Viral Alert! Finally Chemtrails PROVEN

  • Опубликовано: 3 окт 2024
  • ALERT SPREAD this to the four winds everyone!!!!
    American people need to see the proof of this NOW!
    atmospheric seeding weather modification alex jones immune system h1n1 break down swine flu viral virus google end times 666 eugenics eugenicists culling population africa america usa h1n5 NWO New World Order Bilderberg Group CFR Trilaterial David Icke Alex Jones Jim Tucker Alex Jones Aaron Russo Ron Paul Daniel Estulin Texe Marrs Jim Marrs Jordon Maxwell Alan Watt Webster Tarpley Obama George W. Bush Neo Cons Zionism 9/11 inside job 7/7 1993 bombing red pill Bali Britney Spears FBI NSA CIA MI6 Mossad False Flag flu swine Fox News CNN CNBC MSNBC ABC CBS Peter Schiff Osama Bin Laden Tim Osman Goldstein 1984 bush crime family cia coke dealing Bill Clinton Slick Willie Mind Control MK Ultra JFK RFK MLK Gary Webb Wall St War On Terror Lies Matrix infowars prison planet john lennon beatles secret society skull and bones oxford harvard yale princeton masonic agenda chemtrails sheeple Iraq Iran Afghanistan Pakistan Henry Kissinger World Bank Paul Wolfowitz David Rockefeller Queen of England Rothschild queen beatrix netherlands molten metal building 7 nato UN Globalist
    black ops

Комментарии • 2

  • @ZodiakAsHell
    @ZodiakAsHell 13 лет назад

    i keep sneezing and my eyes are tearing due to this shit , i live about 15kilometers to local airport ...