Rearrange Space | GTD®

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • Two-minute Tips for Turbulent Times with David Allen
    Rearrange a Space
    Often times I think we just go numb to the spaces that we've gotten used to. Where we work at home, how we cook at home, how we live in our living rooms, or dens, or wherever. Sometimes space makes a huge difference, and there are times when it's time to then re-think. Should I rearrange this room? Should I rearrange how we're doing? Ask yourself, how are you living? Where are you spending your time? A lot of people have gone unconscious and whole environments have gone unconscious. Living room, people often don't live in their living room. They live in, usually, in the kitchen or the den, or wherever. It's an interesting exercise to go through. What's the purpose of this room? And is it really arranged appropriately? Like I would really want it, or what would be maximal for me. Especially if you've just transitioned to having to work a lot of time from home. A real good idea, if you haven't done this already, is to look around your work space. Is it arranged appropriately? I was just reading that the small desk purchases around the world have gone up tremendously Of course, people are now trying to set up a home office, or reconfigure their home office. So that's a real good thing to do, make sure that your office, and your space, when you sit down to work, and think, and to do creative things, is arranged appropriately. So maybe you need to rearrange, look around your room, is it the way it should be? If you had to start from scratch again, would you arrange it the way it is? Hopefully that gives you some ideas, maybe some creative things to do a down time.
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    ✔ #GTD #gettingthingsdone #DavidAllen
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    #TurbulentTimes #TTTT #tips #Covid19 #MyPandemicSurvivalPlan #Coronavirus #StayAtHomeChallenge #TogetherAtHome #QuarantineAndChill #yourheadisacrappyoffice

Комментарии • 4

  • @mikesavatar3194
    @mikesavatar3194 4 года назад

    Love this new format...for turbulent times :D.

  • @othername2428
    @othername2428 4 года назад

    ...says the man with a towering stack of books badly in need of some book shelves! XD
    LOL jk, love these short tip vids!

    • @r.w.5379
      @r.w.5379 4 года назад +1

      It is a beautiful vertical bookshelf.

  • @mattmatt2417
    @mattmatt2417 3 года назад +1

    Nothing should be on your desk, except monitors. I have two 42inch monitors and one 27inch monitor on my desk, thats it, also a wireless charger pad, for my phone and tablet, but thats it.
    Behind my monitors I have allot of storage devices/external SSDs.
    The methods, ALLOT of people are using, seem expensive/counterproductive/you need to keep ALLOT of clutter/crap, to do it this way.
    So you need, paper,folders,dividers,notebooks,printers,ink,stamps envelopes, TIME.
    Also not using/having E-mail, PDFs, servers, to do lists apps,notifications, digital calendars,digital planners, is a real handicap, when it comes to being productive.
    Automation, is nice too/set emails to go out/upload to the server/local files and so on, on schedules.
    Also instead of carrying a huge ridiculous folder/book places, bring it all with you, on your phone.
    Also having your to do list/notifications pushed to you/directly to your phone/in your notification menu or maybe through Alexa/a routine.
    Also its nice to have a digital note pad/note taker, so you can have your notes, with you, ALL THE TIME, in one place/on your phone, thats always with you.
    Also, IF you use/read, magazines/news papers, a digital subscription, is always available/an option.
    ALSO MOST places have apps, for coupons/Walmart has one,Kroger has one, IF you like fastfood, Burgerking and Mcdonalds, have apps, granted I just use Walmart's monthly membership/door dash's delivery system, for food/groceries, and for what Walmart doesn't have, I buy on Amazon. Also on occasion I use Lowes/Home depots/I get things delivered, to my house from them.
    Anyway all of this, is available as well, anyway things CAN be ALLOT EASIER,NOW DAYS.
    If you have a kid/kids, give them a tablet or a laptop, also tiny scanner pro.
    Also get them PDF books and don't buy them paper, pens or pencils, Also tell them to throw all paper away/tell them to tell EVERYONE, to email it to them, if you see it around the house, throw it away, it will make EVERYTHING ALLOT EASIER.
    More info:
    Tablets/Laptops/desktops/a phone, is the solution lol, if you need a stylus get one, as well lol, not NECESSARILY needed, but, it MAY make you feel better.
    Storing this much paper/any paper, seems counterproductive, thats what storage drives are for, burn it all/well the responsible thing to do, is shred them and then recycle them, but /IF you need to scan it all, into a computer, back things up though/on flash drives/external hardrives and so on, also ALL OF THIS, CAN BE STORED ON YOUR PHONE/in one TINY device.
    Also NOW DAYS, you can just start typing what your looking for, in a search box, and it will just pop, right up/no more annoying days of Windows 95/XP/Vista, those type search systems, are a thing of the past, luckily.
    Also ALL of your manuals, for your appliances/devices, have PDFs, I have those on my phone/I've backed those up as well, you can just search for them online, they are easy to find too.
    Also notes can be taken on your phone/and all of your notes/info you need, will ALWAYS be with you as well.
    Also you can carrie tons and tons of books, IF they are digital/PDFs, same with music, granted now days, we MOSTLY stream music, with Pandora/Spotify.
    LOL your acting like an old person, IF your using paper lol
    Sentimental things are different, but the rest is a waste of time and space.
    Some more examples, of how we live in a digital world.
    Also ALLOT of things can't even be purchased, with out digital/EVERYTHING can't be purchased with cash. MEANING COD/POD, isn't even a thing anymore/DEFINITELY not available for everything/its not used, like it used to be.
    Cash is helpful, to avoid paying tax though, under the table jobs and also for survival/when systems are down, but sales tax is MOST LIKELY going to be an ISSUE REGARDLESS, UNLESS, MAYBE, IF you have access to a military base/some other way to avoid SOME tax.
    I know I keep ALLOT of cash in my safe,along with physical books,blurays and so on, for back ups/end of the world type stuff lol, but I normally keep/use digital items, MOST of the time, such as PDFs,Digital files, movies,games, music and so on.
    Keeping birth certificates/social security cards and pictures, of everyone in your family, SHOULD suffice, for the JUST IN CASE, but even your license, now days, can be renewed, through an app, also taxes are paid/done online now.
    Anyway physical paper, is becoming less and less needed.
    It doesn't surprise me though, that EVERYTHING'S going digital/Sears,Kmart,Hifi buy,Sports authority, Toys R Us and SOON GameStop, ALREADY figured this out, the hard way, but they did FINALLY figure this out.
    Walmarts figuring this out as well/using doordash/having memberships/monthly services, that allow you to get unlimited deliveries, meaning, Walmart stores are KIND OF turning into warehouses.
    Anyway we now have hardrives,SSDs,Flashdrives, servers, no need for MASSIVE filing cabinets, ANYMORE, nor massive calculators,paper calendars,paper, envelopes, or paper/things that can be sent by/via E-mail. No need to buy, stamps,printers,ink,paper/folders, binders, checks and so on, ALL of these things, are obsolete/they are going away.
    Now we can just log into the server, vs having to take/go get that one piece of paper, that is miles away/we also use e-mail vs USPS. Also we can carrie EVERYTHING, in one device/your phone, or have cloud back ups, to get access to it, ANYWHERE.
    Also we use debit/credit cards now vs checks, we don't get our bills mailed to us anymore/we have auto pay/we pay through apps, AND we get discounts on our bills, for doing this/setting up auto pay. We bank through apps now vs through physical banks, we do on OCCASION, use ATMS, but even checks can be deposited, by taking a pic of them, through an app, ALSO, IF you pay with a check, NOW DAYS, in a store, the check will be handed back to you, and your money is taken, DIRECTLY OUT OF YOUR ACCOUNT/ITS BAISICLY LIKE USING A DEBIT CARD, NOW DAYS, direct deposit is available, ANYWAY we now do things MUCH more simply/efficiently/effectively.
    This is probably WRONG, but I burn all the paper I receive, wrong as in, recycling, is what you/we should do, but honestly, I think physical mail, FROM COMPANIES, SHOULD BE BANNED, individuals sending each other a Birthday/Christmas card, is okay, but other JUNK MAIL, should not be sent to people.
    Atleast with email, MOST things, get sent directly, to the spam folder/box, also what gets through, CAN BE BLOCKED, MANUALLY, AND ITS NOT REALLY REAL/it has no consequence, other than bandwith.
    Honestly ALL trash services SHOULD be required, to recycle/all trash facilities, SHOULD HAVE a SORTER/SOMETHING/a machine that automatically sorts the trash/it gets dumped in and then its sorted automatically.
    Anyway paper is a waste of money, time and space, especially when everything can be stored on servers,storage devices and easily emailed/found, when need be.
    Something you can invest in/things that are helpful, NOW that you've gotten rit of all the paper, is more monitors.
    When I work, I use 3 monitors/I have two 42inch monitors and one 27inch monitor, in every setup I have, but being able to see more on screen, is really helpful, when working/getting things done.