The coffee beans are ground into a fine powder or a coarser grain, depending on which type of coffee maker you’re using. A scoop of ground coffee is compressed into a shallow cylinder which is then inserted into the coffee machine and locked into place. Boiling water is then forced through the coffee grounds and what comes out into the glass is called an Espresso, also called a shot of coffee. From this Espresso, the Barista can make your coffee your way. Barista is a trained coffee maker, they work in high end cafes. Anyone can learn to use a coffee machine but only a Barista understands the coffee and the different blends to suit the customer.
Naveed, the coffee beans are roasted. The longer they are roasted, the stronger the flavour but also the more bitter. To balance the flavours, the coffee companies and cafes like to choose different types with different roasts and then blend them. This means they can make thousands of combinations, each one different. This is how people find their favourite and then stick to that blend each time. Adding milk or cream and sugar, can also change the flavour and how it feels in your mouth when you drink it.
As someone who drinks up an average of 6 cups a day I take my coffee seriously as most coffee drinkers do and everyone has a different bean and roast preference. The 4 main types in order of caffeine strength are Robusta, Arabica, Liberica, and Excelsa and they can be Light, Medium, Medium-Dark or Dark Roast. Robusta is generally used for espresso and cappuccino. Arabica Light roast is my preference but Arabica Medium-Dark is the most popular around the world. Liberica and Excelsa have the least caffeine and not very bitter, they're best for drinking black with a lump or two of sugar. The lighter the roast the more caffeine and has a sweeter caramel-like flavour and aftertaste. The darker the roast the more aroma, nutty/earthy flavour and bitterness. In Canada the most popular coffee is light roasted Arabic with 2 shots of 10% cream and 2 lumps of sugar from Tim Horton's, it's referred to as a "Double Double". They also have flavoured cream that makes your coffee taste like Tim Horton's chocolate donuts or birthday cake.
They would have done better with a more documentary style video on how coffee is grown and processed. Having the steps narrated would give them a more complete understanding.
The coffee beans are ground into a fine powder or a coarser grain, depending on which type of coffee maker you’re using. A scoop of ground coffee is compressed into a shallow cylinder which is then inserted into the coffee machine and locked into place. Boiling water is then forced through the coffee grounds and what comes out into the glass is called an Espresso, also called a shot of coffee. From this Espresso, the Barista can make your coffee your way. Barista is a trained coffee maker, they work in high end cafes. Anyone can learn to use a coffee machine but only a Barista understands the coffee and the different blends to suit the customer.
Naveed, the coffee beans are roasted. The longer they are roasted, the stronger the flavour but also the more bitter. To balance the flavours, the coffee companies and cafes like to choose different types with different roasts and then blend them. This means they can make thousands of combinations, each one different. This is how people find their favourite and then stick to that blend each time. Adding milk or cream and sugar, can also change the flavour and how it feels in your mouth when you drink it.
As someone who drinks up an average of 6 cups a day I take my coffee seriously as most coffee drinkers do and everyone has a different bean and roast preference. The 4 main types in order of caffeine strength are Robusta, Arabica, Liberica, and Excelsa and they can be Light, Medium, Medium-Dark or Dark Roast.
Robusta is generally used for espresso and cappuccino. Arabica Light roast is my preference but Arabica Medium-Dark is the most popular around the world. Liberica and Excelsa have the least caffeine and not very bitter, they're best for drinking black with a lump or two of sugar.
The lighter the roast the more caffeine and has a sweeter caramel-like flavour and aftertaste. The darker the roast the more aroma, nutty/earthy flavour and bitterness.
In Canada the most popular coffee is light roasted Arabic with 2 shots of 10% cream and 2 lumps of sugar from Tim Horton's, it's referred to as a "Double Double". They also have flavoured cream that makes your coffee taste like Tim Horton's chocolate donuts or birthday cake.
I wish they would have had a nice cup of quality coffee while watching this.
And now I want coffee
They would have done better with a more documentary style video on how coffee is grown and processed. Having the steps narrated would give them a more complete understanding.
Thank you. They should always give them coffee after watching, or whatever other food item they are being shown.
I understand why they want to have a cup of coffee after watching this. I know I'm going to have one right now.