If you are doing shiny pulls rare is the worst pull, no? Because cheap shinies are insanely hype for more luck and cheap so you still can run good mons. And epic and legends are epic and legends. Any other pull common is the worst but that’s how I see it.
Personally I find egg vouchers to be far more valuable than money in the long run. Money might be helpful for surviving your current run, but each egg voucher grants a chance at getting some insane Pokemon that you can add to your team in future runs and even getting some better moves, IVs, and natures for Pokemon that you already have.
@@valleyard8674 I saw a random youtube video, from what I remember. Its an endless reskin but everything is fused, IDK sounds fun, sounds like a nice change from the regular boring runs. Is it true? IDK check the wiki, i'm an idiot. :Edit. Wiki checked, check it yourself if u don't believe me.
@@CatLover-lk9gzYea, had a fusion when I beat classic and I unlocked it. If you start with shinies, the fusions will also be so it'll double the value of it. You can get SSS luck really easy.
its trash tier anyways, just makes the game more difficult and its not even a big chance to get them at max stacks (outside of endless almost never happening) so it sucks for trying to collect hidden abilities too
@@chromethug thats just not really true, the odds of getting a HA are ridiculously boosted from the charm, I believe they are boosted in the same way the shiny charm boosts odds, and with 4 charms 18/25 shinies I caught also had the HA. Although it is definitely trash in classic
I was wondering if this is even good. HA are situational right? Could be great could be bad. Or is it generally better for a mon to have its hidden ability? I'm thinking in run only. Obviously it would be better for completion and options for new runs.
The hardest part of ranking items and pokemon in this game is that you have to kinda consider eternatus and the run itself separately. For example, berries and reviver seeds are fantastic items, but you don't want them in the eternatus fight at all otherwise his black hole will suddenly make him a buffed up, healing machine that you have to kill twice. For me that usually means that the "best" items are simply the ones that can't be stolen such as the map/mega stones/gmax mushrooms, or the items that if stolen don't really help him at all like the baton. Interestingly enough, multi lens I find is one of the best items to take if you have a mon you KNOW can tank a couple eternatus hits, because if he steals it then suddenly his moves are only at 40% power which cripples him big time. Even if you don't have a mon that can utilize it well with buff moves like torch song skeledirge or mega kanga, you typically have like 1 pokemon that kinda sits on the team doing nothing you can always just throw it on and use as bait. Had a run I had 0 chance of winning until he took it from me and then all of a sudden nothing on my team could even die. BUT... That's only really considering the eternatus fight itself, outside of that I'd agree it's a very niche situational item.
Can you trash items on the last floor? Like: okay, i've dealt with the last Floor, let's get rid of all the berries/items that would make this a drag! And the multilens thing is genius. :D
@@Aurirang I don't think you can trash items at all, but what you can and should do is take those good items you don't want eternatus having like Leftovers or stat raising berries, and put them on a pokemon you know you don't want in the fight. I just beat him yesterday with a really shitty team consisting of dubwool, palossand, galarian rapidash, xatu, and gumshoos (I also had mismagius but she was just there for support since I already beat eternatus with her before). I knew I didn't wanna use dubwool (only had him for cotton guard body press cause simple means he gets +6 defense in one turn which was broken for the rest of the run) so I put all my berries onto dubwool, and I put my multi lens onto gumshoos. Dubwool never came into battle, turn one I switched my gumshoos into the G-max Eternatus and that basically let me setup Take hearts on my xatu with stored power and my palossand with earth power and shore up. Easiest battle so far with him.
40:43 Multi-Lens synergizes well with Kings Rock and Grip Claw, giving more chances for those items to proc, and also, in general, gives you more chances to crit and activate secondary effects, and allows you to hit through Boss bars more efficiently.
Situations: Multi-lens with torch song, multi-lens with a skill link mon, multi-lens with super affective moves against sturdy mons, multi-lens with mud slap/sand attack/other debuffing moves are all great
It is honestly an “always take” item for me, even if not on my carry, it has so many uses, multi-debuffs, multi-flinches, multi-super effective priority against fast mons and has saved my mono gen and mono type runs many times, my multi-lens torch song Moltres hard carried my mono fire run, a fire emoji
It lowers overall damage on the first however, which is why it’s situational. First reduces damage by 60, meaning it does 80% total damage. Hence the situational. Second and third do too, I just don’t know numbers. Shouldn’t be an always take but stat raises are it’s situational. Multilens skill link does less damage, and sturdy mons are few and far between. But on a mud slap or a torch song as you said it is worth it because it does more damage and after plus six you just sweep no matter what anyway. Or on mega raquaqua or eternamax eternatus-6 is really op especially if it something like accuracy or damage wise.
mints might be more useful. because it doesn't only give one pokemon a new nature for this run only. It will be unlocked permanently. Hunting for adamant or modest natures on attackers is so tidius, so a random mint of it might be really helpful. and the boost of stacking soul dew - strong combo.
I'd put the x items a bit higher, they are extremely useful also with the evil teams, as having a boost can let you break 2 bar pokemon in one hit, which can be a run saver if only one of your mons can take on one of those, id definitely take an x atk over a quick claw if my physical attacker can use it
@HoodlumCallum i did watch it and i agree, its more of a personal opinion that i have about how on certain floors I'll let go an arguably better item to get an x item, didn't really mean to say that the x items should be in a tier above, but that they can be very clutch over even some of the "best" items (it's really an extra situational tier I guess)
Going to be honest here, I would never pick up nugg or big nugg over Leftovers, the passive healing from Leftovers will save you SO MUCH money on potions
I'm currently running Fur coat Sylveon. (got a Furfrou mixed in) and that thing is absolutely unkillable. Well, until i'm meeting Eternatus. Then let's see how unkillable it really is. (It's on classic)
Multi-Lens Volcarona with the egg move Torch Song and Struggle Bug via level up means you can buff your special attack and lower an opponents special attack depending on what you need. Literally the only reason I'd grab multilens is for Pokemon with either a garunteed boost or debuff while doing damage, since if you lower Eternatus's stats, you get an easier time defeating it
The RNG is very weirdly implemented in this game; I do save scumming a lot to try and catch shinies or legendaries, and it sometimes feels like the catch rates don't matter at all, if you follow a certain series of steps (moves, balls thrown, etc), the mon will always be caught on certain turns with any ball. Similar thing happens with crits and secondary move effects, like sometimes you'll always get a crit with any move on the third turn of a battle
I remember running a Solo Palkia Classic run where it had Hydro Pump and Spacial Rend, having Leppa Berries made it so easy to spam those moves without having to strategically balance whether I used my heavy hitter moves or the two other moves on Palkia since Palkia could auto restore the PP of its Spacial/Hydro if they ran out of
Reviver Seed in "situational" doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me cause I can't think of a situation that it's hurtful P.s. in most situations you're gonna have multiple items on your pokemon and if eternitus does take your reviver seed just refresh your page play exactly how you did and right before whenever he stole it before just swap. And unless you got a steel fairy type then just before you fight eternitus just give it to someone else or make your pokemon use it before he steals it. The best strategy I've come up with is Use curse on gengar which will always hit cause if he gets oneshotted, he'll revive and use curse killing himself again, giving you a free switch or he'll live and use curse then either die and get revived or live have inflicked the second best status effect in pokerogue (cause lum berry's exist which will negate the main status effectson almost every pokemon you face between 100-199. Also leech seed exists which heals you and doesn't take half your max hp upon use but on boss pokemon only do 1/3 of a singular hp bar even without hp bar protection while curse does a full healthbar, and without hp bar protection does 2 full hp bars) plus lum berry's don't cure curse so it'll never go away and does a ton of damage to boss pokemon
There is a new setting to turn off the IV scanner. Gets it out of the way for rolls, and as long as you have it the game shows you green and yellow labeled stats when you check stat changes now
For me, any egg voucher is an instant pick, followed by the soothe bell as it boosts your candies for the mon you're using, which you can use on passives and eventually more eggs. Otherwise this vid matches up with what I expected
Just got into pokerogue a copuple weeks ago. Been popping in and out of the rogue vids but interested to see what else you put out. Thanks, boss. Edit: 🔥nice
About the Multilense, from what I remember/understand it still ultimately increases your output (iirc, it lowers the output of each individual attack to only 70%, but obviously that combines to 140% the damage ultimately, a 2nd multilense further lowers the output but the damage will ultimately still be higher), and it pairs super well with boosting moves like Torch Song or on the other hand debuffing moves, but also, due to the existence of shields, while of course a sufficiently strong attack can also break through multiple shields at once, the Multilense makes it easier to break multiple shields in a turn, and each attack can still break multiple shields, so I'd say it's at the very least an item that doesn't hurt.
@@HoodlumCallum Looking it up on the wiki rn, it says "Attacks hit one additional time at the cost of a 60/75/82.5% power reduction per stack respectively.”, so you're right, although I'm still pretty certain that when I originally read the description the rates were 70/-/-/35%. I also still feel like its value for breaking shields can't be understated.
@@Justic_ I don't think breaking shields is worth it for the amount of power your losing. It's a very situational item where you're more often than not worse off for using it.
@@HoodlumCallum I've just been messed over by stat-buffs on shield-break way too often to not regard something that helps in taking out a Pokemon in a turn through shields as something at least one mon in my party should have.
Mints/Shiny Charm/Ability Charm/Soothe Bell Should've been in their own category of Account progression, maybe throw candies in there too but they also help you in the game itself. Vouchers should've been thrown in a voucher tier because you're different and I'm different, we're gonna value eggs differently but me personally, and honestly I would say yours too, our accounts arent depending on gold to get us through a classic run and we would much prefer an egg unless we are really clinched for a mono run
Mints, "Man my Ray still doesnt have modest nature" time to run for that. Shiny charm self explanatory. Ability charm hey I really need Froakie HA so I'm gonna get it and head to the lake. Soothe Bell and candies I'm throwing it on a pokemon I just want to farm candies. All that leads to account progression and those strats are only done by people who have already beaten classic on a regular basis.
This isnt me hating I'm just throwing my opinion out, apologies if it came off as some reddit person going "axshually". I liked the video nonetheless. Have you thought about doing a Poke Reborn or Rejuv run? I feel like a series like that would be great for your channel
@@Schwiften that's a fair point, most items are honestly situational just some more than others. I think it's down to the individual to prioritise which item they like. I hoped me explaining why I personally like each item would maybe give some people a different perspective, not necessarily a flow chart of which item you should prioritise!
I agree with multi lens being situational but I do run it with my Lugia with Lumina crash dropping sp def by -4 in one turn and its been pretty solid against Eternatus so far
The minute he put leftovers in that tear I was like ok I’m watching something else always pick up master tier items except for splicers or master ball if there’s something better
Leftovers are the riskest item in my opinion. You'll heal every turn, but unless you use a Pokemon with Pickup to make Leftovers have a minimal chance to be stolen by eternatus, you're risking giving passive healing to the final boss, and most strats I've used need either burn, leech seed, or both alongside gpod damage, and it hurts all strats. So if you see Leftovers, don't automatically grab them
Map is amazing for single-type runs if only to avoid biomes you're weak against - it absolutely sucks to get stuck in the desert with all fire types or the dojo with all dark types
Question- why would you put something like memory mushroom in Situational but then mints in Great item? Its situational too; if your pokemon already have the natures you want or if it is the wrong stat split it is useless so it is literally the definition of Situational
@@HoodlumCallum I disagree, if I have 6 mons with all their natures, what use do I have for mints? It’s the same argument as the mem shroom if all 6 mons have all their egg moves / move sets, which I find more rare than just having a good nature.
@@HoodlumCallum but only if it’s a specific 2 or 3 natures would you even want to have them on the Mon, plus eggs give natures more often than moves, plus once you have your Modest Miraidon and a group of physical attackers and tanks in your party if you come across a Modest Mint are you going to take it? I’d take a berry over messing up a mon’s nature just to have modest unlocked permanently. It is situational no matter how you try to justify it. I’m not saying memory mushrooms ARENT, I’m saying Mints ALSO ARE, my argument is quite simple. You’ll always want to take money or a lock capsule, etc. but you don’t always want to take a mint, even if you end up taking something lame like a berry instead, that is the definition of situational, can be good, can be entirely unhelpful like a DNA splicer or mem shroom.
@@HoodlumCallum don’t get me wrong, overall I agree with most of your list here, but you can’t use one reasoning for one item and then not apply it to another item that falls into the same category.
The game loves trolling me woth the mega ring and dynamax band. Ive gotten to mega 1 time in classic after like 30 runs. The most recent run was very hurtful because i started with a red rarity shiny charmander and a weedle (also picked up a lapras before the end), found the mega bracelet in the first 10 floors and the dynamax band in the first 50. Never saw a stone or mishroom 😢
in my endless I have a garchomp-kartana that uses rock slide and a roserade-blacephalon that uses matcha gotcha, both with maxed out kings rocks and multi lenses, so the opponents almost never get to move
i know it would be situational, but multilens + golden punch + leftovers + the healing heart thing, while using a multi targeting or a move that hits more than one time normally would both get a lot of money as well as health back, would it not?
He probably made the video before the update that added white herb and probably a few more items. My guess is that it would be heavily in situational thanks to the amount of attacks that could lower your stats throughout the run making saving it for an important time a little rough
In my experience Mini Black Hole is massively overrated. It steals an item from the second time the opponent moves (if the opponent doesn't move it doesn't work), most of the time they are already dead or have only one item that is picked up by your pickup pokemon anyway. The only good scenario is if you have a super tanky pokemon to steal from bosses.
My favorite is putting it on my steel-fairy in endless and just sit there against eternatus, stealing the lucky eggs and dragon fangs. Unfortunately it fails steal attempts by taking stuff you already have maxed out, so it'll struggle before you can get everything even if you're constantly sleeping it
28:00 ok Here I have to ask: is this list about buying and the options or just the options? Because… “revive all with all hp“ is listed lower than “revive only one with half hp“ and “revive only one with full hp“
I sure love mega and dynamax bands, the problem is actually getting the second part, I'd get the healing items or grip claw over the bands, because they are, most of the time, a dead item.
And of course they add two new items before releasing your video haha So where would you put the White Herb (resets negative stats, consumable) and the Scope Lens (boosts critical hit ratio)?
It depends on the items rarity, but I'm a bit fan of crit sets so I think scope lens should be High A if not S tier. As for the White Herb.. probably just the lower end of A tier. I haven't used them yet though.
Having tried Multi-Lens while it was hyped, it was always disappointing. In classic mode, it's good for any pokemon with moves with 100% or really high secondary effect. The moves that do stuff like lowers opponent's special attack, etc.
And then you have me who doesn't take most held items in Classic because Eternamax is just gonna come along and steal them all... I'll see Leftovers and not take it because why would I give it passive recovery?
i hear someone talking about uh "time voucher save scumming", im not sure if thats what they said but it was something about catching a pokemon and having it registered but somehow resetting so it stays registered but you get the keep the balls, could someone explain what it exactly is and how it works
@@HoodlumCallum I'm not the above person but also highly disagree The main use is for pokemon that have moves like torch song which give them a buff, allowing you to get double the buffs. Other then that yes I agree it is detrimental but stat raising attacks are incredibly useful
@@the_cool_dudz9394 I mentioned this in the video, but those cases are few and far between to where it's actually worth it. It's a situational item, which is where it's placed. I'm not wrong about that.
145 is for sure a rough one. My usual strategy is having a pokemon 100% dedicated to handling rayquay. They do not see combat until the flying snake hits the field and they have a clean switch in. Having a grass or electric type to sack for ray is also good because it's pretty useless if you can paralyze it.
My body is a machine that turns a Voucher Premium into 8 common eggs and 2 rare eggs!!!🔥 🔥
Cheers on the 2 rare
i have opened 5 premiums with as much as one rare and 9 unique common eggs
Wait you can get rares from voucher premiums?
If you are doing shiny pulls rare is the worst pull, no? Because cheap shinies are insanely hype for more luck and cheap so you still can run good mons. And epic and legends are epic and legends. Any other pull common is the worst but that’s how I see it.
@@DrakeIrving-g4i interesting take, I’m compelled to agree with you
Personally I find egg vouchers to be far more valuable than money in the long run. Money might be helpful for surviving your current run, but each egg voucher grants a chance at getting some insane Pokemon that you can add to your team in future runs and even getting some better moves, IVs, and natures for Pokemon that you already have.
I do agree
In defense of DNA splicer, it unlocks a new gamemode if u beat classic with a spliced mon.
@@CatLover-lk9gz...it does?
@@valleyard8674 I saw a random youtube video, from what I remember. Its an endless reskin but everything is fused, IDK sounds fun, sounds like a nice change from the regular boring runs. Is it true? IDK check the wiki, i'm an idiot. :Edit. Wiki checked, check it yourself if u don't believe me.
@@CatLover-lk9gzYea, had a fusion when I beat classic and I unlocked it.
If you start with shinies, the fusions will also be so it'll double the value of it. You can get SSS luck really easy.
Ability charm is in the game... Increases the chance of wild pokemon having their hidden ability
oh yeah, my bad. I think I was thinking of it as the way to change the pokemons ability LOL
its trash tier anyways, just makes the game more difficult and its not even a big chance to get them at max stacks (outside of endless almost never happening) so it sucks for trying to collect hidden abilities too
@@chromethug True though
@@chromethug thats just not really true, the odds of getting a HA are ridiculously boosted from the charm, I believe they are boosted in the same way the shiny charm boosts odds, and with 4 charms 18/25 shinies I caught also had the HA. Although it is definitely trash in classic
I was wondering if this is even good. HA are situational right? Could be great could be bad. Or is it generally better for a mon to have its hidden ability? I'm thinking in run only. Obviously it would be better for completion and options for new runs.
The hardest part of ranking items and pokemon in this game is that you have to kinda consider eternatus and the run itself separately. For example, berries and reviver seeds are fantastic items, but you don't want them in the eternatus fight at all otherwise his black hole will suddenly make him a buffed up, healing machine that you have to kill twice. For me that usually means that the "best" items are simply the ones that can't be stolen such as the map/mega stones/gmax mushrooms, or the items that if stolen don't really help him at all like the baton.
Interestingly enough, multi lens I find is one of the best items to take if you have a mon you KNOW can tank a couple eternatus hits, because if he steals it then suddenly his moves are only at 40% power which cripples him big time. Even if you don't have a mon that can utilize it well with buff moves like torch song skeledirge or mega kanga, you typically have like 1 pokemon that kinda sits on the team doing nothing you can always just throw it on and use as bait. Had a run I had 0 chance of winning until he took it from me and then all of a sudden nothing on my team could even die. BUT... That's only really considering the eternatus fight itself, outside of that I'd agree it's a very niche situational item.
Can you trash items on the last floor?
Like: okay, i've dealt with the last Floor, let's get rid of all the berries/items that would make this a drag!
And the multilens thing is genius. :D
@@Aurirang I don't think you can trash items at all, but what you can and should do is take those good items you don't want eternatus having like Leftovers or stat raising berries, and put them on a pokemon you know you don't want in the fight. I just beat him yesterday with a really shitty team consisting of dubwool, palossand, galarian rapidash, xatu, and gumshoos (I also had mismagius but she was just there for support since I already beat eternatus with her before). I knew I didn't wanna use dubwool (only had him for cotton guard body press cause simple means he gets +6 defense in one turn which was broken for the rest of the run) so I put all my berries onto dubwool, and I put my multi lens onto gumshoos. Dubwool never came into battle, turn one I switched my gumshoos into the G-max Eternatus and that basically let me setup Take hearts on my xatu with stored power and my palossand with earth power and shore up. Easiest battle so far with him.
Multi-Lens synergizes well with Kings Rock and Grip Claw, giving more chances for those items to proc, and also, in general, gives you more chances to crit and activate secondary effects, and allows you to hit through Boss bars more efficiently.
Which is hard to get all at once in classic mode!
This is classic mode though, however I agree that it’s good but it’s hard to get in classic unless you have full shinies.
Just get lucky smh smh
I eat 10 Grip Claws every morning
Situations: Multi-lens with torch song, multi-lens with a skill link mon, multi-lens with super affective moves against sturdy mons, multi-lens with mud slap/sand attack/other debuffing moves are all great
It is honestly an “always take” item for me, even if not on my carry, it has so many uses, multi-debuffs, multi-flinches, multi-super effective priority against fast mons and has saved my mono gen and mono type runs many times, my multi-lens torch song Moltres hard carried my mono fire run, a fire emoji
It lowers overall damage on the first however, which is why it’s situational. First reduces damage by 60, meaning it does 80% total damage. Hence the situational. Second and third do too, I just don’t know numbers. Shouldn’t be an always take but stat raises are it’s situational. Multilens skill link does less damage, and sturdy mons are few and far between. But on a mud slap or a torch song as you said it is worth it because it does more damage and after plus six you just sweep no matter what anyway. Or on mega raquaqua or eternamax eternatus-6 is really op especially if it something like accuracy or damage wise.
31 minutes in and B-tier is fully unused, absolutely brilliant ranking Callum
mints might be more useful. because it doesn't only give one pokemon a new nature for this run only. It will be unlocked permanently.
Hunting for adamant or modest natures on attackers is so tidius, so a random mint of it might be really helpful.
and the boost of stacking soul dew - strong combo.
I'd put the x items a bit higher, they are extremely useful also with the evil teams, as having a boost can let you break 2 bar pokemon in one hit, which can be a run saver if only one of your mons can take on one of those, id definitely take an x atk over a quick claw if my physical attacker can use it
I did an entire segment about how incredible x items are idk if you watched or just saw the placement LOL
@HoodlumCallum i did watch it and i agree, its more of a personal opinion that i have about how on certain floors I'll let go an arguably better item to get an x item, didn't really mean to say that the x items should be in a tier above, but that they can be very clutch over even some of the "best" items (it's really an extra situational tier I guess)
My vouchers always = 5 common eggs 🔥💪🥶
Great vid! I adore playing PokeRogue and your vids on them are really nice to listen to while I play!
42:40 X-items are also separate from individual stat boosts, which means that you can go +6 on a stat PLUS whatever X-items are boosting that stat
The most important item is some dork pokemon I never use that happens to have pokerus today.
The rare inverse bell curve
Going to be honest here, I would never pick up nugg or big nugg over Leftovers, the passive healing from Leftovers will save you SO MUCH money on potions
Currently trying to get a Hisuian Samurott Azumaril splice: Intrepid Sword + Huge Power with stab water and fairy 💀
I'm currently running Fur coat Sylveon. (got a Furfrou mixed in) and that thing is absolutely unkillable.
Well, until i'm meeting Eternatus. Then let's see how unkillable it really is. (It's on classic)
Multi-Lens Volcarona with the egg move Torch Song and Struggle Bug via level up means you can buff your special attack and lower an opponents special attack depending on what you need. Literally the only reason I'd grab multilens is for Pokemon with either a garunteed boost or debuff while doing damage, since if you lower Eternatus's stats, you get an easier time defeating it
I mentioned this in the video when I talked about moves like Power up Punch
idk why but i feel like sometimes my great balls have better catch rates than my rogue or ultra balls and it's both hilarious and confusing to me
The RNG is very weirdly implemented in this game; I do save scumming a lot to try and catch shinies or legendaries, and it sometimes feels like the catch rates don't matter at all, if you follow a certain series of steps (moves, balls thrown, etc), the mon will always be caught on certain turns with any ball. Similar thing happens with crits and secondary move effects, like sometimes you'll always get a crit with any move on the third turn of a battle
@@some1upyon honestly same. Rouge balls never work for me
Worth mentioning that the baton held item let's you switch out of arena trap style abilities and mean look adjacent moves.
Egg Vouchers are Always an investment in your future runs, I'll take a chance on throwing a run just to get to that machine.
I remember running a Solo Palkia Classic run where it had Hydro Pump and Spacial Rend, having Leppa Berries made it so easy to spam those moves without having to strategically balance whether I used my heavy hitter moves or the two other moves on Palkia since Palkia could auto restore the PP of its Spacial/Hydro if they ran out of
Reviver Seed in "situational" doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me cause I can't think of a situation that it's hurtful
P.s. in most situations you're gonna have multiple items on your pokemon and if eternitus does take your reviver seed just refresh your page play exactly how you did and right before whenever he stole it before just swap. And unless you got a steel fairy type then just before you fight eternitus just give it to someone else or make your pokemon use it before he steals it.
The best strategy I've come up with is Use curse on gengar which will always hit cause if he gets oneshotted, he'll revive and use curse killing himself again, giving you a free switch or he'll live and use curse then either die and get revived or live have inflicked the second best status effect in pokerogue (cause lum berry's exist which will negate the main status effectson almost every pokemon you face between 100-199. Also leech seed exists which heals you and doesn't take half your max hp upon use but on boss pokemon only do 1/3 of a singular hp bar even without hp bar protection while curse does a full healthbar, and without hp bar protection does 2 full hp bars) plus lum berry's don't cure curse so it'll never go away and does a ton of damage to boss pokemon
There is a new setting to turn off the IV scanner. Gets it out of the way for rolls, and as long as you have it the game shows you green and yellow labeled stats when you check stat changes now
For me, any egg voucher is an instant pick, followed by the soothe bell as it boosts your candies for the mon you're using, which you can use on passives and eventually more eggs. Otherwise this vid matches up with what I expected
The multi hit item REALLY helps with stuff like sturdy and focus sash and mimikyu's disguise!
Just got into pokerogue a copuple weeks ago. Been popping in and out of the rogue vids but interested to see what else you put out. Thanks, boss.
Edit: 🔥nice
X Items were always something in pokemon I tend to incorporate in my runs. Very underrated, helped me get through dark rising and reborn
About the Multilense, from what I remember/understand it still ultimately increases your output (iirc, it lowers the output of each individual attack to only 70%, but obviously that combines to 140% the damage ultimately, a 2nd multilense further lowers the output but the damage will ultimately still be higher), and it pairs super well with boosting moves like Torch Song or on the other hand debuffing moves, but also, due to the existence of shields, while of course a sufficiently strong attack can also break through multiple shields at once, the Multilense makes it easier to break multiple shields in a turn, and each attack can still break multiple shields, so I'd say it's at the very least an item that doesn't hurt.
I don’t think that’s true at all. As far as I remember it overall weakens the damage output for more hits
@@HoodlumCallum Looking it up on the wiki rn, it says "Attacks hit one additional time at the cost of a 60/75/82.5% power reduction per stack respectively.”, so you're right, although I'm still pretty certain that when I originally read the description the rates were 70/-/-/35%.
I also still feel like its value for breaking shields can't be understated.
@@Justic_ I don't think breaking shields is worth it for the amount of power your losing. It's a very situational item where you're more often than not worse off for using it.
@@HoodlumCallum I've just been messed over by stat-buffs on shield-break way too often to not regard something that helps in taking out a Pokemon in a turn through shields as something at least one mon in my party should have.
@HoodlumCallum as usual, correct.
i don't play this game but this video taught me a lot about these items!!! thank you extremely educated hoodlumcallum
Context is everything in roguelikes where the player has access varied builds that use different mechanics
I wanna point out how amazing the camera quality is. Great camera!
Mints/Shiny Charm/Ability Charm/Soothe Bell Should've been in their own category of Account progression, maybe throw candies in there too but they also help you in the game itself. Vouchers should've been thrown in a voucher tier because you're different and I'm different, we're gonna value eggs differently but me personally, and honestly I would say yours too, our accounts arent depending on gold to get us through a classic run and we would much prefer an egg unless we are really clinched for a mono run
Mints, "Man my Ray still doesnt have modest nature" time to run for that. Shiny charm self explanatory. Ability charm hey I really need Froakie HA so I'm gonna get it and head to the lake. Soothe Bell and candies I'm throwing it on a pokemon I just want to farm candies. All that leads to account progression and those strats are only done by people who have already beaten classic on a regular basis.
This isnt me hating I'm just throwing my opinion out, apologies if it came off as some reddit person going "axshually". I liked the video nonetheless. Have you thought about doing a Poke Reborn or Rejuv run? I feel like a series like that would be great for your channel
@@Schwiften that's a fair point, most items are honestly situational just some more than others. I think it's down to the individual to prioritise which item they like. I hoped me explaining why I personally like each item would maybe give some people a different perspective, not necessarily a flow chart of which item you should prioritise!
I agree with multi lens being situational but I do run it with my Lugia with Lumina crash dropping sp def by -4 in one turn and its been pretty solid against Eternatus so far
The minute he put leftovers in that tear I was like ok I’m watching something else always pick up master tier items except for splicers or master ball if there’s something better
In my opinion multi lens is always a pick up
yeah same, i think it worked different when this video was made.
Leftovers are the riskest item in my opinion. You'll heal every turn, but unless you use a Pokemon with Pickup to make Leftovers have a minimal chance to be stolen by eternatus, you're risking giving passive healing to the final boss, and most strats I've used need either burn, leech seed, or both alongside gpod damage, and it hurts all strats.
So if you see Leftovers, don't automatically grab them
White Herb and Scope Lens just got added and I finished a Mono Gen 4 run with Scope Lens, Tera Dark, Night Slash Weavile
Map is amazing for single-type runs if only to avoid biomes you're weak against - it absolutely sucks to get stuck in the desert with all fire types or the dojo with all dark types
Question- why would you put something like memory mushroom in Situational but then mints in Great item? Its situational too; if your pokemon already have the natures you want or if it is the wrong stat split it is useless so it is literally the definition of Situational
every item is situational, I just think mushrooms are more so
@@HoodlumCallum I disagree, if I have 6 mons with all their natures, what use do I have for mints? It’s the same argument as the mem shroom if all 6 mons have all their egg moves / move sets, which I find more rare than just having a good nature.
@@FrostyFyre natures are permanent, mushrooms are not. therefor natures are better and more valuable items.
@@HoodlumCallum but only if it’s a specific 2 or 3 natures would you even want to have them on the Mon, plus eggs give natures more often than moves, plus once you have your Modest Miraidon and a group of physical attackers and tanks in your party if you come across a Modest Mint are you going to take it?
I’d take a berry over messing up a mon’s nature just to have modest unlocked permanently. It is situational no matter how you try to justify it.
I’m not saying memory mushrooms ARENT, I’m saying Mints ALSO ARE, my argument is quite simple.
You’ll always want to take money or a lock capsule, etc. but you don’t always want to take a mint, even if you end up taking something lame like a berry instead, that is the definition of situational, can be good, can be entirely unhelpful like a DNA splicer or mem shroom.
@@HoodlumCallum don’t get me wrong, overall I agree with most of your list here, but you can’t use one reasoning for one item and then not apply it to another item that falls into the same category.
The game loves trolling me woth the mega ring and dynamax band. Ive gotten to mega 1 time in classic after like 30 runs. The most recent run was very hurtful because i started with a red rarity shiny charmander and a weedle (also picked up a lapras before the end), found the mega bracelet in the first 10 floors and the dynamax band in the first 50. Never saw a stone or mishroom 😢
Got a tandemouse w kings rock and multi lenses w population bomb and basically always flinched it was beautiful
in my endless I have a garchomp-kartana that uses rock slide and a roserade-blacephalon that uses matcha gotcha, both with maxed out kings rocks and multi lenses, so the opponents almost never get to move
i know it would be situational, but multilens + golden punch + leftovers + the healing heart thing, while using a multi targeting or a move that hits more than one time normally would both get a lot of money as well as health back, would it not?
There is two new idems that aren’t Pokemon exclusive like white herb
He probably made the video before the update that added white herb and probably a few more items. My guess is that it would be heavily in situational thanks to the amount of attacks that could lower your stats throughout the run making saving it for an important time a little rough
In my experience Mini Black Hole is massively overrated. It steals an item from the second time the opponent moves (if the opponent doesn't move it doesn't work), most of the time they are already dead or have only one item that is picked up by your pickup pokemon anyway. The only good scenario is if you have a super tanky pokemon to steal from bosses.
My favorite is putting it on my steel-fairy in endless and just sit there against eternatus, stealing the lucky eggs and dragon fangs. Unfortunately it fails steal attempts by taking stuff you already have maxed out, so it'll struggle before you can get everything even if you're constantly sleeping it
Doues multi lens work with skill link? so you hit like 10 times? If so can would that be a viable strat?
28:00 ok Here I have to ask: is this list about buying and the options or just the options? Because… “revive all with all hp“ is listed lower than “revive only one with half hp“ and “revive only one with full hp“
I sure love mega and dynamax bands, the problem is actually getting the second part, I'd get the healing items or grip claw over the bands, because they are, most of the time, a dead item.
I don't agree with most of the time but that's just my personal experience
And of course they add two new items before releasing your video haha
So where would you put the White Herb (resets negative stats, consumable) and the Scope Lens (boosts critical hit ratio)?
It depends on the items rarity, but I'm a bit fan of crit sets so I think scope lens should be High A if not S tier. As for the White Herb.. probably just the lower end of A tier.
I haven't used them yet though.
White Herb just got released along with the Scope Lens
Sorry about the thumbnail! I found out on Google! Thanks for commenting on the video, it helped me find your channel for the first time!
Thank u
@HoodlumCallum if I ever get more than 1k subs I hope I have the chance to help out smaller channels in the similar ways!
Having tried Multi-Lens while it was hyped, it was always disappointing. In classic mode, it's good for any pokemon with moves with 100% or really high secondary effect. The moves that do stuff like lowers opponent's special attack, etc.
And then you have me who doesn't take most held items in Classic because Eternamax is just gonna come along and steal them all... I'll see Leftovers and not take it because why would I give it passive recovery?
just beat it before the pokemon with leftovers gets sent out ;)
so true
Question...should i save my voucher for rayquaza or just pull for shiny?
Increasing the rate of progress gain will always be infinitely more powerful than progress gain itself
i hear someone talking about uh "time voucher save scumming", im not sure if thats what they said but it was something about catching a pokemon and having it registered but somehow resetting so it stays registered but you get the keep the balls, could someone explain what it exactly is and how it works
Multi-Lens Gyarados is OP
Ability charm is in the game I’ve gotten it multiple times
Is it worth it to evolve a Partner Pikachu?
Pretty sure the black hole doesn't steal items, it just vanishes them
Nope it steals the items
He's cooking
Nice now do endless
As someone with over 100 classic clears, every challenges clear, and only 60 mons left top get ribbons for. Hard disagree on multi lens
Give me some examples of what you’d use it on
@@HoodlumCallum I'm not the above person but also highly disagree
The main use is for pokemon that have moves like torch song which give them a buff, allowing you to get double the buffs.
Other then that yes I agree it is detrimental but stat raising attacks are incredibly useful
@@the_cool_dudz9394 I mentioned this in the video, but those cases are few and far between to where it's actually worth it. It's a situational item, which is where it's placed. I'm not wrong about that.
@@HoodlumCallum yep I agree
When will the endless rework coming out?
White herb though ?
Bro only took 1:30 minutes to say that the ability patch is not in the game
Dynamax band help me.finish my classic run ❤ dynamaxed a jacked blastoise and killed eternatus
U didnt include golden punch
I think that this video was very low effort, you wont ever see two items in the same tier and need to chose between them.
I have been playing for a month and i still can't beat wave 145🙏🏾
145 is for sure a rough one. My usual strategy is having a pokemon 100% dedicated to handling rayquay. They do not see combat until the flying snake hits the field and they have a clean switch in. Having a grass or electric type to sack for ray is also good because it's pretty useless if you can paralyze it.
Thats the ability charm, not the patch
early to a hoodlumcallum vid lets goooo
crit goes 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, 1/1
nope, it’s 4.17% flat. Then at +1 it’s 12.5%. +2 is 50% and +3 is 100%
@@HoodlumCallum 4.17% is such a strange number for it to be, is that 1/18 or something?
So it goes 1/24, 1/8, 1/2, 1/1 for city chances
Classic is so.much better than endless
reviver seed "waste" in the thumbnail huh?? garbage list
it's a situational item lol
That's an ability charm not an ability patch
yea my b
I am so early this is dope