You know you've made it when the dev gives you early access - congratulations! This aviary looks great. I've never been as into the idea of birds as others, but this could definitely be a dry run for a future feathered pack.
I just found your channel and subscribed. I've really struggled to make a nice looking zoo on this game. I hope that from watching your methods of building I can become a better builder. This exhibit looks awesome, I can't wait to see what you create next. Keep up the good work!
Tbh this is massive! I love the build and I'm excited to do my own thing in game. Still kinda waiting for a bird/aquarium pack in which you can do the same with the exhibits. Normal exhibits would be awesome if you could make null walls! I'll be hoping, but for now 'm enjoying the bats!
This is soo cool unfortunately bummer for the free flying but who nows what frontier will chance in the future i will def use these animals in my main project
@@ZSHplays A few people on the forums claimed that you don't need to put a path through them, and I really hope that's the case. Ah, I'm so happy with all the interesting new possibilities opened up by the new aviary exhibits 😀
You can download the aviary for your own zoo here!
I can almost see the feathered future of Planet Zoo.
Me to!
I hope that they dont make the game die tho😕
The bats don't seem to affect performance so I imagine birds wouldn't either if they worked in the same way
Oh wow. I didn’t even think about connecting them and making a huge one with null walls, this is amazing
Thanks! Have fun with them!
this will be especially cool when we have multiple different types of flying critters!!
this is so gorgeous and such a creative way to use the walkthrough exhibit! i can't wait to see all the amazing builds that will come out of this pack
You know you've made it when the dev gives you early access - congratulations!
This aviary looks great. I've never been as into the idea of birds as others, but this could definitely be a dry run for a future feathered pack.
I was like a kid at Xmas when they emailed me 😆 Thanks for your support with the channel!
This looks so cool! Awesome work 🦇
Thanks Tara!
I just found your channel and subscribed. I've really struggled to make a nice looking zoo on this game. I hope that from watching your methods of building I can become a better builder. This exhibit looks awesome, I can't wait to see what you create next. Keep up the good work!
Thanks Blue Bowser! Enjoy the rest of the channel and good luck with your habitat!
I can already tell that this series is going to be epic!
That's the idea! Gonna have some fun with this one!
I'm so excited for you to get early access! Can't wait to see what you do and get inspired to come back to zoo building!
Aw thanks Meg, me to!
Shoutout from Singapore. We'd love to have you at Night Safari!
Haha thanks! One day!
Absolutely beautiful and well done. 👍👍👍
Thanks Annastasia!
LOVE LOVE LOVE!! needed some inspiration. amazing work!
Finally, we all have been waiting for so long to add flying animals to the game, we are looking forward to birds in future updates
Tbh this is massive! I love the build and I'm excited to do my own thing in game. Still kinda waiting for a bird/aquarium pack in which you can do the same with the exhibits. Normal exhibits would be awesome if you could make null walls! I'll be hoping, but for now 'm enjoying the bats!
Thanks Rochella!
Can’t wait to se fully what this is!
Enjoy TL!
It may not be free flying, but maybe…just MAYBE….it might instigate free flying as a form of precursor!
Thanks Marc! These are the best additions to PZ in ages for me, a game-changer!
This is soo cool unfortunately bummer for the free flying but who nows what frontier will chance in the future i will def use these animals in my main project
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it!
looks great 🤩
Thank you!
Thanks Aramar!
Do you need the twilight dlc to have the walkthrough exhibit curtain or is it available in the base game?
Both the plastic curtain strips and the walkthrough exhibit are in the base game 👍🏼
This looks beautiful, great idea! I'm wondering, can you also remove the paths from the exhibits or do they have to be walkthrough?
Thanks Fabian! I don't think I tried that so I'm not sure. I think you can as I wasn't originally going to have the 4th box with a path through it?
@@ZSHplays A few people on the forums claimed that you don't need to put a path through them, and I really hope that's the case. Ah, I'm so happy with all the interesting new possibilities opened up by the new aviary exhibits 😀
If you have to use path, you can always just put the one with only wood on the sides bcs its kinda just invisible
¡Good hábitat!
Thank you!
yo this is awesome lol
Wow im totally building in the wrong way xD
Practice makes perfect! Thanks for the comment 😁
Wait… I thought it was out tomorrow!
It is! I got early access! 😍
I’d like to play this game but I’m on console and it also seems like it would be really overwhelming at first with the amount of stuff you can make
Maybe it will come out on console one day? It is pretty overwhelming to be honest but once you get your head round it, it's amazing!