Sabbath - Sunday - Worship 2/5 Doctrines that Divide, Doug Batchelor

  • Опубликовано: 3 окт 2024

Комментарии • 29

  • @polishedbrother
    @polishedbrother 11 лет назад +8

    Remembering and keeping GODS commandments in obedience fulfills John 14:15.. Tradition does not supersede the instructions of the Lord! THERE IS A REMNANT because there are a peculiar group of people who WILL (KEEP) Gods commandments and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. There purpose is to spread the GOSPLE to lost world to the end of the age.

  • @joelperez8062
    @joelperez8062 7 лет назад +10

    If you love me keep my commandments.

  • @edaguirre8952
    @edaguirre8952 3 года назад

    An explanation of Matthew 28:1, “In the end of the Sabbath” (KJV), or “Late on the Sabbath” (ASV)? This seems to say that the women came to the tomb and found it empty on the evening of the Sabbath, which would indicate that Jesus was raised on Saturday, not Sunday.
    No, this does not mean that Jesus was raised from the grave on Saturday, for three important reasons.
    Comparing the Witness Testimony
    The first thing we need to do is to compare the gospel records. When we do, we discover that the other Gospel accounts clearly show that this visit occurred on the first day of the week. Here is what they say.
    When the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices, so that they might go and anoint him. And very early on the first day of the week, when the sun had risen, they went to the tomb (Mk. 16:1-2).
    But on the first day of the week, at early dawn, they came unto the tomb, bringing the spices which they had prepared (Lk. 24:1).
    Now on the first day of the week Mary Magdalene came to the tomb early, while it was still dark, and saw that the stone had been taken away from the tomb (Jn. 20.1).
    The other records are clear. The visit occurred around dawn on the first day of the week.
    Now let’s look at Matthew’s record a little closer.
    Proper Translation
    Actually, the problem in this question is one of translation from the original Greek language into English. The rendition of Matthew 28:1 should be as follows:
    “After the sabbath day, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week . . .”
    The Sabbath ended at 6:00 p.m. the previous evening, and the dawn of Sunday morning was approaching. The Greek of the passage is opse sabbaton, meaning “after the Sabbath” (Arndt and Gingrich 1967, 606). The Revised Standard Version thus correctly translates, “Now after the Sabbath . . .” The New American Standard Bible renders the verse in the same way.
    Historical Testimony
    It is the universal testimony of both Scripture and church history that the early Christians regarded Sunday as Christ’s resurrection day.
    The disciples met together on resurrection Sunday (Jn. 20:19), then on Sunday a week later (20:26).
    The church was established on Pentecost, which always came on Sunday (Lev. 23:15-16; Acts 2:1).
    The early Christians, under the leadership of inspired men, worshiped on Sunday (Acts 20:7; 1 Cor. 16:2).
    That day was later designated as “the Lord’s day” (Rev. 1:10).
    If we examine post-apostolic writers (ca. from A.D. 100 to A.D. 325), they agree with all the evidence we’ve presented: the other gospel records, the Greek translation, and New Testament practice of the early church. Sunday was the resurrection day.
    The Lord rose from the dead not on Saturday, but on Sunday morning.

  • @marioatrucking
    @marioatrucking 10 лет назад +3

    Awesome indeed.
    Praise the Lord!

  • @lornaglasper6769
    @lornaglasper6769 7 лет назад +1

    Please can you answer me a couple of questions ? God said on the fifth day, Let us make man in our image.Genesis ch 1 v26. In Genesis chapter 2, v 9, he formed Adam out of the dust of the ground.In Genesis chapter 4 v 16, Cain went and dwelt in the land of Nod , on the East of Eden and he knew his wife.....Was Adam the first man or was man already created on day 5? Cain married his wife so there must already have been people around. A Jehovah,s witness told me all came from Adam, males and females and Cain married his sister. My KJV tells me one thing, and I choose to believe that first. They tell me it is taken out of context. They say Jesus was hung on a stake but my KJV tells me he was crucified on a cross. Also, should we still revere Saturday as God,s sabbath or , as I was told by them , any day will do? It seems to me they have their own version of the bible and try to convince me. I am rigid in the KJV.

    • @TaeAlvon
      @TaeAlvon 6 лет назад

      Christ was there with The Father from the beginning hence 'Our image'

    • @Nirky
      @Nirky 6 лет назад

      Adam was the first human being. Gen ch 1. Read also 1 Corinthians 15:45, 1 Timothy 2:13.
      Gen ch 2 is a review of creation, explains more in detail.
      Cain married his sister. Seems strange to us today, but that's how it was.
      Genetic issues only arise if generations of the same family inbreed.
      KJV is excellent, I use it as my study Bible.
      The Romans used a cross (Matt 27:40, John 19:19) so the arms could be extended for more pain. Doubtful the timbers were sawn square; they probably looked like crossed tree trunks. Acts 5:30, 10:39, 13:29
      The 4th commandment is still in effect, as are the other 9. Rom 3:31.
      The commandments tell us what constitutes sin. Rom ch7.
      Jesus says if you love Me, keep My commandments. John 14:15

    • @jamesbarfield1117
      @jamesbarfield1117 5 лет назад

      not rigid at all; by the way Cain was a grown man by the time he killed Abel; God and the scripture focus on the male child or 'seed' promised to be the redeemer of mankind. So scripture by focusing on the male history doesn't mean that women weren't being born to Adam and Eve. Adam also lived 800 years after Eve bore Seth, and bore both sons and daughters, having more and more children fulfilling the command of God in Eden, be fruitful and multiply upon the earth. On average women and men comprise approximately the same percentage. So by the time Cain killed Abel and then married his sister in Nod, there could easily have been dozens of women by that time. Adam was 130 years old when Eve bore another son called Seth. So during those 130 years between Abel and Seth there would have been hundreds of girls born to Adam and Eve.

    • @aresrivera9744
      @aresrivera9744 4 года назад +1

      Lorna Glasper also it wasn’t the fifth day it was a 6th day. Maybe you made a mistake but you could’ve easily edit it. Remember it like this The name of the beast is the name of a man and his number is 666. 6 is the number of man because that’s the day man was created. And 666 is The unity of man in error because you have the dragon and the beast and the false prophet. Seven represents God as The Sabbath is God’s holy day.

  • @johnhasse3995
    @johnhasse3995 9 лет назад

    ALL doctrines (understandings) divide. If Sabbath is YHVH's day, and Sunday is the 'Lord's' day, then evidently YHVH and 'the Lord' are two different beings.

    • @YliyahMessageTime
      @YliyahMessageTime 9 лет назад

      ***** Funny thing is, "Saturns day" is not the Bible Sabbath. And of course this stupid argument of "lord's day" being Sun day is just idiotic and childish. The Bible Sabbath is set by the phases of the moon. It's clear. Psalm 104:19 MOEDIM and in Lev. 23:2-3 the Weekly Sabbath is a "MOED". The weekly Sabbath is set by the moon.

    • @aresrivera9744
      @aresrivera9744 4 года назад

      YliyahMessageTime The Sabbath is set by the weekly cycle. The weekly cycle is the only Time period institution we have solely from God. Where do you get the day from The spinning of the earth on its axis. Where do you get the month from the revolution of The moon. Where do you get the year from the revolution of the earth around the sun. Where do you get the week from creation week God himself establish the week of 1234567. And on the seventh day he rested. The lunar sabbath does not exist as it could’ve fallen any day of the week And God specifically said the seventh day of the week. Also those two verses does not prove anything about the lunar sabbath if anything it supports the weekly cycle. The Sabbath is not a feast day in fact he list the feast days after he talks about the sabbath.

  • @johnhasse3995
    @johnhasse3995 9 лет назад +2

    If you honestly follow scripture, you will NOT be a Seventh Day Adventist, for they do not follow scripture. (See 1 Cor 6, for one example.. and there are many)

    • @johnhasse3995
      @johnhasse3995 9 лет назад

      marees5 I cor. 6 is very clear that the assembly of YHVH does not take people to court in the civil system, but takes it's case straight to the Almighty. Some time ago I was told that the SDA 'church' was pursuing over 100 court cases at that time. I shortly after that left the 'Structure' and don't know what the current count is. There is no salvation other than YHVH's Salvation. His name is YAHUSHUA (See acts 4:12)

    • @YliyahMessageTime
      @YliyahMessageTime 9 лет назад

      John Hasse Actually, Weekly Sabbath is set by the phases of the moon. His calendar also demands New Moons. And of course, 1 Cor 5:7-8 commands the keeping of Passover, and therefore Unleavened Bread. Of course Yahshua keep the feasts and new moons, and LUNAR SABBATH, as did Paul. Let's learn to walk in Yahshua's steps.
      But what is worse ... practically every 'christian' of any label has the "man of sin" in their 'temple' and the spirit of "antimessiah".
      Let's not forget "antichrist" is a SPIRIT IN MANY, not a bad guy coming in the future.
      1Jn_2:18 Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antimessiah shall come, even now are there many antimessiahs; whereby we know that it is the last time.
      1Jn_4:3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Yahshua Messiah is come in the flesh is not of Yahweh: and this is >>>> that spirit of antimessiah,> already is it in the world. the same;

    • @atmchannel1125
      @atmchannel1125 6 лет назад +2

      John Hasse if you honestly read the scripture we all would become a Seventhday Adventist

    • @aresrivera9744
      @aresrivera9744 4 года назад +1

      Yeah 1 Cor 6 and acts 20 7 wow so many. And I bet there’s only a few for Sabbath observant : Genesis 2:3, Exodus 20:8-11, Deuteronomy 5:12-14, Mark 2:23-28, Ezekiel 20:19-20, Isaiah 58:13-14, Leviticus 23:3, Hebrews 4:9-11, Leviticus 26:2, Luke 14:16, act 13:42-44, and act 17:2 . Yeah that’s a little compared to all the two scriptures we have about Sunday. And before you say i’m not of God because I’m being sarcastic, read 1 Kings 18:27 then you get back to me.

    • @narrowwaytolife4525
      @narrowwaytolife4525 4 года назад

      Happy Sabbath! Friday sundown to Saturday sundown.
      God's 4th Holy Seventh Day Sabbath commandment.
      Genesis 2:2-3, Exodus 20:8-11, Isaiah 58:13, Matthew 12:8,
      John 14:15 If you love me keep my commandments.

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 8 лет назад

    MATT 16: 18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.16: 19 *And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.*
    Matt 18 verse17 And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church BUT, *IF HE NEGLECT TO HEAR THE CHURCH* LET *him be unto thee as an HEATHEN* (A PAGAN ) man *and a publican* (AN UNSAVED SINNER )
    Then Christ gave explicit absolute Authority to the church in the following words*
    18: 18 *Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven*
    *Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft*
    Then Christ gave explicit absolute Authority to the church in the following words* The church is NOT Anti-christ, it is *the AUTHORITY OF CHRIST ON EARTH* READ AND WEEP!!

    • @comfortablyuncomfortable733
      @comfortablyuncomfortable733 5 лет назад

      Robt Clayton Christ also called Peter your so called pope in the same chapter Satan so since your pope is working for Satan maybe being called Satan by Christ was prophetic

    • @comfortablyuncomfortable733
      @comfortablyuncomfortable733 5 лет назад

      Funny how you neglect the previous verses where Jesus the Son of God is actually the Rock not Peter and later in the same chapter calls your new pope Satan so considering your pope is Antichrist maybe Jesus knew what your church would do

    • @aresrivera9744
      @aresrivera9744 4 года назад

      You say that but your church persecuted the saints of the most high ,change the law of God , ruled for 1260 years 538 to 1798, has the primary colors of scarlet and purple, it’s called the mother of all churches , has a golden cup which is the most sacred item in the mass Full of wine, rose up among the 10 European nation, and it came after those 10 nations. I wonder where I’ve heard these characteristics before . Oh right Daniel 7 and revelation 17. The little horn antichrist power and the whore of Babylon . Sorry but Face it your church is not of God is of the devil and the Bible says so in so much detail you cannot mistake it.