Aight so: Apperently the "Famine Leads to" part of the Guttertank entry was actually "Famine Leads to Death" (kinda embarrassing on my part, but the last bible study i went to was on Exodus anyways so...) There is also a book near the Sadbot that I SOMEHOW missed, and it is a poem talking about how a Guttermen-esque machine killed the Sadbot in order to get its fuel source. The machine then cries about this, which implies the machines have feelings of some sort, and that they get depressed when they have to kill other machines in order to survive.
The 7-2 book was made by a gutterman specifically and not just some “gutterman-esque machine” since the guttermen are the only machines known to *actually* have a live fuel source inside of them (we even see the gutterman that wrote it without its coffin at the end of the level) And I’m pretty sure the book is only really about how it feels remorse for being responsible for the death of the human in its own coffin, and it’s most likely that the “take the heart of another” just refers to another gutterman’s human, since we aren’t sure about whether the alt shotgun machine had a live fuel source as well
Oh, that was the alternative fuel mentioned in the book, would never guess it myself. And the robot who wrote it is a Gutterman. You can find it during the metro station ambush, when you return the cart with the bomb. The Gutterman doesn't have a coffin on it's back
if v1 canonically sees everything in ps1 graphics then that could mean that guttermen saw the environment in black white like the cameras they had at the time
I think the Guttermen and Guttertanks use biological eyes. Cameras back then used film to get images, and there were no digital imaging capabilities. The Gutterman has to have eyes, and the Guttertank likely does as well. If anything, the Guttermachines probably are some of the few machines that see in high quality, due to needing to interact with and identify Human soldiers.
@@richardcollins5189 wouldnt implementing organic body parts like eyes be much more complicated than simply using a camera? i mean if you think about it, the guttermen were already advanced for their time so youd think theyd have cameras that would be capable of that
I imagine the way it works is that they look for light negatives and light positives and then there would be like a mechanical computer there'd be like digital Parts but the primarily be like clockwork
@@richardcollins5189 maybe, but the earthmover i'm pretty sure has cameras so maybe they were invented, and used for the guttermachines and then for the earthmover because like the sentries (who i also think have cameras) they needed to see in high quality and identify targets, also if there aren't any cameras why would the world be so advanced in weaponry and what would v1 and v2 use for their visual tools?
@@Slavic_Bullet Guttermachines were from a good 100-180 years before the end of the war. It's likely that the Gutterman uses eyes, while the Guttertank uses a human pilot sort of like a WH40K Dreadnaught. The complexity of grafting eyes or human bodies into the machine is likely why digital cameras and processing units would be innovated for so swiftly. Clearly, the Guttermsn lacks visual acuity, as it struggles to target an object initially, while the Guttertank likely uses a human brain to hold up all the prediction and group coordination that the Gutterman lacks.
Something to note on the theory of machines killing humanity. Hakita has seemingly hinted that it wasn't machines. When asked if machines killed humans, he said "They did?" and he asked the wiki to remove a part of the lore that said machines killed humans. A personal belief I have is that Hell actually killed humanity. Seeing as the earth in the 6-2 cutscene is practically a desert. That and the P-2 ARG heavily hinted Hell was consuming the factory of prelude (hence the husks and demons there). If it ate that, it's not a stretch to assume it also ate Earth. Or a more sad and boring idea, humans simply died off due to how severe the war was. With little food, supplies, and a probably dead economy, the world may have just quietly died.
@@aydinmakesthings on top of the earthmover data i believe the streetcleaners data said that their purpose before the hell expeditions was 'clean up the smut and grime in the atmosphere' which is why the surface is even visible from the 6-2 cutscene (if it would be visible without them the earthmovers would've remained powered i'm pretty sure) so i believe the long night had been reversed, atleast in the ways it could have been, which means the desert is probably not a result of the long night, so the two most plausible explanations are "hell ate/took over earth" or "humanity died quietly", personally i think the first option is more exciting and original though again that's just my memory on the terminals, i haven't read the streetcleaner terminal in a while
humanity found that hell observed them, learned about them, copied their machinery, and they stopped. there is one single line which simply states it was already too late. the gates of hell had been broken down, either the sinners were free to roam, the machines came back to end what humans started or earth was infected with the hell energy that many things hint towards (the gutterman who "grew out of the iron womb" and out of mercy crushed the skull of "mother, mother, mother of me...", the earthmovers functioning even in hell´s long night and more)
2:22 i remember hearing that when v1 enters a room he runs thousands of calculations in moments and goes with the one that he survives, so whenever you die you were simply watching a failed calculation by v1. i dont think its official but whatever
17:20 My first thought when reading it was "Famine leads to Death" like even though humans were no longer directly killing each other in the war, they were killing each other indirectly and/or dying due to famine
This. It is literally the horsemen of the apocalypse (tho for whatever reason Conquest has been slowly replaced by Pestilence on pop culture). "Conquest leads to war" "war leads to famine" "famine leads to Death" It is a reference to the Four horsemen, much like how they refered to the earthmovers as such. It is also probably a double meaning, as it will probably happen to the machines too, once their new "war" in hell is over they'll hunger and die.
@@VadoF1 Damm, you caught me mid writing a long comment including this and other stuff about the video, along with an opening I forgot why I was explaining it, lol
@@darkanayer5867 I’m pretty sure that the Earthmovers are also a reference to the Centaurs from The Inferno, who watch over the violence layer and shoot down sinners who try to escape the lakes of boiling blood.
@@DKdrop they definetely are, given the body shape, and they even have the "spear" most centauros from the Divine Comedy are depicted in art. Not mutual exclusive references, I just meant how a terminal for them do mention "often refered to as the horsemen of the apocalypse"
my favorite theory is machines being able to go to hell for their sins it just so cool and covers a lot of plot holes edit: just think about it, v2 contains his urge to kill to greet/flex on v1, drones are described as curious, swordsmachines and mindflayers behave illogically, streetcleaners have overarching goal of eradicating all biomass. All machines show signs of sentience
yup, they're probably totally sentient, that's why I think that 2-S is a hallucination of v1's mind to cope with the existential dread of being left alone with his tougths.
due to the "paint the world red" text in violence im pretty sure the blood (the juice of the fruit of the tree of life) is what makes everything sentient. it made humans sentient, it probably makes the angels sentient, so when the humans made it run through all their machiens it also made them sentient accidentally
Hakita did a comment that machines do not have souls (only mortal humans do, which is why they go to hell or heaven. Once there tho, no souls anymore, and everything without souls is simply gone upon death), but (this wasn't part of the comment, speculation from here on) that doesn't imply they don't have sentience. The terminals are bored, that's something we literally now. Sadbot's temple has a book written by what appears to be a gutterman or similar machine that had to carry a fuel source, and in the book it talks about how sad it is about all that's happening. V2's second entry talks about how much he wants to make V1 pay for the humiliation, and V1 is the one to say "you are not getting away this time". Blood seems to be giving them sentience, even if not actual souls With all of this I want to say that..... Oh shit I forgot what I was gonna say lmaooo. Posting anyways to remember later. Also, pretty sure the end of Gutterman entry is supposed to be "Death" not "revolution". The whole thing is about the horsemen of the apocalypse (pop culture has been replacing Conquest with Pestilence). "Conquest leads to war, war leads to famine, Famine leads to death" I believe it's the original quote. Given the earthmovers were often referred to as the horsemen according to terminals, and the whole biblical aspect of the things, I believe that's the actual reference. As for the "king" on the minotaur entry, I am a fan of the theory that it's just *"Hell itself"* . The letters fit, we know hell is both alive, intelligent and cruel, and, most of all, Bored as hell (pun intended) , which is why it's putting the stuff it's putting on our way and helping on too (7-3). What's a crueler and funnier jest than gifting Minos a living reminder of the time he got cucked by a bull? Also, based unfortunate spacemen reference
I don't doubt that the machines are sentient is some way, how else would they kill off their creators? Yeah other people have ponted out that the entry was actually referencing the 4 horsemen. The theory of the minotaur being the 3rd king was something completely random I kinda came up with. And of course based Unfortunate Spacemen reference.
@@VadoF1 I meant more actual sentience and emotions. Them killing their creators without true sentience is something possible and that has been done and overdone in sci-fi since it's inception. Given hell is smart and can influence stuff, wouldn't put it past it to steer the machines into the genocidal direction. So while I do think it was the machines on their own, there are other avenues shit could had gone, enough for reasonable doubt to exist. Still think it was the machines on their own, that many, if not most, rebelled and went for blood, tho some probably didn't want to. I headcanon the Sadboy's title as protector of the people came more from defending survivors during the machine uprising than during the war (how it ended up in hell, who knows, most machines from VIOLENCE were already there when we arrived, more native, which makes sense. Hell brought it's new toys to punish the violent and war waging) Didn't even thought you meant the minotaur being the king itself, thought you meant the blank spaces were the king's name after being censored. Terminal says that [Redacted] made and gifted the minotaur to Minos. Which is why I really think it being made by *Hell Itself* makes the most sense. Also, I believe you forgot to mention probably the most fucked up thing about the machines, which is that the Gutterman's fuel source is what inspired "forces from far beyond" (implied imo to just mean HELL) to make the mannequins in a similar way. And you know you fucked up if LITERAL HELL is taking notes on your job. No wonder God went "Fuck this shit I'm out, uuuuuuh"
I was thinking about the death thing and In my absolute personal opinion, the robots had a hand in taking out humanity, but I think a lot of human deaths came from their own hands, being forced to fight each other in a war that didn't matter, slimming down the population until Hell was found and the New Peace was put into place, but that's my guess.
I imagine American machines being more focused on agility and stealth and German machines being more focused of being shot by everything and still being okay
Your trench gets ambushed by a gutterman, are you mag dumping into it in a vain attempt to survive or are you going to ignore your inevitable death to shoot some random enemy behind it. Guttermen are literally perfect cover/distractions for trench warfare
@@MilesHeywoodNah America doesnt really have interest in that type of warfare and instead would resort to drone striking the whole country which i believe has made war boring
if you take notice, almost every single machine before act 3 is built for peace time. act 3 is the introduction of the second, third and fourth war machines other than v1 you find
My guess is that the war machines paved the way, and why you find them deeper, while the macjines not equipped to fight had to scavenge for remains behind. Or Hell itself moved them there.
@@VadoF1I believe some people think that Hell Itself was setting up these neat little dioramas with all the Machines it had on hand. Like "Yeah, this isn't historically accurate because Japan wasn't allied with Germany and Russia and there weren't any internal rebellioms but it's all the models I had on hand...replaced the shield generators with Idols, put some Guttermen and Guttertanks and Sentries on it to represent the defenders, and throw in some of my own hell soldiers to represent, uh, soldiers...I think it looks pretty good! Look at 'em fight!"
By my understanding, the "respawn" can be interpreted more as the idea that every failed attempt is a computational prediction, and only the last attempt is legit after running several iterations of possible action sequences. Not confirmed, but food for thought
Yeah I kinda knew the basics about the lore, but I didn't really care much until the World War 1 stuff came out and then I was hooked (on the Final War part at least)
hello, small correction; the disappearance of god likely happened near the beginning of the final war the mannequins were created after the disappearance of god, while the angels were still gone (source: mannequin terminal entry) since hell took inspiration from the guttermen to make them (as stated in the gutterman entry), that also means mannequins were probably created soon after the guttermen were
My theory for respawning is that just like practicing in the cybergrind, V1 is planning for every possible death before doing it right. It never actually dies fighting. That’s part of why V1 is the strongest, just pure skill. The problem is Sisyphus says “keep em coming” so this probably isn’t the case.
Hakita has said that it would require impossible levels of foresight to predict what an enemy could do before it does it. Why wouldn’t. 2 also have this ability is also brought up. The prime soul flavor texts are just that. Respawning isn’t canon as it messes with the game’s themes as well
16:10 close to sadbot, you can find a book that they could have written . the narrator is a gutterman/gutterman-like machine that killed their fuel source and cried
@@boxmantherandom I mean, in universe, yeah. But like: -Hell inspired by Dante's Divine Comedy (which Vergil plays a huge role in) -Mostly associated with the color blue -Wings -Has a red brother who fights him frequently -ULTRAKILL was made by a man absolutely obsessed with DMC
This was probably one of the most succinct and informational lore video I've seen. I love your humor and how you admit where the game is ambiguous, keep up the great vids!
One of the things I was thinking, was the first time I played through the earthmover fight I was wondering why there was demons on it because I thought that the machines on the earth mover would’ve killed them, but I think hell itself modified the Earth movers in the violence layer to run off of hell energy. This would also explain the idles, and the fact that the defense system uses hell orbs that’s just my theory
17:11 I don’t think that the civilians were literally **fighting** each other, more like the things people needed just became scarce and harder to obtain. There probably were some people out there who resorted to violence to get what they wanted but I strongly doubt that was the norm for everybody Another thing 19:29 I don’t think machines literally created more machines, I think “Machine created to create the machine” is meant to be a poetic way of saying “Machine B was created to counter Machine A, therefore it would not be inaccurate to say Machine A was created so that machine B would be created in response” One last thing I promise, regarding Minos and Sisyphus They didn’t “turn into” Prime Souls. A person’s Husk is only used as a vessel for their soul when they’re in Hell. Their soul already exists within that body and, in Minos and Sisyphus’ cases, is already a Prime Soul. A Prime Soul is just the soul of a person with an exceptionally strong will. When the Husk is destroyed, the soul that was already inside of it just needs time to form its own shape. It already **was** a Prime Soul.
My theory for Respawning and sandbox: The sandbox is a simulation that is run through V1's mindscape, Thus we are only able to fight the enemies we have encountered thus far in the game. When you use cheats, you are running a simulation in the terminal, and because you still entertained the terminal, it provides you access to the next liar. This can also be the reason for respawning, each time you're just trying to calculate the best way to defeat a certain enemy, and till you officially find it, you are playing in a simulation, when you have beaten it, Consider that V1 has found the best way and has defeated the level.
Hakita has gone against this idea so it respawning isn’t canon at all. Original commenter:”if you make the argument that V1 is simulating all of this in its head and that it finds the most successful route through everything you have to assume that, in the lore, this universe is totally deterministic, you have to assume that V2 doesnt have that same ability for whatever reason, and you have to assume that V1's "deaths" (simulated or real) are canon in the first place i think its a simpler and honestly a more thematically appropriate conclusion to make that V1 is just a very skilled war machine” From Hakita replying: “also V1 would require impossible foresight in order to make those kinds of calculations, like he'd have to know everything an enemy is capable of the instant he sees one”
Hey, btw, you're so close to perfection on dealing with the Hideous Mass. If you instead shoot a magnet at the dusty red part under the bright red part, the distance is actually perfect for repeatedly hitting the tail. This *ALMOST* one-shots the hideous mass especially using overheat sawblades
20:15 does no one ever think of the fact that the sun was blocked out in the beginning of the long night, meaning that there is no more photosynthesis, meaning humanity would die due to the depletion of oxygen on the atmosphere
@@VadoF1 humanity would still die at the back of the erathmovers unless they had a controled atmosphere separated from Erath's atmosphere or mankind had a Chernobyl style nuclear disaster an radiosynthes had evolved and humans used itfor the carbon cycle
it would take far too much time for *all* of earth's oxygen to be consumed, well beyond the 200 year timeline. the real problem is that plants cant grow, which means there's no edible calories being generated
@@DWal32 not really, cyanobacteria and phytoplankton, the later of wich is responsible for 50% of the oxygen production on Earth consume, oxygen and sugar creating co2, when not doing photosynthesis, and there us the fact that after the war humanity decided to use an army of blood-fueled, flamethrower wielding robots to clear the pollution, and while the extinction of macro-organisms is not a hard task, the only true way of causing the extinction of microorganisms on Earth would be by colling the core of the planet, at wich point two things would happen, the first one is the end of geothermal activity ending the source of energy of most eukaryotic life on Earth, and the second most important would be that Earth's magnetic field would cease to be meaning that the atmosphere would be blown away by solar winds, wich would led to all liquid water to evaporate really fast, just as it have happened to Mars
@@DWal32 the oxygen concentration could go bellow the minimal threshold quicker that you' imagine, as around 50% of the oxygen cycle is done by phytoplankton, and those do undergo respiration when not exposed to sunlight, and while macro-organisms are easier to extinct, micro-organisms are way harder to do so, that fact and the solution that humanity employed to the long night being, an army of streetcleaners to burn all of the pollution away means, that even if somehow microorganisms went extinct, wich would be near impossible without Earth becoming like Mars, the streetcleaners would deplete the oxygen at a large rate, as fire consumes oxygen at an alarming rate, like way more that one would imagine
Also, a few notes: WAYY before the war, God kept resetting the timeline, hoping humans eventually just form correctly. But humans just kept on being sinners. So, God's like "What if I just punish them?" and he creates Hell. He IMMEDIATELY regrets it, Lucifer asks "Why are you tormenting them forever?" and he gets cast into Hell. God is shocked by what he's done, and (probably) casts himself in after him. (Source: The testaments after most secret levels (except the lust one)) (I think Something Wicked is God's corpse but that's neither here nor there) Likely, the rebellions in Hell happened after this, but before the war. Another thing is, while we don't know what happened to humanity, we at least know Hell killed the ones attempting to go down there. This was revealed in the ARG with the Library of Babel. There's also a theory humanity got as far down as the Wrath layer, but it's also possible they didn't make it out of the prelude layer.
afaik hell doesnt allow any _sinners_ to exit Violence through the labyrinth, which seems to serve as the entry point to the layer. The mannequins are just chopped up violent sinners, in other words. Humanity likely died well before limbo.
1. the 1000-THR part, since we know it's japanese due to the signs on it, can be read as "sen"-THR, or... well, centaur, hakita very funny 2. kinda sad you didn't point out the deliberate sign on benjamin with a crossed out V-model, yeah, you mentioned that the V-model was made to fight benjamin, but would've been nice to show the concrete evidence for that good video, very nice
I always thought that it was just a different technological path, instead of oil and diesel fuel becoming our main fuel source for the war it was instead blood.
the main tank was actually surprisingly accurate for what the Russians would do because they don't care about their soldiers cuz they can always get a new one
I know it’s long but watch Hakitas dev commentary on act 2/violence. He explains a ton about the lore and confirms the wwI theory along with other interesting info
11:00 This has meen disproven by hakita rather, every country had their own verison of the machine seen in the game. And whats depicted is just meant to remind you that its still conflict between nations
I am on the train of that the machines killed all humans. Humanity's first mistake was to make self propagating machines of war The second was to teach these machines hunger
i think that the redacted name in the not minotaur's description is "hell itself", it has enough letters to fit that, and hell in this game is alive and sadistic
16:41 Wait... Is this referencing Blood Meridian at the start? it called Man the "Ultimate Practitioner" of War and Judge Holden called Man that too with War being the Ultimate Trade.
Might just be me but isn’t it kinda weird that the earthmover is stated as the “first” machine large enough for a shield generator? Doesn’t that kinda insist that there might be something else that has one?
I'm pretty sure it wasn't the machines who killed off mankind, it'd have been WAY too slow...the Ferryman's diary mentions that there was a massive, and I mean MASSIVE amount of people pouring down into Hell all at once. Perhaps it could've been a certain powerful, practically unkillable entity... But eh, pretty good video! Enjoyed it a lot. (If I get something wrong please correct me lol)
It could had been all machines "sublevating" at once, suddenly killing all humans around, instead of just a handfull that slowly grew into an army. Be it through hell influence or any other reason. Machines, included blood fueled ones (drones for example were still in use during the new peace, and the main reason no one wanted to buy V2 models) were widespread during the new peace. Even something as simple as the "terminals" uses blood, which is what I believe gives machines sentience and emotions. So imagine if all the security and devices in the world suddenly decides to kill lots of people. That could be what caused a massive downpour on the first few days
I still think that it was the machines, because Minos seems to think it was, but others have speculated it was an invasion of Earth by Hell that killed humanity.
Hold on, I may have worded the original comment a bit badly. The Ferryman's diary mentions that a GIGANTIC amount of souls got sent to Hell at an incredibly rapid pace: "Then one day, the current shifted. Wave after wave for minutes on end of millions, billions, as though the throat of the world was cut wide and the head wrenched back to speed the pour." Machines would have been WAY too slow and uncoordinated to end all of mankind that quickly...
@@PhosPhlox it doesn't imply all of mankind, just an absolute massive wave of them. It could refer to the inception of earthmovers, those lightning spears seem like weapons of mass destruction, any point of the Final war with a sudden massive increase of casualties, or the fall of earthmovers once the sun got blotted out. I doubt they just gently kneeled to let the entire populations that lived on top of them drop out without problems. Or could still be the machine uprising. We don't know the scale of which machines existed at the end of the New Peace, could been an entire army, or just every appliance rebbeling against humanity and dropping a swift move. It could also be a bit of an exaggeration on the Ferryman's part. They ain't the most emotionless and cold around after all
@@VadoF1Minos doesn’t specify. Now that we know the Final war happened for 200 years, he absolutely would have a reason to hate machines for all the people that got sent down. Another point is that machines are killing Husks in Hell, meaning Minos’ people. He is able to know what happens outside his body.
Did nobody try transferring consciousness into the machines? You’d think that would be the first thing humans would try when the resources got scarce and the machines continued to thrive
Так, устанавливаем происхождение роботов из Ultrakill. Мы уже поняли, что Человек-Танк был произведён в Российской Империи (Хотя может это был СССР, я хз как там история сложилась), а Танк-Кулак в Германской Империи. Но что дальше? Меч-машина сражается и против Gutterman и против Guttertank. Может, мечник ля франце(Из Франции)? Джонинатор скорее всего из Сша (Или Хакита просто сделал его ради отсылки), а пушки на ножках? Может Sentry из Италии? А модельный ряд V может быть из Англии или опять из Сша, кто знает, ждём ещё порцию сюжета в продолжении акта номер 3. Удачи поработать с Гугл переводчиком.
Actually i believe hakita said humanity was not killed by machines but he didn't say what actually killed them so my theory is hell itself destroyed humanity
I personally believe that the Final War could have been the First Balkan War which began in 1912 with a pretty similar layout and it had the potential to explode into WW1 but didn't.
I've noticed specific patterns between machines like with V1 and the sniper they only have one eye with Russian machines they generally have a lot of eyes with Japanese machines I imagine they have multiple eyes but not as many as Russians with Germans they generally would have a simple slit for an eye and that would be it
V1 was probably built by the germans too: If the earthmover is the peak of the arms race, and V1 being the unused supersoldier it's likely that V1 was made for killing them Also Japan was an entente power in WW1 so if this is true then that means V1 was made by the germans or austrians or other central power Sorry for bad english I'm a Hungarian :3
Yes, although I assume at some point things had to escalate beyond skirmishes on a few islands to warrant construction of the Earthmovers, so I guessed it could have been something similar to the invasion of China in 1937.
@@VadoF1 Took your wording wrong, specifically "We also see that the Japanese developed these machines, meaning that some point they got involved as well."
@@VadoF1 Sir, I have 100 hours in ULTRAKILL, I've P-Ranked every level minus P-2 on standard and violent, am I good at the game? I can't tell if all ULTRAKILL fans are that good or if you're just crazy 😭
@@jamesThebulbmin I do that anyways... I may have 250 hours but I'm not good enough to P-Rank it on Brutal lol, I did just P-Rank Machination on Brutal tho
Am i tripping Im pretty sure there is a lore explanation to respawning since the idea is this is all played back footage Especially since the lore terminal in p2 (i think) says that machines can replay footage to practice which explains the style rank and the fact we can play levels over and over again
@@OST-jp4cc what I'm saying is machines can replay levels in a simulation of sorts And we know it's true bc of v2(2nd) terminal entry says that he researched combat data from thier previous battle 1-4 which in other words basically just meant v2 kept replaying 1-4 until he could beat v1 and again the p2 terminal entry And thats what I mean by respawn in lore context...gameplay wise yeah respawning doesn't exist but in lore thier combat simulations to get better style for the terminals or to practice the level
15:02 The Americans could not create a weapon against Japan. During the First World War (and before it), there was an Entente, which included Russia, France and the United Kingdom. Later, the United States joined the Great War, and Japan was also part of the Entente during the Great War. Accordingly, only the German Empire could create V1 from the participants of the triple alliance, since Germany had territories in the Pacific Ocean and was at war with Japan So I can say that V1 is German
15:40 I think that is German. I don’t know much German but “die Volk” translates to “the people”. Also if South Africa got into the war they’d pro only use Dutch or English on their signs
Aight so:
Apperently the "Famine Leads to" part of the Guttertank entry was actually "Famine Leads to Death" (kinda embarrassing on my part, but the last bible study i went to was on Exodus anyways so...)
There is also a book near the Sadbot that I SOMEHOW missed, and it is a poem talking about how a Guttermen-esque machine killed the Sadbot in order to get its fuel source. The machine then cries about this, which implies the machines have feelings of some sort, and that they get depressed when they have to kill other machines in order to survive.
The 7-2 book was made by a gutterman specifically and not just some “gutterman-esque machine” since the guttermen are the only machines known to *actually* have a live fuel source inside of them (we even see the gutterman that wrote it without its coffin at the end of the level)
And I’m pretty sure the book is only really about how it feels remorse for being responsible for the death of the human in its own coffin, and it’s most likely that the “take the heart of another” just refers to another gutterman’s human, since we aren’t sure about whether the alt shotgun machine had a live fuel source as well
Oh, that was the alternative fuel mentioned in the book, would never guess it myself.
And the robot who wrote it is a Gutterman. You can find it during the metro station ambush, when you return the cart with the bomb. The Gutterman doesn't have a coffin on it's back
@@StickBreightley More specifically, you can see a coffinless Gutterman in the tram station ambush when retrieving the bomb!
God, I adore the 'Mother of me' poem so much...
I also took an L on the "Famine leads to..." but my assumption was that the next word is Conquest, creating a cycle
if v1 canonically sees everything in ps1 graphics then that could mean that guttermen saw the environment in black white like the cameras they had at the time
I think the Guttermen and Guttertanks use biological eyes. Cameras back then used film to get images, and there were no digital imaging capabilities. The Gutterman has to have eyes, and the Guttertank likely does as well. If anything, the Guttermachines probably are some of the few machines that see in high quality, due to needing to interact with and identify Human soldiers.
@@richardcollins5189 wouldnt implementing organic body parts like eyes be much more complicated than simply using a camera? i mean if you think about it, the guttermen were already advanced for their time so youd think theyd have cameras that would be capable of that
I imagine the way it works is that they look for light negatives and light positives and then there would be like a mechanical computer there'd be like digital Parts but the primarily be like clockwork
@@richardcollins5189 maybe, but the earthmover i'm pretty sure has cameras so maybe they were invented, and used for the guttermachines and then for the earthmover because like the sentries (who i also think have cameras) they needed to see in high quality and identify targets, also if there aren't any cameras why would the world be so advanced in weaponry and what would v1 and v2 use for their visual tools?
@@Slavic_Bullet Guttermachines were from a good 100-180 years before the end of the war. It's likely that the Gutterman uses eyes, while the Guttertank uses a human pilot sort of like a WH40K Dreadnaught. The complexity of grafting eyes or human bodies into the machine is likely why digital cameras and processing units would be innovated for so swiftly. Clearly, the Guttermsn lacks visual acuity, as it struggles to target an object initially, while the Guttertank likely uses a human brain to hold up all the prediction and group coordination that the Gutterman lacks.
Ultrakill Mfs watching the lore again and again from different creators (I’m mfs)
ULTRAKILL Mfs getting recommended videos with 20 views just because they have ULTRAKILL in the title
@@VadoF1sometimes they be the most fire videos
I’m mfs as well.
@@VadoF1I'm mfs
Something to note on the theory of machines killing humanity. Hakita has seemingly hinted that it wasn't machines.
When asked if machines killed humans, he said "They did?" and he asked the wiki to remove a part of the lore that said machines killed humans.
A personal belief I have is that Hell actually killed humanity. Seeing as the earth in the 6-2 cutscene is practically a desert. That and the P-2 ARG heavily hinted Hell was consuming the factory of prelude (hence the husks and demons there). If it ate that, it's not a stretch to assume it also ate Earth.
Or a more sad and boring idea, humans simply died off due to how severe the war was. With little food, supplies, and a probably dead economy, the world may have just quietly died.
Didn't Earth look the way it did in the intermission cutscene because of the "Long Night" catastrophe, though?
It may have affected it, but the Earthmover data seems to "hint" that the earth "healed"
@@aydinmakesthings on top of the earthmover data i believe the streetcleaners data said that their purpose before the hell expeditions was 'clean up the smut and grime in the atmosphere' which is why the surface is even visible from the 6-2 cutscene (if it would be visible without them the earthmovers would've remained powered i'm pretty sure)
so i believe the long night had been reversed, atleast in the ways it could have been, which means the desert is probably not a result of the long night, so the two most plausible explanations are "hell ate/took over earth" or "humanity died quietly", personally i think the first option is more exciting and original though
again that's just my memory on the terminals, i haven't read the streetcleaner terminal in a while
humanity found that hell observed them, learned about them, copied their machinery, and they stopped.
there is one single line which simply states it was already too late.
the gates of hell had been broken down, either the sinners were free to roam, the machines came back to end what humans started or earth was infected with the hell energy that many things hint towards (the gutterman who "grew out of the iron womb" and out of mercy crushed the skull of "mother, mother, mother of me...", the earthmovers functioning even in hell´s long night and more)
really hope hakita doesnt FORCE that lore into our faces, that way itll be easier to ignore in place of my vastly less shit headcanon.
Minos Prime: *JUDGEMENT! JUDGEMENT! JUDGEMENT!* 1:12 like bro triple judgement is crazy
and then after prepare thyself is… JUDGEMENT
I love how Helldiver's 2 has shaped the internet so much that we may never look at the word "automaton" the same
2:22 i remember hearing that when v1 enters a room he runs thousands of calculations in moments and goes with the one that he survives, so whenever you die you were simply watching a failed calculation by v1. i dont think its official but whatever
I've heard that one
How does this match up with Sisyphus keep ‘em coming?
@@Mx.Made-up or Minos's "Useless"
Not real. Video game convention
no thats katana zero
I cant stop imagining like 50 soldiers and 50 strays just following v1
We were so close to having the best secret mission in history.
@@VadoF1 yeah but an rts as cool as it could've been, was probably REALLY hard to make, the crash bandicoot sequence was probably already a headache.
17:20 My first thought when reading it was "Famine leads to Death" like even though humans were no longer directly killing each other in the war, they were killing each other indirectly and/or dying due to famine
This. It is literally the horsemen of the apocalypse (tho for whatever reason Conquest has been slowly replaced by Pestilence on pop culture).
"Conquest leads to war"
"war leads to famine"
"famine leads to Death"
It is a reference to the Four horsemen, much like how they refered to the earthmovers as such. It is also probably a double meaning, as it will probably happen to the machines too, once their new "war" in hell is over they'll hunger and die.
@darkanayer5867 Honestly, that's probably it.
@@VadoF1 Damm, you caught me mid writing a long comment including this and other stuff about the video, along with an opening I forgot why I was explaining it, lol
@@darkanayer5867 I’m pretty sure that the Earthmovers are also a reference to the Centaurs from The Inferno, who watch over the violence layer and shoot down sinners who try to escape the lakes of boiling blood.
@@DKdrop they definetely are, given the body shape, and they even have the "spear" most centauros from the Divine Comedy are depicted in art. Not mutual exclusive references, I just meant how a terminal for them do mention "often refered to as the horsemen of the apocalypse"
my favorite theory is machines being able to go to hell for their sins
it just so cool and covers a lot of plot holes
edit: just think about it, v2 contains his urge to kill to greet/flex on v1, drones are described as curious, swordsmachines and mindflayers behave illogically, streetcleaners have overarching goal of eradicating all biomass. All machines show signs of sentience
yup, they're probably totally sentient, that's why I think that 2-S is a hallucination of v1's mind to cope with the existential dread of being left alone with his tougths.
@@Abraham_the_pierra Do you mean the dating sim or the puzzle one?
@@Spoonfulofcereals_loots it's the dating sim. 1-S is the puzzle game
due to the "paint the world red" text in violence im pretty sure the blood (the juice of the fruit of the tree of life) is what makes everything sentient. it made humans sentient, it probably makes the angels sentient, so when the humans made it run through all their machiens it also made them sentient accidentally
Hakita did a comment that machines do not have souls (only mortal humans do, which is why they go to hell or heaven. Once there tho, no souls anymore, and everything without souls is simply gone upon death), but (this wasn't part of the comment, speculation from here on) that doesn't imply they don't have sentience. The terminals are bored, that's something we literally now. Sadbot's temple has a book written by what appears to be a gutterman or similar machine that had to carry a fuel source, and in the book it talks about how sad it is about all that's happening. V2's second entry talks about how much he wants to make V1 pay for the humiliation, and V1 is the one to say "you are not getting away this time". Blood seems to be giving them sentience, even if not actual souls
With all of this I want to say that.....
Oh shit I forgot what I was gonna say lmaooo. Posting anyways to remember later.
Also, pretty sure the end of Gutterman entry is supposed to be "Death" not "revolution". The whole thing is about the horsemen of the apocalypse (pop culture has been replacing Conquest with Pestilence). "Conquest leads to war, war leads to famine, Famine leads to death" I believe it's the original quote. Given the earthmovers were often referred to as the horsemen according to terminals, and the whole biblical aspect of the things, I believe that's the actual reference.
As for the "king" on the minotaur entry, I am a fan of the theory that it's just *"Hell itself"* . The letters fit, we know hell is both alive, intelligent and cruel, and, most of all, Bored as hell (pun intended) , which is why it's putting the stuff it's putting on our way and helping on too (7-3).
What's a crueler and funnier jest than gifting Minos a living reminder of the time he got cucked by a bull?
Also, based unfortunate spacemen reference
I don't doubt that the machines are sentient is some way, how else would they kill off their creators?
Yeah other people have ponted out that the entry was actually referencing the 4 horsemen.
The theory of the minotaur being the 3rd king was something completely random I kinda came up with.
And of course based Unfortunate Spacemen reference.
@@VadoF1 I meant more actual sentience and emotions. Them killing their creators without true sentience is something possible and that has been done and overdone in sci-fi since it's inception. Given hell is smart and can influence stuff, wouldn't put it past it to steer the machines into the genocidal direction. So while I do think it was the machines on their own, there are other avenues shit could had gone, enough for reasonable doubt to exist. Still think it was the machines on their own, that many, if not most, rebelled and went for blood, tho some probably didn't want to. I headcanon the Sadboy's title as protector of the people came more from defending survivors during the machine uprising than during the war (how it ended up in hell, who knows, most machines from VIOLENCE were already there when we arrived, more native, which makes sense. Hell brought it's new toys to punish the violent and war waging)
Didn't even thought you meant the minotaur being the king itself, thought you meant the blank spaces were the king's name after being censored. Terminal says that [Redacted] made and gifted the minotaur to Minos. Which is why I really think it being made by *Hell Itself* makes the most sense.
Also, I believe you forgot to mention probably the most fucked up thing about the machines, which is that the Gutterman's fuel source is what inspired "forces from far beyond" (implied imo to just mean HELL) to make the mannequins in a similar way. And you know you fucked up if LITERAL HELL is taking notes on your job. No wonder God went "Fuck this shit I'm out, uuuuuuh"
@@darkanayer5867 That was a typo, I meant that the king made Minotaur lmao
@@VadoF1 ah, gotcha.
I was thinking about the death thing and
In my absolute personal opinion, the robots had a hand in taking out humanity, but I think a lot of human deaths came from their own hands, being forced to fight each other in a war that didn't matter, slimming down the population until Hell was found and the New Peace was put into place, but that's my guess.
I imagine American machines being more focused on agility and stealth and German machines being more focused of being shot by everything and still being okay
Your trench gets ambushed by a gutterman, are you mag dumping into it in a vain attempt to survive or are you going to ignore your inevitable death to shoot some random enemy behind it.
Guttermen are literally perfect cover/distractions for trench warfare
@@d3vitron779 you and American Soldier utilize a jetpack because that's what I feel like the US would actually give their soldiers
@@MilesHeywoodNah America doesnt really have interest in that type of warfare and instead would resort to drone striking the whole country which i believe has made war boring
Would you intercept me? *I would intercept me*
@@fartjuicer43Ehh? The atomic age soldier were legitimately being considered to be armed with jetpack. I don't see why that's farfetched
if you take notice, almost every single machine before act 3 is built for peace time. act 3 is the introduction of the second, third and fourth war machines other than v1 you find
My guess is that the war machines paved the way, and why you find them deeper, while the macjines not equipped to fight had to scavenge for remains behind. Or Hell itself moved them there.
@VadoF1 The later would make sense, since the earthmovers were basically an act of violence against God💀
@@VadoF1I believe some people think that Hell Itself was setting up these neat little dioramas with all the Machines it had on hand. Like "Yeah, this isn't historically accurate because Japan wasn't allied with Germany and Russia and there weren't any internal rebellioms but it's all the models I had on hand...replaced the shield generators with Idols, put some Guttermen and Guttertanks and Sentries on it to represent the defenders, and throw in some of my own hell soldiers to represent, uh, soldiers...I think it looks pretty good! Look at 'em fight!"
@@NXTanglmy headcanon
By my understanding, the "respawn" can be interpreted more as the idea that every failed attempt is a computational prediction, and only the last attempt is legit after running several iterations of possible action sequences. Not confirmed, but food for thought
The only thing with that theory is that the two prime souls have unique voice lines when you respawn.
This is a precedent for this as Katana: ZERO's gameplay is literally this.
@@TheBroGamer14082 Patiently waiting for that game to (hopefully) finish
@@VadoF1 I mean it already is, but yeah I'm hoping for the DLC to finally finish too. Feels like it might as well be a full on sequel haha.
Since the sentry is one of the only machines that process things in 4K60. I kinda wonder what horrors it saw until the violence layer
Marice in 4k 😭🙏
@@Towcj someone NEEDS to draw that
@@Towcjthe horror beyond human comprehension...
i knew ultrakill had lore but i didnt know it went that DEEP😭😭, great video by the way very entertaining lmao
Yeah I kinda knew the basics about the lore, but I didn't really care much until the World War 1 stuff came out and then I was hooked (on the Final War part at least)
funfact: every robotm was designed to defeat the previous models... so that roar at the beginning of 7-4 is actually a scream of terror
That’s not not confirmed at all, only the first part is. For all we know, it’s a natural thing when it does sometimes
It’s funny how V1 turns on their flashlight in 7-3, implying something 0-S and 4-3 didn’t need to be so dark
hello, small correction; the disappearance of god likely happened near the beginning of the final war
the mannequins were created after the disappearance of god, while the angels were still gone (source: mannequin terminal entry)
since hell took inspiration from the guttermen to make them (as stated in the gutterman entry), that also means mannequins were probably created soon after the guttermen were
I will forever love that humanity did something so fucked up. that hell took the idea
My theory for respawning is that just like practicing in the cybergrind, V1 is planning for every possible death before doing it right. It never actually dies fighting. That’s part of why V1 is the strongest, just pure skill. The problem is Sisyphus says “keep em coming” so this probably isn’t the case.
Hakita has said that it would require impossible levels of foresight to predict what an enemy could do before it does it. Why wouldn’t. 2 also have this ability is also brought up. The prime soul flavor texts are just that. Respawning isn’t canon as it messes with the game’s themes as well
16:10 close to sadbot, you can find a book that they could have written . the narrator is a gutterman/gutterman-like machine that killed their fuel source and cried
How have I not noticed this.
It is from a Gutterman, you can see a coffin less Gutterman when coming back with the bomb
Nah if V1 was made by the USA he'd be called M1
Goddammit I just realized the V in V1 probably stands for Vergil
@@on_the_inverse_5193 POWER
@@on_the_inverse_5193 and totally not version
@@boxmantherandom I mean, in universe, yeah. But like:
-Hell inspired by Dante's Divine Comedy (which Vergil plays a huge role in)
-Mostly associated with the color blue
-Has a red brother who fights him frequently
-ULTRAKILL was made by a man absolutely obsessed with DMC
Ruh roh
12:30 the rocket launcher was otiginaly a construction equipment strapped to a diferent equipment, so who knows, perhaps
This was probably one of the most succinct and informational lore video I've seen. I love your humor and how you admit where the game is ambiguous, keep up the great vids!
One of the things I was thinking, was the first time I played through the earthmover fight I was wondering why there was demons on it because I thought that the machines on the earth mover would’ve killed them, but I think hell itself modified the Earth movers in the violence layer to run off of hell energy. This would also explain the idles, and the fact that the defense system uses hell orbs that’s just my theory
I don’t think that the civilians were literally **fighting** each other, more like the things people needed just became scarce and harder to obtain. There probably were some people out there who resorted to violence to get what they wanted but I strongly doubt that was the norm for everybody
Another thing
I don’t think machines literally created more machines, I think “Machine created to create the machine” is meant to be a poetic way of saying “Machine B was created to counter Machine A, therefore it would not be inaccurate to say Machine A was created so that machine B would be created in response”
One last thing I promise, regarding Minos and Sisyphus
They didn’t “turn into” Prime Souls.
A person’s Husk is only used as a vessel for their soul when they’re in Hell. Their soul already exists within that body and, in Minos and Sisyphus’ cases, is already a Prime Soul. A Prime Soul is just the soul of a person with an exceptionally strong will. When the Husk is destroyed, the soul that was already inside of it just needs time to form its own shape. It already **was** a Prime Soul.
Interesting points
imagine ultrakill with modern 1080p graphics because v1 found a 4090
gotta love ultrakill lore vids
Especially when they are made by an insane person
My theory for Respawning and sandbox:
The sandbox is a simulation that is run through V1's mindscape, Thus we are only able to fight the enemies we have encountered thus far in the game.
When you use cheats, you are running a simulation in the terminal, and because you still entertained the terminal, it provides you access to the next liar.
This can also be the reason for respawning, each time you're just trying to calculate the best way to defeat a certain enemy, and till you officially find it, you are playing in a simulation, when you have beaten it, Consider that V1 has found the best way and has defeated the level.
Hakita has gone against this idea so it respawning isn’t canon at all.
Original commenter:”if you make the argument that V1 is simulating all of this in its head and that it finds the most successful route through everything you have to assume that, in the lore, this universe is totally deterministic, you have to assume that V2 doesnt have that same ability for whatever reason, and you have to assume that V1's "deaths" (simulated or real) are canon in the first place
i think its a simpler and honestly a more thematically appropriate conclusion to make that V1 is just a very skilled war machine”
From Hakita replying: “also V1 would require impossible foresight in order to make those kinds of calculations, like he'd have to know everything an enemy is capable of the instant he sees one”
@@OST-jp4cc oh, thanks mate
4:34 I don't know how, but RUclips auto generated subtitles matched your autocorrect kerfuffle and it throw me for an insane loop on first watch
My bet is that while machines themselves did not decide kill off humanity, they did so under hell's influence/corruption
I feel your pain. an ultrakill rts would fuck so much
Hey, btw, you're so close to perfection on dealing with the Hideous Mass. If you instead shoot a magnet at the dusty red part under the bright red part, the distance is actually perfect for repeatedly hitting the tail. This *ALMOST* one-shots the hideous mass especially using overheat sawblades
Thanks for the info
The beach at the end of 7-S kinda reminds me of the Shore of Oblivion painting. I could just be imagining things though.
10:22 scared the living shit out of me
20:15 does no one ever think of the fact that the sun was blocked out in the beginning of the long night, meaning that there is no more photosynthesis, meaning humanity would die due to the depletion of oxygen on the atmosphere
That's probably another reason why they had to live in the Earthmovers
@@VadoF1 humanity would still die at the back of the erathmovers unless they had a controled atmosphere separated from Erath's atmosphere or mankind had a Chernobyl style nuclear disaster an radiosynthes had evolved and humans used itfor the carbon cycle
it would take far too much time for *all* of earth's oxygen to be consumed, well beyond the 200 year timeline.
the real problem is that plants cant grow, which means there's no edible calories being generated
@@DWal32 not really, cyanobacteria and phytoplankton, the later of wich is responsible for 50% of the oxygen production on Earth consume, oxygen and sugar creating co2, when not doing photosynthesis, and there us the fact that after the war humanity decided to use an army of blood-fueled, flamethrower wielding robots to clear the pollution, and while the extinction of macro-organisms is not a hard task, the only true way of causing the extinction of microorganisms on Earth would be by colling the core of the planet, at wich point two things would happen, the first one is the end of geothermal activity ending the source of energy of most eukaryotic life on Earth, and the second most important would be that Earth's magnetic field would cease to be meaning that the atmosphere would be blown away by solar winds, wich would led to all liquid water to evaporate really fast, just as it have happened to Mars
@@DWal32 the oxygen concentration could go bellow the minimal threshold quicker that you' imagine, as around 50% of the oxygen cycle is done by phytoplankton, and those do undergo respiration when not exposed to sunlight, and while macro-organisms are easier to extinct, micro-organisms are way harder to do so, that fact and the solution that humanity employed to the long night being, an army of streetcleaners to burn all of the pollution away means, that even if somehow microorganisms went extinct, wich would be near impossible without Earth becoming like Mars, the streetcleaners would deplete the oxygen at a large rate, as fire consumes oxygen at an alarming rate, like way more that one would imagine
Also, a few notes:
WAYY before the war, God kept resetting the timeline, hoping humans eventually just form correctly. But humans just kept on being sinners. So, God's like "What if I just punish them?" and he creates Hell. He IMMEDIATELY regrets it, Lucifer asks "Why are you tormenting them forever?" and he gets cast into Hell. God is shocked by what he's done, and (probably) casts himself in after him. (Source: The testaments after most secret levels (except the lust one))
(I think Something Wicked is God's corpse but that's neither here nor there)
Likely, the rebellions in Hell happened after this, but before the war.
Another thing is, while we don't know what happened to humanity, we at least know Hell killed the ones attempting to go down there. This was revealed in the ARG with the Library of Babel. There's also a theory humanity got as far down as the Wrath layer, but it's also possible they didn't make it out of the prelude layer.
afaik hell doesnt allow any _sinners_ to exit Violence through the labyrinth, which seems to serve as the entry point to the layer. The mannequins are just chopped up violent sinners, in other words.
Humanity likely died well before limbo.
1:10 bro really likes his JUDGEMENT attack
1. the 1000-THR part, since we know it's japanese due to the signs on it, can be read as "sen"-THR, or... well, centaur, hakita very funny
2. kinda sad you didn't point out the deliberate sign on benjamin with a crossed out V-model, yeah, you mentioned that the V-model was made to fight benjamin, but would've been nice to show the concrete evidence for that
good video, very nice
I didn't see that sign, nice to know.
Idk I may be yapping but I thought the humanity in Ultrakill was more advanced by ww1 that’s why they could make the gutterman
Also 10/10 video watched during lunch
I always thought that it was just a different technological path, instead of oil and diesel fuel becoming our main fuel source for the war it was instead blood.
Since you used footage for it at the end: Unfortunate Spaceman's developer just released a new game, Abotic Factor. Might be worth checking out.
I already have 30 hours in it lol
Yeah that figures that as soon as I change the title this thing will all of a sudden start getting views
thats buisness
algorithm moment
the main tank was actually surprisingly accurate for what the Russians would do because they don't care about their soldiers cuz they can always get a new one
The Russian Warfare Experiance
I imagine that Russian machines are for Close Quarters combat will Japanese machines are for more long-range
I know it’s long but watch Hakitas dev commentary on act 2/violence. He explains a ton about the lore and confirms the wwI theory along with other interesting info
Might take a look at it
Calling the Minotaur “the worst boss” is crazy considering the Flesh Prison exists
At least i could actually move around
11:00 This has meen disproven by hakita
rather, every country had their own verison of the machine seen in the game. And whats depicted is just meant to remind you that its still conflict between nations
@@VadoF1 Still a well made video nonetheless
22:55 how did this go from ultrakill war to story of unfortunate spacemen so fast
The respawning is explained too:
The Terminals like you and wanna watch you fight
I am on the train of that the machines killed all humans.
Humanity's first mistake was to make self propagating machines of war
The second was to teach these machines hunger
i think that the redacted name in the not minotaur's description is "hell itself", it has enough letters to fit that, and hell in this game is alive and sadistic
3:56 i agree, the minotaur is the worst boss in game (only 1 fight) it's just tedious to attempt, no space to move around, hard to heal
I personally loved the challenge of it. Also isn't it 2 fights?
@@tri-sapien6487 yes, by "only 1 fight" i meant 1th fight wtih minotaur
@@Tuna_the_shark ah
16:38 The first machine the text is referring to is “the war machine” or war itself, which led to the creation of v1 who exists to kill earthmovers
Cannot get enough lore about the Final war. I pray they throw in some more enemies that give some pieces of final war lore in Fraud
Great minds think alike
youre the funniest ultrakill yt ive watched lmfao
16:41 Wait... Is this referencing Blood Meridian at the start? it called Man the "Ultimate Practitioner" of War and Judge Holden called Man that too with War being the Ultimate Trade.
i like the thumbnail
I took the photo myself
Might just be me but isn’t it kinda weird that the earthmover is stated as the “first” machine large enough for a shield generator? Doesn’t that kinda insist that there might be something else that has one?
Yeah, that was kinda odd
I'm pretty sure it wasn't the machines who killed off mankind, it'd have been WAY too slow...the Ferryman's diary mentions that there was a massive, and I mean MASSIVE amount of people pouring down into Hell all at once.
Perhaps it could've been a certain powerful, practically unkillable entity...
But eh, pretty good video! Enjoyed it a lot. (If I get something wrong please correct me lol)
It could had been all machines "sublevating" at once, suddenly killing all humans around, instead of just a handfull that slowly grew into an army. Be it through hell influence or any other reason. Machines, included blood fueled ones (drones for example were still in use during the new peace, and the main reason no one wanted to buy V2 models) were widespread during the new peace. Even something as simple as the "terminals" uses blood, which is what I believe gives machines sentience and emotions. So imagine if all the security and devices in the world suddenly decides to kill lots of people. That could be what caused a massive downpour on the first few days
I still think that it was the machines, because Minos seems to think it was, but others have speculated it was an invasion of Earth by Hell that killed humanity.
Hold on, I may have worded the original comment a bit badly.
The Ferryman's diary mentions that a GIGANTIC amount of souls got sent to Hell at an incredibly rapid pace:
"Then one day, the current shifted. Wave after wave for minutes on end of millions, billions, as though the throat of the world was cut wide and the head wrenched back to speed the pour."
Machines would have been WAY too slow and uncoordinated to end all of mankind that quickly...
@@PhosPhlox it doesn't imply all of mankind, just an absolute massive wave of them. It could refer to the inception of earthmovers, those lightning spears seem like weapons of mass destruction, any point of the Final war with a sudden massive increase of casualties, or the fall of earthmovers once the sun got blotted out. I doubt they just gently kneeled to let the entire populations that lived on top of them drop out without problems.
Or could still be the machine uprising. We don't know the scale of which machines existed at the end of the New Peace, could been an entire army, or just every appliance rebbeling against humanity and dropping a swift move.
It could also be a bit of an exaggeration on the Ferryman's part. They ain't the most emotionless and cold around after all
@@VadoF1Minos doesn’t specify. Now that we know the Final war happened for 200 years, he absolutely would have a reason to hate machines for all the people that got sent down. Another point is that machines are killing Husks in Hell, meaning Minos’ people. He is able to know what happens outside his body.
Did nobody try transferring consciousness into the machines? You’d think that would be the first thing humans would try when the resources got scarce and the machines continued to thrive
Так, устанавливаем происхождение роботов из Ultrakill. Мы уже поняли, что Человек-Танк был произведён в Российской Империи (Хотя может это был СССР, я хз как там история сложилась), а Танк-Кулак в Германской Империи. Но что дальше? Меч-машина сражается и против Gutterman и против Guttertank. Может, мечник ля франце(Из Франции)? Джонинатор скорее всего из Сша (Или Хакита просто сделал его ради отсылки), а пушки на ножках? Может Sentry из Италии? А модельный ряд V может быть из Англии или опять из Сша, кто знает, ждём ещё порцию сюжета в продолжении акта номер 3.
Удачи поработать с Гугл переводчиком.
I'm not sure where the swordsmachine would come from because it completely changed from what it was originally from all the self modifications.
Who, or what made THE cancerous rodent?
I was thinking "SwordsMachine 0"
hopefully its a mini boss in fraud
That would be cool to see
*Freaking out at the thought of having to play ultrakill 2 and 3 bcuz it would actually make sense for v1 to go there next
Actually i believe hakita said humanity was not killed by machines but he didn't say what actually killed them so my theory is hell itself destroyed humanity
People are already making a Ultrakill sequel btw
Like a fan game or an actually sequel from the devs?
@@VadoF1 fan sequel, it literally is what you said it was: Machines building a tower thru Purgatory to get to Heaven
Ultrakill: Purgatorio
@@LunarAntic cool
I personally believe that the Final War could have been the First Balkan War which began in 1912 with a pretty similar layout and it had the potential to explode into WW1 but didn't.
16:00 huh.. the translation i got when i translated that was "hunter of the people"
I've noticed specific patterns between machines like with V1 and the sniper they only have one eye with Russian machines they generally have a lot of eyes with Japanese machines I imagine they have multiple eyes but not as many as Russians with Germans they generally would have a simple slit for an eye and that would be it
A Machine to create a Machine to create a Machine to counter a Machine to crush a Machine
Machine to DESTROY! a Machine
Ok its foul that most of the robots from the final war got wiped out but i wanted to see all of em
6:40 Mf doesn’t know that Hakita already added the best RTS in history into this game: GMod versus battles.
V1 was probably built by the germans too:
If the earthmover is the peak of the arms race, and V1 being the unused supersoldier it's likely that V1 was made for killing them
Also Japan was an entente power in WW1 so if this is true then that means V1 was made by the germans or austrians or other central power
Sorry for bad english I'm a Hungarian :3
14:25 literally HOW did i never notice this
I actually thought that, searched it up, got spoiled
I imagine that African machines will be made with whatever they could find
respawn does have an explanation
hell does it
just how it controls the doors
Japan was involved in WW1 on the Entente side, they just mostly saw fighting on the German Islands in the pacific.
Yes, although I assume at some point things had to escalate beyond skirmishes on a few islands to warrant construction of the Earthmovers, so I guessed it could have been something similar to the invasion of China in 1937.
@@VadoF1 Took your wording wrong, specifically "We also see that the Japanese developed these machines, meaning that some point they got involved as well."
I wanna this instead of history in my school
@@VadoF1 Sir, I have 100 hours in ULTRAKILL, I've P-Ranked every level minus P-2 on standard and violent, am I good at the game? I can't tell if all ULTRAKILL fans are that good or if you're just crazy 😭
@@BLCKWTRNORTHSTAR I would say you are good at the game, I have 130 hours and P-Ranked everything except P-1 and P-2 on Brutal.
Its not that hard just core eject malicious cannon
@@jamesThebulbmin I do that anyways... I may have 250 hours but I'm not good enough to P-Rank it on Brutal lol, I did just P-Rank Machination on Brutal tho
Gotta love the helldivers flashbacks.
Sir the automatons have deployed the v2
*F E E D A N O T H E R T R E E*
*F E E D A N O T H E R T R E E*
this gives google translate a stroke
Am i tripping
Im pretty sure there is a lore explanation to respawning since the idea is this is all played back footage
Especially since the lore terminal in p2 (i think) says that machines can replay footage to practice which explains the style rank and the fact we can play levels over and over again
There is no canon respawn, that’s just the game mechanic
@@OST-jp4cc what I'm saying is machines can replay levels in a simulation of sorts
And we know it's true bc of v2(2nd) terminal entry says that he researched combat data from thier previous battle 1-4 which in other words basically just meant v2 kept replaying 1-4 until he could beat v1 and again the p2 terminal entry
And thats what I mean by respawn in lore context...gameplay wise yeah respawning doesn't exist but in lore thier combat simulations to get better style for the terminals or to practice the level
What if: P-3 terminals explains checkpoints?
@@randompurpleslime8963 can’t really practice a level of your dead
Nothing to see here, just revisiting the video that got me hooked on ultrakill
Never in a million years did I think my knowledge of Afrikaans would be used in Ultrakill
Ultrakills lore goes Ultrahard.
Im not joking.
Afrikaans is a language derived from Dutch. The countries that speak it were Dutch colonies, not British.
Britain acquired South Africa in the Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 1814
@@VadoF1 I'm no history guy, there's no way I would've known that.
8:16 that was v2
22:28 is that filth prime
Minitaur is in fact so anoying he has single handely stoped me from P ranking the rest of violence
Skill isue
@@danphilips7785 beat me to it
@@VadoF1 after a lot of trying i have finally P ranked garden of the forking paths
@@danphilips7785 congratulations
this may be brainrot but the red and yellow guttertank colors could just be a long shot eva refeence
Eva from what?
Its the four horsemen, doubt that it isnt death at the end
15:02 The Americans could not create a weapon against Japan. During the First World War (and before it), there was an Entente, which included Russia, France and the United Kingdom. Later, the United States joined the Great War, and Japan was also part of the Entente during the Great War. Accordingly, only the German Empire could create V1 from the participants of the triple alliance, since Germany had territories in the Pacific Ocean and was at war with Japan
So I can say that V1 is German
15:40 I think that is German. I don’t know much German but “die Volk” translates to “the people”. Also if South Africa got into the war they’d pro only use Dutch or English on their signs
I think it was confirmed it was Afrikaans
bro has PTSD from helldivers😭😭😭😭😭
999 subscribers
That's what happens when you don't uploaded for a month lol
@@VadoF1 I'm your 1000tj btw
@@TechTimeGamer congratulations on being the second person to be my 1000th subscriber (i lost some)
I think the lore explanation for respawn is v1 canonically p ranks everything first try.
Wait that is afrikaans I am afrikaans I tried reading it as german man I am stupid
When I read it again in afrikaans it make so much sense
Well, at least I'm not the only one
Same thing happened to me lol, and then he said the worst pronunciation of Afrikaans I’ve ever heard and then i realized