5/5. The Prophetic Destiny of Adventism

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2020
  • Session 5 of 5 presentations about end-time prophetic events.
    Norman McNulty, M.D., is a board-certified neurologist practicing in Lawrenceburg, TN. Prior to starting his current job in Tennessee, he worked for two years at the Adventist hospital in Trinidad. He trained at Loma Linda University and graduated in 2004. He enjoys studying the Adventist prophetic message and travels around the world speaking in his free time. He has also been involved in several young adult ministries in the United States and is an elder of his local church. He is the author of the recently published book "Daniel: Practical Living in the Judgment Hour". He is married to Joelle, and they are blessed with four beautiful daughters, Saralyn, Anneke, Madeline, and Ruby.

Комментарии • 143

  • @BrotherRoy
    @BrotherRoy 3 года назад +5

    What a beautiful, detailed and concise message of Truth.

  • @XY15lite
    @XY15lite 3 года назад +4

    Excellent sermon - great message especially close to the end. I highly recommend to watch it all. 🙏🏽

  • @Valcey777
    @Valcey777 3 года назад +10

    Praise the Lord for this on time message. Lord help us to get ready and stay ready.

  • @murkesmorgan2104
    @murkesmorgan2104 3 года назад +5

    I love the way you present the word it's very clear, thank you very much

  • @lafaelerobertson2573
    @lafaelerobertson2573 3 года назад +1

    Thank you Pastor for a beautiful message,

  • @criseldamartinez1646
    @criseldamartinez1646 3 года назад +16

    Amen 🙏 Sanctify me God to be more like Jesus . Help me to be Christlike so they can see you through my actions. Prepare me to spread the Third Angels Message as you prepare the heart of my family and those who I work with and others that I will meet. Thank You for this message you blessed upon Brother McNulty. The Lord is coming

  • @maundybobb6908
    @maundybobb6908 3 года назад +12

    I've heard what God wanted me to hear
    Really Sobering
    May God seal us all

  • @joyagain4843
    @joyagain4843 3 года назад +19

    You’re messages are truly inspiring and eye opening, and I have to tell you just what the Lord wanted me to hear. Please don’t stop preaching these messages. Our church is truly asleep and we need this message to be heard. I wish you could get on amazing facts or amazing discoveries to share this series. You have a brilliant mind (obviously if you’re a brain surgeon;) but God is using you for something even bigger than that. Hold fast brother and may God bless and keep you and may we meet in heaven someday very soon.

    • @andrewkimwomi5891
      @andrewkimwomi5891 3 года назад +3

      Never have l heard search aclear and eye salve for this end time.May God have mercy on us.let us put on the whole armor of God.Amen

  • @joyagain4843
    @joyagain4843 3 года назад

    I don’t want to go back to normal life, I want to be that people, I’m ready Jesus, come Lord Jesus.

  • @samuelguy1838
    @samuelguy1838 3 года назад +3

    Thanks pastor for this clarifican of of Bible prophecy. But I do not expect this earth to last beyond seven years.

  • @bens1221sop
    @bens1221sop 3 года назад +17

    Finally a message that brought direction and clarity. Now preparing has a clear goal. Thank you very much.

    • @luciansunset1
      @luciansunset1 3 года назад +2

      @David Inchcliff. God uses people from all walks of life

    • @Milos-Stankovic
      @Milos-Stankovic 3 года назад

      @David Inchcliff
      Why are you choose to attack 7DA church?
      Where these sermons are preached? In the 7DA church.

    • @Milos-Stankovic
      @Milos-Stankovic 3 года назад

      @David Inchcliff
      So, according to your understanding, main purpose of tree angels massages are to satanise those who proclaim it.

    • @Milos-Stankovic
      @Milos-Stankovic 3 года назад +1

      We all must expect of Satan and all of his followers to attack Gods messages and all of those who proclaim truth in the end of time.
      Not a single approval of messages in this sermon, but much are said against those who speak truth in love .
      We are nothing to say to defend from many accusations from endless enemies of truth. But our deeds can say that we love God and people. And angels are witness if no one can see true motives.
      Gods truth will win even if all world stay against.
      Godly men and women will speak truth to the end. And Satan will attack them to the death.
      We love our Savior and will never be part of Satan's lies.

    • @annswallow1729
      @annswallow1729 3 года назад +3

      @David Inchcliff: "I am instructed to say to Seventh-day Adventists the world over, God has called us as a people to be a peculiar treasure unto Himself. He has appointed that His church on earth shall stand perfectly united in the Spirit and counsel of the Lord of hosts to the end of time." 1MR 155.3

  • @MinisteriodePublicacoes88
    @MinisteriodePublicacoes88 Год назад +1

    “In this fearful time, just before Christ is to come the second time, God's faithful preachers will have to bear a still more pointed testimony than was borne by John the Baptist. A responsible, important work is before them; and those who speak smooth things, God will not acknowledge as His shepherds. A fearful woe is upon them.” 1T, 321.2.

  • @arnolinegrundling9771
    @arnolinegrundling9771 3 года назад +12

    Thank you for a message filled with eye opening information.

  • @marianelasinani9726
    @marianelasinani9726 3 года назад

    I’m speechless.... God help us to overcome !!

  • @11rightstuff
    @11rightstuff 3 года назад +4

    Amen and amen brother!! The power of the living mediating Saviour over sin in the lives of His redeemed is absolute. "By His perfect obedience He has made it possible for every human being to obey God’s commandments. When we submit ourselves to Christ, the heart is united with His heart, the will is merged in His will, the mind becomes one with His mind, the thoughts are brought into captivity to Him; we live His life. This is what it means to be clothed with the garment of His righteousness." COL 311.4
    I too pray for Christ to be formed within each day along with all of His remnant, those that hear His voice. Thank you for showing so clearly the sanctuary work of our Lord from Revelation.

  • @bluetuscan
    @bluetuscan 3 года назад +6

    Amen brother!

  • @johnny2303
    @johnny2303 3 года назад +5

    As soon as you hear someone giving out dates, then dont walk away...RUN

  • @yvonnevicente3719
    @yvonnevicente3719 2 года назад

    BLESSINGS To You ALL 🙏☮️♥️👌🙌

  • @yvonnevicente3719
    @yvonnevicente3719 2 года назад

    AMEN 🙏 PRAISE the LORD 🙏

  • @leemary4833
    @leemary4833 9 месяцев назад

    The mystery of God is the proclamation of the gospel. It stops at the blowing of the 7th trumpet.

  • @leemary4833
    @leemary4833 9 месяцев назад

    Scholars are saying it’s the altar of sacrifice where the angel is standing, later goes with the prayers of the saints from the altar of sacrifice (from 5th seal) to the altar of incense.

  • @coololena10
    @coololena10 3 года назад

    Listening on x1.75

  • @bozenamasliczek2447
    @bozenamasliczek2447 3 года назад +2

    Pastor Norman you know more about EGW than Jesus Christ. 🤨🤔🙏❤️🙋🏼‍♀️

    • @Milos-Stankovic
      @Milos-Stankovic 3 года назад +1

      We read a lot about our saviour Jesus Christ. And Ellen White wrote a lot about our savior Jesus Christ.
      God wants all of us to know who is He, what is truth and what is not. Because of this Jesus spoke so much, and do so much, that we all may know who is God truly. And we know better and better who is God when we read about Jesus in the Gospel and through all the scripture.
      We all have privilege to read more about Jesus in the books:
      Steps to Christ
      Desire of Ages
      Christ Object Lessons
      Thoughts From the Mount of Blessings
      And all other books from Ellen White are counsels from our heavenly Father through our saviour Jesus Christ.
      You can read some chapters from these books and know for yourself is it all of this about our saviour Jesus Christ.
      God bless

  • @MrRlisis
    @MrRlisis 3 года назад +12

    Thank you for your message. Blessings. “The church,” Ellen White wrote, “may appear as about to fall, but it does not fall. It remains, while the sinners in Zion will be sifted out-the chaff separated from the precious wheat. This is a terrible ordeal, but nevertheless it must take place.”1
    Again, she wrote: “Satan will cast all the reproach possible upon the chosen ones whom he cannot deceive and delude with his satanic inventions and falsehoods. But . . . will Christ, our representative and head, close His heart, or withdraw His hand, or falsify His promise? No; never, never.”2
    1. Ellen G. White, Selected Messages (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1958, 1980), book 2, p. 380.
    2. Ellen G. White, Maranatha (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1976), p. 203.

  • @istherehelp58
    @istherehelp58 3 года назад

    Can someone please tell me what is “adventism”!

    • @GD-qn7xo
      @GD-qn7xo 3 года назад +3

      the greatest hope of mankind that our Savior, who came once to die for us to pay four sins will now return a second time to rescue those who believed in Him and love Him

    • @MrRlisis
      @MrRlisis 3 года назад +1

      Robert Daniels : please refer to our 28 fundamental beliefs from the Bible: www.adventist.org/beliefs/fundamental-beliefs/
      Hope it helps

    • @istherehelp58
      @istherehelp58 3 года назад

      Rodley Lisis is adventism a brand name?

    • @Milos-Stankovic
      @Milos-Stankovic 3 года назад

      You can clearly see that christians who belongs to Seventh-Day Adventist church have message of hope and responsibility of last warnings to the whole world.
      You don't have to ask us what we believe if you can read our statements.
      Your are free to choose to be adventist and to reject warnings of Seventh-Day Adventist church, but this is oxymoron.
      Why would anyone with clear mind and pure heart reject Gods final warnings from Revelation 14 chapter?
      But this rejection are primary reason for hate of those who "...keep the commandments of God..." Revelation 14:12.

    • @MrRlisis
      @MrRlisis 3 года назад +1

      Robert Daniels : sorry for late reply. At the beginning of the movement, the members and founders were reluctant to give a name to the organization. More than a century and a half ago on October 1, 1860, in Battle Creek, Michigan, a group of individuals looking for the soon return of Jesus chose the name "Seventh-day Adventist" for themselves. Approximately 3,000 strong at the time, early Adventists were almost forced by circumstances to choose a name. First, there was the matter of the church not being able to own property because it was not legally incorporated. Second, what to answer when asked the denomination one belonged to? Also, numerous Adventist churches had already chosen different names for their congregations.
      And so it was that 25 delegates met on an autumn day in a thriving Michigan town to address the issue of adopting a name. After a couple of days of discussion-having left other denominations the delegates were hesitant to form another body-the name Seventh-day Adventist was suggested by a man named David Hewitt, known to be the "most honest man" in Battle Creek. A lengthy discussion ensued, but the name was favorably voted 24-1. www.adventistarchives.org/about-the-name-seventh-day-adventist.

  • @keithbandy8959
    @keithbandy8959 3 года назад

    catholic man seen one

  • @marcusharris3095
    @marcusharris3095 3 года назад

    @ 6:10 He says Christ’s reference to himself as the “faithful and true witness” speaks to his ministry in the Most Holy place. This is error.
    The word “witness” is MARTYR, the same word found in revelations 2:13. Christ as our Faithful and True WITNESS speaks to Christ’s work on Calvary as well as His work in the Holy Place as our Advocate.
    To many this may seem like a minor mistake but it is not. In order to fully understand the message to the Laodicean church, we have to understand the symbols and interpret them correctly.
    The correct interpretation is as follows. Christ’s describes Himself in three ways.
    1. Amen
    2. Faithful/True Witness
    3. Beginning of the creation of God
    The order is important. In revelations 1:18 Christ as the “Amen” is linked to Christ work in the courtyard of the sanctuary. I’ve already explained His 2nd illustration. The third statement is a reference to Christ work in the Most Holy place.
    In John 1:1-3 John says the name of the being who began “creation” (genesis 1:1) is the WORD OF GOD. Jesus is of course the Word. Revelations 19:13. In the Most Holy place of the Heavenly Sanctuary is housed the 10 commandment law of God or the Word of God. (Literally)
    The symbolism Christ uses when addressing Laodicea points to the SANCTUARY and the 3 things He counsels her to buy point to the SANCTUARY also. Rev. 3:18
    1. Gold “TRIED IN THE FIRE”/Calvary
    2. White raiment/Holy Place
    3. Eyesalve/MHP->Discernment (Hebrews 4:12)

  • @peterbamford2811
    @peterbamford2811 3 года назад +4

    The elephant in the room the OCCULT STATUE standing over ellen whites grave

    • @ForGodsGloryKimJohnson
      @ForGodsGloryKimJohnson 3 года назад


    • @HumbleServant3777
      @HumbleServant3777 3 года назад +9

      The occult statue? Are you referring to the obelisk in the center of the family cemetery? During some research you will find that the obelisk tombstone was one of the cheapest stones during that time available for purchase. And after reading more of her writings you will find that she speaks out warning people not to join secret societies stating that "they are lost". Also, Ellen Whites personal tombstone that sets over her grave is a short rounded common head stone, nothing occult about it. And, in the 1800's there was no internet, like the internet that you used to even learn what occult stuff is. Before I became an Adventist, I heard (via internet) all kinds of horrible things about EGW. Upon scrupulous investigations, I found that there are so many lies about her. Then after I traced the source of these people spreading false information about her, it almost always traces back to a Jesuit trained preacher, a Jesuit themselves, or some sort of Catholic source. The Catholic church, the epidemy of occult practices, call Ellen White a heretic and they hate her guts, just like they hate Jesus.

    • @ForGodsGloryKimJohnson
      @ForGodsGloryKimJohnson 3 года назад +1

      Humble Servant Lets just look at the founder of the SDA church. False prophet by terms of the Word of God. Full Stop.

    • @HumbleServant3777
      @HumbleServant3777 3 года назад +5

      @@ForGodsGloryKimJohnson I have looked at the founders, before I became an SDA. What exactly makes her a false prophet?

    • @ForGodsGloryKimJohnson
      @ForGodsGloryKimJohnson 3 года назад +2

      Humble Hiram Edson was a pioneer of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, known for introducing the sanctuary doctrine to the church. Hiram Edson was a Millerite adventist, and became a Sabbath-keeping Adventist. Like all Millerites, Edson expected that the Second Coming of Jesus Christ would occur on October 22, 1844

  • @keithbandy8959
    @keithbandy8959 3 года назад

    no little, rev13 about the beast not the antichrist lot of mistake