Every single person that I knew in the HRM was saved in the name of Jesus. Then a “jot and tittle” later it’s a sacred naming, apocryphal reading, flat earth and catholic conspiracy, hate on Christians and leaving their own families, Hebrew language dropping, tzitzit or not wearing, Shabbat timing and work arguing, calendar confusing, new moon sighting, circumcising or not, translation arguing nightmare. I’m sure I left something out. “My burden is easy and my yoke is light.” -Jesus
Wow! You nailed it! Such division and self righteousness, it’s all so sad and especially for the ones that have ruined family relationships over this all.
The progression he described from reading the OT and thinking we have to keep the law, to moseying on in a Messianic place thinking we've found our place, to then seeing they believe like Christians and need correction is EXACTLY the progression I and many I know personally went through. God bless you!
@kimartist I can only thank God for his grace for leading us out! Slowly and patiently over the course of 7 years he went over each issue one by one and brought us out, to make a long story short.
As to what the root issue is, in my experience, it is multi-faceted. There's a zeal without knowledge, there's rebelliousness against "regular church"(church hurt), there's a sense of pride and attitude of "the church has lied to us and we've discovered the truth", there's a sense of adventure in discovering things in scripture. It's a multi level attack that the enemy wages toward us from every angle to get us away from Christ and his body(the church). The fruit is division, hate, pride, it's horrible. I'm forever grateful for God's mercy and patience to bring people through and out of HR like lost sheep back into his body ❤
And as for circumcision yes I know people personally who have had it done as adults and tried convincing my husband to do so as well. We rejected that because the NT is clear (and Moses even said circumcise your hearts). I've seen people having passovers at their home saying publicly that uncircumcised males in the flesh are forbidden from going to their house for it.
Another common thing we noticed is 9/10 times the woman in the marriage was more zealous and the husband just kind of followed along with what she wanted. Or there were a lot of either single women, or women who would go to these HR churches without their husband's. I was in the first category. The first thing out of many that led us out was my husband attended a HR church with me for almost 2 years, and he did not like it. He didn't understand anything they said (mixed Hebrew and English)and he fell asleep regularly. God used that to catapult us out and into. Sunday church where we could be properly taught.
@@lisayun8995 I also led my husband into it after having a spiritual experience. He has since passed from cancer but his mom told me later he remarked “I hope she’s not getting us into a cult.” He never said that to me. It took me five years after his death to come out. Had he lived, we’d have left after a year.
As a former and repented from Torah keeper, one thing I always ask them now, is if everything in the Bible is about “The Law” and the keeping of it, then why is the New Testament books so quiet on the subject. (The feasts, the shabbats, strict diet) The most they ever tell me is “because everyone already knew to do those things”…. So they knew to do that and needed no instruction, but not sexual immorality? Doesn’t make sense at all. Glad Jesus delivered me form dead works. The same problem back then is the same problem now. It’s easier to do and focus on the outward things, than the INWARD things, like loving those who hate you, loving your enemy, praying for those who use you, not lusting with the eye, the pride of life, vanity, the love of money. If you are showing the fruits of the spirit, then there is no law against you
@@indo3052 Galatians 5:22-24 American Standard Version (ASV) But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, self-control; against such there is no law
@@indo3052 I didn’t say the feasts n sabbath weren’t mentioned, I said they aren’t commanded and instructed in the NT. Ur first example isn’t an instruction, and ur second one if we use that, is one of MAYBE two times it was instructed. Which is why I say it’s so quiet. Barely mentioned. But we see moral sins mentioned in almost every book. If u have a reason for this other than “they already knew to do that” I would love to hear it brother.
Now that I've left HR I feel like I've been deprogrammed and I've been thinking on how it could happen. Stockholm syndrome comes to mind. While in HR I would avidly defend it but now that I'm free, I can see in that 20/20 hindsight how I was programmed to defend it. I hope that helps your understanding Mr. Solberg.
That explains why it's nearly impossible to debate a HR person, they have Stockholm syndrome. And people who have it don't know they have it until they don't. So deal compassionately with them everyone, love is the thing that combats hate.
True that as Christians we have missed being taught/learning about covenants. So then HR offers insight into that but say we have been lied to and then with each step it gets more rigid and militant and manipulative. All we need is to know scripture and covenants as one whole. But HR stops at the Law and pushes it as mandatory on all. It becomes confusion.
Do you think more teaching on the covenants in traditional churches might help slow down/remedy some of the defection to HRM? (Which, full disclosure, is my own stance. I'm always of the mind that more [clear] teaching is better & especially when it helps people to better understand their faith.)
@carol…it’s sad that our education system is so bad that people can’t distinguish between the word “ covenant “ and the word “ Law “ …they are spelled differently, they sound differently, their meaning is different and NOWHERE In scripture does it say that God’s Law is done away with…the GOSPEL that Yehoshua was teaching was the SAME GOSPEL that Moses taught in the wilderness and it was about a Kingdom…Got Torah Got Truth
It just dawned on me listening to this that Hebrew Roots is basically a backwards version of Jews coming to faith in Yeshua as Messiah. To them, the New Testament is new, and aptly named. In evangelical Christian culture, the New Testament has held the same place in the pulpit as Tanakh does in synagogue. So to the predominantly gentile folks embarking on a Hebrew Roots journey, the Old Testament ironically feels New when they pick it up to examine it. Discovering the Mosaic covenant gives them a similar sensation to what Jews must feel when they first encounter Yeshua. The only problem is that's reading the covenants that build on each other backwards.
This is a great interview, Rob, what you just said about you’ve noticed a correlation with Hebrew roots, tending to be into conspiracy theory, and you mentioned flat earth, the group I was hanging out with was definitely into that kind of stuff. And I like whatDr. Harris just said about they think they’re keeping it but the one thing I challenged is they are really not keeping it, they talk about eating clean food, but they buy all their food and deli meat and everything like that. Cut on the meat cutters that cuts the ham.
There‘s a certain feeling of wanting to identify with the people in the Bible. Like when you’re watching a movie. They read the Bible and think THEY would do it better. And so, supercessionism/ replacement theology is like a weed that easily sows itself there. From there, it’s a hop, skip and a jump to Hebrew Roots. Especially if you’ve never gone through the development of the early church.
Acts 15:5 But some of the sect of the Pharisees who had believed stood up, saying, “It is necessary to circumcise them and to direct them to keep the Law of Moses [Galatians 2:3-6].” (NASB) #Torahism
Now I understand why new Christians are always told to read the gospels first. As a baby Christian I started the gospels as recommended. But partially into it a voice told me "why would you start a book 3/4 of the way in". (I thought it was God but I now think it was Satan). So I stopped the gospels and started in the OT, and as a person coming in knowing nothing biblical, starting in the OT first either confuses you, horrifies you, or for me and other HR people we get stuck in the OT. Also going to HR churches doesnt help because every weekend its Torah portions. Im fine with going through the Torah with a fine toothed comb in and of itself, but not at the expense of the other 61 books, especially the NT! Torah portions were fun at first because it was new and different and made you really feel like a Berean, but after a few years of Torah portions, it gets old. I craved the NT and Jesus and the Holy Spirit🩷
Well said, Elizabeth! "I'm fine with going through the Torah with a fine toothed comb in and of itself, but not at the expense of the other 61 books, especially the NT!" Amen. And I agree that New Covenant Christians need to read the OT through the lens of Christ. That's exactly what the NT authors did. Blessings, RLS
@TheBiblicalRoots Yes! And that's what we weren't doing, looking through the OT with a NT lens on. As our finite human minds think we would read the OT being chronologically first thinking we had to do those things first, not realizing God is outside time and that he declares the end from the beginning! God started showing me the pattern in scripture of the second being better than the first as well. 🩷
'Well turning the lights off' on the Sabbath would be a teaching of men. That is not a command of God (written). So how come scholars can't tell the difference? Teachings of men always lead to bondage and thus legalism. Same as from many rabitical teachings in Talmud. That doesn't nullify the Sabbath.
@@salpezzino7803 , when you are coercively forced to go to feasts and Shabbat, and you are a good conversationalist, and have a good listening ear, you learn quite a bit. They don’t need to “take a survey”. All you have to do is add up the number of people with the same background story and do the percentage calculations…
I definitely see how some people view Torah keeping as dress rehearsal for a future millennium. However, in my own study of the Revelation and how John uses the OT and where his allusions are, this concept of a return to the law and a theodicy headed by Christ from Jerusalem falls apart. The closing chapters of Isaiah are particularly illustrative when you realize that most of the verses people use to defend the littetal millennium are actually about new creation. John doesn’t mention law keeping at all in those passages, and Isaiah has harsh things to say about it. Isaiah 65-66 receive the same treatment as Galatians and Hebrews get. Twisted to mean the opposite by many people.
Gentiles who become legalistic and think they are keeping the law are deluding themselves. The real danger of the Hebrew Roots movement is self righteous and works becoming the means of one’s salvation. This is exactly what my Hasidic Brothers and Sister think and believe about salvation. What I can say is that the leader of the congregation/church is instrumental in making sure that the point and saving message of Yeshua isn’t lost in the traditions of Moses. I have attended Messianic Congegations and Churches. I choose to submit to the Pastor/Rabbi only if he maintains strict biblical theology and practice regardless of tradition. This video reaffirms my believe to not stray from the Way/Path which Yeshua has laid out for me. Baruch Hashem.
To be honest, it was while I was hanging out with them and I was questioning myself if I was really doing what they say that they are doing. I got to reading the Torah more closely because of these people and then when I saw things in there that were controversial, such as not eating meat that’s cooked on the same cooktop as the sausage and the bacon, then how can they say that they keep Torah? I think it’s really just a bunch of cherry picking and wanting to do certain ones that they like for a showing in the flesh like Paul talked about in Galatians
They break the law they claim to keep. They cant even keep the Commanded Feasts and God Commanded. They keep the law as a tradition of man, Their cherry picking is no different than Strange Fire No different than believing or teaching that Christians can keep the Mosaic laws that apply to them because they are permitted yet not required
Please explain how the gospel applies to us? Paul said the fullness of the nations have to come in, but the nations are defined in genesis 10 (70 of them), so how does it apply to us today on the otherside of the world??
Whether you are a Jew or a Gentile, the Gospel is for you, Elliot! "I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to *everyone who believes:* first to the Jew, then to the Gentile." (Rom. 1:16). RLS
Hi Elliot! Short answer: The nations of Genesis 10 have spread to the other side of the world. Long answer: Only Noah and his family, eight in all, survived the flood. (Gen 7:21-23, 1 Pet 3:20, 2 Pet 2:5) Therefore, all humankind that followed is descended from Noah and his family. As you mentioned, Genesis 10 describes the nations descended from Noah, beginning with verse 1: "These are the generations of the sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Sons were born to them after the flood." ... and concluding with verse 32: "These are the clans of the sons of Noah, according to their genealogies, in their nations, and from these the nations spread abroad on the earth after the flood." NOTE: "from these the NATIONS SPREAD ABROAD ON THE EARTH after the flood." That would include the 'other side of the world' and YOU!! Blessings!
@@dancingzolins6782 that is exactly the answer I was looking for thanks! But if Paul is expecting Christ to return soon probably in that generation then the gospel was not supposed to reach the otherside of the world know? Paul is only going around the Greco Roman world he didn't expect the gospel to reach everywhere in such a short time before Christ returned??...
Rob, I think I am beginning to see what you guys are dealing with. It's similar in aspects to the problem at Galatia. There's not a clear definition on the 10 Words for most...So, for now... Jesus said, 'Abide in my love...God IS Love, and he that abides in love, abides in God and God in him... God writes His Law of Love on our hearts, He has poured our His love into our hearts through His Holy Spirit He has given to us... for it is the Spirit of the Son, whereby we cry Abba, Father!' He's got us!
Jesus did not abolish the Ten Commandments, but instead established them as a permanent standard of righteousness from God. In his "Sermon on the Mount", Jesus said, "Do not think I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill". He also told his followers to "If you want to enter into life, keep the commandments The law written on our hearts are the 10, the moral law the natural law. Rob is an antinomian. Antinomianism is heresy
@@6969smurfy too funny, John 4:20Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, but you Jews say that the place where one must worship is in Jerusalem.” 21“Believe Me, woman,” Jesus replied, “a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem.
@@6969smurfy Rob another demonic God hater Luke 2:32 a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to Your people Israel." Acts 13:47 For this is what the Lord has commanded us: 'I have made you a light for the Gentiles, to bring salvation to the ends of the earth.'" Isaiah 49:8 Thus saith the LORD, In an acceptable time have I heard thee, and in a day of salvation have I helped thee: and I will preserve thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, to establish the earth, to cause to inherit the desolate heritages; Isaiah 42:6 I the LORD have called thee in righteousness, and will hold thine hand, and will keep thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the Gentiles
The firstborn Israelite in Egypt life was spared by THE BLOOD of the LAMB…apparently that wasn’t enough to get them into the promised land…Got Torah Got Truth
@@TheBiblicalRoots Hi Rob…I’m aware that a lot of the younger generation did but how many got into the promised from the group that left Egypt..this is why the NT warns us that their carcasses fell in the wilderness because of DISOBEDIENCE…as a professor can you give me the information on how many people who had left Egypt actually got into the promised land….Got Torah Got Truth
@@harryabrahams2770 As you know, only a righteous remnant made it in. (A consistent theme throughout Scripture!) Most who left Egypt fell in the wilderness wasn't because they disobeyed any laws, it was because they grumbled and did not believe God. "Your children shall be shepherds in the wilderness forty years and shall suffer for your *faithlessness,* until the last of your dead bodies lies in the wilderness" (Num. 14:33). The author of Hebrews refers to their lack of faith as disobedience. RLS
@@TheBiblicalRoots “ only a righteous remnant made it in “. as far as I can see it was those who were 20 years of age or younger and Joshua and Caleb from the older generation….where does it say that the 20 years of age or younger were the RIGHTEOUS REMNANT??? Got Torah Got Truth
Hi Scorpion. The name "Yahweh" comes from the four-letter Hebrew name God gave for Himself in Exodus 3. In Hebrew its spelled: יהוה and it's transliterated into English as YHWH or YHVH. There are no vowels so the precise pronunciation is not known for sure. Religious Jews do not pronounce it at all, but instead use the name "Adonai" when they read יהוה. Christians often pronounce it "Yahweh," or "Yehovah," or "Jehovah." Blessings, Rob
@PazPinhasRahamim9220 Intead, you are denying what is written in the Hebrew scripture.I believe in Jesus Christ because of the New Testament and not because of of the Old Testament.It's you who needs to knock yourself out.Israel is God's wife. Hosea 2:15-17 King James Version 15 And I will give her her vineyards from thence, and the valley of Achor for a door of hope: and she shall sing there, as in the days of her youth, and as in the day when she came up out of the land of Egypt. 16 And it shall be at that day, saith the Lord, that thou shalt call me Ishi; and shalt call me no more Baali. 17 For I will take away the names of Baalim out of her mouth, and they shall no more be remembered by their name. (Ishi means "my husband" ) You mean God married his firstborn son?! This is blasphemous. You are defaming and insulting God.Hebrew scripture has been changed.Hosea says "as in the day when she came up out of the land of Egypt" means from the time of Exodus God considered Israel His wife and Himself her husband but your hypocrite rabbis changed it to "firstborn" to disprove the Sonship of Jesus Christ or your scripture is not inspired by God which somewhere calls Israel as God's firstborn and somewhere God's wife.
Dr Harris you talk against legalism or law keeping, but the opposite of legalism is licence, yet the law of those truly baptised is in their hearts, so grace is by the obedience of faith.
@kevinprokopich1083 well we suppose a legalist says we must keep the law, but Christianity thinks we are saved by grace through faith, so does faith allow sin?
Mr solberg hi, can you explain something to me, what is your view about the gospels and Paul's letters being only for the first century generation like preterists claim? wasn't jesus supposed to return in there lifetimes? And how do we know the bible is written for us but not too us? How do we know that...
We are not to put the attention or value emphasizing our ethnic divisions. Focus should be on Christ. Period. Any questions go to the apostle Paul in his letters.
Very very true indeed. But sometimes when non-Jewish believers try to understand/comprehend the culture of the Jewish people (the Biblical culture) there are hurdles they sometimes encounter. Best.
This will be excellent to watch! 👍🏼 I’ve been binge watching Tovia Singer’s content and I’m a recently former “mainstream” Christian (Protestant) turned Marcionite
@@kimartist That is correct. I personally trust those books more than the 27 books the New Testament currently has because Marcion’s canon predates it by centuries and his dad, Philologus, was one of the 70 (or 72) disciples personally trained by Jesus himself and he personally knew Paul, who greeted him in the book of Romans.
Dude, Toviah Singer would lead to astray. The only one who'll help you understand scripture is God. Ask God to give you wisdom, knowledge and understanding. How can you be a Christian and listen to Toviah Singer who hates Jesus and says he's not the Messiah?
@@NickSandt But it's not grounded in scriptures. They believe their Messiah is human. But God is the only Saviour of Israel and humanity and He shares his glory with no one. I'm sorry to say this but you are already half way out of Christianity because you fail to ask God to help you understand scriptures.
I think the issue that should be established in these discussions is that merit based salvation is completely heretical and is in opposition to the true faith. I simply think that the wisdom from Torah needs to be respected. If a Christian man is thinking they should go back to previous marriage while in a second marriage, I am going to show from Torah that he shouldn't. If someone thinks that they should tithe, I will show from the Torah that it was directed to the Levitical system and Jesus already fulfilled it. Also it was a tax and tied to the land of Israel. If they ask if they can eat pork, I will point out they can but if you can eat beef its better for them. The thing of the Hebrew Roots movement and First fruits of Zion calls them out on it, FFOZ clearly state that type of Hebrew Roots is another form of replacement theology as much of the Torah can't be followed outside of Israel. In listening to David, sounds like many of these assemblies have lost those crucial messages of Paul of the cross and the essential work of the Holy Spirit.
I love this " Hebrew Roots is another form of replacement theology as much of the Torah can't be followed outside of Israel. In listening to David, sounds like many of these assemblies have lost those crucial messages of Paul of the cross and the essential work of the Holy Spirit" The HRM came out of crappy christian theology, like Rob's, They Replace the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ with the Torah Can you blame the HRM that they swing all the way to works Salvation when a teacher like Rob teaches we are no longer under the 10 Commandments Antinomianism feeds the lies of Satan and his Hebrew/Jewish roots cult
1000$ challenge, Use Scripture only...................Where does Scripture say the 1st day is now Sanctified, Set apart, declared holy, A Holy convocation like we see the Sabbath. 1000$ challenge.
will you pay Cash? this is the challenge = ' Where does Scripture say the 1st day is now Sanctified, Set apart, declared holy, A Holy convocation like we see the Sabbath' Where is the 1st day and a Sabbath -- Leviticus 23:23 "In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you shall have a sabbath-rest, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation" $1000.00 American
@@salpezzino7803 Rob's twisted lawless theology....... As gentiles we don't have to keep Gods comamnds like helping the poor. Deut 15:11.....Jesus says..... For I was hungry, and you didn’t feed me. I was thirsty, and you didn’t give me a drink. 43 I was a stranger, and you didn’t invite me into your home. I was naked, and you didn’t give me clothing. I was sick and in prison, and you didn’t visit me.’
Not keeping the law of Moses, you Cultists aren't too bright. 'Walk in Love' I asked David Wilber for one scripture where anyone instructs the Church to keep the law of Moses --- he couldn't find one, maybe you can
Hi, Justin. Yes we are, if you mean living the way Christ taught us to live. I say that because some folks take the idea of "living like Christ" more literally than the Bible teaches. Jesus preached almost exclusively to Jewish people, was a tradesman who worked with his hands, regularly taught in synagogues, was an itinerant preacher who walked from town to town, often slept outdoors, and didn’t own any land. And we certainly aren't called to emulate all of these things. Also, unlike Christians today, Jesus was born under the old covenant law (Gal. 4:4). And New Covenant believers are not required to keep that law (Rom 7:6; Gal. 3:23-25; Col. 2:16-17, etc.) Here’s one of our videos that breaks down this idea in its biblical context: *How do we walk like Jesus Walked?* ruclips.net/video/J9vB04AoF7w/видео.html Blessings, RLS
@@TheBiblicalRoots but in acts 15 it says these 4 laws are necessary to keep for new believers. No strangled meats and no blood. This seems to contradict your understanding of col2:16. So col 2:16 must mean hes discipling them for when they keep them. If something contradicts, it cant be true.
It's not about a people group. Boy you guys got off, huh? It's about name calling.. right? What is a Judeizer? That's the question. Let me take a stab. 1. A person who attempts to gain righteousness on their own merit. AKA Seeks a justification by the Torah adherence, not Christ. 2. Covets oral teaching (ex:Talmud)and man made traditions beyond the written scripture for salvation. 3. Any other? I can't think of any Christian denomination that doesn't suffer from 1 or both. But people seeking to know Christ who is one with Yehovah in all of his promises and freedom, are not Judeizers. Gentiles should absolutely read and follow Leviticus 17 and 18. Check it out if you want to break the bondage of sexual immortality. The Holy Spirit has no problem with this. That's better time spent than wondering if Acts 15 is legalistic or not. Acts 15: 21 For from ancient generations Moses has had his preachers in every town, for he is read [aloud] every Sabbath in the synagogues.
I would ask your guest, what about the christian common believe that Jesus is the Almighty? Was this a stumbling block for your guest to receive Jesus as the Messiah? I am a christian but I do not accept the narrative that Jesus is the Almighty for biblical reasons. John 17:3, John 20:17, John 20:30-31, 1 Timothy 2:5, Luke 1:26-35, Matthew 16:16, these verses helps us to know who Jesus was and is based on his testimony and the testimony of the apostles. We come to a first 50 years of christianity understanding concerning who Jesus was which agrees with the Old Testament without opposition.
None of those verses are biblical reasons to believe Jesus is not the Almighty. None of those verses says he isn´t the Almighty. But Hebrews 1 explicitly identifies him as, God, the Creator and applies Psalms about YHWH directly to Jesus himself.
@@D12Min Not true. Jesus said he was the Messiah and Peter confirmed it in Matthew 16:16. Maybe you do not know, but claiming to be the Messiah means that he is a human descendent from David the king. Chech 2 Samuel 7:12-16, In Mark 12:28-34, also check the interaction between Jesus and a rabbi in regard to the greatest commandment, notice how the rabbi responds and how Jesus responds. God is Spirit as Jesus said to the Samaritan woman, John 4:24, He does not change, He cannot become an angel or a human, on the other hand Jesus is a human, we can read this in Luke 1:26-35.
@@fcastellanos57 there´s no logical reason to assume that an almighty God can take on which ever form he wants to. Or to put it with Philippians 2:5: Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, being in the form of GOD, did not consider it robbery to be equal with GOD, 7 but [c]made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of MEN.
Isa 56:6 Also the sons of the stranger, that join themselves to the LORD, to serve him, and to love the name of the LORD, to be his servants, every one that keepeth the sabbath from polluting it, and taketh hold of my covenant; Isa 56:7 Even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer: their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine altar; for mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all people. - I love the house of prayer for all nations Yeshua longed to see
Dr Harris the NT is of the Jew from Abraham, and Jesus is the Messiah as John 20:31, but Christianity is not legitimate as it divorced from its roots in the 2nd century. I have a Ytube video series 'Myths in so-called Christianity' and #5 defines the NT as a Jew, and #31 questions Christianity as found in the NT as false teaching. My theology is independent and reveals the OT in the NT as Paul and John. Salvation is by grace and the three witnesses of baptism of the new covenant by the obedience of faith. Great discussion Rob many thanks for a great conversation.
@kevinprokopich1083 I have scanned your very long reply and note two major errors in your premise of the Cross. First the Cross was not an altar, and no pagan Romans acting as Priests could take away sins of the Jews, which is the job of a priest. Christianity makes up that the Cross is an altar, but it has no direct influence on redemption except for Jesus himself, as he redeemed himself. The second point follows the first that all this about atonement, reconciliation, and forgiveness of sins is affected indirectly within the new covenant. The message of the Cross is a change in covenant as Hebrews 9:22, as I could never deny anything in the NT that quote to me from a covenant contract perspective, as we are told there is no more sacrifice for sins as the offering by Jesus was to change the covenant. The Cross is not an altar but I reveal in my Ytube videos how Jesus came to reverse the effect from Adam that everyone must die, but now through Jesus as Romans 5:13-17 has regained access to eternal life for those in Christ.
@kevinprokopich1083 Well I will continue to accept Jesus as a mentor showing the way, not having to die to allow me to sin, but that he might justify me by knowledge as one of many. I do say in one of my videos how Jesus can save, but his blood wasn't taken to the Mercy Seat in the Temple, he is the Mercy Seat in heaven. If you disagree with me you must choose a theory of atonement at the Cross, as Christianity does not know.
I did hear you suggest flat earth believers are conspiracy theorists, can you please make a video explaining how you believe it’s round biblically? It being in a furnace made be believe it’s flat, I also don’t believe we’ve actually ever landed on any other planets.
Hello, Sir Anthony. When the Bible and science contradict one another, the Bible is our authority. But they rarely contradict each other. When they do, it's either because science has something wrong or because theologians do. The Bible is not a science book, nor it does not claim to be one. Its primary focus is theology, teaching us about God. Its secondary purpose is to describe history and tell the story of God's people. While the Bible does speak to certain aspects of the physical universe (such as the nature of its origin), it does not attempt to do so with any level of scientific or cosmological precision. In fact, the modern discipline of the natural sciences was foreign to the authors of Scripture. The text was never intended to provide the scientific "how" of the universe or the planet Earth but rather the theological and teleological "why." Therefore, when we read passages about the "pillars" or the "four corners" of the "ends" of the Earth, these phrases are to be taken no more literally than the "nostrils" or "arms" of God. Rather, these descriptions are always comparative, idiomatic, and/or poetic. If we want to know *_who_* created the universe, the planet Earth, or humanity, and *_why_* they were made, the Bible is our authority. On the other hand, if we want to know the shape of the Earth, how far away it is from the sun or the value of the gravitational constant, the Bible won't help. For that, we need to use our God-given brains. And if the Earth really is flat, then the calculations used by airline pilots to fly from one place to another wouldn't work! Blessings, RLS
@@TheBiblicalRoots thanks for investing that time to responding to your students.(It really is honorable). With that being said, it still stands unknown and not a permanent answer because men/scientist lie all the time and through history for many different purposes. So I don't believe it's far fetched for one to believe it's flat.
@siranthonybrownpodcast Can you provide 5 provable examples of "scientist lie all the time"? Also, if you take the time, you yourself can prove the Earth is not flat. Then, you could mistrust yourself. It is irrational to believe that scientists from Eratosthenes to NASA have conspired to push a false idea.
@@6969smurfy Problem is that your Etymology is flaw. The so called Yahshua name came from the Sacred namers movement of the 20th century. It is a misguided attempt to unify the names Yeshua and YHVH, without due consideration to the linguistic nature of this contraction. Hebrew linguistics do not allow for the combining of the two unrelated nouns YHVH and YeSHuA, Therefore "Yahshua" is a nonsense. It's no different than the various 1 west Hebrew Israelites with their faulty Yahawashi name. So in all due respect, please stop using the fake Hebrew name of Yahshua.
@joshuamelton9148 lol, do you not know, No One Alive today knows the Proper Oral annunciations of the Paleo Herbrew. No One! But I'll Tell you, We Do know it sure.isnt the Jay words used by the English derived from The greek meaninglessness naming process' derived from your greek mythologies Previous religions ... The name YAHshua gives Title! YAHshua = YAH Saves YAHrushalime = YAHs City YAHisrael = HIS Peoples It goes on and on. Keep your Adultery ways to your self with your meaning.less Greek names. Grow up from the re born infant you claim. Learn to grow so you.can stop with all this babble talk your Religions have taught you! BTW your hebrew Scholars mean nothing to me. Foremost , most don't even acknowledge the pictographic nature of the original hebrew language, they dont even have to foratuded to even consider its Relevance... They're "lost" by the religions as well. Here's Ome For YOU! Ha la lu YAH! Praise YAH!.
So…if ‘no one alive today knows the oral annunciation of Paleo Hebrew’, then it’s ok to make up your own version? I’d be a tad afraid to do that myself. SMH @6969smurfy.
Dr Harris a Christian must be a follower of Christ, not necessarily as the dictionary a follower of Christianity, and as Jesus said in John 3:5 a Born Again Jew.
@kevinprokopich1083 I say a Christian follows Jesus Christ, but the dictionary defines a Christian as a follower of Christianity, but there are competing denominations but there is only one Jesus.
@kevinprokopich1083 My goodness that is so true. And if your qalk with Jesus agrees with Jesus, repentance for the remission of sins, I guess you are faithful and obedient. But if you rely on the Cross for atonement of future sins, not repentance then you are walking the wrong way.
Have you teachings going in depth on sacred name ideas? Did the name of God get replaced with titles that are traced back to Baal? Is Jesus a pagan name?
Dr. Harris, if you are reading this, if hebrew was your mother's tongue, you would have ran from church... Answer these please: the words lamo למו and Be'motav במותיו. Are those a singularity or a plurality??
Honest question, here, Sal. I understand the idea of opposing people who reject Christ, but is there a Scriptural reason behind being a dick to people you don't even know? Is that an intentional approach on your part? Maybe there's a method to your madness? Or maybe you're not aware of how malicious, unhelpful, immature, and un-Christlike your comments are? Rob
@@TheBiblicalRoots Thank you for your stance on my behalf, but can he really be blamed when your god and messiah called us children of the murderous devil for not accepting him?? and you wonder where antisemitism really started... as if one actually needs wonder.
I'm a Christian whose belief converted to Judaism. Why? In todays world this question is easily explained by pointing out that a man is not a woman. Men cannot have babies, Men should not be on women's sport teams. The Torahs first teachings are the distinctions it tells us. God - Man, God - Nature, Man - Woman, Good - evil, Light - Dark, etc. Without these distinctions the world would be destroyed in many ways. By raising Jesus to a god status, Christian's destroy these distinctions. Forgive me for putting it this way but we now have a trans god, Man/God, Jesus. This is the very first commandment it is so important, and destroys the Torahs distinctions Between God and Man.
THE DISASTER OF ANTILAW FALSE GRACE FALSE FAITH UNGODLY FALSE GOSPEL IS In the falsehood of man rejecting to being creation in God own's image and likeness to serve and do the will of God Yehovah to make man godliness To Man seeking to create or rebrand God in man's own image and likeness to serve and do the will of man to make God manly. Under false gospel. Isaiah 8:13,16,20 ASV Jehovah of hosts, him shall ye sanctify; and let him be your fear, and let him be your dread. [16] Bind thou up the testimony, seal the law among my disciples. [20] To the law and to the testimony! if they speak not according to this word, surely there is no morning for them. Isaiah 33:22 ASV For Jehovah is our judge, Jehovah is our lawgiver, Jehovah is our king; he will save us. Isaiah 42:8,21 ASV I am Jehovah, that is my name; and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise unto graven images. [21] It pleased Jehovah, for his righteousness' sake, to magnify the law, and make it honorable. Psalm 138:2 ASV I will worship toward thy holy temple, And give thanks unto thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: For thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name. Psalm 119:1-3,45,92,128,142,151-152,160,165 ASV Blessed are they that are perfect in the way, Who walk in the law of Jehovah. [2] Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, That seek him with the whole heart. [3] Yea, they do no unrighteousness; They walk in his ways. [45] And I shall walk at liberty; For I have sought thy precepts. [92] Unless thy law had been my delight, I should then have perished in mine affliction. [128] Therefore I esteem all thy precepts concerning all things to be right; And I hate every false way. [142] Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, And thy law is truth. [151] Thou art nigh, O Jehovah; And all thy commandments are truth. [152] Of old have I known from thy testimonies, That thou hast founded them for ever. [160] The sum of thy word is truth; And every one of thy righteous ordinances endureth for ever. [165] Great peace have they that love thy law; And they have no occasion of stumbling. Psalm 19:7-9,11 ASV The law of Jehovah is perfect, restoring the soul: The testimony of Jehovah is sure, making wise the simple. [8] The precepts of Jehovah are right, rejoicing the heart: The commandment of Jehovah is pure, enlightening the eyes. [9] The fear of Jehovah is clean, enduring for ever: The ordinances of Jehovah are true, and righteous altogether. [11] Moreover by them is thy servant warned: In keeping them there is great reward.
Rob's twisted lawless theology....... As gentiles we don't have to keep Gods comamnds like helping the poor. Deut 15:11.....Jesus says..... For I was hungry, and you didn’t feed me. I was thirsty, and you didn’t give me a drink. 43 I was a stranger, and you didn’t invite me into your home. I was naked, and you didn’t give me clothing. I was sick and in prison, and you didn’t visit me.’
You would think that brorher Rob would let it rest with the hebrew roots movenent, go after jehovas witness or after mormons. Why us he so determain agaings us hebrews.. Makes u think about it right. Every day he wakes up thinking about us.. love u brorher rob. Keep them coming. We are growing in numbers according to the profecy. Blessing to you.
Half your problem in fighting against Hebrew roots is not realizing that when Jesus came to Israel, He wasn't bringing Christianity. He was bringing Messianic Judaism. Paul was sent to bring Christianity, which included Jew and Goy on the same level. (Ro. 1-3) This is why 'Salvation is of the Jew' is Messianic Judaism and Salvation is despite the Jew is Christianity. (Acts 13:46-48) Finish the verses after, 'Salvation is of the Jew...' BUT 'a time is coming....' (John 4) Paul, went back to Genesis not Exodus to validate Christianity. (Acts 17:11; Galatians 3) Don't believe me, listen to Steven Gregg who is wrong about the future of Israel but correct that 'Jewish Roots' Christianity is a false movement.
What did God call his Covenant people? In the O.T. "Christian" Zero times, Israel", 2504 times. In the NT. "Christian" Zero times and "Israel" 70 times. Torah class.
It's not important how many times something was recited but it does matter the standard God set up for salvation. Earlier, God gave Jews a scapegoat ritual for the atonement for sins. Now, the atonement for sins of the world is through Jesus Christ.
It's not important how many times something was recited but it does matter the standard God set up for salvation. Earlier, God gave Jews a scapegoat ritual for the atonement for sins. Now, the atonement for sins of the world is through Jesus Christ.
Sunday christians are sacred namers....... They say the sacred name Jesus is the ONLY name that saves...... Thats false the letter J didn't exist till 1524 ..
@@salpezzino7803 Rob's twisted lawless theology....... As gentiles we don't have to keep Gods comamnds like helping the poor. Deut 15:11.....Jesus says..... For I was hungry, and you didn’t feed me. I was thirsty, and you didn’t give me a drink. 43 I was a stranger, and you didn’t invite me into your home. I was naked, and you didn’t give me clothing. I was sick and in prison, and you didn’t visit me.’
@@Truth-f2q are you having a stroke - you are repeating yourself I agree, Rob's theology is twisted, yours is Satanic. You just quoted the law of Christ in Matthew 22:37-39 From Rob's friend 'Dick'
This is a great interview, Rob, what you just said about you’ve noticed a correlation with Hebrew roots, tending to be into conspiracy theory, and you mentioned flat earth, the group I was hanging out with was definitely into that kind of stuff. And I like whatDr. Harris just said about they think they’re keeping it but the one thing I challenged is they are really not keeping it, they talk about eating clean food, but they buy all their food and deli meat and everything like that. Cut on the meat cutters that cuts the ham.
Every single person that I knew in the HRM was saved in the name of Jesus.
Then a “jot and tittle” later it’s a sacred naming, apocryphal reading, flat earth and catholic conspiracy, hate on Christians and leaving their own families, Hebrew language dropping, tzitzit or not wearing, Shabbat timing and work arguing, calendar confusing, new moon sighting, circumcising or not, translation arguing nightmare. I’m sure I left something out.
“My burden is easy and my yoke is light.” -Jesus
I like the way you wrote that 😂
@@kimartist TY. I’ll be here all night! 🎤
(I left out “you didn’t buy that veggie platter on Shabbat did you?”)
Wow! You nailed it! Such division and self righteousness, it’s all so sad and especially for the ones that have ruined family relationships over this all.
their Jesus is an antichrist
Well said, Susan!
Thanks Professor Rob for a very interesting and encouraging discussion with Dr. Harris! Thanks for your continued vigilance in exposing this cult!
@Paul ..the scriptures have it right again…there is a partial blindness on the tribe Harris belongs…Got Torah Got Truth
@@harryabrahams2770 I get where you're coming from but "God perhaps grant you repentance that you may come to a knowledge of the truth" (2 Tim 2:25)
The progression he described from reading the OT and thinking we have to keep the law, to moseying on in a Messianic place thinking we've found our place, to then seeing they believe like Christians and need correction is EXACTLY the progression I and many I know personally went through. God bless you!
Interesting. That must have been quite a "shock to the system." Was this a factor in eventually leading you out of HRM?
@kimartist I can only thank God for his grace for leading us out! Slowly and patiently over the course of 7 years he went over each issue one by one and brought us out, to make a long story short.
Ditto on the progression for me. Went down all the conspiratorial avenues too. Seven years and I finally left this Spring.
I think your point above about "zeal without knowledge" is spot on!
As to what the root issue is, in my experience, it is multi-faceted. There's a zeal without knowledge, there's rebelliousness against "regular church"(church hurt), there's a sense of pride and attitude of "the church has lied to us and we've discovered the truth", there's a sense of adventure in discovering things in scripture. It's a multi level attack that the enemy wages toward us from every angle to get us away from Christ and his body(the church). The fruit is division, hate, pride, it's horrible. I'm forever grateful for God's mercy and patience to bring people through and out of HR like lost sheep back into his body ❤
And yes the conspiracy theory factor is real and appeals to our intellectual pride and love of solving mysteries.
And as for circumcision yes I know people personally who have had it done as adults and tried convincing my husband to do so as well. We rejected that because the NT is clear (and Moses even said circumcise your hearts).
I've seen people having passovers at their home saying publicly that uncircumcised males in the flesh are forbidden from going to their house for it.
Another common thing we noticed is 9/10 times the woman in the marriage was more zealous and the husband just kind of followed along with what she wanted. Or there were a lot of either single women, or women who would go to these HR churches without their husband's. I was in the first category.
The first thing out of many that led us out was my husband attended a HR church with me for almost 2 years, and he did not like it. He didn't understand anything they said (mixed Hebrew and English)and he fell asleep regularly. God used that to catapult us out and into. Sunday church where we could be properly taught.
@@lisayun8995 I also led my husband into it after having a spiritual experience. He has since passed from cancer but his mom told me later he remarked “I hope she’s not getting us into a cult.” He never said that to me. It took me five years after his death to come out. Had he lived, we’d have left after a year.
@SusansRoadLessTraveled I'm sorry for your loss! God bless you 🩷
As a former and repented from Torah keeper, one thing I always ask them now, is if everything in the Bible is about “The Law” and the keeping of it, then why is the New Testament books so quiet on the subject. (The feasts, the shabbats, strict diet) The most they ever tell me is “because everyone already knew to do those things”…. So they knew to do that and needed no instruction, but not sexual immorality? Doesn’t make sense at all. Glad Jesus delivered me form dead works. The same problem back then is the same problem now. It’s easier to do and focus on the outward things, than the INWARD things, like loving those who hate you, loving your enemy, praying for those who use you, not lusting with the eye, the pride of life, vanity, the love of money. If you are showing the fruits of the spirit, then there is no law against you
Mat 24:20 But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day:
For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us:
1Co 5:8 Therefore let us keep the feast,
@@indo3052 Galatians 5:22-24 American Standard Version (ASV)
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, self-control; against such there is no law
@@sundayciscero all i did was point out commands in nt about shabbot and passover
@@indo3052 I didn’t say the feasts n sabbath weren’t mentioned, I said they aren’t commanded and instructed in the NT. Ur first example isn’t an instruction, and ur second one if we use that, is one of MAYBE two times it was instructed. Which is why I say it’s so quiet. Barely mentioned. But we see moral sins mentioned in almost every book. If u have a reason for this other than “they already knew to do that” I would love to hear it brother.
As a recovered Hebrew Rooter I appluad you and your great guest ❤
respectfully, what kind of church did you come from before you entered the HR and what church do you now attend? TIA
Great interview!
We sure miss you in Albuquerque, David & Debi & children!!!
The Problem with Hebrew Roots is that it takes the focus off Jesus and puts the emphasis on what I can do for my own salvation.
Very balanced, thank you.
Now that I've left HR I feel like I've been deprogrammed and I've been thinking on how it could happen. Stockholm syndrome comes to mind. While in HR I would avidly defend it but now that I'm free, I can see in that 20/20 hindsight how I was programmed to defend it. I hope that helps your understanding Mr. Solberg.
That explains why it's nearly impossible to debate a HR person, they have Stockholm syndrome. And people who have it don't know they have it until they don't. So deal compassionately with them everyone, love is the thing that combats hate.
True that as Christians we have missed being taught/learning about covenants. So then HR offers insight into that but say we have been lied to and then with each step it gets more rigid and militant and manipulative. All we need is to know scripture and covenants as one whole. But HR stops at the Law and pushes it as mandatory on all. It becomes confusion.
Do you think more teaching on the covenants in traditional churches might help slow down/remedy some of the defection to HRM? (Which, full disclosure, is my own stance. I'm always of the mind that more [clear] teaching is better & especially when it helps people to better understand their faith.)
@carol…it’s sad that our education system is so bad that people can’t distinguish between the word “ covenant “ and the word “ Law “ …they are spelled differently, they sound differently,
their meaning is different and NOWHERE In scripture does it say that God’s Law is done away with…the GOSPEL that Yehoshua was teaching was the SAME GOSPEL that Moses taught in the wilderness and it was about a Kingdom…Got Torah Got Truth
It just dawned on me listening to this that Hebrew Roots is basically a backwards version of Jews coming to faith in Yeshua as Messiah. To them, the New Testament is new, and aptly named. In evangelical Christian culture, the New Testament has held the same place in the pulpit as Tanakh does in synagogue. So to the predominantly gentile folks embarking on a Hebrew Roots journey, the Old Testament ironically feels New when they pick it up to examine it. Discovering the Mosaic covenant gives them a similar sensation to what Jews must feel when they first encounter Yeshua. The only problem is that's reading the covenants that build on each other backwards.
This is a great interview, Rob, what you just said about you’ve noticed a correlation with Hebrew roots, tending to be into conspiracy theory, and you mentioned flat earth, the group I was hanging out with was definitely into that kind of stuff. And I like whatDr. Harris just said about they think they’re keeping it but the one thing I challenged is they are really not keeping it, they talk about eating clean food, but they buy all their food and deli meat and everything like that. Cut on the meat cutters that cuts the ham.
To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, they have no light of dawn. - Isaiah
oh! I heard him teaching through the psalms
I believe last summer
There‘s a certain feeling of wanting to identify with the people in the Bible. Like when you’re watching a movie. They read the Bible and think THEY would do it better. And so, supercessionism/ replacement theology is like a weed that easily sows itself there. From there, it’s a hop, skip and a jump to Hebrew Roots. Especially if you’ve never gone through the development of the early church.
Acts 15:5 But some of the sect of the Pharisees who had believed stood up, saying, “It is necessary to circumcise them and to direct them to keep the Law of Moses [Galatians 2:3-6].” (NASB) #Torahism
Now I understand why new Christians are always told to read the gospels first. As a baby Christian I started the gospels as recommended. But partially into it a voice told me "why would you start a book 3/4 of the way in". (I thought it was God but I now think it was Satan). So I stopped the gospels and started in the OT, and as a person coming in knowing nothing biblical, starting in the OT first either confuses you, horrifies you, or for me and other HR people we get stuck in the OT.
Also going to HR churches doesnt help because every weekend its Torah portions. Im fine with going through the Torah with a fine toothed comb in and of itself, but not at the expense of the other 61 books, especially the NT! Torah portions were fun at first because it was new and different and made you really feel like a Berean, but after a few years of Torah portions, it gets old. I craved the NT and Jesus and the Holy Spirit🩷
Same here
Well said, Elizabeth! "I'm fine with going through the Torah with a fine toothed comb in and of itself, but not at the expense of the other 61 books, especially the NT!" Amen. And I agree that New Covenant Christians need to read the OT through the lens of Christ. That's exactly what the NT authors did.
@TheBiblicalRoots Yes! And that's what we weren't doing, looking through the OT with a NT lens on. As our finite human minds think we would read the OT being chronologically first thinking we had to do those things first, not realizing God is outside time and that he declares the end from the beginning!
God started showing me the pattern in scripture of the second being better than the first as well. 🩷
'Well turning the lights off' on the Sabbath would be a teaching of men. That is not a command of God (written). So how come scholars can't tell the difference? Teachings of men always lead to bondage and thus legalism. Same as from many rabitical teachings in Talmud. That doesn't nullify the Sabbath.
Convo around 32:30…I found that 95% of those I was in contact with had childhood trauma, drug addiction, or church hurt.
how did you get that number Donald, did these people take a survey?
@@salpezzino7803 , when you are coercively forced to go to feasts and Shabbat, and you are a good conversationalist, and have a good listening ear, you learn quite a bit. They don’t need to “take a survey”. All you have to do is add up the number of people with the same background story and do the percentage calculations…
I definitely see how some people view Torah keeping as dress rehearsal for a future millennium. However, in my own study of the Revelation and how John uses the OT and where his allusions are, this concept of a return to the law and a theodicy headed by Christ from Jerusalem falls apart.
The closing chapters of Isaiah are particularly illustrative when you realize that most of the verses people use to defend the littetal millennium are actually about new creation. John doesn’t mention law keeping at all in those passages, and Isaiah has harsh things to say about it. Isaiah 65-66 receive the same treatment as Galatians and Hebrews get. Twisted to mean the opposite by many people.
Well said.
Gentiles who become legalistic and think they are keeping the law are deluding themselves. The real danger of the Hebrew Roots movement is self righteous and works becoming the means of one’s salvation. This is exactly what my Hasidic Brothers and Sister think and believe about salvation. What I can say is that the leader of the congregation/church is instrumental in making sure that the point and saving message of Yeshua isn’t lost in the traditions of Moses.
I have attended Messianic Congegations and Churches. I choose to submit to the Pastor/Rabbi only if he maintains strict biblical theology and practice regardless of tradition. This video reaffirms my believe to not stray from the Way/Path which Yeshua has laid out for me. Baruch Hashem.
To be honest, it was while I was hanging out with them and I was questioning myself if I was really doing what they say that they are doing. I got to reading the Torah more closely because of these people and then when I saw things in there that were controversial, such as not eating meat that’s cooked on the same cooktop as the sausage and the bacon, then how can they say that they keep Torah? I think it’s really just a bunch of cherry picking and wanting to do certain ones that they like for a showing in the flesh like Paul talked about in Galatians
They break the law they claim to keep. They cant even keep the Commanded Feasts and God Commanded.
They keep the law as a tradition of man, Their cherry picking is no different than Strange Fire
No different than believing or teaching that Christians can keep the Mosaic laws that apply to them because they are permitted yet not required
Please explain how the gospel applies to us? Paul said the fullness of the nations have to come in, but the nations are defined in genesis 10 (70 of them), so how does it apply to us today on the otherside of the world??
Whether you are a Jew or a Gentile, the Gospel is for you, Elliot!
"I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to *everyone who believes:* first to the Jew, then to the Gentile." (Rom. 1:16).
@@TheBiblicalRoots but I'm not a biblical gentile? They are defined in genesis 10?..
Hi Elliot! Short answer: The nations of Genesis 10 have spread to the other side of the world.
Long answer: Only Noah and his family, eight in all, survived the flood. (Gen 7:21-23, 1 Pet 3:20, 2 Pet 2:5)
Therefore, all humankind that followed is descended from Noah and his family. As you mentioned, Genesis 10 describes the nations descended from Noah, beginning with verse 1: "These are the generations of the sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Sons were born to them after the flood."
... and concluding with verse 32: "These are the clans of the sons of Noah, according to their genealogies, in their nations, and from these the nations spread abroad on the earth after the flood."
NOTE: "from these the NATIONS SPREAD ABROAD ON THE EARTH after the flood." That would include the 'other side of the world' and YOU!! Blessings!
@@dancingzolins6782 that is exactly the answer I was looking for thanks! But if Paul is expecting Christ to return soon probably in that generation then the gospel was not supposed to reach the otherside of the world know? Paul is only going around the Greco Roman world he didn't expect the gospel to reach everywhere in such a short time before Christ returned??...
@@dancingzolins6782 ??
Rob, I think I am beginning to see what you guys are dealing with. It's similar in aspects to the problem at Galatia. There's not a clear definition on the 10 Words for most...So, for now... Jesus said, 'Abide in my love...God IS Love, and he that abides in love, abides in God and God in him... God writes His Law of Love on our hearts, He has poured our His love into our hearts through His Holy Spirit He has given to us... for it is the Spirit of the Son, whereby we cry Abba, Father!' He's got us!
Jesus did not abolish the Ten Commandments, but instead established them as a permanent standard of righteousness from God. In his "Sermon on the Mount", Jesus said, "Do not think I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill". He also told his followers to "If you want to enter into life, keep the commandments
The law written on our hearts are the 10, the moral law the natural law. Rob is an antinomian. Antinomianism is heresy
That mound from which he spoke was not located in a Greek land.. that foundation is of Hebrew Lands. That ALL nations will seek!
@@6969smurfy too funny,
John 4:20Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, but you Jews say that the place where one must worship is in Jerusalem.” 21“Believe Me, woman,” Jesus replied, “a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem.
FACT: Messiah IS the Mesionic King. Called King of The Jews apon His Death.
There IS no GENTILE king!
Gentile means The out sider.
@@6969smurfy Rob another demonic God hater
Luke 2:32 a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to Your people Israel."
Acts 13:47 For this is what the Lord has commanded us: 'I have made you a light for the Gentiles, to bring salvation to the ends of the earth.'"
Isaiah 49:8 Thus saith the LORD, In an acceptable time have I heard thee, and in a day of salvation have I helped thee: and I will preserve thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, to establish the earth, to cause to inherit the desolate heritages;
Isaiah 42:6 I the LORD have called thee in righteousness, and will hold thine hand, and will keep thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the Gentiles
The Israelites in Egypt were SAVED by GRACE…apparently that wasn’t enough to get them into the promised land…Got Torah Got Truth
Isn't Catholic more Jewish roots?
The firstborn Israelite in Egypt life was spared by THE BLOOD of the LAMB…apparently that wasn’t enough to get them into the promised land…Got Torah Got Truth
Hi, Harry. You do realize that Israel made it into the Promised Land, right? (See the book of Joshua).
@@TheBiblicalRoots Hi Rob…I’m aware that a lot of the younger generation did but how many got into the promised from the group that left Egypt..this is why the NT warns us that their carcasses fell in the wilderness because of DISOBEDIENCE…as a professor can you give me the information on how many people who had left Egypt actually got into the promised land….Got Torah Got Truth
@@harryabrahams2770 As you know, only a righteous remnant made it in. (A consistent theme throughout Scripture!) Most who left Egypt fell in the wilderness wasn't because they disobeyed any laws, it was because they grumbled and did not believe God. "Your children shall be shepherds in the wilderness forty years and shall suffer for your *faithlessness,* until the last of your dead bodies lies in the wilderness" (Num. 14:33). The author of Hebrews refers to their lack of faith as disobedience.
@@TheBiblicalRoots “ only a righteous remnant made it in “. as far as I can see it was those who were 20 years of age or younger and Joshua and Caleb from the older generation….where does it say that the 20 years of age or younger were the RIGHTEOUS REMNANT??? Got Torah Got Truth
Brother, can you do research where is the name Yahweh really came from? God bless your ministry.
Hi Scorpion. The name "Yahweh" comes from the four-letter Hebrew name God gave for Himself in Exodus 3. In Hebrew its spelled: יהוה and it's transliterated into English as YHWH or YHVH. There are no vowels so the precise pronunciation is not known for sure. Religious Jews do not pronounce it at all, but instead use the name "Adonai" when they read יהוה. Christians often pronounce it "Yahweh," or "Yehovah," or "Jehovah."
Intead, you are denying what is written in the Hebrew scripture.I believe in Jesus Christ because of the New Testament and not because of of the Old Testament.It's you who needs to knock yourself out.Israel is God's wife.
Hosea 2:15-17
King James Version
15 And I will give her her vineyards from thence, and the valley of Achor for a door of hope: and she shall sing there, as in the days of her youth, and as in the day when she came up out of the land of Egypt.
16 And it shall be at that day, saith the Lord, that thou shalt call me Ishi; and shalt call me no more Baali.
17 For I will take away the names of Baalim out of her mouth, and they shall no more be remembered by their name.
(Ishi means "my husband" )
You mean God married his firstborn son?! This is blasphemous. You are defaming and insulting God.Hebrew scripture has been changed.Hosea says "as in the day when she came up out of the land of Egypt" means from the time of Exodus God considered Israel His wife and Himself her husband but your hypocrite rabbis changed it to "firstborn" to disprove the Sonship of Jesus Christ or your scripture is not inspired by God which somewhere calls Israel as God's firstborn and somewhere God's wife.
All believers are complete Christ. "Jewish" believers do not have a special status in the body as some people teach like Arnold fruchtenbaum.
Can you provide a reference regarding Fruchtenbaum teaching a special status for Jewish believers? Much appreciated!
Dr Harris you talk against legalism or law keeping, but the opposite of legalism is licence, yet the law of those truly baptised is in their hearts, so grace is by the obedience of faith.
@kevinprokopich1083 well we suppose a legalist says we must keep the law, but Christianity thinks we are saved by grace through faith, so does faith allow sin?
@kevinprokopich1083 A deliberate ploy to engage with yourself, to explain doctrine is complicated, hence my videos.
@kevinprokopich1083 this guy just haunts this channel to recruit followers for his own channel.
Mr solberg hi, can you explain something to me, what is your view about the gospels and Paul's letters being only for the first century generation like preterists claim? wasn't jesus supposed to return in there lifetimes? And how do we know the bible is written for us but not too us? How do we know that...
if it is for the first century generation, what do Preterists read today?
@@salpezzino7803 a bible that was penned for the first century and that generation.
@@elliot7205 do you believe in the True God of the Holy Scriptures?
@@salpezzino7803 irrelevant to what I asked. 👍
We are not to put the attention or value emphasizing our ethnic divisions. Focus should be on Christ. Period. Any questions go to the apostle Paul in his letters.
Very very true indeed. But sometimes when non-Jewish believers try to understand/comprehend the culture of the Jewish people (the Biblical culture) there are hurdles they sometimes encounter.
What name did they use before the letter J was created in 1524??????
This will be excellent to watch! 👍🏼 I’ve been binge watching Tovia Singer’s content and I’m a recently former “mainstream” Christian (Protestant) turned Marcionite
I thought the Marcionites rejected all of the OT & only accepted one (partial) Gospel & 11 letters of Paul?
@@kimartist That is correct. I personally trust those books more than the 27 books the New Testament currently has because Marcion’s canon predates it by centuries and his dad, Philologus, was one of the 70 (or 72) disciples personally trained by Jesus himself and he personally knew Paul, who greeted him in the book of Romans.
Dude, Toviah Singer would lead to astray. The only one who'll help you understand scripture is God. Ask God to give you wisdom, knowledge and understanding. How can you be a Christian and listen to Toviah Singer who hates Jesus and says he's not the Messiah?
@@johnkumah3095 Tovia gives me insights as to why the majority of Jews reject Jesus
But it's not grounded in scriptures.
They believe their Messiah is human. But God is the only Saviour of Israel and humanity and He shares his glory with no one.
I'm sorry to say this but you are already half way out of Christianity because you fail to ask God to help you understand scriptures.
I think the issue that should be established in these discussions is that merit based salvation is completely heretical and is in opposition to the true faith. I simply think that the wisdom from Torah needs to be respected. If a Christian man is thinking they should go back to previous marriage while in a second marriage, I am going to show from Torah that he shouldn't. If someone thinks that they should tithe, I will show from the Torah that it was directed to the Levitical system and Jesus already fulfilled it. Also it was a tax and tied to the land of Israel. If they ask if they can eat pork, I will point out they can but if you can eat beef its better for them. The thing of the Hebrew Roots movement and First fruits of Zion calls them out on it, FFOZ clearly state that type of Hebrew Roots is another form of replacement theology as much of the Torah can't be followed outside of Israel. In listening to David, sounds like many of these assemblies have lost those crucial messages of Paul of the cross and the essential work of the Holy Spirit.
I love this " Hebrew Roots is another form of replacement theology as much of the Torah can't be followed outside of Israel. In listening to David, sounds like many of these assemblies have lost those crucial messages of Paul of the cross and the essential work of the Holy Spirit"
The HRM came out of crappy christian theology, like Rob's,
They Replace the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ with the Torah
Can you blame the HRM that they swing all the way to works Salvation when a teacher like Rob teaches we are no longer under the 10 Commandments
Antinomianism feeds the lies of Satan and his Hebrew/Jewish roots cult
1000$ challenge, Use Scripture only...................Where does Scripture say the 1st day is now Sanctified, Set apart, declared holy, A Holy convocation like we see the Sabbath. 1000$ challenge.
will you pay Cash?
this is the challenge = ' Where does Scripture say the 1st day is now Sanctified, Set apart, declared holy, A Holy convocation like we see the Sabbath'
Where is the 1st day and a Sabbath --
Leviticus 23:23 "In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you shall have a sabbath-rest, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation"
$1000.00 American
@kevinprokopich1083 you lose, None of those clearly state that the 1st day of the week is the Sabbath.
CBN is a fake, I bet Rob watches it
where is my money? You lie like Donald Trump
@@salpezzino7803 Rob's twisted lawless theology....... As gentiles we don't have to keep Gods comamnds like helping the poor. Deut 15:11.....Jesus says..... For I was hungry, and you didn’t feed me. I was thirsty, and you didn’t give me a drink. 43 I was a stranger, and you didn’t invite me into your home. I was naked, and you didn’t give me clothing. I was sick and in prison, and you didn’t visit me.’
@@Truth-f2q I agree, Rob's theology is twisted, yours is Satanic.
You just quoted the law of Christ in Matthew 22:37-39
From Rob's friend 'Dick'
Wow that’s awfully close to 144000 never in revelation.
So are we to live like Christ or Not?
Not keeping the law of Moses, you Cultists aren't too bright.
'Walk in Love'
I asked David Wilber for one scripture where anyone instructs the Church to keep the law of Moses --- he couldn't find one, maybe you can
Not sure what to make of these loving replies
Hi, Justin. Yes we are, if you mean living the way Christ taught us to live.
I say that because some folks take the idea of "living like Christ" more literally than the Bible teaches. Jesus preached almost exclusively to Jewish people, was a tradesman who worked with his hands, regularly taught in synagogues, was an itinerant preacher who walked from town to town, often slept outdoors, and didn’t own any land. And we certainly aren't called to emulate all of these things. Also, unlike Christians today, Jesus was born under the old covenant law (Gal. 4:4). And New Covenant believers are not required to keep that law (Rom 7:6; Gal. 3:23-25; Col. 2:16-17, etc.)
Here’s one of our videos that breaks down this idea in its biblical context:
*How do we walk like Jesus Walked?* ruclips.net/video/J9vB04AoF7w/видео.html
@@TheBiblicalRoots but in acts 15 it says these 4 laws are necessary to keep for new believers. No strangled meats and no blood. This seems to contradict your understanding of col2:16. So col 2:16 must mean hes discipling them for when they keep them.
If something contradicts, it cant be true.
It's not about a people group. Boy you guys got off, huh? It's about name calling.. right?
What is a Judeizer? That's the question. Let me take a stab.
1. A person who attempts to gain righteousness on their own merit. AKA Seeks a justification by the Torah adherence, not Christ.
2. Covets oral teaching (ex:Talmud)and man made traditions beyond the written scripture for salvation.
3. Any other?
I can't think of any Christian denomination that doesn't suffer from 1 or both.
But people seeking to know Christ who is one with Yehovah in all of his promises and freedom, are not Judeizers.
Gentiles should absolutely read and follow Leviticus 17 and 18. Check it out if you want to break the bondage of sexual immortality. The Holy Spirit has no problem with this. That's better time spent than wondering if Acts 15 is legalistic or not.
Acts 15:
21 For from ancient generations Moses has had his preachers in every town, for he is read [aloud] every Sabbath in the synagogues.
I would ask your guest, what about the christian common believe that Jesus is the Almighty? Was this a stumbling block for your guest to receive Jesus as the Messiah? I am a christian but I do not accept the narrative that Jesus is the Almighty for biblical reasons. John 17:3, John 20:17, John 20:30-31, 1 Timothy 2:5, Luke 1:26-35, Matthew 16:16, these verses helps us to know who Jesus was and is based on his testimony and the testimony of the apostles. We come to a first 50 years of christianity understanding concerning who Jesus was which agrees with the Old Testament without opposition.
You are not a Christian, you are a Jesus hater
None of those verses are biblical reasons to believe Jesus is not the Almighty. None of those verses says he isn´t the Almighty. But Hebrews 1 explicitly identifies him as, God, the Creator and applies Psalms about YHWH directly to Jesus himself.
@@D12Min Not true. Jesus said he was the Messiah and Peter confirmed it in Matthew 16:16. Maybe you do not know, but claiming to be the Messiah means that he is a human descendent from David the king. Chech 2 Samuel 7:12-16, In Mark 12:28-34, also check the interaction between Jesus and a rabbi in regard to the greatest commandment, notice how the rabbi responds and how Jesus responds. God is Spirit as Jesus said to the Samaritan woman, John 4:24, He does not change, He cannot become an angel or a human, on the other hand Jesus is a human, we can read this in Luke 1:26-35.
@@fcastellanos57 there´s no logical reason to assume that an almighty God can take on which ever form he wants to. Or to put it with Philippians 2:5: Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, being in the form of GOD, did not consider it robbery to be equal with GOD, 7 but [c]made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of MEN.
Isa 56:6 Also the sons of the stranger, that join themselves to the LORD, to serve him, and to love the name of the LORD, to be his servants, every one that keepeth the sabbath from polluting it, and taketh hold of my covenant;
Isa 56:7 Even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer: their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine altar; for mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all people. - I love the house of prayer for all nations Yeshua longed to see
Dr Harris the NT is of the Jew from Abraham, and Jesus is the Messiah as John 20:31, but Christianity is not legitimate as it divorced from its roots in the 2nd century.
I have a Ytube video series 'Myths in so-called Christianity' and #5 defines the NT as a Jew, and #31 questions Christianity as found in the NT as false teaching. My theology is independent and reveals the OT in the NT as Paul and John.
Salvation is by grace and the three witnesses of baptism of the new covenant by the obedience of faith.
Great discussion Rob many thanks for a great conversation.
@kevinprokopich1083 skepticism is good, and is why I have my Ytube channel exposing false teaching, so that my teaching can be challenged.
@kevinprokopich1083 I have scanned your very long reply and note two major errors in your premise of the Cross.
First the Cross was not an altar, and no pagan Romans acting as Priests could take away sins of the Jews, which is the job of a priest. Christianity makes up that the Cross is an altar, but it has no direct influence on redemption except for Jesus himself, as he redeemed himself.
The second point follows the first that all this about atonement, reconciliation, and forgiveness of sins is affected indirectly within the new covenant.
The message of the Cross is a change in covenant as Hebrews 9:22, as I could never deny anything in the NT that quote to me from a covenant contract perspective, as we are told there is no more sacrifice for sins as the offering by Jesus was to change the covenant.
The Cross is not an altar but I reveal in my Ytube videos how Jesus came to reverse the effect from Adam that everyone must die, but now through Jesus as Romans 5:13-17 has regained access to eternal life for those in Christ.
@kevinprokopich1083 And this is said by John before the Cross, as is John 5:34 spoken by Jesus.
@kevinprokopich1083 Well I will continue to accept Jesus as a mentor showing the way, not having to die to allow me to sin, but that he might justify me by knowledge as one of many.
I do say in one of my videos how Jesus can save, but his blood wasn't taken to the Mercy Seat in the Temple, he is the Mercy Seat in heaven.
If you disagree with me you must choose a theory of atonement at the Cross, as Christianity does not know.
I did hear you suggest flat earth believers are conspiracy theorists, can you please make a video explaining how you believe it’s round biblically? It being in a furnace made be believe it’s flat, I also don’t believe we’ve actually ever landed on any other planets.
Hello, Sir Anthony. When the Bible and science contradict one another, the Bible is our authority. But they rarely contradict each other. When they do, it's either because science has something wrong or because theologians do.
The Bible is not a science book, nor it does not claim to be one. Its primary focus is theology, teaching us about God. Its secondary purpose is to describe history and tell the story of God's people. While the Bible does speak to certain aspects of the physical universe (such as the nature of its origin), it does not attempt to do so with any level of scientific or cosmological precision. In fact, the modern discipline of the natural sciences was foreign to the authors of Scripture. The text was never intended to provide the scientific "how" of the universe or the planet Earth but rather the theological and teleological "why."
Therefore, when we read passages about the "pillars" or the "four corners" of the "ends" of the Earth, these phrases are to be taken no more literally than the "nostrils" or "arms" of God. Rather, these descriptions are always comparative, idiomatic, and/or poetic.
If we want to know *_who_* created the universe, the planet Earth, or humanity, and *_why_* they were made, the Bible is our authority. On the other hand, if we want to know the shape of the Earth, how far away it is from the sun or the value of the gravitational constant, the Bible won't help. For that, we need to use our God-given brains. And if the Earth really is flat, then the calculations used by airline pilots to fly from one place to another wouldn't work!
@@TheBiblicalRoots thanks for investing that time to responding to your students.(It really is honorable). With that being said, it still stands unknown and not a permanent answer because men/scientist lie all the time and through history for many different purposes. So I don't believe it's far fetched for one to believe it's flat.
@siranthonybrownpodcast Can you provide 5 provable examples of "scientist lie all the time"? Also, if you take the time, you yourself can prove the Earth is not flat. Then, you could mistrust yourself. It is irrational to believe that scientists from Eratosthenes to NASA have conspired to push a false idea.
@@dancingzolins6782 said the conspiracy theorist. MAGA, Hebrew Roots, Flat Earthers are all conspiracy theorists
you made that one good comment that even I liked, now we see that you are just a Nut Job.
You must be a friend of Rob's
You friendly neighborhood Dick
A man Straddling the fence, is One that will be Persecuted From both sides. YAHshua! And us to follow!
Why do you keep using the makeup name Yahshua?
@joshuamelton9148 because I not an infant talking babble. YAH SAVES is His name... ?
@@6969smurfy Problem is that your Etymology is flaw. The so called Yahshua name came from the Sacred namers movement of the 20th century.
It is a misguided attempt to unify the names Yeshua and YHVH, without due consideration to the linguistic nature of this contraction.
Hebrew linguistics do not allow for the combining of the two unrelated nouns YHVH and YeSHuA, Therefore "Yahshua" is a nonsense.
It's no different than the various 1 west Hebrew Israelites with their faulty Yahawashi name.
So in all due respect, please stop using the fake Hebrew name of Yahshua.
@joshuamelton9148 lol, do you not know, No One Alive today knows the Proper Oral annunciations of the Paleo Herbrew. No One!
But I'll Tell you,
We Do know it sure.isnt the Jay words used by the English derived from The greek meaninglessness naming process' derived from your greek mythologies Previous religions ...
The name YAHshua gives Title!
YAHshua = YAH Saves
YAHrushalime = YAHs City
YAHisrael = HIS Peoples
It goes on and on.
Keep your Adultery ways to your self with your meaning.less Greek names.
Grow up from the re born infant you claim. Learn to grow so you.can stop with all this babble talk your Religions have taught you!
BTW your hebrew Scholars mean nothing to me. Foremost , most don't even acknowledge the pictographic nature of the original hebrew language, they dont even have to foratuded to even consider its Relevance... They're "lost" by the religions as well.
Here's Ome For YOU!
Ha la lu YAH!
Praise YAH!.
So…if ‘no one alive today knows the oral annunciation of Paleo Hebrew’, then it’s ok to make up your own version? I’d be a tad afraid to do that myself. SMH
Dr Harris a Christian must be a follower of Christ, not necessarily as the dictionary a follower of Christianity, and as Jesus said in John 3:5 a Born Again Jew.
@kevinprokopich1083 I say a Christian follows Jesus Christ, but the dictionary defines a Christian as a follower of Christianity, but there are competing denominations but there is only one Jesus.
@kevinprokopich1083 Then I would have missed out on meeting you, who is upset at my approach, but potentially an ally to be won over.
@kevinprokopich1083 My goodness that is so true. And if your qalk with Jesus agrees with Jesus, repentance for the remission of sins, I guess you are faithful and obedient.
But if you rely on the Cross for atonement of future sins, not repentance then you are walking the wrong way.
Have you teachings going in depth on sacred name ideas?
Did the name of God get replaced with titles that are traced back to Baal? Is Jesus a pagan name?
What kind of god do you serve?
Meant to say in Christ.
Dr. Harris, if you are reading this, if hebrew was your mother's tongue, you would have ran from church...
Answer these please: the words lamo למו and Be'motav במותיו. Are those a singularity or a plurality??
Saran's spawn
@@salpezzino7803 No, just a jewish person who actually understands what the Hebrew scripture says, as Hebrew is my mother's tongue.
@@PazPinhasRahamim9220 Satan lover
Hebrew was DEAD as a common language for 2000 years
Jesus read from a Greek OT
Satan Loves You
Honest question, here, Sal. I understand the idea of opposing people who reject Christ, but is there a Scriptural reason behind being a dick to people you don't even know? Is that an intentional approach on your part? Maybe there's a method to your madness? Or maybe you're not aware of how malicious, unhelpful, immature, and un-Christlike your comments are?
@@TheBiblicalRoots Thank you for your stance on my behalf, but can he really be blamed when your god and messiah called us children of the murderous devil for not accepting him?? and you wonder where antisemitism really started... as if one actually needs wonder.
I'm a Christian whose belief converted to Judaism. Why?
In todays world this question is easily explained by pointing out that a man is not a woman.
Men cannot have babies, Men should not be on women's sport teams.
The Torahs first teachings are the distinctions it tells us. God - Man, God - Nature,
Man - Woman, Good - evil, Light - Dark, etc. Without these distinctions the world would be destroyed in many ways.
By raising Jesus to a god status, Christian's destroy these distinctions.
Forgive me for putting it this way but we now have a trans god, Man/God, Jesus.
This is the very first commandment it is so important, and destroys the Torahs distinctions
Between God and Man.
In the falsehood of
man rejecting to being creation in God own's image and likeness to serve and do the will of God Yehovah to make man godliness
Man seeking to create or rebrand God in man's own image and likeness to serve and do the will of man to make God manly.
Under false gospel.
Isaiah 8:13,16,20 ASV
Jehovah of hosts, him shall ye sanctify; and let him be your fear, and let him be your dread. [16] Bind thou up the testimony, seal the law among my disciples. [20] To the law and to the testimony! if they speak not according to this word, surely there is no morning for them.
Isaiah 33:22 ASV
For Jehovah is our judge, Jehovah is our lawgiver, Jehovah is our king; he will save us.
Isaiah 42:8,21 ASV
I am Jehovah, that is my name; and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise unto graven images. [21] It pleased Jehovah, for his righteousness' sake, to magnify the law, and make it honorable.
Psalm 138:2 ASV
I will worship toward thy holy temple, And give thanks unto thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: For thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.
Psalm 119:1-3,45,92,128,142,151-152,160,165 ASV
Blessed are they that are perfect in the way, Who walk in the law of Jehovah. [2] Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, That seek him with the whole heart. [3] Yea, they do no unrighteousness; They walk in his ways. [45] And I shall walk at liberty; For I have sought thy precepts. [92] Unless thy law had been my delight, I should then have perished in mine affliction. [128] Therefore I esteem all thy precepts concerning all things to be right; And I hate every false way. [142] Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, And thy law is truth. [151] Thou art nigh, O Jehovah; And all thy commandments are truth. [152] Of old have I known from thy testimonies, That thou hast founded them for ever. [160] The sum of thy word is truth; And every one of thy righteous ordinances endureth for ever. [165] Great peace have they that love thy law; And they have no occasion of stumbling.
Psalm 19:7-9,11 ASV
The law of Jehovah is perfect, restoring the soul: The testimony of Jehovah is sure, making wise the simple. [8] The precepts of Jehovah are right, rejoicing the heart: The commandment of Jehovah is pure, enlightening the eyes. [9] The fear of Jehovah is clean, enduring for ever: The ordinances of Jehovah are true, and righteous altogether. [11] Moreover by them is thy servant warned: In keeping them there is great reward.
But the earth is flat.
As a former Pro-Nominan, i still believe that the earth is not a globe.
Rob's twisted lawless theology....... As gentiles we don't have to keep Gods comamnds like helping the poor. Deut 15:11.....Jesus says..... For I was hungry, and you didn’t feed me. I was thirsty, and you didn’t give me a drink. 43 I was a stranger, and you didn’t invite me into your home. I was naked, and you didn’t give me clothing. I was sick and in prison, and you didn’t visit me.’
I agree, Rob's theology is twisted, yours is Satanic.
You just quoted the law of Christ in Matthew 22:37-39
From Rob's friend 'Dick'
“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor." (Exod. 20:16)
@@TheBiblicalRoots AMEN
signed 'Dick'
You would think that brorher Rob would let it rest with the hebrew roots movenent, go after jehovas witness or after mormons. Why us he so determain agaings us hebrews.. Makes u think about it right. Every day he wakes up thinking about us.. love u brorher rob. Keep them coming. We are growing in numbers according to the profecy. Blessing to you.
Are you Hebrew by genetics, or by delusion?
Jesus is just the prophet
The New Testament says that Jesus Christ was the Son of God We Christians will follow the New Testament and not book of some other religion.
Half your problem in fighting against Hebrew roots is not realizing that when Jesus came to Israel, He wasn't bringing Christianity. He was bringing Messianic Judaism. Paul was sent to bring Christianity, which included Jew and Goy on the same level. (Ro. 1-3) This is why 'Salvation is of the Jew' is Messianic Judaism and Salvation is despite the Jew is Christianity. (Acts 13:46-48)
Finish the verses after, 'Salvation is of the Jew...' BUT 'a time is coming....' (John 4)
Paul, went back to Genesis not Exodus to validate Christianity. (Acts 17:11; Galatians 3)
Don't believe me, listen to Steven Gregg who is wrong about the future of Israel but correct that 'Jewish Roots' Christianity is a false movement.
you are a Liar.
Satan loves you
What did God call his Covenant people? In the O.T. "Christian" Zero times, Israel", 2504 times. In the NT. "Christian" Zero times and "Israel" 70 times. Torah class.
I am the True Israel
1 Peter 4:16.
It's not important how many times something was recited but it does matter the standard God set up for salvation. Earlier, God gave Jews a scapegoat ritual for the atonement for sins. Now, the atonement for sins of the world is through Jesus Christ.
It's not important how many times something was recited but it does matter the standard God set up for salvation. Earlier, God gave Jews a scapegoat ritual for the atonement for sins. Now, the atonement for sins of the world is through Jesus Christ.
Sunday christians are sacred namers....... They say the sacred name Jesus is the ONLY name that saves...... Thats false the letter J didn't exist till 1524 ..
Call me crazy, I believe Jesus knows His name in every spoken language and even those unspoken
Satan Loves You
@@salpezzino7803 Rob's twisted lawless theology....... As gentiles we don't have to keep Gods comamnds like helping the poor. Deut 15:11.....Jesus says..... For I was hungry, and you didn’t feed me. I was thirsty, and you didn’t give me a drink. 43 I was a stranger, and you didn’t invite me into your home. I was naked, and you didn’t give me clothing. I was sick and in prison, and you didn’t visit me.’
@@Truth-f2q are you having a stroke - you are repeating yourself
I agree, Rob's theology is twisted, yours is Satanic.
You just quoted the law of Christ in Matthew 22:37-39
From Rob's friend 'Dick'
This is a great interview, Rob, what you just said about you’ve noticed a correlation with Hebrew roots, tending to be into conspiracy theory, and you mentioned flat earth, the group I was hanging out with was definitely into that kind of stuff. And I like whatDr. Harris just said about they think they’re keeping it but the one thing I challenged is they are really not keeping it, they talk about eating clean food, but they buy all their food and deli meat and everything like that. Cut on the meat cutters that cuts the ham.