worst pat of top is when you have a difficult lane but manage to maintain a cs lead, but the enemy gets tower since (he's tryndamere) and because you cant just level him alone top your entire team who is behind just loses without you.
What sucks the most is that if the enemy jg is pitching a tent at top and your jg doesn't take advantage of that by ganking other lanes or getting drags
In my games, when enemy jg and sometimes jg + mid are camping top, my team would be exactly what you described with an added extra, i.e they start flaming me 🙂.
This actually really helped, even as a Singed one-trick I'm mitigating bad starts AND holding on to early advantages way better, and turning it all into way more wins. Thanks yall.
10:10 Skill Capped: Every fiber of your being should be telling you something important at this moment. what is it? Me: ULT THE EKKO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and that is why im bronze
On the bright side, you made the same decision as a Master, which means you can climb that far with those decisions... It is on other areas that you need to improve (and if you improve on that one, great!)
Everytime i win my lane top the rest of my team sucks balls and we lose, and when i lose top my team does well but loses because of me. i call it the Teemo Syndrom.
Needed this video! I've been winning lane but not winning game in a bunch of my matches recently and couldn't figure out why. I need to stop overextending for that first tower plate which I do EVERY time
I've been having fun with top lane more and more lately. Last year I learned about lots of things from this channels RUclips guides. Wether it be top, jg, mid, Adc or support I learned a lot and improved my already good mechanics and macro. I wasn't a patient person so I don't freeze or slow push. I like diving and fighting all the time till I actually tried and learn from your videos. It's honestly one of the best things that happened to me and even when losing I'm having fun. Edit: I like Poppy top so it's either I freeze even if the match up is unfavorable for me or slow-push and dive. Easy because Poppy is easy to use.
@@ryugaroxas I guess I am? But I have not consumed any anime and Japan contents/media lately. I'm like so out of the anime community. All that I know is the things that released in 2020 and below.
I played league 6 months and reached DiamondI as a top laner. Genius tips: 1. KNOW YOUR FUCKING CHAMPION 2. Don’t FUCKING play 20 champs in 20 games! Learn 2-3 champions following step 1 3. Go play with your team if you are collectively ahead; Split if you are ahead but your team is even/behind; call ff if you are collective behind. Generally, just make your play based on objectives in each case. 4. It’s always jungle dif 5. Following the tip 4, call your buddy to play jungle
My first time climbing from gold to diamond was a top + jg duo with a friend, and it's just as you say, it's always jg diff so if yours is good and you play together you win xP PS: I was a Karma Tank otp and he played either Kayn, Hecarim or Shaco
This is the way. We all have bad teammates, but there is always, ALWAYS something you could have done better yourself and you are always part of the reason why the game was lost, even if you win your lane. Even if you die for the first time after 22 kills, you should ask yourself if the death was worth what you and your team got from it. Even if your botlane goes 0/50 you should ask yourself what you can try to do to save the game from defeat. We can not win every single game, but we can always try to learn from them
Question 1: What does a top laner do late game? Mid game he eigher pushes sidelanes or fights at objectives 99% of the time. But can a top laner still farm sidelanes when a single teamfight can literally decide games? Question 2: What to do when the enemy not even lasthits when you are ahead? So the wave never really pushes towards your direction, only staying in middle. I normally just slow push, deny as much cs and then push it in at the end to start another slow push from the middle of the lane
I'm a gold noob but from what I've seen on this channel I think the answer to question 2 is to crash the wave with proper timing, so that it doesn't just reset in the middle. So if the minions meet under the enemy's tower, they'll have almost a whole wave of advantage, as the turret will shoot yours down, and this should slow push to you even if the opponent isn't there. You may even take the chance to recall and buy items as you'll miss very few last hits, as the wave has such an advantage that they shouldn't be dying much. When you come back you should have the chance to freeze. If your opponent isn't in lane to at least soak up the EXP this will be very punishing to him, unless he gets very lucky with his roams
If your ahead in an even lane and your opponent won’t walk up to last hit walk past the wave and zone them from xp. You can also do this lvl 1 in certain matchups like had into irelia
Your team shouldn't fight without advantage no? You should pressure the enemy team to break up to defend then fight with advantage or have your team hoover but not fight while you take inhib/base
1: Make sure your always grouped if an objective is up since enemy team can immediately do objective the moment they see it’s numbers advantage. Also only push sideline if u have TP. For question 2 , you can slow push a big wave then crash it and just roam and use your advantage to influence the rest of the map.
As a Top Lane main, it depends on what champ you play in the top lane. Take my main in Urgot for example. Q1. Since most of my teams I play in are very bad at teamfighting, I split push to their base as someone on their team has to 'answer me' at top. Scenario: 2nd Drake is up, I see its 5v4 in their favour, I got Hullbreaker and see half health t2 and the opportunity for both t3 and inhib. Depending how fed I am/ how much dps I can do on towers, I will at least get my team 1 step closer to their base by clear a path for the inhib. So to answer your question, tanks split push (unless you play a champ that as teamfight potential like Maokai/ Malphite R) and bruiser teamfight as a fed Jax can 1-shot any adc or mage. Q2. Keep slow pushing, take my Urgot vs Nasus, everyone knows Nasus needs Q stacks and the best way for him is under tower as I cannot fight him post lvl-6 (as his R is a fight decider - meaning that he can beat me if I miss my E to delay a Q or I ain't lvl 9). But, by slow pushing, he has to step up and if I am fed, I can easily kill him, get tower plate and be back to repeat the process.
I play a lot of nasus top lane, cuz its hard to mess it up, all you need to do is farm under tower or just play safe and stack until you reach 150, also you need to reach 300 stacks by minute 15 if you want to become unstoppable
Yeah pushing into nasus is a bug mistake. It's very easy to harass them even just with autoattacks because they try to Q every single minion without fail.
Nasus is one of those that you just gotta freeze on and ask for some jungle abuse on him unless you're confident in fighting him. It's something low elo players don't do though, many junglers don't know how to work with their lanes or understand matchups that's why it's easy to farm for many top laners and many top laners don't know how to face a nasus they feel is "Too strong"
Nasus can’t stop the lane from eventually slow pushing. So freeze him and zone him out. Or shove him and take objectives and roam. When the wave bounces off you then get to either freeze or shove again
Alright but what if Urgot doesn't persist top and goes mid and gives a hard time to the midlaner ? He can shove towers / secure Heralds and drakes and dive with the jungler. What's stopping Urgot from killing the game ? This is what happens most of the time after t1 dies while opponent t1 is 90% hps. You've basically sent a curve ball to your team while smiling and farming in your corner. Edit I guess what i'm asking is "but you will lose if you get beaten and they win ??" And we wanna focus on when they don't.
Because maybe their midlaner was better, because maybe their midlaner was taught how to ward, and maybe because people in higher elos know how to come back, and if you f**k up your mid ganking, you threw a winnable game away
these are not very good examples, although it delivers the idea. Urgot actually cannot avoid pushing waves due to his passive, same thing for ilaoi unless she only uses autos but its impossible to zone yasuo with just autos
You can actually, use your passive procs on the champ and you can't use them on the wave. For illaoi, just stand on Yasuo's side of the lane. Make sure he can't even walk up to EXP range without being threatened by your abilities, then walk backwards and last hit with autos.
Doesn’t it depend what champ you are. I play illaoi and hard push. Obv I force fights if I catch with my E. Usually works out for me and I get a turret before 15 min
I mean, he uses illaoi in the example with Yasuo. Perma-shoving is usually a good idea, but into some matchups it's better to simply try and last hit while zoning. Killing them is always nice, but it's not always necessary to get an advantage.
As i illaoi one trick, I would say that if you think you can get the kill, you should keep pushing because you have your teleport. Also with illaoi you can 2v1 so if you just play safe and win the game
So from what I cacn get out of this, you want to keep slow pushing your lane when your ahead to make it harder for the enemy to take cs and not take damage?
10:10 😂 the viewer just pretends smart and wise after what was known. (Charge knight attack after cannon attack is gone)😅 As per the mini map, you never see EKKO & Jihn behind the brush. And Lucian should keep an eyes 👀 on jihn or ward at the brush. Both ad and sup disengage at 3 vs 1 scenario. Warwick is force to engage as the C.C on ryze is active. I believe Warwick do a great job. This is just accident 😢that he should not trust a ELO player reaction and judgement.😮
"you're usually playing a bruiser or a tank" yea about the tank part, it doesnt exist since getting killed by bork/divine/black cleaver while having a whole damn item lead. And if you're a bruiser that cant fully utilize divine/bork means you'll have a harder time against those who use it. "Why you suck at top lane?" 90% of playerbase use champs like fiora/yone that annihilate their enemies but when they cant pick them their winrate massively drops. Like usually if enemy gets a kill and cs lead a good player is cautious, but players with fiora/yone they just go in and try to win due to the sheer stats of the champ. Like ideally going even or only 1 kill and 2 wave behind if you're counterpicked but due to how much people are elo boosted, they feed their ass off thinking "just scale". The champ guilty with this results are the ones who uses Lethal tempo, Divine sunderer and those with true damage on their kit.
well coaches get really mad when an entire minion wave is on you right? so illaoi's e is down what do you do then as illaoi? go and hit the turret as much as possible and when yasuo hits you, you run away from turret damage and throw abilities at yasuo. then when you dont have anymore abilities to throw safely from turret damage bc yasuo retreats, you go back in and hit the turret if you can. A whole minion wave hitting yasuo and if not you get free turret shots. Your main enemy is either the turret or the enemy champion. So...just ward for ganks?
This is what's so boring about top lane. You're wrong to get ahead. You need to take what little impact you have and make the most of it. Get a kill and 9/10 times you base immediately or ruin the wave state.
so you telling me i did the right thing for the wrong reasons.... shen plat 4 player i use to buy bamis or tiamat when even/behind but when i get firstblood which happens often i normaly go for an iceborn
fix is get a nice junglet and let him gank 3 times your lane and you win. for example you paly garne vs darius 3 gank on darius F darius if he dies all 3 times. ;) seen so mant videos in challanger and its obvious whats the problem.
Most of the time by the time I leave top lane even if the strongest person in the game is me, the second strongest is still the other top laner. Just levels alone they outstat them.
So people dont think its a problem that BASICALLY WHAT THEY IS SAYING IS THAT U NEED TO 1v9 to win most games in top. Is that not completely trash design for a 5v5 game.
I agree that all this works but this is not how I would teach toplane to noobs. They can't wave manage like a high elo player and it's not necessary to beat low elo opponents. If someone is silver or low gold I'd advise them to just push wave if they're ahead. If you kill your opponent, meet him between the towers and make him miss cs. If he's playing very safe you can get a proxy and take his topside camps if your champion is good at that. Freezing is often the right call for dualist champions but, unless you play WW top it's definitely not something a bronze or silver elo player should be trying to figure out. Even if you're a gold WW top I'd say to get a tiamat and push because that's a much more braindead way to keep a lead and there are many side benefits of maintaining prio which help your team much more in low elo because the enemy bronze and silver players will never respond correctly to it. Also, if ahead, if they get prio they should never forget to get as much vision as possible and/or deny vision to the enemy because that is one of the big advantages of being ahead and having prio.
People just focus on killing other champions , not every champion is have a strong early game , and ignoring that youre just gonna feed and play bad , simple. If you wanna kill gotta play strong early game champs
This barely matters I learnt very little from this video since its common sense but you have to think about the factor that your jungle has taken 0 objectives and your bot in 1/20 in 15 minutes
Believe me, I get it. I had to hard carry as Nasus 26/6/14 meanwhile my jungle support and adc where 0/10/0 + . I had to ping my team to follow my instructions and group fight while I tried to hard carry them. Well, it worked, and I won the game. My team luckily did not FF as I was able to change their mind.
If you think about it rationally, assuming you are at your real elo, which is true if you have about 30+ games, you hard carrying game despite your team inting means you are also hard inting games despite your team carrying. If all players had no impact on the outcome, that would mean they would all be even and get out of lane with similar performances, which mean being better than your opponent would make you very likely to win the game. On the other hand, you having 0 impact while everyone either feeds or hard carries (maximum impact) means your consistent performance is good enough to be better than half your lane opponents. Which means you will also get to your elo, but you winning will rely on enemy player inting. In the end you having high impact on your game (assuming you have 30+ game and
@@raphaelnej8387 that bullshit if i tell you my history matchup you will see my death like 2 4 5 6 maximum not inting at all also i got kills im not inting and im hardstuck, so it doesnt mean when you int you hardstuck your elo that mean you not playing perfect. i get it that if im doing 2 mistakes 3 mistakes i lose even im not inting which mean you have to play perfect to climb and to carry and this is hard and boring. its just like this there is 4 types of how you play the game and climb. first if you play bad and int obvious you will not climb, 2 if you play normal (not int and playing safe ) it depends how your teammates play (luck) 3 if you play good (if your teammates bad you will lose ) if you play perfect you will win and climb and the fact about playing perfect its so fkin hard like imagin playing a game like 45mnt and 2 mistakes only 2 mistakes lose you the whole game litterly riot want you to play perrfect to climb and escape your hell elo
I didn't improve my rank at all after 6 months of actively using skill cap playing at least 3 hours a day and I emailed to get my money back and no response. So you should take down your money back guantee
Honnestly common sense will go a long way when doing anything, you really dont need a course to tell you to not trade with certain champs or to dive a tower at level 4 with low health trail and error learn from mistakes using a course to try and make your brain work is pretty fookin cringe ngl
this does not win you games 80% of Gold/plat players know this. They know how to play laning phase perfectly, heck some of them might even beat diamond or master player in laning phase. but what comes after that is the issue. It's always this question, what to do after min 20.
They don't know how effective use tp advantage . They don't know how to set up flanks . They don't know how to split push without dying 100 times . No coach will teach you how to win every game . We are talking about a 55-60% win rate . And if you are always feed always consistent you will be a winning factor every game .
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH GOLD/PLAT BEATING MASTERS PLAYERS IN LANE HAHAHAHHAHAHAH Bro i swear to god as a masters player its so funny reading this stuff, laning vs gold players literally feels like challenging a toddler to boxing deathmatch
Playing akali or Evelyn should be considered a crime and penalised with the death sentence. Just wanted to point that out there. Just wanted to point that out there
Bro when did league become like this Remember the time aatrox vs tryndamere match Smash your face into the enemy the one who dies tps back to fight again
shouldnt he ult the Irelia ? she got snowballed by nunu, if WW just R her, she get killed by ryze/ww , shes not even lvl 6 then he couldve went top and shove (irelia doesnt even have tp) 10:18
IMPROVE FAST and get the RANK you've always wanted at: www.skill-capped.com/lol 👈👈👈👈👈
worst pat of top is when you have a difficult lane but manage to maintain a cs lead, but the enemy gets tower since (he's tryndamere) and because you cant just level him alone top your entire team who is behind just loses without you.
What sucks the most is that if the enemy jg is pitching a tent at top and your jg doesn't take advantage of that by ganking other lanes or getting drags
In my games, when enemy jg and sometimes jg + mid are camping top, my team would be exactly what you described with an added extra, i.e they start flaming me 🙂.
"Duo top jungling" is honestly one of the strongest strategies in low elo since top is the most snowball heavy lane and 90% of teams don't punish this
no what sucks is that i did 2 drakes, herald and have double enemy jng cs and toplaner still complains
@@bifrostengaged1371 no what sucks is when jgl did all of that, and then is surprised why you are 0 4
@@mitsuki1388as a bronze/silver darius main usually playing with my friend on jg i can confirm.
What I got out of this guide: Urgot is OP
If its any testament to your comment, they took his shield away from his w, so ironically you are quite right
Play Sion with wardens mail
@@charmelos1431 I would rather kill myself
Yes, if you want fun, play urgot
Yes op till sion with warden takes all your mana and u still can't kill him 😅
This guide was actually funny, and informative. Hope that trend keeps going. Solid vid
This actually really helped, even as a Singed one-trick I'm mitigating bad starts AND holding on to early advantages way better, and turning it all into way more wins. Thanks yall.
10:10 Skill Capped: Every fiber of your being should be telling you something important at this moment. what is it?
Me: ULT THE EKKO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and that is why im bronze
On the bright side, you made the same decision as a Master, which means you can climb that far with those decisions... It is on other areas that you need to improve (and if you improve on that one, great!)
At least you thought that, I was thinking of ulting hector and going back to top, and that is why I am in iron
LMFAO but I really thought about the top tower's health
That start with Hector is gold haha
No he‘s challenger not gold like u
@@ogog9816 Jokes on you, I'm hardstuck silver.
@@sapphiremoon7854u got this brother, this season will be your breakthrough.
@@sapphiremoon7854 you're a w man
@@sapphiremoon7854 🍷🗿
Everytime i win my lane top the rest of my team sucks balls and we lose, and when i lose top my team does well but loses because of me. i call it the Teemo Syndrom.
i have this too haha
Needed this video! I've been winning lane but not winning game in a bunch of my matches recently and couldn't figure out why. I need to stop overextending for that first tower plate which I do EVERY time
I've been having fun with top lane more and more lately. Last year I learned about lots of things from this channels RUclips guides. Wether it be top, jg, mid, Adc or support I learned a lot and improved my already good mechanics and macro. I wasn't a patient person so I don't freeze or slow push. I like diving and fighting all the time till I actually tried and learn from your videos. It's honestly one of the best things that happened to me and even when losing I'm having fun.
Edit: I like Poppy top so it's either I freeze even if the match up is unfavorable for me or slow-push and dive. Easy because Poppy is easy to use.
Are u weeb
@@ryugaroxas I guess I am? But I have not consumed any anime and Japan contents/media lately. I'm like so out of the anime community. All that I know is the things that released in 2020 and below.
I played league 6 months and reached DiamondI as a top laner.
Genius tips:
2. Don’t FUCKING play 20 champs in 20 games! Learn 2-3 champions following step 1
3. Go play with your team if you are collectively ahead; Split if you are ahead but your team is even/behind; call ff if you are collective behind. Generally, just make your play based on objectives in each case.
4. It’s always jungle dif
5. Following the tip 4, call your buddy to play jungle
My first time climbing from gold to diamond was a top + jg duo with a friend, and it's just as you say, it's always jg diff so if yours is good and you play together you win xP
PS: I was a Karma Tank otp and he played either Kayn, Hecarim or Shaco
I admit that I suck on top lane because I'm too aggressive and impatient 🤣
And Nemesis is right. Gen Z like you have terrible attention span.
My real problem isn't that I suck in top lane, I suck when I have to leave the toplane.
This is the way. We all have bad teammates, but there is always, ALWAYS something you could have done better yourself and you are always part of the reason why the game was lost, even if you win your lane. Even if you die for the first time after 22 kills, you should ask yourself if the death was worth what you and your team got from it. Even if your botlane goes 0/50 you should ask yourself what you can try to do to save the game from defeat. We can not win every single game, but we can always try to learn from them
So Braum had the right idea, "Mother always said, "DON'T LOSE!""
thanks that helped me so much! i went from being aa jungle darius to a 41/3/11 trundle! tyyyy
Question 1: What does a top laner do late game? Mid game he eigher pushes sidelanes or fights at objectives 99% of the time. But can a top laner still farm sidelanes when a single teamfight can literally decide games?
Question 2: What to do when the enemy not even lasthits when you are ahead? So the wave never really pushes towards your direction, only staying in middle. I normally just slow push, deny as much cs and then push it in at the end to start another slow push from the middle of the lane
I'm a gold noob but from what I've seen on this channel I think the answer to question 2 is to crash the wave with proper timing, so that it doesn't just reset in the middle. So if the minions meet under the enemy's tower, they'll have almost a whole wave of advantage, as the turret will shoot yours down, and this should slow push to you even if the opponent isn't there. You may even take the chance to recall and buy items as you'll miss very few last hits, as the wave has such an advantage that they shouldn't be dying much. When you come back you should have the chance to freeze. If your opponent isn't in lane to at least soak up the EXP this will be very punishing to him, unless he gets very lucky with his roams
If your ahead in an even lane and your opponent won’t walk up to last hit walk past the wave and zone them from xp. You can also do this lvl 1 in certain matchups like had into irelia
Your team shouldn't fight without advantage no? You should pressure the enemy team to break up to defend then fight with advantage or have your team hoover but not fight while you take inhib/base
1: Make sure your always grouped if an objective is up since enemy team can immediately do objective the moment they see it’s numbers advantage. Also only push sideline if u have TP.
For question 2 , you can slow push a big wave then crash it and just roam and use your advantage to influence the rest of the map.
As a Top Lane main, it depends on what champ you play in the top lane. Take my main in Urgot for example.
Q1. Since most of my teams I play in are very bad at teamfighting, I split push to their base as someone on their team has to 'answer me' at top. Scenario: 2nd Drake is up, I see its 5v4 in their favour, I got Hullbreaker and see half health t2 and the opportunity for both t3 and inhib. Depending how fed I am/ how much dps I can do on towers, I will at least get my team 1 step closer to their base by clear a path for the inhib. So to answer your question, tanks split push (unless you play a champ that as teamfight potential like Maokai/ Malphite R) and bruiser teamfight as a fed Jax can 1-shot any adc or mage.
Q2. Keep slow pushing, take my Urgot vs Nasus, everyone knows Nasus needs Q stacks and the best way for him is under tower as I cannot fight him post lvl-6 (as his R is a fight decider - meaning that he can beat me if I miss my E to delay a Q or I ain't lvl 9). But, by slow pushing, he has to step up and if I am fed, I can easily kill him, get tower plate and be back to repeat the process.
Had an Olaf do this last night against me. I was on Akali, and lost early. He buys a Tiamat and all of a sudden I can cs again lol. Won that game.
Isn't the summary of that :
"you can only carry as top if you are turbo fed because just winning Lane isn't enough"
And only when EOMM let's you do that in the first place.
More like "you need to know how to convert your lead"
@@IIIlIl Converting your lead has nothing to do with your ability to carry in most of the situations though.
I play a lot of nasus top lane, cuz its hard to mess it up, all you need to do is farm under tower or just play safe and stack until you reach 150, also you need to reach 300 stacks by minute 15 if you want to become unstoppable
I’m a top player in low elo and Nasus is my perma ban .
Yeah pushing into nasus is a bug mistake. It's very easy to harass them even just with autoattacks because they try to Q every single minion without fail.
Nasus is one of those that you just gotta freeze on and ask for some jungle abuse on him unless you're confident in fighting him. It's something low elo players don't do though, many junglers don't know how to work with their lanes or understand matchups that's why it's easy to farm for many top laners and many top laners don't know how to face a nasus they feel is "Too strong"
Nasus can’t stop the lane from eventually slow pushing. So freeze him and zone him out. Or shove him and take objectives and roam. When the wave bounces off you then get to either freeze or shove again
Alright but what if Urgot doesn't persist top and goes mid and gives a hard time to the midlaner ?
He can shove towers / secure Heralds and drakes and dive with the jungler. What's stopping Urgot from killing the game ?
This is what happens most of the time after t1 dies while opponent t1 is 90% hps. You've basically sent a curve ball to your team while smiling and farming in your corner.
Edit I guess what i'm asking is "but you will lose if you get beaten and they win ??" And we wanna focus on when they don't.
Because maybe their midlaner was better, because maybe their midlaner was taught how to ward, and maybe because people in higher elos know how to come back, and if you f**k up your mid ganking, you threw a winnable game away
This guide encourage me to play Ez top
My guy really just sneak in sylas as top laner 💀
these are not very good examples, although it delivers the idea.
Urgot actually cannot avoid pushing waves due to his passive, same thing for ilaoi unless she only uses autos but its impossible to zone yasuo with just autos
You can actually, use your passive procs on the champ and you can't use them on the wave. For illaoi, just stand on Yasuo's side of the lane. Make sure he can't even walk up to EXP range without being threatened by your abilities, then walk backwards and last hit with autos.
Doesn’t it depend what champ you are. I play illaoi and hard push. Obv I force fights if I catch with my E. Usually works out for me and I get a turret before 15 min
I mean, he uses illaoi in the example with Yasuo. Perma-shoving is usually a good idea, but into some matchups it's better to simply try and last hit while zoning. Killing them is always nice, but it's not always necessary to get an advantage.
i didnt expect this video to actually change my perspective good job ezreal!
Thanks for the Video, i allwasy thought i Lose cause of 0-15 bot after 10 min.
Hector is doing this for video, don't get fooled. He would crush any of us in top.
11:56 omg that ekko e taking him over the wall from warwick's flash wtf
As i illaoi one trick, I would say that if you think you can get the kill, you should keep pushing because you have your teleport. Also with illaoi you can 2v1 so if you just play safe and win the game
Thank you. Now i can send this to every top laner in my games.
WW sees blood trail WW goes in.
The Warwick killing him and then taking 2 tower shots hurt my soul
my favorite type of guide, they make part three to sell you part one and two
If anyone here actually uses the skillcapped platform, do they sprincle in exercises to apply skills between the different guides and concepts?
10:12 i thought the Warwick was sussposed to dive and help the nunu cause he was in range of tower
Can urgot even freeze tho with his passive?
Yes, pre lvl you just proc on knee and play around that knee but after 9 the passive comes up too fast to do that anymore
I‘ve never played League and didn’t understand a single thing you said, but I like Hector.
One of the best guides i watched at skill capped unfortunately im not a top laner XD
So from what I cacn get out of this, you want to keep slow pushing your lane when your ahead to make it harder for the enemy to take cs and not take damage?
instructions unclear...went 8/9/11 after starting 7/1 again. The Garen unga bunga outplay didn't work.
I don’t actually suck at top lane, simple because I played 1 game a won so I have a 100% wr and you’re all beneath me
10:10 😂 the viewer just pretends smart and wise after what was known. (Charge knight attack after cannon attack is gone)😅 As per the mini map, you never see EKKO & Jihn behind the brush. And Lucian should keep an eyes 👀 on jihn or ward at the brush. Both ad and sup disengage at 3 vs 1 scenario. Warwick is force to engage as the C.C on ryze is active. I believe Warwick do a great job. This is just accident 😢that he should not trust a ELO player reaction and judgement.😮
No, ww got a sneak peak on the two others pushing him yet still decided he could 3v1 it and pushed through the bush
well, tiamat is more for champs like Tahm Kench who struggles with wave clear so he can land that Q
"you're usually playing a bruiser or a tank" yea about the tank part, it doesnt exist since getting killed by bork/divine/black cleaver while having a whole damn item lead. And if you're a bruiser that cant fully utilize divine/bork means you'll have a harder time against those who use it.
"Why you suck at top lane?" 90% of playerbase use champs like fiora/yone that annihilate their enemies but when they cant pick them their winrate massively drops. Like usually if enemy gets a kill and cs lead a good player is cautious, but players with fiora/yone they just go in and try to win due to the sheer stats of the champ.
Like ideally going even or only 1 kill and 2 wave behind if you're counterpicked but due to how much people are elo boosted, they feed their ass off thinking "just scale". The champ guilty with this results are the ones who uses Lethal tempo, Divine sunderer and those with true damage on their kit.
This video has made me contemplate at becoming a top laner...
0:59 two karmas
well coaches get really mad when an entire minion wave is on you right? so illaoi's e is down what do you do then as illaoi? go and hit the turret as much as possible and when yasuo hits you, you run away from turret damage and throw abilities at yasuo. then when you dont have anymore abilities to throw safely from turret damage bc yasuo retreats, you go back in and hit the turret if you can. A whole minion wave hitting yasuo and if not you get free turret shots. Your main enemy is either the turret or the enemy champion. So...just ward for ganks?
The way you say "god damn it" you sounded like Ezreal lmao
was legit gonna say that lmao
You know the funny part about this video and why urgot is the worst example he could have given? Urgot cannot freeze. I m talking about min 5:00 here.
I love when i do snowba, my bot lane has to feed
Bucklanders vision of the world is just utterly schizophrenic
introduction unclear: I just got dived by mid jungler support and top laner under my turret when I had full hp.
the main question is why baby hector is playing everytime with different heros in soloQ...
my fav video so far!
This is what's so boring about top lane. You're wrong to get ahead. You need to take what little impact you have and make the most of it. Get a kill and 9/10 times you base immediately or ruin the wave state.
I like how there's a guide dedicated to play like thebausff
so you telling me i did the right thing for the wrong reasons.... shen plat 4 player i use to buy bamis or tiamat when even/behind but when i get firstblood which happens often i normaly go for an iceborn
How to stop teemo?
fix is get a nice junglet and let him gank 3 times your lane and you win. for example you paly garne vs darius 3 gank on darius F darius if he dies all 3 times. ;) seen so mant videos in challanger and its obvious whats the problem.
"You're most likely a bruiser or a tank-"
*me sweating as a Teemo*
Hector needs to watch the guides
I’m glad hector is always miserable. As a reminder no matter how good I get at league I will never actually be happy.
Yeah except when the top lane is a range and not melee. Game instantly is in trouble cause team rarely ever comes
If you want to climp Go Full dmg. Playing riven full ad makes more sense in low elo than bruiser.
Most of the time by the time I leave top lane even if the strongest person in the game is me, the second strongest is still the other top laner. Just levels alone they outstat them.
So people dont think its a problem that BASICALLY WHAT THEY IS SAYING IS THAT U NEED TO 1v9 to win most games in top. Is that not completely trash design for a 5v5 game.
Can U make a Guide on how to Play Like Kesha?
great video! i just send it to my diamond friend who always greedily overstays at top. :)
Top lane is fun honestly I’m in iron but I always have the most amount of damage on my team
This would be greatly informative if I actually played a snowballing champion
Unfortunately, Poppy is anything but a carry champion
all of the champs i play are late game carries and i always play too aggressive and lose lane before we get to late game xd
Nice intro. Love hector
we doin hector really dirty here
question, how am i supposed to "get gud" against teemo? the most blatantly busted fucking character in the game
ive played enough teemo to know how absolutely fucking broken he is
I agree that all this works but this is not how I would teach toplane to noobs. They can't wave manage like a high elo player and it's not necessary to beat low elo opponents. If someone is silver or low gold I'd advise them to just push wave if they're ahead. If you kill your opponent, meet him between the towers and make him miss cs. If he's playing very safe you can get a proxy and take his topside camps if your champion is good at that. Freezing is often the right call for dualist champions but, unless you play WW top it's definitely not something a bronze or silver elo player should be trying to figure out. Even if you're a gold WW top I'd say to get a tiamat and push because that's a much more braindead way to keep a lead and there are many side benefits of maintaining prio which help your team much more in low elo because the enemy bronze and silver players will never respond correctly to it. Also, if ahead, if they get prio they should never forget to get as much vision as possible and/or deny vision to the enemy because that is one of the big advantages of being ahead and having prio.
People just focus on killing other champions , not every champion is have a strong early game , and ignoring that youre just gonna feed and play bad , simple. If you wanna kill gotta play strong early game champs
This barely matters I learnt very little from this video since its common sense but you have to think about the factor that your jungle has taken 0 objectives and your bot in 1/20 in 15 minutes
wait so i should just slow down when im in the lead? and what if im not inthe lead what then? i dont get it from this vid..
Believe me, I get it. I had to hard carry as Nasus 26/6/14 meanwhile my jungle support and adc where 0/10/0 + . I had to ping my team to follow my instructions and group fight while I tried to hard carry them. Well, it worked, and I won the game. My team luckily did not FF as I was able to change their mind.
this is not what video is about but cool
me too. i went 31/3/5 and had to give orders the whole game. managed to carry them to a win. smh, I wish more League players were like us. @The Reyes
If you think about it rationally, assuming you are at your real elo, which is true if you have about 30+ games, you hard carrying game despite your team inting means you are also hard inting games despite your team carrying.
If all players had no impact on the outcome, that would mean they would all be even and get out of lane with similar performances, which mean being better than your opponent would make you very likely to win the game.
On the other hand, you having 0 impact while everyone either feeds or hard carries (maximum impact) means your consistent performance is good enough to be better than half your lane opponents. Which means you will also get to your elo, but you winning will rely on enemy player inting.
In the end you having high impact on your game (assuming you have 30+ game and
I feel you just told me it’s okay to OTP Mundo top and I made the right choice to learn top with him.
@@raphaelnej8387 that bullshit if i tell you my history matchup you will see my death like 2 4 5 6 maximum not inting at all also i got kills im not inting and im hardstuck, so it doesnt mean when you int you hardstuck your elo that mean you not playing perfect. i get it that if im doing 2 mistakes 3 mistakes i lose even im not inting which mean you have to play perfect to climb and to carry and this is hard and boring. its just like this there is 4 types of how you play the game and climb. first if you play bad and int obvious you will not climb, 2 if you play normal (not int and playing safe ) it depends how your teammates play (luck) 3 if you play good (if your teammates bad you will lose ) if you play perfect you will win and climb and the fact about playing perfect its so fkin hard like imagin playing a game like 45mnt and 2 mistakes only 2 mistakes lose you the whole game litterly riot want you to play perrfect to climb and escape your hell elo
4:06 the reason Urgot didnt get to lane isnt his back getting cancelled?
hector got a new tan from this roast
Aatrox cant do this. Useless champ gutted by riot.
I didn't improve my rank at all after 6 months of actively using skill cap playing at least 3 hours a day and I emailed to get my money back and no response. So you should take down your money back guantee
this is proof that the only skill you need to learn to get to masters is the ability to right click
unironically you don't even need that if you're yuumi player.
😭The Hector bullying
Tried this guide, went great then my blitz stole one of my Kog maws kills so kog maw ran it down mid
"melee vs melee" - meanwhile im facing gnar, quinn, vayne, varus, cass top like 90% of the time :/
Honnestly common sense will go a long way when doing anything, you really dont need a course to tell you to not trade with certain champs or to dive a tower at level 4 with low health trail and error learn from mistakes using a course to try and make your brain work is pretty fookin cringe ngl
this does not win you games
80% of Gold/plat players know this. They know how to play laning phase perfectly, heck some of them might even beat diamond or master player in laning phase.
but what comes after that is the issue. It's always this question, what to do after min 20.
They don't know how effective use tp advantage . They don't know how to set up flanks . They don't know how to split push without dying 100 times . No coach will teach you how to win every game . We are talking about a 55-60% win rate . And if you are always feed always consistent you will be a winning factor every game .
Bro i swear to god as a masters player its so funny reading this stuff, laning vs gold players literally feels like challenging a toddler to boxing deathmatch
@@josebaltoomarnilson4762 exactly . As a diamond player I make most gold players look like inters 80% of the time
@@josebaltoomarnilson4762 yep it happened, i was there :D
"perfectly" HAHAHAHAHABA
if the knew yo play perfectly the laning phase they would be master++
Playing akali or Evelyn should be considered a crime and penalised with the death sentence. Just wanted to point that out there. Just wanted to point that out there
The amount of disses is infinite. Poor Hector xd
Bro when did league become like this
Remember the time aatrox vs tryndamere match
Smash your face into the enemy the one who dies tps back to fight again
1:00 KLED MENTIONED!!!!!!!!!!
16:22 KLED MENIONED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
shouldnt he ult the Irelia ? she got snowballed by nunu, if WW just R her, she get killed by ryze/ww , shes not even lvl 6
then he couldve went top and shove (irelia doesnt even have tp) 10:18
Top is a great role in LoL. It's definitely in the Top 5.
I win games because my low elo opponents like to leave Yourick alone with their tower
9:39 bruh this is just painful
any rammus coaching?
whats the music on background?
Is the gif at the start really lord Hector??