How to Predict Apostasy

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • This video discusses the character traits and communication patterns that are a leading cause of apostasy in the church and generally separating us from God and His spirit.

Комментарии • 120

  • @vijaynazari9246
    @vijaynazari9246 Год назад +39

    You've produced a lot of great lessons in the past. But this one... this one is a nugget of gold! Thanks again for your efforts and hard work.

  • @ThomasFackrell
    @ThomasFackrell Год назад +18

    Even as an ex member of the LDS church I can say that contempt is poison.
    While it was hard to not feel uncomfortable, even defensive, while listening to this video speak of the church leaders and their policies as being endorsed by God, it is nevertheless true that contempt does not come from God.
    Sometimes we get so caught up in being right that we forget about choosing the right.
    Thanks for the video

    • @BranTheArmenian2
      @BranTheArmenian2 Год назад

      I understand that. That's cool that you feel that way about contempt even though you are an x member of the church. It's true contempt is really bad. Reading your comment. It is true that the Prophet President Nelson is endorsed from God his teachings are true and they'll bring us closer to God and help us to be happier in our lives. I don't know what teachings you're saying that you feel or not endorsed by God or why you left the church but I know that if everyone in the world did follow the commandments and the different teachings from the prophets the world would be a lot better place. I mean think of the wars going on right now and the people being oppressed and hurt in Ukraine. If everyone would love one another like the prophets have said in like Jesus has said. It would help solve that problem. The prophets of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints are just preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I don't find anything wrong with that. So I would just say, Thomas, try to open your heart to the teachings of the prophets here on the earth and compare them to the teachings of Jesus in the bible, you will find that they are the same. :)

    • @ThomasFackrell
      @ThomasFackrell Год назад +1

      @@BranTheArmenian2 thanks for your kind reply, Bran. I do not think I’m any better (or worse) off spiritually for taking my name off the church’s records. It was my personal preference, but I still love and support those who chose to stay in and support leaders they wish to emulate. No church institution is perfect. The scriptures teach that all have gone astray. D&C 124 teaches that the Melchizedek priesthood was lost to the church, I believe. Much of what we wish to ascribe to priesthood is actually a fruit of faith. But God promises that the priesthood will not be lost to the earth, and that in the future dispensation of the fulness of times, when Zion is redeemed, all will come together. He didn’t make any promises about preserving Brigham Young’s church though.
      I suppose I’m a bit of an “independent” Latter Day Saint now, because I still know the Book of Mormon is true. I just don’t have a testimony of any church leaders being prophets since Joseph Smith. I thought I did for my whole life. I was a missionary and temple worker and loved both experiences.
      But having opened my heart to the Book of Mormon and the Bible all the closer, I find the church leaders are not “just teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ” sadly. The are teaching corrupt doctrine straying from the pure doctrine of Christ on many occasions. They also set themselves up for a light (“God will never allow the prophet to lead you astray, trust in him!” - dangerously false doctrine found nowhere in scripture. Actually the opposite is found all over scripture), grind upon the poor, teach a false version of tithing, and attempt to exercise control and dominion by virtue of their priesthood “keys” (by controlling thought and threatening members with excommunication for calling them out) thereby invalidating their priesthood according to D&C 121. Their involvement with the UN and Babylon makes it clear that they are not who they claim to be, sadly.
      The vineyard is weighed down heavily by bad branches. Jacob 5:67
      The Bible prophets like Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel, not to mention Nephi, Moroni, and our Lord Jesus all prophesy of apostasy among the Gentiles. Joseph Smith tried so hard to get the saints to stay on track, but when Brigham Young usurped the church and took them out west to avoid the US government and establish his own dictatorship (even trying to teach them a new alphabet…to prevent them from learning how to read what newspapers were saying in the outside world…?) the church was rejected with their dead. (See D&C 124)
      It’s okay though, because we can as individuals repent and come unto Christ, joining his actual church in the spirit (D&C 10:67-68) and take the Spirit for our guide. All those who follow the doctrine of Christ (which no church organization has a monopoly on) will find their way to Zion and the celestial kingdom.
      Those who are not prophets and apostles will be made known by the inhabitants of Zion. Every valley will be exalted and every hill made low (an end to all earthly hierarchies).
      My friend, it has been through soul-searing pain and honest, prayerful searching that the Lord has shown me that the LDS leaders’ teachings are very much not the same as the words of actual prophets in scripture.

    • @SecondLittlePig
      @SecondLittlePig Год назад

      @@ThomasFackrell I appreciate your perspective. I really think part of our test is trying to do the best with the limited knowledge we have. I also have gained a stronger testimony of personal revelation. I've contemplated why each one of us is placed on earth in such differing circumstances. I have faith that our path is specifically for us individually. As long as we are seeking inspiration from God and choose to do good, we will be okay. And I'm okay with not understanding everything right now.

    • @istj509
      @istj509 Год назад

      Either it’s ALL true or it’s ALL false. The church leaders have stated that this is the only true church of God on the earth. No ifs, ands, or buts. Why do you think they would make such a bold statement? Cherry picking scriptures, prophets, or doctrines to believe in while rejecting the others doesn’t work.

    • @ThomasFackrell
      @ThomasFackrell Год назад +1

      @@istj509 the church doesn’t seem to have a problem cherry picking. So thanks for calling them out.
      The black-and-white all-or-nothing rhetoric is a false teaching. Church leaders teach false doctrine all the time. Brigham Young taught that mixed race couples should be put to death, so as to not propagate the curse of Cain. He taught that Adam is our God (who you say prayers to at night). He taught that polygamy is the only way to exaltation. He taught that some sins (like apostasy, not even denying the Holy Ghost) are not covered by the Atonement, and that the man’s own blood must be shed to atone for his own sins. (All over the pulpit, not in private.)
      These are four obviously incorrect, even false, statements made by the president of the church. The church has corrected these falsehoods. But the past church leaders got it wrong all the time.
      The church doesn’t accept the Journal of Discourses as doctrine today. So today’s general conference talks are scripture, but the ones from 170 years ago aren’t? Cherry picking much?
      Hinckley and Monson taught that “Mormon” is a fine term to use. Nelson went 180 degrees polar opposite and said it was a “victory for Satan”. Lol
      It should be obvious that church leaders are men who say their opinions over the pulpit, and sometimes they scratch the surface of being prophetic, and often they’re just wrong. Like the weird guy in your elder’s quorum.
      Why do church leaders teach the dangerous all-or-nothing mentality? I don’t know, but I know it is a very efficient way to create atheists when loyal church members find out the church isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
      Their idolatrous god of “the church” was their only god. I can’t assign motives to why church leaders would teach with such black and white thinking. It’s immature and unhelpful. Or it’s calculated and maniacal. You decide.

  • @joscelynpease6656
    @joscelynpease6656 Год назад +20

    This was very helpful. Not feeling contempt is easier for me in regards to the Church but I often have less patience with myself and others and often feel so disheartened by how far we fall beneath our potential and ideal especially in regards to righteousness.

  • @jandjhirst
    @jandjhirst Год назад +12

    Just thought I'd share that last week I gave a talk in sacrament meeting on the power of covenants, and I put a lot of thought and prayer into what I should say as I prepared for my talk. The very clear inspiration that I got was to drive home one simple message: that a covenant with God isn't just a contract with God, specifically it is like a marriage contract. When we become a member of Christ's church by entering into a covenant relationship with God and get baptized, we become one with God and have a permanent relationship with him, just like a marriage. The scriptures are full of this analogy, and studying the ancient Israelite traditions relating to marriage really make it clear this isn't just a coincidence.
    Also, since pride is enmity (between us and God or our fellow man), I think contempt is just a manifestation of pride. Once our pride reaches a certain level, we look on others, including God, with contempt/disgust. It generally starts with mocking, but eventually it becomes anger - just like a failing marriage relationship.

  • @jasonsellers56
    @jasonsellers56 Год назад +14

    I love this video! Thank you for making it. You've called me to repentance for a problem I didn't even realize I had, largely because I felt morally justified in my contempt for evil (not much for people who *choose* evil, but for the evil itself that they choose). As you explain starting at 11:14, feeling contempt while standing for righteousness is still wickedness, and I need to do better about boldly holding to truth and shining light onto darkness, while still never feeling contempt for the darkness itself. It will be hard, but with my Savior's help, I know I can do it. ❤
    Thanks for reading. 😉

  • @DoctrineofChrist248
    @DoctrineofChrist248 Год назад +7

    This video has been life-changing for my wife and I. I believe that you were meant to record this. While not a "deep dive", it may be the most impactful lesson you've ever recorded. Thank you for consecrating your time, and for serving the Lord Jesus Christ in the way that you do!

  • @m.r.d.c.5179
    @m.r.d.c.5179 Год назад +5

    I'm truly pricked. I've reviewed many situations in my life and see now how contempt has brought to pass much apostasy I need to turn to the lord to correct. May the Lord be glorified because his word comes through person's like you . The holy Ghost definitely carried this message into my heart.
    I'm willing.

  • @may-elinwestgard7066
    @may-elinwestgard7066 10 месяцев назад

    I just want to thank you for your gospel lessons, i have learned so much. This lesson on apostasy opened my eyes, it gave me a deep understanding. Thank you so much for using your time and talents so we can learn better. I watch a lesson every morning, and it helps me so much. God bless you❤

  • @ritakus9871
    @ritakus9871 Год назад +3

    It definitely takes two in a marriage to work together, one can't do it by themselves. One spouse can work at changing, and try to increase spirituality in the home, between the marriage, etc, but if both people do not want to do it with a sincere heart, the one who's doing the most work, will always feel sorrow, knowing what they could have had, but not seeing it come fruitation, because of the hardness of the other.
    I honestly believe contempt begins with blaming. It is easier to blame somebody else for your failures, due to the lack of desire to become more righteous, or the desire to pursue a different lifestyle contrary to the gospel.
    Oftentimes, the person who feels the most contempt, will create a situation to cause the other person to feel the way the person does, in order to justify why they blame the other person.
    In other words, narcissism is terribly abusive in many different formats, and oftentimes difficult to explain, and for the uneducated in the field of psychology, will not be able to see the root of the problem.
    Blaming truly is the beginning of the execution of contempt.
    Oftentimes the person who has the most contempt, then creates a scenario of contention, in order to blame, is a person who was never really authentic from the beginning. It is the most sorrowful and pitiful thing to experience, especially when you have children, and grandchildren involved. Truly, narcissism is the most abusive form, whether it be blaming, neglect, provoking, and almost to the point where they make the partner feel a bit crazy. It is psychologically damaging, and one of the most difficult things to overcome. In all actuality, no one can overcome this without the power of God.
    A person who experiences abuse from a narcissist, oftentimes cannot even explain the depth of the manipulation seen, felt, and experienced.
    Many times, the person who experienced the abuse, is the one who is blamed, and says, Oh that person should have done this, or said that, but that person never saw the circumstances from the get-go what really happened, how it began, feeling even more unheard, and disregarded.
    People who have experienced contempt, is generally due from a person who has narcissism, and the one being blamed has learned defensive mechanisms, in order for self-preservation.
    Oftentimes the person who experiences this type of abuse, doesn't see all of its methodical ways until many years have passed, and much damage has been done.
    I guess it would be nice if selfishness, narcissism, and other destructive mental illnesses, were addressed, because oftentimes this is the case.
    On another note, most narcissistic children, become this way due to neglect and abuse, causing them to become the same or worse than the parent who subjected this child to this situation in the first place.
    By the way, a tempted person not only blames, manipulates, and twists an event, they also are the best liars.
    If you are with one of these types of people, you will have to work on repenting on a daily basis, whether it is feeling contempt towards them, forgiving them for everything they do, or praying to be able to endure, and tell you are free together from this sickness of contempt in all its tentacles, or free from the person who does not want to work on things together with a sincere heart.

  • @debhadden205
    @debhadden205 Год назад +1

    This is my third comment on this episode. The other two were reactions to other comments before I actually listened to this. I just listened to this and it was healing. I learned I'm hard on myself. Things can happen to hurt our feelings. I stuff my feelings so as not to feel as I am flirting with apostasy but those feelings crop up everytime there is a trigger. However, this video really tells the difference from the feelings of sadness that can come from time to time and true anger and feelings of superiority that come when sadness and hurt turns to contempt. I'm grateful to know the difference as contempt rarely takes hold of me so this insight and explanation you have provided was healing because it helps me to be honest with myself that I have a right to work with others on the hurt and sadness to not allow them to fester to contempt. Thank you! Excellent measurements are provided in this video.

  • @vonsowards1297
    @vonsowards1297 Год назад +3

    I think often the first seeds of contempt starts with contempt for “Mormon Culture”.
    Granted I think the culture of church members can be great, but it is not as important as eternal doctrine and church policy (culture is not essential but it is important).
    What I see is it starting with comments like “Well that just culture” or “well there’s church doctrine, then there’s church policy, then there’s Mormon culture.”
    Justifications like this usually leads someone to having contempt for church culture. The contempt will grow to be for policies too and then, if left unchecked, they will allow it to be contempt for doctrine.

    • @Telavian
      @Telavian Год назад

      Are you suggesting then that someone shouldn't oppose culture, which is not doctrinal, because then their disagreement may spread?
      Could we not apply this logic to anything?
      You can't oppose X because then that may lead to Y, therefore you can't oppose anything and are a literal slave.

  • @YamaBeth
    @YamaBeth Год назад +1

    I’ve read John Gottman’s study and this application makes so much sense. Thanks for your work. Always inspiring.

  • @BranTheArmenian2
    @BranTheArmenian2 Год назад +4

    This was a really good video I feel like contempt is really bad. I never really knew what that meant before I started watching this video. But I'm glad that I know what it means now I think it just means like angry feelings in general and I know that I felt that recently towards other people. I think it's just a good reminder that we shouldn't gossip about people cuz that'll just spread more contempt around. And I really like that quote at the end that we should endure through the contempt because there will be people who are angry at us and sometimes it's no good reason and we just need to endure through it

  • @Seek-God-First
    @Seek-God-First Год назад +13

    Excellent message!
    Very enlightening and inspiring
    Thank you

  • @tiffanyseavy565
    @tiffanyseavy565 Год назад +2

    This truly blessed me. I had a situation recently where I was in the right but decided to give in because the other person was too vehement. I didn't want to continue the contention and said as much. I struggled with my "cowardice" in the moment to stand firm, but I received a priesthood blessing later in the day that confirmed I had done well and Heavenly Father was pleased. The situation has still been causing me concern and confusion but this video confirms my understanding. Contention is wrong even when you're in the right. Thank you.

    • @Telavian
      @Telavian Год назад

      Contention is wrong. However letting a stronger personality get their way just because they are stronger is not the correct solution either.

    • @tiffanyseavy565
      @tiffanyseavy565 Год назад +2

      @@Telavian Heavenly Father told me in a priesthood blessing I did well and we can't control other people's agency. I think it's another reason it's so important to listen to the Spirit and have access to personal revelation. It's not a one fits all world. This contention was in nursery at church on a Sunday. It was a stupid conflict from an ongoing problem that boiled over. It wasn't my place to chastise and keep it going. Bishop had to talk to the other person/couple.

  • @gladbod300
    @gladbod300 Год назад +3

    Great video!
    Contempt towards the brethren is tots trending amongst conservatives of the church.

  • @melissasmith5617
    @melissasmith5617 Год назад +2

    This is my favorite post you have done. I am so excited to start repenting of this issue. I was not aware as I should be about this issue. I am so appreciative that you have woken me up!!

  • @user-cv7ok6kv1k
    @user-cv7ok6kv1k Год назад

    Thank you for delving into this subject. It helped me see this fault in myself which I knew what there but never had I seen it examined so clearly.Another character trait of which to repent. The lord always finds a way to show me what step to take. A love your videos and applause your efforts to help us. Thank you for spending so much of your time researching and explaining such a wide array of topics.

  • @mmcbride1
    @mmcbride1 Год назад +2

    This is my favorite of all your excellent lessons. And I've watched them all. I even used this as an opportunity with my family today. We all watched it together. Thank you.

  • @andriy457
    @andriy457 6 месяцев назад +1

    This is the best lesson I have heard in years ❤ Thank you

  • @TheAshpalmer1
    @TheAshpalmer1 Год назад +2

    I have started to realize that our reaction to the increasing wickedness in these last days is part of the test that each of us must go through to prove our worthiness to live with Christ when he comes again to dwell on earth. Do we grow increasing contempt for those we know (or we think) are choosing wrong, or do we develop greater love and humility? Trials of faith is a test to see who we really are and who we really want to become. I’m still learning and hope to be ready when the time comes.

  • @BravyM9
    @BravyM9 Год назад +2

    I always enjoy your lessons and both learn from them and am reminded of things l haven’t thought about in awhile. Thank you for doing them.

  • @DuncanHorne
    @DuncanHorne Год назад +6

    Thank you for this awesome, well-planned lesson, Ryan. That was an eye-opener and I am feeling anxious to correct my behaviour and re-align it with what I preach. Thank you 😁

    • @DuncanHorne
      @DuncanHorne Год назад +1

      Erm, I am not sure if your name is Ryan, I may be confused with another youtuber who sounds like you!

    • @GospelLessons1
      @GospelLessons1  Год назад +5

      Nope. My name is Kevin

  • @dfre102
    @dfre102 Год назад +10

    I appreciate this video explaining this. It helped me recognize times I've had contempt for others, including in some cases the church, and gave me things I need to repent of.
    One thing I struggle with though is knowing at which point disagreement becomes contempt. For example, I disagree with the church's support of the "Respect for Marriage Act" as I do not think it actually protects religious liberty. Similarly, there are certain bills the church has supported in Utah and Arizona that I disagree with.
    At what point does my disagreement with such things cross over into contempt? I don't see my disagreements on these as against church doctrine as I fully support the Family Proclamation which is exactly why I disagree with the church's support of these legislations. But does disagreeing with the church on this mean I have contempt? Or to what extent would disagreement lead to contempt? I'm asking honestly as my testimony and membership in the church is really important to me, and if contempt would slowly drive a wedge between me and God, I'd like to root it out while understanding my disagreement.

    • @lesliemantlo6548
      @lesliemantlo6548 Год назад +6

      I appreciate your honesty and asking these questions. I've had similar feelings and questions regarding the Church's support for the respect for marriage act. What I am trying to do is see where God is using this support to further His purposes. It may lead to incredible heartache and trial for faithful members of the church, but I believe as we trust in the Lord with all our hearts He will lead us along and help us endure whatever lies ahead. I know we are led by a living prophet today. There have been some things that have baffled me since the pandemic. But I always told Heavenly Father as I prayed and pleaded about the things I felt incongruent, that He would help me continue to follow the prophet and recognize His higher purposes. I don't want to get in my own way because I don't see the bigger picture. I'm so grateful to know that God's thoughts are not our thoughts and that He has higher purposes, and that none of this catches Him off guard or by surprise. I'm leaning into that faith, and striving to live more fully my covenants by looking outward and trying to minister in every way that I can. I am actually really grateful that my Heavenly Father has helped me to recognize issues I've had with judgment and criticism and contempt, and how He's giving me this huge opportunity to align my will with His even though I don't understand it. I do know that I/we can trust Him.

    • @jandjhirst
      @jandjhirst Год назад +6

      There's nothing wrong with disagreement, unless by disagreeing you are rejecting revealed truth.
      I think disagreement becomes contemptuous when we start making generalizations about the people we are disagreeing with. I.e., I don't just disagree with the brethren over their strategy on the RFMA, but I doubt their ability to make wise decisions or to guide the church.
      For me, it always helps when I state my disagreements by starting with "Based on what I understand, I think that..." It helps you to recognize that other people may come to different conclusions than you because they have different information than you. If we begin to always believe that we have all the information and that therefore people that disagree with us are stupid or irrational, we start looking down at them.

    • @Telavian
      @Telavian Год назад

      I think focus on the facts and not the person. In general it is very apparent the LDS church is not led by God however that doesn't mean the leaders are evil.

    • @stevent6614
      @stevent6614 Год назад +1

      One of the best things about the church is knowing that it is lead by a living prophet. We dont always have to know the answers

  • @rcfalcon56MkII
    @rcfalcon56MkII Год назад +5

    I love the Hot Chocolate label on the last couple shown. Great video as always.

  • @bloviax
    @bloviax Год назад

    Great lesson, so much for me to work on. I love people most days, but then they do things and bam, contempt. This is a very actionable lesson for the last days when love of man waxes cold. The news peddles contempt as much as it peddles fear now that I think of it.

  • @kaylahall1219
    @kaylahall1219 9 месяцев назад

    What then is the opposite of contempt? I believe it has to be patience, forgiveness, and faith.
    Great video.

  • @artesslior1806
    @artesslior1806 5 месяцев назад

    I learned a lot from this. I thought I was doing decent in my thoughts but never considered the things you pointed out. Was listening to this while driving and caught my self thinking "you idiot" when someone cut across 2 lanes and into the interstate exit ramp past where the exit point started. Going to be hard to get that gut mentality fixed.

  • @evabuehler9905
    @evabuehler9905 Год назад

    Interesting to me how few likes this one has in compared to the views. Contempt idea is absolutely true. Very interesting!

  • @istj509
    @istj509 Год назад

    Thank you so much for this timely video! I chuckled that you denoted there was hot chocolate in the man’s cup 😊. You are correct that “contempt is the slippery slope to apostasy.” Contempt is the antithesis of humility. Humility makes us teachable and willing to listen to the promptings of the Spirit and to the counsel from our church leaders and the scriptures.

  • @clayb00g
    @clayb00g Год назад

    Thank you for this. I will now have to study more so the topic of contempt and then repent and rid of it from my life!

  • @danielroche9181
    @danielroche9181 Год назад +1

    Nephi's famous question: "How you inquired of the Lord?" Needs to be asked often.

  • @debhadden205
    @debhadden205 Год назад

    One way how I know the church is true is it continues to move forward despite all of us mortals and our mistakes. There are several topics; the jab, marriage act, that may put questions in some of our minds, especially those of us who see these issues turning the opposite direction of what we've seen before but yet the church moves forward, and I've seen it firsthand in the hurricane relief I was involved in this year. I've seen the Lord do his mighty work in these unprecedented disasters. It has truly been faith promoting during a time of personal struggle.

  • @SaturdaysWarriors
    @SaturdaysWarriors 5 месяцев назад

    When the picture of the couple with the coffee cup complete with a "Hot Chocolate" disclaimer 😂😂😂

  • @waynevaughan7159
    @waynevaughan7159 Год назад +7

    I think we have to keep the Church at a distance, when it comes to following every Church policy, for example, wear the mask, get vaccinated, get boosted, etc.

    • @ihavealsbutitdoesnthaveme9939
      @ihavealsbutitdoesnthaveme9939 Год назад +1

      Correct me if I’m wrong but, it sounds like you are saying that we should decide which church policies we should follow and which ones we should ignore. You could easily go one step further by saying that we should also decide which church doctrines are correct and authored by the Lord and which are merely the philosophies of men. One could say you feel contempt towards the church policy of being vaccinated.

    • @ihavealsbutitdoesnthaveme9939
      @ihavealsbutitdoesnthaveme9939 Год назад +4

      Something you ought to know. Getting vaccinated, etc., was never an official church policy. Yes, it was advocated by President Nelson but that in and of itself doesn’t make it church policy. Perhaps you should read the many statements made by apostles, prophets, and general authorities, back as far as Joseph Smith, which explain the difference between a prophet speaking as the prophet and speaking as a man.

    • @TheAshpalmer1
      @TheAshpalmer1 Год назад +1

      Agreed- vax and masks, etc were not policy nor did I feel like I should do it just because he said so. I knew this counsel was different from a commandment. I can understand how people may have felt that way tho.

    • @Telavian
      @Telavian Год назад +1

      @@ihavealsbutitdoesnthaveme9939 We absolutely should choose which doctrines are true based on the reveled word of God. It sounds like you are saying that just because someone in an elevated church position says something is true then it is true. This is absolutely false and is the same incorrect logic many wayward groups have used throughout time.
      Brigham Young advocated for several incorrect things and fundamentally changed Mormon doctrine in order to bolster his claims. We are still suffering from those effects today.

  • @lisabowen3791
    @lisabowen3791 Год назад +2

    What a great lesson. I really appreciated the full circle of this lesson.
    I need to ask…
    If contempt should be shunned, where and how is there room for disagreement? If I disagree with policies, statements or practices of the church, is that disagreement considered contempt?

    • @Telavian
      @Telavian Год назад +1

      I think focus on the facts and not the people. It is fine saying someone or something is wrong. However equating that with evil intent is wrong.
      And if something is wrong then it is fine to stand firm. Would Christ be okay with someone doing evil just because they had a stronger personality?

    • @lisabowen3791
      @lisabowen3791 Год назад +1

      @@Telavian the disagreement I’m thinking about wouldn’t necessarily be fact/truth proven, hence why there’s inconclusive opinions.

  • @primarylesson7357
    @primarylesson7357 Год назад +5

    Sister Wendy Nelson has spoken about contempt. Time to remember to pray for a contempt free day in the mornings.
    This is both so difficult because of the cultural influences that we are surrounded by and were raised w. And easy because we can ask for and seek after the gift of charity

  • @j.e.9017
    @j.e.9017 Год назад +1

    I love your videos. Does being without contempt mean we become automatons? Aren't we counseled to make reason of matters in our minds and our hearts? If someone with authority above mine tells me it's necessary to punch me in the face in order to move forward with an objective, is it contempt to cry or react to being struck? Does contempt fit the characteristic attitudes of the American revolution and the resulting Revolutionary War? And if so, would that change the reverence for it that the church has for the Revolutionary War as being blessed of God? And if not, then is contempt different than rebellion, where rebellion, as it would seem, can take on characteristics of being a holy rite? Great discussion dude 👍 ya got me thinking fer sure

  • @ammonschwab1
    @ammonschwab1 Год назад +2

    I feel like there is an agreement to include ‘nature vs nurture’ in the discussion as well. Nature being God and nurture being the world.
    There is a thought process of ‘give em enough rope to hang themselves’. Is God taking a step back to allow more people to chose the wrong? I feel like I keep getting inspiration for good things, but the inspiration has been wildly detrimental to my spiritual health. One of these ‘inspiration’ examples was something I received in the temple, turned out to be a horrible situation. It’s hard to keep faith when exercising trust in God keeps making things extremely difficult.
    I get this is a post to random people on RUclips…. Maybe you can touch on ways to determine where inspiration is coming from, what to do with it, and then what to do when inspiration to do good things creates horrible experiences.

    • @germanslice
      @germanslice Год назад

      If you go into the temple you must be in tune with the Spirit to feel comfortable being in there. That's why Church leaders tell us to have the spirit with us before when enter the temple for the Spirit to do the teaching. God's ways are different to the ways of the world.

  • @danellsworth9922
    @danellsworth9922 Год назад

    Well done. I invoke the Gottman ratio regularly in these kinds of discussions.

  • @mrkhrrs
    @mrkhrrs Год назад

    What a wake up call.
    Thank you for your wise counsel.

  • @dinocollins720
    @dinocollins720 Год назад +1

    Another fantastic video!!! Thank you!!!

  • @cyndieburr2770
    @cyndieburr2770 Год назад +3

    Great message!!

  • @jestubbs69
    @jestubbs69 Год назад +1

    Excellent lesson. Gracias.

  • @wendyfoster5579
    @wendyfoster5579 Год назад +5

    Excellent analysis❤️

  • @KimballCody
    @KimballCody Год назад +2

    By the explanation of this video it appears Lehi had contempt for the policies and procedures of the church in his day.

  • @ThePackman627
    @ThePackman627 9 месяцев назад

    My question is:
    How do I respond without contempt, to those in an opposing group, trying to push negative ideals onto me?

  • @saldomino1639
    @saldomino1639 3 месяца назад

    Great work thank you !

  • @DavidNellTheHarbinger
    @DavidNellTheHarbinger Год назад +3


  • @SG-si1sx
    @SG-si1sx Год назад

    Thank you very much for explaining❤ I agree.👍

  • @munciehansen
    @munciehansen Год назад


  • @natalies4375
    @natalies4375 Год назад

    Some good tips in general, but as for “apostasy” it’s definitely not a one-size-fits-all box. This was never me and I’m still the same person I’ve always been. How come the kindest, most devout/invested, strongest believers are leaving more and more. It’s truly contemptuous to view friends or family who leave as lesser - less valiant, less righteous, or any less loved and treasured by God or Jesus, so why would we be pressured or given the example by a church, to look down on or feel sadness (less-ness) for others that aren’t doing things “correctly”? Contradicting it seems.

  • @wesunderwood7576
    @wesunderwood7576 Год назад

    Outstanding lesson!

  • @truleecarpenter6917
    @truleecarpenter6917 Год назад

    Thanks. I needed this.

  • @fescot6659
    @fescot6659 4 месяца назад

    1 Timothy 4:1-2
    4 The Spirit clearly says that, in later times, some will fall away from the faith, because they devote themselves to deceitful spirits and the doctrines of demons, 2 in connection with the hypocrisy of liars, whose own consciences have been seared.
    Can any LDS member provide a scripture that says “all will fall away” to support their doctrine of Universal Apostasy?

  • @heatherb2350
    @heatherb2350 Год назад +1

    Honest question- did Christ show contempt for the Sadducees and Pharisees? The religious and political leaders of his day.

    • @Telavian
      @Telavian Год назад +1

      It is so dangerous when people equate the LDS Church with God and they advocate for the position of full support lest we go into "apostasy".
      It is all well meaning, however it is so dangerous.
      Technically Lehi, Abinadi, and Christ were all "apostates".
      We should oppose evil with our last breath however we should recognize that because someone is advocating for evil that doesn't make them evil.

  • @zionmama150
    @zionmama150 Год назад +1

    But it tells us in D&C 18:20 that we are to contend against the kingdom of the devil. We must contend against the kingdom of the devil. Out of love.

  • @dianakyan7932
    @dianakyan7932 Год назад

    Thanks for reminding us!

  • @ScottWatsonKorgano
    @ScottWatsonKorgano Год назад +1

    Super low volume. 😞

  • @ED-wired
    @ED-wired Год назад

    Amazing insight!!

  • @marthaabrahamson6813
    @marthaabrahamson6813 Год назад

    I love your podcast thank you so much

  • @ValerieJean757
    @ValerieJean757 Год назад

    1 John 2
    9 He that saith he is in the light, and hateth his brother, is in darkness even until now.
    10 He that loveth his brother abideth in the light, and there is none occasion of stumbling in him.
    11 But he that hateth his brother is in darkness, and walketh in darkness, and knoweth not whither he goeth, because that darkness hath blinded his eyes...

  • @geoffdavies7051
    @geoffdavies7051 Год назад

    “Hot Chocolate” 😂😂😂

  • @henryar5666
    @henryar5666 Год назад +1

    This whole time I thought the word contempt means something totally different boy was I wrong I thought being contempt with something meant that you're satisfied with something and you're just fine

    • @Jan-wd1is
      @Jan-wd1is Год назад +1

      Maybe you are thinking of content, if you are content with something you are fine with it, or were you being sarcastic?😄

    • @drizzt8965
      @drizzt8965 Год назад +1

      @@Jan-wd1is I was going to help him too but I'm not sure if he is being serious....

    • @henryar5666
      @henryar5666 Год назад +2

      @@Jan-wd1is heck no I'm very uneducated person so I get things mixed up I don't know how to read and write so you have to forgive me of the way I write but I would not be sarcastic when it comes to scriptures very important thanks for the help that's my problem in life that's why I don't speak very much in public or to people in groups because I always offend people and it's always on accident not ever trying to hurt somebody I have a masterpiece in my brain but it just doesn't come out into words right

    • @lesliemantlo6548
      @lesliemantlo6548 Год назад +2

      @@henryar5666 bless your sweet heart❤️ Please don't give up. Keep striving to share that masterpiece within you and keep asking your questions. You are His child and you are loved.❤️❤️❤️

    • @henryar5666
      @henryar5666 Год назад +1

      @@lesliemantlo6548 thank you so very much I appreciate it God bless

  • @kevinwhitcomb8986
    @kevinwhitcomb8986 Год назад

    Thank you!

    @BiG_DADDY_GRiMS Год назад

    Thank you

  • @jaredvaughan1665
    @jaredvaughan1665 Год назад +1

    When you walk away from Jesus you walk away from His church.

    • @Telavian
      @Telavian Год назад

      Technically true. However there are only 2 churches. The church of Jesus and the church of Babylon.

  • @gospelrocks926
    @gospelrocks926 Месяц назад

    Some of your comments on contempt can just be people questioning, learning and spiritually developing.
    There are lots of people struggling with their activity, but this cannot be all be put on the members. Some must be carried by the leadership and the poor culture in the church. Not the gospel.

  • @CarolynAitken-yp2rq
    @CarolynAitken-yp2rq Год назад +1

    Sure the church has issues because it’s not perfect is it? The church is the people who are all at different levels of spiritual development. But the fullness of the gospel is perfect and true but the church is a work in progress.

  • @tiffanyseavy565
    @tiffanyseavy565 Год назад +1

    I treat Babylon and her philosophies with contempt. 😝

  • @Arkangeler
    @Arkangeler Год назад

    Ps. 32:2
    Blessed is the man unto whom the LORD imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile.
    John 1:47
    Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and saith of him, Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!
    1 Pet. 3:10
    For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile:
    Rev. 14:5
    And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of God.
    D&C 41:11
    And this because his heart is pure before me, for he is like unto Nathanael of old, in whom there is no guile.

  • @ovelia636
    @ovelia636 8 месяцев назад


  • @iDad7276
    @iDad7276 Год назад

    I can’t let this one go as a therapist and psychologist. This video is irresponsible! This is an over simplistic take on Gottman and a gross exaggeration of the power dynamic of an actual relationship between 2 people and not a person to institution. The reconciliation in such a case as Gottman gives will NEVER happen in the mormon church-hence the silliness of this video. Why did you leave out abuses that can take place. Contempt is relative to the person. Perhaps that have been abused lied to or manipulated or bullied. There is only so much the Spirit will be present for then one develops a kind of dissonance and faiths crisis. You are way out of line by utilizing Gottman. Contempt comes in reciprocity and in perspective as well as pure exhaustion too. Like when the leaders never apologize or push for inoffensive behaviors disallowing or discouraging judgement comments so plagued by Utah Mormons. One never know where someone is and it may not be contempt but discouragement. The church labels people a lot. Apostate. Sinner. Inactive. Less active. Worthy. Recommend holder. You disregarded this power dynamic on purpose or sheer ignorance because the cure for this in a relationship is considered gaslighting or manipulation in an institution to person relationship-by demand. Which is Antichrist. You have also omitted there needs to be a relationship between two people
    That develops on Gottman’s mode as well as the relationship maintenance. The church doesn’t maintain this well nor does it engage in reconstruction. That’s up to the individual community member to capitulate or recant. Thank God for good examples because institutional theories are heavily Marxist based under Systems Theories be it social or business. I won’t go on but this channel does a poor job of representing a flavor for revival for Mormon folks. Hell fire and damnation. I like the preacher based theories where churches have a better control on member functions and relations. The LDS church suffers from lay-ministries that are only paid at the top most generously.

  • @twinangels9352
    @twinangels9352 Год назад

    Sounds like apostasy and anti christ's are same thing.

  • @buddhawebb1047
    @buddhawebb1047 Год назад +1

  • @skippy675
    @skippy675 Год назад +1

    Goaaaaaaaal! US soccer back where it belongs. Trailing.
    USA! USA!