Remember, when they say Fleming discovered antibiotics, Otzi had a small leather pouch containing beech fungus which is an antibiotic for treating wounds 4,000 years ago.
Discovering a medication often times means and meant to find out what exact substance is performing the the vital action. People chewed willow bark for ages "knowing" that it lessened pain. Does that mean they knew what substance of the willow bark made the difference and could produce it in better dosable ways? No. Most modern day medication is not an artificial invention, but substances from nature brought into a form that lets you dose it accurately for a treatment. And sepererating it from unwanted other substances the natural occurance could include that might impede on the actual wanted effect. (That doesn't mean the substance itself has no unwanted sideeffects, that's seperate from that. For an example: There are substances in certain hemp plants that can be used for medication. But the difference is that if they are in form of real medication, the dossage and the sideeffects are minimalized as far as possible, while smoking the stuff also has a bad impact on lungs, and the dossage is varying in ways that can hinder the actual treatment and cause worse sideeffects. But people don't want to hear that)
I found out that the first four of my eight MDNA, maternal DNA gene markers, are identical to the first four gene markers of Oertzi. This means he and I share a common female ancestress. Fantastic.
I am Italian mostly, with Greek, Turkish, Middle East, and North African DNA. My map would be the Roman Empire. This stuff is really amazing. Thanks for the video.
given that the Minoans had flush toilets and Gobekli Tepe was already 4 thousand years old it makes you wonder just how backwoods and odd Otzi makes me wonder what and who he was
@@roderickreilly9666 my quest was to ask if Otsi was a regular joe or maybe some sort of extreme survivalist...the world was already a pretty vibrant and progressive place
@@Tim8mit : not in the alpine region 5,000 years ago. Only certain regions of the world were at the level of true civilization. Much of Europe lagged behind. This doesn't mean western Europe lacked for developed regions, but Otzi was quite typical for the Alpine region at the time.
@@kasperkjrsgaard1447 Is there DNA inside the teeth in the dentin and nerve tissue? I suppose that decomposes or the acid migrates up through the nerve canals and also softens the enamel too and I suppose the acid migrates into the bone marrow. I wonder about DNA from the Windover Archaeological Site in Florida where 168 individuals were found laid to rest under the waters of a pond, but I suppose there is a similar type of acid you refer to that is also found in bogs, right? Thanks for your knowledgeable input!!
@robertolang9684 Yo soy un G2a3 o para ser más preciso un G-L30 y te puedo asegurar que la mezcla es ibera, caucasoide, natufiana lo que sucede es que también aparece ruido de Nigeria y el norte de África, de hecho tengo el mismo haplogrupo que el abuelo materno de Tutankamon, YUYA. Por ejemplo en un K12 estamos hablando de 0,77% subsahariano, 1,93% amerindio, EUROPEO-HG 31,37%, CAUCASO-HG 15,43%, ANATOLIAN-NF 44,16%, 6,35% CERCA DEL ESTE. O sea las tres grandes migraciones europeas desde hace 9.000 años.
Interesting vid! Ötzi was discovered on Italian-Austrian border and there was a dispute between the two countries over who would get Ötzi's body. I remember musing at the time that the crux of the issue was whether Ötzi was a "dumb Italian who was overwhelmed by the snow or a dumb German who was overwhelmed by the snow?" This video answers this question and Ötzi was genetically more Italian/southern European. For those who don't already know, there's a nice museum built around his body and the gear he had with him in Bolzano (Bozen in German), Italy. I visited it some 20 years ago and was favorably impressed.
Ah, no the main arguments i can remember were that he could neither be italian or austrian but that: "He could have been swiss because he was so slow that a glacier overtook him, or he could have been german, because he went into the high mountains with sandals."
There was no such thing as "italian" or "german" in the chalcolithic. He was an early European farmer, his own race, Sardinia is the place that retains more ancesrry from them in all of Europe but averyone here derives a substantial part of their DNA from them
Maybe he was in desperate flight from the one or ones who murdered him and was not properly dressed for the very cold heights. Maybe that he was murdered wasn't known at the time you studied the findings.
@@mwj5368 My initial comment was largely in jest, but the initial assumption was that Ötzi was overwhelmed by elements. I saw him in the museum in either the summer of 2000 or 2001. They had not yet discovered the arrowhead buried in his back which is what they believe killed him. The neat thing about the museum is that they highlight all the gear he had with him. When his body emerged from the glacier, he looked like he was naked. However, careful examination of the site uncovered all his clothing and showed that he was well-dressed for his environment at the time of his death. They put great emphasis on the hatchet he had with him which was much better crafted than anything previously discovered from that era. According to the museum, this indicated he was an important person within his tribe. As to the final fight that cost him his life, I seem to recall reading that traces of human blood not belonging to Ötzi were found on him, indicating the he may have killed some of his attackers. Also, the fact that his body hadn't been looted of all his valuables possibly indicates he was involved in a fight to the death in which no one emerged victorious.
@@hafsalindayet that is, until more and more people start doing the test, since doing mine I get an updated list about twice a month on average, meaning that twice a month 2 more people have done their DNA test who are part of my linage. The DNA testing is still in its infant stages, it took me 3 years before I was even game to have it done because I thought governments would mistreat the trust and try to use it for other things. The police have already done this in the States once that I’m aware of. The DNA bank is not a tool for them to use, if they start doing that people will not use the system. It’s for genealogy research not to be used as a criminal data base.
A population moved from North Africa, into the Middle East, then into Turkey. Thousands of years later, they were the 'Anatolian' farming wave that spread through Europe, mixing some with the Middle Stone Age people of Europe who were already there. No trace of Yamnaya ancestory, which would come hundreds of years later, with the plague. The people who built Stonehenge would have been fairly closely related to the Ice Man, and not to the people who live in England today.
@@guytech7310 Absolutely right, and the fact that he was found with food rations and his hunting gear show that he was a great survivor who reached a ripe old age for the time, and probably accidentally stumbled into the territory of other people, who killed him in their own defense of their own resources. I respect Otzi, I wish he had died naturally, but everyone has to die someday. None of us know how that will happen to us. In fact, I happen to be drinking a beer right now, I'm going to drink a toast to that old man! Cheers Otzi!!!
Sunscrean and indoor work wasn't a thing back then. Nobody told him to "hydrate" all the time, and weatherconditions in the alps are a bit more harsh to the skin. Due to the high elevation UV exposure is way bigger than closer to sealevel. So looking 20 years older if you are outside in the alps every single day of your life at the age of 40 would be normal under these conditions.
@@guytech7310 Look, have you ever been to the rough area we are talking about here? I didn't mean he lived his 45 yeras on that specific ridge of the alps, i mean that the average sealevel even in the valleys in the alps is higher than in many other places in europe. And for many things even back then they would go up into the mountains. His diet, his last meal, contained two animals you don't find in the valleys. And with the hunting weapons in use back then you need to go up and down the mountains a lot. You can't just fire your rifle from across a valley and collect the animal down where it has fallen to because the slope it was on is so steep like they do today.
3:20 Lmao fking incredible how close is Otzi to modern Sardinians only at distance 0.03 for someone who lived 5000 years ago. For comparison Sardinians are genetically closer to Otzi than any other modern European group.
@@rb98769And people saying that all ethnicites are mixed 😂 I understands it’s for tolerance but not worth to lie, there are groups who retained pure from very long time
@@barguttobed “Pure” is a nice word for inbreeding. The best way to pass along genetic defects is inbreeding. People who raise animals have known this for millennia. You get traits you like with the risk of defects or weaknesses being enhanced as well.
@@dustydesert1674 -As breeders say when they want to produce certain characteristics in an animal "Breed close and cull often" But you can't do that with people.
Personal Opinion is the Iceman was accidently and fatally shot while traveling by hunters and then left on the mountainside with his equipment since taking any of his personal effects, as is often common during a remote area homicide event, would implicate his killer or killers in his death because his killer or killers were likely known to him and the members of his village.
There's no evidence that his death was accidental. He had a defensive wound on his right hand, showing he was attacked with a blade a few days before his death.
@@richardstephens5570 But what Onmilo is speculating about is why none of his very valuable personal stuff, like the cupper axe, was taken by his killers - and the idea they were members of his own tribe makes sense whether they killed him deliberatly or accidently - everybody in the village probably recognized his stuff, so by not taking anything they didn't have to answer any suspicous questions ;)
Could've been unknowingly stalked by certain individuals, (maybe outsiders from another clan/tribe) and then realises too late that he is being followed. He then somehow manages to escape his pursuers, but takes an arrow in the process. Who knows?
Most plausible explanation: otzi was being pursued by someone who wanted him whacked. When he got hit with the arrow he probably bled out fairly soon thereafter, which is likely why there are no other wounds such as blunt force trauma etc., an indication that his killer had no need to administer a coup de grace. He was on the run and he knew that his assassin(s) were after him.
That is surprising. You hear about male lines dying when no male progeny are born, thus the surname disappears. Guess this a case of a female line dying out completely.
Back in 2016, I purchased 23&Me as a stocking stuffer Christmas gift for my wife and for myself. I was surprised when the results arrived in early 2017 that I was related by DNA to Otzi.
Very interested about a scientific case of Otzi as The Ice Man as I previously read The Geographic Magazine. I am strongly the Southern Italian, Sardinian, Sephardic Jewish, Near Eastern Middle, and Iberian with smaller percentages of mixture of United Kingdom, Scandinavian ( Vikings), Germany, Poland, Ireland, Northern Ireland and Neanderthal lineage linking to the oncoming Homo-Sapein in Mediterranean race. My blood- type is: O Negative and RH Negative otherwise I am lactose intolerant in nature. I have my strong blue bloodline in my noble- royal ancestral line of my D’Auria Family Tree carrying the Coat of Arms in family crest in Italy-More than 1,000 years old in my family genealogical history. Christa D’Auria
This shows the shortcomings of heritage DNA companys. Their model assumes straight lines where none exist, especially in time. Predating most of their other samples, Otzi is from none of those places listed. Arbitrarily assigned to a modern nation based on a sample from today. He likely grew up near where he died and SOME of his ancestors were Anatolian, but he wasn't Italian or Turkish. Did 59% of his descendants go on to live in Sardinia and 1% in Nigeria? No. Can this individual snapshot of one man help us understand the complex series of migrations which took place over milennia? No. The only sound inference to make is that the gene pool was incredibly small in Otzi's time.
"The gene pool is extremely small " is largely true for all of present day Homo Sapiens. Genetic studies presently conclude that humans come from a few families that has crossed from Africa to the middle East 60,000 years ago. Humans had been interbreeding for all that time. Otzi is as interbred as you and me.
I do see your logic and had a similar thought. Are these really the regions that Otzi's ancestors came from or an indication of where his decedents went to?
While watching a program on PBS I found out that Ötzi also had Lyme Disease. Each disease has its own unique DNA. Lab studies done by PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) often yield more clear results as DNA fragments are amplified.
People back then most likely looked older due to living on harsh environment conditions without much protection like we have on the modern world . These people also spend a lot of time outside hunting .
@@greatbearfromthenorth9944 hmm thats interesting. As Czech native my results were: East European, Balkan, West European, Irish/Scottish/Welsh. So basically east European could mean anything since Corded Ware, Balkan is probably related to farmers and Irish is probably a proxy for Bell Beaker related DNA.
@@vizualnihistorie but looks like the northern, central and western europeans have more WHG (western hunter and gatheres) DNA (50%) than the southern europeans (just 25%). Southern europeans have 75% sometimes even 90% of EEF (Early europeans farmes).
@@happysolitudetv ironic, the indo european language was developted not by farmers but by the hunter and gatheres like the Yamnaya from stepes, wich are 50% EHG and 50% CHG.
I'd love to know the exact scenario that led to his death. Did he piss someone off or was it vice versa? A disagreement maybe or did he just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. The arrowhead speaks volumes.
Murdered? I don't think so. Killed yes. But why? My theory is given the place of his death that he must have done something grievous to the people below in the valley and he was running for his life. To have pursued him so far up the mtn tells me it was dire.
I think I saw in a different video that the mountain pass near the place he died was a common pass used to cross the mountains. So, he may have been traveling thru the pass versus being pursued up into the mountains.
This video is very weird. It says his haplogroup went extinct and there are no DNA matches but some years ago i saw a documentary about Ötzi and in that documentary they said to have found a descendant of him i believe in Switzerland. I now wonder who speaks the truth
@@Karron749 okay but still it was said he has no DNA matches at this moment and i remember from the documentary a couple of years ago he had DNA matches from a Swiss guy who even still lived in the area where they found him
@@willidevegt8831 Like most, you do not understand the subject, learn more. ALL humans are closely related, saying bits of him were Sardinian or Spanish is simply nonsense, the DNA doesn't tell you WHAT you are, but rather traces the route ancestors travelled and bred with over time. WE ALL originally evolved out of Africa, prior to that no modern humans existed outside of Africa.
@@imwelshjesus like many people you have to learn how to read. I never claimed anything. And FYI the out of Afrixa theory is already proven wrong. The latest claims are that life started in different humanoid in different parts of the world
@@willidevegt8831 But you implied ignorance and your assertion that the Afrixa? theory has been proven to be wrong further demonstrates that fact. Hints at different humanoids? again, hints at a lack of knowledge and understanding I repeat, all modern humans living today are closely related, with some of us boasting an ancestor who got it together with others, who also had ancestors who came out of Africa originally. Before that our ancestors were four legged mammals, who descended from semi aquatic fish who came from fish, how do you like those apples, a fruit with which you share 40% of your DNA incidentally.
Very nice 👌👍 Mostly Southern European and minor North African and Sub Saharian genetics with prevalence of EEF, which is contradictory to his Germanic look. Regards
I don't think that image is accurate. Sardinians haven't changed in thousands of years. Italy has had all sorts of migration. You can see genetically he was Italian during his time but the closest modern people would be Sardinians. The swarthy appearance of modern southern Europeans is largely due to small amounts of Arab mixture. You can look up Sardinians they look close to northern Europeans and would resemble historical Greeks or Romans.
@@raymondkidwell7135 Ancient Greeks & Romans and also Paleobalkan people (Thracians, Illyrians, Ancient Macedonians, Dardanians...) living north from Greeks when came to Balkan, aready had Anatolian/Levantine/Caucasus origin and that is mostly as a result of migrations, Neolithic period and Empires - living several thousands years in one Empire.
The one thing in that I would challenge in this little presentation is not based on the DNA. It was the comment that Otzi was probably murdered based on the violence visited on his body. The point was he was a part of a migration of agrarian people pushing hunter gatherers off their range. Though Otzi was met with violence, it is possible that he was the subject of attack by those hunter gatherers who were resisting the farming community. It is also quite likely the farmers had a low view of the hunter gatherers and little regard for their life style. Consequently I see it as more likely that Otzi was a victim of a range war. When one is defending territory and kills the interloper for good reason, it is rarely regarded as murder and I believe the experts should be wary of assigning any character to Otzi, good or bad. But he is more likely to have been killed by the people his community is threatening in my opinion. Anyone remember the natives of Australia or the USA?
So………. What occurred in those two continents is natural to man? Yes, it is , it’s just recorded more accurately. Happened all over the world since creatures began walking on two feet and living in groups. The most modern culture at the time comes to the land of cultures that never advanced beyond the Stone Age. Just natural process.
@@HubertofLiege conflict of interest, not racism. The farmers want the land to grow their plants. The hunters are not interested in the land, but want free access to follow their prey.
Reading the commentary is very difficult because it is the same color as the background, it is very small, and moves to the next notes quickly. I would have loved to read about this.
Silly comment. At no time did anyone say he was related to the people in Africa. This is how a person who doesn't know who they are or how DNA works would think. You should read more.
Till some extent, not fully. Sardinians have also some ammount of WHG (10-15%) and minor Yamna (3-5%). Minoians are supposed to be almost fully EEF plus some unsignificant origin from Caucasus.
Made a DNA Test and checkt out about ancient DNA. Found out that I had connections to almost all of them, except Ötzi. Although he was found just about 100 km from were I come from.
1st because the arrowhead was stuck in his shoulder blade _from behind,_ so he was shot in the back. 2nd because he had a serious wound in his hand, between the thumb and the index, almost to the bone, wich could very well fit with a typical defensive wound. 3rd, because the plant rests, such as pollen and so, found in his remains indicate that he made a rapid ascent in his last 2 or 3 days of life to the isolated area where he finally died, wich suggests that he could be fleeing from someone. Of course it's not likely that we get to know what actually happend, and these are no indisputable proof of a murder, but the evidence points more to murder than a self defense homicide.
I'm Nigerian, and I wonder how in the world we got into the mix!?! Maybe there's something about us after all. That far back, I thought we would be only wrapped in leaves and vines.
If there is one thing that has always marked the human species (all of them apparently), it's wanderlust. We have to see what's over the horizon, and leave a little of ourselves behind as we go ;)
Well, it's a common ancestor and no mention how far back said ancestor was in oetzis line. The dna results presented are a bit misleading in my opinion. It just means some people in nigeria share a common ancestor. Doesn't mean that these nigerians ancestors always have been in nigeria. A jewish group of people also is represented in the table shown in the video. The jewish religion is a little younger than oetzi. So there too, people today of that group have a common ancestor with oetzi. (Have seen one video where it was explained that the dna of all people in the world today is traceable back to 6 female humans in ancient africa that were alive at the same time if i understood it correct. So according to that, there were 6 "mothers of modern mankind")
@@nirfz I'll go with just the two: a man and a woman. That makes much more sense. I know people tend to act up over that because "bible"! But bible makes much more sense than everything I hear these days. Would you for instance believe my country Nigeria had a population of 80million in 1976 when I was in Primary school but now we are talking of a population of 220million. How about that the world was 3billion at the time of the moon landing in 1969 but now we are talking of 8billion people. If you do the maths, it means this earth couldn't have been populated millions of years ago. That would be mathematically impossible going by the numbers. And not even the effect of plagues or poor medicines or wars could account for the numbers being so low as 3billion by 1969 after millions of years of man's existence. Anyway, go figure.
@@kokoeteantigha389 You haven't taken into account the fact that life before agriculture was extremely hard, and survival of an individual to breeding age was far less likely. Not to mention that entire populations could, and were, wiped out by floods, famines and disease. The human population didn't begin to grow until the development of agriculture and living in settlements, which made survival much more possible (though still not easy).
I read he actually has living relatives in Austria.They traced down his family from DNA.Does Ötzi the Iceman have relatives? No next-of-kin was around to claim the frozen 5,300-year-old body of Ötzi the Iceman when it was found in the Italian Alps in 1991, but researchers now report that there are at least 19 genetic relatives of Ötzi living in Austria's Tyrol region.
@@TRAVELLINGCHANNEL1 Brazillians are mostly descended from Europeans especially Portuguese first colonials, Portuguese people carry R1b and I2, G2a and E1b1b y-dna and score around 55%-60% EEF ancestry.
@robertolang9684 otzi isn't Indo-European, and the Major Y-DNA in Portugal is R1b which came from first Indo-European Bell Beaker settles and Celts, followed by I2 and G2a y-dna which is descended from Western Farmers then E1b1b from EEF or IBM ancestry.
So was he a product of slavery, who managed to escape, trying to get back to his mother/fathers ancestral home, and was shot and killed when found as he ran away?
To:Rhksnbdjska:You mentioned‘book’.did you know the Boii were a huge Celtic tribe?The have their name to Bohemia(land of the home of the Boii) and Bologna(ancient Bononia ,place of the Boii)
Plot twist: Ötzi stole that food. He was a thief and/or murderer who was tracked down by some relatives of the people he injured or killed. He was chased with the intent to leave him to die from the wounds and exposure. Ötzi had some old school justice dealt out.
Why do you think Ötzi look ”Germanic” ? (He doesn’t to me). He lived before the Indo-European speaking Steppe people reached Europe. He’s got genes that seem to have very little to do with modern day Central Europeans.
I was in the Ötzal Alps in 2018 and the population to this day looks very Germanic to me as does Ötzi. Perhaps the modern day Central Europeans got their phenotype from Ötzi ancestors and not the other way around. Gene flow is both ways.
I had read in an article that there are descendants that have his dna they just don't want to reveal them for protection of the world's curiosity so they can live normla lives
@@DaisyMaeMoses someone mentioned in the comment section that's it's now on Otzi's Wikipedia page. And someone else mentioned that they are located in Austria and I remembered that it was somewhere north of the Alps. It says 19 modern men in the Tyrol region.
My Heritage gave us the *general* G2a paternal Haplogroup of Ötzi. It's not an in-depth assignment. Mutations in it occur frequently. Nobody is going to be bothered for having such a common Haplogroup.
@@miastupid7911 I will be sure to read up on the Wikipedia page. I got my souvenir stuff out and the museum with Otzi mummy in it is in Bolzano Italy. The living people in the town looked very Germanic to me. Not at all like the Southern Italians. I'm sure it’s two different DNA streams that created these different phenotypes. Anyway, it was a great life accomplishment to see the man from 5,200 years ago. He’s so small by today’s standards.
Not so long ago in Scotland men stole other men's cattle. The tradition goes back beyond history. The Ice Man had A copper ax head with a yew haft and leather binding. I suspect he stole this artifact from a tribe that valued it highly. They went after him. He almost got away but they put an arrow into him for his trouble. It killed him in the mountains where he ran away from them.
Little bit of Basque blood in Otzi...maybe that was the O blood type but why is it in these results they won't confirm the Rh factor?. I think I read though somewhere Otzi was tagged as positive. certainly his ancestors got around quite a bit...
The scientists think Ozzy was a victime of criminals. I'm not so sure ! How does anyone know Ozzy wasn't the criminal shot in the back while making a get away. Otherwise he would have sought help from anyone near by. I believe there's a strong chance that Ozzy was the criminal.
Remember, when they say Fleming discovered antibiotics, Otzi had a small leather pouch containing beech fungus which is an antibiotic for treating wounds 4,000 years ago.
He discovered penecillin, not antibiotics. They had been known already for hundreds of years through natural medicines.
Make that 5,300 years ago!
The DNA test results are in! Ozi, you are not the father!!!
False. He had whipworms, and he had a pouch of mushrooms with antiparisitic compounds.
Discovering a medication often times means and meant to find out what exact substance is performing the the vital action.
People chewed willow bark for ages "knowing" that it lessened pain. Does that mean they knew what substance of the willow bark made the difference and could produce it in better dosable ways? No.
Most modern day medication is not an artificial invention, but substances from nature brought into a form that lets you dose it accurately for a treatment.
And sepererating it from unwanted other substances the natural occurance could include that might impede on the actual wanted effect.
(That doesn't mean the substance itself has no unwanted sideeffects, that's seperate from that.
For an example: There are substances in certain hemp plants that can be used for medication. But the difference is that if they are in form of real medication, the dossage and the sideeffects are minimalized as far as possible, while smoking the stuff also has a bad impact on lungs, and the dossage is varying in ways that can hinder the actual treatment and cause worse sideeffects. But people don't want to hear that)
I really loved the way you made Otzi's face move. It made it easier to relate to him to a real human being who once walked the Earth just as we do.
Im glad someone appreciates the full capacity of the video medium and uses it for its intended purpose - to animate large blocks of text.
That’s hilarious!
Obviously! 😂😂😂
This is cutting edge stuff, for sure. We've some a long way from when I was in school back in the 20th Century.
I found out that the first four of my eight MDNA, maternal DNA gene markers, are identical to the first four gene markers of Oertzi. This means he and I share a common female ancestress. Fantastic.
How cool!--both Ötzi's dna and yours!
@@CarolynMcPherson-r3z My wife likes to tease me about my close relationship to Oetzi. She iinsinuates that he was a cave man. He was far from it.
I am Italian mostly, with Greek, Turkish, Middle East, and North African DNA. My map would be the Roman Empire. This stuff is really amazing. Thanks for the video.
@DIFESA_RAZZA_ITALIANA Yes, I am. 85% Italian DNA.
Turkish ????? Are you sure ??? do you mean Anatolian ??
@@AndrewJohnson-hq3di yes, sorry.
@@strafrag1hi, what's your haplogroup?
@@MrGloriousPen1 From dad group R and from mom group H. Cheers.
given that the Minoans had flush toilets and Gobekli Tepe was already 4 thousand years old it makes you wonder just how backwoods and odd Otzi makes me wonder what and who he was
He was a man of his region, not Crete nor Anatolia (by the time his people reached Italy well before his birth)
@@roderickreilly9666 my quest was to ask if Otsi was a regular joe or maybe some sort of extreme survivalist...the world was already a pretty vibrant and progressive place
@@Tim8mit : not in the alpine region 5,000 years ago. Only certain regions of the world were at the level of true civilization. Much of Europe lagged behind. This doesn't mean western Europe lacked for developed regions, but Otzi was quite typical for the Alpine region at the time.
@@roderickreilly9666 turns out Ötzi was an anatolian and dark skin person.
he wasnt@@nikre
Otzi is fascinating. Since we have covered him, maybe we can try bog body samples next .
@robertolang9684 you mean the average Anatolian farmer had not that mixture?
Bog bodys isn’t easy to get DNA from. The acid in the humus water makes it different.
@@kasperkjrsgaard1447 Is there DNA inside the teeth in the dentin and nerve tissue? I suppose that decomposes or the acid migrates up through the nerve canals and also softens the enamel too and I suppose the acid migrates into the bone marrow. I wonder about DNA from the Windover Archaeological Site in Florida where 168 individuals were found laid to rest under the waters of a pond, but I suppose there is a similar type of acid you refer to that is also found in bogs, right? Thanks for your knowledgeable input!!
@robertolang9684 Yo soy un G2a3 o para ser más preciso un G-L30 y te puedo asegurar que la mezcla es ibera, caucasoide, natufiana lo que sucede es que también aparece ruido de Nigeria y el norte de África, de hecho tengo el mismo haplogrupo que el abuelo materno de Tutankamon, YUYA. Por ejemplo en un K12 estamos hablando de 0,77% subsahariano, 1,93% amerindio, EUROPEO-HG 31,37%, CAUCASO-HG 15,43%, ANATOLIAN-NF 44,16%, 6,35% CERCA DEL ESTE. O sea las tres grandes migraciones europeas desde hace 9.000 años.
Was Otzi the victim of murder, or was it a case of self defense? The only way we can know for sure it to run it past a Facebook fact checker.
Two thumbs up, interesting and well done.
Interesting vid! Ötzi was discovered on Italian-Austrian border and there was a dispute between the two countries over who would get Ötzi's body. I remember musing at the time that the crux of the issue was whether Ötzi was a "dumb Italian who was overwhelmed by the snow or a dumb German who was overwhelmed by the snow?" This video answers this question and Ötzi was genetically more Italian/southern European. For those who don't already know, there's a nice museum built around his body and the gear he had with him in Bolzano (Bozen in German), Italy. I visited it some 20 years ago and was favorably impressed.
Ah, no the main arguments i can remember were that he could neither be italian or austrian but that: "He could have been swiss because he was so slow that a glacier overtook him, or he could have been german, because he went into the high mountains with sandals."
There was no such thing as "italian" or "german" in the chalcolithic. He was an early European farmer, his own race, Sardinia is the place that retains more ancesrry from them in all of Europe but averyone here derives a substantial part of their DNA from them
Maybe he was in desperate flight from the one or ones who murdered him and was not properly dressed for the very cold heights. Maybe that he was murdered wasn't known at the time you studied the findings.
@@mwj5368 My initial comment was largely in jest, but the initial assumption was that Ötzi was overwhelmed by elements. I saw him in the museum in either the summer of 2000 or 2001. They had not yet discovered the arrowhead buried in his back which is what they believe killed him. The neat thing about the museum is that they highlight all the gear he had with him. When his body emerged from the glacier, he looked like he was naked. However, careful examination of the site uncovered all his clothing and showed that he was well-dressed for his environment at the time of his death. They put great emphasis on the hatchet he had with him which was much better crafted than anything previously discovered from that era. According to the museum, this indicated he was an important person within his tribe. As to the final fight that cost him his life, I seem to recall reading that traces of human blood not belonging to Ötzi were found on him, indicating the he may have killed some of his attackers. Also, the fact that his body hadn't been looted of all his valuables possibly indicates he was involved in a fight to the death in which no one emerged victorious.
@@luca-jminecraftxx9960 My comment was in jest. Ötzi was pre-Roman, never mind German, Italian, or any other modern European nationality.
Rest in peace,Ötzi.❤
You too
@@Alghi451 we all
R.I.P. you big handsome boi
Didn't he play for arsenal?
Thoughts and prayers 🕯
I often wondered if Ötzi had any living direct descendants.
Even closer than that Biden is his twin brother.
Millions of us wondered about that.
No direct dna matches
@@hafsalindayet that is, until more and more people start doing the test, since doing mine I get an updated list about twice a month on average, meaning that twice a month 2 more people have done their DNA test who are part of my linage. The DNA testing is still in its infant stages, it took me 3 years before I was even game to have it done because I thought governments would mistreat the trust and try to use it for other things. The police have already done this in the States once that I’m aware of. The DNA bank is not a tool for them to use, if they start doing that people will not use the system. It’s for genealogy research not to be used as a criminal data base. is just that......a database.
A population moved from North Africa, into the Middle East, then into Turkey. Thousands of years later, they were the 'Anatolian' farming wave that spread through Europe, mixing some with the Middle Stone Age people of Europe who were already there. No trace of Yamnaya ancestory, which would come hundreds of years later, with the plague. The people who built Stonehenge would have been fairly closely related to the Ice Man, and not to the people who live in England today.
If Otzi would have had blue cross blue shield he would still be with us today.
Or, if he would’ve quit messing around with the chiefs wife
No dude, its obama care!
He would have died in his teens from the clot shots.
Brilliant. He's part Nigerian and part American Indian. Lived 5000 years ago and found in the Austrian Alps.
The reconstruction makes him look much older than 45.
Life was considerably harder. Most people died before they reached 40 in that time period.
@@guytech7310 Absolutely right, and the fact that he was found with food rations and his hunting gear show that he was a great survivor who reached a ripe old age for the time, and probably accidentally stumbled into the territory of other people, who killed him in their own defense of their own resources. I respect Otzi, I wish he had died naturally, but everyone has to die someday. None of us know how that will happen to us. In fact, I happen to be drinking a beer right now, I'm going to drink a toast to that old man! Cheers Otzi!!!
Sunscrean and indoor work wasn't a thing back then. Nobody told him to "hydrate" all the time, and weatherconditions in the alps are a bit more harsh to the skin.
Due to the high elevation UV exposure is way bigger than closer to sealevel.
So looking 20 years older if you are outside in the alps every single day of your life at the age of 40 would be normal under these conditions.
@@nirfz He didn't live there. I suspect he was being chased up there by the person or group that ended up killing him.
@@guytech7310 Look, have you ever been to the rough area we are talking about here? I didn't mean he lived his 45 yeras on that specific ridge of the alps, i mean that the average sealevel even in the valleys in the alps is higher than in many other places in europe.
And for many things even back then they would go up into the mountains. His diet, his last meal, contained two animals you don't find in the valleys. And with the hunting weapons in use back then you need to go up and down the mountains a lot. You can't just fire your rifle from across a valley and collect the animal down where it has fallen to because the slope it was on is so steep like they do today.
3:20 Lmao fking incredible how close is Otzi to modern Sardinians only at distance 0.03 for someone who lived 5000 years ago. For comparison Sardinians are genetically closer to Otzi than any other modern European group.
That's absolutely insane. They managed to keep that isolated for 5000+ years.
@@rb98769And people saying that all ethnicites are mixed 😂 I understands it’s for tolerance but not worth to lie, there are groups who retained pure from very long time
“Pure” is a nice word for inbreeding. The best way to pass along genetic defects is inbreeding. People who raise animals have known this for millennia. You get traits you like with the risk of defects or weaknesses being enhanced as well.
@@dustydesert1674 -As breeders say when they want to produce certain characteristics in an animal "Breed close and cull often" But you can't do that with people.
I want to go to Sardinia to investigate.
Personal Opinion is the Iceman was accidently and fatally shot while traveling by hunters and then left on the mountainside with his equipment since taking any of his personal effects, as is often common during a remote area homicide event, would implicate his killer or killers in his death because his killer or killers were likely known to him and the members of his village.
There's no evidence that his death was accidental. He had a defensive wound on his right hand, showing he was attacked with a blade a few days before his death.
@@richardstephens5570 But what Onmilo is speculating about is why none of his very valuable personal stuff, like the cupper axe, was taken by his killers - and the idea they were members of his own tribe makes sense whether they killed him deliberatly or accidently - everybody in the village probably recognized his stuff, so by not taking anything they didn't have to answer any suspicous questions ;)
Could've been unknowingly stalked by certain individuals, (maybe outsiders from another clan/tribe) and then realises too late that he is being followed. He then somehow manages to escape his pursuers, but takes an arrow in the process. Who knows?
They got his daughter, lol
Most plausible explanation: otzi was being pursued by someone who wanted him whacked. When he got hit with the arrow he probably bled out fairly soon thereafter, which is likely why there are no other wounds such as blunt force trauma etc., an indication that his killer had no need to administer a coup de grace. He was on the run and he knew that his assassin(s) were after him.
The real mystery is how Wim Hoff figured out time travel about a decade from now
IMO: Wim Hof is a complete pseudoscience fraud. Okay, if you believe quackery is a science.
I was surprised his mtDNA Haplogroup has gone extinct so recently. Mine goes back 10,000 years.
Zaskakujące byłoby, gdyby było odwrotnie
That is surprising. You hear about male lines dying when no male progeny are born, thus the surname disappears. Guess this a case of a female line dying out completely.
Otherwise known as survivor's bias.
It’s about being the last female that could pass it on, she didn’t have any daughters.
Back in 2016, I purchased 23&Me as a stocking stuffer Christmas gift for my wife and for myself. I was surprised when the results arrived in early 2017 that I was related by DNA to Otzi.
Very interested about a scientific case of Otzi as The Ice Man as I previously read The Geographic Magazine. I am strongly the Southern Italian, Sardinian, Sephardic Jewish, Near Eastern Middle, and Iberian with smaller percentages of mixture of United Kingdom, Scandinavian ( Vikings), Germany, Poland, Ireland, Northern Ireland and Neanderthal lineage linking to the oncoming Homo-Sapein in Mediterranean race. My blood- type is: O Negative and RH Negative otherwise I am lactose intolerant in nature. I have my strong blue bloodline in my noble- royal ancestral line of my D’Auria Family Tree carrying the Coat of Arms in family crest in Italy-More than 1,000 years old in my family genealogical history. Christa D’Auria
This shows the shortcomings of heritage DNA companys. Their model assumes straight lines where none exist, especially in time. Predating most of their other samples, Otzi is from none of those places listed. Arbitrarily assigned to a modern nation based on a sample from today. He likely grew up near where he died and SOME of his ancestors were Anatolian, but he wasn't Italian or Turkish. Did 59% of his descendants go on to live in Sardinia and 1% in Nigeria? No. Can this individual snapshot of one man help us understand the complex series of migrations which took place over milennia? No. The only sound inference to make is that the gene pool was incredibly small in Otzi's time.
I don't follow your logic. For one thing you misinterpret these analyses.
"The gene pool is extremely small " is largely true for all of present day Homo Sapiens. Genetic studies presently conclude that humans come from a few families that has crossed from Africa to the middle East 60,000 years ago. Humans had been interbreeding for all that time. Otzi is as interbred as you and me.
I do see your logic and had a similar thought.
Are these really the regions that Otzi's ancestors came from or an indication of where his decedents went to?
@@grogery1570 Mostly the latter.
@robertolang9684 Yes but as other people pointed out people move around and have kids with other groups even thousands of years ago.
My man can catch a break. Pinched neck, avalanche, now body probing. Sweet!
Looks like a modern Swiss person who has been outdoors a lot.
Since he came first wouldn’t it be more accurate to say this group has this percentage of mutual DNA,etc..?
Judging by the recreated likeness of Otzi, hey could probably get Val Kilmer to play him in a movie about this old timer.
My question:
Did experts check Otzi to see if he had any Neanderthal DNA?
0:55 At least man enjoyed some good meal before his end came 👍
While watching a program on PBS I found out that Ötzi also had Lyme Disease. Each disease has its own unique DNA. Lab studies done by PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) often yield more clear results as DNA fragments are amplified.
New information has come out in the last week, seems like this lot might find it very interesting!
Thank you for the artist rendition of Otzi, but why did the artist render his appearance so old? He looks about 75, not his age at death of 45.
People back then most likely looked older due to living on harsh environment conditions without much protection like we have on the modern world . These people also spend a lot of time outside hunting .
I did not saw it yet, but I expect Italian, Balkan, Iberian.
Update: oh yeah I forgot Sardinians :D
Nothing from italians just sardinians. He had a neolitic anatolian farmer DNA. Almost nothing from hunter and gatheres
@@greatbearfromthenorth9944 hmm thats interesting. As Czech native my results were: East European, Balkan, West European, Irish/Scottish/Welsh. So basically east European could mean anything since Corded Ware, Balkan is probably related to farmers and Irish is probably a proxy for Bell Beaker related DNA.
@@vizualnihistorie but looks like the northern, central and western europeans have more WHG (western hunter and gatheres) DNA (50%) than the southern europeans (just 25%). Southern europeans have 75% sometimes even 90% of EEF (Early europeans farmes).
He's a pre Indo European
@@happysolitudetv ironic, the indo european language was developted not by farmers but by the hunter and gatheres like the Yamnaya from stepes, wich are 50% EHG and 50% CHG.
Thank you for the video.👏🏼👏🏼
I'd love to know the exact scenario that led to his death. Did he piss someone off or was it vice versa? A disagreement maybe or did he just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. The arrowhead speaks volumes.
this chanel is amazing
Murdered? I don't think so. Killed yes. But why? My theory is given the place of his death that he must have done something grievous to the people below in the valley and he was running for his life. To have pursued him so far up the mtn tells me it was dire.
He might have just come across a rival tribe.
Maybe he stole their pasta or strudel.🤔
I think I saw in a different video that the mountain pass near the place he died was a common pass used to cross the mountains. So, he may have been traveling thru the pass versus being pursued up into the mountains.
Ötzi was probably an Anatolian farmer.
Yes he was. Most of his DNA is neolitic. Nothing from hunter and gatheres
@@greatbearfromthenorth99443:48 wrong, Ötzi had some minor steppe+whg admixture in him
@@barguttobed how much?? 5%?
yes he was a descendant of the anatolian farmers with some hunter gatherer admixture
@@RichardEdwards40 he was about 35% hunter and gatherer DNA.
This video is very weird. It says his haplogroup went extinct and there are no DNA matches but some years ago i saw a documentary about Ötzi and in that documentary they said to have found a descendant of him i believe in Switzerland. I now wonder who speaks the truth
His maternal haplogroup is extinct, but his paternal lineage lives on. and DNA matches are based on his autosomal.
@@Karron749 okay but still it was said he has no DNA matches at this moment and i remember from the documentary a couple of years ago he had DNA matches from a Swiss guy who even still lived in the area where they found him
@@willidevegt8831 Like most, you do not understand the subject, learn more. ALL humans are closely related, saying bits of him were Sardinian or Spanish is simply nonsense, the DNA doesn't tell you WHAT you are, but rather traces the route ancestors travelled and bred with over time. WE ALL originally evolved out of Africa, prior to that no modern humans existed outside of Africa.
@@imwelshjesus like many people you have to learn how to read. I never claimed anything. And FYI the out of Afrixa theory is already proven wrong. The latest claims are that life started in different humanoid in different parts of the world
@@willidevegt8831 But you implied ignorance and your assertion that the Afrixa? theory has been proven to be wrong further demonstrates that fact. Hints at different humanoids? again, hints at a lack of knowledge and understanding
I repeat, all modern humans living today are closely related, with some of us boasting an ancestor who got it together with others, who also had ancestors who came out of Africa originally.
Before that our ancestors were four legged mammals, who descended from semi aquatic fish who came from fish, how do you like those apples, a fruit with which you share 40% of your DNA incidentally.
Very nice 👌👍 Mostly Southern European and minor North African and Sub Saharian genetics with prevalence of EEF, which is contradictory to his Germanic look. Regards
@robertolang9684"sub Saharan natufian"
Buddy on which side of the Sahara is Israel located 😂
@robertolang9684 clown
@@-andreiDNA Hahaha 🙂
I don't think that image is accurate. Sardinians haven't changed in thousands of years. Italy has had all sorts of migration. You can see genetically he was Italian during his time but the closest modern people would be Sardinians. The swarthy appearance of modern southern Europeans is largely due to small amounts of Arab mixture. You can look up Sardinians they look close to northern Europeans and would resemble historical Greeks or Romans.
@@raymondkidwell7135 Ancient Greeks & Romans and also Paleobalkan people (Thracians, Illyrians, Ancient Macedonians, Dardanians...) living north from Greeks when came to Balkan, aready had Anatolian/Levantine/Caucasus origin and that is mostly as a result of migrations, Neolithic period and Empires - living several thousands years in one Empire.
The one thing in that I would challenge in this little presentation is not based on the DNA. It was the comment that Otzi was probably murdered based on the violence visited on his body. The point was he was a part of a migration of agrarian people pushing hunter gatherers off their range. Though Otzi was met with violence, it is possible that he was the subject of attack by those hunter gatherers who were resisting the farming community. It is also quite likely the farmers had a low view of the hunter gatherers and little regard for their life style. Consequently I see it as more likely that Otzi was a victim of a range war. When one is defending territory and kills the interloper for good reason, it is rarely regarded as murder and I believe the experts should be wary of assigning any character to Otzi, good or bad. But he is more likely to have been killed by the people his community is threatening in my opinion. Anyone remember the natives of Australia or the USA?
So………. What occurred in those two continents is natural to man? Yes, it is , it’s just recorded more accurately. Happened all over the world since creatures began walking on two feet and living in groups.
The most modern culture at the time comes to the land of cultures that never advanced beyond the Stone Age. Just natural process.
Rubbish! It were aliens.
I like your argument. Of all theories, yours seems most likely.
It was….racism
@@HubertofLiege conflict of interest, not racism. The farmers want the land to grow their plants. The hunters are not interested in the land, but want free access to follow their prey.
Couldn't read the text . Content was too lite to see clearly.
Looks like he was the Willie Nelson of his day 🎸🎤🪕
Maybe he was on the road again when he was killed.
Why isn’t this spoken ? The text is too small for a mobile phone
Was the O blood positive Rh or negative Rh?
Great question!
Im rh o negative, im basque
I hope one day scientists find a well preserved body of me thousands of years later and study me 💕
Reading the commentary is very difficult because it is the same color as the background, it is very small, and moves to the next notes quickly. I would have loved to read about this.
Ötzi vs Kuklinski. The match - Hunting and gathering food for 24 hours. Who is winning?
Could you please do Bell Beaker as in the Rhenish kind? Thank you for your channel.
He had no idea how famous he would once be. I've seen people copy his tattoos!
I wonder where the 1.9% Nigerian admixture came from? Is it a bug or something because that is very obscure for someone who lived nowhere near Africa.
MyHeritage brings up some 2% Nigerian in a lot of these samples, same with 2% Finnish
Maybe Natufian? Iberomarusian ?
@@rb98769 yes, that nigerian % happens to a lot of people, its a bug
Wouldn’t it represent very ancient traces? Most Europeans & Asians have more Neanderthal DNA than that.
Humanity started out in Africa. Thats were the Nigerian probably came from
Did you know according to a National Geographic article several years ago this man tested positive for Lyme disease
4:25 why I see Uyghurs and Tatars in every ancient Genetic samples?
Otzi was a fierce warrior. The thugs who wounded him wouldn't approach him to get his weapons.
@mydixiewrecked2why didn’t they take his weapon? That ax was probably pretty valuable. If he was murdered, they wouldn’t want to be seen with that ax.
Maybe he was ritually sacrificed?
@mydixiewrecked2 could be. I guess we’ll never know!
I was just shocked that he wasn't sub-Saharan African or Muslim like the EU has been stating for years?!
Silly comment. At no time did anyone say he was related to the people in Africa. This is how a person who doesn't know who they are or how DNA works would think. You should read more.
the percentage of neanderthal genes on Otzi was much higher than in the nowadays Europeans. this info is missing in the video, isn't it?
My Heritage got that wrong. It got mine wrong too.
Akkoyunlu Turkic State Can you do a DNA test?
Probably mixture of Persian and Central Asian with Caucasian and Anatolian farmers
@@mustafakaraca07 Türkçe konuş, çok konuş. Fazla bir İrani etki olacağını sanmıyorum.
@@EwladeCyrusDERSİM Daha ziyade Türki ve (ilginç şekilde) Pontuslu karşımı, gibi
Hello, How do you upload these samples onto on MyHeritage?
Is that Sardinian close to Minoan civilization?
probably not. They lived far from eachother and spoke different languages.
@@RichardEdwards40 Maybe read a book about the subject before making silly posts?
@@levbronstein-red Sardinians and minoans are celarly not closely related peoples idiot. No historian Even claims them to be. Maybe you read a book.
Till some extent, not fully. Sardinians have also some ammount of WHG (10-15%) and minor Yamna (3-5%). Minoians are supposed to be almost fully EEF plus some unsignificant origin from Caucasus.
What does it all mean?
He mostly descends from Anatolian farmers who traveled to Europe from around 7000 BC and also has some ancestry from European hunter gatherers.
Pretty good shape for a 43 year old to climb so high. But What was he doing There, was he being stalked?
He was found in a cold climate but was dressed as in a warm climate?
Day 4 of asking Ainu results
The dna test results are in
Otzi, you are not the father!!!
Haplotype K checking in!!! ✋
The basal eurasian really came through here.
It did indeed.
My great G2a uncle. 👍
Made a DNA Test and checkt out about ancient DNA. Found out that I had connections to almost all of them, except Ötzi. Although he was found just about 100 km from were I come from.
I clicked for a science video, got elevator music instead.
Why do they assume “murder”? Maybe he was killed in self defense
1st because the arrowhead was stuck in his shoulder blade _from behind,_ so he was shot in the back.
2nd because he had a serious wound in his hand, between the thumb and the index, almost to the bone, wich could very well fit with a typical defensive wound.
3rd, because the plant rests, such as pollen and so, found in his remains indicate that he made a rapid ascent in his last 2 or 3 days of life to the isolated area where he finally died, wich suggests that he could be fleeing from someone.
Of course it's not likely that we get to know what actually happend, and these are no indisputable proof of a murder, but the evidence points more to murder than a self defense homicide.
I'm Nigerian, and I wonder how in the world we got into the mix!?! Maybe there's something about us after all. That far back, I thought we would be only wrapped in leaves and vines.
If there is one thing that has always marked the human species (all of them apparently), it's wanderlust. We have to see what's over the horizon, and leave a little of ourselves behind as we go ;)
Well, it's a common ancestor and no mention how far back said ancestor was in oetzis line.
The dna results presented are a bit misleading in my opinion. It just means some people in nigeria share a common ancestor.
Doesn't mean that these nigerians ancestors always have been in nigeria.
A jewish group of people also is represented in the table shown in the video. The jewish religion is a little younger than oetzi. So there too, people today of that group have a common ancestor with oetzi.
(Have seen one video where it was explained that the dna of all people in the world today is traceable back to 6 female humans in ancient africa that were alive at the same time if i understood it correct.
So according to that, there were 6 "mothers of modern mankind")
@@nirfz I'll go with just the two: a man and a woman. That makes much more sense. I know people tend to act up over that because "bible"! But bible makes much more sense than everything I hear these days. Would you for instance believe my country Nigeria had a population of 80million in 1976 when I was in Primary school but now we are talking of a population of 220million. How about that the world was 3billion at the time of the moon landing in 1969 but now we are talking of 8billion people. If you do the maths, it means this earth couldn't have been populated millions of years ago. That would be mathematically impossible going by the numbers. And not even the effect of plagues or poor medicines or wars could account for the numbers being so low as 3billion by 1969 after millions of years of man's existence. Anyway, go figure.
@@kokoeteantigha389 You haven't taken into account the fact that life before agriculture was extremely hard, and survival of an individual to breeding age was far less likely. Not to mention that entire populations could, and were, wiped out by floods, famines and disease. The human population didn't begin to grow until the development of agriculture and living in settlements, which made survival much more possible (though still not easy).
@limonesycafe8898 These results are not assessing autosomal DNA, but Y-DNA and mtDNA.
best watched with the sound off !
I was hoping to see how much commonality he had with Neanderthal DNA.
I read he actually has living relatives in Austria.They traced down his family from DNA.Does Ötzi the Iceman have relatives?
No next-of-kin was around to claim the frozen 5,300-year-old body of Ötzi the Iceman when it was found in the Italian Alps in 1991, but researchers now report that there are at least 19 genetic relatives of Ötzi living in Austria's Tyrol region.
As his matrilineal K Haplo group is unique to him (as so far identified), that would have to mean potentially paternal lineage relations.
Absolutely!he has millions.I’m going to post a comment by the famous geneticist,Bryan Sykes in a few minutes.Look out for it.🎉
3:16 OMG no DNA matches for him.
Wikipedia said that there are some men with Ötzi Y chromossome in Austria.
@@greatbearfromthenorth9944 all across europe but with really low frequencies
@@ilovegeneticme and I am from Brazil 😂.
@@TRAVELLINGCHANNEL1 Brazillians are mostly descended from Europeans especially Portuguese first colonials, Portuguese people carry R1b and I2, G2a and E1b1b y-dna and score around 55%-60% EEF ancestry.
@robertolang9684 otzi isn't Indo-European, and the Major Y-DNA in Portugal is R1b which came from first Indo-European Bell Beaker settles and Celts, followed by I2 and G2a y-dna which is descended from Western Farmers then E1b1b from EEF or IBM ancestry.
Thanks ❤
Very similar results to me and we have same haplogroup 🇧🇷.
Ötzi looks like a dangerous man 😂😂
It's called RUclips not YouRead.
So was he a product of slavery, who managed to escape, trying to get back to his mother/fathers ancestral home, and was shot and killed when found as he ran away?
Freaking hilarious but he kind of resembles my dad 😂
No surprise. He was 100% human after all.
@@erikswanson5753 What! Are you saying my dad is human? How dare you!
To:Rhksnbdjska:You mentioned‘book’.did you know the Boii were a huge Celtic tribe?The have their name to Bohemia(land of the home of the Boii) and Bologna(ancient Bononia ,place of the Boii)
DNA results show that the Otzi iceman is Wim Hof
I can't take myheritage serious anymore for giving him Nigerian LOL.
Plot twist: Ötzi stole that food. He was a thief and/or murderer who was tracked down by some relatives of the people he injured or killed. He was chased with the intent to leave him to die from the wounds and exposure. Ötzi had some old school justice dealt out.
Why do you think Ötzi look ”Germanic” ? (He doesn’t to me). He lived before the Indo-European speaking Steppe people reached Europe. He’s got genes that seem to have very little to do with modern day Central Europeans.
I was in the Ötzal Alps in 2018 and the population to this day looks very Germanic to me as does Ötzi. Perhaps the modern day Central Europeans got their phenotype from Ötzi ancestors and not the other way around. Gene flow is both ways.
Text too blurry to read
I had read in an article that there are descendants that have his dna they just don't want to reveal them for protection of the world's curiosity so they can live normla lives
Yes, I read that too. Wasn’t the number of them quite small?
@@DaisyMaeMoses someone mentioned in the comment section that's it's now on Otzi's Wikipedia page. And someone else mentioned that they are located in Austria and I remembered that it was somewhere north of the Alps. It says 19 modern men in the Tyrol region.
My Heritage gave us the *general* G2a paternal Haplogroup of Ötzi. It's not an in-depth assignment. Mutations in it occur frequently. Nobody is going to be bothered for having such a common Haplogroup.
@@miastupid7911 I will be sure to read up on the Wikipedia page. I got my souvenir stuff out and the museum with Otzi mummy in it is in Bolzano Italy. The living people in the town looked very Germanic to me. Not at all like the Southern Italians. I'm sure it’s two different DNA streams that created these different phenotypes. Anyway, it was a great life accomplishment to see the man from 5,200 years ago. He’s so small by today’s standards.
@@DaisyMaeMoses yes. It is commonly known the differences between north and south Italy. Sounds cool that you got to visit the site.
Not so long ago in Scotland men stole other men's cattle. The tradition goes back beyond history. The Ice Man had A copper ax head with a yew haft and leather binding. I suspect he stole this artifact from a tribe that valued it highly. They went after him. He almost got away but they put an arrow into him for his trouble. It killed him in the mountains where he ran away from them.
I took 23andme test and Otzi is my parental group!
I think what the DNA results are showing is that Sardinians are 51% Otzi and Iberians are 31%....
Very creative idea. Any more mummy dna out there?
I think they did some studies on those found in the Andes ,as there is very little soft ground the bodies were compressed between the rocks
MyTrueAncestry will compare your DNA to that of various archeological sites.
Im surprised more europeans didnt show up considering his people largely founded them
I see people who look like this stumbling through the streets of Los Angeles every day.
Some explanation would have been nice, as some of the results are quite technical. Nice graphis.
be damned... someone took a pic of my Hubby and called him Otzi..... wow
Little bit of Basque blood in Otzi...maybe that was the O blood type but why is it in these results they won't confirm the Rh factor?. I think I read though somewhere Otzi was tagged as positive. certainly his ancestors got around quite a bit...
The scientists think Ozzy was a victime of criminals. I'm not so sure ! How does anyone know Ozzy wasn't the criminal shot in the back while making a get away. Otherwise he would have sought help from anyone near by. I believe there's a strong chance that Ozzy was the criminal.
interesting hypothesis