Keep in mind that many of these are warheads, and their top speeds are often reached at suborbital altitudes, where there is extremely little air resistance if any. That's why not all of them appear horribly aerodynamic (because they don't have to be in space).
@@motherlandmars5999sorry, maybe 100 hungry people but not everyone. I get your point but on mass scale even something as cheap as food can be ridiculous expensive.
@@motherlandmars5999It is a too reductive and simplistic calculation. Like money spent in army, in spatial research, in telescops, or simply spent in roads construction, cars, boats, or cycles, which could feed hungry people. Money, economies, don't work like that.
Thing to keep in mind is all the fastest missiles are either in near orbit or extremely high altitude. Air resistance wouldn't allow them to maintain speed for a meaningful amount of time, or even reach those speeds. Even in long range dog fights, when a missile is launched at a jet they usually dive to get the missile in denser air where they lose energy faster.
Also, those hypersonic missiles and glide vehicles that do travel through the atmosphere form a plasma layer on the outside of them that blinds the missile's sensors and communications. This was an issue experienced by the Space Shuttle during certain portions of flight.
A true missile enthusiast would never make such a video because it is grossly misleading. Ballistic missiles flying as if they were CMs is enough for me to go reaching for a bowl to puke into from disgust.
@@BoraHorzaGobuchul Exactly, Ballistic missiles have a ballistic (parabolic in most cases, except for hypersonic glide vehicles) trajectory which is totally different from the horizontal trajectory shown in this video
@@IluminousOne-9.7.2 a significant part of the audience will, regrettably, not know that. Also, comparing missiles on speed alone is sort of silly (then again, all of these "comparison videos" basically are primitive and silly) - they vary in purpose, propulsion method, warhead type, have different guidance, are fired from different platforms... So it's basically comparing apples to oranges, or, more like, apples to cars.
@@shamanbhattacharyya9285 If you have any trait of a "missile enthusiast," you'd research enough to know the parabolas that ballistic missiles take (especially ICBMs) are absolutely fucking massive and that at any stretch of a couple dozen seconds, their trajectories have a negligible curve.
Damn this was great! The work put in this was mindblowing, from modelling, to the animations, sounds and the data, no matter how big or small! Awesome job 🔥
For anyone wondering what are the mini conical things in the front of the icbms , they are MIRVS , Multiple Independently Targetable re-entry vehicles. They are Nuclear warheads. The icbms don't fly parallel to ground as shown in the video the missile travels to the exosphere from where they descend , and all the MIRVS are set loose shortly , on re entry in the atmosphere the last stage reaches mach 20 plus and 25 plus in some other missiles and then the MIRVS are set loose , they themselves maneuver them to the targeted location with speeds upto 25 mach , hence making them impossible to shoot down. The ICBM's maximum speed of mach 20-25 plus is only when they are coming downwards not when they fly upwards. That's the complete info about the speed of icbms slbms and MIRV's speed and way of working.
@@motherlandmars5999 yeah lets not invest in weapons and forget defending each of our countries especially america where not only they make enemies left and right lets forget prtoecting their people from outside threats (: because you said so xD
@@zenkai_energy These extreme fast ones are ballistic missiles, which achieve these speeds at very high altitudes at edge of space. These 20+ Mach speeds are not possible in lower alt. with dense atmosphere.
very impressive are the hypersonic ones that stay within the atmosphere and are hard for radar to detect, hard to react to for anti missle defense and hard to calculate it's trajectory since they are more maneuverable
@Zerooff1234 this laugh looks so insignificant, but you can understand, because the propaganda of your shitty country has not yet come up with new lies about russians, chinese and indians to justify the fact that your backward country does not have such missile technology.
Анимации, визуал и информативность превосходные! Но всё же, я считаю, крылатые и баллистические ракеты стоит сравнивать и визуализировать соответствующе отдельно друг от друга
@@valeriyis4550Это так важно, ведь будешь знать точнее штуку прилетающую на твою голову? Смысловой нагрузки от ракет 0. Если ты считаешь бравым делом следовать точной информации, ты бы лучше приложил усилия для развития технологий. А то выглядишь как клоуняра с кучей бездарного времени и нулевой эффективностью для развития мира
Il Est où l'intérêt de refaire Cette vidéo séparément.. c'est juste parfait ça nous montre la vitesse le missile dépasse le précédent.. c'est un excellent travail ❤
@@TATAPuH_78стоупудово. Они свои разработки вписывают потому что нечем хвалиться. Если показать только реальный гиперзвук то ничего американского там вообще не будет. Так как нет у них ничего что можно было бы показать. А похвалиться-то чем-то надо. Потому и добавляют баллистические ракеты и бумажные проекты.
@@fatherless5164and the US doesn't? Russia the only nation to have actually used hypersonic missiles in a war. The soviets were always ahead of the west in terms of missiles and their RS line is the most feared in the world and sure they lie and not the US that haven't yet successfully tested a working POC of their missiles - latest Trident test failed lol
Great work! Gives a good perspective on the raw speed of some of theses weapons. A little missleading tho cuz most of the missiles showed are balistic wich means they get to their top speed when reintering in the atmosphere from space and thus dont fly horizontally.
I stopped watching after the drag race but I thought it was the opposite. Pointess nonsencical comparisons, with misleading animations. Nothing is in the right scale, the missles speeds are not visualized relative to the backround or to each other. For some rason flame coming out from ballistic missles warheads. A simple list of the speeds in an excel table has the same value as this video. Or at least the video doesnt add anything informative, or visualise anything that would show the speeds of the missles, which is usually the point of these animations.
I really love these namings: Vanguard (Avangard), East Wind (Dongfeng), Jericho, The Fire (Agni) and Trident ofc! Feels like they can assemble into one giant megatron-like death machine 😄😄
The most monstrous missile Sarmat. 15 warheads with a power of 38 Hiroshimas each (a total of 570 Hiroshimas in one missile). Means of overcoming missile defense: electronic suppression and a detachable swarm of decoys in each warhead. Monstrous range. Monstrous size. Monstrous weight.
Great hard work! Though there is one small nuance... The only hyper-sonic (~8+ mach) that actually working, succesfully tested and took their place in military - are Russian/Soviet and Chinese (not top one). I may be outdated in this, but others at the moment are just "projects in process" without any guarantee to see the light.
@@REDSIDEofficialhello. Big fan. Just wanted to say I really enjoy your selection of music for all of these. I still go back and re-watch some of your videos precisely coz of this
Конечно графика супер, НО, автор собрал всё в кучу, как крылатые ракеты так и баллистические. Притом, скорость у них по разному считается. У крылатых ракет это скорость самой ракеты, а у баллистических ракет, это скорость не самой ракеты, а её боеголовки. И при том, крылатые ракеты летят в атмосфере, а вот баллистические, только на начальном этапе летят в атмосфере, а потом как сами ракеты так и их боеголовки летят в космическом пространстве. По этому сравнивать одно с другим, ну как то уж не корректно. Если бы тот же кинжал летел бы не в воздушном простанстве а в космичесаком безвоздушном как боеголовки баллистических ракет, то скорость у него было бы на много больше, чем на той на которой он летит в воздушном пространстве (небыло бы воздушного сопротивления в полёте). Надо было делать видео, в котором сперва были бы показаны крылатые ракеты с их скоростями, а во второй части видео, показывать уже баллистические ракеты, так было бы правильнее и точнее.
@@samuraiace454 отношение мощности двигателя к массе. малую массу легче разогнать, чем огромную межконтинентальную, и это правило так же верно и в безвоздушном пространстве
@@Innominati1 ну континентальная ракета распадается постепенно, когда топливный бак иссякает. В конце остаётся мелькая п и з д ю л и на с ядерным зарядом, которая меньше любой крылатой ракеты :)
Кинжал, это Искандер, запущенный не с земли, а с самолёта, а Искандер, это баллистическая ракета. Так что ты, ну ты понял. А в остальном, сравнивать крылаты с баллистикой, да ещё и какие-то прототипы сомнительные в списке, этот ролик получился бракованным.
@@Apocalypselord давай поправлю. искандер чистая балистика. кинжал хоть и выглядит, как искандер, но он отличается не только способом запуска. хоть и в искандере , калибре применяется по сути аналогичная ракета при разных способах запуска, здесь же аналогии мало. кинжал летит уже не по балистической траектории, а больше по пологой на высоте пару километров, траекторию полета меняет и при этом в плотных слоях атмосферы имеет гиперзвук. балистика тоже гиперзвуковая, но такую скорость набирает только в безвоздушных слоях атмосферы
Hello red side. I just want to say you are doing an amazing job. I love all of the work you do and the amount of effort put into it. You definitely deserve more love.
"Both the SM-6 and Tomahawks are primarily used as shipborne missiles. The U.S. has yet to develop a true hypersonic missile, which flies at least five times the speed of sound and is maneuverable in flight, though both Russia and China have fielded the weapons. Russia has also deployed a true hypersonic weapon in Ukraine. But the U.S. is continuing to pour billions of dollars into hypersonic weapons development, with the Army working on the Long-Range Hypersonic Weapon System, which is not expected to be fielded until 2025". 4 trillion dollars of unaccounted assets. Failed audit for the seventh time in a row. I'm lovin' it.
I don't know if you see this mate but this video is breathtaking. Graphics, sound effects and everything are balanced. neither more nor less. As a suggestion, it might be nice to compare the explosion power of the missiles in the next video. Good luck for your future videos. 🚀
Russia is really power. But Putin is so so. He's make Islamization of Russia, and entry a tens of millions aggressive muslims from middle Asia and Caucasus. Russians dont like him for that. He's traitor of russian nation.
L'idée de voir un missile balistique sortir de sous l'océan, tel un monstre tapis dans l'ombre est terrifiant! Mais foutrement efficace stratégiquement!
Russia easily will destroyed U.S (+ China will helped), and Russia have more chances to survive in nuke war (from her size). Like in last seria of Metro game.
Нам обывателям главное узнать что это такое. Как в школе - иметь ввиду, что такое есть. Может растет ребенок который создаёт что-то смертоноснее или лучше?
А не кого не смущает, что из всех представленных ракет, с более высокой скоростью, реально существуют только у Китая, России, Индии и остальных их союзников?!
@@Jurgir09 учитывая все различные поставки самого современного нато оружия, продвижение фрота всеравно идет не в вашу пользу. А мы даже еще не применяли свои козыри😉
A really cool video. I know that not everything was shown as it would be in real life, but the amount of classified nonsense around these weapons makes that minute. Great job!
We need a video of the speed of smaller missiles like those Air-To-Air or Surface-To-Air missiles and how fast they can go, maybe even what happens when they impact
Like this video but there are something could be more accurate: 1. Hyper sonic sharp was misplaced upside down; 2. Stage 3 or 4 means the warhead is coming down, ready to hit; 3. Stage 2 usually outside the atmosphere so background is most likely black; 4. Stage 3 or 4 the warhead should be in re-entry flight so it should glow very bright; 5. For multiple warheads, stage 3 or 4 means each of them should have its own orbit and spread to different targets, not sticking together; 6. for hyper sonic, they will bounce up and down, not cruising. Fine, enjoy it, kids.
@@USVipernot true, the SARMAT is the only nuclear weapon in the entire world that has no chance of interception (through sheer speed and volume of MIRVs) along with the burevestnik. On the contrary, countermeasures for older ICBMs like the RS-36 and Minuteman exists, and at least theoretically should be able to stop them.
@@mngbb11 not really it depends whom you asked Caz for some people these terms like Mach , knots are not familiar , so it gives an idea that whats their max speed looks like
@@navnathphadtare8997 but you didn't say it can travel 600km in 1 min, which it could at top speed in optimal conditions, you said it could reach its target in 1 min, which is untrue as it cannot travel at top speed the entire time from launch to the target, even if you start the timer when it reaches top speed, it's still untrue as it slows as it re-enter the atmosphere
The intro made me think, "when a non-descript Middle Eastern country starts touching boats". This channel really knows how to capture the sense of speed really well. Things like camera shake, good audio and visual graphics helps sell the illusion.
You shouldn't cover the Indian flag with the Russian one. Both are partners! 🇮🇳🤝🇷🇺 In fact the Brahmos is more Indian than Russian. Although, the engine of the Brahmos is Russian... The missile is 80-90% designed by Indian DRDO engineers in India and produced in India! India now also apparently owns over 80% of Brahmos Aerospace.
@@ChiSa123 its true India is the financer and Russia gives the technology the brahmos 2 is complete copy of zircon missiles. lately india made some SMART uav's it was made with help of russian SU-75 Okhotnik drones or its the same thing. yes the Brahmos NG is quite made by india but still 40% of tech and 60% crutial tech is russian India is doing the perfect thing if we dont know shit buy it and learn how to produce. Such tech doesn't come in a year or two it takes Decades of RnD . Russians, french, usa, Germany started their Rnd in late 40s that time india was still a colony. it would take a span of years for india and china to compete russia or american defense equipment chinese are the same they are copy of american and russian equipment even though chinese research is better than indian ones due to good minds and indian reserved candidates in DRDO do no shit that making small toy engines when Russia was collaed with india for SU 57 idots of beaurocracy though they'd make a 5th gen in few years ii would've ended as turkish or chinese 5th gen faliure or partial faliure . chinese have their j20 fleet about 250 jets hence india is now panicked and is buying 80-90 new SU 57 in coming years if tention rises now india is re-partnering for the PAK-FA phase 2 and will procure SU 57 on emergency basis. ( india pays and russia makes a 6th gen fighter ) 90% of indian defense technology is still russian if you don't know . india has ditched arjun MK4 and is Buying T-14 Armata(best tank in the world currenly) in bulk for chinese and pakistani border grudges. 8 out of 10 destroyers are made in russia even the Kolkata class the best destroyer in asia. INS vikrant's majority of Metal Design was done by Nizhny Novgorod Russian shipbuilding plant hint : india already has procured okhotnik drones that are only compatible with SU 57
✅ Take a look to this Surreal Speed Comparison :видео.htmlsi=rvRfN12Y2fdfUtPm
Htv2 and agm183a nothing but a dream😉
Keep in mind that many of these are warheads, and their top speeds are often reached at suborbital altitudes, where there is extremely little air resistance if any. That's why not all of them appear horribly aerodynamic (because they don't have to be in space).
A crucial point. 👍
In the context of the video it makes sense to have them at ground level to make it look cooler, but that’s a good point.
Yes, and HGV glides not flies, making them more deadly than the conventional missile, like the DF17, the world's 1st, exposed by the US...
Was looking for this comment 👍
It’s also worth noting that the ballistic missile warheads would slow down significantly in their terminal phase as they re-entered the atmosphere
The speed at which I clicked on this video beats out all of these missiles.
The speed at which you loaded the page, yes. You can't click that fast, stop lying.
Huge respect to the cameraman who filmed every flight. I hope he received a worthy award!
WTF men there is no camera in this video!😆
its animission lol🤣
u thought this was reel? 😂
kids this days belive everything they see on the internet
...another overused joke that has lost its humor.
same thing when he's making the video, he still needs to operate and point&focus the camera inside his computer @@SIDDHARTH_-
Putin said update your content
nope. The one hit Ukraine is only Mach10-15. The longer range the ballistic missile, the faster. Its all momentum.
@@mottscottison6943 plus tungsten rods, they also have a decent weight
Hats off to Red Side for animating an army, navy and airforce! Episode 1 was simply amazing
Un men saliendo de su casa y ve pasar esos misiles 😂
With 1% of the money spent on one of these rockets, it is possible to feed all the hungry people in the world.
@@motherlandmars5999sorry, maybe 100 hungry people but not everyone.
I get your point but on mass scale even something as cheap as food can be ridiculous expensive.
@@motherlandmars5999 Straight up false.
@@motherlandmars5999It is a too reductive and simplistic calculation. Like money spent in army, in spatial research, in telescops, or simply spent in roads construction, cars, boats, or cycles, which could feed hungry people. Money, economies, don't work like that.
This is insane quality work
Huge respect for the time and effort put in!
Putin, not put in.
haha very funny @@black_vader_usa
cringe @@black_vader_usa
@@black_vader_usa 😂
Respect for the camera man
Unreal effort. Seriously, this is what a comparison video SHOULD be!! None of the other channels are in the same universe. Wow!!
unreal effort 5.2
Placing cruise missiles and ballistic missiles together for speed comparison should be a crime 😂
yea it doesn't make sense to put them together, its like comparing the fastest street legal car and the fastest land vehicle
ICBMs warheads are able to reach maxh 20 or above because its at high altitude
Close to karman line
The aerodynamic draf there is low
He did it so america stood a chance lol
Thing to keep in mind is all the fastest missiles are either in near orbit or extremely high altitude. Air resistance wouldn't allow them to maintain speed for a meaningful amount of time, or even reach those speeds. Even in long range dog fights, when a missile is launched at a jet they usually dive to get the missile in denser air where they lose energy faster.
That would make for an awesome Ace Combat 8 mission
the intro tho (north korea called him)
Also, those hypersonic missiles and glide vehicles that do travel through the atmosphere form a plasma layer on the outside of them that blinds the missile's sensors and communications. This was an issue experienced by the Space Shuttle during certain portions of flight.
Also not forgetting that if they could even reach those speeds at low altitude they would burn up from the friction.
Авангард летит в стратосфере в облаке плазмы
Only a true missile enthusiast could make a feature this beautiful!
A true missile enthusiast would never make such a video because it is grossly misleading. Ballistic missiles flying as if they were CMs is enough for me to go reaching for a bowl to puke into from disgust.
@@BoraHorzaGobuchul Exactly, Ballistic missiles have a ballistic (parabolic in most cases, except for hypersonic glide vehicles) trajectory which is totally different from the horizontal trajectory shown in this video
It's only to show their speed, not trajectory!!
Of course they wouldn't normaly fly that low or straight forward!
@@IluminousOne-9.7.2 a significant part of the audience will, regrettably, not know that.
Also, comparing missiles on speed alone is sort of silly (then again, all of these "comparison videos" basically are primitive and silly) - they vary in purpose, propulsion method, warhead type, have different guidance, are fired from different platforms... So it's basically comparing apples to oranges, or, more like, apples to cars.
@@shamanbhattacharyya9285 If you have any trait of a "missile enthusiast," you'd research enough to know the parabolas that ballistic missiles take (especially ICBMs) are absolutely fucking massive and that at any stretch of a couple dozen seconds, their trajectories have a negligible curve.
Damn this was great! The work put in this was mindblowing, from modelling, to the animations, sounds and the data, no matter how big or small! Awesome job 🔥
Put in made it 😂
But the most critical fact has not been achieved. The United States has not developed a hypersonic missile
For anyone wondering what are the mini conical things in the front of the icbms , they are MIRVS , Multiple Independently Targetable re-entry vehicles.
They are Nuclear warheads. The icbms don't fly parallel to ground as shown in the video the missile travels to the exosphere from where they descend , and all the MIRVS are set loose shortly , on re entry in the atmosphere the last stage reaches mach 20 plus and 25 plus in some other missiles and then the MIRVS are set loose , they themselves maneuver them to the targeted location with speeds upto 25 mach , hence making them impossible to shoot down.
The ICBM's maximum speed of mach 20-25 plus is only when they are coming downwards not when they fly upwards.
That's the complete info about the speed of icbms slbms and MIRV's speed and way of working.
How terrifying and amazing the weaponries humans could make in a span of 80 years
Just what humans will make upcoming 80 yrs
With 1% of the money spent on one of these rockets, it is possible to feed all the hungry people in the world.
@@motherlandmars5999 yeah lets not invest in weapons and forget defending each of our countries especially america where not only they make enemies left and right lets forget prtoecting their people from outside threats (: because you said so xD
*Friends, I did 13 one arm pull ups, please support me* *..*
The sound, the visuals...just perfect
I was definitely unaware of how fast some of these go!😳
I recently thought the fastest was mach 10😶
@@zenkai_energy These extreme fast ones are ballistic missiles, which achieve these speeds at very high altitudes at edge of space. These 20+ Mach speeds are not possible in lower alt. with dense atmosphere.
very impressive are the hypersonic ones that stay within the atmosphere and are hard for radar to detect, hard to react to for anti missle defense and hard to calculate it's trajectory since they are more maneuverable
@@honzaplachy5040my 1999 honda civic with v tec begs to differ 😎
Ракету "Калибр" можно посмотреть в реале. Совсем свежие кадры есть в ютубе, снятые на Украине.
Fastest missile
1. Russia 🇷🇺
2. China🇨🇳
3. India 🇮🇳
this laugh looks so insignificant, but you can understand, because the propaganda of your shitty country has not yet come up with new lies about russians, chinese and indians to justify the fact that your backward country does not have such missile technology.
3. French 🇨🇵
@@Zerooff1234 why are you laughing?
Анимации, визуал и информативность превосходные! Но всё же, я считаю, крылатые и баллистические ракеты стоит сравнивать и визуализировать соответствующе отдельно друг от друга
правда есть неточности по дальности действия некоторых ракет🤷♂️
@@valeriyis4550Это так важно, ведь будешь знать точнее штуку прилетающую на твою голову?
Смысловой нагрузки от ракет 0.
Если ты считаешь бравым делом следовать точной информации, ты бы лучше приложил усилия для развития технологий. А то выглядишь как клоуняра с кучей бездарного времени и нулевой эффективностью для развития мира
Il Est où l'intérêt de refaire Cette vidéo séparément.. c'est juste parfait ça nous montre la vitesse le missile dépasse le précédent.. c'est un excellent travail ❤
Только зачем вписывать то, что в разработке, а не используется или принято на вооружение? Вот это не понятно.
@@TATAPuH_78стоупудово. Они свои разработки вписывают потому что нечем хвалиться. Если показать только реальный гиперзвук то ничего американского там вообще не будет. Так как нет у них ничего что можно было бы показать. А похвалиться-то чем-то надо. Потому и добавляют баллистические ракеты и бумажные проекты.
A little scary to see, if these 27mach weapons were fired they’d reach their target thousands of miles away in just minutes 😳
Even more scary is that this 27-mach weapon can maneuver
russia prob lied about it
Всегда слушайте 2 песни: "Не воюйте с русскими" и "Хотят ли русские войны?".
И тогда вы всё про нас поймёте.
@@fatherless5164and the US doesn't? Russia the only nation to have actually used hypersonic missiles in a war. The soviets were always ahead of the west in terms of missiles and their RS line is the most feared in the world and sure they lie and not the US that haven't yet successfully tested a working POC of their missiles - latest Trident test failed lol
hands down one of the best RUclips channel..the amount of details,hardcore and dedication they put into every single video is astonishing..!
where is Oresnik ?
The video is not updated
Oresnik is only a IRBM
@@Pavlin68 Грохнул в голос.
Oresnik is gavno. Like pidorussia
the coolest speed comparison that i have ever seen on RUclips.
The sound of the missiles breaking the sound barrier is so scary 💀🔥
Till you hear it in real time....
Балестические так не летают, тактические базар ноль калибр, томагавк
The dedication put into making this is just insane. Kudos to Red Side team for giving out every imaginable possibility.
How about the camera man riding these things?
@@nuclearpotato6616 *flying behind them for the POV shot
i mean they did make a spelling mistake for the bramos when it was launched and it said what type of missile it was it said ubmarine launched
never seen such garbage material with nice visuals, looks like a very bad marvel movie
@@nuclearpotato6616another dogs*it comment about cameraman, its not funny
It's not just the cinematography that you exceled at, it's the sound design that makes this comparison even more amazing!
Great work! Gives a good perspective on the raw speed of some of theses weapons. A little missleading tho cuz most of the missiles showed are balistic wich means they get to their top speed when reintering in the atmosphere from space and thus dont fly horizontally.
The animation of the earth at the end of the video showed the ballistic trajectory.
You seems like a guy who reads a lot of books. Am i right ?
these animations are really good, this man honestly deserves more!
what do you mean, animation?
it's a real footage
This is easily the best comparison video I’ve seen. Not just comparison of missiles, but of any kind.
I stopped watching after the drag race but I thought it was the opposite. Pointess nonsencical comparisons, with misleading animations. Nothing is in the right scale, the missles speeds are not visualized relative to the backround or to each other. For some rason flame coming out from ballistic missles warheads. A simple list of the speeds in an excel table has the same value as this video. Or at least the video doesnt add anything informative, or visualise anything that would show the speeds of the missles, which is usually the point of these animations.
0:10 POV your a guy who found oil in the middle east
Огромная работа проделана! Молодец автор!
И опять/снова по Украине били этими ракетами в видео. Даже в видео бомбят Украину. Это какой-то троллинг со стороны автора что ли? 😮
Че в этом плохого,пусть бомбят@@samuraiace454
@@samuraiace454 Злая Албания бомбила Украину 😂
@@NeoSanktum что Мыколы злого то сделали албанцам? 🤣
The fisrt part, I love the way they pass each other... and the music and sound effect, POV transition, background... A+!
17:31 A museum containing decommissioned missiles from different countries would be an interesting exhibition.
Always amazes me to see that the greatest innovations and technological leaps of human kind come from trying to build things to destroy one another.
The amount of effort put into this is mind blowing. Fantastic work.
I always love your work! It would be cool to see some dinosaurs and cars
I think they did those already tho
theres already cars but dinosaurs im not sure
I really love these namings: Vanguard (Avangard), East Wind (Dongfeng), Jericho, The Fire (Agni) and Trident ofc! Feels like they can assemble into one giant megatron-like death machine 😄😄
Also Kinzhal, meaning "The Dagger"
Well if these weapons were ever used to their full, horrific potential, death would likely come for us all.
@@Orca19904 let's hope we have to never see the day 🤞
@@adarshgangwar2285 Agreed.
The most monstrous missile Sarmat. 15 warheads with a power of 38 Hiroshimas each (a total of 570 Hiroshimas in one missile). Means of overcoming missile defense: electronic suppression and a detachable swarm of decoys in each warhead. Monstrous range. Monstrous size. Monstrous weight.
Great hard work! Though there is one small nuance... The only hyper-sonic (~8+ mach) that actually working, succesfully tested and took their place in military - are Russian/Soviet and Chinese (not top one). I may be outdated in this, but others at the moment are just "projects in process" without any guarantee to see the light.
The USA does have a Hypersonic weapon in their inventory now. LRHW. But yeah, for the most part its just Russia and China at the moment.
like the one of the French, they literally still trying to to develop the launch pad(the video indicated this fact)
The only country that has proven to have an operational and tested hypersonic weapon is Russia.
It seems you haven't yet acknowledged of Brahmos missile of India-Russia.
Just google fastest missile in the world
@@1CAPTAINREDBEARD1 у США они взрываются на испытаниях, США отстали от России на 15-20 лет в гиперзвуке
Your comparison videos are incredibly good. I can't imagine how much work it takes to put these together with such precision.
You're definitely the best in this genre. Your videos are a treat
finally someone showed us through visualization and not just numbers!! 👏🏻👏🏻
Thank you for showing Agni 5🇮🇳
and Brahmos
We need to work harder. Those effing Dongfengs were dangerous.
@@去他妈的中国共产党 First deal with ghauri then think about dongfeng. Lol
And Agni 6 loading
@@arjunbharti-zh2vt Its a surprise package. Who knows its already developed
Огромное спасибо за вашу работу. Видео шикарное во всех аспектах.
Missiles are the most beautiful things human beings have ever created next to aircrafts.
So powerful. So Fast. SO BEAUTIFUL.
Bravo ! What an awesome level of animation and sound you have incorporated in this video 👏👏👏👏👏 !
Animation is #1 !!! Love your work, it makes my day !!! One day maybe we be able to do a UAP speed comparison 🛸
Maybe one day!
@@REDSIDEofficialhello. Big fan.
Just wanted to say I really enjoy your selection of music for all of these. I still go back and re-watch some of your videos precisely coz of this
Oh yeah almost forgot, the music selection is properly spot on mate 😎
@@REDSIDEofficial Weapon concept? Technology vehicle? O'really?
I'd love to see water craft, Surface or submerged, speed comparisons. I love all of these though. It's so much fun to chill and watch.
Metaball studios did one a month or so ago
Masterpiece, a true 3d artist knows how amount of effort tales creating something like this, Goosbumps, Awesome work..
They are faster than thoughts! Bravo guys, absolutely stunning graphics! 🔥
The sounds of the missiles flying by is so satisfying .. wonderful grafics
Конечно графика супер, НО, автор собрал всё в кучу, как крылатые ракеты так и баллистические. Притом, скорость у них по разному считается. У крылатых ракет это скорость самой ракеты, а у баллистических ракет, это скорость не самой ракеты, а её боеголовки. И при том, крылатые ракеты летят в атмосфере, а вот баллистические, только на начальном этапе летят в атмосфере, а потом как сами ракеты так и их боеголовки летят в космическом пространстве. По этому сравнивать одно с другим, ну как то уж не корректно. Если бы тот же кинжал летел бы не в воздушном простанстве а в космичесаком безвоздушном как боеголовки баллистических ракет, то скорость у него было бы на много больше, чем на той на которой он летит в воздушном пространстве (небыло бы воздушного сопротивления в полёте). Надо было делать видео, в котором сперва были бы показаны крылатые ракеты с их скоростями, а во второй части видео, показывать уже баллистические ракеты, так было бы правильнее и точнее.
Всё ещё зависит от мощи движка. У крылатых ракет движки намного слабее чем у континентальных. Тут не только сопротивление ветра влияет.
@@samuraiace454 отношение мощности двигателя к массе. малую массу легче разогнать, чем огромную межконтинентальную, и это правило так же верно и в безвоздушном пространстве
@@Innominati1 ну континентальная ракета распадается постепенно, когда топливный бак иссякает. В конце остаётся мелькая п и з д ю л и на с ядерным зарядом, которая меньше любой крылатой ракеты :)
Кинжал, это Искандер, запущенный не с земли, а с самолёта, а Искандер, это баллистическая ракета. Так что ты, ну ты понял. А в остальном, сравнивать крылаты с баллистикой, да ещё и какие-то прототипы сомнительные в списке, этот ролик получился бракованным.
@@Apocalypselord давай поправлю. искандер чистая балистика. кинжал хоть и выглядит, как искандер, но он отличается не только способом запуска. хоть и в искандере , калибре применяется по сути аналогичная ракета при разных способах запуска, здесь же аналогии мало. кинжал летит уже не по балистической траектории, а больше по пологой на высоте пару километров, траекторию полета меняет и при этом в плотных слоях атмосферы имеет гиперзвук. балистика тоже гиперзвуковая, но такую скорость набирает только в безвоздушных слоях атмосферы
Proud to See my Country India ❤❤
Most of them cooperate with Russia, and I think you can probably guess which country is responsible for the main research and development
@@chentom9232 you are right but only limited to brahmos. But all the ICBM (Agni series) and hypersonics are home grown technology.
Hello red side. I just want to say you are doing an amazing job. I love all of the work you do and the amount of effort put into it. You definitely deserve more love.
thanks for adding train animation in agni 5 india . we love trains ❤❤
hands down one of the coolest, most professional videos I've ever seen on youtube
Agreed…. Amazing…
This is one of the coolest/scariest things I've ever seen.
Dude, Im not even half way through. This so impressive! Absolutely love the detail and perspectives on the comparisons!
Видео настолько быстрое, что мне где-то приходилось ставить на паузу, а где-то перематывать назад😆
Absolutely fantastic work. I can't believe I just found this channel today. You've got a SUB! Love the detail that was put into this!
Absolutelly mindblowing video. With that music and stuff. Amazing
Absolutely top quality . Can’t imagine the effort you put in ! Make a film you guys !
I love Dong Feng 41 AND avangard♥️
Dong Feng express delivery, mission guaranteed 😂Love from China🇨🇳
"Both the SM-6 and Tomahawks are primarily used as shipborne missiles. The U.S. has yet to develop a true hypersonic missile, which flies at least five times the speed of sound and is maneuverable in flight, though both Russia and China have fielded the weapons. Russia has also deployed a true hypersonic weapon in Ukraine.
But the U.S. is continuing to pour billions of dollars into hypersonic weapons development, with the Army working on the Long-Range Hypersonic Weapon System, which is not expected to be fielded until 2025".
4 trillion dollars of unaccounted assets. Failed audit for the seventh time in a row. I'm lovin' it.
Amazing production, i've watched the drag race dozens of times. The visuals, audio, and music are sublime.
But not completely realistic about rockets going in space to go back in atmosphere (and going much slower at the end of their course).
Qiziqarli va albatta sifatli!🔥
"Music"ka alohida respect...⚡
шешени ами
@@nail607 sangayam xuddi shu...
I don't know if you see this mate but this video is breathtaking.
Graphics, sound effects and everything are balanced. neither more nor less. As a suggestion, it might be nice to compare the explosion power of the missiles in the next video. Good luck for your future videos. 🚀
Compare in real life 😂. We're all come to hell. All humanity 😢
Amazing video. Just speechless..... 🤔
Good job bro, I've Been watin for this video my whole life 😅
Thanks for inspiring me to start doing my own Animation, and gain over 400k subs 😌
note that Americans have hypersound only in cartoons, but Russians have it for real.
Russia is really power. But Putin is so so. He's make Islamization of Russia, and entry a tens of millions aggressive muslims from middle Asia and Caucasus. Russians dont like him for that.
He's traitor of russian nation.
на английском будет правильно hypersonic, ты палишься))
@@abcdefghi1489 спасибо училка,больше не спалюсь.
Brahmos 1 and 2, Agni V 🇮🇳⚡️⚡️⚡️
Much slower than France, Russia and China
China and Russia beats you
Agni v 30000+kmph slower😅 tell me list of countries which have faster missiles other than US China Russia@@demanx_og6459
@@saitarun2432 When I said "other countries," I meant simply China, Russia, and us dumbo 🙃
@@demanx_og6459 I don’t think that Agni V is slow.
Wow...its a great presentation.
Shows how dangerous these things are.
Второе видео, предложенное Ютубом с этого канала. Залипательные - не оторвешься. Лайк и подписался на канал.
Так держать!
Очень круто сделано! Спасибо за труды!
Damn! That's some crazy animations. Massive respect for you for bringing out these.
Also, can I get a round of applause for the cameraman?👏👏👏
This was so good! Really hope we don't have to see much of these in action.
Much? You mean hopefully not at all 😅
no way you hope to see people launching these things to kill each other!
One can only appreciate the absolute effort and detail put into this video.
This is so good, top notch animation 🔥🔥🔥🔥
L'idée de voir un missile balistique sortir de sous l'océan, tel un monstre tapis dans l'ombre est terrifiant! Mais foutrement efficace stratégiquement!
the amount of information and detail you've put into this is amazing
awesome work
Man, I really like these speed comparison videos! 👍
Its so scary to know someone sitting tens of thousand kilometers away can launch a missile and it would just take few minutes reaching you🥶💀
It turns Under Siege into a horror film.
It's been this way since the 1960s, unfortunately this is just the reality of nuclear war in the current age
Russia with avangard and Sarmat☠️
The facf Some crazy guys possess these is even more scarier
Russia easily will destroyed U.S (+ China will helped), and Russia have more chances to survive in nuke war (from her size). Like in last seria of Metro game.
特效很不错 但是这个排名没有什么意义 因为真实数据都是国家机密 另外你能想象一个连超高速风洞都没有的国家会有多么先进的超高速导弹吗?
Нам обывателям главное узнать что это такое. Как в школе - иметь ввиду, что такое есть. Может растет ребенок который создаёт что-то смертоноснее или лучше?
А не кого не смущает, что из всех представленных ракет, с более высокой скоростью, реально существуют только у Китая, России, Индии и остальных их союзников?!
У америки только влажные мечты...
Well.... They are like the only countries that spent huge amounts of money on missiles
А что тут должно напрягать? Меня только Израиль здесь напряг
Нет. Не смущает. Войну вы все равно проиграете. Продержиьесь в лучшем случа ещё 2.5 года
@@Jurgir09 учитывая все различные поставки самого современного нато оружия, продвижение фрота всеравно идет не в вашу пользу. А мы даже еще не применяли свои козыри😉
Wow 😯 This is Awesome, that's why i love RUclips 👌👍🤳
Thank you Red Side 🙏
BIG props for the person who recorded this! Fastest human ever!
Overused comment just stop it
@@airborne4441 indeed, but never gets old
@@Michael_Michaels it's old asf
A really cool video. I know that not everything was shown as it would be in real life, but the amount of classified nonsense around these weapons makes that minute.
Great job!
We need a video of the speed of smaller missiles like those Air-To-Air or Surface-To-Air missiles and how fast they can go, maybe even what happens when they impact
Props to the cameraman for keeping up with all these
Огромное спасибо за труд !
I know their inventions/technology are great, but your video is greater.
Like this video but there are something could be more accurate: 1. Hyper sonic sharp was misplaced upside down; 2. Stage 3 or 4 means the warhead is coming down, ready to hit; 3. Stage 2 usually outside the atmosphere so background is most likely black; 4. Stage 3 or 4 the warhead should be in re-entry flight so it should glow very bright; 5. For multiple warheads, stage 3 or 4 means each of them should have its own orbit and spread to different targets, not sticking together; 6. for hyper sonic, they will bounce up and down, not cruising. Fine, enjoy it, kids.
Sarmat is like Armaggeddon
Any nuclear bombs are dummy 🤦♂️😂🤣
@USViper well there is a huge difference between enola-gay bomb and TSAR bomb
@@ste9856and ebola-covid bomb
@@USVipernot true, the SARMAT is the only nuclear weapon in the entire world that has no chance of interception (through sheer speed and volume of MIRVs) along with the burevestnik. On the contrary, countermeasures for older ICBMs like the RS-36 and Minuteman exists, and at least theoretically should be able to stop them.
@ste9856 Obviously you are oblivious to Castle Bravo and Castle Romeo tests that were YEARS ahead of commie russia. 😆😂🤣
Amazing animation man 😮
It fascinates and terrifies me at the same time.
27 Mach means it can travel 600 km in just 1 min 😮 *(At max speed)*
No it's just their top speed at very high altitude
@@gauravkumargupta9622 i am just telling how fast is Mach 27 i didn't say that the missile would travel that fast
@@navnathphadtare8997 Kind of a useless fact then
@@mngbb11 not really it depends whom you asked Caz for some people these terms like Mach , knots are not familiar , so it gives an idea that whats their max speed looks like
@@navnathphadtare8997 but you didn't say it can travel 600km in 1 min, which it could at top speed in optimal conditions, you said it could reach its target in 1 min, which is untrue as it cannot travel at top speed the entire time from launch to the target, even if you start the timer when it reaches top speed, it's still untrue as it slows as it re-enter the atmosphere
The music at the beginning is just perfect for this video 💣
Wowzers on the Super Animation, AI, whatever the hell it is. Amazing
The intro made me think, "when a non-descript Middle Eastern country starts touching boats".
This channel really knows how to capture the sense of speed really well. Things like camera shake, good audio and visual graphics helps sell the illusion.
0:03 the dream of Kim Chen Ung:
His name is Kim Jung un fucking stupit😂😅
Kim- who?
You shouldn't cover the Indian flag with the Russian one. Both are partners! 🇮🇳🤝🇷🇺
In fact the Brahmos is more Indian than Russian.
Although, the engine of the Brahmos is Russian... The missile is 80-90% designed by Indian DRDO engineers in India and produced in India! India now also apparently owns over 80% of Brahmos Aerospace.
India pays, Russia provides technology, that's what Brahmos is all about. India lacks the key technology to complete Brahmos on its own.
@@tiaoyi-bx5yi For now. It has already begun engine manufacturing for indigenous subsonic engines.
@@ChiSa123 its true India is the financer and Russia gives the technology the brahmos 2 is complete copy of zircon missiles. lately india made some SMART uav's it was made with help of russian SU-75 Okhotnik drones or its the same thing. yes the Brahmos NG is quite made by india but still 40% of tech and 60% crutial tech is russian
India is doing the perfect thing if we dont know shit buy it and learn how to produce. Such tech doesn't come in a year or two it takes Decades of RnD . Russians, french, usa, Germany started their Rnd in late 40s that time india was still a colony. it would take a span of years for india and china to compete russia or american defense equipment
chinese are the same they are copy of american and russian equipment even though chinese research is better than indian ones due to good minds and indian reserved candidates in DRDO do no shit that making small toy engines
when Russia was collaed with india for SU 57 idots of beaurocracy though they'd make a 5th gen in few years ii would've ended as turkish or chinese 5th gen faliure or partial faliure . chinese have their j20 fleet about 250 jets hence india is now panicked and is buying 80-90 new SU 57 in coming years if tention rises
now india is re-partnering for the PAK-FA phase 2 and will procure SU 57 on emergency basis. ( india pays and russia makes a 6th gen fighter )
90% of indian defense technology is still russian if you don't know . india has ditched arjun MK4 and is Buying T-14 Armata(best tank in the world currenly) in bulk for chinese and pakistani border grudges. 8 out of 10 destroyers are made in russia even the Kolkata class the best destroyer in asia.
INS vikrant's majority of Metal Design was done by Nizhny Novgorod Russian shipbuilding plant
hint : india already has procured okhotnik drones that are only compatible with SU 57
@@ChiSa123 so they shouldn't cover it because you are grasping at straws ?
This is a completely Russian rocket, they only produce them in India