Нюша - Наедине (English Subtitles)

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024
  • 2019 update
    I considered "Realization" for "Объединение" but unification is more accurate. ""Наедине" means "alone", but as in "alone together", "in private". I considered using "You and I are alone now", however in English it could be mistaken to mean that both you and I are now alone separately. I considered using "You and I are now alone together".
    Нюша - Наедине [English Translation]
    Объединение моей мечты,
    The unification of my dream,
    Наедине теперь я и ты.
    I'm now alone with you.
    Это облако из огня
    This cloud made of fire
    Растопило мои снега.
    melted my snow.
    То ли я - не я, то ли ты - мечта.
    Whether I'm not myself or you're a dream.
    Я надеждой окутана
    I'm enveloped with hope.
    И теперь дни я путаю.
    And now I'm getting days confused.
    То ли без тебя жизнь моя пуста.
    Whether my life is empty without you.
    [Припев 2x]
    Сколько мыслей не сказано.
    How many thoughts aren't spoken.
    Сколько слов нам приказано навсегда забыть,
    How many words we're ordered to forget forever,
    только не любить.
    only not to love.
    Так упрямо я спорила,
    I argued so stubbornly
    Что тебя отыщу сама.
    that I would find you myself.
    Это ли беда, но я тебя нашла.
    Whether it's a problem, but I found you.
    [Припев 2x]
    [Припев 2x]

Комментарии • 4

  • @sergeyvolzh
    @sergeyvolzh 4 года назад +1

    Hallo,again, glad to see you continue working on translation of russian songs and post new translations, believe you should make more translations of the most recent hit songs, that's how you get more views, as far the proper translation of the "наедине" you correctly noticed it should mean alone with smb. so the right meaning of "наедине теперь я и ты" should sound as "you are alone with me now", that's, at least, the way,i think,should be accordingly to meaning given in Multitran, anyway you'd better now, as you are the English native-speaker, just take a note, wish you more new and exiting videos, good luck,

  • @imranjan78khan35
    @imranjan78khan35 4 месяца назад

    Great job done, please translate some songs of Vera Brehzniva also, thanks Love You, Paka Paka

  • @hamedgholizade638
    @hamedgholizade638 4 года назад


  • @sergeyvolzh
    @sergeyvolzh 4 года назад

    So "i am now alone with you" should be right too.