Why Michael Knowles Reverted To Catholicism

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024

Комментарии • 600

  • @matasbagdonas7831
    @matasbagdonas7831 20 дней назад +285

    As someone who is attracted to the faith, I have to say that Michael Knowles' class and commitment to traditional values have been more effective at arguing for catholicism than most apologetics.

    • @cordasuenaviolin604
      @cordasuenaviolin604 20 дней назад +22

      That's great to hear! From a Catholic praying for you

    • @goldoryellow6882
      @goldoryellow6882 20 дней назад

      You think knowles has class? How?

    • @pdxnikki1
      @pdxnikki1 20 дней назад

      The lived testimony of Catholics is evidence enough.

    • @pdxnikki1
      @pdxnikki1 20 дней назад +23

      @@goldoryellow6882 grace under fire. Watch his discussions with those who how opposite views. That's hiw.

    • @LeahBreHappy
      @LeahBreHappy 20 дней назад +1

      Is it though? Someone's behavior isn't an argument for Catholicism. Would a Muslim having a commitment to traditional values be an effective argument? 😂

  • @SlapMyBass3825
    @SlapMyBass3825 20 дней назад +106

    I took 1 philosophy class in college then became a Satanist for 8 years. I came back to Catholicism after seeing the band Ghost make an absolute mockery of priests. It is good to be home.

    • @Adaboyy
      @Adaboyy 20 дней назад +15

      Glad you're back homie

    • @cloudy3425
      @cloudy3425 20 дней назад +4

      I mean this with the most love and respect possible. How do you go from philosophy to satanism? Isn't satanism the exact opposite of almost anything related to philosophy?

    • @annoyingcommentator1582
      @annoyingcommentator1582 20 дней назад +3

      I remember studying philosphy and belittling philosophers for not having books on sexual morality in their library while the Catholics had a whole section on the topic. You can be a relativist all you want, but the differences matter and deeply impact peoples lives.

    • @rumblebeast08
      @rumblebeast08 20 дней назад

      Glad I'm not the only one who felt that way about Ghost. It's not even that their music was bad...

    • @SlapMyBass3825
      @SlapMyBass3825 19 дней назад +2

      @@cloudy3425 It also had to do with becoming a fan of the band Ghost. It started out learning about David Hume and how his ideas that God did not exist, then i got into some gothic music and that was where the false premises dictated by Satanism of how you are your own God and existence doesnt matter clouded my judgement. I have learned that it was all lies when you see the catch and saw how they mocked religion, which I was not okay with.

  • @gxooo
    @gxooo 20 дней назад +39

    I was raised atheist. Michael is actually a large part of the reason I turned to Christ! 🙏🏻

  • @pdxnikki1
    @pdxnikki1 20 дней назад +240

    Me too. Born Jewish. Raised by Jewish atheists. Now Catholic. Alleluia

    • @Charlotte_Martel
      @Charlotte_Martel 20 дней назад +2

      Me: born to a Jewish father and Catholic mum. Raised Catholic. Became agnostic in my teens and later an atheist. Tried desperately to believe in the teachings of the Church in my 30s but there simply was no convincing evidence to support them. At peace with being a cultural Catholic but agnostic atheist in belief now.

    • @DavidMichaelHenry-f7d
      @DavidMichaelHenry-f7d 20 дней назад

      Raised by Jewish atheists? WTF

    • @domusardet4961
      @domusardet4961 20 дней назад +1

      Welcome home!

    • @domusardet4961
      @domusardet4961 20 дней назад +8

      @@Charlotte_Martel I was an intellectual agnostic & practical atheist for over a decade. The Hound of Heaven retrieved me in an amusing way, but it would take too long to tell here. I just wanted to share with you - if you keep your heart & mind honestly open to truth in this life, you will inevitably find God

    • @damselthesecond
      @damselthesecond 20 дней назад +8

      ​@@Charlotte_Martel As an ex protestant who was very anti catholic, there is actually an OVERWHELMING amount of evidence for Catholicism and Church teaching, even though I hated Catholicism at the time I just had to accept it, and now I'm a proud catholic christian.
      start by praying, I know it sounds silly if you don't believe but just do little one's, or just do 3 Hail Mary's daily, nothing more, and I'd recommend reading the books by Brant Pitre & Scott Hahn, if you're not a reader there's plenty of Catholic apologists on youtube, I'd also recommend listening to Exorcist priests because they have insight on the world we don't. God bless.

  • @bikesrcool_1958
    @bikesrcool_1958 20 дней назад +86

    Any Catholics here reading this, go to church and be steadfast in your beliefs. Bring your friends to church also. Our church is the oldest institution in the west and the largest religious organization in the world. We can be proud in the fact that the gates of hell haven’t destroyed it, and it will continue until Jesus comes back.

    • @Cindybin46
      @Cindybin46 20 дней назад

      The Catholic church fell into apostacy years ago. That is why a restoration was needed. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the one true church, restored on the Earth in the latter days.

    • @thesnakednake
      @thesnakednake 20 дней назад +5

      And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.
      Matthew 16:18
      Did Jesus lie when he said this to Peter?

    • @olekcholewa8171
      @olekcholewa8171 20 дней назад +5

      “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves."
      Matthew 7:15

    • @olekcholewa8171
      @olekcholewa8171 20 дней назад

      @@Cindybin46Book of Mormon is heresy and Joseph Smith was a prophet of Satan.

    • @Cindybin46
      @Cindybin46 20 дней назад +1

      @@olekcholewa8171 Oh my goodness! I never heard this scripture before! Nobody ever told me about this! Well, this changes everything. I shall drop out.

  • @GustafUNL
    @GustafUNL 20 дней назад +129

    Half of the video was an ad and I'm not even upset. That was wonderfully silly.

    • @CountryAndProud
      @CountryAndProud 20 дней назад +12

      Same. I hate ads except when they're really creative and funny.

    • @nikokapanen82
      @nikokapanen82 20 дней назад +3

      The ad was way too long, it creates repulsive feelings. Fortunately, you can fast-forward it.

  • @IamTheRealZODIAC
    @IamTheRealZODIAC 20 дней назад +52

    Once you have a supernatural encounter. Christianity makes a lot more sense. I was baptized this Easter ✝️

    • @bikesrcool_1958
      @bikesrcool_1958 20 дней назад +3

      I would argue just in a spreadsheet with all the evidences for Christianity and the history that shows the Catholic Church is continuous, a supernatural encounter is just a gift from God because with all we have in sources now, we have no excuse.

    • @Bisotun
      @Bisotun 20 дней назад +1

      For some reason, unfortunately, not everyone experiences such graces.

    • @emilys5024
      @emilys5024 20 дней назад +1

      @@BisotunI agree and pray that those that are spiritually blinded will have a conversion experience. It isn’t most often a huge miracle for there are many supernatural and miraculous encounters such as being by someone passing, birth of a baby, being in nature, etc. It has been said that the closest one can be to the eternal is both witnessing a birth of a baby and being at the side of one who is dying….heaven opens up.

    • @mars2182
      @mars2182 19 дней назад +1

      Hallelujah ✝️🤲🏻

    • @311-ki9nm
      @311-ki9nm 17 дней назад

      Congrats! Welcome to the family🫶

  • @CKsoundwave
    @CKsoundwave 20 дней назад +46

    My life has changed since going back to Jesus Christ

  • @EllieH-t4z
    @EllieH-t4z 20 дней назад +41

    My favorite part from the Backstage was Michael and the choir introducing the good farmers meat. The choir was iconic with Michael lol

  • @bikesrcool_1958
    @bikesrcool_1958 20 дней назад +60

    Catholicism is the original Christianity, I will be converting from Protestantism, and I pray every Muslim and atheist will convert, and every Christian brother in schism will convert. The kingdom of God is on earth, it will triumph.

    • @Cindybin46
      @Cindybin46 20 дней назад +1

      There is a true church out there, with the fullness of the gospel. I'm a convert to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, the one true church restored on the Earth in the latter days.

    • @warshaddow7977
      @warshaddow7977 20 дней назад

      @@Cindybin46 Gotta try harder than that if you want to become god of your own planet some day.

    • @mrpops09
      @mrpops09 20 дней назад

      lol Mormonism is a cult. Have you seen the south park episode on Mormons? What a silly joke. You have your own Bible. The one you call Jesus is not the Jesus of the Bible.

    • @ABC123jd
      @ABC123jd 20 дней назад +8

      Catholicism explicitly contradicts the scripture. First century Christians did not worship a trinity or pieces of bread. They worshipped the one true God, the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    • @globeonthethread866
      @globeonthethread866 18 дней назад

      @@Cindybin46Mormonism is a cult, and logically fails in multiple regards, with insane amounts of fallacies and contradictions. Praying you will repent and see the light.

  • @jan6485
    @jan6485 19 дней назад +5

    Born and raised catholic studied Islam and studied many other christian belief system in my teens. All to find out that the one true faith was the holy catholic church . Amen Michael thank you

  • @addieblueful
    @addieblueful 20 дней назад +31

    That good ranchers ad was *chefs kiss*

  • @metarunnerfan1492
    @metarunnerfan1492 20 дней назад +10

    The best skippable ad of all time that should not be skipped.

  • @SteveMarshall-l9j
    @SteveMarshall-l9j 20 дней назад +134

    I was homeless, did drugs, went into prison, where I got to know God. He changed my life. Now I have a home, a wife and a lovely year old daughter (zoe), and a stream of income that gats me $47,000 weekly. Plus a new identity - a child of God, Hallelujah!!!🇺🇲❣️♥️❤️🎉

    • @RobinDaiz
      @RobinDaiz 20 дней назад +2

      Hello, how do you achieve such biweekly returns? As a single parent i haven't been able to get my own house due to financial struggles, but my faith in God remains strong.🎉

    • @GinGyAustin
      @GinGyAustin 20 дней назад +1

      I'm inspired.
      Please spill some sugar about the biweekly stuff you mentioned

    • @SteveMarshall-l9j
      @SteveMarshall-l9j 20 дней назад +1

      I raised 75k and Kate Elizabeth Becherer is to be thanked. I got my self my dream car 🚗 just last weekend, My journey with her started after my best friend came back from New York and saw me suffering in dept then told me about her and how to change my life through her.Kate Elizabeth Becherer is the kind of person one needs in his or her life! I got a home, a good wife, and a beautiful daughter. Note: this is not a promotion but me trying to make a point that no matter what happens, always have faith and keep living!

    • @Franklin-u7f
      @Franklin-u7f 20 дней назад

      This is a definition of God's unending provisions for his people. God remains faithful to his words. 🙏 I receive this for my household

    • @MarcoTony-d1d
      @MarcoTony-d1d 20 дней назад

      Wow 😱I know her too
      Miss Kate Elizabeth Becherer is a remarkable individual who has brought immense positivity and inspiration into my life.

  • @G-MIP
    @G-MIP 20 дней назад +4

    The Catholic Church is the only church that can claim to have been founded by Christ personally. Every other church traces its lineage back to a mere human person such as Martin Luther or John Wesley.
    The Catholic Church can trace its lineage back to Jesus Christ who appointed St. Peter as the first pope.
    The Catholic Church preserved, compiled, translated, chose the books to include and declared the Bible canon in 382 under Pope Damasus at the Council of Rome. Jesus didn’t leave us a Bible but He did leave us a church (Matthew 16:18).
    ”Therefore, brothers, stand firm and hold fast to the traditions that you were taught, either by an oral statement or by a letter of ours.”
    -2 Thessalonians 2:15 NAB
    ”Wherever the bishop shall appear, there, let the multitude of the people also be; even as wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the *Catholic Church.* “ (Letter to the Smyrnaeans, Chapter 8) -St. Ignatius of Antioch, 107 AD

  • @RobinBaich
    @RobinBaich 20 дней назад +18

    I don't agree with Knowles a lot of the time, but I do agree with him about Catholic Christianity. Welcome home, Mr. Knowles.

    • @Cindybin46
      @Cindybin46 20 дней назад +1

      But it's not the true church.

    • @Rattlehead-gy9ct
      @Rattlehead-gy9ct 20 дней назад +11

      @@Cindybin46 yes it is, mormonism isn't even Christianity

    • @BIGboi8612-FJB
      @BIGboi8612-FJB 20 дней назад +1

      ​@@Cindybin46it's the true church founded by Christ

    • @BIGboi8612-FJB
      @BIGboi8612-FJB 20 дней назад +8

      ​@Rattlehead-gy9ct I agree. It's the true church and mormonism Is false

  • @WiltonGal
    @WiltonGal 20 дней назад +5

    Wow! What an eloquent explanation of Michael Knowles' conversion. Thank you for this presentation.

  • @devinmiracle7680
    @devinmiracle7680 20 дней назад +5

    Amen. Jesus truly is King!

  • @Wacdonaldnoneyt
    @Wacdonaldnoneyt 20 дней назад +6

    Glad you are back. I hope to meet you and learn more about your faith.

  • @CringePanda
    @CringePanda 20 дней назад +7

    I love Michael Knowles 😊

  • @coplepk04
    @coplepk04 20 дней назад +4

    Half the video is a Good Ranchers ad lol

  • @BellaDevout
    @BellaDevout 11 дней назад

    Michael, your videos helped lead me to Catholicism from agnosticism, and I was baptized and confirmed earlier this year at the Easter Vigil. Thank you for sharing your story! ❤

  • @johnv3788
    @johnv3788 20 дней назад +3

    As a Prot, I love to hear when someone comes to faith...whether that is Protestant or Catholic!

    • @The_Lord_has_it
      @The_Lord_has_it 18 дней назад +1

      Anyone can find Jesus. I don't believe anyone is righteousness enough to proclaim all catholics or protestants or calvinists or Armenians are lost. It's our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that matters.

    • @johnv3788
      @johnv3788 18 дней назад

      @@The_Lord_has_it agreed!

  • @cbroz7492
    @cbroz7492 20 дней назад +6

    ..if find that hard to believe that you were even fallen away from your faith, my friend...

  • @richardlafleur8389
    @richardlafleur8389 20 дней назад +3

    Michael has restored my faith in good meat.

  • @LostArkLover
    @LostArkLover 20 дней назад +2

    Creed, Gospel and the Eucharist. Those are something!!!

  • @DC-zz7fm
    @DC-zz7fm 19 дней назад +1

    A lot of people's journey to Christianity starts with the realization of the spiritual war we are in and its political implications. Thanks, Michael and Mat, you made me start that journey some years ago. God bless.

  • @CodiiLuv
    @CodiiLuv 20 дней назад +2

    The good ranchers bit makes it difficult to share this.

  • @UnkillableTrump
    @UnkillableTrump 20 дней назад +7

    I usually can't stand ads but I love Michael's endorsements. Yes American businesses and yes to gold

  • @redrocnak971
    @redrocnak971 20 дней назад +2

    This is the only sponsor plug that I haven’t skipped 👍

  • @Mike_Cosentino
    @Mike_Cosentino 20 дней назад +2

    Christ is king

  • @amggomez
    @amggomez 20 дней назад +4

    One of us! One of us!! 🙏🏽 🇻🇦

  • @I-am-POZ
    @I-am-POZ 20 дней назад +2

    First, that ad was awesome! Loved the choir.
    Second, I see a lot of people talking of the faith and coming to the faith. That's awesome, I am "agnostic" and have a love for Christianity and Christians, but as an agnostic I find myself lost. I grew up in a "non-denominational Christian household," the furthest I've ever been instilled really is "pray for (person/hope), or random mentions of something religious. I did go to church for a short time when I was maybe 7, a few months at most. My mom and dad did service as me and the fellow children were pulled aside for bible stories. I called myself Christian until around middle school. That's when I kept hearing outspoken Athiest rhetoric from peers, I figured "the loud ones are Athiest, science explains the world, life isn't good....Atheist beliefs are correct". From 6th grade to about 9th I was a closed-minded Athiest. Was closeted with my beliefs from my mom and most, but was open with fellow Athiest....even bashing Christian ideas. Around 9th grade I began questioning the Atheistic beliefs, especially as I became aware of the hate and how I was hateful, how other Atheist had such twisted views of our world, and I began to question and think past science. I then became agnostic, unlike my whole Atheist phase my mom knows of my agnosticism..... starting out as agnostic I just left it there, just "I'm agnostic".... But then I thought more and more, and Christianity starts making more sense I started to think past my new agnostic beliefs, even got a Bible for Christmas. But I am a coward, I both want to explore Christianity and leave it be, both read the book and leave it be. I'm so anxious to open that book for whatever reason, I fear I might be a poser "my way to be special," afraid I will confuse myself more, afraid of things I don't even know.... afraid that if God is above me, then I disappointed him. My life hadn't been good for years, but now and since high school, I've been miserable. For a cliff notes of my issues; I'm insecure, especially with feeling stupid, that eats away at me. I don't have a father figure and never have....that was robbed from me because my dad is enthralled by meth, I am not happy with the relationship with my mom and find her annoying, I wish I had a dad. I'm lonely and my friendships are challenged, only sixteen but I'm lonely and wish I could meet a girl..... but I feel ugly and insecure, besides I wouldn't meet my forever at sixteen. I lost interest or access to my old hobbies and the one that remains "video games" has become my cope and distraction. And there is a lot more, but it'll make this longer then it already is. I wish I could find peace, even peace with God..... but despite my openness I have my vices and thoughts I can't shake. I don't know what it would take to drop me to my knees other then some sort of miracle or divine intervention, but I hope to have peace in life someday. Maybe with God or the hope of God being there for us. I don't know, I honestly don't know why I would wrote this all for a RUclips comment....."Oh no I've said too much, I haven't said enough."

    • @globeonthethread866
      @globeonthethread866 18 дней назад +1

      It’s okay man, getting to know the Lord can be intimidating. As someone who can relate deeply to a lot of your struggles, just open it. Read the Bible, watch Christian media and studies, and most importantly PRAY EVERY NIGHT. Go to church if you can, but pray about this. Pray about these problems you’re facing, especially regarding faith. I’ll pray for you too. Nothing but the best of wishes, may god save your soul.

    • @I-am-POZ
      @I-am-POZ 17 дней назад

      @@globeonthethread866 I'm glad for your responce, I was coming to believe that nobody was seeing this or cared. As much of an excuse as it sounds I don't just have anxiety over the Bible, I am not only struggling among spiritual and religious lines but in life overall. I have a overall life struggle, many things in life seem to bring me down and I'm lost and don't know how to find the ground I need and want. Two issues of mine along with spiritual anxiety really are holding me back from reading it. Firstly I have a massive insecurity in my intellect, I perceive myself to be too stupid to even live, anything I don't know brings me down, everyone tells me I'm smart and I do make good grades in school but it all seems like some sort of lie. I'm afraid with my numb and seemingly impaired mine I won't understand anything of the Bible and won't find anything out of it other then more sorrow. Then secondly and the more whiny excuse, I seem to have no ambition in life, there is nothing but apathy. My old beloved hobbies I have no will to return too, my only one really left is just cope at this point. I used to love reading, then covid happened and apathy came into my life and I just don't have the will to read. Even if I did I can't go to the library because no one will take me and I don't have a licence or car. I don't know how I will be able to read the whole Bible if I don't even have the will to read a novel anymore. I hope one day I can figure this all out and return to my hobbies, find more, find happiness. But for now I just seem to be a lost soul in all this. With prayer I can certainly try to make an effort, but what do I pray for and how do I not perceive it as this awkward thing to me? Christian media has already kind of found it's way into my life, my homepage is filled with fully Christian or Christian based content among other things. Just now I see two videos on this side bar "The Church of Niceness vs The TRUTH" and "The BEAUTY of Catholicism w/ Michael Knowles" funny enough. I'm not always watching these sorts of videos but I watch them enough for the agloritum to give me these videos. I don't really know what to do in life I guess.

  • @MajorityIsIrrelevant
    @MajorityIsIrrelevant 20 дней назад +2

    All these good people seem to think that when becoming Christians they go straight to the Catholic Church????? Why? How about reading the Bible and finding the truest form of worshipping while being true to the Bible🙏

    • @planteruines5619
      @planteruines5619 19 дней назад +1

      well maybe because it's better than the other ones

    • @Bjt5081
      @Bjt5081 17 дней назад

      The Bible came from the Catholic Church.

    • @deanhardwick548
      @deanhardwick548 13 дней назад

      In the year 393 AD at Hippo in Africa 44 bishops including St Augustine decided on the canon of the Holy Writ to include 73 books into the one Codex

  • @a-mf4ls
    @a-mf4ls 20 дней назад +22

    Such a vibe, great atmosphere here!

  • @brekiarnz161
    @brekiarnz161 20 дней назад +5

    I loved Christopher Hitchens until I found Michael Knowles and he's the only reason I converted to Catholicism.

    • @G-MIP
      @G-MIP 20 дней назад +3

      Except the Holy Spirit actually gets the credit. Michael was an instrument.

    • @brekiarnz161
      @brekiarnz161 19 дней назад +1

      @@G-MIP "Some gave more than others." - Saint Acutis.

  • @B3cclesArt
    @B3cclesArt 20 дней назад +1

    One of the only times I don't skip the ad 🤣🤣🤣 very creative 👏🏻

  • @laurennoel5176
    @laurennoel5176 20 дней назад

    Michael, I recently found your channel and have been watching you a lot lately. I appreciate your grace and humor in handling serious subjects. I reverted back to my cradle Catholicism recently - within the past few months - and I am so happy to be "home". I know Jesus is the Truth, and we are given so many graces through our mother Church. It's fascinating because I was just watching you debate on the Whatever podcast and I was curious about your reversion back to Catholicism and typed it in just now, only to see it was uploaded a mere 17 hrs ago! God is Great ❤ bless you, brother 🙏❤ (incidentally, my real brother's name is Michael, too - you both have the most wonderful patron saint angel guiding you!)

  • @freshdonkey1760
    @freshdonkey1760 20 дней назад +2


  • @TheBanjoShowOfficial
    @TheBanjoShowOfficial 17 дней назад

    The way Michael described this is one of the best ways I’ve heard a justification for Christianity because it’s perfectly literal, perfectly allegorical, perfectly sensical and grounded in reality. We live in an approximation of the ultimate reality which God sees, while we are yet in reality, we cannot begin to comprehend the fullness of reality which God created. Yet God lowered himself below the angels, to visit man and give himself up as a ransom for us for the compensation of our fallen existence.

  • @Alexander-fr1kk
    @Alexander-fr1kk 20 дней назад +2

    Great video Michael!!!

  • @ramonamorris
    @ramonamorris 20 дней назад +1

    i couldn’t skip the ad on this one ngl

  • @ludivinabentadan1243
    @ludivinabentadan1243 20 дней назад +1

    Come on Michael and Matt, evangelize all your teams to God's church

  • @emilymountain5442
    @emilymountain5442 20 дней назад +2

    Man, Michael's got that rizz......even in a bathrobe

  • @anazem216
    @anazem216 20 дней назад +2

    I misread the thumbnail "Atheism to alcoholism" 😂

  • @EdginLegend
    @EdginLegend 20 дней назад +1

    I love how he looks at his watch when he says millennia

  • @josueveguilla9069
    @josueveguilla9069 20 дней назад +4

    Correction: Michael Knowles was never an "atheist" in the first place.

    • @Charlotte_Martel
      @Charlotte_Martel 20 дней назад +2

      That's exactly what I took from this video. Knowles was an 18 yr old kid when he "reverted". How long had he been an atheist? What arguments convinced him that atheism made sense, and why did he later discard them? The ontological argument is indeed one of the lamest arguments for theism and in no way points to Christianity in particular as being true.

    • @SevereFamine
      @SevereFamine 20 дней назад +6

      Ah yes he must not have been a “true” atheist if he apostatized from the church of atheism

  • @christianhernandez4053
    @christianhernandez4053 14 дней назад +1

    The Ranchers ad was sooo lame

  • @user-xt6wd4go4r
    @user-xt6wd4go4r 20 дней назад +2

    Is Michael trying to look like he's a gay Hugh Hefner? Because well he kinda does.......

  • @DrRGIII
    @DrRGIII 20 дней назад

    I mean, if this was posted as a Good Ranchers ad outright, I probably still would have watched it.

  • @sherio.8401
    @sherio.8401 19 дней назад

    Michael Knowles is the best part of the DW. ❤

  • @mabelmartian
    @mabelmartian 16 дней назад

    I think Good Ranchers will be a part of my restaurant, Robo Joy Bites.

  • @leonrussell9444
    @leonrussell9444 20 дней назад

    I love it, I'm going to order a Good Ranchers now. Thank you Michael for the information

  • @ramonvelasquez8431
    @ramonvelasquez8431 19 дней назад

    We are living in times of revelation, and this is not a euphemism but rather, factual revelation is occurring before our eyes. Just as you said, Michael, a tangible, political, and historical revelation is unveiling in front of us. If well it is true that the enemy of our salvation is doing EVERYTHING possible to bring the Church down (now from inside too as warned by our Lady in La Salette, Fatima or Akita) and to confuse us all in order for the flock to scatter so we can be pray of the wolves, it also means that we are in a time of grace like no other where eyes will be open to the truth, and our steadfastness will be tested just as gold is purified in the fire. Glory be given to God and may we fight the good fight.

  • @oldmovieman7550
    @oldmovieman7550 20 дней назад +2

    I need that smoking jacket

  • @TheArbiterOfTruth
    @TheArbiterOfTruth 20 дней назад

    I was raised non-denominational Christian by a mother who was raised Catholic and converted her whole family to Pentecostal Christian when she was 12. My father was raised culturally Presbyterian but didn’t completely believe it. My mother was very interested in worldview, apologetics and history, so we studied it quite a bit in my youth. I also attended and served at a Baptist church for a few years, moved back to non-denominational, and after getting married and having children, my wife and I ended up at a independent Baptist church (apparently there are versions of Baptist) after a lot of prayerful consideration.
    I’ve studied scripture, it’s writing and compiling, the church, history and related topics since I was about 12. I’m 33 now, and I still have several fundamental disagreements with Catholicism, though I will say I’ve been understanding more of the “why’s” behind some of their doctrine through study. I’ve also found that there are varying degrees of Catholic, which is also new to me.
    I’d like to attend a Catholic Church to experience it for myself, but it’s difficult to get a Sunday where I’m not serving on the worship team. My longstanding relationship with God is solid proof to me that I’ll never become Catholic, but I will work to at least understand my Catholic brothers and sisters better.

    • @juliadandoy6692
      @juliadandoy6692 20 дней назад +2

      If you want to attend a church service, there are usually daily masses too. It’s not just Sundays. Look up parish mass times and go to one. Just please abstain from communion until you’re Catholic :)

    • @TheArbiterOfTruth
      @TheArbiterOfTruth 20 дней назад

      @@juliadandoy6692 I’ve taken communion many times, but I understand that Catholic Churches will not allow non-Catholics to partake, which I respect.

    • @pattyhansen7563
      @pattyhansen7563 20 дней назад +2

      @@TheArbiterOfTruth Almost all Catholic Churches also say mass on Saturday late afternoon/evenings. And you CAN join the communion line to get a blessing. yOu just cross your arms over your chest in a x formation if you are not able to take communion & the priest will offer a blessing over you. Just an FYI ❤

    • @TheArbiterOfTruth
      @TheArbiterOfTruth 20 дней назад

      @@pattyhansen7563 I will definitely look into attending a Saturday mass. Thank you!

  • @RanMouri82
    @RanMouri82 17 дней назад

    Thanks for sharing your reversion story, Michael!

  • @jacktracy8356
    @jacktracy8356 20 дней назад +1

    CHRIST said in John 17:6 KJV "I have manifested YOUR NAME unto the men which YOU gave me out of the world: YOURS they were, and YOU gave them to ME; and they have kept YOUR WORD. 8 For I have given unto them the Words which YOU gave ME; and they have received them, and have known surely that I came out from YOU, and they have believed that YOU did send ME. 9 I pray for them: I PRAY NOT FOR THE WORLD but for them which YOU have given ME; for they are YOURS. 12 While I was with them in the world, I kept them in YOUR NAME: those that YOU gave ME I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the Scripture might be fulfilled."

  • @user-wt5cp9fu7s
    @user-wt5cp9fu7s 16 дней назад

    Michael, maybe some time you can bring on Dr. Taylor Marshall

  • @Georgebushdidit
    @Georgebushdidit 20 дней назад

    a live ad and its half of the clip and he had a choir backing him up🤣

  • @annalaskowska-colan
    @annalaskowska-colan 20 дней назад

    Well, well, well said! Thank you, Mr. Knowles.

  • @naiminterim
    @naiminterim 18 дней назад

    Whatever style of jacket Michael is wearing might I say it looks amazing

  • @tyroneosume8490
    @tyroneosume8490 20 дней назад +1

    I've discovered a soundtrack to all this loony leftie woke nonsense - an album called The Voice Of Reason by a band called UNIT, based in (I think) Scotland. Almost every track is inspired by Prageru, The Daily Wire or TSUSA. Their playlist appeared in my 'recommended' feed so it shows (probably by accident) even You Tube has its uses. I think you can find them easily enough by typing UNIT Salute The Flag Andy Martin. That's how I returned to the channel anyway. I've found a few more of their tracks which feature the voices of Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, Brandon Tatum and others...but please don't ask. I know nothing about the group except their stuff has some excellent anti-woke lyrics and unusually original music.

  • @rustymaples6986
    @rustymaples6986 20 дней назад +1

    Because Micheal doesn't Knowles everything😢

  • @AlexanderSchröder777
    @AlexanderSchröder777 20 дней назад +1

    Because it’s the one true faith

  • @DoctorPepper0
    @DoctorPepper0 20 дней назад

    So well spoken 🙏🙏

  • @giovanedemelo7768
    @giovanedemelo7768 20 дней назад

    First time I don’t skip an ad

  • @imghoti
    @imghoti 20 дней назад

    The Good Ranches prize should be a Golden Calf!

  • @josueveguilla9069
    @josueveguilla9069 20 дней назад

    Sir Sic himself (an atheist RUclipsr) should make a reaction video about Michael Knowles.

  • @stratoblues72
    @stratoblues72 20 дней назад

    Well said Michael.

  • @ABC123jd
    @ABC123jd 20 дней назад

    The claim of true Christianity is not that God died on a cross but that God's son died on a cross.

  • @tommasosantojanni
    @tommasosantojanni 19 дней назад +2

    How I wish that we had a Catholic pope 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • @Finite-Tuning
    @Finite-Tuning 20 дней назад

    I struggle with this exact point/question: How can I know GOD exists?
    Since GOD won't talk to me, let alone show himself to me, I have only logical deduction to base any opinion from and that is only for me personally since I cannot prove to anyone else most of what I know to be true.
    But I have seen pure evil, most of you have as well. Therefore, logically speaking, if such evil exists then to must something equally opposite (good). If not, then we have a balance problem. This world is purely balanced in nature, not with man and man made ideals, but with pure nature. Good must have evil to exist, otherwise you could not recognize good if/when you see it. It's balance. If evil exists, then to so must it's exact opposite also exist.
    If the devil exists, then to must it's exact opposite also exist.
    I've never seen the devil himself, but I have seen demons and evil entities. And if that exists, then to it's exact opposite must also exist. This is my only bases for GOD. I want to believe like I know it to be true, but I have seen no proof for the existence of GOD, I have only seen proof of evil.
    No one on this planet will ever convince me that this man made man written bible is some kind of gospel! Made by man, written by man, says whatever man wanted to say at that time! How many different versions of the bible are there now? The Gospel does not change, but man loves to tell a different story every time he tells it! You can't believe the bible, or at least I can't, and I will not! It doesn't make sense from what I've read of the thing, it is contradictive and full of evil acts! That's not purity of a perfect GOD or the gospel, that's man made fiction!
    Either way I have to die to find out the truth. Since all I do is hate this world full of stupidity anymore, I can't hardly wait to find out what comes next. I don't want to be here, this world sucks with all you noise makers in it! All the blow hard know nothings out there constantly screaming for attention, it's pathetic and I hate it! I know there is something after, I've seen proof of it. I just don't know how it all works, but I'm dying to find out and very much looking forward to the day I finally have all my questions answered.
    Cheers and good luck 🍻

    • @metallicak5
      @metallicak5 14 дней назад +2

      Checking in, you ok bro? Stay with us mate. We're all figuring it all out together.

    • @Finite-Tuning
      @Finite-Tuning 14 дней назад

      Sure, I'm fine. The rest of the world? Not even close to fine and all I have is hatred towards it's relentless stupidity. I look forward to whatever is next.
      Cheers 🍻

    @TOPGEUN 20 дней назад +8

    God bless you :) All of Christianity will be united again as Catholicism.

    • @gentlemancharmander4411
      @gentlemancharmander4411 20 дней назад +4

      Except Catholicism isn’t actually Christianity

    • @ChristianHockenbury
      @ChristianHockenbury 20 дней назад +6

      @@gentlemancharmander4411but it is though

    • @ChristianHockenbury
      @ChristianHockenbury 20 дней назад


    • @ChristianHockenbury
      @ChristianHockenbury 20 дней назад


    • @DysmasOfBabylon
      @DysmasOfBabylon 20 дней назад +5

      ​@@gentlemancharmander4411lol when did your church start?

  • @RikouHogashi
    @RikouHogashi 20 дней назад +1

    So close...but a good returning start

  • @theauthenticwaffle651
    @theauthenticwaffle651 20 дней назад

    The most beautiful sponsored ad read I've ever seen

  • @DonnaGarcia-ul6ke
    @DonnaGarcia-ul6ke 20 дней назад +21

    This video is amazing! I'm hooked!

  • @ofdrumsandchords
    @ofdrumsandchords 20 дней назад

    You can't prove the existence or the non existence of god. If you try to justify your faith, you inevitably ridicule yourself. That explains most of the crappy political ideas, though.

  • @박규혁-l5f
    @박규혁-l5f 20 дней назад

    don't downplay the Anselm's argument.

  • @michaeltabor4176
    @michaeltabor4176 20 дней назад

    In the clip, Michael casually mentions that Jesus being born in the Roman Empire was significant. Can someone elaborate?

    • @apeture_explorer4810
      @apeture_explorer4810 20 дней назад +2

      Sure. It was actually important that he was born under the Roman empire in that it's important that he was born in a particular time and place, anchored in history, and anchoring the whole flow of it before and after by his incarnation. He's where all history converges, and it does so in a time and place, giving context and meaning to all other times and places.
      Also, a very big example, the act of crucifixion, the resistance from the religious authorities of Judaism at the time, the tension between religion and the secular authority of Rome which ultimately was religious in its own way. All of these things made Christ's ministry the ultimate revelation of our relationship to him and to each other. The language christ uses surpasses his time, and yet is profoundly fitting for the time in question and the events occurring. He used the particularity of history to transcend it so that his truth may be known throughout it all.

    • @pattyhansen7563
      @pattyhansen7563 20 дней назад +2

      Well, they (the Romans) were established across several continents & had devised great transportation routes & communication. This made the flow of ideas easy to spread (read The Book of Acts). the apostles are traveling ALL over the place, preaching. And ...the Romans were the ones crucifying people for crimes & the Old Testament speaks about the one who is coming & will be nailed to a 'tree'....this was considered a very, very shameful thing to have done according to the Jewish people. It presented itself as a fulfillment of the word & a sign.

    • @frenis
      @frenis 17 дней назад

      He might be referring to the prophesy from the Book of Daniel Ch. 2 when Daniel interprets Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. The four successive empires represented in the king’s dream end with the Roman Empire and the coming of the Jewish messiah. I just saw a very good explanation of this in a video here on RUclips from Shameless Popery Podcast. ruclips.net/video/zj4wQQbpbVQ/видео.htmlsi=kLf4GY_TXXBERM4O

  • @TruePT
    @TruePT 20 дней назад

    This would be a great vid if it wasn’t for the 4 min ad 😑

  • @mariareginarosaria8927
    @mariareginarosaria8927 18 дней назад

    great ad

  • @conorkavanagh1444
    @conorkavanagh1444 20 дней назад +1


  • @nikki7263
    @nikki7263 20 дней назад

    Why would someone choose Catholicism over eastern orthodox?

    • @paolomartinelli345
      @paolomartinelli345 19 дней назад +1

      You should dive into both theologies and choose by yourself

    • @PaulDo22
      @PaulDo22 17 дней назад

      Because EO Churches are ethno-centric and in Schism.

  • @dindul3843
    @dindul3843 18 дней назад

    what is he wearing

  • @clockworkmansion1855
    @clockworkmansion1855 18 дней назад

    Yeah Michael Knowles is pretty cool, I guess

  • @JB-qe5eb
    @JB-qe5eb 19 дней назад

    Jesus is King

  • @jeravincer
    @jeravincer 20 дней назад

    Where is one to purchase a coat such as that?

  • @elad8061
    @elad8061 20 дней назад

    All the historical and political proves exist in the Torah and the Hebrew Bible. The belief in one man being God is not only an idolatry but also historically stupid, because when God wanted to give the Torah to the world, he didn't just speak to Moses but gave him the authority in front of the entire Nation of Israel.
    "I am coming to you now in a dense cloud,e so that when the people hear me speaking with you, they will also remain faithful to you."
    If God wanted us to believe Jesus and leave the Torah's laws, he would have authorized him in front of an entire nation who can keep the tradition about the event.

  • @hamnchee
    @hamnchee 20 дней назад

    I'm actually more curious as to why he was an atheist. Or, as he put it, "practically an atheist". ... hmm....

    • @pattyhansen7563
      @pattyhansen7563 20 дней назад +1

      he told you....he grew up in NY State 🤣Its to liberal for it to be cool to believe in God.. I live in NY state, but I 'uncool-y" believe in God. LOL

    • @hamnchee
      @hamnchee 20 дней назад

      @pattyhansen7563 Was he ever even an atheist

  • @Virtueman1
    @Virtueman1 20 дней назад +3

    Absence of rational thought, coupled with emotionalism and tribalism?

    • @ofdrumsandchords
      @ofdrumsandchords 20 дней назад +2

      That's the general idea with religions.

    • @Virtueman1
      @Virtueman1 20 дней назад

      @@ofdrumsandchords Catholicism is not american. The US founders were deists, semi-atheists.

  • @BarbRodgers-n8f
    @BarbRodgers-n8f 20 дней назад

    Catholicism! That explains it.

  • @matthewfittro8069
    @matthewfittro8069 15 дней назад

    I absolutely love Michael Knowles but that suit...looks a bit like a bath robe X)

  • @ShiniGuraiJoker
    @ShiniGuraiJoker 20 дней назад

    You missed the money fron capitalizing on it.

  • @patriciahunt3663
    @patriciahunt3663 20 дней назад +3

    From one "ism" to another.

  • @anoj06
    @anoj06 20 дней назад +1

    Hey man, I was born and raised Catholic and as same age as yours but now, I'm an atheist. However, I am a conservative and do support Christianity as an essential component to live a fulfilled life. More power to you brother!

    • @bradyhartsfield7891
      @bradyhartsfield7891 20 дней назад +5

      While I appreciate your stance, it is by definition paradoxical

    • @anoj06
      @anoj06 20 дней назад

      @@bradyhartsfield7891 how? Please explain..

    • @philipgligorov5848
      @philipgligorov5848 20 дней назад +2

      Be smart. Stop being atheist. Smart people understand the laws of physics, that energy can not be created, but we still have a created energy, which means there is a Creator. Now you would think, if there is a creator, where is he? We'll you are right to ask that question, so I am here to answer you. He has been with us since the beginning, He has become flesh, and He died for our sins since He is righteous and loving and wants us in his kingdom in which nothing unclean will enter, so His blood purified us and gave us hope for eternal life. He is with you every single day. Just open your heart, and you will see God on many occasions during your day.

    • @anoj06
      @anoj06 20 дней назад +2

      @@philipgligorov5848 :) all I can say to you is, I understand your concern and where you're coming from but, I believe I know too much about Christianity or the inception of a "God" in general, and I still don't see sufficient evidence in Christianity or God in general as the "truth". However, I do understand the impact of religions, and stand against the "evil" left, which I assume that you will never understand. However, I appreciate your feedback.

    • @nathanvangoor4979
      @nathanvangoor4979 20 дней назад +2

      @@anoj06 The paradox can be formulated in different ways: you believe in the fruits of the tree, but not in the tree; to live a fulfilled life means to live knowing an approximation of the fullness of truth, which can't include Christianity if it's false.
      What's especially odd though: why would you come out as an atheist if you think you need Christianity? It's impossible to have Christianity if people like you keep spreading atheist ideas.

  • @45s262
    @45s262 20 дней назад

    ? Man is Irreducibly historical..?

  • @shelion77
    @shelion77 20 дней назад

    Nice. I wish that Micheal and Matt and Brett left DW, and had their own thing. But, wishful thinking that, I guess. :)

  • @apostolosnikolis5281
    @apostolosnikolis5281 20 дней назад

    To roman catholicism, not orthodox catholicism

    • @G-MIP
      @G-MIP 20 дней назад +2

      Correct: No 3 divorce rule.

    • @apostolosnikolis5281
      @apostolosnikolis5281 20 дней назад

      @@G-MIP Michael divorced 3 times?

  • @Silly46337
    @Silly46337 20 дней назад

    It’s disgusting to see a slave revel in his chains.

    • @idkwmytuni
      @idkwmytuni 20 дней назад +8

      Sometimes worse to see a slave who thinks he is free

    • @Silly46337
      @Silly46337 20 дней назад +1

      @@idkwmytuni explain.

    • @hilairebelloc3368
      @hilairebelloc3368 20 дней назад +2

      Lol. You know we think the same of you.

    • @ofdrumsandchords
      @ofdrumsandchords 20 дней назад

      As C.G. Jung put it, you believe in god or you don't, end of debate. But religions of the book are a plague. How can people still believe this amount of absurdities ?

    • @Silly46337
      @Silly46337 20 дней назад

      @@hilairebelloc3368 that’s a stupid thing to say. You know nothing about me.