I've always thought of Umiri as the anti-Kasumi. Calm, cool, controlled, and professional, unlike Kasumi who is clumsy, aloof, spontaneous, a bit of a rookie at her instrument, and always getting into trouble of some sort. Ironically, since they go to the same high school, Kasumi is Umiri's senpai with all that being said. 😅
Her Seiyuu is a member of Merm4id, what does it means? The lady get extra emphasis, however unlike the other member on Lyrical Lily, she won’t get much development.
Let me see if I understand this. You think that because Mei Okada voices Umiri and Marika (Merm4id) that she'll get a chance to be a more fleshed-out character. You're also saying that because Mutsumi and Miiko (Lyrical Lily) share the same seiyuu that Mutsumi wouldn't be as well developed of a character due to how little we know about Miiko. I disagree, since, character-wise, Mutsumi has been part of the MyGO story since Tomori, Taki, Soyo, and Sakiko started CRYCHIC, so she has had more character development. Is that correct?
@@victoriabell9546 No, I mean, Mutsumi are more likely get more impact than Umiri does, before the anime comes of course, the only thing I get from Umiri is being a tiny support to Taki.
@@cdn4767 I mean, granted, with the Ave Mujica anime, Umiri might get a chance to be a more developed character and so would Mutsumi, to an extent. Also, by impact, do you mean character development or popularity?
@@Isolde_my_beloved It's legal in most places if their age gap is not too crazy. And in place without this exemption they most likely also burn ppl alive for being gey anyway.
She’s safe, a supportive girl who helped her friends and band mate when they’re in trouble.
@@giuse5050they had no choice, but wtf was that?
5弦ベースを華麗に弾く彼女のカッコよさ( ╹▽╹ )
少なくとも10組以上のバンドのサポートをつとめていることからも、海鈴はミュージシャンとしてはかなり優秀。その一方では野心はあまりなく、周りに敵をつくらない。その意味では、次のテレビアニメAve Mujicaでは好感度が上がりそう。何よりそよたちから離れることを決意した睦をフォローするほどの優しさ。自身も心の底では鬱屈したものを抱え、Ave Mujicaの活動の中で満たされるものがないとしても、身近にいる人をとても大切にする彼女なら、難局は乗り越えられそう。あとは新バンド立ち上げの張本人、祥子の心境が次回作のストーリーの中でどう変化していくか、というところかな(;´Д`)??
I love her voice so much its just so soothing
Watching this after KILLKISS, I can't wait for Umiri story
Ditto 😢
6:18 眉が下がり悲しい顔をする海鈴
0:57 girl looking intensely at her crush..
She only looks away to take notes 👀
5:38 初華が側に居る時に用件を尋ねる
5:50 二人きりになってから再度尋ねる
Her cut is immaculate
Character: Umiri
Va: Okada Mei [She was former Characters from D4DJ as member her Mermaid]
Gear: Shecter Guitar Bass
I think she is Kasumi's Twin. Or Badass version of Kasumi. 😂
I've always thought of Umiri as the anti-Kasumi. Calm, cool, controlled, and professional, unlike Kasumi who is clumsy, aloof, spontaneous, a bit of a rookie at her instrument, and always getting into trouble of some sort. Ironically, since they go to the same high school, Kasumi is Umiri's senpai with all that being said. 😅
I thought she's Misaki but a pro at instrument....
うみりのキャラ❤ベースのplayスタイルも大好き💕💕💕 クールな優しさと鋭いツッコミまでもが〜大大大〜沼ダァ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️
male appearance in MyGO: 3 seconds of Tomori's dad
1:52 デカすぎて机の上に乗ってる
best mercenary girl
0:11 love at first sight 🩷🩷🩷
Her Seiyuu is a member of Merm4id, what does it means? The lady get extra emphasis, however unlike the other member on Lyrical Lily, she won’t get much development.
I’m confused
Let me see if I understand this. You think that because Mei Okada voices Umiri and Marika (Merm4id) that she'll get a chance to be a more fleshed-out character. You're also saying that because Mutsumi and Miiko (Lyrical Lily) share the same seiyuu that Mutsumi wouldn't be as well developed of a character due to how little we know about Miiko. I disagree, since, character-wise, Mutsumi has been part of the MyGO story since Tomori, Taki, Soyo, and Sakiko started CRYCHIC, so she has had more character development. Is that correct?
@@victoriabell9546 No, I mean, Mutsumi are more likely get more impact than Umiri does, before the anime comes of course, the only thing I get from Umiri is being a tiny support to Taki.
@@cdn4767 I mean, granted, with the Ave Mujica anime, Umiri might get a chance to be a more developed character and so would Mutsumi, to an extent. Also, by impact, do you mean character development or popularity?
@@victoriabell9546 character development.
she’s so cool
10:54 仮にテレビアニメ次回作で燈たちがライブ会場に偵察に訪れた場合、海鈴はマスクが顔の下半分だけに、正体がわかってしまうんじゃ……(;´Д`)
先日、劇場版Bang Dream! It's MyGO!!!!!後編を鑑賞してきた。本当に素晴らしい作品。タイトル通り、あくまでMyGO!!!!!メインだから、のちのAve Mujicaの5人の登場はごくわずか。彼女たちのすべては来年のテレビアニメ、そしておそらくは上映されるであろう劇場版に凝縮される。本当に楽しみだ( ╹▽╹ )
Umiri and Uika best ave mujika girls
She looks like Mukuro Ikusaba from Danganronpa
Umiri has Mad Skillz.
BanG Dream! Ave Mujica 楽しみにしています
my girlfriend
Ave Mujicaの5人がもがき苦しむことから得られるとすれば、それは他人を受け入れること、そして、それによって自分自身をも受け入れることだろう。そのためには、多くの人と出逢い、経験を積むこと。特にシリーズ初代主人公の香澄ら先輩ミュージシャンとのからみから大きなヒントが得られるかもしれない。さらにそれによって、燈たちとの確執という紐の固い結びが少しずつ解けていってくれれば……(;´Д`)
@@Kchannel4863 さん、それはそれでまた波瀾万丈なストーリーになりそうですね(;´Д`)
Kasumi without cat-ear hair
2:19 もしかして好きな食べ物チョコだったりする?
0:01 1:33 1:38
She's cute and even cuter when with Taki. They need to go have segs immediately.
They’re minors
@@Isolde_my_belovedwhich makes it even more legal
@@marsmeadiuvat2439 I don’t think undersex is legal
@@Isolde_my_beloved It's legal in most places if their age gap is not too crazy. And in place without this exemption they most likely also burn ppl alive for being gey anyway.
10:32 ギターボーカル初華役の佐々木李子ちゃんはミュージカル出身とだけあって、歌はかなりいけそう。次のニューシングルで、Ave Mujicaはオリコントップ10に食い込めるか(;´Д`)??
9:48〜 まさか右の子そよちゃんか?
Umiri is just Her