Chris Brown on Tyra Banks show

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024
  • Chris Brown discussing his opinion on women abuse,....BEFORE the situation with Rihanna. Please, keep your negativity to your self. He made a mistake. Handle it.

Комментарии • 341

  • @SpeterMan3
    @SpeterMan3 13 лет назад +8

    It seems like none of you understand anger, especially in a someone damaged at childhood. As much as he hated violence, he didn't know too many other ways to express his anger. He didn't like it, but it was what he knew. When he felt like there was nothing else to do (and obviously there are plenty of ways), he reverted back to what he knew. Someone emotionally damaged won't think logically when enraged. It doesn't make him a monster. He's a victim, just not in the whole Rihanna deal.

  • @Reeny125
    @Reeny125 16 лет назад +6

    Wow... I had no idea that had happened to him and his mother. God Bless both of them for being so strong!

  • @kamay81
    @kamay81 13 лет назад +8

    If he has been able to be back on his feet only two years after The Incident, then that shows he definitely has a wonderful positive personnality.
    As he enters adulthood, that quality will be his best asset. Go on, Breezy.

  • @TamBamist
    @TamBamist 14 лет назад +4

    I still love Chris Brown :) Even though what he did tu RiRi , wasn't right . You juss can't look at one side of the story you gottah understand what led Chris tu doing what he did . So i say they both should take full responsiblitiy of what happened not juss him . i mean he's human ppl make mistakes && they learn from them ! Overall Chris is back && i love him for that ! Nuff said . . .

  • @013esperanza
    @013esperanza 12 лет назад +3

    Domestic violence is not a thing that you can just cut it some slack is something that is to be understood and dealt with.

  • @imteambreezy
    @imteambreezy 11 лет назад +7

    shows that hes human, he didn't like domestic abuse so how do you think he felt when he realised he did it himself, he mustve hated himself for that, hes human and made a mistake. we all do. but people judge him because hes famous, don't judge him, if your not forgiving you must be a very bitter person. (not you personally btw)

  • @TheSarahelise94
    @TheSarahelise94 13 лет назад +4

    We need to pray for people like him. Because God can help them overcome it.

  • @ellequence44
    @ellequence44 15 лет назад +4

    not to make excuses for the dude or anything but look at his eyes and i've noticed this before in previous pictures of him he looks like one of those ppl that keep all their anger inside and just never talk about their frustration and then one day something just sparks them they cant take it anymore and go balistic (physically and verbally) on whoevers around at the moment.

  • @flylifebaybay
    @flylifebaybay 11 лет назад +2

    I love him!!! He's only human I think all of people forget that! No one know what really happen but them and if he had to go through that as a kid imagine what he goes through now. Chris I have never and will never stop being a fan!!! I love you!(:

  • @kapchi
    @kapchi 16 лет назад +5


  • @Brittisdashit
    @Brittisdashit 13 лет назад +3

    i love chris brown.....and im so proud of him for gettin back up after that rihanna incident! i love how everybody said they were "fans" but turned their back as soon as he caught a case! if ur a fan ur a fan for life....nobody thought he would be back on top but now look....u cnt go anywhere without hearing deuces, no bullshit, aint thinking about u, etc. IN Ya FACE HATERS

  • @Serena5925
    @Serena5925 11 лет назад +3

    Around 4:54 tyra said "oh oh there she is" & chris said "you got some koolaid ?" That was so funny !

  • @KsstheStrs
    @KsstheStrs 15 лет назад +2

    i don't see it as any one is to blame.
    Chris Brown grew up seeing his mom get hit by another man, and as a kid that is really traumatizing that sticks to you forever whether you want it to or not. and unfortunately some people turn into that "monster" and do as he or she saw as a child.

  • @younglove2211
    @younglove2211 13 лет назад +3

    I will always love n cherish Chris brown!!! 100%

  • @lolalassiterwhite1984
    @lolalassiterwhite1984 3 года назад +2

    I love Chris no matter what.

  • @PeterPanRoxs1303
    @PeterPanRoxs1303 16 лет назад +3

    silly chris.
    hes so honest thats what i love about him.

  • @moniquebabby
    @moniquebabby 14 лет назад +3

    awww he is so cute and adorable

  • @mariajulien-harris146
    @mariajulien-harris146 2 года назад +1

    He is so amazing.

  • @tallywithme
    @tallywithme 13 лет назад +2

    Aaaww love you Breezy!! Chris rocks!! His going thru a lot of growing up... In his own time, allow it!

  • @marnkalman
    @marnkalman 11 лет назад +1

    No one should be abused

  • @VioletAasimarOfficial
    @VioletAasimarOfficial 13 лет назад +2

    @steffikaysince1996 I have a theory: going through something really traumatic will effect you one way or the other, but not always immediately. I think that Chris suffered from PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) the day he hurt Rihanna. They had a bad fight and somehow that opened up that worm can and he snapped. You're right, he should have known better. From what I've heard, he's doing better. He had a year of counseling (anger management class).

  • @danieltempleton2887
    @danieltempleton2887 2 года назад +1

    Proverbs 15: 1 “ turns away wrath, but hard words stir up anger.” Proverbs 15:4 “Gentle words bring life and health; a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.” ... Proverbs 18:4 “A person's words can be life-giving water; words of true wisdom are as refreshing as a bubbling brook.”

  • @LitMe1
    @LitMe1 15 лет назад +1

    Oh yea Chris we see how chris "treats" his women!
    Sad tht he did this, cause i really liked him!

  • @lovechrisbrown7
    @lovechrisbrown7 16 лет назад +2

    i love him so muchhhhhh

  • @StephiiePortugal
    @StephiiePortugal 16 лет назад +4

    he's so cute lol i love his personality he's a really niice guy =] lol love him

  • @Popfan93
    @Popfan93 15 лет назад +1

    I just don't understand how people could believe what people are saying. Chris Brown felt protective over his mom, he would never beat women obviously. He's 19 years old and already the rumors are much jealousy it's ridiculous.

  • @hollywoodchick12
    @hollywoodchick12 16 лет назад +1

    omg he was like call me when the twins were talking !

  • @seoulboi
    @seoulboi 15 лет назад +2

    your influenced by what you see. he felt like that was the answer. dont judge a person by their action.

  • @Angeltoo960
    @Angeltoo960 15 лет назад +1

    I agree.
    What he did was wrong, but it might not be all his fault. Maybe she was "taunting him" or they were in an argument where he got angry.
    Everyone gets mad, everyone sins, everyone is like that, so dont judge people because your like them in a few ways.

  • @Kareia79
    @Kareia79 14 лет назад +2

    i like cb : )

  • @itsalliebaby123
    @itsalliebaby123 16 лет назад +1

    he is soooooo sweeet.....
    i love him!!!

  • @esperd
    @esperd 15 лет назад +1

    I guess this helps me have a bit of sympathy for him. I don't excuse his behavior or just label it a mistake, but I do see how hard his past must have been.

  • @TheUnwrittenWriter
    @TheUnwrittenWriter 15 лет назад

    Your right. He did come forward and admit that he beat Rihanna .... after he plead self defense.

  • @BajanCuteyPie
    @BajanCuteyPie 15 лет назад +2

    I'm with you girl...I understand how some ppl feel after seeing those pics but still we as the public DON'T know EXACTLY what happened and are in no position to judge...ppl need to WAIT until Chris/Rihanna has said something BEFORE they go off at the mouths

  • @MsCutess
    @MsCutess 15 лет назад

    Wow, U poor baby. This is a message that follows before the mistake U made. PEOPLE SHOULD UNDERSTAND & FORGIVE!!! I LUV U CHRIS B.

  • @L4TRUTH
    @L4TRUTH 15 лет назад

    Behavior is learned. There are plenty of people who have problems controlling their anger, male and female. If he has that problem, then he definitely needs help. There are places that people can go and there is help out there. I support him if he wants to get help for anger management.

  • @MCgirlxoxo
    @MCgirlxoxo 13 лет назад

    This was BEFORE the rihanna abuse. He admitted what he did so give him some sort of credit. People make mistakes, you just have to accept their flaws no matter what. I agree with @SpeterMan3 . that was the only way he knew how to take out his anger. try to put yourself in HIS shoes . he went through a rough childhood. Cmon now.

  • @xnicolersx
    @xnicolersx 16 лет назад +1

    ppl can be selfish
    chris is awesome

  • @azulita2583
    @azulita2583 15 лет назад

    maybe yall should think about the fact that he went through so much, n the fact that it stuck with him. n he has no choice but to follow suit even if thats not liked him and he didnt really want to do it.

  • @azalulu
    @azalulu 14 лет назад +1

    The thing is about the whole Chris Brown-Rhianna thing is if the guy comes from a household where abuse happened, like he did, the chances are he'll end up abusing his wife or girlfriend or whatever too. I'm not trying to rationalize what happened, because it was awful, but it's the truth; it's a vicious cycle and obviously last year he wasn't strong enough to break that.

  • @chicklebird
    @chicklebird 15 лет назад

    thanks for explaining it to me, seriously this is the first time it's made any sense to me at all, so thanks :)

  • @nesha1cbwifey
    @nesha1cbwifey 13 лет назад +1

    @SpeterMan3 well said!!!! this is the best comment ive heard yet!

  • @Locust7107
    @Locust7107 11 лет назад +1

    All humans take in what they see differently were not all the same. His parents should have raised him better.

  • @abiabiwhatwhat
    @abiabiwhatwhat 15 лет назад

    yes it may have been two people fighting, but whatever rihanna said or did, she would never deserve to be beaten like that. no woman deserves that. i was a fan of chris brown before this incident, but what he did was wrong and it can't be justified by trying to blame rihanna.

  • @shasy1988
    @shasy1988 16 лет назад


  • @CallingGloria
    @CallingGloria 15 лет назад

    I don't understand why folks can't see that there are 2 victims in this. Chris suffered from Post Traumatic Stress which went UNTREATED, he didn't know that he was capable of the same horror he denounced that was inflicted on his own mother.
    They are both going to get counseling on this but I also wish that their PR people help shut the media the hell up because both of them are being further victmized by media sensationalism!

  • @nusko23
    @nusko23 16 лет назад +1

    "you know what im saying?"

  • @tannia18nanny
    @tannia18nanny 15 лет назад

    just because he's hot and sings well and most of girls have a crush on him, that doesn't mean he has the right to treat a person like that.. what second chance? to beat up his girl again? trust me, he did it once, he'll do it twice.
    people, stop being so naive!

  • @unorthodox12
    @unorthodox12 15 лет назад

    he juss contradicted himself soooo bad.
    o0 well.
    forgiveness is a must in order for our souls to be at peace.

  • @Raidenfenix
    @Raidenfenix 15 лет назад

    D: Gangster.
    E: He was wearing his "wife-beater" shirt.
    F: He was in wife- beatin' mode (2nd cycle).
    G: She pissed the whole bed, this time.
    H: He didn't beat a women since they got together.
    I: He watched "What´s Love Got To Do With It" (Eat the cake, Anne Mae, eat the cake!!!)
    J: He had to put her "in-check". (Check-mate, Chris Brown, check......mate!!!)
    K: Testing that bobble head that she has on top of her shoulders.
    L: He's going to play Mike Tyson in 2010.

  • @Smileyyy21
    @Smileyyy21 15 лет назад

    I wonder what Tyra Banks is thinking about him now. I love Tyra she's so sweet. And for him no man should hit a woman. he seems like he understands that but doesn't follow his own advice

  • @wonka4
    @wonka4 15 лет назад

    yeah i know. its not so wrong to emphazise that after all, given that there are some fans here already defending him without any reason or proof of anything.

  • @tigrisx23
    @tigrisx23 15 лет назад

    its interesting to see this, especially since i havent heard much dialog from him or rhianna, regarding this.

  • @Lynzie2000jt
    @Lynzie2000jt 15 лет назад

    this is the reason I think he did, he says that he was scared and timid...Kids who witness such abuse are more likely to model the behavior in which they grow up because they never had a proper male role model...I'm sure he didn't do it with main intention of doing it, he probably did subconciously

  • @Miss.Jazmin
    @Miss.Jazmin 15 лет назад

    Talking Don't Work When U're Getting Abused..It Makes It Worse.

  • @lerinnenatalia
    @lerinnenatalia 15 лет назад

    what a shame....I feel bad for this whole situation. At least it makes more sense now though. I know where he gets it.

  • @triforcegirl89
    @triforcegirl89 13 лет назад

    haha chris was gesturing for them to call him when the twins came on the cam

  • @TerraLogan39
    @TerraLogan39 15 лет назад +2

    OMG, IVE COME INTO A SANCTUARY!! Sorry, its just this was the first video where 99% of the people werent bashing him.
    I agree with a few of you. People are so ignorant and have no idea what witnessing abuse at a young age can do to you. I think he just snapped. An uncontrollable blind rage. He needs professional therapy, not getting the crap beat out of him and jail time. Im not saying what he did was right. But you can not entirely put all of the blame on him.

  • @shadowsmirk
    @shadowsmirk 14 лет назад

    He didn't make a mistake, he made a choice.

  • @L4TRUTH
    @L4TRUTH 15 лет назад

    He pleaded not guilty because he's negotiating a plea bargain. If he pleads guilty to the felony charges, then there is no reason to plea bargain. btw, the felony charge is too high. Everyone is iniatially charged with felony assault, and then the cases are usually bargained down to misdemeanors. Especially for a first offense, like his is.

  • @LoveLaugh12345
    @LoveLaugh12345 12 лет назад

    Chris looked so cute!!

  • @baseballryan14
    @baseballryan14 15 лет назад

    sure i have done things i didnt want to but ive never beat a woman, or anything that unforgiveable

  • @pixeltastic
    @pixeltastic 15 лет назад

    tell that to the police and the photos and the witnesses lol

  • @08gradhigh
    @08gradhigh 15 лет назад

    How could you beat a beautiful women like Rihanna.

  • @SpeterMan3
    @SpeterMan3 13 лет назад

    @N0ELLEx33 I agree with you, there is NO EXCUSE. There's never an excuse, but that may always be reasons, which everybody always seems to ignore. Yes, he needs help to change, which may be hard considering his still childlike persona, but it's entirely possible.

  • @supdude54321
    @supdude54321 15 лет назад

    I ♥♥♥♥ chris brown and all but lol

  • @dafunkala
    @dafunkala 15 лет назад

    You don't beat a woman senseless for self defense or for any reason. You're a man, you're usually stronger you can restrain her, calm her down, not bust in a woman's face. I am not sorry for a man who walks away without a bruise on his face and she is busted up horribly. What if she had been beaten so severe she had died, what would you have said then Yeah, its a mistake. Its a big mistake and it should be penalized just like any other situation similar to this.

  • @N0ELLEx33
    @N0ELLEx33 13 лет назад

    @SpeterMan3 while i agree with some of what you're saying, there IS NO EXCUSE. he needs help with anger management, if that's the only way he can express it. like his outburst Good Morning America.. he made yet ANOTHER mistake related to his anger. it's terrible what he went through as a kid, yes, but HE IS AN ADULT. with the power to change himself.

  • @hizonlywifey
    @hizonlywifey 16 лет назад

    he is so sexi and i feel what he went through cuz i went through it for da age of 2-13 yrs old

  • @xW1CKED1x
    @xW1CKED1x 16 лет назад

    the lady who is recording this is crying

  • @treyvoncreighton9814
    @treyvoncreighton9814 Год назад

    Team breezy loves CB team breezy 4life

  • @BajanCuteyPie
    @BajanCuteyPie 15 лет назад

    AMEN to that!!!

  • @Moonstruck_Diva
    @Moonstruck_Diva 15 лет назад

    Theres still no excuse, intentions dont matter in this case, the fact is he needs justice

  • @TomatoBasil23
    @TomatoBasil23 15 лет назад

    yeah really.
    to us, this is the obvious, but to his young teen female teeny bopper audience, some of these girls think it's justified because they are biased for him.
    'like rihanna deserved it anyway omg i love you chris!!!!!'
    'i dont care what he did hes sooooooo CuTe~~!!! we all make mistakes so its ok!!!'
    wonkerman, u gotta accept that some ppl aren't smart enough to grasp reality.

  • @YoungTrina86
    @YoungTrina86 15 лет назад

    Okay, Chris Brown is HUMAN, and no I'm not saying that it was right. Many of us have said we would NEVER do something and have done it. As imperfect humans we do things like this all the time and that's why we must seek GOD. When you judge other peoples character your basically saying that your perfect and have it all together. As humans we're going to make mistakes over and over again, and we should NEVER judge the next person because we aren't no different from them!

  • @454youngblood
    @454youngblood 13 лет назад

    thx you but i hate it when people walk around calllin people woman beaters

  • @taylaluva
    @taylaluva 15 лет назад

    yeah i def. dont think he did it now

  • @U1venx
    @U1venx 12 лет назад

    Finally i see a comment that is smart .! !

  • @azulita2583
    @azulita2583 15 лет назад

    i never said it justified anything, its just not good to judge people...he mite be saying alot of stuff on this show, but we dont know what he could be holding back-its not so good to judge ppl like that :(

  • @angelbutt1220
    @angelbutt1220 16 лет назад

    wen did this show air??? wat season/wat date?

  • @Blackguns22
    @Blackguns22 15 лет назад


  • @013esperanza
    @013esperanza 12 лет назад

    U know who else whent through that Rihana her dad was doing the same thing and she is not striking others. Everyone who don't know what it started when Rihana found a text from Chris's ex she caught chris she confronted him about it started as a virbel argument and ended in a man caught and in an act of rage struck a women. He's not a terrible person I think he just needs some emotional help he needs to heal from his mom being beat to him self beating a women.

  • @Addie05
    @Addie05 15 лет назад

    It's a well known fact that children who witness domestic violence are more than likely to do it themselves later in life. I'm not saying that EVERYONE who witnessed it will do it, but the majority who commit domestic violence did. Google it and see.

  • @wonka4
    @wonka4 15 лет назад

    "if he does end up being guilty, female cb fans should NOT defend his actions"
    no... really??

  • @handmiadenofgod
    @handmiadenofgod 13 лет назад

    @swaggprincess727 That's just not how domestic violence works. When a man beats his girlfriend it isn't just a one time "mistake." It is one he will most likely repeat over and over. If Chris were just the guy next door who beat his partner, you would not be sticking up for him. You would have enough common sense to realize that she needs to get away from him before he does it again. Abuse is almost always perpetual.

    @JAYLABABYGIRL92 15 лет назад


  • @steffikaysince1996
    @steffikaysince1996 13 лет назад

    @YoungDaVinci91 i agree for sure and if hes dealing with what he done and trying to put it right then i hope it works. i just hate it when people act like it isnt a big deal and people should just let it go just because his name is in lights and his songs are popluar. i hope the counseling works for him and he doesnt do it again

  • @Boyplayano1
    @Boyplayano1 15 лет назад

    DOMESTIC VIOLENCE!?! Oh dont get me started..

  • @3r1n94
    @3r1n94 15 лет назад

    I guess thats an apology whatever idc, and your right it was your bad

  • @comreality
    @comreality 15 лет назад

    i really dont know what to believe but he wasnt at the grammys but we have no proof whatsoever so that he truly did this looks like perez got a hold on this i think everybody will just have to wait until he says something(cb) or rihanna to know for sure and if she has bruises and if he did turn himself in then he screwed hisself that is fa sure tnx for tha reply :)

  • @Courtney101wink
    @Courtney101wink 16 лет назад

    SaSamanthar I AGREE

  • @petserous
    @petserous 15 лет назад

    he sure does treat woman right..

  • @XaraBear
    @XaraBear 15 лет назад

    This is a sad situation, no matter how you look at it. The abused became the abuser. What he did to Rihanna was DISGRACEFUL! It's shameful, but domestic violence has two sides, abuser and victim. We have to start addressing it that way. It's too easy to throw these men in jail, but are you really solving the problem? NO! You are taking dad's from their kids, who may grow up to be abusers. Men will be MORE violent when they get out of jail, not less. We have to fix this issue properly!

  • @1geyo
    @1geyo 15 лет назад

    yeah maybe i don't know like the people that still talk about his incident

  • @danieltempleton2887
    @danieltempleton2887 2 года назад


  • @turbo567
    @turbo567 16 лет назад

    i think the last question was a yes lol

  • @perthilicious
    @perthilicious 15 лет назад

    hahahaha!!!!! nice one!!!!!

  • @NinaRae614
    @NinaRae614 13 лет назад

    @steffikaysince1996 I agree 100% that what he did to Rihanna was wrong. After seeing that as a child and during development or for so long, it becomes a part of that person whether they know it or not. I do not believe that Chris Brown was planning to beat on Rihanna that night, I believe that it was honestly something in his subconscious that may have triggered that. It's the same as you finding yourself speaking similarly to those around you. Now, this is still not an excuse.

  • @EeyoreGirl8
    @EeyoreGirl8 15 лет назад

    yo ya'll give em a break. i mean yeah he know it's wrong but technically rhianna did start it. not like i'm sayin domestic violence is aight but still ya'll. what he's sayin is not bull shit.

  • @WestCoastStefi
    @WestCoastStefi 13 лет назад

    the past is the past people make mistakes lets speak on how he's fixed his mistakes and even ben caught being corrigle with the Rhianna as much as people want ot tal kabout his mistake on hitting her we dont knowwhat went dow nwhy because we werent there, and think of it this way is Rhianna still on it NOPE so why are you ,if you cant forgive then you have an issue of your own you need to work out instead of worrying about his god can help those who need and he's helped both of these people