Doctor Who Reaction - Series 9 Episode 1 - The Magician´s Apprentice

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
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Комментарии • 30

  • @contra3486
    @contra3486 7 месяцев назад +19

    Don’t let anyone’s opinion spoil your experience! Watch it with open mind and decide whether YOU like it or not

  • @ErisRising
    @ErisRising 7 месяцев назад +13

    Yes, that's Peter Capaldi actually playing guitar. He actually has a history as a musician. Season 9 is one that I like a lot, though it has its detractors. I'm interested in seeing your take on it.

  • @mimiquoi7380
    @mimiquoi7380 7 месяцев назад +9

    SEASON 9 !!! One of my favorite season !!!! 😊😊😊

  • @MichaelJohnson-kq7qg
    @MichaelJohnson-kq7qg 7 месяцев назад +6

    Dont apologize for being a fan of Capaldi. I was a fan of classic Who, back in the day an was a massive fan of the Fourth Doctor and thought that would never change. Until the Sixth. Then tat didnt change. Until the Eleventh. And I honestly didn't expect to like any Doctor better than Matt Smith... Until Capaldi.
    Capaldi is still my favourite Doctor. At least, so far.

  • @ДаняШиряев-п6е
    @ДаняШиряев-п6е 7 месяцев назад +2

    Some were worried that he would not upset you too much and that you would get used to him.
    But when I saw your reaction to Capaldi, back in episode 1 of season 8, I already understood, saw and recognized in you the familiar and pleasant facial expressions and aura of satisfaction that I felt with empathy, and even then I foresaw that
    most likely the opposite will happen and he will become number 1 for you. Well, I was right, it's nice to see a colleague as a fan :)
    Well, in this case, your journey is just beginning :)
    Changes Doctor, I think you already guessed that after the change in the style of the series from seasons 7 to 8 towards relationships, there was a change in the presentation of the style of the series again.
    The doctor was looking for answers to who he was and finally figured out himself, now his character has changed, he still retained his old character, he just became more relaxed and enjoyed life, freedom of emotions.

  • @AlmightyCRJ
    @AlmightyCRJ 7 месяцев назад +4

    Bill Nighy played Shaun's stepdad was in the Van Gogh episode.
    Remember the analogy of the caveman with a walkman listening to ROCK Music from 'Genesis of the Daleks'. The soldier has arrows because they can no longer manufacture enough bullets.
    Colony Sarff. Sarff is Welsh for snake. Reference to Davros right hand man Nyder (Neidr is adder in Welsh).
    This chant is unique to the Toni Basil sung UK no. 2 'Mickey'. However the rest of that song is 'Kitty', album song by UK band Racey.
    'The Square window' is a transition from BBC's children show Playschool. Three windows Square, Triangle, Circle which will be zoomed into depending on whether the object in the video is Square...
    'All the Young Dudes' written by David Bowie for glam rock band Mott the Hoople. UK no 3.
    On the guitar 'Oh, Pretty Woman' by Roy Orbison. UK number 1in 1964.

  • @zephon6745
    @zephon6745 7 месяцев назад +2

    Davros is a Kaled but an explosion damage his body and destroyed three of his limbs.

  • @weezerfan084
    @weezerfan084 6 месяцев назад +1

    Capaldi's Doctor is my favourite. A lot of people (mostly females) didn't like him b/c he's not young like David and Matt were. The up side to that though, is I was able to tell more often than not who genuinely liked "The Doctor", and who just liked the men portraying The Doctor. I fell in love with Capaldi's Doctor very quickly since his personality is extremely similar to that of my best friend who passed away.

  • @jeckjeck3119
    @jeckjeck3119 7 месяцев назад +4

    You might be cool, but you will never be cool like 12th doctor on a tank playing a guitar... Next to a fish!

  • @joshuajoshua2732
    @joshuajoshua2732 7 месяцев назад +2

    Even if the Doctor could prevent Davros from being evil and what he becomes the creator of the Daleks he's still a born sociopath and you can't change a sociopath no matter how much you try but in his shoes what could you do say for exampe if you met baby Hitler or baby Putin or baby Gengus Khan knowing they become evil but not yet evil what could you do do we save them? or do we let them die and suffer the consequences that is the question?
    I'm glad your enjoying this episode 😊 and finally liking a Dalek story the positives i will say about is i love the cameo of the old school Daleks and the footage of all the old Doctors 5th Doctor (Peter Davison), 6th Doctor (Colin Baker), 7th Doctor (Sylvester McCoy), 10th Doctor (David Tennant) and 4th Doctor (Tom Baker) from "Genesis of the Daleks" Missy was great in this i just love how villainry she is and not giving a damn.
    I have to say though i wasn't the biggest fan of the Doctor with the guitar with the tank that got abit too goofy and ridiculous for a Time Lord that's not suppose to interfere with time i think the writers got alittle out of hand with it and is out of the Doctor's character i preferred grumpy old man Doctor which i know wasn't popular with the NuWho fans.
    Capaldi was in a band before he became an actor and is a real life great guitarist.
    This is Davros first return in 7 years.

  • @weezerfan084
    @weezerfan084 6 месяцев назад +1

    Since I don't see anyone that has answered your question at 20:46 of "What is A.D.?", A.D. is short for "anno Domini" which means "in the year of the Lord". Time is split into two eras, B.C. (before Christ) and A.D. (anno Domini). In more secular terms they are referred to as BCE (before common era) and CE (common era).

  • @Legendary3Dgamer
    @Legendary3Dgamer 7 месяцев назад +4

    u need to put something as a background for the black bit your in front of I personally would change the background like for example a picture of peters Doctor like u did before 😅

  • @DoctorWhoBookClub
    @DoctorWhoBookClub 7 месяцев назад +1

    There are two minisodes that take place before this episode. Not sure if you skipped/missed them - or if they are patreon exclusives: Series 9 prologue (2 minutes) and The Doctor’s Meditation (6 min).

    • @nicologikreacts
      @nicologikreacts  7 месяцев назад +1

      You can find them on RUclips as well. They are for members only though. And Patreons of course :)

  • @ДаняШиряев-п6е
    @ДаняШиряев-п6е 7 месяцев назад

    A little off topic.
    The event of the century, which all of Europe, the West, the whole world is now talking about, the journalist was not afraid to come to us at a dangerous time for the truth.
    I highly recommend watching Taken Carlson’s two-hour interview with Putin, and not excerpts from the news (because everyone in the comments says not to watch the excerpts, they use them to their advantage), but the official two-hour version.

  • @stevebills5716
    @stevebills5716 7 месяцев назад

    We all have different favourites, and that's OK, but Series 9 is mine - jointly up there with Series 4. Just exceptionally good. (Starting from "Last Christmas" forwards.) I absolutely love it.

  • @Stuart_Cox1969
    @Stuart_Cox1969 7 месяцев назад

    11:40 hahaha I forgot all about the eyes.

  • @AlmightyCRJ
    @AlmightyCRJ 7 месяцев назад

    The space station looks like Station K-7 from Star Trek.
    Nice division of representation there - Missy representing the Classic Who fans, Clara the New Who fans.
    Some Classic Who fans recognise the Dalek architecture before Doctor even said Skaro.
    Things you notice on rematch- no skeleton in the Dalek shooting.
    That's the first time we've seen the Special Weapons Dalek (Big Gun) speak.

  • @andrewgwilliam4831
    @andrewgwilliam4831 7 месяцев назад

    A very mixed episode in my view. There's some phenomenal ideas, and there's some awful rubbish. I can't stand the guitar stuff, for example. In fact if the Medieval stuff was cut out entirely this episode would be immeasurably better. Missy is great, those handmines are creepy as all hell (and now remind me of a certain something in "Tears of the Kingdom"), and there is the potential for a good second part. Oh, and it was lovely to see a 1960s-style Dalek in action (the one that captures Missy and Clara).

    • @phantomsidious2934
      @phantomsidious2934 7 месяцев назад

      The Doctor and Davros scenes are my favorite thing about this two parter, everything else is not needed in my opinion. Yeah the guitar and tank stuff is Moffat 'going to far' as usual, I get twelfths character development but this is just too extreme I think.

  • @TheFalconerNZ
    @TheFalconerNZ 7 месяцев назад

    FYI; a guitar is sometime called an axe which is what the axe fight joke was about. So sad you are up to season 9 as it means you are coming towards the end of Capaldi's time as the Doctor but it also has one of my favourite episodes in it, it will blow your mind 🤯when you realise what has happened. Also glad you came around on Capaldi as the Doctor, David is the best version of that type of Doctor but Capaldi is the most like the Doctor Doctor (Most like the orginal)

  • @chanceneck8072
    @chanceneck8072 7 месяцев назад

    Das Argument mit River versteh ich aber nicht.
    Bedeutet doch auf deutsch EXAKT das selbe wie auf Englisch.... 🤔🤨🤷‍♂️
    Es gibt nur einen Fluss im Wald.
    Man geht in dem Kontext logischerweise davon aus, dass nur von Gewässern die Rede ist.
    Dachte ich jedenfalls immer so. Streng genommen gibt's natürlich auch Pflanzen und Tiere usw,... 😅 Aber in dem Kontext ist ja nur von Wasser die Rede.
    The only water in the forest is the river.
    Also, ob die Aussage überhaupt zutrifft is ne andere Frage. Fand ich jedenfalls immer schon komisch. Selbstverständlichkeit gibt's doch auch seen und Teiche in Wäldern. . .
    Also rein objektiv macht der Satz schon eigentlich im original keinen Sinn.
    Deswegen ja die Aufklärung am Ende, wo alles einen Sinn ergibt.
    In den Gamma Wäldern gab es vermutlich nur Flüsse. Weswegen die nur die eine Übersetzung für "Pond" kannten.
    Offen gestanden, Moffat-Haarspalterei. ... Aber im Endeffekt hats für mich funktioniert....

    • @paulkennedy8701
      @paulkennedy8701 7 месяцев назад

      Yes, we know all that. We know how the clue works. It's just that the clue can't work for someone who doesn't know (a) that "River" is a type of l water and (b) that "Pond" is a (different) type of water. Simply translating the clue into German doesn't solve that problem.

    • @chanceneck8072
      @chanceneck8072 7 месяцев назад

      @@paulkennedy8701 Of course it does.... 🤨
      What is your problem?
      I know, a river is a type of water. I know a pond is a different type of water. I know a lake, a "Fluss", a "See", we even own our own "Teich".... and the ocean of course.
      That's stufff you learn in elementary school.
      Seriously, I don't understand your argument here.
      If you don't know that "river" is a body of water, well then you must have assumed the phrase got something to do with River Song right away, when you first heard it! RIGHT? And the explanation with "the only water in the forest is the river" still wouldn't really make it click, you just would have LEARNED, that apparently "river" is also some type of water .......
      What a dumb argument..... I am SO sorry. Usually I don't like to argue. But this is genuinely so stupid, I just can't fathom it ....

    • @paulkennedy8701
      @paulkennedy8701 7 месяцев назад +1

      The point is really quite simple. The clue works in English. It doesn't work in German.
      If you don't know the English words 'river' and 'pond' then _Fluß_ doesn't have any connection to River Song. "River Song" is just a name.
      As you say, if you don't know that "river" means water then you would assume that "The only water in the forest..." refers to the character. The problem is people listening to the German dub _don't hear that_ . They hear _Fluß_ . They don't immediately connect it with the character, but they won't make the connection later either, if they don't know "River" is an English word.

    • @chanceneck8072
      @chanceneck8072 7 месяцев назад

      @@paulkennedy8701 Ah, right. That DOES make sense. That's why she explains it "river is english for fluss" at the very end.

    • @chanceneck8072
      @chanceneck8072 7 месяцев назад

      Guess I was the idiot all along in this thread. 😅 what a surprise... 🤭
      I just thought the confusion came from a different angle.
      I really thought it was about the translation. Not the fact that River's name isn't "Fluss " in German... Although... Would that be an interesting name for a girl?....🤔
      I don't think so.....