What Happened to Jedi who DIDN’T Fight in the Clone Wars

  • Опубликовано: 1 июл 2024
  • Imagine having principles instead of throwing everything you believe to get yourself killed in a war, couldn’t be me ~Mace Windu, probably
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    🎬Video Credits:
    Narrators - Cam
    Editor - Giorgi
    Writers - Sean
    0:00 Intro
    1:02 Jedi Principles
    3:29 Conscientious Objectors
    6:17 Hunters and Hunted
    8:29 Outro
  • КиноКино

Комментарии • 207

  • @isaackim7675
    @isaackim7675 2 года назад +129

    Mace Windu: “This party’s over.” (Points lightsaber at Jango’s head)
    Anakin: “Now that’s aggressive negotiations.”

    • @richardblack3385
      @richardblack3385 Год назад +6

      One of mace windus biggest regrets was not taking out dooku then despite what he saw in the shatterpoint

  • @inquisitorgarza312
    @inquisitorgarza312 2 года назад +421

    I believe that there should have been more Jedi that sat out the war considering that the Sith were not out there in full numbers compared to the Old Wars, at the very least there should have been more Jedi Masters with more connections to the Force that could have felt how wrong the conflict was to leave before it started.

    • @TJDious
      @TJDious 2 года назад +38

      This is an eternal question of war. Even if you hate fighting, can you sit on the sidelines and do nothing while innocents die? Are there other avenues available to you to help those who are suffering? These are hard questions for regular people. Those strong in the Force have to ask what their duty is to use the power they have in a conflict deliberately manufactured to be as morally complex as possible.

    • @sandcrawlerstudios2013
      @sandcrawlerstudios2013 2 года назад +20

      I like this idea so much, but you have to think about how the Jedi temple was built around a dark side nexus 10000 years ago, meaning even the most foresighted and wisest such as yoga were clouded from seeing much of anything past the present. Only those who had distanced themselves from the formal order would stand a chance at glimpsing the truth, Qi Gon Jin for example. If you’re saying there should have been more ‘gray’ Jedi, I totally agree, but if you’re saying other formal order members would have seen past the thousands of years of with plots and Jedi failings, then you have to pay closer attention to Anakins foresight. Even the The strongest force user was still manipulated by the dark side

    • @StoryTeller796
      @StoryTeller796 2 года назад +12

      @@sandcrawlerstudios2013 As they say, strongest doesn't mean smartest!

    • @freelands8355
      @freelands8355 2 года назад +3

      K'nol Venari, Jon Antilles, Dace Diath, and Fay. Four perfect examples

    • @jagnestormskull3178
      @jagnestormskull3178 Год назад +5

      @@TJDious "Apathy is death, no, worse than death, because at least a rotting corpse feeds the insects." ~Illusion of Darth Traya in the Tomb of Ludo Kresh

  • @warlordofbritannia
    @warlordofbritannia 2 года назад +148

    Jedi Council c. 4000-3900 BBY: Jedi fight in wars? Preposterous!
    Jedi Council all other times: *We can’t expect the Force to do all the work*
    Honestly, the real wonder is that there were genuine pacifistic Jedi in the first place…

    • @Jedi_Spartan_38
      @Jedi_Spartan_38 2 года назад +28

      Well HK-47 did call them "Annoying Pseudo-Pacifists"... he has a point.

    • @michaelandreipalon359
      @michaelandreipalon359 2 года назад +4

      Wonder if there's a Jedi take on Joshua Graham somewhere?

    • @user-nm1lx8qb3u
      @user-nm1lx8qb3u Год назад +1

      Probably the only who was off the top of my head was the one who refused to wield a lightsaber. Heh...if that guy even exists then I wonder how he's doing?

  • @TitusCastiglione1503
    @TitusCastiglione1503 2 года назад +125

    I really wish the Clone Wars show had shown this much more prominently. It would have got the thematic elements they were going for, and would have fixed some of the dissonance from between what the show presented and the message they were trying to sell.

  • @twalls792
    @twalls792 2 года назад +52

    For being protectors of the republic they don’t seem like protecting the republic

  • @tristankawatsuma8962
    @tristankawatsuma8962 2 года назад +185

    I always find it ironic that the Jedi Order was probably the best thing for the clones and the military despite the fact that plenty of officers didn’t like them. To put it simply, if the Jedi hadn’t joined the GAR I believe the Republic military would be far more brutal than it ever was in the Clone Wars. We know plenty of officers had issues with Jedi leadership and saw them holding back the war effort, Tarkin being a prime example. Maybe Tarkin hates the clones because of the influence the Jedi had on them. Adopting names, painting their armor, becoming individuals, these are thanks in at least a large part to the Jedi Generals and Commanders. Without them, the clones would have mostly remained as “living droids” without the inhibitor chips. Palpatine probably wouldn’t even have to activate them. I also wouldn’t be shocked if a lot of Republic officers examined Separatist war crimes with a level of respect. When they became Imperials, they basically did the same things on a worst extent. As flawed as the Jedi Order, GAR, the Galactic Senate, and the Republic was, it wasn’t irredeemable. Plenty of officers probably celebrated with the birth of the Empire. No longer would senators protest their occupations. No longer would Jedi slow down military operations to save lives. No longer would they have to work alongside clone troopers who they see as subhuman and expensive. Like it or not, the greatest thing that can come out of Jedi in the military is that they keep a leash on it, even if no one wants them to.

    • @deanrichard1770
      @deanrichard1770 Год назад +10

      Before the empire strikes back george lucas actually wanted to make the empire an empire in name only and the people actually in power were the officers like tarkin. The emperor was originally written as a non force using recluse who hid in his palace while others used his name for their own means. It was going to be like imperial japan

    • @jagnestormskull3178
      @jagnestormskull3178 Год назад +10

      Agreed; the primary flaw of the Jedi Order's arrangement with the Senate was that they were chained by the Senate to not take any major action against slavery or other forms of crime outside of Republic Space, not that they were military leaders; as military leaders, the Jedi boosted the morale and moral standards of the troops under their command. This was part of the problem that Tarkin had with Jedi Generals, moral standards. He wanted free reign to kill everyone in his path and sort out the remains later.

    • @tristankawatsuma8962
      @tristankawatsuma8962 Год назад +3

      @@jagnestormskull3178 Also in Legends it acts pretty contrary to the belief of Jedi not being directly involved with a government and even fighting in a full-scale war. Now to be fair, fighting a Sith Empire is very different from fighting the Separatist Alliance, especially as in Canon there were fewer Dark Jedi and Dooku was the only real Sith with very few apprentices, far from a Sith Order. Still, after the Jedi Order left the government of the Galactic Alliance after the Swarm War, they still maintained a close relation to the democracy believing it to be the best way to bring peace to the galaxy. And after they overthrew a chief of state of the Alliance that was using Mandalorian warriors to suppress slave rebellions across the galaxy, they formed a triumvirate with others in the Republic to help bring stability. When the Jedi left to find the Sith, this triumvirate failed and a new chief of state controlled by the Sith led to further mistrust in the position. Still, it shows that the Jedi don't necessarily have to be apolitical and that their involvement in government, politics and the military isn't always bad. Now the war between the Republic and the Mandalorians also shows that war can easily turn Jedi down to the Dark Side and in both Canon and Legends the Clone Wars weakened the Jedi Order. Perhaps the problem itself is that the Jedi Order became too involved in the Republic, but the solution isn't becoming a neutral party in the galaxy. Perhaps the Jedi Order of the Old Republic could have tried a coup similar to what Luke and his Jedi Order had to do with a Galactic Alliance chief of state as mentioned earlier. They could have also done this any time in the war if they had bothered to investigate into the circumstances of the conflict far earlier than they did. They can form a temporary dual executive branch with the Senate as the Senate won't trust the Jedi Order seeing what they did as a coup, but the citizens of the galaxy would also have low trust in the Republic and more in the Jedi for taking down a man who came damn close to transforming the Republic into an Empire. Of course with Dooku as the leader of the Separatists and believing an empire is the way to end the corruption in the galaxy's politics, there is a good chance the Clone Wars could continue, especially if he convinces the Separatists to not believe the "lies" that he was involved with Palpatine in starting the war. Though he may also agree to peace talks to make himself look good and consolidate his forces for another war. Essentially, the Jedi Order as a whole should stick by a galactic democracy to inspire confidence in it and to also be in a better position to deal with the government if it becomes undemocratic. That being said, I can't really say that the Jedi who left the Order should be stopped. Those not part of the Republic would trust these force-wielders far more than the ones aligned with the Republic. After all, Luke's New Jedi Order about a hundred years in the Legacy comics did tolerate the Imperial Knights who also tolerated them.

    • @10010110100102Error
      @10010110100102Error Год назад +2

      what inhibitor chips? those are a bad fanfiction, the clones simply were very well trained and indoctrinated soldiers who followed orders. hence why they could easily refuse if they wanted to. one of several points where the clone wars series fucked up and causes doubt in the legitimacy of those stories (at least those storylines).

    • @tristankawatsuma8962
      @tristankawatsuma8962 Год назад +5

      @@10010110100102Error Well, it's just that Order 66 has to be a pretty strange war crime. Sure, soldiers throughout history have been told to kill their own but eliminating their generals who they've spent years fighting alongside and who in Canon and to a lesser extent in Legends have made up most of the few people who treat them with respect and being more than living droids? Even with indoctrination, you would expect the clones to hesitate and seek confirmation on the order instead of just shooting them down. Also, the order itself comes out of the blue. Some units were in the middle of major battles when they got the order. Normally would you expect a soldier to kill their commanding officer in the middle of an intense firefight? And while relations between the Jedi and the society of the Republic were pretty strained and several people had lost respect for the Jedi, the clones should know better than anybody how loyal the Jedi Order is to the Republic. They always try to complete their objectives, just minimizing casualties for civilians and their own soldiers. I mean, can you honestly expect the entire 332nd Division to turn on Ahsoka Tano just like that if there were no inhibitor chips? Yes, clones did rebel against Order 66 but usually, these were special forces or some small unit, not something as large as an entire division along with a Venator Star Destroyer. A mass defection like that would is just too risky. At the very least, doesn't the inhibitor chip seem like something Palpatine would choose to install anyways? Sure, he does manipulate people but he also has to be practical at times with a plan as complex as his. What if cases like what I mentioned earlier with the 332nd happened? Between a small fleet and small army of clones and other Republic forces led by the Jedi, Separatist Holdouts in the Western Reaches, and Rebel Cells across the Outer Rim, that would leave Palpatine with too many enemies to deal with. There's even a chance his Empire wouldn't last till the Original Trilogy. Heck, I wonder if the Death Star would even be completed. Now that I'm talking about an alternate timeline though, I can't help but delve into it. Regarding Kamino, this may speed up. the closing of it. Already many Imperials like Tarkin had doubts about the loyalty of clones, whether or not it was a true fear, and clone troopers were expensive compared to the common soldier. While in Canon Palpatine could afford to transition to stormtroopers as there was no urgent need for soldiers, he would end up having no choice in order to maintain the war effort as a combined Jedi-Clone-Separatist-Rebel joint force is going to cause serious issues for his Empire. It will play more into Palpatine's rhetoric of the Jedi being traitors, but the problem is that the galaxy will still be in a state of war, something Palpatine promised to deal with. Between the many who were already distrustful of Palpatine having so much power and then these new people who view the Empire as failing its promises, Palpatine would be in trouble. But to get back to the point of this comment, I don't think the inhibitor chip should be dismissed so easily. Yes, I am biased toward the inhibitor chip and Canon myself, but that isn't to say there aren't legitimate arguments for it in this case.

  • @no1ofconsequence936
    @no1ofconsequence936 2 года назад +66

    I feel like the Jedi didn't have the best policy. If a Jedi didn't want to serve in war, then they could just do their normal Jedi duties that everyone else was unable to fulfill. It's just an odd choice to make it that strict.

    • @Pink_Noodle
      @Pink_Noodle Год назад +2

      It demonstrated the arrogance of their order at that point, and how they were starting to drift into Jedi Lord territory if you are familiar with that expanded universe concept. There was too much institutional power at that point and they were being given plenty of opportunities to get mental scars or for the jedi way to be warped by violence being shown to them to be expedient to fix their problems.

    • @no1ofconsequence936
      @no1ofconsequence936 Год назад

      @@Pink_Noodle , yeah, that makes sense.

  • @vikingsword3485
    @vikingsword3485 2 года назад +142

    I would have sat out of the war or joined a 3rd party. The stripping away of civil rights, abandoning negotiations, and the abuse of the outrim would make it hard for me to side with the republic.

    • @drsgme69
      @drsgme69 2 года назад

      I would have joined the Hutts because they are based asf and thicc and juicy xx

    • @LegionCinema
      @LegionCinema 2 года назад +17

      Join the mandalarians, unite mandalore, implement the commando codex equals greatest favtion

  • @spartandud3
    @spartandud3 2 года назад +148

    "The Jedi were keepers of the peace. Their aim was a non violent harmonious galaxy..."
    I cherish peace with all my heart. I don’t care who I need to kill to get it.

    • @ArgentWolf95
      @ArgentWolf95 2 года назад

      That mindset can lead quickly to the Dark Side, my friend. For example, would you kill innocents if it meant peace and safety? Would you take away freedom?
      I prefer freedom. peace is only a temporary thing, as conflict always has been there.

    • @fatasssquirrel1731
      @fatasssquirrel1731 Год назад +13

      "You can achieve peace in a garden, but you earn it on the battlefield."

    • @richardblack3385
      @richardblack3385 Год назад

      Violence has solved more conflicts in history than any other force known to man

    • @jfk8540
      @jfk8540 Год назад +2

      to be fair the conflict was instigated by the trade federation. and the war was already pre planned by palpatine. they didn’t even know about the clones until right before the battle of geonosis. the jedi were too caught up in the politics of the federation and republic to realize how the conflict was manufactured. but they did know about maul, dooku, ventress, grievous and whoever was behind them, and the fact that sith/dark side users were in the open for the first time in a millennia on the side of a rebellious confederacy was enough to have the jedi fully on board. and think about it, whether the jedi fought or didn’t fight, there would be no peace. the federation was extremely militarized because of palpatine and if the republic didn’t respond to its transgressions like the blockade and invasion of naboo, it would become more emboldened and more powerful making it an even bigger threat to the republic. also the republic was largely demilitarized before the battle of geonosis. the federations succession and rapid militarization and clear imperialistic ambitions against the republic made it a threat impossible to ignore. and from the jedi perspective, this federation was being controlled by a sith lord and fallen jedi count dooku. i think they saw themselves as the guardians of a republic under attack by a puppet entity that was run by sith trying to take back control of the galaxy in a way that hasn’t been seen in well over 1,000 years.

    • @mrexists5400
      @mrexists5400 9 месяцев назад +2

      war can't exist if there is nothing alive that can wage it

  • @darthnexus9570
    @darthnexus9570 2 года назад +39

    If I was a Jedi in the time of the Clone Wars, I would have went to the CIS...

    • @TheVamxie
      @TheVamxie 2 года назад +6

      Most rebels did. Smart.

  • @eduardoalamo1240
    @eduardoalamo1240 2 года назад +30

    I really hope you make a video about K'Kruhk. The guy survived so much and for so long, he's considered one of the biggest badasses in the entire Legends' continuity.

  • @chrisg4314
    @chrisg4314 2 года назад +21

    Other Jedi: *Fights for the Republic*
    Woke Jedi: *Refrains from fighting out of higher reason*
    Me: *would fight for death-sticks*

  • @Jedi_Spartan_38
    @Jedi_Spartan_38 2 года назад +104

    This is something I preferred about the pre TCW content, there were stories (most notably Jedi: Mace Windu) that presented the Jedi as having members with differing opinions about the conflict from the outset unlike TCW where they're all presented as starting off as "Right, promotions for everyone, let's go!" only for members to have doubts later... which mostly manifested in going full Dark Side.

    • @Jaerek
      @Jaerek 2 года назад +15

      Yeah TCW had Krell to showcase that but even then it was devoid of any nuance given how he just straight up goes evil and becomes a villain. Same with Slick who thought about how objectionable it was for clones to die for a Republic and Jedi they barely knew and who barely cared for them beyond the war, he was just portrayed as full-on wrong and bad. I think stuff like Republic Commando (novels) and the Dark Horse comics explored these nuances best.

    • @Jedi_Spartan_38
      @Jedi_Spartan_38 2 года назад +11

      @@Jaerek and Barriss Offee who went from being a humble and dedicated padawan in Season 2 to betraying a friend to cover up her fall to the dark side after orchestrating an attack on the Jedi Temple in Season 6 with no story explaining how she went from one point to the other (at least in the context of TCW) and only a few movie style background appearances in a few episodes between those 2 points.
      Meanwhile in pieces from the multimedia project (which I think encompasses any piece of Clone Wars content released between Ep 2 and 3) justifies differing perspectives much better. Eg - the aforementioned instance of Jedi: Mace Windu (and how the views of the characters in it evolved after), ARCs like Alpha-17 having extreme tactical advice due to their personalities and training from Jango himself and the attitudes of certain Jedi strayed from the views of the Council (such as the Grevious comic where they refuse to dedicate a mission to take him down), etc.

    • @violentscorl697
      @violentscorl697 2 года назад +11

      @@Jaerek True! The original EU had what current canon lacks: GREY. There is never only right or wrong, black or white in war. And that nuance is dearly missed.

    • @ArgentWolf95
      @ArgentWolf95 2 года назад +4

      @@violentscorl697 I very much miss the moral grey, even if Lucas intended it to be a good vs evil thing, the Jedi still did grey area things.
      It's why i liked that mission where Obi practically goes undercover as a bounty hunter so good.

    • @johnnygyro2295
      @johnnygyro2295 Год назад

      The novel Dark Disciple apparently added some grey, since the plot is about the Council having Quinlan Vos attempt to assassinate Dooku in an attempt to end the Clone Wars.

  • @StoryTeller796
    @StoryTeller796 2 года назад +35

    The short answer, they were the real heroes of the war for not playing into the hands of a demonic megalomaniac evil-for-evil's-sake Sith Lord who was merely toying with the Jedi, wearing them down to a point where they couldn't fight back. The long answer is the rest of this video.

    • @tristankawatsuma8962
      @tristankawatsuma8962 2 года назад +7

      Except what did these Jedi do to stop Palpatine? Ironically it was the Jedi who stuck to the Republic who got closest to dethroning him, though they moved a few years too late to put the pieces together and come up with a safe plan. The Jedi who left like Ahsoka likely had a stronger connection to the Force given they were able to distance themselves from the war and focus on humanitarian missions to war-torn planets and neutral systems. Yet ironically it was those like Ahsoka who retained a close connection to the Order and the GAR who also came closest. She did capture Mail with the help of Rex and the 332nd.

    • @StoryTeller796
      @StoryTeller796 2 года назад +2

      @@tristankawatsuma8962 Fair point, and to be honest, you are right. At least they could've hired and payed off or at least asked for help to get whoever could get in the Jedi Temple to get close to the younglings and teach them on how to get closer to the Force. Stuff such as sneaking in notes, stalking Jedi as they were going out on missions, saving younglings and apprentices, stuff like that.
      Might be a bit unrealistic, though considering the absolute state of their security I wouldn't say it's impossible, just seriously improbable and would take a whole squadron of people on the clock taking in notes and secret messages to each of the Jedi in a way and at times where those messages couldn't be traced or noticed, because the second the Jedi know that a Jedi who quit the Order is teaching their students these types of things and that they have been stalking their Padawan's would be very bad, because A) they are an exile working illegally inside the Temple and B) they can be framed as a separatist and that their notes are a ploy by the Separatists to brainwish children. Just these two facts would need to make this so covert or just so silly and embarrassing to the point where no one wants to face the fact that an ex-Jedi just snuck into the Temple and embarrassed them like that. Something like throwing a parade so obviously put inside of their Temple while everyone else was away on a mission and that genuinely had everyone enjoying their time at the Jedi Temple or passing along nice gifts over to the little Younglings to play with and harness their force powers, which at that point what are the Jedi going to do, take them away and have the Younglings grow suspicious of them. The last thing they would want from the Younglings is that they have created a Union against the Masters, Padawans, and Knights, demanding their right to study the force and to threaten that they will go on strike if they don't get their toys or books, or films back. Just absurd stuff like that that would just be embarrassing to address to the Senate that they can't come on a mission because they are having a problem with "rebellious Younglings", I mean just imagine what the public would think? "What defines a rebellious Youngling" "Are they considering joining the Separatists" just imagine the sheer chaos that could happen if word got out?

  • @sable-eyesonixdragon8642
    @sable-eyesonixdragon8642 2 года назад +16

    At this point, Count Dooku could have pulled off the clone wars by himself. He might not have had the ability to play both sides as well as his master, but his influence could have created a dark sider army equipped with anti-Jedi droids. He's influencing acolytes on top of it all.

  • @Arthur_Morgan..
    @Arthur_Morgan.. 2 года назад +17

    Funny how peace keepers could never actually maintain peace

  • @dark_xcaliber_7183
    @dark_xcaliber_7183 2 года назад +14

    Were there ever any Jedi that wielded red lightsabers? I want to say I red somewhere there was one but can’t remember…

    • @twalls792
      @twalls792 2 года назад +6

      In the early comics and games in the 90s and early 2000s aid Galia and some other Jedi used red lightsabers.

  • @princeofpokemon2934
    @princeofpokemon2934 2 года назад +19

    Even if you were a Jedi that didn't fight in the Clone Wars at all, that doesn't mean you're immune to Order 66

    • @robertlinke2666
      @robertlinke2666 10 месяцев назад

      more then that, people that actively left the order like ahsoka even were targets

  • @Reptiliomorph
    @Reptiliomorph 2 года назад +26

    I definitely would have been a conscientious objector. I feel that the best thing they could have done to prevent all of this was strengthen the order, and the best way to do that I believe is by sticking close to the code, and training up younglings to do the same. Morally strong individuals are like well made bricks. Good bricks build good walls, and good walls make for an unshakeable building.

    • @gmailquinn
      @gmailquinn 2 года назад +1

      So better training/handling then remember the the code of no attachments lead to anakin going dark because he wasn't training to positively hand his attachments

    • @keithklassen5320
      @keithklassen5320 2 года назад +1

      And good soldiers follow orders...

    • @jonbodhi
      @jonbodhi 2 года назад

      It’s not that simple. Palpatine boxed them in. Refuse to fight and he’d have branded them traitors and cowards. I believe their ONLY chance would have been to pack up the entire Order and RUN! Space is vast; take the Order and go, maybe divide into four/six, even ten groups and set out for the farthest stars. Establish Jedi outposts as far from The Republic and CIS as possible.
      Oh yeah, I’d also take as many volunteers as possible and go straight DOWN! Start bring justice to the lower levels of the very planet they’d been headquartered on for thousands of years. LET the Republic, and later the Empire, pursue them to the lower levels. Talk about a quagmire.

  • @LightShadowOnyx
    @LightShadowOnyx 2 года назад +8

    If I was a jedi I would bring my suspicions of the clone wars to the council and have them try to investigate if they wouldn't listen, I would leave and try to find out the true purpose from the shadows or through the force.

  • @lerneanlion
    @lerneanlion 2 года назад +28

    Since it is a win-win for Palpatine anyway, why do not orchestrated the Jedi to fight for the Separatists anyway?

    • @matthiuskoenig3378
      @matthiuskoenig3378 2 года назад +1

      i kind of think that was the original plan, hence Dooku trying to get obi-won to join him in episode II. even revealing that the senate was under the control of a sith lord.
      i think they orginally planned to have the jedi, or atleast a large number of them, join the separatists. and order 66 was a backup plan if that failed in whole or in part.

    • @jagnestormskull3178
      @jagnestormskull3178 Год назад

      @@matthiuskoenig3378 The way of the Sith is treachery; the Jedi knowing that Palpatine was the Sith Master would make Dooku the Sith Master without him having to lift a blade.

    • @austinhinton3944
      @austinhinton3944 Год назад

      Part of Palpatine’s plan wasn’t just to destroy the Order, but to also destroy it’s reputation, taint the Jedi in the eye of the common man. What better way to do that then have the Jedi come off as heroes-turned-traitors? Some citizens of the Republic started to think that it was no cowinky-dink that both the generals of the Republic were Jedi, and that the face of the Separatists was ex-Jedi. It could easily have come off as the war being orchestrated by the Jedi as part of a political Coup. Not helped by the Jedi’s assumed ‘assassination’ on the Chancellor.

  • @josesoria2072
    @josesoria2072 2 года назад +28

    I wonder, during the Clone Wars, the Jedi have some "separatist" members? And I mean members from separatist species/worlds??

    • @TheVamxie
      @TheVamxie 2 года назад +9

      Yes. Race doesn't mean anything its who you choose

  • @hoopsonwheels
    @hoopsonwheels 2 года назад +6

    I’m shocked there weren’t more consciences objectors considering the Jedi preached harmony getting involved in war which is far from harmonious.

  • @mr_fancybones4873
    @mr_fancybones4873 2 года назад +4

    I would love to see a detailed look into the coruscant prison or maybe the everyday life of what it was like being a prisoner there/ being one of the clones who worked there

  • @frostburn3736
    @frostburn3736 2 года назад +4

    _"Peace was never an option."_

  • @galaxy-eyesgarchomp9478
    @galaxy-eyesgarchomp9478 2 года назад +36

    I don't think I would have fought in the Clone Wars if I was a Jedi. Although I am not above violence or even killing, I prefer diplomacy to solve situations. For me, fighting in the Clone Wars would not be a situation where I think violence would be absolutely necessary. Between fighting for a corrupt republic or a corporate run government, I'd prefer fighting for neither.

    • @zexalbrony4799
      @zexalbrony4799 2 года назад +7

      If I was a Jedi I would have fought in the Clone Wars, I wouldn't be able to just sit there while people suffered and died.
      Like Kanan told Bendu, "When I saw innocence being harmed and knew I had the power to do something, I just couldn't sit there a let it all burn."

    • @galaxy-eyesgarchomp9478
      @galaxy-eyesgarchomp9478 2 года назад +2

      @@zexalbrony4799 That's good and all, but here's the problem. People would have suffered regardless.

    • @palapeura375
      @palapeura375 2 года назад +3

      For me, the travesty of creating life destined to die - the creation of the clone army - would have been a crime worth leaving the Jedi order. Every clone was a person but they were never given a choice about their person, ideals or behaviors. And they still developed all of those qualities just to be murdered in the war

    • @galaxy-eyesgarchomp9478
      @galaxy-eyesgarchomp9478 2 года назад +2

      @@palapeura375 I would have to agree on that. It's amazing how most if not all Jedi never questioned how they are using an army of slaves.

    • @zexalbrony4799
      @zexalbrony4799 2 года назад +2

      @@palapeura375 The Clone Army is a very big issue.
      But I still would have stayed in the Order. The way I would see it, I stay and get to lead these great men and help them develop as people, and hopefully, when the war ends I can help to convince the Senate to let them go free. Of course, this is me acting as a Jedi completely unaware of Palpatine's plot, because the way the war ends, no one really wins except Palpatine and a few others.
      That actually makes me wonder how the war would have ended if they stopped Palpatine before it was too late. Based on how the Outer Rim Sieges were going Ii say the Republic still would have won, and I'm sure after the war with the Jedi still around there would have been more peace talks and less occupations, and there are several good Jedi, Republic Officers, and even Senators that would have tried to help the Clones be free, it's unknown if it would have worked given the opposition and the levels of corruption in the Republic, but still, people would have tried to help the Clones if the war had ended differently. It may not have been that good, but I'm confident the state of the galaxy would at least be better than it was under the Empire. There are many things better than the Empire. Like Ezra told the people of Lothal:
      "I remember a time when things were different on Lothal. Maybe it wasn't great, but it was still better than this."

  • @jagnestormskull3178
    @jagnestormskull3178 Год назад +1

    "Apathy is death, no, worse than death, because at least a rotting corpse feeds the insects." ~Illusion of Darth Traya in the Tomb of Ludo Kresh

  • @jaquandrejackson1473
    @jaquandrejackson1473 2 года назад +12

    Me personally I would not fight for the republic or sepratist

  • @henrystammen5584
    @henrystammen5584 2 года назад +10

    If I were a Jedi I would probably join the war in order to make sure that fewer innocent lives were taken such as clones, native populations (like the togruta) or innocent citizens of either side

    • @jamesbrice3267
      @jamesbrice3267 2 года назад +1

      In other words your Lightsabre would come with a stun setting.

    • @henrystammen5584
      @henrystammen5584 2 года назад +1

      @@jamesbrice3267 yes most likely and better yet I'm pretty sure some light sabers in lore even have non lethal modes for training

  • @TammoKorsai
    @TammoKorsai 2 года назад +4

    Here's a good question: Why did the LAAT Gunships lose their beam laser turrets? They seemed to disappear after the Battle of Geonosis. Was it perhaps a reliability or maintenance issue?

  • @Ben-Ken
    @Ben-Ken 2 года назад +4

    Once I sensed the dark side behind everything, I would have used the Jedi temple library to research different places to hide before erasing my trail, faking my death, and changing my identity.

    • @mixmaster3028
      @mixmaster3028 Год назад

      Did you make it to see the new Jedi order

    • @Ben-Ken
      @Ben-Ken Год назад +1

      @@mixmaster3028 in Legends, yes but if it's the Disney sequels, I'm staying hidden with my wives and kids.

    • @rainlops
      @rainlops 8 месяцев назад

      Wives 😆 how many

  • @ravenRedwake
    @ravenRedwake 2 года назад +2

    I would have been like “fellas, I don’t have the qualifications of a general, could I be a lieutenant instead?

  • @5stargrim
    @5stargrim Год назад +1

    In your thumbnail, I see one man doing the dark souls legend pose, and the other dabbing on his legion.

  • @mathieubordeleau150
    @mathieubordeleau150 2 года назад +2

    I wonder about the Jedi who came from world who had joined the CIS. Imagine being sent to fight against the world you came from, maybe even have to fight your own old family!

  • @nickvinsable3798
    @nickvinsable3798 2 года назад +5

    I could see myself on par with the Other branches of the Jedi order, i.e. the Agro Corp & more, but not a full fledged combatant of the Clone Wars. I’d object enough to NOT engage in unnecessary conflicts of conquest (i.e. that’ll be the majority of them), but I would technically be an enigma because there’ll be holorecordings, primarily propaganda focused, of me commanding clones & battle droids, in separate incidents, in various humanitarian aids of various disasters in my area of the galaxy. Other times, I’d command extremely small fleets that primarily serve & function as security details, not actual combat roles. All-in-all, I’m just helping the average person & its primarily from a passive force power that I have absolutely no control over, I call it “Dumb Luck”, that I’d manage to survive, mostly, but when I try to control my own luck, i.e. pushing my luck, both battle droids & clones gunned me down right before they started gunning each other down…
    Note: I’m a Cathar & I could’ve ended up as the sovereign ruler of my species, if it wasn’t discovered that I was force sensitive. Out of my extended royal family, only one was given command of the later Galactic Imperial forces due to being more Human than my fellow Cathars, but none the less upheld the same selfless nobility of true royalty & such…

  • @gmailquinn
    @gmailquinn 2 года назад +1

    Remember there is more than one jedi order, I forgot which one was in the commando books.

  • @apolloknight9521
    @apolloknight9521 2 года назад +10

    Why does the Thumbnail have a Jedi dabbing?

    • @missingtexturez
      @missingtexturez 2 года назад +2

      I think it's supposed to be a Jedi shunning the clone army

  • @ox8833
    @ox8833 2 года назад +3

    I wish we would get to see K' Kruhk in a show or movie

    • @RoTenken
      @RoTenken 2 года назад

      If they do, it will be a her, unless Lucasfilm decides he will be the joke of the series. Don't you know? The Force is female!

    • @ox8833
      @ox8833 2 года назад

      @@RoTenken Damn your right lol

  • @joshuaweinbender6075
    @joshuaweinbender6075 2 года назад +2

    I would have perhaps ran a militia however instead of rushing into fights I probably would have investigated the fighting a little closer .I also would have focused more upon aiding worlds that suffered from the world in with more humanitarian efforts. Being someone who valued the sentinel role there could have been many roles that I could have helped out with instead of being forced directly into battle

  • @twalls792
    @twalls792 2 года назад +14

    They got slaughtered by anakin and the 501st in the attack on the temple

    • @MerkhVision
      @MerkhVision 2 года назад

      Did u not watch the video? They weren’t even IN the temple because they left the Jedi Order!

  • @kentomarek6823
    @kentomarek6823 2 года назад +1

    I would most likely, but also Question the Source of the Clones. Similar to Rahm Kota.

  • @bobaklan7436
    @bobaklan7436 2 года назад +1

    Mace Windu: We must fend off this separatist threat, in the name of the republic!
    Me: I take the Barash Vow🤚

  • @lonlidood116
    @lonlidood116 2 года назад +2

    I think whoever wrote those stories didn't look kindly on conscientious objectors... Hunted down anyway, many of them fell to the Dark Side, seen as traitors...

  • @clintparsons3989
    @clintparsons3989 2 года назад +2

    Everyone just ignores the fact that they commissioned a legion of literal slaves lol

  • @Leo-ok3uj
    @Leo-ok3uj 2 года назад +2

    The Vurk in the tumbnail is dabbing

  • @lordstephanus6367
    @lordstephanus6367 2 года назад +2

    Well depends, if I were born in the galaxy far, far away I would probably follow my friends and family, but eventually vanish once I started to become disillusioned. Maybe grab a loved one before I went to the farthest edges of the galaxy.

  • @masterofthefirstraceoftheu8608
    @masterofthefirstraceoftheu8608 2 года назад +1

    If you abandon yourself to the far outer rim near wild space no imperial will find the but would be a hard living.

  • @d3m1g0d4
    @d3m1g0d4 2 года назад +2

    "Pale wrinkly head"😂

  • @havco501st7
    @havco501st7 2 года назад +1

    If i was a jedi I'll help the citizens of the Outer Rim or the mid Rim to stop as much piracy as I could

  • @Jedi_Spartan_38
    @Jedi_Spartan_38 2 года назад +2

    How about a video on the events of the 4 part General Grevious comic (available in the Republic omnibus Clone Wars Vol 2: The Enemy On All Sides)?

  • @VaciliNikoMavich
    @VaciliNikoMavich 2 года назад +1

    I remember Sora ^^
    Have some of the comics he is in! Awesome work.

  • @robertjv
    @robertjv 2 года назад +2

    Did that Jedi on the left dab?

  • @aarondevaldez9134
    @aarondevaldez9134 Год назад

    For the CIS! I would construct a lightsaber-proof blaster rifle and affix a lightsaber bayonet to it, practicing a fighting style similar to real-world Jukendo (Japanese bayonet martial arts)

  • @grandadmiralzaarin4962
    @grandadmiralzaarin4962 2 года назад +2

    There were also the Jedi who were on long distance assignments like Jerec, Maw and others.

  • @jagnestormskull3178
    @jagnestormskull3178 Год назад

    Jenny: You keep insisting you're not a soldier, but look at you, drawing up strategies like a proper general.
    The Tenth Doctor: No, I'm trying to stop the fighting.
    Jenny: Isn't every soldier?
    ~Doctor Who, The Doctor's Daughter

  • @misterbitey2107
    @misterbitey2107 Год назад

    I actually was in a roleplay where I played a Jedi - basically he jumped in because while he thought the CIS cause had merit, they chose to abandon that corruption by embracing the very entities that were responsible for the lion's share of the Republic's corruption in the first place. He was less convinced of the "Sith puppet state" but and more "they're idiots selling themselves into wage slavery".
    As the war dragged on, conflicts with the order as a whole, combined with his very powerful anti-slavery views clashing with the undeniable reality that the GAR was a slave army, further compounded by their insistence on sending Padawans into warzones before they reached age of majority culminated when one of those Padawans suffered a psychotic break leading directly to the deaths of multiple soldiers under his command. Not trusting the Jedi Order to take appropriate action he left the order entirely but was commissioned as 1st Lieutenant in the GAR. He stuck around not because of his belief in the war, but because of his unwillingness to abandon his soldiers. There was also a strong anti-Jedi bias in the unit due to a string of incompetent Jedi Generals showing up. My character, ironically, would actually be commissioned as a Brigadier General by war's end and had full respect of basically the entire unit.
    He survived Order 66 and is now a prominent figure in a rebel cell during the dark times. We managed to build ourselves up to being THE most effective rebel cell in operation at the time (we aren't sticking with canon and letting the chips fall where they may one way or the other), and will likely have a very prominent place when the Alliance to Restore the Republic is properly formed. He ended up giving up command though because, well, bottom line is war weariness, not being very good at bringing together the people who were joining their cell, and some medical issues being treated. Side note - this Jedi became so enamored with the Mandalorians he served with that he adopted their culture by osmosis and finally joined them by present day so... Mandalorian Jedi... that's gonna be fun.

  • @Blutwind
    @Blutwind Год назад +1

    As i Jedi i would most likely act like a bounty hunter as in my call would have been to hunt down crimnals that terrorise people who cant effort to put up high bountys getting called to serve as a general i would say the council can stick it and if they want my saber they are welcome to try take it i have to hunt some kidnapers and everyone trying to take my tools for that can considre him or herself a colaborator

  • @edwardballiet2167
    @edwardballiet2167 2 года назад +3

    this is the stuff I'd want to see in a proper show or movie

    • @vikingsword3485
      @vikingsword3485 2 года назад

      Just not from the mouse plz

    • @edwardballiet2167
      @edwardballiet2167 2 года назад +2

      @@vikingsword3485 my pipe dream is for musk to buy the property and work with the daily wire to produce it with the guidance of star wars youtuber like SW theory, geetsly and generation tech

    • @vikingsword3485
      @vikingsword3485 2 года назад

      @@edwardballiet2167 Good taste I approve

  • @eds1942
    @eds1942 2 года назад +2

    Unlike the Jedi Order of previous millennia, the Order of the prequel era directly served the Republic, answerable to the Senate.
    The Order didn’t consult with the Force, the Council didn’t debate the issue, there was no moral choice to lead the Republic’s military forces during the Clone Wars. They were following orders.

  • @soularprimestudios5930
    @soularprimestudios5930 2 года назад +1

    If I was a Jedi I would have been a spy but if needed to be on the front line I would I as well.

  • @baldrian22
    @baldrian22 2 года назад +1

    That is a REALY hard question to answer, even with all the tings we know it wasent realy a right and wrong side specialy not close to the end of the fighting, but beeing a jedi in the clone war? that is even a harder question to answer and i would think it would depend where you was stationed like was you on one of the academys far away from the core, was you at corresount? was you at a place where you was able to see what both sides was doing and seeing neither side was worth following? its realy hard to acctualy pick a side here just like at the start of jason solos fall to the dark side and a couple of other conflicts at that time, another good example would be the mandelorien war during the old republic era just before the jedi war and the first jedi purge (got even closer than order 66)

  • @michaelandreipalon359
    @michaelandreipalon359 2 года назад +1

    Say, what's the description quote based on? Am curious.

  • @snazzyfox1137
    @snazzyfox1137 2 года назад +1

    you're odds of survival increase when you don't get in front of a space laser sword so yeah I'd say that the objectors we're a few steps ahead

  • @todddavis2041
    @todddavis2041 Год назад

    I would fight for the Republic, but then go into hiding after Order 66 and wait until an army large enough to oppose the Empire emerged and join them. Then help with the restoration of the Jedi Order.

  • @rebeldropper607
    @rebeldropper607 2 года назад +1

    I'm a big believer in that if the Republic remained voting Jedi Chancellors especially after the New Sith Wars they could've remained more vigilant and aware.

  • @CreatorofSecks
    @CreatorofSecks 5 месяцев назад

    Qui-Gon would certainly be one of these Jedi, especially since Dooku headed the separatists (That is, if Qui-Gon would’ve even stayed in the Jedi Order in the first place).

  • @yoavmor9002
    @yoavmor9002 2 года назад +1

    The Jedi should have realized that the CIS was a Sith puppet disguised as a Civilian movement disguised as a Sith puppet. There was a civilian administration underneath that mess, one which didn't care at all for Jedi or Sith. The Jedi should have focused on containing the Sith within the CIS by cooperation with the Separatist Senate and Council, lobbying with them to limit Dooku's power or even remove him from power... And failing that, attempting to remove Dooku by force without any unnecessary antagonization of the CIS.

    • @matthiuskoenig3378
      @matthiuskoenig3378 2 года назад +1

      yeah, the counsel should have sent half the order to the CIS's side, or as close as possible to half.

  • @vladtheimpalerofficial
    @vladtheimpalerofficial 2 года назад +1

    For supposedly only fighting for defense and only when absolute necessary they sure enjoy a good war and attacking targets a lot

  • @yeetus_reetus_deeleetus
    @yeetus_reetus_deeleetus 2 года назад +1

    Love how these videos use images from star wars legion

  • @CloneScavengerVulpin8389
    @CloneScavengerVulpin8389 2 года назад +2

    "Going into self-imposed exile before it was cool."

  • @JW-zx5dr
    @JW-zx5dr 2 года назад +1

    Very interesting

  • @romancapulus5577
    @romancapulus5577 2 года назад +1

    So basically, the Jedi who sat out during the war or at some point in the war is the equivalent to Guild Members benching themselves in a raid

  • @Josh_Hammond
    @Josh_Hammond 2 года назад +5

    I know both sides in the clone wars was blurred but I still think the Jedi and republic was in the right. Especially taken into account Sidious being behind the clone wars and cranking things like crime and corruption up to 11 during the clone wars. If you took the sith out of the equation sure the republic would be still corrupt but still a republic and may be still fighting the Confederacy but I think the war might be shorter I think considering the Jedi would more hesitant in getting involved but find a peaceful solution to both republic and separatists. Idk it would a interesting "what if" or several "what if" stories though.

    • @matthiuskoenig3378
      @matthiuskoenig3378 2 года назад +1

      the republic was definitely in the wrong. one of the entire point of democracy is that the government has the consent of the governed. that means any government that fights separatists is in the wrong and not a true democracy because they are denying people the fundamental aspect that is consent. furthermore democracy, or anygovernment for that matter, on that scale just doesn't work and is inherenlty tyrannical. the confederacy of *independant* systems makes alot more sense. individual planets decide internal polcies and the joint government is purely related to external relations and the funding there of. any critisism with the corperations can be turned back of the republic, there are plenty of episodes showing their massive influence in the senate, etc. and in a decentralised galaxy they would have even less influence.

    • @shadowfox009x
      @shadowfox009x Год назад +1

      If planets can join the Republic then they should also have the right to leave, especially if they no longer see any use in being part of the Republic or the majority of their population wants indipendence. I see it a bit like the UK leaving the EU. The EU wasn't happy, but Britain had the right to leave and did after some negotiations and an agreement. Untangling everything and deciding on a leave-agreement took some time and was rather tedious but doable.
      The same should hold true in the Galactic Republic which, after all, is a democratic union of sovereign star systems or planets. A sovereign planet should have the right to decide they no longer want to be part of this union if it's no longe beneficial to them. That is something that can easily be solved diplomatically. Actually, the Republic should have a process for that on the books. Even if it's one that's not used often.

    • @Josh_Hammond
      @Josh_Hammond Год назад

      @@shadowfox009x fair

    • @Josh_Hammond
      @Josh_Hammond Год назад

      @@matthiuskoenig3378 yes I can agree republic should let Confederacy do what they want in terms of being separate from the republic but that said the idea of republic can't govern all the planets I can agree and disagree.

  • @madisonatteberry9720
    @madisonatteberry9720 Год назад +2

    How I see it, the Jedi should have been categorized into five areas of a military structure.
    Religious figures, for the various species and religions of the galaxy, the Jedi should have been an 'intermediary' between all, as the force flows through and binds all in the galaxy. Giving solace to those of low moral, lost of faith, or last rite for the dying.
    Healer, which is self explanatory, plus cheaper then carrying around small medical bags or backpacks, at least until more proper medical treatment was made available.
    Special opts teams, yes, they are 'knights' and few of them, but it seemed like so many other things in the Republic military during the Clone Wars, misused. For example, the ARC-170 should 'not' have been a front lines fighter, it should have been reserved for it's name purpose 'Aggressive Reconnaissance'. The Jedi should have been broken down into smaller groups as a 'behind enemy lines' unit.
    Counter Force user, for enemy force users on opposite ends of the war.
    Lastly, experts in Force created objects, items created using the dark or light side of the force, that could get someone killed, or even better, those who could feel the force, but could not use it, or in small capacity to use it, who also seems to be more resistant to the influence of the dark side of the force, as again, they could not use the force in full capacity. If I were an Officer in the Republic, I would want these people and healers more then the others, one to heal wounded until proper help arrived, or, could tell me if a force created object was dangerous or not, so to better protect those under my command.
    Overall, I would serve in the Clone wars as it was obvious the Sith were behind it, provided I was not a general, as I probably would not have the experience to be such, but allowed to build my own 'non-clone' command like that one Jedi in The Force Unleashed, use low level force users, who by the way, if this is still cannon, may not have been able to use the force in full, would still have other heighten sense that proved valuable to a military unit, and allow for more competent, trained for the purpose of war, officers take command.

  • @Anon_Spartan
    @Anon_Spartan Год назад

    I didn't realize so many jedi actually were thinking clearly during the clone wars. It certainly makes their faction look better than "hey we just got an army of clones who know nothing but fighting, let's fight too!"

  • @seldomsane5278
    @seldomsane5278 2 года назад +1

    I would've left the order and became a bounty hunter.

  • @Bluesonofman
    @Bluesonofman 2 года назад +3

    I would have been that one Jedi who have for the past few years been rebuilding the Order of Revan and then seeing the Clone Wars as a chance to lay the seeds to actually take over. Have people infiltrate both sides then when the war was at it's Hight have the clones turn on the Republic and the Droids turn on the CIS.

  • @sammyvillano9502
    @sammyvillano9502 Год назад

    I have a Bothan Jedi Knight OC that definitely toed the line of Rite of Denial. Sabulba, cause it’s a very star warsy name to me. Probably found it in a generator. Toeing the line he is most definitely refusing a lot of orders he gets. Or rather sends his padawan in his place. Making himself difficult to work with. Instead he is trying to unravel the mystery of the war. He’d like to have a finger on the pulse of the war thusly sending his padawan ahead, it’s fortunate he feels he can trust his padawan like that. And I’ve been toying with the idea of said padawan getting a lil too big for their breaches. Angry they aren’t being promoted to Jedi Knight. Like how Anakin was pissed about not being a Master. Sabulba him self a consular, fights with blasters and such weapons. Only using his saber when it’s specifically necessary. And my thought on him is that he’d probably survive order 66. Given his experience in goings his own path, with that Bothan tendency to control flows of information/secrets, and his general feeling about light sabers, easily able to pass himself off as a washed up pool hustler or Star Wars pool equivalent. His padawan? Not so sure. Coulda been easily killed in order 66 seemingly.
    He most certainly has a strong disagreement with Obiwan. Blasters being as civilized as a light saber. Both being tools with specific uses, capable of great feats when handled by skilled and sensitive people. Tools being a hallmark of civilization.

    • @sammyvillano9502
      @sammyvillano9502 Год назад

      I have an image of Sabulba getting some force premonition that something bad will happen at the temple or that the war is coming to a head, rushing back in time for order 66. Grabbing his padawan by the collar or possibly lifting them with the force and running.

    • @sammyvillano9502
      @sammyvillano9502 Год назад

      At some of his most powerful force moments I can see Sabulba using the force to warp blaster fire around him. Or stoping a blaster with his hand. He has a proclivity for blasters and such after all

  • @lottenetzel8751
    @lottenetzel8751 Год назад

    8:42 I'd form my own militia and defend my separatist homeworld, I guess.

  • @jackieanderson9408
    @jackieanderson9408 2 года назад +1

    Sweet 👍

  • @obitwokenobi9808
    @obitwokenobi9808 Год назад

    That that Jedi in the thumbnail dabbing on the clones?

  • @ThinWhiteAxe
    @ThinWhiteAxe 2 года назад +3

    This is of interest to me because I once came up with an original character who was a Jedi and left the order partly because of the war, and partly because of... attachments 😉 so it's definitely an idea that intrigues me

  • @Arthu342
    @Arthu342 2 года назад +1

    "Before it was cool" I love these little comments

  • @mrkshply
    @mrkshply Год назад

    The clone wars always seem to me to be an internal Republic dispute which made it different from the sith and mandalorian wars where external forces for attempting to destroy the Republic. With the corruption and moral failings of the Republic as a Jedi denying the validity of the separatists would be a difficult and dishonest thing

  • @Wavemaninawe
    @Wavemaninawe Год назад

    I wonder (beyond the Rule Of Cool, of course), whose idea it was to commission Jedi knights into officer roles, in the first place?
    And high ranking commanding officers at that. With sway over vast numbers of troops.
    Seeing how virtually none of them have any military background. And hence, most likely lack the competence.
    They were a dedicated police force, with shades of diplomacy & counter-terrorism. For lack of a better description.
    Troop tactics and combine arms, really did not seem as parts of their resumé.
    Wouldnt it have made more sense to use them solely as small scale, spec ops units? Doing stuff like recon, sabotage, or search/rescue.

  • @goldeagle6431
    @goldeagle6431 2 года назад +1

    The Senate hated all Jedi even those that didn’t fight.

  • @shanenolan8252
    @shanenolan8252 Год назад

    Tyymisticles of Athens. True peace is only won in the cut and trust during battle only through the crisibel of battle is true peace is forged . '( freedom isn't free at all , is is bought with the bodd of heros ) i believe Americans have a similar saying about the tree of liberty ( is watered in blood and sacrifices)

  • @mansuurabdulaziz2034
    @mansuurabdulaziz2034 2 года назад +1

    Hey you know what the empire the empire did not play at all

  • @revangalaxywalker4532
    @revangalaxywalker4532 Год назад

    From Kristopher S/account user: I believe that, I like would have objected to serving/fighting in the Clone Wars and prefer a more independent Jedi Order, because if I was a Jedi Knight during this era, I would likely have a similar ideology to Qui-gon Jinn with regard to the Force. I also would want the Order to reconnect with the natural world/Living-Force, as well some of it's elder practices/traditions/costumes. With the regard to the Republic, I would also have advocated that, the aspect of the Ruusan Reformation that disbanded the Republic's official military force, was an unwise overture and also there should be a branch of government service to train citizens as soldiers. rather then just the Republic having an intergalactic police/peace-keeping force. This would also mean, that I would distrust the Clone Troops/Clone Army upon first learning of it's existence as well.

  • @DoctorWhoKage
    @DoctorWhoKage Год назад

    I'd rather become a Gray Jedi, and use both sides of The Force to be a superhero because if I gained force powers, I wouldn't use them to be a soldier in a religious crusade, I'd use them to protect the weak and innocent and, like I said, become a superhero. "Great power comes with great responsibility", am I right? This would also mean that I wouldn't involve myself in the Clone Wars whatsoever because the people need a protector more than the Chancellor.

    @MYLES_KI 2 года назад +1


  • @ToyoTheBear
    @ToyoTheBear 2 года назад +1

    Oh yeah I would of fought and most likely get gun down during order 66 or before, but would been good times fighting with the clones under my command

  • @samuelduvall8130
    @samuelduvall8130 Год назад

    If I were a Jedi I'd meditate on it

  • @windwind3170
    @windwind3170 2 года назад +1

    Why not just chill in the Jedi Temple and teach Younglings?

  • @jonathanwilliams1065
    @jonathanwilliams1065 2 года назад +7

    The jedi should have fought for the Confederacy
    There was no reason to subjugate those worlds who wished to govern themselves instead of having Corresant rule them

  • @totallynotalpharius2283
    @totallynotalpharius2283 Год назад

    I would have loved for more Jedi ( and not dark acolytes or whatever ) to have sided with the CIS on moral grounds or principle.
    Only way to make this plausible is for Dooku to have not been a Sith apprentice and just a Jedi who left tho

  • @thegamerboneless2864
    @thegamerboneless2864 Год назад

    The Jedi clouded and ignored there own demise because of the supposed morale superiority..

  • @tank-player
    @tank-player Год назад

    I would choice to be jedi shadow instead

  • @aloysiuskalligunderratedsi8861
    @aloysiuskalligunderratedsi8861 2 года назад +1

    Hello There

  • @Kenibus
    @Kenibus 2 года назад +2

    I clicked this video because the thumbnail looks like Coleman Trebor dabbing