They're a mob of over-privileged, mini-bullies with a superiority complex (for NO good reason) and they clearly really think a lot of themselves. They look like what they are -- hugely self-satisfied and arrogant.
"Life is not an exam and no one made you invigilator" That's probably the essence of what Katie is saying in this video. It's sad that people can't have an open discussion with her without letting their hostility also come to the front.
No she doest take what she dishes out; shes taken on this role of creating negative reactions for money and fame...Students have a right to protest, she's incredibly abusive on most topics she enters... Just listen to her rant on obesity and the NHS...she is a digusting person...
It's worrying how unaware of the world these people are. This countries future. My God. Katie Hopkins, from a working class mother of three I bloody love you!!
She may be aware but if so, much she says must be lies: 3 years back she solemnly said "Sweden....has ...fallen" . Well it obviously hasn't so she was either lying or make a wring judgement as it has not nor will "fall.". She has lost two lonely actions and whimpered ignobly to avoid a hefty fine! So much for being aware then. See a pattern there: she's a rabble rouser and I'm sorry she has fooled you as she's foul about people like you when she feels like it. Don't let her fool and manipulate you.
Boys and girls, this is an example of what moral courage is. It’s being honest to the point where the truth infuriates soft skinned people who feel they’re morally superior to people like Katie. I encourage any able woman to pursue Katie Hopkins career.
That’s sadly so true, these students think the sun shines out their a***. It’s really made me think that the future of these young people are doomed. Such entitlement and arrogance from this bunch of ‘insecure’ students
Those students couldn’t have been less polite. Katie is a model of speaking your mind with grace in the face of overwhelming arrogance and vapid worldviews.
Yeah, that bloke on stage in the leather chair rolled his eyes 101 times. Not professional and speaks volumes about the calibre of students currently accepted into Cambridge.
@@everettscott4745 🤣🤡You clearly need to watch this before commenting.. She’s got more about her than the entire room of posh little darlings put together.
And the powers that be worry that we will come together, they want us fighting each other on race, religion, social standing. Don't let them do it to us.
This is a person that I would charge a machine gun for. She’s a leader. Fearless, intelligent, humorous, and a huge believer in her country and western civilization.
I agree. She is an incredible voice in a sea of loud-mouthed, fast-talking, and ignorant fascist liberals. We need real, honest, great leaders in office like Katie and President Trump.
This woman is a gem! So unapologetic, blunt, sassy and she manages to convey her point of view excellently. I wholeheartedly agree with most of what she said in this talk.
In the United States here and I'm disgusted by the left. As Katie stated, they claim to be the accepting and tolerant ones. These people are the complete opposite of accepting and tolerant. One huge reason why I walked away from the Democratic party. The amount of pure anger and hatred from the left is astounding. I've never seen such unhappy and unhinged people in all my life in the last 5 to 10 years. I could never align myself with that much intolerance to different ideas, opinions, and views as the left displays. Thank you Katie for doing what you do. 💓 🙏
Look how Katie had to control the questions from the crowd, isn't that supposed to be the hosts job? The spoilt brat "host" sat next to her seems to do nothing but sit there basking in his own self importance! I can't believe these people will be running the country in a few years. Help!
Rob. I agree with you, the spoiled brat "host" with the constant arrogant look on his face smirked several times at the audience - but only when he knew that Katie would not see him. This was not only cowardly but is how very young children behave. If I were his parent I would be extremely embarrassed to see him behave so rudely and I would also be wondering what sort of education I was paying for.
Wow I feel so sorry for some of the youth in that room, so intolerant, and had to be told to clap at the end, imagine somebody standing up for that amount of time inviting criticism, answering all those questions but then not one person started to clap at the end? they had to be told to clap? that is so embarrassing, and rude, not one person had any mind of their own to show appreciation. Epic fail. Well done Katie for your bravery x
Perhaps the ‘open minded’ among the students were too afraid to clap in appreciation because they knew their peers would torn on them - and cancel them!
@@slapdashdumper Being part of a liberal society means learning and only repeating the highly controlled and restricted liberal viewpoints that are acceptable to the liberal thinker.
@geoffrey fury She called her own book'Rude', could she make it clearer? Yet stillyoumiss the point. She's not "great" and if she's the "voice of the British people"(appointed by you?) why then too nasty even for the Daily Mail? Why would you think I don't like"the truth"? I'm no stereotype "Lefty" but I know a demagogue when they blather. Her Britain is a nasty place, inside her mind mainly. You are a gull.
She really is an inspiring Lady who is not Afraid to tell the Truth. It's so heartbreaking to think about the fact that probably half of those students actually agree with what she said but are so afraid to say what they really Think because they will be Rejected and Bullied by the Drones who are brainwashed by the life retarded Lectures. Hence you have so much depression, especially in the youth because they are Constantly being mind melded not to think for themselves and if they Do start to see the Truth, fear of being attacked breaks them 😔😔
Jazzy J I agree with your comment, although, based on that Cambridge audience, I believe there is a need for more strong-minded, thick-skinned and outspoken men too. But yes, I agree: Katie rocks!!
Oooh Andrew. Very 'chinless' comment. ''Barf Barf''. You come over as a mannerly upper class fascist. Cant really agree about the need for more thick- minded men with nice skin who chat incessantly. But each to his own. But no, I defer: Katie sucks!!
"A mannerly, upper-class fascist" LOL....nice one Skippy Noodles! No...I'm actually the product of a coal-mining and farming family. You labeling a person as a "fascist" - without knowing ANYTHING about that person - shows a real lack of thinking on your part. Calm down....take a deep breath....and start thinking....clearly....for yourself. (Recommend you start by getting a dictionary and looking up the definition of the word "fascist")
❤️Katie Hopkins. She voices what I’m thinking. I liked that she wrapped up the presentation with an acknowledgment that there is space for one to have one view and the other to have a totally opposite view.
I love that she keeps saying she wants children to think for themselves. The #1 issue with our world today is following and not leading. Everyone wants to follow the leader and no one wants to be the leader.
Seriously, if the majority of people go against Hitler, you will call them a clone. Making speeches that destroys communities rather than solve the actual problem for money, and yet majority goes against it are clones. Gosh you really want to bring another genesis! Also these students are really intelligent, because when money is not involved, these students have the potential to solve these actual problems rather than bring more problems with it.
Not likely, the Nobel Committee has made itself completely irrelevant. I want the UN to move to Sweden and be irrelevant there along with Nobel, and stop being a thorn in our ass.
@@elizabethhouser822 exactly, they actually gave Obama the peace prize a week after winning his first term. For taking a shit in the white house bathroom, I guess.
Marek Moens A Nobel prize for peace? Come on, that would be stretching it even Katie would be questioning why her. She’s good at what she does, but she is divisive. She’s like Marmite.
She’s a fear monger what really is her logic? Say absurd things then call out people who are offended when really the most offensive thing is her lack of sensitivity and manners, which to be honest I don’t really care about at all. To compensate for the lack of actual logic she just yells free speech, sure I guess. Oh no the Muslims are taking over the UK. Evidence? Muhammad is the top baby name. Where are the fabled no go zones and shariah zones lol. She seems to be fine with ridding everyone else of their free speech and invalidating their opinions by calling them weak. She is right about some things like being fat is unhealthy but she has 0 persuasion, if I didn’t know that as a basic fact I probably would not have been convinced. For people who want to feel smart, they follow this wreck of thought
I would ask them as they no longer can sit together... Wearing your mask? Spanish Flu was never in Spain. The Spanish Flu was a vaccine. Rockefeller and Gates dynasties combined project. It was a virus injected into troops at 14 American military bases. January 4th 1918 was the first registered death at Fort Riley, Kansas. Infected troops with poor immune systems were sent to fight in World War 1 to Germany, Italy, France, using England as a go-between country. 50 to 100,000,000 died. There were two controlled methods of depopulation in this project. The second part was the introduction of a bacteria. The meningitis bacteria. The virus does not spread on its own. That is why the vaccine is needed for delivery to weaken the people. Then the meningococci bacterium in the food rations finished off the mission. Bacterial transmission killed them. Financed by Rockefeller Institute in New York City and Dr Fred Gates in charge of administering the vaccine rollout. The bankers and their influenced, bought and paid for politicians in the war committees were not making war with the economy of Spain in World War 1. So there was no need to send troops to Spain. They used a made up story through their bought and paid for editors of influence in the Media. The story was that the sickness was coming from Spain so everybody must stay away from this sickness which they conveniently named the Spanish Flu. Everybody accepted the story the Media published and then there were no difficult questions ever raised about why Spain was not involved in the war. The vaccines are Part of the real invasion. Z.ionist Global Supremacy is the objective.
One thing I like about the Cambridge union Is, They do have people like Katie Hopkins as guest speakers, People with alternative views/opinions etc etc. Free speech should never, ever be suppressed. Well done Cambridge Union.
robg71 do you not think that that was an hour long display of all those kids trying hard to suppress and ridicule her speech? Where do you think they learned that behaviour? It has been groomed. These kids have been abused and display serious Stockholm syndrome. They are real teachers pets, or they'll never be able to pretend they're our "liberal" elite, later on in life.
What a great example of an alpha female going into a top university and owning the snowflakes whose grandchildren will be living under another culture in fifty years time. Brave brave education in democracy and free speech for these blinkered yet privileged young people.
Your Surname in O'Neil - after they've exterminated the brown people, the Jews, disabled people, you would be next...its so funny. For the agenda of hate to work it has to be sustainable it always starts with the highest common denominator and then moves down the stack. Humans are truly the dumbest creatures on earth...we all life of the same fucking rock floating in space, we can't go anywhere else. Yet people are intent on hating, being suspicious, being fearful of the other guy, who is living on the same fucking rock as they are. It will be what ultimately destroys us.
UK's future are the tough kids of the working class - educate them -Fake News is everywhere and this is all some people are exposed to, we can help to change this at a local level. Please educate people by placing printed articles which explain our side in public places where people may read it. Sort of like some religious groups do. You can even print out material on your own computer. Many people do not understand what is really happening, but they may be persuaded to do so, if they read about it. We are all under attack & it will get harder to stop the Globalist One World Order as time goes on! Always be one step ahead of Big Brother - righteous anger needs to be fueled to stop this monstrous Globalist attack which is happening to us allover the world - aimed at destroying our culture and our way of life. Good luck & God Bless you from the USA!
I really don't think any of those students listened to Katie at all They came with an agenda to try and shoot her down Their questions were boring and abysmal Huge lack of integriy and intelligence displayed Oh they all seemed gutless just there to try and impress their peers with their dumb quedtions
The reasons you HATE Katie Hopkins??!! I'd be storming into that school so fast to rip some heads off. My kids school teaches hatred of Trump and white guilt..we pretty much live in mexico which is there not ONE conservative there??? Scary shit right there. Also, as a woman who has birthed 6 children I have fluctuated in weight..the times I've been heavier is EXACTLY because I was being lazy and not paying attention to my diet. Katie is spot on with that fact!
It’s so funny that these students simply do not have the intelligence to appreciate this speaker, Katie Hopkins. These are the future of this country, I am watching this in 2023, nothing has changed. Well done Katie 🇬🇧🇬🇧
There is nothing amazing about her. She is a silly bigot and quite "amazingly" stupid. The number of tweets she has deleted are a testament to that. And her capitulation from Daily Mail.
During one of the protests in London I was speaking to a high level lawyer and she told me that the first thing in this changing world was to take debating out of universities and schools. Now we are just told what to believe.
We live in an age where the fable of The Emperor's New Clothes has actually come true. We are not allowed to express something that is patently true in case somebody is offended. We need more people in the public eye, like KH, who are happy to stand on the parapet.
I’m becoming a big fan of Katie Hopkins after watching her at these union halls at Cambridge and Oxford. She’s so incredibly intelligent and elegantly hilarious while standing strong debating everyone who cares to speak up against her viewpoints. Bravo to Katie 👏🏻🫶🏻🙌🏻💪🏼
I love this woman so much... how many of us would have the balls to stand tall before a room of hundreds who think you're a giant twat? Idk if I would but she inspires me. Not to be mean but to speak the truth and look the world in the eye when it tries to shut me down just bc my opinion differs. She's been thru more than most of us can imagine and is quite a 3 dimensional character. If you don't know her whole story and form your opinion based on her sometimes shocking rhetoric, you will miss the brilliance and the strength.
@@Nepali.Take.Ova23 And Leftists are misguided sheep who have no concept of history or sovereignty and live in a bubble. A bunch of rich kids who are to stupid to not care how terrible it is the fact its illegal to fly the union jack in their own country anymore, its pathetic!
Henry Townsend Which video were you watching??? She had an answer for each and every question and methodically and efficiently dissected each objection they put forward.
And yet it was not like this just a short few decades ago when I was a child in the 80s, at least not where I lived, grew up and went to school etc. Though it started to creep in I can admit, the pc nonsense and 'wrong think.' It is absolutely awful now. Back then, no safe spaces, no snow flakes, just kids being kids, with all that entails, and we were happy, we were free.
They are all stunned. Perhaps this is the first time they are actually LISTENING to someone from the "right". Most leftists are bigoted and do not even bother to listen to other views, yet the first thing that come from their mouths is "Racist". Usually, if you listen to the leftists, THEY are the hating bigots!
@@charleswood7001 You missed the 60's, the hippy flowerchild generation, Woodstock, demonstrations against the war, and the race riots that burned down large parts of dozens of cities.
@@Ctajm I'm English, our 'race riots' happened in the early 80s, though obviously we had the hippy, flower power - drugged up freakazoid generation too. I didn't miss much, but they were all rebels against traditionalism, patriarchy, western civilization etc. Today people with their views and attitudes are mainstream and tearing apart our nations.
She does not, she's rich and upper middle class and therefore does not represent anything like the views of the ordinary person. In almost 50 years I have only met one person who agrees with the privatisation of the NHS and even then, only if people on low incomes were allowed to access it free and those who could afford to pay like Katie, paid.
I don’t always agree with what Katie has to say but she completely owned that room! These students give young people like me a really bad name and they haven’t got a clue! 😂
Hopkins gives adults a worse name with her lies and nastiness. The perfect rabble-rouser for the aggrieved, the angry and the nasty. And some with a genuine grievance. The inocultion for preventing prejudice is knowledge, her stock-in-trade is ignorance.
@@ThePostalGril Is that really the best you can do? Am I supposed to curl up and cry? Blimey you lot aren't merely nasty and ignorant, you aren't even capable of a half-decent jibe. Still what to expect of an idiot whose heroine is unemployable and who bravely called a dead Kurd "a cockroach" and then pretends she didn't mean it really. Very poor. Grow up Caitlin (be careful as Hoppy might criticise your Irish forename. It's traitorous).
Yetin October 2020 she made craven apology to Finsbury Park Mosque for libelling them. This woman made a "brave"please for mercy as she's insolvent, having been the loser incur against Jack Monroe: unemployable, weak and broke. Karma is a thing then. How much else she says and writes islander or libel? Lots. Hahahahaha....verbal actions have consequences Hoppy. Trump is heading down the same rabbit hole.
She is not brave or wise, even if she is sometimes funny. How can you admire a woman who is a rich upper middle class woman who wants to prevent the poor from having access to healthcare and has no moral compass, she boasted of seducing her own best friend's husband. You say the students are hateful but this woman has built a career on hate.
I agree she speaks eloquently but really she is as ghastly as you can see in her other interviews. Please do not base your opinions on just this clip alone she is the epitome of spite and lust. She thinks so highly of herself but to be honest she is a horrid, senseless person.
@@milorussell2370 Och, she has her own opinions, makes a career for herself is absolutely spot on about fat. You need to chill and let people speak. I wld take Hopkins over 98% of these revolting students any day.
You have a better chance educating the working class youth to kick the Globalists out of Great Britain Educate them as to what is happening and get your country back on track!!
@@garymorgan3314 Ha, you have a question about a comment I posted 2 years ago. I would say intellectually charming means one's ability to express rational thoughts in a way that is pleasing and delightful.
Never have I seen so many vapid, boring, intolerant, young people who have no real opinion of their own but seem to all say the same things. Not one seems to have a differing opinion.
I can't aggree more with Katie about Cambridge being 'a bubble'. I worked the streets of Birmingham for several years and visited Cambridge for one day. I concluded that the people I encountered in Cambridge were very upper-middle class, very left wing, very soft and very out of touch with reality, particularly the harsh realities of life on Britain's inner city streets. I felt they would not last 5 minutes on the streets of any major British inner city environment. I felt they would be prey. They were very nice, pleasant people but very naive, soft, privileged and out of touch. I found it disturbing to think that some of these people might populate the local university and go on to occupy positions in government, public life and authority whereby their decision-making would have enormous impact on the lives of ordinary people.
Just like the elite Cadillac liberals here in the U.S. They have never lived in the trenches. They have a couple token minority friends that allows them to claim they have some sort of authority on the subject. I used to be one of them, I have to admit. I tried to hold onto the myth, with all my might, that embracing all cultures here in the U.S. was healthy, and that people of European decent just never consider the pain and suffering they have inflicted on others enough to understand the plight of minorities. I held onto the myth that there were no significant differences in crime, violence, etc. I did this by always giving people the benefit of the doubt, despite my instincts on many occasions screaming out not to trust someone. I'm 50 now. I have since lived in several ghettos, for various reasons. I can tell you that, if any of these Cadillac Liberal or Cambridge woke SJW types spent just 1 week in an inner city, crime ridden, multicultural area, they would eventually take the red pill. We are just breeding a bunch of hateful groups who will seek to destroy us eventually by allowing anyone into Western countries like the US & Canada, UK, Europe and Australia etc. regardless if they love our way of life or want to destroy it. And then we give special privileges to these invaders by allowing them, for example, to not have to supply a photo for a gun permit on religious grounds! See Faith Goldy's RUclips video about this. It is absolutely shocking. She even verifies this by calling the Firearms agency and asking what she should do if she wants to get a gun permit but she wears a full face veil and is "uncomfortable" taking a picture for the permit. The lady on the other end responds that she can fill out a form for a religious waiver! I feel sorry for these students as they do not even realize just how much brainwashing they have been subjected to. They can't even begin to digest the wisdom flowing out of Katie's cute little mouth! LOL. I just love that woman. I hope she is PM of England some day.
Ur so right. In fact we just had divid cameron and his wee twerp george osborne mess the country up. A prime example of what u describe. And it'll happen again with more out of touch, privileged, sheltered little poppets in the future. Its engineered that way...
Katie is amazing, those university students don’t have the first idea what it is like to live in the real U.K. Katy is correct in saying that she isn’t alone in how she thinks, she has millions of supporters who in-fact think exactly the same as she does. Well done Katy for standing up for the “normal” people of Great Britain.
J F They only seem to be able to attack her personality, not her ideas. They shouldn't be in college, they should be at home coloring hoping mommy puts their drawings on the fridge
Well done Katie, sorry I didn't see this a year ago. To see the guy behind you trying to look smart whilst still sporting a prices sticker on his shoe, must be very satisfying 👍prat
Katie is right about mental health issues. People have to want to help themselves and not expect that others are going to make them feel good. I have struggled with depression. I have to be strong, face each day and not crumble.
This mental health issue is so easy to draw a parallel with 'covid' vaccine and even LGBT Q+----- it's all down to the power of suggestion and the frustrating, human quirk that difference somehow elevates them. Why oh why did they warn people, in advance about potential side effects to the COVID vaccine? If they hadn't you'd have no hypochondriacs crying into their Special K every morning. Similar to the LGBTQ+---- tsunami we're currently experiencing, these children feel a need to stand out but it's more difficult these days and only something as radical as declaring yourself Trans will achieve it, plus they feel elevated then. So far as mental health is concerned, people are so flimsy now and it's very easy to make a few internet searches, find a few similar symptoms and convince yourself of your delusional condition. It would be interesting to see the statistics regarding people claiming sick benefits because of mental health ☹️ too easy to fabricate and that's our fault! I probably sound awfully intolerant, but that's how society can ruin you. I fear for the close future!!! 😧
Well done Katie for speaking your mind amongst the young students. You speak on behalf of the majority of people, who have less courage to say what they actually think. Thank you. Keep going Katie, your meaningful words and world observations have opened many people's eyes to the truth that is blatantly going on around us. Thank you X
No, she’s not. Have you’ve seen the girl from Little Mix getting fat shamed by Katie Hopkins? Absolutely disgusting 🤢 Her so called “opinion” wasn’t even an opinion, it was just rude and disrespectful. To even think about tweeting something like that a girl that isn’t even fat is disgusting.
just to let you know, no they don't.... they will leave uni, live in London, marry someone else living in London and send their kids to Cambridge to complete the loop until it implodes.
I'm just saying she came from a privileged background herself and yet she is still an ignorant idiot.Maybe she was a good businesswoman but just like Trump that in no way does that makes her lucid, cerebral or fit to lecture people about politics.
it's amazing how we are so naive when we are younger (under 35 years old). ....I guarantee you they will change their way of thinking as life throws punches at them.
jeep23862 my initial point is that she is not a fascist, and you replied to my comment in opposition to it - which means that either you think she is fascist and you disagree OR you are just projecting and being irrelevant. nowhere in your comment did you ever mention "hate speech", all you said was "oh hurr durr shes a bully :(". you are projecting at me, your point is completely irrelevant to mine.
jeep23862 if you don't think she is fascist and don't have an opposing argument to mine, then leave. saying she's a bully and commits "hate speech" has nothing to do with my argument that she is not a fascist. i don't agree with all of katie's views, but i like her because she has a sense of humour and isn't afraid to say what she thinks - unlike a lot of spineless people in britain.
NunYa Bizness when brutality is not providing more benefits than compassion itself; brutality is essentially, just a way for uncivilised people to release their own anger from not being able to change, adapt and live in their society
Katie Hopkins = besides looking lovely, she is a much-needed, massive dose of common sense in a ridiculously Political Correct world; unfortunately, it was above the heads and therefore lost on that disrespectful gathering of infantile (master-)baiters and halfwits, some of whom were possibly inbred.
Six years on from this debate, i wonder if these students views on imigration are the same after seeing the effect its having on not just England, but Europe as well?
Katie is fascinating - a bold and brilliant woman - surrounded by mostly weak, very confused millennials . It's just so very sad that there are so few MEN with her spirit and love for the truth .
Like Katie said, men wouldn’t get away with what she says. If a man was to say half the things Katie has said, he would be at risk of being arrested, lose his job and his friends. Ostracised and accused of being a bully and a misogynist. It’s a brutal world speaking up when you’re a man in this day and age
For an internet audience of self-styled victims keen on simplistic views and nastiness. Hopkins's own weakness was on display this week in her cringing apology to the mosque. Another ignominious defeat, following that toJack Monroe. Your heroine was bleating ignobly. And she's broke (bet she's got stuff hidden away).
No one in that room could stand up there and face the questions Katie did without a total meltdown.
These are the jumped up little twerps who depand a 'safe space'.
Not a single person in that room who would be as brave or as capable as her in that situation. That at least commands some respect I think.
They're a mob of over-privileged, mini-bullies with a superiority complex (for NO good reason) and they clearly really think a lot of themselves. They look like what they are -- hugely self-satisfied and arrogant.
"Life is not an exam and no one made you invigilator" That's probably the essence of what Katie is saying in this video. It's sad that people can't have an open discussion with her without letting their hostility also come to the front.
I like this straight forward and tactless woman. She dishes it out and takes it herself ,all with glee.
No she doest take what she dishes out; shes taken on this role of creating negative reactions for money and fame...Students have a right to protest, she's incredibly abusive on most topics she enters...
Just listen to her rant on obesity and the NHS...she is a digusting person...
me too, only thing i didnt like was the background tinny noise from someones phone
It's worrying how unaware of the world these people are. This countries future. My God. Katie Hopkins, from a working class mother of three I bloody love you!!
She may be aware but if so, much she says must be lies: 3 years back she solemnly said "Sweden....has ...fallen" . Well it obviously hasn't so she was either lying or make a wring judgement as it has not nor will "fall.".
She has lost two lonely actions and whimpered ignobly to avoid a hefty fine! So much for being aware then. See a pattern there: she's a rabble rouser and I'm sorry she has fooled you as she's foul about people like you when she feels like it.
Don't let her fool and manipulate you.
Boys and girls, this is an example of what moral courage is. It’s being honest to the point where the truth infuriates soft skinned people who feel they’re morally superior to people like Katie. I encourage any able woman to pursue Katie Hopkins career.
That’s sadly so true, these students think the sun shines out their a***. It’s really made me think that the future of these young people are doomed. Such entitlement and arrogance from this bunch of ‘insecure’ students
Girls and boys, this is what a hateful bigoted female. Do not be like katie
I don’t feel morally superior to K H but talking in the way she does will not change anyone except for those of a similar opinion.
Those students couldn’t have been less polite. Katie is a model of speaking your mind with grace in the face of overwhelming arrogance and vapid worldviews.
Yeah, that bloke on stage in the leather chair rolled his eyes 101 times. Not professional and speaks volumes about the calibre of students currently accepted into Cambridge.
@@jamesr1703 happy to add the 10th like to your comment!!
arrogance was dripping in that room !!!! Cambridge NO THANKS
Have to agree. What a bunch of self entitled loves and I can't respect any of them.
toffee nose brats
They call her honesty hate. I call it the truth.
Very true. And not just truth, but real love.
Hadn’t heard of Katie Hopkins. But she’s great! I believe almost 100% of what she said!
Love this woman's guts. Go Katie!!
Vile fascist bigot.
Katie you are uncompromized, intelligent, knowledgeable honest ,patriotic, respectful Lady 🏆👩🎓🌹
Katie owned that room. She's absolutely brilliant.
Agreed 100 %
She's ok,I agree with some of her stuff,some I don't.perod
Does she mean to say fatties are stupid and I shouldn't pay for their blimp-caused sicknesses? Radical!
Pinky jones who pissed in your cereal?
Why? Because she likes her own voice and gets asked primary school questions? Boo
Pleased that i stumbled across this, Katie was excellent. Open to any and all questions. The "educated" audience could learn much from her.
It is so Refreshing to listen to Someone prepared to stand up for Free Speech Greetings from Ireland
...and get totally trounced by some of the most intelligent students in the world.
True William
Shame she's such a stupid idiot.
@@everettscott4745Try watching the video first.
@@everettscott4745 Is that what you really think....?! Did you even watch the video??
@@everettscott4745 🤣🤡You clearly need to watch this before commenting..
She’s got more about her than the entire room of posh little darlings put together.
I'm a British Muslim and personally love listening to Katie Hopkins! Literally love her..
You're a retarded muslim, i identify as a smart muslim
No such thing as a British Muslim. If you're a Muslim you're NOT British.
And the powers that be worry that we will come together, they want us fighting each other on race, religion, social standing. Don't let them do it to us.
Why do people follow someone that "married" etc a little girl? What does it offer women ?
Literally, are you sure?
This is a person that I would charge a machine gun for. She’s a leader. Fearless, intelligent, humorous, and a huge believer in her country and western civilization.
What do leadership and humour have to do with handling a machine gun?
All you need is good hand-eye coordination, believe me. 😀😀
What do leadership and humour have to do with handling a machine gun?
All you need is good hand-eye coordination, believe me. 😀😀
@@Big-guy1981 and also physical fitness. Got to carry that tripod and extra link onto elevated positions ;) believe me
I love Katie. Voice of reason in an insane world xx
I agree. She is an incredible voice in a sea of loud-mouthed, fast-talking, and ignorant fascist liberals. We need real, honest, great leaders in office like Katie and President Trump.
This woman is a gem!
So unapologetic, blunt, sassy and she manages to convey her point of view excellently.
I wholeheartedly agree with most of what she said in this talk.
In the United States here and I'm disgusted by the left. As Katie stated, they claim to be the accepting and tolerant ones. These people are the complete opposite of accepting and tolerant. One huge reason why I walked away from the Democratic party. The amount of pure anger and hatred from the left is astounding. I've never seen such unhappy and unhinged people in all my life in the last 5 to 10 years. I could never align myself with that much intolerance to different ideas, opinions, and views as the left displays. Thank you Katie for doing what you do. 💓 🙏
Totally agree.
@@Kartracer95 the left are now the bullies and cowards. People like Katie are important because we need to show the cowards there is an alternative.
Look how Katie had to control the questions from the crowd, isn't that supposed to be the hosts job? The spoilt brat "host" sat next to her seems to do nothing but sit there basking in his own self importance! I can't believe these people will be running the country in a few years. Help!
Rob. I agree with you, the spoiled brat "host" with the constant arrogant look on his face smirked several times at the audience - but only when he knew that Katie would not see him. This was not only cowardly but is how very young children behave. If I were his parent I would be extremely embarrassed to see him behave so rudely and I would also be wondering what sort of education I was paying for.
Certainly was a self-important twat.
These are the future leaders? Lawd take me now!!
The rude chair didn't even thank Katie for giving up her time. I assume that Katie forced her way in and was not invited?
the same tired useless wankers that are in office will still be running. they want their money for nothing and sex trafficked children for free.
Wow I feel so sorry for some of the youth in that room, so intolerant, and had to be told to clap at the end, imagine somebody standing up for that amount of time inviting criticism, answering all those questions but then not one person started to clap at the end? they had to be told to clap? that is so embarrassing, and rude, not one person had any mind of their own to show appreciation. Epic fail. Well done Katie for your bravery x
Perhaps the ‘open minded’ among the students were too afraid to clap in appreciation because they knew their peers would torn on them - and cancel them!
@@rexgarratt744 just goes to prove that liberals are anything but liberal
Maybe because Katie is a bit of a c*nt that hates virtually everyone?
@@slapdashdumper Being part of a liberal society means learning and only repeating the highly controlled and restricted liberal viewpoints that are acceptable to the liberal thinker.
They clapped at the start though.
I am pissing myself laughing at this. Katie Hopkins is brilliant. No fear.
She is fucking amazing.
No sense either. "Fearless", nah just rude and rather stupidly offensive.
How "brave" is she though, really? You are being played.....the Daily Mail does the same and with the same regard for truth.
@geoffrey fury She called her own book'Rude', could she make it clearer? Yet stillyoumiss the point. She's not "great" and if she's the "voice of the British people"(appointed by you?) why then too nasty even for the Daily Mail? Why would you think I don't like"the truth"? I'm no stereotype "Lefty" but I know a demagogue when they blather. Her Britain is a nasty place, inside her mind mainly. You are a gull.
@ASL 72 Actually you got triggered. Not very bright are you? John was correct but as a gullible type you fell for Hoppy's bullshit. More fool you.
I had cancer around 9 years ago and I feel the same as Katie where the experience has made me tough and more resilient in my approach to my beliefs
Good on you
She really is an inspiring Lady who is not Afraid to tell the Truth.
It's so heartbreaking to think about the fact that probably half of those students actually agree with what she said but are so afraid to say what they really Think because they will be Rejected and Bullied by the Drones who are brainwashed by the life retarded Lectures.
Hence you have so much depression, especially in the youth because they are Constantly being mind melded not to think for themselves and if they Do start to see the Truth, fear of being attacked breaks them 😔😔
I love how she can take all forms of criticism. We need more strong minded, thick skinned and outspoken women like this.
Jazzy J I agree with your comment, although, based on that Cambridge audience, I believe there is a need for more strong-minded, thick-skinned and outspoken men too.
But yes, I agree: Katie rocks!!
Oooh Andrew. Very 'chinless' comment. ''Barf Barf''. You come over as a mannerly upper class fascist. Cant really agree about the need for more thick- minded men with nice skin who chat incessantly. But each to his own.
But no, I defer: Katie sucks!!
"A mannerly, upper-class fascist" LOL....nice one Skippy Noodles! No...I'm actually the product of a coal-mining and farming family. You labeling a person as a "fascist" - without knowing ANYTHING about that person - shows a real lack of thinking on your part. Calm down....take a deep breath....and start thinking....clearly....for yourself. (Recommend you start by getting a dictionary and looking up the definition of the word "fascist")
why not you?
Absolutely agree, Jazzy J!
Top notch Lady 👍
It amazes me that some of these Cambridge students look close to tears after asking a question and hearing Katie's response!😮
❤️Katie Hopkins. She voices what I’m thinking. I liked that she wrapped up the presentation with an acknowledgment that there is space for one to have one view and the other to have a totally opposite view.
I love that she keeps saying she wants children to think for themselves. The #1 issue with our world today is following and not leading. Everyone wants to follow the leader and no one wants to be the leader.
My respect grows for her.
Mine too, it's taken me about 5 years to catch up though :D
Brilliant articulate woman who speaks for so many of us. Thanks Katie. The wokeraty need to grow a backbone.
I love Katie, she is one of a kind.
Cloned students, cloned opinions, even cloned glasses. Where's the much valued diversity?
They have all be neutered by feminist society and need return to strong Christian habits and values.
They would have sifted the audience to make sure it was a 100% left wing audience.
@@bonnluedkie2717 nope
Seriously, if the majority of people go against Hitler, you will call them a clone. Making speeches that destroys communities rather than solve the actual problem for money, and yet majority goes against it are clones. Gosh you really want to bring another genesis! Also these students are really intelligent, because when money is not involved, these students have the potential to solve these actual problems rather than bring more problems with it.
Bonn Luedkie - Christian values like stoning and slavery?
You can feel the tension in there. This woman is a hero, she deserves a nobel prize!
Not likely, the Nobel Committee has made itself completely irrelevant. I want the UN to move to Sweden and be irrelevant there along with Nobel, and stop being a thorn in our ass.
she's the only one who's exuding tremendous amount of positive energy!
I wouldn’t go that far but I admire her strong mindedness and determination to an argument
@@elizabethhouser822 exactly, they actually gave Obama the peace prize a week after winning his first term. For taking a shit in the white house bathroom, I guess.
Marek Moens A Nobel prize for peace? Come on, that would be stretching it even Katie would be questioning why her. She’s good at what she does, but she is divisive. She’s like Marmite.
Katie hit the nail on the head, when she said. People in that hall can’t believe other people think like her and have the same ideas as her, well said
She’s a fear monger what really is her logic? Say absurd things then call out people who are offended when really the most offensive thing is her lack of sensitivity and manners, which to be honest I don’t really care about at all. To compensate for the lack of actual logic she just yells free speech, sure I guess. Oh no the Muslims are taking over the UK. Evidence? Muhammad is the top baby name. Where are the fabled no go zones and shariah zones lol. She seems to be fine with ridding everyone else of their free speech and invalidating their opinions by calling them weak. She is right about some things like being fat is unhealthy but she has 0 persuasion, if I didn’t know that as a basic fact I probably would not have been convinced. For people who want to feel smart, they follow this wreck of thought
Sea you have a lot to say for yourself don’t you!! Your very deep, must be why your called sea!!
T&C OD I couldn’t be bothered shortening my comment. It’s RUclips after all
I would ask them as they no longer can sit together... Wearing your mask? Spanish Flu was never in Spain. The Spanish Flu was a vaccine. Rockefeller and Gates dynasties combined project. It was a virus injected into troops at 14 American military bases. January 4th 1918 was the first registered death at Fort Riley, Kansas. Infected troops with poor immune systems were sent to fight in World War 1 to Germany, Italy, France, using England as a go-between country. 50 to 100,000,000 died. There were two controlled methods of depopulation in this project. The second part was the introduction of a bacteria.
The meningitis bacteria. The virus does not spread on its own. That is why the vaccine is needed for delivery to weaken the people. Then the meningococci bacterium in the food rations finished off the mission. Bacterial transmission killed them. Financed by Rockefeller Institute in New York City and Dr Fred Gates in charge of administering the vaccine rollout. The bankers and their influenced, bought and paid for politicians in the war committees were not making war with the economy of Spain in World War 1. So there was no need to send troops to Spain. They used a made up story through their bought and paid for editors of influence in the Media. The story was that the sickness was coming from Spain so everybody must stay away from this sickness which they conveniently named the Spanish Flu. Everybody accepted the story the Media published and then there were no difficult questions ever raised about why Spain was not involved in the war. The vaccines are Part of the real invasion. Z.ionist Global Supremacy is the objective.
Gavin McLeman Spanish flu is not a vaccine google it moron. Spanish flu was an American virus
One thing I like about the Cambridge union Is, They do have people like Katie Hopkins as guest speakers, People with alternative views/opinions etc etc. Free speech should never, ever be suppressed. Well done Cambridge Union.
robg71 do you not think that that was an hour long display of all those kids trying hard to suppress and ridicule her speech? Where do you think they learned that behaviour? It has been groomed. These kids have been abused and display serious Stockholm syndrome. They are real teachers pets, or they'll never be able to pretend they're our "liberal" elite, later on in life.
Who dressed these fuckwits?
I agree.
What a great example of an alpha female going into a top university and owning the snowflakes whose grandchildren will be living under another culture in fifty years time. Brave brave education in democracy and free speech for these blinkered yet privileged young people.
Fight back & do not accept what is happening to GB!
Love reading close minded comments...
Your Surname in O'Neil - after they've exterminated the brown people, the Jews, disabled people, you would be next...its so funny. For the agenda of hate to work it has to be sustainable it always starts with the highest common denominator and then moves down the stack. Humans are truly the dumbest creatures on earth...we all life of the same fucking rock floating in space, we can't go anywhere else. Yet people are intent on hating, being suspicious, being fearful of the other guy, who is living on the same fucking rock as they are. It will be what ultimately destroys us.
If these Cambridge students are the future of the UK. The UK is well and truly buggered.
David Fisher too right my friend, love the profile picture by the way
And who can you blame for that...
The government for having a shite teaching system
Only just seen the interview ,you’re comment is spot on.
UK's future are the tough kids of the working class - educate them -Fake News is everywhere and this is all some people are exposed to, we can help to change this at a local level. Please educate people by placing printed articles which explain our side in public places where people may read it. Sort of like some religious groups do. You can even print out material on your own computer. Many people do not understand what is really happening, but they may be persuaded to do so, if they read about it.
We are all under attack & it will get harder to stop the Globalist One World Order as time goes on! Always be one step ahead of Big Brother - righteous anger needs to be fueled to stop this monstrous Globalist attack which is happening to us allover the world - aimed at destroying our culture and our way of life. Good luck & God Bless you from the USA!
@@AleadaA Thank you, and yes, I am trying. Love from the UK.
I love how she was standing up above that boy the whole time! Powerful!!
I really don't think any of those students listened to Katie at all They came with an agenda to try and shoot her down
Their questions were boring and abysmal
Huge lack of integriy and intelligence displayed
Oh they all seemed gutless just there to try and impress their peers with their dumb quedtions
Little posh brats.
@JwahAmore41 finest wankers
They are on a lower vibrational frequency and therefore the sheep of mainstream everything xxx
Well let’s be honest here, you only think that because they don’t think the same as you. Which is incredibly ironic
To be fair, there wasn't anything worth listening to. What comes out of her gob is brainless diarrhoea anyway.
The reasons you HATE Katie Hopkins??!! I'd be storming into that school so fast to rip some heads off. My kids school teaches hatred of Trump and white guilt..we pretty much live in mexico which is there not ONE conservative there??? Scary shit right there.
Also, as a woman who has birthed 6 children I have fluctuated in weight..the times I've been heavier is EXACTLY because I was being lazy and not paying attention to my diet. Katie is spot on with that fact!
It’s so funny that these students simply do not have the intelligence to appreciate this speaker, Katie Hopkins. These are the future of this country, I am watching this in 2023, nothing has changed. Well done Katie 🇬🇧🇬🇧
Katie is an absolute gem
She can see how doomed future generations are going to be
By the masses that already are
I agree my thoughts exactly Marty Australia
It might be because it's the end of the week here in New Zealand but I'm struggling to remember who she even is.
Pity they couldn't see it. Ungrateful wretches. A
Just like American Universities. Full of childish, elitist, snobs. Katie is amazing!!!!
Boris Farage she had severe epilepsy but don’t think that makes her mentally ill.
There is nothing amazing about her. She is a silly bigot and quite "amazingly" stupid. The number of tweets she has deleted are a testament to that. And her capitulation from Daily Mail.
Bravo Cecilia, good point - well made......
Superb name too 'Cecilia....', very sweet......!!
@Boris Farage
Boris Farage.... A boy or girl hiding behind the weakest attempt at a humorous name..... Yaaaawwwnnn
@@readingnomad7045 so sad you dont get it. That is why our world is such a mess. People who think as you. I feel sorry for you and those like you.
Oxford union had a debate. Cambridge attempted a GOTCHA and failed miserably. Even the sound was crap. Embarrassing. Katie wins again
No, Oxford Union did have a debate, it was a shrieking childish mess on both sides over a issue of people controlling one another.
Oxford are exactly the same sadly.
Katie is REAL and BRAVE!
During one of the protests in London I was speaking to a high level lawyer and she told me that the first thing in this changing world was to take debating out of universities and schools. Now we are just told what to believe.
We live in an age where the fable of The Emperor's New Clothes has actually come true. We are not allowed to express something that is patently true in case somebody is offended. We need more people in the public eye, like KH, who are happy to stand on the parapet.
Katie is very intersting. I dont think she is racist at all. She speaks the truth.
Your government went to war in Syria. You have to accept the consequences. Otherwise stop voting in warmongerers. Deal with it.
She's certainly not trustworthy, this is the woman who boasted of seducing her best friend's husband. She's a pretty revolting person.
It’s not the truth, it’s just her opinion
OUTSTANDING KATIE !!!! You are awesome! Peterson says you have to talk to others in order to know what you think - you are indeed a worthy opponent.
Yeah but who is the ungracious mong in the other armchair? Pathetic.
Peter Corteen shes an ugly piece of lowlife unitelligent smelly shit
Wow what a witty retort that was, and shes unintelligent??
Is that what you think, biff?
It's called sarcasm
I’m becoming a big fan of Katie Hopkins after watching her at these union halls at Cambridge and Oxford. She’s so incredibly intelligent and elegantly hilarious while standing strong debating everyone who cares to speak up against her viewpoints. Bravo to Katie 👏🏻🫶🏻🙌🏻💪🏼
Katie devours everyone with wit,sarcasm, truth& facts. A strong empowered woman.
I love this woman so much... how many of us would have the balls to stand tall before a room of hundreds who think you're a giant twat? Idk if I would but she inspires me. Not to be mean but to speak the truth and look the world in the eye when it tries to shut me down just bc my opinion differs. She's been thru more than most of us can imagine and is quite a 3 dimensional character. If you don't know her whole story and form your opinion based on her sometimes shocking rhetoric, you will miss the brilliance and the strength.
The irony. Female empowerment. Strong women. Girlbosses. They all harp about this yet Katie genuinely is, and they despise her
not one conservative student asking a question...Very sad and this is the worlds problem now.
Prob’ly not one ‘conservative’ student there - they are ‘student’s, after-all...
Dan Man that’s probably because there is not a single conservative student there..
Not one conservative student. You could have ended your response there.
Conservatives are all old white people and low class chavs
@@Nepali.Take.Ova23 And Leftists are misguided sheep who have no concept of history or sovereignty and live in a bubble. A bunch of rich kids who are to stupid to not care how terrible it is the fact its illegal to fly the union jack in their own country anymore, its pathetic!
What a sad representation of what is supposed to be an educational institution.
Amazing woman, totally organized and powerful. Unfortunately when I am watching this (2/20) I know what's awaiting her. Stay strong Katie.
Amazing. Wants the NHS to be no more and boasts about fucking her best friend's husband. Yes, she amazes me alright.
Watching 2023, she 's great. They were smug weren't they??!!
Katie Hopkins wiped the floor with those Harry Potter extras.
Wrong they wiped the floor with her.
I laughed at the Harry Potter extras...... well done...
No they didn't you thick dimwit
Henry Townsend Which video were you watching??? She had an answer for each and every question and methodically and efficiently dissected each objection they put forward.
Darn Flyer That arrogant lad lsitting to the left of of Katie was creepy.
Katie Hopkins is a wonderful voice in the wilderness
Well done Katie ❤ thank you for demonstrating women's equality today.
So sad to see these young people so lifeless, so mizerable, without humor, spontaneity. So sad.
And yet it was not like this just a short few decades ago when I was a child in the 80s, at least not where I lived, grew up and went to school etc. Though it started to creep in I can admit, the pc nonsense and 'wrong think.' It is absolutely awful now. Back then, no safe spaces, no snow flakes, just kids being kids, with all that entails, and we were happy, we were free.
They are all stunned. Perhaps this is the first time they are actually LISTENING to someone from the "right". Most leftists are bigoted and do not even bother to listen to other views, yet the first thing that come from their mouths is "Racist". Usually, if you listen to the leftists, THEY are the hating bigots!
@@charleswood7001 You missed the 60's, the hippy flowerchild generation, Woodstock, demonstrations against the war, and the race riots that burned down large parts of dozens of cities.
@@Ctajm I'm English, our 'race riots' happened in the early 80s, though obviously we had the hippy, flower power - drugged up freakazoid generation too. I didn't miss much, but they were all rebels against traditionalism, patriarchy, western civilization etc. Today people with their views and attitudes are mainstream and tearing apart our nations.
@@charleswood7001 I'm a big fan on Nigel Farage, and I suspect you are, as well.
"I kind of represent the regular people that live in the UK" ... You certainly do my dear, you certainly do!
She does not, she's rich and upper middle class and therefore does not represent anything like the views of the ordinary person. In almost 50 years I have only met one person who agrees with the privatisation of the NHS and even then, only if people on low incomes were allowed to access it free and those who could afford to pay like Katie, paid.
I don’t always agree with what Katie has to say but she completely owned that room! These students give young people like me a really bad name and they haven’t got a clue! 😂
Hopkins gives adults a worse name with her lies and nastiness. The perfect rabble-rouser for the aggrieved, the angry and the nasty. And some with a genuine grievance. The inocultion for preventing prejudice is knowledge, her stock-in-trade is ignorance.
@@garymorgan4274 snowflake
@@ThePostalGril Is that really the best you can do? Am I supposed to curl up and cry? Blimey you lot aren't merely nasty and ignorant, you aren't even capable of a half-decent jibe.
Still what to expect of an idiot whose heroine is unemployable and who bravely called a dead Kurd "a cockroach" and then pretends she didn't mean it really. Very poor. Grow up Caitlin (be careful as Hoppy might criticise your Irish forename. It's traitorous).
Yetin October 2020 she made craven apology to Finsbury Park Mosque for libelling them. This woman made a "brave"please for mercy as she's insolvent, having been the loser incur against Jack Monroe: unemployable, weak and broke. Karma is a thing then. How much else she says and writes islander or libel? Lots. Hahahahaha....verbal actions have consequences Hoppy. Trump is heading down the same rabbit hole.
This lady is perhaps the Greatest English person alive 🙏💖☮️🕊️
This woman is a blessing to the entire planet.
Too bad she would want you out of her country...
That depends on who you might be and what your intentions are. @@maxk888
She handled their biased and hateful attitudes so brilliantly. Brave, wise woman. I hope she got through to a few.
She is not brave or wise, even if she is sometimes funny. How can you admire a woman who is a rich upper middle class woman who wants to prevent the poor from having access to healthcare and has no moral compass, she boasted of seducing her own best friend's husband. You say the students are hateful but this woman has built a career on hate.
@@cleoldbagtraallsorts3380 You are extremely silly and very concerned with anothers sexual encounter(s), weirdo.
I agree she speaks eloquently but really she is as ghastly as you can see in her other interviews. Please do not base your opinions on just this clip alone she is the epitome of spite and lust. She thinks so highly of herself but to be honest she is a horrid, senseless person.
@@btaitken8842 Do better, I presume you have the same lack of morals. A lack of morality and empathy hints at psychopathy.
@@milorussell2370 Och, she has her own opinions, makes a career for herself is absolutely spot on about fat. You need to chill and let people speak.
I wld take Hopkins over 98% of these revolting students any day.
Katie's witty, smart and intellectually charming !! These British Ivy league kids have a lot to learn about objectivity and respect.
You have a better chance educating the working class youth to kick the Globalists out of Great Britain Educate them as to what is happening and get your country back on track!!
What does "intellectually charming" mean?
@@garymorgan3314 Ha, you have a question about a comment I posted 2 years ago. I would say intellectually charming means one's ability to express rational thoughts in a way that is pleasing and delightful.
She killed it, love her! Free speech in motion.
My god she sparkles..... wonderful woman and from my home town of Barnstaple.... Barum...
Never have I seen so many vapid, boring, intolerant, young people who have no real opinion of their own but seem to all say the same things. Not one seems to have a differing opinion.
Roxanne Moore it's called social conditioning
You have that right, Fred.
It’s been like this since the 80s thanks to Maggie thatcher
what she said!!
Or a personality.
I can't aggree more with Katie about Cambridge being 'a bubble'. I worked the streets of Birmingham for several years and visited Cambridge for one day. I concluded that the people I encountered in Cambridge were very upper-middle class, very left wing, very soft and very out of touch with reality, particularly the harsh realities of life on Britain's inner city streets. I felt they would not last 5 minutes on the streets of any major British inner city environment. I felt they would be prey. They were very nice, pleasant people but very naive, soft, privileged and out of touch. I found it disturbing to think that some of these people might populate the local university and go on to occupy positions in government, public life and authority whereby their decision-making would have enormous impact on the lives of ordinary people.
Get a good education and then maybe you can be the one influencing the country's agenda?
Just like the elite Cadillac liberals here in the U.S. They have never lived in the trenches. They have a couple token minority friends that allows them to claim they have some sort of authority on the subject.
I used to be one of them, I have to admit. I tried to hold onto the myth, with all my might, that embracing all cultures here in the U.S. was healthy, and that people of European decent just never consider the pain and suffering they have inflicted on others enough to understand the plight of minorities. I held onto the myth that there were no significant differences in crime, violence, etc. I did this by always giving people the benefit of the doubt, despite my instincts on many occasions screaming out not to trust someone.
I'm 50 now. I have since lived in several ghettos, for various reasons. I can tell you that, if any of these Cadillac Liberal or Cambridge woke SJW types spent just 1 week in an inner city, crime ridden, multicultural area, they would eventually take the red pill.
We are just breeding a bunch of hateful groups who will seek to destroy us eventually by allowing anyone into Western countries like the US & Canada, UK, Europe and Australia etc. regardless if they love our way of life or want to destroy it.
And then we give special privileges to these invaders by allowing them, for example, to not have to supply a photo for a gun permit on religious grounds! See Faith Goldy's RUclips video about this. It is absolutely shocking. She even verifies this by calling the Firearms agency and asking what she should do if she wants to get a gun permit but she wears a full face veil and is "uncomfortable" taking a picture for the permit. The lady on the other end responds that she can fill out a form for a religious waiver!
I feel sorry for these students as they do not even realize just how much brainwashing they have been subjected to. They can't even begin to digest the wisdom flowing out of Katie's cute little mouth! LOL.
I just love that woman. I hope she is PM of England some day.
Ur so right. In fact we just had divid cameron and his wee twerp george osborne mess the country up. A prime example of what u describe. And it'll happen again with more out of touch, privileged, sheltered little poppets in the future. Its engineered that way...
I completely agree with you, MY GOD!
Its what the cabal want. A bunch of soft dull self indulgent sheep that will take the reins of government and then do the biding of the cabal.
Well done Katie!!
Katie Hopkins says things, 90% of people would like to say, I admire her bravery, And strength, She is like the female version of Milo Yiannopoulos.
She is not as thick as him, but he is very stupid. She is a shock-jock, not a serious thinker.
A very astute woman in her observation of what is going on
Katie is amazing, those university students don’t have the first idea what it is like to live in the real U.K. Katy is correct in saying that she isn’t alone in how she thinks, she has millions of supporters who in-fact think exactly the same as she does. Well done Katy for standing up for the “normal” people of Great Britain.
Katie speaks the truth and is ostracised for it by people who can’t take the truth or are too weak to stand up and be counted.
They seem so immature snickering like a bunch of Jr. High children! God deliver us!
They are immature. Most will have very little experience outside their own little bubble so far.
J F They only seem to be able to attack her personality, not her ideas. They shouldn't be in college, they should be at home coloring hoping mommy puts their drawings on the fridge
Remember British kids go to college at a younger age than kids here in the US.
@@ramonashearer7241 No they don't.. I taught in Reno and age was 17, in the UK it's 18. What did you think it was?
These rich kids are so passive aggressive and rude. They do not live in the same world as the rest of us.
Well done Katie, sorry I didn't see this a year ago. To see the guy behind you trying to look smart whilst still sporting a prices sticker on his shoe, must be very satisfying 👍prat
18:33 that kid just scratched and sniffed his armpits..
class act hahahaha
Very underrated comment
HAHAHAHA!!!! beautiful notice :)
Yeah MUCH worse than being a hypocrite and a bigot. And get your finger out of your nose!
@@wibbletthewobblet9558 Yes, someone really attuned to the zeitgeist.
Katie is right about mental health issues. People have to want to help themselves and not expect that others are going to make them feel good. I have struggled with depression. I have to be strong, face each day and not crumble.
This mental health issue is so easy to draw a parallel with 'covid' vaccine and even LGBT Q+----- it's all down to the power of suggestion and the frustrating, human quirk that difference somehow elevates them. Why oh why did they warn people, in advance about potential side effects to the COVID vaccine? If they hadn't you'd have no hypochondriacs crying into their Special K every morning. Similar to the LGBTQ+---- tsunami we're currently experiencing, these children feel a need to stand out but it's more difficult these days and only something as radical as declaring yourself Trans will achieve it, plus they feel elevated then. So far as mental health is concerned, people are so flimsy now and it's very easy to make a few internet searches, find a few similar symptoms and convince yourself of your delusional condition. It would be interesting to see the statistics regarding people claiming sick benefits because of mental health ☹️ too easy to fabricate and that's our fault! I probably sound awfully intolerant, but that's how society can ruin you. I fear for the close future!!! 😧
Well done Katie for speaking your mind amongst the young students. You speak on behalf of the majority of people, who have less courage to say what they actually think. Thank you. Keep going Katie, your meaningful words and world observations have opened many people's eyes to the truth that is blatantly going on around us. Thank you X
Protesting speech is the worst kind of protest. Protest anything else but when you protest any kind of free speech, I'll fight you to the end.
The rude comments of these entitled, spoiled, 'uneducated' brats seemed to invigorate Katie. She is a gem!!
No, she’s not. Have you’ve seen the girl from Little Mix getting fat shamed by Katie Hopkins? Absolutely disgusting 🤢 Her so called “opinion” wasn’t even an opinion, it was just rude and disrespectful. To even think about tweeting something like that a girl that isn’t even fat is disgusting.
I mean, she did go in and insult them multiple times lol
@@teacup5435 do you have an link? it is not right to blame kids for beeing fat,One MUST blame the parents in that case
Pinky jones Alright ‘Pinky.’
Heavens Mountains she thrives on it. Like Superman with the sun.
I love how Katie could crack jokes or be ironic and it almost always went over their heads.
Yes... She knows how to wrap her shit. But I salute these students cause they still not buying it. Its stinks
@BurrowingBunny + Nice!
exactly my thought!
Just found this video. Brilliant. Katie was fantastic in bravely dealing with these humourless and smug students.
Wonder where they are all now, especially the one in the top chair.
I just wonder who these students will be inspiring when they themselves become members of parliament ?
I BET 95% DON'T get her😢😢
See the students pathetic smirking grins. They have a lot of growing up to do.
just to let you know, no they don't....
they will leave uni, live in London, marry someone else living in London and send their kids to Cambridge to complete the loop until it implodes.
Of course they have! They're young!
They're teenagers, they know everything. Especially these privileged little twats.
These students will enherit a lot of money and they do not have to be afraid of their future.
the fact they will probably live off mummy and daddies money for life means they probably never will.
Katie Hopkins . Brilliant talk , awesome women 👍👍🇬🇧🇬🇧
Katie handing the students their arse on a plate. A brilliant woman educating the privileged.
zip92 She comes from a highly privileged position herself mate.
where was that bit?
Johnnie Bland That was a very important information you provided! Sure everything will be different from now on..
You're a funny guy!
I'm just saying she came from a privileged background herself and yet she is still an ignorant idiot.Maybe she was a good businesswoman but just like Trump that in no way does that makes her lucid, cerebral or fit to lecture people about politics.
it's amazing how we are so naive when we are younger (under 35 years old). ....I guarantee you they will change their way of thinking as life throws punches at them.
Katie speaks a lot of sense, people don't like the truth
Neil Baker Katie's a Fascist... Plain and simple.
Nick H she's the biggest advocate for free speech... literally the opposite of fascist
jeep23862 ummm, okay but in no way is she a fascist. that was my point. your reply had no relevance to what i said, go complain to someone else.
jeep23862 my initial point is that she is not a fascist, and you replied to my comment in opposition to it - which means that either you think she is fascist and you disagree OR you are just projecting and being irrelevant. nowhere in your comment did you ever mention "hate speech", all you said was "oh hurr durr shes a bully :(". you are projecting at me, your point is completely irrelevant to mine.
jeep23862 if you don't think she is fascist and don't have an opposing argument to mine, then leave. saying she's a bully and commits "hate speech" has nothing to do with my argument that she is not a fascist. i don't agree with all of katie's views, but i like her because she has a sense of humour and isn't afraid to say what she thinks - unlike a lot of spineless people in britain.
"In a time of universal deceit, speaking the truth is a crime." George Orwell.
Chrisfragger1 Honesty without compassion is brutality
NunYa Bizness when brutality is not providing more benefits than compassion itself; brutality is essentially, just a way for uncivilised people to release their own anger from not being able to change, adapt and live in their society
@Ktc wat
Ya really think Orwell would dig Katie Hopkins?
Katie Hopkins = besides looking lovely, she is a much-needed, massive dose of common sense in a ridiculously Political Correct world; unfortunately, it was above the heads and therefore lost on that disrespectful gathering of infantile (master-)baiters and halfwits, some of whom were possibly inbred.
Th is NOT common sense. If you "feel" it is then more fool you.
Six years on from this debate, i wonder if these students views on imigration are the same after seeing the effect its having on not just England, but Europe as well?
The very rude student accusing her of being rude was absolutely priceless.
Katie's unreal - straight-forward, truthful, sometimes brutally honest - love her!
"What do you hate most in the world?" "Liberals." She can't even give an honest answer to a question as straightforward as that!
I love how people like Mike Hinkle are complete morons without even realising it. It makes for beautiful comedy
Yes. She is the non-royal equivalent of Princess Anne👑
Boy England is really in trouble with this upcoming generation. Is it lost?
A lifetime of BBC indoctrination
Only the 'Elite'. Not to worry, we won't miss them.
Unfortunately, Yes it is
england ? i'd say almost the whole world now !
generation z is actually at least slightly more right wing than left which is good.
Great to have a voice for England. Love her
Katie is fascinating - a bold and brilliant woman - surrounded by mostly weak, very confused millennials . It's just so very sad that there are so few MEN with her spirit and love for the truth .
Probably would have been called jesus back in the day!!
Like Katie said, men wouldn’t get away with what she says.
If a man was to say half the things Katie has said, he would be at risk of being arrested, lose his job and his friends. Ostracised and accused of being a bully and a misogynist.
It’s a brutal world speaking up when you’re a man in this day and age
Should be titled, Katie Hopkins vs room full of weaklings.
They should get Anne Robinson for one semester,to teach them about life out of their bubble.
For a wider audience of the the ignorant and the credulous.
For an internet audience of self-styled victims keen on simplistic views and nastiness. Hopkins's own weakness was on display this week in her cringing apology to the mosque. Another ignominious defeat, following that toJack Monroe. Your heroine was bleating ignobly. And she's broke (bet she's got stuff hidden away).
This lady is a breath of fresh air.
Love you Katie! From Houston, Texas. So much respect for your nerve and intelligence.