For the ones who say the Salamancas must be the devil tier: The Salamancas were pretty evil, yeah. But the devil tier is for the ones who don’t hesitate to kill or harm children for no good reason. Walt poisoned Brock just to get Jesse on his side, Gus hires men who are OK with children doing their dirty jobs, and when the children aren’t useful anymore, he orders his men to kill them + he threatened to kill Walt’s infant daughter. Todd killed a child and said he would do it again and he didn’t even feel any remorse from it. And Jack threatened to kill Brock if Jesse tries escaping again + his gang’s fricking job is assassinating people. The exceptions to this are Saul and Lydia, both technically didn’t hesitate for literal infants being harmed, but they are evil instead because they at least don’t DIRECTLY murder people. (I’d like you to pin this)
Poisoning a child with a non-lethal amount of poison while it being a plan to *save your family* is NOWHERE near as bad as murdering an adult person for no reason, any sane person would agree. I don't remember when Saul and Lydia wanted to kill infants, but them not doing it directly doesn't make them ANY better. Lydia doesn't like looking at dead bodies not because she would feel guilt about killing them, but because she just finds them gross, she doesn't have any moral problems killing people and the fact that she can't do it directly just makes her worse, because she knows how scary the stuff she does are, but still does them. How does your comment have 19 likes?!
@@JKBDTS harming an innocent child and almost killing him just to put Jesse on his side is way worse then murdering a threat, and Salamancas NEVER murder for no reason.
I completely disagree with Jane's father being bad. He didn't intend to kill anyone. The plane crash was the result of the trauma caused by the recent death of his daughter. Anti Hero would be better for me.
Is he really that responsible for this? In my opinion, his superiors are equally to blame for allowing him to work that day. Did he have any support or psychological help?
Pretty sure nothing Krazy-8 ever did can beat Jesse deciding to sell meth to addicts in rehab purely out of boredom (he was making insane bank working for Gus at that point in the show)
@@stefannita3439 i agree except that i think Jesse was more lost than bored. He broke when he blamed himself for Jane's death and then felt like meaning was lost and to cope he disassociated himself from the world. He broke out of it a bit with Brock and then when he realised kids were being used as mules it ignited anger and a greater understanding of the drug world.
Saul is a bad guy but not evil for sure, Saul does bad things for bad reasons, he gets serial killers and drug kingpins out of jail for money, he runs money laundering schemes, he aids Walt multiple times in his plots but if it came down to it, Saul would definitely save a guy rather than kill him, he’s not a murderer but he is a bad person
Hector is easily devil category. He literally almost drowned his own nephew just to make a point. He threatened Mike's innocent family, including his granddaughter. He has no morals and kills without hesitation or regret, in fact he enjoys it. He's easily in the worst category.
Hector just didn't get enough screen time because he's easily one of the best villains. He's not polite(ish) like Eladio, he's not fiercely loyal like Tuco, he doesn't have Lalos fun personality, Gus's manners, Walt's lingering morality and reason, or Saul's soft spots. He's a twisted, rude, arrogant, impatient, ill-tempered bastard who just cares about money and power, and will just tell people to go fuck themselves before he threatens them. Bro was a psychopath.
Maybe he gets upgraded to evil just because he was wheelchair bound in BB; which makes him incapable of acting on his lack of morality? He doesn't manipulate people into thinking he has good intentions - he's got a very straightforward, "what-you-see-is-what-you-get" type of personality. In a way, he's probably the most "real" character in the whole show.
i think Evil fits him best. Yes, he was really violent and intimidating, but he was basically a brainless goon with a very short temper. Devil fits best for the criminal masterminds, the ones who deliberately kill without remorse while fully knowing what they do and calculating every step of it.
The twin's are the Devil. Cartel hitmen carry out acts of sheer depravity in real life. Skinning, mutilating, gutting, burning, and raping their victims. The twins would have carried some atrocities, and probably enjoyed it.
he never wanted to hurt anybody, he was like his friends, taking bad choices to make a lot of money, at some point on the series, he just wanted to leave, but walt was manipulating him to stay
I think it's really unfair to put Jane's Dad in bad tier. As bad as the thing he did was, it was an accident bought on by stress and lack of focus, rather then an intent to do harm.
bro Saul is definitely not in the same tier as hector or eladio who must have killed like 50 persons each. Most evil thing Saul did was probably suggesting a murder of someone in the game which is bad but not near to what the others in that tier have done.
I don't think Jane's dad deserved to be placed in the 'Anti-Hero' category. Despite appearing in only a few scenes, he struck me as a good guy, willing to move mountains to get his daughter clean. In my view, the plane crash symbolizes a much deeper idea than people tend to realize. It's merely a reflection, so to speak, of his inner 'crash' as a result of Jane's death. He didn't intentionally kill those innocent souls, so he isn't a bad guy. I think what we really need to focus on when conducting such an assessment is the intention because that is the key factor in determining whether someone is truly 'bad.'
Mike committed way more crimes and murders than Jesse and dude says he's not really a bad guy. I love Mike but you can't do that and not be a bad guy. No way he's better morally than Jesse is. Never mind being in a better tier than Jane's dad.
What was the most evil thing he did in BCS? He was partly responsible for Hamlin getting killed but he didn’t pull the trigger. Personally I would have rated him in the bad category.
Hank = Bad Sometimes Remember in the last season when he and Jessie worked together to set up a trap for Walter but Jessie was against meeting him because he was too afraid that Walter would try to have him killed like he did with Mikes guys? After Jessie left the room Hanks DEA partner asks Hank "y'know what if the kid is right?" and Hank just goes "even if so... so what? Just one more dead drug junkie. No one would miss him" ☠️
What I would change: Andrea- bad sometimes because she wanted to do meth even though she has a child Twins - maybe put it to devil because they murdered a crap load of people and seem to not give a shit Jane's dad - good or bad sometimes, because the mistake he did which led to deaths was a result of huge trauma after his daughter died Krazy 8 - bad Lydia - maybe devil because she legit just wanted to kill everyone who opposed her even a little bit Mike - bad, I don't care if he wanted to protect his family, he murdered a crap load of people Saul - bad, he definitely isn't evil, he's just bad Skyler - bad, she helped Walt and then turned on him and then helped him again like she had a bipolar disorder, laundered money for him and knew what he did, she also wanted Walt to kill Jesse Tuco - devil, killed countless people, some of them for no reason Jesse - anti hero, the only people that he killed that I remember on top of my head are Todd (who very much deserved to get killed) and Gale (which was bad, but he was manipulated into doing it and very much regretted it) Hector - devil Don Eladio - devil Walt jr - good, literally just because he kept accusing Walt for Hank's death and called the police and lied to them as well after Skyler attacked Walt with a knife Walter White - evil, there is no way he deserves to be on the devil tier. Todd and Gus were capable of killing children with no remorse, Walter never intented to kill Brock, he measured out the amount of poison that would hospitalize him and not kill him (obviously very bad thing to do but he could have killed him and he didn't), he could have killed Jesse countless times when he was a threat to him and never did it, he only killed the people that he had to for the protection of his life or his family, and he even redeemed himself in the end after killing Jack's gang, sacrificing himself in the process and basically saving Jesse's life. Also killed Lydia who very much deserved to get killed. It's true that some of the bad things happened because of Walter's terrible decisions and that he did do some pretty bad stuff, but I wouldn't compare him to Gus, Todd or Jack, like absolutely no way. He watched Jane die which was a horrible decision, but he did it because he thought she was a terrible influence on Jesse (at least he had some reason). His gut reaction was to save her but then he didn't.. I doubt Todd's gut reaction would be to save her.
I agree with basically all of these things but I would like to add that walter did kill for 0 reason when it came to Mike. Mike did nothing but hurt Walter’s ego. I still wouldn’t put him in devil because of his sacrifice for Jesse, but that’s the only thing saving him from that tier imo
I agree with everything except for Gus. Gus ordered people to kill a child and threatened to kill Walt's infant daughter. That's enoguh to be in the devil tier.
@@gjbsarmeri3957 okay that's a valid point, I did put him in evil tier because of the donations to charity etc, but looking back I think he sees them more as investments in his good image.
Saul on the same level as Tuco, Hector, the twins and Eladio? Ain't no way, Saul is bad, eladio and hector should be devil. Walt jr was so annoying, aint no angel
@@tuur9550 Not it’s not, evil would’ve been knocking out Marion when he saw she call someone. Saul is a thief and and evil thief would do despicable things, like making that old lady lose all her friends so that he gets his settlement but an evil person would feel no remorse and he did and fixed it. Also this episode is clearly about brba only in which none of these stories are known but that doesn’t matter as even still I’d say he isn’t evil, he is a horrible person, but not evil
Saul evil, cuz he suggested Walt to kill Hank and let's not forget Waterworks. Tuco, Hector, twins and Eladio I agree, in fact, Hector, twins and Tuco are the Top 3.
@@zellanutellaaAnd Walt killed a lot of people including poisoning not killing Brock to protect himself and his family, but no one cares because murder is murder, if Donald didn't want to kill all those people, he should've focused or not go to work at all.
@@randomsprite7515 you don’t sound very bright….its all about intention yeah murder is murder but to call him “evil” and below the catergory of Walter white and tuck is insane like be for real.
Hector and Eladio should be on devil tier. Todd and Walter should be on evil tier. Mike should be on bad tier. Saul and Jesse should be on anti hero tier.
@@avenautI think the only defense Walt may have is that he doesn't do everything he does out of pure malice, it's usually just to weasel out of situations that (admittedly) he put himself in. I would say High Evil, low Devil category.
@@Snavels In that case Eladio isn’t devil tier since he doesn’t do everything purely for malicious reasons but more to keep his status and money inflow
I wouldn't putt Todd on evil tier. He doesn't seem mentally there, symilar to Leatherface from TCM - he doesn't understand that his actions are bad. He has child mentality
Even considering Breaking Bad only, Tuco, Marco, Leonel and Hector are all devils. All of them except Hector really showed their worst side in Breaking Bad.
@@JKBDTS After watching BCS i actually forgot that Hector was mainly in a wheelchair throughout,but even disregarding BCS, Hector is by far the worst of the pack, maybe with the exception of Lalo being a close second because he did help out that truckful of immigrants and got them back their money after killing the smugglers taking advantage of then while asking for nothing in return , something i can't see Hector doing. The twins i would argue are only sightly off from being devils because they're more drones and minions than criminal masterminds, yeah they do heinous things but you never see them taking pleasure in it like Lalo or Hector to them it's just a matter of family or duty. i would argue that Tuco out of the Salamanca's is the least evil and definitely not a devil like Lalo, Tuco has no master plan he's an insane and emotionally broken and volotile man who's high most the time which spikes his paranoia and who acts purely out of instinct,like a rabid dog even when he beat up no dose the regretted it and he gets all emotional when he thinks that Gonzo snitched. with Tuco it's just pure blind instinct, you don't get a clear idea of what he wants, and unlike Lalo he has no master plan
Jane’s dad was just a loving father who did everything he could to save his daughter but we all know the result at the end . I would put him in the “bad sometimes” category but I could easily see him in good also
Maybe he was a little overprotective in the past or he made some mistakes as a father but like I said he could easily fit in the good category from what we saw
Hector not being Devil ruins this whole list. He's literally the only character with no heart whatsoever, even Jack had a soft spot for Todd. I always saw Hector as the most evil character.
Hank is probably one of my top 3 favorites in BB. However putting him in good tier doesnt make sense to me. He does what he does for the right reasons however he crosses the lines and breaks the law multiple times to acheive his goals. I wouldnt say hes bad or evil but he is a fitting Anti-Hero in my opinion. Also I wouldnt put Gus Fring in Devil category perse. Most of his evil acts are committed towards the Salamanca's who are notoriously devils themselves with no morals. He goes way too far but the Salamanca's killing his brother offers at least an understanding as to why. But outside of that hes usually a very respectful and fair boss. If I had to work for a crime lord it'd probably be Gus Fring.
Hank should be in "bad sometimes" Also Gustavo threatened Walt's family (it wasn't an empty threat, he sent hitmen to Walt's house). Aside from list placements, it was Gustavo's boyfriend, not brother.
@@madmikefollower6939 He is quite literally the definition of evil. At least, that’s what he became. Early on he was just a casual criminal and had a moral compass. But as he progressed as Heisenberg he is easily deserving of that tier
Jesse yeah but not Saul nothing heroic about Saul, Saul especially in Breaking Bad,is like a saint to our main characters (because pretty much all our main characters are bad guys )yeah we love him but Saul is a Wicked man,yeah he's nowhere near as wicked as Hector but he an accessory to multiple felonies for people like Walk,Jesse,Mike and Gus who's actions are detrimental to society and cause real misery and he's doing all this for profit but at the same time he's doing it because he identifies with these criminals and in a weird way wants to help them out but really he doesn't have to.
@@hamza5990Saul is definitely antihero tier if you take into account his full story from Better Call Saul. If you’re pretending Breaking Bad is all that exists then evil makes sense though. In BB we’re seeing him at his worst.
putting Hank in good tier is insane. his ego not only cost him his life but also let him cross the line multiple times without a second thought. he is bad tier imo
Fully agree. The amount of snarky remarks he made during the series clearly shows he enjoys humiliating other people and feels quite comfortable in the role.
Good list, but Jesse is definitely not fit for the Bad tier, lol. He was immoral because he was a drug dealer, but his heart was a good one. It makes absolutely no sense to place Krazy-8, your average thug, in a better tier than Jesse. Jesse and Gale deserve a Good tier in my opinion as even though they were in the game they never really did anything evil and Jesse straight up did plenty of good things and cared about many people. I'd also argue that Hector deserves Devil treatment. That guy nearly drowned his fucking nephew just to teach THE OTHER ONE a lesson. And that's about as nice as he gets, too... I could see him as worse than Gus.
Anyone who produces meth does not deserve to be in the good tier. There's a reason Singapore and many other countries have instant death penalties for drug dealing. It causes immense harm in society, pulls families apart, destroys lives.
He did try to sell drugs to rehab patients albeit didnt succeed. Woulda done that if he didnt knew andrea had a kid for a tad bit longer. Maybe he's just too stupid to understand just how much damage drugs were doing to people.
Honestly Gale may have been a kind person, but that doesn't justify him cooking meth. Jesse murdered people, so that should give him anti-hero on its own (maybe unless these murders were done in some crazy justified situation, but they weren't). Both of them anti-hero. As for Hector, he is literally the worst.
Walt is nowhere near "devil". He had moral limits. He was willing to go to prison and give all his money away, just to protect Hank. He got himself in serious trouble to save Jesse's life, even though Jesse repeatedly caused him problems. He's a mere "Bad". "Evil", at the most.
@@JKBDTS I would put Saul in the "Bad" tier. He never killed anyone and wanted to get out when things got out of hand. Krazy-8 could be considered full-on "Evil", since he was going to murder Walt basically out of spite if Walt released him.
@@whosaidiwantedahandle"He never killed anyone" bruh He ordered Mike to murder a guy in the desert in "Bagman", although he was a bad person, so he's kinda justified. But what's not justified is when he suggested Walt to kill Hank and the stuff that he did in "Waterworks". People keep forgeting that...
you do reailize how many people he killed right ? He let jane die casuing the death of hundreds of people, he poisend a litlle child, he let the nazis capture jesse and didnt care what they did to him even if they killed him he wouldnt give a f, he orderd the murder of gale, he orderd the murder of multiple people in the prison he is a devil
Elliot and Gretchen didn’t screw Walt, he found out that Gretchen was from a rich family and wanted nothing to do with her because of his pride. He chose to walk away. They also offered to bring him back to the company and outright pay for his cancer treatment. They deserved to be in the good, maybe even Angel category
@@rubenyanez5645 yeah and they were willingly to help him. deciding to leave Gretchin probably hurt her and mixing relationships with business is bound to have some bumps if things go south. I think he always had a chance to come back but he was too much of a prideful jerk to do so, even though he had a family to look after. Then with Walt's reputation they i guess needed to untaint their company so they could keep doing the good things they were doing.
Yeah Todd wouldn’t beat someone to death for speaking when they weren’t supposed to, Tuco was easily worse than him. Plus Todd only killed Andrea because he was following Jack’s orders.
@@H.K.5yeah but Tuco had morals. He was respectful to elders and loved his family. Todd seemed like a robot, when his family got gunned down in Felina - he didn't even care. He was less human than Tuco, which I would say makes him worse. But Still I would rather be around Todd than Tuco.
How on earth are the twins not in evil? Like, how much more clinically insane and immune to human compassion do you have to be in order to get into devil tier? At least Gus donated stuff for the fun runs and actually helped society in some shape or form.
@@JKBDTS and except Don Eladio. Don Eladio caused the most harm out of all characters, murdering people, selling drugs, probably having human trafficking buisness as most Cartels do, all just for money
@@PolishGod1234 I put him as less evil, because I didn't see him kill people completely reasonlessly. Yea, he told Hector to kill Max, but let's say he did *something* to get killed, unlike for example all the people in the truck that the twins shot up. It's still comparing devils though.
@@JKBDTS Don Eladio literaly lives off the suffering of others. Also he does enjoy violence - as seen in his interaction with Lalo when he joyfully Asks Lalo if he killed someone in USA. He threatened his workers to cut their arms off If they spill the tequila. If you know how Cartels operate you would understand why Eladio is the most horrible person in Breaking Bad Universe.
Both of you guys are right. We haven’t seen eladio do a lot of inhumane things on screen but the simple fact that he’s the drug lord everyone answers too gives you the idea he should be top of Devil since like he said, he lives off the suffering of countless and he’s probably done some inhumane things off camera (idk ordering peoples families to be killed off)
Both protagonists have been deeply changed over the time. Saul at some points suggests Walter to kill Badger and even Jesse, just because it's more convenient. In the past, Saul (or Jimmy) was just a minor criminal that could manipulate and defraud to make some money. After become a lawyer, he still being a criminal, but was always in conflict with himself, worried what his brother would think. Everything changed when he discoveries that Chuck hated the idea of the "Slippin' Jimmy" be a lawyer and mess up with his sacred law. Jimmy, who sometimes made some minor crimes / immoral things, embraces his desire and forgets the old Jimmy that always tried to impress the old and successful brother. After that, Saul Goodman borns and "break bad" over time, as Walt did. His selfishness and crime addiction made him get convicted.
So Jesse the one who was forced into being more of a criminal by Walt and the one who has shown he is not a bad person and has a good heart is in bad tier? But Mike the one who chose his criminal path is an anti hero????
Gus was one of the most evil characters in BB and Mike was his willing accomplice and advocate. He knew the extent of Gustavo's evil and supported him at every turn
I would add a broken category. These are the characters who did bad things not because they liked it or it was profitable, they just broke down morally and acted on autopilot because their minds no longer worked due to psychological problems. Jesse can go there, Skyler, Jane's father.
It seems to me that he was already over his head with his obsession with children, it was a little annoying that they stopped the flow of the series just to show Jesse's continuous drama with children
@@TatoMQZD obsessed is a very strong word. He just liked they could be trusted. the adult world left him feeling jaded and fed up hence the drop out of school to be a drug dealer and lounge about as much as possible
@@darrirro obsessed is a very strong word. He just liked they could be trusted. the adult world left him feeling jaded and fed up hence the drop out of school to be a drug dealer and lounge about as much as possible
To put Gale on anything other than bad is nuts, he was responsible for manufacturing tons of meth that directly lead to the deaths and addictions of thousands of people.
Lydia gets the top spot for me. Todd was clearly a psychopath who was born without the ability to feel empathy. It's hard to call him truly evil if he was just born that way. Gus' main goal during the entire show was to avenge his love. Hector and the rest of the cartel were at least loyal to each other and cared about their families above all. Walt is too morally gray to be considered the most evil. At the very end he tried his best to redeem himself by getting closure with Skyler and freeing Jesse from imprisonment. Lydia though? She never displayed a single redeemable quality. She was rotten to the core to the very end. Everyone was a disposable pawn in her eyes and all she cared about was her own wealth.
I disagree. Lydia was just selfish to care about her own family and herself. She seemed to operate on high level, which meant that she really didn't have to get her hands dirty nor she could have done it. So putting her to the worst category doesn't really make sense since the series didn't suggest she could have killed a person herself. So she was just ignorant and distant enough from the evil things she did. I think you could argue she was even lower than evil since many people in the evil category where very much capable of killing people f2f when she wasn't. Still I would put her on the evil category because she seemed fine being part of morally questionable business in the long term and was ready to kill everyone that she wasn't friends/family with. Also part of the problem is that twins could be classified as devil since I think they were portrayed similarly psychopathic as Todd, but just didn't kill kid on screen like he did. Furthermore I would argue Mike I think might deserve worse spot since he was also prob ready to kill whatever the business required since he seemed cold and systematic. I can really imagine Mike acting similarly to Lydia, but he is just loyal to his business partners although also capable acting ruthlessly just to secure his family's future. I really don't think it necessarily makes Mike the better person just because he is loyal to this coworkers if he is cold and systematic to kill anyone else f2f when ordered.
Jesse should be anti-hero. Yes he did killed people, but it was necessary and the people he killed deserved it. He wanted protect himself, Walter, Andrea and several kids. Remember also that one episode were he saved a kid from his junkie parents? He was a drug addict himself, but tried to stop some other people from using drugs. Especially if they had children.
Dont understand yall who hate on and say Walt was so bad. He was willing to give up everything to save Hank when he was going to put him away forever. Also how he cleared Skylars name with the police. Large ego and narcissistic but he wasn't a devil
If he was wiling to give up everything to save Hank then his actions would’ve ended much earlier, instead he chooses to keep going n getting into more shit. But just bc ur the “devil” doesn’t mean you don’t love ur family,, like Jack
Putting Walt up there with the Salamancas is straight up madness, morally speaking he's a few notches more evil than Mike, and a few notches less evil than Lydia
Mostly good but a few of these make no sense to me. Jane's dad was just a normal caring father, he didn't intentionally kill anyone. At worst he's "bad sometimes" because of the way he went about helping his daughter and going into work too early thinking he was okay. No way Krazy 8 should be lower than Jane's dad when he tried to kill Walt and Jesse, and tried to kill Walt again after he was kind enough to spare him and let him free. Hank is at least bad sometimes. He was a morally good person, but often a short-tempered dick and abused his power and did things he shouldn't be doing as a DEA agent. I could agree that Gus is the devil for willing to kill anyone to protect himself and his operation, but the Salmanaca brothers would kill completely random people with no remorse. They killed a truck full of people crossing the border, and killed one guy and attempted to kill a woman in a parking lot even though what they were doing was hardly discreet.
Hang on a minute. You put Jesse in bad because although he had a growing moral compass, he "killed people". But you put Mike in the anti hero tier for the same thing. Mike was the fixer, worked for the devil and still killed people. Even with a moral compass and doing things for his granddaughter, what he was doing still made him bad. I love Mike, he's one of my favourite characters. But he sure as heck killed more people than Jesse. Jesse tried to avoid violent confrontations, even though that still didn't really work out well for him. He killed five people and only one of those (Gale) didn't wholly deserve it. He only did that to save Walt as there appeared no other option, and also only after being continually manipulated by Walt at every step. Then he had a psychological breakdown afterwards. I don't dispute Jesse being bad, because he still did bad things. But so did Mike. Okay, stepping off my soapbox now. 🤪
I personally would've put jane's father in the good tier, he was an overall good man who wanted the best for his daughter, he might be hard at times but he had good intentions he didn't want his daughter to be a drug addicts, he did accidentally cause 2 planes to crash but i think the word accident is very important here, theres a huge difference between willingness and eagerness to kill someone and doing it accidentally or unwillingly.
@@raptormage2209 we really are talking about morality? If I know that my job can kill people, why would I go to work (he was the one who wanted to return)? That someone does not have stable mental health is no excuse to commit crimes, we could perfectly say that Mike killed people because he was depressed but that did not make him a bad person.
@@darrirro Alright good point tho im pretty sure the reason why he returned was so he could forget about his daughter's death or ease the sorrow , and his job was to prevent those types of crashes from occuring if nobody went to a job like that more crashes would've happened. Also you act like he intentionally made the planes crash, you're comparing it with Mike ? Mike intentionally kills people,he has made a dumb decision decision by coming back il give you that but mike and Jane's dad Aren't a good comparison One was a depressed and corrupt ( If i can remember)cop that kills people intentionally if he has to The other was a depressed guy that made a huge mistake to say at the very least and couldnt focus on his job which caused the deaths of thousands. Needless to say they don't compare .
@@raptormage2209 Mike's was an example, I don't compare them directly. I'm simply saying that going to work at a job like that, in a depressed state, is almost like driving drunk. Probably when someone drives drunk their intention is not to kill anyone, however it can happen and just the act of irresponsibility takes away the title of being a moral person. Probably in jobs like Jane's dad, there are talks and talks about how important it is not to cause a plane accident and its consequences.
i honest to god would’ve put janes dad in the good tier. the only reason the crash happened was from the trauma of losing his daughter the same day. and even though he was a dick to jesse and jane, i feel it was more tough love than anything. definitely NOT a bad guy
How is Walter worse than Hector??? Both are druglords but at least Walter deeply cared about his family and was ready to give all his money and go to jail to save Hank, Hector was much worse
If Walter truly cared about his family he would've taken the money from Gretchen and Elliot. He chose to cook drugs and endanger his family, including his newborn baby. Even when he got enough money, he still chose to make more drugs, knowing the consequences it could have. He did it for himself. He wanted to be evil.
@@theodorebagwell420 I know that duh, but Hector would have done the same, at least he still acted as a good father and a good husband, Hector treated them all of his nephews as tools and that's how they all turned into ev-il Psychos
@@itz_swyte The lie was in order to make the police come instantly by the danger of the situation. If he only said they were having an argument the wouldn't have bothered, he saw the fear on his mother an knew he had to find a solution to the situation
0:58 Combo didnt give Jesse the RV. Combo stole the Rv from his mother and sold it to Jesse. also Hector belongs in the same tier Gus is in as he was just as bad if not worse. 3:55 Janes dad wasnt bad at all he just made an honest mistake with trajic consequences but that still doesnt make him bad. Jane's dad was never intentionaly bad or harmful to anyone he belings in the good tier
mostly accurate list but these are the things I would change: I would move Walter and Gus down from devil to evil because neither of them killed purely out of cold blood but they both did show no remorse for their actions I would move the Salamanca twins, Tuco and Hector up from evil to devil because they all seemed to enjoy killing and both had killed for small reasons and out of cold blood I would move Jesse down to anti-hero because we can see that the majority of the time throughout the show he wasn't compliant with Walts actions and he freaked out when he found out that Walt poisoned Brock. He only killed Gayle because he owed Walt cause Walt saved his life
@@JKBDTS Todd is hard to rank, he seems like he doesn't understand that his actions are wrong. Tuco imo is evil - his psychotic actions are due to his drug use, and he is respectful to older people and his family.
Jane's father killed most of the people in the whole series, but unintentionally and due to depression he was suffering from the death of his daughter he loved. He wasn't even a criminal. He doesn't deserve to be called "bad" while Krazy-8 is considered an anti-hero, and he is manipulative drug distributer, and Mike is a cold-blooded gun for hire. Are you kidding me?
are you sure? Most of the characters show hidden perverse desires, it cannot be ruled out that Jane's father caused that shock intentionally to get rid of the feeling of pain for losing his daughter.
For the ones who say the Salamancas must be the devil tier: The Salamancas were pretty evil, yeah. But the devil tier is for the ones who don’t hesitate to kill or harm children for no good reason. Walt poisoned Brock just to get Jesse on his side, Gus hires men who are OK with children doing their dirty jobs, and when the children aren’t useful anymore, he orders his men to kill them + he threatened to kill Walt’s infant daughter. Todd killed a child and said he would do it again and he didn’t even feel any remorse from it. And Jack threatened to kill Brock if Jesse tries escaping again + his gang’s fricking job is assassinating people. The exceptions to this are Saul and Lydia, both technically didn’t hesitate for literal infants being harmed, but they are evil instead because they at least don’t DIRECTLY murder people. (I’d like you to pin this)
Aight. Take the pin
Poisoning a child with a non-lethal amount of poison while it being a plan to *save your family* is NOWHERE near as bad as murdering an adult person for no reason, any sane person would agree.
I don't remember when Saul and Lydia wanted to kill infants, but them not doing it directly doesn't make them ANY better. Lydia doesn't like looking at dead bodies not because she would feel guilt about killing them, but because she just finds them gross, she doesn't have any moral problems killing people and the fact that she can't do it directly just makes her worse, because she knows how scary the stuff she does are, but still does them.
How does your comment have 19 likes?!
And while you're at chlidren, don't forget what happened in the flashback in 3x07 of BB.
@@JKBDTS Hector didn’t really harm Marco that much. He just intended to give both of em a lesson. Brutal? Yeah, but not for no good reason.
@@JKBDTS harming an innocent child and almost killing him just to put Jesse on his side is way worse then murdering a threat, and Salamancas NEVER murder for no reason.
I completely disagree with Jane's father being bad. He didn't intend to kill anyone. The plane crash was the result of the trauma caused by the recent death of his daughter. Anti Hero would be better for me.
I mentioned that. Otherwise killing that much people can easily earn someone devil tier
Is he really that responsible for this? In my opinion, his superiors are equally to blame for allowing him to work that day. Did he have any support or psychological help?
I could put him in good, but anti-hero makes sense
I mean, intentional or not, he killed more people in one episode than I think a lot of the characters did in Breaking Bad.
@@JKBDTSremembah me
Marie is definitely devil tier, how dare she calls minerals rocks!?!
I wanted hank to tell her that they were minerals one last time before he dies.
Not to mention she stole spoons. Instant devil tier
Cheetos not Fritos
Jeez marie
Saul Goodman can't be evil bro he literally has "Good" in his name
how ironic it is
@@ratiborus5012 then I realized Goodman is not his real name he might actually be badman
Raul Badman
It's all good, man
Jokes aside, Saul is definitely bad, but not evil. He doesn’t deserve to be in the same tier as the Salamancas, come on.
The twins are 100% pure devil, they can't be in the same category as Saul
true man like put saul away from those 2 guys and tuco
Jesse is NOT worse than crazy 8
They're both snitches so they're the same. There's nothing worse than a snitch.
@@randygonzalez6250things worse than a snitch
Pretty sure nothing Krazy-8 ever did can beat Jesse deciding to sell meth to addicts in rehab purely out of boredom (he was making insane bank working for Gus at that point in the show)
@@stefannita3439 i agree except that i think Jesse was more lost than bored. He broke when he blamed himself for Jane's death and then felt like meaning was lost and to cope he disassociated himself from the world. He broke out of it a bit with Brock and then when he realised kids were being used as mules it ignited anger and a greater understanding of the drug world.
Skyler singing happy birthday single handedly makes her devil tier.
she didn't want to though, like you can't say your partner cheated on you if they got raped
didn't she cheat on her cancer husband. and she smoked cigarettes when she was pregnant devil
@@b3to653 bros calling skyler a devil 😭💀 what, so is walter a saint or smth?💀
@@spleenerific yes he was working hard while having cancer and she was cheating on him and gave him the money smh she's devil
Ain't no way Jane's dad is above Mike in bad category😭😂
Flawed. It's according to whom they find lovable
bad and anti hero is i guess two diff things, not to compare which one is better... but yeah i would put him in bad sometimes category if i had to
Am i the only one who thinks Mike was a asshole?
@@KenAdems nope mike was an asshole
@@KenAdemsnah, he was ruthless and rock solid guy, strong and silent type.
Putting Saul on the same tier with Tuco is some kind of craziness
Author is 20iq.
Saul is a bad guy but not evil for sure, Saul does bad things for bad reasons, he gets serial killers and drug kingpins out of jail for money, he runs money laundering schemes, he aids Walt multiple times in his plots but if it came down to it, Saul would definitely save a guy rather than kill him, he’s not a murderer but he is a bad person
Saul is on the right tier, but Tuco deserved the devil tier.
Cover criminals and cooparate with them vs criminal itself. I think deserved
He should of made Jimmy McGill and Saul Goodman different characters, as they're like completely different people
Who let bro cook 💀
Walt must be in his own tier because he killed the entire devil tier encluding himself 💀
“Encluding” 💔💔
Hector is easily devil category. He literally almost drowned his own nephew just to make a point. He threatened Mike's innocent family, including his granddaughter. He has no morals and kills without hesitation or regret, in fact he enjoys it. He's easily in the worst category.
This! I consider Hector to be worse than Walt, Gus and even the neonazis.
Hector just didn't get enough screen time because he's easily one of the best villains. He's not polite(ish) like Eladio, he's not fiercely loyal like Tuco, he doesn't have Lalos fun personality, Gus's manners, Walt's lingering morality and reason, or Saul's soft spots. He's a twisted, rude, arrogant, impatient, ill-tempered bastard who just cares about money and power, and will just tell people to go fuck themselves before he threatens them. Bro was a psychopath.
Hector clearly said, “Family is everything.” I don't think he would kill his nephew
Maybe he gets upgraded to evil just because he was wheelchair bound in BB; which makes him incapable of acting on his lack of morality? He doesn't manipulate people into thinking he has good intentions - he's got a very straightforward, "what-you-see-is-what-you-get" type of personality. In a way, he's probably the most "real" character in the whole show.
and in bcs, after nacho k*lled himself hector moved to nacho's dead body and continuously shot him.
Bro Tuco is the real devil. He was acting like he is in horror movie. He did not have enough screen time to show people how sick he is
If he had more screen time. Jesse wouldn't exist
nah, he is just sick in the head and has a bad temper, i think evil is right for him
i think Evil fits him best. Yes, he was really violent and intimidating, but he was basically a brainless goon with a very short temper. Devil fits best for the criminal masterminds, the ones who deliberately kill without remorse while fully knowing what they do and calculating every step of it.
How does Todd fit that tier? He's clearly stupid @@adrianradu2332
@@adrianradu2332 Plus we dont know if Tuco had a soft spot for kids.
Huell should have his own tier
the huell tier
@@kadrodanatlmsmezun3083 because it's huel.
@@aarmaanghosh1525 was gonna say it but you said it for me, a real Huell fan
Cmon, there is no way Walt is more evil than Tuco and twins. Y’all put him so high because of his screen time.
"Mr. White he's the Devil"
~ Jesse Pinkman ~
The twin's are the Devil.
Cartel hitmen carry out acts of sheer depravity in real life. Skinning, mutilating, gutting, burning, and raping their victims.
The twins would have carried some atrocities, and probably enjoyed it.
They do in fact enjoy it, Marco went for Axe to kill Hank instead of pulling the trigger just to make his death more satysfying and painful
@@PolishGod1234 "No, muy fácil." was the exact phrase, if i recall.
Yeah how they killed those immigrants on the truck is reason enough to classify them as Devilish 😢
fr, in my opinion, their one of the most fucked up ppl on this list
Yeah bro put Gus above most of the cartel. This list is wild 😂
I am going to say it, Jesse is an anti-hero.
@@user-fi4yi9ub8gwhy he cares about kids and hates killing people
he's not a hero at all, he's making bad choices all the time, i put him between evil and bad
I would’ve put anti hero
@@user-fi4yi9ub8ghe isn’t evil, he doesn’t take pleasure in the bad things
he never wanted to hurt anybody,
he was like his friends,
taking bad choices to make a lot of money,
at some point on the series, he just wanted to leave, but walt was manipulating him to stay
How is janes's farther above jesse?
Jesse repeatedly did immoral things but Jane's dad messed up once without ill intention
He didn't say Jesse is worse
I think it's really unfair to put Jane's Dad in bad tier. As bad as the thing he did was, it was an accident bought on by stress and lack of focus, rather then an intent to do harm.
Yeah, I would put him in the good tier as a character
Yeah it was more like a "shit I'm not thinking straight so here goes thousands of lives" moment
Ok Jinx picture girl
bro Saul is definitely not in the same tier as hector or eladio who must have killed like 50 persons each. Most evil thing Saul did was probably suggesting a murder of someone in the game which is bad but not near to what the others in that tier have done.
I don't think Jane's dad deserved to be placed in the 'Anti-Hero' category. Despite appearing in only a few scenes, he struck me as a good guy, willing to move mountains to get his daughter clean.
In my view, the plane crash symbolizes a much deeper idea than people tend to realize. It's merely a reflection, so to speak, of his inner 'crash' as a result of Jane's death.
He didn't intentionally kill those innocent souls, so he isn't a bad guy.
I think what we really need to focus on when conducting such an assessment is the intention because that is the key factor in determining whether someone is truly 'bad.'
I liked Mike but it doesn't make sense that he's anti hero and Jane's dad is a bad guy
Mike committed way more crimes and murders than Jesse and dude says he's not really a bad guy. I love Mike but you can't do that and not be a bad guy. No way he's better morally than Jesse is. Never mind being in a better tier than Jane's dad.
@@danielpatterson5189 100% agree, cool character but definitely evil. Killed hundreds in order to secure his granddaughter's future 🤷♂️
@@danielpatterson5189Janes dad killed more people than all the other characters combined.
@@randomsprite7515 but he didn't do it unpurpose
@@Daniel-w8i He litterly did it on purpose, he intentionally got two planes facing each other.
Saul is not evil , he fits bad.
Haven't you seen BCS???
What was the most evil thing he did in BCS? He was partly responsible for Hamlin getting killed but he didn’t pull the trigger. Personally I would have rated him in the bad category.
Hank = Bad Sometimes
Remember in the last season when he and Jessie worked together to set up a trap for Walter but Jessie was against meeting him because he was too afraid that Walter would try to have him killed like he did with Mikes guys?
After Jessie left the room Hanks DEA partner asks Hank "y'know what if the kid is right?" and Hank just goes "even if so... so what? Just one more dead drug junkie. No one would miss him" ☠️
Yes his views of criminals and non law abiding citizens are really disturbing. Not to mention his random beat downs and shit
@@fluffydbeast7557 Random beat downs 🤣
Remember when Hank accidentally got head from a trans woman the day before his wedding?
Also he was mean to Wendy
What I would change:
Andrea- bad sometimes because she wanted to do meth even though she has a child
Twins - maybe put it to devil because they murdered a crap load of people and seem to not give a shit
Jane's dad - good or bad sometimes, because the mistake he did which led to deaths was a result of huge trauma after his daughter died
Krazy 8 - bad
Lydia - maybe devil because she legit just wanted to kill everyone who opposed her even a little bit
Mike - bad, I don't care if he wanted to protect his family, he murdered a crap load of people
Saul - bad, he definitely isn't evil, he's just bad
Skyler - bad, she helped Walt and then turned on him and then helped him again like she had a bipolar disorder, laundered money for him and knew what he did, she also wanted Walt to kill Jesse
Tuco - devil, killed countless people, some of them for no reason
Jesse - anti hero, the only people that he killed that I remember on top of my head are Todd (who very much deserved to get killed) and Gale (which was bad, but he was manipulated into doing it and very much regretted it)
Hector - devil
Don Eladio - devil
Walt jr - good, literally just because he kept accusing Walt for Hank's death and called the police and lied to them as well after Skyler attacked Walt with a knife
Walter White - evil, there is no way he deserves to be on the devil tier. Todd and Gus were capable of killing children with no remorse, Walter never intented to kill Brock, he measured out the amount of poison that would hospitalize him and not kill him (obviously very bad thing to do but he could have killed him and he didn't), he could have killed Jesse countless times when he was a threat to him and never did it, he only killed the people that he had to for the protection of his life or his family, and he even redeemed himself in the end after killing Jack's gang, sacrificing himself in the process and basically saving Jesse's life. Also killed Lydia who very much deserved to get killed. It's true that some of the bad things happened because of Walter's terrible decisions and that he did do some pretty bad stuff, but I wouldn't compare him to Gus, Todd or Jack, like absolutely no way. He watched Jane die which was a horrible decision, but he did it because he thought she was a terrible influence on Jesse (at least he had some reason). His gut reaction was to save her but then he didn't.. I doubt Todd's gut reaction would be to save her.
I agree with basically all of these things but I would like to add that walter did kill for 0 reason when it came to Mike. Mike did nothing but hurt Walter’s ego.
I still wouldn’t put him in devil because of his sacrifice for Jesse, but that’s the only thing saving him from that tier imo
@@blui3609 Yeah to be fair. He killed Mike because he was so paranoid that he forgot that Lydia can get him the names.
Corrections (my opinion):
Twins: Evil -> Devil
Don Eladio: Evil -> Devil
Hector: Evil -> Devil
Tuco: Evil -> Devil
Hank: Good -> Anti hero
Walt: Devil -> Evil
Gus: Devil -> Evil
Saul: Evil -> Anti hero
Jesse: Bad -> Anti hero
Jane's father: Bad -> Good
I agree with everything except for Gus. Gus ordered people to kill a child and threatened to kill Walt's infant daughter. That's enoguh to be in the devil tier.
@@gjbsarmeri3957 okay that's a valid point, I did put him in evil tier because of the donations to charity etc, but looking back I think he sees them more as investments in his good image.
I agree, but hank is good person
How you don’t believe the Salamanca twins or Eladio are in devil tier is beyond me, especially the twins.
Saul on the same level as Tuco, Hector, the twins and Eladio? Ain't no way, Saul is bad, eladio and hector should be devil. Walt jr was so annoying, aint no angel
Yeah… what an ungrateful nigga he was
open na noor I am at your house - Walt Jr.
saul intoxicated a guy diagnosed with cancer and robbed the man, nah that's not evil
@@tuur9550 Not it’s not, evil would’ve been knocking out Marion when he saw she call someone. Saul is a thief and and evil thief would do despicable things, like making that old lady lose all her friends so that he gets his settlement but an evil person would feel no remorse and he did and fixed it. Also this episode is clearly about brba only in which none of these stories are known but that doesn’t matter as even still I’d say he isn’t evil, he is a horrible person, but not evil
Saul evil, cuz he suggested Walt to kill Hank and let's not forget Waterworks.
Tuco, Hector, twins and Eladio I agree, in fact, Hector, twins and Tuco are the Top 3.
"because of his eyebrows hes evil 💀"
that shit killed he 😂😂😂😂😂
never make a tier list again
Bro chill lol the list was mostly accurate. Id put Saul in bad or anti hero but thats it
Finally someone that doesn't talk 3 hrs. Nice, short video. Keep up bro
jane's father is a good guy he didn't deserve this category
I agree. He was good
At all! he wanted his daughter to get her life together and loved her.
he didn’t mean to kill those people he was grieving and couldn’t focus
@@zellanutellaaAnd Walt killed a lot of people including poisoning not killing Brock to protect himself and his family, but no one cares because murder is murder, if Donald didn't want to kill all those people, he should've focused or not go to work at all.
@@randomsprite7515 you don’t sound very bright….its all about intention yeah murder is murder but to call him “evil” and below the catergory of Walter white and tuck is insane like be for real.
Hector and Eladio should be on devil tier. Todd and Walter should be on evil tier. Mike should be on bad tier. Saul and Jesse should be on anti hero tier.
Walt on Evil Tier doesn't sound right
@@avenautI think the only defense Walt may have is that he doesn't do everything he does out of pure malice, it's usually just to weasel out of situations that (admittedly) he put himself in. I would say High Evil, low Devil category.
In that case Eladio isn’t devil tier since he doesn’t do everything purely for malicious reasons but more to keep his status and money inflow
@@KalashVodka175 That argument would work if OP didn't already *not* put Eladio in Devil tier.
I wouldn't putt Todd on evil tier. He doesn't seem mentally there, symilar to Leatherface from TCM - he doesn't understand that his actions are bad. He has child mentality
The most evil thing done by any Breaking Bad character was certainly Marie running over a child’s toy car.
Nah most evil thing was marie calling minerals rocks
@@darkvaper69Nah most evilt thing was marie stealing spoons
Most evil thing was when Marie suggests to call Holly "Esmeralda".
Gomez has to be angel tier, the man really helped Hank and that is the guy you want watching your back
Jesse broke his friends into rehab to sell crystal to the people trying to recover he’s at least in the bad category lol
never rank again
breaking bad was so good that even people with room temp iq could enjoy it
@@casperd2100laughs in kelvin
@@aaravgulati2laughs in rankine
Most of em were alright
Whole Salamanca family should be in devil tier, but considering only breaking bad and not bcs, I’m not arguing
Even considering Breaking Bad only, Tuco, Marco, Leonel and Hector are all devils. All of them except Hector really showed their worst side in Breaking Bad.
@@JKBDTS After watching BCS i actually forgot that Hector was mainly in a wheelchair throughout,but even disregarding BCS, Hector is by far the worst of the pack, maybe with the exception of Lalo being a close second because he did help out that truckful of immigrants and got them back their money after killing the smugglers taking advantage of then while asking for nothing in return , something i can't see Hector doing.
The twins i would argue are only sightly off from being devils because they're more drones and minions than criminal masterminds, yeah they do heinous things but you never see them taking pleasure in it like Lalo or Hector to them it's just a matter of family or duty.
i would argue that Tuco out of the Salamanca's is the least evil and definitely not a devil like Lalo, Tuco has no master plan he's an insane and emotionally broken and volotile man who's high most the time which spikes his paranoia and who acts purely out of instinct,like a rabid dog even when he beat up no dose the regretted it and he gets all emotional when he thinks that Gonzo snitched.
with Tuco it's just pure blind instinct, you don't get a clear idea of what he wants, and unlike Lalo he has no master plan
Yes, no way Walt's above them.
@@Abel_NKbro never watched Breaking Bad, what is that statment???
Jane’s dad was just a loving father who did everything he could to save his daughter but we all know the result at the end . I would put him in the “bad sometimes” category but I could easily see him in good also
Why bad sometimes? What evil act did he do?
Maybe he was a little overprotective in the past or he made some mistakes as a father but like I said he could easily fit in the good category from what we saw
@@Wrestling628 well, thats just speculation. I dont see how he can fit into the 'bad sometimes' category, almost feels like an insult.
1. He was going to call the police on his own kid
2. He was too crowded to go to work, but still went, meaning that he was irresponsible.
@@user-s8gma48zzl34he was NOT coward to go to work..did you even watch the show? That man was grieving he couldn’t for us at all
Jane in "can be bad sometimes" is crazy
Walter is transition form angel to devil from ep 1 to last one
Hector not being Devil ruins this whole list. He's literally the only character with no heart whatsoever, even Jack had a soft spot for Todd. I always saw Hector as the most evil character.
agreed, he even almost drown his own nephew (the twins) to give him a lesson, doesn't even have respect to his boss by pissing into the pool😂
@@vonxoliver exactly 😂
Finally someone said it.
I mean if you wanna make that point for jack, hector definitely cared about his family
How is Krazy 8 an anti hero? He’s by no means a hero. He should be in the category above.
Yeah I agree, he would’ve killed Walt in an instant.
Hank is probably one of my top 3 favorites in BB. However putting him in good tier doesnt make sense to me. He does what he does for the right reasons however he crosses the lines and breaks the law multiple times to acheive his goals. I wouldnt say hes bad or evil but he is a fitting Anti-Hero in my opinion.
Also I wouldnt put Gus Fring in Devil category perse. Most of his evil acts are committed towards the Salamanca's who are notoriously devils themselves with no morals. He goes way too far but the Salamanca's killing his brother offers at least an understanding as to why. But outside of that hes usually a very respectful and fair boss. If I had to work for a crime lord it'd probably be Gus Fring.
But gus is fine with killing kids tho
Hank should be in "bad sometimes"
Also Gustavo threatened Walt's family (it wasn't an empty threat, he sent hitmen to Walt's house).
Aside from list placements, it was Gustavo's boyfriend, not brother.
Nah he's evil, he will do anything to achieve his goals.
@@JKBDTS its entirely walts fault for gus threating his family. bros big mouth put him and so many others in terrible situations
@@iron5169 OH! Yea, thank you so much for that comment! That must make Gustavo angel tier, cuz he did all those horrible stuff to end world hunger!
Walt isn’t evil he’s just trying to provide for himself and his family
Also Tod was nice to Jessie
At the end he said he did it for himself
@@madmikefollower6939 Ok...
@@madmikefollower6939 He is quite literally the definition of evil. At least, that’s what he became. Early on he was just a casual criminal and had a moral compass. But as he progressed as Heisenberg he is easily deserving of that tier
You forgot onion-ass Carmen, deserved Angel
Saul and Jesse are definitely antihero Worthy
i would say jesse, not saul
Saul would kill innocent people, so he belongs in evil, but I agree with Jesse.
@@hamza5990 speak my sir. You have the floor ☕🗿
Jesse yeah but not Saul nothing heroic about Saul, Saul especially in Breaking Bad,is like a saint to our main characters (because pretty much all our main characters are bad guys )yeah we love him but Saul is a Wicked man,yeah he's nowhere near as wicked as Hector but he an accessory to multiple felonies for people like Walk,Jesse,Mike and Gus who's actions are detrimental to society and cause real misery and he's doing all this for profit but at the same time he's doing it because he identifies with these criminals and in a weird way wants to help them out but really he doesn't have to.
@@hamza5990Saul is definitely antihero tier if you take into account his full story from Better Call Saul. If you’re pretending Breaking Bad is all that exists then evil makes sense though. In BB we’re seeing him at his worst.
putting Hank in good tier is insane. his ego not only cost him his life but also let him cross the line multiple times without a second thought. he is bad tier imo
Fully agree. The amount of snarky remarks he made during the series clearly shows he enjoys humiliating other people and feels quite comfortable in the role.
Bad sometimes is the perfect place for him.
think anti hero fits him pretty perfectly
He’s the only actual anti hero character
The twins are devil tier
i love how the voice gets really angry when talking about hector but then goes back to normal
Hector can't be rank no less then devil
jesse is anti hero to me, even when he takes someones life away (like gale), he hesitates to do it
Gale's different. Jesse didn't hesitate with the other three, especially Todd.
Good list, but Jesse is definitely not fit for the Bad tier, lol. He was immoral because he was a drug dealer, but his heart was a good one. It makes absolutely no sense to place Krazy-8, your average thug, in a better tier than Jesse.
Jesse and Gale deserve a Good tier in my opinion as even though they were in the game they never really did anything evil and Jesse straight up did plenty of good things and cared about many people.
I'd also argue that Hector deserves Devil treatment. That guy nearly drowned his fucking nephew just to teach THE OTHER ONE a lesson. And that's about as nice as he gets, too...
I could see him as worse than Gus.
Really fun list though.
Anyone who produces meth does not deserve to be in the good tier. There's a reason Singapore and many other countries have instant death penalties for drug dealing. It causes immense harm in society, pulls families apart, destroys lives.
He did try to sell drugs to rehab patients albeit didnt succeed. Woulda done that if he didnt knew andrea had a kid for a tad bit longer. Maybe he's just too stupid to understand just how much damage drugs were doing to people.
He def is too stupid at that point because he himself is a junkie.
Honestly Gale may have been a kind person, but that doesn't justify him cooking meth. Jesse murdered people, so that should give him anti-hero on its own (maybe unless these murders were done in some crazy justified situation, but they weren't). Both of them anti-hero.
As for Hector, he is literally the worst.
Walt is nowhere near "devil". He had moral limits. He was willing to go to prison and give all his money away, just to protect Hank. He got himself in serious trouble to save Jesse's life, even though Jesse repeatedly caused him problems.
He's a mere "Bad". "Evil", at the most.
He's worse than Saul and Krazy-8, so definitely evil
I agree though
@@JKBDTS I would put Saul in the "Bad" tier. He never killed anyone and wanted to get out when things got out of hand.
Krazy-8 could be considered full-on "Evil", since he was going to murder Walt basically out of spite if Walt released him.
@@whosaidiwantedahandle"He never killed anyone" bruh
He ordered Mike to murder a guy in the desert in "Bagman", although he was a bad person, so he's kinda justified. But what's not justified is when he suggested Walt to kill Hank and the stuff that he did in "Waterworks". People keep forgeting that...
you do reailize how many people he killed right ? He let jane die casuing the death of hundreds of people, he poisend a litlle child, he let the nazis capture jesse and didnt care what they did to him even if they killed him he wouldnt give a f, he orderd the murder of gale, he orderd the murder of multiple people in the prison he is a devil
That's an excellent list!
Now we just have to turn it upside down and it will be perfect
Those twins should be in Devil category
Elliot and Gretchen didn’t screw Walt, he found out that Gretchen was from a rich family and wanted nothing to do with her because of his pride. He chose to walk away. They also offered to bring him back to the company and outright pay for his cancer treatment. They deserved to be in the good, maybe even Angel category
They don’t at all dumbass, they profited off his research and never helped him or offered to help until he had cancer.
@@vvthetalentlessduo6976the man sold his share, what do you think will happen.
angel category is wild, they gave walt no credit whatsoever when he is literally the master mind of their whole company
@@Daniel-w8i that was pretty fucked up yes but also somewhat understandable after they found out who Walt had transformed into
@@rubenyanez5645 yeah and they were willingly to help him. deciding to leave Gretchin probably hurt her and mixing relationships with business is bound to have some bumps if things go south. I think he always had a chance to come back but he was too much of a prideful jerk to do so, even though he had a family to look after. Then with Walt's reputation they i guess needed to untaint their company so they could keep doing the good things they were doing.
Tuco should be in the Devil tier, he is totally merciless, he is a lot worse than Todd lol.
Yeah Todd wouldn’t beat someone to death for speaking when they weren’t supposed to, Tuco was easily worse than him. Plus Todd only killed Andrea because he was following Jack’s orders.
@@H.K.5yeah but Tuco had morals. He was respectful to elders and loved his family.
Todd seemed like a robot, when his family got gunned down in Felina - he didn't even care. He was less human than Tuco, which I would say makes him worse.
But Still I would rather be around Todd than Tuco.
@@PolishGod1234 Fair point.
How on earth are the twins not in evil? Like, how much more clinically insane and immune to human compassion do you have to be in order to get into devil tier? At least Gus donated stuff for the fun runs and actually helped society in some shape or form.
I think you misspelled devil.
Honestly they should definitely be in Devil and are worse than everyone there except Hector.
@@JKBDTS and except Don Eladio. Don Eladio caused the most harm out of all characters, murdering people, selling drugs, probably having human trafficking buisness as most Cartels do, all just for money
@@PolishGod1234 I put him as less evil, because I didn't see him kill people completely reasonlessly. Yea, he told Hector to kill Max, but let's say he did *something* to get killed, unlike for example all the people in the truck that the twins shot up. It's still comparing devils though.
@@JKBDTS Don Eladio literaly lives off the suffering of others. Also he does enjoy violence - as seen in his interaction with Lalo when he joyfully Asks Lalo if he killed someone in USA. He threatened his workers to cut their arms off If they spill the tequila. If you know how Cartels operate you would understand why Eladio is the most horrible person in Breaking Bad Universe.
Both of you guys are right. We haven’t seen eladio do a lot of inhumane things on screen but the simple fact that he’s the drug lord everyone answers too gives you the idea he should be top of Devil since like he said, he lives off the suffering of countless and he’s probably done some inhumane things off camera (idk ordering peoples families to be killed off)
How crazy it is that show's main antagonist and protagonist are both in a devil tier
Both protagonists have been deeply changed over the time. Saul at some points suggests Walter to kill Badger and even Jesse, just because it's more convenient.
In the past, Saul (or Jimmy) was just a minor criminal that could manipulate and defraud to make some money. After become a lawyer, he still being a criminal, but was always in conflict with himself, worried what his brother would think. Everything changed when he discoveries that Chuck hated the idea of the "Slippin' Jimmy" be a lawyer and mess up with his sacred law.
Jimmy, who sometimes made some minor crimes / immoral things, embraces his desire and forgets the old Jimmy that always tried to impress the old and successful brother. After that, Saul Goodman borns and "break bad" over time, as Walt did. His selfishness and crime addiction made him get convicted.
So Jesse the one who was forced into being more of a criminal by Walt and the one who has shown he is not a bad person and has a good heart is in bad tier? But Mike the one who chose his criminal path is an anti hero????
Jesse became a criminal by HIS choice, although I think Jesse is less evil than Mike and they should both be in anti-hero.
@@JKBDTS It was his choice to become a small time dealer yes, but it was not his choice when Walt black mailed him and everything else that followed.
@@thepsychofunboyartist I mean he had a choice in the "One Minute" episode as well as in "Hazard Pay".
Gus was one of the most evil characters in BB and Mike was his willing accomplice and advocate. He knew the extent of Gustavo's evil and supported him at every turn
Not to mention Mike has MUCH higher body count than Jesse.
I would add a broken category. These are the characters who did bad things not because they liked it or it was profitable, they just broke down morally and acted on autopilot because their minds no longer worked due to psychological problems. Jesse can go there, Skyler, Jane's father.
Jesse was pretty bad person in the beggining, but as the series were going, he became more loving person, he was caring.
It seems to me that he was already over his head with his obsession with children, it was a little annoying that they stopped the flow of the series just to show Jesse's continuous drama with children
He simply cared about them, he didnt lived for them nor had obsession.
@@pagodebregaeforro2803He looked pretty obsessed by the end of the series
@@TatoMQZD obsessed is a very strong word. He just liked they could be trusted. the adult world left him feeling jaded and fed up hence the drop out of school to be a drug dealer and lounge about as much as possible
@@darrirro obsessed is a very strong word. He just liked they could be trusted. the adult world left him feeling jaded and fed up hence the drop out of school to be a drug dealer and lounge about as much as possible
To put Gale on anything other than bad is nuts, he was responsible for manufacturing tons of meth that directly lead to the deaths and addictions of thousands of people.
If there’s Lalo Salamanca in this, he deserves a specific tier - “Evil Devil.”
Potentially controversial take but i think Walter should be in bad and Gus in evil. The Salamancas were all way worse than either of them imo.
Salamancas, devils. Gus, no, he's a devil. Walt, still evil.
@@JKBDTS fair list 👍
For sure, with Hector being the worst.
Hector was alot worse than Gustavo and Walter I stand by this comment
By the end Walt was working with Nazis. And dude literally set off a bomb in a retirement home. He killed a ton of innocent people. He is just evil.
Lydia gets the top spot for me.
Todd was clearly a psychopath who was born without the ability to feel empathy. It's hard to call him truly evil if he was just born that way.
Gus' main goal during the entire show was to avenge his love.
Hector and the rest of the cartel were at least loyal to each other and cared about their families above all.
Walt is too morally gray to be considered the most evil. At the very end he tried his best to redeem himself by getting closure with Skyler and freeing Jesse from imprisonment.
Lydia though? She never displayed a single redeemable quality. She was rotten to the core to the very end. Everyone was a disposable pawn in her eyes and all she cared about was her own wealth.
I disagree. Lydia was just selfish to care about her own family and herself. She seemed to operate on high level, which meant that she really didn't have to get her hands dirty nor she could have done it. So putting her to the worst category doesn't really make sense since the series didn't suggest she could have killed a person herself. So she was just ignorant and distant enough from the evil things she did. I think you could argue she was even lower than evil since many people in the evil category where very much capable of killing people f2f when she wasn't. Still I would put her on the evil category because she seemed fine being part of morally questionable business in the long term and was ready to kill everyone that she wasn't friends/family with.
Also part of the problem is that twins could be classified as devil since I think they were portrayed similarly psychopathic as Todd, but just didn't kill kid on screen like he did. Furthermore I would argue Mike I think might deserve worse spot since he was also prob ready to kill whatever the business required since he seemed cold and systematic. I can really imagine Mike acting similarly to Lydia, but he is just loyal to his business partners although also capable acting ruthlessly just to secure his family's future. I really don't think it necessarily makes Mike the better person just because he is loyal to this coworkers if he is cold and systematic to kill anyone else f2f when ordered.
well It must be recognized that Todd gave 11 million dollars to Walter, that really takes away points of evil.
walt is definitely one of the most evil character in the show. there is nothing grey about him.
@@mishterkhalid3117 see the show again.
you can be born evil lol
Pinkman must be anti hero
Jesse should be anti-hero. Yes he did killed people, but it was necessary and the people he killed deserved it. He wanted protect himself, Walter, Andrea and several kids. Remember also that one episode were he saved a kid from his junkie parents? He was a drug addict himself, but tried to stop some other people from using drugs. Especially if they had children.
8:30 Well done your Goddamn Right 👍
Dont understand yall who hate on and say Walt was so bad. He was willing to give up everything to save Hank when he was going to put him away forever. Also how he cleared Skylars name with the police. Large ego and narcissistic but he wasn't a devil
Evil, not devil
Less evil than Lydia too
To little to late, that isnt even close to redemption worthy. Devil, straight to hell if there is one
Just because someone cares for his family doesn't mean he isn't evil.
If he was wiling to give up everything to save Hank then his actions would’ve ended much earlier, instead he chooses to keep going n getting into more shit. But just bc ur the “devil” doesn’t mean you don’t love ur family,, like Jack
Putting Walt up there with the Salamancas is straight up madness, morally speaking he's a few notches more evil than Mike, and a few notches less evil than Lydia
Mostly good but a few of these make no sense to me.
Jane's dad was just a normal caring father, he didn't intentionally kill anyone. At worst he's "bad sometimes" because of the way he went about helping his daughter and going into work too early thinking he was okay.
No way Krazy 8 should be lower than Jane's dad when he tried to kill Walt and Jesse, and tried to kill Walt again after he was kind enough to spare him and let him free.
Hank is at least bad sometimes. He was a morally good person, but often a short-tempered dick and abused his power and did things he shouldn't be doing as a DEA agent.
I could agree that Gus is the devil for willing to kill anyone to protect himself and his operation, but the Salmanaca brothers would kill completely random people with no remorse. They killed a truck full of people crossing the border, and killed one guy and attempted to kill a woman in a parking lot even though what they were doing was hardly discreet.
Yes, this guy doesn’t realize that intent also matters
Jesse is definitely an antihero.
If you ever feel useles, remember antihero tier
Its so interesting how walter white was an angel at the begining and at the end its the devil.
Hang on a minute. You put Jesse in bad because although he had a growing moral compass, he "killed people". But you put Mike in the anti hero tier for the same thing. Mike was the fixer, worked for the devil and still killed people. Even with a moral compass and doing things for his granddaughter, what he was doing still made him bad. I love Mike, he's one of my favourite characters. But he sure as heck killed more people than Jesse. Jesse tried to avoid violent confrontations, even though that still didn't really work out well for him. He killed five people and only one of those (Gale) didn't wholly deserve it. He only did that to save Walt as there appeared no other option, and also only after being continually manipulated by Walt at every step. Then he had a psychological breakdown afterwards. I don't dispute Jesse being bad, because he still did bad things. But so did Mike. Okay, stepping off my soapbox now. 🤪
Both anti-hero tbh
@@JKBDTS both wrong tbh
@@joshs7160 Why?
Facts facts
Which show/movie should i do next if I do at all?
Breaking Bad but ranking the toughest characters instead.
The walking dead
Better call Saul
Never do it again pls
@@sodiumsodium2330 agreed this was so badly done he must lack a moral compass
I personally would've put jane's father in the good tier, he was an overall good man who wanted the best for his daughter, he might be hard at times but he had good intentions he didn't want his daughter to be a drug addicts, he did accidentally cause 2 planes to crash but i think the word accident is very important here, theres a huge difference between willingness and eagerness to kill someone and doing it accidentally or unwillingly.
No, People are sentenced even if it is an "accident", it is very likely that if he had not committed suicide he would have been given a life sentence.
@@darrirro Law and one's morality are 2 different things.
We are talking about his morality not the punishment the law mightve given.
@@raptormage2209 we really are talking about morality? If I know that my job can kill people, why would I go to work (he was the one who wanted to return)? That someone does not have stable mental health is no excuse to commit crimes, we could perfectly say that Mike killed people because he was depressed but that did not make him a bad person.
@@darrirro Alright good point tho im pretty sure the reason why he returned was so he could forget about his daughter's death or ease the sorrow , and his job was to prevent those types of crashes from occuring if nobody went to a job like that more crashes would've happened.
Also you act like he intentionally made the planes crash, you're comparing it with Mike ? Mike intentionally kills people,he has made a dumb decision decision by coming back il give you that but mike and Jane's dad Aren't a good comparison
One was a depressed and corrupt ( If i can remember)cop that kills people intentionally if he has to
The other was a depressed guy that made a huge mistake to say at the very least and couldnt focus on his job which caused the deaths of thousands. Needless to say they don't compare .
@@raptormage2209 Mike's was an example, I don't compare them directly. I'm simply saying that going to work at a job like that, in a depressed state, is almost like driving drunk. Probably when someone drives drunk their intention is not to kill anyone, however it can happen and just the act of irresponsibility takes away the title of being a moral person. Probably in jobs like Jane's dad, there are talks and talks about how important it is not to cause a plane accident and its consequences.
i honest to god would’ve put janes dad in the good tier. the only reason the crash happened was from the trauma of losing his daughter the same day. and even though he was a dick to jesse and jane, i feel it was more tough love than anything. definitely NOT a bad guy
Not the same day, but yes
Saul should be in anti-hero.
How is Walter worse than Hector??? Both are druglords but at least Walter deeply cared about his family and was ready to give all his money and go to jail to save Hank, Hector was much worse
I’d say that Walt and Hector are pretty close to each other on the evil scale.
Hector is probably the worst, there is nothing redeemable about him
@@weirdguy1495I'd put a lot of people between them. Like the Salamanca twins, Tuco, Jack, Todd, Gustavo, Eladio and Lydia.
If Walter truly cared about his family he would've taken the money from Gretchen and Elliot. He chose to cook drugs and endanger his family, including his newborn baby. Even when he got enough money, he still chose to make more drugs, knowing the consequences it could have. He did it for himself. He wanted to be evil.
I know that duh, but Hector would have done the same, at least he still acted as a good father and a good husband, Hector treated them all of his nephews as tools and that's how they all turned into ev-il Psychos
8:13 “Mister White, he’s the devil” ahh tier😭😭
How Walter is above the Salamanca's famaly, he was bad but no way he was worse than any of them.
Flynn is a true devil when he doesn't eat his breakfast.
The more times I rewatch the show the more I realize Skylar is good.
I would put Jr in the Good category just because of the phone call
The phone call in Ozymandias, where he lied.
@@JKBDTSFr tho Jr a L for that bro Fr said Walter pulled a Knife on Skyler🗿
@@itz_swyte W, son protecting his mother like a real man.
@@AGV_rules I’m talking about the lie he said bro🗿
@@itz_swyte The lie was in order to make the police come instantly by the danger of the situation. If he only said they were having an argument the wouldn't have bothered, he saw the fear on his mother an knew he had to find a solution to the situation
Walter White in evil tier would be better instead of devil because he cared for his close ones atleast
Everyone on the list cares about their loved ones
Walt - Evil
Mike - Bad
Lydia - devil
Walt jr - bad sometimes (annoying af)
Jane's dad - anti hero
Tuco literally beat a man to dead for nothing. def devil tier
Hank should be in anti-hero or bad sometimes imo, he made openly racist comments and abused his power as a cop multiple times
“Well the biggest evil things Marie did in the show was calling minerals rocks…” 😂😂😂
Nah she got hank Fritos instead of Cheetos. Straight the the devil category
0:58 Combo didnt give Jesse the RV. Combo stole the Rv from his mother and sold it to Jesse.
also Hector belongs in the same tier Gus is in as he was just as bad if not worse.
3:55 Janes dad wasnt bad at all he just made an honest mistake with trajic consequences but that still doesnt make him bad. Jane's dad was never intentionaly bad or harmful to anyone he belings in the good tier
Bro eladio and hector are devils they basically pull the strings behind the cartel
mostly accurate list but these are the things I would change:
I would move Walter and Gus down from devil to evil because neither of them killed purely out of cold blood but they both did show no remorse for their actions
I would move the Salamanca twins, Tuco and Hector up from evil to devil because they all seemed to enjoy killing and both had killed for small reasons and out of cold blood
I would move Jesse down to anti-hero because we can see that the majority of the time throughout the show he wasn't compliant with Walts actions and he freaked out when he found out that Walt poisoned Brock. He only killed Gayle because he owed Walt cause Walt saved his life
let me correct... Heisenberg(Devil) Walter White(Anti-Hero)
I think Jack , Hector and Eladio are the only Devil characters.
I'd argue the Twins are too.
Marco, Leonel, Tuco, Todd and Gustavo?
@@JKBDTS Todd is hard to rank, he seems like he doesn't understand that his actions are wrong. Tuco imo is evil - his psychotic actions are due to his drug use, and he is respectful to older people and his family.
@@PolishGod1234 even hitler was respectful to his family that doesnt he wasnt a devil also tuco doesnt respect old people, he was very rude to mike
Tuco, Gus?
Jane's father killed most of the people in the whole series, but unintentionally and due to depression he was suffering from the death of his daughter he loved. He wasn't even a criminal. He doesn't deserve to be called "bad" while Krazy-8 is considered an anti-hero, and he is manipulative drug distributer, and Mike is a cold-blooded gun for hire. Are you kidding me?
are you sure? Most of the characters show hidden perverse desires, it cannot be ruled out that Jane's father caused that shock intentionally to get rid of the feeling of pain for losing his daughter.
Yeah, this tier list has a lot of mistakes.
Saul is bad not evil
Exactly evil is the maximum we can give him
He wanted to kill Hank, bro
@@JKBDTS oh yeah
He intoxicated a guy with cancer and robbed him afterwards
@@tuurmolenaers That would still just go to bad. There are different reasons why he's evil.
"he was what Walter pretends to be " is hell of an insight👏