So You're New To Healing in XIV...

  • Опубликовано: 15 янв 2025

Комментарии • 412

  • @silvinity4939
    @silvinity4939 3 года назад +380

    Knowing that the life of your party rests in your hands will gradually go from intimidating to empowering.

    • @UltaFlame
      @UltaFlame 3 года назад +3

      I like power and I like feeling powerful-

    • @zurajanaisephirothda3886
      @zurajanaisephirothda3886 3 года назад +29

      For me it went past from empowering to annoying like stop getting hit by those telegraphed aoes or why do I have to raise you for the 6th time alrdy

    • @vex4859
      @vex4859 3 года назад +10

      Laughs in paladin

    • @dog6fame
      @dog6fame 3 года назад +2

      Let the black mage die

    • @shenacarter7987
      @shenacarter7987 3 года назад +5

      @@vex4859 I main tank as Paladin and I legit have tears in my eyes laughing.

  • @phantomdoofer
    @phantomdoofer 3 года назад +110

    I picked healing back up recently, and I've accepted two things that greatly helped me: 1. You can't always save everyone and 2. Other people's mistakes are not your fault.

    • @Krojack76
      @Krojack76 3 года назад +8

      Quinn (aka @quinrex) would say otherwise on your #2 statement there.

    • @Albatross0913
      @Albatross0913 3 года назад +4

      Good for mental health too tbh

    • @Vorcera
      @Vorcera 2 года назад

      I realized that as well after my first wipe and tank dying.
      I was apologetic about it because I thought I made a mistake. But the tank just brushed it off with an "Don't worry about it :) It happens".
      And after getting wiped another time by a tank who just kept running away from me the 2 dps'rs at the end told me I did great keeping up with him and that it must have been stressful for me.
      The fact that the community just go crazy on you when you make a mistake is refreshing and really helps getting into the job.

  • @Sameji
    @Sameji 3 года назад +260

    White Mage: I only heal these pathetic mortals to nourish the blood lily.

    • @manbearpigsereal
      @manbearpigsereal 3 года назад +2

      pfft i don't even do that i spend my lilies on myself between pulls/phases

    • @lonewulf0328
      @lonewulf0328 3 года назад +11

      Blood for the Blood Lily!

    • @HyouVizer
      @HyouVizer 3 года назад +3

      Yes all to power our Death Flower! 🌼 💀 🌼
      (Afflatus Misery)

    • @adrjaco
      @adrjaco 3 года назад +2

      They are but fertilizer

  • @Flaky1990
    @Flaky1990 3 года назад +71

    Me when I started healing: "Oh wow I'm really nervous about this, I hope my party is okay with me as a healer!"
    Me healing 3 patches later:"Lets see how low I can let the tank drop before he panics!"

    • @zunseah
      @zunseah 3 года назад +4

      Lol.. im as a PLD main.. always facing this probelm, and healing myself instead 😂

    • @whwhywhywhywhywhywhy
      @whwhywhywhywhywhywhy 3 года назад +8

      @@zunseah switch to dark knight and you won't have the self heal to panick with

    • @NekoYuki
      @NekoYuki 2 года назад +4

      Me, a gunbreaker: *SUPERBOLIDE!!!!!!*

    • @Terixofevermore
      @Terixofevermore 2 года назад +3

      Me the warrior: I am the healer!

    • @Vorcera
      @Vorcera 2 года назад

      To be fair I never tried that. I do know the dungeons I play and know for instance that the dragon dungeon at lvl 45 is a mess to go through XD
      Man the tanks love to pull almost half the dungeon and then die almost instantly XD

  • @hkoizumi3134
    @hkoizumi3134 3 года назад +61

    If you want to traditional healer, try Blue mage healer in Blue mage raid. I have gray hairs to prove it.

  • @EndanDrachon
    @EndanDrachon 3 года назад +74

    In my experience, the low level dungeons are good at slowly allowing you to improve and get better. Until Cutter's Cry, specifically the last boss, which is a vile demon from hell.

    • @MrDeathmansir
      @MrDeathmansir 3 года назад +11

      Damn cutters cry was my first hard dungeon as a healer, the last boss took a bit to adjust to and the tank had to explain the mechanic to me twice, we only won after the party died and the dragoon clutched it out last second thankfully.

    • @patroison1
      @patroison1 3 года назад +8

      @@MrDeathmansir Thinking about it, Cutter's Cry was the first tough dungeon I ran as a healer. Aurum Vale still has the honor of being the first truly terrifying dungeon I ran as a healer. I ran it back when the second boss, The Coin Collector?, didn't have the ground markers.
      It hurt. A lot.

    • @irochaossomalee
      @irochaossomalee 3 года назад +1

      Freakin hate that boss

    • @uglydayfif
      @uglydayfif 3 года назад +3

      @@patroison1 Playing back through with my kids and I told them about the horrors of that boss fight. We of course facerolled him easily now but he was nearly a rage quit boss for me way back when.

    • @Miksho7
      @Miksho7 3 года назад +16

      Damn, just ran Cutter's Cry for the first time ever last night. I'm a lvl 75 DRG at the ShB content, but my WHM just hit 40 and I hit Cutter's in roulette; never ran it as my main.
      Oh. My. GOD. We wiped like 7 times! My tank seemed to take damage faster than I could heal even with Cure II. My damage spells did nothing. Our machinist kept dying and refused to ever come closer than their max range, so the boss' AOE kept killing them, and I'd die trying to raise them back. We only won when I just let them stay dead.
      And then I finally understood what I had been doing to everyone else as a Dragoon.

  • @peppermint7152
    @peppermint7152 3 года назад +41

    Healer main here. WHM to be specific, with solid experience on AST and some on SCH, all to at least a savage raiding level.
    I think one of the most crucial things for new healers to learn is that abilities are to be used. You shouldn't use them all at once, no, but you should try to rotate them in the same way a tank would so that you can use them sequentially, roughly on cooldown. Don't save that Benediction or Temperance for an emergency. Use them when you need them.
    Put another way, try to use your abilities as often as you can in every fight without any unnecessary overlap.
    Above the normal content level, there are some exceptions where you may want to hold certain cooldowns for a little longer, e.g. Temperance to mitigate an especially dangerous raidwide. But even then, your mitigation timeline should look to use Temperance as close to on cooldown as possible after its initial use (ideally early into the fight).
    Oh, and one nitpick to an otherwise solid video. Please do NOT save Divine Benison for tankbusters. This is a common misconception among newer white mage players, and you're absolutely shooting yourself in the foot if you do that. You should instead use Divine Benison as close to on cooldown as possible without clipping your GCD (i.e. after a Dia or lily). The cooldown is very short, and the total shielded value not all that great; it doesn't exist to save tanks from tankbusters so much as give them added sustain throughout the fight.

    • @Vorcera
      @Vorcera 2 года назад

      Im currently trying to get comfy with higher lever dungeons at lvl 50 with my scholar.
      Really trying to learn how to rotate my bariers and use my AOE heals when I know the enemy will be AOEing as well XD

  • @AlshepType
    @AlshepType 3 года назад +42

    "No one should expect you to be an experts when healing." Ah you see that's where you are wrong almost everyone does.

    • @EvaHoshizora
      @EvaHoshizora 3 года назад

      Ever since I came back recently, I feel that.
      Doing 8 people raids is painful because I am legit solo healing, the second healer is doing nothing lately, and I'm unsure why.

    • @whwhywhywhywhywhywhy
      @whwhywhywhywhywhywhy 3 года назад

      @@EvaHoshizora on the flip side if you both do something everyone gets double the heals they need and the dps goes down a touch

  • @soli6026
    @soli6026 3 года назад +34

    Some tips I thought I could add:
    -Make sure to try and resolve mechanics first before trying to do things that will take away your attention aka raising.
    -It’s okay to overheal, just try and make sure to cut it down next time if it’s not needed. Better to play it safe.
    -If things go wrong, don’t panic just calm down and assess the situation and see what you can do.
    -Before you resurrect people, make sure the party is healed up and ready to take
    oncoming attacks, especially the tank.
    -If a mechanic will prevent you from raising don’t try and raise, throw another dps spell, heal or move out the way so you can begin raising. Don’t forget to heal them as well, no point raising for them to die again if you healing them would’ve kept them alive!

    • @SubduedRadical
      @SubduedRadical 3 года назад +8

      One trick I learned early on:
      Put some "always useful heal" in a button you can reach it easily. If your brain ever "shorts out" and you can't think of something to push, push that button.
      I used Medica 2 for this on WHM. The reason is this - sometimes you get stressed when a lot's going on and just DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO. How the Human brain responds to stress is to try to lock up while analyzing the situation for the "best" response. But this creates a "deer in the headlights" situation where you just sit there drooling until something snaps you out of it.
      ...well, having a 2.5 sec cast thing to push does a few things here. First and most important, since it's a muscle memory thing you just remember to always do when you lock up, it gives you an action to take and snaps your brain back to action. This is even more important than it being a useful heal, since this is what gets your brain going again. Second, while it's casting, it gives you time to think. 2.5 sec isn't a LONG time, but it's long enough to take a quick stock of the situation, consider if you need to do something like Swiftcast+Raise the other healer, put a shield on the tank (or yourself), use a big cooldown like Benediction or Temperance, if the boss is casting some mechanic you need to get your butt moving to avoid being hit by, and so on. It gives you this 2.5 second "lower stress" window where your brain knows you are doing SOMETHING useful to take stock of the situation and decide on your next course of action. Third, if you picked a USEFUL ability here, it can prevent the situation getting worse. Medica 2 is a good choice because it's a moderately beefy heal, it has a very wide range so you don't have to think about or use it on a specific target, and the HoT tick means for the next 15 seconds it's continuing to be useful to you.
      I developed this trick a while back, and every prospective healer I've shared it with told me later it was really helpful. Even now that I'm much more experienced and better as a healer, sometimes when the S hits the F, I find having this little Medica 2 trick can be very helpful.
      I don't know if it's some psychology thing or just a coping mechanism for me personally...but it's probably one of the more useful tips I've ever come up with or seen/shared.

    • @shenacarter7987
      @shenacarter7987 3 года назад +1

      Awesome tips! I will keep these in mind. I'm trying to get better at healing but I panic so bad. Thanks!

    • @gamester512
      @gamester512 3 года назад +1

      And if there happens to be a Summoner and/or Red Mage in your party, they might even chip in and help you with a bit of spot healing as well (I main RDM, and if I notice that a party member getting low on HP, I'll happily toss a Vercure or two their way), and in the case of an ally actually dying, I'll try to Dualcast into Verraise to hopefully spare the Healer(s) the trouble (and MP cost) of reviving them themselves.
      Though speaking of which, I wonder if my playing a Red Mage that way would make it easier for me to learn to play a Healer (I play DPS the vast majority of the time, though I've begun dabbling in Gunbreaker to try something new)?

  • @ChamberK-1
    @ChamberK-1 3 года назад +15

    As someone who’s never healed before and is planning on taking up Sage, this is really useful.

  • @Darby7
    @Darby7 3 года назад +7

    Something else i feel like is important to learn but can take a bit of practise is learning to be proactive. I see a lot of new healers not healing until they see a tank get to a certain % of health, but they underestimate how fast the tank is taking damage and its often too late by the time they start casting the heal. I think it's important for healers to take note of how fast a tank's health is dropping to plan in advance when they need the heal as opposed to just waiting until they get low enough. This also works for boss mechanics too, like if you learn what boss spells are raidwides/tankbusters you can start casting midway through the boss channel time so when it goes off your heal follows a split second later which can be pretty satisfying.

    • @aliasonarcotics
      @aliasonarcotics 3 года назад

      this is a really important skill to have when you are playing the early dungeons, i also recommend checking the tank's gear when the duty starts to know ahead of time what sort of damage you'll need to heal for. this is more important for whm/cnj, and sch before they get lustate and excog. ast can mostly ignore this completely as long as they have dignity waiting in the wings, as they get it at lv15, which is when the earliest dungeon is available
      however, just like ast and sch, once whm gets more of its tools, it really shouldn't be hardcasting heals (i.e. non-instant spells like cure2 or medica2) most of the time. like the video said, the vast majority of content don't output damage rapidly enough to warrant this, so throwing out an asylum or waiting the remaining 15 seconds or whatever for assize to come back up is better than using medica 2. waiting to heal is fine as long as you know you're in the clear

    • @Vorcera
      @Vorcera 2 года назад

      I have no clue if I am doing it right, but my thoughts at the moment during battles is mostly, as scholar:
      - place faery if possible and use blessing
      - place sacred soil as close to the enemy while taking the raged dps'rs in mind.
      And from there use Adlo to proactively keep a shield on the tanks and sometimes use succor if there is space for that.
      Emergency heal with Lustrate and using Fey Illumination when the battle is going a bit and the whispering dawn is ending.
      And just keep an eye on everybody while keeping Lucid dreaming up and trying to put the Bio2 on the enemy whenever I can.
      It is working but sometimes my fights might get bad luck and someone makes a mistake (or me) and things might go down fast.
      And just like you said, some tanks fly in and pull half the dungeon and expect you to keep them alive XD which is not working to well for me yet.

  • @densha63
    @densha63 3 года назад +33

    I maxed my healers to 80 but I still feel overwhelmed by it specially when playing AST and no, I am not confident when healing XD I always tend to over-Regen my party as well even if not needed to. Not really my forte but I want to learn all the jobs so that I can be flexible when it needs to be :D

    • @SapphireDragon357
      @SapphireDragon357 3 года назад +5

      I mean, I absolutely over-regen my party, because the single-target and aoe regens stack and I don't need to heal the tank for the next 18 seconds guaranteed. :P

    • @koboshi38
      @koboshi38 3 года назад +3

      took me some time to get into AST but now its my favorite healer. In many ways its similar to WHM but you have the cards and light speed is really great when things start going bad

    • @knightofastora916
      @knightofastora916 3 года назад

      You're in luck then, they already dumbed down AST and will do it even more with Endwalker.

    • @Vorcera
      @Vorcera 2 года назад +1

      @@SapphireDragon357 thats how i feel as well. Not overhealing per se, as I am getting more and more comfy with the faeries healing. but definitely will put Galvanize on the tank or party with succor when I have nothing to do. like during moments where the boss fights fall silent in preparation for some move.
      Rather have the party have some form of regen or shield before things go wrong then facepalming myself after

  • @fernando5819
    @fernando5819 3 года назад +8

    Placing your party and alliance list next to the center of the screen like shown on this video helps a lot on healing classes, makes easier to keep attention on mechanics and to everyone's hp at the same time

    • @mirageowl
      @mirageowl 2 года назад +1

      one of my favourite aspects in this game. Playing Tank? Make sure the enemy cast bar is right in front of your eyes. Playing Healer? Grab those party names to the middle, make them larger and easy to click. Exploring overworld? Have everything small and to the side and enjoy the sights. Really let's me pick and choose what I want to focus on when I want.

  • @jackjohnson8305
    @jackjohnson8305 3 года назад +43

    Just started leveling WHM a few weeks ago and everything was going well but then i got to lvl 50+ which is when the content starts getting really tough and i just couldn't handle it tbh the anxiety that i got as a healer was way worse than when i had tanking anxiety, when im the tank at least i know the healer's got my back but when im the healer nobody's got mine i gotta take care of everyone, watch the tank and keep an eye out on the DPS's and don't even get me started on alliance raids it was a mess, i stopped leveling it a few days ago and its been stuck at lvl 55 ever since, hopefully i'll get the courage to pick it back up someday.
    PS: i just wanna say that you healer mains are lucky af the queue times for healers are instant on my server i literally just join and immediately get thrown into a dungeon its amazing.

    • @Fordster1994
      @Fordster1994 3 года назад +2

      I feel this. honestly tanking and dps are easy laid back roles compared to healing, but it is just a matter of practice, I still get so much anxiety healing SHB dgns but its does get better with time and for WHM in particular it gets nicer as you get more ogcds to heal with I used those as my oh shit buttons for a long time till I got more comfortable with healing and now use them as my main healing skills

    • @UltaFlame
      @UltaFlame 3 года назад

      What data center are you on?

    • @KumiChan2004
      @KumiChan2004 3 года назад +5

      This is a pretty good guide.
      When haps says to take your time and get comfortable with the jobs, really do. Along with that read and understand your abilities.
      Your first priority should be to keep your party alive. Even if you do over heal some, for most of the game it isn't a huge deal.
      Keep in mind that regens give you a lot of agro automatically per tic. Try to not put a regen on the tank before a pull. As you learn more you'll be able to tell when you can. Along with that, on any job, if you get agro, move to the tank. Not away.
      Second priority is gear. A lower levels gear tends to not last very long. Since you'll out level it fairly fast. But at higher levels, 50+ you always want to make sure you're upgrading. I can push my gear to be 5 levels lower then the dungeon level. But for newer players I would suggest NOT doing that, you have to be skilled with healing to do that. I would say keep your gear no more than 2 levels lower than the suggested level for the fight. The exception being if your lower level gear has a higher item level. ilevel>gear level.
      Third. Actually, knowing tank abilities. Knowing that Hollow ground is the best ability in the game is good, and noticing your tank using it can allow you to know when you'll need to heal. Knowing that Superbolide is good but you need to be ready to heal the gunbreaker is also good to keep in mind, personally I love/hate this skill cause I've lost a lot of benedictions to it.
      Forth. Is understanding the abilities of the other healers. This isn't required. But knowing that if scholar has a shield on the party and the party still has a good bit of damage missing means you have time to react can save a fight.
      BUT the most important thing to remember is to have fun!

    • @LolaLink
      @LolaLink 3 года назад +8

      Just as a head's up, I'm very comfortable bringing WHM into level 80 dungeons blind now. But level 50 healing is still stressful. The kit really is pushed to the limit before you get new abilities. And don't be afraid to ask the tank to do smaller pulls in later content.
      I also suggest watching mechanic guides before whatever you queue for. You may be "spoiled", but I found that it made me feel less stressed.

    • @jackjohnson8305
      @jackjohnson8305 3 года назад +2

      @@Fordster1994 I hear a lot of good things about WHM as it levels up with its OGCD's thats why i picked it up im just really anxious when playing it im constantly looking at the screen making sure that everybody is alive and i can't for the life of me balance both DPSing and healing cuz as soon as i start DPSing i see that the tank's health is low or that the DPS is dead so i panic and drop everything and just heal heal heal and ahhhh!! lol its just stressful but hopefully i get better at it

  • @jjgaddi
    @jjgaddi 3 года назад +3

    I like your calming voice describing the most anxious-filled job. Picked up healing a few months ago, and I can never go back. I thought AST is more interesting, but since my WHM is 70+, I have more "oh-shit" heals and I enjoy WHM more now.

  • @KersplosionLlawchwith
    @KersplosionLlawchwith 3 года назад +46

    I remember a guy I met in HW that literally macroed every single heal for every single party slot, to . I was dying just listening to them.

    • @HyouVizer
      @HyouVizer 3 года назад +1

      So every time they healed it was a party message for it? Like: "healer name healed tank name with Cure 2" something like that?

    • @atheistium
      @atheistium 3 года назад +1

      I think the occasional macro is not hte end of the world (I hate them still) but if someone has exsessive macros on all their skills I report them. This is purely done to annoy people, there's no other reason to do it other than to upset others.

    • @Poldovico
      @Poldovico 3 года назад +2

      @@atheistium Macros aren't just for adding messages, they can change the way you target certain spells. A classic is DRK's Salted Earth on target.

    • @ryno4ever433
      @ryno4ever433 3 года назад +2

      @@atheistium Yea, they're talking about targeting macros, not messaging macros.

    • @roddlez
      @roddlez 3 года назад +1

      This could be furthered improved with bongo sound effects. XD

  • @Lancun
    @Lancun 3 года назад +2

    Scholar is...extremely hard for me to get used to for wall-to-wall pulls. I leveled WHM a bit, but Holy spamming to make the damage never happen in the first place spoiled me.
    I get that, as a shield healer, you cast Adlo first to prevent any damage in the first place, but that shield dies very quickly. After that, it's alternating between Adlo and my Aetherflow heals, Physick if those are on cooldown. I barely have any time to fit in an Art of War.
    It feels like I'm doing something wrong. My gear is all up to date. The incoming damage is just insane though. I just started the Heavensward dungeons and I really am trying to figure out what to do while I wait for the better abilities.

  • @Ellyll8T
    @Ellyll8T 3 года назад +3

    I love these guides! I remember thinking healing was pretty easy, & then I went into Bardam's Mettle for the first time, and the tank pulled everything. I'm pretty sure I cried. But it did make me learn how to maximize my healing better! It took me a LONG time to accept I should use my lilies or lustrate - I deeply wanted to hoard them. And for every class, I had a hard time accepting to use abilities on cooldown (for the most part) I'd think, 'But I might NEED to jump!" Oh - and I also like to use Holy on mobs, assuming they're stunnable, and once the tank has them nicely round up. I love all 3 healers, but it's Assize that makes me happiest.

  • @ragerblade82
    @ragerblade82 3 года назад +6

    Even if you are not a healer, you play a DPS or a Tank. Learning how healing works can only improve your game also. So this is a great video all around.

  • @amouramarie
    @amouramarie 3 года назад +5

    That little line above the debuff means it can be removed with esuna -- THANK YOU. I wondered what the heck that was.
    I still need to learn what the healer aoe effects look like so I don't move out of them in fear

    • @siggejohansson7968
      @siggejohansson7968 3 года назад +1

      I feel like a good rule of thumb is that if it's light green or light blue it's good to stand in, and if it's not it's bad. True, I'm fairly new to this game; only at lvl 53 WHM and just started Heavensward content, but I've played quite a few MMOs over the years, and it seems to hold true for many of them.

  • @dustinhatfield8373
    @dustinhatfield8373 3 года назад +1

    My favorite greeting these days as a healer is "Happy No Heal November!"

  • @ladwarcoffee
    @ladwarcoffee 3 года назад +4

    I live by the "did you die" motto. Because a large proportion of fights don't have live or die mechanics, at least for 4 or 8 man content. Also its good to remember that out of combat regen is pretty high and you don't need to heal in between pulls or heal up at the end of a pull for the next one. Heck even in combat regen could be enough to weather a few odd AOEs so you don't need to heal after every one, but thats more towards fight knowledge which comes with time.

  • @RaionOwO
    @RaionOwO 3 года назад +21

    I don't heal but as a new tank I find it really helpful to know what my partner (who is my healer) has to deal with xD

    • @HyouVizer
      @HyouVizer 3 года назад +3

      Yep yep and remember to stay in healers ground healing aoes like stated 👍

    • @jayr5mitty351
      @jayr5mitty351 3 года назад +1

      Precisely why I have a main in each role. I did it initially to understand what they each have to work with during encounters. Will dramatically improve your gameplay

  • @dat1kid414
    @dat1kid414 3 года назад +1

    one thing to remember as whm specifically holy stuns most trash mobs that are not resistant to cc. Alternating holy and cures on tank can cancel all ground aoes as the cast is stunned and any attacks on the tank are insta healed. does not work in all situations, but works in many

    • @SacredDaturaa
      @SacredDaturaa 2 года назад

      Holy is such a great spell. Every second a mob is stunned is a second they're not damaging the tank, which can give you them some valuable respite.

  • @h3lladvocate
    @h3lladvocate 3 года назад +2

    That ruby weapon clip was some exceptionally special SCH play

  • @jayr5mitty351
    @jayr5mitty351 3 года назад +1

    This is a great intro guide happz! I approve 😎
    I've been healing since ARR and made the horrible mistake of maining Sch while knowing absolutely nothing about healing and if you wish to heal the hard way, that is it lol(early on)
    Just plz remember this tip: adlo>physic
    You are a SHIELD healer. Your shield is stronger than your heal

  • @TheSageJ
    @TheSageJ 3 года назад +3

    I personally use mouse over macros. Since most of my healing is done through oGCDs, the latency thing isn't really an issue, just got to get used to what each spell's "sounds" are when they get casted to know when to stop spamming the spell/macro and be able to queue up the next Malefic GCD. It allows me to keep the boss targeted 100% of the time.

  • @VinceVanished
    @VinceVanished 3 года назад +5

    Been a healer in every game I’ve played and it’s the must taunting and empowering thing at the same time….
    White mage for life!

  • @gala6308
    @gala6308 3 года назад +2

    i main tank, which means keeping the party safe is my responsibility. i find it fun and rewarding. i recently picked up healer, which means keeping the party safe is my responsibility. i have literally never been more terrified in my life

  • @skyesfury8511
    @skyesfury8511 3 года назад +1

    Thank you for the polite approach to DPSing as a Healer. Far too often people turn toxic about this, DEMANDING that Healers ARE REQUIRED to dps. That makes people who are nervous about trying a Healer not want to touch it at all.

  • @cparle87
    @cparle87 Год назад

    10:35 Yup. Using swiftcast for movement or damage almost guarantees someone is going to die right after. It's tempting Murphy.

  • @Lord_Raviel
    @Lord_Raviel 3 года назад +2

    I feel like for healer DPS a good starting point is to get into muscle memory the spamming of your DPS button any time you arent specifically doing something else. You can allways interupt the DPS spell cast chile learning to cast a heal when it is needed and doing this it stops you standing there doing nothing.

    • @JohnDCrafton
      @JohnDCrafton 3 года назад

      as a summoner main I already got used to that from spamming ruin when I didn't have any other buttons to press

  • @KirtAkaKj
    @KirtAkaKj 3 года назад +4

    Healing is as easy as your party makes it.

  • @vedasisme
    @vedasisme 3 года назад +2

    I still have ptsd from healing the first big pull of Doma Castle...

  • @Vorcera
    @Vorcera 2 года назад

    I'm the person who used to be very introverted so never played MMO's.
    The games that I did play, I never chose any sort of healing stuff as the AI party members usually were fine.
    After playing FF14 ARR halfway through to about 35 as a black mage I wanted to do something else. or at least try.
    Then I saw that Summoner was fun and wanted to go for that.
    As I was getting more and more into the Arcanist job I started to see that Scholar was also an option.
    And just to challenge myself AND because of the great support from the guys in the Novice Network, I started trying out healing.
    I basically started training the role with lower level dungeons in the dungeon roulette. I was basically poking my head in the healer job around lvl 16 to 25.
    Nothing to dangerous and dungeons I have played before that were hardly a challenge.
    After doing some and telling everybody I was new, AND tanks responding positively with things like "Np :) will take it easy" or "Sure thing boss, won't pull to much. just take your time" was very encouraging.
    Then I thought I would try the first higher level dungeons where more skills were available.
    I watched videos about scholar up to lvl 50 which I was.
    So went to lvl 35 to 45 and that was more challenging. Got some wipes, some people died but never a bad word at all.
    Now I am getting more and more comfortable at healing but still say im learning when starting out. Though sometimes I know what will happen and am good to not say anything about it.
    I want to do a video about it myself, as it might help other like me but it has been very awesome to become the healer and suddenly having the responsibility for the party.
    I am proactively learning about tanks as well, though I don't really like to play it myself.
    But great video and the way you explain it and how to go about learning is precisely how I did it :)

  • @LemonedIScream13
    @LemonedIScream13 3 года назад +5

    This video popped up right after I became SCH last night. Somehow it eases my worry about being a new healer.

    • @jayr5mitty351
      @jayr5mitty351 3 года назад

      As a fellow sch main, plz remember: contrary to what you may believe, adlo>physic. Sch is a "shield" healer and as such, your shield is better than your heal. You may think that the 1000mp is a lot but trust me, it's because it's more op than you may initially realize. 😎

    • @godsplayingfield
      @godsplayingfield 3 года назад +1

      scholar main here. to add on to what JayR said. shields are amazing. they sit on top of your current health so in a sense Scholar's dont have to worry as much about over healing. example: a tank is at 80K out of 100K. you heal for 30K every adlo. use adlo on them, thats usually 10K wasted right? sure, but you also get 50K shield, so now the tank currently has 150K health. if you crit then the shield doubles and now they have 200K health thanks to 100K shield. this is awesome.
      and for general healing, a succor into whispering dawn is fantastic. the shield will stop them from getting HP damage while the regen takes them back up to full. hopefully before they run out of shield.
      my only real complaint with scholar is i want higher crit chance on the heals. we have an ability that gives our next heal a 100% chance to crit, but a base line crit chance increase would be amazing and would fix a lot of the "scholar healing potency sucks!" complaints -.-

    • @jayr5mitty351
      @jayr5mitty351 3 года назад

      @@godsplayingfield agreed
      And it's kinda bs that succor can't galv 😒

    • @godsplayingfield
      @godsplayingfield 3 года назад

      @@jayr5mitty351 I suppose a decent rework for scholar would be Aldo has higher chance to crit while succor has base chance but criting grants galv. It wouldn’t be too op considering our major heals are tied to aether flow and they don’t even give shields, which sucks.
      I adore scholar but they need to do so much work on it, especially with sage coming out…. I am more afraid of sage than excited. I really don’t want my healer since I started being basically replaced >.>

    • @jayr5mitty351
      @jayr5mitty351 3 года назад

      @@godsplayingfield i agree 100%
      It was honestly common sense speaking that both whm and ast had procs for their heals and adlo being(supposedly) our main heal, it should have a proc as well. Maybe had they added it sooner, ppl would know that you're supposed to go adlo over physic smh

  • @cmciff4054
    @cmciff4054 3 года назад

    New player here, wow refugee and starting out the game as conjurer/white mage. Really appreciate the video as I’m getting started.

  • @buckfiden946
    @buckfiden946 3 года назад +1

    Pros: instant duty finder queues
    Cons: That undergeared WAR tank who keeps insisting on pulling the entire dungeon

    • @darkriversaben9163
      @darkriversaben9163 3 года назад

      So true. Or the dps that ego it on and keep stepping into dps aoe.

  • @TheLolrider
    @TheLolrider 3 года назад +3

    Is there any kind of smart-cast functionality in FFXIV, or do you just manually click on allies every time you want to heal them?

    • @JathraDH
      @JathraDH 3 года назад

      There is no smart cast no, but you can use mouseover macros. There are also quick target hotkeys to target each party member.

    • @ahorseofcourse7283
      @ahorseofcourse7283 3 года назад +1

      If you're using a controller, the Up and Down buttons on the D-pad scroll up and down the party list, with yourself at the top. Scroll, hit X if you're on a PS4 controller, and then cast your spell. Left and Right on the D-Pad tab through nearby targets.

    • @JathraDH
      @JathraDH 3 года назад

      @@ahorseofcourse7283 I don't play on controller, but if I did I would just dedicate an entire fast crossbar to target party member 1-8 macros if I was healing.

    • @ahorseofcourse7283
      @ahorseofcourse7283 3 года назад +1

      @@JathraDH Be careful with macros, they slow down response times. I think the F1-F8 keys target individual party members.

    • @JathraDH
      @JathraDH 3 года назад

      @@ahorseofcourse7283 Uh, this is a dumb response lmao. Sorry, but targeting macros don't slow down anything. Macros remove the ability to queue a spell. Targeting macros are instant. Also, if you are on a controller, which was the context you have no F1-F8 keys.
      The fact you even used the phrase "slow down response times" demonstrates you have no understanding of why macros are bad. They do not do this. They only clip your GCD *VERY* slightly (and only if you are using them on a GCD ability mind you), which adds up over a fight if you are using them on literally every ability that has a GCD.
      Any macro that's using an OGCD skill, targeting something, or can otherwise resolve entirely when weaved before you need to queue your next GCD does not impact DPS output in any way, shape, or form.

  • @blugill2273
    @blugill2273 3 года назад +6

    i wish my monitor can handle higher resolution. this look smooth

    • @jayr5mitty351
      @jayr5mitty351 3 года назад

      I wish I had a monitor instead of using a TV lol

  • @TheCalmPsycho
    @TheCalmPsycho 3 года назад +1

    0:15 That happens to me sometimes... I always just apologize, incase it was my fault. I tend to pay too much attention staring at the health bars, and not on the fight, though I still do my best to DPS as well using my AST. Always feel bad when I see a DPS health bar just zap into the Shadow Realm in .5 seconds from standing in 3 AOEs simultaneously, lol.

  • @N.G.H.
    @N.G.H. 3 года назад +5

    I'm a healer main, Astrologian, and a bit of a perfectionist and it hurts to see tanks not using their cooldowns or taking advantage of my spells like earthly stars or collective unconscious or not using them to their fullest capacity. Like tanking half their crowd of enemies outside of the star so that when it explodes the tank gets healed but the enemies don't take the damage. Or tanking on the edge of asylum when they could be on the other side to make room for the melee DPS and healers to stand inside to heal up while they do their thing.

  • @vermelody
    @vermelody 3 года назад

    I've mained WHM since I started playing ffxiv around 5ish months ago. Today I saved two 80 dungeons back to back. A couple days ago, I used LB3 to salvage a boss pull in alliance raids. One of the biggest tips I can give is not to panic. You can impress a lot of people by just playing for time and tanking some hits to get your party back in shape...It's also much easier to blame your teammates when you're confident you did everything within your power to save the run lmao.

  • @captainteeko4579
    @captainteeko4579 3 года назад +3

    I’m a lvl 53 white mage and I still don’t know what I’m doing lol

  • @drftkng.
    @drftkng. 3 года назад

    This was great, always played a dps in other MMOs, but started with healer in FF and so far am having a blast.

  • @RiderOmega
    @RiderOmega 3 года назад +1

    One of the problems I had healing while leveling Astrologian to 60 was that I got nothing but sub level 30 dungeons out of leveling routette until I got to a high enough level for the first Heavensward leveling dungeon then suddenly it's all HW dungeons. That was almost certainly exacerbated by the high numbers of new players right now, but my god it sucked having to learn my entire level 30-55 kit all at once.

    • @LamentaFortuna
      @LamentaFortuna 3 года назад

      I found that doing squadron runs helped with that. You could choose to do a dungeon that let you use those tool kits in a learning environment with an AI party. The experience is quite decent as well.

    • @RiderOmega
      @RiderOmega 3 года назад

      @@LamentaFortuna I tried but I was sadly one leveled DPS squadron member short of being able to do that. I think I have them there now, so I shouldn't have the problem again but I don't think I'm gonna be dealing with a healer as complex as Astrologian for a bit here.

  • @DonaldTurner
    @DonaldTurner 3 года назад +1

    always solid commentary. thanks brother.

  • @fuzzyplonks
    @fuzzyplonks 3 года назад +2

    Since i’m on controller, my biggest worry to start playing a healing class is targeting… this has stopped me from leveling any healer class (except sch)

    • @Dharengo
      @Dharengo 3 года назад

      So you started with the hardest one?

    • @SubduedRadical
      @SubduedRadical 3 года назад +2

      Honestly, I feel like healing on controller is easier. You can press the up/down buttons on the + pad to quickly cycle through your party members. It always starts at the top (pressing down) or bottom (pressing up), so you know how many times you need to tap it to target the right person, and I have my party frames where tanks/healers are at the top for quick access for heals/raises. I feel like I can target people faster and more accurately on controller since I don't have to find my mouse pointer in the middle of hectic combat. XD

    • @Dharengo
      @Dharengo 3 года назад

      Oh I didn't even notice the part about controller.
      Yeah no, targeting is flipping easy on controller. You have 2.5 whole seconds (maybe a _little_ less depending on spell speed) to press up or down one to four times.

    • @tunatulari
      @tunatulari 3 года назад

      As others have said targeting your party is much simpler than people think on controller, a bit slower maybe but once you get the hang of it you'll be scrolling through your party list super fast! My only advice is to structure your party list so its easy to select the tank and your co-healer, (I have it so the tanks are second on the list and my co-healer is at the bottom so its only 1 or 2 up/down presses to select them).
      I main AST who I feel has to scroll through the party list more than the other healers because of their cards, which I found was actually good training for getting very fast at selecting people! ^^ Sorry for the wall of text though! Hope you can enjoy trying the other healers out!

    • @fuzzyplonks
      @fuzzyplonks 3 года назад +1

      I tried once with trust group and i just got super overwhelmed and tired after it lol maybe i’ll try again. Any tips for healing in a raid? I guess u still have to go through the list but with more people. And not even sure you can target cross raid group with controller? I have to use my mouse when I tried to rez someone outside my group with my RDM

  • @codex458
    @codex458 3 года назад +2

    My only problem about healing is targeting… kinda having a super hard time being on controller.

    • @DonaldTurner
      @DonaldTurner 3 года назад +1

      up and down on D pad.. is party members.. my wife ehals on ps5

    • @codex458
      @codex458 3 года назад +1

      @@DonaldTurner yes ik. But the thing is that I’m a quick reaction type of guy, and having to “scroll” through allies just to find the one Im gonna heal makes it a hassle for me. Thank you tho.

    • @DonaldTurner
      @DonaldTurner 3 года назад +1

      @@codex458 agreed. Personally, I suck at controller.

    • @kujika
      @kujika 3 года назад +1

      I also got trouble on keyboard...mainly because whenever I need to switch more targets than tank->enemy it's an emergency and thus I panic xD

    • @darkriversaben9163
      @darkriversaben9163 3 года назад

      PS4 player. For healers, I put the main bar, party bar, and enemies bar next to each other and select each one with the touch pad.

  • @EeveeReturn
    @EeveeReturn 3 года назад +7

    I've always said that FFXIV healing follows the "ounce of prevention, pound of cure" philosophy. 👍

  • @Wanderingsage7
    @Wanderingsage7 2 года назад

    I kinda agree with one video I saw that if DPS is going to be such an integral part of the game then healing should have a DPS rider. Sage is one solution where you heal by doing DPS, but I kinda want the mirror. Doing DPS by healing. Anyway that's my random thought. Video is awesome thank you!

  • @shenacarter7987
    @shenacarter7987 3 года назад +2

    I am a horrible healer and I know it. But I'm also not very confident as one either. I've gotten better but death still falls around me like rain from the sky, lol

    • @kujika
      @kujika 3 года назад +1

      As long as you don't fall first like I tend to :s

    • @shenacarter7987
      @shenacarter7987 3 года назад

      @@kujika besides the tank I make myself priority lol

  • @RinhL
    @RinhL 3 года назад

    This video is great and all, but I think what we really need is an ENTIRE Healer Happy Redux series \o/

  • @AscendantStoic
    @AscendantStoic 3 года назад

    The problem of people not understanding what HoT (heal over time) AoE spells do might be avoided by using a macro to cast the spell that adds a sound effect and text warning for party to stand in the effect, some people never touch magic classes so they don't know what all the healer AoE spells are or what they do.
    And frankly without tweaking the settings and lowering special effects the big fights could become visually messy and hard to read.

  • @FinGeek4now
    @FinGeek4now 2 года назад

    I only wish that my main job (Arcanist) was a (D, H) OT class; the summoner job being a pet/dot class (send pet to attack and keep DOTs up) while the scholar class being a damage shield / HOT class.

  • @Chris-iv8sb
    @Chris-iv8sb 3 года назад +1

    Endgame healer feels like playing a cleric in D&D. Make your heals count. Don't use the weakest heals unless it's unavoidable. Kill enemies faster = less need for healing.

  • @ddmkthfc8555
    @ddmkthfc8555 3 года назад +1

    Does the target of target macro still work? I used to use that on all dps abilities so I didn’t have to switch off of tank

    • @Thund3rstorm
      @Thund3rstorm 3 года назад

      Even if it does: Macro's are generally not recommended as macros cannot use the ability/skill queue. Without macros you can tell the server you'd like to cast another spell right after your current one finishes slightly before your current one is finished casting, so you're not punished for having a slightly higher ping than another player. Macros can't be queued up. So you'll always lose just a little bit of time between each cast when using abilities via macro. Also weaving off gcd abilities works really bad with macros. It's okay to use for ground targeting stuff (like WHM asylum, Salted Earth, etc.) if you don't want the hassle to position it yourself but even so the cast might fail when using a macro when it wouldn't if you'd used it without one.

  • @nicgara8781
    @nicgara8781 3 года назад

    I think the hardest thing for healers is learn what are the best stats to go for because I watched summit1g stream with his gf playing whm and then chat at one point blew up with everyone giving different answers to which are the best stats to where there was a point you couldn't tell with everyone giving different priorities of stats.

    • @DantoriusD
      @DantoriusD 3 года назад +1

      Crit and Det are the most Important Stats for Healer. Aside of that it depends of your Skills and the Grp. If you ran out of Mana a little bit piety is not wrong, if you wanna do more DPS then Direct hit....etc. there is a reason why Healer have more than 1 Best in Slot Set but usually its build around the performance of Your Grp.
      I play a Max DPS Bis on my WHM with nearly 0 piety and it runs super well with my Static because every CD and Cast is fully planned. With that set i cant run the Same Content in PF because i ran so quickly out of Mana.

  • @toychristopher
    @toychristopher 3 года назад +11

    People complained so much about healers not dpsing that now they don't heal at all. I feel very sad when my cohealer won't heal or rez anyone.

    • @jaeusa160
      @jaeusa160 3 года назад +6

      That's the big problem. Spells like Benediction get lazily treated as dps cooldowns rather than the emergency buttons they're supposed to be. And, of course, why keep your dps alive when you can res your dps at a massive dps loss.... so you can cast weak dps spells. -___-
      The community problem has become inverted and "healers" often fail in their primary duty due to a needless focus on their secondary duty. And don't even get me started on DHit melds.

    • @KersplosionLlawchwith
      @KersplosionLlawchwith 3 года назад +8

      @@jaeusa160 If you're using benediction as an emergency rather than a plan, you're the one in the wrong, buddy.

    • @eorzeanECM
      @eorzeanECM 3 года назад +4

      When I see the party needing heals and all I see is glare from my co healer. Sch main here…..smh

    • @jaeusa160
      @jaeusa160 3 года назад +4

      @@KersplosionLlawchwith The one in the wrong is typically the person who needed ressed or almost got one-shot, but the healer is also wrong for mismanaging their tools. GNB and DRK would like it up anyway, and not to be wasted frivolously so you can get 2 more Glares off.

    • @nobodynobody5396
      @nobodynobody5396 3 года назад +1

      @@jaeusa160 have you tried gitting gud?

  • @LondonWater
    @LondonWater 3 года назад

    Im a 2.0 WHM, and this video reminded me of over healing. Unfortunately most content that I play just doesn’t make me ever have to worry about mana at all. In my mind (and this is a really bad habit) my mama is unlimited. In fact, most of the time I can let my mana run completely out, and just throw out my 3 mana regenerative abilities, and poof im almost full again. I got to work on changing this terrible behavior. I know better, I remember when it was more frequently important, but I guess because im not doing hard enough content, I’ve simply forgotten.

    • @TheMansterTruck
      @TheMansterTruck 3 года назад

      The important thing to remember is that even if your mana isn't a resource you need to conserve, your GCDs are resources. Every heal you cast that wasn't needed was a glare you could have cast to end the fight sooner

  • @ahmki52298
    @ahmki52298 3 года назад

    So healing is about all I used to do in final fantasy and I've really wanted to actually play a dps but are que times really a pain or are they not that bad

  • @dalgona4819
    @dalgona4819 Год назад

    I'm always thankful for the healers who saved my ass with Rescue whenever I ran to safety way too late that I'm close to getting nuked by the AoE attack XD

  • @mrd1703
    @mrd1703 3 года назад

    thought i knew it all, but i still learned some stuff. nice guide

  • @T.O.Wallee
    @T.O.Wallee 3 года назад +3

    I’ve met a healer at high level who just spam cure 1 on me as a tank from start to the end of the dungeon. I can’t say he’s doing anything wrong though.

    • @adamstapley6995
      @adamstapley6995 3 года назад +2

      I could, it’s very inefficient I’d offer a tip or give some advice. People responding with negativity shouldn’t be normalized I’m tired of it.

    • @abyssaljoey7695
      @abyssaljoey7695 3 года назад

      I agree with Adam, if I see a healbot I at least ask to see if they are ok with recieving advice from a "non healer", if it is a dungeon above 40 I just preface the message with "this may be unwanted advice".

  • @extinctbaryonyx
    @extinctbaryonyx 3 года назад +1

    Honestly as a healer, especially in ARR-HEavensward dungeon, many tanks got panicky if i dont heal them full health. If the hp fall behind even 60% i sear they started malfunctioning and running around like a madman (Annoying BLM mostly).
    So dont mind me if i "overheal" just to keep the tank mental health safe (lol)

  • @TurtleFlowerboi
    @TurtleFlowerboi 3 года назад

    I haven't played an mmo in over a decade and a lot of the jargon I see trying to research healer still goes over my head Q____Q

  • @OcihEvE
    @OcihEvE 3 года назад

    By and large your observation is correct. Learn at your pace, stay with the heal, over heal for MSQ and in time you will be mashing Holy like the rest of us but don't get trapped in to thinking you 'need' to DPS. You don't. Not for MSQ. It helps save time but if everyone is that horny to get out of a dungeon every run? The game starts to suck for a class like healer that needs to evaluate when to mechanic and when to heal and when to DPS.
    The biggest struggle with healer is knowing you are the easy out for lazy mechanics. Healers are far and away the squishiest class and will fall to one shot quicker than anyone else. So if a time sink is needed, kill the healer. Every dungeon has a 'healer killer' mechanic and if you are new and don't know precisely when and how to avoid the healer killer you will cause a wipe a lot of times.
    I over heal a lot and with good reason. I just ran an alt through MSQ and 90% of the 4 man dungeons from 51-70 I got caught caught by a healer killer. Last boss, last mechanic I would be dead on the floor. Because all other party members were topped up, they cleared and we didn't wipe but I was in the same place every time. Full health, no health. I refuse to heal 24 man content because of the wap, slap, your dead mantra put in to mechanics.
    Healer is a great class but there is a reason it's the class you are waiting for in most duty finder queue's.

  • @myrany8407
    @myrany8407 Год назад

    Me brand new WHM in Quarn on level with on level HQ crafted gear. I tell the party it is only my 3rd time healing with real people (I did a couple in duty support to get comfy with my buttons). Tank cool! Then the tank proceeds to take off and pull like 3 packs at once and I just cant keep them alive. Tank chews me out and refuses to pull less. Me rethinks being a healer.

  • @oklahomahank2378
    @oklahomahank2378 3 года назад

    I am new to ff14 but I used to raid heal in wow. The main thing is to remain calm and know your spec.

  • @jintaistormwarden10
    @jintaistormwarden10 3 года назад

    I will rescue a black mage (or any DD) that refuses to stand in my AoE's in room wide intensive fights. Their circle be damned. Lilly (the Eos) used to be commandable. I could tie her via macro to cast embrace on my physic target. The party name box fades when they are almost out of sight, not out of range. Because of this I wont know they can't be healed till I try and get a range error, and no healer is focusing on the exact position of the antisocials in the back. That slows my reaction time. With the macro, she would run over to heal them if they were our of range, often saving them while I process they are playing by themselves in the back of the room, find where they are, run over, etc. Now that I cannot command her, she shows contempt for those that used to make her run by showing she is the true Blood Lilly. I miss the days of commanded embrace. I could give her commands while I took care of other things and prioritize her targets. We had true synergy. A crisis medic and his nurse. Now she's just a healing totem that follows me around. The moral of this paragraph, hug the friggin healers, lol. (I can nearly always be found by the tank or melee stack.)

  • @blarghit9789
    @blarghit9789 3 года назад +1

    1) Focus on healing
    2) Weave in some DPS
    3) Only weave in some DPS if you are confident about healing/dpsing at the same time. Otherwise, see point one. Whether or not you DPS and heal at the same time doesn't matter until you hit end game extreme trials/raids (savage).
    4) Start off healing as white mage. AST/SCH take more skill and are kind of trash anyway. Except AST is pretty good in pvp.
    That's how you heal :)

  • @Breezyonic
    @Breezyonic 3 года назад

    Can I just comment on how your Gil is in the 9 digits?? O.o

  • @anthonytangeman945
    @anthonytangeman945 3 года назад +2

    I'm really wondering where healing is going for endwalker. I think they went too far in ShB with taking away dps abilities. If we're spending 90% of our gcd's dps'ing, I'd prefer having more than one dot and one nuke most of the time. I also think we have too many oGCD tools, just makes healing really trivial.

    • @DantoriusD
      @DantoriusD 3 года назад

      Maybe its for Sch ^^. WHM has exactly 1 Ogcd Heal and that isnt even used for Healing ^^ its Assize

    • @anthonytangeman945
      @anthonytangeman945 3 года назад +1

      @@DantoriusD You're missing bene, tetra, and asylum.
      And while they're not oGCD, the lily heals are instant and free. It just feels too much to me personally, too many free heals.

  • @usamimi-no-majo
    @usamimi-no-majo 3 года назад +9

    This one time, a tank told me to stop using Asylum because it "heals the enemies, read your tooltips, idiot."

    • @Gharon
      @Gharon 3 года назад +6

      Reminds me of the "veteran" tank with several other jobs at lvl 80 that asked me why i kept casting Holy all the time if mobs were immune to stun. He probably missed the part of it also doing damage...

    • @littlemai5286
      @littlemai5286 3 года назад +3

      @@Gharon Wait we use it to damage?
      I thought we always use it to blind out team mates because they're standing in shit.

    • @SapphireDragon357
      @SapphireDragon357 3 года назад +2

      Not as drastic as that, but I was told recently by a tank that I healed him too much because he ended the fight at near-full health. ...I was playing SCH and had spammed nothing but Art of War the whole fight.

    • @andreadigney6247
      @andreadigney6247 3 года назад +4

      sadly there's no spell to cure stupid.

    • @littlemai5286
      @littlemai5286 3 года назад

      @@SapphireDragon357 Tank just not pulling enough period, if the fearrie can keep up with the damage, than tank is being a pepega.

  • @noblewolf8232
    @noblewolf8232 3 года назад

    This is a neat guide. Thanks!

  • @bigquazz3955
    @bigquazz3955 3 года назад

    I'm glad healer dps has become the new normal. I left the game after Alexander savage and just got back to a whole new mindset for healers.

  • @androide1258
    @androide1258 3 года назад

    There was this time i was rescued by a WHM, but I was doing the mechanics right and he wasn’t…so he rescued me and we both died!!! And i was like man why did you rescued me? And he was like sorry i thought you were doing the mechanics wrong!!! I laughed so hard that day!!! So you can even use rescue wrong, that’s why I don’t have it in my hot bar and I’m an AST main!!!

  • @OMGBennyyy
    @OMGBennyyy 3 года назад +2

    Healing? What's that? I only know Glare and BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD LILY.

  • @DantoriusD
    @DantoriusD 3 года назад +1

    Sad that aside of some minor Bosses/Raids Esuna is pretty useless. Majority of Debuffs are Poison or other Dots whiche are easy healed against with a Hot. I really wish we had more deadlier Debuffs to handle which really requires Esuna.

    • @TheMansterTruck
      @TheMansterTruck 3 года назад

      Theres a bit in TEA where you have to esuna 6 people or they die. It sucks.

  • @chrisanderson7820
    @chrisanderson7820 3 года назад

    For all the WoW players be aware that FF14 HOT regens are super easy, effective and efficient with decent durations. An occasional single spell with a regen component can keep a tank or party topped up for a huge amount of a fight with minimal mana/GCD use.

  • @markg6573
    @markg6573 3 года назад

    Healing around level 30 makes me feel like I am stumbling on my back foot. Very uncomfortable. Sounds like I should power through and make it to higher levels.

  • @dojelnotmyrealname4018
    @dojelnotmyrealname4018 3 года назад

    I might be the only one, and maybe this is a WHM specific issue, but I feel like I could use some tips on how you weave oGCD's effectively as a healer. There's no time inbetween the cast bar and the next GCD so I just feel like arse because I'm clipping my GCD to get my other abilities in.

    • @slainmaster1997
      @slainmaster1997 3 года назад +1

      It does tend to be a WHM specific issue more often than not, as SCH has an instant cast DPS spell on demand and AST has reduced cast times on all their DPS spells to where they can always single weave.
      With WHM specifically, Aero/Dia reapplications, Afflatus spells and Regen are pretty much the only instant casts you have available to give you space to weave without clipping your GCD, besides of course Swiftcast Stone/Glare. But given the nature of these buttons, you'll find that even if you could plan everything out, sometimes you really will need to bite that bullet and clip your GCD to use these, since the cost of GCDs you use for unneeded instant cast heals to say, make space for your Assize over the course of a fight might end up stinging later on.

    • @peppermint7152
      @peppermint7152 3 года назад

      As a WHM, you will clip a lot. Sounds like heresy but it's the truth.
      FWIW, clipping a GCD costs roughly 100 potency on a WHM. Using a Lily also costs 100 potency. Clipping Assize and weaving Assize into a Lily are functionally equivalent for DPS.
      Basically, if you can spend a Lily on useful healing, or if you've a second spell you'd like to weave with it, then Lily + Assize. Otherwise just clip Assize and save the Lily for later.

  • @gtshawn
    @gtshawn 3 года назад

    Back when I played, I was a White Mage, I wasn't the greatest, just good enough to keep people alive, then I got with a group who thought White Mages could heal through them withstanding the different boss telegraphs, and when they didn't, and died, I was roasted by the tank and the dps, and never turned back.....then some years later, the concept of toxic players became prevalent....still didn't return!
    But now, I realize how great a game FFXIV is!!

  • @rap0151
    @rap0151 3 года назад

    Thank you for the tutorial on healing in FF14.

  • @AxiamWolfe
    @AxiamWolfe 3 года назад

    I might not be the best healer out there, but in progging Savage content with my static I really did get the opportunity to utilize my full kit as a WHM.
    Medica 2 and Cure 3 are the most efficient don’t get me wrong, but as a group of casuals doing E8S and E12S, Medica 1 and Afflatus Rapture are so essential in my MP management during those massive raidwide combo heal-checks.
    Or it could be just because I sacrificed some Piety to see bigger numbers on my Blood Lily……

    • @peppermint7152
      @peppermint7152 3 года назад

      When casting back to back heals, you should always use Thin Air. Thin Air makes terminal an absolute joke. (Not that you should even see that mechanic with echo.)
      White Mage is by far the most mana efficient healer in the game if played well. I maintain that it's absolutely possible to do any content in FF14 on WHM with zero piety--even prog or PF.
      That being said, if you're worried that a fellow party member might sandbag and tax your mana pool more than usual, it helps to keep super ethers handy.

    • @AxiamWolfe
      @AxiamWolfe 3 года назад

      @@peppermint7152 Oh never really thought about them Super Ethers, that's good backup advice thanks!
      I agree that Thin Air is a god send. Really do be unlimited healing works for those few seconds it's up.

  • @arkboi2145
    @arkboi2145 2 года назад

    The FFXIV Healing and the community's expectations of FFXIV Healers crack me up.
    FFXIV Healing is quite literally the equivalent of calling an Uber/Lift who is a negligent aggressive driver. One who is late to pick you up, then proceeds to drive 100 mph+ with the radio on max volume, who weaves in and out of traffic, cusses out other drivers and flicks them off, runs red lights, drinks while driving, puts on their make-up while driving, eats while driving, gets into a car wreck, and gets a driving citation; but still somehow just barely manages to get you to your destination on time and in one piece. All the while saying, "Yeah, but did you die?" Lol. Imagine if you were a patient in real life with a medical emergency and your care team spent 95% of their time doing other stuff other than actually caring/treating you and they waited until the very last second (1HP/Unconsciousness/Cardiac Arrest) to actually start treating you. They'd be fired, sued, and black-listed from ever performing those duties ever again for reckless negligence. However, that's essentially FFXIV Healing in a nutshell. Instead of telling the damage-dealers to get good, learn the fight mechanics, learn their rotations and make optimizations, equip better gear, and make use of buffs and items that would increase their damage output; the FFXIV community instead blames the healers for not dpsing more than healing. Even though healers factually deal the lowest total damage out of all Tanks, Melee DPS, Ranged Caster DPS, and Ranged Physical DPS. Don't get me wrong, I am 100% all-in for healers contributing to party/raid damage by making sure there is always a DoT spell up on enemies, always casting AoE damaging attacks for large mob pulls, and then casting your ST damage spell during downtime, enemy transitional phases, and when healing is not necessary. It's part of your tool kit for a reason. So why not help out your team by finishing the fight a little faster? But if anyone in the party/raid was doing what they were supposed to be doing and they still died, then it's the healer's fault. If there was mitigatable damage that could have been shielded, a scripted and telegraphed raid-wide attack, or a DoT that could have been Ensuna'd or healed through, but you spent that time on dpsing instead; then that's the healer's fault. If you're a healer dpsing instead of healing when your other healer teammates are burning through their MP/Mana just trying to keep everyone barely alive, then that's your fault as a healer. If you're playing a healer archetype/class/job/role, then your primary focus/first concern should be on healing/supporting/buffing teammates. Period. Roughly broken down, your time spent should be 65% on Healing and 35% on Damage-dealing. If an ally's HP falls below >50%, heal them (there are many attacks that will one-shot a PC at half-health or less). If an ally's HP is above

  • @nemeanlioness
    @nemeanlioness 3 года назад

    anxiety when tanking but healing is more natural than standing still. just dont ask me to rescue you.

  • @IlliterateGames
    @IlliterateGames 3 года назад +2

    I never have any significant issues healing in game. But without fail, every time I try and go to sleep after healing I get nightmares about being trapped in roulettes with a revolving door of the most terrible partymates you can imagine.

  • @pacifiedbeaumonte
    @pacifiedbeaumonte 3 года назад

    Literally just saw people, including mentors, in the nn arguing for honest healers lol

  • @bazelgoose9247
    @bazelgoose9247 3 года назад

    I started as tank and currently trying to max all of em however I do like to try white mage but i am kinda worried with my inner demon and will use pull or throw skill to kill someone during titan ex...

  • @rohlito
    @rohlito 3 года назад +1

    Wait you know players who A) dont have all their magic effects turned off so they actuallt see your asylum or sacred soil and B) actually stand in it?

    • @JohnDCrafton
      @JohnDCrafton 3 года назад

      even if you turn effects off there is still a ring on the ground
      but people not standing in it, well ...

    • @rohlito
      @rohlito 3 года назад +1

      @@JohnDCrafton oh i dunno, when i had mine off i only noticed the ring for Earthly Star but i have them on now. But whenever my fc doesnt stand in my asylum they always tell me they couldnt see i have to kill them for lying

  • @Adeptsoren
    @Adeptsoren 3 года назад +1

    I main whm semicasual semihardcore I agree with all of this lol. Good job, this gets my cosign lol!

  • @harombee
    @harombee 3 года назад +2

    Knowing thst ive been a good SCH since early stormblood had ALWAYS made me feel like a fucking GOD. I used to be so bad. Till someone gave me the keys to the kingdom

    • @jayr5mitty351
      @jayr5mitty351 3 года назад +1

      Ahhh so you know the secrets of sch eh??
      Well shhhhh... we pass on the knowledge only to the worthy 🤐

    • @harombee
      @harombee 3 года назад

      @@jayr5mitty351 the knowledge of kangs is earned not given

    • @jayr5mitty351
      @jayr5mitty351 3 года назад

      @@harombee indeed good sir... indeed... 🧐

  • @ttabood7462
    @ttabood7462 3 года назад

    another fantastic guide. thx man

  • @steweygrrr
    @steweygrrr 3 года назад +5

    What more healers need to do is _play Dark Knight so that they understand how Living Dead works._ I'm currently a SCH main but during Stormblood I was a DRK main and the amount of times I got healed out of Walking Dead after 2 seconds of it being active was silly. It's genuinely one of the better invulns _when people understand it_ which is what normally gets it labelled as the worst invuln. Part of that is because the skill doesn't really communicate what its doing particularly well but the other part is definitely on us as healers for not paying attention/understanding when heals are needed and when they aren't.

    • @JohnDCrafton
      @JohnDCrafton 3 года назад +2

      as a not whm healer i'm gonna heal you out of it early because i don't have an instant full hp heal and i want to make sure you don't die from it

    • @KhronosTrigger
      @KhronosTrigger 3 года назад +3

      Yeah no, living dead is absolutely the worst invuln, two out of 3 healers cannot heal you to full sometimes. I can’t take you seriously when you think Hallowed Ground/holmgang, aren’t the top two it’s not even better than superbolide. As an AST main who leveled all three healers, Living Dead is trash unless you’re whm.

  • @bbbossboss8883
    @bbbossboss8883 3 года назад

    What is that cane omg, I want that

  • @venabre
    @venabre 3 года назад +1

    WHM getting a stun on their aoe feels unfair to the other healers imo. I think it would be great if all the other healers got an added effect to their aoes as well. Maybe like a slow or paralysis or something

    • @JathraDH
      @JathraDH 3 года назад

      Sure, just give WHM a party buff then, and the ability to actually weave reliably, and some instant heals sub 50, fairs fair.

    • @venabre
      @venabre 3 года назад +1

      @@JathraDH Wow, so much pent-up anger there buddy. You ok?

    • @JathraDH
      @JathraDH 3 года назад

      @@venabre Perfectly fine. Just when people who have no idea what they are talking about playing the other healers greedily decide they want the ONE thing WHM has going for it.. please learn your privilege. WHM is still not meta, and honestly hasn't been since HW. It won't be until it actually gets something that actually helps the party's damage. It is utter trash pre 60. Perhaps if you had actually played the job you would realize how stupid your comment was.

    • @venabre
      @venabre 3 года назад +1

      @@JathraDH well I wasn't talking about the meta because frankly I don't care about the meta. And honestly neither should you. You like WHM? Then play WHM. Simple as that. And I do not think Holy is the only thing WHMs have going for them. They have a lot of very powerful OGCD heals and also have access to more damage skills than any other healer, particularly in the aoe department (I love you assize) that make it more fun to play for me than the other healers. Holy feels "safer" than Art of War or Gravity because you're not just dpsing, you're also mitigating thanks to the stun. Assize does damage and heals. With the other healers there is less incentive to attack because people may fear they aren't doing their job or that things will go wrong and they won't be able to react in time and may just choose to keep healing instead of. Adding an extra effect to their aoes could incentivize people to dps more.

    • @JathraDH
      @JathraDH 3 года назад

      @@venabre The actuality of the situation is WHM has been broken (in the bad way) since AST came out. In fact its been so bad that they had to utterly gut SCH and AST this expac combined with massively buffing WHM to even attempt to make it desirable, and SCH/AST are still used instead of it because it lacks a raid damage buff.
      Sure, it is fun to play. I have always mained it, even in previous expacs when it was in a far worse place than it is now. Wanting to give anything unique to WHM to the other healers will just serve to push it further into the trash bin, and its already half inside of it to begin with.
      If they really wanted to fix it they need to make healing actually needed in this game, since that's the only thing it's good at. But no one wants strong heals here as they aren't really needed unless the party is really bad.

  • @snowdrifter6187
    @snowdrifter6187 3 года назад

    I'm not new...I just have a bad habit of forgetting I have seraphim...

  • @KumiChan2004
    @KumiChan2004 3 года назад +4

    Here's the, I've been healing since ARR comment and just watched a video on healing. comment.

  • @musanetesakupwanya1050
    @musanetesakupwanya1050 3 года назад

    Not me finally getting my SCH to lv 30 and then going into a dungeon to xp farm, and realising I have no idea what my new rotations are!
    Let's just say it was a bit rough lol :D