John Lovell - Navy SEAL and Army Ranger Discuss What's Destroying America | SRS #80 Part 4

  • Опубликовано: 28 июл 2024
  • John Lovell is a former Army Ranger turned creator, homesteader and best-selling author. Lovell is the founder of the Warrior Poet Society, a values-based community geared towards training, preparedness, and spirituality.
    The final part of this series is all about Lovell's wisdom gained from fatherhood. Lovell and Shawn discuss the realties of parenting in a modern world, the value of having values, and how to carve a righteous path in dark times.
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    00:00 - Introduction
    02:12 - Feminism
    04:50 - Homeschooling
    17:24 - Watching Demise of MSM
    25:50 - Having Hope for Yourself
    31:21 - Being a RUclipsr
    1:13:23 - Fatherhood

Комментарии • 1,3 тыс.

  • @ShawnRyanShow
    @ShawnRyanShow  9 месяцев назад +119

    This episode was released early on Patreon AD free, with the exception of Shawn’s personal reads. The toll is $5 a month.
    Supporting us on Patreon and Ad Rev is what enables us to produce the quality content that we have come to love. We strive for perfection with each and every one of these stories. Please enjoy the show!

    • @powerguymark
      @powerguymark 9 месяцев назад

      Tell me where I'm wrong with anything in this? I wrote every word.
      A friendly reminder:
      They lied about Hillary's emails.
      They lied about her illegal server.
      They lied about Jeffrey Epstein's suicide.
      They lied about Epstein's client list.
      They lied about Russian collusion.
      They lied to obtain a FISA Warrant.
      They lied about spying on Donald J. Trump .
      They lied about Hunter's laptop.
      They lied about bribing Twitter.
      They lied about the FBI stomping on the 1st Amendment.
      They lied about the Mar-A-Lago raid.
      They lied about the FBI & Gretchen Whitmer.
      They lied about more votes than Obama.
      They lied about January 6th.
      They lied about election integrity.
      They lied about the border.
      They lied about the border wall.
      They lied about 2 weeks to "flatten the curve".
      They lied about masks.
      They lied about the lockdowns.
      They lied about the Wuhan China lab.
      They lied about gain of function research.
      They lied about covid deaths.
      They lied about ivermectin.
      They lied about vaccinating children.
      They lied about Andrew Cuomo.
      They lied about Anthony Fauci.
      They lied about social distancing.
      They lied about the economy.
      They lied about the Ukrainian proxy war with Russia.
      They lied about the funding of Ukraine.
      They lied about the Wuhan China style labs in Ukraine.
      When Joe Biden said, "We need to protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated."
      Here is your daily reminder that America has been a Banana Republic ever since the CIA murdered JFK and installed LBJ.
      With the exception of Donald J. Trump every single POTUS (Republican OR Democrat) since the assassination of JFK has been installed and/or manipulated by the CIA. Even Donald Trump was manipulated by the CIA.
      Former President Dwight David Eisenhower tried to warn us and his successor JFK about what he called "the rising military industrial complex". John F. Kennedy felt betrayed by the CIA after they lied to him about the Bay of Pigs. The speech JFK gave at American University soon afterwards cost him his life. JFK pledged to dismantle the CIA. Later, the CIA murdered his brother, Bobby Kennedy when his presidential campaign started gaining steam because he was a threat to their power.
      (JFK's brain has been missing ever since his autopsy. Google it for yourself)
      Former POTUS, George Herbert Walker Bush was ALSO the former head of the CIA. For the longest time I couldn't figure out why he didn't seem very upset when he lost to Bill Clinton, who was an unknown governor of perhaps the poorest state in the United States, until I remembered the Iran-Contra scandal that involved Oliver North and the training of the Contra rebels in the state of Arkansas while Bill Clinton was governor.
      (it's hardly a documentary, but watch the Tom Cruise movie American Made) The CIA needed Bill's help to try to keep a lid on that trash can and keep it out of the public eye and local knowledge.
      (Google: the Iran CONTRA Affair)
      The Clinton crime family has been under CIA protection for decades. No wonder Bill Clinton feels like he can be a serial rapist and Epstein pedophile Island frequent flyer and not face any consequences! (Bill Clinton flew to Epstein's Island 26 TIMES!)
      The CIA swamp knew the American people would rise up if we discovered their plot to steal the 2020 election. That's why they used a virus to keep us locked down, that also allowed them to flood the election with tens of millions of unsecure, unsolicited, unverifiable, easily ballot harvestable paper ballots.
      That's also why the FBI Nazis stirred the pot on January 6th to create the appearance that they were the ones protecting democracy. The swamp needed an insurrection and when they didn't get one they created the appearance of one.
      Only one person was murdered on January 6th. Her name is Ashli Babbitt, her behavior on January 6th was horrible, but she did not deserve to be publicly executed for it.(FACT: the Wuhan China lab was funded with American tax dollars)
      The FBI also hatched the scheme to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer to create more anti-Trump pre-election headlines and sentiment. There were more FBI connected people involved in that kidnapping attempt than the number of perpetrators they convicted of the crime. The whole thing was a setup.
      It is also an easily verifiable fact that Operation Crossfire Hurricane was hatched by the swamp to justify obtaining an illegal FISA warrant to spy on candidate Trump before the 2016 election. Since then, the judge that signed off on the illegally obtained warrant has retired and the attorney who altered the evidence showing the source of the information was NOT a CIA informant when he actually WAS a CIA informant RECEIVED NO PUNISHMENT WHATSOEVER.
      (GOOGLE: Kevin Clinesmith)
      Thanks to Elon Musk we know for a FACT the FBI used $3.4 million OF OUR TAX DOLLARS to stomp on the first amendment BRIBING Twitter to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story. Google it for yourself! (Yes Twitter is a private company and first amendment rules do not apply, BUT THEY ALWAYS APPLY TO THE FBI. (THE FBI VIOLATED THE FIRST AMENDMENT AND NO ONE IS BEING PUNISHED FOR IT!)
      If that's not election interference I don't know what the hell is.
      Facebook also censored Hunter Biden's laptop A FULL YEAR BEFORE THE ELECTION at the direction of the FBI!
      The American people are no longer in control and the swamp will do anything in their power to keep Donald J. Trump out of the White House. They simply must protect Epstein's client list at all cost even if it means murdering millions of people worldwide by releasing a virus from a lab that was funded with us tax dollars in the first place!
      I'm so disappointed in Mike Pence siding with the swamp, especially since he knows the truth.
      Even though the Democratic party has completely lost its mind and seems split between being controlled by socialists, social justice warriors AND the CIA controlled SWAMP, it's no longer about and probably NEVER has been about Republican versus Democrat.
      Thanks to Donald J. Trump the curtain has been pulled back and we now see the CIA controlled swamp (which also controls mainstream media) for what it is.
      Although there is a little bit of boiling frog syndrome happening, I'm embarrassed that it took me so long to see what has been right in front of my face most of my life. The actual evidence and the anecdotal evidence is overwhelming.
      The American people have not been in control of our own government for 60 years!
      For clarity: I do not consider Donald Trump some type of Messiah. I think he behaves like a jackass quite often, but I have no doubt whatsoever he loves America more than most members of Congress Republican or Democrat.
      The 2024 presidential election really comes down to two choices:
      Donald J. Trump or the oppressive CIA controlled Uni-Party Swamp that is weaponizing our government against the American people right in front of our faces and entangling America and the world in senseless violence and wars using our tax dollars often on both sides of the conflict!
      It's really just that simple.
      I'll take a results oriented jackass over a swamp installed puppet supported by Stockholm Syndrome suffering lemmings any day.
      Sadly, my willfully ignorant Democratic Party supporting friends and family members refuse to wake up and will blindly vote for the CIA Uni-Party puppet Joe Biden anyway.
      In their defense it took me decades to see what was right in front of my face.
      We've all been lied to for decades. It's time to make a stand.

    • @ddl5856
      @ddl5856 9 месяцев назад

      Greetings from San Antonio. I’m 48. Been watching this Marxist ideology infect our nation for the last 7 years.
      Was never more apparent than when Trump was elected (and I didn’t even vote for him the first time, actually “wrote in” Joe Rogan - not kidding).
      The Marxist agenda is to slowly cut away at the fabric of our nation. Make the youth hate its history. 🇺🇸 wasn’t the first to have slavery, yet all we hear about is how 🇺🇸was BUILT on it.
      Zero talk of how there were some 3000 + black slave owners, not how Africans were selling their own people on the slave trade.
      Zero talk about how native Americans were killing and raping each other for centuries.
      Yes🇺🇸 has a sordid past. We are definitely more “progressive” than many other nations. What I, you, and millions of other patriots are aware of is how evil humans can be.
      Those that “seek” power are often the ones to watch out for. Sure you occasionally get someone that just wants to do a go “job”, but a huge majority of these folks want one thing and one thing only - POWER.
      My father used to keep this quote by George Washington Carver in his office:
      “How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you will have been all of these.”
      I have to remind myself of that daily when I see people that are “physically” weaker than me in positions of “power” (i.e. elected “officials”).
      They are humans just like me, nothing more. They are NOT Gods, yet they act as if they are untouchable.
      We saw a lot of this during the “virus”. I am a flight nurse. We were flying covid patients for months with zero issues. We were “heroes” 🙄.
      But then a corporation magically came out with a vaccine and all of a sudden (thankfully not were i worked), but thousands of nurses and doctors and techs, etc., were forced to take something they didn’t want to, or, they were terminated.
      We watched Maddow lie night after night after night after night after night about how the vaccine “stops the virus”… “it STOPS with you”… “you can’t transmit it”… ALL LIES.
      “Pandemic of the unvaccinated”. What a propaganda slogan. 85% of the patients we flew were overweight or obese, with multiple comorbidities.
      Rarely were there the outliers that had a normal BMI and unfortunately succumbed that virus.
      The mainstream (lamestream) media all sponsored by Pfizer denied all the reports of sudden cardiac arrests, blood clots, or weathered adverse events there were. Nope completely safe. Nothing to see here.
      Aspirin - man made
      PCN - man made
      Motrin/Ibuprofen - man made
      Vancomycin - mad made
      ACE Inhibitors - man made
      Yet if some people take them they will DIE.
      Hell some humans can’t eat peanuts or peanut butter ‘cause they’ll die… yeeeeeet this man-made vaccine - oh, it’s 100% safe for EVERYbody…
      Bit of a diatribe I know. Please continue your work. It’s more important than you know. We have GOT to save our Constitutional Republic.
      “They” will continue to tear apart this country. Glad to see Gov. of Arkansas tell China they will no longer own land in our country.
      I’m about 23% hippie, the rest is God fearing patriot. I’m sure China and Russia have people that just want peace like the rest of us, but their leadership is what is driving a lot of this.
      “They” know they can’t come after folks our age. They are going after our kids and grandkids. Our “battle” will be preserving this country and convincing the next generation 🇺🇸 isn’t as bad a the left makes it out to be.
      I saw a meme awhile back. It said “when was the last time you saw democrats yell USA USA USA at a rally… exactly”.
      I’d love for this to be a global society. Everyone getting along. Everyone helping each other out. But I know human nature. Evil will always exist. There will always be someone that wants to be in “control”.
      THAT’S what we are fighting. Again, I know 🇺🇸 isn’t perfect. Our leadership has done some pretty f*cked up sh*t in the past.
      This is still an awesome country to live in. We won’t be here forever. We have a finite # of days. What I’m seeing is an all out attack on family values and our history.
      Oh well. I gotta bounce. Continue your work. Hell I think I’m gonna order some of your gummy bears. Be safe out there.

    • @jackburton5483
      @jackburton5483 9 месяцев назад +5

      Two of the absolute best channels and people on RUclips. Thank you Shawn for doing this interview and God bless you and your family.

    • @johnnycarathers9636
      @johnnycarathers9636 9 месяцев назад +2

      What an amazingly beautiful interview. Putting it out as four episodes allowed for an easy and entertaining way to experience your conversation. I love both of you guys.

    • @ryanbrendlinger3523
      @ryanbrendlinger3523 9 месяцев назад +2

      Good advice 😸 loved it 😁

  • @WarriorPoetSociety
    @WarriorPoetSociety 9 месяцев назад +1442

    Hello all! Thanks for tuning in, and thank you Shawn for having me on.
    We're all better together in a world gone sideways.

    • @shamamster
      @shamamster 9 месяцев назад +52

      You rock man. It was great to hear your story. Thank you for all you do for the community.

    • @SP-qo1so
      @SP-qo1so 9 месяцев назад +27

      Yay for John.

    • @garywebster8423
      @garywebster8423 9 месяцев назад +44

      John, you humbly represent Jesus well.! Thank you for the example.

    • @JAT_4321
      @JAT_4321 9 месяцев назад +17

      Thank you so much John!

    • @alexleech4490
      @alexleech4490 9 месяцев назад +14

      I've been waiting for this episode (it seems like) forever! Great work, John!!

  • @wtm0700
    @wtm0700 9 месяцев назад +380

    John is a super solid believer. I hope he can help shed some light on your new found faith.

    • @eddycd24
      @eddycd24 9 месяцев назад +6

      I found his his finding faith story pretty funny.

      @COBBADAMS 9 месяцев назад +2

      Let Fooking go!!!!

    • @raevj
      @raevj 9 месяцев назад +15

      ⁠​⁠@@eddycd24 good for you 🤪🤪. “When you stand for nothing, you fall for everything”.

    • @analogueoverdigital929
      @analogueoverdigital929 9 месяцев назад +6

      ​@raevj love this quote. It's so true.

    • @jonnhyappleseed7498
      @jonnhyappleseed7498 9 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@analogueoverdigital929captain jack sparrow said that

  • @scottroder5516
    @scottroder5516 9 месяцев назад +210

    Much like John, I am a former Ranger. I became a cop during the golden age of police work in the 80s. I lead a swat team. I have 43 years of marriage to a wonderful woman. We lived and loved through good times and bad. I would change nothing. I live for my god, family and country.

    • @stevenpolkinghorn4747
      @stevenpolkinghorn4747 8 месяцев назад +6

      Man I wish I had been born earlier. I became a cop in 2020, probably the worst time ever and I always hear stories about the good old days.

    • @DT0me7624
      @DT0me7624 8 месяцев назад

      Amen! Thank you for your service.

    • @YAJM_
      @YAJM_ 7 месяцев назад

      Thank you for your service! God bless you!

    • @Ephesians-yn8ux
      @Ephesians-yn8ux 7 месяцев назад +1

      Amen brother

    • @deedeldeedle
      @deedeldeedle 6 месяцев назад +1

      The 80’s. When cops could do their jobs with out the laser beam of the microscope

  • @charleshoward448
    @charleshoward448 9 месяцев назад +16

    The fact that the Shawn Ryan Show exists, and continues to exist, and has almost 2M subscribers, gives me hope.

  • @R0mans13
    @R0mans13 9 месяцев назад +153

    This is a powerhouse combo! Going to be the best yet hands down!

    • @ShawnRyanShow
      @ShawnRyanShow  9 месяцев назад +36

      Part 4 inbound

    • @Robertk-tn
      @Robertk-tn 9 месяцев назад +4

      @@ShawnRyanShowcan u get more delta operators on ? Or some swift guys or even reach out too the sbs guys also would love too see rogan on this or trump

    • @lorinwood3300
      @lorinwood3300 9 месяцев назад +1

      @@ShawnRyanShow amazing! I really hope you get Joe on the show regarding remote viewing. Another great show thanks for sharing it with us.
      May God continue to bless you brother.

    • @bmk506
      @bmk506 9 месяцев назад

      ​@@ShawnRyanShowWhattt 😂

    • @jamespoirier7069
      @jamespoirier7069 9 месяцев назад

      I've been wondering why I have this draw to Shawn besides his show and I just clicked why he laughs exactly like my deceasd grandfather.
      ..odd but it just struck my core @ShawnRyanShowOfficial

  • @robertr2952
    @robertr2952 9 месяцев назад +150

    I'm at a loss for words of how good this has been. You both have got to do some collaborations together. Two of my favorite dudes in a 4 part episode has been nothing short of a gem for our community. ROCK ON !!!!

  • @Zac32285
    @Zac32285 9 месяцев назад +43

    John is one of the people that inspired us to start homeschooling our kids 4 years ago and we couldn’t be happier about it

  • @jordanfernandez8666
    @jordanfernandez8666 9 месяцев назад +50

    ‭‭2 John‬ ‭1:12‬ ‭
    "Though I have much to write to you, I would rather not use paper and ink. Instead I hope to come to you and talk face to face, so that our joy may be complete."
    Thats what this episode reminded me of. You can always text, but theres something different when you see someone face to face and talk with them and connect, and pass and receive wisdom.
    My favorite episode by far!

  • @brandonraney2671
    @brandonraney2671 9 месяцев назад +18

    Throughout this 4 hours, I found myself praying for these two men and their families. May God bless them and continue their message. And, yes, our hope comes from the Lord.

    • @scottb3188
      @scottb3188 5 месяцев назад

      Spot on. Love 'em both. I have a son some years younger than John, with two younger boys. I pray for my son and his wife, and their boys. I pray for my daughter and her husband. So, praying for John and his wife and kids, and Shawn and his wife and first baby (probably born already), is just a natural extension. They're all the same to me, just "good kids" who need a lot of prayer to make it in this evil world. (Oh, yeah, and I DO pray, because "the God who is there", hears these prayers, responds, and actually - acts on them. They aren't always His will, but he hears and acts on every request.) God bless these fine warriors, husbands, and fathers. It makes me SO happy that guys at the tip of the spear, who gave so much over two decades to a country that used 'em and just dumped everything they ever did into the (Biden) trash heap, it makes me ecstatic that they're living their best lives. Same thing with my Marine vet (2 tours in Iraq) son-in-law.

  • @averya.8622
    @averya.8622 9 месяцев назад +46

    What an endearing line when John said that he missed out on time spent with Shawn. How sweet. This is by far my favorite podcast of SRS or any other podcast for that matter

  • @FXR_OG
    @FXR_OG 9 месяцев назад +32

    John has set forth an example every man should strive for. He’s a good man, a family man and most importantly a man of God. Thank you for having him on the show Shawn. Much love and respect to the both of you, to your continued success gents 🍺🍺🇺🇸

  • @Invertmini1212
    @Invertmini1212 9 месяцев назад +40

    We need more people like John in this crazy warped world we live in.

  • @captaindunsel6958
    @captaindunsel6958 9 месяцев назад +39

    This is the most rewarding SRS interview I have seen.

  • @aviator5804
    @aviator5804 9 месяцев назад +28

    This pairing is pure gold. God Bless you both!

  • @ButterflyElsy
    @ButterflyElsy 9 месяцев назад +18

    I am a homeschool momma of 4 girls squeezing in some time to listen to this podcast before they all wake up. What John said about saying no to the kids 9 times to the 1 yes and being exhausted is something I think so many parents can relate to. I also deal with a guilt about it, too- just to still say no the next time too much is going on and they just want to play.

  • @82lowe36id
    @82lowe36id 9 месяцев назад +29

    What a great series. Four parts were needed for sure for John. You covered everything that needed to be talked about, Shawn. The work you are doing is so greatly appreciated.

  • @ricky2699
    @ricky2699 9 месяцев назад +7

    The fatherhood portion of this video is GOLD...very admirable man here.

  • @scotthilbun6796
    @scotthilbun6796 9 месяцев назад +17

    You can't listen to these two and not be better for it. Thank you both so much. Life changing stuff. I hope many take action to be better today and tomorrow than they were yesterday. That's my mission. Thanks again.

  • @atlk3699
    @atlk3699 9 месяцев назад +86

    This episode spoke to me differently than others. You know that tight feeling in your chest when you feel a strong message?
    The level of humility and genuineness these guys have made me want to be a better husband, father, son, friend and overall person. Nice work guys. My faith-ometer in this world went up a tick knowing people like you are here.

    • @jimmyhenson2167
      @jimmyhenson2167 9 месяцев назад +3

      You are those people buddy !! Your the Sheep Dog of your flock !! 🇺🇸❤️🙏🙏🍀🇺🇸❤️🙏

    • @officialthomasjames
      @officialthomasjames 9 месяцев назад +3

      That’s awesome to hear. God bless you man and good luck.

    • @rorynewbrough5977
      @rorynewbrough5977 8 месяцев назад +2

      @johnlovell always has that affect on me

    • @keelsmac01
      @keelsmac01 6 месяцев назад +1

      Damn, me too. At first I was here for the ranger dude. Ranger stories. But I will say I got so much out of this 4 hours and I can’t thank John enough. Epic and enlightening.

  • @ninarosko
    @ninarosko 9 месяцев назад +22

    This is my favorite interview thus far. Shawn, you effortlessly did such a great job talking with John throughout. Engaging conversations, too many are afraid to acknowledge. So much, WISDOM + TRUTH packed in this. The path is narrow. Staying in the fight based on righteousness, morality and strong foundations…
    Is fighting for GOD and America.

  • @FreedomWiskey1775
    @FreedomWiskey1775 9 месяцев назад +41

    Every SRS podcast has been a favorite for me but this is a whole new level. The duality of being a Godly Man after Christ’s own heart and a Warrior. God bless you both and Semper Fidelis🇺🇸🦅🌎⚓️

  • @Joseph-jo6rm
    @Joseph-jo6rm 9 месяцев назад +11

    One of the best episodes so far. I am super humbled by listening to John. What a blessing.

  • @robertgould1766
    @robertgould1766 9 месяцев назад +13

    Shawn and John I have to thank you both for reopening my eyes to my faith and family. Giving me reinforcement that I’m doing good at raising my son and daughter again thank you guys for everything you guys do

  • @dowth3
    @dowth3 9 месяцев назад +31

    OK gentlemen, I'm female and have been a part of both channels from VERY early on. It wasn't ALL tough guys. I'm a military brat civilian who, as a professional, works with military couples and families. But I needed to up my tactical game, and learning from you all makes me feel connected to my papa and brothers who are no longer here. Just sayin' ... BTW: THANKS for what you do!

  • @rodneybosch7290
    @rodneybosch7290 9 месяцев назад +36

    Hi Shawn I can't watch all your shows. Your guests are amazing people. The stories are told in such heart-felt ways you really feel for them. But the ending of the shows. Where they talk about there healing is the best part for me. I have never been in the military. Go bless you and all your guests.

  • @Ephesians-yn8ux
    @Ephesians-yn8ux 9 месяцев назад +14

    I’ve listened to every second of this multi part interview, and still sad to see it end! You guys are the BEST!!!

  • @duxdawg
    @duxdawg 9 месяцев назад +5

    We could listen to Shawn and John all day, every day. Two down to Earth solid dudes having an honest conversation, who could ever get enough??

  • @bobmatthew5012
    @bobmatthew5012 9 месяцев назад +8

    Just finished episode 4 of Warrior Poet. Best guest so far. John is a solid man of God. Thanks Shawn.

  • @everardomartinez9695
    @everardomartinez9695 9 месяцев назад +20

    Love this interview both Shawn and John speaking true facts of issues that are effecting and hijacking our daily lives and our freedoms . A big thank you to the Shawn Ryan Show Team family for doing an impressive job , God bless you all and God bless America .

  • @blakehammock4133
    @blakehammock4133 8 месяцев назад +3

    Great episode. Talking about being a father reminded me of life changing moment for me as a father. Every night when my son was an infant, I would hold him and walk him around until he fell asleep. There was one night where I was just watching him and I was becoming self away of the amount of love I had for this baby. It felt like an irrational amount of love, unfathomable. And as quickly as I had these feeling, I feel like God put the following thought into my head "God loves my child even more than I do, He loves me even more than I love my son". It is like God was teaching me in that moment, this Love is the closest I would ever experience in this world that can even come close to the Love God has for me, and its not even close!

  • @kmk1428
    @kmk1428 9 месяцев назад +6

    Shawn … this has by far been the best interview ever on your channel - and that’s saying something because all of your interviews / podcasts are most definitely worth the watch … but this one ! … this one takes the cake brother !
    Absolutely phenomenal!!!
    Do more !
    I am hoping to see you on WPSN soon and to see much more interaction between you guys !
    Absolutely spellbinding !!!
    Thank you Shawn and thank you John !
    Inspirational and enlightening ! 👍
    Yay for that !!! 😂

  • @dracoeugene
    @dracoeugene 9 месяцев назад +1

    Listening to Shawn try not too brag about his success and the numbers he draws is amazing to hear. I'm so happy that good men like these are succeeding to such a degree they are toppling the establishment. We haven't lost America. As long as good people continue to spread truth and those of us at home do what we can to bolster our communities, and work together. We'll be just fine.

  • @ribbit1964
    @ribbit1964 9 месяцев назад +7

    What has helped me and a few friends is the understanding that there is a difference between being a warrior and being a guardian. Thank you Shawn and John! 👍🏽

    @CVEIWKID 9 месяцев назад +7

    I'm not going to lie you two are my favorites and watching yall go from leaders of men to leaders of families is wonderful

  • @80eightmils
    @80eightmils 9 месяцев назад +4

    Let's all make sure we drop a comment, it's easy to forget when you're just watching away. I've had a hard time letting go of the 20 years war, and letting go of the army. This has helped me so much. I'm beaten up and broken down, I'm on pain meds and I can't sleep; I'm over here trying to pick up the pieces. Thank you so much Shawn. It's okay to let go and move on, we will forever be combat soldiers. -Romeo out.

    • @rhondaingram8775
      @rhondaingram8775 9 месяцев назад +1

      Thank you so much for your service. It IS ok to let go and enjoy your civilian life. Welcome to your new, different and hopefully better life. Many prayers for you. 🙏🫶

    • @80eightmils
      @80eightmils 9 месяцев назад

      @@rhondaingram8775 Thank you, those are really kind words. Much love from Alberta Canada.

    • @KP-zj3zj
      @KP-zj3zj 5 месяцев назад

      Love & Blessings Romeo, Hang in there Brother...
      ( ◜‿◝ )♡

  • @TheUglyAmerican007
    @TheUglyAmerican007 9 месяцев назад +8

    This was an incredible interview Shawn and John. An absolute well spring of wisdom. God bless you and your families.

  • @Wrenchesandrods
    @Wrenchesandrods 9 месяцев назад +15

    I can't wait to see this! I highly respect both of these men!

  • @epso9944
    @epso9944 9 месяцев назад +2

    Every episode with Mr. Lovell has been amazing, love this channel. Quick note about chivalry... Opening the door for anyone isn't chivalry, that's just being polite. Chivalry is putting her needs or her experience before yours. My grandfather whom survived D-Day taught me if a woman is wearing high-heels and you're about to go down a staircase, the man walks down the stairs first, you offer a hand for her to have a 3rd point of contact, you move 1-2 steps ahead of the woman and turn your body about 45° so you have line of sight of your feet and her feet as they step. This way, if she stumbles you are ahead of her and would be able to catch her or break her fall.

  • @weightstillcorn7726
    @weightstillcorn7726 9 месяцев назад +5

    This interview was amazing. All of the knowledge and wisdom John poured out was something else. Thank you, Shawn, for doing this interview and for all of the other great men like yourself that you have interviewed on SRS. Keep up the good work!!

  • @brandonm6052
    @brandonm6052 9 месяцев назад +10

    As of right now watching this 10/26/2023 at 12:59PM All 5 of our kids are home with 4 being home schooled and a visiting mom is here with 2 of her 3 kids learning how my wife homeschools our kids. We're seeing more large families and more homeschooling in our area. Most of us came from 2 kid households and have anywhere from 3-5 kids

  • @marymary1877
    @marymary1877 9 месяцев назад +10

    11:30 the psy op started long ago. My generation was convinced that being a stay at home mom was worse then prostitution . Literally.

  • @michellemerideth1786
    @michellemerideth1786 9 месяцев назад +1


  • @ryanfz184
    @ryanfz184 9 месяцев назад +3

    John made an excellent case for why precisely God designed the family the way He did and why authentic masculine and feminine traits are so necessary and God ordained. Maybe never more necessary in the US of A! Well done legends!

  • @chadbragg3289
    @chadbragg3289 9 месяцев назад +3

    John's videos has helped and been an inspiration to me. I am a father of two boys and been married for 13 years. As a young father it hit me like a ton of bricks that I am the protector of this family and began seeking firearm knowledge. Little did i know that his content would change my ways to be a better husband, father, protector, leader and most important, to have a better walk with Christ. Now as time has went by, my wife and I decided to homeschool for the very reasons of what was talked about. Since we are now homeschooling I have taken on a second job in the evening to help with income, which leaves me with a personal struggle of balancing time for family and work. I feel that my time off is even more precious to make sure its of quality.
    With all of that said, I would like to thank John. Keep it up man!
    I also want to thank Shawn for the content that you put out. Ive listened to many interesting people because of your podcasts.

  • @briceswope3800
    @briceswope3800 9 месяцев назад +3

    My wife and I couldn't hav eour own kids so after 9 years of marriage we adopted our first and I remember feeling the same way as John. My wife all of a sudden had an infant and her attention was naturally mostly spent on her, but began to feel like she was so excited with finally being a mom that she wasn't as concerend about being my wife and my partner. I told her my feelings and she understood. we worked it out and we're good. My wife is awesome. Great interview.

  • @christopherhickman6465
    @christopherhickman6465 9 месяцев назад +2

    Thank you for doing these show, as a man who served. And who struggles every day your show helps give me hope and ideas to try thank you again.

  • @thegoodguy729
    @thegoodguy729 9 месяцев назад +2

    Much to my surprise, this was my favorite episode of the four. Really genuine conversation. Glad to see a friendship building between two of my favorite on-line persona. May the Lord bless you both.

  • @blasphemous
    @blasphemous 9 месяцев назад +8

    Chivalry is not dead, just waiting for the new update to finally release

  • @toynazi
    @toynazi 9 месяцев назад +3

    John is a hell of a guy. Been watching his stuff from the beginning.
    Also been watching this show from the get go. You two both rule!!

  • @ifyouloveChristyouwillobeyhim
    @ifyouloveChristyouwillobeyhim 4 месяца назад

    The section on fatherhood was out-of-this-world. Thank you both and to God be the glory, I just sat back and was overwhelmed with praise for God, since he is the one who brings these great things about.

  • @ryanheavilin3224
    @ryanheavilin3224 9 месяцев назад +1

    This is by far my favorite episode to date. I have followed both Shawn and John for years and love the combination together in the same space. Thank you, Shawn, for making this a reality. It is an honor and joy to hear both of your stories and faith journeys that are in this interview. Great job, as always, brother. God's blessing to both you and John in all you do and to your families! I would gladly hold the line with you both any day, keep fighting the good fight, brothers. I got your back!

  • @sferrin2
    @sferrin2 9 месяцев назад +11

    Can't wait. Would love to see John on Jocko's podcast as well.

  • @ditchdigger7824
    @ditchdigger7824 9 месяцев назад +3

    I got more out of these episodes with John than any other interview you have done, by that I don't want to take away from some very excellent content. This was on another level that I really wasn't expecting and I've been following him and his company for a while, but there was so much more in this interview than we ever got from any of his content. This hit home on so many levels and I think the timing is spot on. All I can say is thank you to you both.

  • @sesquivel729
    @sesquivel729 9 месяцев назад +4

    I honestly think part 4 was the best. Such an inspiration to be a better dad. I thought I was doing a good job until this episode. Lol. I will say my wife led me to be a better father, a lot of the points John hit on are things we do. Great interview, great man. Thank you.

  • @carlosl9651
    @carlosl9651 7 месяцев назад +1

    Both of you guys are awesome, when I first started watching your interview I was getting impatient because I have that flaw :). But as I kept watching I realized that Shawn’s methodical questions and John’s sincere responses and both your engagement created a sense of peace and I really appreciate both of you. You both have to plan on a platform that gives you the freedom to share and make a living, maybe you are already thinking about it but if not you need to. Thank you both for being stronger men!

  • @Rocketpuller
    @Rocketpuller 9 месяцев назад +66

    I know Shawn doesn’t want to…..Next President. We NEED someone honest

    • @kylerey09
      @kylerey09 9 месяцев назад +6

      Really makes me sad that the people this country truly needs in office want nothing to do with it.

    • @scottkelly7051
      @scottkelly7051 9 месяцев назад +5

      Can you imagine these two men as President and Vice President ??
      They would clean out the government cesspool.

    • @Robert_H_Diver
      @Robert_H_Diver 9 месяцев назад +4

      The president doesn’t really have much power compared to others…

    • @DrewsR6
      @DrewsR6 9 месяцев назад +9

      “They” would never let it happen

    • @Generalnao
      @Generalnao 9 месяцев назад +6

      No mortal man will save us.

  • @thegoodguy729
    @thegoodguy729 9 месяцев назад +8

    Part one set the stage for an amazing part 2 of this interview. Time to get the popcorn ready, it’s gonna be epic!

  • @Liberty-Grunt
    @Liberty-Grunt 9 месяцев назад +2

    You never disappoint, Shawn! John is a remarkable man who speaks and stands for objective and relatable truths. What gives me joy is that you are working through your own journey of faith intentionally and transparently. Appreciate you!

  • @misshelleyb7199
    @misshelleyb7199 9 месяцев назад +1

    I love this interview the MOST, out of ALLLLLL the others that I love.
    "We could have been Homies...." ❤ That choked me up a little!
    Super rewarding watching this one.
    I WISH my husband was at this kind of point in his journey, to connect on this level, with another Vet.
    He's still such a loner.

  • @skdrcr
    @skdrcr 9 месяцев назад +5

    Awesome episode brother, I have to say I learned a lot from this episode. I wish I knew a lot of it 12 years ago when I became a father. I have to say he is definitely right on not idolizing the children. It's definitely took a toll on our marriage, that and not putting God first. Hopefully, God willing we can get through it to greener pastures

  • @scottharrell7135
    @scottharrell7135 9 месяцев назад +5

    He says it perfectly about the Bible. The good lord loves his warriors. Especially when you've made it back from hell. Hat's off brother, don't give up on chivalry for down south it's still alive.

    • @brookerichards9037
      @brookerichards9037 9 месяцев назад +3

      It’s up to women to not accept or respond to anything less

  • @eurtostance
    @eurtostance 9 месяцев назад +2

    This 4 part series has been so educational, and helpful on reflective issues I fight myself with. The wisdom John has is so helpful to hear and Shawn brought up some great questions that led John into great conversation. Thank you.

  • @832KJV
    @832KJV 8 месяцев назад

    Excellent interview with John Lovell; thorough, honest, inspiring and hugely intelligent conversation. I admire John's thinking immensely.

  • @paulbenton4213
    @paulbenton4213 9 месяцев назад +2

    You’re the Man Shawn. Solid American Jedi.

  • @thewatchwellpodcast
    @thewatchwellpodcast 9 месяцев назад +3

    Well done gents. I will probably watch this series 100 times and in 5 years we will know if Shawn has the gift of prophesy. Lol.
    @shawnryanshowofficial we obviously have never met, I have been watching your content since back when you were spray painting AR15’s and talking about stories in sniper hides around the campfire with Marcus and O’Neil. I prayed and hoped that God would reveal himself to you and was so overjoyed that you put your faith in Christ and thank God for the grace he gave you.
    Never stop sharing and defending the hope that lives inside you (1 Peter 3:15)
    Always praying,
    The WatchWell Podcast
    P.S. thanks for the short content, we plan to use it. In case nobody has thanked you for it.

  • @daryllinkugel3804
    @daryllinkugel3804 9 месяцев назад +1

    My Daughter was in 2nd grade and the teacher was preaching how great Hillery was! Let me say this, the sparks were flying at the school when I found out what was going on! We were very lucky that we found out what was going on!

  • @nfdbelgianmedic
    @nfdbelgianmedic 9 месяцев назад +1

    Absolutely my favorite series of interviews so far! Shawn, you knocked it out of the park with John. I do hope that you two become closer, for your sake, and ours. Would love to see you on John's show also. Thanks for doing what you do brother, you're awesome.

  • @bradlyons5773
    @bradlyons5773 9 месяцев назад +7

    This is why SRS is no1, the small world of special operations personnel that host on Utube no one other than IV8888 has been near the Poet. Haven’t watched it yet but we’ll done once again for stepping up once again Shawn 💪👍

    • @MullicanDesigns
      @MullicanDesigns 9 месяцев назад

      Agreed great guest excited to see this one again using my new found remote viewing capabilities. Monroe Institute I am your man!

  • @vickidaniels9837
    @vickidaniels9837 8 месяцев назад +2

    The only way you will know what is “real” is to know the doctrine of Christ to have the gift of the Holy Spirit and to learn how to Hear Him💞

  • @3isaiah61
    @3isaiah61 9 месяцев назад +1


  • @richardaldom741
    @richardaldom741 9 месяцев назад +2

    Great to see both of you together. Thanks for sharing the wisdom. Bravo Zulu

  • @kplynch7
    @kplynch7 9 месяцев назад +1

    Phenomenal. Thank you. Glad to see the 2 of you in a room. This will help more people than either of you will ever know.

  • @californialawns
    @californialawns 9 месяцев назад +1

    Man, when I came across Lovell’s content a few years ago, I was an instant fan.

  • @JP-tg6lr
    @JP-tg6lr 9 месяцев назад +1

    I wish I could press the like button a thousand times. I agree with this so much it’s scary. I wonder how many other people feel this way.

  • @nomadx2142
    @nomadx2142 9 месяцев назад +2

    Shawn, you totally have done yourself again to you and your team hats off. Great to see John on your show. Keep doing what you’re doing we’re all behind you thank you.

  • @ariscubanbreed7265
    @ariscubanbreed7265 9 месяцев назад +1

    "Living below your means".... awesome life lesson John.Big thanks.

  • @unclegeek
    @unclegeek 9 месяцев назад +1

    Thankyou Shawn Ryan for having John on your show. I have always wanted to know his background. I am a believer in more that us, and have a love of God. The world is a messed up place. God bless you both

  • @chetwalley
    @chetwalley 9 месяцев назад +1

    By far John Lovell is the best interview you’ve done. And I have seen them all. With his biblical view was the icing on top. Wooow. What a great person. I pray (Shawn). you continue to seek Christ , I pray for you at this moment.

  • @lynncowden5740
    @lynncowden5740 9 месяцев назад +1

    Absolutely outstanding interview. Shawns had some amazing ones, but for me personally, this one seemed like it was something I needed to hear. Your road as a Christian, a front line warrior, and how you have dealt, and continue to deal with it is important to hear. God Bless you and yours.

  • @johnhinckley6491
    @johnhinckley6491 7 месяцев назад

    I appreciate how you guys don’t dog on big army I was a combat engineer for 6 years and this show has really helped me in a way I’ve never thought possible, I’ve been lost for a long time and watching your show really changed a lot in me

  • @CWebs
    @CWebs 9 месяцев назад

    This interview has become my #1 favorite on the SRS. There are so many greats, but this one has been my favorite. You both have given me personally, so much inspiration.
    The core of who I am and have always been, is reflected in the both of you guys.
    God bless you both as well as all who watch, listen to and support you guys.

  • @allsensesfiring
    @allsensesfiring 9 месяцев назад

    These interviews are getting so good, it's beginning to take me sometimes 2-4 days to get through them!
    Thak You both for another great chat❤

  • @mudfan061
    @mudfan061 9 месяцев назад +1

    This was probably the most heart felt interview. I’m so happy for both of you. I hope there are more collaborations in the future. Please create more content together.

  • @StrollinSodaPops
    @StrollinSodaPops 8 месяцев назад +1

    Soooooo much good advice here, especially on parenting. God makes us different from our spouse for a reason! With our first, I couldn’t get him to sleep sometimes as a baby. My husband would go in, sing a certain tune at a certain decibel, pat his back and the mattress beside him in a very specific rhythm, and it worked like a charm. I tried to replicate it when he was in the field- no dice. Kid practically laughed at me! Dads are so special.

  • @adambrown9212
    @adambrown9212 9 месяцев назад +1

    Great interview from two great Americans! Thank you both for what you have done for this country!

  • @etchediniron4249
    @etchediniron4249 9 месяцев назад

    I’ve departed the majority of standard societal processes. Turns out the quality of food and water is so much better than I ever would’ve thought. I raise my own chickens, pork, beef, and rain water. I do a small garden but mostly trade with other likeminded neighbors. Assembling the right community is amazing as well. Spices, dairy, and canning are provided by some others in the neighbors. We all trade out, it’s such a great simple way and I’m so glad I invested in this way of life. I highly encourage others to find a way to enjoy this

  • @sar4x474
    @sar4x474 9 месяцев назад +1

    Sir, this was perhaps one of your best interviews. I really enjoyed this. Great job. God bless you both.

  • @Trading-Freedom11
    @Trading-Freedom11 9 месяцев назад +1

    Great interview , I have followed both channels for a while now , one of the best interviews I have seen in a while ,that says a lot from such a great channel 🙏

  • @whalehands4779
    @whalehands4779 9 месяцев назад +2

    This guy just seems like he would be a great friend to have

  • @gregphillips9670
    @gregphillips9670 9 месяцев назад +1

    This has been by far my favorite SRS.

  • @Jesus-eg3yb
    @Jesus-eg3yb 9 месяцев назад +1

    Shawn, thank you for all the content you create to put out there for us to see. You and John Lovell were great, and this is absolutely one of my top favorite discussions. Keep doing what you are doing; you're doing really good. I appreciate you.

  • @albertlincoln1729
    @albertlincoln1729 8 месяцев назад

    I've been watching John for several years now, his wisdom really came out in this interview. He is wise beyond his years for sure. Super awesome dude.

  • @allenelam6135
    @allenelam6135 9 месяцев назад +1

    I've watched a ton of your interviews.
    This has to be not only my favorite. But for me at 63. It was the most informative on just general life.
    I appreciate all you do. Thank you for everything.

  • @user-fg3qc8bf9g
    @user-fg3qc8bf9g 9 месяцев назад

    Speachless... thank you!! Both of you and everyone making this possible!! Thank you to everyone whatching!!
    God bless everyone

  • @NaraClanGaming
    @NaraClanGaming 9 месяцев назад +1

    I needed people like you to look up to a long time ago. God bless the both of you. Out of everything ive seen on this show, this interview was the most beneficial and relatable. I wish id discovered john and Shawn ages ago

  • @holyspiritsniper3415
    @holyspiritsniper3415 8 месяцев назад

    Favorite guest to date, Mr. Lovell’s spirit oozes forth Holy Spirt and the Father’s love, a special human indeed.

  • @kristeesharp9991
    @kristeesharp9991 9 месяцев назад

    I have loved listening to this series with John! My husband and I listen to him all the time and my husband is attending one of his tactical classes in March. With all of this I do have to say, we live in a small town outside of the west Texas area, and the public school is AWESOME! Faith based, wonderful loving teachers and have cops there parked out front and patrolling the school. I couldn’t be happier! Much love to you both! ❤️

  • @jasonwagemann9386
    @jasonwagemann9386 9 месяцев назад +1

    Man what an amazing series! This was great information and amazing conversation. You guys are both legit and solid dudes! It was great to hear you both converse and talk about all the life lessons and missions you have accomplished and stumbled through to become great dudes! Just an amazing watch! You guys kick ass! 🤙🏼

  • @randyhiggins4086
    @randyhiggins4086 9 месяцев назад

    It’s really good to see you guys together, I was a bit shocked to see John on your channel, but it’s a good gig! You guys bring out different aspects from each other that really shine.