with this list, but I also would really love to see coop return in a similar fashion as it did in Unity. Tho, of course, without the constant server issues. To this day, I cannot add my friends into my lobby... and, weirdly enough, I can play with random folks. Ubisoft needs to fix that in Unity honestly. But I don't think they care.
The Recruit System was so fun! I wish Ubisoft would expand on the features they implement instead of releasing them in a half-baked state and then abandoning them.
I agree with every single point. Especially the last, I put so many hours in multiplayer in Brotherhood and Revelations. Imagine in today's gameworld, a free AC multiplayer like that, with unlockable customizations through gameplay, and naturally cash shop things? People would pay for those cool looks they could use to show off to others. (yeah I'm not a fan of microtransactions and battle passes, but it is what it is, as long as people pay for them) Also the modern day, yep it was so cool when we had an interesting protagonist in the modern day, who also did some neat stuff outside the animus, and their story bound the separate games into a cohesive whole. I liked the investigation hacking stuff in BF-Rogue as well. Still mad Ubi dropped the whole Juno storyline. And extra: Real Social Stealth! The only game that did it well was Liberation, switching between different personas to blend in. Now that should be built on more.
Yes multiplayer must return for sure btw i rly liked te recruitment missions in revelations more also cuz if they reach a certain lvl you got a special mission with them
God I miss the Multiplayer. Imagine combining the factions giving you different perks with the infiltration/assistance/unique kill opportunities ACU and ACS had.
I’d really like to see the legendary armour sets return because it was always so fun to unlock the armours. It made you feel like you mastered the game. I remember getting the Mayan Armour and Medieval Armour it was so rewarding when I finally got them. I finally managed to get the Armour of Brutus in Brotherhood and I’m so happy. I’m not a big fan of the armour but I loved doing the Romulus Tombs. I’m still working towards the Native Armour and the Templar Knight armour. My favourite legendary armour is definitely the Armour of Altair because it looks really cool.
Multiplayer needs a comeback. I met most of my friends playing that game. It was very addicting and sweaty. Co-op was ok in Unity but got really boring after the same missions. MP was the better outcome with many maps and characters to choose from. Aside from MP, yeah we need a crew, safehouse, and pretty much everything you mention lol, I miss that stuff. Also I would like to see more of those creepy puzzles from AC2 come back as well as that sequence system that lets you replay missions in the story. Why do they take it out? I guess they hate replay.
in addition to all that i miss the gliph puzzles, and like finding the apple of eden in historical photos in order to unlock ancient memories of isu people rather than living forever and going to atlantis
The fleet minigame in Black Flag and Rogue was very addictive, encouraging you to bring new ships into the fleet to fight to make routes easier and to trade along the cleared out routes. A minigame like this or more matching the setting of a new game would be great for immersion.
I miss the ability to pick up a broom in ac brotherhood and smack the shiet out of everyone. Also they need to add the ability for a fast steal. Tht way we can make civilians fight faster and get cash fast. Makes for more fun in ac
Great video. but i would say that we need the double hidden blades again it was the coolest way to double assasinate i loved have 2 of the most iconic video game weapon just feeling the overpowerness of ezio it was amazing so u would give verything to see the double hidden blades agian it even looked badass
I want investigations to return. It was cool in AC1 where your assassination would go differently the more or less information you discovered. You could speed run and kill your target, but your assassination would be very klunky. Or you could take your time, learn as much info about your target as possible, and feel like a true assassin
A vanity/gear system. Personally I'd remove the stat boosts and have health and consumables (regen, poison darts, etc) by affected by a completely separate bar that you can upgrade like in the old games. Unlike dyes, you can specifically select what pieces of the outfit are what colour (it annoys me to no end when games have a vanity system with alt schemes but don't give you the control to select where the colours go! (*cough* LEGO 👀 *cough*). This should also apply for the legacy outfits too and they should also be able to be mix and match with other gear pieces (e.g. putting Ezio's cape into Altaïr's outfit!). Sorry this is long but I just really love vanity/gear systems in video-games. Edit- I know Mirage has a bare bones version of this, but I want full control
I would love to see hidden blade customization in the games for example being able to use the pivot blade from ac 3 with the hook blade from ac revelations.
That'd be nasty! Imagine fighting on the rooftop and finishing an enemy with the pivot but escape quickly using the hook! It could be awesome if executed correctly
That was my absolute favourite thing about assassins creed was the recruit system in revelations, made me feel like the most powerful and resourceful assassin ever. If mirage would just add this it would be one of my favourite games in the series!
Upgrading one's homebase in this franchise would be great to see. I loved how it was done in ACL Valhalla. And if that sort of thing should return it should be implemented in an AC: Game that involves the Mongols or some other Barbarian raiding group.
Can we also bring back The Truth puzzles? Getting to hunt down mini-games that expanded on Assassin and Templar influence throughout sorld history was absolutely incredible. I will never forget a dialogue exchange from a Subject 16 Cluster in Brotherhood: "The capitalists think we run these companies for profit. The fools." "Those 'fools' work for you." "Optional slavery in exchange for pieces of paper. Doesnt that strike you as foolish?" Abstergo Industries used to be a massive world threat, and we havent seen that same level of defication to Abstergo since ACIII. Even wirh a main character working for Abstergo, I could not shake the 4th wall breaking concept of Avstergo Industries starting the Sample 17 Project in order to ..make video games. Really, Ubisoft? Thats the best you can do after Warren Vidic? Sadly, the answer has been "yes" so far I want Abstergo to be more involved in the games, even if just in exploring the history through mini-games like in ACII and Brotherhood.
I miss being in the era of guns, they don’t even need to be as modern as they were in Syndicate but would love love love to see the RPG formula in an era as modern as that if not more so.
I still believe Assassin's creed recruits could be expounded upon! Much like the strongholds in Revelations, it'd be cool to have actual battles alongside your assassins, like at the end of it - similar to the battles in odyssey. It'd be great to customize them aswell, give them different weapons and outfits - even as they reach their max rank. Perhaps you could even plan out missions or assassinations with them. For instance; you could give them a pistol and a heavy weapon (the same variety like your own weaponry in unity) or opt for something stealthier like a sword and throwing knives. When planning the assassination, you could block off escape routes. If you have a recruit with a heavy weapon, they could perhaps block the road and knock the target over if they try to ride off.
Would love ww1/2 AC, with proper female character (like Evie), maybe as part of resistance. Some cool assassin toys, suppressed pistol maybe (with low ammo, so you don't shoot everyone) fancy, but time fitting outfits and a good parkour system. Currently playing ac odyssey and the "hold shift to climb anywhere" gets old super quick.
The animations aren't constraining the controls, Ubisoft are just giving us less control over the animations. All gameplay is, is a set of controllable animations with physics integrated in
The Phantom Blade 100% deserves a return in future AC games. It BUILT on the blow gun from Black Flag, allowing you to not just sleep or berserk your enemies, but kill them silently as well. And it’s so much more sophisticated and sleek than dragging around a big bow. The phantom blade was near perfection and we need it to come back
I agree with most of your points here, but i don't really get the difference between Villa Auditore and your Settlement in Valhalla (Never thought i'd defend AC Valhalla tbh). Villa Auditore is more than just a safehouse, too and your Settlement in Valhalla you can as well renovate and unlock certain Buildings, wich gives you another goal to grind for. I don't know. I thought it was very reminiscent of each other.
I am surprised they haven't bought Desmond's son into the games A teenager or young adult similar to his father is experimented on by the templars and saved by the brotherhood during the end of his first game even potentially seeing what happened to Desmond after being picked up by Abstergo as seen in AC4 black flag(I think) hopefully even seeing what happened to the isu after AC3(yes we see the ISU during AC syndicate but we don't know what happened after Desmond's sacrifice).
For hitting 10k subs, why not enter my Assassin's Creed Mirage giveaway. It's quite simple
Bro you still deserve more subs
It's okay haha, I don't really acknowledge how many subscribers I have or need. I just do this for fun
I really wish we could do disguises again like Arno or Aveline. Seriously, I love the feature. Maybe we just need a hitman assassin's creed.
Features really need to return and miss them and taken out is so sad and loved playing with these features
bros already at 20k lmao
i really liked the recruits i remember crying when my best one died while killing a borgia place
I was so used to not using them because of the games I played before that I only use them for optional objectives or for style
Well you missed out on the time you wasted trina killem yourself
Drama. Drama is what is called. Slow motion moment
Same. And it gave you the option to close their eyes and tell them RiP.
I had all of them master assassins n lemme tell you what a sight it is
There is one thing that nobody talks about, which few people know about in fact. It is the particularly careful management of the social stealth in AC Liberation, with the idea of not only being able to blend the crowd but also having to adopt a socially acceptable behavior.
It was great for immersion and it offered a wide variety of approach, with different capabilities based on personas and awareness levels managed separately.
For example, with the persona of Lady the notoriety rose very slowly but she was vulnerable to combat. Social stealth is at the heart of Assassin’s Creed’s identity, so I think this aspect should not be neglected.
Thank you sir. I believe you dropped this 👑
100% with you on this one.
This needs to return. I think this should be a way of reducing notoriety, where you have to change clothes for a certain time. Then once some time has passed you return to traditional assassin robes after the heat has died down.
100% agreeing with you. I never understood why this was not part of more games than just Liberation. Would love to see it coming back.
My favorite feature of the early games was when the historical pop-up window activated when you went near a historical location, building, or event, letting you read about it. It really matched with the original reason they chose those settings, to expose gamers to settings not normally used for video games. I hated that they still had it in Syndicate, but required you to go to the menu to access them, then dropped them altogether after that. They kinda brought it back in the new game, but it's not as well done.
The recruit peaked in Revelation because they have their own story to the game which I absolutely loved!
The only bad thing about Revelations' Recruits system was the whole "Mediterranean Defense" concept. Really put on the pressure. Didn't like that. I just preferred sending out the recruits abroad at my own leisure and pace.
@@ethicalapemen3686idk I must be weird I thought the tower defense was fun
@@Jogim0517 Oh no, I meant the new stuff they added to Recruit Missions across the Mediterranean. Where you had to complete missions to capture cities and keep them secure. I hated that.
Though to be fair, I wasn’t fond of the Den Defense stuff either. Glad you enjoyed yourself with it though! Bet you were sad when the Master Assassin missions locked the Dens from being attacked, eh?
@@ethicalapemen3686but the thing is that it’s so easy to avoid the mini game. All you need to do is just pay attention to notoriety
@@RaianBlockbuster Agreed. Besides, it was easier to just complete the three defenses, get the Sword of Altair, and be done with it. I had less of a problem with the Den Defense than I did with Mediterranean Defense.
What no one talks about is the Eagle Vision in Syndicate and Unity. I agree it wasn't realistic, but better than just being blind and seeing a shade of blue or red. And also, I need the mission styles in Syndicate. Like some are bounty hunts, others you have to free Rooks, save children from labour, or eliminate gang leaders in order to reach the boss of each territory. And you can also have raids on ships and trains, along with carriage missions. That, for me, was perfection.
P.S. I also want Hook Blade or Pivot Blade back, with maybe a dart launcher or grapple hook from Syndicate, once again.
The one thing I hated about those two games are the unique kills where you have to play the mission how they want you to in order to get that kill. Maybe if they had multiple versions of them and hide them so its a reward when you kill them in a unique way.
I really liked the assassin tombs and templar lairs... they really focussed on mastering the parkour whilst boasting stunning graphics (at the time) in the maps, making u appreciate the design of the setting
My favourite parts.
It was meaningful optional side content.
Something about the tomb music in AC2 was relaxing, there was like a sound of a clock hand moving followed by 3 echoed notes. 😌
Hell yes
The safe Houses should make a Comeback btw i also really enjoyed the Settlement in AC3 with the little Sidequests i really loved how well it evolved
I agree. The Davensport Homstead in AC3 is amazing and those homestead missions were relaxing to do. The entire froniter itself was great
Your whole idea for the factions is amazing, it would add so much more depth to the games, lore and mechanic wise
Yeah it's a great idea.. wish they could do it
I loved how they made Desmond’s outfit still resemble an Assassin as a hoodie
Another scrapped feature that deserves mention is the AC Liberation outfit system, where different outfits gave you different perks and drawbacks - in how you could dress up as a citizen for crowd blending, slave for infiltrating plantations, or regular Assassin outfit for general gameplay.
It's so bizarre that Lydia is supposed to be Jacob's "granddaughter", when she should have just been his kid. No one ever talks about how Jacob is a 'grandfather' at 46 😂 that literally never made sense to me how that worked bahahaha like he'd have to have a son as a young teen 😮
On the topic of double assassinations, I really really want the unique double kills in combat, which includes a short animation based on what weapon you had. This was only present in Assassin's Creed 3 and never came up again after that
I... believe it's in 4?
4 and Rogue also have it but it doesn't trigger that often
It's available in the entire Kenway saga, but it's not frequent in 4 and Rogue like 3
@@BuryTheLight-tds Yes, but after 100+ hours of playing I've legit only seen it happen twice. They intentionally cut it off
@@Gangstabob716 True, I wasn't even aware of that feature until I played 3 after 4 and then triggered it randomly while replaying 4
The features I want back :
- the recruits system
- elaborated parkour like the old AC
- good stealth system like in Unity and Syndicate
- Playing an assassin
- Black Box missions with a diversity of options for assassination
- assassination contrats from the creed and more
- stealth arsenal and gadgets like Altair, Ezio, Edward, Arno or Evie
- a good modern day storyline
- assassin safehouse
- the renovation system in cities (like AC2, brotherhood and revelations)
- double assassination
- factions
- degradation of armors with the need to repair it like in AC2, Brotherhood and Revelations
- coop like in Unity
- the return of the synchronisation health bar, not the one we have today
- special armors to unlock
- tombs with parkour levels like in AC2
- Helix rifts
- Dense cities : I miss the cities of old AC
- Verticality gameplay : let’s put the parkour in the center of the gameplay again with dense cities
The features I don’t want anymore :
- the RPG elements : levels, stats, all that type of things
- choice in dialogue (we are living memories in the animus, not rewriting history)
- choosing the gender (same here, Ubisoft just need to assign the gender and get along with it)
- gigantic maps but empty : I prefer dense cities with more verticality gameplay
- Stories that are too long : longer doesn’t equal better, we all saw that with Valhalla. The main story was way too long and we all felt it. Let’s go back to shorter stories but with more quality added to it.
- protagonists that are not assassins : the game is called Assassin’s Creed, not the Witcher !
- Powers : same here !
Yeah give me. Unity parkour with ezio trilogy parkour difficulty with syndicate stealth ac 3 combat ezio weapons and gadgets and a black flag story
@@DiademAceyes bro yes
@@DiademAce And a villain like Haytham from AC3
@@joelschittenhelm5571 yes but it’s Ubisoft so it’ll never happen
"- choice in dialogue (we are living memories in the animus, not rewriting history)"
While this critique is understandable, you can also see it not as "rewritting history" but giving you the opportunity to decide how history happened to the characters.
I would love to hear the words “sequence” and “memory” replace “chapter” and “mission” again. Relating the game back to the animus by literally sequencing your ancestors dna was such a cool idea.
I like the modern day storyline and the idea that history is informing present struggles. I really wanted to like Layla more, but I think we didn't get to spend enough time with her and see her developing relationships with her team.
I would dearly love to see Assassin Recruits return to this franchise. And I would love to see a hybrid form of the system from AC: III and AC: Revelations in said game. I believe that would make for a very dynamic recruiting system.
Definitely agree with the parkour point.
I can’t stand not being able to jump manually, not to mention I’ve found so many different instances where side ejects would totally be useful.
I also desperately miss the days of running along the edge of a roof and choosing to blindly jump off, only to ledge grab at the last possible second, mere inches off the ground, where that fall would have killed, if not, hurt me really bad.
Fall damage is a joke for the last 3 games
I haven't played the last few games so I really have to ask
Seriously, without joking, Parkur has fallen so far behind in quality? Exactly what you describe about barely achieving a jump from a fatal fall or being able to jump manually to be more efficient/fast or just flashier, those are the things that make AC parkour fun
Well, the fall damage seemed to be nerfed significantly in AC 3. A roll could save you from basically any close-to-ground height, but Connor decides to land on his feet from a painfully tall building.
@@GRR1MN1Rthe last three games have been mostly flat with the only high points being the statues, mountains, cliffs, and pyramids, would you prefer to get punished for not wanting to figure out how to safely get down a cliff or just fast traveling? Would you prefer instead of jumping off you exclusively have to climb down?
I miss recruits. I loved Mediterranean defense. It was an almost endless gameplay loop and it made the brotherhood feel like an expanding life form with its own stories
The brotherhood system NEEDS to return and should be in every AC game, if applicable.
4:00 i mean, other than llayla, the modern day protagonist are basically nonexistent.
Man you are doing great krep maling these great videos. I remember when you had way less people watching you. Your are a fantastic creator keep going
Shortly experiencing the World wars in Unity and Syndicate were certainly highlights of the series
The only issue I have with Syndicate is the WW1 segment. I love it but like we definitely skipped out on meeting Jacob’s son or daughter since they were an assassin as well. Lydia was a cool addition and I wish we got more of that. I would buy that game if they continued anything with that WW1 play style
The recruit system in ac 3, IMO, was better than the one in brotherhood (and revelations). You could get the recruits to do so many versatile tasks, such as lure away guards, kill a specific target from afar, act as body guards in restricted areas or pretend to be enemy soldiers escorting you (very good to infiltrate restrictes areas). Even though you only had 6 recruits, they were very effective.
in ac origins there was a hideout to the hidden ones in memphis
I think the first and foremost thing that needs to return is the assassin - templar dynamic.
After that I completely agree with a lot of it. Another thing that I wish would return is fighting with dual hidden blades. They completely removed it as a primary weapon I think after AC3.
I miss social stealth as well after origins. I mean heck, in Odyssey we can't even hide in haystacks and kill through like we used. Just taking a gear back to AC:Syndicate would be honestly enough to make the franchise better.
For me, advanced parkour and the helix rifts should DEFINITELY make a return. Hopefully in either codename red or hexe.
Things I would love to have return to Assassin's Creed
- Hideouts/Buildings that are upgradeable and offer significant bonuses to your playthrough in exchange for investment of goods/currency.
- Side missions such as "Kenway's Fleet" and "The Naval Campaign" in AC4 and Rogue, maybe not so navally based but that system was interesting and gave you neat rewards for your character and hideout.
- Gunpowder weapons and varied gunpowder weapons (I personally loved the gunpowder age and wish there was a more flushed out game that expanded on that period of history. I'd love a 1700s Europe or Napoleonic Wars based game but I get a lot of people wouldn't enjoy that) I'd love to see flintlocks, wheellocks, swords, pikes, muskets, and the like.
- Seeing more of a focus on history more than legend. I'd love to see more historical events and characters be portrayed and shown in the assassin vs. templar manner. Legends are cool and all but shouldn't be the main focus of the game imo.
- Co-Op campaign and replayable missions, I have friends who enjoy Assassin's Creed and I feel like it would be so much more fun if I'd be able to play with those people in the same game doing the same missions. Hopefully cross-platform supported as well!
- Multiplayer (I hadn't done this much but I regret not playing it as much as I could've) I loved the idea of there being something besides the main game to do. PvP was actually enjoyable and thrilling to actually act as an Assassin and try to blend in and pursue your targets.
- Unique ways of killing enemies, I want to be able to have at least a dozen ways to take out a target, whether that be rope darts, guns, arrows, hidden blade, help w/A.I or whatnot, I don't like just having the classic "use a sword a million times with the occasional ranged weapon or ability" in every fight.
- Map scale - I want the maps to be actually decent to scale and within reason, you don't always need a big ass map for your game, keep things small but packed with things to do. If you want a big map, you better fill it to the brim with side quests and dynamics that make it fun but not boring/overwhelming. (this is the issue I found with AC Odyssey).
- Ubisoft to actually listen to the AC community and deliver something that we're actually looking for.
If you haven’t played unity yet u should it has coop side missions, renovations to do, a small map with a thousand side missions, a very diverse weapon and armor set, and it takes place during the French Revolution where Napoleon is a side character. Caters to most of your requests even tho the game wasn’t produced as well compared to most ac games
-Ability to actually pick up weapons and keep them. This was introduced in AC2 and stopped in Unity.
- VR training missions. Only Brotherhood had this.
I'm glad to see you mentioned helix rifts as a feature.
I have discussed this with friends at length, and I have always enjoyed them because they could let us explore time periods / settings that maybe don't work well as full experiences within the franchise's formula.
My top Helix Rifts that I would love to go through are:
-A fully fleshed out WWII quest line.
-The Wild West
-The October Revolution
I'd love you to make a video expanding on your picks for this type of mission type.
Great content as always!❤
You know what would be a great topic that I don’t really see anyone talk about: the UI/“Animus” themes in the franchise. In my opinion, they are a character in themselves, and their evolution since 2007 has been interesting to say the least: from embracing the sci fi element, UI look, feel, sounds, loading screens and memory corridors.
I’m not a fan of where they’ve gone in Odyssey, Valhalla, and Mirage.
Personally, if I were in charge of Assassin's Creed, I'd make the whole "choose dialogue" stuff we saw in the RPG's as a New Game Plus, where we'd actually get to re-write history and see alternating branches after we already saw the primary continuity beating the game once. Meanwhile, the Modern Day story would actually continue after the events of the first playthrough, and the Animus Database Entries would be updated based on these "Untold Discoveries."
honestly an assassins creed game where u play as a courtesan/assassin would be amazing for me and i cant believe i haven’t thought of that before
>sees title
>first few seconds is using assassins
>the first of ten things is “assassin recruits”
YESSS listen to this person! They know how to make assassins creed fun
It actually hit its peak in revelations. In brotherhood you just received randomly generated people and trained them but in revelations they had actual character development and missions attached to them and their journey to become a master assassin
I LOVED the recruitment system in the Ezio games, I need those back
Assassin recruits was one of the best additions to the franchise
Feeling lazy to assassinate the target?
Send a recruit
Got stuck in a sticky situation
Arrow storm your way
Shitty stipulation for 100% synchronizations? Circle them around you
And so on
Immensely helpful and a joy to use
This upcoming red game or hexe should definitely put it back again
The parkour is the main one for me. I've probably spent dozens of hours running around in the 4 classic ACs, trying different routes and testing everything I could think of.
For me,the multiplayer and the assassin recruits are the things i want most
Cool video! I liked that you mentioned the multiplayer b CB it was probably one of the only ones that has ever got my heart racing playing lol. One I feel was left out was the ability to disarm and use an enemies own weapon to assassinate them with in AC3😊
You are making loads of good videos keep going 👍
The Davenport Homestead was a very enjoyable assassin base. The interactions made you feel like you really had put in work to build this thing. It was quite an experience.
1. Assassins recruit, to makes you feel like mentor.
2. Helix rifts are cool, very animus thing and more stories instead teleportation focus ability for some random Iraq man.
3. Modern days, literally where the main story actually going on.
4. Assassin safehouse, personal place where you take a break after all that missions.
5. Double assassinations, master assassin stuff but, what's more important is feature where you can retract your hidden blade and play with your weapons (Like Connor's Tomahawk moves).
6. Special armor, History X Culture + Effort = Satisfaction.
7. Memories, of course more deep story like c'mon! this is Assassin's Creed. What do you expect? fighting cyclops? yeah very funny.
8. Factions, is like your neighbourhood. We as an Assassin Order have connection to thief, mercenary etc with their own speciality.
9. Advanced parkour, the freedom of what makes Assassin's Creed stands out back in the days.
10. Multiplayer, remember when you have to hunting each other where you have to use your Assassin's skill against other player to blend with the NPC.
I want the tomb missions to return, like after AC brotherhood getting those unique armor sets you was really a pain, instead of cool missions with parkour and stealth involved we just go around collecting collectibles or whatever to unlock the cool armor suits. It doesn't even have to be tomb missions just give us actual enjoyable missions like the tomb ones so we can get armor suits
double assassinations aren't available in mirage origins and Valhalla because altair hadn't recorded the improvements in his codex yet and thus there was no blueprint for bayek basim and eivor to go off of to make double hidden blades however i agree with the rest of the suggestions .
also it'd be useful to be able to switch between 'advanced' parkour and 'rpg' parkour systems kinda like the Swing Steering Assistance thing that was in Marvel's spider man 2 just switching between types instead
Three things I want back are 100% sync on missions, I loved the extra challenge it gave to do a mission a certain way. Ya it could be irritating at times on the harder ones or stupid one but I loved it especially in the later games where you actually got rewards for doing it. The old style of eagle vision where it was from the player characters point of view instead of a fing bird, the bird makes stealth way to easy. The last thing I want back is the ability to fight with just the hidden blade. It was a fun glitch in the first game and then they added it to the next game and I loved it. I’ve literally never used any of the melee weapons in ac 2 to revelation’s (unless required to get 100% sync) because fighting off a group of enemies with only the hidden blades is just so bad ass and so much fun.
This video reminded me how glad I am that I quit the franchise after AC3 (which felt like the swan song), because so many of the features listed were from AC's heyday.
-DESMOND (He was the linchpin of the story!)
-Safehouses (also Tombs & Lairs)
-Double Assassinations
-Special Armor
-THE PARKOUR (I always loved how the buildings became a visual "language" you'd learn, and thus doing parkour felt like a puzzle and became second-nature as you played.)
Desmond going John Wick mode at Abstergo is the most unforgettable moment in AC imo
Jacob and Evie actually have two hidden blades; the right blade is hidden under the sleeve. You can see it in some of the special assassination cutscenes
This is why I blame ubisoft for reusing unitys animation for double assassinations.
@@TheHiddenOne690 I‘d have been fine if they removed some of them tbh, the new Syndicate specific animations are low key badass
Jacob always killed with his right hidden blade
The removal of advanced parkour is the greatest travesty of this series. It was a part of the series roots, going back to the inspiration from prince of Persia. Playing the Ezio trilogy over right now, there’s a real beauty in being able to express yourself creatively in parkour. Plus when you get that flow going on a parkour run, *chef’s kiss*
I really hope one day we get to see Lydia and WW1 London again, or at least a more modern time period again. I’m still sad we jumped back just before getting to see what “Jazz Age Junkies” would’ve been like
Co op is underrated
Nice Video! Keep up the great work
The recruit was one of my favorites tool in assassin creed, would love if they can bring that back in future games.
Fully agree with this list, but I also would really love to see coop return in a similar fashion as it did in Unity. Tho, of course, without the constant server issues. To this day, I cannot add my friends into my lobby... and, weirdly enough, I can play with random folks. Ubisoft needs to fix that in Unity honestly. But I don't think they care.
The Recruit System was so fun! I wish Ubisoft would expand on the features they implement instead of releasing them in a half-baked state and then abandoning them.
I agree with every single point. Especially the last, I put so many hours in multiplayer in Brotherhood and Revelations. Imagine in today's gameworld, a free AC multiplayer like that, with unlockable customizations through gameplay, and naturally cash shop things? People would pay for those cool looks they could use to show off to others. (yeah I'm not a fan of microtransactions and battle passes, but it is what it is, as long as people pay for them)
Also the modern day, yep it was so cool when we had an interesting protagonist in the modern day, who also did some neat stuff outside the animus, and their story bound the separate games into a cohesive whole. I liked the investigation hacking stuff in BF-Rogue as well. Still mad Ubi dropped the whole Juno storyline.
And extra: Real Social Stealth! The only game that did it well was Liberation, switching between different personas to blend in. Now that should be built on more.
You really should make a video on the best and worst themes of the whole AC franchise.
Yes multiplayer must return for sure btw i rly liked te recruitment missions in revelations more also cuz if they reach a certain lvl you got a special mission with them
Someone give this man a chair at Ubisoft as a Assassin's Creed game-director right now!
not only assassins recruit, but also doing the mission with them just like in revelation
God I miss the Multiplayer.
Imagine combining the factions giving you different perks with the infiltration/assistance/unique kill opportunities ACU and ACS had.
I’d really like to see the legendary armour sets return because it was always so fun to unlock the armours. It made you feel like you mastered the game. I remember getting the Mayan Armour and Medieval Armour it was so rewarding when I finally got them. I finally managed to get the Armour of Brutus in Brotherhood and I’m so happy. I’m not a big fan of the armour but I loved doing the Romulus Tombs. I’m still working towards the Native Armour and the Templar Knight armour. My favourite legendary armour is definitely the Armour of Altair because it looks really cool.
Multiplayer needs a comeback. I met most of my friends playing that game. It was very addicting and sweaty. Co-op was ok in Unity but got really boring after the same missions. MP was the better outcome with many maps and characters to choose from. Aside from MP, yeah we need a crew, safehouse, and pretty much everything you mention lol, I miss that stuff.
Also I would like to see more of those creepy puzzles from AC2 come back as well as that sequence system that lets you replay missions in the story. Why do they take it out? I guess they hate replay.
in addition to all that i miss the gliph puzzles, and like finding the apple of eden in historical photos in order to unlock ancient memories of isu people rather than living forever and going to atlantis
We sort of had recruits in syndicate and i really enjoyed it in that
10:10 That's the entire game! We're playing memories... 😂
The fleet minigame in Black Flag and Rogue was very addictive, encouraging you to bring new ships into the fleet to fight to make routes easier and to trade along the cleared out routes. A minigame like this or more matching the setting of a new game would be great for immersion.
I miss the ability to pick up a broom in ac brotherhood and smack the shiet out of everyone. Also they need to add the ability for a fast steal. Tht way we can make civilians fight faster and get cash fast. Makes for more fun in ac
Great video. but i would say that we need the double hidden blades again it was the coolest way to double assasinate i loved have 2 of the most iconic video game weapon just feeling the overpowerness of ezio it was amazing so u would give verything to see the double hidden blades agian it even looked badass
6:53- Arno and Frye brothers didnt have 2 hidden blades, if you look carefully at the animations they snap their necks.
I want investigations to return. It was cool in AC1 where your assassination would go differently the more or less information you discovered. You could speed run and kill your target, but your assassination would be very klunky. Or you could take your time, learn as much info about your target as possible, and feel like a true assassin
A vanity/gear system. Personally I'd remove the stat boosts and have health and consumables (regen, poison darts, etc) by affected by a completely separate bar that you can upgrade like in the old games.
Unlike dyes, you can specifically select what pieces of the outfit are what colour (it annoys me to no end when games have a vanity system with alt schemes but don't give you the control to select where the colours go! (*cough* LEGO 👀 *cough*). This should also apply for the legacy outfits too and they should also be able to be mix and match with other gear pieces (e.g. putting Ezio's cape into Altaïr's outfit!).
Sorry this is long but I just really love vanity/gear systems in video-games.
Edit- I know Mirage has a bare bones version of this, but I want full control
Really enjoyed the helix rifts! Loved exploring the different time periods. Wish Ubisoft would hurry up and make a WW1 or WW2 full Assassins game.
I would love to see hidden blade customization in the games for example being able to use the pivot blade from ac 3 with the hook blade from ac revelations.
That'd be nasty! Imagine fighting on the rooftop and finishing an enemy with the pivot but escape quickly using the hook! It could be awesome if executed correctly
@@elusivent and a whole lot of fun and chaos.
That was my absolute favourite thing about assassins creed was the recruit system in revelations, made me feel like the most powerful and resourceful assassin ever. If mirage would just add this it would be one of my favourite games in the series!
In Unity Arno only had one hidden blade and still did double Assassinations
Upgrading one's homebase in this franchise would be great to see. I loved how it was done in ACL Valhalla. And if that sort of thing should return it should be implemented in an AC: Game that involves the Mongols or some other Barbarian raiding group.
Can we also bring back The Truth puzzles? Getting to hunt down mini-games that expanded on Assassin and Templar influence throughout sorld history was absolutely incredible. I will never forget a dialogue exchange from a Subject 16 Cluster in Brotherhood:
"The capitalists think we run these companies for profit. The fools."
"Those 'fools' work for you."
"Optional slavery in exchange for pieces of paper. Doesnt that strike you as foolish?"
Abstergo Industries used to be a massive world threat, and we havent seen that same level of defication to Abstergo since ACIII. Even wirh a main character working for Abstergo, I could not shake the 4th wall breaking concept of Avstergo Industries starting the Sample 17 Project in order to ..make video games. Really, Ubisoft? Thats the best you can do after Warren Vidic? Sadly, the answer has been "yes" so far
I want Abstergo to be more involved in the games, even if just in exploring the history through mini-games like in ACII and Brotherhood.
I miss being in the era of guns, they don’t even need to be as modern as they were in Syndicate but would love love love to see the RPG formula in an era as modern as that if not more so.
Tower defense in my eyes! :3
I love this! :3
something i really missed is using hidden blade as primary weapon in combat and doing chain killing
I still believe Assassin's creed recruits could be expounded upon!
Much like the strongholds in Revelations, it'd be cool to have actual battles alongside your assassins, like at the end of it - similar to the battles in odyssey.
It'd be great to customize them aswell, give them different weapons and outfits - even as they reach their max rank.
Perhaps you could even plan out missions or assassinations with them.
For instance; you could give them a pistol and a heavy weapon (the same variety like your own weaponry in unity) or opt for something stealthier like a sword and throwing knives.
When planning the assassination, you could block off escape routes. If you have a recruit with a heavy weapon, they could perhaps block the road and knock the target over if they try to ride off.
What about the system of change your clothes like AC liberation?
Recruiting assassins is finally being talked about 👏
the modern day with desmond was fireee
Would love ww1/2 AC, with proper female character (like Evie), maybe as part of resistance. Some cool assassin toys, suppressed pistol maybe (with low ammo, so you don't shoot everyone) fancy, but time fitting outfits and a good parkour system. Currently playing ac odyssey and the "hold shift to climb anywhere" gets old super quick.
The double kills in syndicate and unity is actually you snapping the other guys neck, not “stabbing” him
I would also love for them to reduce the haystack and add a limit to the leap of faith safe landing
and bring back the descend gameplay from Unity
The animations aren't constraining the controls, Ubisoft are just giving us less control over the animations.
All gameplay is, is a set of controllable animations with physics integrated in
I’d love to see mp come back I played brotherhoods mp constantly I even reached maxed level and played the heck outta the beta
Imagine the recruiting system being paired with a nemesis system like in shadow of Mordor
The Phantom Blade 100% deserves a return in future AC games. It BUILT on the blow gun from Black Flag, allowing you to not just sleep or berserk your enemies, but kill them silently as well. And it’s so much more sophisticated and sleek than dragging around a big bow. The phantom blade was near perfection and we need it to come back
Wait the one you play as in ww1, you said jacobs granddaughter but isn’t she Evie’s and Henry’s daughter?
I agree with most of your points here, but i don't really get the difference between Villa Auditore and your Settlement in Valhalla (Never thought i'd defend AC Valhalla tbh).
Villa Auditore is more than just a safehouse, too and your Settlement in Valhalla you can as well renovate and unlock certain Buildings, wich gives you another goal to grind for.
I don't know. I thought it was very reminiscent of each other.
I am surprised they haven't bought Desmond's son into the games A teenager or young adult similar to his father is experimented on by the templars and saved by the brotherhood during the end of his first game even potentially seeing what happened to Desmond after being picked up by Abstergo as seen in AC4 black flag(I think) hopefully even seeing what happened to the isu after AC3(yes we see the ISU during AC syndicate but we don't know what happened after Desmond's sacrifice).
What I miss the most is fighting with the hidden blade last appeared in AC Rogue…
Social stealth is the feature that I want to see coming back.. fully FUNCTIONAL!
I would love for Ubisoft to do 60fps patch for all the classic assassin creed games for next gen consoles.
1 thing I think is missing from your list is, multiple stories with 1 protagonist like the Ezio trilogy.