SUPER GT 2020 Round 3 - LIVE, Full Race, English - Suzuka

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024
  • SUPER GT IS BACK ON RUclips! Suzuka hosts round 3 as Toyota, Honda and Nissan go head to head in GT500, while the massive field of GT300 cars also battle on track.
    Thanks to your unwavering fan support and the backing of Engine Media Group (looks up, thanks guys!), we are bringing you the full 2020 Season of Super GT in English, with Sam Collins and Rob Barff on comms - the fastest GT Racing Series in the world, set FREE.
    Season Schedule:
    7/18-19 Round1 FUJI
    8/08-09 Round2 FUJI
    8/22-23 Round3 SUZUKA
    9/12-13 Round4 MOTEGI
    10/03-04 Round5 FUJI
    10/24-25 Round6 SUZUKA
    11/07-08 Round7 MOTEGI
    11/28-29 Round8 FUJI
    Twitter: / wearetherace
    Instagram: / wearetherace
    Facebook: / wearetherace
    Thanks for watching - please like, share and comment, please also hit subscribe to show your support so we'll keep doing what we're doing.
    #Motorsport #SuperGT
    / wearetherace

Комментарии • 174

  • @daaanna9678
    @daaanna9678 4 года назад +45

    I could watch lap 13 over and over again, especially Quintarelli's moves at the hairpin

  • @chakalabradores
    @chakalabradores 4 года назад +22

    1st Race Toyota
    2nd Race Honda
    3rd Race Nissan
    GT500 is gone perfectly balance
    Thanks @THE RACE and @SUPER GT Official Channel

    • @joeacapulco7813
      @joeacapulco7813 4 года назад +1

      gotta love spoilers in the comments 🙄

    • @PKraemer81
      @PKraemer81 4 года назад

      @@joeacapulco7813 they are live streaming this first then it's get upp om RUclips that you can watch. So like do not read here before you watched the race????

    • @litreocola6447
      @litreocola6447 4 года назад

      As all things should be

  • @SamuelHiti
    @SamuelHiti 4 года назад +52

    Dear people from The Race, please broadcast the qualifying sessions as well in the future!
    Thanks for broadcasting the race with high quality commentary! I love it

    • @spizzlo
      @spizzlo 4 года назад +7

      I couldn't agree more. And same goes when they start with Super Formula next week.

    • @matthiasorri876
      @matthiasorri876 3 года назад

      @@spizzlo jú uuu78ollææpælpppppæpppllpppppppplplplplpæpplpæplp Loki ppþ þó pþ LP l LLP look p loop llpæpp of p look pp LLP pllllpþ ppm look lollop loop pæ LP LLP p loop on look æ look pp LLP plplpp ppm plpllppp LLP look pp p of pplpplp look l LLP pl on lææp on pþ on looklpl LLP þl ollu l LLP pææpæl look æpæpl look pp pþæ look pp LLP pppæp look lplp on Monday or p loop æpæpææpplplæplæpæ lot pæll þær lok pææpl lok lok og olli þótt p loop læææl look pp LP LP lpææl look pp pp ppm pl look lplpæl look pp lplppææ9plpp LLP plæ look plplpl9 LLP p loop look p please ppl look pæpllpl more p look pp LP LP ææp look æþlæ LLP pæ að l LLP look læp look öll look æ on look look LLM lpæ on pp pp lpp my p look l LLP look pp LLP pæ pp lp9lpþæ look lppllpl on l on pp lplllplp LLP look l0þlp LLP look LP pp lpp æ LP þó pplpplp lok ppæpppl LP l LLP llpppæ mom look LP ppp0þþlpl look ppæ þó og pæpæpæplpæææp koma pæ LP lææ LP ppl LLP pl pæll look pplpæl look pæl PL lpp look LP upp LP æ on æ LP ppl LLP æp 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    • @Dukku
      @Dukku 2 года назад

      🎉🎉🎉pi4-i42-gdmTap on a clip to paste it in the text box.Touch and hold a clip to pin it. Unpinned clips will be deleted after 1 hour.Tap on a clip to paste it in the text box.Tap on a clip to paste it in the text box.Touch and hold a clip to pin it. Unpinned clips will be deleted after 1 hour.Touch and hold a clip to pin it. Unpinned clips will be deleted after 1 hour.Touch and hold a clip to pin it. Unpinned clips will be deleted after 1 hour.Touch and hold a clip to pin it. Unpinned clips will be deleted after 1 hour.Touch and hold a clip to pin it. Unpinned clips will be deleted after 1 hour.Touch and hold a clip to pin it. Unpinned clips will be deleted after 1 hour.

  • @stevensalmijr1022
    @stevensalmijr1022 4 года назад +6

    This series has the best racing out of all racing I watch

  • @legendslayer98
    @legendslayer98 4 года назад +19

    The end of that race was mental, which give most of the race was insane is really impressive

  • @zeo_saki1750
    @zeo_saki1750 4 года назад +27

    Super GT is the best racing series in the world, action everywhere in both classes! People who don't watch this are really missing something...
    Also a huge thank you for showing this and Super Formula for free ;)

    • @mionellessi3086
      @mionellessi3086 4 года назад

      Had I known it was going to be uploaded on youtube, I would have watched it instead of NASCAR.

    • @spizzlo
      @spizzlo 4 года назад

      I love it also, but I don't know if it's the best. I think I might like IMSA better. I feel like traditional BoP works better than ballast. In Super GT, you'll have a car dominate a race, then they are nowhere next race because of ballast. In IMSA, every race they make adjustments so the cars are close together, and they do a really good job. Like, we all knew the Cassidy car was going to be bad today. I don't want to know that going into a race. I want every car to have a chance every race to the greatest extent possible. And I say IMSA over WEC because WEC is in a transition year and I haven't been watching. I will be all over that come Hypercar though.

    • @purwantiallan5089
      @purwantiallan5089 4 года назад

      @@mionellessi3086 epic.

    • @hi_c.v7289
      @hi_c.v7289 4 года назад

      Stephen Putnick imsa is cool but they have nothing on the looks and sounds of super gt

    • @spizzlo
      @spizzlo 4 года назад +1

      @@hi_c.v7289 I do agree Super GT cars look and sound great, but IMSA isn't shabby in that department, and I'm considering the whole package. One thing that is great about Super GT is the reliably huge fields. With the pandemic there have been IMSA races with less than 30 cars, and that's a shame. Not to mention only 6 in GTLM really sucks.

  • @christianmodehn8229
    @christianmodehn8229 4 года назад +4

    What a race!!!! Unbelievable performance by Ronnie und Tsugio!! It was so exciting!! Thank you so much for showing this excellent series!!!

  • @Blueflag04
    @Blueflag04 4 года назад +23

    Nissan is finally back to win race. The battle in GT300 is great too. Great coverage and commentary by Sam and Rob

    • @AlexSinclair
      @AlexSinclair 4 года назад +3

      Spoilers as the top comment, c'mon don't do that!

  • @AlexSinclair
    @AlexSinclair 4 года назад +5

    That might have been the best GT300 race I've seen. Incredible.

  • @Lazzw26
    @Lazzw26 4 года назад +5

    im glad IMSA and Super GT is back

  • @W123KartSport
    @W123KartSport 4 года назад +8

    55:20 These drivers have so much respect and trust for each other even while driving on the absolute limit. I don't think you can see this anywhere else in the world.

  • @SvalbardSleeperDistrict
    @SvalbardSleeperDistrict 4 года назад +65

    What a race! Nothing like a certain racing series calling itself a "pinnacle" but wasting huge money on borefest on track.

    • @Lazzw26
      @Lazzw26 4 года назад +9

      Finally someone who actually agrees. I agree strongly. What a race indeed

    • @ringo3911
      @ringo3911 3 года назад

      Which motorsport are you talking about? There's many that fit that category.

  • @Ts20832
    @Ts20832 4 года назад +2

    What a finish!
    I like how this leon merc just looked like nothing happened after he flew into the barrier.

  • @Elzettoloco
    @Elzettoloco 4 года назад +1

    @the race..
    Boys seriously, thank you so much for bringing us this content! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! Best wishes from Aarau, SWITZERLAND

  • @cecambjz-05
    @cecambjz-05 4 года назад +1

    This is a good race! Love the dog fight against the other race cars for a spot on place and to first place! This is where the adrenaline is at! AWESOME Super GT!!!

  • @allangrant1326
    @allangrant1326 Год назад

    Amazing coverage 🙌
    You are doing this for the 2023 season 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

  • @seido463
    @seido463 3 года назад

    what a race! Love Super GT. Has been years since I've at a SuperGT race. I was there for the 2009-10 season.
    I grew up watching F1 at Suzuka with my dad, cooking up and having a good time.
    Thank you for the coverage!

  • @joshmiller804
    @joshmiller804 4 года назад +1

    AMAZING RACE!!! Thank you for the live broadcast and upload!

  • @luisy.gonzalez6469
    @luisy.gonzalez6469 4 года назад

    This race was so good, I listened to it while showering. Thanks again, Sam and Rob.

    • @PieZello
      @PieZello 3 года назад

      You showered for 3 hours?

  • @Ekksanpher
    @Ekksanpher 4 года назад +3

    Fantastic coverage, with some cracking racing! Gotta love watching multiclass racing, cheers! :)

  • @rustyckles
    @rustyckles 4 года назад +3

    It's great being able to watch this series from Canada, please keep them coming! Definitely now on the the bucket list to go see a round when travel is safe again

  • @AnnSwivTjr
    @AnnSwivTjr 4 года назад +13

    If they re pushing 700bhp now, they should change to GT700🤙🏾

    • @fajarastanaprima2771
      @fajarastanaprima2771 4 года назад +1

      Not really 700 bhp, about 660-680 bhp to be more precise. But yeah, GT500 & GT300 now is just a mere class name, not the horsepower number anymore.

    • @AnnSwivTjr
      @AnnSwivTjr 4 года назад

      Fajar Astanaprima I said maybe they should due differences in horsepower. Before it used to be like this

  • @jeremyj.5687
    @jeremyj.5687 4 года назад +6

    Man, I wish I wouldn't have had to sleep during the time of the stream... But I gotta be fit for work at the most inconvenient time RRREEEEEEE

  • @johnavila3245
    @johnavila3245 3 года назад

    as a person from formula 1, THE RACE has been great for getting me into different kinds of motorsport

  • @JoshuaC923
    @JoshuaC923 4 года назад +1

    Awesome race! Good to the the gtrs having some success after such a long time.

  • @Alexandervu97
    @Alexandervu97 4 года назад +1

    That was a great race for GT500 and GT300.

  • @drumnbass8
    @drumnbass8 4 года назад

    So good to actual live racing, thank you to the race

  • @allangrant1326
    @allangrant1326 4 года назад

    The best car racing in the world, with two of the best committing 👌

  • @user-tm8kq2jr5c
    @user-tm8kq2jr5c 4 года назад +1

    33:29 "he's being tugged off there" lol 😂😂😂😂

  • @jamesleary3486
    @jamesleary3486 4 года назад

    Big fan of the series, and love the Syntium Lotus Team.

  • @Av3ntur0zky
    @Av3ntur0zky 4 года назад

    Incredible race !!! Well done Motul Autech GTR GT500. I love Super GT series.

  • @Ben-wm9vz
    @Ben-wm9vz 4 года назад

    great race, sad i missed the live feed because i passed out! Thanks The Race for bringing such great coverage!

  • @alvinchan7746
    @alvinchan7746 4 года назад +39

    1:28:27 *Benson Jutton* 🤣

    • @siv1282
      @siv1282 4 года назад +10

      Not to be confused with 2009 F1 World Champion Jenson Button

    • @To-The-DEE
      @To-The-DEE 4 года назад +1

      That’s my new racer tag

    • @patmald
      @patmald 4 года назад +1

      its a joke from the first broadcast that they did of Super GT 2 seasons ago

    • @VascoCC95
      @VascoCC95 3 года назад

      The only reason I watch Super GT is this joke!

  • @Natsukir
    @Natsukir 4 года назад +6


  • @burnoutforzai
    @burnoutforzai 4 года назад +27

    28:09 for green flag.

  • @skYwinger_R4M
    @skYwinger_R4M 4 года назад +2

    Thx for Streaming guys.
    You are not allowed to blink with the eyes in this one.

  • @williamgerlach9834
    @williamgerlach9834 3 года назад

    That race was nuts. But...there would have been many interventions by the race director for the mishaps in the final laps with the GT300 cars if held in Europe.

  • @muddybeestenboel6746
    @muddybeestenboel6746 4 года назад

    The super in Super GT is not for nothing suer race tanks Sam and Rob. Hope there is comming some more background of this serie on The Race, Love you

  • @niismo.
    @niismo. 4 года назад +7

    13:48 Toyota has really downgraded their Supras

  • @kendrick2398
    @kendrick2398 4 года назад +2

    Would be great to have split screen broadcasting. A screen for each class. Lot's of possibilities for the commentary.

    • @MostWantedLeague
      @MostWantedLeague 3 года назад

      I have better idea, app whith possibility to choose camera. That will be awesome.

  • @AdrenalineJunkieXL
    @AdrenalineJunkieXL 4 года назад +1

    If anyone looks at the comments before the end of the race let me just tell you to watch until the very end. What a finish!!

  • @zell-878
    @zell-878 4 года назад +1

    Best race in 2020!!

  • @joeacapulco7813
    @joeacapulco7813 4 года назад +2

    i think JP probably got what was coming to him there! very defensive in the closing stages with cars just stacking up behind him

  • @fabianaguero455
    @fabianaguero455 4 года назад +1

    Amazing super gt👏👏👏

  • @Mitsakos791
    @Mitsakos791 4 года назад +3

    How do you go from P1 to P7 in just a couple of corners?modulo nsx driver hiw did you messed that up

  • @100mangalover
    @100mangalover 4 года назад

    Would it be possible to make the sounds of the cars louder in the future?
    you can be heard very loud in contrast to the cars:o and Thank you for broadcast the Super gt:D

  • @justaformer11b95
    @justaformer11b95 9 месяцев назад

    1:49:14 I would love to see Pipo Derani race in super GT!

  • @kucingcilik1317
    @kucingcilik1317 4 года назад +1

    ♥️ Nissan GTR 🇮🇩

  • @liam7989
    @liam7989 3 года назад

    Every time I hear an anti lag: 🥵🥺😳❤️🔥🥰🥰🥰

  • @gra4g63
    @gra4g63 3 года назад

    Big thanks 🙏

  • @purwantiallan5089
    @purwantiallan5089 4 года назад +1

    Way better than Formula one.

  • @Yesterzine
    @Yesterzine 4 года назад +19

    36 people disliked this and are now banned from motorsport forever.

  • @luisy.gonzalez6469
    @luisy.gonzalez6469 4 года назад +1

    Quintarelli's Japanese is very good.

  • @kimbotouble
    @kimbotouble 4 года назад

    What an amazing final lap

  • @Timtimzi
    @Timtimzi 4 года назад +11

    HATSUNE MIKU RACING!!! :D the only weeb car I'm interested in

    • @twitchykun
      @twitchykun 4 года назад +1

      I see you are a man/woman of culture as well (or a fan of Nobuteru Taniguchi)

    • @Dexter037S4
      @Dexter037S4 4 года назад

      @@twitchykun NOB fan here, they should go back to the Bimmer eventually

  • @vipprimo
    @vipprimo 3 года назад

    Are they not covering 2021 season? It was so much better on this channel and it’s like Super GT keeps using these guys, who are the best, but putting it in subscription channels but putting it in their RUclips for free! Come on.

  • @Lazzw26
    @Lazzw26 4 года назад +1

    Damn what a race

  • @gearheadred
    @gearheadred 4 года назад

    What a wild race!

  • @thefunkycrusher420
    @thefunkycrusher420 4 года назад

    Just fantastic. That is all.

  • @careditor
    @careditor 4 года назад

    I have heard of this

  • @myousickoflife
    @myousickoflife 3 года назад

    Love how Toyota throws a Prius into the mix, fuckin hilarious.

  • @jollygreengiant7070
    @jollygreengiant7070 4 года назад

    I miss shouty man John and premature cork popping for the podiums.. :(

  • @Leotheleprachaun
    @Leotheleprachaun 4 года назад

    That's the first time a guy driving a Prius got tugged-off 😜😂

  • @spizzlo
    @spizzlo 4 года назад

    This might be all in my head, but it looks to me like the GT500 cars don't pass GT300 cars as easily as DPi passes GTD, or LMP1 passes GTE Am. I know GT300 is mostly GT3, but I wonder if they aren't as BoP'd as GT World Challenge, for example. That's a whole other thing I'm curious about. GTWC, GTD, etc. have regular BoP that can be tweaked every race weekend, where GT300 has ballast. So is there any traditional BoP with GT300 or is it just ballast, if that makes sense?

    • @agenthoini
      @agenthoini 4 года назад +1

      There also is a traditional bop in gt300 but its not the same youll see in blancpain for example

  • @pongmai201203
    @pongmai201203 4 года назад +1

    29:46 apr Prius DNF From Race

  • @josearroyo5742
    @josearroyo5742 4 года назад

    grate race

  • @danielmargetts2327
    @danielmargetts2327 3 года назад

    Should have on board footage

  • @VascoCC95
    @VascoCC95 3 года назад

    2:10:25 Marshal on the right calling car #96 to the pits

  • @lukester478
    @lukester478 4 года назад

    Can someone tell me why some cars are carrying weights? My first time watching super gt

  • @nestorlopez6983
    @nestorlopez6983 4 года назад +1

    In GT500 only Japanese cars?

    • @ImperatorofNonsense
      @ImperatorofNonsense 3 года назад +1

      For about 10 years already. Before there where some non-japan cars like McLaren f1-gtr.

  • @gsmmibmw8080
    @gsmmibmw8080 3 года назад

    Why do some cars carry extra weight ?

  • @bogdanrus7953
    @bogdanrus7953 4 года назад

    Why is Sam Collins still allowed to go anywhere near a microphone and a live broadcast

  • @narmstrongracing
    @narmstrongracing 4 года назад

    Would you guys be interested in commentating for NASA Racing here in America?

  • @djdjdhfhfhfhfhcnddcindy8856
    @djdjdhfhfhfhfhcnddcindy8856 4 года назад

    Extra cool, thanks for streaming

  • @alainbelanger752
    @alainbelanger752 4 года назад

    24 hours Le Mans should invited some of 500 Maybe

  • @RIUUI007
    @RIUUI007 4 года назад

    42:25 Just out of curiosity, how old is Wada?

  • @Benzer-jb8rg
    @Benzer-jb8rg 4 года назад

    Great Racing Series!!!! Although I don't like NISSAN..... TOYOTA Fan here....

  • @albertthescientist7450
    @albertthescientist7450 2 года назад

    Gooo GT-R!!! =]

  • @SvenT23
    @SvenT23 4 года назад +1

    JP Olivera got abused that last part of the race

  • @Natsukir
    @Natsukir 4 года назад +1

    nismo wins for the first time in two years❗❗❗🎉🎉🏁🚗=3

  • @beejaybatas186
    @beejaybatas186 4 года назад +1

    Nismo power💪💪

  • @VascoCC95
    @VascoCC95 3 года назад

    6:11 - Bob Barff becomes Heikki Kovalainen

  • @MegaKei1
    @MegaKei1 4 года назад

    What a race for GT300 third place! Oliveira makes for a lot of excitement but he doesn't need to be a dick to keep taking out other drivers just to defend his spot

  • @DWytch
    @DWytch 3 года назад

    State College, Pennsylvania, U,S,A.!

  • @kanwin2170
    @kanwin2170 4 года назад

    Lap 13 👏👏👏👍👍👍

  • @josearroyo5742
    @josearroyo5742 4 года назад

    José (Puerto Rico)

  • @gotavideo
    @gotavideo 4 года назад

    Where's the timestamps for the video

  • @maxkaufman5345
    @maxkaufman5345 4 года назад

    Great series~ Where's JB?

    • @TheRedSphinx
      @TheRedSphinx 4 года назад

      He left Super GT after the 2019 season.

  • @codylutes9655
    @codylutes9655 3 года назад

    Penalties don’t exist in this series?

  • @WhiteLeafes
    @WhiteLeafes 4 года назад

    JP Oliveira is a total god lmfao

  • @styreizlefourbe
    @styreizlefourbe 4 года назад

    1:04:38 : AH !

  • @Madmax23419
    @Madmax23419 4 года назад

    Wanna see Tesla with Koenigsegg 3-cylinder gasoline with there electric motors next year.

  • @jowinkelhock
    @jowinkelhock 4 года назад +1

    Great race until the second safety car ruined the race.
    Also the weaving at the start is just ridiculous. The only goal is to block the other car to overtake. It has to be prohibited imo.

    • @kokhueing9533
      @kokhueing9533 4 года назад

      There's nothing can change, the suzuka circuit is very narrow, so it's much more difficult to avoid either blocking or being blocked 😜

    • @jowinkelhock
      @jowinkelhock 4 года назад

      Muh Han everybody knows this so called “warming tire”.😉 Yes they’re warming the tires but at the same time they’re also blocking others’ opportunities to overtake. Why do other drivers have to sacrifice their chance of overtake to allow you “warming up” the tires?😉

  • @greggc.touftree5936
    @greggc.touftree5936 4 года назад

    Japan car done up and went fayst

  • @dubtube6691
    @dubtube6691 4 года назад

    Looks like Super GT is doing so something better than DTM in Germany, DTM will be dead in 2021

  • @VascoCC95
    @VascoCC95 3 года назад

    2:27:42 - There's your daily dose of instant karma. They've been talking about moral hazards the whole race and didn't say a thing about this guy that caused two crashes in a matter of a few minutes and was going to its third...

  • @crespo72285
    @crespo72285 4 года назад +1

    supra...they meant the bmw? lol

    • @alfarosiarsita
      @alfarosiarsita 4 года назад

      If you mean is supra gt500 with inline 4 engine, no

  • @antrave
    @antrave 4 года назад

    "If you don't click like and subscribe...You're a wehrdoh." i'm

  • @whatyoudo9773
    @whatyoudo9773 2 года назад

    where is the crowd??

  • @almirdias4684
    @almirdias4684 2 года назад
