Love the fact that Madelyn was butcher's hostage and in butcher's perspective, she is the only reason that homelander wont kill him at this moment. Then when she get killed, his hostage is gone but he still no fear at all.
Butcher might be the only person that Homelander actually respects. Not because Butcher wasn't afraid of him, and wasn't afraid to die, but the reason why he wasn't afraid to die.....because his hatred was so strong. Butcher's hatred is the only thing stronger than Homelander's own deep seated anger, and I think that impressed him a little bit.
Notice how Homelander never kills people who don't care and aren't scared of him, Butcher, Edgar....probably out of respect because of how rare it is. and kills Stillwell after she admits she's scared of him
This is a great observation. Homelander is obsessed with being taken seriously, because he has been infantilized his whole life. The problem is, he is so powerful, it's natural for people to simply cower in fear of him. Cowering is not the same as respecting someone. To Homelander, cowering would be very much like an insult - all they can see in him is their own inadequacy in the face of his power. But Butcher and a few others? Yeah, they treat him with cold seriousness. They're obviously nervous in a purely physical sense but... even if they see Homelander as a threat, they recognize the totality of him and his threat. Not just their personal helplessness and fear for their lives. They make Homelander a very serious thing in how they react to him, and that is what Homelander wants.
@@hthree7857 No, Black noir is actually a clone of homelander who was made to, and actually kills homelander once homelander goes insane. The show just hasn't gotten there yet.
One thing that I realized about this scene: Every other time we have seen Homelander laser somebody, he instantly blasts straight through them, with no effort. He's regularly slicing and dicing people with his eyes but, in this scene, it takes him time to burn through her eyes and into her brain cavity. That means that Homelander *deliberately* held back and killed her slowly, when he didn't have to. Dude is a straight sociopath.
that means that he could've killed that terrorist without destroying the control panel. Which either means he couldn't care less to hold back or (which is most interesting to me) he deliberately did it. Which if you think about it made a better case towards their cause to get into military than saving that plane. Deaths that could've been avoided is a lot more impactful than lives saved and it also avoided a topic of how in the hell did they even know about this takeover when only the us government were supposed to know about it
Butcher is scary in his own way you know. How can he watch homelander lasering the only person he supposedly loves in the FACE without his facial expression changing AT ALL. Wtf butcher
Considering the amount of psychological turmoil the man went through over the years ,he wouldn’t be surprised seeing the man he hates the most committing an absolute abhorrent insane action . he’s dealt with those actions himself before
@@talkingcontroller9396 listen to how Homelander talks, Toni Starr’s voice alone can speak for his acting just like his facial expressions and body language
Yes. Totally agree. Though I despised her character in this series, this scene triggered a floodgate of sympathy for her. She was totally vulnerable and the nuances in her voice gave me the chills. ( especially when she has to repeat she was scared of Homelander.)
Not really. Her role could’ve been more than her just sitting in the office holding a baby every scene or trying to treat Homelander like a baby. She didn’t really have that personality that was just clever and intimidating like Edgar has. Stillwell literally should’ve been female Edgar personality wise. She’s evil but she never even felt like a villain
@@ZekeTheNerdVX nah, it is. a responsible good superman wouldn’t turn evil over a personal loss; see Kingdom Come superman. arguably worse death for lois in my opinion, having her skull fractured and bleeding to death after her head was clubbed in by a fire extinguisher
That's literally what I thought too lol. I was like: "Eh never mind, at least butcher's in heaven. He deserves it." Then homelander shows up and I almost spit out my drink. My mind got blown even more when it's revealed that Becca and homelander's son are both actually still alive. God, I love this show.
@@princetonchia1285 not sure if deserves it is the right word. There’s probably a laundry list 10 feet long about every murder, blackmail, crime, torture, and assault butcher has committed.
ugh stillwell wasn't the most sympathetic character but i still felt for her so much. when she admitted her fear, you realize everything she's done re: that bizarre romance with Homelander was out of terror. she knew better than anyone what he was capable of. And the way he killed her was so horrifying... not instantaneous like you knew he could, but slow enough that she had time for a tiny whimper of... maybe not even pain, but fear and realization. ughhhh. this haunted me for days.
The romance between her and Homelander was because she knew she could keep him under control that way. Whenever he was upset she came along with her manipulative "good boy" thing, sexualizing the situation. It was just a question of time when this would go off the rails.
Stillwell was a corporate dictator who caused a genocide to happen all over the world, not to mention she was an advocate of rape and is responsible for 1000s of lives lost. She's a terrible person, but Homelander is a psychopath
You know what I've realised? If Homelander managed to save Butcher and Stillwell's baby in a split second after the bomb went off - he surely could take every single passenger from that airliner and gently put them into the water, which would give them some more chances of survival. I mean, he proven that he can be damn FAST if he wants to.
@@ben99687 yeah, that's why i was talking about. He was convincing Queen Maeve that it's impossible to save the people by moving them one by one, but in fact it was possible - he just didn't give enout shit to do it.
@@Je_QzcY3mN0 then why wouldn't he have saved the passengers if it was possible? The entire plane thing got improvised after Homelander screwed up the control panel. Pretty sure that initial plan was to kill the hijackers and then land the plane safely. If that was the initial plan, and it's possible to save the plane passengers, then there isn't any reason for him to have refused to do it. Feel like that's a bit of an oversight from the writers. I mean, the fact Butcher detonated the bomb while the baby was still around was also weird. Idk.
@@Hexamath he wouldn't save the passengers because he doesn't fucking care, he is not a hero, he is a showman and mouth piece for vought, none of the supes actually care about saving anybody except Maeve occasionally or starlight. Moreover it was too much of a risk, instead homelander saw the opportunity to get the supes into army and it worked like a charm.
Could have done so much to save the pasangers like disabling the engines or using his strength to manually pilot the plane somehow. Homelander just didn't feel like they were worth his elbow grease.
@@thefran901 He doesn't admire him. He's just saving him for later so he can make him die in a much more painful way, and is curious about him a little because hes different. Homelander hates dissaproval, and butcher dissaproves of him big time.
The cinematography of the show is top notch, and one of my favorite things about this scene is how the camera holds on Madelyn during her confession. Staring at her with the same intensity Homelander is, never breaking until she finally admits she's scared of him. It's so good.
This is probably the happiest homelander ever was, he finally found a family for himself. It's cool that in this version ryan is alive and not just a supe baby that butcher killed with a lamp like in the comics.
@@rockylucifer6720 let’s just say he did some very gross stuff to butchers wife, by default that’s butchers family regardless, homelander is a gross person
I love the fact that Homelander saved Teddy(the baby). He obviously had a jealousy issue with Stilwell and Teddy. But he saw the Teddy wasn’t to blame, only an innocent baby. Shows that he does have SOME morals.
Homelander was so jealous of baby Teddy. If Stillwell never lied to him she would have been super jealous of Stormfront in season 2. I could imagine Stillwell working with 'The Boys' just to get rid of her.
Billy walked in there hoping to hurt homelander. In the end of season two he kind got what he wanted with stormfronts death and ryan turning his back on him.
@@omni-man8647 Nothing but I'm still pretty sure she didn't die. Otherwise Homelander wouldn't have said she'd be punished. He'd just say they killed her. Could be wrong though.
@@pandogstudios1512 no she did die there was this scene where homelander was suppose to save some sucidial girl that was going to jump, but then on a big tv screen a news alert said stormfront killed herself in the hospital.
Homelander saved Madelyn's baby from Butcher's explosion. Apparently there's a human in there, somewhere. He hated that baby, and Madelyn's affection for it. Yet he saved it.
I'd rather Butcher die than Homelander. Fuck baby killers. I know the baby lives but Butcher intended them all to die even though he knew Homelander would easily survive because of his durability. That means Butcher was trying to suicide and take the baby with him. Hopefully HL can kill Butcher before he date rapes MM again or targets more babies
So Homelander would rather see Billy Butcher living in misery than actually kill him? Is that why Butcher still hasn't been killed by Homelander yet? Because if I were Homelander, that would be my reason for not killing someone who's been against me and attempted murder on me multiple times
Well Homelander has no known weakness. So it’s pretty easy to leave your greatest threat alive when your greatest threat can’t even scratch you. Also, Butcher isn’t scared of him. Notice how he doesn’t kill people who show no fear toward him. Like Stan Edgar. Both royally pissed Homelander off and yet they got to live. And the doctor. He lied about Homelanders son and was only paralyzed for it(that’s getting off pretty easy for pissing off Homelander). I’d say it’s a respect thing.
Same but if the series ends the same way as in the comics then he’ll definitely kill Homelander. 😉 Edit: After watching Episode 7 I take back what I say
nawab256 There’s nods to the comics but in terms of it being accurate barely. It does follows some of the events in the comic but overall it’s its own story. Which is for the better because I doubt they’d get away with some of the more intense and surreal moments in the comic. Not only that but if one wanted to read the source material they won’t have it spoiled by the show
that moment where homelander frees himself from madelyn this very moment told me that this story is something special, resonated with him so much when he breathes that sigh of relief
Madelyn Stillwell and Vogelbaum very much created a monster in Homelander . Vogelbaum keeping him in captivity as a guinea pig, ultimately shaped Homelander from a child , to a super powered sociopath, so desperate to be loved and worshipped he'd commit atrocities to get it . Madelyn seduces , heck even goes as far as grooming Homelander so they can control him . Ultimately this was her biggest mistake as she didn't realise Homelander wasn't as gullible as he seemed , and that ultimately Homelander couldn't be controlled, at least not in the long run , particularly when he found out the truth . As evil as Homelander is , you can't help but feel a little empathy for him , given that the man he looked upto as a father figure and the woman he had a thing for , in reality didn't actually care for him, and were just using him for their own gains , so him being angry is somewhat understandable . Does it excuse the atrocities he's committed though? Not even remotely. You can tell when Homelander crippled Vogelbaum and particularly when he lasers Madelyns skull ,its personal . Like a teenager being able to lash out at his parents and lovers for the first time , only said teenager is a grown, nihilistic, superpowered sociopath with a good complex.
Butcher and Homelander are kinda alike when you think about it. They both ruthless, obsessive, don't care about anyone around them and about collateral damage. In the first season they both have this weird scenes with babies which clearly pose the question whether either of them is evil enough to murder babies (Homelander creepily staring at Stillwell's baby and Butcher discovering "baby supes") . Butcher obsesively hates supes in almost a racist way because one of them hurt him. Homelander despises normal people because he thinks them inferior, also in kind of a racist way.
It's the two sides of racism. Superiority and inferiority. Superiority being cases of prejudice based on others being inferior and lack of respect. Inferiority being cases of prejudice based on treating others as superiors or threats feeling as tho they can become superior to you.
Not really. You see butcher has empathy for people and he actually loves his dearest people. However Homelander only cares about himself and loves nobody.
I like how in Season 1 whenever Homelander kills someone his face is concealed by shadow, possibly symbolizing his current inability to be honest about his actual personality. Later in the series when he kills his face is completely visible, showing us that he's a-ok with showing the world just how bad he is.
Madelyn: "Dang, after all these years, this is the 1 time I genuinely need Homelander's help" Homelander: "Thank god someone finally turned Madelyn into a miserable human, I would never be able to accomplish that on my own"
you realise that shortly after he lasered her in the eyes, she gasps, this means that as the laser hit she was still alive for about a second or 2 and new she was being killed and was literally having her brains burnt, that makes it way worse.
If this is how he reacted when he finds out he had a son all along i can only imagine how he is going to act now that he knows he’s had a dad all along
The finale of The Boys (first sezon) is IMO one of the best endings for sezon ever. It concluded all the ongoing topics, answered most if not all of the plots, it created new questions for next sezon It was soooo good
This entire scene is like fifteen punches, one after another. I'm going to have to make a video about gruesome superhero deaths for my channel just so I can talk about this impactful scene.
I like how he says he “squeezed” information out of Vogelbaum, but in reality, he just had an emotional conversation with him. Since that was the only person he could recognize as his “father”.
The most shocking thing about why homelander kill Stilwell is because homelander discovered that Madelyn had lied to him and kept his son’s existence and his whereabouts a secret, which made homelander betrayed by Stilwell and felt upset and very angry.
Think about how at this point in time Teddy Stillwell has V in him and is developing his powers. When we later see him we see that he is clearly in some way traumatized or radically altered as a result of what happened here alongside the V, rightfully so as Homelander killed his mother. Being an empowered baby, it's possible that Teddy was aware of what was occurring at least vaguely to his mother. This entire situation is similar to Ryan, except Teddy has no familial ties to Homelander. Homelander is all Ryan has left in terms of family, but despite this his status as an empowered child directly born from Homelander himself makes him one of the only potential threats to Homelander that can be utilized. Although Ryan has the potential ability to be able to kill Homelander, it's completely possible that he will like his father want to have his parents (one of which he has already lost), and end up being unable to follow through with killing Homelander. This would then leave an opportunity for Teddy Stillwell, someone who has no familial ties to Homelander and is even an indirect victim of him being as his mother was killed by him. Teddy Stillwell's empowerments even at his young age are extremely alarming, to both the orphan caretakers and Hughie. Couple this with the fact that he is possibly aware of the fact that Homelander killed his mother, he would definitely make the BEST effort to take down Homelander. He has no weaknesses against him, and only room for hate to harbor towards him alongside his incredible abilities.
Erick Alejandro he saved butch because he wanted him to feal a pain worse than death he wanted butch to see that his wife he’s be searching for for 8 years is alive and raising homelanders baby
I'm sorry. This is one of few scenes I disliked Butcher. He hates supes so much, he was willing to blow up a house KNOWING there was an innocent baby inside of it.
@@jimmilton4543 Hughie is good, I’d say. When Kimikos brother knocked the chopper down, he tried to help them. He only ever killed Translucent, and that invisible prick kinda had it coming.
A baby who is going to be raised by who now that the mother is dead? It doesn't even matter honestly. In the grand scheme of things one baby isn't going to mean anything for any of the people currently standing in that room. Homelander isn't taking care of that damn kid, and for all we know homelander would have killed the baby. Life isn't fair. Baby has no one so just like in nature, baby dies. The world moves forward as it always has and will.
The sound of his leather glove crunching as he says “I managed to squeeeeeeze the truth out of him.” Is absolutely chilling. Feels so ruthless and brutal, makes your imagination run wild on what he did to him.
Billy the butcher is the most fearless character that will only fear god and not these punk ass supes who abuse their on their disposal. There’s always a Batman for a dark Superman . Men like these are epitome courage and pure badassery.
When I first saw the last scene when Becca shows I thought she was pregnant again but then I saw that she wasn’t the camera angle sorta had made her look pregnant
After watching the cartoon and seeing how she manipulated him and somehow made him even WORSE. Homelander was still a decent though flawed person until Stilwell screwed him up even more.
I honestly don't get disturbed by gore or death scenes in shows. It's all fiction after all. However the fact that it wasn't over the top, it was just slow, no screaming, just the sizzling, crackling and visceral noises of burbling flesh and brain while she slowly falls back with her skull exposed is disgusting and disturbing as fuck.
@@MPeaches1958 Believe that is the writers' error. DC writers have this tendency of over powering Batman because he is underpowered and underpowering Supes coz he is overpowered. Superman is highly intelligent he can achieve nigh light speeds and has excellent distance combat powers eg. Heat vision. He can neutralise an enemy even if the enemy is wielding Kryptonite. Superman can punch the very molecules out of Batman but the writers wouldn't allow it as it is "not interesting" if the protagonist keeps winning easy. Although, they can match the protagonist with equal or superior antagonists eg. Darkseid, Mongul and Doomsday.
Hey guys? Oh, could you kindly forget how he was fast enough to save Butcher and baby here so that we could have fucking Maeve overpower him? Thanks guys!
The tenson in this scene, worst part is you know Homelander is gonna kill her. You just don't know when and how.
Just saw this episode last week..and the thought of him killer her didn't cross my mind I didn't think he would 🤷🏾♂️
It’s crazy how homelander was supposed to speak to billy but he turned it into his own moment confronting stillwell
@@s.s9544 like he didn't really didn't care about Billy. He was 100% ready to let her blow up.
IKR!?!? I knew she was going to die
Nah, the best part is that you had no idea Homelander would do that. I was shocked when that happened, major plot twist
Love the fact that Madelyn was butcher's hostage and in butcher's perspective, she is the only reason that homelander wont kill him at this moment. Then when she get killed, his hostage is gone but he still no fear at all.
The bombs are set to go off if he presses the button, he already intended on dying here no reason to fear homelander at this point.
I like the fact that when it didn't work Butcher tried to kill a baby for discernible benefit.
@@ShadowRulah pretty fucked up but what’d someone who has fully consumed by vengeance care when he knows he’s going to die.
@@moonie1825 It was a dead man switch the bomb goes off from letting go of the button.
Butcher might be the only person that Homelander actually respects. Not because Butcher wasn't afraid of him, and wasn't afraid to die, but the reason why he wasn't afraid to die.....because his hatred was so strong. Butcher's hatred is the only thing stronger than Homelander's own deep seated anger, and I think that impressed him a little bit.
Notice how Homelander never kills people who don't care and aren't scared of him, Butcher, Edgar....probably out of respect because of how rare it is. and kills Stillwell after she admits she's scared of him
If he kills Edgar either way he's fucked. Vought obviously has a secret weapon if Homelander goes crazy
@@memonson5586 according to butcher, homelanders kid is the only weapon against him
This is a great observation. Homelander is obsessed with being taken seriously, because he has been infantilized his whole life. The problem is, he is so powerful, it's natural for people to simply cower in fear of him. Cowering is not the same as respecting someone. To Homelander, cowering would be very much like an insult - all they can see in him is their own inadequacy in the face of his power.
But Butcher and a few others? Yeah, they treat him with cold seriousness. They're obviously nervous in a purely physical sense but... even if they see Homelander as a threat, they recognize the totality of him and his threat. Not just their personal helplessness and fear for their lives. They make Homelander a very serious thing in how they react to him, and that is what Homelander wants.
@@bluedotdinosaur Thank you.
@@hthree7857 No, Black noir is actually a clone of homelander who was made to, and actually kills homelander once homelander goes insane. The show just hasn't gotten there yet.
Homelander killed his favorite source of breastmilk.
Pretty much, yeah.
he doesn't drink it anymore :(
Yet he kept his daddy figure alive so far lol.
One thing that I realized about this scene:
Every other time we have seen Homelander laser somebody, he instantly blasts straight through them, with no effort. He's regularly slicing and dicing people with his eyes but, in this scene, it takes him time to burn through her eyes and into her brain cavity.
That means that Homelander *deliberately* held back and killed her slowly, when he didn't have to. Dude is a straight sociopath.
I remember when he regulated his heat vision to warm milk
that means that he could've killed that terrorist without destroying the control panel. Which either means he couldn't care less to hold back or (which is most interesting to me) he deliberately did it. Which if you think about it made a better case towards their cause to get into military than saving that plane. Deaths that could've been avoided is a lot more impactful than lives saved and it also avoided a topic of how in the hell did they even know about this takeover when only the us government were supposed to know about it
I think you mean Phycopath
Anthony Starr killed this role. Great actor.
Agreed I think he probably has the best performance in the series.
This guy should be getting an Emmy.
He also killed Madelyn!
He didn't just kill the role lmao
Between this show and Banshee this guy is an underground legend.
Butcher is scary in his own way you know. How can he watch homelander lasering the only person he supposedly loves in the FACE without his facial expression changing AT ALL. Wtf butcher
For real.
Considering the amount of psychological turmoil the man went through over the years ,he wouldn’t be surprised seeing the man he hates the most committing an absolute abhorrent insane action . he’s dealt with those actions himself before
Imagine if the butcher was injected with the compound v??🥶🥶💀💀
@@bimsarakumarajeewa4616 If they follow the comics, all of the Boys should be V-infused. Hopefully S3 will take us there
His expression did change subtly. It was almost like he knew Homelander could do this, but was still slightly taken aback when he actually did do it.
Homelander killed Stillwell. It would be difficult after that to accurately say that she is still well.
Ah yes, the pun master
This scene sold me on the fact that Starr could be a great Choice for Reverse Flash, Brainiac and Dr Doom
Wow, how didn't I think about the possibility of Starr as Dr Doom before, the thing is Dr. Doom almost never takes off his mask tho
@@talkingcontroller9396 listen to how Homelander talks, Toni Starr’s voice alone can speak for his acting just like his facial expressions and body language
@@talkingcontroller9396 impossible
Nah man You can't beat 'Tom Cavanagh' for reverse flash.
But I agree, Anthony can do all the roles so well.
@@talkingcontroller9396 True they might need to cast an unknown to play Doom. Or an actor who wouldn’t care
Antony Starr was incredible in this scene but let’s not forget that Elisabeth Shue killed it in every single scene that she was in.
Yes. Totally agree. Though I despised her character in this series, this scene triggered a floodgate of sympathy for her. She was totally vulnerable and the nuances in her voice gave me the chills. ( especially when she has to repeat she was scared of Homelander.)
Until a 'scene' killed her!!😂
Yeah I hate to say it but... I did miss Madelyn a bit in season 2 (yes I'm aware she's a horrible person) because I like Elisabeth Shue.
Not really. Her role could’ve been more than her just sitting in the office holding a baby every scene or trying to treat Homelander like a baby. She didn’t really have that personality that was just clever and intimidating like Edgar has. Stillwell literally should’ve been female Edgar personality wise. She’s evil but she never even felt like a villain
By far the best actor on the show. Carried every scene she was in.
So this is what the M+ version of Shazam’s death in Injustice would look like
I still think that was bs. Shazam could have put up a way better fight
Amir Dawson yeah that was stupid. Really injustice whole premise is stupid
@@Add183 Not really
@@ZekeTheNerdVX nah, it is. a responsible good superman wouldn’t turn evil over a personal loss; see Kingdom Come superman. arguably worse death for lois in my opinion, having her skull fractured and bleeding to death after her head was clubbed in by a fire extinguisher
@@lilfriedchicken9920 Ok whatever you say
Love how Butcher's just like "Ah, I seem to have miscalculated."
At first, I thought butcher was in heaven, then I saw homelander and was like wtf
Best comment ever lmao XD
That's literally what I thought too lol. I was like: "Eh never mind, at least butcher's in heaven. He deserves it." Then homelander shows up and I almost spit out my drink. My mind got blown even more when it's revealed that Becca and homelander's son are both actually still alive. God, I love this show.
@@princetonchia1285 not sure if deserves it is the right word. There’s probably a laundry list 10 feet long about every murder, blackmail, crime, torture, and assault butcher has committed.
Instead back to hell when he sees Homelander lmao.
ugh stillwell wasn't the most sympathetic character but i still felt for her so much. when she admitted her fear, you realize everything she's done re: that bizarre romance with Homelander was out of terror. she knew better than anyone what he was capable of. And the way he killed her was so horrifying... not instantaneous like you knew he could, but slow enough that she had time for a tiny whimper of... maybe not even pain, but fear and realization. ughhhh. this haunted me for days.
The romance between her and Homelander was because she knew she could keep him under control that way. Whenever he was upset she came along with her manipulative "good boy" thing, sexualizing the situation. It was just a question of time when this would go off the rails.
Stillwell was a corporate dictator who caused a genocide to happen all over the world, not to mention she was an advocate of rape and is responsible for 1000s of lives lost. She's a terrible person, but Homelander is a psychopath
@@claytonlatone8959 relax “cOrPoRaTe MoNsTeR”
No shit bruh we know
@@6Kubik Homelander had no mother figure growing up, and stillwell uses his mommy issues as a way of keeping power over him.
The fact that she was just still alive when he was burning his laser vision through her fucking eyes is just scary and fucking painful.
He wanted to make sure she felt every bit of it on the way out.
Butcher will turn into Bruce wayne and then finally we'll have homelander vs batman no Martha between it
The Martha moment was kind of smart and would’ve worked - if he didn’t immediately go and kill Those goons at the Warehouse.
@@firstlast9846 yeah
Kiran Sharma there will be a Ryan tho
@@firstlast9846 the concept was good but the execution was retarded
You know what I've realised? If Homelander managed to save Butcher and Stillwell's baby in a split second after the bomb went off - he surely could take every single passenger from that airliner and gently put them into the water, which would give them some more chances of survival. I mean, he proven that he can be damn FAST if he wants to.
I don't think he wanted to save the plane passengers
@@ben99687 yeah, that's why i was talking about. He was convincing Queen Maeve that it's impossible to save the people by moving them one by one, but in fact it was possible - he just didn't give enout shit to do it.
@@Je_QzcY3mN0 then why wouldn't he have saved the passengers if it was possible? The entire plane thing got improvised after Homelander screwed up the control panel. Pretty sure that initial plan was to kill the hijackers and then land the plane safely. If that was the initial plan, and it's possible to save the plane passengers, then there isn't any reason for him to have refused to do it.
Feel like that's a bit of an oversight from the writers. I mean, the fact Butcher detonated the bomb while the baby was still around was also weird. Idk.
@@Hexamath he wouldn't save the passengers because he doesn't fucking care, he is not a hero, he is a showman and mouth piece for vought, none of the supes actually care about saving anybody except Maeve occasionally or starlight. Moreover it was too much of a risk, instead homelander saw the opportunity to get the supes into army and it worked like a charm.
Could have done so much to save the pasangers like disabling the engines or using his strength to manually pilot the plane somehow. Homelander just didn't feel like they were worth his elbow grease.
You know Anthony Starr is a fantastic actor, when the shows fans have pure hate for him.
Hate? I fucking love his character lol. Not in an "Look how edgy I am" way but I genuinely love his characterization.
@@hououinkyouma3864 oh in that sense I agree with you. I think they the character full justice
I've not seen any "pure hate" at all, actually
Hate?!? For real? I'm truly in love with this character it's fuckin cool and amazing
He's the best character on the show
My theory is homelander actually liked the dude after learning about the lie
Yeah, Homelander had a sort of admiration for Butcher initially.
I'm guessing you meant the old man who Homelander visited then yeah.
@@1nc0rr1g1bl3 He was clearly talking about Butcher
@@thefran901 He doesn't admire him. He's just saving him for later so he can make him die in a much more painful way, and is curious about him a little because hes different. Homelander hates dissaproval, and butcher dissaproves of him big time.
The cinematography of the show is top notch, and one of my favorite things about this scene is how the camera holds on Madelyn during her confession. Staring at her with the same intensity Homelander is, never breaking until she finally admits she's scared of him. It's so good.
At 2:15 , the shape between Homelander and Stillwell's shadows looked like Trump
Bro. Lol. Literally.
I can't stop laughing 😂😂😂
Bro lmao
Fookin diabolical mate
This is probably the happiest homelander ever was, he finally found a family for himself. It's cool that in this version ryan is alive and not just a supe baby that butcher killed with a lamp like in the comics.
Don’t care homelander is a R@ pist he did what he did, that’s butchers family can’t tell me otherwise
Yo wtf
That’s pretty based.
@@rockylucifer6720 let’s just say he did some very gross stuff to butchers wife, by default that’s butchers family regardless, homelander is a gross person
I love the fact that Homelander saved Teddy(the baby). He obviously had a jealousy issue with Stilwell and Teddy. But he saw the Teddy wasn’t to blame, only an innocent baby. Shows that he does have SOME morals.
In the comics Homelander eats the baby
@@axelfoley1812 is that true? Link?
@@robinthrill3r7 link Google that sh*t man
@@axelfoley1812 Black Noir is the one that eats a baby, but it's not this baby.
I just realized they changed the actor for Ryan. This kid looked older.
The sound effects of the burning flesh and bone were nasty yet oddly satisfying
u r a phycho that was horrible im glad i didnt watch that show
In the whole boys group, I think only Billy is not scared of Homelander and has the guts to look him in the eye.
“ you care more about that fucking baby than you do about me “ I have no idea why that cracks me up everytime lol . I’m sick 😂
My god just the way he blinks is so creepy
Homelander was so jealous of baby Teddy. If Stillwell never lied to him she would have been super jealous of Stormfront in season 2. I could imagine Stillwell working with 'The Boys' just to get rid of her.
I don’t think stillwell love him she just very afraid of him so she makes everything being sexual and act like she care about him
Billy walked in there hoping to hurt homelander. In the end of season two he kind got what he wanted with stormfronts death and ryan turning his back on him.
Don’t think stormfront died
@@pandogstudios1512 I mean... What else she can do as a vegetable?
@@omni-man8647 Nothing but I'm still pretty sure she didn't die. Otherwise Homelander wouldn't have said she'd be punished. He'd just say they killed her. Could be wrong though.
@@pandogstudios1512 you were in fact right
@@pandogstudios1512 no she did die there was this scene where homelander was suppose to save some sucidial girl that was going to jump, but then on a big tv screen a news alert said stormfront killed herself in the hospital.
i love that little smile he gives when he lets go of the trigger
*"what was that plain again?"*
probably one of the coldest things I've seen.
How did butcher not lose his shit 😭
He knew or thought he knew that he was dead. Cant kill a 'Dead Man.'
But that was cold as ice
Nobodies bothered by the fact the kid playing Ryan here is completely different to the one in season 2??
Frrr i wa abour to say the same thing
I just realised when I came back to this
A recast....oh well.
In season 2, twins play Ryan.
I noticed that straight off
He's perfect as Reverse Flash/Thawne. That same evil stare mixed with god powers.
I love when she says "im scared of you" her voice actually does crack, shes good alright
The sound of those leather gloves gripping😳
Homelander: “tell me the truth”
Stillwell: “I’m scared of you”
Homelander: “… so you’ve chosen death”
Homelander saved Madelyn's baby from Butcher's explosion. Apparently there's a human in there, somewhere. He hated that baby, and Madelyn's affection for it. Yet he saved it.
Scratch that, turns out the kid teleported. There's nothing human there after all.
I'd rather Butcher die than Homelander. Fuck baby killers. I know the baby lives but Butcher intended them all to die even though he knew Homelander would easily survive because of his durability. That means Butcher was trying to suicide and take the baby with him. Hopefully HL can kill Butcher before he date rapes MM again or targets more babies
Did anyone notice that homelander hated the baby but still save him
Wait he saved the baby? When?
@@scrimblomale31 in season 2, there's a news clip that says her baby was found somewhere outside the house.
I guess that’s still dark. The baby lost her mother. But I would have rip the baby head or body in front of her
I don’t think Homelander hated the baby. What he hated was Madelyn’s affection and attentions going towards the baby and not him.
Bateman_Bot my guess is the baby is a supe and survived on its own
I love that Butch despite losing leverage, gave up in the sense that he was just gonna end it
Superman: you think you can frighten my mother!
Homelander: haha *evaporate*
Superman: *proceeds to show homelander true fear as he fries him alive with his heat vision*
So Homelander would rather see Billy Butcher living in misery than actually kill him? Is that why Butcher still hasn't been killed by Homelander yet? Because if I were Homelander, that would be my reason for not killing someone who's been against me and attempted murder on me multiple times
Well Homelander has no known weakness. So it’s pretty easy to leave your greatest threat alive when your greatest threat can’t even scratch you. Also, Butcher isn’t scared of him. Notice how he doesn’t kill people who show no fear toward him. Like Stan Edgar. Both royally pissed Homelander off and yet they got to live. And the doctor. He lied about Homelanders son and was only paralyzed for it(that’s getting off pretty easy for pissing off Homelander). I’d say it’s a respect thing.
I want Butcher to finally kill Homelander
Same but if the series ends the same way as in the comics then he’ll definitely kill Homelander. 😉
Edit: After watching Episode 7 I take back what I say
@@MatthewPaul92 Black noir kills homelander....
B P But who is Black Noir? That’s why I gave the wink
@@MatthewPaul92 so based on the comics how close are we with the show?
nawab256 There’s nods to the comics but in terms of it being accurate barely. It does follows some of the events in the comic but overall it’s its own story. Which is for the better because I doubt they’d get away with some of the more intense and surreal moments in the comic. Not only that but if one wanted to read the source material they won’t have it spoiled by the show
that moment where homelander frees himself from madelyn this very moment told me that this story is something special, resonated with him so much when he breathes that sigh of relief
Madelyn Stillwell and Vogelbaum very much created a monster in Homelander . Vogelbaum keeping him in captivity as a guinea pig, ultimately shaped Homelander from a child , to a super powered sociopath, so desperate to be loved and worshipped he'd commit atrocities to get it . Madelyn seduces , heck even goes as far as grooming Homelander so they can control him . Ultimately this was her biggest mistake as she didn't realise Homelander wasn't as gullible as he seemed , and that ultimately Homelander couldn't be controlled, at least not in the long run , particularly when he found out the truth . As evil as Homelander is , you can't help but feel a little empathy for him , given that the man he looked upto as a father figure and the woman he had a thing for , in reality didn't actually care for him, and were just using him for their own gains , so him being angry is somewhat understandable . Does it excuse the atrocities he's committed though? Not even remotely.
You can tell when Homelander crippled Vogelbaum and particularly when he lasers Madelyns skull ,its personal . Like a teenager being able to lash out at his parents and lovers for the first time , only said teenager is a grown, nihilistic, superpowered sociopath with a good complex.
Butcher and Homelander are kinda alike when you think about it. They both ruthless, obsessive, don't care about anyone around them and about collateral damage. In the first season they both have this weird scenes with babies which clearly pose the question whether either of them is evil enough to murder babies (Homelander creepily staring at Stillwell's baby and Butcher discovering "baby supes") . Butcher obsesively hates supes in almost a racist way because one of them hurt him. Homelander despises normal people because he thinks them inferior, also in kind of a racist way.
It's the two sides of racism. Superiority and inferiority.
Superiority being cases of prejudice based on others being inferior and lack of respect.
Inferiority being cases of prejudice based on treating others as superiors or threats feeling as tho they can become superior to you.
Not really. You see butcher has empathy for people and he actually loves his dearest people. However Homelander only cares about himself and loves nobody.
@@ihatewinter9105He cares about his son.
@@ihatewinter9105he did show some love for stillwell. He did say that he regretted killing her
I like how in Season 1 whenever Homelander kills someone his face is concealed by shadow, possibly symbolizing his current inability to be honest about his actual personality.
Later in the series when he kills his face is completely visible, showing us that he's a-ok with showing the world just how bad he is.
Madelyn: "Dang, after all these years, this is the 1 time I genuinely need Homelander's help"
Homelander: "Thank god someone finally turned Madelyn into a miserable human, I would never be able to accomplish that on my own"
you realise that shortly after he lasered her in the eyes, she gasps, this means that as the laser hit she was still alive for about a second or 2 and new she was being killed and was literally having her brains burnt, that makes it way worse.
Exactly why it's so disturbing
If this is how he reacted when he finds out he had a son all along i can only imagine how he is going to act now that he knows he’s had a dad all along
Yeah he killed black noir because of it
The finale of The Boys (first sezon) is IMO one of the best endings for sezon ever.
It concluded all the ongoing topics, answered most if not all of the plots, it created new questions for next sezon
It was soooo good
This entire scene is like fifteen punches, one after another. I'm going to have to make a video about gruesome superhero deaths for my channel just so I can talk about this impactful scene.
I love how butcher just stares at him, not even flinching. Like he’s waiting for him to finish her so that they can move on.
I like how he says he “squeezed” information out of Vogelbaum, but in reality, he just had an emotional conversation with him. Since that was the only person he could recognize as his “father”.
Nah homelander went back off screen , that’s why homie is in a wheel chair
He doesnt want to kill him, he knows too much about HL and his biology. If HL.ever gets sick or ill he might need a doctor.
Oh uh no, Homelander definitely squeezed his spine so hard he was paralyzed.
The most shocking thing about why homelander kill Stilwell is because homelander discovered that Madelyn had lied to him and kept his son’s existence and his whereabouts a secret, which made homelander betrayed by Stilwell and felt upset and very angry.
I originally thought he was just gonna snap her neck, but Homelander seems to have an addiction to lasering people
That ending was epic!
Think about how at this point in time Teddy Stillwell has V in him and is developing his powers. When we later see him we see that he is clearly in some way traumatized or radically altered as a result of what happened here alongside the V, rightfully so as Homelander killed his mother. Being an empowered baby, it's possible that Teddy was aware of what was occurring at least vaguely to his mother. This entire situation is similar to Ryan, except Teddy has no familial ties to Homelander. Homelander is all Ryan has left in terms of family, but despite this his status as an empowered child directly born from Homelander himself makes him one of the only potential threats to Homelander that can be utilized. Although Ryan has the potential ability to be able to kill Homelander, it's completely possible that he will like his father want to have his parents (one of which he has already lost), and end up being unable to follow through with killing Homelander. This would then leave an opportunity for Teddy Stillwell, someone who has no familial ties to Homelander and is even an indirect victim of him being as his mother was killed by him. Teddy Stillwell's empowerments even at his young age are extremely alarming, to both the orphan caretakers and Hughie. Couple this with the fact that he is possibly aware of the fact that Homelander killed his mother, he would definitely make the BEST effort to take down Homelander. He has no weaknesses against him, and only room for hate to harbor towards him alongside his incredible abilities.
2:15 you can see trump
I’m kinda glad they replaced Ryan this kid looks creepy
they didn't.
2:27 Butcher : oh shit.. I dont have plan B
Still gives me PTSD that this man was beating his meat at the end of season 2
Proof Homelanders speed is underrated af
I think he is faster than A-Train
@@edgytrailblazer66 yes he is
1:34 Elizabeth Shue is amazing.
This is the only Homelander kill I can accept. The bitch had it coming from the start.
Especially from the diabolical animated season
Season 1 Homelander hits different.
That teddy is dead to kinda sad he got killed by association
Maybe,...............HOPEFULLY NOT THO😢
Nevermind,He is indeed alive.
Why'd he save him? Isnt he supposed to be evil?
Erick Alejandro he saved butch because he wanted him to feal a pain worse than death he wanted butch to see that his wife he’s be searching for for 8 years is alive and raising homelanders baby
@@317kato im talking about the baby not butcher
Like another comment down her said, you know from the beginning he is going to kill her.
But the scene is so well shot that you don't when or how.
I’m glad they recast his son.
The cast is perfect. Literally, perfect.
I'm sorry. This is one of few scenes I disliked Butcher. He hates supes so much, he was willing to blow up a house KNOWING there was an innocent baby inside of it.
And Homelander is the one who saved that baby AND Butcher. Who’s the bad guy again😂
William was never a good guy. As entertaining as the characters are none are good guys heck even Starlight killed an innocent.
@@jimmilton4543 Hughie is good, I’d say. When Kimikos brother knocked the chopper down, he tried to help them. He only ever killed Translucent, and that invisible prick kinda had it coming.
A baby who is going to be raised by who now that the mother is dead? It doesn't even matter honestly. In the grand scheme of things one baby isn't going to mean anything for any of the people currently standing in that room. Homelander isn't taking care of that damn kid, and for all we know homelander would have killed the baby. Life isn't fair. Baby has no one so just like in nature, baby dies. The world moves forward as it always has and will.
@@thewisconsingunchannel1243 homelander didn't save the baby, it teleported.
If homelanders mad about being lied to about his son, wait till he finds out about his father
Deadpool after watching star wars :
that's just lazy writing
Homelander did not save baby teddy. I think teddy did that all by himself.
good call!
Fast enough to save butcher from the explosion that’s pretty dope
Anyone else find Homelander to be beyond terrifying here?
2:20 When your homie is bouta win the staring contest
Different kids in Season 2. Why? This kid looks like Homelander’s child.
First kid probably grew up too quickly. The new one looks much younger.
@@es279 yeah the second kid have apparence more young
Sleep walking song really adds so much
They really pulled of butchers casting amazing actor perfect for the role
The sound of his leather glove crunching as he says “I managed to squeeeeeeze the truth out of him.” Is absolutely chilling. Feels so ruthless and brutal, makes your imagination run wild on what he did to him.
Hate it how Stillwell in the Series its killed like that and in the Comics never felt fear for Homelander... Still its a cool scene
Edgar is stillwells counter part
@@ImNera yeah I'm so excited to see how he's gonna mess with homelander
the music at the end is so creepy.. icant put it into words
Billy the butcher is the most fearless character that will only fear god and not these punk ass supes who abuse their on their disposal. There’s always a Batman for a dark Superman .
Men like these are epitome courage and pure badassery.
Own Airtel Rambo he definitely doesn’t fear god considering he’s an atheist, (he literally shits on god and religion at the Christian event).
Butcher says screw religion
@@blainebossie9519 or he can follow a different one
Don't project your own religious beliefs on to Billy, mate: he definitely doesn't "fear god"
@@blainebossie9519 Atheism will definitely fear God. Sorry mate.
I hope we find out whatever Homelander said to Stillwell eventually.
When I first saw the last scene when Becca shows I thought she was pregnant again but then I saw that she wasn’t the camera angle sorta had made her look pregnant
After watching the cartoon and seeing how she manipulated him and somehow made him even WORSE. Homelander was still a decent though flawed person until Stilwell screwed him up even more.
Johnny and Daniel are gonna be pissed.....
Homelander killed it as playing Anthony Starr in his interviews hope he gets an oscar
Fue una pesima idea deshacerse de un personaje tan bueno
I was literally waiting for this scene. I was so geeked
How did Homelander manage to save Billy, he must be faster than A-Train
Maybe he shielded Billy.
Homelander flying has been stated to be faster than a train running in the comics
I honestly don't get disturbed by gore or death scenes in shows. It's all fiction after all. However the fact that it wasn't over the top, it was just slow, no screaming, just the sizzling, crackling and visceral noises of burbling flesh and brain while she slowly falls back with her skull exposed is disgusting and disturbing as fuck.
Between having your brain melted or being on the receiving end of an explosion which one would you guys choose if you were Stillwell ?
Bkth both
1:20 damn that’s a relatable moment. Like you could switch the baby out with something else and it still hits hard
Basically, this is how Superman would be if he cuts loose.
He’s kinda similar in injustice, but he is way more less unhinged and has some sort of logic (albeit twisted) for his actions
@@MPeaches1958 Believe that is the writers' error. DC writers have this tendency of over powering Batman because he is underpowered and underpowering Supes coz he is overpowered. Superman is highly intelligent he can achieve nigh light speeds and has excellent distance combat powers eg. Heat vision. He can neutralise an enemy even if the enemy is wielding Kryptonite. Superman can punch the very molecules out of Batman but the writers wouldn't allow it as it is "not interesting" if the protagonist keeps winning easy. Although, they can match the protagonist with equal or superior antagonists eg. Darkseid, Mongul and Doomsday.
This was the moment I realize home lander it’s just a really, really, really, really, really corrupt person
Hey guys? Oh, could you kindly forget how he was fast enough to save Butcher and baby here so that we could have fucking Maeve overpower him? Thanks guys!
Homelander: “Now, what was that plan again?”
Butcher:”……..I’ll bollocks yah”