I find it funny that all the comments are merely focusing on how hilarious it is for nyx to have essentially censored and then muted fire emblem's merk with a mouth, but not realized that Nyx implies to have a kink for dirty talk during the S support.
which, specifically with this shipping, it could explain the most why nina's a bit sharp-toungued and had her kinks, since with other couples, niles did restrained himself/got restrained a whole lot... not here: nyx cleared out she wanted all the foul/lewd talk from him... where's joey wheeler's face meme when we need it? 7u7 *imagination flies off the window* (scratch all that nonsense .____.)
Okay, when Niles' dirty talk is censored, who else is reminded of Kingdom Hearts 2, in the scene where Roxas and his friends have their ------- stolen?
This pairing is the only way for you to have a Basara outside of Corrin. Nina gets it. Reminder that Basara has Rend Haven and Quixotic. You could theoretically marry Nina and get either Rend Haven or Quixotic to Kana. But thats a whole new level of inheritance there..
So basically their S-Support was:
Niles: Marry me.
Nyx: On one condition: you have to talk dirty to me and only to me.
*que saxophone 🎷*
*que saxophone 🎷*
Did she just cast a censorship spell on him?
Is Nyx secretly working for Nintendo Treehouse?
then I guess she hated now!
Nyx actually censored Niles's words, even in the Japanese version. Either way, this is a very interesting support.
I find it funny that all the comments are merely focusing on how hilarious it is for nyx to have essentially censored and then muted fire emblem's merk with a mouth, but not realized that Nyx implies to have a kink for dirty talk during the S support.
nyx wants the lewd talk lol
They get ------- ---- -----------.
+Whipper T. Snapper I wonder what he truly said.
Blake Blast *raped, but yeah.
Spencer Spanked, something something.
I think what Niles was trying to say at the end of the B Support is "No! Get back here! Nyx...?!"
my thoughts exactly
0:54 I misread that as "Child harassment"...
And thus Nina was born
which, specifically with this shipping, it could explain the most why nina's a bit sharp-toungued and had her kinks, since with other couples, niles did restrained himself/got restrained a whole lot... not here: nyx cleared out she wanted all the foul/lewd talk from him... where's joey wheeler's face meme when we need it? 7u7 *imagination flies off the window* (scratch all that nonsense .____.)
Skin burns, with jealousy? You literally just asked him to talk sexy to you...
Okay, when Niles' dirty talk is censored, who else is reminded of Kingdom Hearts 2, in the scene where Roxas and his friends have their ------- stolen?
Hey, Nyx is a responsible adult. She knows what she wants, and she'll take actions to get it.
Nyx is treehouse
no please...no...
Such a tease Nyx
7:33 That was a very quick proposal...Niles got straight to the point.
Hey man, I gotta respect a lady that knows what she likes, way to go Nyx!
Nyx is older that’s why she wants that dirty talk from Niles at the end. She definitely picked the right man for that
7:24 Nyx be like "Oh no... Another lolicon"
Probably the most deep Niles' support
The spells are anagrams, but I don't want to figure them out because I'm a lazy internet user.
+NeedMoreMushrooms First: Clean his tongue!
Second: I can't figure out.
I'll give you 1 virtual arab money if you translate it for me XD
The second one has "Niles" at the end, too lazy for the rest. Thanks for first one.
NeedMoreMushrooms "Silent Greece Niles?" I can't figure it out.
Thanks, now we got two of the 3 words, the translators are trolling us! :0
Just pretend Fire Emblem had a potty mouth.
1:14 Oh, kinda like the exact same thing you always do, Niles?
Standards and Practices needs to hire this Woman, STAT!
This was awesome I want it to be canon
This pairing is the only way for you to have a Basara outside of Corrin. Nina gets it. Reminder that Basara has Rend Haven and Quixotic. You could theoretically marry Nina and get either Rend Haven or Quixotic to Kana. But thats a whole new level of inheritance there..
Niles is a good person, come on
What an anticlimactic S-support
Yeees. Yyeeeeeessss YYEEE-------