  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • Addis Corridor development project to give metropolis new, beautiful face
    Ababa Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, is now serving as the seat of the Africa Union, the headquarters of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, and the head quarter of international organizations and diplomatic communities. Although it is a city that holds this role, Addis Ababa has not been modernized and is not able to be equivalent to its sister cities due to various reasons.
    In order to modernize the city and make it convenient for its residents, the city administration is designing and working on a corridor development project. The provision of adequate money and land compensation is being prepared and paid for those who are locally displaced for city reconstruction and corridor development activities. Now, the task is ongoing by the day and night effort of high caliber professionals.
    The project is part and parcel of making Addis Ababa a beautiful flower, like its name suggests. With such a vision, the corridor and reconstruction development works have been carried out as per the pledge of the incumbent government to Addis residents during its election campaign. The project includes massive and human-oriented development projects. Among the development works that have been done so far, for instance, are the construction of the municipal office, Masqal Square, Friendship and Unity Park, the Science Museum, the Abrihot Library, Pushkin Square, Gotera Akaki Bole Road, and so on.
    Apart from changing the shabby looks of the city, the project is contributing to the social and economic development of residents. The corridor development in general is making Addis Ababa a capital convenient for its residents, and a destination for tourists upon completion of the next phase of its development.
    In the first round, a 40-kilometer corridor is being undertaken at the following lines: The first line starts from Adwa Victory Memorial Square and crosses via Arat Kilo-Kebena-Megenagna. The second passes through Arat Kilo-Bole Airport-Bole Bridge-Megenagna. The third line starts from the New Africa Convention Center and connects with the CMC. The fourth line connects Mexico-Africa Union-Sarbet-Wolo Sefer. It is often said that the development of the corridor is connecting the dots of renovating areas apart from creating comfortable areas for residents who lived in rubbish parts of the city and were prone to diseases.

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