@@VocalsFan yup, when I play her if I get killed within the first 5 minutes I never get a huge lead, or much of a lead, if she can’t snowball early game she’s so useless unless she has ult for objectives
QOTD: Yone and Akali can be nightmares when fed and just hard to deal with in lane. Fair enough Akali has a weak early game you can try to exploit but post 6 she's a huge threat. Meanwhile Yone feels like he needs 1 item and boots to carry.
@@hgjgjfjfmd It starts with not letting him get fed to start with. Play as him in bot matches a couple times to get a decent feel for his cooldowns, then you will have a better knowledge of how to punish him when. 10/10 my suggested method for learning to counter a champ is to start by playing *as* that champ and getting a good idea of what someone who mains it *does not want you to know*. If you play as your most hated/feared champ in normals for a few matches(and review your vods) you can more easily learn what kind of mistakes get punished :p
Summary notes: 2:34 kill casters first before melee minions if you aren’t under pressure. 3:10 playing farther up let’s you pressure their wave before your wave arrives. It’s risky but keeps farm up. 5:28 mid/late, take your junglers camps if you’re far enough ahead or your jg isn’t going to make it on time
You forgot catching sidewaves if your team isn't and fixing waves to ensure you gain more. Also the second point of pushing in for pressure. This is a moment you can limittest. (Macro/micro training without much risk of losing anything. ! Yes timing is a big part here as drake can be up or jungle can be ganking. But its upto yourself to keep an eye on the map and not be a lazy warder ;)!! But pretty good analysis ;)
Since this video I've been getting double my usual cs, it's still not a perfect 250 like his, but I've still been getting 200cs every 20 minutes consistently. It's been helping me win a lot more skirmishes cause of the extra damage I get from the item leads the extra gold gives. Thank you a lot ❤️
watch coach curtis’ video about the 10 cs/min myth... to get that much CS you would have to be absent for most major teamfights plus you would be depriving tf out of your teammates... it’s ok in higher elos but below diamond/masters it’s honestly just better to aram with your team
The bad thing is Hecarim isn't what Powerful, its just that the new items really allow him to be so powerful. The new jungle item boosts his clear by a ton.
your videos are incredibely helpful and very mind-opening for bad players like me. I love that you are not only telling the theoreticall knowledge, but also showing practical examples
QOTD: Lulu. Freaking, Lulu. Make her polymorph a skillshot. Funny thing is that she's getting buffed despite being the second most picked and third most banned support in the game.
This. I was playing Lux mid, hit my full combo on him, shieldbow procs, shit is like on 10 hp, engages on me, misses literally everything, hits like 2 autos and maybe a Q, ignites me, heals to full and I die to E damage. Absolute nonsense.
I’m sorry but if a 0/5 yone wins a 1v1 against while you were 8/1. It means that you either missed everything , or got hit by everything while missing everything
@@euwpredator862 please explain this short clip then (remove spaces) Heimer hits literally everything. Yone misses literally everything except for Q3 and two autos, and actually oneshots him. Please tell me how this is balanced. https ://www. youtube. com/watch?v=6qY5VyPLP3I
As a Jg, I get frustrated how much gold we lose every game. Like, it is so often that a lane is just losing all of its minions, I can't clean all my camps AND interact with every fight that happens on the map. I love when laners take my camps when I am far away. This enables me to look more for other plays like objectives and ganks. Otherwise I'm just losing guarantee money while not farming those camps to respawn. I would love if people would just know this simple problem of getting gold. Jesus... Also, lane assignment and those things without a voice call is kinda impossible
I only hate when laners take camps on the way to and objective or gank. You see your top crashing an backing well enemy starts to push you start heading top and clearing but mid snags raptors or scuttle so now you get top before your loaner and just chill.
Same top mid for me. It’s way easier to win lane and cheese jg who’s normally 2/3 level behind. Once you tilt jg you win because enemy team all flame jg diff. So imo in diamond atleast it’s better to cheese jg then worry about hard winning lane.
Gotta adjust your mindset based on elo. Screw the farm - a free kill is always more valuable. If the enemy team is presenting you with free kills all game, just take them. You can carry from a 12/0 scoreline regardless of what your farm is. The enemy jg can have his 20 cs advantage lol.
Something that people should realize is see how their champion interacts with minions. For example, I'm a Lux main, and I've observed a lot of patterns with csing with Lux. Level 3 E at Level 5 allows me to clear the back wave with just an E and an auto with passive. With csing under tower, for the melee minion if it's full health let it take two tower shots then auto to get it. For the back wave attack it once and then let the tower hit it and then attack it again. When in doubt, use E. Especially for the cannon minion. If you wanna shove fast and your enemy laner recalled + there's no risk of being ganked(vision priority) you can hold Lux E in the enemy tower where the wave is walking, and then Q to hold the two melee minions and then pop, then use E again and then you can push easily and steal some turret platings. Just see how your champion's kit interacts with minions. You will get better at csing that way. Try to reach an average of 10 cs per minute, having 150 cs at 15 mins is pretty good already. Goodluck :)
No mention of freezing post lane phase? If theres no objectives up and you have the opportunity, freezing a sidelane is insanely good. Not only do you allow yourself to perma farm with no downside, you also deny the enemy team an entire lane of cs if they dont come and fix it. Which in lower elos, they wont
Least favorite champ? Probably viego. Main issue is that even if he runs it down, his possession always offers him the full item strength of his possessed champion, plus his q passives (so he's always as strong if not stronger than his possessed champion). This makes him absurdly hard to shut down.
I think the problem with Viego is that he is so bugged and permanently disabled in pro play. Since Riot tends to balance their champions around pro play, not being present in pro play means he cannot be balanced.
@@zackong2800 Plenty of champions are not in pro play. Most champions are NOT balanced for pro play, and those that are balanced for pro play are completely crap in solo queue. I do suspect that when he's finally enabled for pro play, they're gonna be forced to nerf him though. Having a teamfight wincon of "anyone dies" instead of "their carries die" is really nice, and viego doesn't rely super heavily on mispositioning like katarina does.
QOTD: I have Blitzcrank on permaban! The nerf I think he needs is to make rocket grab removable with Cleanse, QSS, etc. You can remove Thresh Q, Nautilus Q, and Leona E. But if you get hit with Blitzcrank Q, unless you have a cast-time mobility (Nautilus Q, Tristana E, Ezreal E) there's no counterplay.
@@phoenixx8596we know that but it aint that simple If you dont perma freeze your lane its over for your farm or for your life if you dare to push. Unless you snowball your lane or the blitz cant land a Q
QOTD: Orianna. atm, she can push waves quickly, massively poke you and quickly throw her E on herself, granting a quick shield and denying poke damage. she is ridiculously strong in the laning fase (and she scales as well, which is even worse) Either nerf the shield size in the early game and/or increase the downtime of her E in the laning fase, giving a wide opening to punish her when she doesn't have her E up when you try to poke/chunk her. With this, she gets a clear moment to punish her mistakes in the laning phase.
Yeah, Orianna is super annoying and pretty easy to play. If she's fed, she can oneshot anybody or at least chunk 50% of their health with a Q W. If she's behind, she still can be really useful in teamfights. And most of the time, winning lane against a good Orianna is impossible.
QQTD Volibear. He has a lot of significant impact in the game and a lot of resistance. He can easily break an adc having a Tank build, no matter if he is going really bad.
As a kog'maw main, lux. The little shit can just burst you to death from the other side of lane, and being a kog the only thing you can reliably do to escape her ult is to burn a flash
You forgot the most important tip : Die less cuz if u die less u have more time to get ressources and you can get all ur teammates resources when they die
my problem as a midlaner is when midgame arrives my whole team comes mid and plays aram me going to the sidelanes, to get cs , theyll just suddenly start fights without you having impact, teams are random coinflips all of the times, either u cs and ur team ints or u dont get the cs and may win the fight or u might still loose it, also often the support just randomly comes mid taxing so much exp throwing me behind well whatever eventually itll get better I hope so atleast
I'm rotating from a mid laner to a buff/playmaker support. Any advices for me to improve? I'm bad at roaming and checking the minimap as I always try to play aggressive in lane.
I was the same way for years. You got to learn to slow down, focus on KEEPING wards out 1st. Then you start watching your wards while still SLOW PUSHING the lane and paying attention to the wards and map close to you. The. Start being a little more aggressive in lane and focus last hits while watching wards. You will find yourself “trained” to watch the map more and become really good at map awareness. This worked for me because I had hella time map awareness but saw a video and tried it and it worked great for me. Hope this helps friend. 🙃
I HATE playing against Garen, his braindead kit and with his passive healing is super frustrating to play against when he gets ahead combine all this with the fact that he’s stronger than average right now makes me tilt everytime he’s in my games. I also hate Tryndamere but he isnt good right now and doesn’t get played much anymore
yeah...about taking jungle camps...you should probably add a little line there saying "if you are 2/10 and are always the first one to die in a fight, DON'T take your jungler's buffs because you are going to give them to the enemy team in about 2 seconds"
QOTD: Vayne. Her 50% max hp true damage in 4 seconds it's just way too ridiculous. At least against a Kog I can target him and stunlock, not to mention that I can build some defenses. Against her is win fast or die, there is no other way
QOTD: Kassadin. You cant pick a scaling champ into him because he will outscale you and can minimize pretty well with his item and rune choices this season. You re forced to pick early power ad assassins into him in lane if you want him shut and still he can find ways to play around your strength and match you in the mid game.
I can't personally confirm this sincd I've never dought Kassadin, not because he was always banned but just because nobody ever picked him for some reason. Also, from what I've collected he hits an insane Powerspike once he hits level 16. If I'd fight him I wouldn't really fear since I feel like my Off-Meta build counters him.
My most hated meta champ? Has to be Yone, it was the worst Idea EVER to release a champion so similar to another one, I perma-ban Yasuo because of his Q spamming, and his many passives, also his high mobility and high cc and high damage ult. And would you guess that riot releases another champion that has exactly that? That defeats the purpose of banning, I ban Yasuo, they just pick Yone, I ban Yone, they pick Yasuo. That BREAKS the game!
QOTD: Why hasn't anyone said Zed? 4 blinks, a second of untargetability, and an hp deleter for a Q. IMO he should get nerfed through removing the W cdr everytime he hits E to make him choose more carefully between trading with it or to run away with it.
His ban rate is high, yet all you need to counter him is a 650 gold stopwatch. Plus (I'm an ex Zed main) if you'll bully him early game there is not really much you can do. Bullying him early is easy, all you need is any CC really.
QOTD: Nasus. Im a Top Main and even tho im demolishing him in the Toplane. He just has to be lvl 13, super tanky, and wither on my adc makes the adc borderline useless on a point and click spell
She’s just a heavy cool down champ, you have to play against her cool downs and you can beat her most of the time. Her kit doesn’t need a nerf, it’s what she builds if anything that makes her do a lot, her base damage is horrible.
6:30 try taking your jgs camps in high plat or low, immediately spam ping then head to lanes to take every cs possible without caring at all how it will affect the game.. "but you took my two camps from now on I farm every lane possible.."So unless you already 5-0 or something and carrying my advice to you is not take jg camps when jg seems prone to tilting after doing that. Only when he is on the opposite site and still that's risky
Most annoying for me is MID IRELIA... So strong against mages. I can be as fed as i want, Irelia still manages to be a huge challenge. But if i fall behind early i become just stun bot.
I know I'm a little late on this, but I really hate dealing with Irelia. I think it's something to do with her unpredictable mobility and the weird hitbox on her stun, but I just don't understand how you're supposed to fight her, nor how to play safely against her. I just end up banning her every time I play top.
so in one vod you guys advice to not use abilities on minion waves, and now you show a pro player doing absolute the opposite. which way should we follow?
Xin Zhao. Not even a question. It feels like he's gotten nothing but buffs and he's completely unpunishable with his 3-auto heal. He makes mid lane a nightmare. Although admittedly, Darius being able to freely tank 3 minion waves being slow pushed into him at level 3 to kill you makes me sad too.
But think about it, you can run into soloq teams where your adc or jungler who doesn't understand a bit of wave management just ruin the slow push you set out
I hate playing against Yasuo, I think the windwall should only be able to take a certain amount of damage/hits, because it can block a whole ult or many champs, which just isn't fair imo
Graves it's my hated enemy... And my free elo character. All the 2021 he was op, it's almost 2022 and remains op still. I would nerf his freaking velocity to clean waves. He is just too rapid, he is a nightmare of match on top or mid.
Well i wouldnt say anyone needs a nerf, but yone/yasuo with shieldbow are incredibly annoying to kill. It''s like kassadin, if instead of 16 levels he needed 1 item to carry.
Me: Tries to push side lanes before grouping *0.00000001 secs later* Enemy Quadrakill Me: gets spam pinged and reported for trolling Can't have this shit in Gold.
Taking jungle camps normally: trying to do it where they won’t even get notice, so I don’t get flamed Trying to take jungle camps when playing with friends: intentionally follow to steal camps :D
Qotd: shaco i mean wtf i was 3/4 hp and then shaco came out of invisibilty being level 3 and straight up oneshots me with ignite idk... i played shaco jgl because of that too and its just crazy how easy af it is to do this nerf him pls the otps also want him to be less banned
champs i hate - 1: Riven, because she is impossible to nerf without making her useless, 100% a champ that requires effort to master but one who has just has way more options available in a game to overcome any match up, she can dive she can kite she can burst she can poke. she has high value defense against any match up and due to how versatile her kit is she is just not really a champ that can be counter-picked like any other top laner who has at least a handful of bad match ups. my main issue with this champ though is if they nerfed her while she has her kit like it is currently she would become useless because numbers isn't what makes her overpowered but how many options her kit has. 2: lulu, purely because her CC is point and click while also packing a lot of utility, even when I was maining twitch and had one on my own team I could not help but feel that it is very unfair when she has such an easy time setting up the skills that have the most impact, if they made her Q a point and click damage skill and her polymorph skill a skill shot I feel she would be less problematic, however lulu does have a fair weakness that she does get out scaled (however for champions like twitch /vayne she brings the most agency when it is needed most to carry hyper carrys into the mid game which kinda removes the issue of being outscaled if that leads to a win)
Been doing this especially as a jungler. Taking priority over camps than ganks, only ganking when i am sure to take camps or cs in my way or after it. Avoiding pointless fights while split pushing or taking the enemies camps. Being selfish and building myself up to if not even the enemy team, be ahead of them so when i have my items i am comfortable with to run everyone down, ill get them as soon as possible. But still somehow winning a game and specially ranking up is so difficult. It feels like even if your even with the enemy team, your always bound to loose, i know that its my teammates fault but i keep putting that aside cause i may overlook my own mistakes and just get worse than getting better but holy fucking shit man, it feels like all the hard work you do just go to waste when even just one teammate have it very bad or just being an absolute stupid that he is could just throw up a seemingly winnable game
I hate playing against a sett at the top lane, Especially if I chose Teemo, it's just impossible against him. Even if I manage to survive he just takes down my whole health bar while his rises, and he demolishes buildings, and the shield he has must urgently nerf.
I hate Yone the most. In the laning phase, he can engage from ridiculous distances when his 3rd Q and E is up, and being engaged on like that by a Yone usually gets you chunked enough to the point where he can all in you later on. This gives him enough control to just zone you from gold or even exp if your jungler isn't paying attention. And when he gets to late game he has the potential to cc-chain up to 5 people for up to 4 seconds or so, while doing massive AoE damage to all of them.
You know that 30 percent chance of a won aran force in middle you talked about. Below diamond its actually 90% At least in my games when I'm trying to splitpush
I hate when something is both easy to pilot and got enough pure numbers to go up against "200 years" champions(considering both are played at the same level) Among these 2 evils, the brainless evil is the worse one. And there's quite a bit of champions that fit the description, by far the most of them being toplaners followed by junglers
QOTD: katarina challg player are all the time SOO EASY CHAMPION RLY WEAK while beeing able to spot all of her roams + sidestep daggers but in iron you botlane move INTO that katarina and spamping midlane after + you have 5 assasins again kata wo cc so yeah gl hf
Katarina is good in high elo too, she used to be unpopular in high elo but shes picked pretty regularly with good success even in challenger. Even challenger players often dont respect kat roams and she can still get fed, its just solo q
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i play karthus and i hate when midlaners do that in early ruining my clear path
Its safe to say he plays like he owns the entire map, he takes responsibility of it, tends to it, and it shows.
Took me the whole intro to realize this is not a vid of midbeast's reaction of chovy
Hilarious tho
good one
That was not a regular Qiyana otp. He was rank 2 on Chinese super server, 1800lp Challenger.
Imagine wanting to nerf a champ that so few can actually play properly. She’s squishy af
@@ViVi-gi1ns fr, if she has no grass against tanky champs she’s dead or can’t kill them
@@proskilztimez2785 One ninja tabi and Qiyana is basically almost usless if not 5/0 at 10 minutes
@@VocalsFan yup, when I play her if I get killed within the first 5 minutes I never get a huge lead, or much of a lead, if she can’t snowball early game she’s so useless unless she has ult for objectives
I’ve heard a lot of people call these videos cringe but I’ve learned so much and pushed from low silver to g1 using these RUclips guides alone
I watch these pretty consistently, I'm sitting in D3 and I learn at least one thing from almost every video.
QOTD: Yone and Akali can be nightmares when fed and just hard to deal with in lane. Fair enough Akali has a weak early game you can try to exploit but post 6 she's a huge threat. Meanwhile Yone feels like he needs 1 item and boots to carry.
How do you even counter yone's sustain
@@hgjgjfjfmd grievous wounds and ignite
@@hgjgjfjfmd all in with ignite
@@stevennakhla7803 he'll probably still win if he lands his ult🙂
@@hgjgjfjfmd It starts with not letting him get fed to start with. Play as him in bot matches a couple times to get a decent feel for his cooldowns, then you will have a better knowledge of how to punish him when. 10/10 my suggested method for learning to counter a champ is to start by playing *as* that champ and getting a good idea of what someone who mains it *does not want you to know*. If you play as your most hated/feared champ in normals for a few matches(and review your vods) you can more easily learn what kind of mistakes get punished :p
Summary notes:
2:34 kill casters first before melee minions if you aren’t under pressure.
3:10 playing farther up let’s you pressure their wave before your wave arrives. It’s risky but keeps farm up.
5:28 mid/late, take your junglers camps if you’re far enough ahead or your jg isn’t going to make it on time
You forgot catching sidewaves if your team isn't and fixing waves to ensure you gain more.
Also the second point of pushing in for pressure. This is a moment you can limittest. (Macro/micro training without much risk of losing anything. ! Yes timing is a big part here as drake can be up or jungle can be ganking. But its upto yourself to keep an eye on the map and not be a lazy warder ;)!!
But pretty good analysis ;)
Since this video I've been getting double my usual cs, it's still not a perfect 250 like his, but I've still been getting 200cs every 20 minutes consistently. It's been helping me win a lot more skirmishes cause of the extra damage I get from the item leads the extra gold gives. Thank you a lot ❤️
I'm proud of myself that yesterday I achieved 12.5 cs per minute with Kai'Sa and I was 12/4 while the game was super lost
Who wouldn't
welp the total team kills was 21 so they all were kinda useless
watch coach curtis’ video about the 10 cs/min myth... to get that much CS you would have to be absent for most major teamfights plus you would be depriving tf out of your teammates... it’s ok in higher elos but below diamond/masters it’s honestly just better to aram with your team
@@flyrehash5124 this video proves otherwise
Rito should nerf him by removing one of his front legs.
shatter his kneecaps*
The bad thing is Hecarim isn't what Powerful, its just that the new items really allow him to be so powerful. The new jungle item boosts his clear by a ton.
Ur wishes have been granted
they broke all his 5 legs :)
whats up with these random qotds every1s saying in comments
your videos are incredibely helpful and very mind-opening for bad players like me. I love that you are not only telling the theoreticall knowledge, but also showing practical examples
QOTD: Lulu. Freaking, Lulu. Make her polymorph a skillshot. Funny thing is that she's getting buffed despite being the second most picked and third most banned support in the game.
She got a new skin.....
whats up with these random qotds every1s saying in comments
QOTD: Yone! Since the time a 0/5/0 yone with just shieldbow managed to 1v1 me, when I was 8/1 with 3 items, I permaban that abomination of 200 years
This. I was playing Lux mid, hit my full combo on him, shieldbow procs, shit is like on 10 hp, engages on me, misses literally everything, hits like 2 autos and maybe a Q, ignites me, heals to full and I die to E damage. Absolute nonsense.
I’m sorry but if a 0/5 yone wins a 1v1 against while you were 8/1. It means that you either missed everything , or got hit by everything while missing everything
@@euwpredator862 please explain this short clip then (remove spaces) Heimer hits literally everything. Yone misses literally everything except for Q3 and two autos, and actually oneshots him. Please tell me how this is balanced.
https ://www. youtube. com/watch?v=6qY5VyPLP3I
@@fisher00769 heimer isnt a champ meant to 1v1 xD
@@David-vz4yk butif he is 8/1 and 3 levels above....
As a Jg, I get frustrated how much gold we lose every game.
Like, it is so often that a lane is just losing all of its minions, I can't clean all my camps AND interact with every fight that happens on the map.
I love when laners take my camps when I am far away. This enables me to look more for other plays like objectives and ganks.
Otherwise I'm just losing guarantee money while not farming those camps to respawn.
I would love if people would just know this simple problem of getting gold. Jesus...
Also, lane assignment and those things without a voice call is kinda impossible
I love when laners steal my camps, but when I help shove the wave and accidentally take a creep, I get spam question mark pinged
I only hate when laners take camps on the way to and objective or gank.
You see your top crashing an backing well enemy starts to push you start heading top and clearing but mid snags raptors or scuttle so now you get top before your loaner and just chill.
This is one of the reasons why I quit being a jungle main. Mid is so much better
Same top mid for me. It’s way easier to win lane and cheese jg who’s normally 2/3 level behind. Once you tilt jg you win because enemy team all flame jg diff. So imo in diamond atleast it’s better to cheese jg then worry about hard winning lane.
Gotta adjust your mindset based on elo. Screw the farm - a free kill is always more valuable. If the enemy team is presenting you with free kills all game, just take them. You can carry from a 12/0 scoreline regardless of what your farm is. The enemy jg can have his 20 cs advantage lol.
Something that people should realize is see how their champion interacts with minions. For example, I'm a Lux main, and I've observed a lot of patterns with csing with Lux. Level 3 E at Level 5 allows me to clear the back wave with just an E and an auto with passive. With csing under tower, for the melee minion if it's full health let it take two tower shots then auto to get it. For the back wave attack it once and then let the tower hit it and then attack it again. When in doubt, use E. Especially for the cannon minion. If you wanna shove fast and your enemy laner recalled + there's no risk of being ganked(vision priority) you can hold Lux E in the enemy tower where the wave is walking, and then Q to hold the two melee minions and then pop, then use E again and then you can push easily and steal some turret platings. Just see how your champion's kit interacts with minions. You will get better at csing that way. Try to reach an average of 10 cs per minute, having 150 cs at 15 mins is pretty good already. Goodluck :)
2:12 The End
this is definetly inspired by midbeast without a doubt:
1. he talks about the 1800lp qiyana
2. he talks about chovy.
4:25 me doing the same and went 0/4/3 at 9 mins with 40cs
"This is totally fine"
Vladimir, if he is played by a smurf he can solo win 1v5 even when hes entire team is afk.
xFSN saber made a great video on the subject too, questioning, can my champion help that fight, if not auto pilot to cs
No mention of freezing post lane phase? If theres no objectives up and you have the opportunity, freezing a sidelane is insanely good. Not only do you allow yourself to perma farm with no downside, you also deny the enemy team an entire lane of cs if they dont come and fix it. Which in lower elos, they wont
Least favorite champ? Probably viego. Main issue is that even if he runs it down, his possession always offers him the full item strength of his possessed champion, plus his q passives (so he's always as strong if not stronger than his possessed champion). This makes him absurdly hard to shut down.
I think the problem with Viego is that he is so bugged and permanently disabled in pro play. Since Riot tends to balance their champions around pro play, not being present in pro play means he cannot be balanced.
@@zackong2800 Plenty of champions are not in pro play. Most champions are NOT balanced for pro play, and those that are balanced for pro play are completely crap in solo queue. I do suspect that when he's finally enabled for pro play, they're gonna be forced to nerf him though. Having a teamfight wincon of "anyone dies" instead of "their carries die" is really nice, and viego doesn't rely super heavily on mispositioning like katarina does.
QOTD: I have Blitzcrank on permaban! The nerf I think he needs is to make rocket grab removable with Cleanse, QSS, etc. You can remove Thresh Q, Nautilus Q, and Leona E. But if you get hit with Blitzcrank Q, unless you have a cast-time mobility (Nautilus Q, Tristana E, Ezreal E) there's no counterplay.
I'm guessing bronze elo or silver at max. Just stand behind the minions mate so you don't get grabbed.
@@phoenixx8596 thats probably true as well because he thinks tristana e is the jump when its actually trist w lol.
@@phoenixx8596we know that but it aint that simple
If you dont perma freeze your lane its over for your farm or for your life if you dare to push.
Unless you snowball your lane or the blitz cant land a Q
2:33 video start
QOTD: Orianna. atm, she can push waves quickly, massively poke you and quickly throw her E on herself, granting a quick shield and denying poke damage. she is ridiculously strong in the laning fase (and she scales as well, which is even worse)
Either nerf the shield size in the early game and/or increase the downtime of her E in the laning fase, giving a wide opening to punish her when she doesn't have her E up when you try to poke/chunk her.
With this, she gets a clear moment to punish her mistakes in the laning phase.
?they already did
Yeah, Orianna is super annoying and pretty easy to play. If she's fed, she can oneshot anybody or at least chunk 50% of their health with a Q W. If she's behind, she still can be really useful in teamfights. And most of the time, winning lane against a good Orianna is impossible.
They just nerfed her, and only bc she was dominating pro play, she was
@@tudangcap7699 orianna not qiyana
@@flowbie-1336 From their comments we can definitely guess who lost to Orianna lmao. She's not op, shes balanced and she's definitely not braindead
9:32 Have to clarify after that little pause, can't have the IRS on your back now
1:42 Master Yi, Yeah I said it. Sure he's easy in compet, but in normals he's either feeding on my team or 1v4ing my team.
He has a lot of significant impact in the game and a lot of resistance.
He can easily break an adc having a Tank build, no matter if he is going really bad.
As a kog'maw main, lux. The little shit can just burst you to death from the other side of lane, and being a kog the only thing you can reliably do to escape her ult is to burn a flash
how to farm like chovy: minion demats
You forgot the most important tip : Die less cuz if u die less u have more time to get ressources and you can get all ur teammates resources when they die
my problem as a midlaner is when midgame arrives my whole team comes mid and plays aram me going to the sidelanes, to get cs , theyll just suddenly start fights without you having impact, teams are random coinflips all of the times, either u cs and ur team ints or u dont get the cs and may win the fight or u might still loose it, also often the support just randomly comes mid taxing so much exp throwing me behind well whatever eventually itll get better I hope so atleast
The video: Chovy the farming god
The content: 6:47 Chovy missing every single skillshot possible and lose the cannon 😂😂😂😂
I'm rotating from a mid laner to a buff/playmaker support. Any advices for me to improve? I'm bad at roaming and checking the minimap as I always try to play aggressive in lane.
I was the same way for years. You got to learn to slow down, focus on KEEPING wards out 1st. Then you start watching your wards while still SLOW PUSHING the lane and paying attention to the wards and map close to you. The. Start being a little more aggressive in lane and focus last hits while watching wards. You will find yourself “trained” to watch the map more and become really good at map awareness. This worked for me because I had hella time map awareness but saw a video and tried it and it worked great for me. Hope this helps friend. 🙃
I HATE playing against Garen, his braindead kit and with his passive healing is super frustrating to play against when he gets ahead combine all this with the fact that he’s stronger than average right now makes me tilt everytime he’s in my games. I also hate Tryndamere but he isnt good right now and doesn’t get played much anymore
yeah...about taking jungle camps...you should probably add a little line there saying "if you are 2/10 and are always the first one to die in a fight, DON'T take your jungler's buffs because you are going to give them to the enemy team in about 2 seconds"
QOTD: Vayne. Her 50% max hp true damage in 4 seconds it's just way too ridiculous. At least against a Kog I can target him and stunlock, not to mention that I can build some defenses. Against her is win fast or die, there is no other way
QOTD: Kassadin. You cant pick a scaling champ into him because he will outscale you and can minimize pretty well with his item and rune choices this season. You re forced to pick early power ad assassins into him in lane if you want him shut and still he can find ways to play around your strength and match you in the mid game.
I can't personally confirm this sincd I've never dought Kassadin, not because he was always banned but just because nobody ever picked him for some reason. Also, from what I've collected he hits an insane Powerspike once he hits level 16. If I'd fight him I wouldn't really fear since I feel like my Off-Meta build counters him.
My most hated meta champ? Has to be Yone, it was the worst Idea EVER to release a champion so similar to another one, I perma-ban Yasuo because of his Q spamming, and his many passives, also his high mobility and high cc and high damage ult. And would you guess that riot releases another champion that has exactly that? That defeats the purpose of banning, I ban Yasuo, they just pick Yone, I ban Yone, they pick Yasuo. That BREAKS the game!
QOTD: Why hasn't anyone said Zed? 4 blinks, a second of untargetability, and an hp deleter for a Q. IMO he should get nerfed through removing the W cdr everytime he hits E to make him choose more carefully between trading with it or to run away with it.
His ban rate is high, yet all you need to counter him is a 650 gold stopwatch. Plus (I'm an ex Zed main) if you'll bully him early game there is not really much you can do. Bullying him early is easy, all you need is any CC really.
QOTD: Nasus. Im a Top Main and even tho im demolishing him in the Toplane. He just has to be lvl 13, super tanky, and wither on my adc makes the adc borderline useless on a point and click spell
I agree qiyana. Saw a 2-12 qiyana 1 shot a 13-2 mid laner who made one mistake
She’s just a heavy cool down champ, you have to play against her cool downs and you can beat her most of the time. Her kit doesn’t need a nerf, it’s what she builds if anything that makes her do a lot, her base damage is horrible.
6:30 try taking your jgs camps in high plat or low, immediately spam ping then head to lanes to take every cs possible without caring at all how it will affect the game.. "but you took my two camps from now on I farm every lane possible.."So unless you already 5-0 or something and carrying my advice to you is not take jg camps when jg seems prone to tilting after doing that. Only when he is on the opposite site and still that's risky
Most annoying for me is MID IRELIA... So strong against mages. I can be as fed as i want, Irelia still manages to be a huge challenge. But if i fall behind early i become just stun bot.
I know I'm a little late on this, but I really hate dealing with Irelia. I think it's something to do with her unpredictable mobility and the weird hitbox on her stun, but I just don't understand how you're supposed to fight her, nor how to play safely against her. I just end up banning her every time I play top.
I'm watching a live game right now and Chovy has 300 farm at 25 minutes. He is actually the god of farming, it's crazy!
Alt title : how to carry a game with no kills
Today I Farmed 407 cs within 30 minutes.
so in one vod you guys advice to not use abilities on minion waves, and now you show a pro player doing absolute the opposite. which way should we follow?
Xin Zhao. Not even a question. It feels like he's gotten nothing but buffs and he's completely unpunishable with his 3-auto heal. He makes mid lane a nightmare.
Although admittedly, Darius being able to freely tank 3 minion waves being slow pushed into him at level 3 to kill you makes me sad too.
1:55 is a rakanmain streamer SircaptFair check him out
01:35 riven ofc no skll no barin champ.. cant do anything vs her as the best champ in game yi n i got 9000 yi games mid, even laet game shes op
Wow this whole video just sounded like "okay to CS good, make sure to take every last hit" damn no way thats true
Teddy is the king of farming!!
Sometimes, you really just cannot trust your Bronze teammates to hold out a fight as you finish pushing a side wave.
QOTD: Irellia the "vamp scepter 5 stacks full build" champ
QOTD: Camille, Kaisa, Hecarim. As for Kaisa, I prefer facing champs that can't press 1 button and fire off 13 auto attacks.
But think about it, you can run into soloq teams where your adc or jungler who doesn't understand a bit of wave management just ruin the slow push you set out
avoiding paying ur taxes when possible is always good
I hate playing against Yasuo, I think the windwall should only be able to take a certain amount of damage/hits, because it can block a whole ult or many champs, which just isn't fair imo
Graves it's my hated enemy... And my free elo character. All the 2021 he was op, it's almost 2022 and remains op still. I would nerf his freaking velocity to clean waves. He is just too rapid, he is a nightmare of match on top or mid.
'You will never miss many waves by playing agressive'. But your team will flame you and someone will come to collect the wave for you lol.
Well i wouldnt say anyone needs a nerf, but yone/yasuo with shieldbow are incredibly annoying to kill. It''s like kassadin, if instead of 16 levels he needed 1 item to carry.
I want riot to stop forcing graves and ezreal into the meta
QOTD: Any mid who can roam quickly/ super effectively (E.g. Talon and Katarina)
As a jungle I hate playing against shaco, and as a jungle if your mid is 0/2 and clean your jungle his asking for a free loss tilting
what happened to NAMA?
Me: Tries to push side lanes before grouping
*0.00000001 secs later*
Enemy Quadrakill
Me: gets spam pinged and reported for trolling
Can't have this shit in Gold.
qotd: tristan, she is a monster at early, she is a moster in mid, and i am forgeting something?
oh yeah she is an late game hyper carry
NA gold is like 99% chance team will run it down and 1% chance team gives tower
Urgot...he's literally my ban every game i play top
Taking jungle camps normally: trying to do it where they won’t even get notice, so I don’t get flamed
Trying to take jungle camps when playing with friends: intentionally follow to steal camps :D
Qotd: shaco i mean wtf i was 3/4 hp and then shaco came out of invisibilty being level 3 and straight up oneshots me with ignite idk... i played shaco jgl because of that too and its just crazy how easy af it is to do this nerf him pls the otps also want him to be less banned
Been doing that kind of stuff its just that my team always has an itchy finger of forcing when theres no obj to fight for 🤣🤣
champs i hate -
1: Riven, because she is impossible to nerf without making her useless, 100% a champ that requires effort to master but one who has just has way more options available in a game to overcome any match up, she can dive she can kite she can burst she can poke. she has high value defense against any match up and due to how versatile her kit is she is just not really a champ that can be counter-picked like any other top laner who has at least a handful of bad match ups. my main issue with this champ though is if they nerfed her while she has her kit like it is currently she would become useless because numbers isn't what makes her overpowered but how many options her kit has.
2: lulu, purely because her CC is point and click while also packing a lot of utility, even when I was maining twitch and had one on my own team I could not help but feel that it is very unfair when she has such an easy time setting up the skills that have the most impact, if they made her Q a point and click damage skill and her polymorph skill a skill shot I feel she would be less problematic, however lulu does have a fair weakness that she does get out scaled (however for champions like twitch /vayne she brings the most agency when it is needed most to carry hyper carrys into the mid game which kinda removes the issue of being outscaled if that leads to a win)
Been doing this especially as a jungler.
Taking priority over camps than ganks, only ganking when i am sure to take camps or cs in my way or after it.
Avoiding pointless fights while split pushing or taking the enemies camps.
Being selfish and building myself up to if not even the enemy team, be ahead of them so when i have my items i am comfortable with to run everyone down, ill get them as soon as possible.
But still somehow winning a game and specially ranking up is so difficult.
It feels like even if your even with the enemy team, your always bound to loose, i know that its my teammates fault but i keep putting that aside cause i may overlook my own mistakes and just get worse than getting better but holy fucking shit man, it feels like all the hard work you do just go to waste when even just one teammate have it very bad or just being an absolute stupid that he is could just throw up a seemingly winnable game
Got it. So it's okay to overextend and run it down with a bounty as long as you kill the whole wave before dying 😎 I'll be Challenger in no time!
QOTD: vayne, it is just dumb how this champion cna hit mine with 200 armor and deal 50% of my health with 3 autos.
doinb can do 400 cs at 20 min
I do play like this but I’m bad at casing even though every game I’m around 7-8 cs/min
I hate playing against a sett at the top lane, Especially if I chose Teemo, it's just impossible against him. Even if I manage to survive he just takes down my whole health bar while his rises, and he demolishes buildings, and the shield he has must urgently nerf.
In my 5pre group we literally compete on who bans shaco first. We hate him that much.
I would nerf Diana's base damage and increase her ability modifiers so she cannot build sunfire as her core item and still deal assasain damage.
If Dopa and Faker had a baby, he'd be Chovy!
Someone hasn't seen a 400cs in 24mins ryze
"That Qiyana main" sad Beifing noises
I hate Yone the most. In the laning phase, he can engage from ridiculous distances when his 3rd Q and E is up, and being engaged on like that by a Yone usually gets you chunked enough to the point where he can all in you later on. This gives him enough control to just zone you from gold or even exp if your jungler isn't paying attention. And when he gets to late game he has the potential to cc-chain up to 5 people for up to 4 seconds or so, while doing massive AoE damage to all of them.
His q is 1 second knockup r is 0.75 I think
That are not even 2 seconds
You know that 30 percent chance of a won aran force in middle you talked about. Below diamond its actually 90%
At least in my games when I'm trying to splitpush
My main Lillia they hate right now feels like 8% ban rate :( x.x
Now now now how do i think of my team as a competitive team in iron 2??
I hate when something is both easy to pilot and got enough pure numbers to go up against "200 years" champions(considering both are played at the same level)
Among these 2 evils, the brainless evil is the worse one. And there's quite a bit of champions that fit the description, by far the most of them being toplaners followed by junglers
Play em yourself or keep being mad about them
idk if its meta but i hate fighting gwen as a chogath main she shuts me down completely
QOTD: Udyr, i'd erase the champ if i could.
This video:*exists*
*Happy nasus noises*
Qotd: Diana jungle, it feels impossible to compete with her
It is impossible lol
"Sometimes it best to not pay your taxes..." Say no more, already on it!
Chovy 400 cs 20 minutes hack?!?!
L9 DoinB 400 cs hack @24 minutes ?!?!?! 中国黑客
QOTD: katarina
challg player are all the time SOO EASY CHAMPION RLY WEAK while beeing able to spot all of her roams + sidestep daggers but in iron you botlane move INTO that katarina and spamping midlane after + you have 5 assasins again kata wo cc so yeah gl hf
Katarina is good in high elo too, she used to be unpopular in high elo but shes picked pretty regularly with good success even in challenger. Even challenger players often dont respect kat roams and she can still get fed, its just solo q
"he only lose a single wave" kek that's more than what it takes to lose
QOTD: Sylas, he have stupid trades and you need pick a champ without a good R vs him