SUPER GT 2020 Round 4 - LIVE, Full Race, English - Motegi

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2020
  • SUPER GT IS BACK ON RUclips! Thanks to your unwavering fan support and the backing of Engine Media Group (looks up, thanks guys!), we are bringing you the full 2020 Season of Super GT in English, with Sam Collins and Rob Barff on comms - the fastest GT Racing Series in the world, set FREE.
    Season Schedule:
    7/18-19 Round1 FUJI
    8/08-09 Round2 FUJI
    8/22-23 Round3 SUZUKA
    9/12-13 Round4 MOTEGI
    10/03-04 Round5 FUJI
    10/24-25 Round6 SUZUKA
    11/07-08 Round7 MOTEGI
    11/28-29 Round8 FUJI
    Twitter: / wearetherace
    Instagram: / wearetherace
    Facebook: / wearetherace
    Thanks for watching - please like, share and comment, please also hit subscribe to show your support so we'll keep doing what we're doing.
    #Motorsport #SuperGT
    / wearetherace
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Комментарии • 122

  • @chestercallahan8856
    @chestercallahan8856 3 года назад +50

    Sam Collins is such a knowledgeable guy. Always enjoy listening to him, especially when he gets down to technical details.

    • @adamsmith6533
      @adamsmith6533 3 года назад

      Hi uc ,,&577
      HeyHey has always happened when you told him to you you can call her she

    • @nicok5548
      @nicok5548 3 года назад

      @@adamsmith6533 ķoolkķllkkkķlķollolkkkooooooooooooook
      Òòooookkkoolookkòòokkkokĺĺlkķkkķkkkkkkkkkkkkkseeeeesseeezzxrrzrzzzze6zzgddrddst6rr,r5xzdrsge5zrrx55dzsxxdz zzzddxz5csx zdzzzzds7szdzzzdxrdzddxeddz55rg,gsczdzd6xszzz6zdzddzdzzzzrzsdszddsszdddddzxzzdzdzd cdzd7cddzz6s6drdxzz7dzzxddzdrr,zzzzzz6dzzv5xz6z66zzzdz5zdxzz6dxzxdxzrrdzgg6dzrrzzrzsztrzdzzdrzxr6zdzzz5zddvdzzdsddrzddzrrzrrdtsddxzr5rzddgzzd dzzzzrzdrddddsdssdgtdddrd7rdzdzrdgzzx75dddxtrddddsdrrzrdxsddxztrzvfdd6drsr6t6drzzzsszdxzx6dds6zdddzzdz dddzzzz,ddsrrd7rtrr5zd sdddddzdddddzszfrrds6rdzzxdxrzzdddzcrttfdd6thx7tzdd,d7rrrs6dszzdtddddr7xtrrrddztf7ddrrd7xdfdrrs6rdrsd6dddxsdrdrdddtdszzdds7dddzdxzrsddzrtdtdxdx6rxz7dtrdddd7d7x7dxs7xddxsddxxddr7dxdxdddfdzdxxzxsxxzzddddzzx5d6ddd7r6d7ddzxdddxd7d77ddf77ddtdx6dxfdd6xd7xdzrdtdd7dxdd7dxzd77d6tsddd7xdd7ddxx6zdxdzf7ddrdzx7xdd7dd7d7dztdddd6dxxd6dd7z6dtxxrxd7dxtddddddddtdcdddddd7drddx7dfddhz7ddsxzdxddsrd6s6d7dxsddddzddz7dddxdg7r7z7x7dxd7xxx7xd77d7xcx77zd7g7d xdxdddd7d7x77xddx7xxx7xz7dddddd7ddddd77dd7dddd7dsdddh7drtdddddrs 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6d7dx77x77xxd7try77x7x7x7dt7d7v7xd77zx7d6d7dt7d 7fx7x,r7z7txdxyz776z6d7y7,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 7x77x7x77zd777x7767xf6c677fd77d7d7x7ddcddd78x7z7d7d7d76x6d7r777dh777ddddd7xff777xtx7xddbr7d77zt7ctf7d777v7d7t7cdd77d76dx7t7dx76x7d77dt7xyxd77i7r77x777xbx7s7 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s7dd6xdxx66xdztzd6xr7z7d77d6d676ssz7dzzdzdsxszsdxdzZcxz7fsd7zxzdsdsddrxfdxzxz7,7sx7ds7xs7d7d77x77sz7xzdzsSs67s77xxdsxdf6sx'7xsdxsxxdxxdsd7srxx8zdddssdxxssdz8xxddsx7ud7dsdddss7x7d77s77dsss7fzs677tf77767d77d7d777r7dz7777dr77u77x7777r6d7x77z66667s7776c7yfdds7dx7ssz7sssz77z77xxd7767zdzdz7zsdxxxdtyzxs7zsszszzddsdzszzDdsxzsszsszrddszz7x7x7xdcxzz6d77d77777xxxx77x77xddxzxzxz76x77x776777x6dz77777f77777777xd7d7d7777777sszxsxzsd7dsz77d777877777d7d77xf777dd7udd777vc7778cdzx77x77777dx7x76777777777zx77x7dfx7xz7xxs77xccx77d7s6dssstss7ddzx77x7d777xd8x777xzx7s7dszszzzdsddzzzzrsszrzdzxzz zxxssszzzxzxzz'xxxc'czxz8z-'xzzdxzzzzx-€7

  • @PseudoNo
    @PseudoNo 3 года назад +4

    Thanks a lot! Almost the single reason I still watching racing.

  • @kennyvanherck7773
    @kennyvanherck7773 3 года назад +3

    Watching from belgium, love these still real racing series with real engines!!

  • @opaek4355
    @opaek4355 Год назад +3

    fell asleep watching top gear wake up to this

  • @nikomoin7604
    @nikomoin7604 3 года назад +5

    Best racing in the world ty for the great presentation

  • @sanchopancho9950
    @sanchopancho9950 3 года назад

    very very entertaining, and very well done coverage, thank you

  • @josephsmoots2345
    @josephsmoots2345 3 года назад

    Just finished the Replay, many Thanks again guys. And i just love how Sam desperatly tries to Read the full Starting Grid which is a barrage of Tongue Twisters. :D

  • @thatterenceguy95
    @thatterenceguy95 3 года назад

    Thanks for the random shout out to Canada. And thanks for entertaining banter on a great race as always.

  • @imokin86
    @imokin86 3 года назад +24

    Thank you for bringing this series to us!
    Possibly the best racing championship now. Actual battles all the way.

  • @neilmartin3220
    @neilmartin3220 3 года назад +2

    Absolutely cracking race. Thanks to The Race for streaming. Super gt is hot right now. Will enjoy while it lasts.

    • @rodelg.ajosjr.9272
      @rodelg.ajosjr.9272 Год назад

      😢😢😢😢😢Welcome to Gboard clipboard, any text you copy will be saved here.😢😢😢😢😢😢😢Welcome to Gboard clipboard, any text you copy will be saved here.Welcome to Gboard clipboard, any text you copy will be saved here.😢😢Welcome to Gboard clipboard, any text you copy will be saved here.Welcome to Gboard clipboard, any text you copy will be saved here.Touch and hold a clip to pin it. Unpinned clips will be deleted after 1 hour.Tap on a clip to paste it in the text box.Touch and hold a clip to pin it. Unpinned clips will be deleted after 1 hour.Tap on a clip to paste it in the text box.

  • @RastaRider
    @RastaRider 3 года назад

    Oh my gosh I haven't seen a better thing on my computer in memory. THANK. YOU. Cheers from Florida.

  • @SamuelHiti
    @SamuelHiti 3 года назад

    And again a failed attempt to watch the race live! Luckily it's uploaded straight after.
    This was another amazing race with action from start to finish! Both classes had me on the edge of my seat throughout. Can't wait for more content to come! And the commentators are entertaining and lovely to listen to! On to the next one!! 🔥🔥

    • @josephsmoots2345
      @josephsmoots2345 3 года назад +1

      Best racing in the world ty for the great presentation

  • @revmedia8108
    @revmedia8108 3 года назад +30

    Me: 3 hours?!?
    Also me: *watches the whole thing*
    Much love, your friends at Rev Media!!

  • @jeremyj.5687
    @jeremyj.5687 3 года назад +6

    Sam Collins hairdo is my new spirit animal.
    R.I.P. Andy Soucek's glorious moustache. Long gone but not forgotten...

  • @Lewid93
    @Lewid93 3 года назад +24

    26:53 - start of formation lap
    30:29 - GT500 green light
    30:52 - GT300 green light

  • @Tintortoise
    @Tintortoise 3 года назад +12

    Lights to flag action, it’s a two hour highlight reel! Can’t wait for round 5 ❤️

  • @KinuGrove
    @KinuGrove 3 года назад

    Another awesome race this is quickly becoming my new favorite racing series. Wish they had an equivalent series in North America.

    • @josephsmoots2345
      @josephsmoots2345 3 года назад

      Lights to flag action, it’s a two hour highlight reel! Can’t wait for round 5 ❤️

  • @spizzlo
    @spizzlo 3 года назад +1

    I'm so happy they got the cameras/feed sorted out this season. If you go back and look at older Super GT races, the video looks terrible and like 10 fps or something. If you know, you know lol. Anyway, this is crispy and beautiful, and booyah Super GT!

  • @Av3ntur0zky
    @Av3ntur0zky 3 года назад +1

    Great race as always.. love Super GT.

  • @VascoCC95
    @VascoCC95 3 года назад +3

    The sound and image quality have improved a lot from previous races! Thanks for bringing this amazing race to us!

  • @witchfynder_finder
    @witchfynder_finder 3 года назад

    Very nice starting position for the Subaru BRZ R&D Sport

  • @danieldesmarais972
    @danieldesmarais972 Год назад

    Great action racing

  • @marlinderwall8873
    @marlinderwall8873 3 года назад +90

    I like watching Sam Collins, I think he's a good presenter/reporter.

  • @TheMrFishnDucks
    @TheMrFishnDucks 3 года назад +1

    That was an awesome race. I love the commentary and banter between the hosts. Looking forward to the next race. Keep up the good work.

  • @DavidMadrigalMesa
    @DavidMadrigalMesa 3 года назад

    Interesting to see 3 different models of the same manufacturer in the same class

  • @christianmodehn8229
    @christianmodehn8229 3 года назад +2

    Thank you so much for streaming and showing the whole races!!! For the great comments also!! You both are a great team!!
    One question i like to ask. Is there any possibility for a german fan to buy team stuff like shirts, caps,....?
    Thank's a lot!!!

  • @pongmai201203
    @pongmai201203 3 года назад

    Perfect Race.

  • @officialcalummenzies
    @officialcalummenzies 3 года назад

    Fell asleep listening to random motorsport podcast stuff, woke up to this race rerun haha

  • @JoelLoaiza-qh4dx
    @JoelLoaiza-qh4dx Год назад

    It will be amazing if that track in Gran turismo is coming back

  • @supersportzcom
    @supersportzcom 3 года назад +2

    Love the sleeper status the Prius has racing against exotics. They should go a step further and paint them a single boring color, and put the sponsors on bumper stickers on the back alongside coexist and 13.1 stickers, maybe a family silhouette with the two drivers.

  • @ThePaulz80
    @ThePaulz80 3 года назад +6

    30:29 you are welcome

    • @niismo.
      @niismo. 3 года назад

      Thank you!

  • @MaverickSpawn
    @MaverickSpawn 3 года назад

    Baltimore, Maryland, USA

  • @seanb6691
    @seanb6691 3 года назад

    What a race! Watching the replay from Vancouver Island, Canada enjoying a classic Canadian poutine

  • @freedommachine4633
    @freedommachine4633 3 года назад

    Don’t forget some of us here in the US!!

  • @andyhuckle
    @andyhuckle 3 года назад +7

    Great racing and coverage as usual - nice to have knowledgeable non-shouty commentary - unlike a certain Sky F1 "talent"

  • @samzilla1050
    @samzilla1050 3 года назад +2

    Hey guys, when will we get the qualifying for Super GT on the channel too!

  • @veryrare7647
    @veryrare7647 3 года назад

    "the ratio of base to trophy is innapropriate completely" that's what he said😏

  • @niismo.
    @niismo. 3 года назад +6

    1:51:17 Wow Kim Jong-Un has great taste!

  • @tobiasgardz4106
    @tobiasgardz4106 3 года назад +1

    Quality Commentating

  • @newtyp_technologies
    @newtyp_technologies 3 года назад

    Great to watch the home race. However the final driver interview translation is horrible. Missing a lot of cool and interesting comments and questions from the drivers.

  • @richardreich8427
    @richardreich8427 Год назад

    Sam is brilliant

  • @DC_Cha_Cha_Cha
    @DC_Cha_Cha_Cha 3 года назад +1

    Just listening to the commentary, and it was mentioned that on certain circuits the GT300 field is reduced down due Pit lane size. So, does that mean certain teams don't get to race that weekend? How is that decided upon? Are there multiple circuits with that restriction? So in the end it all works out as the same amount of races available per team? Thanks, amazing coverage!

  • @TokiMeshi
    @TokiMeshi 3 года назад

    Goodsmile Hatsune Miku поднялись с 18 позиции до 10 - очень круто!

  • @enricohaack4875
    @enricohaack4875 Год назад

    Sam Collins so needs to be on F1 more

  • @ariesariyuda7157
    @ariesariyuda7157 3 года назад

    Need more camera on the circuit

  • @josepenate7367
    @josepenate7367 3 года назад

    Subded 100%😍😍😍😍😍💪💪💪

  • @jyrkiekman637
    @jyrkiekman637 3 года назад

    Presenter/Reporter ! What happened to AMR PACIFIC on 4th & GTR GAINER on 5th Position ? Presenter... did not notice that two cars just vanished, not even after the race so.... really ?

  • @dianamccall5126
    @dianamccall5126 3 года назад

    Great race, excellent coverage, despite being your 1000's of miles away. But, could you please be a little clearer about the success ballast rules. According to RJ O'Connell's Feb 2018 post in Super GT World, the actual weight added never exceeds 50 kg. When it reaches 50, it drops back to 33 kg, the next increment of fuel flow restrictor is applied, and the weight continues to ramp up. So, no actual passengers are added to the car, but, as you remarked, the fuel restriction is probably more of a penalty.

  • @mikebike199
    @mikebike199 3 года назад +1

    do gt300 and gt500 always race at the same time? so much traffic

    • @XL_S
      @XL_S 3 года назад

      Yes they do

  • @RJW14
    @RJW14 3 года назад

    The like jutton?

  • @geraldsanon3493
    @geraldsanon3493 3 года назад

    Why do they flash their lights again?

  • @exi1eddragoon543
    @exi1eddragoon543 3 года назад

    1:28:40 wait, I'm 64 kilo and a 25 year old male. maybe I should be a gt driver 🤣

  • @davencherry845
    @davencherry845 3 года назад +5

    I feel asleep

  • @jean-pierredeclemy7032
    @jean-pierredeclemy7032 3 года назад

    split screen is nasty for me

  • @reichfuhrer1942
    @reichfuhrer1942 3 года назад

    1:28:34 I'm 5'9 and I weigh around 66-67 kg. haha

  • @SebasGaming324
    @SebasGaming324 Год назад

    so im lost, who won, was it the NSX or thr AMG?

    @WAKNATTRADER 3 года назад

    Honda power💪

  • @esarossiarthato4271
    @esarossiarthato4271 3 года назад

    Any link to live timing mate?

  • @tomlathrop4094
    @tomlathrop4094 3 года назад

    The Race has claimed that the Gt500 are comparable to LMP1 cars. Is that true as they dont appear to be as quick.

    • @AbrahamArthemius
      @AbrahamArthemius 3 года назад

      Against the Hybrids? No.. But GT500 can held its own against non hybrid LMP1 cars, they're also quite a lot faster than LMP2.
      GT500 cars are basically prototypes with a road car shell.

  • @tukrc4728
    @tukrc4728 3 года назад +1

    I live keihin good good good

  • @christinafox4195
    @christinafox4195 3 года назад +1

    Indonesia NSX

  • @CamKrazy2000
    @CamKrazy2000 Год назад +1

    I think F1 should implement a cap system similar to the one used in MLB. You can go over the cap but you pay a "luxury tax". Right now it's 20% in the first year, 30% for the second consecutive season and 50% for each consecutive season thereafter. And the taxes are used to help out the low-revenue teams. The fact that the money would go directly to their competitors will stop the overspend really fast in F1 without actually banning it.

  • @steffenweyers9128
    @steffenweyers9128 3 года назад +2

    Won't watch Super GT anywhere else 🙂

  • @purwantiallan5089
    @purwantiallan5089 3 года назад +1

    Sam Colins is way better than Toby Moody.

  • @BlueflagAlpha
    @BlueflagAlpha 3 года назад +1

    We passed 4k likes. Can we get free pizza now?

  • @TheRobbyron
    @TheRobbyron 3 года назад

    It would be better if Sam Collins didn't sound like he's not actually in Japan...

  • @OpenwareRobotix
    @OpenwareRobotix Год назад

    This is real racing, compared to NASCAR

  • @wh581
    @wh581 3 года назад

    46:48 ur welcome

  • @johni707
    @johni707 3 года назад

    Jesus if I hear the phrase 'please like and subscribe' one more time I'm gonna scream.....

  • @aznboy568
    @aznboy568 3 года назад

    North Korea?!??!?!?!

  • @geepersoilyrag1884
    @geepersoilyrag1884 3 года назад +2

    North Korea! lol

  • @Model_Car
    @Model_Car Год назад


  • @seasonalcookingandcatering3048


  • @smokesixkiller4292
    @smokesixkiller4292 3 года назад

    If car A smashes into car B, does car A team pay for both A and B team repairs?

  • @r.p.vanloon6403
    @r.p.vanloon6403 Год назад

    Do they still allow you to comment on a racing event? Really? You must be paying them a lot of money.

  • @BrendonSNZ
    @BrendonSNZ Год назад

    They have yo or windies.
    Do ride enterndiinjkdmjfkl😊

  • @WillyCheez_88
    @WillyCheez_88 3 года назад +1

    I thought Super gtbwas just japanese cars

  • @danielventura83
    @danielventura83 3 года назад +3

    Primeiro a comentar

  • @user-bd6lk5lq5d
    @user-bd6lk5lq5d 2 года назад

    Modulo nsx. No good

  • @V8HiluxZX6R
    @V8HiluxZX6R 3 года назад

    Su-pra like Su-ba-ru... not Sup-ra, you don't say Sub-aru

  • @evanouk1174
    @evanouk1174 3 года назад

    The evanescent russia methodically whip because dinosaur scully overflow minus a graceful skate. nondescript, elated circulation

  • @edwonrodrigues4368
    @edwonrodrigues4368 3 года назад

    The obeisant room computationally relax because parsnip sicily queue but a used skin. victorious, slow adapter

  • @jaymaz8920
    @jaymaz8920 3 года назад

    the commentator needs to go hes terrible!!!!!! the guy that says supra wrong

  • @dgretlein
    @dgretlein 3 года назад

    Is there seriously a reg with the phrase “morally hazardous”? Get real Europe/Asia. That is ridiculous. I’m waiting now to see drivers on the 3rd step of the podium shed tears and “it’s not fair” .... and steal the second step.

    • @EmyrDerfel
      @EmyrDerfel 3 года назад

      Yes, but in Japanese.

    • @Dexter037S4
      @Dexter037S4 3 года назад +3

      "Moraaly Hazardous" is personally, hilarious.

  • @tomsilver8241
    @tomsilver8241 Год назад


  • @skYwinger_R4M
    @skYwinger_R4M 3 года назад +25

    Just finished the Replay, many Thanks again guys. And i just love how Sam desperatly tries to Read the full Starting Grid which is a barrage of Tongue Twisters. :D

  • @josephsmoots2345
    @josephsmoots2345 3 года назад

    26:53 - start of formation lap
    30:29 - GT500 green light
    30:52 - GT300 green light

  • @robertgarza7337
    @robertgarza7337 3 года назад +1

    Me: 3 hours?!?
    Also me: watches the whole thing
    Much love, your friends at Rev Media!!

    • @kakao7339
      @kakao7339 3 года назад

      Did you really just copy someone else’s comment?

  • @TokiMeshi
    @TokiMeshi 3 года назад

    Goodsmile Hatsune Miku поднялись с 18 позиции до 10 - очень круто!