This is what I was thinking, too. Even made available for a low cost ($5?) for the cost of hosting the file somewhere. I would love to print myself so I could spiral-bind it.
Absolutely love the idea of a handbook, I’d buy that. Something I think would be very useful in that would be a recommended reading list for further study on each topic
No matter what you choose to do with them, this will be a gift to your wife and children- and grandchildren- to continue to learn from you after you’re gone, hopefully many many years from now 👍
Handbook!! Beginner’s guide to Reformed Theology. And I’d also use it as a jumping-off point for further study. I don’t always need an exhaustive resource like a full blown commentary. Some kind of pithy summary of a concept would be a great tool for explaining/teaching RT to others. Go for it, Matthew!
Love the handbook idea. I have Beeke’s 4 volume set and as you said, it’s absolutely amazing and will last me a lifetime. However I also have R.C. Sproul’s “Everyone is a Theologian” which is essentially a condensed 300 page introduction to systematic theology. I often find myself in Sproul’s book just as much as I am in Beeke’s because it hits the basic and fundamental points of a doctrine in 3 minutes of reading, rather than the 15 or 20 it takes me to go through one chapter of Beeke. Obviously Beeke’s is more in depth but it’s often important to get a stronger understanding of the basics before the harder stuff. A handbook that introduces systematic theology is a great idea and benefits the one who was recently converted, along with the seasoned pastor.
We need more quality Bible Study/ teaching lesson videos. Like that from Ligonier. Have you ever thought of doing multiple week video lessons for church bible studies? This would help small churches all over the country. I am not an ordained minister (Lord willing will be in 3.5 years) otherwise Id take a stab at it. I'll give a little more information. I became reformed(RCUS), though always calvinistic, from Christian amd Missionary alliance about a year amd a half ago. The small country church I attend had no mens ministry and I was called to start one. I'm now in first year seminary as well as working 30hrs a week so I don't have the time to prepare studies anymore. I have relied on video series fro. Ligonier and they dont have very many. Ive desired to start somthing like Ligonier has going but again, dont have the time at the moment. Anyways, these videos would greatly help the small group and small local church to learn more sound reformed theology. God Bless! P.s. I would be will to help with the project.
The last thing all the fake christians that fill all the 100% apostate church need is more manmade unbiblical nonsense. What you all need is to get away from everything known as the church and its antichrist christianity and learn what the truth, the gospel, and the Christianity of the Bible actually is.
A topic of the week podcast or video walking through your notes would be a welcome addition. There are 100 out there but one more can meet the need of the one that is right for that person in need or one additional one for the person seeking more. Just because there are already many doesn't mean yours is not beneficial. I mean do I not need to evangelize because there is already 100 pastors out there already sharing the Gospel. I don't know if you notes are in a format for topic of the week but I think you would have an audience that would start with you.
@@mr.incredible8080 ,...The fact is, rc sproul was not a Christian, he, like ALL of the churches pastors, preachers, and teachers was a fraud and sold an antichrist christianity. No Christian was deceived by him nor by any of the other apostate churches phony preachers. Repent!
I think the handbook idea would be a very useful tool. It could be a one stop guide when someone needs a quick answer. Plus it could be a starting point for deeper study. The applications are almost limitless.
I think a reformed theology handbook or something similar to packers “Concise theology” would be helpful. There’s a need for an introductory level systematic theology for people to grab the basics before diving into a more complex work like Beeke or berkhof
Thanks pastor for your video. I really like the idea of a Reformed Theology Handbook!! The reason is that it can be a practical tool for us to teach and it would give us the freedom to add or shorten it depending on the need for a particular course or class. Thanks again for your ministry. It’s a blessing for many!
Just received "We Become What We Worship" by G.K. Beale. Checking my funds to see if I can pick up your book this weekend. I like the idea of a Halley-like handbook.
Making the notes "as is" available online would be great, AND turning them into a handbook. I don't think posting them online "as is" would hinder the sales of the handbook. I think both are a great idea. Thanks for your diligent, hard work. God bless you, brother.
I sure appreciate your diligence, Matt! You're a good example of how we ought to be conducting ourselves. A digital copy would be very useful. But I think those notes can be condensed to write another book more focused on primary points of Christ, the covenants, the Kingdom, paedobaptism, and eschatology, and tying it altogether. Goodluck, and Godbless, brother 🙏
Oh, I like this! I loved that series. I thought it was going to be an ongoing thing. And then it abruptly ended. I had grown used to listening to it just before bed. It was a wonderful little meditation to set your mind on God's Word for the night.
I like the handbook idea. Consider something like Gerhardus Vos' Reformed Dogmatics where it's systematics in brief (his are based on his notes as well.) It could be a great resource for people new to reformed theology who want a very brief summary and what books to read on a given theology topic. There are so many wonderful books, but they are not the popular slop that many major publishers put out nowadays. They're the old paths. Make a book that shows them the time-testes ol' reliable books in Reformed theology.
Like many in the comments, I think turning your notes into a handbook is the best option. Bible and theology handbooks, when done right, offer helpful information that is both accessible for the layperson and deep enough for the seminarian, pastor, and/or scholar. SDG.
Here's a thought for a future video. How do you incorporate the use of print resources and digital resources in your study as a pastor? In other words how do you keep straight all of the print resources you have without having the ability to do searches on them like you do in Logos, or what is your workflow like to incorporate all of these resources?
As a parent who reads a lot of systematic theology and struggles to break it down for wife and kids… Would be wonderful to have something aimed at a non-theological audience
It's been almost 50yrs since Knowing God, by J.I. Packer. And that's still the best Devotional Introduction to Reformed Theology on market. But that doesn't deal with modern issues in culture or Theology. Something in that vein would be valuable, methinks.
Ask RPTS if you could teach an "Introduction to Reformed Theology" class as an elective. Have this as a required textbook as an outline for students. If RPTS allows you, you could record those lectures and upload them. It would be beneficial to both students and the church. This would not be in place of the other Systematic Classes that already exist. This would be an elective for students who would not be reformed or who just became reformed prior to going to seminary.
Love the handbook idea. Could be a great resource for small group/Sunday school teachers or even fathers who want to teach their families systematic theology but don’t have the time (or children’s attention span) for one of the classic systematics
Hi Matthew! Great idea. What a wealth of information. I would start by knowing who you want it to be the reader. Pastors, teachers, laymen? What niche it would serve. I like your idea, like an encyclopedic compendium of terms and doctrines. Is there any particular group that you feel burden to reach. Now, in the future it could always be developed to reach another group niche. I would use it as a father at home in this season of my life. Always good to hear from you.
What about an outline for Reformed discipleship/training the church? I know J.T. English put out some material for Baptist churches to utilize for training new or old members… those seeking more conservative biblical obedience to the Word (milk to meat).
Maybe make your notes into a cross between the handbook and Beeke’s Family Worship Bible Guide. Think family worship guide with a more academic angle. It would be a bonus if you can convert some notes into charts to break up the long flow of text.
Agree with a lot of the comments on here, a handbook is a great idea - especially useful for those of us in smaller churches who want to refer others to something solid but also accessible. I would say if it was systematic, would be worthwhile alongside a paragraph on the topic, also including some key implications (ie what practical difference can/should it make), or recommendations/key terms if someone wanted to know more.
Can they be incorporated into your Jonathan Edwards study Bible? Otherwise, I love the idea of a Haley style handbook. I think it would also be great to have a broken down by weeks to be used in Bible Study groups.. thank you
I think a handbook with the notes themselves as searchable PDF would be fantastic. I am so new when it comes to reformed theology that I often get confused.
You described your work of Systematic Theology to be a kind a "Bible Handbook" summary, thumbnail sketch. I actually think there is a place for this and here is my reason why: The other works on systematic theology that you mentioned are intimidating to the layman. A four volume set with each volume having 350+ pages is great for the pastor who is studying in his office with degrees handing on the wall, but what you have described here sounds like something a little more accessible to the non Bible College educated student who just wants to learn. I would recommend against Monergism due to the fact that their library is already so vast that your work would get lost. I would go ahead an publish on Amazon, and would give a title such as: Systematic Theology - A Laymen's Guide.
You talked about this being useful for others to use and teach from, what if you made a “how to teach reformed theology” book? Something that pastors, Sunday school teachers and even the layman could implement to help them communicate these truths from the pulpit to the dinner table?
Matthew, I used to be PCA when I was first saved. I think its wonderful that you were able to collect your notes over so many years. The experience of doing that was valuable to you, and from how you describe how you used them with your congregation, I think the efforst were truly honorable. Another book on Systematic Theology? I think you are right on that, but not because others have published such 'great works'. You see I think Systematic theology has recently been breeding a class of pastor who has no interest in digging in the scriptures for themselves. Their spiritual muscles and exercises become just parroting, echoing something they read, heard, or saw, and while I've not been in any PCA churches where I've seen this happen (I'm baptist now), I have been in churches where I wondered, 'did they steel this outline from someone'? Is it plagiarized? Did they really put work in to prepare for this sermon or was it bought in a marketplace? These are questions I don't know that anyone would have considered before the Internet, it can be quite the distraction. It also can remove some of the credibility of the speaker, because when you repeat another's words, instead of learning what's behind them, formulating a premise, and teaching it with words that just happen to sound similar, you rob yourself of learning, and the people pick up on that. When something slipps through as a mistake in something said, it can cause the entire sermon to just fall over in front of us. I've seen this happen, it's very very strange. Getting back to Systematic theology, I think it has lead to people who only believe in presuppositional truth as shared from modern day authors. Its not that people don't say they believe in the Authority of Scripture, but they peddle quotes, and ideas that didn't come about till will after all the apostles were gone. The other thing that I'm seeing, is Both Systematic Theology, and the Confessions are starting to look like memes and abstractions of their own. They try to simplify understanding sometimes, and that's maybe fine for fresh converts starting out, but what does faith mean? Is it just about accenting to facts as propositions? Sure its a good place to start, is that the end of belief? I am reminded of what Jesus said to the Woman at the well. John 4:19-26 19“Sir,” the woman replied, “I see that you are a prophet. 20 Our ancestors worshiped on this mountain, but you Jews say that the place to worship is in Jerusalem.” 21J esus told her, “Believe me, woman, an hour is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. 22 You Samaritans worship what you do not know. We worship what we do know, because salvation is from the Jews. 23 But an hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and in truth. Yes, the Father wants such people to worship him. 24 God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in Spirit and in truth.” 25 The woman said to him, “I know that the Messiaha is coming” (who is called Christb). “When he comes, he will explain everything to us.” 26 Jesus told her, “I, the one speaking to you, am he.” I feel like the first ten years of my life in Christ were just getting the core parts of the Christian walk ascertained. The last ten have more and more been about how to be as Jesus told the Samaritan woman, that God desired us to be: " the true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and in truth" I honestly feel that God is sad in heaven because people read some tome about the bible, confuse it with his actual words and then begin to peddle it for the sake of being like the author, rather than seeking to live and worship in spirit and in truth. The biggest problem with Christianity in the last 40 year has been this penchant for looking at books, learning from them, and not really coming to a fuller understand of scripture. Yup, I am saying that every Systematic theology every written is nothing but vanity. You can read it, you may think you understand it, but when it doesn't lead you or others to dig fuller into the divinity that is in scripture, then it has actually failed and misled many. So I would be wary about creating similar error too. Christians don't need a system of everything anyways, because when you have it it devalues true faith, and devotion to the Lord, replaced with man's summations of ideas that abstract away much of the Majesty of his Holy Word written down and preserved for us in the bible. However, I would not say toss what you made out. The other problem I've seen is at the Sunday School/Life Group level. We get these quarterly supplements, with stories not in the bible, a few verses, and it tries to teach us one bland truth from scripture (I use the word bland, not to say its not true, but its like looking at a tree of apples, so many different sizes, then choosing only to give the smallest one to anyone, leaving behind truth that others may not see, because they have been trained to accept the abstractions as truth themselves, and thus lose some of the rock of Scripture which was intended to help us build upon the foundation Christ set for us. It's lead to people seeing Sunday school as just a small group lecture, and in many cases conversation about the truths aren't happening as frequently when such is used. This bothers me greatly, because how do you consume the word of God if you don't savor it, test it, share it with others. I don't think God likes us 'Couch Potato' Christians, who whether at home with a screen, or in a room at a building with Christians, sits there and just nods along with what said. Were is the spirit of truth and walk there? You see I beleive God doesn't just want people to agree with scripture as facts, I think that knowing and believing are so transformative, that the bible shows us how God accomplished his plan of salvation (procedural knowledge if you will), But even knowing how God did it, and what he did, is still onlyh a fragment of what there is to offer. God doesn't just want us sitting in chairs and pews, absorbing what he did and glorifying his name, he wants us to allow that knowledge to challenge and change our perspectives, to mold us into being more like his son as another type of Perspectival knowing, that then begins to impact how we react in life, when its not just God we are talking about or scripture. Lastly, I beleive God has a purpose, an active purpose for everyone in the Church. Yet we see so many comfortable to sit in pews listen, and then leave, do they do anything when they leave for God because of their faith? Are they participating in the furtherence of the Gospel? Are they actually living in SPIRIT, and in TRUTH? Does that implication permeate every moment of their existence? I think that's the transformation The Lord intends for each of us, but many never grow past presuppositions, they may not grow past partial procedural understanding, and their perspective and participating become stuck. It's to those that are stuck that I find, there could actually be value in those notes. Here me out, the idea of a workbook, could be valuable. We are far more likely to remember, or do that which we have particpated in recording from our hearing. The best bible study or lessons in small group I've had are those that have engaged me, made me think, made me write things down to ponder, rather than just skimming in a reading and then maybe it becomes useful on Sunday, or not. If you used your notes to craft supports that could help bring out discussion in smaller group settings, get people talking about the scriptures, and their meaning, planting it further in their hearts such that their steps begin to walk in them. That I think, could have immense value. My dad gave me some old PCA sunday school material, and I marveled at how it seemed to accomplish some of that. Yet when I look at what I've experienced on the Baptist side since leaving my home town with first wife, I have not seen the fire to learn, the conversation and friendship that true fellowship in discovering God's grace, provision in scripture together can do. Even the Gospel Project or Bible Project that I've seen, feels like it becomes a stale tree tome, people skim, but the leaders often don't have enough there, or enough training from their elders to pull that out. I don't know what is norm in PCA small groups today, my parents go to a Church in West Virginia, but I since their sadness at how weak of a connection many in the church seem to have, not like the days when they helped build upon a recent church plant in Maryland, when I was just a wee child. I would think about that Matt. I know I don't agree with every theological point you put out, but I've found engaging has been helpfu, to remind me of things, and helps me understand present and future PCA members, better as I continue to wrestle with where God would have me serve in my own local body. I'll pray for God to give you wisdom in how to use this, not as another item to prop up a table proped up by so many other tomes, but something that could help converts get back to scripture at its heart, and realize the majesty and glory that God shines through out both Testaments.
I appreciate your graciousness and willingness to edify the church of Christ. I agree with you on all your considerations regarding what not to do. I am always looking for the wise teaching and holy simplification of God's sacred treasures in Christ. I think something between John Gertsner, "Handout of Theology" and the Beeke's educational curriculum series that are variously geared to the young, the teen, and young adult/adult capacities. Thank you again for your love, wisdom and service. I have your book arriving today, "Love God..." excited.
All right I found it on Amazon 😊 Will be placing an order with Amazon Friday, will include this book I like 2 things a lot One is good outlines Two is cliff notes ,something I can get off of Word Nerds or Pinterest.
1.A handbook on RT is a fantastic idea. 2. If it could be expanded upon, creating Sunday school or Bible study material would be excellent. 3. Although you mentioned the possibility is slim, I’m always ready for a helpful study Bible. I believe you could contribute something unique by assembling a team of solely confessional brothers-whether Presbyterian, Dutch Reformed, Baptist, etc.-and adding to the field in that way.
A Bible handbook for Reformed Theology like Halley's Bible Handbook which definitely has some arminianism leanings. Anything you do will be phenomenal as you, young man, are a tremendous thinker and teacher.
Option 1: Post notes online in a document format that everyone can access, like PDF or Word. Option 2: A systematic theology companion book (or handbook as you said) so the outline and references can be used for study, teaching alongside a full systematic theology and a study Bible. I prefer Option 2, but I guess that depends on what you reasonably have time to do. Either way, I'm excited to read a copy of all these notes.
I'll give you an example of a deficiency in reference tools. I typically use a concordance to study a topic, but some topics like the trinity can't be searched that way. Look up the trinity in Thompson's Chain References and the lack of references is shocking. If I didn't have other trinity affirming scriptures in my head and assumed the Thompson was exhaustive, I could envision how the TCR could turn someone unitarian. Nave's is somewhat better, but still skips things that should've been included. From this, I think a better way to search scriptures using theological concepts is still needed.
💡💡💡Sounds like it’s a living document. Do what David Guzik does with his enduring word commentary. Make it free as a website and keep updating it all the time. Blesses everyone. And likely you’ll get people that want to help and you’ll end up with an even better set of notes.
I would be interested in having a look at that. I am hopeful that it would be useful as a tool for helping me to navigate to lead a Bible study with my children and perhaps as a study guide for them. That would be a very appreciated blessing. I am wanting to upgrade our Bible study from the children’s Bible as they are now 9 & soon to be 11 and I think it’s time to get into it and get to know the LORD on a more specific and deeper level. Like you said, having that resource for them helps to keep them engaged in the substantive conversation process instead of getting lost taking detailed notes. Thank you brother. GOD bless you and all who bless you!
I own a copy of Haley's. I don't refer to it nearly as often as I do some of my commentaries and Study Bible notes, but it comes in handy from time to time. I think something like that could work nicely in conjunction with R.C.'s Study Bible, for instance. I am also an avid note taker, but I am extremely disorganized. It appears as though you have a great system set up for you that could also benefit others as well. I vote for a Haley's style handbook.
What about some third service/deep emersion Bible study guide? A guide for the I have my salvation and my daily walk down and covered and have the Sunday morning and small group study as a consistent pattern, but I want an in the weeds, move the furniture to clean, deep level of desire to understand God's word study.
The Bible Handbook idea would be helpful, especially with an emphasis on incorporating your quotes. There is a market for it and, more importantly, a need.
i love the quick reference guide for reformed theology. OR could it be made into a “how to” understand scripture in a systematic method with your notes turned into examples.
Doctrinal discussion guide... break it down into weekly doctrinal talking points with passages to look up and quotes to read and then discuss in small group or one to one discipleship. Perhaps extra information as "for further study or discussion" section.
Curt Daniel put his "The History And Theology of Calvinism " on line for years then put it into book form not to long ago. I have both, he did 80 some lectures on Calvinism.
Always looking for great resources to go through with my family. Maybe you could make it into something like a very simple curriculum or a devotional style book that you could go through with a small group, or during family worship time.
How about using them to put together your own spiritual autobiography? C.S. Lewis's 'Surprised by Joy' is a fascinating read; maybe something along similar lines? You could probably trace your own progress in sanctification through your notes, so some kind of book, in autobiographical style, walking through your own spiritual growth and maturity in the reformed faith could be worth exploring?
I would like a lecture series that compliments a particular book or series of books. I have not read any of your writings, but I am subscribed to your channel. It seems like the notes would compliment what you discuss. Note: As a Believer who has left the "Word" church, explored becoming Anglican (🙃) moved to another state after leaving a Vineyard church, and growing up in a Baptist church...etcetera, I am looking for a church "home" and I am learning what the Word says verses man's opinion.
A detailed handbook/reference book would be great. Something that gives us insight into thats more detailed than a normal handbook but not as complicated as a full systematic. It'd probably be a pain but I would organize it like a handbook, book of the Bible, but go chapter by chapter with insight into the chapters. So you are not looking up say Christology but you are reading say Exodus and you can find the various theological themes, concepts, inference, shadows within that book/chapter.
I would make it a handbook. I rely on Matthew Henry's concise commentary to help explain things that my Reformation study Bible does not cover in the notes.
Could you index the notes (as like the Edward’s system of note taking) and have it as a compendium that ties into the new study Bible coming out? In general, you could pdf the whole and have an Ai engine organize it into chapters. But not sure I trust tech that much.
I have 2 main ideas. 1) I'd like to see a reformed SB in the Legacy Standard Bible that's 'better' (more Reformed) than the MacArthur SB (OK, so I'd agree MacArthur is Reformed to a degree). Yeah, that would take a team which you could head or contribute to. 2) R.C. did a great job with, "Now That's a Good Question", but it's more-or-less off-the-cuff responses to spontaneous queries. I'm thinking something like Socrates or Augustine, with easily referenced responses to a plethora of general questions most folk formulate when thinking of God, the Scriptures, life, Reformed thought, even broad religious concepts. Most massive tomes like Beeke's or Turretin's or even Calvin's are not in nice brief Q&A chunks.
I would suggest your idea on the reformed theology handbook or a reformed theology devotional. Your handbook maybe the better idea since Kevin DeYoung came out with a theology devotional. I do like the handbook idea, I use Berkhof's Systematic Theology as my theology reference handbook.
I’d do the latter and make a small summary book. The problem with all the systematic theology books is that they are way too big and intimidating for the lay people to read. Thus that’s where u come in. Put reformed theology into bite sized chunks and explain it in less than 150-200 pgs. I know RC Sproul made a smaller book called what is reformed theology, but in that book he didn’t cover everything. U should cover everything but in very small bite sized chunks.
i think Dr. Everhard you should target lay people, a good and brief intro to systematic (maybe the name handbook scares some lay people). Some intros like Grudem's (trinity issues and carismatic gifts), Frame's (Triperspectivalism, not classical doctrine of God), Berkhof's and Bavinck;s (great ones!, but dated) really leave a vacuum to be filled with a good intro to systematics that present traditional reformed theology updated to modern discussions (federal vision, contemporary attacks to classical doctrine of god, a good chapter on bibliology for apologetics, etc ). Maybe envision it as an educational tool so that even lay people could get into current discussions in academia , at least in an informed way......just an idea :)
Pastor Matt, you do have a large collection of notes. The first thing that came to my mind is an online course for lay persons/ ministers in other countries with complimentary videos and lectures. Or a devotional journal for an extended period of time. 3rd). The older Bibles in the early 19th century had analytical notes at the back of their Bible based upon doctrinal themes. Dicksons Analytical Reference Bible or something like the Companion Bible with Indexes. Just some thoughts
Scan that bad boy into a searchable PDF and make it available for everyone.
This is what I was thinking, too. Even made available for a low cost ($5?) for the cost of hosting the file somewhere. I would love to print myself so I could spiral-bind it.
I agree. A "handbook" is what I was thinking. A Introduction to Reformed Theology Handbook.
Absolutely love the idea of a handbook, I’d buy that. Something I think would be very useful in that would be a recommended reading list for further study on each topic
Love this idea. I’d buy that!
No matter what you choose to do with them, this will be a gift to your wife and children- and grandchildren- to continue to learn from you after you’re gone, hopefully many many years from now 👍
Handbook!! Beginner’s guide to Reformed Theology. And I’d also use it as a jumping-off point for further study. I don’t always need an exhaustive resource like a full blown commentary. Some kind of pithy summary of a concept would be a great tool for explaining/teaching RT to others. Go for it, Matthew!
Bundle them in a book and share it with the world, I would love to read it.
Repent of your fake christianity!
Love the handbook idea.
I have Beeke’s 4 volume set and as you said, it’s absolutely amazing and will last me a lifetime.
However I also have R.C. Sproul’s “Everyone is a Theologian” which is essentially a condensed 300 page introduction to systematic theology.
I often find myself in Sproul’s book just as much as I am in Beeke’s because it hits the basic and fundamental points of a doctrine in 3 minutes of reading, rather than the 15 or 20 it takes me to go through one chapter of Beeke. Obviously Beeke’s is more in depth but it’s often important to get a stronger understanding of the basics before the harder stuff.
A handbook that introduces systematic theology is a great idea and benefits the one who was recently converted, along with the seasoned pastor.
We need more quality Bible Study/ teaching lesson videos. Like that from Ligonier. Have you ever thought of doing multiple week video lessons for church bible studies? This would help small churches all over the country.
I am not an ordained minister (Lord willing will be in 3.5 years) otherwise Id take a stab at it.
I'll give a little more information.
I became reformed(RCUS), though always calvinistic, from Christian amd Missionary alliance about a year amd a half ago. The small country church I attend had no mens ministry and I was called to start one. I'm now in first year seminary as well as working 30hrs a week so I don't have the time to prepare studies anymore. I have relied on video series fro. Ligonier and they dont have very many. Ive desired to start somthing like Ligonier has going but again, dont have the time at the moment. Anyways, these videos would greatly help the small group and small local church to learn more sound reformed theology. God Bless!
P.s. I would be will to help with the project.
So much this. RC Sproul is a blessing. If Pastor Everhard did this it would be awesome
The last thing all the fake christians that fill all the 100% apostate church need is more manmade unbiblical nonsense. What you all need is to get away from everything known as the church and its antichrist christianity and learn what the truth, the gospel, and the Christianity of the Bible actually is.
A topic of the week podcast or video walking through your notes would be a welcome addition. There are 100 out there but one more can meet the need of the one that is right for that person in need or one additional one for the person seeking more. Just because there are already many doesn't mean yours is not beneficial. I mean do I not need to evangelize because there is already 100 pastors out there already sharing the Gospel.
I don't know if you notes are in a format for topic of the week but I think you would have an audience that would start with you.
@@mr.incredible8080 ,...The fact is, rc sproul was not a Christian, he, like ALL of the churches pastors, preachers, and teachers was a fraud and sold an antichrist christianity. No Christian was deceived by him nor by any of the other apostate churches phony preachers. Repent!
Sproul and Ruckman were Jesuits
I think the handbook idea would be a very useful tool. It could be a one stop guide when someone needs a quick answer. Plus it could be a starting point for deeper study. The applications are almost limitless.
I think a reformed theology handbook or something similar to packers “Concise theology” would be helpful. There’s a need for an introductory level systematic theology for people to grab the basics before diving into a more complex work like Beeke or berkhof
I think the idea of a Reformed Bible Handbook is brilliant!
Thanks pastor for your video. I really like the idea of a Reformed Theology Handbook!! The reason is that it can be a practical tool for us to teach and it would give us the freedom to add or shorten it depending on the need for a particular course or class. Thanks again for your ministry. It’s a blessing for many!
Just received "We Become What We Worship" by G.K. Beale. Checking my funds to see if I can pick up your book this weekend. I like the idea of a Halley-like handbook.
Making the notes "as is" available online would be great, AND turning them into a handbook. I don't think posting them online "as is" would hinder the sales of the handbook. I think both are a great idea. Thanks for your diligent, hard work. God bless you, brother.
I sure appreciate your diligence, Matt! You're a good example of how we ought to be conducting ourselves.
A digital copy would be very useful. But I think those notes can be condensed to write another book more focused on primary points of Christ, the covenants, the Kingdom, paedobaptism, and eschatology, and tying it altogether.
Goodluck, and Godbless, brother 🙏
The question of what to do with it would be best served by answering the question of -- "what is your goal (or goals) for it?"
You could do either a summary of Systematic Theology similar to "Things Unseen".
Oh, I like this! I loved that series. I thought it was going to be an ongoing thing. And then it abruptly ended. I had grown used to listening to it just before bed. It was a wonderful little meditation to set your mind on God's Word for the night.
I like the handbook idea. Consider something like Gerhardus Vos' Reformed Dogmatics where it's systematics in brief (his are based on his notes as well.) It could be a great resource for people new to reformed theology who want a very brief summary and what books to read on a given theology topic. There are so many wonderful books, but they are not the popular slop that many major publishers put out nowadays. They're the old paths. Make a book that shows them the time-testes ol' reliable books in Reformed theology.
Give it away man. There are pastors all over the planet that would love this resource. Give it away.
Like many in the comments, I think turning your notes into a handbook is the best option. Bible and theology handbooks, when done right, offer helpful information that is both accessible for the layperson and deep enough for the seminarian, pastor, and/or scholar.
Share them please!!!
Here's a thought for a future video. How do you incorporate the use of print resources and digital resources in your study as a pastor? In other words how do you keep straight all of the print resources you have without having the ability to do searches on them like you do in Logos, or what is your workflow like to incorporate all of these resources?
searchable PDF would be best so we can use it as a handbook
Matt, I think the handbook route sounds like a winner.
As a parent who reads a lot of systematic theology and struggles to break it down for wife and kids… Would be wonderful to have something aimed at a non-theological audience
Just a suggestion: Condense it and infuse with your fine conversational style, like Paul David Tripp's "Do You Believe?" I'd buy it, tomorrow.
I like you humbleness, I agree. Share it… it will be a valuable resource
It's been almost 50yrs since Knowing God, by J.I. Packer. And that's still the best Devotional Introduction to Reformed Theology on market. But that doesn't deal with modern issues in culture or Theology.
Something in that vein would be valuable, methinks.
I like the handbook idea!
Ask RPTS if you could teach an "Introduction to Reformed Theology" class as an elective. Have this as a required textbook as an outline for students. If RPTS allows you, you could record those lectures and upload them. It would be beneficial to both students and the church.
This would not be in place of the other Systematic Classes that already exist. This would be an elective for students who would not be reformed or who just became reformed prior to going to seminary.
Love the handbook idea.
Could be a great resource for small group/Sunday school teachers or even fathers who want to teach their families systematic theology but don’t have the time (or children’s attention span) for one of the classic systematics
Hi Matthew! Great idea. What a wealth of information. I would start by knowing who you want it to be the reader. Pastors, teachers, laymen? What niche it would serve. I like your idea, like an encyclopedic compendium of terms and doctrines. Is there any particular group that you feel burden to reach. Now, in the future it could always be developed to reach another group niche. I would use it as a father at home in this season of my life. Always good to hear from you.
What about an outline for Reformed discipleship/training the church?
I know J.T. English put out some material for Baptist churches to utilize for training new or old members… those seeking more conservative biblical obedience to the Word (milk to meat).
Maybe make your notes into a cross between the handbook and Beeke’s Family Worship Bible Guide. Think family worship guide with a more academic angle. It would be a bonus if you can convert some notes into charts to break up the long flow of text.
I like your idea on a small book to look up different topics. That would be very helpful.
Agree with a lot of the comments on here, a handbook is a great idea - especially useful for those of us in smaller churches who want to refer others to something solid but also accessible.
I would say if it was systematic, would be worthwhile alongside a paragraph on the topic, also including some key implications (ie what practical difference can/should it make), or recommendations/key terms if someone wanted to know more.
Can they be incorporated into your Jonathan Edwards study Bible? Otherwise, I love the idea of a Haley style handbook. I think it would also be great to have a broken down by weeks to be used in Bible Study groups.. thank you
I think a handbook with the notes themselves as searchable PDF would be fantastic. I am so new when it comes to reformed theology that I often get confused.
You described your work of Systematic Theology to be a kind a "Bible Handbook" summary, thumbnail sketch. I actually think there is a place for this and here is my reason why: The other works on systematic theology that you mentioned are intimidating to the layman. A four volume set with each volume having 350+ pages is great for the pastor who is studying in his office with degrees handing on the wall, but what you have described here sounds like something a little more accessible to the non Bible College educated student who just wants to learn. I would recommend against Monergism due to the fact that their library is already so vast that your work would get lost. I would go ahead an publish on Amazon, and would give a title such as: Systematic Theology - A Laymen's Guide.
You talked about this being useful for others to use and teach from, what if you made a “how to teach reformed theology” book? Something that pastors, Sunday school teachers and even the layman could implement to help them communicate these truths from the pulpit to the dinner table?
Reformed Theology Handbook makes the most sense.
I used to be PCA when I was first saved. I think its wonderful that you were able to collect your notes over so many years. The experience of doing that was valuable to you, and from how you describe how you used them with your congregation, I think the efforst were truly honorable.
Another book on Systematic Theology? I think you are right on that, but not because others have published such 'great works'. You see I think Systematic theology has recently been breeding a class of pastor who has no interest in digging in the scriptures for themselves. Their spiritual muscles and exercises become just parroting, echoing something they read, heard, or saw, and while I've not been in any PCA churches where I've seen this happen (I'm baptist now), I have been in churches where I wondered, 'did they steel this outline from someone'? Is it plagiarized? Did they really put work in to prepare for this sermon or was it bought in a marketplace? These are questions I don't know that anyone would have considered before the Internet, it can be quite the distraction. It also can remove some of the credibility of the speaker, because when you repeat another's words, instead of learning what's behind them, formulating a premise, and teaching it with words that just happen to sound similar, you rob yourself of learning, and the people pick up on that. When something slipps through as a mistake in something said, it can cause the entire sermon to just fall over in front of us. I've seen this happen, it's very very strange.
Getting back to Systematic theology, I think it has lead to people who only believe in presuppositional truth as shared from modern day authors. Its not that people don't say they believe in the Authority of Scripture, but they peddle quotes, and ideas that didn't come about till will after all the apostles were gone. The other thing that I'm seeing, is Both Systematic Theology, and the Confessions are starting to look like memes and abstractions of their own. They try to simplify understanding sometimes, and that's maybe fine for fresh converts starting out, but what does faith mean? Is it just about accenting to facts as propositions? Sure its a good place to start, is that the end of belief? I am reminded of what Jesus said to the Woman at the well.
John 4:19-26
19“Sir,” the woman replied, “I see that you are a prophet. 20 Our ancestors worshiped on this mountain, but you Jews say that the place to worship is in Jerusalem.”
21J esus told her, “Believe me, woman, an hour is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. 22 You Samaritans worship what you do not know. We worship what we do know, because salvation is from the Jews. 23 But an hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and in truth. Yes, the Father wants such people to worship him. 24 God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in Spirit and in truth.”
25 The woman said to him, “I know that the Messiaha is coming” (who is called Christb). “When he comes, he will explain everything to us.”
26 Jesus told her, “I, the one speaking to you, am he.”
I feel like the first ten years of my life in Christ were just getting the core parts of the Christian walk ascertained. The last ten have more and more been about how to be as Jesus told the Samaritan woman, that God desired us to be: " the true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and in truth"
I honestly feel that God is sad in heaven because people read some tome about the bible, confuse it with his actual words and then begin to peddle it for the sake of being like the author, rather than seeking to live and worship in spirit and in truth. The biggest problem with Christianity in the last 40 year has been this penchant for looking at books, learning from them, and not really coming to a fuller understand of scripture. Yup, I am saying that every Systematic theology every written is nothing but vanity. You can read it, you may think you understand it, but when it doesn't lead you or others to dig fuller into the divinity that is in scripture, then it has actually failed and misled many.
So I would be wary about creating similar error too. Christians don't need a system of everything anyways, because when you have it it devalues true faith, and devotion to the Lord, replaced with man's summations of ideas that abstract away much of the Majesty of his Holy Word written down and preserved for us in the bible.
However, I would not say toss what you made out. The other problem I've seen is at the Sunday School/Life Group level. We get these quarterly supplements, with stories not in the bible, a few verses, and it tries to teach us one bland truth from scripture (I use the word bland, not to say its not true, but its like looking at a tree of apples, so many different sizes, then choosing only to give the smallest one to anyone, leaving behind truth that others may not see, because they have been trained to accept the abstractions as truth themselves, and thus lose some of the rock of Scripture which was intended to help us build upon the foundation Christ set for us. It's lead to people seeing Sunday school as just a small group lecture, and in many cases conversation about the truths aren't happening as frequently when such is used.
This bothers me greatly, because how do you consume the word of God if you don't savor it, test it, share it with others. I don't think God likes us 'Couch Potato' Christians, who whether at home with a screen, or in a room at a building with Christians, sits there and just nods along with what said. Were is the spirit of truth and walk there? You see I beleive God doesn't just want people to agree with scripture as facts, I think that knowing and believing are so transformative, that the bible shows us how God accomplished his plan of salvation (procedural knowledge if you will), But even knowing how God did it, and what he did, is still onlyh a fragment of what there is to offer.
God doesn't just want us sitting in chairs and pews, absorbing what he did and glorifying his name, he wants us to allow that knowledge to challenge and change our perspectives, to mold us into being more like his son as another type of Perspectival knowing, that then begins to impact how we react in life, when its not just God we are talking about or scripture. Lastly, I beleive God has a purpose, an active purpose for everyone in the Church. Yet we see so many comfortable to sit in pews listen, and then leave, do they do anything when they leave for God because of their faith? Are they participating in the furtherence of the Gospel? Are they actually living in SPIRIT, and in TRUTH? Does that implication permeate every moment of their existence? I think that's the transformation The Lord intends for each of us, but many never grow past presuppositions, they may not grow past partial procedural understanding, and their perspective and participating become stuck.
It's to those that are stuck that I find, there could actually be value in those notes. Here me out, the idea of a workbook, could be valuable. We are far more likely to remember, or do that which we have particpated in recording from our hearing. The best bible study or lessons in small group I've had are those that have engaged me, made me think, made me write things down to ponder, rather than just skimming in a reading and then maybe it becomes useful on Sunday, or not. If you used your notes to craft supports that could help bring out discussion in smaller group settings, get people talking about the scriptures, and their meaning, planting it further in their hearts such that their steps begin to walk in them. That I think, could have immense value.
My dad gave me some old PCA sunday school material, and I marveled at how it seemed to accomplish some of that. Yet when I look at what I've experienced on the Baptist side since leaving my home town with first wife, I have not seen the fire to learn, the conversation and friendship that true fellowship in discovering God's grace, provision in scripture together can do. Even the Gospel Project or Bible Project that I've seen, feels like it becomes a stale tree tome, people skim, but the leaders often don't have enough there, or enough training from their elders to pull that out. I don't know what is norm in PCA small groups today, my parents go to a Church in West Virginia, but I since their sadness at how weak of a connection many in the church seem to have, not like the days when they helped build upon a recent church plant in Maryland, when I was just a wee child.
I would think about that Matt. I know I don't agree with every theological point you put out, but I've found engaging has been helpfu, to remind me of things, and helps me understand present and future PCA members, better as I continue to wrestle with where God would have me serve in my own local body. I'll pray for God to give you wisdom in how to use this, not as another item to prop up a table proped up by so many other tomes, but something that could help converts get back to scripture at its heart, and realize the majesty and glory that God shines through out both Testaments.
I appreciate your graciousness and willingness to edify the church of Christ. I agree with you on all your considerations regarding what not to do. I am always looking for the wise teaching and holy simplification of God's sacred treasures in Christ. I think something between John Gertsner, "Handout of Theology" and the Beeke's educational curriculum series that are variously geared to the young, the teen, and young adult/adult capacities.
Thank you again for your love, wisdom and service. I have your book arriving today, "Love God..." excited.
I would suggest if you post it online as a quick reference to get the three points on a topic, you convert it to a searchable pdf.
All right I found it on Amazon 😊
Will be placing an order with Amazon Friday, will include this book
I like 2 things a lot
One is good outlines
Two is cliff notes ,something I can get off of Word Nerds or Pinterest.
A handbook would be great!
1.A handbook on RT is a fantastic idea.
2. If it could be expanded upon, creating Sunday school or Bible study material would be excellent.
3. Although you mentioned the possibility is slim, I’m always ready for a helpful study Bible. I believe you could contribute something unique by assembling a team of solely confessional brothers-whether Presbyterian, Dutch Reformed, Baptist, etc.-and adding to the field in that way.
A Bible handbook for Reformed Theology like Halley's Bible Handbook which definitely has some arminianism leanings. Anything you do will be phenomenal as you, young man, are a tremendous thinker and teacher.
I also like the handbook idea.
Option 1: Post notes online in a document format that everyone can access, like PDF or Word.
Option 2: A systematic theology companion book (or handbook as you said) so the outline and references can be used for study, teaching alongside a full systematic theology and a study Bible.
I prefer Option 2, but I guess that depends on what you reasonably have time to do. Either way, I'm excited to read a copy of all these notes.
I'll give you an example of a deficiency in reference tools. I typically use a concordance to study a topic, but some topics like the trinity can't be searched that way. Look up the trinity in Thompson's Chain References and the lack of references is shocking. If I didn't have other trinity affirming scriptures in my head and assumed the Thompson was exhaustive, I could envision how the TCR could turn someone unitarian. Nave's is somewhat better, but still skips things that should've been included. From this, I think a better way to search scriptures using theological concepts is still needed.
Whatever it is, would love to read that big boy one day
I am on my second copy of Halley's Bible Handbook.
💡💡💡Sounds like it’s a living document. Do what David Guzik does with his enduring word commentary. Make it free as a website and keep updating it all the time. Blesses everyone. And likely you’ll get people that want to help and you’ll end up with an even better set of notes.
I like the handbook concept, I would implement the fruit of your labors.
I would be interested in having a look at that. I am hopeful that it would be useful as a tool for helping me to navigate to lead a Bible study with my children and perhaps as a study guide for them. That would be a very appreciated blessing. I am wanting to upgrade our Bible study from the children’s Bible as they are now 9 & soon to be 11 and I think it’s time to get into it and get to know the LORD on a more specific and deeper level. Like you said, having that resource for them helps to keep them engaged in the substantive conversation process instead of getting lost taking detailed notes. Thank you brother. GOD bless you and all who bless you!
Maybe it's the beginning of a searchable online database for reformed theology, "the Wikipedia of reformed theology"
I like the handbook idea. Maybe like a textbook for systematic theology classes at the undergraduate level?
Shape it into a primer and publish it as an introduction to Reformed theology. Yes, a handbook. Good idea.
A cassette tape series. I'll take 2.
Deyoung beat ya to it
I think the Handbook was the best idea.
I own a copy of Haley's. I don't refer to it nearly as often as I do some of my commentaries and Study Bible notes, but it comes in handy from time to time. I think something like that could work nicely in conjunction with R.C.'s Study Bible, for instance. I am also an avid note taker, but I am extremely disorganized. It appears as though you have a great system set up for you that could also benefit others as well. I vote for a Haley's style handbook.
What about some third service/deep emersion Bible study guide? A guide for the I have my salvation and my daily walk down and covered and have the Sunday morning and small group study as a consistent pattern, but I want an in the weeds, move the furniture to clean, deep level of desire to understand God's word study.
The Bible Handbook idea would be helpful, especially with an emphasis on incorporating your quotes. There is a market for it and, more importantly, a need.
i love the quick reference guide for reformed theology. OR could it be made into a “how to” understand scripture in a systematic method with your notes turned into examples.
Doctrinal discussion guide... break it down into weekly doctrinal talking points with passages to look up and quotes to read and then discuss in small group or one to one discipleship. Perhaps extra information as "for further study or discussion" section.
The camera angle and lighting look really good
whatever you decide it will be great
I'd love for you to make time available as a pdf online.
Curt Daniel put his "The History And Theology of Calvinism " on line for years then put it into book form not to long ago. I have both, he did 80 some lectures on Calvinism.
Always looking for great resources to go through with my family. Maybe you could make it into something like a very simple curriculum or a devotional style book that you could go through with a small group, or during family worship time.
How about using them to put together your own spiritual autobiography? C.S. Lewis's 'Surprised by Joy' is a fascinating read; maybe something along similar lines? You could probably trace your own progress in sanctification through your notes, so some kind of book, in autobiographical style, walking through your own spiritual growth and maturity in the reformed faith could be worth exploring?
I would say turn the notes into a series of study guides for your viewers. I also like your idea of creating a handbook.
"Reformed reasons to believe" in outline form...starting one's own note-taking journal.
Could you make them printable and/or with binder holes in the sides to be made into a 'flip-through' easy access book/booklet of sorts?
Sir. Please publish that. Would gladly purchase a copy
I would like a lecture series that compliments a particular book or series of books.
I have not read any of your writings, but I am subscribed to your channel. It seems like the notes would compliment what you discuss.
Note: As a Believer who has left the "Word" church, explored becoming Anglican (🙃) moved to another state after leaving a Vineyard church, and growing up in a Baptist church...etcetera, I am looking for a church "home" and I am learning what the Word says verses man's opinion.
I vote for video lessons using these notes.
A detailed handbook/reference book would be great. Something that gives us insight into thats more detailed than a normal handbook but not as complicated as a full systematic. It'd probably be a pain but I would organize it like a handbook, book of the Bible, but go chapter by chapter with insight into the chapters. So you are not looking up say Christology but you are reading say Exodus and you can find the various theological themes, concepts, inference, shadows within that book/chapter.
I would make it a handbook. I rely on Matthew Henry's concise commentary to help explain things that my Reformation study Bible does not cover in the notes.
Well if you have a Beast, give it a Revelation.
Maybe use them for a NASB study bible?
Reformed handbook would be great. Maybe with biblical index with WCF and/or shorter/larger catechism in text references
Hand book is a great idea.
Could you index the notes (as like the Edward’s system of note taking) and have it as a compendium that ties into the new study Bible coming out?
In general, you could pdf the whole and have an Ai engine organize it into chapters. But not sure I trust tech that much.
I think you should take it into a series of work books for Elders and pastors. Then I could buy them and use them for Elder training. Please
What if it was nicely formatted and turned into a type of journal where your notes stimulated questions for people to explore?
I think a Reformation Handbook sounds pretty good
I vote for Posting online!
I have 2 main ideas. 1) I'd like to see a reformed SB in the Legacy Standard Bible that's 'better' (more Reformed) than the MacArthur SB (OK, so I'd agree MacArthur is Reformed to a degree). Yeah, that would take a team which you could head or contribute to. 2) R.C. did a great job with, "Now That's a Good Question", but it's more-or-less off-the-cuff responses to spontaneous queries. I'm thinking something like Socrates or Augustine, with easily referenced responses to a plethora of general questions most folk formulate when thinking of God, the Scriptures, life, Reformed thought, even broad religious concepts. Most massive tomes like Beeke's or Turretin's or even Calvin's are not in nice brief Q&A chunks.
I would suggest your idea on the reformed theology handbook or a reformed theology devotional. Your handbook maybe the better idea since Kevin DeYoung came out with a theology devotional. I do like the handbook idea, I use Berkhof's Systematic Theology as my theology reference handbook.
Is it possible to do a handbook that is in plain English? Sometimes Reformed books are not accessible to people who haven't been to seminary.
I’d do the latter and make a small summary book. The problem with all the systematic theology books is that they are way too big and intimidating for the lay people to read. Thus that’s where u come in. Put reformed theology into bite sized chunks and explain it in less than 150-200 pgs. I know RC Sproul made a smaller book called what is reformed theology, but in that book he didn’t cover everything. U should cover everything but in very small bite sized chunks.
Make an online Presbyterian answers page off the notes.. Catholics have CA. Baptists have got questions.
i think Dr. Everhard you should target lay people, a good and brief intro to systematic (maybe the name handbook scares some lay people). Some intros like Grudem's (trinity issues and carismatic gifts), Frame's (Triperspectivalism, not classical doctrine of God), Berkhof's and Bavinck;s (great ones!, but dated) really leave a vacuum to be filled with a good intro to systematics that present traditional reformed theology updated to modern discussions (federal vision, contemporary attacks to classical doctrine of god, a good chapter on bibliology for apologetics, etc ). Maybe envision it as an educational tool so that even lay people could get into current discussions in academia , at least in an informed way......just an idea :)
Everhard's Reformed Theology Primer
Pastor Matt, you do have a large collection of notes. The first thing that came to my mind is an online course for lay persons/ ministers in other countries with complimentary videos and lectures.
Or a devotional journal for an extended period of time.
3rd). The older Bibles in the early 19th century had analytical notes at the back of their Bible based upon doctrinal themes. Dicksons Analytical Reference Bible or something like the Companion Bible with Indexes.
Just some thoughts
Not all things are for all people.
What's the update on the Jonathan Edwards study Bible?