Coins with History - Portuguese (10 Cruzados) gold - The coin that amazed the World, Portugalosers

  • Опубликовано: 6 окт 2024
  • Ninth son of Prince D. Fernando and grandson of D. Duarte I, he was born in Alcochete on May 31, 1469. With the murder of his brother D. Diogo, Duke of Viseu, in 1484, D. Manuel rose to first place in legitimate line of succession to the throne. At the same time he received all of his brother's assets and the titles of Duke of Beja, Constable of the Kingdom and Master of the Order of Christ.
    One of the most valuable and spectacular pieces of Portuguese currency was minted in this reign. It is the Portuguese, a gold coin accepted practically all over the world as a means of payment and which has reinforced the prestige of Portugal. In addition to the Portuguese, D. Manuel I also had another gold coin minted, the Cruzado.
    Referred to as an ex-libris of national and world numismatics, the Portuguese coin was minted with the value of 10cruzados and, at the time, became the largest coin created by any European kingdom. This feature is described by Duarte Nunes Leão, quoted in Teixeira de Aragão's book on Portuguese coins: “Apart from these pieces, rings, berry, miter, crosses, chalices, and gold thuribulum covered with admirable gemstones, and with this, many gold coins of five hundred crosses each, from Portugal, which looked like big apples…”.
    The “big apples” would be Portuguese who were among those present at the embassy that King Manuel I sent to Pope Leo X, in 1514. Jewelry, fabrics, an Arabian horse and even an elephant were among the offers of the Portuguese monarch . Like the new titles of the king and the Portuguese, this “operation” also served for Portugal to assert its power in Europe.
    The Portuguese coinage of King Manuel I began before Vasco da Gama's first trip to India. Joaquim Ferraro Vaz, in an article published in nº 33, 1974, of Nvmmvs, a newsletter of the Sociedade Portuguesa de Numismática, refers to two texts by Gaspar Correia and Damião de Góis, the “only known documents about the beautiful numeral of the Fortunate King”, which speak of the existence of Portuguese in the “baggage” of the Portuguese navigator. For example, in “Legends of India”, Gaspar Correia tells that Vasco da Gama offered various entities in the East “Portuguese of ten crusaders” as well as “Cruzados”, “Pons of silver”, “Vintens” and “Meos Vintens”. Portuguese was a true global currency, with circulation all over the world, from Europe to the East, being universally accepted as a means of payment.
    “Of the Conquest, Navigation, and Trade of Ethiopia, Arabia, Persia, and India.” In August 1499, when Vasco da Gama arrived in Lisbon after his first trip to India, King D. Manuel I decided to add those words to the titles that Portuguese kings used and which had undergone “continuous mutation since D. João I”.
    The Portuguese monarch's demonstration of power was not limited to titles. It was in his time that Portugal gave “new worlds to the world”, among which Brazil is included, having also started its expansion in Asia.
    In addition to Lisbon and Porto, D. Manuel I ordered the creation of coin minting workshops in the territories of Goa, Malacca and Cochin. One of the objectives was precisely the issue of Portuguese. The conquests and respective income made Portugal a rich and prestigious kingdom, sought after by merchants and directly competing with the great commercial centers of the time, as was the case of Venice, which, in 1501, was helped by the Portuguese king in his fight against the Turks, by sending a maritime fleet. During the reign of D. Manuel I, Portuguese expansion reached its peak and the power of the monarch and the kingdom was recognized throughout the world. One of the testimonies of this greatness is the Jerónimos Monastery, built by the Order of São Jerónimo, in Belém, in the city of Lisbon, on land ceded by the king in 1498. Another monument that symbolizes the power and opulence of that time is the Torre de Belém, built between 1515 and 1519.
    The Portuguese presents on the obverse the large caption arranged in a double circular crown and proclaiming the new titles adopted by the King of Portugal and, on the reverse, the cross of the Order of Christ, which for the first time appears on a coin, as the royal insignia that is the from this reign. The coin, minted over 40 years, was minted in large quantities by King D. Manuel I. It was also minted in the reign of D. João III. His fame continued beyond these two reigns and from 1570 onwards, several cities, including those of the Hanseatic League, struck a ten-cruzado gold coin with the Cross of Christ on the reverse. They became known to the history of numismatics as the Portugalosers.
    The examples of this coin that are known today are distinguished by their sober style, size and weight, having been struck in almost pure gold. The Portuguese coin is one of the most desired coins by collectors and one of the most beautiful pieces of world currency.
    King D. Manuel I consolidated and expanded the work done by D. João II in the field of Discoveries.

Комментарии • 13

  • @paulosilva1656
    @paulosilva1656 Год назад +3

    É uma moeda lindíssima batida nos anos dourados da nossa história. Independentemente da sua beleza, raridade ou valor, toda moeda tem algo para nos contar porque ela é um pedaço da história de quem a cunhou. Mais uma vez obrigado pelo trabalho.

    • @joaodiasnumismatica
      @joaodiasnumismatica  Год назад +1

      Sem dúvida caro amigo. Por isso é que as moedas são tão fascinantes. Poder ter na mão séculos de história é incrível.

  • @jacintosantos8904
    @jacintosantos8904 Год назад +1

    Excelente trabalho. Estamos sempre a aprender.Contunue.

  • @nilitvin4483
    @nilitvin4483 Год назад +1

    Excellent work, thanks for the quality!💪

  • @Rajashani5093
    @Rajashani5093 5 месяцев назад +1

    Nice video good info

  • @guesu
    @guesu Месяц назад

    Entonces fue la primera moneda global de la historia?

  • @legionario1989
    @legionario1989 Год назад +2

    Cerca de 35 gramas de ouro quase puro e uma estimativa de 400 000 moedas "portugueses" cunhadas.

  • @Rajashani5093
    @Rajashani5093 5 месяцев назад +1

    Subscribe done