Kicked Out of ThunderClan?! • Warrior Cats: Untold Tales - Episode #12

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024

Комментарии • 1,4 тыс.

  • @scarlettpenney4683
    @scarlettpenney4683 7 лет назад +605

    "Cloudleaf? Can I have some her-" Appleshadow was cut off. "I'm sorry Appleshadow," Cloudleaf murmured quietly. Her eyes were filled with sadness. "Cloudleaf are you ok?" Appleshadow said, trying to keep his voice steady. "I'm sorry, Appleshadow! I'm sorry we have to do this to you!" Cloudleaf broke down into tears. Appleshadow heard many growls and hisses from behind him. He turned and saw Skystar, sitting and gazing at Appleshadow. The rest of the clan surrounded him, Skystar, and Cloudleaf, many of them looking hostile. Some growled and hissed. Few looked like they were about to cry. Smallclaw was further away, crying like her own mother had just died. "Appleshadow," Skystar voice boomed over the other cats noise. The clan fell silent. "Your mother has caused war between us, Windclan and Riverclan. She trespassed into all clans territories, even hunting in some. She's killed innocent cats and broken many rules of the warrior code. She's caused our best warrior, Wildnose to leave. Starclan purposely sent that monster on her.I can't help but feel that she's given some of her traits to you. A Thunderclan warrior reported that you lead two Shadowclan warriors onto the thunderpath to rid of them. We request that you leave the clan peacefully and don't return." Appleshadow couldn't speak. Tears in his eyes, he ran through the crowd of cats and into the snow. At fourtrees he collapsed and cried a day away. " I-I-I'm sorry m-mom!" he cried. "I wish I c-could see you one last t-time!" A feather blew from a tree right in front of Appleshadow. A wrens feather.

    • @Cloudpup
      @Cloudpup 7 лет назад +33

      this is purrfect

    • @scarlettpenney4683
      @scarlettpenney4683 7 лет назад +20

      Kara Shi
      Thank you! It took a while to write! :3

    • @nagitowokomaeda1730
      @nagitowokomaeda1730 7 лет назад +12


    • @robynlongwell4920
      @robynlongwell4920 7 лет назад +18

      In complete tears over here especially after wren feather

    • @scarlettpenney4683
      @scarlettpenney4683 7 лет назад +37

      Appleshadow looked up at the feather, tears blurring his vision. He stared, silent. A spark of hope lit a tiny fire within his shattered heart. He focused on the feather and narrowed his eyes. He hoped and wished. He wanted her. He needed her! After a few moments Appleshadow hissed out of frustration, hopped to his paws and batted the feather away and into the raging wind. He curled his face into a snarl unvolentarely. "Applekit?" a familiar voice rang behind him. Appleshadow whirled around and yelled, "Are you here to chase me away? I'm not lea-" he drew in a quick short breath. "Dad?" Appleshadow was awestruck. He gazed at Wildnose's thin, ragged body. His fur was unkept and his eyes were filled with hunger, pain, and sorrow. His ribs were easily visible under his tattered coat. "We thought you were..." Appleshadow whispered, unable to finish. "Come" Wildnose said with no emotion. Appleshadow followed with no question. They trekked through the snow side-by-side. "I've only kept myself alive to show you this, Apple-"He paused. "Shadow" Appleshadow filled in. Wildnose pushed snow off of a stack of rocks. He cleared snow in a small area, where underneath was a small mound of dirt. A small blue pebble was half buried in the dirt. Wildnose saw Appleshadows eyes on the rock. "It represents loyalty to the clan. She did it for you."

  • @michi911
    @michi911 7 лет назад +309

    Appleshadow cowered in fear, hiding silently by crates and thinking, _Maybe I could escape. I can escape this barn without those mouse-brained ShadowClan cats killing me._ He thought about the warmth of ThunderClan, and how he used to be so warm beside his mother, Wrenfeather, as a kit until she sadly got ran over. He huffed. _Skystar is a piece of fox dung thinking he could kick me out so easily. I'll show him. I'll show all the Clans I can build my own out of rogues._ Staggering to his paws, Appleshadow ran throughout the barn, gathering up mice before dashing out of the barn and he swung his eyes closed against the constant falling snow that seeped through his pelt. Appleshadow heard ShadowClan's furious yowls behind him, and without looking back, the rogue leaped through the snow, and it crunched beneath his paws. Paw pads stinging, he ran across the thunderpath, dodging ShadowClan as they came in from all sides.
    A few hours later, night came and Appleshadow's paws ached as he treaded through the snow in search of somewhere to build his own nest. Mice dangling from his jaws, Appleshadow set the prey down to rest. The orange-colored cat gathered up sticks and leaves, bundling them together to make a temporary nest. Settling down in the nest, he took a glance to the apple he has collected earlier. He carried it in his tail, and, setting the apple down, a single tear slid down his face. _Wrenfeather... Wildnose... Mother.. Father... I just want you now more than ever._

    • @boop6601
      @boop6601 7 лет назад +5

      SavannahLetsPlays Awww... it's so sad and cute...

    • @dhyllangamer3511
      @dhyllangamer3511 7 лет назад +3

      SavannahLetsPlays it made me cry in real life.😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

    • @cafeteriacat869
      @cafeteriacat869 7 лет назад +2

      SavannahLetsPlays the last part freaking got me

    • @gabrielle5089
      @gabrielle5089 7 лет назад +10

      I'll write his exile
      The moon coldly shined down on the bestowing cats. Mousefur roughly nudged Appleshadow to the center of the gathered cats. Narrowed eyes glaring down at him.
      Skystar cleared his throat, "We have a traitor in our Clan." the cats hissed, and growled. Eyes narrowing, he met Skystar's eyes. "You're the traitor Skystar. I'm loyal to ThunderClan! Who are you to say otherwise?!"
      Skystar growled. Flicking his tail, he motioned for something.. _But what?_ Appleshadow thought worriedly.
      A small body was nudged into the circle. It was Horsekit. Skystar growled. "What do you have to say in your defense? You killed a kit." His even voice betrayed his outraged body stance.
      The well-muscled tom's shoulders rippled. His broad shoulders hunching. Calls of of outrage cut through the terrified bird calling "Traitor! Traitor!"
      Appleshadow shook his head. "I never killed Horsekit! Never!" Skystar hissed. "Lies Appleshadow.. Leave this Clan.. After sundown, my warriors have my word to kill you. Go."
      Appleshadow fled into the darkness. _I'll show you.._

    • @charlythomas5382
      @charlythomas5382 7 лет назад

      SavannahLetsPlays that was so good you are a amazing writing story can you do 1 ever vid plz

  • @Idgaf666
    @Idgaf666 7 лет назад +286

    When you have kits as a rouge DO NOT MOVE THE DEN! you'll lose your mate and kits if you do so

    • @Floofies
      @Floofies 5 лет назад +20

      and all the other cats

    • @Shadow10201
      @Shadow10201 5 лет назад +15

      That is true. I once accidently did that and i was shook.

    • @Rezaktess
      @Rezaktess 4 года назад +7

      I had that happen once but i just didn't save and left the game and restarted it.

    • @renaeoverbey3263
      @renaeoverbey3263 4 года назад +2


    • @midnightblue1716
      @midnightblue1716 4 года назад +1


  • @MatiNuva1724
    @MatiNuva1724 5 лет назад +69

    Reasoning of Why Apple got kicked out:
    Seri: very important and Dark explanation of AppleShadow's fighting technique
    Reality: not having enough money to pay for medicine

  • @greyphilosopher8638
    @greyphilosopher8638 7 лет назад +239

    Appelshadow returned to Thunderclan. He had just managed to take one of the lives of two Shadowclan cats by using the monsters on thunderpath to his defence. Despite his better judgement, he couldn't help but be shadowed with pride. The thoughts 'they deserved it' looming in his conscience each new thought dripping poison. The conflict inside stayed brewing. He wanted to feel guilty, he wanted to feel sad that he had used them to his advantage. He wanted to want punishment for what he did. But.. all he could feel was a slight sense of pride and overwelming numbness. As he walked into Thunderclan his immediate stop was at Cloudleaf's medicine den.
    Maybe it was the pain that was numbing him so much. He wanted to feel something. Anything. Other than this narcissistic pride and ever looming fear of betrayal. It wasn't who he was. It will never BE who he is. He promised that to himself a long time ago.
    "...Cloudleaf?" he had finally noticed the look in her eyes as she healed the wounds he had suffered. She had patched the most of his wounds but many cuts remained. Her eyes where cast downward, sadness, regret and denial in her gaze. Appelshadow felt his stomach turn "why does she look like that?" a sense of dread washed over him like a wave hitting the sandy beach rocks. Many moments of silence passed as Appelshadow sat being healed by the downcast healer cat. Then he felt it. The cold wet drops on his back. He looked behind him to see Cloudleaf desperately trying to keep her tears at bay. "I'm sorry Appleshadow... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry we have to do this to you... " He looked at her with confusion and worry sinking deeper and deeper into his gaze. He had never seen her in such a state before, and what did she mean? What was she sorry for?
    Before he could ask he heard Skystar step in, Nightclaw and Frostwillow right beside him. Outside the den he could see Smallclaw staring into the cave, directly at him. The look in her eyes... they were unbearable. She looked broken to pieces, sadness and denail seeping through her as tears pricked the corners of her eyes. His soul shattered. He felt himself begin to shake as regret finally began to take it's rightful place. "Appelshadow. I am sorry, but you will have to remove yourself from our clan. One of our scouts saw what you did on Thunderpath. What you did was clever, no doubt, but it is not acceptable. I am sorry... Appelshadow." Appelshadow's gaze only fell more and more with regret, shock, and what every other emotion of guilt there was. The older cats stepped aside to let him out peacefully, they didn't want this to end in a fight. He crawled passed them looking each of them in the eye. Until he could no more. He bolted out of the door in a frenzy of shock and terror, guilt, regret and fear finally finding him for the first time in what felt like forever. Before he he flew out of the camp, he took one last look at Smallclaw, one last goodbye as tears finally fell down her face.
    He ran off into the forest, his own tears finally pricking at his eyes and his own emotions finally flooding him for the first time ever since his mother died. Wrenfeather... Wildnose...
    "Mother... Father... what would you think of me now?"

    • @brendonwilliams7086
      @brendonwilliams7086 6 лет назад +3

      (May I join in?)

    • @Floofies
      @Floofies 5 лет назад +1

      you did say he he

    • @lostonessoul8435
      @lostonessoul8435 5 лет назад

      Greyphilosopher ???: HEY! KID! NEED SOME HELP!?

    • @alinetitus2873
      @alinetitus2873 5 лет назад +1

      (Honey dream a fox orange cat with white on her left ear and muzzle her belly is also white and her tail and legs to paw are shades of the fox orange to a very dark brown she has icy blue eyes and is very fluffy on her neck and tail)
      Honey was doing her daliy walk and trying to stay away from other clans but one thing she liked the most was leaf bare and it was that time she saw Appleshadow. She stopped in her tracks at the sight of the new rouge, she knew him because just know he fought of the SC members by using the monsters which she thought was clever and wanted to meet him that time but she couldn’t cause she was a rouge and was afraid,”There he is”’ she thought. She walked towards the the depressed Tom she was shaking a bit and said “hello there,” hoping he would respond

    • @strixapades312
      @strixapades312 5 лет назад +1

      Oh my gosh this is great

  • @reesesp1561
    @reesesp1561 7 лет назад +219

    RIP AppleshadowXSmallclaw

  • @ChronoSpuffy
    @ChronoSpuffy 7 лет назад +9

    Hey Seri, I know how to get back into thunderclan if you wanted Appleshadow to be back in a clan. What you need to do is:
    Step 1: Go near thunderclan camp then go south and you should find a grey cat.
    Step 2: Talk to the grey cat and they will tell you that if you get enough gifts such as: Apples, Shiny Things, and Prey! They will let you back in the clan.
    Step 3: Once you get enough gifts, your reputation will go back to ten, and the little blue cat thing above Appleshadow will change back to what it used to look like when Appleshadow was still in thunderclan.
    Hope this helped, keep up the great work Seri!!

  • @RoryKatherin03
    @RoryKatherin03 7 лет назад +62


    • @RoryKatherin03
      @RoryKatherin03 7 лет назад

      Pinkpot3 Well he can try to rejoin ThunderClan eventually

    • @melodious.o7
      @melodious.o7 7 лет назад +2

      Well, he can't go to mother mouth because when he went by the Thunderpath the sign was gone. The sign is how Wrenfeather got in. So......... Yeah.....

  • @charadreemurr5335
    @charadreemurr5335 7 лет назад +27

    Appleshadow curled up into the cold moss, laying his tail over his nose. The day's events still clouded his mind, making him unable to sleep. How would he survive now, without the warmth of the warrior's den, and the protection of ThunderClan?
    Closing his eyes, Appleshadow began to drift off to sleep, his last thought being of this.
    'I have no clan. I have no friends. It is time to start anew. It is time for the dawn of a new clan.'

  • @AlchemicalLeopard
    @AlchemicalLeopard 7 лет назад +159


    • @doublecats6791
      @doublecats6791 7 лет назад +4

      Maybe if Smallclaw joins the new clan it can happen..

    • @tiredblueboy3198
      @tiredblueboy3198 7 лет назад +1

      Leopard OfAmber WHYYYYYYYY!!! MY SHIPS HAVE BEEN CRUSHED!!!!!😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

    • @hauntedhare418
      @hauntedhare418 7 лет назад +2


    • @carliisok7192
      @carliisok7192 7 лет назад +6

      Alphys The royal scientist Never give up on a ship cuz there can be a forbidden love!

    • @jandtwonka2142
      @jandtwonka2142 3 года назад +1

      Leopard OfAmber I just saw your username and I remember your a GREAT role-player.

  • @what4993
    @what4993 7 лет назад +201

    All I can say.... MAKE A ROUGUE CAMP!
    just lay down your den and moss, then put prey on the moss, save your game right before you sleep, and if you're lucky, loners join!

    • @not_dava9038
      @not_dava9038 7 лет назад +2

      Zoe Y

    • @what4993
      @what4993 7 лет назад +2


    • @nat-hq8zg
      @nat-hq8zg 7 лет назад +2


    • @whereishoney
      @whereishoney 7 лет назад +2

      but how to save if your not in a clan ? In thunder clan you just spoke to Skystar but with no leader ? How to save ?

    • @doublecats6791
      @doublecats6791 7 лет назад +4

      you just make a den and hit *save* in the corner

  • @laraendlight9887
    @laraendlight9887 4 года назад +8

    Appleshadow emerged from the bushes with uncertain steps.
    He said shivering with sudden fear and guilt.
    He remembered his mother's words, he was too young to understand at the time, but growing up having his father explaining them to him, he learned one of the most important rule of that noble Code: "An honorable warrior does not need to kill other cats to win their battles, unless they are outside the warrior code or if it is necessary for self-defense."

  • @skywolfgaming3654
    @skywolfgaming3654 7 лет назад +50

    Appleshadow has lost the stone, shiny thing, and apple. Maybe sneaking into Thunderclan to retrieve those items?

    • @nagitowokomaeda1730
      @nagitowokomaeda1730 7 лет назад +1

      Good idea!

    • @BoxedYogurt
      @BoxedYogurt 7 лет назад +12

      I tried getting into my clan when I got kicked out and um.. you die right away when you go near the entrance

    • @skywolfgaming3654
      @skywolfgaming3654 7 лет назад +2

      Melody Angel oh.....

    • @nagitowokomaeda1730
      @nagitowokomaeda1730 7 лет назад +1

      Dreamercat _ yeah i know that now.

    • @Shadow10201
      @Shadow10201 5 лет назад

      @@BoxedYogurt tried that too once, did die oof

  • @k.b7020
    @k.b7020 7 лет назад +17

    Birchpool was simply hunting. While looking for a mouse, he saw his clanmate, Appleshadow fighting with some Shadowclan warriors. He grabbed the mouse then he saw something horrible. It was Appleshadow baiting the three cats to the thunderpath. Birchpool thought he was just seeing things until there was two bodies on the thunderpath and Appleshadow fighting with the third cat. He couldn't belive it. He ran with the dead mouse in his mouth back to Dragonsoul. "DRAGONSOUL! DRAGONSOUL!" He meowed. Dragonsoul turned her head to see Birchpool. "I saw Appleshadow leading THREE cats to the thunderpath!!" Birchpool meowed with horror in his voice. Dragonsoul quickly dashed off the camp.
    By the time Appleshadow went back to the camp, Deputy Preyheart was there and the whole clan stared in horror. "Appleshadow, Come here." the Deputy ordered. Appleshadow followed the deputy to Skystar's den. Dragonsoul was there. She was sitting and staring in horror at Appleshadow. "Appleshadow? Why were seen leading THREE cats to get ran over by monsters?" Skystar said. Appleshadow was confused, He didn't lead them. They got ran over themselfs. "I didn't." Appleshadow said. "Well, why did Dragonsoul hear about it from a cat." Skystar said. "She lied." Appleshadow said. "Appleshadow, You know that this isn't the way handle things and such behavior is *not* tolarated in the code." Skystar said.

  • @baddgercatz3367
    @baddgercatz3367 7 лет назад +96

    You can invite other cats into your new Clan by putting down a bramble bush near your den. And not far from the bramble you put down 2 pieces of moss and then 3 pieces of prey on top. After some time there should be a new cat.
    You can also rename the cats! Put a 'kit' or a 'paw' at the end of it and the cat will change to the name.
    Btw you all ready have a den on you :3
    please note I wrote this at the time Apple just became a Rouge. So please don't judge if Seri already knows this.
    Thank you 0v0

    • @sheria447
      @sheria447 7 лет назад +4

      Danamaa and also if she wants to get a mate she can place a shiny thing on the moss (that's what another youtuber said).

    • @thelavendercat8311
      @thelavendercat8311 7 лет назад +1

      How can you rename your cats?

    • @doublecats6791
      @doublecats6791 7 лет назад

      Feralhearted, through Coco

    • @baddgercatz3367
      @baddgercatz3367 7 лет назад

      FireBloodWolf • Yeah, it works for the most part

    • @baddgercatz3367
      @baddgercatz3367 7 лет назад

      Feralhearted1230 Aj If you let the cat stay in you territory you can talk to them and change the names and a few other things :3

  • @melodious.o7
    @melodious.o7 7 лет назад +6

    Seri, you should call his rogue clan Tearclan!! It makes sense w/ his backstory and it has a nice ring to it!!

  • @boop6601
    @boop6601 7 лет назад +125

    *Appleshadow sighed. He had finally gotten rest from the furious Clan cats. His eyes flashed with anger when he remembered the look of Skystar's face when he kicked him out, In Leaf-bare Too! And the expression of horror on Smallclaw's face, when she looked away in guilt and regret when he gazed at her. He curled up more tightly for a small bit of warmth as the snow fell coldly around him, as though StarClan itself was angry. His thoughts fell back to Smallclaw, then he shook her to the back of his head* "Probably has a mate anyway" *he grumbled. Then he heard a rustle in the bushes and perked up his ears, the snow blocking scents....*
    (Your turn)

    • @jackiecoyote
      @jackiecoyote 7 лет назад +19

      Bloomstar Of LeafClan
      Quail a reddish brown tabby with white splotches trotted through the snow. She lifted her muzzle, she smelled something.. Quail walked through the bushes to see Appleshadow. "Who are you?!" Quail hissed raising her fuzzy tail. "Appleshadow." The orange tom answered. "Quail, wait you have a name like a clan-cat.." She growled. "I was kicked out and now I'm a rouge." The tom's reply had grief and anger mixed in it. "Oh.." She mewed relaxing. "I could keep you company.." She offered. "That would nice.." Appleshadow answered with a smile. She curled up next Appleshadow... Your turn :3

    • @cloud6147
      @cloud6147 7 лет назад +10

      A short and rather oddly colored cat, emerged for the bushes of ThunderClan. Not far behind came yowling. DustHeart and BranchClaw, 2 warrioes from ThunderClan. They were chasing the small oddly dark red she-cat. The she spun around and had racked her claws on DustHeart's eyes. Then attacked BranchClaw..
      After she had driven them away she sat dow panting and cleaning several cuts and wounds.

    • @tiredblueboy3198
      @tiredblueboy3198 7 лет назад +13

      FluffWarrior55 Appleshadow could feel the warmth from Quail. *She's nice....* Appleshadow thought as he smiled, falling asleep next to the rather attractive young she-cat.
      The next morning he woke up and saw Quail talking to some other cats. A gray tabby tom named stripes, a calico she-cat named Patches, and a black and white tom, still with a kittypet collar, named Smudge. Smudge backed away with his tail between his legs while the others hissed at Quail.....(someone continue it)

    • @cloud6147
      @cloud6147 7 лет назад +7

      Alphys The royal scientist
      "Hey! what's going on?!" The small red she-cat meowed.The small she approached the small cat group.

    • @jackiecoyote
      @jackiecoyote 7 лет назад +9

      Alphys The royal scientist Quail hissed. "What are you here?" The grey tabby tom answer. "We followed you traitor!" "I'm not a traitor I left from the rouges because you *killed cats*! Like you tried with Smudge..!" Quail retorted at him. Appleshadow got up. "I think you two should leave." Appleshadow mewed calmly as he lashed his tail. The two cats hissed and walked away. "Thanks Appleshadow." Quail meweed gratefully, she *licked his ear* as a thank you. "Oh! By the way! This is *my brother Smudge*!" She flicked her tail at the black and white tom. Appleshadow tilted his head."Your a kittypet?" Why did he hear grief in his voice? He just shook it off. "No I'm not Smudge went to be a kittypet." She shook her head. To be continued :3

  • @wormjerky5202
    @wormjerky5202 7 лет назад +19

    Appleshadow's spirit dropped as he heard skystar yell at him to get out of the clan. "You are of no use to my clan!" skystar shouted while arching his back. Appleshadow's eyes turned to slits and he hissed with fury. He ran out of the camp spitting with anger and sat under an old oak tree near fourtrees to think of what has happened. He saw and old loner his mother used to talk to and told him the whole story then settled down to sleep.

  • @alicestocklistockli8394
    @alicestocklistockli8394 7 лет назад +11

    Frankly, this is unrealistic, since Thundercalan literally accepts anyone, I mean ANYONE! Into their clan

    • @nobody.6126
      @nobody.6126 3 года назад +2

      This is old but whatever
      While yes, thunderclan does accept anyone, I don't find it unrealistic that they'd exile a cat for attempting murder (yes, leading cats to a thunderpath IS attempting murder, leading a cat to their death is what mapleshade and tigerstar did)

  • @raileydoragh6045
    @raileydoragh6045 7 лет назад +13


  • @dragonwingthewingless
    @dragonwingthewingless 7 лет назад +60

    Poor Appleshadow, he comes home after defending his clan and gets kicked out because his clan didn't agree with his way of doing it.

    • @jandtwonka2142
      @jandtwonka2142 3 года назад +1

      I think it was his lack of rep.

    • @DerpyChat
      @DerpyChat 3 года назад +2

      @@jandtwonka2142 It was, he had 4 reputation and tried to get healed. Which got him to -1 reputation.

    • @nobody.6126
      @nobody.6126 3 года назад +4

      This is old but
      I mean the clan had a pretty good reason to exile him, he did use brutal methods to seriously injure others. While yes, protecting you clan is good, attempting to kill others is against the warrior code (don't try telling me appleshadow didn't want the cats to die, that would be like me running someone over with a car, do you seriously think I'd just want to injure them? Yeah, no)

  • @jessijay16
    @jessijay16 7 лет назад +2

    Okay, I know I'm very late on this but I just had a stroke of creativity while watching this and I just had to write my version of Appleshadow's exile. It came out much longer than it intended it to be. Oops.
    Appleshadow gazed across the Thunderpath. This was a familiar sight to him now. He had spent every night of his apprenticeship secretly training on the Thunderpath, dodging and weaving through monsters as they roared by. He had decided shortly after his mother died on Thunderpath that he would make sure the same would never happen to him. He would use the Thunderpath and the monsters as his allies in his never ending battle to get revenge on all the cats that had turned their backs on his mother.
    Finally, a ShadowClan patrol consisting of Nightheart, the ShadowClan deputy, Dustfoot, and Nightfoot appeared on the opposite side of Thunderpath. This was his chance to put his training to the test. "Hey! Mangepelts!" he yowled. He picked up a frog he had stolen from ShadowClan territory the night before. "Thanks for the prey you mousebrains!" All three ShadowClan cats yowled in fury and raced across the Thunderpath towards Appleshadow. He ran to meet the patrol in the middle of the Thunderpath. If he wanted his tactic to succeed then he needed to keep the battle on the Thunderpath. He ran circles around the ShadowClan cats and dodged every attack they made. The patrol was so frustrated that they didn't hear the approaching roar of a monster til it was too late. Appleshadow ducked between the paws of the monster and crouched as low as he could to avoid hitting his head on it's belly. "Look out!" the terrified wail came from Nightheart. Nightfoot managed to just narrowly escape the monsters murderous paws but Dustfoot was too slow. His agonized screech was abruptly cut off as the monster crushed the life out of the young warrior.
    When the monster had gone Appleshadow stood up and looked at the dead body of Dustfoot. His body was twisted in an unnatural way, blood was trickling from his mouth, and his eyes stared sightlessly up at the night sky. Then, an angry screech came from the side of the Thunderpath. Appleshadow whipped around to see Nightfoot racing toward him with grief and hatered in his eyes. "No!" Nightheart yowled. "Get off the Thunderpath!" but his warning was drowned out by the sound of a second monster approaching. Appleshadow waited til Nightfoot was almost right next to him then he bolted in the direction of the approaching monster. Nightfoot was so focused on Appleshadow that he didn't notice the monster til it was almost on top of him. Appleshadow raced for the ThunderClan border before the monster could hit him and by the time he reached the border and turned around Nightfoot was dead in the middle of Thunderpath. Appleshadow turned towards Nightheart who was standing on the edge of Thunderpath frozen in horror as he stared at his two dead Clanmates. Appleshadow growled and crouched, ready to spring on the ShadowClan deputy and end his life just as he had with the other two ShadowClan cats.
    Before he could jump he heard and angry yowl from the forest behind him. Appleshadow turned to see a ThunderClan patrol coming towards him and Nightheart. Skystar was in the lead with Dragonsoul and Roseheart right behind him. "Appleshadow," Skystar growled. "What is the meaning of this? Dragonsoul and Roseheart reported hearing screeches coming from Thunderpath and we come to see the ShadowClan deputy on our border and two dead ShadowClan cats on the Thunderpath." Before Appleshadow could open his mouth, Nightheart whipped around and stalked up to the ThunderClan leader until he was only a whisker length from his face. "He killed them!" Nightheart growled, grief and anger cracking his voice. "He used the monsters to kill them! He's a dirty murderer just like his mother!" Skystar turned to Appleshadow. "Is this true?" Appleshadow growled and lashed his tail. "So what if it is? Border disputes and accidents on Thunderpath happen all the time. It's not my fault that ShadowClan cats are too deaf to hear when a monster is coming." Roseheart gasped in horror and Dragonsoul stared at Appleshadow with hostility burning in his eyes.
    Skystar stared at Appleshadow for a moment then shook his head. "I was hoping you wouldn't go down this path Appleshadow. I was hoping you would learn from your mother's mistakes and become a better warrior than she was. I can see now that I was wrong. I'm sorry Appleshadow but ThunderClan cannot have another cat like your mother. You are hereby exiled from ThunderClan, if any of our warriors see you in our territory then they will kill you. Now leave, I will send a patrol here shortly to make sure you left our territory." Skystar turned around and with a wave of his tail beckoned his patrol to follow him back to camp. Nightheart hissed at Appleshadow. "Don't think you've gotten away with this. I will go back to my camp and tell everyone what you did here today. I will make sure every Clan knows about what a danger you are and to kill you on sight! StarClan will serve justice Appleshadow, just like they did with your mother." Nightheart turned and raced across Thunderpath and disappeared into ShadowClan territory.
    Appleshadow stood where he was for a moment. He felt like his whole world was crashing down around him. He lost his mother, he lost his father, and now he has lost his home. He didn't know what to do. The only place he could think to go that would be safe was Fourtrees. He began slowly walking as the snow fell heavily around him

  • @bunnypom8157
    @bunnypom8157 7 лет назад +8

    Appleshadow walked near the thunderpath watching the monsters roar by, it was his least favorite place, for it was where his mother had died. Suddenly he heard a loud hiss. A large weight fell on top of him. It scratched him on the head, even landong a bite on his ears. Appleshadow threw him off with as much force as possible. More cats appeared behind him. "Oh, how lucky of us to meet you" the cat meowed his voice deep and menacing he smelled strongly of shadowclan. " I heard your mother killed a riverclan cat, it's no surprise she was killed. Starclan sees dark hearts as easily as they can see a cats pelt color." he taunted, as the cats behind him laughed. " Don't you talk about my mother that way!" Appleshadow hissed and jumped on top of the shadowclan cat. They rolled over hissing and spitting as Appleshadow felt blood trickling between his claws as he scratched and bit. he felt another weight on top of him, another cat with menacing strength. He struggled to fight them off and finally struggled out from beneath the two, his blood staining the snow. Though the pain was emmense, as he watched a monster come by he had an idea and before the other cats could attack him, he ran across the thunderpath just as a monster was about to come by. When he got to the other side, he looked back to see cold, blood stained bodies.

    • @lre834
      @lre834 7 лет назад +4

      Shadow clans deputy Nightheart stared at him, his eyes widend in shock. "You foxhearted Monster!" he spat, but Appleshadow wasnt listening anymore as he started to run away. His mind was filled with what he just had done, but somhow he didnt felt any regret. He spun arround as he heard a cat approaching behind him, almost certain to see a Shadow Clan Cat. But to his supprise Skystar stood in front of him, " i saw what you did Appleshadow" he mewed with sharp voice "and i saw that it wasnt an accident". Appleshadows fur prickled, what was he going to do to him?
      Skystar glanced at him from Greatrock, and Appleshadow knew what was about happpen. "From this day own Appleshadow is labled as an outcast to Thunderclan" the white tom hissed "he broke the Warrior code by murdering 2 Shadowclan Cats in Coldblood, Thunderclan has no need for such Cats". A loud murmor of
      approval rose throuhg the cats. Appleshadow felt dark claw ripping into his heart as he looked at Smallclaw, he let out a sigh. "Its to late for regrets, she will be happier with another Tom" he thought sadly while pushing his way through the gorse tunnel " i sorry mother and father i dissapointed you".
      And no someone else can contiune (was my first attempt so sry if its bad ^^)

    • @pandasarecool8721
      @pandasarecool8721 7 лет назад +2

      Bunny Hoppin' Girl This is awesome

    • @pandasarecool8721
      @pandasarecool8721 7 лет назад +5

      BKGaming DE Appleshadow padded out of camp and looked behind him at Roseheart and Dragonsoul, his eyes shimmered with sadness as Dragonsoul stood with almost no emotion on his face as he watched the cat leave and Roseheart's eyes glittered with sorrow as she watched him exit. He eventually reached Four Trees and grasped some basic skills from his trainer and paw step by paw step wandered by the ThunderPath. His least favorite place in the world. The passing cars bristled his fur as they rushed past. Is this what he had become?

    • @bunnypom8157
      @bunnypom8157 7 лет назад +1

      BKGaming DE nice 😍

    • @bunnypom8157
      @bunnypom8157 7 лет назад +1

      Pandas Are cool thx

  • @citrus2888
    @citrus2888 7 лет назад +55

    omg thats what I was thinking just get moss and BOOM drinking source XD

    • @princesscutieaj1033
      @princesscutieaj1033 7 лет назад +4

      I did that for my rogue clans. Then my save file with that REALLY good clan disappeared ;-;

    • @citrus2888
      @citrus2888 7 лет назад +1

      Princess CutieAJ awwww I'm sorry,I tried to get on untold tales but it wasn't working :`(

  • @carliisok7192
    @carliisok7192 7 лет назад +12

    * After Appleshadow was banned* *** What I think should happen***
    It had been 4 moons since Appleshadow was banned. Smallclaw lay in the brambles were Appleshadow had spent most of his time. Smallclaw: "I wish he could come back just to visit..."
    Her voice was soft and quite. Back at Appleshadow's small 1 cat rouge camp. He sighs Appleshadow: "I miss Smallclaw so much..."
    Moons later...
    Appleshadow creeps over to TC's camp. Appleshadow: Pst," Smallclaw!" He quitely hissed. Smallclaw: "Appleshadow what are you doing here? I thought you were not aloud to come back.Why are you here?" Appleshadow: "To see you." He meows. Both their faces got red. Smallclaw: "I thought I would never see you again..." Appleshadow:"You are right now." Loud purrs broke out of the 2 cats. Appleshadow: "I'll be right back." He pelted off. He hunts for about 5 minutes. He pelted back with a Shrew dangling from his jaws. Smallclaw: "Nice." Appleshadow:" It's nice to see you again." Smallclaw: "It sure is." They both started to purr again. They about 2 minutes later shared the Shrew.
    A moon after seeing each other...
    Appleshadow look around for any TC patrols. He spotted Skystar with 2 other cats that he did not know. Appleshadow: "That's got to be Bramblekit and Stonekit, well Bramblepaw and Stonepaw." His ears perked. "This would be a good time to go see Smallclaw". Appleshadow thought. He pelted it to a big rock that him and Smallclaw meet at. He wait at the rock. Smallclaw walk up to Appleshadow smiling.
    Sometime later...
    Appleshadow pelted over to the rock he and Smallclaw meet at. Smallclaw padded over to Appleshadow with a Vole in her jaws. Smallclaw: "I thought I would bring something". Appleshadow:" You did not have to." Appleshadow nudged a small Rabbit forward. Appleshadow:" Here you can have it." Smallclaw: "I need it." Smallclaw meows quitely. Appleshadow's ears perked. Appleshadow: "What do you mean?" Smallclaw:"I'm expecting your kits!" Smallclaw meowed. Appleshadow jumped for joy then felt his heart break in 2 as he heard Smallclaw add something...
    You continue it from here ya'll it's time I take a break for a while and I do want to see you you guys will think up!
    -The DoggyDudets

    • @carliisok7192
      @carliisok7192 7 лет назад

      I have updated it!

    • @carliisok7192
      @carliisok7192 7 лет назад

      You all continue it now! Read till the end of this edit of this part of the story then set off and start off from were I left off!

    • @MrFrog-ds2gd
      @MrFrog-ds2gd 7 лет назад +4

      "What do I hear," Sky-star said."Small-claw, really having kits with a loner. I thought your loyalty is with Thunderclan." Small-claw cried" No, no. Its not my fault. He force me." Apple-shadow ran away, feeling the same he felt when he heard his mother died. Unable to believe his love had cast him away, all hope and happiness of rejoining Thunderclan has has faded away. All he was thinking is how to destroy Thunderclan, and he knew how. Apple-shadow ran across the swamps, fill with frogs, as he found Shadowclan's camp. Beginning to walk in, two Shadowclan guards pushed him back. They said" What are you doing here?" and Apple-shadow said grimly " To join, so i can destroy Thunderclan" The guards, almost approved by his choice, let him past so he can speak to Rot-star. One of the guards told Rot-star the whole story. Rot-star began" So you want to join Shadowclan, right?" Apple-shadow answering back"Yes, so I can begin the end to Thunderclan." Rot-star:"Very well" Rot-star jump to the top of his den and summon his clan. "Today, we have a Thunderclan cat who wants join us," Rot-star said," He has been cat out by his clan. So from this day forward, his new name is Blacken-heart, for his heart had been blacken by the false promises of Thunderclan! Blacken-heart purred with joy cause he finally found a place he belong.
      Blacken-heart story will begins as a Shadowclan cat as he and Shadowclan will fight Thunderclan.

    • @carliisok7192
      @carliisok7192 7 лет назад +1

      Froggy Gamer Ty for continuing it!

    • @Floofies
      @Floofies 5 лет назад

      small claw said "but sadly im so sorry i lied they arent your kits" she meowed in guiltyness as she took the rabbit and the vole that she had and padded off leaving appleshadow heart broken OR small claw moewed "that means... that means i cant see you anymore and you cant see your kits as kits ill be in the nusery and theyll be guarding the nusery every night im sorry apple shadow!" she walked away heart broken aswell appleshadow in disbelief heart broken angry and sad he walked off

  • @eprincess0126
    @eprincess0126 7 лет назад +6

    A small fanfiction of appleshadows exile
    AppleShadow, the small warrior, was wounded. He never was a very contributing warrior, however he did fight in many battles. An expert in territory disputes. AppleShadow padded into the medicine den, begging the medicine cat to heal him. She complied. As the medicine cat applied the herbs, skystar padded in with his teeth bared... staring straight at him.
    "AppleShadow," Skystar's fur was prickled, "After you are healed, leave." AppleShadow was staring in shock, almost in tears,"but why?" he mewled meekly.
    "We do not welcome evil cats in this clan,"
    "You, the monsters, no cat should be able to control them and kill anyone at will."
    "no buts! Leave, now!" Skystar roared with fury. Appleshadow left as fast as his legs could carry him. Cats stared in shock at the leader, and him. Stares burning his back. The stares never left. He heard loud yowls of glee, and murmurs of uneasy cats. After a few moments, all was silent... he was at fourtrees... forever condemned to the life of a rogue...
    *_Atleast he was away from the betraying flea-bags_*
    love you seri! Thank you for all the work you do!!

  • @izabellha
    @izabellha 7 лет назад +30

    would it be okay if i would write a fanfic about Appleshadow ?

    • @finncedar7388
      @finncedar7388 7 лет назад +2

      izauroo yeah

    • @cowgirlmusic
      @cowgirlmusic 7 лет назад +6

      +izauroo I am not Seri, but she loves reading fanfics!

    • @telecult4654
      @telecult4654 4 года назад

      I don't think she would mind, just credit her even though I'm late

  • @lowellgibson2109
    @lowellgibson2109 7 лет назад +33

    I haven't been this early since Dinald Trump had bad hair... Oh wait

  • @citrusred2670
    @citrusred2670 7 лет назад +6

    It's fanfic time!!
    Appleshadow sneezed as he entered the camp, covered in wounds made by the Shadowclan cats he had fought on the Thunderpath. He went straight to Cloudleaf, not thinking to leave the prey he caught first. As Cloudleaf was healing him, he saw Skystar heading towards them."What happened?" she hissed to the wounded warrior."Nothing." Appleshadow answered calmly."I just fought some Shadowclan cats at the border, that's all." And more exactly how did you fought them on your own?" the leader asked. "Using the monsters on the Thunderpath, of course.". Appleshadow said, then added "If my mom, a strong cat, didn't resisted to them, why would they?" "Your mother is dead, Appleshadow, and the subject is closed! She deserved to die! This was nothing but Starclan's will! She had to be punished! You are a mousebrain If you think she was strong!" she yowled, and then she turned around, heading to her den. Appleshadow jumped on all four, fury giving him power. "She's weak, huh?" he yowled."If she was weak, then you're a foxdung!". Skystar turned around to see Appleshadow pouncing on her. They fought fiercely until Skystar pinned Appleshadow to the ground."Go away." she whispered in the young warrior's ear."Leave this camp now! You are no longer welcomed in Thunderclan's camp." then, loud enough for the clan to hear, she added "I exile Appleshadow from the clan! From tomorow, any cat that sees him has the right to kill him!". Then she released the young tom who ran away, deeper and deeper into the snowy forest.
    Hope you like it, Seri!
    *whispering* Please notice me Senpai!!

  • @QuanMinhLy1029
    @QuanMinhLy1029 7 лет назад +1

    A quick fan fiction for 7:30.
    As Apple shadow drank from his moss, he looked up and glanced at an unnatural pile of dirt. It smelled of Thunderclan, so he padded over and dug up the ground. There was a fresh, sweet apple, and he recognized the scent. It was Wrenfeather. He gasped in surprise and tears ran down his fur. His memories flashed back to when he smiled at Wrenfeather, and when she suddenly left Wildnose and himself. He remember hearing rumors about Wrenfeather's past and it being passed down to him. All of the times he was with the clan, he suddenly felt lonely.

  • @gamerkennadebord3243
    @gamerkennadebord3243 7 лет назад +5

    It's almost like appleshadow didn't care he just wants his mom back

  • @coffeecatty
    @coffeecatty 7 лет назад +7

    Plz name your new clan lostclan!

  • @tiiredkoi
    @tiiredkoi 7 лет назад +37

    Poor Apple shadow :(

    • @pea-ch9317
      @pea-ch9317 7 лет назад +7

      same I fell so bad for him first Ummm mom now this

  • @rockmintswirl5616
    @rockmintswirl5616 7 лет назад +3

    Appleshadow walked into the medicine cat's cave near Skystar's den. He had been fighting with ShadowClan and had been using the monsters in the Thunderpath to get rid of them faster; he had done it before but this time it had worked! He was very excited and couldn't wait to tell Skystar about this new way to rid him of cats he couldn't trust.
    He was about to asked Cloudleaf if he could have some herbs for his injuries, but Skystar called the Clan. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join beneath the High Rock for a Clan meeting" She announced. Her voice sounded upset and sad at the sad at the same time.
    Everyone gathered for the meeting, Appleshadow left the medicine den and sat beside Smallclaw. He secretly had a small crush her. But to his surprise she got up and left to sit at the back of the crowd.
    "Cats of ThunderClan. I think most of you have known Appleshadow-" The cats turned their heads toward him. What was this all about?
    "But I have gotten some news about him that was not rather pleasing" The cats started whispering suspiciously. Appleshadow grew nervous. "He has been hunting in other Clans territory and has been using *monsters* to defeat enemy cats" She paused "We can not have this kind of behavior in our Clan. I'm sorry Appleshadow but you must leave" Skystar finished.
    Appleshadow was aghast. Leave the Clan? In the middle of leaf-bare? Be a rogue? It was hard to imagine.
    "But we can use the monsters to our advantage!" He protested. How could the Clan be so mouse-brained? "We can win battles more easily! We would be the strongest Clan in the forest!" Some cats murmured their approval but most declined it.
    "I'm sorry Appleshadow but you have to leave. Using monsters against the other Clans is cruel; I can't trust that you won't do it again" Skystar narrowed her eyes.
    "I will leave, but can you at least tell me, who told you about what I did?" Appleshadow persisted. He at least could know what cat he would get revenge on.
    "I don't think it's my place to tell you." Skystar confessed. Appleshadow began to bubble with frustration. "But I will let them stand up if they wish"
    He looked to the crowd of cats. After a few heartbeats, a ginger and white head poked up from the back. "I did! I followed you and saw you trick those innocent cats. I told Skystar cause I didn't want it to happen again!" A cat wailed. Appleshadow gaped. It was Smallclaw! He couldn't believe it. Suddenly, he understood why she walked away from him so fast earlier.
    Appleshadow began stalking toward the entrance. His Clan had betrayed him. He would never forgive them. But he could forgive Smallclaw. Couldn't he? One part of him still wanted to be close to her. But the other part of him wanted to claw her fur off. He stepped out of camp and trudged through the snow. He wasn't sure what his feelings were for Smallclaw but he knew one thing: he would be stalking through the shadows... silently seeking revenge. (and apples! sorry I had to XD) Hope you like! ~ Mintstar

  • @morgann3519
    @morgann3519 7 лет назад +13

    Untold 'Tails'

  • @wolfiethetimberwolf1363
    @wolfiethetimberwolf1363 7 лет назад +25

    my ship has sunk #wildfeather

  • @lovelysakurapetalsyt
    @lovelysakurapetalsyt 7 лет назад +77

    seri, even though you did use the cars to your advantage, you weren't kicked out because of that. Look at your reputation before you tried to heal. One point away, and because of that, you were kicked out of the Clan.

    • @seripixelbiologist
      @seripixelbiologist  7 лет назад +36

      The cars angle was pure role-play story, not the actual game! :3

    • @chloelatta6676
      @chloelatta6676 6 лет назад +6

      Kawaii Chan the Second Gemsofgod 2 WSP she knows that it's just the story she came up with , if that was the case then wren feather would be a Rouge for killing a cat.

    • @shinysylveonpawyt9885
      @shinysylveonpawyt9885 6 лет назад +3

      Shes roleplaying!

    • @chillywolf55aj57
      @chillywolf55aj57 6 лет назад +3

      She just wants to roleplay!! This is what the games about

    • @-alex-7403
      @-alex-7403 6 лет назад

      Gemsofgod WSP whats repuatation,?

  • @lex4933
    @lex4933 7 лет назад +7

    Please call the clan wrenclan! for his mother!

  • @reesethehighlyabsentminded1352
    @reesethehighlyabsentminded1352 7 лет назад +9

    Put down shiny things on moss to attract mates

  • @petraspareaccount467
    @petraspareaccount467 7 лет назад +2

    Appleshadow's Exile
    Appleshadow was hunting along the Shadowclan border near the Thunderpath when he suddenly smelled the harsh stench of Shadowclan cats. He heard a battlecry as a patrol launched at him, a monster whizzed past and he thought of how his mother, Wrenfeather had died. She was hit by a monster on the Thunderpath, he then got an idea. He hissed and ran across the Thunderpath luring the Shadowclan patrol. A monster hit a cat, killing it, he heard a cry of anger "SHADOWCLAN WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR THIS!" the cat hissed. Again he ran across the Thunderpath, and again a monster hit the cat, barely missing Appleshadow. He smiled as the blood trickled from the dead cat. But suddenly a heavy weight was on his back, he turned on the Shadowclan deputy, and killed him by giving him a deep gash in the belly and his neck. He smelled a strong Thunderclan scent, "Huh? ...Its probably nothing" He shrugged it off. When he got back to camp Roseheart was talking to Skystar as she jumped onto the Highrock "May all cats old enough to catch ones pwn prey, join beneath the Highrock to hear my words." She shouted. "Appleshadow!" She caught him off gaurd "Roseheart tells me you killed three cats on the Thunderpath!" the clan gasped and some just nodded. Appleshadow's emotions were mixed. Anger and fear "How would she know! She should have been gaurding camp!" He retorted, but Skystar only answered with "I just got back from a patrol WITH HER I wasnt around to see it but I saw the bodies, with YOUR scent all over them." she said. The clan hissed with fear and anger "Appleshadow. Starclan would not have this. From this day forward you are no longer a Thunderclan cat. You are exiled." Skystar said "Fine!" Appleshadow exclaimed "I'll show you all one day!" He ran off into the darkness bringing the burning hunger for vengeance with him. A brown she-cat descended from above, her coat glimmering with the stars of silverpelt "My son..." she murmered "Im sorry... you will be punished.." :o
    How did you like it?

  • @Mel-qp4fd
    @Mel-qp4fd 7 лет назад +8

    seri I have started play the untold tales too and I got a hang of it I'm now part of shadow clan but snowstorm is a hunter and herb finder she will only fight when she needs to!

    • @Mel-qp4fd
      @Mel-qp4fd 7 лет назад +6

      she does not wish a mate because she has move from clan to clan not finding anything of interest but just stay because she feels the need to.
      snow is a gray/white tabby female cat with a quiet feel to her but she is every sweet and a skilled fighter but she does not fight anymore because she has had blood on her paws, she has kill meny cats (and by kill I mean grave stone them) but she was just portecting herself from them ganging up on her so she see no problem with her killing her!
      but thunder clan did not like her ways and so they made her leave and so river clan took her in as a member of there clan because snow's brother was apart of the clan before he died of a monster but snow has master the roads of monsters so she stay and help but left seeing as there was no really a place for her there.
      so she wondered off and meet with a battle of shadow clan and thunder clan, seeing thunder clan had kick her out(she was every upset seeing as her father was a thunderstorm clan member before he past on to the stars). she had side with shadow clan and help fight back against thunder clan. with thunder clan push back the shadow clan stared to hear but to camp but the leader of shadow clan stop and turn to snowstorm and said "she remind him of a snow white cat that had past to the stars not long ago"and for him to go on and say "you and her look so much alike, she was our best warrior no cat past our borders when she was on protol.. her name was Snowshadow! if I remember correctly she had three kits, sadly her mate past before he could meet them he was a member of thunder clan.
      snow want to ask the kits name but thought agested it only for the shadow clan leader to say " her kits names where Wingshadow, Mousewind and Snowstorm yes those where the name of her kits I know that Wingshadow has past to the stars and Mousewind lives in wind clan but I never know what happens to her last kit she said her left at one of the clans but she never said witch one but all I can say is where ever the kit is now it's safe!"
      snow looks at him with happiness because she is snowstorm but she is not safe not one bit without a clan she has no portectshion of other clans but could she be so good to ask to join his clan and become a member like her mother... As the shadow leader goes to leave Snow calls out witch stops him in his tracks and looks back at her " WAIT! you said the name Snowstorm right" "why yes I did but why do you ask" " because I'm Snowstorm the kit of Snowshadow and Wingstorm and I wish to be a member of shadow clan like my mother and fight alongside the members of shadow clan!"...
      (what happens next will she be a member or will she be turn away find out next time in the comments of seri untold!)

    • @dusk3529
      @dusk3529 7 лет назад +2

      Can I use your character for story of mine

    • @Mel-qp4fd
      @Mel-qp4fd 7 лет назад +1

      RonCake 56 sure on you go I don't mind 😊

    • @Mel-qp4fd
      @Mel-qp4fd 7 лет назад +1

      RonCake 56 if you are making it on wattpad tell me so I can read it😋

    • @dusk3529
      @dusk3529 7 лет назад +1

      Okay thanks and my account is Roncake45

  • @savtheartist5423
    @savtheartist5423 7 лет назад +1

    I'm gonna roleplay a bit....
    Appleshadow pounced squarely on the mouse, his mind still crowded by faint memories of his mother, Wrenfeather, when a patrol or Shadowclan cats emerged from the undergrowth, with the Shadowclan deputy, Nightheart, at the lead. He quickly grabbed his mouse and tucked it away with the squirrel he had caught earlier. As the patrol grew closer, he noticed two Shadowclan novices, Dustfoot and Nightfoot, padding quickly behind Nightheart. Swiftly he turned and ran across the thunderpath, the patrol following him. As Nightheart growled something into Dustfoot's ear, Dustfoot ran quickly towards Appleshadow, causing him to run back across the thunderpath. Appleshadow glanced back, only to feel bile rising in his throat at the sight of a crippled, bloody Dustfoot at the side of a thunderpath. He watched as Nightfoot and Nightheart gazed at their fatally wounded clanmate before chasing after him once more. Appleshadow ran as fast as he could, traveling deep into Thunderclan territory once more. He took deep breaths and relaxed his muscles before beginning to hunt again.
    Hope u guys like it!

  • @laureltree9390
    @laureltree9390 7 лет назад +4

    **sees title**
    **falls to floor while making narwhal noises**

    • @Owenbot3000
      @Owenbot3000 5 лет назад +1

      I have so many questions

  • @ashlynn-marie6186
    @ashlynn-marie6186 7 лет назад +1

    Appleshadow pushed through the brambles, hissing at the sharp sting the snow brought to his cuts. He limped over to Cloudleaf, aware of Cats' gazes sending shudders along his burnt orange pelt.
    "There was a Shadowclan attack," He gasped, his wounds making him exhausted. Cloudleaf glanced at him with a pitied expression, then gestured for him to follow her inside her den. She got to work, using comfrey and other herbs to soothe his scratches and bruises. After he was treated he felt himself begin to nod off, the corners of his vision blurring and his eyes beginning to droop. He fought for consciousness until his vision faded to black
    He awoke when he heard the shouts of many cats voices yowling in the night air. He struggled to his feet, his limbs aching from the battle. He padded warily to the den's entrance, an awful feeling forming in his stomach. He pushed through the ferns, blinking at he bright sun shining in his eyes.
    Multiple cats, it seemed like the whole clan, was gathered in the middle of camp. Many were shouting, hair bristling and eyes wild.
    "What is going on here?" He asked Skystar. The clan leader turned to him, eyes grim.
    "They are saying that you should be exiled." He shook his head. The feeling of dread forming in Appleshadow's stomach grew. He looked around frantically at the cat's faces. They all looked away, except one. He held onto Smallclaw's gaze, his eyes desperate and pleading. 'Tell me it's not true,' he thought. 'Please, Smallclaw. Her eyes eyes were filled with tears, and she snapped her head away from his amber gaze. The fur on Appleshadow's hair raised, and he shook his head violently. His knees felt like jelly and he spun, shaking himself, and dashed out of camp.

  • @icaruslukas7041
    @icaruslukas7041 7 лет назад +7

    I said that Appleshadow should make his own clan in the previous episode!

  • @boringmeep650
    @boringmeep650 7 лет назад

    9:58 oh it just warms my heart because wrenfeather buried those mice he picked up
    and im just watching some old memories on seri's channel waiting for niche

  • @silverfoxmtp25
    @silverfoxmtp25 7 лет назад +3

    Seri collect 3 brambles to make a thicket and I then make a camp after that scratch trees to get moss and then put prey on them to get cats, if u want them to be kits just say for example Frogkit ok?

    • @silverfoxmtp25
      @silverfoxmtp25 7 лет назад

      Oh yeah and put a shiny thing on the moss bed along with some prey to get a mate

  • @katcook8857
    @katcook8857 7 лет назад +1

    Wrenfeather: (In star clan watching her son) "No, why him!" she said, sadness in her voice. it been moons since her death.

  • @keanaj.8877
    @keanaj.8877 7 лет назад +7

    What do you use to record that? Also, EARLY!!!! :D

  • @froggiedraw
    @froggiedraw 7 лет назад +1

    Appleshadow blinked open at the brambles that he had laid down to start his own camp, a cat was sitting there by the prey eating the thrush. His fur stood out to him and the fragments of memories rushing back to him. "Wildnose?" He squeaked. Wildnose stared at him for a moment before responding, "Applepaw?" He asked standing up from the moss he was sitting on and rushed over to his kit. The one he had left and he still hated himself for it. "It's Appleshadow, Wildnose." A purr rumbled from Wildnose's throat as he smiled "I'm sorry I left, I just couldn't hear cats of Thunderclan talking about your mother's death was justified." Wildnose apologized, he didn't need to but he did it anyway. Appleshadow had his father back in his own clan, he could have his father now to help him with his new clan he was making.

    @TUXONPAWALT 7 лет назад +6

    Tinyclaw is probobly a little sad even if she didn't know Appleshadow much

  • @sarissa1083
    @sarissa1083 7 лет назад +1

    Seri you can get more cats into ur clan by putting moss on the ground with pret buy sleep every night before adding prey and when you wake up there can be cats into ur clan :3

  • @johtoprodigy
    @johtoprodigy 7 лет назад +4

    My cat is called Nightlock. He's the deputy's assistant and his mate is Suntooth, and his kit is Fishkit. I've only been playing for 2 days but he has 7 bonus coins. What does this tell you about me :^)

    • @willowfalls527
      @willowfalls527 4 года назад

      yeonjun’s dog DUDE WE HAVE THE SAME NAME OMG

  • @megbee2138
    @megbee2138 7 лет назад

    your acting and roleplay skills are amazing seri! I love you!!!!

  • @ashlynn-marie6186
    @ashlynn-marie6186 7 лет назад +4

    Yay! Loved the ep

  • @brookedavis978
    @brookedavis978 7 лет назад

    three spaces up from riverclan camp is in my opinion one of the best places to build a camp. it is far away from fights and it has a lot of prey. it already has half a wall so it will be easier to build.

  • @greenhousestudios7703
    @greenhousestudios7703 7 лет назад +11

    Why is, like, Stonefur I think his name was, on the thumbnail?

    • @seripixelbiologist
      @seripixelbiologist  7 лет назад +5

      All the art on the thumbnails has been from our original MossClan and BranchClan cats! :D It was done by Cupcakearecool and I've had fun choosing different cats to sneak in! I don't have art of the current in-game cats I can use, alas.

    • @greenhousestudios7703
      @greenhousestudios7703 7 лет назад

      Seri! Pixel Biologist!
      Oh, ok! Thank you for explaining!

    • @bubblepop8602
      @bubblepop8602 7 лет назад

      Talka yes I wondered who that was

    • @ellenfrye7058
      @ellenfrye7058 7 лет назад

      Talka foggy

    • @squidwatermalain8816
      @squidwatermalain8816 7 лет назад +1

      His name is Stonepool which I find beautiful!

  • @samanthajohnson6151
    @samanthajohnson6151 7 лет назад

    I LOVE APPLESHADOW I can just thing of all the drawings of him using the monsters in fights and finding the apple his mother burrowed long ago

  • @mckenzieball9995
    @mckenzieball9995 7 лет назад +4

    Will there be 2 episodes today?

    • @seripixelbiologist
      @seripixelbiologist  7 лет назад +2

      On vacation! Please check our community updates on the main channel page! :D The update vlog has some important news about videos!

    • @shadow_wolf2177
      @shadow_wolf2177 7 лет назад


    • @saintedharpy_5732
      @saintedharpy_5732 7 лет назад +1

      Seri! Pixel Biologist! Does this game have viruses

  • @auriemealing
    @auriemealing 7 лет назад +1

    I think that AppleShadow would have a fear of monsters, I think that as a kit, Wildnose always told him to stay away from the thunder path. Also, I think that he wants to get revenge on Star clan so he kills other cats using monsters because of Wrenfeathers death.

  • @musketears1318
    @musketears1318 7 лет назад +4

    is it bad I sorta think that being kicked out was gonna come...?

  • @tstormn3tw0rk35
    @tstormn3tw0rk35 7 лет назад +2

    rp time! i hear running and wake up expecting to see wrenfeather, but what i see is her friend quickheart carrying her limp body and sobbing. "it was a two-leg!" he yowls "it chased her into a monster's path!" he drops her body in the center of camp tears leaking from his eyes. i run to the body yelling in my head STARCLAN WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME? i shield applekit's eyes and sob over wrenfeather's body. *3 moons later the rp begins*

  • @Coco-xq7zh
    @Coco-xq7zh 7 лет назад +5

    Yay im early!!!!
    But I miss Wrenfeather :(

  • @84garz
    @84garz 7 лет назад +2

    Appleshadow looked at Skystar as he spoke. Skystar: Appleshadow, I never wanted to tell you this, but... We can no longer have you in this clan. You are never to come back to this clan. Appleshadow: Skystar! How can you do this to me?!? My mother passed away and my father ran away. * Appleshadow looked at Smallclaw * Smallclaw had tears in her eyes * Appleshadow walked up to Smallclaw and licked her muzzle*Appleshadow: Farewell, Smallclaw... * Appleshadow tore through the gorse tunnle. Leaving the camp behind.... *

  • @shaynatang8888
    @shaynatang8888 7 лет назад +3

    Stonepool? why are you on the thumbnail?

    • @seripixelbiologist
      @seripixelbiologist  7 лет назад +4

      ;D Cross-over fun! (Also I don't have art of Appleshadow yet but people are doing an AMAZING job working on it! I've some to add and change the thumbnails when I'm back from vacation!)

    • @shaynatang8888
      @shaynatang8888 7 лет назад

      Seri! Pixel Biologist! don't worry seri, take your time

    • @beckymorrell2918
      @beckymorrell2918 7 лет назад

      Seri! Pixel Biologist! Please try out on roblox: pokemon brick bronze! if you do please buddy me on roblox, I'm lpshalo and I can give you oddish after first gym! also, I recommend you get first gen starters or 3rd gen starters since they're the only starters with mega evos! hope you enjoyed the tip and I love this series along others like niche and dog sled saga and wolf quest!

    • @gradientfoxvi3991
      @gradientfoxvi3991 7 лет назад +1

      I drew appleshadow right here! :

    • @ali13w
      @ali13w 7 лет назад +1

      Shayna Tang EXACTLY ITS SO CUTE maybe there half brothers...

  • @lydiariggs9447
    @lydiariggs9447 5 лет назад +1

    appleshadow was in tears "I will become the fifth clan of the forest" he said "oh....hi" he said to amber, a kittypet his mother had met he ran hissing to starclan "WHY DID YOU HAVE TO KILL HER WITH THAT MONSTER!? WHY MY MOTHER YOU CHASED AWAY MY FATHER YOU'LL PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID TO MY MOTHER!!!" he hissed to starclan

  • @das3220
    @das3220 7 лет назад +3

    when i played this it didnt let me close it! i need to know why

    • @seripixelbiologist
      @seripixelbiologist  7 лет назад +4

      ESC + Backspace

    • @pandasarecool8721
      @pandasarecool8721 7 лет назад +2

      Seri! Pixel Biologist! Seri! I saw this earlier but maybe he should be nicknamed Monster because of how he killed his enemies and because he's kinda mysterious and scary which is why that should be his name. Just a suggestion but I think it would be cool.

    • @melodious.o7
      @melodious.o7 7 лет назад +3

      Seri! Pixel Biologist! SMALLSHADOW WHY!!!! THE SHIP IS HAS SUNK!!!! Why did it have to be them?..... * cries in corner *

    • @das3220
      @das3220 7 лет назад

      oh thx

    • @thelvking664
      @thelvking664 7 лет назад

      Alan Snodgrass press escape then press then you will go from there

  • @eyemucus3234
    @eyemucus3234 7 лет назад +2

    i think you should make a rouge camp and call it appleclan after appleshadow i think its cool how if you put a paw or a kit behind the cats name they get smaller and i still ship silklilly and appleshadow

  • @trashcan8689
    @trashcan8689 7 лет назад +4

    er tune is a girl

  • @animaljamfan2010
    @animaljamfan2010 2 года назад

    Is it just me or when they die or get exiled it actually gives me chills. It's the music- like seriously.

  • @adrienv7812
    @adrienv7812 7 лет назад +3

    Were can i send fanart
    Cuz i got banned on deviantart

    • @TamOfTheDragons
      @TamOfTheDragons 7 лет назад

      Use her fanmail email, its in the description

    • @rayswithaZ
      @rayswithaZ 7 лет назад


    • @rayswithaZ
      @rayswithaZ 7 лет назад

      +Cloudz why?

    • @adrienv7812
      @adrienv7812 7 лет назад

      Monique Davis they found out i was to young to be on deviantart XD
      so they suspend me
      luckly enough i will prob get my account back in a couple months

    • @rayswithaZ
      @rayswithaZ 7 лет назад

      SO, so sorry. I hope you can get back on in the couple mounths

  • @brookegreenwell3892
    @brookegreenwell3892 7 лет назад +2

    appleshadow had just finished hunting when he heard his name called by skystar "appleshadow will be kicked out of thunder clan for his poor reputation he has gotten little prey for leafbare " appleshadow went into camp acting like he had not heard this news "appleshadow u must leave camp at once and don't come back" hi sounded unhappy " LEAVE NOW " he said appleshadow saw all cats glaring as he left " if this is about more than reputation and it includes my parents then I never belonged here" appleshadow said and padded away "I will miss u birchpaw remember that" he whispered in for trees

  • @lowellgibson2109
    @lowellgibson2109 7 лет назад +4

    She could have revived wrenfeather but nooooooo.

    • @jewelsthecat5331
      @jewelsthecat5331 6 лет назад

      Lowell Gibson it makes the story more exciting

  • @samurrutia8070
    @samurrutia8070 7 лет назад +2

    hey hey when youre with the trainer, it looks like you can upgrade your basic attack without needing to activate a slot for it so yea... just wanted to point that out lol

  • @Sarah-kg4vl
    @Sarah-kg4vl 7 лет назад

    im doing really well in the game now. yesterday my cat, dawnfur, got run over by a car, and she "died, but i had 84 reputation, and i revived her with 5 rep. im doing EXTREMELY well. i have hawkheart as a mate, a kit named Snowkit, and i have FREAKING 84 REP! im not trying to brag, im just really happy you showed me this game. i love it soooo much. thank you seri for showing this to me!

  • @Galaxy-qb8uf
    @Galaxy-qb8uf 7 лет назад +1

    Near sunny rocks is a little water hole with tons of prey, at least, that's where I camped!

  • @kjcobbler
    @kjcobbler 7 лет назад

    awwww that's stone pool on the thumbnail :3 i love this series so much seri,!! your inspired me to download the game and make my own stories :DDD

  • @lydiariggs9447
    @lydiariggs9447 5 лет назад +1

    "hello cloudleaf" he said happily "may I ha-" appleshadow saw skystar hissing at him "GET OUT APPLESHADOW" he yelled "YOUR MOTHER HAS CAUSED A WAR BETWEEN RIVERCLAN AND WINDCLAN" "STARCLAN SENT THE MONSTER ONTO HER NOW LEAVE THIS CLAN AND NEVER RETURN!" he hissed "skyst-' "GET OUT AND DON'T RETURN" he hissed appleshadow ran to the gathering point at fourtrees and hissed to starclan "WHY DID YOU KILL HER!?? WHY!?" he hissed in tears

  • @felisaves
    @felisaves 7 лет назад +1

    "No..." Appleshadow whispered. "No! Please! I was hurt, I never meant to take advantage of the medicine cat!" He repeated louder.
    Clan members circled around him with narrowed eyes. Smallclaw stood near the front with widened and tearful eyes. Her pelt was ruffled as she stared in disbelief.
    "Smallclaw, please, you can't let them kick me out!" Appleshadow begged. She only looked down and dashed to the back of the crowd towards his pile of things he has collected for himself and from his mother, whom died not short before.
    "Appleshadow, your reputation with the clan has fallen, and you must leave as a rogue. From this day, starclan watches you no more, for we see you now as a rogue." Skystar's voice sounded. Appleshadow stared in disbelief, fury growing in his stomach.
    "Fine! But you'll regret it. You'll never know what it's like to lose your parents and now your life. You'll regret it!" Appleshadow yowled to the whole clan. His cold glare shattered the heart of Smallclaw as he dashed away through the soft snow of leaf-bare, kicking some snow in the faces of few cats. Murmuring hung in the air as the friend of many had been banished. Snowheart turned to her mentor and in sheer anger hissed at the medicine cat. Cloudleaf stood up.
    "What do you think you're doing!" She hissed back.
    "You did this! You and your stupid herbs did this! His mother was my friend, she helped so much, and he was injured! It is leaf-bare and you tell the leader he has lost his reputation!" Snowheart yowled and ran towards the medicine cat dens. Cats scattered the camp, uneasy of the loss of the final line of Wrenfeather's collective family.
    Cloudleaf stared and looked down. Was it her fault?
    Appleshadow never was seen again. A few patrols caught him through battles here and there, but he never wanted to see the pain of Thunderclan ever again.

  • @thekristanator5181
    @thekristanator5181 7 лет назад

    Seri! You should have chosen a spot clear of trees and big obstructions! It gives more room for your clan to grow and it's easier to see them!

  • @casperyasper
    @casperyasper 7 лет назад +2

    Just thought of this.
    Wrenfeather: Carry on my wayward son..
    Appleshadow: Mom stop it!
    I'm sorry..

  • @evalinfeher5623
    @evalinfeher5623 7 лет назад

    Be careful with moving the den. If you build up a clan, get cats, and clear the den they dissappear. Happened to me once. Also, I always found Windclan territory to be the safest. I can't wait to see where Appleshadow's story goes next 83

  • @velvetrain9483
    @velvetrain9483 7 лет назад

    the fandom is lucky to have people like you!
    keep up the good work!

  • @jewelsthecat5331
    @jewelsthecat5331 6 лет назад +1

    AppleShadow crawled through the Clan, cats staring at him with horror. Confusion filled his eyes as he padded to the Medicine Den.
    “Uh, CloudLeaf can you heal me? I got in a fight with ShadowClan and-“
    “Oh we know what happened,” a cat hissed from behind him. AppleShadow twitched his ear in utter confusion. He had defended his Clan. Why were all these cats growing hatred towards him? SkyStar approached him.
    “AppleShadow,” He began. AppleShadow gulped, fear rippling through his pelt. He had felt pride in what he had done. He had felt powerful. And now he was being punished for luring Cats onto the ThunderPath? He assumed that’s why so many cats were growling at him.
    “I’m afraid after what RoseHeart and DragonSoul have told me, you can no longer be part of this Clan,” his voice was harsh and cold.
    “What!?” AppleShadow shrieked. “I didn’t do anything!”
    “Well by what these two guards have said it doesn’t sound like it!” SkyStar snapped.
    “I-I was defending my C-Clan though! And....your just throwing me out!?” AppleShadow could feel tears welling up inside his eyes.
    “You were, but that’s no excuse to lure cats to their deaths or giving them life long injuries!” AppleShadow crouched down, below the harsh stare of the Leader. “I hereby declare that AppleShadow is exiled from ThunderClan.” He could hear growling and hisses of agreement, and the shouts of,
    “Yay he’s leaving!” or “I always knew he was trouble like his mother.” AppleShadow glanced quickly at SmallClaw, tears falling out of her eyes.
    “You may have a moment to say your goodbyes,” SkyStar said. AppleShadow nodded and padded over to SmallClaw. Before he could say anything she hissed with muffled tears.
    “I can’t believe you would do such a thing!” These words stung AppleShadow and broke his heart.
    “But-“ He began.
    “Don’t talk to me ever again you Murderer!” She snapped as she ran away, tears falling out of her eyes. Then she whispered. “I’m sorry AppleShadow..but..I don’t love you...not anymore..” she turned away. AppleShadow cried a river of tears, as the ThunderClan cats chased him out. He dashed out of the Camp, his heart pounding.
    When he got to FourTrees, he caught his breath and sat down, snow buffeting his flank. Then he spoke.
    “How could they do this to me!” He cried out. “I was right!” He paused for a moment. “Every cat...WILL BETRAY YOU!”

  • @amberhuchton
    @amberhuchton 7 лет назад

    You can still have a mate and such in a rouge clan btw!! You have to put a shiny thing on moss near your den!

  • @morganswales478
    @morganswales478 7 лет назад +1

    Appleshadow staggered to his paws at Fourtrees after being chased out by ThunderClan. *Stupid Skystar...he's a piece of mousebrain kicking me out.* he scampered to the CarrionPlace as ShadowClan's vicious yowls appeared behind him as usual when they saw him. Appleshadow scurried behind a crate, trembling as ShadowClan drew wood scattering the snow from outside of the CarrionPlace. Soon Appleshadow caught his breath and skidded his paws through the CarrionPlace, snagging mice, squirrels, thrushes, all the prey that he could find; and then skidded outside in the snow, sliding around all the ShadowClan cats and dodging monsters when he crossed the Thunderpath. Soon he found himself, lost in the prairies, rodents and birds dangling from his jaws. He dropped his prey behind moss; making so his prey would not be stolen and rested, panting with fear as he cowered with blood and scars all over him. Then he drew back his lips, fear draining and rage filling as Appleshadow tore through the snow. As his paw pads were stinging and the snow crunched beneath his paws, he stumbled upon an apple. *A-an apple??? In Leafbare?? Is this a sign from StarClan?* Appleshadow shrugged and snatched the apple, running back to his place to get his prey but instead collapsed on the moss and set the apple behind him. *Oh Wrenfeather, Mom, I want you back more than ever....and I want you here too Wildnose...Dad...just this one last time...* A single tear slid down Appleshadow's face. Then he flung his eyes closed in exhaustion. But before that, two objects landed near him: a Wren's feather...a torn off nose from a wild animal....*Wrenfeather, Wildnose...wait, come back!* In Appleshadow's sleep, he remembered what Skystar had said about his mother. *"Wrenfeather also drew our best warrior, Wildnose, away. StarClan purposely sent that monster on her"* then he started to regret some of this. *Wait...Wrenfeather didn't kick Wildnose away! When she died, THAT did! StarClan made her die...oh GEEZ STARCLAN YOU MADE MY FATHER LEAVE AND MAKE MY MOTHER DIE* rage filled Appleshadow's heart, claws, ears, bones everything as he threw his eyes open in the morning, grabbing his items. *this all makes no sense. I'll show ThunderClan I can make my own Clan to fight them off...the rise of AppleClan.*

  • @ghostlysnake5961
    @ghostlysnake5961 7 лет назад +1

    Appleshadow wandered into ThunderClan camp, carrying fresh-kill. He noticed the hushed voices of cats whispering. But why were they whispering? He walked to the fresh-kill pile, noticing that no cats dared to come near him. He went into Skystar's den, wondering what was the matter. Skystar was tucked into the shadows, only visible by the faint light from the outside. "Skystar" Appleshadow whispered "What is going on? Why are the cats afraid of me?" Skystar hesitated. "I have decided to kick you out of ThunderClan. You have broken the warrior code many times, like your mother." Skystar hissed. Appleshadow gasped. This can't be true! Appleshadow ran out of the camp, without looking back.

  • @astronotus_
    @astronotus_ 4 года назад

    3:35 Seri: Speak with Cloudleaf an-
    Seri: *silence*
    If that was me: *intense screeching*

  • @shnoooodle
    @shnoooodle 7 лет назад

    I was thinking since Appleshadow enjoyed using monsters so much it would be interesting if he made a clan called "Monsterclan", but something like "Wrenclan" would even be nice to remember Wrenfeather.

  • @iamnotpasta4408
    @iamnotpasta4408 7 лет назад

    You could always rejoin the soft life of a clan cat if you really wanted to. There's a cat in the area between the thunderclan camp and Owl tree, and if you give him presents he will let you rejoin. (i would do it to go get the apples and goldenrod and leave again)

  • @rainbowrainbow232
    @rainbowrainbow232 7 лет назад +1

    Appleshadow glanced around uneasily as he heard the cats hungry for battle, yowling outside the barn. He glanced down at the Apple between his paws. A rush a sadness flowed through him. Mother... Father.. where are u now? What have a done to deserve this!? Appleshadows pelt bristled with fury. I'll show Skystar he made the wrong Decison kicking him out. I will build a clan, and we will drive out Thunderclan!

  • @sierradetwiler1042
    @sierradetwiler1042 7 лет назад +1

    to get a mate, leave a shiny thing on a bed of moss and sleep and hope for a mate to come

  • @cryptkeeperkain986
    @cryptkeeperkain986 7 лет назад +1

    Name a Cat Petalwish if you make a rogue camp! Its my Warrior cat persona!

  • @msamazing5
    @msamazing5 6 лет назад

    I love all the silences when something bad or unexpected happens 😂

  • @ivee1044
    @ivee1044 7 лет назад +1

    Seri !! Im Enjoying This Series So Much:) Its Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!Can You Make WildNose Create His Own Clan.Also I Think Maybe He Would Name It After His Parents: WrenClan,FeatherClan,WildClan, Or AppleClan I Think That Would Be Cute!Thx Love Your Channel

  • @little_philo8381
    @little_philo8381 7 лет назад +1

    Appleshadow padded into camp drowsily after darting across the Thunderpath multiple times. "Hey Cloudleaf. Do you have any herbs to h-" He broke off, seeing the medicine cat's shadowed gaze. He followed her eyes, and turned around swiftly. Before the frightened tom stood an intimidating Skystar, his teeth bared in a silent hiss. "S-Skystar? Is everything a-alright?" Appleshaddow mewed in a pitiful squeak. "You're too much like that disgrace of a she-cat. All she ever did was break the Warrior Code. I can't believe you, Appleshaddow." The yellow tom stared around, fear tinting his face. His gaze stopped at a beautiful she-cat, staring at him with intense sadness. "S-Smallclaw! D-don't let them do this.." Appleshaddow stared at her hopefully. Smallclaw padded slowly up to him, tears ringing her eyes. "No! Don't go near this fool!" Skystar hissed, causing the sleek she-cat to stagger backwards. The white tom turned to face the smaller, yellow warrior. "Get out of this clan. If anyone of us see as much as a claw in our territory, we have the right to kill you." Applehsaddow stared at Skystar, shock and disbelief stinging his muzzle. "Get. Out. NOW!" In a flash of white, Appleshaddow was thrown out by the scruff of his neck. He staggered to his paws, the snow chilling his thin frame. He glanced back at his former clan, then turned to walk away. "Wait!" A young warrior piped up. "Smallclaw?" Appleshaddow smiled through tears. The she-cat ran up to him and firmly pressed her head into his chest, curling her tail around his. Both cats let out a distraught purr, before an angry yowl was heard by the clan. Smallclaw darted away hesitantly, returning the yellow tom's sad gaze. Appleshaddow finally turned, and padded out of the territory.
    The tom felt himself break into a run as he dashed away. Tears clung to his eyes as he ran, feeling heavy with grief. When he felt the need to rest, he pawed the ground and curled into a tight ball. "Why do bad things always happen to me?!" He yowled into the howling wind. Snow pelted his fur, as he let out wails of anger and sadness. He felt another cat's presence, and stood up blankly. "Who's there?" Appleshaddow hissed into the air. His eyes widened abruptly. "M-Mother?" He dashed towards the figure, but felt emptiness fill his soul when he sprang right through the cat. "You... You're not real, are you?" He whimpered. "Don't worry, my child. I wish I could comfort you better, but I will always try to visit as much as I can. I'm not worried about how well you'll survive out here, after all, your father is perfectly fine." The spirit of Wrenfeather spoke in a hushed tone. Appleshaddow stared in shock. "He is? Where is he?!" The tom smiled through heavy tears, hoping he will get the chance to see his father after so long. " I'm afraid I shall not tell you. You must find him on your own." The she-cat purred. Appleshaddow's spirits sunk like a rock. How will he ever find Wildnose alone in this harsh world they called home? "During your journey, I will be right here, by your side. Don't forget that I will always be here for you, even if you can't see me." The she-cat padded towards the yellow tom and curled her ghostly tail around him. A moment later, Appleshaddow felt the warmth fade. When he turned his head towards where his mother's spirt sat, there was no trace of her, except a wren's feather, sitting neatly in the snow. Appleshaddow picked the feather up and bounded off into the snow to begin his journey to find his father.

  • @miniup
    @miniup 4 года назад

    Appleshadow’s paws left tracks in the snow, but what did it matter? His Clan threw him out and now he was stranded in the middle of leafbare. The yellow tom’s eye caught a disturbance in the white landscape. Curiosity pulled him as he walked towards it. He could scant something faint an yet familiar. It only came from hazy memories in his head. A sweet voice saying his name.
    ‘Wrenfeather...’ his heat wrenched in his chest. ‘My mother...’
    Appleshadow dug his claws into the frozen dirt, ignoring the pain of trying to dig. His mother had buried something here. It felt necessary to dig up. Soil clogged his paws and fur, but her kept digging until finally the red-fold poked from the surface.
    A pained look crossed Appleshadow’s expression as he hooked up the buried object. An apple. What he’s been named after. His claws stabbed into the fruit as his eyes misted and he pulled it closer to him, letting himself drink in the faint scent of his mother.

  • @christycharpentier3791
    @christycharpentier3791 7 лет назад

    As a tear runs down Appleshadows face, he had one thought... to take revenge

  • @thelavendercat8311
    @thelavendercat8311 7 лет назад

    Seri, I made a huge rouge camp with all the dens usually found in a clan camp! My clan is called Snakeclan because my camp is built in the rocky area where you saw snakes a while back. The leader is Wildfire, an all black cat with red-orange eyes. I'm still working on the finishing touches, like apples and smooth stones in the nursery, or feverfew, horsetail, goldenrod and comfrey in the medicine cat den, but soon it will be done!
    P.S. you can rejoin Thunderclan by finding a cat named Graystorm in Thunderclan territory and giving him a lot of gifts!

  • @kukuhyena4527
    @kukuhyena4527 7 лет назад +1

    Skystar glared down disdainfully at Appleshadow who was sitting just below high rock. "Appleshadow, is it true that you led two cats to get severely injured on thunderpath?" Skystar growled. Appleshadow cast a glance at Smallclaw who stood with the rest of the clan looking shocked. His gaze returned to the leader as he replied, "Yes." Caterwauls broke out throughout the camp at his reply. "Silence!" yowled Skystar his pelt fluffed from anger and the cold of leafbare. "Appleshadow you have gone against the warrior code in the attempted murder of a Shadowclan patrol.-" he paused as he finalized his choice then continued, "You are hereby no longer a Thunderclan cat." Appleshadow took a sharp intake of breath. He had expected this, somewhere in the back of his mind, but he didn't prepare for it. "If you are not off Thunderclan territory by this Moon high, we will face you as a rouge, understood?" Appleshadow nodded his understanding and stood. The clan broke out once more as he made his way towards the exit. "A-appleshadow!" Smallclaw came barelling forwar, paws flying underneath her. "You're not really leaving, are you?" She whimpered. Appleshadow turned towards the she cat and pressed his nose to hers. He broke away and pelted towards the exit as the clan stared at him in disgust, fear, and hatred. Smallclaw's wail echoed in his ears as he faced the snow. His gaze fixed on silverpelt glistening above. "Can you hear me mother!" he yowled at the top of his lungs. A star glistened and shimmered as a reply. A faint smile painted Appleshadow's face as he looked back on Thunderclan, one last time.