Mercy = not giving you the deserved punishment. Grace = giving you all you need to be restored to your initial state, and more if you want, through sincere faith in Christ the Lord.
I just wish the LDS would recognize that this comes from God through Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is God come in the flesh, the bodily manifestation of the Trinity.
@@EMonzon Do you mean that Jesus Christ is God come in the flesh? Just checking. 1Timothy 3:16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. 1John 4:2 Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: 1John 4:3 And every spirit that confesses not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.
Your testimony of the Atonement of Christ speaks volumes to the listener in regards to your vantage of the structure of LDS! It’s organized biblically, exactly how you’d expect the government in the Millennium…without the Boss! Ya’ll are thinking Celestial, good video ❤ VANA
I have always struggled to learn, read, ponderand and study through straight reading. Not long after starting to read my eyes get sore and tired, thus I lose concentration and fall asleep. However your presentation has helped me so much to greater understanding of the true effects of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, giving me greater confidence in fulfilling my true purpose for this life and given me greater confidence to keep learning, no matter how difficult it may seem to me. Thank you ever so much, I look forward to the next presentation.
But do you really "know"...? Mormon Stories #1339: Dr. Robert Ritner - An Expert Egyptologist Translates the Book of Abraham Pt 1видео.html Mormon Stories #1340: Dr. Robert Ritner - An Expert Egyptologist Translates the Book of Abraham Pt 2видео.html Mormon Stories #1341: Dr. Robert Ritner - An Expert Egyptologist's View of the Book of Abraham Pt. 3видео.html
Wonderful lesson - thank you! President Monson: ""One of God’s greatest gifts to us is the joy of trying again, for no failure ever need be final." Don't stop following Him - don't ever stop - HE loves effort and through our effort comes the grace we so admire in our spiritual mentors.
Mormon Stories #1339: Dr. Robert Ritner - An Expert Egyptologist Translates the Book of Abraham Pt 1видео.html Mormon Stories #1340: Dr. Robert Ritner - An Expert Egyptologist Translates the Book of Abraham Pt 2видео.html Mormon Stories #1341: Dr. Robert Ritner - An Expert Egyptologist's View of the Book of Abraham Pt. 3видео.html
Thank for this video. I just read The Divine Gift of Forgiveness by Neil L Anderson and have been searching scriptures and other areas. This video has brought more understanding.
Mormon Stories #1339: Dr. Robert Ritner - An Expert Egyptologist Translates the Book of Abraham Pt 1видео.html Mormon Stories #1340: Dr. Robert Ritner - An Expert Egyptologist Translates the Book of Abraham Pt 2видео.html Mormon Stories #1341: Dr. Robert Ritner - An Expert Egyptologist's View of the Book of Abraham Pt. 3видео.html
Thank you brother every time l listen to your subject of atonement l take away just small fraction and the meaning of the atonement it’s life time pursuit, of reading, and understanding and prayers just like Book of Mormon! Cheers brother bless you!
Mormon Stories #1339: Dr. Robert Ritner - An Expert Egyptologist Translates the Book of Abraham Pt 1видео.html Mormon Stories #1340: Dr. Robert Ritner - An Expert Egyptologist Translates the Book of Abraham Pt 2видео.html Mormon Stories #1341: Dr. Robert Ritner - An Expert Egyptologist's View of the Book of Abraham Pt. 3видео.html
Thank you for your diligent studies, brother. Sometimes it gets hard to try and set time aside to read my scriptures when I got a full course load. I pop on your videos while I work on assignments.
I agree with all said whole heartily. But the analogy of the rippling of the water is like the ring of the bell. Once it happens, cannot call the ripple back, cannot call the bell sound back. Only through the Atonement can the effects be less, the memory is still three as life’s lesson. And all hope is with the savior for forgiveness and mercy. Thoughts please.
Thank you so much for your video on this topic. Having a greater understanding of Christs atonement is critical in our journey of becoming one with the Father and the Son. I don’t want to criticize what you taught here in your video, it was very eloquently stated. If you don’t mind I would like to add some thoughts of mine that I’ve discovered in my own journey over the past year of better understanding the theory of Atonement. First and foremost, it’s critical for us to understand that Christ did not pay a “penalty” for our sins, God is not a wrathful Father who must be persuaded by his loving Son not to punish us, it is not just to punish an innocent person (Christ) in the place of a guilty person, justice is not a personified platonic absolute that makes demands, sin is not a monetary debt, God can forgive us without requiring a third-party who committed no sin to suffer, etc. I know these ideas may fly in the face of what has traditionally been taught in the Latter-Day saint tradition, but when you actually analyze each one of these explanations its either unjust, immoral or incoherent. In order for us to first understand what is occurring in the atonement, we must first realize the actual consequences of our sins. Ultimately, sin boils down to us humans choosing to harden our hearts as the Book of Mormon teaches, and choosing to not follow the law of love which God has commanded for us to obey, thus causing an alienation or a separation of divine unity from the Father and the Son. Therefor, our primary purpose of mortal life is to be placed on probation in the sense that we are granted a time to choose to freely enter into relationship with God as taught in Alma 42. Sin consists of injury to human relationships and resulting alienation. Atonement consists in eradicating from our lives whatever gets in the way of loving relationships with God and each other. Atonement thus heals our alienation. The law of restoration taught in Alma 41 teaches that we will reap what we sow and have restored to us what we send out to others. This is a universal law and fact about human experience that cannot be escaped. The effects of this universal law is what the scriptures refer to as Gods wrath, our our guilty conscience. Us knowing that we cannot be with God if we are not holy like him. We cannot have the blessings of love in intimate relationship with others unless we freely choose to show our love in action. Blake Ostlers compassion theory of atonement, teaches that “atonement is a reciprocal reconciliation of our alienation. That is, the Atonement not only reconciles us to God, but also reconciles God to us. It not only results from our choice to be in relation to God, but also from his prior choice to be in relation with us. The suffering that Christ experienced not only moves us with compassion for him, but it also moves him with compassion for us. In the Atonement he not only becomes what we are, but he also brings us to be what he is.” Finally, I suggest that God can and does fully forgive us of our sins without requiring a “pound of flesh” or for the Son to innocently suffer guilt for my sins. As we repent and are reconciled to Christ and Christ reconciled to us, this initial reconciliation causes Christ to suffer as he takes into his life the “energies” or the effects of our sins. Sin has its own energy, the energy of being damned or stopped in progress, of impeding the movement and energy of life. This sinful “energy” remains with us, it is our “uncleanness” or a “stain” on our soul. Metaphorically, this stain or uncleanness can be washed away through the Atonement. In return, we receive Christs life “energies” which is the divine life that glorifies and exalts. The “energies” of God are the flow of the divine energy of life, the movement of the Spirit, and the light that proceeds from God to fill the immensity of space. In Doctrine & Covenants 88:11-13, the light of God that enters into us is conceived as an “energy” that gives life, actuates, invigorates, vivifies, and enlightens. In the end, the atonement is primarily about healing our alienation through reconciliation rather than satisfying the demands of some abstract universal justice. This is exactly what Christ did for all of us as he came down among the children of men to redeem us from the fall, and to bring us back into the presence of God as glorified, united, resurrected beings. Sorry for the length of this post. If anyone actually reads this, I hope it adds light and love to your life.
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Everything that happens in history has been decreed/Predestined before the world was created see Eph 1:11, Proverbs 16:33 and Amos 3:6. And yes even when terrible things happen, I know it's hard for some people to accept but look what happened when David sinned against God and one of Davids punishments was that God told him that he was going to use Davids own son to shame his Father by Absalom Absalom doing something immoral to his Fathers concubines in front of all of Israel, see 2 Samuel 12:11-12 God said "Thus says the Lord, ‘Behold, I will raise up evil against you from your own household; I will even take your wives before your eyes and give them to your companion, and he will lie with your wives in broad daylight. Indeed you did it secretly, but I will do this thing before all Israel, and under the sun." Notice how God said "I WILL DO THIS THING."That was fulfilled in 2 Samuel 16:21-22. Jesus did not die for every single person ever and Jesus didn't die to make people savable. He died to save his elect. In John 17:9 Jesus said that he does not pray for the world. The word world is used in different contexts, in that context he's talking about the non elect. In John 3:16 world means that he purchased people from every tribe, tongue and nation Rev 5:9 and for the children of God scattered abroad John 11:52. Some have been "long beforehand marked out for condemnation" Jude 4 and "appointed to doom." 1 Peter 2:8. About Pharaoh God said “For this VERY PURPOSE I raised you up, to demonstrate My power in you, and that My name might be proclaimed throughout the whole earth.” So then He has mercy on whom He desires, and He hardens whom He desires." Rom 9:17-18. Jesus said "I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and intelligent and have revealed them to infants. Yes, Father, for this way was well-pleasing in Your sight. All things have been handed over to Me by My Father; and no one knows the Son except the Father; nor does anyone know the Father except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son wills to reveal Him." Matthew 11:25-27. So, 2 Pet 3:9 the "not willing that any should perish" if you read that letter in context, 2 Pet 1:1 says "To those who have received a faith of the same kind as ours." As far as salvation for all men verses, Paul was refuting the false notion of his time that God was only desiring to save just the Jews and 1 Tim 2:2 says to pray "for kings and all who are in authority" because as humans WE DON'T KNOW WHO THE ELECT ARE SO WE PRAY FOR EVERYONE! That's what it means in verse 4 by saying "all men." Amos 3:2 God said "of all the nations of the earth I have only known you." For centuries God passed over the majority of humankind because this verse isn't about knowledge it's about relationship. And it isn't because God foresaw Israel was more righteous then the other nations because sometimes Israel was more sinful then the pagan nations see 2 Kings 21:9. Only those who were predestined to be saved will be see Acts 13:48, Ephesians 1:4-5, Eph 1:11, Romans 9:11-23, John 6:37. 1 Samuel 3:14 God said “Therefore I have sworn to the house of Eli that the iniquity of Eli’s house shall not be atoned for by sacrifice or offering forever.” That's Limited atonement.
Hey bro I have a question 2 nephi 29:13: And it shall come to pass that the Jews shall have the words of the Nephites, and the Nephites shall have the words of the Jews; and the Nephites and the Jews shall have the words of the lost tribes of Israel; and the lost tribes of Israel shall have the words of the Nephites and the Jews. What do we know about these “words” that will come from the other tribes of Israel? Do we believe there are other records yet to be revealed from ancient times? Thanks.
I commend you for your effort in posting these videos about the gospel. They have helped me in many ways. However, I want to make a comment on the explanation where you say that we need to let God drive our car. Well, my feeling on that is that if God drives my car, I will never run a red light or take a wrong turn or be in a wrong route. If that happens then, I will not be able to grow through my mistakes. And, if that is the case, it would render Father in Heaven an unwise parent, which He is NOT. My proposition is that we continue to drive our own car but invite God to be our navigator. And, as we are still prone to make mistakes, I can listen to the navigator and little by little I will be making less and less mistakes and reach my destination. The Lord wants us to use our agency and go back to Him on our volition, without compulsion. If God drives the car then we are not using our own agency as He is the one driving and not us. Therefore, in the end He is the one that took us back to Him and we just sat on the passenger seat seeing Him drive. That, to me, seems to be a different plan than what the Father has is mind for us. The conclusion is that God gave us power, through the Atonement of His beloved Son, so we can go back to Him on our own, by our own decision and effort. Didn't the scripture say that He came and gave power to all those that believe in Him that we can become sons (and daughters) of God. He gave the power, we need to use it. If God drives the car, there is no sense in having any power. Have a good day,
It’s not complex. But it is astonishing, “greater love no man hath than to lay down His life for His friends.” There are many aspects to the Lord’s Atonement, but it is not complex. It is truth and truth is clearly visible, it is not hidden nor a secret. Those who seek will easily find.
Yes, and it's also unfathomable in it's depth and breadth. Elder Talmage, in his book, Jesus The Christ, said to the effect that the Atonement of the Lord is the least understood of all the gospel doctrines, yet the most important. He went on to say that we will never comprehend the Atonement in this life, but it is still our duty to learn as much as we can. Brother Tad E Callister echoed this statement in his book The Infinite Atonement, and other general authorities have said from the pulpit that our finite minds can not comprehend Jesus suffering, or the Atonement. On the other hand, as I believe you were saying, likewise, general authorities have said that the gospel, ( in it's most general, and basic sense), can be understood by a child (of course that would by necessity include the Atonement). Thanks for your comment, just felt prompted to add to your thoughts.
“ Atonement “ once President Jeffery Holland explained atonement in the fireside, please look recording, Because he knows, and I know once I was visiting prophet house we were shredded with crying how he did,
The only way to get rid of it is to drink all the poison? That's not a good analogy? The only way to get rid of sin is through blood and death. An animal sacrifice is temporary at best, your own sacrifice is required. However, that is not enough as there is no way to life, no way to God. Jesus, however, was and is perfect, His blood, His sacrifice brings us back to life, back to God. Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no man comes to the Father but by me." Jesus gave His life to us, give your life to Him.
I remember where I was and who I was with when Elder McKonkie gave this address. I remember saying to the brother next to me. "Wow! That was a powerful testimony!" Elder McKonkie died within 2 weeks after his address.
Christ's very creation and Christ's part in the Father's perfect plan for His imperfect children is why He "cloned" His Son. Their love for us is beyond understanding!
5:33 please stop misrepresenting Jesus as a man with bright strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes. It’s a lie. It’s a sin. But otherwise I soooo love your channel content. Thank you and may God’s grace and mercy be with you in all ways, amen 🙏🏾
I just checked the astrology for the 1446 BC date of exodus and Jupiter was in Virgo, well what do you know? 🤓❤🙏 Just been watching the sign in the heavens video so I checked it out.....1446 BC, life repeats itself and it seems that there was a worldwide destruction in the 1800's, a worldwide mudflood hidden right under our noses.....
The atonement or the sacrifice made for the sinner was not completed at the cross. What happened at the cross was only a portion of the whole plan of salvation. Today we are under the doctrines of the churches that say it was all completed at the cross - everything to do with our salvation. Both Sunday keeping and some Sabbath keeping Christianity are ignorant of the rest. They do not understand the salvation activities in the rest of the story of the atonement. There are two errors being taught today. There is no two apartment sanctuary in heaven and that the atonement was completed at the cross, there needs to be no more. We want to study the total atonement that was done and is being done for us by Jesus Christ and His work in the heavenly sanctuary. Exodus 25:8 And let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them. There comes a prompting from God to Ezekiel that they should study the sanctuary as that is where He would dwell among them. Ezekiel 43:7 And he said unto me, Son of man, the place of my throne, and the place of the soles of my feet, where I will dwell in the midst of the children of Israel for ever, and my holy name, shall the house of Israel no more defile, [neither] they, nor their kings, by their whoredom, nor by the carcases of their kings in their high places. The children of Israel by their sins kept on defiling the sanctuary by the blood being sprinkled there. God said He is going to make an end of that defilement, “I’m going to dwell with them so they no longer defile it.”
Thank you for your videos from a law enforcement member from Las Vegas! Jesus lives. The church is true.
Yes, Jesus lives and when he returns he is going to cast all you Godless deceived mormons into the lake of fire. Repent!
@@hewhohasearstohearlethimhe9509shame on you
Mercy = not giving you the deserved punishment. Grace = giving you all you need to be restored to your initial state, and more if you want, through sincere faith in Christ the Lord.
I just wish the LDS would recognize that this comes from God through Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is God come in the flesh, the bodily manifestation of the Trinity.
@@archangel_one It's that what we believe
@@EMonzon I don't know if you all believe that or not, usually I am told by them that Jesus isn't God.
@@archangel_one it's God
@@EMonzon Do you mean that Jesus Christ is God come in the flesh? Just checking.
1Timothy 3:16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.
1John 4:2 Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:
1John 4:3 And every spirit that confesses not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.
Your testimony of the Atonement of Christ speaks volumes to the listener in regards to your vantage of the structure of LDS! It’s organized biblically, exactly how you’d expect the government in the Millennium…without the Boss! Ya’ll are thinking Celestial, good video ❤ VANA
I have always struggled to learn, read, ponderand and study through straight reading. Not long after starting to read my eyes get sore and tired, thus I lose concentration and fall asleep. However your presentation has helped me so much to greater understanding of the true effects of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, giving me greater confidence in fulfilling my true purpose for this life and given me greater confidence to keep learning, no matter how difficult it may seem to me. Thank you ever so much, I look forward to the next presentation.
Pray before reading The Holy Bible ask for Wisdom and Understanding
justice = getting what you deserve
mercy = not getting what you deserve
grace = getting what you don't deserve
I know this is true,and I know that the gospel of Jesus Christ is the only way to understand his plans, thank for this lesson.
But do you really "know"...?
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Mormon Stories #1341: Dr. Robert Ritner - An Expert Egyptologist's View of the Book of Abraham Pt. 3видео.html
Excellent! I can never be reminded enough of what Jesus Christ did for me. Thank you!
Wonderful lesson - thank you! President Monson: ""One of God’s greatest gifts to us is the joy of trying again, for no failure ever need be final." Don't stop following Him - don't ever stop - HE loves effort and through our effort comes the grace we so admire in our spiritual mentors.
Mormon Stories #1339: Dr. Robert Ritner - An Expert Egyptologist Translates the Book of Abraham Pt 1видео.html
Mormon Stories #1340: Dr. Robert Ritner - An Expert Egyptologist Translates the Book of Abraham Pt 2видео.html
Mormon Stories #1341: Dr. Robert Ritner - An Expert Egyptologist's View of the Book of Abraham Pt. 3видео.html
Thank for this video. I just read The Divine Gift of Forgiveness by Neil L Anderson and have been searching scriptures and other areas. This video has brought more understanding.
I'm so happy whenever I see you post a video! Thank you
Wonderful and thank you they spirit conveys truth in these videos. I’m always uplifted and inspired afterwards so thank you.
Mormon Stories #1339: Dr. Robert Ritner - An Expert Egyptologist Translates the Book of Abraham Pt 1видео.html
Mormon Stories #1340: Dr. Robert Ritner - An Expert Egyptologist Translates the Book of Abraham Pt 2видео.html
Mormon Stories #1341: Dr. Robert Ritner - An Expert Egyptologist's View of the Book of Abraham Pt. 3видео.html
Thank you brother every time l listen to your subject of atonement l take away just small fraction and the meaning of the atonement it’s life time pursuit, of reading, and understanding and prayers just like Book of Mormon! Cheers brother bless you!
You are all completely blind, lost, and deceived. Repent!
Beautiful and sacred lesson!
Mormon Stories #1339: Dr. Robert Ritner - An Expert Egyptologist Translates the Book of Abraham Pt 1видео.html
Mormon Stories #1340: Dr. Robert Ritner - An Expert Egyptologist Translates the Book of Abraham Pt 2видео.html
Mormon Stories #1341: Dr. Robert Ritner - An Expert Egyptologist's View of the Book of Abraham Pt. 3видео.html
A very simplified understanding of the atonement. Thanks.
Keep up the great work. I love all your videos!!
Awesome lesson.....,thank you so much !!!!!!
Thank you for your diligent studies, brother. Sometimes it gets hard to try and set time aside to read my scriptures when I got a full course load. I pop on your videos while I work on assignments.
Thanks for sharing this video.
Thank you so much for this.
Hey my brothers and sisters
I’m truly great full I’m learning so much
This is amazing! I'm using the vials of poison around our neck as an object lesson on the Atonement in seminary.
Excellent lesson. Thank you!!!
This is all 100% false manmade nonsense. You are being deceived.
He restoreth my sou..
I agree with all said whole heartily. But the analogy of the rippling of the water is like the ring of the bell. Once it happens, cannot call the ripple back, cannot call the bell sound back. Only through the Atonement can the effects be less, the memory is still three as life’s lesson. And all hope is with the savior for forgiveness and mercy.
Thoughts please.
Thank you so much for your video on this topic. Having a greater understanding of Christs atonement is critical in our journey of becoming one with the Father and the Son. I don’t want to criticize what you taught here in your video, it was very eloquently stated. If you don’t mind I would like to add some thoughts of mine that I’ve discovered in my own journey over the past year of better understanding the theory of Atonement.
First and foremost, it’s critical for us to understand that Christ did not pay a “penalty” for our sins, God is not a wrathful Father who must be persuaded by his loving Son not to punish us, it is not just to punish an innocent person (Christ) in the place of a guilty person, justice is not a personified platonic absolute that makes demands, sin is not a monetary debt, God can forgive us without requiring a third-party who committed no sin to suffer, etc. I know these ideas may fly in the face of what has traditionally been taught in the Latter-Day saint tradition, but when you actually analyze each one of these explanations its either unjust, immoral or incoherent.
In order for us to first understand what is occurring in the atonement, we must first realize the actual consequences of our sins. Ultimately, sin boils down to us humans choosing to harden our hearts as the Book of Mormon teaches, and choosing to not follow the law of love which God has commanded for us to obey, thus causing an alienation or a separation of divine unity from the Father and the Son. Therefor, our primary purpose of mortal life is to be placed on probation in the sense that we are granted a time to choose to freely enter into relationship with God as taught in Alma 42. Sin consists of injury to human relationships and resulting alienation. Atonement consists in eradicating from our lives whatever gets in the way of loving relationships with God and each other. Atonement thus heals our alienation.
The law of restoration taught in Alma 41 teaches that we will reap what we sow and have restored to us what we send out to others. This is a universal law and fact about human experience that cannot be escaped. The effects of this universal law is what the scriptures refer to as Gods wrath, our our guilty conscience. Us knowing that we cannot be with God if we are not holy like him. We cannot have the blessings of love in intimate relationship with others unless we freely choose to show our love in action.
Blake Ostlers compassion theory of atonement, teaches that “atonement is a reciprocal reconciliation of our alienation. That is, the Atonement not only reconciles us to God, but also reconciles God to us. It not only results from our choice to be in relation to God, but also from his prior choice to be in relation with us. The suffering that Christ experienced not only moves us with compassion for him, but it also moves him with compassion for us. In the Atonement he not only becomes what we are, but he also brings us to be what he is.”
Finally, I suggest that God can and does fully forgive us of our sins without requiring a “pound of flesh” or for the Son to innocently suffer guilt for my sins. As we repent and are reconciled to Christ and Christ reconciled to us, this initial reconciliation causes Christ to suffer as he takes into his life the “energies” or the effects of our sins. Sin has its own energy, the energy of being damned or stopped in progress, of impeding the movement and energy of life. This sinful “energy” remains with us, it is our “uncleanness” or a “stain” on our soul. Metaphorically, this stain or uncleanness can be washed away through the Atonement. In return, we receive Christs life “energies” which is the divine life that glorifies and exalts. The “energies” of God are the flow of the divine energy of life, the movement of the Spirit, and the light that proceeds from God to fill the immensity of space. In Doctrine & Covenants 88:11-13, the light of God that enters into us is conceived as an “energy” that gives life, actuates, invigorates, vivifies, and enlightens.
In the end, the atonement is primarily about healing our alienation through reconciliation rather than satisfying the demands of some abstract universal justice. This is exactly what Christ did for all of us as he came down among the children of men to redeem us from the fall, and to bring us back into the presence of God as glorified, united, resurrected beings. Sorry for the length of this post. If anyone actually reads this, I hope it adds light and love to your life.
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Everything that happens in history has been decreed/Predestined before the world was created see Eph 1:11, Proverbs 16:33 and Amos 3:6. And yes even when terrible things happen, I know it's hard for some people to accept but look what happened when David sinned against God and one of Davids punishments was that God told him that he was going to use Davids own son to shame his Father by Absalom Absalom doing something immoral to his Fathers concubines in front of all of Israel, see 2 Samuel 12:11-12 God said "Thus says the Lord, ‘Behold, I will raise up evil against you from your own household; I will even take your wives before your eyes and give them to your companion, and he will lie with your wives in broad daylight. Indeed you did it secretly, but I will do this thing before all Israel, and under the sun." Notice how God said "I WILL DO THIS THING."That was fulfilled in 2 Samuel 16:21-22. Jesus did not die for every single person ever and Jesus didn't die to make people savable. He died to save his elect. In John 17:9 Jesus said that he does not pray for the world. The word world is used in different contexts, in that context he's talking about the non elect. In John 3:16 world means that he purchased people from every tribe, tongue and nation Rev 5:9 and for the children of God scattered abroad John 11:52. Some have been "long beforehand marked out for condemnation" Jude 4 and "appointed to doom." 1 Peter 2:8. About Pharaoh God said “For this VERY PURPOSE I raised you up, to demonstrate My power in you, and that My name might be proclaimed throughout the whole earth.” So then He has mercy on whom He desires, and He hardens whom He desires." Rom 9:17-18. Jesus said "I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and intelligent and have revealed them to infants. Yes, Father, for this way was well-pleasing in Your sight. All things have been handed over to Me by My Father; and no one knows the Son except the Father; nor does anyone know the Father except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son wills to reveal Him." Matthew 11:25-27. So, 2 Pet 3:9 the "not willing that any should perish" if you read that letter in context, 2 Pet 1:1 says "To those who have received a faith of the same kind as ours." As far as salvation for all men verses, Paul was refuting the false notion of his time that God was only desiring to save just the Jews and 1 Tim 2:2 says to pray "for kings and all who are in authority" because as humans WE DON'T KNOW WHO THE ELECT ARE SO WE PRAY FOR EVERYONE! That's what it means in verse 4 by saying "all men." Amos 3:2 God said "of all the nations of the earth I have only known you." For centuries God passed over the majority of humankind because this verse isn't about knowledge it's about relationship. And it isn't because God foresaw Israel was more righteous then the other nations because sometimes Israel was more sinful then the pagan nations see 2 Kings 21:9. Only those who were predestined to be saved will be see Acts 13:48, Ephesians 1:4-5, Eph 1:11, Romans 9:11-23, John 6:37. 1 Samuel 3:14 God said “Therefore I have sworn to the house of Eli that the iniquity of Eli’s house shall not be atoned for by sacrifice or offering forever.” That's Limited atonement.
Is the revelations study guide still available? From your earlier videos? I just love that guide and I’d love to have access to it again.
Was the atonement of Christ procured through His perspiration at Gethsemane or through His death on the cross?
Hey bro I have a question
2 nephi 29:13: And it shall come to pass that the Jews shall have the words of the Nephites, and the Nephites shall have the words of the Jews; and the Nephites and the Jews shall have the words of the lost tribes of Israel; and the lost tribes of Israel shall have the words of the Nephites and the Jews.
What do we know about these “words” that will come from the other tribes of Israel? Do we believe there are other records yet to be revealed from ancient times? Thanks.
The bom is a 100% fake manmade fraud. Repent!
I commend you for your effort in posting these videos about the gospel. They have helped me in many ways. However, I want to make a comment on the explanation where you say that we need to let God drive our car. Well, my feeling on that is that if God drives my car, I will never run a red light or take a wrong turn or be in a wrong route. If that happens then, I will not be able to grow through my mistakes. And, if that is the case, it would render Father in Heaven an unwise parent, which He is NOT.
My proposition is that we continue to drive our own car but invite God to be our navigator. And, as we are still prone to make mistakes, I can listen to the navigator and little by little I will be making less and less mistakes and reach my destination.
The Lord wants us to use our agency and go back to Him on our volition, without compulsion. If God drives the car then we are not using our own agency as He is the one driving and not us. Therefore, in the end He is the one that took us back to Him and we just sat on the passenger seat seeing Him drive. That, to me, seems to be a different plan than what the Father has is mind for us.
The conclusion is that God gave us power, through the Atonement of His beloved Son, so we can go back to Him on our own, by our own decision and effort. Didn't the scripture say that He came and gave power to all those that believe in Him that we can become sons (and daughters) of God. He gave the power, we need to use it. If God drives the car, there is no sense in having any power.
Have a good day,
It’s not complex. But it is astonishing, “greater love no man hath than to lay down His life for His friends.”
There are many aspects to the Lord’s Atonement, but it is not complex. It is truth and truth is clearly visible, it is not hidden nor a secret. Those who seek will easily find.
Yes, and it's also unfathomable in it's depth and breadth. Elder Talmage, in his book, Jesus The Christ, said to the effect that the Atonement of the Lord is the least understood of all the gospel doctrines, yet the most important. He went on to say that we will never comprehend the Atonement in this life, but it is still our duty to learn as much as we can. Brother Tad E Callister echoed this statement in his book The Infinite Atonement, and other general authorities have said from the pulpit that our finite minds can not comprehend Jesus suffering, or the Atonement.
On the other hand, as I believe you were saying, likewise, general authorities have said that the gospel, ( in it's most general, and basic sense), can be understood by a child (of course that would by necessity include the Atonement).
Thanks for your comment, just felt prompted to add to your thoughts.
LSD Gospel lessons? 😅😂😊 thats what I read at first glance. Christ love 💯💯💯
“ Atonement “ once President Jeffery Holland explained atonement in the fireside, please look recording,
Because he knows, and I know once I was visiting prophet house we were shredded with crying how he did,
The only way to get rid of it is to drink all the poison? That's not a good analogy? The only way to get rid of sin is through blood and death.
An animal sacrifice is temporary at best, your own sacrifice is required. However, that is not enough as there is no way to life, no way to God. Jesus, however, was and is perfect, His blood, His sacrifice brings us back to life, back to God. Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no man comes to the Father but by me."
Jesus gave His life to us, give your life to Him.
Where is the link to Elder Mckonkie's talk?
I remember where I was and who I was with when Elder McKonkie gave this address. I remember saying to the brother next to me. "Wow! That was a powerful testimony!" Elder McKonkie died within 2 weeks after his address.
“The Purifying Power of Gethsemane,” by Elder Bruce R. McConkie, April 1985 General Conference.
Christ's very creation and Christ's part in the Father's perfect plan for His imperfect children is why He "cloned" His Son. Their love for us is beyond understanding!
We cannot understand his Love for us.
How is it possible to talk about something that only God can truly understand because He (They) alone experienced it? (rhetorical question / comment)
Okay… but why can’t God do that? Like why can’t God just forgive?
5:33 please stop misrepresenting Jesus as a man with bright strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes. It’s a lie. It’s a sin.
But otherwise I soooo love your channel content. Thank you and may God’s grace and mercy be with you in all ways, amen 🙏🏾
How is it a sin, that's ridiculous
How is it a sin? Christ doesn't hold any importance to how we believe he looked.
I just checked the astrology for the 1446 BC date of exodus and Jupiter was in Virgo, well what do you know? 🤓❤🙏
Just been watching the sign in the heavens video so I checked it out.....1446 BC, life repeats itself and it seems that there was a worldwide destruction in the 1800's, a worldwide mudflood hidden right under our noses.....
The atonement or the sacrifice made for the sinner was not completed at the cross. What happened at the cross was only a portion of the whole plan of salvation. Today we are under the doctrines of the churches that say it was all completed at the cross - everything to do with our salvation. Both Sunday keeping and some Sabbath keeping Christianity are ignorant of the rest. They do not understand the salvation activities in the rest of the story of the atonement. There are two errors being taught today. There is no two apartment sanctuary in heaven and that the atonement was completed at the cross, there needs to be no more. We want to study the total atonement that was done and is being done for us by Jesus Christ and His work in the heavenly sanctuary.
Exodus 25:8 And let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them.
There comes a prompting from God to Ezekiel that they should study the sanctuary as that is where He would dwell among them.
Ezekiel 43:7 And he said unto me, Son of man, the place of my throne, and the place of the soles of my feet, where I will dwell in the midst of the children of Israel for ever, and my holy name, shall the house of Israel no more defile, [neither] they, nor their kings, by their whoredom, nor by the carcases of their kings in their high places.
The children of Israel by their sins kept on defiling the sanctuary by the blood being sprinkled there. God said He is going to make an end of that defilement, “I’m going to dwell with them so they no longer defile it.”